El 111 47 ikrg Inc 1 3 e el Tl I el es, ti , llitkotild ye 'should understand -1 l i rethrg ' 4.4st,itlte . things which , happened unt94 l let 1149 callen,Out rather unto the for -11, t hensac , ithe gospel," as is the abrogation ot,llAe - . ... penalty.. - ; 'I 13 '' +tie 1004 lecture .of . the 2oth .1)IL, in elO of the death penalty, and re ‘ia.y, win liiive a greater effect of augmott; t. p e p s to.tLle le gislature to abrogate said la ,4 1 rather unto the furtherance of the. ' f il I than anything that lies eVer happen 4nong us in NOrtilefil Pennsyla- D ia, exeeptthe two inflictions ()film punish ment,of deist') at Montrose and Towanda. :. 'lt is 'notfor the most a dvanced in civili- Oat!, fiO4others, to speak, write, or publish their ratimitous views, tosthe personal prt-• judiest..andin of any, because' of their dif ferenr4ftt dents, as each-one, however im pOrtitot,i 14_statioo, shouht"be privileged to a d roca to,his p r inciples, as our learned Judge did so 'ifteresting,ly the night of the '2sth ult., iii h 4 presbf t y he punishmentterinn Chapel, by death, of Mont-. roseo'A• 'b e half o n and-thougltl never heard an orator for or i ti i i ist.suell a torture, F more admire and afinlyleve* remain in favor of abrogating aidlaw, a*,l have ever been since capable of.:ftdroCatifig the saving of human life, feather fur' the furtherance of the gospel,7 and for wloe.h purpose, spore than thirty year , 41 ,v, * - had a large and respectable wel ing,in sthester County, Pa., and peti. 1 ti n wed cier . siate legislature to abrogate said law and itistitute confinement, to whirl ' Gov. S.nyde4, and others, respeetivelfrespon-1 ded. Ii Stiqueltantia Cn. we have had liktl, l n ieefingl niti petitions for years, and . I am glad aunty store are petitioning in behalf o f sa id reformA" unto the furtherance or ,the gospel," and. ant touch pleased your respect able esMblislitefit, as all other printing presses short d, is promoting such a human ity. And tijay the advocates of - reform, of every "do in governmetit, attend to thiS Immo; 1 , 1 out controrcrsy with :malignant spirits, pr vmalignant controversy, "look gore," ianq adrotrac rational principles, arch'? to ple gospel of our Savior, " Whi came e nu tmdestroy men's lives, but to save them;" 1.4 e it, Mi.) whichgracions words should sopeteede the Jewish law, " blood for blood," rid all other cruelty obstructing the "finlheritice of the gospel," of 'pence on earth and pod will to man. Thus thro' mercy, demilierancco an, item of universal chriStian hett.volence,is promoting so glo rious a day, lithen " nothing shall . hurt nor destroy in 4 the Lord's holy mountain," tag "not or 4 li ft up sword against nation, 1 nor learn canny More," as'our gOvernment o so earrow6ally 'doing—but should without oei.iy, ocit ottiv abrog-nte the punishment of death for eri‘e, but order a retreat of her armies from ihe soil and waters of Mexico, an d n eeottateg an honorable - peace, its milli ons atiTis, t unto the furtherance of the ~ BENEVOLENCE. 9 in 3. 1‘; ISM r. - ME thc Week.. .' Puce.—Th4 Washing-i ce of the Journzil of Coen- farce : ,,- ay' : i .'' it airs the President has been deceived .y his Mellicin .correspondents, he has a fair prespet oil otiiaining a speedy peace with lexica tarot ii the judicious appliance of re three int :oils for which be tuvits. The urn& that 14s reached us of afarorable re ception' hi , tie Mexican Congress of our paoposals fel' negotiation, is very likely to he true. 6'ti it is not confirmed, as the ' Union sayS,- y late advice from General Taylor. ' i The Prothbilitv is, that through the cor xmdence illicit' ha.: constantly been go betive our government and Mexi ca., a ,, ents, .4' persons in Mexico, the Alex i:4r, Qiingtesi has been made tobelieve.that z... ,, zonation gwould do harm to Mexico, vg:h-r it ,ended in 'pence or not. Every L.,,1..'i clelay4 our blow is a gain to Mexico, :7,.c a lass irreparable to us. Though our feces be Mo. Aithdrawn during the negotia :,.;ri. yet it ;will amount to the same thin„ \n % , -Tv, nuipaitant enterprise will be under taits=nu bhiving lip of Castle---no march mr lo San 11.48. It - is-difficult to believe that Make 4111 assent to the terms • propo isl hr Mr.'Saier-L.the cession, to the Uni ed States of tew Mexico and the Celifor itaL She nip offer ati alternative plan, or. 6.' my kthje4t. may he to temporize. 'Rut supkise the Mexican authoriteis, or '''me °' ..hdrrqingree to take the three mill an, and cskehlie provis':ans _demanded by the n'l'`,-,-ciwill not last a single month, glees the IselferAp lu li e% or factions in Mei ix!, end Millets the people concur iii it." Gee.. Scl.ittlhas signified to Gen: Taylor i intentiOn of taking corn mend of this wing t the arts , #d I think he will move it on 'STarn , pr , *hen he gets ready, and 'from tere'rhe ir 1 prominent place presented iv 1 n.' n itsO'ii - y is Vera Cruz. It has - been 47 st,e,4 of i rytiniich lately by Gen. Taylor, ed Rune o his otEers - say he dreams of it. believe' f . you before that he said, In' General. eminent; that if they would' and 44,- troop's to - Tampico, he would rell tort‘illace kvith 4000 now 'in the k'id, and wenll,l, after adding them together, txston.and attack the city of' Vera Cruz. We have lbein adVised here that the Max.cal', is fa, if Vera Cruz, have dug 'a ate nUI3I r ' ditches. in the town, and .one.arti e ' uter edge is iet , tresenteens r q 15 fee 2 ep, With. the same widtli;l:- rs lull& n 4 Gen. Taylor's idea ..of'..at 'r.tar the oulin, and I have heard a ntim: ' of officer •r ina# 0f1t..it,46 to be done, 'sly by Jithpri,jtukiie*itir : , him the t.ir 1 0f cr' Ssiti last; g tits .d o it ie t ., b: e s o - ; I :. t .A.;s l i" . l: h t av i e s 'b 1 the,laurelitAit wo n` in May / )oligb in the mair, - lo4riili him ,its i r alarm or as ,ttufriOit:' or left • _ e a . Scritt.—N..a . :llee. -., •' ' '4ll.- :-':'::,' - -cisil. lserpliOxpedjtiiii.. - - 141 iivi'r' t, : #l44iel fu t in otii:laigyaPer ; 4 ..*..4. __ .iiiediquifi -lo extriiiiiie the' tmin l i . ti .v een lifo . ire Aiialesond .adores. I ie[fitid - the following 419 r e. l i e *I acclnit of thisi hazardous rolifet-, 4 g in a let published im the N. Orieiass.l as: ~ ~ , ween 7 aid B eclock, P. 'M., Calit. ? ' 1 gotio (' t Oriaoria)Nith,lo:**ouG tr:"*ts . 1 4 less i of - tI ose*:4oOd,their le, And . 1 pikek mules.-; Mutat-2c Itan Itt tht... ' r ulars, and they come from 'Pt. May, t e ' are these.' .. .....4letWeeOlionte 'ellite, an i i . pres,iO4KAay ascertain.' that A 14:: 40. At iiiis-.4.41•004-tkei unt ikinii . . thger*ined I* Asamildie - 5 EMI ~~. With nature t itr 3 Aiacpwasititcont4l,o of two companiesnr:dis+sonie794 . *Etierr. On tipp+eitik : ttin thein_ciiMptio, ,etrefy traileted AlirtrApp est 'surprise. - A lieutermt_willt 1:2 men, acted as-the rear gunrd-,. and guard nt - pa mule's of the. Open and,. Who remained some few hundred yard; iitt the rearl and in this way they progressed ,slowly and carefully, until they fount:ll°in. the. Pass, which was so narrow that it .ivas with much difficulty a single - horse could go-through it.. jut May was 4 detetthined to tfaverse it find make what; discoveries he could on the other side. Disnionnting himself and, men, he led his horse on the way, and after. experiencing much difficulty in getting from rock to rock, the 'eornmand eltituately - succeeded in , get ting through. ,-On the right hand side of this-pass there is a perpendictilai Cliff of some 600 feet,-er - so high, as semi of the m e n say, "that a man up there looked like a little boy," • • On" the lekhand, after 10 or 12,feet per pendicular, there_ was a gradual slope to the top on which an enemy could run down, - fire apiece and then return. It is repre sented As:being the most -dangerous puss to a daring. enemy that is itnown„ and one where a few determined men could stop the adradce of tholisands. After going as far on tht Tiler side as was - thought necessary they iyrned to come back, and the main body te — trueed therir steps with the same cau tion (*served in effecting the passage. But the rear guard were not so lucky in getting Through this time, for it appears after the Lietitenannt and ,§ergeant got through, a large body mean , stationed themselves on the perpendicular side, showered down stones from the top so fast and so heavy, that their advance was completely cut off; and that they were either killed or taken prismiers, or Made their escape to the other side. seehisthat Capt. May was not taken by suirise for he was continually urging vigilance, and left his best bugler in the rear to soupd the alarm in ease of accident, as though hetanticpated an - attack. A rumbling sound in the pass caused them to halt for tide rear guard, but they not coming up when he thought it was time for thent to reach him, he wheeled about and -wept into the direction of the pass again at fullspeed. He shortly met the Lieutenant sergennt and immediately demanded of the. former, "Where's your men 1" The answer of the Lieutenant was, "close at hand," at the same tithe turning his head around as if with the expectation of seeing thetas, just behind him. But there were none there. save the Sergeant, and the truth ini tuediii.&ely flashed upon - the commander that something was wrong with them. A squiek as thOught, and the nature of the path would I permit, they dashed off for the pass, and wheti they reached it, .found that a large numbdr of stones had been thrown down, I a nd ailcoi•erect trades of, blood along the de- tile. They followed tipas fist as possible, but it *as of no avail ; they could •make no discoveries, nor learn anything of the fate of their companions, so, they sorrowfully re traced their steps, and arrived bete as above noticed. I have given the'nbove truly, as it was re 'ported td me, without emission or addition, and itisthe received rind acknoWledged ac :count of this uafortunafe affair. It may seem strange, and wanting in detail ; but as it in !volves Several delicate !points, I do feel war t-rinteri surmising what may have made out a good story, and therefore prefer putting it down in its appakently unfinished recital, rather than draw on the imagination for what is behind. Iklny has put the Lieuten ant under arrest, rind many blame him for being in advance otitis guard when his post {was in 'the rear alt. As to his travelling on without discovehniv that his command Ii was absent, will bA•re%dily credited by any one wild) is familiarritli travel in a chappar el country, or in ady narrow pass where two abreast. cannot proceed. In Corning through the pass, the men were 'necessarily 15 or 20 feet apart-- Itheir safety demanded this—and with the nois nil the stones; made by his own horse's feet nod those of the Sergeant ' s horse; and Coming down a declivity, it is not strange at least to me,,that he did not. miss Ithem • and as to his looking back to see ithem, that may have been out of the goes non, ailt is natural to, suppose he • needed the:constant use of his eyes to guide his horse over the wigged 'path. Military dis- I Opline, , no doubt, demanded his Lir;cst, 1 but &aside should be ,i•eserved until the whole statement of thd mishap. is made 1 known by some onekv.ho ivitnessed it. Up to I this time I do not believe that Gen. Taylor lis possessed of. more detail than is here set I down. It is not tbmight that any regular soldiers of the Mexican army had a hand in the, bu siness. 'Rancheros and banditti, actuated more by plunder than - anything else, arc be lieved tol•have cut theta , off, thinking proba bly that4liere was morelpf value than what they obtained. In the 'hands of such men the fate.of the prisonet's iisdoubtful, though they sioidd be 'peilectlY safe in'falling into the ,hapds otan officer of the army. I , Freat'Santit re and the Plains. Simmtarcoltustotts.+The following start ling nOws is ektraenid. thp St. Lonia Re-' ir reille from the St. Jose "hs-Gaxettp/where it appears:in' 44 'shapp o a letter from Santa Fe, andii. the date Of NOV. lliii 1046: The Reveille as we think with reason : i " Wel placel 'no r lance whatever on the d rumor. A cit. has ne r yet betti occupied by-Mt itivadin )force,.w thout,similar panics beihg spread.A'itrrin Chinite, ,confine ment,f i aa lack 'of Stull conaforts;- we IT think, W 11 sufficientlY• ccount•kgr any sick ness win h ray preva' " We give it as we get it. 1 3 , . : , : i fi • ~,,d 1'...; iS ANTA ,E.,,lliOyi. 12, 1f .. 14.0. • . ... 1 4 ! Z Therilat a Irtimor f in ! the city t , by, tha the Splitiard.s have plann ed thd . b * Pur no, ~M eal. used - ,by',. - the. ern*, which ia said ', be the" cause of so many deaths, ~;;Tire'- n ow etinsiiii .41 snare vege- Othlesittitaticiv it/ no enough strength in it to produce in nue& til t but just enough tir.derange , t ,e,. 'Allgood :nrgantii7'itid' f!re-. vent: i•Nielii 10.41 - operating ait:fho B pi. .tern:. if ihe unior should prove true', it Join ne4lifficodt to-prevent aOr of violence. If leneothOtTeteltO, itiliffO: 'Something str/Ingelsteuts' to be" -„ ilia: mai 'tely, 4,10 pkviiiiii7l,4o l4 o i# llll _keenk I 'in ; crettsWit iiPaleriningliati.t , s wi im , : dy : :iplreir****ta 4 400 **l• o 4-. , - -:',Tfie r'Nfiro#ii4Oli, e Moir ":Eitot„ikr l i die ' l9 iiiirtitio'ifieltuon .141 1 Citilind ardaT men Irma-Santa Fei' 'who left' the i cily on , ~ ii 1 the 3d of li,evetn4er. ; Phi from trilieplace,,ptii of th lost three; men,•ithei were, Late , laiiad 'mammoth* dileans pai ult., we: learn , the I arrival. at Commissioner, Jose 4obira, tan government, On his *a, to negotiate for ah acknow independence of ItheP.eni furnished with . a ! passport. Conner, of the, Gulf Squadr According ,to information biro, nearly all the towns tit tan, with.* exception of It ed with pampe ß Oy in , the . of the Bth December, and t i the 9th inst., it *as expec ernment of Medirti Would st dny,s,' as they could no lou their troops the -will of the } communication with the off: The Yucatnnces have re established the form of Government adopt-, . by them on the 31st of March, 1841, at he period of the first separation. The pre .ent Governor; with a council of *ate, co posed of five in dividuals, will (hied the ni ministration of until the assembling of the hambers of the Legislature. Sell* Llego, Pinclo, Aznar, Quijano and Eclianove fo.tn the present council. The present Gove tor is allowed fifteen days to reflect, wheth he will adopt this plan of Government or .61. In the in terim, Don Domingo Barret is charged with the task of urging forward tl is plan to con ' Summation. The Yucatane sin their pro nunciamento, say that the r Union of Mex ico and Yucatan, under pres tit circumstan ces, is of no utility to the Omer, and of great evil to the latter; but he time may arrive, when the iticorpora tit may again take place. If nothing extra rainary hasten that event, it is decreed that a (ingress be ex= pressly invoked to take it int consideration on the Ist of April, 1849. his Congress to be composed of five depnti s, chosen from each of the departmenrs oft e Peninsula— tWenty-five in all.--;-Ledger. i QUARREL BETWEEN Gear. FARDIN.—We copy the Uhl g passage between these o a Alton Telegraph : At a hacienda, hack n few Wool ordered Col. Hardin to to prevent, as he said, the v plundering the Mexicans. C 1 a 4ivard of a drummer, a bug, which Gen. Woof seeing, E'en nel, and demanded, the reaso a guard being posted. The " General, you have accused of stealing ; and I Could not other guard after that impu Men than the one detailed, Wool replied," I did not me and you can tell tli'em so; it ansas troops that meant." " I cannot make this explau men have heard that you sus; stealing, of which they are ent and it is an insinuation under not rest." "Go brick, go ha men, and say that themllit clanticlence, and forithein ente pact ; .but for their Office . is I It was the tart reply all Gen. W din said, " If this Matter pro, I shah make it a Personal rin tire to Tour quartert," iepliedl " or I will make it 'it petsona you." Such is the reported between them-; and after .thei the asperity was further Mere der that corn in the ear should the men, with handinills to g occasioned much growling, an meeting the General, proteste order, and insisted that, until bred (of which their is ennug last three months) is first disp • sumed, the men shall be perm " And further," said the Col order is attempted to he, enfor men furnished with corn to e• they were hogs, I shall march itomediatelyen Wool s. you can go home yourself as • please: but your meh cannot, go." - Col. Hardin replied, " and, returning to his'regitnent, to strike thOir tents and pack His men Cheerfully obeyed, an packing up; butGren. 'W. s o fled them, and things thus, r Ha'rdin has gained great popul men, by the stand lie has take I fairs. From Wnshingt WASHINGTON, Fe SENATE.—The House bill, post routes in Texas, was t• passed. - The Committee Oh Naval A. n bill to separate the staff office line in the -marine corps attache my. - The bill was taken up its passage Mr. Houston move it to the Military Comtnittee, tions to report it back with his for volunteers, before offered a hlkillouston spoke liet conside &var of the -voltinteei. system. Mr. Huntingdon inoved an . VS the instructions of Mr. Hou structing the committee .to , a prottio authorizingloan certi agreed to—yetis 18, ( nays 28. vi to commit was like . ise negativ bill finally paisedibir a' vote of • 3—Cilly, PorwiniaqbaTis i negative. . A coanitinication 'was recciv Secretary of the Tr sixty, in • Carieron s•rithlutiti o f the 7th last, lt ; recornmend the follow 'of:dttfies,:Vii.:7tin. ' 1,, ten per ten per ' icent 4 ~ eit4lo ,ii44:oosi over foitr' .- dellotti,k, „YAM; tel brown, hite s atiii:_:_ 001 .tifiit Cent'per .. cotton pri tii. - O4r . :tlit siiii*ri yiiid; ire . per cent ' Col printed, over twenty Ws t tlic... fiveyer centi afidii iiintii. a tenlPet.cent., : Thes ~.ine(ditied I.Becrettiti: eittniateis, 'w ill prod . ' - 010.,: t ~ .'s.d4itional ,r0ve0e.45.10- •. -0. 7 0 4 .0 tlimAilis ie4 !Niles Q,. ie. iiiiii;fSiiiricri,Ulo4,.etli i iiii'i liottoi(goods, nor 'Ciaikiag•::.'n t gri: I to tc , I :::0 - ;:per.ffluare.i YP..y.,.o#'ti !'-_. _ 4 00,(iiik(oriltitiQs:, _ :091111.1 i , 4 . 5 00;:! - Tfii` , !c,,,..44 ; '; 1 *.f :64001.*dr ,10440, 'd emiifiAiii.i - Prid ii -00*-- the free 1' , he reconmendir to. be taxed; but noneof consequence. 4 - The SOlatepas*ed into Executive ancradjbuiped on the donut beitig re-oriened.l • • • February 2. in al ~ ,itttrted 4imihe'r they .zeh to; death. . . in Vivaldi's'. :ris of the 27th that : place of a from the -Yuen to Washington, • dgement of the sula. He was 'y CoMmodore ;12. SENATE.I--A Report..WllB received from the War Department,. 'with .theJ annual 're turns of the Miffiia pf the:United States. On Mi. Dix's niotinia,ie President was requested to transmit to t e Senate rill the information in possession ' , f . the departments relative to 4he imported° pf foreign crimi nals , and paupers. . • Mr.. Sevier called' up "li l it; bill appropria ting, three Millions, and made a - speech in its favor, swirl.- that the object was to se cure a peade, the President being willing to conclude a 4treaty if Mexico would • give us Mew Mexico am) . Upper California. 4 Mr. Miller stated that the . object of the war now for the first time evolved in the ef fort to gain' possessionof New . Mexico and California. r He could see no prospect of peace by voting this money. The war ' would still go, and he'belieVed when 'all ex -1 penses were paid it would be found toamount to one hundred millions forthe year. . 1 . Mr. Berrien moved to postpone the bill I until Thursday. Mr. Sevier opposed the motion and Mr. Calhoun spoke in flow of it. He thought_ the Senators on the other hand had n right to ask it, as,ihey had shown no disposition to prolong debate or delay measures, and had consumed less time than Senators on his owp side of the question. The . motion to postpone was then agreed to—yeas 38, nays 18. - - •The bill to sell mineral lands in Michi'- gan and Wisconsin was, then taken up, amended and passed.- , ; The Senate then went into secret session or the executive business, and subsequently adjourned. froth Senor no oughout Yuen erida, had join pronuncitonento hen be left on d that the gov ecumb in a few er resist with eopte, as their :sports was cut . ~,, • i • i ii A LtiLIOUS CASE.—The prize piano, w ich was lately awarded at the Chinese 3 otseum forAhe best conundrum, the pro prictor refused to give up, because the com tnittee were not unanimous. 111 r. Canigan, tovvhom it Was awarded, has sued out a re plevin, and the conundrums and all will be brought up before court for decision. 'DOI. AND COL. i wing joterest , cers from the The London Shipping, Gazette estimates that it would require a weekly importation olosn MILLION BUSHELS GENEWA BOOT to supply the loss of the potato cop in Ire land, England and Scotland, up to August or September next ; and with French ports open, this quantity will not be obtained un less prices should rise considerably, sons to. draw food into the country and retain it there. It is round that the starving millions in Ireland are sufficient to consume more grain than is tirriving in the different ports of the Kingdom; that the mills throughout the country cannot keep pace with the de mand for Meal ; and that all the tonnage which can be 'procured in the ports' of Amer: ica is • insufficient to throw in a timely sup ply. miles, General post a guard, 'lunteers from • 1. Hardin sent and a fifer ; for the Colo or so singular .olonel said : he volunteers ~rder out any ation on my ' &c. Geu. n your men, •as the Ark- Hardin said, •tion ; for my cted them of rt.lly innocent, hick they gill k, sir, to your lye the greatest, tain great rea 1, ve CoL Ray , eeds further, I ger. "Re the General, matter with conversation State Ttorperance Convention. The amine State Tempefance IConven tion nasembled in this borough on Wednes day last, and .iantinued in session until Fri-1 day: Gen. 241110 T GREEN, of lin ion county,' presided. The representation Iron) differ-I cut cettptieLtaa untiNally Large, ..441. -- -‘yem pent miule-byt&-variour delegates before the Convention, were (with a few excep-. tions) highly encouraging to the friends of Temperance, It appears that the , citizens of nearly every county represented- are in fSvor of so changing the license laws, as to allow the voters of the several election dis tricts, to decide at the ballet •box, whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be con tinued or not, Mid a large number of peti tions were presented to _ the Legislature, asking for such a law.—Herrisburg,Argas. orris-al here 1 sed by an or- 1. be issued to' 'nd on. This i I Col. Hardin i against the Ithe .. flour or on hand to I sed of or con ted to use it. aid, " if this ed, and my t as though them home d, " Colonel, soon as you nd shall nut .6" shall see," ordered them p for home. e9mmeneed e way pad-- main. Col. I rity with his in these af- Post OFFICE ItuLes.,-'Under date of the 29th ult., W. J. Brown, -Second Assistant Postmaster General says: " Now, as before the passage of the Post Office law of ‘845, publishers of newspa pers may transitnit their biHs for subscrip tions due, free ;of postage, according to the provisions of Sec. 156 of the-Post Office reg ulations." SINGULAR INEIVOMENON.-A letter to the Cobourg (U. ('.) Star, which that paper says is from n reliable source, states that at Graf: ton Harbor, one the North shore of Lake Ontario, on the Bth nit., while the Lake was r..11m, the wirulfrom the North, suddenly the water receded in one immense wave 350 feet, leaving the beneh dry for that 'distance ; it then .returned four feet higher than usual. This was repeated eight or nine times, de crensing in violence till it finally subsided. A similar occurrence, the Stile' states, took place in Cobutii.g harbor in 1845; it suppo ses both to be tie result of volcanic action. n. 1, 1847. esta,blishing en up and Messrs. Motions: Pleate publish the f(A lowing affecting appeal from the Ladies of Dummanway, perhaps it may ruse the Ladies of Susquehanna to some 'united efibrt for the relief of buffering Ireland. ADDRESS- TO THE LADIES OE. AMEitICA. airs reported rs from the d to the at !nd pending 1 to commit ith instrnc amendment i d rejected. 1 1 , b e length in „ The Christina ladies of America are ear nestly called on by their Irish sisters to assist theta in saving alive, in 'fairOne and its attendant pestilential diseases the utter ly destitute men, women and children of God-smitten Ireland. In former tines it was said in Ireland thar the - bait poivtatoe in the bowl was for, the widow, the fatherless and the houseless wanderer', arid--'with the hungry the Irish cottager was ev er ready to share his last., But now there- i s not of to divide: the daily morsel—it be_cven has, such is consumed at once anti he his noth ing left to save the starving aeighbers from 1 dyingat his door. ' Oh that our kirrienn sisters. - cipild ice 8 ~ , the laborers oh shur,niads, able bodied men, scarcely clad, famillting with btin hunger with. despair in their Once cheettiVface 'Stak gering at they -work, yet stsrio r i g 't o .par n the meal whkelt i m to keep life I in, , hem. ° earn another hey, probably Navin tested no food sincti4liaidifbtitore. Oh tat ;hey could see, on the r pott,mortem :era ' iiistibu of hutidteds who have died_ of clip', ier' - '9O the, E9 1 44"! - litolhej i • - i!oik 4'ol ' t°'', the Ins& iiii,!Ciligt - iit'it;:toirtichp:f4:: Food is . I found, m .their,tem!fracte4 st _, ' \ -(79111 iltatthey . could , 'ow the - fiiviceiii4 "Iliekto stricken, fiunio. hifddla . ..efititker.friEeir bbundleh t of 4 :'dtiaji. c 'str 41a4 #,,!ith . e , i - # . 1 0 .i .,-l tc:l ~ i. c- i • e idk,sele e ,: were . ! f;corpses 4 ,01 r, :whitk;#olj , ,y have hotstretigil ip4ritrocx - icaol. [ mother Or e Alyin g tit .hseri , !! ' amendment • on, by in : 'lce out the catee. Not he motion 4 n 8 , 3, tti he 3,i nays ting tw the .d frog the apiy to Mx. of Joripory log increase cent; ! pre,.p?stftig e Vic; twenty t.ir,tepif",t he 00441po!. 1(1'..:1 1 64.100d, 400 i; 4he op a-te,s,i,:lo - viioe - ** '■ 141411;iii falfa g xi. , the reams o f emoed, not by* huntr-:-.the ~.,v I eve , pen, to one idiglity ellt misq.': ' F .; 1 • - .As _ . lfyou, dear lady, in whose 14nd J this "ay folk wo 'ld collect am4a:fr and eighbors so 11 ~ haWever . g all, tl aid +Ol save Man Jives in a 'poultry the l e Lerd in right ous judgment as erely stricken., a d cause the tdessi thent ivho are rea' y:to perish. to ?rein on ! the"' hdads of the dentirs the motni price of !Adieu meal 'and i+oyisi ever', sort puts it beyond the reitch o poor le buy, -and those who, wo#ld ' g give folthern from; the sinie caute h not .1 , the ir 4vr power_ • : • 1 , F4er. and ' other deadly i diseases follotted in the tra rt Of famihe, nd u some• extraordinabt aid ' ,eai,t liekcttota Ireluild must ,sooa. beco meone Avast II housa. of the dyingl and the dead. Dtinaratinway, County of Cork, a . Itiland, DeceMber 28; 1846. y ' r, i 1 111sittra.41 D. coz,l f IlAititlET griAtILDFIAkti i ISAIIET.LA SITLJLIVAi;, ;. KArIARINF. A. Colt, .. 1 N M ANA ARIA GILIffAITi e ELIrEN JACKIE.' .; 1 , i emperns*ce Lechir •; ' . 1 Liel,tt; PURYEE will • lecture, oti, Sunday •L 4 evening; Feb. 14thi 'ln Jeisup toWlislnp, in stead'nf springiille, L :is announced trust week., 3 j, On iNLlnday evening, 15t11,1n Siringvine. On ..Vuesday evening, Feb.rlettli, in liar . 1 , R. . ford village. - ' hs i On Wednesday evening, 17th, ;.‘ t oz letl4. ... , s ichool-hopise, .in New :14ilfirrd and r, evening of the same day at Gibsonllilill., On Fhursday evening, 18th, at Pundalr. „ Tlin friends o f teinperanceand the putlic generly, it is hoped, will,manifes that ,in terest 4iiite mectiugS appointed abole, which the satiject deservesand a general attend ance by given to them. . i. 1 . k Bir order.of the Contrrtittee. g 1 t • XI. S. BENTLtY, - Febi 9, 1847. ,Chariman l t • Dv 5Pi rsAl is a weekTeCis of the digesti*e ore s, and, li* every other Omplaint, is caused by im u rity of the blood. The Imstric juice 4 a tit& pecu iar I to the sionlach, when socreted from bad blood is of of a healthy quality; co quently toe food, ins d of being properly dias. lverl, often ; 'ren4ns intdi gested toll it imeemes nn manner spoile or u-'p trifled iti the stomach .:. hence, bad hrea4 a disa greetdoli taste in the month, especially first Wa king in the morning, headach, giddiness, wness of spirits asting of t iebialy, &c. •,i 1 il , r4 4v d4 !khan Vegilat4e Pins , are is .strunral remedy !for DysPepsia,l because they cianse the Aomacliof.all billions anil corrupt litimo4 said pu rify the blobtl ; .consequently,ns they dri*-or.t the root, or kintseOfthis and every Lithei mallidy, they -ye abgitetitely certain en remove alb comblaints art ging Tropp indigestion oryaßepsia. t. i Itatnembr,.the only • • al andgenulbe I.n4n Vezetatfe Pills have t w,riuen signaturi of Wm. hi ; rigto Wrightim the top label Of each boi. . 2 1 . Agent* for the - sale of Wright's Itillian Vegetable Pills in lontrase, Mills IS:. Sherman, Fok ,othei a gencies irc - aclvertiseraelt in another, coluttia; i i - • , ‘; Kir eiits for the! Peoples,' Adrelytte, 1 .11'oe the week ..ending Feb. 9; 047. . A . -- fittun - ell, - 4 ,s 4, Pad to No.Bo Jo¢e.ph titrier,• _ i: -- 1,00 1 " 80 F.iCoont , ' ' Lod 1 ~ 00, As* lintlincilia, , i i ,50, 1 ~_ pl. , . 'Stisqu, hanua CoinnY, ss:• 1 , PIIEgIC Notice is 'hereby Ovettl that purWnt.e of a Writ ! of Pattitiotii issued from die 'Orphan's Court in nd !for said County; and to me dtrected, an inqiiest wilt be heldifor making partition of the ieal es tate • of: William Ho Ines, late oil Gibson tir township, in said county, deceased among the widow and heirS of the said illiaM Holmed. deed, on Wednesday the Ist day . of blnich l next, at eleven b'elock i in the furenoo6, on the pre ices in Gibs° toitrit ship aft esaid, accor 4 ng to the ac of As sembly Di such case made and p vided, f Said re4l estate is bouaded andAese 'bed as follows,] to wit: Sitinite in said t wnship of Gibs, and bounded by.landio ' N. g. lienneon the. East; on the South by die road ,ding from Gibson to Jackn—on the 3irett by hinds of William T. Cline, anti on the North by land's' of Genige Birdsall and Jolin Potter; containiti,..o. one l*ndrec and tinily acres,.or 'thereabouts, #ith till appurtenances. , . N. C. iiiißNElff, ? Sheriff. Shiriff's Office, i. t 11Iontro4e, F ett. 11,1847 ; c :,'; i ii„ IT IS WII T ,e.k . T.N rill a BOOK OF Iv I'iTURFI A. -i- mon sense, thnt dlr. naturalnaturalvegetal of eer? . (feuntry are. if plierly app . ficieet fott the. cure of ever malady incident to east peculiar trnmate. i ,, i , , r • a i iiiight's Indian' I_ . , Vegetable Fps 1 of the .l'ideth American Co ege,of litialth, re co* posed of 'plants which sgro, v spootaneons4 on our Qwn;soil,l l and are therefore better adapted to our constittnihns-tban roedieine4l concoctOltrodt foreign drug!, h+ever well they may be conapoonkled ; antic as they me founded upon the principle thift die htt- 1 maul:may is hi truth • ; ,4., ‘ [ • ISubjca to but 0; Pise r ;re i 1 viz: corrupt humeri, and that 'atila:.. ciii i cato C 12145 this disesiie ou , . 1.- .- ~ , i; ' • i Natueal Peinciples ! • i . _. • , ..i. by cle 'ps tuid purifying: the body .; ;it vviß beio • ani itest,ithet" it the constitunort he,not entirely 3 exhaus - ed—l:apetseverance iu•theitl,fis'e, acCordir il iki di n - om, is alisolittely certain to 'drive dise • fev namd fmttit the body. t • " i t When .ive wish to restore, a sttramP, or •ttoratit4o fertility, te. drain it,of ilitilaupertiliintainti *ate ; in like maiintier if Wu wis to rig:din - die 'licitly . health, .) mast cleanse it impurity . f.T4iigbt's Indian gitabliPalli• ~ . i r will he foneof the beat , if not ithe feryt , medid#ne {be world for- . 4rrying o 4 tidal ....-. d f. Geand purif,yufg principle; 1.• , • because (hey ento - li. front. the, body •41 upt.an an impure hpmois, the cantle lit to tin•tasy natural ntannert and whilettheraYr*dal '' ' i , 3 ~qiee,.e Sr and . "ptiao4, l ri - - 1 _, disease o evle,4: ii" e is; - riPiCY,4TO')F9m 0 1 badyl; - •,; - .,_ ' 1. , - ..; r e L The 1 lowing 'n:, highlfr ipejiablni" etnAtemi ;have l i tipt*i.,d iy...40,6 .ggetitti-lo*L i tt f , 1 Weghts .f • i. Vegetitb • Pi111:44 .S asp MOIR oSi.i.Sherman, lilr goose:: ~,,...... Isf; :-; .., Shtt , S e!itigiik 4 '! : ' " !,',l ' ';' " tll' i L 1 0.44 W - OdrA 1 0,04:P01f r il t- , ! :. ~.5., rolil '*•!LOitedlivigoi-11iiii ;, rda , ; , ;,. :Ifini:eitDOß'ciik-Geeii ,Bea d :q,.._ .'. ,RI 41§AlOirt* , C*1 POOtitil ::-,,, nts t ; ',ll, *Diem, AeiChia .4:4 - 11: ; I;',,k , 'lll4 AKeiniegy - ,-9i - ' , .il s ' If4'.. "PkirSei'.E ' : . OW*. r' ..-- :., / -..wia i ii — TAU'. ;Bwirow4 . itiao.-, i.-. , /:.: It Jeuiiei a tciiti it : tvi: 1. ~-i ::- p , :- :1 , --1-.... ;.v .. fil l -.qt-•=0,11;4',,i!--L.l •,••: -I. - '.....-: fv--• - • 4 • ' . - -1 t. l w iTO , A nd ~ifieni, mil' ~ qi agony of land , 'an 'ln ; hears are 'Oti; - i'.!u Ufilte I D e. - lan from such L 6. Pricie - 11aifird: Charlck &two, nee 0 Bzeratts prtoix*turrs!tl:llo timed sparious in order to' deeeive,sizer called by` Wright's', Inaibliregetable Pills. -Tiatkotily,Orkinal ienuiziO Pills liare,theingnature of Wm W a pen on the top -label of eachlan genuine, itini.t.iii.counterfeit this la tOffices-l'ilevoted asclusircl Wright's IntliairVegeale icon College of Health, No. f?..411 Gri York; No; 19f>'Tremontst. Bbstc office, No. 1691tace st. Philadelpl ands lends Isitch bleb aev up- nur n of the ,adly !e it NEW GO I WE are tam receiving- a lag wiutor .Goode ; to winch we, tion of our friends and the public. MILLS & are less led, zar - ;DR E SS -G2 9 SUCH a 04h4eres, De Lain. ; &c. a gret n it, variety just receive MILL;tI- o. 'STRAYED FROM the enclosure of the tubsc the fast ot'November last, fivj old Ewe and fourlastspringLarnbs. return said Sheep, or give informatio i be found, shall be liberally rewarde4 PATER WANTED. • ANY ettantil* ef Wheat, lye, C. seed and e f imothy-leed, in etch MILLS -& ik . ~,‘ mwse ," . - • .- ~ 74 : BY WARNER BRO HER* , • Of .grept • Rend, ~. a., : _ : ' 15 ; 000 ;-busbels ' ' Ati, ' -: . 10,000- , do. ye, . 5,0*. ' do. C IT; i. , . '.. - 1,000 ' do: , hcOt, 7. --.. 20,000 lbs.:ceath; of Butter, Ch se , Ilid;iali low, Pork, for wh ch theghea' price will be paid. . ' ' I ' Great Beud, -Jan.- 1847. . . ME BEE BEE == Feb. 3, 134.:: rill February 3,18474 Feb. 3, IBC:, .FOR SALE. 1. 2t. GOOD assortment ig Iron of all, sizes and des. cription. by- ' B, .8/an!: molT49sp . BtanEss DIR CTORT. ' I: B. SIMMONS, I:: Boqt & Shoe Maker-=shop in Sea block; West side of Fablie Avenue. • 11 it...SEARLE & CO A good assortment of Dry Goods, Crockery, Hard ware, &c. &e.,'West side of PublielAYenue. - P;ENJ..SAYAC-I 1 Dealer in Stove's,' Pai.dware, Dry G. side of Public. Avenue. I I LYONS '& CHAND Dealers iii Siores.,•Tin-dare. StatioMry, Dry qpogp,,, &c. &e.=-Ealltside of - Public Aren l e. • ' • ''- MERRILL & R§ Dealers in Hats, -- Caps, furs, Plough West side of'Pnblie Avenue. E. W. HAWL' EY,I Still continues the: Biacksmilliing busies inlts aus branch& at hit old Stand near Iteler'sTaierst - '' B. St BENT.L.Ei-F. "j , 1 1: ; , - ..-Utomey-ii.l. 4 ooo.lthe obi-Office a t feW _ of tlic Coort-hqusti. ,JAMES N. Ei.DREDE, Cabinet and Chili' Making. Also Sign Painting, Taming; Paper Hanging, c. Shop 112 1 . his old Stand on, Turnpike st. '.l A. CIiAMBtRLIN, ~..•-' _Attorney, et Lavr,',office over the Store of I. L. POO4 & Co„ cerher_of Ilthlie Avexine =4 Turnpike sta -- PARK At, DEMOCK, • Physicians & Suigeins.. Officei west side of the Public Avenue ovei the Storti of leSteatle ds C 0..- E. S. Pilett.- ! Z 'LINES & LOCKE; Fashionable Talofa , oN'e Merril & .13.4es1Jat Stizi. 1 ;VIM RIDGE,! • GroCeries, Fruits, ‘Oonfec "ccurries, Drags , Medicines; PaintS, Oils, and a ty of nick nneks. ''t MILLS & Fanner's' Store. : A gon on hand. One door b Post. RAM*. RMER§; '• -- Coach, Carriage iota sletli'MarnifactOrers, on Torii pike street; at the oldatinithley staid, 'lire iettay to servtl,custoo,il2.theiriost terniedstg:leititle age. Articles ukotOliaie cop./inwin on hand, km' sale, sale, and repair' one siio'rt noyce. r • S.. S:littf l OßD dz gON:. Dealers ill tory Goixl.orockery, Grroeeries, Joiners' To•Jis, &c. &e:t astside Pablie:Avonae DIL H : SMITH , DENTIST.-4. ets.teeth on• Gold Plate r sad performs all operatiOni CIA the to in'tbe best style. Can be found at L 1 28614460 Oil Mondays .and Isues. days of '• H. .E.,WIIITNEV,I4 SitigecitOrgAtCsiutlier. Residence No; 2_, /3 roatlTiy; (ommitis tjo pltptist ChOrch;) Jackspa City, Pal •- ' - • •. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Ttidt)*l . :Two doors below ; the Fartner's Store. lila&11 SALISBURY; - . • Cheap Goo,:14 for P'eopl'e—PubliC :Aiestiiii; J, S. EEO - lON - NE. , . Dealei in bry_Goaokjiiidwi,:ro, Cv4eries, .Crock, arysiTianothi,,midv Qum Hemlock, ritid 814 , - LEM O / sl ' . DAVID C the, hr B 0904111; ade South di ,„- . Carrie ia at hit shop Id; to wait zon t !iv fowl ) h iviii*happk • " Iron fipeedetiZttg46l2'it the ela stand .trartlie - retidei" Pisid 31,Y HS' - • Ationseo to f ,Offic4 few rods j South of-tho _ Court Muse: , 1." . . , ,- F,Afiltp., i rus itt' —. - Liii , ;•gffici) Eliet!iiteor thP-t. i . , at ' -, ans:Fs , sol(tPrd 4: - e , ivitif tile tort x- • %,. . 4, •,, --, ta , , ,-: .... 1 _ , ,;,-4.,,m,:•, ~ .„vt, v. i ,t. Attorne Aveit ... ,- - 1 -'--• ~.- .11,R.E , ILYON,, t , .-.: • . - - I*-f. , -• --- ju te Pusler in' Dry 134 diril: Gerica: Deo*, ifilkiq t ami,.. -, and BOt4tl4o4ist;E:' '44 - . alPliblic Ail ,*%!ii,44,.:-..,;,',.._..,,-:. '', - : : :.1844t.014' • Disalfong coiner of Pi Mentie '..' ; ..) - i 4 ';'z-f ' l l 4- I..... Ar ffiliiffin of Store' in. th?,,C9UntX4„. „,„..-...., -,::,... - . - } .•• ' • I.t..;.‘iirilickAutt% :.T.,11y1;-:-.^.-,-,c,i--; ~;;•:.'zri-,;.4. 7.,; ~ ..-;.,-43.1r1. 1 1, ~,. - - ---4,,: „ . .f. - 41,,..4 , ' 2 , ~,=,.•.,... • , - •• 1 '•,,...,.. ' MI W MaVMM ''r=~ r~. liititdiklarls calk afiiai neflicieee-toilich eittoliejle - # r.- Ana; Vegot:ble iiinwrittestorithK Norm other is7'.; ? g ory; . - to the sale of he North limetw.q. • norich it New ; lirinoiked NI. • • ' assorpnymt • vit. tple )_3y SIIERMAN." bet, an or %boat SHEEP, 500 Whoever will L where titer can JAMESON. •• 3w3t ru; 0104 Elszr Toy Goads; I: ERMAN. EN= Points, Sze.-. HE RIWAS, . Nariety ollgoods - alwapf ow the residence of lodge SEII &N,V 4 V roc ri 274 „Trey- Ok i74, - *44 1 , a VIM jlOlll-41-'•;:,