The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, February 04, 1847, Image 2

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. 1* T hier(ana
iip Hibernia, CapL' Ririe ar ! ,
cSAklidaPialitili. l9 ll : 444
1. . The, synopsis
importantfrternii of news;
_Allaint '
• Great de
"C‘f, ,- ; l4. briVall . Of
!•'‘' The steam
tii.44 it Bo
I'riiii s li`.ivr , ".
-gives4the mos
t will lie ,
. tit har•ttd
Abe illber
one million a ,
~Corn Ilia -,;
elosed•at 013
- flinir lie,
Closed at 7
bond. ) i E
• 4-Whata was;
ice Beef an.,
largq...; ' ..:. ~
Lard as
t zCorro
leatis.apt .141 , '
Zili - 4 .'
and lair'
I .? The in ne
ge Araetu in
,-.The ne '
.taut. I ,
en that- Cotton, , ..4'l6uri and
lamed itt - ztrvery ' rapid 'rite;
and very high prieet !
is brings from tine, :trillion to,
a. half of -specie.
vancedand the lest quality
sb#lng's• - ‘ ; /- •
Is° jadvaneed,
the -best
38 shillings per barrel in
n egellent demand for Amer
,Foritai. stiff prices,.suppliei
to SO shillings, in kegs.
aanT.---Ordibary New Or
ile 61 to 7 ; Fair. do 74 -to
:t to 81t. Market, animated
ness done.
market was luiet with but t lit;
1 political news was unimpor
in has a passenger, the new
‘anada-and bis suite.
- .-The l'iibe
t Orovernor of
The P ,esi.
surance i i E
ish gond- -sri
the Engl sh
'Sects fo•
spring. •
t?o , tnessa,ge givesimpeful as
glittid, that low duties on Brit
be maintained; and has given
• anufacturers : cheerful pros
ir trade during the coming
- „The I ) ;
in The d• 1
• There)
end exte
: Pope is - I
he gra
sailed by
names a'
ling the
than the
meats a
apers assert that the French
tends proposing a reduction
foreign corn.
been terribleinundatiens in the
s, • occasioning great distress
loss of property. The new
acing these hanlships by dons
own panic and personal exer
•-• reduced the duties on for-
dent's message - has been as
whole, British press, and ugly
en to his reasons for sustain- .
- tin •ivar. The annexation of
more unpopular in. England
s annexation, and severe com
de upon the President's dec
he war was not undertaken
of conquest.
with the
The d
s existing in Ireland is the ab
. and the number of deaths by
the increase. The people
r to England to escape the
I g in their
‘ pwri country. ,
, o great distress on the,
are gm
lands of
, The g
of £lOO
went hare offered a pension
ther Mathew.
of tile Week.
i iv!
Late fro Ihe seat . of War--Report
ed flu , betwe e n Gen. Quitman
and ( . (levet'.
New Or l s paper to the 18th inst. were
receivedkes rday. They contain full par ;
ticulars Of th reports from the army, among
which we fin the following letter addrecßed
to the editor f the Flag, and published on
_the Bth inst. ur readers will judge for /
selves as Itoe correctness of the writer's
conjectures. The same report has reached
Washin g on, ut the battle is • said to have
l b
obeeni u ht 'th Canales:
Camargo, Jan. 3, 1847.
\ •
Dear rie d:-1 came down from Mon
sterey'y erd y with Col. Croglian, who is
en route t A in, Texas, authorized to raise
a regime t o Texan Rangers to serve du
ring the ar. Troia the most authentic in
formatio Iliv e • been able to gather, from
Mexican , I m strongly in the belief that
a battle as ught yesterday, two leagues
this side f toria, betieen Gen. Quitman,
ivithl - to steers, and Gen. trrea, with
12,000 gill troops. Col. Croghan is not
inclined a c dit the report, but I consider
the'auth ity retty-g2od, having conversed
with the .Me 'can Wffo brought the express
to Mier. 0 . Tayl o r is some six days in
o lv
the rear .1' :Quit - a - lan, with 3000 regular
troops._ -6, • Gen. Quitman should find
things,t.. w rin for comfort, be can fall
beckon ten . - r
aylorand their united forces
can repel an attacilwßich trrea can make.
Gen. Wo Ei - still at Saltillo,-.having been
reinforce by hree regiments of volunteers,
from Ohii, : •ntucky, and Indiana. Gen.
Wool is i i c. np fifteen miles from Saltillo,
on-the ro d•• San Luis Potosi, waiting or
,ders. S itti nna can, if deemed expedi
ebt,-reitif rce rrea (by the Tula pass)' with
'large. .re-;1 Mexicans'• inform me that
such - is tit, Anna's intention, thinking to
f3rsv V. • era ' Wool and Worth from Sal
tajo,-*lii , h . • 'would immediately OCCUpy
614 - pla '
.ifleen bundred • lancers are
bOrering 1-, &pea. Wool's encampment
'waiting a i ay , • .. e opportunity to strike. ~
Our tr Off ' 'still ''Continue to suffer from
chills and fey , s at every post.
You ,_ _ ly, , hat R. EtERETT.
Tri* 4
~ ' • i '1 , 4c14 7 -Mr. Gillespie, released
lately Ay an - Anna, at'San Luis has just
iii39o ~ , **pm& Mr. Gillespie was
ciiiitollaa :c•irp,. on thOl6th of September
la sad., as ' ken on;,to Sap Luis• in ad.
Ponce of , e treating 4exicans from Mon
terey:_./1;0 is arriFal ju,San Lt '- - he.
I•. 0
S+ , to;
I. I
rtivett!as , put.. in prison, and
inkientent until .released in .
en,i Taylor, orderof San
11!penAis in terms of the highest
alk4, n,:nffteers. save
1 1 : #1 5 1 1 1 1 14.1411y4tealings; and
4e4hittja thefrisoners
4, for 'the kindness !and eon
,be freatedlbem.2lll
with - ikt4r
p#oo . of
of f iVi:Otti
iu i
3f11,t le prigonersLei received
4 ; was, aPan'Atait%rePreleat,-
Hof his ,complanA:aid.placed
San U-V 7 ,000 at tlie-time pi
iith idd4 i 6pat, ,for4,4x
This I
firit 24 4....)nanyt .
lieJeng4gCd 19.
,ireiLdg. in:the Mark!.
R.4. * 1114.4 * 1 '0 49 F- e "i .... . 4
- 3f.
atm' n' if;
*iiViti'offi: I
the l ici I
a ii is y m eie
WO to Itive I
'the'reciliePtillititl . 'thellirif9 n v) Om.
n reluctance i leku,iiltricniAtg tenor , or what
,it reconimen s.l Attmor . *yes oaf, that ii
4 f
presents! to V aiiituo a .detiloralilit - state Of;
affains46l4l4##iniDictfiejbat she country
`pan sueeessfully ion de lthe march of the
Anwricitmr-upair-th -- tartital, and recom
mends that no- time, lost in proposing : to.
; the United Sttes to, nter into peaceful ne
giatiiitiiii for - i iitil n - Te7 4 'n Orilnidiftleitify:
t e
Tliio rumor ins a oloring of truth from
whnt4e . ,ltea ,stated as a fact, thit a des:
patch this se t 'to
,Gen. Worth fipm San
Luif,liMi6ri gliiiiiihlifilie - MniiariVaii.'
gresi hid ag eed , to,receive a:Minister from
the UniteitS tes'vested With powers to treat
upati;:honor ble terms:. :Better late than
neve4but bow,lhediffMulties are to be sat
isfactorily adjusted by -negotiations, we are
not Officiently versedin State affar,as to de.
tertnine: . lt - seemsl . `tinreattonabln to expect
- that !Mexico. will •ever'cOncedeto what the
Un+d Stateswill feel herself bound to de
mand tia the terms upon which the difficul
ties,exe to be settled.—Flag. 1
, I+ ,
From }he Public Ledger.
. of.t the Ifillers--.l(esiguation of
Caplain Hill.
New Orleans, Jan. 15, 1847.
We are .new fairly on the way from this
hallowed spot for the plains_of Mexico; and,
I hope, for many, fields of glory. Two de
tachments•ot the regiment from the right ',
and left are already on board the transports,
and the third; consisting of Rill's, More
head's and SinalPs companies will strike
tents arid embark •in the morning. We
have ' been here between two and. three
;weeks, and although we honor the spot; as
the scene of Sockson's Airilliant victory, we
ire glad to move away •from it and the city
of 'abomination near it. ' The ground 'on
'hich we have bn encamped is pleasant
enough• in find•ve ther; and afford an excel
lent parade foii - dri , but is an execrable place
in foul weathet, a d the city has no conso
lation in it. - iTli people look askande at
volunteers. ¶h a 'huh; money the regiment
brought with it -ha been filched away by the
most extravagant charges for every thing
purchased, anti, I!repeit, we are glad to get
away frOm thri place...;
Several companies of the second regiment
of Mississippi volunteers are encamped be
tween us and he river, waiting the arrival
of other detac ments of the same regiment.
Theyrare a rbngh looking set of fellows,
withoirt uniforms, and would not weigh half
as much as the same number of Pennsylva
nians,•nor do they appear capnhle of endur
ing the same fatigues and hardships. They
may, However, prove better than they look,
when called into action, and I dare say,
know how to - use their arms with skill and
effect.: I • • '
Four companies of the second regiment of
Pennsylvania vOlunteers, have also just ar
rived upon the ground, (tit 5 o'clock P. M.)
and are selecting the site for the climatic
went They are fine, noble looking fellows,
and will no doribit do good service. Our
'men have been inuCh disappointed in not
seeing some neulcoMers from Philadelphia,
having obtained leave to go to the river on
the arrival of eaph succeeding detachment
of troops above noticed, in the hope of meet
ing friends and akluaintances.
9'o'clock, P. M.—ln the burry of pulling
up-stakes and the unavoidable confusion in
cident to such a movement by new hands,
we are all sixes and sevens, and I must write
my paratrraphs as I best cane and at inter
vals. To add .to our disorders, Captain
Hill's company, "the Killers," have again
broken out in a mutinous and disorderly
manner. These fellows arethe pest of the
camp and the curse of the neighborhood.-- ,
They have given us trouble from the begin
ning, have disgraced themselves and the re
giment, 'and will - never be quiet, I am assur
ed, until some of them are shot or hung. As
the tattoo has been sounded by the drums, I
must put out my light and retire.
January 16, 1E47.
The third detachment of our regiment
have stricken their tents, and are now on
bbard the ship Statesman, busily engaged in
preparing fur the Voyage to Brazos St. Jago,
and thence, as we.lllse informed, to Vera
Cruz. We, of course, know nothing cer
tainly ofthis, but as the ship is provisioned for
three mohths, it is possible we shall go much
fartherthan Point Isabel, which we can reach
in •four or six days, We shall be ready to
start by the, evening, I hope, as the baggage
ana stores are now pretty murk disposed of
on board. I shall send my letter as we leave
the shore.
Capt. IEII has offered hisresignatibn, and
left his company in charge of his first Lieu
tenant,-Mr. Krutchmar. Lieut. Moore has
gone with him, and as Lieutenant Brown,
Capt. Hill's other second lieutenatit, is-Ad
jutant of die regiment, the company is left
with but one commissioned officer.
The reason assigned : for this movement
is, that Abe Killers, or some of them, sur
rrounded.Capt. Rill's tent last night, - with
the , design.of assassinating him, and that be
cannot .hold his post among them either with
honor or safety any longer. I know all the
offiCers deft.. in camp last night were under
arms until neatirdaylight, in consequence
of the;alarnt caused by Ais suspicion. '
. The Colonel, of•Ouriie, refused, and had
• no authority to accept:the resignation or-re
lease Captain iandtsent up -to the city
after hint. Major Bowinaw, Who commands
sind,accompanies the detwelitient an board
ihe.,,Statestuan, -is now, waitintthe return •of
thOleeesenger., If Capt.:Hill is brought back,
there Will be new %futile on board, as - - bis
cormyeee - ived the announcement - of - his 're
signettow..with three cheers, followed by as mauytkoluts. - -•..--
i ' '
As everything in. regent'. to , Mexico pos.
sesses, ,m,present, more than ordinary inter
est, the
,"copowing,, facts in her history m ay
claim filOal: f - I -- ,t t . : .
, it is'Aenera4 remembered . that Meiico
e:iteUd If All Ali north, as the, tortpaecond' Oar
allel.olatitude,-which ibithe ssoirthern Mun
i 4Fr(il4 - egnitliv i abiai Ind it,this;p: E i; must
ittkte,ft, .ddisfsevettoe ' t hand miiii?
141e4,6, - .froes *AA lioistb,- kitten 2000
finAgil;-:lftoli!ixe 000 'fv(the, RIO-Grande' 1
teithpT , Miere,shemefliseeulfofeslifoinia.: 1
ft".lo* OrrioFliit is aboifilaf naikk' = 4l krez'
ico. A l !f0* Illi 4) ! ( /** 111 "° 111)
I NWO - 1 194 4 1 :ft 94 446 iii . ' , an , ;tipiekilie
area— , qiirlif*ilritbeilti inehaiiigl Teims,',
I'' , . itAlieitlPere 144 43 00 i0-ilwoirmAef
F -,
„ ,T , igAgtPnitorY`Of, , Xeltionit ;silk
.4*. 4 ,3 1 #,Dif ihSteAusdlmsPrenitsaies,‘"
The:Sittles4rie 7 4Nanitanilro—sco , C _ -.,
, Oxtict4-Neri Ciux, ~!ueb, , Meilc4, , ,
Elie tedetal Munk; 81001ro.
ti, Bfichoist p, lilisi*, ZOkt!clu,, Sad tuic
PotoSi,"Diika' nrOttiftVOl l E - ofs. 'llama linili o :.
Coahuila, Chihuahua, becidiente. T . lie
Territories- are—New , Mexico,California,
Tlas a1n.. , , - Xlie'
population :of ; Mexico is es-
liriiiiied it abOnt 7,000,000, anti is diiided
into seven distinct races; viz::uropenna,
Creoles; or native white s . el th • European
race, litiliatis;Afneam N -g row - 'amid
(tea - 'mid
i e
Mestizoes, Mulabfies . and Zorn s, which
iiii•eriiiiieirof tlie z diffe. rentclaiseiflitif binned.
In the Creoles' were- found - the farmer titled
nobility. Of the above population the In
dians 'give-three millions, the Mestizoes,
which are the .offspring of •Wh#es and In
dians, have nearly an equalinudiber, which
would leave , the Creole - and to peen popu
lation .greatly in the minority. The
City of Mexico, which is the capital ofthe
Republic, is situated nearly at i.s southern
extremity. The President's.. Palace -occu
pies the site of 'the Palace of Montezuma,
which Ilrns destroyed by Cortez lin 1519.
The city of Mexico is said to contain about
180.000 Inhabitants: I ,
Mexico continued a provituie of Spain
until 1819.. In 1824 they adopted a consti
tution., modelled on. that of the United States,
which was abolished in 1835, add a Central
Government established: In} 1844 they
adopted la . new Constitution, a,hick we be
lieve is still in -effect. -This Conititution was
framed by a Convention, the Members of
Which .were chiefly nominated br Santa An
ea, who was then President.. , By this in
strumentthe Catholic religion was establish
ed to the exclusion of all others, and inccir
pointed in . it are other doctrintls repugnant
to iour ideas of a republican kovernmcnt.
So long ago as 1827, the military force of
Mexico consisted of 58,955 mqn, of whom
32,161 were 'actually under arms, and this
force was well supplied with thil appliances
of War It will be observed th 4 this fat ex
ceeds tbe United States forces now employed
against them, and may, even Ow, be - sane
indication of the farce she could raise in an
emergency, in which the peopli are united,;l l. kist a foreign foe.
• The distactee! to• Vera Cruz
is 290 miles. The route ore
road passes is the same throng;
tez passed, upon his expedition
Montezutuas. Upon .this road
of good stages, which make t
'4 week. The stages were b
N. Y. and the line was estab
American. Castles are erected'.
a:landing eminenees of ds
protection against an invading
said the mountain passes of
easily made 'tenable by'a small
against a vastly superior. force. F
The distance from Tampico ao Mexico is
312 miles, and the road is sai to be alto
gether unfit for carriages. I is said the
,the only two routes by which lan invading
army could reach the city of A4xico, would
be the road from Vera Cruz andlthat through
the pass leading from Moindrey through
Saltillo. It is said, that in foriner tintescit
was not unusual to`travel by land from NOW
Orleans to die city of Mexicci. The rod
led through Montelava, Sandlot- , or Monte
rey. The distance is about - 1620 miles.=
From Sakillo to the city of Mexico is about
660 miles. For a distance beiond Saltilleo
there is a difficulty in obtaining water at
certain seasons of year: It it supplied front
wells of great depth, and is brac tish and un
pleasant. The keepers of the wells live
hard by, - in miserable huts., Prom Salta)
to Catorce is 164 miles; &ora l' Catorce to
San Luis Potosi, 156 miles; fr ni San Lute
Potosi to the city of Guanasuat , 120 miles;
from Guanaxuato to Mexico, 2.0 miles.
The property. of the Catholic ' hurch alone
is estimated at rising of s9o,oi:x
,000. This
Church is interested in the struggle between
the United States anriblexieo as
,our con
quest of her territory, or any pa of it, would
forever extinguish such an unioh of Church
and State us-now exists.—Luzerne Dem.
From the PuPic Ledger.
' , WASILINGTON, Jan. i2B, 1847.
Mr. Benton is to speak to-nio row on the
Military Bill; for the purpose of eeping Mr.
Corwin's (originally Mr. Came n's) amend
ment out. Ile says be is due fi ned to fight
wind, and will - no doubt do the Ithing baud
. I
The bill, I think, will 'pass to-morrow—
and then look for applications fir office for
a fortnight or u mouth to. come. It is in
deed lugh time for the hundreds of appli
cants now spending their lastenny "to be 4
definitely told what they may e iect, in or
der to induce them to go home fund return
toilie pursuits of their lawful bu r siness, or to
send them at once where their Services are
wanted. . 1
'The Lieutenant General, as I intimated
when the measure was rejected, will be re
vived. • For this purpose the correspondence
between General Taylor and tlui War De
partment will be called upon it'd placed
before: both Houses of Congress. It will
thenibe decided if the War Deplartment or
the General is ut fault, or, as Gen. Taylor's
letteriseems to charge, if the fitilt is with
the Quartermaster General., •
Gen. Jessup, I believe, bar chine his duty
faithfully ; but it is almost ire possible to
comply, with the requiiitions °fa large army
just at the moment we!were gm:Igloo_ front
a long peace establiiihment. Ou st aff was
not sufficiently numerous fur suc h a 'force as
was commanded by Gen. Taylorl at-Catnar
go ; strove faithfullyond•*figently to
meet4he; reasonable demands ofl e
commanding in the field. t
• olie,reaton of.dissatifaction on the part of
Gen.Maylor seems. to have been am absence
°Chows on the Rio Grande for the • trans
portafion of men and I
Hilt ',believe that Gen. Tayloti never di
serilmid to theAuartermaster i wha t species of
Nowt would be.most _adapted to t to tutvigai
tioixigthe riverohough he had finintber of
engineers with him who could- 7fOlve-•;aseere
taittedithedepth• and current .andrpeculiaii
ties ot ihe 'river. . Gen.,Tayluir •ai :last. sent,
one of h*offeertin . xluest ~ o f. boats.; ,but I ,
beliesifour-times the-number nrsived in the
river, ,seitt4iyitoweis here,' befOriGen. Tap
• holwOcultdlis own. 1 ~:., - ;,l-,,. ,-.. : .
Thi.gallarit old General, is theilaidit of
no - tlonbi; , - Inuraiwint- and fiorplogingor c v ni .
-,Jadocii;„Bodt.thetekti,mtemept inefdrat. to- the
einnpaigniinnithateligotten the - - tnidie.i.
limit/line - 4 iiionialoft. ;his irequiar . czi - me,
eamplainialkOrthe' , Wantioteae r ii - ,! . .When hifi
*..tkeMis2 inessecleg*.twati iiilithjl
tit lanbablr viderinkaWaijatai!, -ot h e i,
exteditioth . --Asi ammunitkozo,suspect- , .
“bkiltougfil Ready" " hid pretti *ch i :
all be wanted ,a all. gliJ asked l',fior: 'lie.:
wan not without In suffteitipt initteiing MIN -
Nut left it q . t,. amargothioughl the road
froin-that place o Monterey is laid to he
practicable fort, e heaviest artillery - park.
-As to howitzers, be wanted but two, which
is the number h bad ; but he took bin one
with him—the v ry one which done so much
execution. He had two hundred shells for
each, (400 iniril ):hat he took but one hun
dred with him tto Monterey, and of that
number used btil thirty. " Old 'RoUglfand
Ready" is a •bivive niUl economical General,
and these very -utilities recommend him to
the President acd the Departkant. But• he
must have grovra out, of temper; and in a
state of irritation penned the letter which
he, in an. evil hour, addressed to General
Gaines. He nn ll Gen. Gaines were not on
the very , best . terms before the Commence
ment ofthe war; but it seems that similarity of
political principles effected on amicable ar
rangement, and
,that the letter recently pub
lished is the offspring of that singular connec
tion. If General Taylor understands hu
man character, w was scarcely justified im
confiding his secrets and private.grievanecs
to such frail hadris.
Gen. Taylor,' assuredly, .cannot charge"
the .Gaverninerftiat home with a neglect of
his, services. He was but a lineal Colonel
in the army, with" Brevet of Brigadier .Gen
eral, when he marched down to Corpus
Christi. Galin% Brady; Brook, and. I be
lieve, Arbucle,;ranked him and would have
commanded bad not the President kept
them at hotne,,in-other words bad lie hail
less implicit retiance on the valor, skill and
patriotism of a. Taylor.
After the haft .s of Palo Alto and Resaca
de la Palma, the President at once promo
ted him to the rank of Brevet Major Gen
eral, and then created fur him the office of
Major berternl, khe highest grade the Exec
utive could codex within his coustitutional
power. Did this look like a want of confi
dence, or a disppsition on the part of the
War Department not to exert themselves in
meeting all his ileaSonable wishes, and sup
plyiug the army which had so gloriously
sustained the natiotial honor, with the :re
quired provisions and ammunition. That
there may have been some delay, I will not
venture to deny ; hut Congress and the
people will judge of the fact, whether the
Department hasi done its duty in the premi
ises, or whether tt gave Gen: Taylor grounds
for.complaint and publications in the news
papers. •
rout Mexiio
which the
1, which Cor
t against the
L'herc is a fine
reo trips a
It at Troy,
shed by au
on the coin
r ad for the
emy. It is
is road are
Ibody of men
It is confidentlY asserted in high places that
Gen. Taylor is recalled ; .1 can assure you
fif quite the contrary; but I believe that be,
tween the two commanding Generals now
in the field, there does not exist the very
greatest cordiality, and that it is possible
Gen. Taylor may return home. ,
The Smithsonian Institute have agreed
on the plan of Mr. Remick, of New York,
for the erection eta Norman building. Four
other architects Who have furnished plans
have-been voted jeach $250.
It is not yet known whether Professor
Jewett, (of Salmi), Mass.,) would accept of
the office-of Libliarian, tendered him by the
board, with a salary of $2OOO per, annum,
to,cominetice only three years hence. The
Board have adjourned.
CongressiOnni Proceedings.
WAsinNoToN,iJan. 29.6 o'clock P. M
Sr.siirr..—Mr.i Moorehead presented a
morial from the editor of a daily Cincinnati
paper, asking GOngress to invest him with
power to form a Company for the extension
of the Magnetic Telegraph across the Atlan
tic Ocean.
,Referred to the Post-Office
The, Committee on Printing reported
against the printing of sundry memorials
of Friends, praying for the speedy termina
tion of the war:
The Committee on Finances reported the
Indian appropriation bill.
The Committee on Foreign
ported a bill creating the office of Assistant
Secretary of State.
A resolution wits adopted' requesting the
President to'suspeind the land sales advertised
to take place at Dubuque, until the claims
of the. heirs of filo Dubuque estate are de
The Ten Regitnent bill was then taken
, up, and Mr. Benton spoke in opposition to
' the section granting bounty lends. He said
it give rise to enormous speculations, and
companies would Icie formed, whose 'agents
would follow the, army and purchase the
rights of the soldiers. He asserted that such
companies were already forming in Phila
delphiii. ' i
Mr. Corwin taa'de 'an eloquent and spirit
ed. reply, after a long debate, in which
Messrs. Benton,. Cass, Simmons, Hunting
don, Calhoun, Breese, Archer, Badger,
Hannegan, Butler, Allen; Brans; Westcott,
Clayton, Sevier, Mangum, Turney, and oth
ers- participated, an amendment was adopt
ed, giving the soldiers the option to receive
a certificate of 13400 in 6 per cent. stock, in
stead of the 160 fibres of bounty lard.
. Several other amendments were offered'
and rejected. Pending a motion to amend,
by giving 86 acreS of land to soldiers sertim ,
less than twelve months, the Senate ad: .
. journed. = k•
House.—The House adjourned last night.
at half pa,tt elevenlo'clOck, pending a motion
to excuse Mr. At:My from toting on - 1111 1 ' stp
peal from the - tieci ion of the chair. '
morning the moti a to excuse tots - with
drawn, as wellas the appeal.
i t
On motion • Of Or. Dronagnole; the eonsid
, eration,of the NlivaliAppmpriation bill was re
sumed in comteitteeoftbe Whole; and speech;
es made by M,. Sims, of South' ICarolina,
end Messrs. Payne Land - Stanton.. - lThe hoiir i
of one having 'firriv, d, the - committee. prat- ' vote.nts the amendments: - H' .'
• The bill watt.thett reported to' he House,
and the amendtnents- - coneurred' In; -inoltir ,
ding an appropriation of 4259,000 for a
floating dry dock*. tit. PeristiOlti,- niitt'l3so,
000 eith ; for /kicks int .Rittery and Philadel
'phia; the plane foriishieh .to •be . dateniline4
by. ;the Seer - TS'e ttiteon
, 111r. , Coc . 1
c,1 4 ,,f
InEi'A company ia In-00nm-of orgliniz a i,
tion,atCincinnati f •told to be; 43oniposed'of
indistriOtta And tien,lwbol low
taild, s iettlipg 1ni464 . 4-.countrf itropii . fp San ,
Etaneiscoi fps--;
Heti shalt .
The acts..
Lion is anti
questioi2 or
earpestly fo :
syltania h.
which mum
and indissol
principle, i
tell who wt
Mrircb Conv
of Canal Ca
him was, n(
for tad the(
sired a re-el
eqqally cot
hiltiself; at In cotijunetion
theiCahinet. Aficers of S
administrat a, employed lSlim
official ineans
securing hi renomination. So, only
teti find gre er power ta . reason is the
diditecy of ov. Shank, for a' .. ttec,ond . t
opposed." , 'he Govern
. with all his
ordinates, re now nearing theinselve
endeavoria q :to effect Itis , re-nominat o
re'cklass, '', siemingly so; of conscquen
SUppose,ltrthe power of his official i t
enee and il " exertion orpetiimatfrieiids hi
name shoed be finally placed upon i
i iv•
l 11 would the call n.
ticket as th/ Democratic Candidate for. o
ertior- upon the e
moaracy (tribe State, u itedly to, ield I eir
suppqrt .fu 'his re-elec ion. Would lay
cwpe up to his belpl.or would it be eke
"calling sp rits from the vastly dee
, we
.called but hey came nart?" How wa lit
in the case 'f Wm -13
. . Foster, our late r
thV Canal commissioner, not only, but ow
„s i ,
wa i 's it with Gov. Wright, the champio, of
democratic rinciples (m i d measures in the
State- of i•ew York? ;How was it lith
M4rtinVanilturen the candidate forithe
Presidency! who sough i for a re-electitm?
TLeir defelt , was effected, .as will unq es
tiorably be that of F. Et. Shunk if nom 'nal
ted, by a viell gmundedl adherence on the
pa c t of theiptople to the salutary prin le
of rite tei - miai rotation 19 office. • '
i "W 16 Selecte& the Joirp”
rt . : repli to the thousand and one in ui
rip, touchiing the selectihn - of " sober, i c,tel
ligent and Judicious serve a ju
rors" in thl courts of thij county, we si ~ ply
state : Layers tell us' t at the ' Act of 1.4.5-.
•sembty renitires the She iff and at leas t., wo
1 ,
of l.he Con ty Commissiners, in conee ,to
m4ke the; ._ lection ; so, he Commissiorters'
Clerkihas thing to do in the matter o her
than to wri e down the names ; &c. I• he
1 0
ha's reportet , that "no o4' need expect t bt,
a juror Lulus he is of i the right pot' ' al l
skimp," it fample reply Ito his presume on,
thai the Sh riff and ComissiOners pe rm
thiS ditty, +rd not the leer of the lat r ;
and that, t oo, under an lb, that they " rill
notssufferprtiality, faro i, affection, hated,
malice or ill 7 wili j in any i respect whate er,
to influence them. In View of the sol tn
nity and poker of this obligation, its inc m
patibility wth clerical intierfererice or 'ed
dlihg, and e proper .,
l ii
seise of just men' w e
; la i c no octlasion for apieltending any re
ference for Old Hunker , Odd Yellow or
atiachees ci . any sect, tmhinatiOn Orlde
/' '' I .
. hat Stateifteut. '
We' ha not vet had peep' at The
-11+1 Stater mit of Recei ts, Expendit es,
dr., by out servants, th County Corn
stoners, with *horn the People entrust • a
large ninont of their funds. We expe to
see it this leek: We w Id publishit "Ili
reasonable locapensation, the law relii.:
in 4 that it thould be don ,"in one.orniore
of the news apers print ''in. the Cotint il?
but we. sup ose the antipit bies:ofthe•Clipre
and their rgani - will tottlid that the Si:;;
pli's Advoe to should bepaid !br l i paths' Pe,
intelligencel where it is their pow "to
prevent it. Characteristic! ' ).. i
' I ' I . :
The Comn onwealthi Proseention for i
i vs NI irks, he Qua tt
G4rgo Fu,ler & ~
_Sessions .of .B i
0.G.1 flemirsted. ford County,-
, Wre un rind that hy.l,force of - opol°
anii the kin ly Pro ff ered niedititionit Cli
friende, , thi prosecution Ust been 'sett
I st
Homps,ead ay hare learrd to his , lump'
tilikthty:la hnooga.. :,...--
AarrBll4 ,,
-offer's- j, ink
. ._ „...,....,
..._,....,.-. .
4f-1:-: f
,-:-.......,- ',.='! .. :1,-.:7,:,--_ - ,
iiiiiit ' ilUli
bi Beim"-
9t- gAr,c4-PQuv .
unuslittl inter
of the 4th
''ipated will
nCis R.
ew man, i
itnk of some*
to be
to those who'
d Prosperity, of
emocraty of Pe
at mome
the confine
;Luse. The
.e just; inti Hated in bop
t be misu " derstood, their
ble ntneh eta to the one
rfjee onlof„Woi.: B.
nOadoate. i at Aieiost 4d
didateibribe of
rd indaithfidly
upt,..bOtAnt he
exclusiop of od
that he
cities Obis
tion, at du
petent. and
that • he, ,
Ind !other'
_'.wiiii t Tiiiiiiirtiattinii4 , iiiiit.,trcH
iogkrl, - .410,44i0001::04:....04 - 1 -1- 9 1
'..trii.e4 toiliii'ziiiliii'ii). :4rdi4d4
ersettal 4eltp,Otictit'4celleileiee4- 1 '.lo,9r
,iiy Man land a;. distinguished dein ..
. Ac , fyitt44 1 0 7 9,4 - Pii.o4fitili,'9l . . 0,.*
. Peliticiiin, are not of ibe.brilliatieb I-eili!"
escent clhartietek l ifl l 4.the - itlete . ,Or!„ blat t ir;•l
. powerful to loOk'..upoti; too bright • lasti,',
.ut such las endear;,,and impart an aem ,
' orgoodiatKM-the.present,:generation irlfiellt.
• vill be . flt and rpspecteditt- - ; fliture Me.—.
I he reputation which 'he -has acquired in
t orthern PennsyAnniti, for benevolltieent
• mart, for purity if purpese.andsinc -thy ill
he democratiefaitiL may be envied', , ut can
ever be reached:l3Y . the asittuitS-of s'alice
• r the power, of detraction. _
His 'evilers
•, • -
hould read the follOwiag;.. blus ie
h ia. wnf
. ..
heir own ,delinquencies,,end emulii i tithe l .
. irtues of him whoa -they have • imp intly
'• ndeavored to...defaine; l
'.. -.. .,••- i . •.'r : .:'
To the Eo { itor:ofthe'Tioga Ea gle •
- During the.late7palitical cam.,:'. - 4.,n c .:
identally picked up a,
.edithe '
' v Toy Ba n ner," er r ,nearly .flre aelalCila ofoun d, mn.o . i 11
f 03. . 16 1t 4 04 ,
hiefly made .up otabuse- pf •Gen.., - P.tton of
owanda, und,..4ed. I not known th ' tl i geti:..
leman iptintately,Myimpression wo Idhavn
een that' he was oheof the vilest, , etches
. 1 1
tyb u la.
aiue t idnds o phemt f arotare t o.fa n dng e o;tir:v
i f ..i :
:pt e nri
iia n !d;
1 1 1,
c i .
,tei n ,
aftc...4i ti !,: a le: riliouyt;merirr-euer,itpni: When
: I n:,
e..Er c , ,
4f t ti dwa,,i ;
D e o:
dy t ii i 4 i .
elf the question,---ieatt_ it be ...posii ' e- that
his is the Same Gen... Patton,. wh se well
Known character has.,ever, been ado ed by
so many enviable traits and high m ral vie-
hues, that even the; breath' .slande dared
not invade its' sanctity? If, t hong it I, - the
licentiousness Of the presie tininke . bathe:
vile wretch . :itere keiiresent .. d"4o b 'What
Strange 'fitiality has caused i iiaistinordina
-Icy degradatienfof flint lerer atpcilitatil.poWer,
land guardian tifthe public tnoralS . V-4-aild, if
lit is to be tolerated in such' ahnk," here is'
ItTie incentive to virtue? I }}new th a b e had
lever been exemplary in morals, a p tint of
!religion, a friend .to the - widow anil • rphan,
and the poor inatt'S betiefacier. An 'Some .
'of the. many acts ivhicli . character' eii..bim
as such, in rapid i4eceisien flitted a . ciiiii.iny
mind. I . remembeied hiS bringing be &With
, him a puny - littlq orphan hoy,aba ' (dine'
lyears old, whose filther was drowne d in ems- -
' sing the Maumee . inver, in Ohio,. w 1 , t her he' •
had gone to seek Itt home in the., :en far
west; and of his raising and,edeca . ngihat
penniless boy and, giving him a
(printer) - and money to- travel tp, ,'I e o r ; hitt
fortune ; and now,lthis same penniless boy,
( I .t. 11. Salmon,)' islthe editor and proprietor
,of the "Jacksonvil l e Standard," a :Ospeetau
ble paper inJackgd,nville, Illinois. Iremern
bered when Mr.-Marvin was killed, by ac
cidentally fallingfrom a house, Gen Patton
1' advanced his orphan son, John'.& . arvin,
money to assist hirriin.finishinghised cation; :
and this same.orplianboyis now at.' 1 e' . .head
of a prominent „literary institutioa in. the, ,
city of Boston, distinguished alik . for his '
talents a ndlearnini.• ; frementhered •ne day -
he was walking up Slain-street in iownda,
and his atteution 7as attracted by
.. • Von t
stable selling:a cow' and ..0 heifer, a' .oli.ast
certaining they were the property of ndrei,
' Trout, who had Served , his count . in the
last war, he bid . otr the property hims ' f;-paid
the money for it, a Mi. sent botheown, . . - heifer
back to; the disttesSed family: - I re,. tattler'
, -d when a magtstrate, , lte, - Was cane. '-ati for
art .eecittion against...lsaac. Lines. , neff ; ef
Pike township, piuthe advanced ill. rockier
out of his.ow.Wpo - eliet4o save,, his Iroperty
from being sacrificed. - . .
I remembered . „when Martin )1 , 1er w. ,.9(
(Gen.;Towanda- townshiP,'' died. 'llO - * '
G I $
Patton ,2,9: , ..tind ,the -father; f Mrs..
i f
'Miller called On - den..-P ti katton to lenity
for his daughter, statiregthit she had , othiag
but a little possessiew, - and had two ',r three
Isniall children ici . '.4epport,,and Gen; Ik'sitid
Ito him, "Mr. Patter, I - thin krl etitil.iiikitig •
(better without 64 4 debt, than 'Mr, ' 'Miler
mm.witlr it, letiteirpny 'her other 'de; t ilt, lido, .
give herself no trouble abolfrillif. '..' l'''' . 1 /
membered too, his stilt I ti. eater 'gene . ''' i i
the widow ef 'his Viend . Pleali Span,. Rig: ~il
remembered , his liberid.contrilintitr s_ aril
rection of the Presbyterian, :' M.- 'bad. i' .. .
Baptist= and Catholic dhurchesand t! liii -
emy in:TOWanda.,.'hind'to the shicifSli ::61 . 11141
preachers'''ef different denOrninati*c S:cifieri::
remembered dint rhea ajusticeoftl ericiraiii
often threw .. .in 'his - eOStS . , 'ai_Va 1 educe
tint to get h i s . neighbor in aittle,...t,'4 chi;
Iliitteiri and to enable liiiiir,debt`cirile tit:44; iiii
E; ixecutionpgainst t1iern;141;107,444. 60014
eking fees frOiii Old 'ilklieyS fOritlfo:: iitier r .
ices rendered' theiti.." . l7reinenibi •il - Ilk
1 -
to never isstied4ini l iiii,titidn`,..fer " / ,'''ol
tins against InitTnnir . " iiii; and that iliei*
' ii_ e ii iep i s rsl i ,e,l l. l, d. i..e r l ita ir ie: :w l i n : ni i.4i, : ii h r:o :l o t , 6 o6 ht il d in ; p : l 4 . ': : :d i e )se : o pi ii ;p i.i4.:n iib ...: f ht i i lo44_ 4 : i ;d i k:: : : ' , " ll : 6 ; ii.iii i-i stel, a i ! in itel e:i i it i t : .be * ii : i ii .iii re li ' ii ii iil ;-- "' -'li°r: 6 l ' 4 : 4'..
:n:ya dl iii ni l l : j o e:ti li ii ' a i; v lh ti f i !: ik i: o :da td :;:.. o i l i: e t i e ' s :
drtip4 ,4ttr beitetiairei
.'ilig - Ilie?',Siftle 'i ki'eiai
ityc'he teSiitied'hiS!ageney
g. t iirtifitable iiiiiir'af:liia:-1
'an W - iiii f,histrtinfeti( iiill,
• inplOYei t to titireakttiOn - ...
For Cottitiititieflif Ptilitiej
, .
.etinal's. '''.l.lo'..never .rotei.
ntil last fall; and 't.hat'Av r aiqi
ititerigaiMit'lUK ; Wiliii.64
I 'eVedls:Mr;'•ii'ilinet:ll;:ileaiftie
I cistildlii't he 1 'fieSti#teritipi . :9 I
' eneislitiniii: 4 ."oo: - ..all:''oeer
i teristitlof fhb iiecAt.leitifie.
, d, or invasiontif.itytyiifila
i emocracy li f tiiiilbieiihifeitie
''titiif. , o.6lVP, - ..hiiili.eiiiiiient)
:d , in illeirdtlfeiiioMlViiee' I
• ateVitilice.)l4MWriid - 4 part
. ' tiii4Liiitd9o),*(''iihtiiiiit
0 , V./reie*.'eiiiiiiioiidtitiiM gi'
i !iegitikte!Atiille i iithriSsr:il
"iiiiiihatiett: o:iiiiielif.**iftogif
i • 16 : frit3itoliotiege#9#l
iubilifiett ll4 ti•SiP t ihe l P ll 4:
finiffiinit4W4' Stiik-l'aC l iitii
. . .
. ,
. ,
UV l ,li
, ( . ter ,
.1 1
A _l7,
g r the