The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, January 27, 1847, Image 3

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s cied,lls4 lB--
rg e, "era' iniisitsii:l4V- Hse
eon being/
t 7 AN'too the Boor, ea' iv bis •
f , viewst length,
Jackson, 41: liiia•44llm—,„elB/*Y` INK• Xeatley,
tr4i 1 .
~ A ,
- •
pies . 'ltituotate.
Here shall - reeas, the People's rights maintain,
llaaared ttetiee; and ufilnibed by gain."
Tim i Ne it Governor.
As the '
making t 4 i e 'or a nomination flit '
Governortd: ' we near, we are more and more
convinced, 't?' the Democracy of the. State
would rein"
ate and maintaintheir cherish
ed prineipl , that it is. absolutely necessary
the nominee Should be chosen fresh from
the ranks othC People -7-a new man—Upon
whom f,th e *bole Democracy of the State':
can unite lb till their energies, and in all
their strenah. No iiitparttat and honest
emocrat, 4 4ink,,ean doUbt, thsti!lhis lathe
Daly way toosltt thischisms in theDernocrat
ic ranks, an cown with victory at the next
campaign a# a ready more than half -defeat- -
,d party. Th fact is too palpable to admit
a doubt, atat with Francis H. ,Shank ut
our kad, 4 rush onward to certain dis
tiod defeat. About- the man we.
care nothin--et the meagre Majority by
which, whel vored by fortuitous eircutn;
stances, he a elevated to the gubernatori
al chair in , and the defeat Which th e
;,,ff of.
party has sot iwed during his term o; .
fice, point fiat to him as the man who can
unite the Dim : acy of the We say,',
Gov. Shoal!. is unpopular with the mass,
and it ismatness for Democrats to urge his
re-nominati n. , 1 ,
4y a res u ton of the Clique Convention
held itl thi ' b trough last 'Week, it was etc.'
knowledge‘that circumstances sometimei
rendered tWOne_ Terizifa salutary princi-,
ple. Thos politiciani cannot be blind to
the fact, tliit the 'very exigency of which
they speak, xsts with peculiar force in our
State at thi " tune. 4 An exigency has indeed
a rrived in tile affairs of our State, when thei
appliti4 . '1 the One Term principle can;
alone sav e l party and its principles from
tz t
a total and Most irretrievable overthro‘V. ' 1
. ,
We com' e' dto the attention - of our Dem
ocratic frie s the following sensible article
i i i
on this subj
,ct from the Harrisburg Argus :
, a That th emocratie party is shorn of its i'
strength byaut of harmony in its ranks,:
is too evid t o the plainest understanding'
to ne e d th .pr oduction of facts That it,
cannot hop r future success without a e i
toration of harmony which achieved its
i r
former trip fp is, is admitted by every one.
Under cif* distances so discouraging, it
seems to oo that every Democrat, who is
sincerely araChed to those
,principlesi4 the 1
nscendancyof which has made this Union,
rc.4p ectedd' admired throughout the civi
lized worl
d , would be anxious to heal all
brenelies, le endeavor to- restorer harmony,
and to • plaep ' the party in that attitude tar t
whichi, -it c 111 di4V-the most strenuous ex-i
croons of i Opponents. What ,is the obsta
cle id our cess ?
...Simply an . indisposi- ,
bon on the t of,aportion.ofiheparty to
nominate a 'candidate !OS Will be the;
most likely o Unite the' , whole 'Democratic:
party of P . : leania: ..ri'he w,u.rm friends:
of Guy. Sti - 'insist, on hii_ii-nomination.j
If they' itt, -4 in - 'their.,. effort, they feel,'
they know, a t they - aill,give th e'Whigs al
most decid
‘, drystitgeitreCattsc the Democ-.
racy will e; e DAP - the - contest' with broken,
rau'lis ? and ' pirited by the almost certain
prospect 0., n inglorious 'defeat. Their
fealty to th an has most unaccountably,
but we tru
,t only moineatarily, overcome .
their fealty o their jrinciples. The 'party is
m imminen anger. A new candidate will
invigorate t e rank and file—restore harmo
nv—ensur a concert of action—and place
the sucees o the Democratic ticket next,
fall beyond, , diipute. Yet- they, compos
ing but a nprity of the masses, pertinac
iously in " upon the renomination of their
favorite, , o,' in the opinion of every one
conversant 4h public opiniciii cannot be re'
elected. • I t i ts Democratic ? Does it not
savor mor f a devotion to Anti t an
_ta to
principles ;.
their belie >n.l
esty Of Go •-•
their prine 11 I 1
sand !pre , r 1
party shots 7 -
per can b . e . .,::
ized, but a ....
is au Man . .
ize. ' Lett a
our late.di a
.1 a
can all cu r
of the Ste 'c
dates. T
„. a
Lion 1 A. 0-i
etutive' f
bon of a is
than Ma !
the eonracti
the p arty
Shank ca
De actorraFlt
tion of a
No matter how tithing Maine
the fidelity and-political him
. their convictions of duty to
:.'s should overbalance all.per
ctions. The success of‘the
-6e paramouut to all other •con
It is in danger. But that -dan
oved. The party is disorgan
pity can be restored. Thbre
niv,ersal disposition to bunion
-disposition be cherished,,and.
us defeat will be fully. re
want a candidate whom we'
lly support. The Democracy
an furnish many Such canal
why'not make such a selec
omination'of the present Ex
rove disastrous. - The melee
candidate will , go forth,us the
riuinpli. is it not thetinorse
to hesitate for a moment as to
be poniard? The portion of
feel convinced that Governor'
t be re-elected, ask 'that the
ay -he saved - by the nomina
man. Is not, their demand
Lit not strictly Deinocnific 1
ratahhiment. •
, log e of Monday List, his Hon.
in compliance - with a peer' t:
adeby a itiiiitbei:iiiMe! c)ti
11. able and eloqut expostion
on the . .`
Judge Jells i),
9uu Tee;•: ' 1
i t
ZeDll, mad .;
' !
of hi s v i ew , I
shy, War. 'a'
Pre v b r e• •• • •
We have , '': •
that th e
the preven ','.
meet 'Of .-. 8.
' t h e 0 .. ...,.0kiret , ,,0f
the 41epth: pEn
i, "err 11p :audienee,, , av the
1 huroltin this village. naugii
.' 4Sag:iiiifltrady , ic;iiviiiiiii,
... ,
bjeet of penal enactments, is
, . ... ,F_ ~
of •OrilPO Sod PPbe lior4o l _
-,..• -,:--- , .
• era,' 'eau we aar,ora_ . .n r! usk
1 Onni:fiiiiiiii , iiii*lY OffOri
is ownYlowl: 00 Chit intricate
,quastioa.7,Siiiialiliil3 la sn.
i a aasealifst.iiarnanPaa review
' 'w . liouniii 4 ;tl ,, i*JiiNgli4 l a
i ;feliasignatnakofr
, - • •
credit ttl . ,
ie sep p oi ,
Ind ex**,
other obi
of the
gentle vie
A : _
ti : -, 1
! u k
No. of . 4- - I4l4iti.iiiiriad r ilid ioT;Otili• ta
ble.' .4%oatitsi m ini t inw a re ropkito. - ffiritt;
iastradi ' the peril 'jFeaa*%itod is
embelioo. with.elegant portrait
of Ed
nipad.f'u l'he i t cOOpotearolOO'Oilowir :
"United totes Trade and Tonnage.- An
nual Re the Comm erce and Naviga
tion of ; 4111 f e tire; *pet he."
" Natural History of • Now York--conclu
ded.",‘ P 4, o the.Hudafm."- "The Pleas - -
ures s ofth Pen." " Don Giovanni." "!Brad
dock's".l) eat; or;the battle of the Monon
gahela.", The Rationale of Crime." " Po
ems for e Poople,. Nd. 1.? A mer i can
Works of nintirig and (Sculpture." " As
tronoMica Observations:" " Capital Pun
ithment."l " Political Portraits whit Pen
and Petieo," .
- Publish d T`.4. Kettell, 142 Fulton
street, Ne;iv York, at43 - Per annum in ad
" The 'People's Advocate' is requested to
correct:atileist,One,ofthe errors contained
in is neenunt of the DemoCratic Meeting
held at the :"Court Mouse on Monday even
ing.' 'lt 'curs in'that part of the article in
which ref, renee is made to the resolution
Offered Col. Lusk, recommending a
rnodificatipn of the present Tariff as regards
coat. and n•on, and in the following ivords :
• On the qffer of this resolution, Geo. Fuller
'el - churned, I'm for redwing the - duty on
coal and #on still lower !"—This remark
was not ade by Mr. Fuller, but by anoth
er indiiid al wbo was near him."—North
em Demo rat.
We cheerfully correct the only error con
tained in our account of the proceedings of
the' Detriocratic Convention held at the
Court licipse on Monday of last week, by
substitutiag the name of John Blandingtor
thin of- ato. Fuller, to whom alone belongs
the honor and glory of having publicly ex
pressed alsentiment so at war with the most
important; interests of our debt-riden Coin
For the People's Advocate
Capital Paiaishment.
After tile usual flourish of trumpets, edit
orials, comtnittees, communications, and re
plies, Judge Jessup has made his advent as
the advocate of the gallows and the cord !=
If it wasitiot for the estimable character of
the man,4he position he occupies in society,
his devotion to the cause of reform in other
deptirtmellts of social life, the influence -he
exercises lover the' community by which he
is xurrouuded, (all of Which contribute to
raise a wish in the.mjnds of his friends, that
this instaire of the 'aberrations and delus
ions-to which gifted men are subject might .
be buridamong the, follies of the virtuous
and The jod,) I should not take the trouble
of exposirig the fallacies with which lie sus
tains the frawd avho are uttering their hoarse
murmursof." blood for blood" in .the ears of
their xin ic i when-ihe latter is asking (we
t i
hope Conidin<y): fors that mercy : at heaven's
chaticryi which is denied him by histarth.
ly Judges
It is th'e invariable, the anavoidable result
of cnaneOtittg the affairs of the state with
those of tide churCh, that the errors anti de
lusions ot law-givers are more deeply en
grafied,,Sitoie difficult to be eradicated, than
when they are not invested with religious
sanctions;! And it is not a little remarka
ble that 4 religioiSs sect, whose numbers, if
they do knot predominate, at least entitle
them to 'great - respect, in the discussion of
this question are,: although somewhat divi
ded, generally marked as the warmest op
ponents of the proposed change in our pe
nal Code 'j" If the Judge's religious opinions
and coniictions were not deeply interest
ed, his kiart and 'his feelings, his character
and his pr inciples , his law sad his morality,
"4 , nuldloisg 'since have separated Kira from
thiebarbkrous combination of antiquity, cns
elty'and Absurdity.
It! is a 1 false and dangerous as well as a
sectarian-estrerne to which religiotis men
are ,ofteti stimulated, to defend the penal
code of the .19th century of the christian era,
by the tiegivett / to the Israelites two thous- ,
pr , and spore` years before the commence
ment of that era 1 It might do among those
Who yet- tain their faith in the value and
rol e
efficacy of the mosaicinstitutions, but-among
Mee p sing to have adopted the . religion
ofJesus,,lwhose repeal of the Jewish penal- ..
pies stand ralistioas i is , acknowledged! by
fourifift ''of hitfolloweis, such an effort will
be tatt, i t futiletand nugatory ; but it is int-
MOO 'O, ) , re li gion of imi-911haofcbrist-
endOce p 4 4 wtoubl be ..egually arrogant and
preaumtsonabime te...dianuss the religious
AueSti in 011 , 4 in this controversy:. Such
is not n intention ;,, but when efforts are
oi:olt , 01,0 ade to raise tbe gallowt in its
ghastlidelis;ilike the altar Of Abrahamlor a
human Tiipacapse,they, allege God
hos [so a aitiett4whia , we see efforts tolide
to rerisexhi Jeirislzofte - with its thirtY-eap
ital!Offeatell i iheltidiniivitChcrift, adultery,
i i i 4,4P h eP ` b?q#4' , 4 -6, 9?4.( l i.): an 4b:T e ,k4 fi g
of the itaVtititai ff site' to rear* that - Cede
. ~0: ~ 'll ;-:;,,-. ~-,,,_: •;:.-,-,',
Pe ii?! 4, ~ -. 1 ,!. a, u 4° 11 ,9"- '4 l l l ', r!",! l ° .- 4? I * ll4
... 4 '' ' ' l ikkeigineilt , feel as if theca!ise
if 04 4 l,;iit4ichriatiaiiiiriras visaed,
and; relrgitiaitielt .- iiiiiiiiditt ' with every; le
-•;'- I. r -4 - ,.., - ,,5, r ~ ~ • , 1' - .. ' •
0 4 0 ItAaa _from, War, and - slavery; aadit-'
t irstakeiteseisi i - down-Aii the '' equally
per cawed' 4 , ll ,1 11 0 ". l:l°!liifiable iniquity of
*liPierilt men according ei***ooirer-'
ii 4 4 41• 14 4illatiteiL iill4biuM , 'lsbag,
- chi*Aleti`!Ortaiitiliiit:"#l!"rt! papiidiaiestiti,
; 4 / i ? . .: 4 r l i;?killsk i ykaf i gi of mercy
ilO, mi 4: . --
', , 4 ,4 l, •!*** ll 3P.#lva list_.7lso.,
fir ' ''. : titiefitfskiita - forbear! ''''g
-). - 4 1q,gokr•riisp•cgo 4 , 1 7 ,3 •vited tp. witness-
Ilk .ixoeati*Kibla C . 044" was the neair
ti - Iciitten - - hltrd - mom
or threelea 'si en itYis
the banquet of Weed; ilti N.
so: inel4thesis Ppe4irilus
dirk phases of its I fcilly an;
have been'kept fer the tri
mayhereafter be xlitlnt
cannibals as relictl of a b
the ordinance„ "IWhoso
blood by nian shall his hl.
any validity,. the r is; th
ei)tance found among the d
man depravity where,it w
cable; where it shOuld be
applied,-thin in uch a
coolly, delibenping . unde
law—taking weeks and
their arrangement---offe
insult to others who carry
Vests, who throw lint Atm=
the dogs and the bogs as
neafes for such 4:tgies th
The heart sickenpt at su.
for callous feelings and h
saw the helpless, 4peles
pid law and his own pa s•
his close and noisome ce
of his early days his sp
happy period when his '
Him of an evening—when
locked head of his boy!).
his mother's knee, and
slumber by the 'soething .
awaking from such drea .•
ize the death that was be
terrors, but in its 'derdi
oorninious adjimets. , I h
his chains in the anguish
ed half-broken heart, cou
were between him and =
deting that the foOtstep o
him into the presence o;
saw the sunlight of the
his own once bright pros ;
that the gallows,lwith a
cruelty, - - was rising ',ben
window•of his. ceH. ! I
that were left him, da
strange—a chaeS of wild
pair sweeping away the
saw the marshal and the
back and forth,
hug, strutting aft the imp
theatrical exhibition- 7 8p!
patiently to see ' whethi
'game." Heard him on
floor of his dungeon,smi
his bosom like the poor
asking that mercy Irina
'deoied him by those 'wh
companions in the clime
tened to the minister w
ministered comfort and .1
like Judge Jessap, the a
to his executioners; off.
look, the Solemn ! mpfke
er ; exhibiting td his r
threats of future vengea
Iml flame. Then sudde
ing sob, the low hoarse
God, mingled with littli
wpow the minister, w
could bring the Memory
his sister to the dim ey. l
Oh God ! thou who art
ity, and love; thou wh.
the fetters of evi4 and
.to virtue, by exhibitions•which our so
and worship—as ate t
to love those that hate
to love the Goveliror, th
the hangman, or; any in
ital punishment: I ca
spirit calms my !surgin l
my mind is drawn awa •
We women, II believe, were not admitted
to this edifying (ixbibiti. n of publie!merals ;
it is a low, vile, Ungalla t school, this acade
my of strangling; the = 1 is nothing in it fit
for a young lady or a other to learn, but
the Judge proposes to o n his Institute for
our instruction ; he basun) ideaof our being
under-graduates!in the ;arts of the Sheriff,
the hangman, or the ghillotine ! fle pro
poses to return like a dug to his vomit—to
make,executions publiel But.l must return
to this case again ; I leiive it for the present
with the joyful recollection, that th'e Chris
tian community , were cheated—they igno
bly, ingloriously suffered thernselVes to be
"cheated of a ihanging," like the Judge
cheating his audience b ut of an argument
.by substituting ihr it " an apology" Land an
apology it was, !rune ednugh,ito beisure, but
still “an apology." They did not watch
'their victim, and 4 askintt for half an hour to
deck himself for the alnir, he made use of it
to plant a daggr in his heart. The mani
festations of di iappoinied rage, the 'hoarse
murmuring thre. l ats age fist the Sheriff, who
was thought to ave co Inived at his escape,
the infernal . arks dist the isayage excite
ment had throain into 1 he minds of the peon
ple were: aboutto eirhihit themselites by a
rush upon the j it ; and no briman intellect,
however intelligent or lied can I tell hciw
Mani" Murders would are been committed
.that, day, if the cry of ' the . u.ison on fire"
followed hiett, , blab of th e "'cupola had
nalurniihed ie nt - for ‘e p ent iii
. paisiona
~. . „ ..
ofgloating but iiel tituted ui,u'rderera. • ,
, - But why, let me us ,-basithe Judge and,,'
his coadici*mi,bnaen tbis as l thepiciperlime
for this iesbibitiop..., lihe .4gislature ;bore
ibillii,i ll o! s betiirfi f 1 44 i ?. '".7 t 4ttiAliai 'lki
=elf fur I'MODOPIti 0 0 , WC ' .*-;) of public
. • li • - I f -
proolik_ Jeep the • olen_Fourtayettra of
5 000 - .4 1°,1 : 1ilii ?! ,:6 * - 1 ,. 44e d. ;liii i :litril ' ., I'r,ta*,
4 1
ft biltiiiii , eiefoittippriwith V liPci#lo4l
'.,...: 1. ; ,:
.010401 , iii - 44 .4 ,0enill ' itiel-soper l e d y a
continuance - of the pmctiele, have broughtit
up at, Harrisburg . The Judge and his
lissoci4tep thinking that Society is ationt!o
emerge &can- barbarism; tVat the leeldtuxt '
purcluised with the blood'iif so many legal
assassinations is about to ;be 'converted into
a fillitful and fertile field fruitful in mercy,'
in hive, in hope, and fertile in advantageeti)
society and to the criminal, must; set them
selvesin array against the constituted author-
'_Modirweit . two
invited gii,est to
I hope
humanity in the
Its.cruelty' o may
mums, that -they
with picaires of
arous, ate. If
slieddeth. man'a
be is of
ities who will iovestigate the subject dispas
ionately; they unlit forestall legislative action.
I will not now partiouing remark upon the
indelicacy of a Judge i4erferini with the
Legislature. I bad 6441 he watknot covet
ing the glory of sentencing convicts to the
exercise' of this brutal guillotine, but iris the
very nature of these black- and bloody -laws
to contaminate instead ofipurifying the soul.
Ile I know has better aspirations, but his
conduct manifests that if he had rbeeti born
a Turk and educated la Mahometan, he
would never rise, in the government of his
family, above the bow-string and the sack.
1 , can be no,in
/ rk records of hu
.uld be morn appli
: more rigorously
ase as '"this F men
1 1 the sanctibps of
l ontbs to make all
ing such a hloody
-1 earts under their
: d fragments to
more fitting wh
it human beings.
.h a morbid thirst
!.. an oblations. I
I victim of this stu.
ionsl• -
dreaming in
1 of the happiness
nt smilinvit the
ister's voice met
NEW You, Saturdai, Jan. 23, 10A. la.
Destructive Fire in . 805t0n....-One
Hundred Hussies Burned.
the truant, brown-
A fire broke out in Boston on Thursday,
night by which onehundred buildings, most
ly dwellings of poor people, and mechanics'
shops, were entirely destroyed. Several
persons were badly injured, but we hear of
no fatal casuality. . •
. was laid upon
sweetly lulled to
'raver. I saw him
; I s as these to real-
orehim, not in its
g, frenzying, ig
&hint clanking
of a half-distract
. ting thehoursthat
emity, and shud
time was ushering
the Divinity. I
..rning, emblem of
lacts, shewing him
(cool refinement of
i re the iron-bOund
litnessed the hours
k, confused and
and weltering des-
tion asked in this Bourse of politicians is
.4 When will the army bill pass i" The ci
ty is filled with young men, anxious to be
commissioned as captains and lieutenants in
each arm of the service. ' The; greatest num
ber of applications are fOr the drago4ns•—
The impression now abroad is, that no one
will be' commissioned to recruit, but that
all who desire to receive appointments must
first procure companiei, and then, if they be
proper persons, of good standing and fair
repute, they will be duly mustered into ser
vice, and receive the commissions they so
much covet. The army bill was delayed
in the Mouse by the impaent discussion
of the slavery question. It is now in the
Senate, and has been there for some time;
Shortly after it was under consideration our
Senator, Mr. Cameron, offered an amend
ment to the bill as it had :come from the
hands of the Military Committee. He pro
posed to give a bounty of'a quarter section
of land to those who should serve through
the war, or be honorably discharged, and al
so provided for thq widows and orphans of
those who should dieln the service. This
amendment was opposed, and as it appeared
to many, from captious and unfair motives.
mind within. I
hanginan walking
, smoking; whist-
ortant actors in a
ctators wailing im
r he would "die
his knees on the
ing his hand upon
i unkbled publican,
its God which was
ut he recognized as
of past days. Lis
° should have ad
onsolation, lending,
ction of the gos
'ng with cold calm
of rite and pray
ntic imaginhigs the
ce in visionsof eter
oly came the chok
round of prayer to
less than A curse
o in such an hour
of his mother and
It seemed as if some who were averse to the .
-amendment, were piqued that Mr. Cameron
shouid,_with his forethought and sense of
justice, have been the father of a piopesi
tion so wise and so humane. It was con-
tended l ‘ t,y some that the amendment -as it
was phrased, as informal, and lacked some
provisions t 6 r der it effective, and that the
subject shoal not be embodied in a bill, but
be the object of specific and distinct legisla
tion. Mr. Cameron, with great clearness
and force, and with an energy and, decision
of purpose that gratified all, declitied to
withdraw his proposition, and urged that
the proper place for this -provision *as the
bill that authorizes the enrolment ofthe men
l 's imploring stare!
1 forgiveness, char
! wouldst fain break
Ltore the Wanderers
lof a pure mid holy
Is would fain dwell
1 1
love my enemies,
ei but as 4 me not
Sheriff, the Judge,
I who defends cap
not do it until thy
from each revolting
into the service; that then they could lear n
that while they were called ,upon to serve
their country, that they and theirs were
cared for, and a .fit recompense provided for
them in the future, for the toils and dangers
they must endure. He produced this stat
ute book, and sho;Pred that in the army bill
of 181 - 2 a like provision was incorp rated,
and with wisdom and humanity C ngress
then offered a protection; and a b wallal
provision, for those who were invitCd into
the field to protect the honor of 'tbeid coun
try. This debate has lasted through, many
days; and the whole weight of it had fallen
on our Sehator, who proudly suitaimid him
self, and now has the kratificationl to see
among his aids and supporters !mat who
at first doubted the policy of connec ng the
two subjects. The main oppositiont came
from Colonel Bercrox. As the head; of the
Military Committee he became anxiOus for
the passage.of the bill as be bad- reported,
and in his zeal to carry, his• point, he did
not pause to reflect, and acted rathetas the
ixdvocate than the deliberating eta
He complained that it would retard 1
sage of the bill, and then, consumed
abortive attempts to defeat the ame
and finally introduced a special bi
bodying the very pioject of Mr. Ca l i
and asked it to be acted upon before
my bill was disposed of, thus nski
Senate to delay action on the i am
whose prompt paissage he had 0) veh
ly urged, that he might carry Out h
project, at the expense of his ow 4 arg,
This the Senate promptly refuse?
and on taking up the army re
ted to the Maitary - CoMinittee, ?tvith
tions to amend it, and attnth the vi
vision offered by Mr. Caineron.l T
now in the hands of the ebintnitfe
debate on Saturday was full of int
Mr. Benton, in his zeal,. lost'hil . •
sion and courtesy of manner, ited
terotis fierceness would have foreed I
ositian on the Senale. He had' bit'
his Mat when Mr. Cameron role,`
the' quiet skill of a practised I Bir.
parried his thrusts and languished'
ver4iry, and then, with a ettlm4 fir
era tone, rebuked the violeace-
Weil exhibited, and reminded the
that no fierceness of manner or to
dritie.him from his purpose. -The
it:n.4l4 and by.none more filt ; trt ~t
spited man to whom ii was di n
t i n
'sauf the calm, keen Rye .. of P nns
sooftesfing_ou him, and,tbe' 6 i
tonb.that_announeed the • simp e, b
,rei4v4, .04 Oat it,'end..Theil h •
with the :0007 . 'of a gePqeniPi;
blandtietii so much his fowl', eiifilt
by, the, chOitge:Of his Maul - Om given
plors.chis.,trAlY ,gre!it ~spiro i t—r a e
0! nikiil iir*lilfurktje4.,- ; .
~ ,k -W-41 4 -,9r,f0 thg Nit !tilt P4i,
toil w_ill . ftgaitp xiitii*lihi.',lpkeen ,
edrino l 4 o ;Siote itioliil6.-ai she
•• 1 ,r,.
Friuli the Harrisburg 'Union.
Letter front Washington. • •
WASHINGTON, Jan, 19, 1847.
GENTLEMEN :—The most frequent ques
loef9 "" tlP () re
- More • eat itip
wa i nthan
- I.
rpvir - 111-a
cluiagt paper
.in regid' to
elected 'to thi
-have (teen vet
yisburi, for the _
the,lemoeracy rem:in! trtim 0(
Gonerclient So taribtta this spi,
iepreslntation been ctied; that, i b,
fifty dilegates had b e n appointed
friend* of the presenexeeutive t ; 1
claimiiig it at the corners °fewi di
consequently spread in Mover the
wealtfi, that Ptinety-silegates ; .
ed, w4o would undou edly „sok!'
notitiniation of. Gov. kink:: Thtj
diregefd, i nt truth: mu t!: be dite..Ompl
It is - tOritical period tn. , the histol
.not only of , Pentiayli
of tbeiwhole. Union , ' fid he iihoie
driludii the party by uch false
as-th4t to which we ave allude 4,
or td 4s principlis,ll eitn-feel 'pi
terestfin its success t an that whi
from the hope of obtaining a pall i
ry adjantage by the"elevation of el
Nor what are th ' facts, up to hi
Severtty.three deleg t ea " have bee . -el
and gout a careful rusal of the pr
lags 41 the meetings y which the w
pointoj el,'we find the ccount to at 'd
lows :i
tninstructed . I
or F. R. Sbu lc • • 1
Ror N. B. Eld
.d , -I
For James Bu s
• For Burns and: Ideal
Tor H. D. F r
i . 1
It *ill be seen .thig, Mr. Shank as
smalllminority of the votes of thei.e
appointed, ind the *hole tenor oi
ceedibgs of the counties which ref se
struct in his favor, plainly indicat.._ ti
unin4tructed delegates .will go . S,lr •
man,land thus secure the success `if t
ty, which it is now admitted ca ;.of
coin :fished by the I re-nominattoli
preseht executive. 4,
Wi trust the democratic pars
Stat%• will expose the false shim
which wo have refolred. Let the a
die tiuth and all will be well. Z e
is noltime for deeeption:—t-il b
gus. E !
Fie Officers. — Col Wm. B R
Lieutenant Colonel- John M. Gr ry
jor, - W. Brindle.
S f Offiesrs.—The followin I
staffOcers appointed by Colmie R
MUitant—Benjamin F. Du ton
Lieutenant of Captain. Nayloes nil
Sirgeant Major:—Richard keN
ptiv4te of Captai4 Loser's. p:
Reading. , j
(limner Master §ergeant—Ja es
son; p i the Westmoreland .Guard
Dlum Major--J. L. Tinker.' g
lililliam .McQua 1 of Gonnp*vii
slectpd Captain of ie .Fayette to
placf of Captain 11. 1 bents, elect .0
SSrgeant Humphreys was el ct
tain [of, the Catnbriai Highlanders i ,
of C'iptain Geary, lected Lieut. Col
Jelin Downey, o i Pittsburg, his '
poin,..ed Sutler of the Second Rer"
has issued an orde
cersiand soldiers u !
app4ar at the nex
whilkots. Many
in contact with a rai
comb to the scratch,
tillolno doubt think
Capi. 'Blanchard,
cheYi ami of Worth
*ors) the general sl
raise a mutiny, an(
sat down to the ()I
- I
fr Said Stubbs'
" IsikA it time for . 1
bill " "My dear I
repH', "it is not a
que. 'on of eternity
1 No License. .
• .1
Yet People rouse ! assemble! hear !
N, r let your courage yield to fear, i
While sauc' venders, taunting, say. l'
" Wh o heals your vete 1 Rum roll th
oAlir ' vote shall stand, Now let you 01
D+lt'all Columbia's topes as well ;
Lets theft and arson lave their'sway,
Ai r darkness blot e ch glowing ruy
Tile fathers prayed, the children Inn ,
Ilie mothers wept, due country run
With peals of joy misl Roods of tears '
Elpressive of our h and fears:
Ktd sisters with th it brothers p 1 ~
r i
- W . heard the voice of the dead:—
let not your stance license death,'
Fir worse than tharhickstepith ..' , :b .
lie pas-
I nne in
1, em
the ar
'ng the
y hill,
1 ement
!is own
igt .
" iihen law is LAU ) defending trot
St aiu that law, a save-the you
T us those-dear vial im speak again,
let the people y--Ants. ~.-,
[Cox :I
to do.
ry ipro
e bill
. .indiPa Vciretly!le Pill
. aie a mita! d igli
`.rine!fbr carryulg qit,_a old & because ti .y
sadtbe4ystrat all MOrb . 1 a corrapt Int
ea of every 100 ci dismanyin so , as)
tirahi manner, that th hotly is reliov o
feriiig as if by magic.. Four or AW3 ' f .
Vegetable fills, talien every. night 'o of
willsin a short time remove the most s
al theiinne time the digestive org s
'torch to a healthy foi#, and the bl so
pot: al lied, that innamatitimi of thelang co
or 'ly other forth 'of disease will be
member, i? origint and '
Ikeember, the ta . a n
Ve*table rills have..ith, e wlitten, il ti
Wright op the - tpplaliel of cacti Wx.
4 1, 0eiltH for the sale ,r wrighei tu
mu! in Montrtise, Id lls&llheiman.: '
genfteit see.advertise • ! t in another . .1.
Iteetipl4 Au
-.1 , IFor the u,l;e
$14 . 1 flisley, ',
,D4ol 'Picket', - 7...
Thimcis Drink, ed..-
4 04,TalT,
`' :
Iriiii-ilitl*; '
, tnee,
t Tirotlieii,.
Ma: of
't (4piks
fci eyen
er pro
eet , and
o ' nion
ere- leet
rt t *le
l* li!ess
in need.
f the
ni .' but
-- .- - i
. , Ptlikl
l e
s a trait
other in
I fol-
nly a
i s gates
to at
-1 at the
e par
be ne
-4' the
Of the
nts to
i• nye
g Ar-
; Ma-
I First •
ay, of
e, was
•• rds, in
• • n ap
ent. •
L BAR If .IBIII.- en
ut Sa t
der his coin an
:dress par s e
face that h n
zor for montfh,
. The Barb rs
it a very judicdo
lieing a vol to
was at fir t
h earing, but as
with tears i
Al call
, must
t come
ust now
of Sal
s orders
•r, and
• cused
like to
s eyis,
at little
it is a
to one of h
,ou to pay-
I sir," Was thi
uestion of t.
I. a. .r.
• Wrigkes
pful rneili
xpel from
Ts, -(91q•
and ust4
) all its - .4iig,
aid Incliin
i , g m bell,
1 note eOld
61111)e ~ea
I intriti_tirtn•
Ilte :ol ll4 NVt '
r other a
he ?espies!, ,
"duet Jan.
:to No.ap
-ir , ,sg
. N .80c
' , :,:lf;: , :;tii l
1* , ,..,'3 oliOio!
•i t 7 - s- , t.; , :1. 1 .
, • - ,•' 5 ‘ . :',1 , ',;it,t.r. , :' x '
- . : - . 0, 1 ;, '.'• , v.
4 4 - , :.39`
.1 ! . 115 i
y ,,,v• .- --- -- qi,-._ '
,On the 20th inst., Bev. Jrans lis med'' ~,,
Mr: tiiiiii'saiii4GE;of bi*. tigaii - iiii4,.. , : - ;
c r ' s g i ' i Ti4A n iftil.°l*-* lll 4 6 !i*le,triiiqtalit ,_.
~.i . , :-,,1 11j ,-. -f1. „; - '
liktillt i lliiiik , ,..“-;. ' 117.:,:'" • t.,
• -:. lii ' ' '`
' i - 1...i.,_ , ..-.. , - i 1
, . ~k 4.• •.'i -- • ..1 i .- • .-•-1 --, , t
of treat : - Yliiiii,f' Pa., -. ~- 1'
15000 - bti§bels -, t)raill.'' t° '''.-'. t
16000' ' d 'R '" ' '
. ' • -, : 9., ; y ne,c f ,i4t v ,--, , ,v, ~
. ' 5 090 • , .d 6 , ,-, e ,.., ; „;,,,..a- r -,...-,. -...-:
• - -'
- 1 ) ..01. - • :Wheat, , i ,,, , ,,.::
20 000 lbs'. 'Ached B de t elibese;tia - 1 ;14. 1 :
/ • _ _ •,' low, Pare tar rhich tha, hiiiiiit'z
price 3011 be paid: , ; -,-, - -1 - - -, ;•
Great Bead, Jan. 1847. ' '; ' , i i,:f , ?'.. , ,,,r
,: o' r 7, ,t , ••` , 4 .
Two the hlCl9fure of the tittbsn'her, Ducar ibovittk
the. middlii"othhirj,
I shoal(' thialreahiliteer writs
Hartnohr:. totinship;
• VALUABMIsIEAtir ESTATE In ilitt --.- :
THE sub.cabii..wrelitor ette'tiiii House aria' tif!'
' 'situated in the Allii ! ,fe of MOrkirato,„known,O!titAil,
old stand of the Temperance Hotel, uoutiog - 8 ' tephni",
F. Keeler's Hotel:'' I'l4t e is 4pou the let a Ortieko,',.'
dious stable forijr - hy
.ai.ity` feet;', %ilia
„*" . 10111`' '
standing abont'fiurleli r s,sogOtlier with :out liiet, , „
~ 1
and a good Iwell'of water. ' PreeeiuOgslrill be fi //
on the 'first of t . Apnl:neit-,iitle‘Aldispiiiiibler.
,sig, .
further partieuhus enquire of rhe:sctheori 'o7tillit!! ! ,
•- ! , • •;STEPHEN'iI 1014'' ..- 1
Mont:road, Dec - D 30th; 1846. ''' -'- isi."'-!.:
sLERS'AND -MERCHANTSY-1 , 4 - ! 4 --",
T HE iiigheidprices in - Ciaii peid. thr sllll,lllBBe
Filar/.At , . ' the-. Old Hat Factiork, 3,d00n Soak-
Of Searles. Hotel; uteri some : ! : :
• • - 4-or 800 HATE. .- ~,,-..-t
of ditferentquilitiel, can be ! had here SI te teliair;
than Hats of the sante- quality luivelerei beini,..:sig.:*
in Northern Peatiejiyarna. •Alsei,atutw'itaili-g -- - . ..:'
1 , •
.. CM'S
instreceivo fionisil. Y.:- : 1 , :-,' !!t• -.. 3 /r / 2461 %. ' '' . , 5*.,- r-,,, . `) .; ,- .i ..
N. W. 1090110U.SE CAT S ' iviatata".
Cash liaid for aut iluantity . BllT,El', PEL'Ilf. '': '. _ r..
'!:F i 'OR 'SALE.
A 0091? assortment of Iron' of all size* atni'dei:
eription, BATAR,-:
Boot* Shoe tinker—shop in kitarie'n .btor.l4' , West:
side of Public Avenue.
R. SEARLE & - €O:.' •
A glibti asiortmeitt ot Dry Good CroOcery4li
j r,l:
ware, &c., West side of Public Avernt; , - , .
Dealer in Stcnies . ' Hardware, Dry Goods,
side of Public`Aerate. ' ,
,: • -
Dealers in Store!, Tin-ware, Stationery,Drr ,
&c. &c.—;;Eitst aide of Pnblic A•v•nne.-
Deniers in lifitts, Caps, Furs, Fteugh'Points„'ike..--
West side a‘Putlic Avepue; ; ;'.
4 E. W. . HAWLEY' ; .•,
Stilt continnep the Blacksmithbig busineotainiti,Tttd
ens branches at his old Stand near icetier.!4,arT6
Attorney at Law, at the oil WELT feiv,gods west
of the Couit,bonse. • • 2 .
Cabinet atutChair..l4talcing 411.5 t! Sign and fang
Painting, I:tirning,-Paper }bulging, ditc.. Shop \
his old stand on. Turnpike in.,: , !t•
- - '-. ttiAmBEIRLIN, -, ''.. ,',:;:. i
• -,
~.w ,_
Attorney fit Law, .Of oi-er thO Store Poo;
& Co„ corner of Public kv*Ope,and
Plo-siciansSurgeon& Mee, Svest'side of the
_Public Aro:lime e - v4.r.the Stortiofß. Searle & Co.
E. E•,• P l9 lx • : G. Z. - 1111 -vuit. -
)..DfES & Lb KE °l '. - -
FashiOnable Tailors,.ever & geot i slist
' • ' I_ ' , • . •
Groceries; Frnits, confeetionaritnt, Draga:ltlediehtes;
Paints, thlit, anti a : vnriety of nick ,ntteks.
. . .
111ILL,S & SEItR3IAIV — .
Farmer's, Suire. A general r*iiety.of gooda &drega
on hard: 'Oneilcior below ' a reside*, of Jodk,
Coach, Cariitgc aid Bleigb Ninialfacinmrs,'
pike streeat tha•pa,HeardsleAut i Tiady
to serve eustOniers, in the Tist tyle OA.
is)taittlAhits4 . 4jor
Ban, and repairing done on &knit notice. ; _ ,
DAVID Clar t *ON§i -etro.
CarriiWe Ina" Sleigh %kliker
fonud at shoip a f,e.w,r4 4 4g.ouiliatli - "Wia"
where. e N%*r on Cwdomers.
. - POST- flu
. .
Iron Founae add Plough IVl‘nnfitetenboii at
the old istend near the residence of A: Port r
- 6r., ERA, : )r
Attoiiiey3 at f acv; 'Citfice 41,"
Attorney all Layk• i( f ice st
Avenue, .IV!ree'#te Ststea, Mulford ¢OB4O.
DENTISTr-Sets Teeth on Oild Phwaistatierfinins,
all eriatious ou the tee • in , the best sqler...—Ctu
'be foie ii' Oitellatatrjohd'TPefg:
• daysiireneitiveek r
tl r`.
liwnialsrlettigeo. - 444:
Has," Jitic*T6Ta..:
dotiziai A RiAT IWO&
', .
Th,,theilvet , rat, tr the
1: 2 " 1
Can tau 1 1 1 :141:seel
, ..w. O
c '-••• i
- ;,:•41.[.: •
.... ,
i ; chiee. tO
!P .m . 1) . ° 4 4* fti1 1 1014