The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, January 21, 1847, Image 4

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d- .. , NNen,3%
' •
biemensint bunk ar
re•AWiiiii - 31011; liiiiite ' ar
11 : :e!qiihW'nfiteti'" - ' f 4 .-tv3 dig
e f ,*
Girard de
_,A, , ar
Peeetsilla Aco"_: 1 - dt i
Dtirifiliit Wester , I m -
C6esitcloiatViOlfe *if
=cry co . ! mr
t b'jr. Buctlen
kNiirtrusoraqh: Read)) )ar
Beatenl Mr
'Northampton Ito
.I„ ; ‘,rm i lta#
ar • ctysle •
ii,m ,uo u t r %' l , l
Iketown, 44: 1
Cariale s 1
Columbia britiges. r ,
Mitiete bk,
Wry bk•Viiikesbl
. certilicatm
" post notes
York A 1
tietiyabirgi • .t
C banibersburg I
‘1! n_rnesbg - 2
i !
4rt ka CO dank in 4
,tossdalb v 1
Snsq'il co
1 his Wai - rrn Oao
• igni Cy Script 26430
J..l^Ch Scrip{"[ 15
eth i.Fac f:
1 . City bank
0 .-101! IV;1 , 11 bk
ILidlt Q I,k it . 30( dis:l
;i141, e bald( fraud
siorti: Ricer bk'g en do
((1 . 1% Tru 4 t. do
i“,!. , ol4vi:rert bit —441,
I , ll.the-dlains bk' 0 u dis,
bewis. co.bk dis'
Clue 4-p.t)ro bk Buff 51 dis
%lieu* of Clydk(Heil
riarbk of Seneca 6)— ,
,:ma .6k N Yor1:4 1. 21 dim'
, gatrurctte bank
)1 .9 Ak'g -cornt 661,61
DiA bank 4.1 1 1 . died
ter Trost co 9.1(1ipl
al: .1'14101410 g 55 dis
‘‘ 4 7 10 4- 33 1 4 4
' •I,k 30 1 16
•i 551(14
.1' hanks al d is;
• ' 3
' . .
;•. • • • • • in•soul
c'r • 0 4 (eh eep•Rie 4(h.
•• • :• N!,11 , 4t Co .d,.
1 s nl Lii‘• • •
\!..,1V HIRS
40.eilar,; ( e and Minnfla-- 1
hi: Trent arl
i'r-rmr*nn Inak par.
•1;,•Id halik 119. dist
, :mtir.l,l; at Canule9 pan
C...altherland hank par
Nitaint Holly, .
Salem Bli'a co Lft:.
Munniontli - bank ei
N 4 op Del Blidzi g tjis
Trenton 131 Cg co ola par
All other banks taxi
firefz,Mectt bank if
1% . Bruttmick to sale
Nola Bk'g & G co ill.roke
„Washington Bk'g ac,
F t ranklin bank 1.1 do
-1/Firspy,Pity Bank do
Nrontrioutli do
Manuf Co , do
Protec and Lomita* do
atala- bk at Trentoti do
Fraa.of N Brltnswir"..k do
Nreciaik Pattrsont do
, •.. . ,----
4 -AwlE Fatnilypibles for lOs : slot cnmmon anti
• -pocket Bibleilt Te , nunents, (i . enttraphie: aid
Atlases,Arittnneti'ts, Grammars.l'llilasopliiral and
Chemical Books; ;Polite's. Fainteders'. and, Town's
SpellMg.Book ; Ptitt . er's 'Readers. A good assort
ment of Toy Bookit and Tickets. Also. the new
Hymn Boiks for tthilnitbytetittn. aad Baptist serits.
_Melodist liti n it . Books, Blank Books &e. &c.
Ilifden.le'by e, J. Lyons.
sept. 10, '46. ;17.t.
PAT.ENT. rails,?..,.,Btiooms, Clothes rills, Butter
`'Scamits and. Ltiales: by
J. Lyun's.
gala. "4f;
20 Per u I c e e tt ef t eler offered
in this
nt: rtP If.
aIOE, stock o(pqme av,als, and more of thht
rate Tea, ttzt in ut
3. 2846 1 . ; a •
. ,
LILT, nautillas Oa Aprons, and AlpaFa aprons,
-a kit
FE awgor !black atll thread, and cotton
. •..BilL•iintg,just *rived at Sealisbory'&
I b est
style and quality of
d slippers---also u lot of ex,
just come: at
• Snl*Rhury's.
it n,reut.Tari 6
pty et
r;:ilfii'rs. Duskirt
1-r•rrltly low priced '
ep.t. '6', It 46.
421)_ .
I LC. !LEST_ Market
price will be paid for any
, Oats, Eye, Corn. atul Flan-
tinets '2O per Cent. cheaper
le at Salisbary'R.
• ver, inert. col
1.770:1, 474: to
rogana, at the reduced price
at . Batas Bear's.
• ;
a lot o i
ait wir..
par f ,
ecpt. 1(1.1E4.6. 1
first rate Bole Leather, 'and
1, :: . " , w-7ret:1. 11it6. 2 to :15 cents
1 / ' . Ba*bury's.
1, for only 4 cergs
A FRESH lo ;"
i.ept. 10, 1840. ;4
9elnii WO) gild
g 055 ch eap
Lit4e storp,
147 fJ , I , !tr.E.tyozul: ,
. . ,
„,1 4S lieL t
14 ;$
1 1 . 4 0 3 '3 f:; i
1'46. '
5. /1 i
' *lfliVsfOr. • f
"DEN • 144LYNE•
A Fi*Bartele
I '
'Under $56 • i "
All 'Solvent 'benks :dis
Vti.nk • ,L•T n .7
tAtrieidttinsl.konli !s14;„.; - ,
iQry'bk rottlend' -
°Durparisentin do
1:11i -remit& bk do
uter Canal bkdo
Cold bk.
Westbrook bk -ilo f'
Chive/Ls' bk . do
Globe bk . • do ,
‘Va.,lrington co do
Frookiinil bk • do
All solventtbsnikn• 4 dis
"„" YEttMONT.
IlailVor St Aibthis t 'Fos
Bk•of Bennington
All 'solvent books.t 4 (118
botvent banks Adi
sokent &inks
Biltimore hanks r . 1 dis
eurapseo bk dis
Mineral hank dis
Fretlericktown 4 11,4
ilagerstoWu,.. dis
Far & hia
grnktown• 'broke
WestnAster j dis
WAlhagirport 1 dis
inaeriand I,dis
Salisbury broke
Pranklinsbank • ais
Sosquehannali brOke
Millington . broke
'retletick co bk 1 dis
Broken bks varioimpriues
Baltimore S Ohio Re.
licf•notes lO dis
Bank-of Delaware Par
Wirri& par
Farmers' bk Del par
Union bank par
Bank of Smyrna Par
Under ssd 6 did
,Washington City die
'Georgetown j (1i;
& Mechanics' a dis
!Alexandria • dis
ilk of Alexandria broke
Alechauica' bk broke
Franklin hank 'no sale
Merchants. hank do
Ea bk & brandies If dis
Fik of Va &.briechs 1 dis
Far bk C. b'rlis 1 di.
Valley bk Sr b'ch l die
Wheeling Lai dis
Scbeeliiii.f-p mates Ilk dis
; Noßtli CAROLINA.
All banks ' 2
liotw 2. di
_ _
All tolvcitt banks 1,1 dis
'Small notes' dis
'Bk. of St Mary's. 5a
Ormulgee• do
. .Ifouroe R . do
Columbus do
Pho , nix hauk do
Exchange hanky do
;Chat. LI hank ; do
rentral hkof Mill do
B'kg do .
!Rocker Irk!: co do
All solve ut hanks
All solvent banks Sat ills
Small notes - 8 tlis
2 IliQ
4 2 (lift
Solvent bk nnteg
Bank of Illinois 70 .16
State bank 50
Small notes
2 di
3a34 thN
All solvent banks
All solve/it banks '2ia3 ais
Southern Life & Trans
portation Co.
. .
• - -,. 4.?7i4ti1EV1. /441: , ..! EitrElll(vini.
5.u.4.0 : y) tile, Ntpmn C (144914,u:4 'siiii3l .to lhe
cure cif ei'e:ry cui:Ulife airi
. 414 c, will be 1'0411.4.4,,
.1.i.1a ,1, 1 4 - :2_; • r ;,-,i. :. (*.Mit c.: :, ri , '7y ': - 1,.!•;'
North American cgilpp, or : Reallk..o;jl (::
These etr . ti,on.liaar34ll.l4 4,l;e„ficipvispe t i,of, atm::
whicleßOtinittaneaOtoltroite own soil; aid tire,
utgrolkcetolt,cltot tuitrottittii, eurixonstitutiimWtleui
, Medicinits courocfed il,Tri fprt*. aru,rl;nwsltcr
well they inav hr ceinvoiatilt 1 .1 . ; :ctrl .t 1% liitlit'ti Tii - :
(lieu iVqierubie, rills arc ithugled Ili ion , theithntipla
that the human Inuit- iA in trlitli, , , . ;• 1, . j . i . 1 ,, i
Subject to but gvelDt.4 . ecise,
1 namely, cinrupt, lunne i rg, dull' that- Staiii•irlfeihidne
cures Chit, tkicasit on, na1.1.1.r.4 principles, hy viol/psi!. E!
and plirifyie, the botlyl. it Will be litiWifest that,. if
1 the constitution be not entirely exhatisied, n pettie-
I via:lure in their use, a curiiiag to ttirections„'is iih
solute:lv certain tn 'Vivi; iliiiiuse of every name front
the leshy.
. .
Witeu i we wish to restore :a swam I or.unvsl to
'tb 4 aili it ()flip) 4414erilleinIniit water. lu
like manner, if we wish torii. , itere the huh
we must cleanse it of impirity. NVrii;hr.
Vegeihbld Pills will be founTheue of the hest. if out
the, very , best .medieine in thLi world. for - carrFing tat
this groncl .pnrifying priaciple, because they
fitim tliegtecly ll mnrhid alai ceiTupt limiter, the
cBnge,uctlie di...q.rase-, in an ni•y and natural •manner,
nail while they every d a y
disease of every tonne is yapitlly 'advent !ruin tt•
The fql.lnwing highly IN:wee - 1111e storekeepers
have , been ibtly nz.eut:, for I u (.1
I\'ri2ht's. Indian l'e F etabte,lilLs iu..4intnuelniuna
• *Ls Q. ! Shermap, ?Montrose.
ira. goon, Springville;
L.'ll.iiroodrutT,T.Dimbek Corners
Edwin• Tiffany, 3roolilyn.
A. Greenwood, Burford.
.tames Dußois, Great Bend.
L, Sutphin & Co. SMiimersville.
14. Burritt, New MilfUrd.
E. Kennedy, Gibscin Centre. '
Smiley & Curtis, Emit Gibson.
Wells & Co., Dundaff.
Trirbox , & Burrows, Rushville. •
.I,aines Comfort, harmony.
17. Burrows & Co.: Gibson.
I. G. Pride, Harford.
Charles L. Brown ; Friendsvillc.
Offices devoted excliisively to the Fall., of
Wright's ladian Vegetable lilts, of the North Aliper
ican-College of Health, Greetm ;eh st .Nevm
York; No. 793 Tremolo st.. Boston: and reitte;pol
office, No. 269 Race st.
CONIPRISING the following
1,00 grosl, Cont. print. +St, jatidishirt.flnt-tons;
200 litz._ 4-orv, dress; and hail; Comb.;
4011 papers A,l, j. 11 ;Inv' Bradt:
1.000 do. 2i, :1. 4.C.11.11k 12, 11; IC. In &. , 21)T:2,14,.--:
doz. ,pool Thrvail ;
100 ihs, cttoif, and silk Tkread;
10,000 skeinoiand sewbid Silks;
15,000 Neetll6s, from Nol 1 t 6 10, fin- finality
Titiist, Con!, imk y, Sp..llS, Q4179n:,
Soap, Brusbel, Stay-lacei, Tan,•, Hook,
& Eves, &e.; for sale by \ UP , NS: CLE3/ICi.
: sept. 1B 45. !
S. S. & 541.
ARE nom receiving a large assortment of
Fall and ll'imer Goods, which they
will sell for Cash, Bartell, or approved Cred
it,' as, cheap as can be bought in town.—
Their assortment contains a full stock of
Goods usually- kept in country stores. •
Dec.i 10 4 . 18.46.
COLE and UPPER LATHER fur sale
1.3 cheap enough, by IS.S. M. & Son.
0 I.llo\,'S, White's, and Burke w Story's
Cast ; Steel Axes. for sale cheap, and
warrantnd first rate, I,)y-'; N. & Son. r
A -- i--
NoT i nEp. lot ot. those good Fauning
Milio, just rcocc..i‘ed—ako; smut: larger
ot the sane sort and will bt! sjoldsleap ley
,- •- .
hi. & son.
.611 ,3 3X.,3*
ALTANTED at the s tet:, 11. Searle &
Vl' Co. tin)- quantity 61 Pori, iu exchange
for Goods and part Taz , ll.
BY virtue of a writ of Vrnilition: E•cpnna , .
outof the - Conn - of Cotennin l'lrac of
•lnuitia County, and to rce anci
be expone4l to publir .ale at tine Coiirt-liou,n i 0 M...a
-rose, on Saurday the Pith day of .11 -notary next, at
i F. M., ci.Ttaiu lot of laud situate in tlie
towu.ship of Brooklyn, in the county of Stniuchan
na, ant " Horton's. Creek,” containin2 about 8B acrl-•.
'lmre or leint, together with the e•lual *filed null
of a itraW-inill thereon—lioutnled on the retst lee laud.
of Abel firtien: lan the cvestbiviiniiiii of iSret s i...cril:
tni tie i north blink iate.l4 . Pratt, Irish or, I lir
:.antby lands iurkuarnr, with about 15 acre:, lin
lwmld-. •
Seized tutd takeu iu eNeetitain at the suit yf Win
Feltun 211{1. vs. Joint DNA-
N. C. WARNER, Sheriff.
Slierifri4.)ffice; Mont- )
rose, Dec;. 39,11446.
WANT,EI.3 at the Hat Storc of Merrill & 11.00 t.
11.100 cards of 13 .and i. 20 inch wood iu ca.
claufge for Fiats and Caps. I
Doc. '413.
Tti exchange for Giods, int . +, following articlus:to
I. wit: ;-Iceute Asbest Flax-stied, Timothy and Clo
ver Seed Onions, Dried ap- -
ples andreadies. Butter, Chee s e, Lard, Pork, Flan
nel., Bock's and Stockings, To'k-cloth, Xersey bags,
Beeswax; Lumber, Firkins ana barrel staves, ie.
ir AMP:: OIL, both winter find summer, foti snle
14 by • B. SAYBE.
LINSEED OIL , by the frariel, by
CODIPSII, Mackerel aid Shad, by
paid for beef hides, b'y
GOOD Carpeting, for oale
•, 13. SAYRE.
Dec. 24. 2848.
ThßEElys tipper Leather,tutaTtrectrate i‘ole Leath
-Rik er for sale at Salisbuto.
Dec. 24..1846.
FURS—Cash.aud the highst price paid- ftkr all
kinds of shipping, furs by
Dec. 446. .111 - 2113 RILL & 111)0
i LitATITER. I '
TUST ileceived a new supply cheaper than lever.
11, Guotli:it& Leather front I to 15 cents. l' Up
per Beadier 214 Gil to 3g, pert IL—Calf elciuo acienril.
1 . 1 4 4 Y. ! ' i ' B. RAYBE. '
' . ST()Vs :•
••• - • ' .
(3 1 ,RANKLIN combination g stoves. 1
Washington air tight , ,-• do. • .
gmsair tight-, • • • o.• , do. :- i
E P4Oti4tr il,B lo . •• ~• ^ ~04 .. .do. , • •
Dimllle War.
Rotary:, ', ~ .o. • .d.o. i :
9 HAI • . i
Victi•gm • ;
Parlor. : .
.4.. - . -,,.' •. . do. I,- .•1 ,
Air rig4ffitiiitir iiinve.B . , • • --i• - .1
p ; gi
C4tatebilgid,s4opotoves , • '4., . , li, • , : ii-' , ..ii •:
Stove Wares of 41Alimis. - -i ~.- - 4,t.,..;• 9 . 1;<7171‘:
B PAVAPi" 4144W•44414 ; 414 ' ii;floal. :&4.
&ca0r,084,6:ch041:14`1 ,-., I* & e: I
Itiozitrose, Sept. 22; 1896.
• -- -- - •
l , i;, l o ei lll;44:XiGsz 44 Juu.v.
lu mp p w , .1 0 7 , f ; _, o- A
111 Fir: , 5 - tir . 11
r it itr) t b0 "0 .I..'i licc ii.iiil lV . Ck, i ll t i:i l : ii 7 '
u it t i . ( (iii. 3 .r,q°ll , , t ,P l PiM .Y • i * -ti ! o o 7
iiiii '-ylniii 4 tVii itiewbd .6, tie'pli p_nrciliond .
tfie l ieificasu;tivwf4ivfii46='', dna:lv-Of fie
sold as cheap as can :he font) in thi s sec=
Lion of eotuttf,y,.. ..frfi,t s e,,ful,f4i , past favors,
the, si4iserilie(feeis . OA:si r
~ t11:4 the...ex
fre fi t ely iriielmtys :ii 'iv Mai lie Is ctiabled to
tiller? poiigi . ii ., % . , l ol . lierli .4 . c iniinintip i;l*
or fintig4V6"l'Vß'.4..italt,' ; ' 6 ' . ' ' •
t l
'):l3',ntitilititil'ite'tild ati . eilti' n Of 'the pith-'
Ide'ttl thell.49ng.
• 'o.lslit:ners'4 ll trti , L,iii,,. 4 - di...
and *eiJy. c'h'i nip. ' - - I ,',
'Ati!tide:ti itti l d, i , oltl' /lairds '
beted,f than — ever,.
' A ilh'rze aid' spiel ag.qo'it
cos, iii•Citle(itv 'tlik eV 'pt.Ys't ii'l
this inarket
1' 9111 e cI*SiIIIV.FS I 4 ,grialt., 1( 1
i large nssor.
c'es Oat
Plain anefiiii* . .Salttiets t y
mold elorhs:Ms& Cet)t,
peti-ard,' :I Oh OtheT i#l1 . Igs at
moils,' and 'NV
. Rods,
Siivra-It large supply or 4
Stig*; n.4t:receivea,iall will
as the Chetipeit:'''
Java, Laguayra, and Rio I
will he sold very low.
3f()lassei , at only 4 (id per
T6as---a large lot Of those 1 . 1
Teas on hand again.
6 lbs. of Tea for onti dollar.
Leather, pronouirtd by ih,
the cheapest ill town.
Sl)Mtill . 4g, Cotton Yarn, B;
ing, lfardwake, Tick
Buttons, Bleached Nlruslins,
ike,,! all very - cheap.
VCstings, ti spletitl4l varlet:
Velrbt and :-;atinArestitio-s, jus,
J. ; 117 S t I
Monn'ose;l.sth Nov. IS-Ifi. I
I T 11:I , I ,l •l44tirri•utiy r
i ki . yolirnogii ti 1 0 .1 1 .1011
~.% I, the a1'U1.:1'..4 11 /111/11.11
" . ' /Fri?.¢, that in pant ..f v
, - I . .1.. , , the snnpll- 'of FIAT
Mitt: Tii I. &-, 000 T 'S ' I lilt and Cap. St,
, lide I if-the I.' , l)the. A, ,lithli ill Nimnti•
01;112 ',.f !he lona ,•% IT ..xlio, 1 . .. 1 . ..,
oflotilltry. R, lilor, flu V. , ;1 d i , ert
Ertnettillwr Ilic l',”•1- ;10.1421.t1;ti0n:
I )tri- ih-17-jb 1, tr:
An; pr,': ...3 , 4e the g1,0,i tin or
Ott. •22, 164(1.
6 ,44) Doze
17TNI: r -
„0.-. 4 11,„„,
Hat to whitth ;)
/hall el it /-
.1'1;44/y 0411. .
I T. )U n•ril
1)01. ,•iturrel Dcur atirl
SDOZ Otter,' seal. Nutria a
211451e:::4 and .10.1.4
91)0Z. I,lf-11'41-aid BPtita 09k a
Siati.r;, a r"v. drrian Irildiidir Hobe
ty of II:Ur mm.l., , naltri,,audlivorstvd
y -
ft D 07.. slrh.
0 1 .. , ii - unl•p.:ror. s ay..airdiv.rool Ha
C .V511 for It, by:
priGIIAM'L)N Pliny fcir
A- 0
Al o % - ayitlf• County' Poiutti
DM .
C 'B
N ALDWIN tent)er, hi s ; ;
• the exte;:ie p:i ii
ron;l 2 -i• •
eil, and winild inform he publ
taken a Parther, which hay e
make a tine inkprovetztent in
Grocery, and also, to aittain a
mentof GROCERJEii, such
, 1
Tea,yoiree, :lava., All3pikik,
gei, Cloves, N intzteo,• Chin,.
tus, ,ItaiEins, Letnniis, He
31;inkerel 1 iSword-t144. Rice
la-si.ctis /Jar 'Soap, Nutt 'rob
bets. to -:Jets` per ,ponuti, Sp
dipped Tullp..r.Cartriles, Sc
Also, as tine an ns§orttnent
Toys for Cltristmns anti' Winv
ever drought into. Ilflontrose
kinds idid,.Candies of the be
of which will be - sold 0/I.EA
but No, TRUST.
Pies, Cheese, Cake 4, and C
kinds 4 constanfly'On hdpd.
, of. goal LARD
exchange for Groceries or Cas
To.thc Gentlemen,an d Ladi l
like a).GOOiI dish of 011STEl3..
bite of good Pie, Cheeiie, &c.
we have .good Eating.ll.nono
well fiirnithed. 'rail int
at theflrst door, in the bitsetnen
L. Searle's Hotel.,
.f 8. We intend: to ikeert ;1
from Jiovs who ought tb be
have no business lurking tirotin
Mobtriaser•Deeember 11,184 r
•A. ZJ1 , 11,32.70 j
NAVE received their ti§ual s
and Wittier c.;pods, _whit
their .(ild.frientil, anti- ai4o, riew
and'examine, and they yillfin
assortment as mintr,peoWe kee
ti94„Onl9lltn,g Pry, Gro
ware, 4c."&c, t and .geperal- v
ings, NV ere peopl e will i v sari:
ggt,4kei i wprth of their innuey.
Nov 21i,1r46.
N. , pays.butte
give more Gonclg,tpr en,to,4y•
and mist....ttll in*aree
any rioltt kindibfPlunei'ir to'
well to ! eall and fry: tit I , S D
Ittiftli(1111) 1
TfiggAkii*.* 44i
mbelo.or: Fall Land.. Wint
O #44OOI4.PASI T '. ,
t r , c.:r.rsvuAsLE ,
Montrose, Nov. 4, 1 iit 6.`
4-Gte (1
1. •BewftrA L l,Vautioti,..,
lje l. inr474l4l° g VPFlari i nP f N E : = :9TPa n i - lig n itoo :.
;,,,,pkM-ildinai . iin Trete:tie sugar coated
m tl e s has
01 , 1sersdus to 'ifrake. ,
thely Gait Vn.i.s lllt ,00atFogg', RIR cxicr
'h ur`selfihinii they ao hiot pot
owlft part t iole‘of ,tis!..goodra.4‘, aasitailate
in appearance fo' the original ;Pr. ) . 5A!!4,11 - c5.1 .. 06....,..1u
short, they are an intei - itieti Fll.At'D olio)) trip com
munity. A 'milli:A(l who. Ara], /Laid an interest in
an iation siit. , 3 - m`enni•dif
eN... S . .,ktais.givoil them trp,Li . iot B,r iwarf , on ac
t:Mild ...Af the tiliserteole ihshottest parties imheerneil
If `intaai s faeotrinz. l/inh arr now
[nri,n4trit , .Ura3l C 2/ Z. \ eltotts.:ilin.. 1 1,iteft Po ;,,hire
)r. Smith cad to .Ith•rt tjs t : r t pu,talioul o f Ll.. %.alaa
bh) iliflS; than do Gee theta 1, p/110111 . , Dr.
t3miUt is iibaut, to instinne proCe6lita."l a;:a;nsl
tiala ttts their sLindors t has i 4. Inioilter case
r:f;tlll..qt. a , itnilar party. in \‘114.11 he recovered s
htrgi aftmuht of ilanairml. Thais itoiseralAr- imita
h)f? halm to rt.:sort:to-1)w mast almmitiabh) mom , to
't •
pain ,011 C 4 l l lll-I'l r • . t ~ cl, the, public 1:110%%
that. Dr. Sitithistara.the L original I .4ma
ili , tai/CV, have. c.n.: pahlic notieo
life ha been itialattL i f,-r,l lev tla mdintultatt, use or
the 'ronntAricita, . It is ltr.ii4mities.Pills , thatinre (Jo
h; so- nitwit good. in the eottutrze,as UlY
410 .
Nhtre- - lose and Tacoma:newt Dr. ',Smith's
fills Man all utltera. 3
This fs to certity'ilint 7 thine I.lSeti the sii ,, nr refu
nd. itrio t tnatauretl (rh. Ben.iimult 6iiiith of N.
l'ork, for ..tie Mips. and bull, them to Mt
medicine ; and nl.o, trop inr i niry iu that city. T atu
la•nalaileil that he is the iiripnal inventor, acid there
fore is entitltli to flit. benefi l tof the invention.
ant patterns,
cheaper and
tv• • .
riety and ex
uncut, at i)ri-
..ry ow. er
, 40 ,
he same rate.
trie!ly prime
I.)e r sold eti,e4P
P3stor Ist 'Baptist Church, l'iWhnr h.
From 14c BikP Ckirkra, (/)e/..)
W. , call the lateation ul•wn- rt•.eler, Or the CCri
ertteof I , ,ft Baptist( lairrh
Vin....leiry it in 11:latioa Io Dr. Si.uith's e eau
me, l p, helir te.tiniony trl the excellence a the..t•
fill • one of us hitviin: used. them and exi4riented
Br. 31 loan Ile',
ofTees, which
ahm e pai;er eu th e O f I)el
best judges
" inP/9)% ) 1s: (Na
,zar rotrlill,) nnnh iu till'
W Wirt vatutrv, and art• ItAlNined. if ithf• kW'
tit:o l u up:i•
Tire 111(.11. 41 . 114•Mt1i , 11 1 . 11:11 111
rditor ut t lbe Northru-ai 61it1 , ! .10nru.d.. (ime of
tau: 111 'it 1/:1 itt LI the , 131.1.. of N. V.
sting, Wick -
ng, Flannels,
of Worsted,
attleum u, May 31,•111.0i
1)r. (;. Ilonj
hrnr sir
: !aid np tc ith n 1 n.l rolil some
t.nnw sito.e Loy retttru truth N. 1., nod chinh; thy W
ises.- I notch. t,ial
•owl I totqa i tzty I
foln:dtheun uxtelleht. Thek4 ore thellect
tur thy intrpqbeb they ur , ithot I hove ret
•rll. I N1•111.11:1 1119,1)n:' I fotillti Votirt• ,III 11.1•-
1.,7 tree liton,the okhjeeti:.o,..ko kt-hieh other jab art.
14:upc. tlu)) cc dl cut/time 1,11 he n but/rec. 61
1.. iict iiiu y st ;11 111: :1 141 , 111 Z; of
relief to the atlitch i p ,ot n
, 111111
t hap,
mid CAPS. n?
re on the Weist
I•Xce•edo an)
Tniin4.lto.4l. N. V. ,
j), roll;
..jr: You' - u;•-!!! 1..r1 v.:1! le.' ler of )..",
awl s I leiNt• Ulf few homes left.—
Yr; It. L giveal etture
I ''.1:•••1 !Lou 1.1 , - 1•:f "and . ' 111, m
1 1.. • ester :Ind 1 rlia,rllllll. ret3,l:l
1:4 5 1.1:;.1;c. 1 mutt furtiit.r tr00,21.1)-
kI.i.SLE.II. M.
:il.l ‘ ";/1: fire r .
. •
t'r. Stahl.. ! --
: • I ".n, .t 4,11,:t.
, , •• r - ,J , %,•
.:'• • • .% i•
plc Ml:c at 1....L5t for :Jean, 411 , 1,4, 4 IT I ,
...,•1111..,1,1.1,11,,‘‘,/ I
a.,....cnt :Jr Iticat, I •0.',,,11L1
req. 11. ITtit ant.
Sc. ist,
nr Cral. ar
• .11 &
d Muskrut I-ur
M s R'ss.
cloth Cipt,
& ft's.
1 carhin nlazocl
.. and. , auv - ii
alb Net
C--4f BENJ. ii,MITII, bit upt writ
tt•ii wi:b a pr-ti on 1)..t;•,:n of Qtr Lox, t.t;
coated" 1511 g Or!. entIN'TP.ItPIFTI!
Principal Office 179 ,treet, large brick
t brock, 1•i. v. Price .25 cent„ a Lox.
fir nhd
:-.a1.611-1 hie -Ca
.ll &
Azt-ht 'for "11KU:at V , ! 6 .01 . 11,10
e! 11 .4.
Nltnit r(qi• \. 11itd , .•1 -en. tI J. I;theri,lr.e-
N.,. 1;11.: - ritt
STl:ntneK'ville—t. 1.. S,l
M ~. R
GA, '
M& Us
bo - nitolcH) !n, .
_ a Irri<ln I. Tll.l6lht ,
1, 4 r, for \tiU Cil 31121 j V. )1 L.: paid
LE. I,v
•eat. =2l.
ynnk.s.- to: the
I. 1:0 , reveir-. f it
lot, T 1; It 4.:‘n.L;
athled 111111 !.. ~ • -••• ll.•
,is Nhop, or 'wt.!. 1•4
small assort, NEWEST ST' I.E ,
• ti ta t they an• prt•piired to r.•rve thoin in a rtyle
thir.i!at v. the-y ithuk
(Flirt- rn bnastin:2 11U rt-thier rypitient.
I I epper, n
mon: "Saliva
ion, Codfish,
cock for . from
nu Cundlos,
I , mtr-ose, Chi. 7. It:4h
• .
T" -
ItT the cheapest - lot of - t-koods•ever otilr..d in
t. 16., n.a4ce.l., CUW 1101 V Ela found r.t tilt. Nt(tre ~,
Os LY© HB. 1
, .
:'0 pls. calico 1(. ! 1- 1)1Le Dollar, Cad , . ,
. 'll yds. Slieeti4:. do. ,i s .
• '
1 his. env. ToLnern. dn. dn. •
•ii lbs. Vomit' I tyson Tea, do. do.
- lbs. Coil-Fish, , ' do. do.
Su:-.*, entree, Ifida..s:sc...i, &c. &c. &c. , . .
f Children's
ear, as this
Nuts of all:
quality; all
for CASH ;
ckers of all
. • 1
, .
1.50 ( B _,TnLt,';`,l4 — orA%%i•Faiti;!Yitir„"k'7ii, l 4 -.lltif‘c ne.'s—
EnTire - do do : a.
Washington . .do do ! do
C, OD billadr! do I 40
I' trlor d o, i 4o
Coal, Parlor, Box, and all- titzbt Stoyles, Siovo Wa-e
of all itinirs,kr. gr. &c., dti;Nip for cash ori.!intfrovcd
and ai-procrtl credit. - . , i 1
-LI O , .NS , & cliAjsi DL ;.', a.
Montrose, June, 1J3113., . • .
'TED, ill
s too, all who
', or a cold
please- call,
ad Tables;
tt* a bite,
story, above
'e room clear
I home, and
Isaac Post + o.
ARE receicing their FALL 4 wiNTEIt 'pods,
which will he, suld cloßif) y cati be bought in
town. •
French, English, and American Cloths.
and•steel-mixed Beaver ••• dd
, Satinets and Kerseys.“ -
Velvet and Satin Vestings—ricb.
Plain and plaid Cravam
Alpacca, Cashmere, and d'hoin Roses.
Bonnet: Satins, purple and blue. I
• Bonnet .trimmings-;--rich.
Dress ;trimmings, fringes, velvet Ribinds,
&Gimps. .;
Prints, 80 pieces—frottva toe:Sets:Wiry&
Ginghams, 'and twilVd, 7iCh, c4Prd.
.Shavids-.-,Broche, ;Waffle; • -
-,Groceries,-inrge , assortment. ; i• -
Taus, front* to Ss per lb.. • ; '
Iron, Spring-steel, Nails, BandLironinta
Crow-liars.! • r;; , ' i r
ppiy of Full
t they invite
otteli f to Cull
us good an
in Ana sac
•eries, Hard
riety of fix
ed that they
prices and
Oats, flay,
/ !q!!aPY
who have
Il_would do
• Hardakare oft every kind: , • •• • I.• ;
,1111.11-stuns and files. • •
LoOking-glasses; 'best ass 7 l:ia tcnvn, -
Cet t ekeryi ,t, r • 4: !OP. ;,
A lurgetiStock of .111 en's =said: Itbrii Itoots
-Brogans"—also Woinereti and 114akssi
Skoo of every descriptiotu- 7
• kIIQU4
• bust Ot=friendir rrill - atiefed cab iitid
e_F,llinifierioaroltock-4-we 'sea
7.1 AAC - -I,7 , PCIrr qt r ,llo
Montrose, Nov. 5; 184,6.
,41 •.,
• •.iugxtheir
Afr , ettnoatitL
RMAN.-:-.• •
. • .
.T:irr 21.
!an K. cc,
, • .
: . -: . •,..., : ,..1 1 1 : 1 .I. „,...:..,,,,,•'
0• . . .! • ' ;
~ ; 1 ,- j,„:,i, t)1,1!) I tliir ti , ri.Vii i:
crititE. . 1 61W.4 Oil* Recilael*LAiliddifte - 4. l tiVl
_8,.. ilig ; .1"e tiio of an ete,ir,eli,llCST and
Atifftnento YOB TYPPl;'ltiililic , ii;lStfeft4lltoii& 16,i
ia W 21. c4y 1 - 4.*ljofftPtorY: 'Mic e Al! flt.inits rofri,i tit I. c.. :
..; .• „- . ..„ ~,,; ,:.,.,,,_, r ,i. ••i i
at pricesl sitit:tlfr, tiro** ;,, „.,i''... ii ,i ;; ..
;,.. ki d t.,X - 4 . ~ ,5 7 ,,,
cri i i)
C 4.14.3; . ....- ; . /...CILICAIIO :: : 231,..!:
HA4YBILLS, ' 1- PrIANIKS!, 41111“. P:
l'rinted atil..4ltort of:tice; lola iii' fite beitt 's'tyle Of I . th`p i
Art. , ( 1 ... •
.: • ' !..,,; g •. I i:' •?;:,1,' ,, 1 t'i t
A „*-1,i;lro of 11,1 p l'eop.lp . 's pairquage.•i4viirct-7
Now ALL GONE;:i' I •
N• • ~T...NOST. for, heurfa ofisrignn it enllsl
• llf / . 0..64 Car sale, at Ila..giutlSitop,of,,l*
W. Tattleja general ;issartinetit ofifuts pild . trato on •
.reagonal)te thiwe'who procitialSr,l or,
at a hber4ilisccult for ,
. • .
Ik al lillNNA , %AS
' ''i4 lia
181 , '''. ii , Patto ,„„paoli,l, 1 4 ,,Z)) 'I -1
44:sr 4 1, 4 0 Au .
TriE s'll'seribers are receiving a I.trgc !addition tol,
their ktnelt'of Gmotla, whfitth Makon tY'Mli 3iita)ll-1
went coop_ to nay estublityhtuent ha 'teriv+wbieli
they oflZr 41. reduced prici:, tier READY I'M'', ;
1 M. 1111.8 & SIIERIIA.N I '
:lull - 2:latl, 1840.
P13.1NT,43, a m•ettecariety, from 10 to 25 ii§r ctlat. '
les, than last siniu:4 rives : , by ._ , r • - :
1' '1%111_: L,S & Asruf,rlNr.t.:\',.
f • - , 1
1- ) RoAr t , (-7. LOTUS from ; 4 l,an lip.,1:
..L., ca..,4i f uen.,, &c. &L. by . - • 4 . '
.• C. sitE4..-.V.. 4 ..;,, ;!
yot:Nti ItYStiN Teit-4; Ftoi. for one "lilac, by:'
MILLS`& SfIEit.N.I.A . S:.
, 45
pl,Ufi torsAcc() Istß4l.r. perlTi. by E:
' .
sI L -1 :
81$TAN. i
1t0N..4;c1, N,LILi &11IrtiwJIC just recurred 11y'
S'kf.T by-y the half :I,,zen InuTels—^sl,4 bartt.l,'
by' t • ' - • ' 13: S.•1111E: i !
k 5....,.. ., sa , ::..1.• • •„.1 t.:::::..3 , 533.• .1,1 r , .
. A 0 ENKPAL A , ...mrtment (together'NYith rite Tari
m', tratanine - ,) of the !mesa improved liaterits,.
both for C.h ., 1,:.•.t .
and Parlor, a j t i t duces.' prit'xF. hy
-----7 4 -------7--- i:
'SEitso ' indebted to it he sobscriter, - '. Notr
INOTICE. -• g .
p., 11, ,k. for Mori. than ~; i1•• yvar 'Ol 4112'. ore..
regne,nal , roll and .verovr,. witlitnit•fart.h!•titifirirl..
Is, s ircumr T
o , rezioi 1141 inuaudiate at1:1, itioo to
t l i mas f ,1,1. rittor ,- . I. $.!.. 4 .:R E.‘go..-t chatter.
'46. f
- I
• g
i_'' . ;-
1 A I"M 'l'l I 14.'11. & Sriat .t
.. 7
r I
.G: q 4 ..\ .... ,, rtm rip
ent ltt- n'a howl-, 4
Kpr4.'es ci
- t:.::_t:t i,v. :,,r the retail roy,) by . , i . ;.1 .' .1 '
5. , .p. tiAtRE. •I
J. (..iIa.:EN
, ----
His Lop & CO'FFI.Ni • l'
i'roilltcfr anti 4.;eifk.ral Cottinittsiott
Mc r4liztitt.s, 43Pr(ttlt - st. N.V .
, ,
- 1 - 1 .,1,-F N ; ~14: .:::,.„6,i., : : :ve. „ ~,,„a:,Bttil uf
i -- mit, g ~ ,
„Jr:, ~ ,- ,tt,• , ... i , to m.,..,.. - .,. itt,, ~...,
.dterntain. Vraltroi , e. l'emili. who will miikilibelrai
:al% ala e , oXi. l'ruill,i - e ruiliiique•Ll .to their .4e, iota
Fie I, i•c- !!ii• rig evil. a., .bull a., suld.,
Newlllelt..)ll/1 , . i , i VI. I ' ' 4.'4 ! I L
."' ' ' '' ' 4 " . % .
3I() NIP, RQSE i r .1 7
.o.l l' . A 0p:1 7 ..
The ; Tariff and tae, re0 . p11.e4,; 11 • .
THE fiAain. ~f ,Stiiteliatiliali Cannty ariAterebv
taitic±4l that the larpiatt and '11(44 lai:icfrtini‘iit of
l'ltatalls nn lreti Casiitilzsof every lriiiiii.uall•nriuty,
may lir hail frri,lt ft....en time Furnace of ! i,
• 0.1 P OST, JR. & CO.i. •
Cheni , -rl l 4lO the l'hPat ,•for o.iadr! ' 1 1 .4
Let it loct,anderstathl 4tt. we will not qinaliir
old. We Laic,'loct. the lgrgerit,ie•surttpent4 Goods
fir line. ~t nay 1:,,,,wi1y in. ...I,ortlaita.l'equavllva
' nia. eutt.iii , t(iig. Of "PI-tit - CIN that will soap hilf, i ad
,',,,-,y r , hail. li a l oil tit, I,ml-I—to wit t liliei'lturi,..lis.
V, as-:,.• C. , . vt, 1'i. , ::. !,-, X\ ~a l', t ild 1'a74,..S tit ,
lull 114,.0 , cc.< ...\..... 1,. ...na1i0.rvta, , D, atuat4ru,
' i'n , ! ..' ( ..':. Nvi!l a 1.., f 1.+1:1 , 11 tii:'lr eiNfirini4, xvitli
.luiliriiiiii ('every :lie„ lieith Willtiti 'Lloxi•-, 8111±1,.
,i•r aial • lii . ) 2 , 1,1 :-.4,,,f,, a .11,701 e, },i1.11..
.'l,'-'" . .“.111 1",.1I . :. 1.1-1::•1 , 00 :"*l`' , [Te.lld id (nil! Cii,t
'tliat II Lirrler and EH: rti-lisl , ti, yet:lmam-3:l° of Iltel
..•.! . arc., ~...•i.-..•. 'fh,:i c.d . : ...1,
t \d.
E 1
N 1.0... • : - ‘m.e i .11.11,/. :23, 1 i.i.iti„ l'C'T. . :.; • .1 7 71!'N.-t iri C : 1
I:3l2tifil - (i121, C,ii:o, ;mill :wpm:ell credit t
Ir( ay•be
_E L. • ..:..i.., d t.•: 1,-,., 1V.".0,, at )ST'S Fi .S ; "
.r::\ . .. E.,
a- • .
17i l' E 1: Y ft: rid of .\ fill-filiitei, Trona and . strarip, :tint 4l .
1 , ...t4 L.:alv 101 tad.,r lr.: L. vtisT,,Jit., &g:01 ..
1 • - ' . , s
i io
II )1 ITT kj, VIET-I.:H
ALL limiasi
to , the Lute 114 of itt:
.4 li vk ill save expenat:. l .491 1 131. i
trouble, li . y 4. , 4 Handenin:: mita CiPsar Nin - Att• is t''' sar4.
Tire :Waal is of 1'..• K. , 4r. C0.,,,' arecirr thihtmdir
o f' .
1 liS . l . t l /t
Alontrke.JuneN. 1111 i: i.' r I
*' - • .1 - - I\4 .- 0 ' ti - Cll - 74 4 ----1- '
- 1 '' ' .
••• '. •••• . tf. , t ' :-
A N Ann al 'Meeting of -the StOck-141dert,
/1 in alt '' Coshecton and rout f . etd i .. ,
, ,
Turnpilte,Road Comliany," .. l4l, be b d
the - lionsflof ThontaAi;..3ltittillk; it 'llo'-'
ctiont on lite second 1 4rednesdnylof infiunit
next, fur tt)e election- Of ollieers, 0ze....1 ~ 4 :
_ I
. 1
J. B. MOVRFARX,,S,ef,3 , -..i„
! Decemtler 15th, 18116: ' ' ' -1
. il : - l• -L •
-• 1
P 3 E l \E lq . C)oE)e; - ''''..
11 : 1K -
'l'in sphicrilwr, ttanttitil for .itist ~ ftwers.lf.f L ific:i
1 lam' iu ls lad the publi,t, reiniectfittlly ipritt4 4'l4'
attention is item- Hail iiiiiendia lot cif ' GO(4 1.11. NV
(1i..V.141.11", tnititiog: of ' [ ... i•• 4: '.:I ' l' , C .
15ry Goode, .I,l: . ottla•#re,„Cr i gpker!li, l•
1. ,' • Gliss Tl'arc, .I..bokizta-kltsse 'l' s - '
4 , • 0 -t , 4.• - •
. . wertes Art zigs, ;- Boos '? .
-i• ' ,
-4. 7 tationery v ill'isk, -tete, ate: ' '' II
whiich will lksold 14.4 II.AV iii USULLII -' ~., '.; I .
i Oct. 2,5. i , ..
4 04. 8.-4•1'14-i nteil; Ginii
)"..' ',niter, J.
picli o , . to
‘,"- .., r, !fli t
Roans, T./11114v, ite4swam,ktec.,,;s tc , 1 , , t I-h I JilEi ~
' I:At ' '' ' '' • l''s -
wrivp, , -GLASS & A,
' .4 by. t, 8' liy! 10' s itiiii ' t
.5 by ; .10 1 byi il,, - u.tly: tpD
6by 10 14 1 j
7 , 10 1y,14, .12
,k y. 4 l' i
. 4 liy 1 1 - by
' ' ;rid ; 14.4; 0, 4 1 *- -. ~ a;
• •
7 V ',t.- q ky:19,.A0:by,4-?do,* .4
gaol tb , sale byi ~ . - i
i .
LyoNs I .e. ewpr i .,Eß.
iMniiiros'el, t:: fia,i AV.', 4 ; f . '•: - 'f''' ,, r = , .'4 -=
! I `ialg li 1 • bQtril kl. . 6
_ 10
By Ole bit •t nqws Gen, Taylor vas cutting ii,o,up .
lici , Ster ChTig iteniCliaOtilq 06 4 2 3Aii‘fkfe I
, -
tl ii " qr.TO i 0. 4 3 4 01 00 , Wr I,S.P.MiOig wilt4ititatt.
aciiNirt in: , ..'to 0 tate ful and coulee i :oatiti
Nintei.itisitiiiiii; Viiicitlin htiiiist' V . •eheill"'ltir • tie ie,. 1 : 1 1 1, 44, 1 1. 6, 14510n14.: 4100f '
midi iniat 'Surma. Fathstautral wprii.
;Cutting, oul short nod+) anti; aiiihrahred.fft
rit Y :4l l tied,l L iiiiibeZniOliA .11 ,'
Yi rth g l ,..__ /24 'ut / s .**-11 91ii, fiiiiii , tti&etiu#*;.' j
Frr l' a w 'A c " Ai' lilTfollliGfk4 l. l l 4(r. : .9. Yr
.4 6 ititteie, Norio nee4.l apply but: Audi ,
.0,10-weib ' '
.od, riAliplii.Viiii -11 nf ez
411ortio , ie.,;t.
e i,m ; .ii B4 r l ( 9l9' l ;A:M... V !§ , 'IIV T . it
. i.
ir.;±ooD NI i, Tea sell' g for Ifix Shillings, h'
" ' I 1 J. Lyo 1..
k Y.I
;4. 'it' 10 ' ' ''' ' - ,.. 6 4 211 . - 741 44 14:4‘
1 : it. tit , I . :
;1 Ulla . ..tit 1 ' 1 I • t.O 1 y•
I.lllGlllbl i to I i t :." - .Ji
.. . . . -. 1 ~ , -,, , q,c. • c) •qi ~ ••••il' 4 ,1
fie e stO ' 'V" 1 "it i f - iii 4 f""
scri er re urns au ate * nul l & aml
tne t illilkz ieil 6 6 l :p, f- ketliblibtlAliiiti4 u 4“ --
,': Alai Toceiiled :1141.1lietthe. pat! iiitiiillikier, hid . gs e ..
'V'gli ll Yz i9l o4 4 i'filelkiikOldli awl laliera kookidith e
.. P ? if i g'fikk i .:ll,. l .4 44l:l 4 _,l4 1, 4 AWA 4 I.' - ',.444 L.,14:
b. CCP'
fl fr iCe Tl i :iil 'a i d A V Ai i C 4 :l l !'illi IMPOrchalPer
tllau dverlefiire ' urea 'alai- na*,, •
u. , ...1,i4t
f 411ePitt 3 ,4316.: .•
..1?t,1 , :: , 01; rt
,1•11 A . , .ri
" iorkis'6lA. ifiliim fi ni6a.xt,;; iiiciPt 4 iqkii - iiiy - ii` i t 4,
lA, sale. trjr,l , .. ! , i, E. i. t;•• $i , t: ' T
: ''''.
'S. IVOIVa •
A SPLNDJD l l ,bit . ` '...
:, ,
! F 111:! , iia, plais!,
,cilfLiverililf•, fAltry.:! , ernbee stripe
A. 21 Vklivtdeas",'Dibmies,-, CaVAalcres, ciiiigbtitnis ; mi
lett es: Szu: 11-. : ''/!tlsa,t,sime,'elegluirqusliiui4Valui
Wielit i ut)Siu..kvil'a:fur-ifulul l y,,, u ..-> : 41 , J., Lykrur z ac
. _ 4
, .f, •
.• •
121#4" 144 g, '.#lo Arkepsit-ilpi
sept. 3, KwABIJAVB
',... -.-014EAr BARtAiNS.Vij
tt3=1,A.:P5,88 - 0. tr4lal QTA i
• I 4
i I ,
.% ' :' I "•.',', 4 :
OR-h t .,1.1u44,1T, ft .
g Foty,az r Feitherii &c.,
; or a
aC opruye4 cr l ,e4iti 4t rp , ,us.ottehato9p . ot t ors ao ,
prltkii ','• '
WitO isi'alkii'iiittaiiil;' aiii rimili .i tii,Wiiit On tlio;'0.
who'iiiir 016ast , t6%filvoti Min with ht bill.' ''' I . ' • '
4„.1;: olspicarriebi uu-the Boo n' iitc nyia lamina*
where 4 1 113 ‘ 9:14, L'Rpor,4c:, will:Fre : tiouitil to or ,
der n tit l iiptli;i6.
Ninth . . '
; .
sq, Pd:,liine, 1,06,., ' '. • • ` ' " • -1
'9O - - • -
rocac nol*.
1(V Swat, , ,
..Coffet t:?ab . • " •
hi I".a llyson Tea do
~1:14 3114 'thelY ll2 ll,4flosit , 4,0 inches sville for V.
Ar:%llj ; LQT.TIS •yar4.441
lione=ot'ille Otteop Stone
of ' 3. LYON'S.'
Juu,e..23., • : •
TIFF, pnltscribers'have now aft hand and ,re. ceivng, U genertd assallintoat 9 . (4ips* - : yriitith they
offer Itt a Sll6ll v:lace fo r 'lty.tby PAT;
of produce re 'd in
aaal 111L1 'S S'tfEhMAN.
• 3/outro , 4; 'Nue 114 18441:.' 1 ' •
T 'LOWI fur kale ,Ixy
;.I,TLLS .47. SI - I Vl/4AV:...
BU TIT FirjOne g6t, on Laud. by
• • •• " mrr...4s :44 1
t , .„ •" • v
20 .ff • ..'"'
100th Lr5..,3 , vitae. [dity
11 "vat, I of •
, , &
• 1.•
ititte 15. 134 ii.
1 ;; ~.• <T}.-IE,•:FARQA{:sE:
''o.l - ViFtTELI.LAST.I
, rd:f
EC't) tin ! , wendfv an t.he c:).3 . a fre.l.laadinter
-1-11 i'itiit,/tries;•ivhicii can be put
: ira.sed n 2 nputr;ol l yielleitp-ratrinisiiting of -Ott-
A LEMONS , : 1 : , COCOANUTS IVsll P.4o,;li4„ .i tee. &F.
• fIL k'ffIERI
, ,- •
D 4 "
supy of ;lit TILT:NiI' SEED : j t,t rcreived
and tit Al tit fi1&41.-:". ARC tit:
I, J ffl n. . i I
. • atrarr ro ;Per Compiiiii;
.lo4 Wye tll4 arftibrk.rtteti'm oftect
sty-411(1,es nu
OV - 104:10,'
_ tbit twineilso rioltidele , irtfiwc4llflitlY, rind weir
adiien 11( e . 10 litir anO 11 . 00 01 - 4, 1 11 c .I' 6'ies • iv tiro
bf entitte" thein to the
c.9.4114..r.1ue Of thn ipablia; iat, II *..ii
r- ire.. . F. 4.1261 i Agrat..
SHOT 1' 741. st..• WM.!. 0fdi11.144:91.0
Over 3.• lity'tuid
4.1 4 4 14 . ,: 4 : 7 4 !'i• •43 44. 4 , • V• „
I)—FIJII—a uew to c—nst reeetved and 199
JT old Calico Tariacili,
diem' ight Rebline,Bl4.lllo
Ital4h6 l , l liibliotd, Culkloes; &c.
, iapke
; :ant:l4=er DIY
coatis way be rental :it. my :.Itere.Att,,titoßast,.
side ih Itiolitrosec where Vie
" People” ; f4gtvgrolutop at very laic *ices: iir bask
'or exelluage their vroduce goixl ad,.%santagp.
' - "n. " J.' 111 SALlSBtilrf."
. , , • ~,! ..,•J .....,••.!) •,, ' 1 ...i. - „i.R , .:
.. c,:
A .1' , 7 yleent; 4sciftinent .4, •1 4 idas' alipets. sak4,
I_l_ l ' Diskri"Slitief, VfilYlo:ir et ''SALISITURI 4 s. '
:•' ,L, •••••,•t : ',-,-,•p •'•,,, •;( tr,l ~' ,ii ',ll lr w:4l. -ii:,,;• ':'.`t/
A o T of Viell4i4,PrPils:LPFtig i•Dtl• aims 12 41
• '• l• llep'iltalsiniit,:res;'at ' :' ' 'SAMS 111ir16.,
ii•titt''• , -• i,ii: ,. 3 , r'''. , t) ,, 7 );1..; tAI If/ 'S' Rep , f; 011
A n( LARGE„ entl4litulgul a.vorttncitti,oftPri* I
- 'N'67'lciiir'',' it ••••• "
.r,•,;• i , , / Ili A.,. ,•lr • T:11 ;0:1 '. 1•:ii , ./ ,:' is ' ,. '01
A:Gocm.,,,ck,ii,futuaNt,c,lnt,lyi, for Poutf r ftond,
' l34 S'N' 'At .•
' ' • KALIOU'RY's.
1111. , '. . •,.1,1' , ,t , il, il;iii i )• , ;,. '•, -,.. • -'.•• .. , A .
0!:)X.)R,§1". Ny
..', It , piA pt4lillor.epiesatoo••
• • • • SAIABURY' r s.
f'‘..t .
A1 ,1 44 7 .1 °f *q. an 4 Do i ioniao',Eltti*ilsi•jugt Ili )
i'...blypd• and will lie sold. low p iit , • •
• I i ''' i• ' '' '‘ :' • •'' ' i • ''"' '''''!' '''' Miaglkilti.' • '
T ;N Stes4l, Nub Rods, and Nault e clleu t at
1:1 1 !•_st-:t r-ri , J , ;1ti1t , i ., t, , ,,1 AkAtisi t ~ity,.4...,-,',1
••' - ‘ be
i• ' l '• := i-''''!"•l't
tlADEß:hd)les.'it'aJblut,eiti? loaiia in 4 ,,,.
I...4ll',cinily i 33;conts,tvildr•TeWt3tigrlreeltbietindl
Tobac:eep, equitlly 1311‘4,4,--IT .4 1 e 1 SBNB-Va• 1.1 ,
~.... ,-
EZTENg.-4110 . tgrable dittOrqwei•Mistpiirtilitill?:
l ' ilie r YM lti Nlift.44,c u t 4 6( lih 41.
•eitLbe • • '.: ' • i" . , I
.. • 13; ~. rttrill"P•
' "'il `" " '4••jmolit• e i1•• , ,i.11 L , ' ~ z tav, ; ;.!4•- ; .. ,, a.t merit .
rilviED s:• 4 -, A. 61. pf tint rate Twerles cloth,)pwsu
1.1 6
. jg 1 a , ) ~, r. 1 tAnit 111. t 9: it 1 , ) ~ [l g AitlAtitrrrs.", ,,
• .ti, • •••• ' f 1,.. , -; • •,,.? tal:i. 1 , 10 1 ;
eftiolr g:i4l3Aliffiffe&,'"CuS•sileere,s'etta' ail'
4 1.../ nettes, winstially low, at gA,l4•SßUrtiiiiiAi'l
•1 1• ' , ;4
IPrO A L l itt l ii4 l ll6 . h&. ii:ai t t 'WA/lAA/ i
Ailit/Lialii*Ofiii . ty iii ife4jriffin'eArgititSP:iii) m.P•In
1 • '.Al.;',i'i f 'tolzlki. dl Y•': 'to
VOTTONYrgthrlAtieilquiffitkigittlkiiii, 41Av.
atil t i'ilf` . ..iii.:ttfiL ,- :'i Ica -- 1'. 1 ". 4 1 14 1 .4 If,i,
PolOkpasa 1415013*4- tid.r.4 1t .. .qu0 Ili
1 . 364 . 16_ 4 E '‘ 4 4 itBtoa4li ti '
Juno, 1646
/91§1 , !p“:1
~. r {, i.ioss..;,