The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, January 21, 1847, Image 3
~,,JllO4 ye offered the frdlowiniti..„—f-t Resolveo , That the Committee - ii(Wayri end Prl td td ', ' iiiiilliti thb Tiotii4soviding for' Ad* s ale iha'eanala Ind railroads bk owned bfi , = Commonwealth; or•such pert erParte ate ' th ey may deem ettpedieet t*4 bill to ', • the conditioza of such sale, without any price, and. to authorize sirtA and revs* e Canal Commissioners to ad vertise fier - eind' receive proposals for the pur chase atitia same , from the time of the pas sage of airth bill, until the meeting of the ne xt LeglOature, and make report _thereof to this bil i y on or before the 10th day of Januruy4 a ; which was agreed to, yeas 55, nays. 14. t;S. SENATE. Thursday, Jan. 14. On moiinn of Mr. Ross, the Senate took up the joint resolutions initructing our Sen ators and requesting our Representatives in Congress' to vote for a bill granting free postage Ow letters sent to or received - from the volutileers serving Mexico. After the tide h n amended, on mo tion of* Ross,. so it would read - " Reso lution foe . , the, relief of volunteers now in Mexico,*%tbe 'said resolutions were read a third timetanil passed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Kline presented a petition from 150 individun(s of Hollidaysburg, limiting the amount of land hereafter acquired by any one inditiclual, to 160 acres; also, the ex emption I:vf the homestead of any family, from levy Sale, or execution, where the same does not Occeed 160 acres, or aliened in any way, excipt by the joint consent of the hus band and; ;Wife, where such relation exists. Mr. Thomas : four petitions for an act to incorPi)rate a company to build a turn pike road: from. Great Bend to the Abiogtou road. Mr. Clark : one for the repeal of the laws relating ' a itt docket fees, Sheriff's fees and fees of "P t tothonetaries, and for an alteration of the laWs relating to scire facies, &c. tl)d ticuples alhietatt. " Here Shill 'the Prem., the Peet)les rights maintain,Cams-oily influence, and ttubrited by gain." MONTROSE. JAN. 21. 1817. ---------.,..-_, -,_-__- , .--- The Clique /Convention. In purisuance of the Clique call, a politi cal meeting was held at the Courthouse on Monday :evening last, at which the proceed ings ;yeti substantially as anticipated.. As most of air worlhy Democrats have been so frequentli • disgusted at the 'dictatorial and arbitrary? management of the Fire-proof Clique at their business meetings that they do not atiend them, we ,will . give for their amusemOtt, a correct outline of the whole affair. inthe first place, their notice was given only through the Clique Organ, the mis-tramil 4 ' Democrat.", Well, there were, after drat-truing up all in their power from the Firejproof, the constables and jurors at tendikg court, the outs, inns, and anxious erpectatii of office, together with about halta-dciAen hangers-on of the clique from .-t Montrose Red . Bridgewater, about twenty to twenty-Ae; who could be relied upon to sus tain anyjneasitre which their -masters, the Fire-prakif Old Hunkers , might nr4se.— The Preadinonished of the part they were to perform, afia the Clique proceeded to riinlie*ringements for organizing their meeting4,' :This was done, at the Fire-proof. Whethe'OMr. Reckhowe, who assumes to be a kind offsigkr in one apartnientof the Fire -proof, held the Court-house key in his pock et until all the preliminaries were fixed up on, we afinnot tell ; though we presume such was the ;ease judging from his conduct on former R i ni similar occasions. Thos. John son, (the:late Sheriff, tivith the office of Rep resentatite in expectancy,) was early at his post to perform the duty allotted to him, and noniiineted Mr. Reckhowe for Chair man. Ie return for his fidelity, Mr. John son wastliominated Vice President. M. C. Tyler, 4 applicant for the appointment of Associate Judge, was from motives of palpa ble poli4 made another Vice President; A' Mr. Gel, the Clique candidate for the next Sheriffidky was also nominated. The fourth and laselpleee was to be supplied, when lo! Geo. - Faller nominated Mr. Smiley, of Gib son, who was strongly (and reasonably too, we troy) suspected of entertaining a doubt as to the propriety of yielding a passive o . dience ie all things dictated by ame • nary Clique. g Whether the design o is device , will be iinsweredis another i testion. Here-, upon Jcilin l H. Dimock , oved the appoint-. Ment.ofli eommiue of five to prepare - and submit Iresolutis is for the consideration of the meelin Mr. Reckhow, though it w as . well u 1 • erstood by him that he was to select • from' the-Jai-aft( and two-term surely, omit ted to appoint the mover one of said commit- tee. .ItTlws. suggested that such a . proce- 1 dure was unparliamentary and uncourteous; m wheitit Was discovered that a majority of The req4site stripe could be retained and the mover 4bstituted -in place of one who- de- 1 dined sirving, the alteration was made.— but welt the Committe with J. H. Dimwit at their Several men were called up : - on to ,:se... Ivy the time," and one or two responded. The Codultittee at length' res , erid turn e d *ith A tolerably well got, nip •set, of reselutitios o i which, in the main, breathed the ride 'spirit. There Were, however, :- some fery exceptiolar. After the Tariff of 11 346'reiio latioti had been read, Me Lusk Of fered il4 fdlloWieg, which. though acceptal. Me to three ietuliie of the Democracy of the State, Aust be idted down by the Cliqug, o right o rgi es g: ' C . . " Reiolved, that the coal and irpe in* . eats of ternusylvania rcqui'ee a aualiftelitiaty of the 'tariff aloof 1846." On the Off er o f dida resolution, Gett F l l-7 ; • lee exell46 l 6d, Is j'ar for reducing the if i . t:•. L. • on cosh poo iron still kni e r V!. This a n -, Peneeileaiga eenthieent fell orte the 464 I • ,- • . - 1 • , _ae • o' o it or ...tek of ' • s .a i d I ;er r► „,,,,. ~ , ,r lift , every:l . well-wis: her , to: hirtax- Eiden and - debt-lvantimiidi'' I ,: like au Aini ;', sound'. from an : empty .` - defeat4 ., ': As '';',a raioliitien was ' 'read de nouncing the , gestic ,oc, n a o One Term, Me.: Lusktiviell knoiviat that off6e hoiden, hereaboids 'Affect to ”, despise" that salutary principld, threw another tre-brand among them by Offering the following: • ii Renolied, thin We view with regret the disturbing differences of opinion iti,the Dem oolitic !party_upo questions of policy affect ing the common interest, said that ive recog nize ink the one tcrin principle applied .to of having power to . confer patronage, a key to the, union and harmony iudispensibletki our success at the aeitt gubernatorial -elee tion—a principki which, in seven different messages: was advocated by Andrew Jack son, wine% was littongly recomthended hi . Thos. Jefferson;_ uld which receives the mi qualified,sanctimis-of our now worthy Pres(-: dent, James K. =rolk." Eveti - 4 appropriate and purely dem - cratic resolution Meat be opposed and co -.- demned oy the newly - fledged politicians f.' the Fire4roOf Oitioe. Mr. Streeter, no holding the offine of Deputy Prosecutin -, Attorney kinder Ole present administratio , i t esteemed it his diny, in fidelity to his pa -. mos, in 4 violent ; Speech, to denounce Jac 1-- son, Jefferson, Pak and all the worthy den ocrats of i the State who have approved'a it salutary one term ;principle, as Federalist:, Whigs, Indians,Ar.c. &c. lie was follows d by a similar and?t uproarious" speech from his man-friday, y?iing Mr. Grow, denouticitig in terms of the tOost bitter invective all ptn riotic worthies Whether dead or living, w 1 o have differed front him in his opposition o the. one term principle—imagining, as °tie would suppose ftom what he said, and Ils manner of saying it, that all distinguished patriots must necessarily' fall into utter in significance behke his superior wisdom. A ter a few scathing remarks by Mr. Lusk, in which he severely-lashed those presumptn. tins revilers of the mighty dead, and caluni- Meters of pre-eminent cotemporaries, with a Self-condemning nay that genuinely dem ociatic and meritorious resolution was voted down. In due time resolutions providing foethe appointment of Senatorial and Rep reSentative delegates to the 4th of March Convention were reached. It seemed that the democracy of IV.iyne and Wyoming ec4inties had concurred in thc - appointmeot ofl i b Ir.:Winchester, of Wyoming, as Senato rin t Delegate. But, as that• gentleman was socketed of being adverse to the designs of the Fire-proof Hunkers here, some kind of a 'rookery must be projected. So it was proposed that . a, conference shobld be 'held for the eorrectien of errors, ilk.c., whereupon young Mr. Grow sprung up and modestly nominated four 'Afferent Conferees. Here upon Mr. Lusk' charged with another fire brand, offered the following substitute for die uncalled for resolution, loaded clown as 0. wag with Mr. Grow,'s candidates for the . , Conference : ‘, Resolved, that this Convention confirm the nomination of Mr. Winchester for Sena torial Delegate from this district to the neat 4th of March Democratic ‘Convention, as made in Wayne county and ratified in Wy oming." After the flurry created by this rightemis (but to the Old Hunkers odious) proposition had in a measure subsided, the Clique look ing about upon their limited but sufficient power for the time being, voted down the amendment and adopted Mr. Grow's del gation. Again impelled by native modestf, Mr. Grow nominated Mr. Hartley for Rep resentative Delegate, who, being the politi cal protege of the mover, of` course was ap- Ited with( di Thf tion, notwithstanding Mr. Winchester is now the duly authorized Delegate from this Dis trict.' Such is the desperation of the rule or-ruin office-holding and office-seeking Fac tion in this county, that the People will soon be' constrained to come to the rescue and ad minister .a chastisement that will effectually learn young presumptuous usurpers, and cormorauts for Power, that due respect to the popular will; is indispensible to the poli tician's success.;, The proprietzof instructing the Delegates to the 4th of Mtirch Convention elicitedcon siderahle i debti4 The Chairman of the c om m i t+, iii .ii'very sensible and hd prophet ic speech opposed the measure.. ,l The drill ed serge ! "ts advocated of the Clique aocated it with the zeal 'f a 4 , 11-fed . and well-trained Sol diery. he edit bad been sent forth from the rOe-tirciof that the delegntioh must be instructed for Francis R. Shiloh,' and it was 7 cordingly done. Some of the moreanz pi and politically distressed Old l Hunkers, v i owed, (and truly, we believe, atthat ' mis ery loves company,') that they Would.rath er be defeated under the banaer _of Old Shank than suected 'with a nesil man for, a candidate. This was just what the had sus pected, in view of their palpable !dereliction of political principle; .Tbe unpledge4ami independeht Dempe‘- rWeyi of the coUity will judge whether the ,dittsitorial Faction ; tiii the Fire4iroof, who assume to muriutacts re 'opinions! and senti ken4 Oi.the'peinilt, are the eze naive dpi g . il,orats aiming usi or whether tho are eno.. i, tied to - the woe ttait' ressoliableness - With course is markrd who suit the pOptilarlwill, port - 413e cot ci4 kite ocratic family; 4'eaTless this tribunal we confid pectfully sublit!the i Fatal A *bile it company New Yokk and Erie Wednesday of last. endeatoring to ande one of the number, a from Syracuse, whosit, i learn, was crushed by of a large Mound of stump. The tu ufort about thiTty six! hou that his family would the day after his des' and active kindness m' tractors, De Grew, B occasion, elicWd muc anon. THE TREASEHY ury note Bill, which w day in CongresS, authi to issue $23,060,000 and of denominations The notes maybe red' years from date. Thi allowed to hale the stock at their option, m ient provisions 'pre mf The Treasury iniptes i not exceeding Six per issued in lieu of them upon the books of th • stock may be redeem the last of December, also to be re-issued. bill, the President ha money if he prefers, part at his own option paid semi-annually, a front the sales 4 the p fur the payment of the The balance 4 the bi eteecution of the law, terfeiting, 'manner o The sum of 09,000 incidental expinse§ o The Civil and Dip differ much from the mates for Congress tress, $755,000 ; C Officers, $39,000 ; $75,000. • Fan - MOTIONS FROMI soldiers, who distingu battles in Mexico, ha Lieutenants the si good, but the principhi to all-cases, and ever unusual valor and placed in the line of p have a much better ar case ; the officers N7O courage,.who could b: 'tbe ranks would be fill What a reflection it character of the great we did not know the that only two persons • hard fought fights tha! worthy of promotion many acts of individ ; the men which hart' o Ta The J . gqi of Co MEI Irma to grant n Vping this ierm,bu the inhabitapts in the the election in. Febuari Licences• expire this Delegates to the 4th Denlocrati FAYETT At a meetiog of th ette cotinty, !held a Uniontown, oh Tues nary, for the : purpos gates to the 4th of 11 to express the sense several important qu; before them. Col. R. appointed President BENJAMIN BROWN - PIE vice President. and. Joseph Fish,'Secreta We extract from ii tions the following : That the maintenanc of the Democratic fa' the consideration of e can only be sustained] publican art act tol and unanimity. Divi. always be carfully av up in the more impo and triumph.] With ty, we would irceom delegates to ithe D: which is to ttieet at of March nealt, to no for Governor and tl who shall be :pledged free to go for those no are "honest and cape unite the parh and th perience, wei think, Democrat s that this i.. there are sortie divisi . 1 parent, and that the. reconciled,jSobviouil And Whereas, Ult . of the utinostiimporta l democratic party,:at it be time, that Ptnn- Presidential election ability she *AI, theo .prize the freigstitu inseperably doonee • to be, with the sir • prrty;.it. beciOneChs ottlititqUl irsestioos .test of a diauhtful cha t Aidved;frhat •• ' or the propriety and hieli their. pOlitical ost studiously con nd endeavar to gap es of the great dem of denunciatton. To tidy appeal, and res. ue. eldest. . laborers upon the d Road, were, on A, near Lanesboro, I Incl a large stump, (respectable German r nom we could not e caving upon him Irth, followed by the nate man survived It was expected each Lanesboro, on h. The sympathy nifested by the ran i er & Co., on the sad i, praise and comend- j. Bu.L.—The Treas- tui presented on Mon nizes the President in Treasury , Notes, ns low as fifty dollatlL ietnetl in one or two ‘-holders of notes are l.ame converted into d ample and enliven de for this purpose. e to bear an interest eat and the stocks s to be transferable i s Department. The !;i:1 at any time after 867• The notes are At the close of the power to borrow the nd in whole or in The interest is to be d the money received blic lands is pledged nterest and principle. relates only to the unishment for coun- proposing, &c. &C appropritited for the hebill. roatic Bill does not :stimates. The esti -Members of Con ntingent, $150,000 ; enators, contingent, THE RA.NKH. —T wo hed themselves in the e been promoted to rmy. This is very should be extended 1 man who has shown • iscretion should be omotlon. We:, Would .y if this wit e the i ld be men: of tried depended upon, and l! ed with better men, mild appear upon the hotly of the army, if iractice that prevails ram the ranks of thosd have been thought not distending the gallantry among ~-.en recorded. erasers. rt 1410 W in session have Licences for Tavern , awaitthe tiecision of several Townships at , next. Those whose onth should beware. 'if Ruth Convention. Meetings. COUNTY. Democracy of Fay the Town Hall, in ay the sth day of Jan -11 of appointing dele arch Convention, and of the people on the stions which are now :ERT PATTERSON was Hon. JOHN HUSTON, Hand SASICEL NIXON, r. R. M. Walker, and les : e preamble an resolu- of the great doctrine th, should be first in ery Democrat. These when the great Re ether with cordiality ons about men, should ided, and swallowed :it matters of success hese views of our du `end the nomination of imocratic Convention, arrisburg, on the 4th mate our candidate anal Commissioner; to no man, but left inces, who, while they tole" Democrats; will whole party. Past ex . ill dictate to every i the true policy: That ns amongst us, is op /. can and should be on and harmony are ,ce, in the ranks of the be present crisis; for if Ivania will decide the In 1848 as in all prob ' t becomes us, di , we ions of our country, as we believe them .ss of the -.democratic nbt Wperil such as gubernatorial can Fran sod Capt. 7. B. Diiyidaan; be aPPoliteif delegates to the Detitlicratic.State Voiiiention, and !maid delegates are hereby instructed, to' use all honorable efforts to secure the nomination o f a osadidate for governor, upon whom Abe whole party can heartily 'units and around whose standard cats cheer fully With such a cadidate we must and we will succeed. . - , 6REENE COUNTY. . The Democrats of Greene county held a meeting on the IKId nit!, and appointed Maj. R. if. Lindsey, the Representauve Delegate to the 4th March Convention, without in stinetions. correspondent of the Phila delphia K ystone says :—" Mr, indsey, o> the kepresentative Delegate from this coun ty, is the adVocate of , ONE Tram, and the Senatorial Conferees a r e of the,same stamp, which makes all things right between Greene and Fayette in the choice of a Senatorial (one term) Delegate." LUZERNE COUNTY. ; . THE GREAT MEETING—ONE TERM. , The last Wilkesbarte Democrat says : t , We publish the proceedings 'of the Dent /m ocratic county meetin , which came off la evening at the COUrt oust. It will be per ceived that the ,p 0 ple have spoken, and decided the issue tendered by the frehds of GOv. Shunk. Our delegates to ' the 4th of March Convention are now instructed in fivor of the oke term principle, and a new man ticor Governor. The friends of Gover nor Shunk fought bard, but were over whelemed by numbers, and fairly defeated. They sought the issue and invited the strug gle, and they should ; net complain of the result. ".We regret;lioweVer; to learn that after the meeting adjourned, the exclusive , friends of Gov: Shunk were nequested to remain to organize another meeting. We suppose they adopted resolutions expressive of their own immediate opinions and views. Such disorganizing efforts can have, and should have no influence any where. The people haVe spoken, and old Luzerne has arranged herself un the side of the one term principle." BLAIR COUNTY Dr. R. W. Christy was appointed repre. sentative delegate, without instructions.— Resolutions were adopted approving of the course of President Polk, and expressing confidence in the ability, and integrity of Governor Shunk. YORK COUNTY The following gentlemen were appointed delegates to the 4th of March Convention. Senatorial—Robert J. Fisher. Representative—Col. John R"ankin, Dr. H. G. Bussor, and Andrew M'Conkey. Resolutions were passed complimentary to the President and Governor, the Hon. ins. Buchanan, Col. J. R. Snowden, and in favor of the Mexican-War. No instruction resolutions were adopted-. The following, however, whirl was unani mously passed, plainly indicates the views of the meeting_: Resolved, That the crisis has arrived in the politics of the State, when it behooves the Democratic party to act with great cau tion and circumspection—that it is the duty of every Democrat to lay aside all personal feelings, and to unite harmoniously upon alike eaudidatefor Ggvernor, for whom ALL . CAN VOTE. BRADFORD AND TIOGA The DemOcratic Conferees of Bradford and Tinga counties have concurred in the nomination ofionah Brewster as Senatori al Delegate, with instructions to support F. R. Shunk. INDIANA COUNTY The Democratic meeting of Indiana coun ty appointed Edward Nixon, Senatorial, and William B. Black, Representative Delegate, with instructions . to support Francis R. Shunk. • PERRY COUNTY The Democratic meeting of Perry nomi nated David Steward, Representative, and: Thomas O'Bryan, Senatorial Delegate, with instructions to support F. R. Shank. CAMBRIA COUNTY The penineratie Convention of this coun ty was held on the sth inst, Dr. W. A. Smith, presiding, assisted by Michael Ma guire, Wm. Rainy, James Magehan, and Samuel M. Osnigh as Vice Presidents, and Geo. W. Early'and Rees J. Lloyd, Secre taries. - - COL 44).4.eph McDonald was appointed a Representative delegate to the 4th of March Convention, and Edward Nixon, ofltidiana county, recommended as Senatorial dele gate. The delegates are not instructed. LIST OF JURORS, Drawn for January Term, A. D. 1847 2nd WEEK. Auburn—Thomas F. Ke llogg. Brooklyn—James L. Adatos, Reuben 0 Bridgewater-William Shipman. Clifford—Benjamin Ayeri, J. T. Lang don, William H. Slocum, Solomon Bolton, Dilton Yarrington, John Aytsworth, Choconut--Joseph Bebee, John Clark, Rowland Barton, Patrick Clnrk. pimork—Andrew Young.: Great Bend—John Gillispie, Seely Trow bridge. Gibson—Lewis Brainard, Calvin A. Norse Hanford—Orton P. Jackson, Walter W. Wilmarth, William Wilsey, Elias N. Carpenter. Jesnip—Henry Hewers. ' Lenox—William Hartley, Reuben Baker James S. Robinson. : • Liberty—Thomas C. Varibe. Montrose-0. G. Hempsted, T. P. StJohn. Newhfilford—William Ball. Resh—Charlee Terry. Springrille--Jamee Maelane, Jeremiah Rosecrantz. &loci Lake—Mortimer E. Gage. TRIAL LIST, In eke Common Pleas of Sis t ivehanna co. Jan. Tergt, 1847. Second Wecii. . • Lewis vs lU.dletown tp. in case 16 Jan T 1846. BUffington•vs same " I'3 f' Pendleton et al v$ same 1' 1 18 " Boffiington et alive same!" . • 9 .. Taylor vs Tnylori hi case, 56 Jan T 1846 * • Canfield vi Warn* of al, erttsstiy 59 April T 1896 Smith & Booth vi. Sttton , at c 'et, 148 Ap. T.'46 . coltish vs Dichlitstm, incase , 93 An T 1846. 1i Carmicbiel.vs lir libi in CAM. 144 Aug T. 1446 . '' CrswftWlLea r lit4lifitti iv:NI-Aug T. 1845 ~ Wells di Bard vs , i 4 debt ! '163 Agg T 1846 jkliktir Canfield 444. .. , ' pock appei i lB7 Aihrr 1846 aryan et el gra , - *lnsult; Nov T 1846. • - Tesueriiniie Lieut. ThraliE*ilrliaititieiui4glaws : (lii Friday evening itextl - 22d Ois - . at Nevi 1 . 1 ' • 1 lifilltird.l ii L,l el . . 1 •• ! ' • i...,.: 1 Sliturday eveniatand. Sandat,'•zid, arid 244, at Great lie4i. PL titesday eveni4;.26tb; at taisbato. i(tUdpesday and Thursday ee4(kang,4'79l, ?..., 1 atid.:3th at Jackson. F • I kiiday and Saturday evening 29th and .:. ~. 30t1), at Thome*. " . 4 I • Sii . .nday, 3lst, in Herrick:. . i'l t i I Btanday and Thesday, teb'ylliit and 2d, at *bunt Masai* i . ,; .1 , ! f : A Wednesday, 3d,, t Gibson: 'i i ' *iursday, 4th, at Harford. p i Friday and Saturday, . sth iihil 6th, iat Le4x. u , '.l I ',he TownshiP Committees and friends of TemperanCe in the above iiiiSzied tosviv. sill* are requested to make 414tablei i ran:genie:As for the meetings al4v: e notifi , andleirculate notice thereof. i! By order of thesCommitee. ,?, • ' B; S. BENTLOY; Ch'n. iiinuary 20th, 1847. fi I t.. 3 I I DOseussion of the Death IPZialtr! 'the Tkustees 'of the Presbyt4+_i.lurch lia4ng kindly granted tbr i nse of their house, the lion. Wm. Jessupew ill gite his views upitn the death penaltyi at thqi place, pn I.ltajiday evening lan. 25, at 6i_ olclock, at .; which time all Who fe# an int9rest,itt. the subkrt arc ,respectfully invited o attend:. ______ '.5 ' . C4H:I, DS , Cocoas, #NI3 GONSUMPTIpN. I W right's, W Ind Vegetable Pills area must deligiTtful medi-, cm rt r carry-Mg off,n cold, because they: experfrons theolstem all morbid. and corruptllinmors,. (the cause' tlif every kind of disease) in soOasy and nat ural a *miner, that tile body is relieyedof, all its Ruf fin-I,g Ids if by magick, Foul' or five 'of •id Indian 'Vegetable Pills, taken every night ot.gO ng• to bed, la will iii 'a sliqrt time remove the utestfa tinate cold —4 the same time the digestive culans will be res tur:d to a healthy tone, :Ind the bhiect aogompletely putlfied, that inflammation of the lunO, cansuruption,• ur any other form oldisease will be '; . abSolutely im , po:4i . hie. t. , .1 1 fiernember, the only original and gel:Kline Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wm. Wqght on the top label of each b0x.: 3 2 Agents for the sale of Wright's Iniiian Vegetable Pills in 'Montrose,. Mills & Shermank. Foe-other a gencies see advertisement in anotheseoltimn. .c t 1 TO DRUGGISTS. G. BENJ. Sittrit is tcri . Sten with a An on the bottom of ,ivory box of genuine Sugar Coat 4 Improved In dia'n Vegetable Pills. Sone'dmilers are It'd into the erriirnf supposing there is no ditTerentrk in SugarCoat eOills, and therefore boy some worthlessimitution bekause they can buy cheap. W .hal i l. enlighten tht public everywhere in ilac4 mem after th 4 are duly informed of the ra.scali .'- or these itni tattles, every one of whomeither peren ally or tbrtmgh others %might to obtain information oo' tiny business, bsilsoliriting the agency of my Pilla.l,l A.Man in Al bitlly mint in a minister to obtain, clatideskinely, some knowledge of my Pills. Viip shall ikeat. of them'all .. as they deserve. . 5 bfEce 179 Greenwich street, (large brick block.) vt.- Pill Always ask for the Improved.hlndixt Vegeta- WO s. tis s 'Alld "see that G. Benj.' Smith 1,, ?cliffs% with a pelt on the bottom of the box. 4 Isgents—N. Mifchel & Co. and J. rthkidge, .lont roike. 1.1 li . -. ~ s Receipts rot. the Peeples' ;Advocate, li For the week ending Jaft. 21; 1847. i• lip. Lant.on ,71 , , $ ,93 Par to N 0.30 A:i9..a. s ibb..,o, - zi (14q Sweet, A. Newton, NOthailiel Aldrich, A4rcn IVakeinan, NIARRIEP, n Sprintrrille on the .16th'ult., bsi Albert Beards -14 Esq., Mr. DEN'smone STARK OKNicholson, Wy oming cksto miss .4:3IAicDA-s..ariitiO. ;On Wednesday evening, 13th #1 st., near Hart Like, by Rev. John Long, Mr. Consiiimes J. Cunt's, tO; Miss CHAIILOTTL,GRIFFING. STRAYED - . nto the inclosure of the Subscriter, on or about a_ the middle of May, 1846,. a light • red Steer. iihonld think said Steer was two matt' old past. afarmony township, Jau. Bth, 47' B.'STODDARD. THE TREASURY OF !HISTORY, Comprising a grneral rodi dory outline of Universal History, anc4 nt . and mod ;r4 dern, and a series of separate Ilistories of every principal nation- that exists, their rise, progress, present condili on, 4.c. BY SAMUEL ILNI7N4ER: +thor of the " Treasury of knowlehe," " Biogreph ; ical Treasury}"” Literary aria Seientif. is Trevory," &c., incltiing - THE HISTORY OF OIERICA • - EDITED DT JOHN INMAN'pEEQ. , The republication of this valuabls work Ms been 1 unlertaketi partly on account of thb high favor with chiefly it has lieeti received ilk Eiagland, but chiefly in consideration of its intrirfsic-value; arising Ifoin the felicitous adoption of th 4," plan to a wan dna has been long and generally lit and frpm the Aniginent and fidelity manifested nil its execution.— The idea of giving in a single vkhrk, of no very f,irmidable dimensions, and at a Hee which brings it within the reach of very moilerate circumstances, • a9sufficient outline of the world's whole hiStory, and similar outlines of the history fit: efiery nation, is so cd)viotisly judicious and appropnats as to require no Ouloginni. Every p..rson who cures at all for the Ethqusition of useful kno,wledge milst desire to pos. iess such a general kruntledge ofmst 6 -cuts, not on, 15. in his own' country but, in all Ouutries, as shall iiable him to understand the.perdetually recurring allusions that are found in almost ;My course of gen tital reading; because for want of4ucli l understand ipg there is alivays a serious ditninution both of. Oeasure and profit, . even in . th of such *orks as are designed chiefly for emuAttuent. For instance, most of *it Walter Seott'ernovels are found ell upon history, and'ces to his iral events and perm:mazes, Aleut if some ac,:' ptaintance with whicli detracts Orimisly from the iOtereiit and delight they are SOi . yl:olll.tinalifled to akeu ; and so of most other works belonging to t better class of what is called tight !liter,riure._ re ut the difficulty has been to obtain 'this general Iteosviedg,e without geing throughk;may - books, re- iiiiring a greater Expenditure of Anne' and money than most persons are able or wink to afford ; and tb obviate such-difficulty has been the purpose of ' Mr. Maunder. - ~.! 1 _, His plan has the merit of completeness, and is nn. iltiubtedly the best that could havit been desired.l-- He gives first a general sketch of Ancient and mod. ern history—a rapid arid cotnpreVensitve hinds-eye ew, as it were, of the rise and pregreiss of nations, the most -important incidents ofp i e , :r carger, and tiprelations to each other' and rithis he takes' : yip the nations separately, furaishtiig a concise di. gnat of all that is important or d trohle to' know obncerning each, and thrill affordin a - sort of kev 'to tic changes•and events that were, ore briefly'indi t4ted, rather by their results than ' . eir incidents, in ie general• sketch or outline. bus the salient bits of bi_story are brought wi sin a matrigable • mpass; and an excellent -foun d ation is •laid 'frit' ore thorough and extensive readhig itt . risferrineeto . y portion of the world, or an) , . ch of *Nth. a inplete knowledge may best 2.• i.• ' t• • In the execution, Of Affitt phut *other Wiwi' i tery ottecessful, His *Aide of hlitiorient events lb& •: • A - I b .. militia aturMitiafadoev and it Ay lite generally; , . - c!ka...._,...01vith r a = d most c0....r....0 , - partialitv ok.4)iaa; Au. anpplying , a v‘cyp „the phnat4h,f °Mato* , ealivell aid> hilOry. L . it.k !I 'mid , * ~ , o *. '_ Ai invaluable the, gleam' reader a*a.rity. help to theiMulent• ' • ' i, l , ~ , t ,,,,,:i , ,4 7 !•, Complete in me voluzatts;,large iimp o : 7.441,4,„ gravinws4.- AtiAitle34 P 3 PP*? cervati4o4444, suitable be:milli* lIE. AD _-ZE _, Pub , :1 ,. 1 DANIEX. list v .k . ~._ . P • ' / 7 FalbO , 41 ”; - ' ' 4 011 k..., 1, . , ~ " .;130611.-THAT WILL,Surx yot,-, . .., A ISCU,SSION on U. ivelial incl. betioliwki-11*. ; '-'• Warie*and' 0. Fit .- gnat - pulilidiadlalhir sale at the !Store of .1. L . . ; Monteuß.-'Pilefille cent& ~,- • • I F,.. .- .. .--. h.:: TO TRAPPERS, ipits AN HE highest prices in T Furs, at the 014. of Searle's Motel, -where . of differenb qualities, thin Hats of the same in Northern Penney's: • C: PS •- jaisi receiv4d from Ni t *, • Uec. 31,4846. , N. B.:1000 INIIUSE CATS w anted- Caen paid tar any quaatity SHEEP PELTS. FEA.TIEERS.- ‘XTANTED-a kood TT, gee featberaitaxmediate4- at Salistiaty'a. Dec. - 24,;'46. ' • . • FOR SALE.' A CR . JOI3 assortinein of Iron of all aim and deir: enptiou, Up f B. SAYRE-ff TIDANTED, II ()See. •, ,. VALUABLE RE!, ESTITE FO R 81LE T HE Subscriber ? ers for sale Ins_liousts and La - 1- situated in the village of Montrose, known as ibit old stand cif the Tompiertaice hotel, oining Ste*" F. Keeler Hotel, here is upon , thelot a comma dious stable forty bsixty fees, Which his . beet! ars standing about four , l , together with-tuCholleik and a good well of i v ter. ter. PossessioWwill be prim on the fiat of April next—title indisputable. For farther partic,ulars en4uire of the subscriber on eisi premises. , I STEPHEN HINDS. Montrose, Dec. 30tb, T 846. .' 3w29 • J, B. SIM.NONS, , • .• Boot & Shoe Maker hop hop in Searle's block, We st side of Avetlue. SCIIRLE & CO. A good assortment of Pry Goods, grockety, 1110 d. ware, Sic. &c., Wet aide of Public Avenue,/ , SAY . RE, . Dealer iu Stoves, H ware, Dry Gouda t lte., Wu side of Public Ave ue. LYONS'ISt, CfIANDLERi... Dealers in Stoves, .Tin-wervOin4ioneiry, Dry Goode. &c. &e East of Public Avenue. : MERIOLL" ROOT.. Dealers iu . Hats, Caps,(Pursi Plough Points, \Vest side of Publie Avenue., ' M. HAWLEY,. Still .continutta The Blackamithing busineaainits trait ous branches at his old Stand near KeelertiTicratti • BENTLEY; • Attorney otLaw,.at the old office a few tads whit oflhe Court-house' : / JAMES ELDREDGE,. CatilnersOid.Ohnir 'Making. , Also Paintifig, , Turning,lPoper Hanging; &t. his old ;land on T#rapike 'at. 1,09 " "5 5 1,0 " ,st IMO " " 84 A. CRAM c RUN, Attorney at Law,. 100te over the Store of I. L Po* & Co„ corner of Public Avenue and 'rumple , • PARI & DDLOCX, Physicians & Surgeons. Office; west side of chi Public Avenue over the Store of EL &Mute '4 CcW . E. S. Penn. j G. Z. Dumas. . • WE & LOCKE -• • , Fashionable Tailors, flyer Merril & Root's gat Shaul. J. \FIT HERIDGE, • .• . Groceries,. Fruits, Confectionaries, Drugl,.lttottlakinn, Paints, Oils, and a ivariety of nick necks. MILLS kir,-.SHERM.A*U i Farmer's Store. ‘ , eneral *ariety Oftttods idwa” on hand. Citiae door belowslie residendeiquigto Post. liA{N . dL itOnigitA,l. Coach, Cteriage and Sleigh' Manittnotaiere i , _ on Turn= pike street, afthe old Beardsley stead, arl. to serve custoiners in the most refined Style IT MO age: Articles in our line constantk,',n..bio4 OR, sale, Mid rePairingdone short n itre... .DAVID CLEMQNS:,. _ . dama g e and Sleigh ,Alaker and repairer, may btp found at his shop a few rods South of thultorough, where he will lie happy to wait on Glutton**. D. POST JR. - tfi • Iron Foto:tilers, 'and Phnigit Meradacturess—gbop aL the old stand near the residence of D. Post. ,• LU§K — AL MYERS, Attorneys at Law; Office a few rode Soirth of du Court House. S. P. MUIAFORiI, ttorney int Law;'Office Beat side of the kithlip; Avenne;oier the. Store , of S. S. Mulford & Son. . JERR,E Dealer in Dry Goods. • Gruceues. books, fisissr,.‘s. and Botdaliiritier--East RUE. of Public /olatie. §Attntriit ; Cheap. Goods for the •People--Publie Minn% bit - - side. ISAAC L. POST 64..Q6. . • ,•, Dealeni in Dry Gbods; Hardware, CrociguT i corner of Public Avenue 'and • . J. S. PEIRONNET,‘ .• Dealer in' Dry Gboil4,liiciiiiiiii;tcrdcerieii*prodt. ery, Timothy seed, Gum lieralock Acco....4*pikk villa, Bust. co: Pa. , . S.. S. MULEOP, &ISOM Dealers hi Dry Gots °rackety; Vat* MINTS' Tools, &c. 4ke., East, Ale : Public, ikvlstnite. • • • IDR. H. SMI a - 11 . F • DENTIST—Si ts,Teettl on 640 Vine sad all opeiatiohn Ott the - teeth - in ;he hist atyM be focuisi st LL Seartee Mmxiays and Theo. days °leach week. - . IL- F. 'WHITNEY, M'. ft, Physiciaib Surge* & Accouchier. 'Office :4 Malop Hal4 . 'e,; Jackson; Pa. - ' i. j° OVFA, • 111 L erli. belo‘ Iremeee doors Min*. NEW , :600IIS AT 011E4Sqiii f Th - ii nVeap - si Store t fi '2.. tl- 14 ,.' , . in e uowi t y ., ~ CO on min d- ' .. 1 I s' . -"‘ n lee. . . • 1-;'----WAIIER BRADT. 1 lALMON VAMNZIL, L kk / pileXiikii: f -1? .4f:. ~ 1 • • iir:` 4. t '1,,j1. 1 Paid f t Pactory , -741:274 ::it rlite . 4 . , • - 'l`t . ' HATg be had arum it/ • trhave ever beet APMER Ail% a mew stuck %W% 31F,DIATELY, at this MONTROSE B 18E 1 1118 . S ingEtTeir. ' I.fil !I