liteVeiglrdlte'tlAnk all the tv7iile if nie fortune•Couldafforgit. Ah, poor Captain, ,/ knew kiln, *bilk. he was a man, ands' braver nor a better*iger nivir stood in shoe leather, If ye'd Oeen him as I have, wid .lis bunatiful wiro alongside ou him, his bright soord by hill side, and his eye spark , ling wid the bright hope, ye'd not laugh at :10 1 4 now. The bk)ody Ingun Seminoles ru ,itied his meet lady- t ', if they'd murthered her it mould ha' been t l / 4 . ifilessin' but, no manlier he's nivir been thqstime min -since 1" As nobk a hennas ever beart in man's bOsom dwelt in the breast ofpoor Jabk Mo. Nro 'D • " • rim— • • e News a oc totek. From bie Public Leder er , Jan. 11. • e From AO Arniy. The news froth' Mexico, by yesterday's triails, is import* provini, as it does the determination of ttiti Mexican Congress, not to twat Of peace until every hostile foot has /eft their soil. ' Tito cost of 'the war, thus tar; has been too gtbat ; the numberof troops, present,.too hirke, and the success' of the American arms Too brilliant to adinit the *tight' of relin4ishing any of the advan tages tilmady gain §d over our foe, or to with dtaW from the coutitry until the object, which tailed our troops4nto it, is completely ac iiimplished and titience triumphantly eon /Inered from Mc. co. The determination of.the Mexican Ciingress then compels our government to cltinue its 'offensive opera tions,andove trusty with such force and vigor as will eroWn those efforts with success. The ten addition td regiments of regulars, Which governmeu proposes to raise, will augment our fors some eirht or nine thousand men, 4ich Will increase the or ally in Mexico to 3,000. This amountniay tti-iswer the purpo t r ges of the war, hut fifty thousand men wild not be too many and would sooner sector a peace which 'has to ile bought from th - V enemy by hard knocks and a terrible Oirashing. The progress of the till for ?lasing The ten regiments is slow in the liotise. By the proceedings ISt:Saturday we learn that Mr. Rathbun's sitbstitnte to the 111 providing for the raising of volunteers, instead - of regulars, was finally 'voted down after laving been carried. The vote on the orginip Bill has not yet been taken, though amendments have been adopt ed prohibiting mOnbers of Congress from being appointed otlicers in the'regiment, and providing for the n.ppointment of a Linden miat-Veßeral. Willi these exceptions the Bill is as it came ,from the C4mmittee.. From the immosl:lc seat of war we have a rumor that Sanra - Xnna is advuncinw' with 15,000 men upon Oen. -Worth, who is falling back upon Monter§v. Worth's force at Sal 'Olio is only 1300;r but,even as small as this • iti,.we do not belieie that he will retreat from that city unless die odds are enormously . "against him. Tli(1 rumor which speaks of his falling back is)contraclicted by another, Which says that Oen. Taylor, on being in farmed of the factipf Santa Anna's advance, despatched two reements to reinforce Worth tit+ Saltillo, and intended to follow himself with all his dispOsiible force. Whatever mrtOie the fact, one timing is eertain—that if SOnta Anna wishes a fight, he can very easily be gratified ; and if he eotaes as far as Saltillo he will he likely to hare an opportunity to test the courage of his troops and histown skill and generalship. - We look with intOest. for the next accounts front the army foe: a confirmation of these reports. • . *), _ Fro4)..the N. Y. Com. Adreitiser. Approach tat the City of Mexico. If a march Ate Mexican capital, from. Vera Cruz as thealtarting point, is determin ed on, we all hal an interest in knowing what is to be enciaintered on the road. The following itinerary, as it may be called, has been made up fit, authentic sources, and •-i -.. IS believed to be .cutate. Vera Cruz.— he city of Vera Cruz is walled round, with a fort at each extremity o the water froni; the walls on the land side are loophol4i for musketry. Parapet , guns have been •re.cently moanted on the walls. The city walls are very thick, of° coral rock ; the walls' of the houses are usu ally 24, feet thick and the -roofs are flat. Each house has tcistern or cisterns of rain Water. The cityits well paved. ~ From Vera Cry: to /lexica—About ten tidies from Veracruz is.astream2oo yards wide, erotised 4„a ferry in scows, or by swimming horses The next stream, about 30 miles'ftitin Vera Cruz, is fordable, and is also,spanned by a wooden bridge cull ed Puente ; del 1?4, (the King's bridge,) and also the national bridge. Near it on the 'right is an emince O of - about 60 feet, on - Which is a fort, cmpletcly commanding the ... approach and brilige. Between these tridges and Jalapa the road passes near sevelal heights, from which`the natives annoy invaders on the road. City of Jalai.—This city stand on very e p e .. evated ground4yet for many miles the as s nt . iii quite gratual. From the city; Vera OrtiZ . :ii visible, a is also the sea, 90 miles distant. The cifrvitself is upon a high hill; highest in the ceiltre, so that the streets in cline coasiderabty ; so much so that no Wheeled vehiclepi pass along any ofthem except th e imaisstreet, or road, which has a considerable rap and descent. The city is surrounded bypt wall, and has a strongly built Church neattlie Western gate, which could be convenOid into a citadel. The streets are paved .1 1 The houses as in other : Mexican towns, are of stone, with Sat roofs iron.find barred Windows. Oppositethe city rotstx the left of .theiOad, is a hill from which ltbe road might biannoyed and shells thrown iatu.the town- Sr the distance of six or : antes- ftiiles bet* reaching the town, the sasitis a handso and substantial structure d checkered pav4,ment,andmast have been vi,eady. ; ,Perot..-At tip base of a high mount, ame,some distance from „able soadott , thelL is a cluster of houses .1 . 01 10 4 at Chufeki ed Penite. jeattle of Pero ...-Opposite, on the right' atitheXttadeand mending it in everrdi ..rAFtkei•alands thit Ale: It is upon , a flat aalidy Allot r built of stone and en eitcied by. a deep fosse or ditch. The asainmrtrance is; going.tiver a clievanz , a stilei,z .esccutlOg some twenty-. . - .01`11411Y stone ' x/144(1114w of the n lrb crossing the gatear WOO are With a ' A rok ""egy of.. '‘votis woutisted tfouted:-.: Ns: to € t o f.stoop a n ** fa , `arq!Ml ,fmtaine aboii juimpo. inhabitants; here w r is abundant, bui from the natiolialbridge to) this city no water can be obtained; the l'.napves substituting puique as a beverage. I I From Jalap,a•to .P ehla there are occad• sional !might. nearihe rind, wiach, if .forti fled, might annoy invaders. In fact, from Vera Oruz to Puebla this is the case ; the travel being alternately over broad and un obstructed roads and farrow passes, com- mended, by heights. !. The road through; Puebla . The Pueblanos have a by the arrival there of the stoat. peculiar character; they are cunning and _iy LAC :"Outu.... --__ from tbd army, which reached ma. She left the BrazOs oh courageous and the m) ft, exert robbers and which date there was no newt assassins throughout Mexico, whereihere is interest from Saltillo, froth whicl no lack Of such. If 84 ihrender'is brought red-thit'uthe danger of tut attar '. before ati atcelde, anii where else, and is !marine tires supposedi- When G known or ascertained to be 'a Pueblano, hie express' was .despatchedt Th ~ condemnation is sure. Watson il Ridgley, and other B Cordovti. . A stnallialled and garrisoned had anyed at New Orleans, town through which ilie'read passes. Be - of Washington, died on the pa yond Piiebla the road hrgood till it reaches the mountain of Cordofa, about midway be, dates front Matatnoras are to Since the lust dates rumor's of ba tween the former and the city of Mexico, es and Counter-marches, Wool's Where the ascent is very rugged and steep, off, iVdith's division drivim bac thhugh Without defiles-:' Near the road, at th i efoot °Nils nvountaini Passes the Rio Frio, rey froth Saltillo, that he and C for were shut up in _Monterey, oticold river, Which hatiits rise in the neigh- ed. "..': • biking mountain of Popocatapetl, 17,000 Gen 2 Scott and his staff have feet ahoVethe level,of the sea. A work en some of the heights of Popocataped would! previous in great haste for Cat. On going up the river, they at command the road. ; ' with' a email, bringing intelliget After leaving ;the mountain of Cordova the of the corps of observation helot road is food and unobstructed, with plenty to Anna's Army had been ii of water, to the !city of ;Mexico. For sever al miles before reaching that city the road where Wool was,- and that it Worth at Sandi°. TwiFgs an is delightful, pa.4simg betweettparallel canals and rotes of Lombardy poplars. as per 'previous accounts.. Gen division: had crossed the river , The .Lake 01l TezpOo.—.This lake com- do five idaY-s previous, and wool menceCon the right of the road near the his destination. Gen. Taylor, it city, into which its waters arc carried by a I would,,ito doubt, return hoar .canal, the latter serving also to drain the Gen. Scott takes commend. gutters, ! de. into the hike The so-called Patterett reaches Victoria, all hike is a large, long and ' very irregularly , Sari LMs yid! be shut up.: shaped basin, sliallow;* and containing nu- ! Adv i l a es Troy, been „„i ye d i nierous . small islands and covered by myri- • co to the 30th alt. Every tliit ads of wild ducks.. The depth of water ye ! qu.: et and orderly. The baroue I ries with the season ; in the rainy months New York, had arrived at Tani the basin is filled i and then it assumes the ! company of artillery under Cat appearance of a large lake. Being the re- der, and Were at once marche ceptaele of all the, drainage from the city it i Mr. Chase, the former Cons is very 'filthy. 'l l, ' he canal front the city' appointed Collector of thp Cust passes through it, ifed fly its waters, five or pie°. 'The rumors of attacks t Six miles in a Seuth East direction to the' co were considered as only 31 small fort of Chalet', at the. extreme margin* -- Great competition exists among of the basin in that direction. This canal rates are i 45 per foot in and 1. - . 4 • is used for transporting produce into the . associations of pilots are' in e! city and for pleasure excursions in gondolas, : MeXietin and the other Americ &c; - .: A slip from Norfolk has •b City of litezico.-4LIe all other Mexican here, dated yesterday Th cities this. has wa11.4. and houses of stone, MissisSippi had arrived from Ar with flat roofs, &c. his well paved; a girt- w hi c h oh,„ s h e l e ft mi , t h e .2 ter four' feet wide passes through the centre the 20th' December Com. Pert of each 'street, covered by broad flag stones, i eral vessels, took possession of removable at - pleasure.: All the gutters are destroyed the guns end munit drained into the canal or lake,' The city found in the port and town. has many large and strong Chtirches and with two vessels, had been le other great buildings, easily converted into Off the' Alvarado, the Mississi fortresses. If its walls were repaired and the Melicati sehr. Ametia, am mounted with cannon, and well garrisoned, , New Orleans. - Purser Crust): it could -make a formidable resistance to . killed oh hoard the Vix:en by falling from aloft. , Santa Anna has been de. new Clingress as duly 61eeted the Republic. From a further of the files of Mexican -paperi:i that no direct action was had I by the -Mexican C'angress. '1 papers convey the impreission . i is to bathe great battle groan( The official accounts of event gelos, an the Pacific, in reknit tion of the•trth September, 'r Americans were made prison mounded. One Mexican hi Americans. The conquerors tl to the city of the Angels, an September in the town capituli The-terms of the surrepder with AS. much deliberation as terev, and are detailed at lengt Orleans papers. Gem Jessup, and his staff, '240 sick And discharged. soldi i sengers m the Alabama. besiegers. During the festival days, which arc very numerous, the haciendas for twenty or thir ty miles around, send into the city not less than 10,000 mourned peatiantry of the. bet ter class, most expert horsemen. They are courageous #►nd skilful in the use of the lance, lasso. and machete, which is a large and heavy knife" Nothing more would be ne cessary than for the padres to go forth into the streets of the principal cities, particular ly Puebla and Mexico, elevate their crosses and appeal to the bigotry of the population to rally an immense force of bold, active and desperate men, who would make fierce resistance to an invasion., Freaks of Electricity. During the storm on the Bth inst., there were some curious phenomena exhibited in the effect. produced upon the wire of the Telegraph, and the instruments of the ope rators in the. office. On commencing to use one - of the instru ments in the morning, it was found' to be unmanageable, from the great surplus of electric fluid, which, of itself, put the pen in rapid motion, "writing dots," as the term is, in style worthy of an. Old hand at the instru ment. If. being found impracticable to do any thing with such an erratic and. self-willed agent, the operator turned the current of the fluid' to the ground, and Ipt it work off the extra Steam as fast as it pleased. One of the. wires, when disconnected with the instrument, was discovered emitting from ' its point a most brilliak flame, of the inten sity peculiar to electric fire, and as large as the blaze of a candle. This striking ap pearance being caused by the passage of the fluid from the termination of the wire ' into the plastered brick Wall of the building, which is but a dull conductor. A newspa- I per on Which the wire was laid, was scorch ' ed by the passing fluid. ~Mr. Partridge, the operator, received two pretty severe shocks 'in arranging the wires, so as to,.put every : ' thing out of harm's way, that the lightning could play its freaks after its own fashion ! : Similar results have been before produced in The summer, during he4y thunderstorms, but this is the first instance we have beard of, When they have occurred in winter.— ' Bulalo Courier. . War Steamers. We learn with pleasure khat a bill is about beingbninglit before Congress by the ap propriate, committee, providing for the con atruCtion pf tbur War Steamers. This is a subject which we regard as interesting to every section-of the Union, and more par ticularly to Pennsylvania, at this juncture of our affairs. seems to us that uur govern ment has:been' rather remiss in. providipg this inosretfieient means of defence and. at tack. Miss heretofore been regarded more in the light of an experinientiltan.otherwille. The day, , however, Las gone by when 'War Steamerii are to be regarded as experiments, if they are * properly eonatructed, and we trust the bill may speedily ibe passed:l The maekiniSta Arid iron wen jof have heretofore exhibited - their unrivalled, skilkin the construction Of MaelliAlerY 9f the description necessary for thasesterunera, and we trust if this bill pease& they may - again have an opportunity-ofila:ming their ability to fit out ft war steamer of the very first or , 4sion. gir lifaata Anna .tip. , administered an 0 411140 the officers of his troopo, not tol take the, Byes d aal,Americium :who night fall into.4 l o.T*o l s ll ,,bat tu lietOi " th em into the ine4oo alktrimOnen of war, ' "LaiOr from 1lIeh1c• A Santa 4nna Elected Pi;esiden , of the Re. publii.—capture of Liiguna . y Comma:. dore:Perry—The Official Account of thi *tit* Los Angclh—Gen. Wool at Balt~lla—Safety. of Gen. Woith—Geri, Taylor about to return home— Letter from Tampico. Washingtohi, Jon. the Southern mail we hay, Terrible Exi A most terrible accident Thursday evening, on the Rea near ➢dill Creek, by which se The fatal catatroph by the explosion of the bpiler tive atixiched to k train of he the way from Richmond to t It occurred about eight o'cl part of the train passedi the r at Milt Creek, and is rittribu on theOart of the engiueer, i up a proper supply of :Water; den introduction of the tenter i when, as it is supposed', the tensely heated. The lotoino nne mid is a complete wreck; taking} effect upward Lind throwitig.portions of it to a Two pieces were found son distant imbedded in theeartl was a horrible one yesterda the place around for many yar with limbs and mutilaed bodies; and pieces of torn and As fatias is known, there w persons on the loeomotitie, or:a train, 0 of whom, from the must have been on the llocom. der at ,the titne.—Ledgir. President's filesS. l To the Senate and Houie of In . order to prosecuM the MeXico with vigor and isucce. sary diet anthority pi by Cotigrer.:s to increatie the and to;;retnedy existing defect: ization. .With this view', you tentior is invited to the Minna secret9ry of War, whWi ace message of tht; Bth inst.,i in 'twit mends that ten additionjil re! ular tr4ops shall be ratsed til th e war. Of the additional regiknorkts which 'have been aulle&forP, the states, ionic have been pr but thil has not been thq case all, the existing law, ;requi :hould lae organized by the ini; tion of the state governinents, instances occasioned conaidera it is ye; uncertain when the tr can be".rSady for serviColin th, It itrnur settled policylto i of peace,' as small a regnlar a igencies of the public will - perm of war, notwithstanding the tages , With:' , whifili) OUT irolunte! diers CAM toef intii the lii tegulan*my'must be inierear =ME hers in order to render the wholeforee more efficient. Additional , officers, as well as men, they become indispensable. - Under the eiretim - , itrince of opr service; a peculiar prciprietr exists for ipOreasing the officers, especially in the higher grades. The' officers, who, from age or other causes, are rendered in capable of active service in the field, has greatly Impaired the efficiency of the army. From the report of the Secretary of War, it appears that about two thirds of the whole regiment field officers are either permanent : ly or necessarily detached frOm their com mands On other duties. The long enjoyment of peacehns prevented us from experiencing much embarrassment from this cause, but now, in a state of war conducted in a for eign country, it has produced serious injury to the public service. 4, 1847 • later dates l evy . Orleans hip Alaba 7 the 3d, at ot,e,ipeend it is infer. Was not so u. Worth's remains of ltittioreans, lieut. Boyle, !sage. The he Ist lost. ties, marcli column' cut to 'Monte enema Tay av e prevail- An efficient organization of the army, composed of regulars and volunteers, while prosecuting the -wnr with, Mexico, it is be lieved world require the appointment of a general officer to take command of all our military forces in the field. Upon the conclusion of the war, the ser vices of such an officer would no longer be necessary, and should be dispensed with upon the reduction of the army to a peace establishment. I .recommend that provision be made by law for the appointment of such a general officer, to serve during the war. It is respectfulrysecommended that early should he had by Congress upon the suggestions submitted for their considera tion, as necessary to ensure active and effi cient service in prosecuting the war, before the present favorable season for military op eration in the enemy's country shall have passed away. • JAMES K. POLK. Washington, 29th Dec., Ir'46. ieft two days lar,o. •t a steamer Ice that part ;ging to S:to- -, The busine t ss of the Sena ! kites not been of much iutefest. • i ► t i The Cominittee on Printing, reporteA against the printing of then memorials of the Sugar Plant#rs of Louisiana, for the _repeal of the Tariff‘f 1846. " • I.i. The bill foi the sale of the Lake Sopertor, Copper Min+, afeer sundry 'artiendmet4s was ordered to be printed; The coitside lion of the bill was postponed until Friday. , The bill giving the assent of Congress ttri . certain State* to tax public lands, as soon:ilis bold, was paled. A bill to grant lands tothe State ()MO ! igan, in aid 0 internal iMpiovements, *AS! The great topic of the week has been passed. . 4 1 E , slavery—the subject which, sooner or later, A resolutidn was passed to ask the Pre4ie - is destined to become the all-absorbing theme dent what is Oe expense Of the Exectit*e of political, religious, and . social discussion department tinder the new pOstage bill ; id•i and action in this country, until the master so, a resolun4U calling on; the Secretary '`..eif evil from which it springs, is removed. The the Treasure; for a statemOt of the amount House of Representatives is fairly involved of public mt4ties in the public tlepositori§si in the discussion, and with a spirit and ap- and to inquit, why a monthly statement itiaS parent earnestness that give the best hopes no t been pubaislied. • ' • 1 • : for nit auspicious result. The resohition of Mr. Catheron, directin g' The 'discussion, it will be remembered. the Secretary of the Treasury to report int , has thus far been only uptai the hill for in- what articlessembruced ini the tariff Of '444 i 'creasing- the army, and voting supplies. Mr. on which dui duties might be increased !se King's resolutions, whieli have been referr- as to nugnierit the revenue. On this !a lekg; ed to the proper committee, gave direction debate ensinfti. Mr. Niles denounced the ! to the discussion ; and when introduced will Minuend nieir , ures of Met Government, ;Os open the whole subject, whether •we are to utterly unfit for the preseth situation ,of die have any more slate territory, for consider , : country. Several slight eimendmentS we're ' ation. The position taken by the Northern made to thetesolution, andit was pass 4 • members. has thus far been firm, kind, and Mr. Bentce:t introduced a bill encoUragittg uncumproinisinz. If the proverbial want of the enlistment of soldiers, and streanouil3 l : principle iti politicians did not suggest a urged its ad:option. Mr Crittenden libd doubt whether this bold front will he main- Mr. Clayton made pretty decided Wier tattled, nothing but the best results could be speeches. •; , . . a looked for. Let 'us hope that neither bribe- The Vice !President being absent, left ry, intimidation, nor party interests, will sue- request withlMr. Atchison, of Mo., to ttike ceed in weakening the resolution of the the chair. The Senate refused to aCknorl- North. odge Mr. Daillas' right to Choose a success- The principal speakers who have taken er, but appointed Mr. Atchison chairtriaii, this ground, are Mr. King, of N. Y. Mr. pro km. t , Grover, of N. Y., of the Democratic party,' We tegre to announce the death of ilie. Mr. Winthrop, and several Whigs. Mr ! Hon. ISAAC ).'ENNYBACKETL, member`. of Pie Grover congratulated the iouth on the lin- U. S. Senate froin Virginia. He ,W11..4 it provemeut m their tactics which a willing- Democrat; xix:til__ his term .of service; wcitild ness to discuss this subject indicated : and have continited till the 4th of March; 18 . 411. rejoiced in the calm and reasonable manner .Jan. l5-4 o'clock ' i .., , in which it had been done. The House SENATE-4A communidatien was rece iv e d. ought to declare at the rery earliest uppor- ..from the Wilt. Department, with cepiei Of tunny, whether slavery was to be tolerated the instructi'On to the Cherokee Chmittitt in the territory that might be acquired. It - ; i• , ' s t one rs. is now time for those representing the free The Cm4nittee on thei Fost-o ffi ceireport- Northto take their stand, and maintain it ed a hill to Provide for th; transportatioti? iii . unflinchingly. The gentlemen of the South , the mail to Oregon. - , • 1•• should understand that there existed thro'- Mr. Benton asked the; unamineotis *t out the entire North; but one feeling ; and sent of the Senate to introduce a bill to grant that was never to submit to the intro- land to the non-commissioned' officers a'nti duction of slavery by any act of Congress, soldiers serving during the war with Mexlee. where it had previously no existence. He Mr. Cann:iron objecteq4 as the bill Was believed every Northern member, with one calculated ter destroy the eliect of the amehcl exception, (understood to be Mr. Douglass. meats he hail offered yesterday. of Ill.,) was agleed on that point. With , Mr. Ashley Was excused from serv+ingiob what face could the• South ask of the North t h e Committee on French Spoliatiotts, bind to give up the just and holy principle of Mr. Spirgetfti appointed 0 his place. - El keeling; slavery •where It is, when she had ' The bill to increase the - army was qien generously opened her arms and received • taken up, tOci pending the question tilted t, Texas with all ber ;ayes ? He would like the amendrdent of Mr.- Cameron was c,to i the Singh to, abide by her own principle's. sidered. . ; ; . 1 I California is nowt free—for even barbarous Mr. Badger offered -a> substitute for illie Mexico had abolished slavery—and the I amendmenti! i ! MI South held that Congress had no power to Mr. Benthn offered his bill as a .'sultiiti act in any manner on the subject of slavery. I tote, but, di& Vice Presiddnt ruled it iotlf, of Very Well: whrit, then, was to be rule, ac- order., .: 1 t • I cording to the !law" of nations? California Several oilier amendments were Offer, N e, is now a conquered territory; and the law which weretirderedto bet printed, crud 31c of Mexico, to whom it had belonged, remain- bill was po4poned till to:morrow. , 1 ;,,; ed the law of California, until changed by Time Lietitennut-Geneol hill was 't n , • .. . . it l'arrus, lead joined IIQ111(111111, P attersott':. an Fel-nun ' soon be at i vas thought, • us soon as When Geo. le passes to iroar Tami)i- r was. then anhoe,fiom ico with the ain Magru into camp. I, had been ins at-Tam pon Tam pi- , xiean tales, pilots ; their out. Two istence, one feu recci%ed on Lizarilo, tit ult. (hi with ser- I agai], and 'inns or war Sand,•. 't in chartze. ;pi captured 11 sent her to 1- had been accidennillv lared by the President of examination it appears pori the war he Mexican , nt o at) LUIS of•the war. at Los An , ti to - the ac tates that '2.7 Hrs• and three led, but i) en laid seige on the 30th ted toFlores. we drawn nl, that of Mon t in the New Itozeiber with in., came rib- vecorred on ing Railroad, en wen were was caused of a loconio den ears, on C coal mines. —1, , just as a ilroad bridffc ed to neglect not keeping and the sad nto the boiler, dues were in- ve was a la rgre he explosion ;rest ltl' r i ' s j t ' a n a e h e d . le -'>)O yards The scene morniig, as s Wks streivii rtions of the +um flesit.-- re hut seven tached tb the rcutnstances, tin: and tan- the sovereign pOwer of the cotiqueror. That conquering sovereign is Codgress; and if Congress should do nothing about slavery, how could rlavery conic into California This day, if Northern -men would but do their duty, disiniss all idle fears, and come up, (as the smith always did) shoulder to shoulder—if they would meet the question boldly, like men, and declare that slavery should remain where it is, and never by their act go an inch further, the thing would be done !' Mr. Winthrop *poke as if there was no question about the 'subject. The minds of the Northern representatives, said he, are made up. They will not argue the ques tion. They do not want Mexican territory, either free or slave; but if it is insisted that this territory shall come in, then the proviso which shuts out slavery frourall of it, will be insisted on. The southern, pro-slavery side of the de bate has as yet been indifferently•managed. Mr. Dargan, of Alabama, made a temper ate, but unequivocal speech, that the South Would submit- to in) restrictions in this mat- 132 ZEIZZIEBE gainst It given rmy, s(oirr at report p ao r ioa i r t ir t l inr y a i eb u oa i • f the in its organ d my eh he reoni eats of rag- serve during tre. Mr. Seddon', of Va., also 'spoke, in a more southern-style, and took ground equal ly decisive. Mr. Toombs, of Ga., and Mr. Ligon, both spoke temperately and ably. The vote laying that part of the Primal dent's"Menage relating to the, appointment of a Limit, General, on the table, was re of volunteers fin several of Lhptly raised, in regard ,to ing that they ependent ac as in some i considered, on • motion of Mr. Hamlin, of Me., by a vote of 86 yeas to 84 nays. , The subject was then referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. A notice , to close the debitte on the bill for increasing the army, was on Saturday last adopted,add then re-considered. Mr. Seaman, of Miss. gave notice of a bill to prevent , the importation of foreign pau pers. • -The_bill for erseourul !e delay, nod it's required field. 'ntain in time 1y (wile t. In a state t. , reat advan r eitizetrisg. Id, this small In its nant- Iging en istments in the regular army, passed, with an amend r-ongreEisional. lireoiniNGTON, Jan. 4, 1847 •ment,-so that Government ; charge soldiejs at any timej. ' In tkepftikregal of the•delbat on the War d, bill, Mr. IL*. of Mi - nritu ' poke in fut'f k i —lll7 a r- -e -11 f of the we, `elnd 'alto Mr;;::?Ficklin, of 111.;i who attacked Gen.. Taylor-I:and Gen.. Sc4t,l - with great latteraesi. - Mr. - Thomption,!of Miss. advocated the war, and insisted On the neceptitylfor a Lt. Gen. He afterwedsp moved an atilendment to le bill, providine for the appointment of sue an office. Thel motion was list by a vote nf 120 to 00,, - Mr. RathbUn moved a elubOitute for the bili, making It a bill to rai‘e 10,006, voltin- ] teers, to be officered by the Stales. Tfii.4l:oa4, lost by 104 t 103. The bill finally passed, nearly in its °qv inal shape, viz., adding tecr regiments to y army, by a vine of 171 to 34. Mr. C. J. lligersol remarked, in the cots se of the debate that. this question must be Ole only question of the session. CongrOsS cannot be better employed.; The tea and coffee tax bill has not 'bdini renewed • it The Oregcn Territorial 13111 is now • I • fore the Houk.. An amendment to thelillj reported by the committee; Wasmadeto the effect that nothing should be construed toin- . terfere with the Missouri, compromise Eini slavery—t. 4 shutting outislavery from the territory. Iti tas not yet been voted on. fi • , taken up, geld Mr. Badger spoke in opin., lion to the Measure, whi§h he said spas 4th of injustice to Generals 'gay* and-seoo.F When M. Badger concluded, Air, 14,14 gum movedl us a test question, to lay ;herp upon the table, when his i motion Koval): by 28 yeas 41'21 nays. I* g This defg3its the propoOtion for the pointment a LientenaUt 'General. The Gr aduation bill wits then taken but before tiby action,wa4 had the Setiti adjourned. • Howse.-0 ibsolution offered •by Hanlin was4:Tead, asking' the Presifieni state the nuinber and ply of niettiberil Congress ncitv serving in MexicoJ On motion of Mr. Donglass, the 110 went into Climinittee of the Whole on 11 ► Oregon Terlitorial Bill, pelt. Cobb in 't chair. Amendmfints were adopted, limiting it e pay of the delegate to COngress to $2 , requiring thit he shall be* citizen or 'Ott ritory, andkrve for the session only to wlO h be is elected, • I An additiimal section was adopted,ieeqiiii • , 't• i 7 - ing the officers of the terr tory to give quic k rity. The C ommittee th rose, and thein e.i) as amendedwas reportedlo the Howie. 6 Mr. BurtOoved to anipad, , !by inaerge the . amendnient recognizi g the line !of If Missouri cotnprontise-1 t, 82 to 114. I The. ametidtnents in committee was the agreed to, and the question being on _II passage, Mrs Leake gavel, his reasons v4h he should receogainst theibill. He said Pi South cannel and will nOt submit In lin further interference with heir rights in th, deliberate iiolation of the Misseurt•cat promise. - . Mrs Henlatly t ofindiiitia, said- lar ted deliberaly s and ever alsoUld dehl erinely agairiiitany - furth extension 'of ;i1 moils of slaw evils of slavils4. !` Mr, 'DosOiss Wet- , reioly uleisi 'll quettionnt the 'proper time; end -444116-tht proposi;ion,cftheigentienisefnee New, To, Mr. K ing; p rohibiting: slavery in the teirke ry'aciluired came -up, be should move to ilns amend, byinstrting, the prietiptes of the - Missouri comkOrmae. - ' , - ' " \ Mr. Clernand, Of Elie ', " , followed mike same side of the qticsoo M. Rho!, delivareit a constittiiiimars .. gunflint in defence of the doctrine of State Rights. Mr. Petit againt ontended that the sover eignty in regard to ,the new territory; rests with the general g overnment until - reliesqu ished. . Mr. Thunman gave.his views at length, and without taking any vote adjoitkoed until to-morrow. pennia. Eigielatute. , Senate oecnpied with l u o e c a l i t dj. ma n i -- n 0 1 r 2 Li e . - . titions, and resolutions. • No business of gen cral impOrtaiice transacted. \ • 4 IOOSE OF REIPRESENTATIVE.I3,\: a Rciolittions ' Mr. Bull, offered a resolution,, that\the Committee on the Judiciary; be instructedto . enquire into the eipediency, of reporting ii., bill to enable citizens to vote for the Presi dential electors on ten days residence, insitead ' of twentk;-as now provided— Agreed to. Mr. Blair: one that the Committee of i Ways and Means enipiire intothe expediency i of bringing in a bill repealingthelaw.which Iprovides forthe taxation of WA debis and certain other eVidences of debt: Agreed to: The Tariff Risolutions; On motion the House went into Commit; tee of the Whole, on the, following resolu tions relative to the tariff hy'Mr. 'Leyburn; (Mr. Holy in the chair,) Which weretaketi up on a second-reading. ' . Whereas, the happiness and prosperity of a country. depends upon th protection af forded to the industry , of it citizens: And whereas, experience the be t tealier, has shown dot tip citizens of tit United Suites ' have always been: most hap y and prayer ' ous under a tariff that afford • direct---Eirotect ion to the farmers, laborers, manufacturers, ' mechanies, &c.; therefore ; Resolved by the Senate and House of Re- . presentatires ofthe Commonwealth of Penn sylrania in,Geneiat Asiembly met, That our Senators in Congress be instructed and our Representatives requested to use every hon orable means in their power to repeal the anti-American Tariff bill of 1846, and sub stitute in lien thereof, the glotionsAinerictin 'Protective Tariff Bill of 1542. Resolved ; That the Speakers of the Sen- • ate and 'House of Representatives of this . Commonweal* be • directed-to - forward a . copy of the resolutions to each quilt Sena ' tors and Representatives iu Congres4.4.ith a request to lay the same before the respect ive bodies of which they are members. Mr. Boughner offered to amend, by strik ing out all- after the word resolved, tend .in serfing a provision that our Congressional ' delegation be retinest&l to use their exertions to. procure an increased duty to be levied on ; coal and iron if they deem that the same. would produce an increased revenue to the government. On this amendinent the yeas ' and nays were 'celled, and were As' follows: Yeas 38, nays 54. Mr. Moreton' Moved - to amend 15y striking out the words "Anti-Ameriean,"'ana insert thd words “free-trade." The iisebtionWeits amended - 1n verbal fibrasedOiy' - anct, ilea passed by yens "55, nays 39.' ' - ' The resolution - fequestinethe . 'Spetiker of the flouse to transmit copies, ' &c., ris amended so as tai request the Governdr, to transmit the,same, and was then passed on second.readjng. The Tention then reenrring on'the pre amble. Mr. B. ~_- ..ou g hner offered to l 'ainend by insert * lug, "that . it is die opinion of the House that the ad valorem principle secures sufficient revenue and just; protection." Mr. Hilands offered to amend the ntriend ment, by inserting, .a clause reOgnizing 'a - contrary doctrine, and on this aineddtfieile the vote stood, yeas 55, nays 39. SENATE. Wednesday, Jan.-1 1 ,1847. : '' Bills Read in Place. . Me D - arsie : e supplentept to the act to' create the office Of State printer: ' • Air:Sanderson itibflement td the aft concerninixhall titipthreenis: Committee - of Ile Whole. ' . I • -On motion of Mr. Dtiriie;the Semite Ott- - Fsidered, in eoinniittee of the wholi; the sti plement to the netid create the ,otficeofState printer, and then the same was rend a'steond• and third time and paSsed. Mr. Striith- offered the fallowing rescd& - tkm Resolved, That the Committee on the Militia be instructed in ingnire into the 'ax- - pediency of so eh - lending the militia to render the' syStem no longer ridraitipolr -P.-, the CominonweOlth. Mr. Johnson-Moved to amend bystriking out all after the word "resolved," and:ln serting: That Mile Committee on - 100 Militia' he instructed to inquire' into Itlie iipedieney of abolishing the!militia systeni Of the Coat= mon wealth, by r4etilingtdi the law's in three.- , After a few Words from' lteisrs: , Ci;tibir, and Diitsie, Mei:question win; to the' amendment, and it was negatiyedl ' iiii The' resolution was agreed to. • . ' • nouse , 'or nienestmrsTives. The Spenkcrlaid before the Hnhse •contimunientitin froin the State Treasurer,' in answer to the' follouing resolution Honse..of Represnntatiaeirt • Satfirday,'JanAth,llBo. ) On motion of Mr. Lawrefino i . Resolved,: Th'ut the State • TtieliPt::: requested to inform this netilerivhether will bei a sfifficietilinnotrtit iictivailahle funds - , in the Treasuiy en the'lst.FebrunrytOntee e, the interest then ffilliligduis ; and ifso, tri g rpe- - from-what siareen he extteeti, the nmnant; butt if there should 'be cieney in the Treasury oh the Ist - nr.rehhit-• cry_ to meenha, interest, thew 'Whet ine*ii , he would -suggest to nieet theepiergeh4 and preseve the- Csith of the, Commonwealth: . ; 11 ,4 1 11 13 1 t i r ., In tins ,edinrilunicatton the , - stated,. that, there mill be , su ethat f want of funda,itk_ the Treasury,to, thleo),;ped-7 ditures, redLieeth debt, and leavit:Chidtineet of 1479,119'91 lit therTf,eatr,ust,94•:l;fit, of the habil, year it tho'•Y**Of 'life NOV aid iigoroullY .501,44490 Pt I suggesing:any.