The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, January 21, 1847, Image 1
. L.l — atip . .otopli*.'a,oo:cettc.: , rustAc LVT,ItY .THlfliSlliq 8Y.. ., . 1 ``, DOW &j BOND.. ~ ...,i • • 4 isOffice mat the, west side Of the, Public Avenuei) TEFL:4IB....kE MILLII altar in atleunce. 4-0 :4 , - Onel'EPolliir 'Elk- Cents if not paid within'three ratititlis, int 4 if debried until niter the expiittien , of the year tap dollars will he exacted. • 1. t r. Discamtin attces optional l syith the l'ablishertt : un less arrtnra es. arcpai.d. i Letters the Publishers en business with the of fice nuiPt post-paid to inletre 'attention. Paetn. f Fur llic I'vppip'.l.Aiirucatc: Stisquellian it a. Homes. i% ----4- . . - g •y n 1 l PI. In 1i11)(, rF. E ,Theawroes of Suoialeluoina.— Tty greet the tniveler's tn'e, {{'he., 'hr Ater torders with, H 3 path may chtitice to lie. Where forest birds are swelling T 141: it notes in griT i nwoixl glades,- Ilowpnany a pleasaht dwelling Pe ß ki. out amid tlieir shades ' 1 Or some verdantdlin-side, W ere wild fresh.breezes blow, Whelie trees their logy branches wave 41a murmurs soft and low. 11'I+ silvery brooks are glancing Btp the sun'sbribt ray, -kinl-, , devvii the hill-shh l-4w gaily int their Way. . . • The itnines of liberty! Aftnintl their heartiN Ho 4 muny joyou, Hn L• meet, itthi spirit , : gay and light: ii. lloeF swert the praise aspeudiug 1 w onls of thankful song, . Wlt 1 .11, happy N °ices bleuiling, Tte 'tuneful strain prolong. • ' Ani firM.l thoQc,94i..t dwellin s, lib r many a youtldhl band . Goftrtl, from out their shelrring roofs, A ikhi, amid the laud. • reso'ved on duty, (4 foa' with danntles:s I,reast Whle tiehest smiles of lle , eity [lon the daughters test. - I lor thee, I\ennsyl. mdo., *ire'er my hd May he, My )acurt from every other .du-ine titiali fondly turn ty thee: Th4gli fati. may Itid . rat• 1.1:poil afurci7i No 6rthly power eau nn lee heart and " AN(,Legrt, Ct. Dec. I f.:16. F th- Cottr'.cr. LEGE7IIIDS OF TILE leE VOLUTION. 6E , rit...t. i:pAtu, g :NATHAN HALE. It wasa'clear evening in the early spring of 1775, when a young man 'came to his na tive howl, to bid his mother faxem.4l.i . 1 see 0 }at picture lickfore me now. 1 A twlistory - house, built of grey stone, ' with a mall garden extending from the door to te roadside, while.all'around arises , i t the orcl ,, rd trees, fragrant with the first: blossoinspfspring. 'Yonder you behold cat tle ground together in the shadows.:l! It is itE;quiet hour ; everything seernsbeau tiful ntidi'holy. There is a purple flush up on the Nrestern 'sky, a sombre richness of shadow resting upon yonder woods ; a deep s.erenitc,:as if from God, MI Im ::., and hallows this evening hour. Yondqr, on the cot:a!re porch, with the • rich gloq of sunset. on her face, sits the aged mother, the . silvery hair parted .11[11.Wp her pale broit. The 1.3,:b1e lays„ open on •her knee., Ver dress is' lof plain rude tex.ture, but thert is that about her countenance which midtes you forget her homespun cos tume. Her eyes, their dark blue contrasting with the withered outlines of her counte nance 4re upraised. She is gazing in the lace or the sou, who beds over her should .... er and returns her glance. 1 • His yOupg form is arrayed in a plain blue hunting rock, faced with fur, while his rifle rests agiiinst the door and 'his pistols are girded to his waist by a belt of dark- leath er. A ()lain costume this, but gaze. upon the young faceßof.that matt and tell me, do N . you not read a crear soul, shining from those dark eyes 2 That white brow, shadowed by masses of brown hair, bears the . impress of tboullit, while the pale cheeks tells the t a l e o f , long nights given to the, dim old Ilehret Hible„ with its words of giant,rnean inii anti o i l e can-like music; to the- profane 4 ,_ '4 ._ classmko Rome and Greece, the sublime reveriei4orPlato, the impassioned earnest ness of Demosthenes; or the indignant elo quence pf cicero.. Yes, Perth from the halls of YALE, the. po etry of the Past, shining in his 'soul, here to hip childhood's home, conies the young stu dent toclaim his mother's blessing and bid her Rag farewell: . But irby, this rifle, these pistols, this plain uniforni ? I wilt tell you. One day as he sat bending over that Hebresi volume—with its great-thoughts spoken)p a tongue maw- lost to map, in the isilence+lages--he looked from the window and beheld a deid-,body carried by, the glas by eyesslpturned to the _sky, while the stiff ened hinh; hung trailing an the ground.- It wifis the first DEAR aux OF LexisMToN. Thai.sight roused- his blood; the voices of the lg.artyrsof BunkerUM seemed shriek- Mg foriiier in his ear, He Aung -aside_ the studenlii. gown ; he put pu the bunting shirt. A sa,g farewell to those, well worn volumes; which 1,0 Owed the wenriiieso.of many ; a ettidni*t -Fat* one last Jonk„Firoond ,that lonely bxmir, whose walls had -finar,d his gm'. nest .sobliquiee i Anil then he was a,gildier, Therhilde(Genius felt the strougclitirds ofpatriotism 'drawing-him , toward ; the :last Wed' cif the 11tartyrS on Bunker IEII. • 'AndftiOw; in theibliset,hour, he grandsiiy his:m*oer tude, taking one hist liink4l 7 tinit wrinklfd face, listenitigrfoi ;the last cl w, ) ,time: to the 4l'Ott qua Uthfrts,loritig+t, spipiny! yvipe,!" '4 4 1 4 .9P14 -IV °l ll 4 'PO 4 , ' q L tg' ( , - 1 1 triiih,la id hope to' see you ministering "at '--tWAltaof Almigh-V 46(1 - biti . iliO'''enerVy is at piuriand;:andlyourAu'tfriii - plain -, be fore y4u. Go on, my son—fig,ht like a man . . : . -.„,' ( , • i: ii „ ,. . ~ I, ..' . •••., I . ', '.. 11 ii 1 i.., , i,,,... , •,•,. , T t,, ... ti , , H t, ~.. ii . ...11...„ . .„ . ..„ . 1•1 , 1, "t 1 .. 1 • ''' ', . : ,f - T) ' i i;• , ~."' ...I. '. !, 1.. , I• 1 '., • , , t ' , EVERY DIFFERENCE OF . . i ~ . i . 1 . 3,10111 ::,....F...„ . . 1 ....1:4. :, .4,141 4../ i t ,, , - ; -;, ~, , , f , ., .. h. , 4 ,ti J,l 4 ~,. 1 . . for - your country. In thelMiir , of battle ro 1 Member that God is with: your eattsel :that Ills arm will guide and' guard you, ieren in the inoniimit of.delth-.1 .War;:my .child, is at I best .a fetirful thint,,,a terrible Ifcencd for bo- : man butehorv; but nwor lilte this', is holy in the eYks of , God.: 'Go on- z -and when you Eight, may you conquer, or-if you fall in death, 'remember pour mother's blessing is an your head !' Andin that evening hour, the• aged wo- Man stood ereet,nndiaid her withered hand I Opon•hitibended head. • . • WIZ= A moment: passed ~ and be had grasped his rule, .he , ; had muttered the last farewell.— While the aged woman stood on the porch, following him withf her eyes, be turned his steps towards the road. But a form stood in the path, the form of 4 young woman, clad in the plain costume 4f a New Englanai girl. Do you 10101 d a ioluinuous beauty witvirrg in the outlines of , that form the hair dark as night, or Ihng, glossy, Wavin7 and beautifid ? Are those hands soft, white and delicate ? You bell* crone of these ; for •tie young girl Who stands there ifr the student's •putli t has none of the attractions of dazzling personal beauty: A .slendoh.form. a -w-hite forehead, With•the brown hair plainly :parted around that unpreteuded Countenance, Lands some- What roughened by toil ; such ere the at- , tractions of that New England girl. And yet there was something that chained YOur eye to her fade; and made your heart swell us you looked upon her It was the Soul, which shone from her eyes and glowed' upon her palid cheek.: It was the deep, dent, all-trusting love, the eternal fhith of , her woman's nature, which gave , such a deep vivid interest to that pale face, that pale White brow. Sheistood there, waiting to hid her lover. fitrewell, and the tear was in •her eye, the: nonvutsive tremor of stippressed emotions on her. lip:. Yet with an unfaltering voice, she bid him go, fight for hiscountryandconquer in the name of God. Or"—she lexclauned, placing hei hands' against his breast, white her eyes were in', cited to his face, ' should you faH in the fight, I will pray to God to bless '`our last hour with all the nlory of n soldier's death.' That was , ; the 1;14t word she caul : he . grasped her handl ittipressed Ills kiss• upon _her lip, and went slowly fr0;..1 Fos horn.. When we look for him ,ivrain the scenr changed. kis eight, veti - throuo-b the gloom the white tents of The British artily 'rise UP like ghosts cni the summit of the Long Is;• hind Hills. it is night, .yet the stars look down upon the Red Cross banner, now Ilout= . iitg sullenly to the ocean breeze. . • We look fur the Enthusiast crUale Yonder, in a dark room, through whose sot: itary windows pours the mild gleam of the stars, yonder we behold the dusky outlineS of a human form, with head bent low and arms folded across .his breast. It is very dark in the room, very still, yet you can dis dover the bearing of the soldier in the uncer damn outlines of that form, yet can you bear the tread of the sentinel on the sands with- Mut. suddenly that form arises, and draws near the solitary Ivindow. The stars gleam Over u pale face, with eyes burning with an unnatural Irght. It is dinar uud dim, the fitiut light,. but still volt can read the traces of Itkii drat, like despair, itanaped On 030, brow, awl check, and lip ui abut youthful cowitunallee. You can hear a bi low-toned mt,:in, a. muttered pray t.,r, a broken emoulatiog:— Those eyes are upraised to the stars, and then the pale face no longer looks from the window. That form slimly pores, and, is Jost in the darkness of the room. . Meanwhile, without the room, ow yonder Slope of level ground*, crowning the ascent pf the hill,. the sound of the hummer and saW breaks m the silence of the hour. - Dim forms go jorand fro in the darkness ; stout pieces of timber are planted in the ground, 4nd at lost the workisdone.- All is still.— Out like a phantom of evil, from Alm brow of yonder hill arises that strange structure of tiatber, 'with the .rope dangling from itssuin nut. There ism faee gazing from yonder win dow, at this.thing, of evil : u face with hps pressed bctweendie teeth, eyes glowing with unnatural light. §ucklenlyqu footstep is beard, the door of that room iS open, and a blaze of light tills The place. :In the doorway stands a 'btirly clad in the British uniform with : .a fMockingsneer upon that. brutal countenance. 1,1 , The forni«,-which we lately beheld in the gloom—now rises, and confronts the British Addier. It Itideds no second glance to :tell ne.tlitit we behold the Enthusiast, of Yale. .`'hat" dress is soiled and torn, that face i is' sunken in .the Cheeks, wild and glarityrl in the ify es t • y 4 wik t .can recognize. the brave" I - youth wholtbentfoith from his home on that evattitfg it(spring. He confronts the Executioner, for—that burly . figut4, the' handsome red,eoat, With p the .glistering; :ornaments, is none: other than the Ptovostinf:the-British army: • • ' I am to aie, in the, morning,' began ,'the student, or prisoner, as you may dlioo:41-to gull Into.: ..,1;'.. , ; k Yes. ' growled' Abe .Provost.! ",you were I taken tis a.spy, tried as a.spy, sentenced aa+ ay kPYs'atKi WO-morrow morning you ,wit be banged as 4 sp,yr •, t. Thin,wa l ktliv r iatal secret. General , in ;ton desired infin'ination from <Long island, • where the was, eneamped.:!. , A.yo4ng soldier appeared, -his. thee; glowing 'with; a . high-resolve: lie woula! ; patithls lifi for...Washing,t4n. , tiY I „lie, would, mord:than his life trfielvsfuld tl:his.x4istiail , ,Fob the •sbidieriwbO.tiies 1.. Anutba:blood , ' onilet - nf nforlortelloperilieicin hllnor; but the ;man who is taken Asia ohleetiNC-1194th . pgr , nhan,norn• i.:4,sisct thin. lytiti l i tti .,,,i dd ior in noid itnii-t,hie gamma:Law:4w 44130 0 4 411 for the sakei:of Washingion i e v , ; id, I,', 4 , ! • - Gener4' *es , theNiublinikke4retisina of the enthusiast, ' When I volunteered in it he • ilai=lll=l army of liberty, it was voti: my soul in the ea noV.- to ehoose the r o an the service -which Bain ask, in Ns hat capacity d we. Yott tell we I service by an expeditioa I can auswer with-ou part, until will gol" He went, obtained tl. he sought, and was ab, of the Island for New discovered. Now in the chambe felon, he awaited the lime betraying deep et the agitation of fear. face, but the den. Ile approached the spoke in a calm, yet h friend, I ant to %ref/. I have no re ff ,rei utitiincly fate. But a.' dying man, let InC imply of these-letters. Ile extended some aiming which was one to hisixiother, one to WI • Promise me, that) letters delivered after The Briton :1 *d hand to other, and'tlici , answer: By --; with the letters of a sp . The ioung man dm the tlocr, as flintier') a front his grasp. ilis het, The cup of his agony you will procure me n me a clergyman? 1 wish to die the death o You should have il l before Immo. e. harinnan. for can tell voa, at once, t throuidi me.' The voting man sari and covervd his face. brave Briton, whoso heaufful:v mnni!'ested a dym7 - 4 . man, stood r, his spite with a brutal Ere a moment u - n.i looked up an-nin and For rho love of the oon:•olation, , of re!! loud IntiL:ll .Ind the 'condemned :•4! Who Anil dare to entliti-uist's heart, to which shook his soul, vine- hours of his I thoughts were with hi GrCece and Rona., or hiew voluine, where ti swells over the wave somas of Israel resoun• with his rimed mother, then a vision of that . which his life was-to II to his soul. That course of gl. tions, those yearnings ideal, were now to the Gibbet's rope! - I will confess, that to me there is some thing terrible in the last niolit of the Con denined Spy. Never toes m y eve rest upon the 11;PrO Of Americau lits:orv, that I do not ti.el tOr hi.; file, and filet 11101'p bitterly when I :!c of the injnstiee of that lost,,rv. , Ye-, let tie truth be spoken, 0117 history i• terri bly unjust to the poor—th- to—le:led—the m art: , rs , "whose fate it was, Io:t :0 sutler in the s:onn of hattle, ho. in the eell, or by tilt:- 1 gibbet's rope. How m inv brave hearts went choked to death be t ie . rope, or buried be, neath the eell . s-of the ail, after the agonies of fever! Where do !you find their names in history? And the young man a natural genius, a hi tell us, is there no tea We weep fur And mere gambler, who st General's cortimissior over his grave, and yt motives alto±ether l hymns about him, run complishmenut. he is, of Arnold's ruin ; he i draz the patriot down But this young mat night on yonder Lou I are tears for him? Night passed away last. Then they led of muffled drum and Then—without a B . friend hot even a do placed him beneath t blue sky, with a paw: . Stern looks, scowli and bristling i.bayone but for him, the Ent. s:here was the kinds 'Yet , . in that hour, Cheek, and the visi. foarri-ereste. antis, was like a dre: The rough hand. o hands! and • bdred his Then] standing.on t rope about IliS" neck him, that young rat calm, ,e,ollected and the. brntal soldiery, tl .tyitness that . he bad I And that regret w , ther, not.even for hi: not ova for the dart. said the. ttiartyr : . 4. I AEGIETr i TIIAT I LOSE 001 t 613't - COVNT 'That Nvasihis.last sentiment was ',cold . .hitti Ito distil. ::The ptiss!ulfroutlaider. dangling in..tha,air I blight clear* brow, t weill-fotined !mouth behold that thing pa Oisuesu blackened+mass b Above the bright s LE'S DV .. .. - , '' . •. “ ; Tip I q . • . • 1 • PINIONNOT IS NT A DIFFERENCE OF PRINCIPLE."-3k . oadcric , i 1' `i“ .i- 1 1;kirP , ' ,, i '' . . ,ii....' .. • -,:t ..,,, ,-.• 1 4.,:: ..-, ROSE; PA. JAN. 21 1 , 1847. iny intention to de 'e. It not for me lter or the inetlitid of to . perform. .1 only es toy country Mint •111 render het great to Lung Island. All word—bid me de- informatiotr which l ut w leave the shore York, when lie was 1 9f the condemned i6ur of his fate, his otion, yet it Was not ')e.ith he could v:11- 11 of the GMBET ottierr, and low voice : ie to-►uorrow. It is to spend upon my the last reque,4 of a rrrou to take charge .our or inc. let:en; o betrothed, one aglnugton. vati will hare these ani dead.' the lamp front one as itim an oath, made• ha\ e nothing to do )ped the letters o n ullett had torn them d sank on his breast. was full. At least, bible, you will send m ready to die, but a Christian.'♦ (might o' these thin'z• r•la,iuied! the liveried L;e'r PreArtier, rat !! neither slon Iv in his chilli-, - ith hi- hands. Tht oilriwe hitt! ( w ell .() B tln sc l tI E 111,118. S to fl - rtt - tlinr the object of cow,. one, the young. man v!aitned— iri , t du tea deny rue ' t un In tilt: !war!" •t 1 artstind tho room. t% :IS in darkness. ift , the veil frurn that d picture the affollV duritur the slow mu tst. theht ? Now het' bucks, the classics of he pages of that lie o breeze of Palistine of Jordon, and the ! for .- evermore ; - now hr his betrothed ; and .rent course of _*lore re been, came home I ry, those high aspira. of Genius after the cut off forever bv— with a handsome form, khly educated mind— for him? re, and vet he was a ed his life against a We plant flowers I t he was a plotter from [ nercenary. We sing vet with all his ac me of the main CallSC, it was who helped to to the traitor. , who watches his last Island shore—where and morning came at um forth to the sound ensured footsteps.— ble, or Preacher, or to wad for him—they Ile gibbet, under that coffin before his• eyes. g brows, red uniforms -, were all around,— usiast and the Genius, 1 . ice of the tender hand 1 the . breeze kissed his : of Manhattan ... Bay, n waves and green isl of peace to his soul. thb hangman tied his neck tir the rope.— a death -cart, with-the and eternity before n was very pale, bpt inn. Theo he called e refugee hangman, to ut 'one regret-- s not for his aged mo ineev,eyed Ines s oftlint hour—,but, 'AVE ONLY IlfitE LIFE TO ord, for ore, the obble his lips, they choked .nurse moved, the cart fleet; themeartyr hung Where was now that it brillmott.Peye.; . that ti r ook«iyeklook: an d I pitating with agony, , decikin the sir;. with -flesh.inestend' of a- face. y—around tVitercrovd— Ihr away, the free waves—and yet here', tosses and plunges the image of God, tied by the wick to a ! Like a dog he died—like a-dog:they burin ed him. No preacher, no prayer,' no friend not even a dog to howl . over his grave.—, There was oulv•n pihe box and a dead,hody, with a few of the vilest wretches of the Brit ish camp. That was the . inartyr's funeral! At this hour, while I :Speak,' in the dini shadows of Westminster Abbey, a white monument arises, in'honor to john Andre, whose dishonorable !actions were in some measure, forgotten in pity for his hideous death. But this man of di.nius, who went forth (rout the halls of to die like a dog for his COW trv, on the 116p:1in of Long Island— here marble carved with tliCt letters of Ins nanny And yet we will riquernher him,"and love him tier evermore. And should the day come, when a temple will be erected to the Memory of the ilercies of the Revoltnion— the Man-Gods of our past—then, bene;itli the light of that temple's dome, miaow; the sculptured images of' Washington and his compatriots, we will; place one poor broken column of New Enlandgratiite, surmounted by a siiorle leaf of Wire!, inscribed with the motto—..lias that have but one life for my country!' and this pbor column, and leaf of laurel and motto, Shall be consecrated the name of NATHAN HALE Ministering Angels. UT EMNI n tnro 11Ie.:funnel.: are• a ro u n d In vi . Aton, they surround us— lu tl:ey [ne,ent elver, .1u•1 i L hrt. fmtn.,("pi :loser; Then Id , Il . •• w:ntnnl one , ! t- 01+,1 (11 - 311 ur._r • - re•'•ss— A • : 1111i 1/1,C,4 lu hle's darkest, loneliest and saddest hours, a hen every vestige of comfort is hit! front the rhatilvd lieu, and deep despair is settling down upon the oppressed, over tasked spirit—then will this bright feeling come stilly and silently over the soul, sooth ing and softening oar - griefs, till its balmy influence is felt, and the troubled spirit sinks Tutu tranquil peace. Or when loved friends arc ruildessly torn from us, :and wrapped in the mows shroud, and laid in totthl, thi-ti who has nut felt the imluence of a c,barm, which, like an angels N‘ing, will subdue the boisterous grief, and give that resignation and hope to the'spint which the world in its anxious bustle-and turmoil never did, nor ever call bestow 2 • Again, when separation occurs, and those apouud to. whom the heart clings with loud and enduring affection are removed front our- view, when months-and years will int puse upon us an absence, the thought of which will. cause the affections to repine and the heart to murmur, when we conjure up ten thousands of imaginary evils which easy occur to or harm our dear ones, then will this same ever:consoling sensation come over us, and the heart will confide its treas ure, with it thankful trust; into the keeping of Hun who doth all thino-s well. What these shadows are, i's beyond the power of human knowledge to affirm ; they are not of oink! there is nothing grovelling or earthly in their sensations; it is as if it it --re partial of heaven sent down to give rchan e , upon the Almighty arm. tiftt a v.litai struggling along, buffeting tin :storms and cares of this dark, sorrow ful world, lots cue of these blessed iisions of happiness come stealing o'er my wearied soul, lifting from it the burden, and filling the mind with joy and heavenly pence: and again it seems like a visible presence with which my mind might hold aetind columnn ion., and rejoices in the society of a kindred spirit. Such blessed realities of happiness are to one like a bright oasis in the desert of life, to which the soul reverts back as to a why-mark in his journey ; and they are the more delightful; that they etude upon us so unexpectedly and insensibly ; when toiling_ . with the crosses and luses which are ever tbe accompaniments of mortal existence, how refreshing are the bright visions which silently bear us away lb the far-off land mid gite us a foretaste of heavenly bliss. Then we can joyfully struggle on with dipensations . of sorrow and grief, and even kiss the chastening hand. NVe can resign loved ones to the. mansions of death, assured that they sleep not there, hut are beatified a; gels in the presence of the great Eternal. We eau smile when we bid farewell to loved n.. ones, and see them go forth with en un troubled eye, fully assured that we shall meet, again ; if not on earth, surely we shall meet .111 heaven. And may not those visions=these sweet enjoyments of happiness—be the inter change of thoughts with the spirits of the blest 1 It is so spiritual, so devoid of all selfishness, that it cannot be otherwise. if friends We love on earth are taken from our view, why may they not be permitted to emu flirt and Oteer us along the dark pathway • which we are doomed to travel in sadness nbd tears? St. Paul says "arc they notall Ministering spirits?" Each heart replies, id fervent, truthful belief, They are su ! we feel it—it is \nu intuitive belief; an inborn principle; and•dear is it to each bereaved and sorrowing heart. With this cheering hope of constant, present communion, we could each one loyfully look forward to the time when we tab should lay aside our cum beiing bodies of mortality, and mount, free ;Ind - difomhodied • spirits, into the dime where " Saints awl atureis meet, 1161'1111g communion sweet.' ' COL. BAKER, .1111iD THE WAR. The following is the, substance of the re marks recently delivered.. in CQngress by 01, Baker. of ;the._ twiny. They possess' more, than ..ordinary interest, ; inasmuch as. ,they .embody the viewtiote:gallant , sohlier ;' 000. who hast been Ininklinet,withthe.unny ler-month Pas 4 -and- who, Aluirefore speaks from personal observation. his picture of , ,• ty• I+. , thr ,- • .:::. .;,,, , i- .. ..7 , ,:i 1 . e. uffertngs ,I.M.d, pl. the , courage of our , i troo s does hottOr,salike fo...his : Otni heart. It .1 l ' he seen, ltathe,nrgus.prdwitit action on t le part of Congress u anal .4atends that the nay needs , .lttore men and flare money. . I -, Th 'farces now, pperating,ht, Mciiic t Om ),, inclu din - diirjoi9t , tkilcigi IVP9l‘,llail'il'rir!ut ler P 4 f'.'4.ttef , i/i o1:Pi .11Pstillat -,,44: /A,400 etre Live finhtio 4 tnco excludil . t„wo regi nitwits and one,9; OF , Or butualionf,,el .which It is' impossible,o gpeak.,iwitli„ r„tahity.-r -i Wit.: . l sueli,nu armyonid o `ph..X alter, there - is i vast extentrf ;territory to . i.le covered, ' muterous ,placep,,Wie,,gargisoi4o,d, and war rio4 s - coniniunicet4ons,tt,hei knOt, up..„ All this he contende.4 , gouldttut,.,l44mic with an • rruy er , 1 1,00, or m,i . e.,4,,14,9Q11Ynen, AVe-have,be satil,.obtnined LI L Ax . l pept bat i ip ed the resapreesor wealieriialithepoW )ted ‘ylicther!, illexice, was rio t ,stronger ties s t ' eli i r, ii i i nl i rl u n g at l i l u li iti l l .c ed . l i v i:r ' e al' e la u t e lec e ' il d - sun ' cl 3 , : i : n eU u 3l r i e l' jel e xc a 6it p : 7::le ' 3. c. 1 ) tP(''xisilitl'illieitt(ic'i!li,tin:r:dr.Ye'slorleti Yet L' ' a u ": i t i l l e ig i :I ' d t ell i t i :i ' C 1 1 1 r C C e O P : 3: 1 : exte nt Bak ed from tlie4e, facts and oppligns, that : 1 tug which file had yet don Nil: l S stall ciei t to convince, the inexicans 'that WC are abl to conquer them. .ti - ith the exception , oft e blucliiide s .ln: argued thatvite hud,done , i not ing to conquer peace. All 'fret' rentain- ' ed to he done. Ile then adverted to the fact of,t. le President . having called [put nine or ' ten- additional regiments. kfectairated the • rants all full anil ,in good coudititin, and I they would amount +to about 7,004 men.—' But he asked, when would theyket to ilex-' ico? !low tuany;tricti wonld ;hey be_ able to d.oncentrate aug,adrance,towlirdtthe city? Ifelhad heard, -tlroirt,, reliable s4iirces, that Smita Anna had nearly 2.5,001 t men, in a , stale or hillh diseip:ine and military ptipa- ' ratio.i. They- I ulLrr i :the elergt, the land hold W ,:rs, the ineol tint phi ; rev lution, and evert the Mexican wornennwere•: indling- into i i, mail. The advance., lie,said, i pia& at:llJ nutst he made, this winter r tind lie added:. : Less than silt nionths.ago 2)im sent into th 4 field solid twenty. six re,giinents, filled unit lai; hop e , ready- •t peri4,l wealth and - ~o • reAutatiou and life, not in a, defensive but in ha invasive. w4r-, , 7 n0t for their own homes unit- their own heartlts, but fortthe honor of the, American name, and the tglory of the Anal-I - can arias., Alas ! how mitay of those ariji sleepingtheir last sleep. untthe hanks of the ltio trrande ? . Their buiows- heaved with high liope rr .' light was their pleasured ludtsteps when they went to seik the foe— hut they were nexo permited 4to ; see a bat tlei--,they ,ueverteast, At stern 4 - lance upon I . ) . „it• focrnan in the o fteld."..„,, 4 „j., „. lie said there , i wcre the ,bones of nearly tw) ihous.l; a d,inen, with.,,,the l)4st!,, blood, of t'4.eo , iniry,.tarr resli4ag i cm, thil banks ( f die Rip Grande, !vita I l Zlti akqe r 411 nu. enmity --ta•Ver had an Opporranity toliSitrikti a bloW. Ili. own re , ziate4t., vliieli ,set out with eight Int)idred and IL'utty . .men,,youni, hearty and hrave, nearly oin..liknalred . slip, !OAP() n the hanks of that duleful,./iver, wst inure than twi, huntlted 14R : ; i retvpetl Shadows and skkktims. . So with other regiments. - lie dq -not mention these things ,l 4 tlic \ray of reproach or courPlaint; but beccause it. was a cold-blooded croplty, if means :.,tyld prevent it.,::to expose our c, , rallant soldieilw to such per ils' as those he jra'd described, 0. - hett inune dinte actionecould avoid thern, He asked if ;it would requii.e inure, to sdjid ;out thirty tlfoustaid men :now than twtee "fifteen at sonic future time. - lii. asked '`,'e,tirnestly, in the name of these 'Who had,suared and ivefe • willing to fi'7lit,lo'eti'diliem it'd, cuniforts,; munitions of •viir and , suppAeit ,Let them, hti . said, be enal#edte: make tlii ads'anceliud - to keep it, till tiny fshonld spread pur nation-• 1 alf banner on ilicf ciindet of Mt,:ce., : :1; i ' iHe here, pictured the difOcii ; l 3 r, Of,conquer-1 ing a nationof 'eight inilliOnt Of pepi4e,, and' wlth a cliniatetiat -' fityOred . thCittveded,nnd destroyed the, i ii.v'ailerS,,, ;lig epnfiisscd.ltita-• s( 4f donlitful,delliereSt4ift3TexicO,,shottld hii dettidedas.;lie . might 1)1, - ii plass :thatl tn!rkr an ad , , eqiitte, , f'oi•ce and i: slioald be sent, into the lieldil - full ,sapPlies' , i Our troops i pant for battle i....ibii6liey - 4 csi.,:t. to Ix iiin flirced, so that ...iheY „shall bl able wisely aid pr 0 prudently resume the advance.. lie said that whether the war coat, thirty or one It li leirt , tl millioti , l, he haploreii Congrers to att.! I lie army, t'o succor the inen, to pass the a4vanced pay, !. ad ;not now tip deliberate on minor and ennipanitively intinlipoilant ques tihns. This islet a brief outline of the re ntarlis of Cal. Bqker,,which deserves to be road by every .AiCtribati citize,. I llis views fi, ppssess . deep int treat ! iminetiA importance, slid we trust thy May exereile a ; proper in title:ace at Washington. The triulr is, Mexico ii fir from , c4mitiered„, ,lle has now a litrger artny in thelield, and finder, a more . ;finable officer, 'than Sine. .ilt ! Oc'iiriinbnce- ent of the eittutpai , n: ' She 'iii ion. in a fin. brtter condition for decende, , 'thrta she has been- at aiT tinie Vitritt r ir the ' an; .. By' : this INIC Mean that the Ipltt ' die' ere thoteegli- I . i roused and Witite . ! , l'‘ , ~i • • . 7-rflo at te m pt; t li erdfore;' tiPcninto cid pe tide, 'or trio nuirchlollle Olpitol •Wiihrtnill a 4 al•ii,y. nos that nots prtidbi.'tlie'6'siittnito cif Geiferitls • 'Taylor, iVin6l Vir'titqh` 'AA' Pailet-A - 4; ''niis4.l4 'f,' b•trtailniiss-nititti iiiiiitiiiii;s: il)Tilti f i!!iiiiien'i aler xieit , sufrit" iiiinitbt, itirftt L iC'i'llio t illitiibd!l rind strengiherie :4 the'qiNt.iNkt Sit' aiiii :ex.- i - rfe rien co of eo ' 'Bike?. ''o"iiii''' iiVeTiiiiient i tit tpt.. hes'itate . 'n , I.ok-ei," i* If* ' re- ai l con-) c (Pier i'jleliek,:ii'iiiii'fili4ot'ittlin o'lidaiibe • ill'farther'int4 the''ilitelloqa't '''letigt! r ,qo,- . (004 iciii, anitilyiiiiiA4ll6'd Vitt* 'i's'intiViitur 4tanitiorneaf dt4ONYeitiiiiiriiff iii isfiko - kii_ a hue the - fiel d : 7 - I '''. l' '...i' s , . l''' - • 1 ... + ,..„11-.;-!,•t y !bi l l_ -1 , ,t •••,,, ;• .I; ,r: ::,•. l tertitffiliki4.4 , . ! , , : • Lr, •, t.:-. f I ... t Jaek.Meraini % . Va* ) &tfthiltkOkh ' itiOsi l latfg-, Thal genius we sever met"Viio... Ife—seiVed -I,n all the earnitaikns in th t iliaritla;_wati;f And wits' Otietivifeettlikllfd t t '''"Reaiten de' le . 1 0 6.1hm •imd.l i Peiti 41t6. 3 'm ~ fie iMiiietit 1008.tiildirchitdreotiliti,Autites itedtl44dl linifnaLitifithi:tnitimidigoirii Itit.P.iftillite i , ery time that i'We Iftittkfti :11 frVittlie!e' 'lounging shoat- the Palo Alt lionse, tit , '4 - . I arg nut ItSlll ~® 1-110 rd: (Li 1.1 MEE Lii =NM MEM zm;.- lIIEBB iTteTml. or . 44,vCr110**Imu-rx3. r_ SAtli-eitiitiffnEtts imimgemokimy; ziVtNiktitt al tiatas;c44flornOss Ix per itiaarforOlett 1 61unatiti r.g*z5,...147gP7: ..PF:''Ff:/4 1 4444a1114 ekqh 944friLaiRts liqer99), l l ,'YetttlY'AeertPethe•tiii,' with iit otill • 2/p..; , )14 Ihnd @new. Cultunli,'w# l4 •tile. PiiPers POrltlit4i . ts r(l4-. ! .1' 1 °• n (Suedoliant 4 iiii4tAireitnlg,' chi •s • 'air athe:r adveiti.entents , inserted; u t.rW a t taa bb rates. '" -•• • I A tivertis, en/e/34 sh ol 4 ll nwl , F4 . ‘ 11 4.4 11 9 alum' baioriaseriitins utrcal P.944—15ab g"0r , ..9104 , 5h9944gywig„wA110.., cranes inur4hes ce• headqintifeiSAvere . s the SeltlerNlArtge.,:of‘r amiable; friend ll—, and to 1.1.=7 . 1 4.4 was " 211 1.i. 11 ,all." Hes blacked boots, curried down the horsesohot birdg,,,drilyk whisky, did.!o,4e ;ankl. eurs,ing,(9 . i.ithe w4ole„,par,tyi. ap TIA9i. t first ae,q4lntAncE4 hgf ll With4.acrki;; ll ;4. B Pne' tifte x4Ri414:41,. strqt (litArEl ,risketty : fa4etty, .tfrly • : r tpt-,11 1=1:1 , !. qprt; ~,U,I3S called (Mt?, f I WIF 91_450 C OAFfp l) ;t9gqPltl ' oui k4 ) 4dy,,Fue ,boy,. 'PreliTiA* Yllf4r 3 44?' AL,.' 4;.Jiminy, love, ... - 4,i.d.,ye,.4 4111, 4 1 4 la d night ,By the luks, ov yev.,9,4, X.:49 . • `thinkin' that ye wtir caught in. tkc.„,rAiRi FFT gever.mind, Jimmy, you and I ure one,4# the shift - -bc.ith ov' Its disciples ov die 01imid Father Milthetv, and cowid wather , is :put: maxim toriveran a day. Georgy l how's yer mother! I've kilt him,! 4N,tp kilt him ! Jack bum into the store, with his . hands tore his eyes, apparently in the greatest. ,onr of remorse. What's the matter, Jack " Oh, I've kilt my ! He 'was the loveliestor 'em all—l nursed 'him sit:ice:he was a babe, and now I've murdered him !1' "Murdered who Jack ?" - "Poor little Pathlick, the little frog wid the speckled' coat and the white tntnnacit,l I accidently throd on his toe and broke bin back !" . . 1 • Just at this moment an elongatod,spec4- : inen.of hutuanity, as yellow as safTron t :and us weak as that same coffee, (ivhick,semrso weak that it couldn't run dowtt,an:incliPeil plane,) entered the store . and inquiretl' . l744. shot—to--shoot—thcin little ,Itirdees7-thal—waso.comin' rouin . l o tat idniost .every word the poor ,fellow ; MfcM).o have to, stop. and,dras.v, A long order to• give him stre iigth:Ofticie ntvap,r i c peat tho.stieceecinig : one butJack, - altimugh Ids-heart was, full of sympathy fnrihe.oloic : tcd, could not resist the opportunity.,,- "Is it shot ye want..?" (1(n, want, some shot, to shoot, ;hens • ,there little--" - "Oh,„ L know what ye want.. lislit.for , them. wee bits'ov birds that come..,:hoPpin' iabont as thick as gooseberries . mackerel saison'?" • . , "Well, I don't; want, nothin' "By the posters, me boy, ye've Coma td the rightplace. . This is the only stoor4iforle) that they sell shot to kill thini ,snaoh ;141d its lucky I am here to...attahaellaotiqt. ' I've thried and tbried :to 'eniltot, this is • , mid of tnematy, mod of Inet4l that willlpeanthrtge oheir,bides." -• • lige Jack scooped up abOutlapouna z of •11.)zie/i-s,4ot, large enough to a dbull f iAt alonabirds not larger than sparrowyl.t ~,4ut,7 said the invalid, "J; wanted Erda -1 tardsqvg.lsilot, . • : 11 •.1.1! " alive," answered Jack, seetp ie asperity, "I till ye -these and no others , are-the shots. •11;onleii thin) in mustard, slunioe, locig. life to hint savl; itsed tt!. kill thousands and - thousands ov birds !tin' befoor noon for his breakfast."' •' ' Jack's 'logic. had a (Teat effect bathe iigitecen un," and he actually sold him fOur pouhds of buck shot to be used agajnit hirdS i ittiti'ar than chickens and not bigger than Miens ! Jack • was, a foraging party in hiMself; money was of no use tohim;•lie hMI • pleilly of'whidity, two old spavinel i‘that Went tilt once about as for ponder And sliot,'why alWay.4Aifin ag,i4l:til get iconie how er-othai:' He'irbtild kill a trace or taro of plover,. l and . litianifor 'fish—then • he'd tin+ litelikittP ifor livhiSkey nnitihition;' ' else that he • inight 'Want " • 1 ,• • •. So hd carkis,' 'ereature; - Wien ' to • 'Once; While' 'on a ,shbdt,itie,!'e l it*ArtiCan , oittside' the fOrtifidatilihl 4 Caedtot Phable;'Jak happened to' iiiV'eciecie j :ln aeted ,as pointer and i‘die:re le vale Itty. Suddenly h filigheif 11, i orgy I of patridges—we were about , When he shouted "hould.ord" • "Jack you're a fool f,what did •Wij•do that for ?" - "Ali, sir," said Jack, with a trueqh, "lYye • see that grave, yonder; pot ,tlitin sorrow dirt piles, ' but 'the grave - there Avid the muskets an bag'nets round it: That, sir,' . is poor Ringgold's gkp?",#,. jind these is his partridges. They . feitrahtiut there, and seem to love his . dust.',l tcould n't kill one of 'em if I was stiirvitt e r'': - . ., The lesson was simple,, but touching; There, indeed, was the truly !martial grave of thg gallant Ringgold, add, 1114 friends ; 'while "Sadly mkt - slowly duty laid-him From,the field of his fame fresh and tor+ ; ' • Yet they craved not a line—ntise not u left ylm 9.t.oN* initia glo r y !",; iquother occasion,.tool , weluitieit. a , - -spirit : iik ? Jackt that was above all praisei;nAn alfmer of the 'army was.on fu oiigli; used,. possible,. to save his4=fiseihigaplarlin rapt-we believe-it was an eternidlaridagb) ; he ; was z very ;t :mach ‘addieted of i tastri o f all bisvonAmtane..l....qiii 2 .0 , J.ll Itl One morning, after "carouseolitPwoKWlT t 413444Nud dint ).sonici persoh-hathelit his I . olloll4erl:straps,:fromt , his militaikr.faaatt.i.- NutP rigly. nsiti v :t hit :I fiihn almost distractedpiinklAut 4 be: dettiiiet /Watt, he : again 'lad ;recourse. to -the chottlik.:. , 4bout IP4 o ll , lle,Avns7.. tt •perfect mandiaiLm*ielidies s , p ort:, d:disgraced almciettliejoad rettonii)- .;ioiliiietbad'lludir succor - himidad4tiiild ,ppt ;;. I litave, - turned vport his - beef 6 atiiii Mare 4 ' ' "111 rill :AM iiiiiiid w,ei l e'lriud4 l 'll4o .l4 ri l it'i .v g' s ,* the : twidlietifisiiett,liu:4 7 4, 4 iov,-: Sui t k' n . vott4ikrstittilinal 1044104' :ii s ,Vei r i the purest strettac At siiwt( t y 1 ' `ge l l itiiiik *lniVitreff thVtilsWae4:UreCir 14 4 at thiamhw t iaaivos4l4,4i * tthar—, ll 11,16414 e isaid.liest,4r. 4.14, oo tet ern not like of ye for I like to get drunk, i -be ,If•rr:f TM