~i • r -71: C 1)7.1, 7 , t ; ' • • V' ' IFioni di Late front the,Aikuify I i Biqa zos. - W Immerros, - , Jar t_ : tampicO es to the 15t the ISth-hli been received 'hi the arrivti , cif the steam .setts. ..A comp erable exci occasioned ak atnpico by' olausidorzlile yo( Mexi, ii been seen, - in 4t oeighborli •.,„"The p.. 4 blob atFa 3ra - mis on thelStli,ithGe I s rilloW"left • NhtamcF on: - t$ ty proceed ‘24tilcs nd, iv tersodatfd:gl ,-- est Of his - di GOO,, ' TOyjor •fts to leave geP;.'ifiv%gs''' , ivision and r[1 . 4,117s bl'i'a4 ' • 1 „ At ,:was, rep,, d that G 'cle . tOria t with: - 49 cavalry. mauled at Pm ' s. Gen. W 4110wheraf it :, as reported i4eVed ',that 4anta.Anna ha i ll, l .pl k , A.cto.4, An rtaiwas purging tkr..,igkors apinst whom th wariestStis,pici+ of cowardic saF l ll os he hadithe iliost imp in,their bravert i and7Okill. 'cor..,Caraco wig several other •ar i e, .not ' stated' : hilt been charges withleawardice. 1 lieen issticifhy Saota Anna, , statit detith d y officer who his flag by cox hrdice or. um duct in battle. . , ' , There is a l 4 eral desire e goxioan solffil i• to-he led - rn Ae - rs., ; A.bout • hundred sii ceived at the h '.4pital at Mae it, - few, ,a*., ,Ile regiments iip,tycl r enca pments and commence thei tarch for Ta ogre less fretiu, itt in the hosp .the , fall and sin , • iner montlis. : 40ge..1.,a) t ke pv i coin the,* occurred bet*- ii Camargo About the leak 'Mr. Downie Ile was a'nativ Icif Baltimore d_ eel for .a timid) r of years at 'The combing strength of t 4 had left Matam Iras for Tarn sing in :ill abo l,i. 1809 men deaths having r diect:l'll)cm tl ,•4.. - tnerr orimnal str -ngth. i The steamsli 4 Alabama lell • um the 24th for ilsruzos, and ii w T i ampico: Ge IScott and snit the passengers. , I 'nu*, werel troops, destined I or Tarnpie:o,j der the command 'of•Moj. Sum. Late and impolant from the Squadron -Loss of the 14 S. Brig So era--•- ' Thirty six of her Crop ri perished— Tames of the - " t'ostandthe S.Oved--:•Prite s eamshiy To -1 basirnina not lteard frail, an all on board ',- .svpposed to haw perished—Newsfrom the ' Army--Cayti'i,r, eof 100 Mides laden mith i 'stores for the 31eriean Arnty-H-Aecident to Col. May. IP ' t • • t• . WASII - E4FON, Dec. 2lli----7 P. M. t The barque 11Mrgan Dix, art at New Orleans, brings dates from the Squadron off Anton Lizard°, lithe 13th inst.- Full par -oculars haie b ' received of the total wreck of the U. S. Brjg Somers, and the. great loss of lifei Which aecopanied it.--- 'The:Soarers ls-amaintaining e blockade -off it co •o the harbor ul'lVera Cruz. n the eve ping of the 7th she had' taken s letter under Green Island, thire being eveindication of an approaching Northerly g a le. On the morning of the rib, a Sail bets g reported drom - aloft, she vas got underl way, and -stood:out \for s,evral miles, when the ap 'preaching vessel was ascertainto be the -34ohn Adams, on iljer return fro Tampico. -Per appearance saused•great s - sfaction to .the'otracers of thiti Somers, ds om. Perry, - had informed them that she w to relieve i -them from inaintqining the blockade as soon -4M she Caine in. 1 , -. 444 As the Somerit was approach ng her an rebtirage on her r4t.urri4nother Sail was dis 4:covered standingtfor Vera Cruz,japparently 41with-the intention'', of running the blockade. --She I immediately; made all sail to intercept ,her, and in the eqttrt.to avoid -fallinr , on the -reefs to leeward, itlie was struckb the north , : or and-,thrown ulion her beam ads. The ~,atrange vessel came rapidly down,but showed po u colors, and taed when near Pajordas ~reef.„.Lieut. Parker had repod the ap pearance of squalls, and,the pa'culars are „folly, detailed idlifie. The New Oile ns papers. i f ~E°rtiers continued careenin over with g-tea l t, rapidity, arid in about h an hour ( -afterwards sank. f i , .• --' The following i# a hit of the officers,and men, carried down , with her :--11enry A. --Clemson,- Aetinf.rilitaster ; John Ringgold IsHy.nstm,•Pas,sed Midshipman; Wm. G. Bra qzier,-Ebenezer Tirrell ) . Chas. 11. Bowen, ahnies4Ryder, Jadies 4 Thompsot Charles •,Lliwo,' ,almaras li:oung, •Willia Gellan, t-Matthiato f iGeavel, 41,hjor Cain, Den nis liel 44yi,Alexasialer -Anßer, Cliakles M Farland, „Jotnetifzeurd,, o*r/es 4-Tarie, 1 Ito Day, vffli r illtirt?l:4Pardy4iVlVrard•McGo ick, Wm. lEt‘usle,v,4BVin."_ , Q6:44,4 - no. liar, ve, Wm. ••Wl.:Ctirdy, Joni. r "stopper My rs, Clem. - enz,,C. •Wilton„ !Ph ,', .8 -*Goys , , Joseph -rAtiionyvAdolphe -:lll:Altnenie, :Ai ' tie! lbw *t.,ard,-AVni.4 W.4l,Pe*t#Tß, • 10firt• ..-SPear, 4,JstMe),C4rapniatk. • 'sewis Johnson , Ignutibs 414 rzl - , -.llreopold,:ThOmis4. efferson,-Wm: IL Bose .•fand Peter4liernani#*,4 • '-' • , ',.. - Et! v List of hose sav I-.--R. serum -Ciatinottudieg4; 341.1,r, D. Claiborni °John L. Balker, Lie'it . count; John 1 cit -igUrser,j, Jim. 1:1„•W' ' bt, passed. Surgeon ; Francis . Clark, Mills! Edmund I'. Steve .2,-, Purser's S eJliotili 1 - I.azard,•-r . Man V Antos e lor , -air firi . Johrtson, MattlifßriOk,Jirith: ofhlo i i , An G. Tantir , Charles ' . • , S actridOVlllianiso&, .Iti. Pollen, 'join , 4 1 1*11 ,k lt staroolivill," 1 1 1hOsi 'M i t:al:Alan 1 - 441frt efteid, l Winellyt,:lFranels'Fliti 3 oYPThotopiod4= ChrittOolter tawr4 • - *eplffitodd‘4tat•fient•Mayniutl,43. Thos. D. Burns, W 441. Porver, Jos. , n jogetkitkete - ViiiitA'' atuin 'WiS utbbik"iyuk-iiii!Dire; r as 4:Weld „1,14 att as ,Ow il * B ;;,': tiA :s2 - '4,-•74 .-• himlliWiOtifiet - -•coritift Ottiil : the 40 - fears-are entertained fili "ifith*VOsiel frigat Joh? Atiants*:4'iliertfta*shi -I .liiiii i 'ir,ix - e'liVisitri -" ' a-Piaui, w. i 4u, li pfillaiitr'fiiiiii thi l p lie- Prb 1114 ,tillOpriiii4 Ilia *OW 1":10ifil Veig. 'o.44:eit'Trpiii";. l ' . l§6a itti 4( . "1 i Nia.thlsltir _. __._ _, ~, ~ =le ~/olzker' . ing lik*ers-hat . . the. Mexicans on , the;•beaeti, qga rfAntnn I ii ,fsl gado,'whither'thehad - liCett drOen by thy', sial gle clinging t? held at yeidCruz,ns . Pri 3 Oner*-4if ; since died. - tfa This makes forty-four s(tved: out of the ; eighty souls on board. :Nile efforts of the pe crews,of the French and.Hegli4,ll fesielsta ar save the hilts of the creit , of the !Somers are tit spoken of,with wThrtn ccimmendation, The vri ace - aunts Of ;the wreck occupy ,three columns I th in the Picaiutie. Among the passengers al in-thekorgtm Dix, are-Purser -Hamilton_ th and .the -clerk of. the steamship ;Alississippi,' dt loAn4;to,tho ; North. ; ; • Ole Prize Atemeship, the Tobasrmina, be- ci fore reporod as driven i out to sea„ had not, el beeti,linaril of, And; all on board are doubt- m less. lost, hitch. Public Ledgcr. ampitco and P. M; i end Brazos to Int „New Orleans 1- hip • Massaehu nent had been report that an, cavalry had s t i; _ naa '4lTriven at . .re's.sap. Gem 14th, and was for Gan. Pat : sign and train Menterey wit It portion of Gen/ Thefatestintelligence from To sco states de that the inhahitints are Much gusted. with 4( thejneglect..of , the supreme vbrnmeilt.-,-- a The intelligenOe from. the city of Mexico is meagre and unsatisfactory. The opinion m prcfailed in tit squndron that a quorum of tb the members e ect to thenew Congress would is not he got together by the time appointe4 qi for the 'opening, the sth of December. in . Cern. Conner arrived off Anton Lizard() pe on the 13th, in the Princeton, end changed pe his broad pennant to the aritan. The is, frigate ; Potomac came in the slum evening. ar The &hr. Morris had sailed for Tobasco Si with provisions for the cutter McLean. ty ThetAitlicers of the merchant vessels speak. at in tlie!farmest - terms of the promptness and Cf vigilance of Com. Perry, who protected them 00111 nn,antieipated night attack by the M4ican gunboats, by a guard 'rowing around; ier in boats. tririn was at Gen. Wool re-' .rtil was at Sat.' • nd confidently 2,000 men at is army of a ll re was the re -I,"f•etaitting only licit- confidence en.-Ampudia, whose names mprisoned on Ad order. had looming- - fin _ shall disgrace ni preised by the ainst the iiiya- It had been r,. t 'tiaras within were breaking were about to l pico. Deaths 1 tal than during Murders eon ; ior ; thiee had fid Monterey. ing was killed. :MidShipman Rogers, of the Somers, was taken — pisoner•while he orris in a most da ring manner taking a reconnoisance in the neighbairhood of the powder magazine at Vera:Cruz c a few days. before the loss of tline*essel. \ . . * . 'e have alsb a few, items of ,news from Monterey. Gimeral Taylor had arrived from Sa!Ulla on; the :13d November, escorted by a squadron lof Colonel May's dragoons. The General had succeeded in capturing one hundred; pia mules and their loads, consisting ofj subsistence and stores intend ed -for Santa flita's army at San Louis Po tosi. Anoth r squadron had left iii pursuit of 400 Mule loaded with army stores for die same des Minion. Colonel May had a severe fait at Salado ,by his horse tripping (Indic pavem ut, but be was doing well and would be rca y fir duty in a few days.— Santa Anna is said to - have 30,000 volun teers at San tiis, besides the regulars, but the reports ar contlietiug. A volunteer by the name•of 'orrest Was shot dead at Mon- - I tcrey on the 29th tih., bk a hotel keeper,l named Armstrong. Two Frenchmen had been arrested( for tampering with our.sol• diers and pireiing inducements for them to desert.. _ . The trial o the alcalde, his son, and oth ers; for tamp ring tvith our meti,"was set down for the - d December. It had been elbarly - ascert• ined chat many of the prin cipal metrat dotiterey had had a timer in the pie, and any of the first families had left. The 7thißegiment stationed there had lost many by desertion. Dates front. (lea. Worth!s divisimi at Sahillo had been re ceived to the Pith ult., at which time all was quiet.. !Nothing further, from 'Gen. . Vir4aora,divisiot. , ; . -. ;: .,hirnes . .York i a native of Pennsylvania, was- shot at N4w Orleans on the :21st. but had resi corpus ree regiments Oico, coin pri --4,-siekness and 13, one third of New Orleans 'ls believed . fur tr were filllo/.lm also several ion board, un ncr. THE ARMY. of THE UNITED STATES.-7-A report haS been presented to the Secretary of Wor by tht Adjutant General, which shoWs the.amonnt of land forces employed in the war andithe distribution of the troops. The; ageregateinumber of regulars is 5,.473, of vOlunteers W 6,511. The regular force on activeftehl"service consists of two regi mes of drag ns, numbering 12SZ3 men; ,;::, four regiment` of artillery, 2,706 men; eig regiments .of infantry, 3,89 S ; rifle, regiinent, nine companiei, '665 ; company of engineer sdiers, 71;, recruits en route,. 762 total, 1315. The volumes employed is the tvar con sist Of tirenty-4ven regiments and two com panies;-fir‘e,re ments are cavalry or mount ed lien, and' tvt my-two infantry, except a . part of one ba :thou, --of which two of the t.. ..., corn antes are : Weld artillery. 'On the. 21st "f September, it'appears by the .tatetnent t n submitted to the Secreta ry of *or; tha ;the volunteer force in the field (12 mouth ' men) amounted to '23,161 t officers! and me :exclusive of the get*ral officers and staff providiid• for the irregular troops. This-fdrce,it is 'seen, does not now exceed 16,5004 f the data Opon which.the strength of the 4rtriy is, based be tolerably . , a . correbt. : t The army int campaign s distributed as 4 ,. follows : Alrmy der cOmmand or orders of Major General i nylor--.-regular troops, .1,- 663;; en route LP Mexicn, 081; recruits en routed 762 -di :total regulars, 7,406 ; volunteer troops, 10,9:2 6 ; fWega*, A5;33 , 74. Under Siiii. , gen. ~'Wool, 41iarge# with the conduct of JA ilepalVe di t nsion--rer.4ar troops, 621 ; volunteer il f...),o3o ; toad, 2,666. Under Brig. Gen: ,Lea ey, charged with the con- Auct of a. : sup . `division in New- Mexico und 7 Catifoixiiuo—; gular trnoPs, 446 ; volun teers,-3/,46., ;1a.:P:4644 99 1 ,4ggreaute force etaPirtY4ikthe 6,e1d,24,984.i Ofgh, is force (24,9i48,471 min of the.receti l lar army, and ' 16,511.ToluIpteel. 1, LL'' , .'"E 4, trix.indon TO . ik.Vir ORLEANS. A. comp a ny -,- h a been formal to construct I a line af I.Magiletie Tlegrapb between 1 Washltsgtatiland N ew 0 eiiiS: We!lase 1 received a copy. 0 . the art' lealoragreernenti. and association, and 'a prO, ' `` ins stowing' le the cot and . : I :tht tnnputed i r ientue' of 113 e I sprtipOsedlin& `T The - retenue its - computed I at #446Molforie year." the c.pe.nses'i s l i SfF3,636: 4 'The cress which bits attend ed the line 'fro liiii - eitY i '4, New 'York,. yielding Wrelitifew , 'fit lwelt*per cent in terest na.the 60 !id ' nelt i bald by the pat enteeii;`itinlibig pi r fi :font, ioer tent. on the actualsnit;'l4 ' .the„ . del*Ys: and acci &eta ineidenktOn e An4atiOn; must be fully satisfaetdrft ash eapftalittrs,nftlie val i 4 un of 'Ye r lekTilitt tit ' k. - T`! e' it isliiiilrltti#iiiitti:Siiiril& iiikp(pflon of I c lo the talntal,n64fienti fOiilig, ' #olyelinn of 1 the NeSP!,4 o oriAtifs trii;O'Candition that s it be coin men* 4tietliiteli t ,Talidliorapleted to, New Orleans ;in 4i¢ 'brief space of four,' taonths.,,44eprOlfiliility ; fs;4lis prpj,q. will L.be 64oRted.:--t. 1 4t. aggr , - •,-, -. In ltiilo tite-,,whok ' prottucti;oftlie - Nita ' - "lifitif . itilih'ilitili'''Cila -," i"" 4 ' •Wi'ff '6' sY a , • , ..,... JR P.s tam It is iii*,,A,,,, , I Atilythv s . ,•• ~. • - _ . ~ S, Lient Lieut.; .Steele, -manta ; iteward ; IColson, KO •ymour, Smith Gen te, no tat, dagton I n and 11.;:and s3fis -re off • • fit. r.:TA I r - istn - 13 Ibeen • Moat A,l,lF6n.4—.Cletter in the Jour,' tiE Cetitmetie . they:Rev. Walter .CAli otalloitterey; dated Sept - 49, v.S'the following hew)* of affairs in Cat ia: - here is no disposition here among . the • o le to offer any „ resistance. The masses i c horonghly with ns ' and right glad to get d if Mexican Me. Had it been other is• they neverwould have elected me to le Wel magistrady of Monterey. We are II riled more in the light of benefactors to .-.vietOrs. Their • friendship and con fi en must never be. betrayed. California UV` never be surrendered to Mexico. If that au try has still good ; claims to her, let those !al s be liquidated ;by au equivalent in • io y. Rut it woult4 be treason to the lives ad ornwes of the best inhabitants tosurren er he provinceitsclf. Let Congress annex er o the Union us a territory, and establish ci • it government. • r. Semple,. an emigrant printer, and ays If, have establishcd a small paper here, to rst ever-published in California.; It is said every Saturday,—its appearance made uit I a little sensation. We found the type in old forsaken cell of a monk, and the pa such as it used . here for cigar wrap- ers l and was imported for that purpose. It l inted in English and Spanish. We re . 'oing to send at once to the United tat 's for larger paper and a = fresh foat 'pe With this new-engine 'of power we , I. .ing to sustain the genious of Attieri , in tnstiwtioias here. T iree thousand emigrants fromfthe 'tates, it is understood, have j dst arrived c. ii Francisco, in two companies, one sanded by Captain hustings,' and the by Capt. Prusia, and tell t ( thousand are on their nay. GEM othe 111301', T E IxJunv or UN/ rST Susrtetdx.- 77 -The world is very apt to pat the most unfavora- ble construction upon the acts of individu' els, and frequently to - hast 4 subject persons to stispicion of crime iieliOlie characters have before stood fair and unblemished. The in justice of this course is' mademanifest in a case which has' happened at Dayton, Ohio. Some. time last spring, Messrs. - Chambers & Harri ,of that city, by mistake mailed for Cinci coati the sum of $2OO, which they in tended to-mail for Springfield.. The money not libing received by' their correspondent in Splingfield, suspicion of , phrloining it fell upon one of the clerks in the Dayton Post Office, Mr. V. B. Howard, (who, the Triniscript say. 4, was "a very worthy young man.") Young Howard was of a very--sen sitive nature, and on being informed of size) Suspiciim, instantly resigned his post, say ing that the Post Office was thereafter no place for him. - lie forthwith volunteered Tor Meivico—left for the Rio Grande with the Ohio troops---and being of a feeble eon- Stitution, took sick on the march from M at amoraS to Catnargo, and died., The finale to this !sad history is told in a late number of- the Dayton Transcript. " Wsterdav the letter, with the money it contained, was returned to the Post Office here Om the'dead letter office at Washing ton:" A R)vat Eorroa.The King of Bavaria it i is abo'to start a newspaper, which, rumor ?says, '.is to edit hiniself. We cats imag ine theiKing sitting on the thrOne,•with an Monett c pair of scissors in. one hand; and the pas c brush in the other, writing his Zeituit. ~while the printer's devil is knock ing at the door of the palace calling for "co py." His Royal Majesty scarcely knows' the pails and pentilties of an editor_ yet, or else he would not be so ambitions Of rushina into be,rspapei- authorship. How will lit like opdping three hundredletters a day— every o#e of them finding fault with sonic part of iis paper 1 How will he like being I kuocke up at three o'clock in the morning • to corn down to the office and open .an ex press ? k How wilt ,he like collecting his quarter! , subscriptions, OrAanswering his corresp . udents' inquiries—whether his .7)faj esty wil he graciously pleased to take out his sub , ription in coals, candles, German sausage', sour trout, seltzer water, or. Ba varian er How wilt he like being pros: ecuted Jr libel 3 or is he prepared to put in the o f plea," the Eing-cui do no wrong 1" because the same yarn, of,course, wouldnp ply to r , ammatical errors, false . syllogysm, erroneo p quotations, and all sorts of nun nigh it is very doubtful whether his 'mild take the excuse, and might to his Majesty to stop sending in .—Punch. sense, t renders not is -11 the pa .Prin . lED HUMAN Bony FOC:CA—WC gathere , the following facts from a gentle-' man of i telligence and undoubted veracity , who wa an eye witness. They may there. ! fore be ' lied upon as tibistantiall&correct : A fe . • weeks since, whilst engaged in 1 digging ' well in the -lower parlof Lownds 1 county, i-eorgia, within about half a mile of -the lorida line, the workmen found ti 1 human ody, completely 'turned' to chalk. They ha I mutilated the body considerably' before di v' ere aware what it was. After ' -they disc vexed it was a human body, they sueceede in getting - nearly or quite all the parts. , ay inlet-mant, with several other gentleme of the vicinity visited the spot, I and extir 'ined it ca'refully. They-say there isnot tit ' least doubt of- its being a human body. i ,, here were several teeth still re , maining n the jaw, and the appearance Of three hay ng been extracted whilst the sub ject was' ving. The body when found was inibedde in a stiff clay about 30 feet from the surfs .- The surrounding country - is a flat pine 'rest, heavily timbered ;•' no stream of water' f any magnitude within ten Miles. i Our infor ant lyas strongly of the opinion that this ody had 'belonged to °tin: of the 1 .- antediluvian races.—Albany (Gu.) Patriot, Dec. .1:). ' • ,Novel, •.nnwEN-r.---We noticed yesterday the arrtvl ortivo flat boats direct from their cargoes consisting of 4600 pigs of leafl;c4st . . ned to two merchantsOf our city. These lip, ts . ilarted from Lake St. Croix, over SOQ , iles above St. Louis, took their loads - at .and made, the trip ihiwn in severity" ree'clayS.." - this ii:the first flat boat ship i int of lead, ‘Ve believe, ever made to tl s port.—A. 0. Delta. E . OTIONATE WIFE.—" Pb ilaura, aliiringhusband to his /awful •was several years the junior, ou-say, to moving to the West ?" .elighied , . with , the idea. You ens Air:Morgan moved out there, 4"as - we 'ate, and he died in pp vords/a..hundred thouiand dol- Ak 4 dear," aai spoude;'w "what do ietolleet wf* , as fare • • .7- "..- • ._-- .• 4iii - 1i4ri.5410 . 11_A1.-. ,--, '..,...-,: . ~.., . - ..... ,:. 'ConforsionatLlProceedhigis. - WASANGTON, Jan. 2, , 1847. The Senate was not in session to-day,hav ing on Thursday adjourned over toMorlay. In the Douse, ‘ the first business lin order was the resolutioii to prevent members from making excuses for not voting., The reso lution was adopted--85 to 73. The States were then called in order for resolutions, and agreat number weraoffered, chiefly unimportant. : i Among those offered, were resolt4ions— ITo inquire into the expediency ol setting • mart a tract of land in Oregon fun the In 7; i i dians 'West of the Rocky Mountai 's, to be held by them in perpetuity, and sec ring to them 'rights independent of the gov innieut of the United States. - To inquire into the expediency of estab lishing the duties on the articles in the pres ent lariff at the revenue standard. To inquire into the expediency of min. cing the pay of members of Congress, and others, twenty-five per cent., during the con tinuance of the war. Of inquiry, whether the money beqUerithed by James Smithson was in the treasury on the Ist January, 1847. To inquire into the expediency of impo sing an ad valorem tax on gold and silver &c. &c. Calling on the Secretary of the Treasury_ for information as to whether secret; travel ling agents are or have been employed by the. department, and paid from the treasury. Of inquiry, relative to the trial and exe cution of seamen,on hoard ship Cumtierland. Calling on the Secretary of Wan to re port bow many regiments have been em ployed near the_mouth Of the Rio 9rande since the commencement of the war, the number of Heaths, number discharged, &c. For printing 10,000 .copies of the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury or( Com merce and Navigation. Relative to the better organization of the militia of the United States. IjA Series, in regard to the war, its causes and objects., The bill to increase the pay of thti army of the United States was made the Special order for Tuesday next_ The bill for the better organization 'of the army—raising ten additional regimCnts— was made the special order fur Mcioday. Mr. Wentworth offered a tesolutiob, de Glaring that it is inexpedient to levy 4 - duty on tea and coffee. Mr. 'Payne moved to lay the resolution on the table. Negatived, -19 to 160. The resolution, by yea and nayS, - was then adopted—yeas 115, nalvs 31r. Sims, of Missouri, offered a rpsolu tion. declaring that the people,. of - the Uni ted States are- too patriotic to refusA! any necessary tax in time of war. Mr. , ll.nllibun moved to lay the resolution on 'the table ; motion lost, :22 to 107. The resolutiOu, by yeas and nays, was then adopted—yc4 126, na vs noac! Notices were given of several, billy rela tini to matters of lowa, and also,,of a hill to amend the several acts relating to United States District Courts. Adjourned. "tunmarn. The Dayton (Ohio) papers slate that at Xenia, on the 11th inst. a young lad.•affed about 15 rears, in the house of his &Tanga ther, a Mr. I3inkley, was awakened by an alarm tinder his window. .1 ladder Was • plat!ed against the window, and in a few minutes a man appeared opposite the4in dow, upon the ladder. When he had climb NI up breast the yonn7 lad, 'wniting;, prepared Tor him, tired at his breast. The ball took effect as the man fell at dude The contract for the second ship of the -team Navigation Company was made on Monday 'of last week at New York. The tiret h hip will be launched about the kith Jost We are very glad to learn that the zulicription to the stock of this CoMpany is going on favorably, and that it only falls shut; €476,000 of the amount. needed :1:500,- 000. This will probably.be taken within a week or two. A young man was. instantly killed ni the Wayne scythe fiictory, in Maine, last week, by the bursting of • 0 grindstone. He was engaged in grinding some tools on the large stone used for grinding scythes,- and was mangled in the most shocking matinee; parts of his body being carried up through the flooring into the room above. • Rev. John Forsythe, D. D. of Newht, . Y. has been appointed Professor of L In and lecturer: on 'history ; and the Rev.; Lyman Coleman, of Princeton, Professor of ; German in the College of New Jersey. • ! GeneralTrastus Root, the venerable and well known politician, died recently in . the city . of New York, in the 74th year of his age. Gen. Root lia..oecupied many offices -of trust. lie has hell-,a member of the As sembly and Senate, and Lieut.. Governor of I the State, and a tnetither g• the State Can vention of 1S;21. alit represented' his district in CongreAs. Ars. Alexander 4arailton, the wenerable relict of the first Secretary of the Treusitry of the United States; and the favorite 4id de-camp of George Washington, is again waitino• the pleasure ! of Congress, for the sale to the governntent o' her husband's works., They must, contain state papers that have no other Vr4rietor than the,coun try. ; Mr. Wise, it is said, wishes to come boine from Britill, on account of the ill-health of his wife, and the appointment era Minister, is his place will full, it his thOught, upon i t he Hon. John J. Hoge, Of Illinois, whose term in Congress expires the 4th of March newt. On the 12th inst. stephen A. PouglaSs, Dem. now a member 'of the House of /Li*. reseutatives, was eleet`ed. Senator of the Utli rte,d States for .six Tits (rota. the 4th of 31arehtlext,,inplaceo JamesSemple,.Detn. whose term of service ' t will thea,expire.. T to vote stood—Douglass,' 1004 ,Edwards, whpg 45.,',, _ . • 1. . . , A case is now on4r ial ; In Mississippi, Which, if 1t takes a pr4Petc*eeiiini, will go far to abate the rage foi.. - dtielling, A. l am , of the State of Missiasikii . r,e4ulres that la iiian - shall pay' - thii'dehti4 of 'each itidividO l *li o n' ,he kills in '.ti dOelotthl if' an .hiiite t - li jary will sustain : the la*, and , the -defenda t is•able' tory, KY.:Will 4 . careful lii' t /w lie e - .. glitgeiilif a - dttel. . ! , ~ • , ,I. , , --- - 111111 :the Galatia aiett,:writin gays tlia , io of„iooo..pers km thi ult4i. to atten ti tilcOnve - ite at lowa, i y se were aptiticants for offi u Government. The only n re tiro ininititers,. the . clerk t , the Vostiaaster,. a • few ml ; doctor, one; grocer, one . A. 't the womennd children. ‘; DEM! •t, ponde* Dubutlun that p)ae:• Lepslatu Most oft ' der the ne 'l itanth left Land Offi' chants, o • master, a irEl4:SES..—Tte,_ 0T091A11,1 . of t 'it of the U. S. Treasury, I, t ie 'w'ar witliXexicti; from t • 5 k ofDeceratie).,llast,)ii ($2 t 5 Million, thraebutidred and t i 4 ad dollar's. 1' '' . "t ; I' BALLS.—AI :the'. 4isenal, n\e' they have a;:• r machine:: by iii, ;one hundred and eighty ; is :ithin two hundred it is Ili qlions or ball s wereshiP ti- Ped r ; o the seat oil war, ~ ' - • th of ;Nov. 1.843 i -the state ;ania was 011627,786 3* ' ). a lapse of •43;yetti:s,;.$40, revenue of !the 'past yea 1 e expendituros; an 'event 1 iii are oeeurrea for A lout peril. ',I. reasonable - ilatibt that the t dl st will be promptly paid, The ne% iron stearafi l frigate 'Allogl a now comp ting in PittSburg, will.;' ; .. r dy for lau ping in Februaty anti= , 1 same time ' new iron reVenne stein e t will be en 'pleted of 350 - tonS,• 120 'fel deck and ' feet beam, to. be ealle& tl, J. 'Whlke ; She will liliave side ‘',l). t iV i Ajt count of to die 15t1 000) tivo five-thous St. Louis, they muk minute. that two that point Ou the of Penny lino* ' Mi . ! 577. Till: equalled t has not be There is n ruary lute wheels, an an armament of on. pivot and four s all shifters, sOhooner rigged three mast. Sh , 3 is to hei a sharp and tifully mod fled vessel. j , - The lar e. store of Messrs. G. B. bridge & .in Buffalo{ No. 28 Midi A and" the twi? , stores adjoiOing, were test ed by tire-o i .Wednes.daY of last wee ..- Walbrisl . ge Co's loss -iis said to he i teen thpusa il dollars, arSo partially ins e Mr. 'Wary ishop, a hood-lieeperto Me Walbrid! , e -- Co, is misting, and it is &ally feare that he lids perished ;in 1 flames. 1 -. • A new evedition to Oiegon is fitting Newburyport, Mass. : iA, company hi l purchased t i . e brig Evelite, at a cost of N O, fur the oya-ge. Tla,! is to be place charge of kr. Goodwin, who is well (painted 41C1 the COaSt ammimparommem i)C —ll topic's 'Mum-de Pref:S, reaple's Si , Zbts maim ,thictice, mtd nulkribed by Laid." Herr tli Citztwol OSE. 4.40. 7. 1847. iIIONT ne Our snbseribers ow ?: the Silver L • Post Route t 4 ill hear in timid that-where topped at their doors, by ill charge cts. per,years papers are Carrier, he :.0 doing iarrigbug Asrglig." , a spirited Democrati : c' pa ie Capital of our stint*. The A rgt ptibliAtod at 3. C. C ANTI. ; •, k ill he - published Daily ; Weekly durr the SessiOn of this Le,2i tare, on the glowing terms: Daily, during ; the SessidO Weekly, it isdo Six copies f the Weelq to one pos 'office. WEP p Weekly-, ( r annum, ail y during s e ssion) • . 3 0 have thiS- 'Week no news 1 'ents of recent occurrence w I ,o edify or atinise our reader. 1 occasion has . :passe d. off n i lt. he record of •any very extrai dinary disast&s. Their observance see. 1! to have bee t t) marked withl the hilarity' a't good' feeling ihich ever and' anon Nilo) 11 the soul and warm the heart of every hap i' ! 'citizen. ' Salle devoted it , entirely, to pt -1 re We remarkable e which either The Loll-da) out leaving t poses of ple+tire—some to religious es cises—others divided their time between 144(1 - • i ; 1 region of serous reflection , pleasura. e; anticipation; ; t -tide very many were, , buS . i : and gaily cm toyed in receiving and ex itnl-! . ini' the greedi g,s of friendship. , From e e!; appearance oti our Hymenial departnten , ' we infer that thorr than one' at dune.; sei. [I upon it as Iti befitting opportunity for d,b transaction of,i) usiness at th. delightfully ei ; , !-tliraling • alt aA of Cupid, ilitfe were -!ve i p closely confin4d to our" Stitcturri," b;. 'pre f of job work ti addition to our ! ordinary:l lO bons ; tbougur Carrier was much gra ~ ified with the ti elcome and fiuicl' pr0,q40,,#,t return, which attended the • delivery,of ht "Address." 'This was to us atiaple•tewa , for the rnidnigtt-labor which', it: east- us;l` "get it Out" fol. hint. If ourpationslOO ! • ' . ally will Contiiiii, eto favor us future, Os I die past, and Wt . : are-permitted to seallie dayl I will endeavor; !wain, on the opeuing4it ether New-Yeitr,'.to 'greet 'yon Witiret( e ' pression of itei r ied 'gratitude for; :You. , patronage, *idesire to merit : uch portititit , and Itindtiess!4 your hands;, will iinpel.! ! tut/ nerve us on tO ihicreasid exertion inTdieltt f, borious enter+ w hsrein we have ticiie4iiti ly but as We trujt auspicigitsQimi ; bai•iioil: ~, Mal 1.47.11 E - WAR: . - '`'.?:'' The latest intelligenee front the arraii !will be found ha iitirer Column's. ‘ - 'iYe have ii.ct 1 ..- ~ , -• • . , _ advice off rerptly fought hOlep, ,t 491 1 0) there is eviileilif much of planning tind ptttp , ,aration,, kir haid:fighting....i,4-',Willynotl-14 long, we appre end, ere we Shall hear dui - battle either erViennia, viii:Ohi oriini 1 Luis, lE'otsbii' the,eaptingnteas,i,h, we hell lies° to.he-itti , ntetnphation,t- Santa Anna will iiiobUlllyif i .Imdare,give fight in perionl at the latter ee. 'AVith",lGenellels-'s'66tv end Tailei• - ini 6 - inland eiel„; !w eve troops;, we have little `F9 , .tpiii t .inief*e,:loss qcf;.iPgi.. prciOsilivici..i t . . linnet the litesden,ool4 i r out obstinately,- that, treichervius slave to power,' Sinus A4ua,, - will soon .l Poll4.' to yield to the!piyireiefour's 'sfiris; • -' • I===M3=2!lM E=== .'es .1 ~.1.,: .;', : - 3 , !3-.%.,,. For the Peopli , can. "Clew'. IliOrnsidle criliel left Incidents iti'litation to tin the' Schools andleadeinies 'in tii4 7 * " mients of Pa. now anti - then*c lb. quite .interesting. A I have htani / be histotfocattAcadenty;not 4th er- .distant,: which;; was a little to Sc - which front ' recoll e ction I. wil ir . repeat.. , When -: the cmintiva 4- sparcely seftk lea bountiful Le le - `propriated ene thousand dollars 'a to be securely invested ler. l the ''.: ' s','- Academy, in a Small yillage in Y" tier of couuties. ) ,: The money : , . over—an entlyisettler and ext Lrir c b bolder received it, ;tad_ annum(l a for the it6o of-interest as-it ncell ' h t the addition of stock-subscriptiot HI ) priatp building 'Fres erected. T 1 .. elected. and,. a .school plit in o•eratiam.— . bt Teachers wereemployed, one a -r another It in rapid suceesSion f .until their ~ .e *as k- ~. as gion. Trusteed were elected ore time to • ,i, time, but were:found, for a seri.. of yesirs, to, .--• consist of the some men. Few or no 'alter •- ations were made in the Boar. fortiienty ,successives years. As the po ulatinn inn. F, CreaSed, ~and men who justly . ade some , 1 " pretensions.tirlicerature e.ame lin , the Place, te n disposition was manifested, fo , .thelienefit : pn 1 Of the Institution,to make some chan*in 1. the board , S4ll. were told- th 1 t they had le ) 10 part or lot' in the,- niatter, tit t none but in stockholders 'eetiltl be. allowed t l vote', and id that it was a ..liusiness which longed pe culiarly tc;cthe.pioneers.of the pl ce. Well, sometimes they kept ;Up the A demy and I : . sometimes resolied- their Acad My into a .. Common School; but managed t keep some - kind of a. Schoofmost of the tim . A - fterthe lapse oflnany years, however, s much &E.: L ficulty attended 'their endeavor drain up F: the old-fashiOn4 Board, that nly ttto kir , i- i , e three met to elect Trustees; wl en it was conchnled that it was not wortheir while Board, as re-elect the same old : Boai , as some were absent and . , others disabled dance. Well; what must be' do their places must'be supplied. , N nits classical men, for they may i l about Academy 'LI - dry,:ing than i take* all the shineoh' us:l We cal of tha l / 4 f. . We- will elect some who on hearing Latin or Greek. ' . can only hold their ooks up beton without understithling a word; do that,.surely, ieour most gracio Manner. Agreed-: you are the b i out. So, title to the suggestion, e . men were selected 'wlioknew no s r the dead :languages than a male construction of a steamboat, wi' F 4 . 2 1 Al 5 0 source of ambition to serve in, , than the chance of having chili their own in fotaire..time that. n i education, who are formally notil election. Well. w ith a new administration, , new measures miistl.eadoined. Th6old Acad. emy must be razed to the ground, or Tin:lor ' et! from its moorings,! and ,a ne one con structed in its . plaee, 4e: • The c -..: \ called upon to aid, .4c.: They re was told," Cleaw:tl!einside of y first—let there lie first satutary your mode of Direction, Such. as t entity satisfactory; and inspire c !' l l and When you' have thus caught u 1 limes, you may call on jus for assist 1 a better grace,- and with a better ( success V' It • oeCtilidd : to me Much force in thereplY; 2 SPEcinvinit: PUBLIC In pursuance Of a call of arttun ,• r. of our citizens, u respectable. ;number co, veued at the Court house on Ate erening.': 'the: sth day of January, 1847. • On motion; '.B."..MITLFOR was pointed Chairman; ud i hi. S. Wz ov, Sec- rctary After hearing remarl(s from Jude , B. S. Bentley, Esq . .," and others, mice to the propriety and necessity int buildings, in Montrose, suitall Academical Sphool, itlvas on mot Resolved, That it inexpedient joint stork company' 'Of foOr thorn lais, to he divided iniO' F shars of t*l dollars each, , !tit" : J PurPose of p ground,•and erecting buildings then Resolved, That a Committee be ed to dries , up'a . Cfroeitnitittion of sal patty, arid' ;prdOire:l.uhscriplionsl istoilt-shit - Cotiaiiiitte, consist( wiz -13- B Post. ' • On mOtion; - = adjourned to meet 'Court-ho n ee* on- _Friday evening tl hist.—and That Air :Committee the! progress, ace. f; , S. Sz\-MULFORD;- • 1 .111:tS. , -.,. i ,7;:orstilitierni.i.:i .‘ -,, • Is the one ternif,piincipat, , dertio is it expedient .E:,,Theie two questi orally arise under''_ - our !- caption. A hrst ione; ihereia:as little.doubtata ttatit° adiwer ,as iti., - ihaA pewit& ' he Iletl , Neci: , Oriendis , nate id jt Office; of ,! resident ‘'of i this Urn ap.. withAhle iinderstaddide, - and n' d ttou.thavitishotild. - bet , but for a sing! Theie are Arariations4o nll rules. c , T pie, When:monfitlettee'-'4,ati linbcaided ntart,..overj.peititialled' him,:vand - to--- theni,t.lie. 100 . kii . lie office : a Neon& ii -But hif , codiielitin Of one terns - did net hit hied ad dieshriditheni.: Whelk i , 'nitro•Cotivirttion 7gareithe nomination " Polk be tißceititt otit with the exPreir sanding:thitiii-should l ith hut lot iinii I , 4'rliiii l'ils*ktbe: , i`opiiii* iturtianS3l IP 47 . 61101. -- Ahthe - nnUi sirm -is dais 1 1 44'147t6t10113 - ,:: corrilet - -Allist:iiiiAri ' l , mi'iniiioritromagiiitotGoiind ,- Jo 1 'io mrilviiiicriemio.. , wets Altai* ME Pliitter. 9o conduct of baeksettle oF are Inarratetithe ulsandnsiles lueing, and endeavor to" La new and!, island* op.' which was lenefit of an lie Northern' as duly paid, fisive,laiadj aecouotedi led. ;With an'tippro -1,9t**).4 vrere ram atten. e 2 Why, ith whcitn, now - more e, do;.and. take—care ounttnon. reeitift ions tlieirtUces uti we' caw. I s and wise st Trustee me young Tore about about the no. other ' ustrioasly en to call y require :ed of their zens are died, as ,I ur platter anges in 11. be gen ,nfidence ; with the nce with ounce td ere Was =I Jessup, b refei of erect- e for an firm a 'rid 6;1- .itty-five cisuriog iPant d Com -Isf said • • thee, 1" at tha. e loth report 4 . F. 1 ME En ntoihe -affir- Wfien torte 'vas den term.