The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, January 07, 1847, Image 1

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    , i
rap leo
1 ~ •. pO3Y -dr, Boi
(01Ece:oa I t hi kves aide of the
Ous Dollar , ity Coats if uo
vion.ths, ituil i
~e iiye untill . _
ilr. veat-two Lars will lye ex
Discontintt ' a o ntialal_vd
less arresrage ',, paid.
Letters' to4I Publishers on linSiriess , with the of
fic.3 must be ptstpahl to insure attention. • •
i '
of.oo . , ,rcikdey'o•.tmir. % • otild-riVe
~,1 like ; quills
upon ; the tfrettuhpare : pi t i e ,iit I .0 1 , t , we p re f er
toillustrate nurtahjelt.lay • thO;rehatiou of •a
I circumstance, .which; ll kko a wham , arm t
has done; his pun - good
,t•vice in the fi
ila4ttle field, tittf4lll):, - iiiteit' • 'atetit'attaeked t:
i .
I tith.idaight, 'ais 14d; ii;POrt On' of that Ort - L e
iy : lbfding-it 041tA: i',,,' . oh `-1i IA . 'distinguished - 0
II Itibli ita lns' &mit yi., : itti&t , • • • • to
II [Capt: B'..iiiiii ti .. gr' at joie . - ''d practical c
ljjaker.--and tvottA r f go to ttlzit St any extent s•
I. to; have al lairgh t litgai tat 'ltia.dontrades. .He d
had amolttiktilal,t,:tio heir quintet's—lie had d
0 11. 41.0 00ta_theatoo . when they ;l were en s it
.gag4in tviacital;,:,.. e of,whist.iaside, And - 1
loWeredlitoar,rie,.4t do via upon thatre';,- and - i
I,it4, short etletty sPeeie= of inischaief that, could 0
[ :eretate,exeitement : .'h d heed-liesotteirl,to by ti
: Wan forth 6 rittr,posta t . ,he .said,, of keeping 11
the:militaiy . f blood uf to ardor heat. His 1r•
entriradisl-liad ',liibtr hii-t-oiiir•it tricks upon It:
hi ,lint iwithOut te reet---:inStead of cheek- 1 h
itigthis ini t schief,it o ly urged him to great
eft efforts ;F Odeed .a . enjoyed those visited u
lupoaloimself as hig,h, y as the'devilinent he i a
practised upon others. --• The Captain, by i • 0
1 choice, slept upon a lha . # maitrass, and, as 1r
kyoil.inan has his-hobby, learns his to lee- le•
tuns his cOnirades upon the healthy differ- t
elite hietweCn bay triad any' other kind of t
stuthttg for to bed. This fact suggested a
.trick to a etamrade, na straight he proceed
ed to put it in execu iou.
, -
A jackass, whict lived about council I . (
Bluff Barracks, was the chosen instrument. I :
This animal was one of thoko old, nondes- i
eript kind; which -tad ,no particular t
owner;,, avaS kept restraint, but 1 t
- appeared toi be a moveable portion of the it
I establishment, let ran at large to ,exercise I t
the vigilenee of the sentries; and ninny a I I
raw recruit had fired at ratidifin on hearing i
:old lack approach, and when he retreated
congratulated himself on frightenine an In
, dian. The soldiers at length dubbed old
nelity, but ani ghtier sways ' 1 Jack:the ",Grand Rounds,". and by this
illewt:i Thon,whosellantlshavescutid•' name' , be was . generally known. Lieut. M.
gulfs. and hi=s tore, thy breath, I had Jack . captured, and placed under du
ii. the beg , imaint , o'er his face, I 1 I,
rance for nearly two days Without anything
leertnore. The obedient v.iv , 3,. i- •: to eat: this Made him:so hungry he could
linntion, roll nn i rise and fill. I, have masticated a side of sole leather; then
main of rain thy cloud goePrap. 1 enticing Capt. S. into a whist party in the
to witcr 411 e 4reat earth, i Major's quarters, he turned Jack into the I
galleys green. A hun t lred rrabini, Captain's apartment. But a brief period
tad shinlow wet on the wind. l had- elapsed before old "Grand Rounds" '
roppitig shower, with gladness, heat • smelled) the hay mattriss, and if it had been
of thmlrarre,l • I 1 I look forth, r the stuffing of -a velvet-covered ottoman, all
indkss blue, v. - 're, joyously, - the satrie. He pulled the clothes off, put his
Test" of 'Lwannet able w.ay.s , ' fore for -foot upon, the bed„ with, his teeth'
min at MCI-, .NI hen•the hamLs tore a role lus t re enough to ect hi s nose in.
s •
d 4 iltitmle are, ,Ward thug j and lei: rrely proceeded to make up for his
4111. I behold tike svis I long flit by stuffing his own - hide With the
W cape to cape.. t 33131 isle to We. ' . , content's. of the inatorass. • I •
p i to wa r d far . la 31.3..
..or hastening home • .
While old " Grand. Rounds" . was
. tlatis
1 1 world. It is v friendle lirt•Cl.t!
t i
' feedinmi away, coUg-r.atolatino,,ltita.,AL,„ti?.,
lti -,- amri itrirti#•ll :ill.rra` - srit'lalt;" - ' '— • ' 4 , "iriiiiTiT7ilai 1. i s -- thert at w `sti eh i - singl ing -,
getting; .
of J-ar lives, till. in the port, I the original proprititor, Capt. liz. was enjoy
,t; sr:liana elinib,3 aril furls the-sail. ' I ing the'hospitality of the Major. The coin
pauy, on - that particular occasion was SO
'Ant whil i hrill hlie firs te.-nPext. who shall facl j e
The b t „,„ 1 ••• :,, t . ~.,.„1“,... ih „ (Le ,. ,-,/ the sea ?
.. i '.: joyous and entertaining, and the wine had
' such a peculiarly rich flavor, that the Cap
, a ay to his oWn quarters 1
Uh God l t,- ;ogee make, Ithe world turn
When on t t 33rmed tic t, that royally , i ' fatito lingered until Midnig o l e it. ask l e ‘ r - l i t:i i n e o se n nt b r i y s .
Bears dory the s u rges. C.llrryinu war, to smite :1 , j , ,i
Some eitv,tor invade sortie thn'tghtless realm, ,3 ; upon the pa..--ane grown - . what r),tir ei them '..
Deseends tlie fierce ternacht. The vast hulks il ' were standing there about? " . 11t is only mr i
Are whirlegi like chair opni me waves; the sailis : alone, Captain," said the :soldier. " Well, ;
i then,'" said Ciptaln S. " if that is So, this is I,
tie, rent • webs of*iiMatr; the masts li
Are snapp 311/sunder ; dim-in -Ward front the‘derl f .s,
, the strangest parade ground for lop(hic)tical I
delusions I ever travel':ed weer."!
: He at length gained his door, and while
Downwar 4re Arm!, into tiii. fatltontless - galf, ; I
Their ern engines; and thins wets, arraved
. i
In trappiripi of , ij . t . battie _ fi i m. are twileirtitA !' : feeling for the nob it opened, fell in; and tip..
By whirpo6l, or dashed de.431 upon the • iks. ; • ; proprietor embraced the easy chair, which
Then stun ; th ~,u litini. ,,,, „ ail with awt., and ~,, I stood near the entrance. •He r ecovered di
A women
ikon the bloody work of ryas-I-reedy, and commenced the operation of un
El j dressing, during which he staggered at,rains.
These r 'lles, surges call away the shores
i 1 old "Grand, Roarats," and taking him fa
(if earth's ld continents. the fertile plain : I his negro boy "Il'iLl," he told him to tak
Writers " Ishallo i ws,headsltunl crumbles down; l l hold of his boots--:;-and 'str'ike a light! liar
And the .'3 a anal. the seaL(lnd is the streets . rinor seated hionstilf, he pulled and pullet
Of th.e . dr -ji • -nes]. c ity. Thtiu, nrennwhlkafiir ! 141t7his boots., but they would'nt come, forth
In the , ...n chambers of the middle sea, -'•
i ~
very good reason ; that iontiginatioionly w
Where bk .. ..
... . spread th/ waters and the line i:tugging at the het I. • "Never mind, alight, '
Sinks d i 4,, while no eve beholds thy work, - :sars he, "the ii umina(bic)tiun within i
Creatno. n.rat (lost teach the coral wo E m : ,'sufficient—ba, had Ole) what a gloritat •
To lay hibuiglity nieLs. Froth age to a g e, • I l• fellow the Major is—aid what wine—(he.
tie bun (beneath the water, till, at last, i • Ihe roiled ipto bett and finished the senten
Hil.halefrks rwermp the ihrine, aml check i I
i by saying) he kelps."
the lortwave r olling fro the Sonthern pole Old "Grand Itountis," the jackass, w s
To ,upon Japan. T DU hifist the fires, Munchittor away' :and the captain roiled ov ; r
P 1;
the opening he - Iliad made in the mattras.
The nearimade mountainH, Mrd uplift their peaks, s ha pushed:the owner of the quarters up wilt
A place ilit'reftige for tin Orm-drit:ett bird., • I his nose;-and grabbed another mouthful.
The i3431itt 3 1: wafting hilllowspluat the . rifts - ' 1 The Captain, thinking it was fill tucki g
With hi and 'tree ; sw t fountain. gusit; gweei lin the cover, said nothing at first, but, w .n
.. punched' again he told bi in " that would d. , •
'Ripple iie lilab lakes: at, fringed with Sowers, • he could go now." But when old Ja k
Are gatW 4.1 the boll ws:. Thou dost-look . . hid inuttehed that up he nosed the capt.t n
Oa tiry • • and mpieen good. -.-. , again, who returned his thrust with .a s. r
lie %I:4Ft,', glAtiaus.w -4 4Fir , anntner-Vnent , • .- : over the nose. • ;Jack appeared to ponder p.
PrajoiattlFFlOOleat•JK7 r Y : and its woods. ~7T .: :, on the " indignity for a,moment, and th, r
„ o
Bvr cP ti - ilie" iitiirti,4-rin winds uhle•enn; ..)* • ' turning round lie lificathe owner of the Mit
The nt4'Miniligihoresia perpetual 1-..ry ina '
:1! '
.: , iitiss mss rtieliiiing posture by a sod. et
t • '•'- -, • I . ' . •inkoveirielif df hik heels, trltich spread him 01
. . the Ilbor like a ;crab, and then turnin b ; In
• ' ,taxiter-,,,,end round spill, he , continued i
co'mfortable employnaent upon the remain R
contents of the Imattras.s.
•' 1 , " . Why',• 'you 1 infernal nigger," says - it
ICacitain,'untitidk - youe master at, midni II
with a laludgacki 1 Hello, sentry !". he Slo .ut
ed i .and,at thasaratioltitne seizing his i pis of
t, whic h lay pit th e table alongside, he c m
aiondeii blazing aivey at what he supp:SCl
I waS " Bill':"' Th j ereWas a commotion ito
; mediately aniside---the. -sentry gave tii.
!:alarm—the offt rs issued from, the qua er
„„,ir.,,„...„,,ktp.ll4ressed, ran upon pa
'rade,' ready Mika' at the call to arms, an. al
gathered - rOmitl;Gitrat.; S.'s quarters--; fil
=oltrien- fronted the'd r with fixed bay. - et
.7--it,wasiape;ned i i and, Ite.ruslied old G n
.4 1) uP4 . 4igkiul uP ; j4-..beels -with de igl
at gettinpasuela a. fee, , !find .espapitag: itl
'Oat viscrate.b.' -Who lighti were bro gh
'the Captain:koOketl round fel:t i the dead . od
of Bill:-.40 turned-tto;.thalkdelcithei; ''
alotilog A:Oil:CIL the fac iof tiiii intmr de
Ate:Jr.-o)pp. 4rOp.,..burst r .: roto l a;roar.r..; t ti
C 0 M i tCal,itY#Av!Oh-- 1 ° 1 4P4 giMt.•9 ll •Vi‘ a i ll
oncesato - thipaihtlie, tarstc.ry fit - the' . hr
litit'riight - ali,„dt-fe• - ; - V - 0 *lll bt . ',;st . llite •iel
4figastiviiatlhfraitymia: . IVnuld'in'eet - P: t at'
1.5.-,;itoi!vin'Mentiprey,i In Itoad-, : ilayligh ,; v
;,,,ask4/11?--,,goffik thqq3;: e WOltld : - tit
Cralidl Royals Iperil/v.. ,
! - ..., I" . l ti: '''
. ' For the
.1 • •
Like theihtne , hlTe that =0
Alone Or walke d tbel .
And , Loll ear,:nll desolat
' Tier 4ing footsteps w .
ra ;
~ ,, i , hihe thei ' L
The d iv h
The 111 4 e of it "epitseie
Artd.po !unit tuiguish of 1
I v
She s:11 sutiVd—but unity and then,
Inyohn ly her:eye
,wild a
, glance, as when
the li wing's along the sky.
Tlig spir t 4
lords that hound her 1.4 or a
lii Tel. of pare etichnn !tient sweet,
c'ut V) hrht heart 4 death-like toll,
At Vrldih hen spirit sin, 1k to meet,
! above•her lonely tomb,
!atom aveac, ri.trauchr shade,
l ed houghs And }.-ertal bloom, •
, an that ;rifted' one win‘ Ina
, the muse'.. loft .' power—
[she siriick the irembling lyre :
.rs ltreitth'd thilough life's short hour,
1 ins 4 the reetl lire. ' •
I gsvre\-e ..:4) fine - strong =
her . tbought—her Iteurt so kind—
disappointmetit fltutg
rhig Shooou o' r her mina.
e the in&es On er sutirtl—
4.eper roll'd e:rich thrilling tont--
friena, in conic :r wild
eid—forslken- alit alone!
.., Dec. 4 3, in-V;
She alee
Whose ••
And o
Uer fee
• Sod
That es-
And N%
IiON ES ru.
!Hymn of. E l be _Sen.
The .ca
116 restless
ili buundlc
That moved
Iticires n'er
To fits stron
Still from 11 ,
As at the fi
And keep
And in the
Thy promi..
Over the b
Thr brizht
Glance tr! 11.
of a great
In aechmi
(ilidmg trot
Or .4teranii
From the o
Aug treavoi
The sh,,u
, i,r,
. , ,
boo o 1 " a gif
scenetilit coajt
of dreid ab(Y‘.
ang;sot 'er.bel
a far ''starit
of sik C-;fasoi
half- • defile.;
liar semi&
him l i deatti ,
olum*:Mg -nix
nem 4111t s , theilifferei
and dt.e.; leaky, 4i 1
l i t
~ ge orlimrlkt a
bird. as , aoared ii
to t itt.Tvafety;
tbn, liht-of heave
.fill a jai we :heir
ber land aeamaia,
cw 'll:tualideeFier.
Ithreo.otlift, aud,
,aletilii deepe
that Ilia earth ' s
,coutpitaittn .. - eau
dote :Pitt t
7 '..".. 4 ':':: - ". - "2 . , - :; - 1-7 - ;T";.17,'.
' •, • ~ 7
~,,,,t , . , ..--„ i ; „ . •,, I.
;1 ,•?:: -. 1 , , .. •-• •••f.. , t• ,•'..•
, j,
~.) f ti , i"'l': tli.' ,3 ; r . :::.: 1-ir'
"....4-1. 1.. z : 7 ( :, -, • . ' ,.f .
't ; •-.
. ' .4: I ' - i-` •'1 .i.:l ; .:1;:
, ~ 1 i. . • ~; :. I- --.. '': l
,A, j , - • .4.;...,..„..,
... ‘ ..;...:•.'1::,
`.. . i
ear in ralvaride
r the .ex1 9 T 9 t 939 9f.
:ted. • . • - •ti
the i`ublishcrs,,wa-
trbs bet mute,
y deli,
clly fell.
; la tear—
t half tAlppreised—
. the very .
*hat dreao4l
'uthary var'page,
havoe, had of
.enhas the ideeti r
from his ilream.
e conteimplatiou
-Jook.'", up= . the
foes, viihe, froth
ere poultiog.tapOrf
Wore !the bah--
.ned a conseious-.'
lee- between the drenin
spirit .bag ...receivetri its .
, and, hke-ilorne .sweet s i,
tay above eirthippris 1
d :bathe its. ntlion fin 1
i =What dreadfulifiolights
gain Of the init*htinb-,,
he; otealiag act4iathh : nil
,b,tr,etie, blow AtitiAns
merfly ,tct obtain tikedrdsi
, owes,, be i45.14,213:444 I
winos reitore. - 1 IviVeniiiht
rat! , caiset4 it(iirdertyus,
idattir - r.lioitiritliell foill!'
"EVERY ti]
• !
-.:::. •.- --, a•-- - .7,' , . - _-_7::7-- - :11 - . - 1 - , -- - - 1: . - , • '... - `" -.7 '; - :::' - -'-'''' .- -
.-,.: , - , , ... .',:;,‘ i ii .-, . ,
p E
._ ~
,„. •, ~... ..„..,,.....,....„
. ~ .
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' - ---- 4 -- ---- -n-i-:-----4-....----;-, i,...,-,.. • ' f
t . c ; • 1 _ 1 _ .
lAN. 7 1847. i-, - ' ' 1 - -NO
- 1 , c ..
I- • Fioin the Albany Spectator.
;-.- I , The Cry of the TreelEar,le. zi
here 'ISA most' willful passage in an
a rleSs Of Headley'
~' applied to Italic* Civil
*r• dont Which wellere quote, tuid , appty to
et 'eedorn* far ma .*i*-glorious Ih - tin vliich
e • II can boast Of: lHe is-descantingon . the
D e progressive principle*, and turning a mo
m itilroar the government of the ,world, in
el giant• phrase exclaims : Have you :ever
s,nn an eaglefetteted to the earth day lifter
di y, week after wek ? • How his ! piurne
d ,sops, and his prod bearing sitiks: away
i 0.. ali expressiottl)f fear and hatitility.—
I is eye that AS IrSont to outgaze the sun,
is lustreless arid detal, and but- lofty- sounds
o irritation escape him. But just !let ,-
fr e cry of a free eagle, seated on , some Tar
Ountain crag, meet his ear, and linty his
t. ughened plumage smooths itselfinto beatt..l
t , his drooping neck becomes-erect, atiil -- ;
li s eye gleams as t:4" old. Pour that wail,
s ream again on hisear,-and thoseinamittifings
u fold themselves in their native; streqgtlf, Early in the springof 154,-: +e startling
news was -despatched' from opt Western
a d with a cry as shrill and piercing aStliat
O' his fellow, he strains on his fetters, -Mal borders that the Mexicans wereicoming!—
rebance-bursts away, soacing 'gloriously
Day - day brought confirmation of the
wards heaven. • Who, then, shall stay his tidings; and by the time Antonia and Goli
t ight, or till his heart with fear? So had ad had been taken, the people Of the little
i an been chained down age after :age, till repalihe were on their U-ay—gatheringtrain
-lis spirit-was broken, his dignity and glory hers and strength as they, advanced to repel
,• rone, and his soul marred and stained .--i..
: the bold invaders. i
Our declaration of independence was the A 4. small company oe'which I was one,
- .tar of that free eagle on the mountain crag, . started from our village in a few hours - after
•nd the tattered sonl beard and answered •
, the first, news of danger; and in less than a
i the world over, with a shout that shook the week ,lad joined the lower- diVisiou of the
thrones of Europe .intheir bases, and maAe I main body of the army, which Ivas,moving
ie chain that bound it smoke and'quiver he- • upon Goliad. On a stream called, Celeto,
~ ea+ its angry 'blows. Poland stretched i nqt far from the spot of Faunin'a;ill-fated
.•ut her arms towards us- and fell weeping' surrender, we pitched our camp for the
mid the ashes of . Pagra. Italy sang once night.; fully assured that -the Mexicans with
nore her ancient song in the Bottum Fo- ' a large force were but a short,ctistance from
um ; Ireland shouted and tell, and France , Lis., and that a battle would ensue on the
ook it up, " earthquakes opened tinder the : next or the following day. Tader Oleic cir-
I ourbon throne, and-down sunk a whole cumstarices great caution and .vigilance be
1-vnastv of kings." -- came necessary—the more so' as the most
A night of darkness and bondage hung of inn- boys were green in -the:service, and
ver the nations.. Chains of silvery - were the old Texans themselves had become rus
orged on every mountain top, by every hilt Ity from six years of unintedupted peace
ide, and in every valley of the earth. The which we have enjoyed. Our pickets there
annortal mind, the heir of two worlds, was fore, were thrown off sonic , twelve miles
he slave, chained ,10 a deatliof deaths. Itsfrom the camp; and a double guard station
glory had departed andbereft of light and ed around our. resting place.
strength, seemed fhst falling _into its last Night came on dark and lontering—hea- •- A,
1 .,... ALSE At.4.i..--Col. Kin",
Sleep, when the shrill cry of Christianity, vy black cloiuls gathered in musses over the 'following anecdotic relative to s'
the free eagle of heaven, rang over the moon- sky, shutting out the starlight, and cibscur- mare ins in South America:: • ;
tams, thtough the glens, and along the wa- 1 ing airnost totaltv'the twilight of a struggling
ter of Judea. That cry was heard by the , „,„0„. " n passing.. tl rciugh the, woo
The wind had increased as day de- advancen
mind of nations, and. starting from the bed of.ta,
.o r
guard sudden! • :
parted, and mourned - with a, startling ca
death shb echoed that cry, feeble ettirst,qtatti ~- that from la noise ahead,
dance through the long rushe4and straining - '
but waxing. gtronger at every effort, until it , sure hat a body f men trust be
live oaks, amid which oar : encampmentl •
I blended with that of the free .eagle. Ileav- I mg. Their repo t red niei to s
were Seeking repose. 1 -
en's countless !gist filled the upper air, and ' -
'rule offte& of the guard, at the Loomof I the' ,nemy had. anticipated our
' elniumed their divine strains. AnOther cry 1 gun,
the sundown stationed 116 ghat the 1
I and were' corning to tifeo us.
- atel ordered odery ioriati ito hi
iapri,t, thrilling thaakitfore„acose to the third senniLlior ,
n.s, with the': coulersiai - of the I , -
heaven. The - eliCag:id* and* fettarctruitad iiiia ',l dache 1 • n•
... n . ,
_„, t , Lon c tined
In a f
nd'inost ' -
r netteurnr ' ajunetwas 0 ! tile ,
answered it and springing with immortal each one as lie left 1 ,,, u
at hi , l
place. . ciis-e was di 'netiv Th e ;
Y . i
might, broke her, chains in sander ..and re.a-• nblance to c soutit I I
The word is CeLeto ! Let no one, pass
soared away to the companionship of thelron the movement of a body of '
isoat of the encampment witiniut giving yon -
free ean-le. Tinies and the onee freed eagle,el•itterinal of horse hoof,
- the countersign. And should any person '-
was . n° ' ~
votk , ,- but a continuous Bahellik I
was again tsallmsed when frma a cloister, approach vhu from without,! hail him three
from one end of Germany' to the 'of - oundq, as if la regiment of 1
and then
I tiines in English, ' Who -crimes' there r
other, again rose e cry of the free eagle war all Chatterinm t e 'ogether.
i the
and if he cannot or will not•give the cotin
ristianity, The cloister-celled and van ed at a slog pate; when I
.of Ch
tersizn when demanded, shot him and call
Roman bound minds of Europe heated as ing 'i - sharp proniontory, ;We b ;
the Sergeant of the Guard. ' And be cau.:
ti:O hundred monkeys swinging'
with a death struggle, shook the papal va- ; thins when you shoot to take good aim !' * '' ..
i tican, broke herchains, and with a cry of i frot tree to tre4, twisting diet
1 mon the men was one belonging to
!•glorious meaning soared aloft. ago= nd the branhes, and anjOy
' our company, almost entirely verdant in at=
The shrill cry of the American Eagle of ! re .i act freedomfof speech :'apd- ,
fairs of war; but' pluck to the backbone.'— 1
freedom, was none other than the same .iwe ame in sird t however all
• ts ,
His naare was Mite. On receiving his in- - ,
inind responding to the free eagle of Chris-ly • s silent as .d . nth—not a cre•
stroctjons lie re-examined his rifle, put in a i the
fierily ; and it has been answered from tlx . h moved— ' 11 severill ni
new cap, looked at the sights, trigger, lock i -
seas to tho lands, and is stil being answered ,
I pin ria his care of _fan in th
and barrel, and called out inter the Lieuteu- .. - • • •-' - . ''.• •
• tioiin which the oiscovereo t •
; from every corner ofthe earth, and will con- ant. I ,
• I 1 nu fr pen lint , - their tails to t
time to he, until the once enslaved, but , I s „.—p m to shoot if
they don't give n • •_ .
now freed mind, with the free eagle of Chris- . so e lyin ut- tretelted upon.
the countersign, am I?' •'. '''' T
'Ott Jrs, in the a tl3 climbing , r
tianitv shall soar away from earth, forever , Certainly, certainly,' readied the officer, 1 - • • ..• • the
. .
free, to the eternal city of its nativity— , th ir long arm clinging, to
'and don't miss if you can help it.' i, yed the pa . of ddead mon
. I - ' 1)--3 clear of that.- Good night Lieu
tenant !' f
I • te die firstimo cut of modifi,
in arrayed an rallied my in
The " Mountain Artillery.% - ' , Good night !' respondedlthe Lieutenant,l • •
I . lpice of ric i licti e, I could not
This new arm in our military service, and,passed on. iin the roar of tan•
having gome novel features, we corOense , . Ten o'clock was the briar for the relief i
I . edthed • '- . -
I o isc.%ery. Some o
from .an article in the Albany Arg-us the tol- • guard to be set ; but long
brfore that period
o Mate melt "1 Veiled tbeir - pi•
lowing. . . the camp had sunk into slumber and silence. h,
id creatur . s that had pa
rO ortime ,
Each of the batteries consists of six l'; A few, however, myself a i ,
pounder- • tire talk
bronze howitzers, and six cariages , remained awake around Or mess , 'lr ordered tiih , there should n
so constru,oed as to be susceptible of pack- ' ing of other days—past
pod future---and ; b
.Harmed; n id, We - left the
• a horse or mule. The howitzer i wilding away hours which sleep could not
ing upon, c.ngratulatino• theinselves on
- nil* 2lO 'pounds. The carriage is . spend for us. On asu n
%%el .:0 - aboutdde lye heard Mac's a,
i at escape.'" •
o - i •
f similar weight, and two chests with am- voice loud and sonorous a$ a-trumpet:
.. i
- -, --- ,
munition, vary only a few potinds from the
. ' Who -comes there?' .1 _ 1 Sworn et 11
mine: A pack_ saddle has been so con- ' The Grand Round,' was the reply. The New 0 1 ,1
. -
structed as to ; admit of itsreceiving either the 'N4 lei-comes there r 1 .I c iption of th 6
I •• gislatureo
I , ,
howitzer, the carriage, or two ammunition -' The Grand Round . ; .
chests, carrying each, eight rounds of spher- "The Grand who 1' i I n the blade,..
ical case shot, shells,.and canister. ' The Grand Round ! The Grand Round:- i-e steel, is the
. n ,
In the artillery of our army, this new arnt , . o iieit, -- qiii• ..a
` Well, you can't puss here .
:. 1
-troduced, and it is under-:i ' But, my friend, we are One Grand Round.' ' es he conga
, I f
I 1
- l has never beenintroduced,
a - stood that the Executive has lately author
ized a corps to be organized, by the ord
1 1 mince department,-and commanded by offi
e ters of that corps, who alone 'have had any
e practice with this peculiar description of ar
le tillery.• AcCordingly, two companies are
la 'being raised' and sent to fort Monroe for
instructions, , whence they will embark
to Ow Mexico, it is supposed, early in Janua
-iy,'the firstuuder the commald of Lieut.
it- H. Talcott of-the ordnan&
Is. The purpose-of this new corpS, is to
n- es artillery in positions where heavy baiker
:(l j e s co4lll not be established, as in defiles,
a- 'narrow passage.s, mountain gorges, &e. &c.
ie The effect Of ibis light artillery, or its pow
rs e r of elpduranccovould not be sufficieu, to
a- rendet it very valuable for 'general service
ill in the field, but, in the mountain districts
le where the movements of the field batteries
as would'neceSsarily be tardy, And difficult if
id not quite itimiiicticable, the mountain gun
lit_would be a'eiiilable at the most difficult 0
11- sitions ; advancing with celerity, and 0(05-
it, - Jug their fire' of the most destructive missiles
dy Upon an enemy,' who otherwise might post:
in, himself in apparent security, to dispute the
. in!sage of our, troops.
he The ComPaciness,lind simplicity, of the
at new mouutniu.artiffery is deemed, very
,tn,.cither *4:91;4 PretA .or Eng-
rua r ro w.howarratmemerit Of`,gun car
~.c4r; ec i4mant,isexceed- I
id stagcpnitPucts,xieitntiti:ingenious.
Alta bedso this' corps, understood `;to
be the ihtcntion Of trie,W4r litcpartment to
organize a Rocket Corps, fur service in the
This, likewise, is novel to our service, but
for many years, has been considered an im
portant liranch of the ordnance in the-Brit
ish 'army: ..
It is, by availing - ours - elves of 'every im
provement in the means of war, that we may
hope to shorten its duration,' by ,ine.reasing
the effeet which such improved rbeans very
certainly promise i`.find it is equally credit-
able tribe department that deviles and per
fectelitich ineliiirations in the ni4terial as to ,
those who eompdse the peesoutt for its ulti
rhate service, and to the Seeretfity of War,
whoge vi,gilance seems to be constantly exci
ted and directed to every prospect circ irm
strnaee anti means that offers anrincrease to
the advantages and efficieacfoflour milita
From the W(eswn4 Continent.
GRAND 1101111 D.
• I don't care, you can't; pass here,!' .
' We are the Grand- Round, I tell you,
and we must pass!' , I •
' Stand back ! Stand bdck!' shouted Mac,
and the click of his rifle was plainly heard
as he cocked it. 'By the g,hostsof Alamo!
if you come an inch nearer, I'll give you a
,Grand Round, and be tl,i----4to you! You
can't !' i .
Further parley was unnecessary, for the
expressive little., sound puede - by his rifle
as well as the tones of Pitac's voice warted
the officer of the Grand unkthat ho was .
in earnest. They too a wide circuit
around the hostile sentr and passed on to
the other posts. I
The news of the' joke i was carried to the
guard fire, and'the contpiences cost Mac
a long night of service ;', foe, the sergeant'o f
the guard swore he world tiot go near him
to run the risk of being shot. So l‘f# WO
left Until. sunrise to walk his Acutely ; pe - st,
wondering why the d-1 they did'nt come
to.relievjhittr, and inW - rilly boasting of the
very cleVerPiatiner ito, ich itched ' Ouffedi
olihe Grand Round.' - . I
Will the world ever.
expectations -of
Ore not founded on Ge.
is u ruined, kuidone,ie
sorted, dejected .thing,
it ; multiply nr
- • - . , • II
and gra fications of s. nse ; increase ;n
it the e 11 More: nttMerous . ••;,nd •de 1
pleasur of•thotight ;.jantlifthey-t )1
on ear l , its restless desiies;' , and iii
mdre retless•imaginaionsidisippoin tE
deceived, are in pursuit of somethiti
scene uritried . good.• -
I have seen those:111 , 110 inaginetl•t ):
fouttd tlo good they i ere !Oohing aft ll
when I.• tave sat doW with 'them- t it
retiretnint, have • bee: e familiar will
thought#, and sympai ized With thl
; Ti
I •kavelharked their olieitude, and tl,
ly seen that in a littl while•their, , .:i
of happiness is 'Obseu ed by-tloeuls. 1
It is kind in the Fpther of•inerci‘i
appoint the • , hopes that rest on• , ea i
the souhtnay find re rin him. Ea ;
satisfy r.ll e unintelle rtud cr6ation,..ll
never sittisfy a min. that patits fo
tality. IThe very largenesS , of it- I
Ma k es ht unhappy . •• This • tvprld
enough ,: for' such a' grasping , undyi [.,
I ence. 'MI. exec 11 enicy and 01l hie ;1
meet i ; God, and re derived - . fionli
e persuaded
1 , es,' are delusive
•," Tbe soul of ma
istenc , e—a • pO 3 u l
'that has not-Ood:f.
o' it, all of .eartii th:
,and it the tett' thou
light Shibing
:tint prornontor
-tost mariner ;
.on the benigh
the openingr o
'nd beauty of it
bleak blasts o
The n oon at mid!
dark o 'can ; the di!
irig up sn the teinlin,
ning star arising u
derer o 4 the de - sert
in all e - richness - •
tion, ter the chi
.ot more glatiso'
tenance when
6 the soul.:
a allured by th.
eatness; ye av,
! of wealth ; ye
ostlects of plea
by muleitrmen
, 6wer of beguili
, ne b y , are •
't of his coi n
.olations upo
lien, who art
'of future r!
y the hope !
. ted by the p,
e charmed 1
have the p!
have gj
its eon'
enelm ,
,rt of -iecr4ill
en thonsitild 110
Onflict of desiri,
I can never, grati
distribute as
' t ither its knowl
b - vtachtnents
'hick in every
• .
iv the love of G 6
1. human eye ha:
iUness out of hi:
and by a
',lling the troy
wrience of t ~rld is bitty
j; ons which it
s you will
ies, neither' ,
1 the • void
s occupied e l
k where n.
to find ha..
Its en
its Tic
can fi
tc; -- GEist
irlenns Times
~jsplehdid 'sword
Louisiana tO:
ik:of the
3 cry:. ninkopri
inincit in • tictn
r who gov'et;tis
our of victory;' 4 as.thilil
.ally render* . it, , h Mercy i:
:Ctel that ntl(rns the hero's - -
The seabbt.rd isiiims . t `be
n its sides 411 filfcd , :etehi,
:tttles, Pala i44llto4ild Rosa ,
nd of the arlns ofithe State
on. The 14ndle Its octagoi
blternate kac ts of ' richly cli
mother orpe rl studded witl
Fite pumme represetils.the
1-if the Revol , tion,iuirouni 1
si t the grim
u „ a, 'st*fine Cai
such as wer iilt die lii
gers of the gltlttna et t iefs,
guard rep,c dents ti slii4d
American. e gle..; UM] is, sit
panoply _ of ur ; ,ttud upon
ftillbwiniin•cTiPtiortk eng
p F*ux !
L by tli,, ,IC"...i'slaptip of
In tg . st ni.,G..4NhZI: 14 I l ' i
, :,
'tl n s r,oolP,ortb
0 10 P - 0 1-6 °o o,d 4P ua :
- -by lim utini!o#)l t k
ticula y ,rl/1111Ln i
' FLOttlif ISS'r:::,,titit4=
out 2 00) ,armis oritiar
tit a costloo.
• 4. •
Advertise:int* conap y l ozok 213$
at rates . of .Ftrri,C*ttrsr. sOinn
fee insertion: ".
• Yearly :Wilireitistintitifti with
teration, not to exc'et4F?•: - :' - '::'' - t'• -
Q.dsktet ;114T,1tipfrvrp
Half Column do
Cicie ,"•-"•
titti4ltSS 40 - I=.
' All °amt.
.a4q33.130,4=uta 4agg t '
Mites. .. ~„ 1
Adeerfigetrietitc 4;4111'4 be forilli
ber of iastutl'oris
' -
~.., •:.,..,4, t ~ ~ ,- --• : i k ....:-..,„ 1 .5•• • ~ .
TirnI4UE:STION of cm...iye. ' t no. plu, ; , ,
territories" iS. l n'' . .;fruitful, tliei4 1 ar- abliiito t y.
cefi g rss,... - AtiOdy, ate l'spee hea','ili . "*ll.9:?
the prO,bnble-intriidnetieft l i ''or ', filainf filiii6ty
in Ore nit,' Mexico and ofiliro'riitt l, ,,#:
has been pObibitediin',
Orego : py,thie r t 'leptk
tive act of the. setilere, and c a_ifeYerlie eil';`,.
tafilished in'ilvit region: - Ili N01 , 140.1'00
and Colifornia titere Ila lid IT an' iiiiii*.iiil
ticeshiP, or_"fentitil system ; ,tlhe j inil ; dud
climate of.bOtb, - '4' 'eharn t..of , thi iiiiiif ,
grants. and thetOds' of the j iir4l,.thlili*, i
preclucleAe Pos" . giilltyofio odPentinagtilf,
slaverYte Caltivaellideier itorY.; .ShOuldi
these territorici, be transferre . to Jlin'T,lldiiiii;
they will he settled by the s tie'harAYLfae
that is. now iniptiiving thei eat narik , Weiii
rti wildernesSi; building "el' es' iii`;tlierii::
tific, rind stkilantiireithe' 'ftlealt•ln' jl4
ultivatiori.4 the fertile field '.'or:irtfarktiiilit.
Vireitnit, 'Tientiley k e, , l)eliti ate ithit'N'toitii -
Carolina. If 'Cini , riess; ins ead'Of eitiniiii-'
northern tli4side Otiliei
Rnelty:Mn tintains,•';‘rould 4 • :tabVilt.,a' hind
route to the 'reellic attic?. the 'continent , ''
or by steatri-viii Plitiarna, in:, free' white -
states would soon Oahe It nds across Ile '
inountaine waul4 - i'at eniY Pe4l4, ieF
the trade of heik ; lidinisphere pat4i4tiirnigh •
"ourlinion, nndin. - tite .`ciati, iluent'inciii4
of white'population follow , g. these i eyetttlr f •
the white 'man, Becoming 'n eliniaind'tho*
southern -sup ? ' would atippla t the' 411:icranliti
the cultivation of Abel cott
~ iObacco; riee
and sugar' 'fields of the . tali,' *W e the
black Man - lookliaflight t o iberia, tOlfol.thi!
new republics Iltor,q, and , eveluiie 'the 14' '
sources of Oat other grea t : ontinent. ' ' '''
Texas' ista 4 Oc grave' ezimqrsati r ti r S i ti:
very,- us' alracquainted wi i the fititUre4
that eouatry and the Char -ter - of the' 'ern 12 •
grants resotxing thiitliir' w . I' readily. El, lair ! ,
The hard German emigr nti-and tli,
.'iti 7
telligent freemen of our n rthers state kip
overrunning the high to e lairds. of thitk
fine country, while a few s ruggling parties
of slaves, Occasionally sett upon the: itnall
patches of ' sugar-and eau and -fevor',4l.o
on the Oast. ' Texas, is n iv witnessipt the
" masterly" power:\ of , at '" inactivity,'!
which 'permits hutnanliberty to . Work nit AO
own grent"'nehieseinents ii" its ' 'own '#.l'&e:
So long asAhe high tempe ate lands of Tex ,
as carviA(Td, as at prey in, at fifty cents
an aßreObile „these of lie Iluited,,States
are selling a( a:dollar an a quarter, l jait sa
lting . will freemen e.migra thither froM our
states -;ttati -from Eur Ope to help dig the
grave of46ican' 81aveiT, Fanatical hoitil
ity to • Aasieii; Jvill. do trio: to strengthen and
perpetuatc it than all ;ot er causesunited,
because it will convertin rid ate and defence
leSs'relatipiiship into alpo verful politiCalsys
teni.-,-IVI:YISun. , 1 .
- tin!
Io dis
t can
s not
)On the
. le nior
is wan-
I • prt ng
• inter
I•I re se
e; ye
3 which
1 ' from
s, that
and ex-
P ur-
2 ge, nor
its toil,
Fells the
I• of his
of Bari
acne in
ey were
ose that
ost, . and
t lioGe no
id 'vise
rt. , 'There
t o distinct
on fuaion
tll we ad
! on tUrn
eld about
It lentselres
I I oneg tads
the most
s: sudden
! ft - an - thug
It hey stop
' :±act posi-
m. Some
, branches,
limb, and
ained witb,
ec. Each
;y;• ati4
. at hay-
for such all
ist in join-i
ter-that tol-j;
least sub='
s at the in -1
teed a tem4l
t, I instant
t one of thentl
1, no doubt,
, heir ferten':
il l • - g - ii * full iles
Ilite,d: hi ilia
le eq.: •Tilylor:..
i 1
1 t Ms
' -;-=` Doubly
I, .
initl in the
, s more •iib
-11. brigbtest
ti.i'd..7 - ' 't
'it'll; hiiivirig
' of the I.#O
de hi
d•of the 1111 v,
formed of
l a and
'os of old.
dle it celied hat
,hys,pl9roc ;
- ..
! O r t tho
inserted ; the
.'Ygrecl} by On'
anded by- the
he „shield
.„ . ,
olliSiMps •ai: i
iVolt,, ~;. 1
iik .. iw - 1
: : 4 . t .P1,..1 -, -.:I, ‘,
1 stmr_A. sho!gr! ,
c. 01.1141111) a te'
s,s 9R.0 .41
-11;r0,1....4 ~ o ,i
..i."pi:L .: l4l
1 1V; • lirY 71 '1
I.; 7 e ydiiWt
I 0 1 , . 1
14, 1 #.1 . *
g 9Yft • , 'Mit
I od : " . il ..fpiii.4
- rTeiiiinieortAavou
-An invention of aive,r3
ranter,- nothing more nor
r i ypp_ set-tor,-fias been 2 b r ;
Ail Ope . nitiblizin , Wen'
which is. before us in an a
of that - ay; composed b .
edioits of the. Sue - itt) i
aid of two menuand thro
much matter as ten corn
present System. :;The o
two sets.tfokeys‘situated
piano; liis:fount oftyp
ranged ia-rOWs ; each• h i
itslown,fow-4 Tilled 'up sal
has its nwts ;kept and atti
a lever which, when tl'
rashes nut'one'rype- in .
a railway track, Where
chain in operation for c 1
into, alittla,box, -, where
and pilciti - :tip in'a line. , 1
,him, tha compositor .Seel
.linclis Completed.- :Hill
'china, .dues the- full' lia
-anti who Cipmis thebo
. _
into itileoluran of print!
' ''
h ' if i' tl
ssistant t
_emit pis s 1 1
compoiiti/he'adils a,
he •Itailiis donn;'tho - ci
lin6 ien . dffeli hint; 1.11
into'thi - coiniipsing . "1
tire",new iernals; ns,fa ,
ti *Oh *the)(ots. ' . I
n key44;snts'itlyiie. j
ehinels,.,calh4l Qlayat
TielS,Oteil . ' ..i'` 1
4 . ,'1 t -T k _ -' .^^. 4-1.
elian4 inlirosecutini
the-stibnibi. a tEdittbi
.titinink weiinsidefabhi
.olisertedun - Jaify av't
tlioughti)ghebe . thni
'he voTiecti he "felt 'till
ions Otin:j •,Heliisolv
.4.4 tioni,.idistiestri
inienti forliard,l, hae V
alingi .t. , This ,iiitt-ai
i',6go :;'ltivay; - :F i rhiave....l
lie-inan; limirevri.l
.tios,Antilvintleti t A
finliii:fatnishOd l.
Intly!,ii lasfinond sc,
may,' foond m#ho
tirhOnerehant, !a
.ciirrect; witli if ' ite
get . witikondvi
moeiletioroni tl ,
tutei24 ' .;'':.. -:::: '
- 1 . Tfie QPYPrn°
e* TeqPinolonAali
cA.4-:-Se,o49 l ss I
;;Pd9t,tialltPoirt ,
o,t** - 41,fiket.! - ught:,
ltlikbird'A arson,
1111 Oa ,e•Altt,et.. , i,l
•Pailltilk , : -.,,,;, , • is.r'..,'
' : #111-.1betet;);A:‘ $
ilfoY.ltAt/i404(1.- cßsOn
valid; -unleis app
tr-WifOnlitkf 4e
itlard.bV;!nseii or:
0 ..
5i; , ... v° ,-, • ...
101 .0 6 i;i 6P 4 .CI
PAPEtrr i f iss9l4
# , 45 , 10.
t r '%4iPO 4 , 6 ,; o Fi
)0 ) ,01,A.T5.a..•:4 , ..;.
'4 ,1 ~,.: . ' -•
kr , .-.. --z
or the first,
eat 1 1
iiilie.dt:tt eft]
year, $5; 00 1
do - B'l 00'
do -f 7 zfs,oo'.
d at rer.ugraab*
, th; . the *tut,
' o
' iptharkablg,:ehar
css iliiir a 5ti...,..„,
nifit : into semen
: diti.;_:, t h e -,p r oorlot
idle hydle,l; Sufi " :
the machine. - .The
s - it can, with the
hoyi, • put _ , up :as -
ositors - can - by: din
erator 'sits between
like 'the Imp . of .-. - a
is before Atha,. ar.
tter or fignre. is•-in
'.' rately; each type.
ched to one' key 4 is
4e key is -touched,
hat may - be - cillid
here ic. an etildss.
• nveying tie types
they , sm.! ieceived
By an index beftire
at. ontekWhen , lis
then stopvlthehint.
si„crnal.ta , iiii assist.
'-: and -slides.!theAiie
rid. m suer: , I, - The? - est •
'• • lifte;';itifkit 'Rada
e na,iind:iskifieV -- tis
' • .itiii iiiiiir'itiiiiith
impos ~ .
i 40.t.'141thies jump
i : ~, :: , t•,,, bi—:mu.
tiCK. _or x, Ir.
• as, the compositor
Very. thir'he : rodc!les
This ividnlerfol 'on.
i d Riigehb6ifei' . sl,iiiii
• I,ic 1.
dais a g o
. few s met
-his 'morning tour in
,` sum` of,innney. , • , lie
••,; . d istan ce; ' , Whom ' he
' Oser •
[ Deiermntartn # -
' • ' 1- '
, n. -it strange y r *p i qigen"
' cliii airdinpart , or-a ,
- deiniaoP-"'
Mulls • ...
lind,-; , ,ntiiVesitedro
swered - with7,l(44ite
-- eiliing- . 4o4iiioyois ,
''. "
- isisteit Whis-ffiOtrea- ,
F. cruniii .14 . - 'had
tind , : --iie,hildrell.'!!-Alrim ' -
I : . uded . ,T!,tbaci" , ..tiert4is. , 11,14. kione.
satiiitiWOitit'.* - Ifvas
iimi , !iettitiiid,ithertis:e,
I: fututti.fiihitillotititimi: •
disticiOeir. iindiideiti.
,- .•••-, r....., , :. - ti,',...-k - t ; lii.) - IT.: ; -'7.1.:i 7 e.... .
iPP.O.TAk , ' . 4* -004 0 - 11-
n:f9fiffiiiPO AW, ot'ico ,
10444 , 10r0tip: iijkori4he
! 9- be Of* . Ofir o ' l l , f-* Pr
itifoj4/Piy , Pt Ailf*fifie, i i
1; o!iiioPt'liOr, thi!**.nier f.,
' - ''' - .- • he 'oo.4 o.o( ''''- 1
1. - •e#talt.• 4.* J -B -.., ', ..., 1 ,--
_____ l .. qr,
I . ...areut :011. 1 90ilirr Weir 'fp
440.1 1 ill'tfi10).004:Ok e . ,E,
; r oii. : .birr..mgtt'lo l . 41124*1 61 :4
k vid ' bYSI, litiim..*:l : ::Ao..
r:iiitt44oooooooo 4
4'!-IJ: . '.... if
,t, --, 4,4.4 i..4A- , ,k,!_ , i , l'ii:i- , .
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