The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, December 10, 1846, Image 4

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mrom the Cincinnati News. F.
4 . p for Life. .• •
Kentucky rankgftrst among leropister,
states for the daring courage and high toned
honor of her chin us sons; tv!fr to take
offence. and as (tickly "to trgive, they.
1 ,
avenge upon the a but waliCe•neyer liar,
bore in their heart 4, . .-
• ' -Mauro. has giveii a befitting borne to her I
ftivorite sons. Tlitp scenery eff Kentucky
abounds in the wiff, and sublime,' soft and
beautiful. We se ' !$‘ Knobs" 'bristling with,
tall,trees, rear the'llok head , till. they iirC
1 ;
test in the: clouds, I'd the
n sin gatftly into
lovely and teemin !valleys: II r rivers rush
le - aping, dashitig, (taming like
. ad demons
down the zugged'hOghts, theti gently flow,
ing on through sm log raeadoWsi with a too?
soul as unruffled 4 the face of a sleeping
babe._ t ., .„ : .:.i4. , .
rfiefisCend" . or th , sketch- is on the'" 'gel I
kiir ,
ing ki"*"- 'On t, i
:right front the iviters
ed ge,Zrisen Perpen . 'f.illarlY, a "I lthohl to the
hei,, , rlit of ? a ! hund : 5 i feet, end lima floats
gradually 'to,„Oie summit. . - 'Pap - ",knob"
to diitinguiiltii f • others, - wits linoWn as
the " Cedar ' 'Lie i" front its l being entire-
IV On coyMtcl by, tall I Oedars,•and the salt Atistt
of the earth which 'Abe deer cahne in droves
to ,lick. . - L i 4
Ainong those wilt) -iv„ere, thltrst. to settle
Kentucky, was th4hero of ou tale, Daniel
Banks; ;. better Irn trn as hardy Dan. , *Hay
,ing.been crossed I love, and i naturally.of ft
restless and
.dangloving disposition, lie
eagerly embrace the first opportunity.„of
feted to migrate '6 the " dark and bloody
ground."' At the fiine the fallowing , inci
dent happened, I had been three years in
Kentucky, 'and t they with fix of his eon:-
- paninns had setti near the e.drir Lick.
,In height, Dan friaa over six feet—large
limbed, of great ngth, and the best shot
in the clearing. Eeing bold land fearless,
he assumed the hargei of (providing his
. .
companions with Anne. i
Many were theliair-breadth escapes while
bunting. • Ciintii ** us were the 'red-skins4
yet Dan by his nderful skill and' wood
craft, always con Ived to elude their snares,
andAgenerally le I z , them to
_Mourn one .or
two of their brav i
Dan's favorite p, ce for hunting was the
Cedar Lick. S thither he i world repair
early in the morcibg, and concealing him-
self, watch for pie. One morning while
thus occupied, he sat down upon a fallen
tree, and was soon Livrapped in deep thought.
Suddenly the trading of a trig startled his ,
ear. Instantly he ierouched behind a tree,
cocked his rifle, an glanced in the direction
ftfrom which camel e sound; jbutinstead of
:a.fine -buck bounding from the bushes; be
perceived the darl.:form of an! Indian creep
ing through theshes about a hundred
yards from him. Puick as thought, Dan
raised his rifle to his shoulder glanced along
the barrel and firli. 'With a yell the In
dian hi feet, staggered a few pa
ces, and fell to theground a quivering corpse.
.. Before Dan hail time to re-load, another
savage who, had crept up, 'unperceived,
sprang upon. him Mid ,both fell struggling to
the ground, oar lieio. under. j Escape now
seemed impossiblc4but making an effort for
' his life, he exerted 'lll his inudense strength,
and turned his asS&lant, but I could not use
his hands, for the itudian claSped him tight;
ly around the bodHavin,,,l4 no other wee
. pon, he seized hi by the throat with his
teeth and ground It em till they met. The
relaxed bold anditiffened limbs of his iad
versary soon tol ' , i how deadly had been
the bite of the Ontuckian. Already 'the
woods resounded Itigth the' ells of a urnerous
savagek—to rest at ,vas madness. In. flight
lay his only charte4of escape, but where, on
every side, exec owards the river, were
enemies,_ the w s
.appeated alive with
q 4l
then. ' But Dan kai not alman to submit
'tamely. He kneai well the horrid death he
would stiffer wereite taken,r j and he had of-
tettlswern taltill ,l'inself rathrthan be toast
ed **alive for the >l. usemen of a pack of ,
murderous red- - 4s. The ulii , les pressed
close, driving li . In the batik of the river. '
' - Me-eauld rip no ... her, for fhe was on the
brink of aprecipi ..•,. DanShuddered'aslie.
looked from the- I: y, height, at the Aep
„Inul rapid , ar, far below—bueclose
• b e hi n d lira were, , s blood-thirsty pursuers. j
" Better," exclai-4 he, " be dashed to pied'
ces than be toes Id alive." He hesitated'.
but for a naCinen NCollectingcli his etrengtW
for the leap, and gistino one look to heaven4'
he sprang from-$ . peak just us the savages]
gave A. yell of fier delight tat the certainty'
of securing thei r icy. I
st i r,
Down y - 4-sped with the swiftness
~ of an arrow, It the *titer and disap
• Teared. He soon Fuse to. the surface and
floated a moment;*tunned. Then recoier
* ing he struck tnll for the 'opposite bank,
.. gained it and disaalpeared in the forest.
, ' \ The deseenda , s of the hardy pioneer
"still point out to t ": wondering traveller the
spot tiltere*Dan 1 . - tot* his ' Leap' for
Life." I
IL • 4
... . The M , ?RuingDove . ..
Here (at The . :. ville) I Orsrsatv that cu'l
- rioaslittle Can : . ,•, bird, the Mourning dove.
It came hopping Fong "the ground close to
. the irm,..but liner :-.. Mg was notlight enough
to distiiigaismore . anili at it wasvery small,
not so big as A i l, mad dark colored. It
, seems
„th . p . referl : sandy read; awl as it is
probably never in ested, pi eked up the oats
or grain left by t • horses _lt became so
far domesticated to ap ach mankind,
• althongb the :dig lest adv nee towards' it
1 0
, sent it away. 30, host, very intelligent
,frian, told ale that 5t alway came there on
••• the hot summer if hts; an we soon heard
at various distan t i ts soft but exceedingly
-- melancholy call. ~t type • peculiar to this
LT )
.4*.tof Canal', '''', is *be smallest of, the
t i
dove kind. I kno
, t uothing compare with
_its sok-cadenced
~:1 plaintive cry; it almost
. makes one Weep ear it, and ' is totally dif
ferelii fiont . the c : of the tante dove.—
.3Vben at. begins, au the *hi poor.Willjokni
the eoneart, Attie apt to anerthere is a
Atunent 'among , th feathe tribe for Mile
generalliii4M 'di ' stitlne s and'soleinnity
of a siiiiiinerfrp: when he leaves of the
. ;,,,v ai t i t udi_Ofiiii"re.f " r ii# ar e: urtai94, when
1 .. )
Abe fiverlis' iestm wing 1 , theihstance,
and the moon erne ' •og fro a at:idle-enter
-ing, the drifting ni t cloud 0 a land of the
mere remnant ofi; ale r tribes ~,(roue, to
their , eternal rest.,"BOitjt, .
_,...,., r • Caiigaci
, 44 'griii,the . ,Ctoiormlimap :• ,
!Aare& gentle 4
l ,kainilill to.l .
ed Mit week."
P( 441. 1 1 ,• -if,:iirbY
„,' Pompey,” said , a good:
roam So hji-negro, i Aid #..,
, any lhaqcm had bt ti Whiy
" ' sDictiifyou, Masai "r e ph
I knew it at the tiro* of it.'"'
' 'ti' 4 *4 • ,s 2
'l 4 ttlY - , SitlifF.o of TIIE
- -
c0ngre . 5 . ..4.160, al Globe, ApPenillx,•
C 9No ßS,.llt_itto,. lasi q sOicat, Oroutth
the Zoilit library oOunraittee f the tam Rouses
lowin . gmitlionzed , il ' Urge su scn tarot for the Con:
gretsional Globe find Appendix, a the sea rte, by
. resolution , bating , directed them eof preparing the
°fits proceedings ? and authorized the secre,
fail Oldie senate to contract wi the undersigned,
stiptilating that the retsina *hen 'tteif Mg shall he
su3ect to the.revisima oftlie speak rs, -the Ccmgress.
ioual Globe , and Appendix, is w o ff e r e d t o the
, public; not only us au aidlientio_b t as an official ac
count of the proceeding. of. Can • s Mad un
e der
the eye. and'nublishetl by the an oon of that body.
The iindershmed originated the .. ode of journalii.
i4 ,g I) frir,n' e vs 3ll3) , er*,, o f,P,fty'retfs, hich, thus adopt.
en, i1.t . 0 rt e perfecte d wittihe.ait and under Mesa
, per:at/n:of Chettresii.Thel Hbli . don Was the first:
mid unity- one that thee each 4cc skive step inevory
tue" , tru.itt' both km 4. 6,cif Ceti. es;; a.brief of all
.thetieluttot, nmu vote and au 4,,trd4Ar.
iucluding at full twig 1 ti ll ,thei re istul speec {3 de
livereaduring theiesilOn.- '
,- TheAntrlr; as it ism** to be-c , • ducted by thbm,
will Wbund a most coluplem po ideal history. The
senators from the states stud the preseutatives from
every section of the Uniou.bring s lilt dial)) into con
gress n'ittiewleibge f orthe ((Mite " , sentiments, and
interests of their several consti neat:ties. Public
opinion and public information,. is it exists mon%
ihnsethev-represexu, are entboilicd by them; and in
;the crucible of
. congress•the wisdom of our times is
'brought to iho.test, mid is them concentrated in di
, rectum; the political movements t f the whole come
try ' t t h e i mpu l ses t h e e , oven thrtingli congress from
„eve!y, quarter,.react upon the nation us a vrboh2„ and
101 l its com p o nent parts ore Mademovoitt co-oper,
Mien. The press cannot' lic. bet er emploi 4 eil than
in Condensing Mul ntain aPtleadi g the Intelligence
1. )
of our, , free cenntry`, tending to eh happy resuhs
throng]) our tilmost miraculously adjusted state and
.:uationa) institutions. ,
}laving identified oitr'selves with the plan of ad
vancing the tisefultietei of cOngreSs by publishing fnll
mid Mitsui:lit riltions, and having a large mass cifthe
Congressional Globe and Appendiv issued during the
last tan years, Whip!' would be iihpuired in value to
Useedallity ma i m. public if the wc tic were discontin
ned,welnivea &tibia motive to prompt us to extend
it through a ne4r series. We are resolved, if possi
ble,-to,elve it Ilertnimence, and to hand ittlown tb
suceelS4irs as tin Iltmularil work, worthy of being main
tained and inipntv ed. .We shall c liter upon our new
urelertakiag without being clistrad and burthened
by any usseciaie labors of the pr ; and thus, mi.
encumbered, shall litme to maitc the new series a
step 1M advance of thine former inll points of exeim
non. With a view to accomplisl this, we shall be
(one or the other,) in attendance an Cuileress a .
. 'flie.reports will notbe affected by our party bias.
We lAtieve every menther of Congress will bear
wit:M-8s that MT reports arc full nod fair.
l The,Congresiiional Globe is made up of the daily
proceedings of the two houses of congress, and print
ed on siiperfine double royal paper, with small type.
(brevierand unnpareil;) in quarto form, each num ,
her. containing sixteen royal quarto pages. The
speeches rif the members in this. first form are con
-1 densed—.-the bill re port of the ispeeche-s being re
) servecr for the Appel dlx. All rdsolntions, motions,
anclother prnceediit s, are eiven lin the form of the
Journals, with the yeas and 'nays 4u every important
• The .Afipendix istale up of the President's an
nual niesage, the is umssage , of the riucipal t,„t wets of
government that :lc entirely it. 1 nil all speeches of
1-metttbeisofcou tr s written out yr revised by them
selvies.t• It is pnntec,in the seine form as the Con
*reisional Globe, mill Usually ma es about the sane
nunkher of pages Jutting ti session
fortone copy of the lCougrssion Globe, $l.OO
Portent copy of the Appendix,. —. ....... 1,00
tor six coptef.s of either, or part o both, 5,00
WashingtOii, Oct. 1046.
Suited to the Ilanan constitutio
ehre of et - cry curable disease,
North American College
These extraordinary Pills are Imposed of plants
which gow spontineonsly on ort own soil, madam,
thefore, better adapted o ouzo constitutions than
sfet icfnes concocted from fort+ drugs, however
wel they may be compounded ; id as Wright's In
dian} Vegetable Pills. are founded you the principle
drag the ' body hi in truth
Subject to but one isease,
namely, . corrupt humors,— end ti t said Medicine.
cures this dise...s. on natural print pies, by cleansii,
and pprify 1, iug the body, it will • manifest that, I 6
the consturnum be not entirely e baustod, a perse
verance in their use, according direction, is ab
solutely certain to drive disease every name frotn
the body'.
When we wish to restore a -swamp. or morass to
fertility. we drain it of the superabundant water. In
like manner, if we . wish to restor the body to health '
'we must clear:the it of impitrity Wrillit's Indian
Vegetable Pills will be foiled on of the Lest, if not
the very best Medicine in the we Id for carrying out
this granll purifs„ing principle, 1 crane they expel
from the hody all morbid tined wropt humor. the
1 cause of the diseme:, iniun easy d natund inamMr.
d, w
anhile they eery a . , give rl
lil 1.... and vleaMlte•,
disease of Zvenyteuueris hapiell driven Irmo- the
body. • . i nl5
The followitiq..lilg.ldy respec le storekeepers
I have been Tfilly 14 - ipdimed u;; its,-fur the sale of
( Wright's Indian , Vegetable Pills in Susquehanna
county: !
Mills & Sherman, / Montr
Ira Scott, Sprinp-ille. i
L.. 11. Woodruff, Dituotk I
Edwin Tiffany, Ilrooklyd
A. Greenwood, Barford.
3 tithes Dußoi4 Great Be
IL L. Sittphits* Co.. Su
H. Burritt, - New Illilfurd.
N.E. KMaiedy, Gib§ou
,Striilcy & Curtis, East:o
Wells ai,po4.Duxidafil:;
Tarbox & Burrows, Ru§
limes Comfort, Hannon
U. Burrows & Co. Gibs°
I. G. - Pride,
Charles L. Brown,;Frienl
r-"' Offices 'devoted exclnsivi,
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills,
icon College of Idealth, No. 288 11
York; No, 198 Zremout st. Dor
office, ,b. 1.69 'ce st. Philadell
A FEW Barrels (fa fine qualßy, for sale by
August.latb., '46.
I Co.ll.l!filtil.SG the following :I
600gaiss coat, pant, vest, andi shirt 13nttons;
201)doz. Ivory, dress, and bark Combs;
400 papers 4., f; f, 14 inch ri..s;
1,000 do. 2A, 3, 4,6. 8,10,12,14 16,18 &20Tanks;
sop diaz. spool Thread ;
1 100 16.1inneu, cotton, 'and si Thread;
10,000 skeins and sev,ing Silks ;
15,000 Needles. from No. 1 to 10 fine quality:
Pencils, Twist, Cord, Binding*. Spoons, Razors)
ficasp. Brnshes, Stay-laces,. Thimbles 7 Tape, HooXii
:By , for sale by Lyons &Cbtuadler.
. • Kniei k, oo
:THE 'subscriber, iiha, thl fo 1
fryeaKlii and lite thlio, re 3 1
- iaticiii iiiito ale' iiew and iiple .
. , .
:opeton' g., consist:lo - g i .
1 s '. bi-kaoody 'iiiardwar i
Glass War e, '
Look' p
~,..„._.,i; iVails,r ,
which fwill be milli 1 lowas
04. 2! . ,_ . 2.7, :I: ... ~., . . '
•-N:8...1-.lwwello, . ' ..Bu
I:3Canal 'tallow, Bees vox, km, • -
r fi,, ,
1 " -‘
pool?. xii
tiLe , s si. be lonpd the
-bestaiid - chea*t - aiaortm tof Bats '& Caps
evesoffered in this place , Also, vale, asewtwo
LoreWatala, ersl mooned la h.wood,
N. B-.:l 7 ;rhe person who took , poirkif ateetiords
fetal the olio'p i relines:la to re them, or
A few . • bid-Width are spill oat, ose, having , them .
are requested to rettu:u *eta. is, „
Sept 1846. I %"
• lElkil 4YLTANIA.
Thiladclp in bank, ; Pal
Man & .11 c bank , par
m a y a me ,5 bank Pall
Penn townslnp bank pa{ 10a--
U e bunk otes 25 dis
1 bank tin
Girard do
par! inland do
Pemtsyl'a do , Pal'i tta do
Gcrcaanui , ..0 par, ,bk do , • bestpr-. Puri Canal bkdo ...•
Chesterco t SlTlvasterparl, an bit'' do.
mol'4lolo - ail , • Pal (bit do
Farmere' lic Hacks co par, At. do
F armers , Re:nil't..; par' do
Easton ° Pad
in co do
'North:imp .ma no sale. ...otd li lt ,do
Lancosterlank • , pariAlltiobeent bank s :.4 dis
Far bk L a • caste r , par{ . i, V Es' It3ION T.. • i ''_
lehatunt . • 1 dis;Bank of St, Alltatts f 4 04
Htirrishur. 1 tlis:llit If Bennington --- dim
Middlet :
, als,A,,,kolvelit batiks 'Cilia
,Cariele , 1 disk tiIik.S3AI3III.7SETTS:
Coltiudda}ridge , pnriAll olcent banks. , }dis
Northquib 'dam! pin, JUDE, D3LAND
Miners . Id I"IsNille par t All ilY6t lsnike l i dis
tii'S•; . 'klik Vilkeell'e li . dili, ,'MARYIAND.'
Pitts'.g de and notes 1 d is!Baltimore banks , / dis
icates 1 die l lattipeco Lk tt i die
~ ' } , aa i ,„ 1 ,,,, 1 4,;,,!Mint.ral batik, l die
Towanda ' - no sale!Frederiektown 'I iliti.
York I cli s Flagionctowa • f dis
tiettyslva 1 dis. Far ~A: , Millers' bk Ha.
Chnbers. mr.i., I (Hsi genstrti-ii ' '- broke
‘VaY‘te'll' 2 tiii.iiVe,aininster i dis
Brownsvi e • li ilisiWilliatioirort 1 dis
Erie i ' 2 di. , :t!ctimlwriatid. 1 dis
Berke abank. no kilt,..3islitiltury broke
llonesclal" 1 . ( 16.; Franklin bank - _. a die
Ilk g.inse co
Li ,ii,lstensqueleninah 'broke
LewiAtONN I 1 tlii:Milli110111 brtike
L utri lilt. \" arren no sale' Freciterick co lilt 11 ills
West Brac h bit 1,1 disilln.keic bits various ',vices
DintC.r S' ript 20.430 disißalsiinore & Ohio lie-
Lehigh N . Script 15 dis. lief notes 10 dis
4th Mar i sue IA dis'' DELAWARE.
NEVI YORK. jllrudt of Ilelaware„ pnr
N Y City bank 1, diO . Wil'n & Itratiew'ire par
Tenth N'ai'l bit . —iFartners' bit Del • -par
Clinton Idi N Y 30 tits:l'l6oll bank par .
Globe batik fraud/Doak of Smyrna : ran
i North Riga- bk'g co do Cutler $Ss i tlis
City Tres & Bk'g to did, 11Th. (../F COLC:I1111A.
Wool GI vers' bk ilisiWalltingtim City '` i ills
White I'l us bit 5 clisiGenirgetotvu i dis
1 .
Lewis c.• ik i di,-Fir i& Mechitnics' • i ills
Far & I) '. lik Buff 5 disiAlekandria I (Li.
millers I, of Clyde 15 dic , ' Ilk of Alexandria . broke
Farbk of new co— ilisiMetdianies' bk brake
Coln lilt N York 2 clis', Franklin bank no sale
Lafavett tank 2 tli , i Merchants hank do
N T . ll . can GO dill VIRGINIA. '
Dry Doc •.. bank 1 Ili:. F. Lk & It-ranches 1.1 dis
N Am Tr , t co 2 di:: 13k 'Of Vs & bra'clis 11 die
Bank of ltdTalo 55 di, Far, bk & Welts 1} dis
Bank ofickport 33 dis ' Valley Lk & Welt lan ills
Hamilton k 30. dis IV heeling lal.l dis
Coin bit caralo 55 di! , it heeling p notes 1,1 dis
Alt soket banks tit ili,i NORTH CAItOLLNA•
Country tanks tat chi.; 'lll culvert batiks . 2 ills
Except bof Colton- ;Stnall notes 24 Its,
bi a ., ti ts II co , Hod. i SOUT 11 C AB( iI.IN A.
1 F.on.Mic lie distr'ts. m.. Ml c , olt•ent banks li - tlis
; Plutslit g, Niagara. 72 Small notes 2 dis
Wash is CI IVorreu, ~".'i i , GEORGIA.
l i t,
Wash ..‘ au Cu. ... 7 . Bit of St Mary's 5a
CVnyile 0 hank ik*-Ittlil:Zee do
Mer and
hatters' Monroe It do
Del.P) I): ik frandlGolitnibits do
Ex lilt Po -i-epsie do!Plicenix hank ' do
l'intsdam (anal CO do!Excliangc• bank do
Ile d Bark
la) di, Chat it Intuit do
NEI. JERSEY. iCentril bkof Mill do
Mechanic '
and )Ittunfac,- Cie.o.oa. ll'kg co do
-- utters' k Trenton or; Eneker B'kg co :do
Princeton tank pariAll 'solvent banks 0
Plainfield tank 1112 di, i ALABAMA.
State bk Camden parlAll Solvent banks saii des
Cumberit ul Lank par l Stuall notes 3 ills
Mount H e iy, pat, 01110.
Salem Ilklg co par Cinlinnei 2 ills
Atom/mixt bank no sale Sobtout lilt notes 2 dis
N Hope el Bridge . 2 , di . lI.T,INOIS.
Treuton 'g co obi par Batik of Illinois ' 70 ills
MI other lank. , par State bank 50 dis
Far &Mt -h hank of ' KENTUCKY
N -Bra n wick no salt ones
Hob Ilk' &G co LiokeiSnaidi notes 3a3,1 dis
Washingt 71 Bk'g . Co chi', 7.OEISIAIA;
-Franklin auk ao!An solvent hank. •
Jersey Ci - )lank (1.1 ' MISSOURI.
Aloutoom, do i All .4olvent. banks 2:63 dig
N 3 Ma Co
dos INDIAN - A.
Protect an Letnhard clni All solvent hank, lAa2 dis
State hit t Trenunt dal FLORIDA.
:Bank of • Bruns‘vick do; Sou;thern Life Sz, Tnuis-
Mech bit 'attersou do. incitation 4 . 0.
and equal to the
11 be found in
or it ealth.
T J .kril
a Gin
TjA IN; •., Family Bile, , fur. IN ; also common and
pock t Bibles, Testaments, c 7 ,c ,- zrapilies and
Atlases, kritinneties, Graintritkra:l 3 bilesophical and
che t nien.Beek:, ; CehVa, Situntlei-s', itnd Town's
Spelling 'ook ; Porter's Readers. A Auralaaaort
went of . 01," looks (Ma Tickets. Al,O, the new
Hymn R lii‘ fm• the Preslwtetian. and Baptist se.ele
ties. Alt inalist ilynnt Books, Blank Book,. Sze. &e.
. . ,
J. Lyuns•
or salt, I),
. 1 . stin'
twpt. '
y kw;
wpr, i
1y to the gale of
the North Amer
reenwich st. New
wu ; and principal
wept 3
sept 3,
spit 3,
net at
Sept 3,
past favors of his
tfullly invites their
lot of Goods 'now
etc etc.
it wil
Pe*' Po •
J. Lyons.
4 pock% White
,J. L, •
t bauks die
Slip at 35 routs ; nisi, !Ina
iert'a Shoes gtitug. cheap at thr score
Itiooms, Clothes Fins, Batter
rs and Ladles, by .1. Lyon's.
:r cent. cheaper anal ever offered in this
ket before, at
-2846. SALISBURY'Fi.
stnA of prime . suiars, and more of that
rate, Tea, just in at tialibbury's.
fautillai and Aprons, and Antra apron.
'a at Sa.(6l)ury'sf.
• surtment of black Silk, thread, and entnin
up, just arrived st Salisbury's. ;
variety of tiro best style-raul quality of
rR, Buskins, aid slippers---also a lot of ex
w priced shoes, just come at
‘ , 1, 4 1 ,
IST Market price. will be paid for any
utity of flatter, Oatts, Eye, Corn. and; Ilan
: •
and striped satiuen; 20 per cent. cheaper
eyer, just come at Salisbury's.
'BIIHI Bay's trogvths, at the mlne4:4'price
ail 48. to .14 at 1. • 8A1.13131114 4 8.•
, 1246. -I -
1 k '`Aktui "iota
• ived a lut of first into Sole Leather, said
be e , Oldittaazitig low :.from 12 to 15 rents
at itialisbaq's.
COD-FISH.' . 7
H lot of prime Co&Tisit for only 4.cents
at " - bury's." ,
and amazing ;qv at ,
. .
UB Puhlislter's'of the l'ex)ple's Advocate, liar.
ing, the use of an entirely vtniv and modern as i
sornnent of .1011 TYPE, are nowprepareao-nsecute,
in a neat and satisfactory style, kinds' of
at prices to snit` the times.
Printed. on abort notice, and in the best style of the
Art. • i
LV*A "hare the People's pattnnage it; respect
fully solicited.
ly 9, 111464
NI. POST Pr the,Lenefit of whom it may concern,
• o ff ers foil sale,,at the Hat Shop of the /cat! C.
W. Tuttle, a gefrieraltassortroent of Hats and Copson
treasonable err lit to those who pay promptly, or
at a liberal discount for cash.
August 4, 1806
5t,. 7 %%1k
Clll' • I .W
TUE subscribers are receiving a large adds on to
their stock of Goods, which makes their assort
ment equal to any establishment in town—which
they offer at reduced prices for READY J'AV,
July 42nil, It44*.
PlinTS, a great variety, from JO to ,3 per cent
less than fast spring prices, by
BROAD CLOT (IS fnnn $1,374 up. Staiuets
Causiwerepi, &C. &c. by
---• -
YOUNG I tisk ,N Ten--,; 1b:,. fur 0111 , dollar, by
PLUG TOITECO'crt 6 d. per Ili. by
Steel,;Nails L Hardware, just received by
SALT by theltalf &men barrels—sl.44 per imrre/,
by r B.:SAYRE.
. _
w y r.,t cu
AGENERM . ; Assortment (together with the vitri
.MlN triIIIIII*S)nr the 'latest inipmveti patents,
bunt fur Cookini'autt Parlor, at reduced price:4Al
100EfiSONS indebted to the SI ilpscrjber, by Note
or !took, for more titan one year standing, are
rerpiei.ted to catl•and settle, withoot farther notice,
as cirentnsmnetis require the immediate attention to
those-old matte , rs. - B. SAYRE.
August 1.8, •
ri GOOD As*,rtzuent kept ern hall, (prices ex
tremcly low for the ready pup,) by
Produce and Venerni Commission
MFlerchamts,`43 Front st. N. Y.
attention given to the gale of
Batter and Cheese. Refer to Nies:qrs. Jblle &
tihernaln. Nkatrose, l'etnea, who will make liberal
a d viot e es on reinllll;e Colll4igned to their care, and
reiv over the proceeds as 5008 as so ld.
'Sew York. ibis% 1846.
The Thriti - and the People!!
T HE farmers of Susquehannah Comity are hereby notified that the largest and hest lissortint 4 et of
Ploughs and Inn Castings of every kind and variety,
way be had fresh from the Furnace of
D. POST, JR. & CO .,
Cheaper than the Cheapest, for Cash! ,
Let it he nuilersus al that we. will not'be under
sold. We have ; too; the largest aksortnient of finials
in our line, of any Foundry in Northern Pennsylva
nia, eonsisting elfy LOLGILS that will go up hill, and
down hill, and im the lei el—to wit: Idon Ploughs,
11"avne Phaighs, 'Wood's Ohl Patent, Side
Hid Ploughs, &e. ton nornemos to mention..
Post & Co., will also furnish their ettstinwrs with
A e ,lir o ns of every size, with Wagon 130ziai, Slay.
Cutter and Boh.Shal Shoes, Dog.. Churn Irons, Fun
ning. Mill Irons,' and indeed every kind of Trim Cast
inia that the tin-trier and bard-fisted yeomanry of the
County may desire. Then call at
Moutrose, Jule .23, 184 t.
J. Lyons
P RUI)UCE. Cash, and approved credit may be
for Iron Ware, at
VERY kind or Mill-Imes,
good and atmng, and
mode to I,y D. POST, & CO-
A LL • Persions indebted to the lute firm of R.
IX.. Ketcham S.: Co., will ezve extieu4e. and some
trouble, I,y-5' Item krill..
unto Clesio what is Clettars."
The Accounts lif IL K. & Co., ere in the hands
D. POST, 3R.
Alootrose, Jade 24, 11346.
A NEW Lot of Leghorn and Straw Bonnet., anti
elegant Bonnet Ribbon:. just received to
24th June 1846. SALISBURY'S.
Patti & HAMS,
500 iimbei.Timothy seed on or before the
‘2oth hf Septetuber next, on which the
highest price will be paid in Cnsli and Goods, by .
Frfendsv, Jtily, 184 t.
, fferwr nr- •
UNSETTLED Account ot. yours with Sornainry
R Qliatuller titust be settled immediately, or
cost trill!". made, J. B. SAL,ItiBI e :BY.
Jane 24, 1846.
IV — EAT and elegant styles, for only le 3 / 4 cents per
Surd, inst received it
Sept- 3, 1846.
Rc II and beautiful patterns, just in at
Sept- 1, 1846. SALISBURY'S
CASI-TMERES anti d'Lains, elegunt styles, just
arrived ;zit SALLSI3IIIIY'S.
wept. 3, 1846. ' .
11011 08E8, n nevi , style of dress goods., just come at
JAL Sept. 3, 1840. SALISBURY'S.
OF all kinds vt/rytlo, at Saliab . ary's
t .
ALarge and spltruird variety of Satin, Velvet, and
Worsted Vestim i gs, of this Fall's Fashion, just in
and_verylow at . Salisbury's. •
sept. 3. 1346. ,
FILESH CiIANLiEaIITES, a fine lot, just.received
and for sale ntr.
Oct.22d, 180.
8 -4 w
• ' •
, • ,
bet. renviis tbankste his fridnas
therblis genera)ly,, (0 the liberal pall
be h r ceiret' hiring the past summer, and
rectfull . 3: them co call lied take a. took at
/few anal sple
Ler G f O DDS,
be is emir rece alisl wliidli will be salads
6, 0 11 ere* , hi:thy otrePeou this market. •
,seet,?i 18.46;
tIS NS, i ' , mall Itimos, nice for . family its
. oat J. 1.1 , 41 Ki
. •
(IF plain, pl cyangeibl .; fancy, onibre st
A.-.P , Mmtccas, Mitimei; Caslinmres,-Ginglurrar,,:f
Sic• Also,
Hal' by
.le.gant Cashmere;
nam :A
e linwl* for sal by ; .1. :Lyor..
. AL ,
',I, mid s
1 I
PI i
_IL R,. 1 ,,. 3, I
Iced 'II,Vt'IIPL,7;y
____ ~ , • ~ _
TstAsA ipara3 4'4100 AVIV LW'
(„ 1 % 1 % • -
awl \e) '^''' C 4:4 ,0 ' 1
Sutter, .6cemvna,Fcatin i Ts, &c.
A credit, in SrUninehanna County
FOB Cash,
or otprov
bo bra ot•
. 2' a 33 0
hand,l aml ready to w a it o ft
to fitwir him with 11 call:.
-ries on the BOtnt Bittoisu Mod .
Parth will be bound u.
tier. . .
who is 41Wtys
whri inns' { Men:
,J . L. its
%Owne old llor
der au .hurt ur
Muidplise, P
, J 1tue,)1846
20 L1.. - sitaratits fir 0144. Dolliir.
'lif to B,fiza id
r o do
'l'.! do 1 . 01 , 13 .4„ , do
( i
.1 do) l!g Ityso4 Tea do
121 wl4 she( ins no4 40 i l jel ) ,,, wide 1.;)r 0
$1 ' NINI VAL LOT li 01 at W' eta per , ytall
twick ctr 414 Will all e—a
140 geut the Cheap .
of ' ; J. LYON
Jane 2.1 .1 1 .
LIE subsc :hers twik noW on bnnd and 11
ceiving n i.lenc A ussifftliciat 14 Goods, which
t i l
offer nt a , Finnl ncicanrelfor READY PA T: Most
or pmdzic4.• rec in exclinntrelFir G 411145. ~.
, ' 4
M 41116-040 „Nue 13, 'p.m. ..
TALLoW i l pr Nile liy .
',I 3111U.S & SHERMA
, .
B UTTER Firkins kep constantly on hand 11
t MILLS *S..;
20,000 s „ } -a i i i i iN te ( , ; l. l l. E B :ivo i lftinp,ri„tuT "
; 1 MILLS &
Julie 15 , 1"1:1 Ni
I . vl3 . :
RE'l,llll.. week fram the city a fresh and ',.er
t•sting, so 'Ow of (groceries, which ran be 'ir
ciceie(i, at tin
~ taliy cheap rates--cntirriAting of i t, lll.-
,mict:s; laDlO , Ol, CCIIC , , A r i,. I; TS, fresh tillittillh &C . . , 10X.
J. ETIIELLI)(ii!..
Montrose, Jinn. 15, 1n46.
D UIZI) AOPLES. it goo 4 article—and a ~.-?h
bti pply .4 i
he T 1111. N 1 L', BCEi ), jot rec.( veil
awl fur bale atithe ! A IiCA D .
June 30. '
ar_ge ° ll - 0 4 .
del ha% e titit hori zed t 1311111'n igned to clitt
on rt4ddings, Ifotelpindiz:, and other
eXtTO‘pitlo4 ativartgu- or :hiss hy fir...
The, inititi•l oc,
nte re.mtret_ of the ,tnpany, end le
ralliercuce. to i,tir audprinciplet4 i tli
transaction of 11 their Wit‘ine r i.s, ettutle them 41 tit
confidence of he publit as 'a safe. MlnillS of
, tet
rupee. F. LUSK, Aget t.
.11tiattni.F.e, JEtne 16, 1846.
BOOTS & trIfOES, cortO'se rani fate , of 0a
every quality and toraet.4 by
MILL & .
C .stile by OD—F
new lot--rjust, receive l. gni
' J. UV,
I t
. 7 -EST ot4nt. . Ginaiiitm uail Calico Paraso .. I
t ,
J dies' litlit.. (doted Slk oloveii,'Delti l u a Si
Tdhs, Ithslics.i ibbons, 'aliooes, Soc. &c. at Si
reduced pcicc4, for alio - 1 '' ' • 11 -
Se 1 . - ; J. LYO4
tlx l l'la and Fane V Dry
A N C:m u :4 l :n " v. be fm at m -atom Store on the ast
oitle of : the J'utliio Aventie, I.Slontruse . , th e
" P cople" I.ainlliTrebiue vry low prtees for ,ash,
or 'exclinregie ttieir proank. to coral adrantnac.
1 B. SAWSBIlliti.
. i „
N element' assortment at Lalies' Slippers LI n
A.. Buokilu aoes, very lovvi at. SALLSDURY s.
Lea of splendid Deeks Lawns,' De Laine.'
Reieti. Citsittnerea, at: 1 SALISB17111! .
LA Re; E i and imatt.titut assortment of P
411 . very towi at -i, SA.LISBURI's.
. .
. f I
i . Cloths for-Gen
A (
11 ( 0Vstl a I DCit of
S line
CORDEI? +ins, Whiterult_a Crab Noreen, !
,_ ~- , - 1- •
4 LOT of' file plain .be Luta° B bl/whip ja9 i
-CIL CtilVe4 u) d will be udiblow, at
. . ; ism...isßcßY 0.
• . i ;--..
TRON,•Btecip. Nail Iltalsi• mu). Nall, cheap at
-L. .1 i . , SALISBURY
0I lEAPrittolasses tbatil - cim be found in fig
at i On4r 3 cents, with Teas, 856;1:47 1 „.c 0 tre,! ,
.Tol)ocoo, eliwalY low, cal i. I: SALISBURY,..
' .
T 1 INENtiI.-i i l.ilien Tab e a 1 m1..,, - Towel- Diaper' ..
1-41 Lineal, C4atiug,/.a tissortment of Irish/ *.
1.1,, ild ' ; SALISBURY/ .
ii •, ;l • lt ` L , r .
WEDEIS, 4 -/ • Allot of Tate Twedes eloth,t /
1 .1/ 1 at i - - .' --' I- , ~ BALISBORY ,'•
. i •
dLOTH S.-i • Bmid!•Clitifsj Cas simercs nail' - ,.. O
nettesi utisimlly la,trlir - SALISBURY :
Lir OSIETTA largo
~lissiiropoont of ltli si w s l. ,
1.1. Ladies o/sieri at ‘l,o*l reduced prices at'
-,,, 1 1 ,I :,SALISBURY •
i. ;trif •
tiOTtoli ble piavo#),Lipeu Rakirs ,,
‘ -11 at— 1 • 1 , • • ' tgaiiburyl
15V t i t IZshOTorli4:,BB-611 sizes
Jpue, 180. i 140lt18-& (MANDL
._ ___.
. .”:S.TJG Ait'
~ :,,C., 0 , TEterrILLS. •
• , Imre: -Calm 4 ,
The. inemattine ptipnlarrypfDr,, 0,;.,p e ,#. R m u h .
imirioitd Incliciss VegilssWe sitslar coated Pills ha s
ineinCed a tanirbiti . of- . tor to make, something
they cai Pums,atad .toot them with stiff, in order
to sell_ there' for the gent de, while they do not nos.
Ira o
seas apartele 0( • the, g ess,jner they ut€ , .
•ht oppeartuace to, the original Dr. Smith's Pills. I n
A to m illey - are- an is FRAUT.V*ori - the emu.
inanity, 4 .- miribiter wso at first an interest' n
au Urination sew Coated Pill, mann trirell in Al
batty, N. t., has given them np, w e Sayg, on tte
count o f the - xhia`e-htble dishonest' !malea concerned
in maonfaotprii4 them. The same Party are now
industrionalyprtulating reports calculated to intim
Dr. Shah and Uts affect the reputation of his valua
ble pills.; but rather than noting theni in publie, Dr.
'Smith is'abont td institute legal prociedings against
themfor their sloaders, as he has itt.enothee case
against a sindlei party, in which he recovered a
large amonnt of :damages. , These miserahle. imita
tors have tureseit to the wrest Abominable means to
palm off their cianderfeit trifle, as th'e public know
that Dr. Snaith'sore the diginal and genuine. Sev
eral instances luive come to public "ice in which
life has been mantles:red - by tho.unfOrtunate use of
'the counterfeits: Itis Dr. Smith's Pp that are do
ing. so. ranch good in tho cornany-:-a . st the followin g
plainly Show. 1
Mor o - Ministans use and recommend Dr. Smith's
Pills than all others . .
'This is to certify that I have used the sugar coat
inl Pills G. Benjurniti Smith of N.
York, for some time, and believe
,tleuti to be,as.ood
medicine •, atuthlso s froth ithlthrY io 1 11 ,1 Of eltn:l am
perstmded that. he -is the original nrcemor, mal th ere _
fore is entitled to the benefit of the ittvenliou.
' . Pastor lst Baptist CliereV,'Pittsbuigh.
, ----.- i -
Prom' the Blzer lien's Clicked (Dd.) :
Iv e call Via attention of tamreatleM the certifi
icateof. Re`'. S. Vfillianis, Pastor of Ist aptist Church
Pitteburgb, in Matien to Dr. Smith's ll'ills. We eau
t i 3
ourselves hear 4eastimouy to the excellence of these
l'ille, one of itts having used them mid experienced
great - relief freni: them..
The above, is the. best paper in the state of Del.
' ':- " ---.
Azerd for fire , salo cif Smith's ladiaa Vegetable
' swum. coated rills. l '
'Aloutrese---N, Mitchel & co. Etheridge.
Now .Milford—lL Burtirt.
Sernmerwille—R. L. Sittphin
The " imktwan tanisti YfifiETATILE : piEL.9,".om coated,) use certainly doing niu4h good in the
whole country, 'and are' highly esteemed, if one half
is true that pintPle, write and say ul)o 2 r:them. They
are so easy in their-?potation that I like them.—
The editor of the Northern State Journal, (one .of
the largest and best papers in the slate of N. If.).
writes us follo<vs :'
Watertown, gay 31, 1846.
. Dr. G. Benj. Smith— ,
Dear sir: I was laid up with a Lad cold some
tsrue since my return fkom N. T., and during my ill
ness I made trial of raw pills, tun I most say I.
found them-excellent. They are thtt best medicine
for the purpomeinthey are . intended that I have yet
seen. Iseldoni take pills; 4rtt.l forMd•yours entire
ly free from the objections to whichlother pills are
liable. I hope they will continue tor be a source of
profit to you, ah I doubt not they a means of
re b e l. to the 41k-tell on a large scale.'
Yours truly, - GREEN.
••••••-• C •
• : Tonasimula, Y. lept. 18, P;;46.
Dr. G. Benj. Sthith— •
Dear sir: Year agent left with vie h lot of your
spgar coated fills, and I have but ft hoses hoses left.—
Every hon.'" Inive sol&has given enre satisfaction.
I have taken them myself and I consider them the
best pills I haVe ever rased; and I elit-erfally recoM
mend to the public. 11 wish a fnther supply at
once. Yours respectfoll •'
JACOB 1;1 LER, P. M.
Huntiugiun, Ind. ,livae 21, 1.84fi
Dr. Smith--
Dear sir: I am most out of your Indian Vegetable
sugar coated Pills, and find them serdng so fast that
I you had better' send me tiv4 gross immedi
ately. They give snelt general satilietion that pe,.
ple come at least twenty miles for,thern, and as it is
generally knaivn I Mai agent for them, I would be
.i-ery to get out.
'V IcleS3 llc
BEIVAIIEN-11 . G. ; BENJ. Snip, be not .rit
ten with a pm 'ou the ihattnin of :hatbox. all '161;:-ar
coated!' Ping are Courfrrararr !
Priocipal Otliee 179 i Greenwich street, 4. - geivick
block, N. Price 25 cents a box.t
A.AT - I
• gltt_ T ..B . fl NI) .
Aa ELECT , SCHOOL will be 4ened it This vil-
Inge un ltlonday the 36th of Oci ,, ber, under the
cbar , Yeof Mr.' N. DI3OIS.
i Terins'ottitition per qunier 5 - 12 weak&
I , ortho-ripw ,,. gentlint* Writing:, ft,';rilit '
a- , t• -, tending
tion:s in . - pwithutetie, mut - rleyis Geog •
~_ rztialY. -, -- 1. $2 00
i Geography; Granarmir, Aritbanetic'aM
iI Anal-
lik r , , y..sis, . . i. I ,_- • .
lory, ' (Ancient anti I'dotlern) Drawing,
le .l Chemistry; , ,Pltilesophy, 'Botany, Geology,
- Rhetoric, and Logic; .' , . .
- Algebra 'GeMiieti, Surveying, ( coretical
.and pT-actiCal,) Bobk-keefing, A tronomy,
and French, -,. .
~, . i.• , 500
, Pregifent ':Lectlir6 'Will be gi en on labial's
st brat:lob:hi:of 'Natural Sole.* amen Med by i11n.4-
trations awl, experiments. A , .
. ' rirSchesl Ilook4 • may. be ha , Cheap, cf the
I Principal ; and . board may be obtai ed in respecta
kr ; ble families at from $1 25 to $1 50, ler week.
GreatileridPOct, 211:r11146..
i • .
f !
Is,, I !11 - 0110 13irshe1r'Ottis; ' 1 11)00 lintels . Rye. ittl
ty ,bittibeltt Tinto*Y.?"ll,..untl.B.oo Fir ini Dairy Ban
, tor, fur which the highest market ,
ice - will be pint
by -' = :: ''' '''" . • ' 'Mi & Sherman.
( TPLA'.I B 4q- . - • .
. ___________
~c •P
. • ,
ty t
- •
TE having. rece
Fasnioitallbi , Gentlenten's fires
their ninnernyts. ratrqns, p_rticulurly
been waiting (Or
thf iEST Y
are Pippareil to serve tltp' ni in a style
ansittpaisedin;tbis place, which they think will re•
quire' no boasting to render arrparen .
Montrose, 04.7, 1C46
•., • ,
THAT the', eilen i iest- let of Good ever °Fiera in
uprket, can now be found %Abe store of
• 1 I,Yoms.
16-yds..dillee ter Oue Dollar s Cask: yds. Sgerting do. do.
G Oreir,2Toba - cco. do. do.
. 6rbs.. young.tlyson Tea, do, do.
o • C6El'l4ll, do.• do.
Su4ar,Vet£6i,,lfolasses. &r.
01..1.04p Of F',C
T BATHER.--A good as sor t ow ntl
nLa on hand and sold as-low as caul
d County, by
B EEF 'fides, Ottlfskipi,&,,,,, wai
. L. ,. ,
a it+AINTs & 01113;Xcir sale by
. y . ~ 4 . . 4 B. SAYRE.
%l U\ D°W Swdu, gi...,s).ga Putt' by
r!' I.- ' -;', ' - 'l3. SAYRE
' 111131AWq4 8 1.-Bingliatadn , Sidonpr's Eddy- and
• .1. Montrose, diorklivoortolentice nconsinntly on
'. handy o.l66 , lC.Eetteral assortment o castings. Old
Iron wanted its Daft, by v ; , 1 B. SAYRE.-
Q TOYER alla Stove Ftumiture, a grid assortment
ds. kept "by :- ':_l ' • . E. SAYRE.
IP"' Brick, Lath, Plaster and tiiidtkept as tutual
✓ FRESI Ctrulig e° and Lemons received by
tt' , ' 18. SAYRE.
' II SVI'PLY of ,Surcuser ielutlut jnlt re
`ire by ,
~ 18. SAYRE,
, VP
pricesrad for Butter
t it,
11-throngit-the seismal • ).1.• BA,Y RE.
• J o 10, 1040. i
S. MOORE & co.
3 CO
iced the latest
, would inform
those stilt) have
ept conetaua
• bought iu the
.ttul. by