The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, December 10, 1846, Image 3

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    /IslltOni filont the 1'21.4t.i' .
t irrhied in the political. affairs
,which should! cause every pat,
democrat, tt - lo cast about him
t prospects of the future. Tile
d Yet it is full of lessons ' i of ,
he teachings of exPeriente
air toi with a pervading pouter
Movements. During the prep.-
haveywitnessed an apparoitt
-. . I
i n volution in tithe ,public ia.entiment of the
country, and 1e hurling of the democrati c
party from it road position of triumph, in
tot that of a niinority in many states of the
Union. Altihlugh we sec !much in this to
r egret—to regtet. for : the sate of those great
principles of .tititil :liberty 1 which we cher
ish—vet the is nothing tb bring discour•
a gement or chic pondency. ( There is a recu
perative enero in the democratic sentiment
which will cn4se it to rise again from the
depths of a dvi+sity. and vindicate its own in
tegrity, and s Ore its reinStntement as the
ascendant po , r of the nation. -
The cause which have Produced the sad
r esult which ' h have seen are many and
c omplicated. Some of them are.the'natu
ral result of ing years 'of rtriumph—of an
a pparent se tire lodgment in power. Ma-
Get us lear
A crisis Ira
o ftlu• countr,
no t--every t
mi d\ su rvey ti
past is gone,
wisdom, and
f liould act u
in our future
e nt year We
be local, and will pass a-
nv of them
e excitement, which produced
way with t
cannot conceal the fact, that
them. But
ending cause, is an abandon-
the great an
democratic rulers of sortie of
iples which elevated them to
An evident disposit of the
confirm the acts oftheir rep.
meat by'ou
the great pri
power, and
people not tc
Mich are clearly adverse to
fr•eal. Yet nte may hope all
phi disturb us no more, when
imeil, prudence of action, and
6 tojacrificei every unholy as.
the altar of our common coml.
1411 actuate our rulers.
the common
will vanish,
wisdom of c
a determina
pirauon upo
try's good, s
those alai will!yet have to learn
There arei
this great trt4
ill, that the 4emocratic party
was not est4ished for the benefit or ad•
vancement of itny mau or set of men—that
its organ i zaticm was for higher purposes than
the tilling of o ? ffices, and the distribution of
then spoils
serve repnbli l
cud eneroaj
inents---the sI
the insidiou-i
ibeand to
relizions and
in their hi i g
independen •
in view, the
fiat it was instituted to pre
4in institutions from the threat
}Orients of monarchical senti
tection of poputar rights from
'J.:wiles of their ever watchful
tecure to ALL, political, civil,
personal rights, equally, and
Ell- purity and: most enlarged,
ij Bearing th j ie things, then, ,
1 . -
, ty of all who cherish demo
its is plain. 1 The triumph of
i, in their primitive eV Urity,
idea uppermost in tlitir minds
1-bolding as friends none but
ilt adhere to t. 6 old land-marks
,ii democracy, hod advocate the
I pf the wnot.E.: •
state, at all events, the cause
ilih is too appnrent to admit of
L,4. - the party!enders at Wash
tied the Tariff', or '42 to remain
tinsylvania would have remain:.
And we ate inclined to the
same cause has had its due
tile states north of Mason &
z where the liiThigs have been
be Dembcraey of Pennsylva
firmly, unitedj upon principles
Sithat will sub Serve the best in
-1 whole peoplet and upon men
z have entire confidence :to car
-siews and wishes, , but when
4 to I sacrifice Iprinciples which
ir cherished,l and to support
- they have no confidence, to
"bition of southern party lead=
di ithvided, and con
ichted. ifetice the result at
too. . i
cratic s ent m
our pricy
be th
and hear •
those who w
greatest p • 11
In our ow'
of the !ate rd!
a doubt. Hk
ington perm
as it was,
ed as she w
belief, that
effect in all
DIXOU ' S 411
ma are ever
and raeasa
wrests of the
lu whom the
ry out their
they are ask
thty have e
men in who
gratify the
ers, they are
to neatly d;
the late elee
Flo this not t harrow up the
V'scord which ! have well nigh
destruction, b4,ratber that we
Odom from the past, and that
I iz
rg future at once avoid the antic
.. 3 uences. TIM future is indeed
:t, and earnestly demands all
all our energies.
feelings of
wrought our
may learn w
Ire may in t
and its col
full of inter,
our attentio
will recollect, that during the
she ISchuylkiil Canal has been
—Our read
past. summer
enlarged and
of the 3d in
little Iron S
qrebuilt. Th' Pottsville Press
, s s4's . ' 0 Monday last the
` mlmat . "P' ot," belonging to
our enterprisk)g townsman; Capt. J. pown
'S, arrived :'. Pottsville, idirect from New
York, with a ;Full r cargo ofi Merchandize.—
During the Past' summer, Capt. Downey,
with a truly flbezal spirit, purchased two I
run Steamholits, ' neatly fitted with Cabins
for the aceo4modation of Passengers, and
united in point of size to the Schuylkill Ca
-1,41, with the iiest: of establishing a regular
data line for the etransporMtion of Passen
rer, and liglit 6eight,ween this town
and l'biladelp)tia t The N iiglition Compa.
b , lt
ay, it seemed did not pr party appreciate
the importa.nee - Of the enterprise, for they
unposed such t erms as were considered by
. Capt. p. unit +t Lticl onoropis, and induced
` Liar to withdrkw both boatit from the Canal,
lad employdi L em, in cirry'Mg Coal and unit
lag other b4cta from Wchmond to - Nevi'
York. Thesi Boats, .we 1 m, are it/mira
11y adapted ri inavigatin the Canal, M
winch they ein eadily be propelled arthe
rate of five mi t iesiper hoar, and at a cotnisiw
crab)) , more i a fp ic 1 rate i ' the damsland
pools. It is tti b‘ hoped tl at the COMpaa i
id' consult ii own an . the . public we '
fare, by agr
. stg upon gu 4 terms as
et 1.
:stluee taps. 'yr/ley tilt I'7 4 ; 061111 ° 9 40
. 1' I
. ._
annit Tr 1 his - boat's . regularly' The Robberrof the Santsi Fe Tretins.
rid* the next year?
The ,St-Louis papers contain further par-
tietilars o f th4 i ilabbery of the United States
trains by thetdianS.
~ . ,
" The OA
.. ,ry took place near. the pass of
the Arkansas.' There were thirty wagons
and one litindted and sixty mules in the
train, and they were aconapanied . by. forty.
met..- The wagons were filled with cloili
ingland,liospital stores, commissary's stores,
• !
sugar, cYlfee, &c.' They took possession
of every thing, except the wagons., and made
otrtvith the property . This outrage was
committed by a party of Pawnee Indians,
anlittle 'op,position was made by our men,
as t hey were without , ammunition. l
. 'O 4 St. Louis Era says the Indians cut
op a and scattered about three huridred
sac s or flour to the four winds of heaven.
Th prairie, for miles around the spot where
the robbery was committed, is said to have
bee as white as if covered-with snow. The
villanous rascals,/ immediately on getting
pos!iessioe of the wagons, set to work pow
derng themselves, and the color of their
yel l ow skin was soon turned to;ope of snowy
wlateness. 'The sport of snow-balling each
other with hands full of flour they enjoyed
to a great degree ; and after, walking the
m ' of the frolic, they bedecked themselves
iati lin the. sacks, and in this garb several of
' the n were seen by the men who'returned to
Fo . Leavenworth; on the plain, two or three
-da :s after the robbery. One fellow had
m ' elled his sack into a turban, and the
br ind U. S. was immediately in front. The
let ors were quite unintelligible to them, but
ne crtheless they seemed to prize them high
ly, as in all the breech clothes made of them
thU. S. was contrived to be preserved in
fro l t. They carried off all the arms and
do, ling belonging to the: train, and about
fifty head of mules."
indi design, by'
on the Canttli,d
otiatas.'--4biscorared man,
i..frotrilhe south, has Made
ds in England. They have
of 675 D, which has been
.Untry by Mel" Acadia,". to
rmer masteri that he mar
aken back to bondage by the
a fugitive slave
some warm frie
raised the sum
broUght to this
be sent to his
,bei fotleibly
slaveh' Iders.
[ ommuNicATED.]
Woonnountie, Pa. 12th mo. 1, 1846.
My dear friends, publishers of the four
weekly papers! of. Montrose, and all other
editors, of the Iprnited States, please insert
the following petition, and supply the intel
ligent of every district within your respec
tive counties, 'ivith printed copies 'or menu
' as others will please transcribe the
that millions, if they please, of nil
and parties, may soon forward their
;to Cong sin behalf of pence, that
f on shall of lift up sword against Na
wither sh II theyplearn war-any mom."
&note nd House of Representatives
e . " Unite Slates, in Congress assem
1 Petitio of the subscribers, inhabi-
If the United States, respectfully shell--
I ,
tit your-etitioners are deeply iinpres
athe evils and miseries attendant On
uil more especially in relation to that
isting bet4en our beloved and here-
" Nati.,
tion, n
7o the
toforel highly vo'r.ed country of pence with
all thci world, ndl prosperity within ourbor
ders, lind dis etOd Mexico, requiring with
ourselves and 11 ether nations, the endear
ing toleration ndi civilization of christiani
ty mutually be - towed upon each other, in
stead pf the va#e and arbitrary barbarity
oftheldarker ages, " with garments roll'd in
blood." . I'
This we feel constrained to implore your
Honol-able boffiekto devise some speedy and
efficient means, thug' mercy, that its demor
alizing effects, mid torturing effusion of hu
man Mood, to thu loss of millions and mil
lions of money, it'd inany v a human life of
talent, worth and rigor, may soon be stay
ed, and the blessing; Of those ready to per
ish rest upon you.
Tempertinee Convention.
At a meetingof the Committee, appointed
at the Convention of Novetnber 16th,. " to
arranget4ntsmake for a general Mass
Convention, to hat held the 2d Tuesday of
January," B. S BENTLEY, Chairman,
and I. I. PosT, §eey.
On motion, Resolved, That Geo. Puller,
Esc't., 8.5. - Bentley, Esq., and". L. Post, be
a Committee to draft a Circular for general
distribution in the County.
Resolved, Thrit F. B. Chandler and I. L.
Post be a Committee i to ascertain the best
place for holding, said Convention.
Resolved, Thal. T. t'. St. John, I. L. Post
and F. B. Chandler be a Committee on
Resolved, Tle'r G. A. Grow, Esq., be re
quested to deliver an addresson the occasion.
Resolved, That IV J. Mulford, R. J.
Niven and M. C. Ty er be a Committee to
provide. accommOati ns for visiting friends.
Resolved, - That A. hamberlain and W.
.1. Turrell, Eshri, be Committee to draft a
set or Resolutions, to be presented _to this
Committee at tkiFir ne. meeting.
Adjourned, tq me,t at the call of the
Chairman. S. ENTLEY, Chin.
L L. Pont,
Montrose, 9th ;Dee.
TRADE wrru ! Mcxsco—The taking 'of
Matamoras opened a considerable trade,
and that town has assumed twice the conse
quence it ever had under Mexican rule.—
The New Orleana Diulletin suggests that
the capture of Tampico affords an opportu
nity tof f s large and profitable trade to the
merchants of the, Uni • States, and expres
es a hope that the Go erpment will open the
port, and others that ay come into our pos
session, on terms 61
Buffalo head their ne .
announcement " . 11
printed by steam." Sp,
in the eleetro-maaneti.
that thunderbotti will
that timid people ma
doors with their.
Fairtber Experim
• A series of experimt
arsenal, in this city, : y
ence of several getlem
ceiof that scientific o
Mordecia, who has de
to the subject and wri
powder and projectil
We weft highly sa
ments, made by the or
arsenal. Theigun-co
to its projectileforce f
tialiy for cannon.
The firing front tr.,
ed• on the balistic peed
ty. grains of well prepa
to one hundred grainS
The er the
considerable. ter ell
tame gqn, there was; ,
ble beat.
• With. the Twanty.4;
of guncotton was neia
of ordinary . poWd6,r ;,
thii( proportkai. 48 th,
ed;: two pounds of to
. 1
shell whieh rjequ
burst_ it, was fdied,wi
!Odle mit9iVitud
exploded most Imautif
But weluPe to l inty
lag CapeMoilfecai's.
i The newspapers in
' s - with . the following
i•cewed by Lightning,
I•aking of the progress
.m, etc., Punch thinks
made so common
asten their bedroom
nts With the Gun
nts were made aethe
sterday,•in the pres
•n, under the auspi
ear, Captain Alfred
oted much attention
ten a work on gun-
seed at . these expori
li nance officers at the
ton was tested fully as
k smell arms, and pur
sleet barrel, suspend
ulum, proved that siz
ed cotton were equal
the very best powder.
ischarge was very in
ht discharges from the
•lely any- percepti
it pound - erotic pound
• as strong , as three
ut,it d id not keep . in
c4rge: was innreas
n was about Tgyalio
e le d ss ee ti v i e gu n:l 4 4l 4ce nd o sto a.
Fieing dischOteilit
the pleasurp i g
ge ',amen ifho accompanied Gov. Ford to
Ddncock, from this place, have returned
hoe; from whom we learn that, the posse
lisc been disbanded. A military police,
coMposed of seventy men, who volunteered
fo . the service, will remain at Nauvoo, under
the command of Major lackson, of McDo
noUghcounty. We understand that it is
thd intention of Gov. Ford to keep his forces
t h
at ' 'auvoo until he is satisfied that there is
noifurther disposition on the part of the
in bites to molest.the " new citizens," who
w ye driven away, but who have mow re
tained to their homes.—lllinois State Reg
H 6r, Nom 29.
• lre' The Canal Comnissioners of this
State have adopted a resolution exempting
the companies composing the regiment of
Piinnsrlvania volunteers ordered to rendez
*oils at Pittsburg, rage or TOLL, in passing
over the public improvements. This is right,
anti the Canal Board will receive the thanks
Of!: their fellow citizens for this act of lib
erklity. The same policy should bepursued
4il private companies. lf the troops ordered
tor,Pittsburg take the route via Chambers
birg, they will have to march from the lat
te 'place, a distance of 150 miles, which will
keiluire about a week to perform. The cross
ing of the Allegheny mountains at this in
chiment season of the year, will make the
inerching very severe. Every soldier should
be provided with a good blanket, and a sub
itrtial pair of
_boots. We sincerely hope
that every facility will be given our gallant
troops, and abundant supplies will be flit--
pig e hed by our friends in the interior tacheer
th6i on to their place'of destination.
INEGRO AlisstolvAny.—At a recent meeting
al the Presbyterian Synod, held at We
tutripka, in this State, a negro, named Ellis,
wtis admitted to the ministry. He is to be
e.ftt as a missionarY to Liberia. - The En
Shield says that his wife and two
liildren have been purchased by the Pres
byterian Church in this State, at a cost of
,5003. He has acquired his education It 4
bii; own exertions; and, upon examinatiiiu,
'pfOved himself a good Latin, Greek dlid
ebrew scholar, but better versed in Greek.
i 1 is examination in Theology was highly
Wisfactory. He is said to be very humble
lurid polite in his mannersan'd conversation—
!lie:meaning himself at all times in a way be
''ciiming his Condition in life. He is quite
ail l ack and about 35 years of age.' He has
appended to his 'vine of his former master,
Usid is known by that of Harrison Ellis,—
Utiobile Herald.
titimating the increase at three ,per cent
iptir anum on the census of IS4O, the popu
lation of the United, States would be 20,140,-
13/0, on the Ist of June, 1847. •
phis is to certify that my wife, being for some
•tithe troubled with did Salt Rheum, and having oc
caitien to use some Pilla r I recommended Dr. Smith's
Improved Indian Vegetable Sugar Coated Pills, and
Mier her taking some three or four doses, she found
,thilit her hands commenced getting better, and in less
dike three weeks they effectiad a final ture.• She
thin recommended thin]] to one of cur near neigh-
I+, by the name of Levi Fattllrater, whose wife has
bt.,vn complaining with the same complaint for three
1,-4Ves, and could find itio cure, antl after taking one
bo. was much. better, land still continues to take the
Pills with a happy effect.
0. P. BEACH.
knoxville, Pa. Mar 17, 1846.
Bice 179 Greenwie street,' (large brick block.)
tralways ask for be Improved Indian I'egeta
b4. Pills.
p''And see that G.'llenj. Smith is soritten with a
on the bottom of the box.
Mitchel-Sc. Co. and J. Ethridge, Mont
e A determinating of blood to the head,•as ft is
taped, can be accounted for upon no other principle
them from corrupt and stagnant humors in thevenous
citeulation, which prevent tbh proper return of the
viial fluid to the heait.: The blood can have no
moire predilection to ilh.gliettd_thanfor any other part
indeed its own spccifie gravity would give it a teu
tency to the extremitios; but when the *usages arc
chieked up, and it bccemes, as it were, prisoner in
th 4 .bead, no wonder there is a distension or swell
ing of the,blood
yells, a prm,sere upon the br4n,
headache, giddin s, palpitation of the heart,
. ity, apploplexy, an other dreadful results.
Vright's Indian Vegetable Pills are always r
.ca"totryevce.x.nit)etlie a m bl
i e rc un u unpleasant t com v pb
w ich . areThetyliealcausew
tio sof the blood, bat f of every Malady incident to
therefore willpost muMredlY. give health and vigor
to piebody, as well aslprevent any evil consequen
tefrom what is termed a rush bloo4 to the heald.
AUTION.—It shonl be
d be remembered that Mr.
Eduard Cole, of-Philadelphia; Mr. Jolm Dixon, of
:lac:li, Pa., and_lll. ...Browning & Brothers, of
l'h elplda,. are gents of ours, and as they
base to Wright's - dian Vegetable MILS at Mir
tiff,' , we'catmot, ty as' genuine any medicine
may have for side.
emember, the only riginal atul genuine Indian.
Ve' etable Pills have e written signatuk of VViu.•
W ~ g lit, on 'the. top la ke o f eae b b ox,.
Agents for the Bale ii Wriglks Indian '' Veget4ble
je i
pil - j s Ur-Montioiap.. Mil At:;: Etherintin. For - other);
geakies:see advertise tiu another eelaina:
__ 5 .
Reed* fbr the Peoples' . Adveeate,.-- .
or the'week ending Do , c. 1,C#6.1
Wm. Wynn, MOD iies to 14. t,2
S: A. Woodr4ff: Loa • " • -;
•In Iloueschdo, 'on the' 19th ult. Mr. ALEXANIiiR
H. 110DCiDOS ( ' of the firm of Hodgtron, Edgerton .'&
Co., and son of Simnel llodgden, Eq. of Certain
dale, aged `2s,years.
ITOTICE is hereby given; that 1 have lip
.ll plied td the.Judgetof the Court of Coln
inon Pleastin and for the . County of Sits
queliattna„for the benefit of the Insolv4nt
Laws of this Commonwealth, and that the
said - Judges have appointed Monday the
eighteenth day ofianuaty next, at ten o'cloCk
in the forenoon, ai the Court-house in 314t
rose, to heir me and my creditors, at whibh
time and place you can attend if you thihk
Montrose, Dec.. oth; 1846. eri •
S. S. IIPLFORD:11;, - 80N.
ARE now receiving a large assoentiot
Fall hnd Winter Goods, which they
will sell fot Cash, Barter, or approved Cred
it, as cheap as can be bought in town 4—,
Their assortment contains a full stock; of
Goods usuitilly lept in country stores. 3 _
Dec. 10,. 1846.
cheap enough, by S. S. M. & Soh.
SIMON'S, White's, and Burke & Stoiy's
Cast &eel Axes, for gale cheap, and
win:ranted first rate, by M. & SotYr
ANOTHER lot of those good Fanning
Mills, just received--also, some larger
of the seine sort, and will be sold cheap; by
M. d, Son.
LYMAN . W.vnit:tc.
Have taken the Store adjoining ltd'Elwee'it
and purpose keeping a gentiral us.iertineut of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Ste., which will lie
sold at this lowest prices f o r ca. 4h.— The high
est price rpaid for country produce.
Great Bend, Pa.
MT ANTED at the store of R. Searle &
VT Co. any quantity of Pork ht exchange
fur Goody and part cash.
Dec. 1846.
cBALDWIN tenders his thanks forlhe
• the extensive patronage be has receiv
'ed, and would Wong the public that he has
taken a Partner, which has enabled him to
make a fine improvement in his Shop, or
Grocery, and also, to obtain a small assort
ment of GROCERIES, such as
Ten, Coffee, Supt., Allspice, Pepper, Gin
ger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Salartt
tus, Raisins, Lemons, Heron, 'Codfish,
Mackerel, Sword-fish, Rice, Flour,
lasses, Bar Soap, Plug Tobacco for front
6Cts to 25cts per pound, Sperm Candles;
dipped' Tallow Cq,ndles, &c. &c.
-A4so, as fine an assortment of Children's
Toys for - Christmas and New-Year, as wits
ever brought into Montrose; Nuts of all
kinds, and, Candies of the best quality; all
of which: will be sold CHEAP for CASH;
Pies, Cheese,. Cakes, and Crackers of all
kinds, constantly on hand.
500 lbs. of good LARD WANTED, in
exchange for Groceries or Cash.
To the Gentkmen,and Ladies too, all who
like a GOOD dish of OYSTERS, or a cold
bite of. good Pie, Cheese, please call,
we have, good Eating Rooms and Tables,
well furnished. Please call and tf►ke a bite,
at the first door,in tbe basement story, above
L. Searle's Hotel.
N. B. We intend to:keep the room clear
from Boys who ought to be at home, and
have ao business lurking around.
Montrose, December 1, 1846.
A erill/A 2 I.IBELZAII3.
THE subscribers wishing to dispose of
their real estate, offer forsale their fatten
whereon they now reside, pleasantly situa
ted in Dimoek township, Susquehatina co.
Pa., containing one hundred and twenty
five acres of first rate land ; suitably diO
ded into plough, meadow and woodland,
and in a very good state of cultivation. r --
There are on the -premises a framed dwel
ling house, a good framed barn, waggon
house and other out buildings—also; a . fine
bearing orchard, with never failing springs
and streams of water. , Title indisputable,
and possession given nn the first of April
next. For further particulars, and• foe; a
view of , the property inquire of -the subscri
bers on the premises.
Dimock, Dec. 1, 1846. 2.5=4Cr
UAVE received their usual supply of Fall
11 and Winter Gootls, which they -in Vite
their old friends, and also new. ones, to Call
and examine, and they will find as radian
assortment as most people keep in this sta
tion, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, 4c. &c. and a general variety of fix
ings, where people;will be satisfied that they
get the worth of their money.
Nov. 25, .1846.
N.4.-Wp will pay better prices, rind
give,tuare,Goods for Corn, Rye, Oats; ; flay,
and most ail kinds of produce, than any oth.
er shop' in theSe Diggine: Those who have
gi g right kiati o.filutider:to sell would IdO
keno call and try at , SEARLE'S
41 k\. %%C l il
. Nov. 24;
G DOD Dollar Tea selling for Six Bnit:l4,o%d
rANc T ,A.ssimtle Ips, ,
ATEltirstyleiiind andjini 1 0 of
- 1 -4 dont 3, 11346: , g46-1;i0„ , k r , ,, ;
l isusqu
1 pig
from t .
taw of
of Jain.
, forenoo:
ship afe
Said re
of Gibs.
the We'
: h .1 1,- coIPAIYOO44,-
FIU N tice is hereby give' 1!
i i upnc Q n _.,,. i 1. 1
~k - 'Or liaa 4 i; Court 'in' and
1 and to ine directed; Ith ipq
or tuOking'paitition of the
Wiliam .Holmes, ; late o I
. ; in said countydeceased,.
low Rad fieW of the said ~
deceased,. on i Friday the ~
ry next, at eleven o'clo i
, on the premises in Gibs
esaid, according ,to the ac t
In such ease ;Anode and .pro f
1 estate iS bounded and deli, i
to wit:—S i tuate in said
n; and bounded by lands o,
1 ,1 1 . on the East--on the Sout,
ding from Gibson to Jack,',
t by land S of William T. C
ortli by lands-of George [
~n Potterontaining one
• acres, or thereat:of:ruts, i
'antes. • • i
and Jo
and thi
rill's Office,
e, Dec. 9. 1846.
I - lAA E into he enclosure of the st
on .Sunday the 27th ult:, a re
Ith long herrn., the points to
curs old. : The owner can
ng property, paying .char
ler away. ELIAS WIL
Lake, Nta 1, 1846.
Cow, n'
5 or 6
by pro
-CIL w
fcL.Post t .
ceiving their FALL & WINT
ch will be sold cheap as can be
'Pre 1 h, English, and American
Gok4.and steel-mixed Beaver i
Satiets and Kerseys.
Velv t and' Satin Vestinffs—.ri c h.; ;
Plai and plaid Cravats.
,Alp ca, Cashmere, dad d'Lain
Bon . et Satins purple and blue.
. Bon ;et trirnmings—rich.
' ,'Dre trimmings, fiinges, velvet
& Gimps.
Prints, SO pikes—from 5 to2sc
Gin .hams, plain and twill'd, ricl,
Shall's—, - Bro Che, Waffle, Chin
Gr-ries, large assortment.
• Tea , froni-28 to Ss, per lb-. 'P
Iron Spring , steel," Nails; Band
Crow.l ars. : .
Hai ware of every .kind. '.
Mill saws and files':
Loo ing-glasses, best asset in to •,
Crolkery 1 .• It ,fl,l 11,SE
A large stOckilif Itien's and Bo •
& Brgans—alSo Women's': and
Shoes id every description. • • "
noir, &c. &e.
We rust our ttiends will at leas'
exams ',e oa; siock4-we can art.t
rose, ,NtAr. 5; 1846.
1111 .1
T"r. Subscribes Um now recei
spck of Fall and Winter
which be sold on-their usual a' '
`his, for READY PAY: II
-ose Nov. 4; 1846.
TT has been currently reps.
MI through thecounty, am
is die declared opinion of ktin-,
dreds, that in point of variety!
' ty, !thei supply of HATS an 4
111 Roar's I Hat and Cap Store co*
si. Public Avenue in Montrose, e
thing oleo kind elver exposed for sale in 1
of countty. Reader, do' yon discredit
Itememper thel Poet's admonition:
. s our doubts are traitors,l
imke u. doge the good'we o ft mil
22, .BV.
•ts.; F ,. .
13ASICLINI cotnlintation cooking stow
Wishlnglln air tight do. slof
Congress air nett; do. do
t mpirerair tight ' do. doe
Double9vett ' ! do. do; . ,'
Rotary i : ' do. dog
4 Hole i ; ' do. dog!
Victoridi . do. doll
Parlor g , ~, do. doe
Air tight Parlor stbccs
Chuma6nd sh ip Stores
Stove Wares all kinds.
Stove ph.., Ecosts, Zink, Ash pans, ConlUxL3, &c.
&c. for ti.ale cheali at Lyons & Chandlers..
Montiose, sett.,e22, 1546. it
- tiA'llliS T - ARRIVALF.,
NE ir GOON. 10
, k. t: 4 ' b is , . g
rpH , su seri er now receiving his win.
•A- trt stock Of Goods, coMprising the us.
ual variety, which have been purhaised at
the prsent annsuar ' , low prides, 41 will -he
sold ' cheap ;as can be found inilthissse,c
lion o m*
' country. Grateful for pipit favor
the su scriber feels ! persuaded th
• t the es
ireinel# low iolces at which he is +abled to
offer Goods; IM will; merit a; Conti uance of
of patf i onagcS. I Please ca 11..., '.
He ;would: invite the (Mention- o 1
lid tohe following:. li
Ca ' meres and (Mains, iilegariii
.., -
and v ry. cheap.
Al ccas a nd gold Plaids; ch .
betterolian evnr. ; i
A. Itirge antdj Splendid assOrtmeri
cos, decidedlyl the dheapestl ever- L i
this*rket.l ~ i • 'it
Fancy C .: its:fullers a grea tvane s
ceednigly 1w„ ;-, 1 1
Brdcloth.*--a large asaortmen
e•ell dila will certainly please: -
' Plop' and fancy Satmetiqvery I i
mont 'Cloths' a so very I cheap, mil
A '
per y
.rd, and otherithin,,as at the I
fro' , Nails, and Nail Rod&
i ti
" I Su rii—'a arge !supply pf stri
Su t „ . frar „knit ineelved, and *ill be
as the cheapeSt. 1 . i - '
Jay ;, Logo yin,.nnd Riq . c o ir:,
r 7ci . y lovri, ..' , ..3
Molassell nt only, Atf! Ocl,pk.gaUdi
fiche-- u;0 µ ge:hq Olhosp 1444
Teas hap again., . .- ,
.611 • otTea &rime dollar. ~
Le 4 her, ;piano:Mined by' the
thryc ' apestin'tOWO '_ 1 :" .
Sir i r cings, , Cotto4 Yorii, t g a mi n '..
ing i S
,eite l l ! Trariiiiriiin,,Tjekhil;
A t otii 15;jiteacked I blutdin i e; lid'
#oe., a, very.:eheapi . . :' 1
ire ngs;J!' splaMolid;, variety of '
.Vaveeand , Op' VOintig; just at
', I I
, .It:SAL!.
AO trust, sth k
1646. ,
that in
1 ;1 ih- • •d
"for sais
,est will
al es,
hi Gibson
9 amino.
1 illinn
.th day
4 1' in the
of As
'bed as
N. E:
by the
se, and
IF: kdsall
ith the
T -
FIE subscriber i , tinkuhfal for past favors of his
friends arid:the:1)111)11c, respeetfitlllr invites their
nttention inid . lot 4 Goo+, now
opening, consisting' of .
Griodijletivbeari, Crockery;
'Wci g-glatsexi'
P' T A .-
J. .Llyone.- •
- •
I '
4.; Station
.N. B,.T.Wanted, Grtazi
Scup ) , TaUow ,. Be e swax, :
(11,ER,trir.a . ,
at the,Old Hat Factory, ciin , hofonkndi*
12: hest affil rheniteAt o'rsortmont orilati n kt,ityi .
ever otreredin *ill Mace. Also; fat nolo. 611 V"rii
biome wagon, 'and seasoned 13 inektwoodi
N. p:—The remit who took it pair ofo!tellintitio ,
from the shopp ts, regneated to rCtorn them .or, ,
A few hat blo c s are still out; tltone Ittmers' •
a re requestntl to return them. I. • • '
sept 23. 4 14 6 . ;•, ....; k
4by !7, 8-by 10,1.0 by
sby by 12,.41 by 15; •
6 by 43,: - ,10 by 14,1.2 by 16
7by9,:;loLy 14,12:b!Y.18;
and 14 by 18; Glos.&
7 by• 9, 8 by 10, 10 by i 12, 10 byl4
Sash, fcir idle by ,
Montrose, selit.lo; 1846
26-6 w
ink► in,,
ye- her
s, and
. tazzaco Vklitllllll3llllß H.
BY•tbibtiest newedeii; Pritilor;iier-euttingdown
.the Meziams tremendously, and John Gies*
the Gen. Tailor of Montrose,4 tuning. but ' euts
according to the late full and ; complete , 7 it an&
*filter: Fashions, which lie ties just receiv . 'Tariff
i n,
or no Tariff; he is bound to ''• pl'ense'his twilit*,
with beat fits and stibstmittal.svork:. --. 1 . •-• ~'•
Cutting".,,cin abort notice and warranted. to fit if
properly =idea : P. a
, , ~, i
N. B.—Wanted, HIM limlse4; niiooth hairial;
young bid about 15 years old, from the etianti, of
vital ammeter, 51.c.,,as an apprentite-to the Tailor l
mg busiziesii. None need apply,. lint , such 4 can
conic well, recommend ed: Apply to.
.. ' ..
Montrose, Oct. 15, 1848. •_ , I I •
tight in
' obey.
. 4: -•
TRAYED from the subscriber, sometime itt Jura
last, a - deep.ced yearling STEBli v .aboi4
dling size. ~ Whoever will return saidofteer, or give inforniatiinf Where he marbe - found; ilml reeive
the above reward. JOHN
Bridgewater; Oct.-. 13, 1S Ifi. . . .
STOVES,-newSTOVES,-newand impioved‘patterna— °
Igri ' consisting of Air tight Cooking likeitPi•
Empire do s do '
Washington •' do j do ;
Combination ' do de • •
Parlor •1.- do '
Coal, Parlor, Box, and air tight &mei * , Etre Wain
of all kinds; &c. &c. &c., cheap for ntahorimptoyed
and apprtnied-credit. • • • ; 1 -
Montroie, June, 1846.
,ron and
t, Boots
i s
I Misses'
, .
; J. B. SIMMONS, ;-) -
Boot S. Ape Maket--,shop ip Searle's .I•l44;*est:
sitlOOrk,tiblip Ai - elate. • • . •
call and
will sell
Barber and Hair Dresser—shop on: Turnpike st. in
the baieieent offa. Baltiwbea shop.
R. SEAR, LE' & CO. I
A goodasiortnietit of Dry CloOdHai Crockery; Hard
ware, &a. Atr.,:Wrest aide of Public Avenue. '. •
.11E10., O,SY
Dealeiln Stovei
,tardvinie, Ny 'Goods, Ate., West
• side of ' ' '
ng their
1 ODS,
• modat-
Dealers in Stoves,--Tin-wnre,,Sintionery, Dry comae;
4c: - Sr.c..E j ast.side of,Publie Avenue.
Dealers .in!
Ilats, Cape, Pais, dough Mina, &c. 7 ..
Wma, : sida• or l'ublid Avenue.,' . , ..
1. gush
' APS, at
i • e West
eel's any
hili region
rumor I
E. W: HA LEY; -
Still continues the 131acksurithing briiinese in its 'mu*
ors branches at bis . old Stand hear iteeleesTalrern
Attorney iti. at the old office a tell,
°rule ' • _ . `''•
Cabinet and Chair tdakini 4 1 Also Sign ~pacA
Ninting; Turning, raPer - Ilinging, ; 110 P,
his , old stand. on Tampico se -
Attorney at Levi, Office oveciltelltore ot Pat
4 . c0„ cOrner:of:X:ublic W.
Physidins 4. Surgeons. &Bee; west vide of Ake
Public Avenue over tbe Stereo!' &Be ode &N.
, G. Z; .‘
'•'l 4 lNgg at& Watt,
oveidierru 8t BooPilhtSture.
Groceries, Fruits, Confectkitusries z Dm" Me; •
Paints, O il s, and a :minty- 4 ' nick nods, .f T,
Fernier's • More. • A general variety of goods leliinlys
on hanl • One door below the reekkince &Judge
, . -' i ' MACK' di , ROGE.RI3; , '')=. "- - •
. „, ... ..,
Coach, Carriage and Sleigh ManufacterersitetTurn
Pike , B* o 4 . 4 the,old-teardelpy owl, are teadl
to aerre.eustorners, in the mo s t refined style of the
• age: Artielesfin our line constantly on hisid for
, • ode; tied.'refidrinidtrintini ?Oct: it notice:-'
Carriage•ata - 81iigh Mtikeir gird ropthrer, may,;
found at 13134111 VA feW naiB o 44 lo fthught
wheie iirlibechapiT to i'mk OR COSIOMORIA
!the pub-
• - II: POST jisK, di 06.
Irozammders, slid Plough, P4tumfacturezo—aboitat
she old Rand zie'the regidOnce of D.,
LIIB4. - •
Attoiir Office n, ii*Soltli* j Ok
Court libtige; , tux '-124 BR blin.ronsi
per and
4i enli:
ered in
• • JERIM LI9;)NS,
Dealer in tory. Glxias. Grocenea,.Boafyrapar l ;4o_
autlß,ookbintlei.;--East skid of 'PA* 'idle..
and e
L- . J: 8. - -SALlO3l7Rif f
Olietip GoOda foretho PeoliietPublic•Avaiiiimitast
..M11e....= ,!°, - _
, at pri-
I • . Ver
-140 perm
me rate.
Dealers -OEOI7 :GoodsMarebiarie;Pßigterii*--
cone Public„Ave .ue arid 'ltiLimppris,444 , •
. :: .. ,' '_ , - - „.:l'' ' - i
3CiIIN „Oligirtie4l,,,,', - 1, ~:,, „ ,
Faslik),nabl*.sWor4,-T*o 49igii. 3 .1mlow...the Orrocei
lato 49 ,•'::L :-,-' T. - . i . 1 :: .....--- ... : '...
pni n e
14 cheap
i which
8: AitiLFOltD 4z. SODLi 4:
Denim*. Dry 4=o94l4Prockitryt-Pn *s.*miefl,
r • TrishfilkJ 17,...c;A46
first rate
FIiEiRtiNNEZ" - t h t i" 1 "
biker ID, Pii:dig;d4 HarNl 4 62;o;'
ThrotivlSOd; GUM deske
914;1*. : ~; • '
Qp t!
ile . i3ix+ationsontlict t c tth in tbi
b e f oun d, et L. Boarlea',.'oa' - tdiiielio
days 4 each • wecit. • •
":- r
1 , •