KIDNAPPER Sa4TENCESI.--.Thomas Tin on,, who was kconyieteo at . the August fin of the AtlatPs county court, on the a ge of kidnapiling a family of free color . persons fromi . tbat county, was sentenced week, by theicourt, sitOg at Gettys tag., after a recap to grant a new trial, to vc years solitarAconfinemmit at hard labor the Eastern P4nitentiary. SCIENTIFIC LETUILES.--Doct. R. Ltorr r no is delivering _ L- it it course of evening Lec ures on Anatomy i and Physiology, at the ''ourt-house, in is Borough, commencing Tuesday evening last. The subject is ine of very deep moment, l and one :with Bich every per4u should more or less fa ii iliar. The Di* appears t 9 be - thoroughl i y cquainted with ,the subject of which he •ats, and, with the aid of a very ingenio, s i t piece of t raechaniftn, a perfect model of t human frame , ekOlains the anatmnical struc ture and ‘mecliahical functions,of the ha= atm body. 1 , t , TThe Power Mills belonging to Mr. B e aty, about 8 ales from Baltimore, on the S u squehanna #4lroad, *as; blown tip, with a terrific explositin, on the-morning of the 23d ult. Five iten were blown to atom, and three large „buildings belonging to the es tablishment, which stood 70 feet apat 4 were scattered bier a space , of ten acres.-L. The quantity of Powder in the mill exceefi ed two tons: Li every direction from the m ill, for the distaitce a mile and a half, all i time buildingi trdre injured more or lesZ "A Nevi 'flau"—One terns ! , 1 A few of the resscs, which, with oldie apparant zeal tat' the advancement of an in dividual, than the success ,of party ; ' have advocated the r4ominationl of Gov. Shank, are careful to c4ceal from heir readers the impotent fact, that, so far as there has,been au expression orppinion o• the subject, the opposition to so ilitichial a i f ourse is at least as strong in numbers as its advocates. This is shown to be tiue by the peoceedings Of Democratic mo,,hings and ; the opinions 'of the pres,=, whici4ve have from time to time uphhshed, but twjti,ch 'are` denied even a pis ,:itiz notice in thPse journals which evinced a44errainatimi kother to sink the party by -;e-nonlination 64. the present Executive thOn to succeed by _t4 selection of a new condi- dare. The followin; proceedings of the Denip cratic Committerf Superintendence of the city and county f. Philadelphia, we copy front the PennOlanian DEMOCRATIC . iCOMMITTE ' t OF SUPERIN TENDF.Ntr..-,Ait Itt meeting'[of the Democrat ic committee 4t Superi t ttendenee of the Cay of Philadelphia, at e Eagle Hotel, Chesnut street, ):ton Thursday evening, NON-- mberl 9th, 1846, FRANCIS 911 - #OPER, Esq., was callq to the (hair, in the Rh :wilco ofthe.Pr4ident. . The 11)11ov - int resolutions were unahi mously adopted{ and ordered to be publilb ed.., la wt Resolved, That the diminished vote in this state and New York is the principal cause of the Wing succesa,: . and we belive the Democracy iofeach these States: to emistitute a4lecided majcirity, by whom !the principles of t o Democratic party and its a:rei:fancy vvilg at the net election, be tri utn pliantly maititained. Resolved, That to obtain sucrpsg we must deserve it, by ciose and scrupulous - devotion :0 principles rot) not to men ; and thatithe in(lidates of t 4 party ought to be such as are known to herfirm and energetic in thelad rancement of Democratic doctrine, and can command the nbpproval and support of the entire party. . . Resolved ; That we recognise "Rotaion in Office" as alt essential*c principle ofitbe Democracy; that ottc,ers belong to the whole people and shottld be constantly distnbitted among those I intitled by political and Per sonal merit to 0-ecived stick' honors , ; long terms of servrt4e . and copaiant re-el-adons are unsuited troiihe Demvirmtic inatittitiOns, whose objectsl #re to prcimOte the greatest rood of the gratest number.. [Commtuticot9d for the Pieeple'• Advocat [l* . w YORIti Nov. 10,18 0 . .. ~. Gentlemen : In consequence of freqUent applications snide to ourlfrgends, to beOme agents for dit4rent Insurance dompahies, such as ildlarihe, Fire,i Life, and Inland Navigatiorl, uithe of *hich applications pur port - to come ;;from respectable Insurtince - Companies of this city, we have deemed it our duty to sq. to you, and through youlo your friends, iliiit from recent developem?nts f there are those ho do not posssesss th - e eon ' 1..; fidence of the public. I d Should you, Or any of your friends, bet ap plied to, to becime agenyor any Insur ance Company located in thusicity, we will take pleasure, on application from you, to report to you such facas as to their standing, capi tal, and respe4tabifity, as may be proper subjects of ithi t try ; ; wishing thereby, to pro tect the interior, from what we deem ksys tem of imposition; which seems to be of modern origin,lltnd is practiced to a great cztent in our entry, Peeling a deksire to sfrve you in this, or In any , o ther. wily that niay proinote:yoUr in tert.T,, and thti'of the cnmmunity in which ou reside, 1 '1 We are yours re'spedfully, .Wocebsvetto dk, DtrAENBERY, '' F 40 William-Street. We are satitted fame the standing 'land - facilities of t lernbove Rim, that they have it to their powe obe of eat - service to iheir frieads in .the amiet e mentioned Elias G. Dra Presi nt Trust Pirelli's. , Co. a 'i yl(1 1 Lambert Su ' ' ni, P ' ent of the Egirita-- ble Ins. c l . •J. W. Savage, resideht National yire Lai. Co. t!, , S*-- Baldwin, Piesident Pelican Mutuallns. Co. 1- . . . R. Ravens, Prisident "Howard Ins. Co,( ,J. W. Otis, PrOident of the North Atheri can Fire I utatrance ffro. Jc*pb Walker, • tile Mutual Ma, M. Robinson, Pre: ranee Co. 'of-N , Zeb. Cook,,Presi Co. F. T. tnqueer, P Co. ": resident Lot* the Mercan ,llle ins: 'co. -ident Mutual • Life ban ,w-York. ' ent 'of genial Safety Ina resident (~f'Firetnanis s. esident of the. City Fire itv of New:York. R. A. Reading, co. of the Rio: Brewer, Pre• Insueatice Co. Jas. D. 'P. Ogden tual Life Ins. CI A. M. Merchant; - ante Mutual In Chas. Town, Pre] Ins, Co. of Ne T. W. Thorne, P Cp. . • dent East River Mutual PresidOt Nautilus Mu- . President of the Al . Co. dent of ithe " /Etna Fire York." •sident 0 . Jefferson Ins. N. G. Rutgers, P tool Ins. Co. T. B. Satterthw New York Ins 1 A. B. Nelson, P Co. sident. of the General Mu- ite, Asiiistant President !flinee CO: ..dent pun ,Mutual In& President of the Atlantic Walter R. Jones, Mutual Ins. Co, ISPROTED WHEELS -Mr. the.wester,n part has just had •pat tor *Tinges and advantages over t use, will entirely wheel is entirely the spokes are in shell of the hub the wheel. Asc the hub keeps th The spokes are a a manner that if wheel can not co ing it with the so advantages of 14 per cent.cheape6l wheels, much st construction, and Fhe. invention of very scientific r it superior to any ' in use. ATRIAGEI AND WAGGON . P. Con ‘ iaolly, resideng in ,1 f the State of New York, nted an! improved wheel aggons which, from its le wooden wheels now in upersedC them. Mr. C.'s (iron, s 4 constructed that erted lough holes inthe nd fitted into the rim of ' iv insetted in the shell of spokes' in their places. tached ti the hub in such he rim hould break the e apari 4 each spoke bipd e degree of force. The . C.'s wheel is - that it is 25 jand lighter than wooden I cotiger iii its material and more Cosily repaired.— is received the approbation mechanics who pronounce other Wind of wheel now Ins.---44n Thursday a rail .urred n Wcnham, Mass, _ Irish - girl was so much in necessary the amputation e Sakai Register states THE SOMNIFIC rottd accident oc by which, a youn jured as to rcpt of an arm. T that " The opemti Fisk, who admi,! perfect success, known by Dr. C Morton, Dentist which produces ' sure cal operatic)! the girl continue: close .of the dreg! quired what the . 1 other inhalation, insensibility, an. supposed she ha ,n was performed by Dr. istered tb the sufferer, with he new )Ireparation made arses Ti Jackson and Dy. f Boston, the inhalation of nsensibility to the pain of s. Th' r e unconciousness of undistarbed until near the .ing, when she simply en were ding, but with an immediately relapsed into , upon coming to hearelf, been dreaming." GROWTH OE TIIE FREE STATES AND OF THE WEST.--a recent cdlculation as to the political strength of the fliee and slave States, givOs the following results : The total vote i n the Union for, President in 1844, was about, in round numbers, 2,700,000 The vote of the free State s was 1,900,000 The vote of the slave Suites was 800,000 Majority fni States ; 'ivote The striking fact her is, that the ma jority in thefree States .exceed the whole vote in The States not free. The electoral vote ofihe free States was 161 Slave Statesll4' • Majority of voters in free States 47 FRAM) is stated that a large portion of the white sugar in the mar ket has a large admixture of floured marble in it—say two qr three ounces to the pound. 1 Gen. Sc.att took passage in the South •ernor for Charleston, S. C. on Friday last, on his way to kart the•army •in the south. 40 , COstua t nie of former times. When Gov. Howdoin reviewed the troops 4 t of IgasSachuset i in 178.5 3 he was dressed in a gfty wig, in hat, a white broad cloth coat and waistcoat, red small clothes and black silk s ockings4 In 7782 , .• H+cock received his guests in aged Velvet cap, within which was one of fine linnea, turned, up over the edge of the elvat one ; two of three inches. , He wore t blue damask goWn, lined with silk, a white (satin embroidered waistcoat, black satin small clothes, white silk stockings and red morocco slippers. I Theiludges of the SuOretne Court of Mas sachusetts 3 as late as 1r93, wore robes of scarleti,faced with black velvet; and in sum mer, Mack silk gowni t Gentlemeh wore coats of every variety oil color, generally the f 2 cap and collar of velvet iof a different color from t e coat. 1 17 ' Gen. ;Washington arrived in Ne w York from Mt. Vernon, Ito assume the duties of`the) Presidency. Me was dressed l in a full suit of Virginia homespun. On his visit, roliof Englnuld soon ter, he wore the old if Coiiti ntal uorm, e cept on Sabbaths, when e appe aled in bIi ck. • Yoh Adams, when ce President, wore j s a swo , and walked tht streets with his hat under is firm. I At ' levee in Philadelphia President ,f ti Wash gton w s clad in black ' velvet, Ms hat s powd red, an gathered behind in a silk ag ; ye ow gle es, knee and shoe buck) ; he hld in hi hand a Cocked hat ornam nted w th a co trade, fringed about an incl. . - A at i c y - with bl, to leathi ilt hung 1 deep, 'n a wh d steel h sword polish ~~ I. accuse FL, Belle yeste barn giers. $2 YOZ . n says ay, we dentin rtes. " Amo upwa .1 d for d' ed my 'eui4," said an old "by he, it piece of stair first floor urn:Wow, With a :cementliffuied. God !it hid ' • ct. I u saw who were I, wail& firing a gun,. near I; they a forsook the build , • pots, aid Lhavela4 no oc e extra aps !of 7my , dining 4# I w 'e man, out of m, aUDOU ed eft*. • tida. I U house Ithe-first to use t I . lice. I eccen ear • broke / the d!: 1337.1. I a tal ln* . at came , table ,! Laker fro in; *cite°. • TelegraphO for the N. Y. Sun. Another Revolution—Probable Interference of England=-Surrentid of Tampico. WASIIINGTOiIt Nov, 28, 1846. I leap that important despatches hive this deli been received from our squadron in, the gulf of. Mexico. The Mexican admin istratioh is dissolved, and Almonte is vino . to Englund . Santa Anon hots been compel lede to ;refund the two Imilllcms of dollars which lie recently stole from 'a cenducta.— The Ebglish Minister in Meiico, Mr. Bank head, probably interfered with the course of Santa Anna. Mexico its in a bad condition. The; following intelligence by telegraph is front!, the New Orleans papers of the 21st inst 3-4 : The U. S. steamer Mississippi arrived at the W. pass on the. 20th, and iternedi ately forwarded the news up to the city of the capture of Tampico on theil4th fast, by the U.S. squadron. The fleet sailed under Com. Conner on the 11th and 12th, and on the 14th Com, Perry Crossed the bar with the Spitfire, Vixen, Pe, Bonita, and Reef er, ha4iag received re inrorcements from the Cumberland, Mississippi, Princeton and St, Marys; There was nu opposition made to the artily by the Mexieans, and the town was sUrrendered to our 'forces uncondition ally, the garrison havilag been previously withdrawn. The Mississippi sailed imme diately for the Belize, fpr troops to garrison the city. She touched at the Brazos, and despatthed a lieutenant to Gen. Patterson's camp; to obtain troops for the garrison, A force would also be immediately despatched from. lew Orleans. Tampico is now pos sessioh of the marines and sailors of the fleet. Energetic War Movements. Adtices from Havana to the 13th instant, received at New Orleans, states that nothing has feet been done under the letters of marque and naturalization which Mexico has sent there for sale. The U. S. steamer Misliisippi, Commodore Perry, left New O rleans j:m the 21st, witha detachment of 50 men dnd the guns and munitions of war belonging to the State of Louisiana, tendered for tlie use of the United States by Govern nor JOhnson. General' Brooke is preparqd to take the responsibility of despatching to Tanitiico any amount of troops that may be deemed necessary for its defence, and Gen. Jessup is furthering this important object with Idacricity, in his department. About 600 then will soon have been sent from New Ode hs to guard the captured city. Death of Cap. "fidgety. Tli:e last advices from • Monterey brought the Melancholy intelligence of the death of the giillant Capt. Ridgely, of the artillery. On the 25th ult., whilst riding into town, his horse: slipped on the smooth pavement, and" threV him with such violence against a rock as to' F produce coneussiOn of the brain, which terminated his existemic. MEATH OF REV. Ma. AnstsrttoNa...—This gentliman has been for several years the Secretary of the Ameirican board of Corn missitmers for Foreigh Missions, Ond has been a most faithful add zealous servant in its cause. He recently went to Boston with a view of seeing off and bidding farewell to the missionanes who sailed a few days since from that port. He Was on - his return to New! York, and perished in the ill-fated wrecjs of the Atlantic. He is very general ly reiretted. 1,100,000 CORRICTEII AVEEKLT FOR (THE PEOPLE ' S ADVOCATE. Whe4d flour, per barrel Rye Z., do do Corn }neat do Wbenl, per bushel Rye, •do Corn i do 0,77 e o,go Barley, do 0.24 ea 0,32 Oats,, do 0,36 ra 0,38 Flax,!,Per lb. American, 0,03 eO,OB Tallow, per lb. rendered, i . 0,09 ra 0.09 k Banat' per lb. Orange co. 0,15 e 0,18 110 western daily, ' 0,10 fa 0,15 Cbeei,e, per lb. 0,06 e 0,08 BeefOer barrel, mess, 6,50 fa 7,00 v do prime, 1.50 e 5,00 Pork per barrel, mess, ' 9,874 , a:10,00 do pr ime, , 7,8740' 8,00 Lard per lb. 0,05t0 0,07 llama', per lb. smoked 0,05 fa 0,08 Featiters per lt a liz e Tese 0,25 e 0,30 Ox horns, per 8,00 012,00 . Cow!:. ' do ' 2,00 fa 3.00 American stool, per lb. sancm 0,27 4i) 0,31 do ;• full bloOd Merino 0,27 ea 0,284 ido . '4 &I Merino 0,18. fa) 0,204 do ' native 4. i Merino 0,16 II 0,22 - 4 LECTURES. C; C. Batmen:ill, Esq., of Philadelphia, Providence permitting, will spend some eight . or tlin dap 31:1 this County, lecturing on the subl:tcts ofintemperance and Slavery. He will ,e at the times and places as follows: Siwingville, at the Presbyterian Meeting houie, Wednesday D.c. 2d, at 2 o'clock P. M.,*ind at Diwock earners, in the evening of die same day. Montrose, Thursdt47 and Saturday even ing Deci 3d and stlit Ftiendstille, Friday, at 2 o'clock P.M., Deli 4th, and at Forest Lake, in the eve ning of the same day Feat Bend; Tuesday, 2 oclocit P. M., Deei 8, and Liberty, evening of the same day. Btooklin Centre ; Thursday, 1 o'clock P. M., Oec. 10, and at 'tortoni village, evening of tale same,day. I'ipssibly other notices may be given. It is diisired that the friends in the several places named, will make the necessary arrange meOts for the meetings. Let the lovers of trutii, eloquence, and logical reasoning, be sure ; to rally out to the meetings. They willtlear one of the ablest speakers in the Unied States, by so doing. A. L. P. k feathers ; a long r scabbard, with a t his hip. , - = 1; 4 CURE FOR THE PILE& i l Roils, N. Y. April Ist 1845. D 4 Smith :—No man ever suffered more severely withi the Piles than myself—l have made use of man kinds of medicines for this troublesome corn plaket, but found no relief until I used ,your Improv edti 'labia V eg etable Sugar Coated PMs, and four boxes effec a complete cure. I can recommend them in all su h cues. ii WM. LANPIIRAR. Its s fact not universally known, that the ingre dients in many pills in common use act with two much force upon the liver and the coats of the atom ach,and by their drastic qualities very frequently Ic o. pr e the Piles: Not io with Dr. Smith's Pills.— The will cure this distressing complaint in every in thout postive proof. The New Orleans g the sales of flour of two thousand et shipment to Al Office 179 Greenwich street, (large brick block.) OrAlways ask for the Improved Indian Vegeta ble gm.. orAnii lee that G. 1364 Smith is torittes with a pett.oll the bottom of-the him. Akenta—N. Mitchel & Co. and 4.. Ethridge, Mat ron NEW YORK MARKET*. . COLDS. C 'COIN, COSSUMPTIONi, ETC. -It should he renierulie . that a cough is always on evidence that some im niity is lodged in the lungs, which, if not speedily moved, will so irritate those delicate brgnns as to' produce itillarnmation of the lungs. a disease which we all know is the high rend to con sumption. - IVright a Indian regdable Pills are a safe, easy, and certain cure fur colds and coughs, because they carry off by . She stomach and bowels, those morbid humors whit):l, if deposited upon the lungit,ure' the cause of the above 4an i erons complaints. A single twenty-five (knit box of said Indian Vegetable Pills is generally tiufficient to make a perfect cure of the most obstintite cold : and at the stone time the di gestion is improved , and the Wood so completely pu rified, that nw life and vigor are given to the Whole frame. Remember, the only' original and genuine Indian Vgetable Pills have the written signature of Wm. IVrtght on the top label 'attach box. Agents for !the sale of Wright's Luau' Vegetable Pills in Montrose, Mills & Shenrutn. For other a gencies ace advertisement iu another column. Ileeeips for the Peoples' Advocate, 1 For the week ending Dcc. 3, 1846. Daniel Oakley, $l,OO pays to No. 64 A. G. Skinner, . . 1,00 " " 52 Benj. Ayles*orth., 1,00 • " " 52 Herman Baldwin, 1,00 " " 72 Calvin Wellum, ' 1,00 " " 52 0. E. Mayo,. 1,00 " " 77 Patrick Garry, John C, Mich*, Danieht. In 13ritl,g,eicater, fiery suddenly, on Tuesday eve ning the Ist inst., Mr. Gensan Isnau., aged about GO years. '...7kbucrtiscmcnts. FAIN FOR SALE. A trallEAU MAIB,SIIIII. HE subscribers wishing to dispose of I their real estate, offer for sale their farm whereon they now reside, pleasantly situa ted in Ditnock township, Susquehanna co. Pa., containing one hundred and twenty fme acres of first rate land ; suitably divi- Ad into plough, meadow and woodland, and in a , ery good stale of cultivation.— There are on the premises a framed dwel ling house; a good tramed barn; waggon house and ;other out buildings—also, a fivie bearing orthard, with never failing spring s and streams of water. Title indisputabl, and possession given on the first of April next. For further particulars, and for a view of the property inquire of the subscri- L hers on the premises. EZEKIEL BEDELL & SON. Dimock, Dec. 1, 1846. 26-4 w zoirslon LJiQIE6III TO. THE PEOPLE. CBALDWIN tenders his thanks for the • the extensive patronage he has receit ed, and would inform the public that he has taken a Partner, which has enabled him to, make a fine improvement in his Shop, or Grocery, and also, to obtain a small assort ment of GROCERIES, such as Ten, Coffee, Sugar, Allspice, Pepper, Gin ' ger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Salara tus, Raisins, Lemons, Heron, Codfish,. Mackerel, Sword-fish, Rice, Flour, Mo lasses, Bair Soap, Plug Tobacco for from Gets to 4 2.5cts per pound, Sperm Candles, dipped Tallow Candles, &e. &e. Also, as fine an assortment of Children's Toys for Christmas and NeW-Year, as was ever brought into Montrose ; Nuts of all kinds, and, Candies of the best quality; all of which will be sold CHEAP fin CASH; but NO TRUST. 85,00 fir) 5,37 2,50 e 2,75 2,62 e@ 3,00 1,05 ' 1,15 0,70 .1 0,75 Pies, Cheese, Cakes, and Crackers of all kinds, constantly on hand:, 500 lbs.' of • good LARD WANTED, in exchange for Groceries or Cash:l To the Gentlemen, and Eddies too, all who like a coon dish of OYSTERS, or a cold , bite of good Pie, Cheese, ekc,, please call, we have good Eating Rtioms and Tables, well furnished. Please call and take a bite. N. B. We intend to keep the room clear from Boys who ought tb be at home, and have no business lurking around. Montrose, December 1,184 d. LATEST ARRIVAL OF NETP GOODS. Yr HE subscriber is now receiving his win 'L. ter stOck of Goodi, comprising the us ual variety, which have been purchased at the present unusual low prices, and will be sold as chap as can be found in this sec tion of country. Grateful for past favors, the subscriber feels persuaded that the ex tremely lmti prizes at which he is enabled to offer Goods, he will merit a continuance of of patronage. Please call. He would invite the attention of the pub lic to the following • Coshmerei and d'Lains, elegant patterns, and very cheap. Alpaccas and gold Plaids i cheaper and better than ever. A large and splendid assortment of cali cos, decidedly the cheapest ever offered in this market: Fancy Ctuisimers, a great variety and ex ceedingly low. Broadcloths—a large assortment, at pri ces that will certainly please. Plain and fancy Satinets, very low. Ver. , mont cloths, also very cheap, only 40 cents per yard, and other things at the same rate. Iron, Nails, and Nail Rods. Sugars,--a large supply of strictly prime Sugars, jUst received, and will be sold cheap as the cheapest. Java, Laguayra, and Rio Coffees, which will be sold very low. Molasses at only 2s 6d per gallon. Teas—;a large lot of those prime first rate ,Teas on hand again. _ 6 lbs. of Tea for one dollar. • Leethek, pronounced by the best judgee, the cheapest in town. Sbeetings, Cotton Yarn, Batting, Wick, ing, Shovels, Hardware, Ticking, Flannels; Buttons, Bleached Muslins, Hciikf i s. dr4; &c., all ry cheap: v Vestin , .a splendid variety of Worsted, Velvet an Satin Vestings, jtist arrived. . . B. J. . SALLSBititY. ' 1 Montrcise, 25th Nov. 1846. TITANTIED, IMMEDIATELY, at thii Offir. Nov. 25. GOOD Dollar Tea . seUing. fin 84 SIT; by 1,00 1,00 • ,63 DIED, COW ! VAME into he enclosure of the subscrtlier ‘L ' r op Suifilfry the 27th ult., a red wileh Cow, with lenge Inirns, the points turniniiin, sor Cl , years lit The owner can havej Izer by proving property, paying charges, / iind taking her *ay. , ELIAS WILCO* Silver Lake, Nay. 11, 1846. I Ow Isaa6 L.Post.4•eo. .. ~j M A 114 recei ,I:4iog their FALL & ii , liVrEß 4 IVdig, Al Whieh 41 be sold cheap as can be bougie. iu town. fi French, English, rind American Clogs. Gold, an steel-Mixed Beaver - tlol II Satinets rind Krseys. - • it; Velvet anil Satin Vestings—rich. I = 4 li Plain and plaid 'Cravats. itl Alpacca, pas 10 ere, and . d'Lain Roixii. TA , Bonnet'...%tins, purple and blue. • Bonnet tititntninps.--ticli. i ' Dress triiimings, fringes, velvet Ribmids, & Gitaps., 1 1. . Prints, so piecel--from 5 to2scts.pe4d. Ginghamp, plain and tlvill'd, rich, oopi.d. Shaw la—lfiroche, Waffle, Ciiinee. , Grocerie4 'largo assortment , " 77 52 " 54 . .... Teas, froth 2s tO 8s per lb. ' 'l l Iron, Spring-steel, Nails, Band.ironlind Vitw-bars. ;; - ?ii ,i t- I Hardware of every kind. h;. il ~ Mill-sawit and files. ' M' Looking-glasses, best asst in town. --- , Crockery;' o - 1 , o :tz: ..i A large - stock of Men's and Boy's Nots & Ilio,gruni--alsO Women's -and Miires * Shoes of ertry description. Flour, &c.: &c. , IV gi We trustfour friends will at least call find examine oUr sto4k—we an and wilOell CHEAP ENOUGH. , ?,I ISAAC L. POST & C O.Q Mos6ros4 Nov. i 5, 1840. .•-.,:; . „ 6001 AI ..„,, • if, T HE Subscribes rot are now receiving tit. ~ ~ stock t* Fall and Winter- GOO S, which will be sold pn their usual accon4at ing terms, fiir READY PAY. _ '7 : ! MILLS & SIItRMAIi. Moittros#, Nov. 4, 1840.,54, • •1-s; • T has been currently report ed thnitugh the county, and it" the declared opinion of hen titeds, thtit ivapoint of variety and tft, the supply of HATS and.CA:O; at & Hat and Cap Store on the Pest side of the Pliblie Avenue in Montrose, exceed ahy thing of the kind ever exposed for sale in this ritiglon of country. limier, do you discredit the rumor Remeniber the. l'oet'4 admonition: doubts 04 d are traitorti, And rnakeis lose the good we oft might wit* Oct. 22,11846, 6 -..,, 20 . Dozen • . , FA rrNE NLIRIA, Brush, Moleskin and Sillc.alats, of Fall utal Winter Fashions; on hand at .Merrill & Root's Higt Store, which will be sold 4aper than et'er fol ready pay. 15 b iay o zic u okezed at and nat. Lyritle,Trze&tt,42o - 6 DOZ, sqpirrel Ilona and Ladies' Fnr Capad). M &'s: .. ,..i ~ • . . 5 n DOZ Otter, steal, Nutria and Mosttrtit. Fur 11' Cap at •• - Ai &re. 2ch DOt. Men's and Boy's plain cloth dips of 1., diffetent styles and quality, at Mdo R's. 9 Men's DOZ. Men's and Boy's silk and cotton jlazed Cups, Weivdozen Buffalo Robes, and an*quan ty oflutir 41, sealet, and worsted Caps at MOi-, R's :: • ,i; 9n DOE. :ph- coney, imitation brush, fai r and / 7 woc4 sportiug,and wool slats—also Oat Ca- SCS, Mufti C+esi, Cap Cases, &c. at M &It's. :...! CA" paid for Pelts by . M$ R. ,z 3 it B INtIH.4 !TON i'law Points for 1 Side Hill do. Also Waynit County iPoints at Montroie, Oct. ; 22. 1846. S ~, SHOVES.,. lf FRANK4IN condtmation cooking stoves. l',, Washington air tight do. do. .} 1 If Congress aik tight , do. do. ,1 Empire air light , do. do.''''' Doable oval , ' - . ' . do. do. ??, Rotary & do. am ~ ,I, 4 Holo 1 , • , do. do •I! Victoria e , , do. do: • iii Parlor :). .. do. do: Air tight Pirlor stores Church an 4 shop swims _ .! , i Stove . WartEs of all kinds. 1.1, Stove pipe,lbows, Pnk, Ash pads, Coal Hoils, &c &c. for sal 4 cheap at Lyon & Chanalers. Montrose' sept. 22; 1846. 1' , 0 • MORE riif EW GOODSi! , 1 ip. i 3 4Klmo a. op., .1 AVE ieceivedltheir usual supply kit Fall iik and 'Winter ,Groods ; which they H their old friends, ! and alsb new ones i io call and examine, and they will find as gd an tirasscirtinctit ns molt people keep in 44 sec tion,;inclfiding Dry Goods, Groceriesli, ard ware, &e.; &c. and a general variety{ cif fix: ings, whOe people will be satisfied that they get the Worth of their money. Nov. 20, 11346, A N. B.—We will pray better price 4 and give mord Gobds for Corn, Rye, OattiilHay, and rnosall kifids of produce, than A:) , oth er shop ifi these . Diggine. Those Oa have any right' kind of Plunder to sell w4ld do well to mill and try at - SEARt o t'S .• I fi lAA I'o IN L. l T_TIOIIiST Mariei price' will be paiii 4'or any 11 iluatiiity of 13titter, Outai Rye ) Corn. afid Flan net at .!! ' suliabiiry's. rept:3, 111.16. , e 1. P, SATINETS. PLuNionci stripcd satinet?' 20 per can tban eyer, justlcome at • s Salii sept' t 3, )346. BitOGANS. 111/17SN'ISI and Bole -brogans, at the redo frion - 4s. to P.a. at BALI, Sept. 1(, 1846, , 1 . 11 -TUSIr riceiced alot of firstratol3 l ole it Sold Oniing lowz—from 12 perpOnai i i, at • • 8 ;govt.. 1 ,18 , 16. I ' ' 1 Cip-FlBll. - ,i . A FRS‘H lot of prime Coii•Fialt for a , per plund, at= . , S 'I i aept. 10 . 1848- -,, - i .. k CASgIMERES LATE Y t;T at 1 and u g in low as 114 t 3 1 184 NEW g 2 0 .00., • . t sc r ibe r ,. thankprl for pak l4 favors of hii ands the publio, respectful ly invites their 11te,itow. end splendid lo of Goods uow misting of . :. • I Gliods, Hardware, rockery, . • ass ,TVare, Looking- ?asses, Groceries, Nails, Books - Staliguery, Fish, de, etc. i be saki as low as usual. . .7 yr liE su friend, attention ti opening„c LIZ which wil Oct. 5. N. 8.--1 Tull J Lyons. Vaulted, Groin, Butter, )3ocks, Whit. orw;'Beeswnx, &c. &e. 11 ''113111PIER.21F1! • t the Old Hat Factory, nil cheapest assortment o ,th, is place. Also . , for ! and seasoned 18 inch !he iierBolll who took n pa ,p requested to ret blocks are still out, • ' ,ed to return them. 1,846. EVER: best . 1 eve? ADP • horse tvug N. ll= 11 frmn the el, A few hot] are rope* sept i OW-GLASS B . by 10, 10 8, 10 by 12, 11 8, 10 by 14, 1 9; , 10 by 15, 12 nd 14 by 18, G 1 8 by 10,10 bylf r sale by 4b 5 b Oh 7 by 7 hy 9, Sash, I LYONS & 1; 30, 1846; • CM BY the I the 51 the Gen. T according, Winter r..= or no T: • with neat !IN 74111Q,M1 j. test netts Gen. Tayloriw 1- tremendously, an or of Montrose, is muds the late full and cots ! Mas t which he has just t he is bound to please Its and substantial work: 1,11 Shen notice and w+unted to fit if eup. anted, a fine Milted, smooth hawed .' bout 15 years old, from e country, of &cs, as an apprentic to the Tailor ! , stone need apply bit such a* eta .Inluentlea. Apply I JOHN GRI • , Oct: IS, 1346, Cutting properly young I.ld Food c., mg msm• come well Mon. : z 81 REWAR :!. D from the subscriber, ..thetime in June deep red yearling STE 14 about mid.. Whoever will return d steer, or Ova wherele may be limn shall recervo ward. JOHN 1117MDUI.L. l ater, Oct. 13, 1846. TRAY' kJ last, a filing size. informAtio the above Bridge k 0 —new an imp .ved pattetits— consisting of Air tight C. king Istoves. do .o do do do 'ttio lo do Jo do, a-, Box) and air debt Std es, Stove Were &c. &c. &c., cheap for h orimptovcd •ed credit. • t. LYON'S & iLkNDLEN.. , Jane, 1846. NO THOSE BUSINESS DI: ECTORY. 1,50 Emp Wasi Corn Patio Coal, Pull of all kin El and uppro Montro . , • J .. , B. SESIMON , on Maker-s-shop in Sear o's block, %Vast nblic Avenue. I3oot & side of OWEN WILLIA Barber the b . Hair Dresser—shop o meat of A. Baldwin's sh, IL SEARLE & , rtment of Dry. Goods, &c:, West side of Pa A rood ware, ' BENJ. SAYR Stoves, Hardware, Dry I Oldie Avenue. Dealer in side of YONS &CH t: &byes, Tiu-ware, Station Dealers East sidq of Public A MRRRILL & R Hats, Caps, Furs, Plo de of Public Avenue. Defilers i West E. W.. RAWLEI , nes the Blacktonithing *linen in its vari ches at his old Stand near Keeler l a B. S. BENTLIY, t. Law, at the old office a few rode west ourt-house. Still cnn ous b V 40,44 ".0 50 ASOrs. Attorney of the AMES N. ELDR D a Chair Making. Also g, Turning, Paper Han 'stand ou Turnpike st.- Cabinet I'ainth his tild A. CHAMBER I et Law, Office over the corner of Publie 4ventt Attorney & Co„ PARK` & DDI • CK, & Surgeons. I Office; -est side of the Avenne over the Store o 4 i lit Searle & Co. Pine. - ." Z. Dtmoci. Physic' . 1 Public LINES di LO( e tenets, overiMerril Fashiona J. ETHER!), Fidits, Confectionaries, cilf, and a veribty of ni liE 1 MILLS & ,§EV.R Stare: A general vane d. One door below the Farmer' on h, Posit. 'MACK & ROG RS, ordain and Sleikh. Man :tannins on Tarn • -t; at the old Dear&le stand, ark ready e cuatomora, in the nwst Fefinedatyle of the 'tides in our line tbnitantly on hand for, d inpairing done on iiliort notice. - Coach, • pike s to s• age. mile, DAVID CLEMONS, and Sleigh MUker and repairer, any r bei at Nis ahop - a few rods South of the_Borongh, heivill be happy to wait on Cuatomen. Curing , found whe D. POST'& CO: era, and Ploigh ltinafacavere-rShop at stand near' the maid ace of D. Poet. I Iron F. the o - LUSH & !MU . 6 at Law; OtThe a House. Lusx. liE I - JERRE L ;Tl'Dry Goias, Groce ooklintler—=E4t aid Deal& and J. 8.. BALI axis for the 1'441, -Cheep side ISAAC L: 4'o T & CO. in Diy . Goode, Hard vire, orookork, r of Public Aveinte atid Turnfole • I • ihesper Deale corn \ d. I 'sl I 'Dft. H. -• ITH, Teeth tet 6old Plato ata tpeiations on the teetltitutlaei beef ati Ott nialat. L.' Searles' lOU m i ed4. 4l i al a vuo . • of oaoh.woek. - JOHN Olt ble Tailor—Tivo lie price ILY 3. - S. S. MULF9) in , riry Goods, Owe: szc.,East lade ES :2- J: ;8: .PEIR ig Good e, !,HArd : lllKlthy,eeeti, 9niu Suaq, co. Pa. : I er, and 15 cents Ir rY'e. , 12 da) 4 cents arra. IVIIITIITEY M D' If *gen% 4. Acsimicliier... Drift at Us* Pa: • - • rbilk i I" , nyyl i E 4 —j I IS be kind the Hits & Ceps . 4 newiwo r of steelyards I :there, or -- I hha v ing thou SASH. by 16, by 15, - by, 16, by. . ties. 10 by 14 HANDLER. F32l3tthm, codiown. John Gsnseu, 4 out Farmers CBete Fall . eivetl. • I his 'cnsturnern, ES, Tailor. S y Turnpike it. in rockery, Hard , iq Avenue. ouds, die-, West LER, era, Dry Goods, .ne. OT, .h Points, &c.— DGE, Sign 'and Fancy g' ke' hog I ~ tore of I. L. Poet and Tnrnpke et. Root's Hat Store I I rags, Medicines, lk wicks. • of goods giro yo Mena, of Jade FQRD, w rods &mai of !he 8. B. Movioiso. - QNS, es, Books, Pare. U.. of Publie..tiveaue. , . . ;11URY,_ Publicvenue * Br ut . • _ ea r ES, below ihe.Fermer's SON T .71 1ie ,Ga i er uo. i l es. Joiners' • INNET, Are, Groceries, Croat.: egulock, dc.-4riessde,