littsOlanp: LeVerilrlPllanet. We look upon ever new discovery which tends to establish theVractical advantages of astronomical scien4, as so mueh gained for the cause of hui4n usefdltiess. then, with great pleastire, that we read of 'n late discovery in alonomy, which prove. \ that certain conclusiods can be arrived at in that science, as. well 4 in the purer mathe ti medics. A young Frenchman named Le Verrier, reflecting upon theAtitherto inexplicable changes in the positro n of. the planet Ura nus, determined to in vestigate the causes of those changes which itad long puzzled sci entific men; as after calculating the attrac tion of all the knowtt bodies, it was still found - that Uranus 4ppearell in places to . which nape of these *tractions could have drawn it. To find oak Ws. unknOwn force was the object of Le t errier . - The difficul ties attending 'finch nveitigation - may be gathered from the fad that the different for ces and attractions ofiall the known bodies had first to'he caleulifted, in order to deter mine the Fiositioanatut magnitude of the un known controlling ,rce which had made its effects visible id-th variousinexplicable changes of position l ssumed by Uranus— for that there was ladne other undiscovered body, there could be 4to doubt. According ly the young philosopher, in the solitude of his chamber, worked ,out the problem, and determined the mamtude and position of the planet which is new called by his name. He showed that thisAitherto undiscovered force which controlled the motions of Uran us, must be a planetnoving round the sun at twice the distanceaif Uranus, and having on the first of next *ornery a longitude of 325 degrees. It .is p described .by Lieut. Maury, a white starrpf the Bth magnitude, very near Saturn. lf. Le Verrier, after cal culating the forces. it,f the known planets, created by a hypod*tical planet, to which he assigned mass, or it, period of revolution and position, all of vihich he changed until a combination was obtained which gave the effects known to heti been produced on LT ranus. Having brought his calculations to' this point, he obtainol the aid of Dr. Galle 3 who, on the evening - it& the 24th of Septem ber, discovered, by die aid of a telescope, the new planet in the pcisition indicated by he Verrier. It was obierved, some days ago, by Lieut. Maury, atklhe National Observa tory, and also at tht observatories of Cam bridge, New Haveng and the High School at Philadelphia. &.:. The hypothesis of this new planet was first broached by : Le Ar , err ter , on the 10th of November, 1845, beitbre the French Acade my of Scienée. As arly as 1842, the cele brated astronomer,ssel, had intimated to H Sir John erschell e probability of the tex istence of such a plgoet as that discovered by Le Verrier, and Ole theory was also en tertained by Mr. Aflams, a young platbe matician of merit. t,e Verrier deseives all the credit of the disvery. For him it was reserved to indicate flie exact orbit, position, - and period of revolution Of this star, the dis tance of which fron is supposed to-be not leas than th4e thousand three hund red millions of mile & Its period - of revolu tion round the sun i# notless than two hund red and twenty . ye:at-I.—nearly three times that of Uranus. We rejoice, in vittw of the important dis coveries yet to be unlade ieihe field of astro nomical science, thfit the study of astrono my is at present so Izealously attended to in Our universities, mail that its pursuit receives to so large an evens the countenance of our_ government. The National Observatory cannot be in be t+ hands Tian t those of Lieut. Maury, an d we feel confident that there is nothing which research and schol arship can do, that4hat gentleman will not accomplish.—N. li. Herald. "IT ISN'T AN ING ELSE."—We have made sundry reseaiches for the purpbse of ascertaining the 4gin of such phrases as " I won't do anything else," and "it isn't anything 'else; which has become quite\ fashionable atiiiong the b'hoyi, and we think it has been fii)ind in the following true story : A French Yield Marshal who had attained that ran 4 by court favor, not by valor, going one eviening to the opera, forci bly took possessiorgof the box of a respecta ble Abbe, who fot this outrage brought I suit in the court Of honor, established for such cases under die old government. The Abbe thus addres4l the court : " I came not here to complain of Admiral -Suffrein, who took so many4hips in the East Indies ; I came not to tokiplain -of the Count de Grasse, who fough! so gallantly in the West ; I came not to com plain' of the Duke or Cre billon, who took ;Minorca, but I came to complain of Mar4ial B , who took my box. at the ofiera, and never took any thing else." Th6e" ourt paid him the high compliment of reAtsing his suit, declaring that he had limsefr inflicted sufficient pun ishment. A Comore eiiEectivai.—The favorite preacher in . New Orleans, is Parson C—. He belongs to no) denomination, subscribes . to no creed, but pacbes the gospel on his own hook, With ea . at talent and eloquence. Meet him in tli'eSt. Charles and he will take a julep with ion, smokea regalia, play you a string of billiards, beat you a game of tenpins, and if 'notlengaged to preach a ser mon will accornp4y you to the theatre. Preaching, or" Sundutiriafter the last hymn had been sd;ng, and just before pro nouncing the benediction, he said: " Myfriends, I 'fhave the pleasure of giv ing notice, that Aft.' Booth, the tragedian - has arrived in 64, and will•perforto laid; great part of ' Richard the Third,' tlri&eve-. fling over at the tgt. Charles theatre. Mr. Booth is consider a great man, and a ve ry exeCllent actor,land those who wish to B ee a goodperflance, cannot do, better than to-see -hi _ I shall; ?also, with the leave of Divine 00iidence, give a lecture in this house, at tNe same time, and such as 4 b prefer to coussaU . church,i shall be hap py to ooe.:Proielt " ...1 1 e then concluded with the usual ' ' mion. I . - . No one, excep' few . . . gent present, I seemed surPriMrl3 , The ~ -,. tree are open alwuys on Stied , in:ghtli'.,.; .. we are not Itivire that anti ' ep . 1 -, l of the strict ;test pots make ,an oppositi. ,_ to au. estab lished custom. an in , '.'_ ' . ,it would -of course be , a ifferent .: Mr. Strange place, New Orle I 'Sottiti f onr 'northern latiti wonder . iti hti,s 'not' been sivAlpit*Tiii long ago, especially as it`is i if Wilily' the level of the river. AllEcnOTn.: , --•,rhe folloWing anecdote, ii. lustrapveof thelintegrity qnd simplicity of the itthabituuts (;,f Switzerland, was told by a toutist'!p' that ;count*: a . number of years 1 awl. 'I H' W hat should we be, were such conaen p repo ed in each other by men in their I bu iness ttfansaaions. A pe+nt named Frantz,. came in one day t r o look for 9aspe, who was mowing sit Meadow, and sitid, ";lily friend this is my harvest; thou .kowest that we have a dis pute pbent the Meadow ; to decide this ques tion, I have colfected the Judges at Schwitz —cotnethen to-morrow with me before • ; them: ,, ' . i " F Th u seest rantz, that I have mo wed d " ' the meadow—llcannot be absent." 1 " And I canhot send away 'the Judges, who !hae fixed on this day ; indeed we should •have knOwn to whom it belonged be fbre it waiimoWn." • . They had slime little controversy on the AlbjE', - ct ; but 0 last iGasper said, " I will tpll thee what thou .Islialt- do. Go to-mor- Ow to the Judges at Schwitz, give the Judg es`ll) min 'and thine' ,'and and I shall save the t*ouhle f going myself." Op t is .agreement Frantz went to plead _for and against! himself, and threw out the ; espial on both side 6 as well as he could. When the judges hat decided, lie went to r Gasper and mitt : " he meadow is thine, the sentence is th i favor.", 4 UrveirEcTEnToN.i----F nu is never so good as when it comes un'Sought. Happening in at a coarse loOking ',shop, where all looked and smelt of businesii, we saw a staring pic ture of two donkeys, with the following quo tation from ShUkspeare: Wileu a2lall wci three ineengain." This is one Of thetpractical jokes at which the subject could not fail to laugh as well as the bystanders.-:—N. 1 - 1. Mirror. SUGAII COATED" PILLS Ware; Caution! The increasing populaiiity of Dr. G. Bcnj. Rmith's improved LucianVegchil:ile sugar coated Pills has induced a inunbei, of p'neions to make something they tall Films anal coat them with sugar, in order to sell them for thh gentline, while they do not ix.s sess a parttle of the goptiness, nor even assimilate in appearansee to the origiall Dr. Smith's. Pills. In short, they are min/tented FRAUD upon the com munity. A minister 'N in at first had an interest in an incitation ugar!Ctia Pill, manefactured in JO. tei hany, \;•T., has given ' em up, as he says, on ac count ofthe miser, ishonest parties concerned in manufacturing Jiem. The same party are 'now industriously ciretilatiu reports calculated to injure Dr. Smith and to affect bin repulotion of his Nal ea ble pills ;,but rather th4isnotice them in public, Dr. Smith is about to Institute legal proceedings against them' for their slindersii as he has in another case acninst a similar'i p. , -.). ~? in which he recovered a largemniount of cliairgt... These miserable imita tors lithe to resort l ; to the! most abominable means to pahnotf their coanterfeat pills• as the public know that br. Smith's are the''' , t:iriginal and genuine. Sev eral instances have come to public notice in which life his been endangered by the nefhrtunate use of the counterfeits. at is Dr. Smith's Pills that are do ing so much good: in the country—as the following plainly show. I '; ' More MinistersMse atui recommend Dr. Smith's Pills thin all others. i • This is to certify dual have used theFil :Far coat ud Pills manufacthred by G. Benjamin Smith of N. York, for some tithe, and believe them to be a good medicine: and alaci, froth in9thry in that. city, I am persuaded that be is the original inventor, bud there fore is entitlekto tlie benefit of the invention. ' i S. WILT.IAMS, Pastorlst Baptist Church, Pittsburgh. Pram the 4lllo !Ten's Chicken, (Del.) We call the attention of our readers to the certifi catedi Rev. S.Witiams, Pastor of 1.4 Baptist Chnrch Pittsburgh, in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. We can ourstlves bear testimony to the excellence of these Pills t one of us liMing. used them and experienced grea( relief from them. The above is thi best paper in the state of Del. The INDIAN VEGETIOLE PILLS," (su gar coated,) use nertainlydoirig much good in the wa-le country, arid are highly esteeiiirsi, if one half is true that people write had say about them. They are so easy in thnir operation ihat all like them.— The editor-of the Northern State Journal, (one of the largest and lik - st papers ha the state of N. Y.) writes as follows 1 Watertown, May 31, 1896 Dr. G. Bea). Smith-- Dear sir: I wa_s laid up with a bad cold some tsme since me return fiom N. Y., and during my ill ness I made trial of your pills, and I must say I found them excellent. They am the best medicine for the purposes they are intended that I have yet seen. I seldom take pills, but I found yeurs caw,- lv free from the (injections to which (eller pills are liable; I hope they will continue to be B : source of profit to you, as lidoubt not they will be a means of relief to the afflicted on a large stale Tours truly, . Tonawanda, N. Y. Sept 18, 1C46. -Dr. G. Benj. Sm4h—: Dear sir: Your agent le,ft with me a lot of your sugar coated Pills . , and I Ilve but few boxes left.— Every box I have sold h5 l given entire satisfaction.l hive taken then myse and I consider them the best pills 'nave er ta , and I cheerfully recom 6tend to the public. I wish a further supply at once. Youri respectfully, 'Huntington, Ind. Juno 21, 1846 !Dr. . Dear sir: I ant most ont of your Indian Vegetable 'sugar coated Biqa, and find them selling si. fast that I think you haslihetter send me two grosS im:netii -5 ately: The . gib such general satisfaction that per). p - .'1.,,,,,”*- ;Uwe/Ay miles fur them, and as it is generally ,know I B.IU agent for them, I would be coy to get out. 1 . j 'ours Respectfully, S. MOORE & co. ' WARE!! 'lf G; BENJ. SMITH, be . ndt writ -. '. _ 137 ten w tb a pen , the bottom of the box, all "sugar coate " Pals are;Coupritnerrt ! - Pri4tipal OfOcp 179 Ortienwich street, large brick blockili. Y. Price 25 cents a box. . . , • Aiet for the. sale of Smith's Indian Vegetable sugar coated Pills. Montrose N. Mitchel & co. and J. Etheridge. New Milford-4H, Burritt. Co.Eitinnerkvillei-11. L Sutphin & o 19-6 m . ~. WANTED. • • . I • • 1 1 .-- il s il4t a rtA l e i h ,'. 0300190 bush e ls Eye , Ilit- " tor,. for ivhich tai3 . and price %ill be paid by ' " , ~1 ' '. Mills & Sherman. aqt. T 4 23i 1346; LATEST ; WASH DONS. TIDI subscribers, having received the latest Vankkiis for Ge deru en s Dress, would inform their numerous patro , particularly than who have been waiting forithe , NE, ST STYLE, that Ihey 'are ' ,to soic*e them in a styl e o 16.4, NEITNE , S, IT, AND ELEGANCE, - unsurpassed in this p ; which emir, think will re: quire no - boasting to i*ler I T= & LOCKE. . 1 , Montrose, Oct; 7, 84 . 15. . - i : n . IN MIND •- rptlAT the ellittiO4t lot of Goods ever of f ered is this tooritet; esitinew be found at the store of i 6 3 . . 41. LYON a • • 16 pis. Cilira? for One , Cask 1 ' ' 12 Ya" ' T 6 4 . 1" - 4 st i'...i 414 1 , 0 , a7, , ,, _ „,,,,„, ,r ~.,.. d , 1 . 6 i t. M u er ' r_tau.'d°o: . Sugar, Coffee,!bio B, &c. &C. &c. CORTLECTF.P WitERLY FuR THE PEOPLES ADVOCATE PENNSILIYANIA. Philatielphia, bank, pal Mau S. Mec bank par lloyamensing hank parl Penn township bank, par t U s bank note 25 dis h Girard do Puri Permsyl'a IM, Pari Gertmuitowm par! Del co at Chester par Ch. sterco at IVPheste rpar Montgomery (X) par Farmers' b'k Aucks co par Farmers' bk Imo' ~ Euston par . Northampton ; no suit Lancaster bank Fir! Far bk Lancaster- parl Lebanon ', 1 dis Harrisburg 1 1 aigl Middletown ; 1 [bsl earlsle 1 1 1 dis i Columbia bridge par t Northamberlakul part Millers' bk Plaville par iVy'g bk IVilliesli'e lidisl l'itts f g dentana notes 1 dis. " certiiiciitcs 1 disl post macs 1 dis Towanda I f ' no sale York i Gettysburg l ' . l :L i : Chambersburg 1 dis iVayuesb'g 2 dis Brownsville i 14 di; Eric ' 2 di:di Ilerks co bank, ne saki; Ifonesdale I dia l . Bk Sesieit co', li dis h Lewistown ; 1 di: , Lunt bk IVarten no saki West Branch bk 14 clisi Dom Cr Script 20,30 di', Leh * igh Nov ri l e Li (16,1 .Ith May issuti 14 dial NEW Ton. N Y City bank Tenth Ward bk —i Clinuarbk Na . 30 d i,l Globe hank i frmall North River 111'g ea dol City Trust t S:ll:t,',. do dol %Vito] (irowerit' Os —dire 'White Plains'bk 3 dis Lewis co bk '. 4 dial Far Q. f)ro Ink 11MT fi dis, Millers bk,(Plyde 15 dis, Far bk of Setti!ca co— dis ' , Con, bk of N'llork 2 dis, Lafayette batPx 9. nisi N Y 111i.'g coils 60 disc Dry Dock habit 1 dill N 7kln Trust 10 2 dial 11:n1:of 131111410 33 dial Batik of Brockport 33 dial flamilton bk.' 30 dis! Coin bk 111.4p10 53 dis' All sAl.ent banks ial (Hsi Ctrautt7 Winks jai ills Except bk 4Colurn- bia. Green o.i'lltal.- I son. M ithll4 tlistr'ts . x.' Platsburg.,;Niagara, IVash and :IVarren, •1 'l7l N1':1_ , 11..:11;tnCo. Wayne co kink ~.. Mer anal Makers' Del Co bank., frinithl Ex bk l'o'kt*psie do' Pottsdairt MA,unf Co doi Ral Backs !,.; ial disr , NEW JERSEY. ! J. GREEN JACOB KIiSLER, P. M. IMI BANK NOTE IST. Under NEW IAMPSHIRE. All solv4t banks 4 die -Or - UNE. Calais bank I Oa— , Apiculniml bank do ;City bk l'ortland do I Daniariscottn -do i %vault: lo bk do • Caual Uktio Bangor ow bk do Weatbrubk bk • do Citizensl bk *Globe 14 Washitt4on co Frankfo.l bk Nll sollvont banks Bank of!St Annuls 14 dis Ilik of 11+unington dis lAll solv4nt banks dis L MA. 4 I:4AC US ETTS. solv4ut banks 4 dis iIhI(DE ISLAND All 6olvtiut liatilu4 . •N 1 ?IRV LAND. Ibiltimote banks i dis l'auipseti bk - i din Nliheral ;bank 1 dis Fredcririktown i dis HagerstOwn, . i di s Far & Millers' bk Ha gerstilivn broke IVestaniaster i dis 'AVillianiiiport i dis Ctiiiihealand 1 dis Sallishorif broke Frani:ha' bank 10 i dis l oomplebanaah broke Milli:lomi broke IFrederiOr co bk i dis Broken ilcs various prices Baltiinore & Ohio Re lief mites 10 dis DSJ,AWARE. Bank oil Delaware par %V il'u L liranyw;tie par rarnieni' bk - • par litunk par Bank 00 z;invrna par ruder dis DIS• COI.OIBIA. to 11 - .l..itinin City dis Geor-town Far L !its ,Alcxaia j ins lilt of iilexantlria broke ;Mecliadies"bk broke Fratikl#l baulk no sale INlercliants bank do VIRGINIA. ME Ex bk 5... branches 14 ins Bk & bru'chs 14 :he Far bk i& Was 1.4 dis Valley bk S b'ch di,. 1ic,;141,:t lal4 dis p notes 14 dis •_ NORTH CAROLINA. All sollent banks 2 dirt Small times .~i dis SOUTH CAROLINA. All ,olvat banks 14 dis Small !Stites 2 dis En tifilA. Ilk of $t Mary's 1 a— itenntl4eo do Monnatß do Colututos do hank do Exchanze bank do Chat RI !lank do Centrai bkof Jlill In B'kg Co do Rut•k"i•ti li . kg co do All solfem I,:mks 2 A LA BA MA. Ifent banks 5 . .a6 rlis bolts 8 dis 0111-C1 Mechanic,' 4nd Manufac-: . tuners' bk ',Trenton par! Princeton bank par! Plainfield lvink 1a di Scar Irk at Qamdcat , par , Cumberland bank par lot Salem Ilk*g j o par :Monmouth 'intik no sale N Hope I)..lPridg.e .di, Trenton co old par All other loankA par Far & Alec) bank of Small MEE Bluth State H. N lintre:yviek no sale Ilk'g Szi,f; co broke Washington 13k'g Co do Franklin bydli do Jersey City Pink do Nlonmouth N J Manuflo do Protect and &tabard do Slate bk at trentior do Batik of N aanswick do Meek bk Ntcrson do • 'Notes i 2 dis Small antes 3ai dis OI'ISIANA.. sol cent 'orinks 2 dis MISSOURI. All solyelit Nutks 2in3 !INDIANA. !All E+ols - en t banks lia2 'FLORIDA. Soutilown Lit;' & Trans port.i.tion T4 ADIEK . I Slips at 35 centsi also Ladies - ml I Childnflt's Shoes gotn cheap at the store of I J. Lvoaa. bept. MI I BOOKS TABGE atnily Bibles for 104; also common and I pockets Bibles, Test:m..llN', Geri 2rn phi es and Atlases. Antlitnetic.. Grammar,. Bhdosophical and chemical Onoks; Cobb's, Sal/tali:a.% and TONVICS i'."714411:1 g Beal, : Porter's Read e+. A good Itqsort ment of Tds, - Books and Ticke the new 11 . lion! , for the Presbyterian, and Baptist serif , - ties. NiethOdist Hymn Books, Monk Books &c. &c. for sale by ';; J. Lyons.. Sept. 10, 1.1:06. PATENT° Pails, Brooms, Clkhes Pins, Butter A titamps'#ind Ladles, by • J. Lyon's. r&pt. '46L ' 6 NEW GO FOR FALII OF 1846. 20 Per-eent. cheaper than ever offered in this maritet before, at sept.. 3cl, *46. J. 8.1 SALISBURY'S. GROCER! S LARG}lstock of prime N g ar's, and more of - that first rte Tea, just in at 1 Salisbury's. sept 3, 2i146. WIDE SIL S, ,• TOR I4ntillas and Aprons, !anti Alpaca aprorig, 1 just iitlat i Salisbury's. sem 3 17 • • EDGING'. FINE attprtment of black sini, thread, and cotton t Etigiults, just arrived at Sept S. 446. ' 5 LADIES' SHDES. n A Great variety of the best s 1 le and quality of i Gaite - ri; Buskins, and slipri+—also a lot of ex : tremely lo*Tirized Owes, juste eat sept 3, 1046. 1 Stilishury's. 11 - Z u rt,GHEsT Market price 4ill be paid for any LALI qua4ity of Butter, Oats, Bye; Corn. and Flan nel at li • I Salisbury's. sept 3, 1846. ' i - I • SA f, INET- . p. • AlNjind striped satinets 40 per cent. cheaper then Suer, just come at Salisbury's. Sept, 3, 1346. • . • BROGA XtEN'S,!end Boy's Bro g ans, im of f mg ra 4s. to 12s. at I Sept. 1& 1846. 4,,,- 115 14 A , I\g TusT reteived jot of first ra Jit w il l tie sold amazing low. pet- unit at -per pot ))t 10,14846. IaNCY CAS§I4IERES, LATE styles , and eunar.:* tof;" et 6epi• 8, 1846. Salisbury's THE Publisher's of the People's Advocate, hay. lug the use of an entirely new and mbdern sortment of JOB TYPE, are now prepared. td execute, in a neat and satisfactory style, ail kinds of • JOB PRINTING . at prices to suit the times. PAMPHLETS, BILL HE IDS, CARDS, I CATSLOQUES, HANDBILLS, - BLANKS, I &C. Printed ou short notice, and in the bog style of the Art. • do 4 " do do do i dis lar A share of the People's putnmage 4 respect full V solicited. flay 9, 13$ IFOOY OLF HAWMAYOON. NOT ALL GONE. 1V - I. POST for the benefit of whom it may concern. 1.1 • offers fii . r mile, at the Hat Shop of the late C. W . Tuttle, a general assortment of Hats miff Capron a reasonable credit to those who pay promptly, or at a liberal disi-ount ror cash. August 4, 1846. 8-4 w. OE RIII4 'utf'd,4 %MU ':'4114111 ,11.10 '44 THE subscribers are receiving a large addition to their stock of Goods, which makes their assort ment equal to any establishment in town—which they offer at reduce prices for READY PAY,. • July22.nd, 13.16. . PPRINTS, a-cr. eat vimiety, from 10 to 25 per cent less than last spring.prices, by . • • MILLS & SHERMAN. BROAD CI.IYrIIS from $1,374 up. Satinets, Cabsimeres, Sr. by MILLS & HERMAN. youNG lIVSON Tea—tillm. for one dollar, by MILLS & SHERMAN. poLuG TOBACCIi at f d. per 111. by MILLS & SIIERMAti IRON, Stecl, Nails & Hardware, just received by MII,LS & HERMAN. A Ur by the hall dozen barrule—sl,4 4 per barrel, k by - B. SAY RE. AGENWR.v. A , sortmetit (together with the vari ous trihmngs) of the latest improved patents, both for Cooking and Parlor, at reduced priers, ty n.SAY pERSONS indebted to the subscriber, by Note or Book, for more than one year stau4shg, are requested to call and settle., withont farther notice, as circumstances require the immediate attention to those old flatters. R. SAY RE. • Attaust Iti. LEATHER & SHOES. Gnm) Assortment kept on hand. (prices ex tremely low for the ready pay.) by B. SAT HYSLOP & COFFIN, Produce and General Commission Mercliants, 43 Front st. N.Y. PmincuLAß attention given to the sale of Putter and Chee.e. Refer to Messrs. Mills & Sherrrutn, Montrose, Penn'a, who will make liberal advances on Produce consigned to their care, and pay over the proceed., as soon as sold. New York..lulv. NU. 5-1 r t.' ic 2 di.= Lk not(43 Illinois ank :ENTUCKY 70 dis 50 di., MONTROSE FOUNDRY. The Tariff and the People:l farmers of Susquehannah County4ire hereby notified that the largest and hest asiortment of Ploughs and Iron Castings of e‘r.ry kind and variety. may be had fresh from the Furnace of D. POST, JR. & CO., Cheaper than the Cheapest. for Cash !. Let it be understood quit we will not be under sold. e have, too, the Targest assortment of Giants in our line, of any Fonndry in Northern Pennsylva nia. consisting of 1'L.01."(illS that 11, ill go up hill. and down hill. and on the wit: Idnn Ploughs; Warne County Ploughs. Wood's Old Patent. Side Hill Ploughs, &e. &c. too numerous to mention. Post S. Co.. mill also fitniish their customers with Andirons of even• size, with Wagon Boxes, Slay, elate( and Bob Sled Slaws, Dog-Churn Irons, Fau n* Mill Irons, and indeed -very kind of iturs that the fanner and hard-fisted yeomanry of the County may desire. Then call at Motitrmve. June 18.16. • PROOF TE. (' a , ll, and. approved credit may be elchangcd fur Iron Ware, at PPT'S FERNA.CE. rL - 1 URI" kind of Mill-Irons, good rind strong. and U 4 made to order by D. POST. J R., & CU• STIORYST, Slirat! I A LL Persmes indebted to the late firm of R. -/ Ketcham & Co., will save expense!, and SOILItt trouble. he " Rendering, unto Ca•sar what is Ca-sars." The Areounta of H. K. & Co., are in the hands of D. POST, JR. Montrose, June 24, 1846. E • LEGHORN BONNETS. - • A NEW Lot of Leghorn and Straw Bonnet .4, and ..t1 elegant Bonnet RiLLuus jing. received at r2ith June 1846. SALISBURY'S. PORK & IIAJIS, F OR SALE at WANTED, 500 Bushels Timothy Feed on or before the 20th of September next, on which the highest price will be paid in Cash and Goods. lw .1. 8. PEIIIONNET. Friemliiville July, 1840. r'it 7 " 4 &,l ll Sl 'Ts trz TNSETTLED Account of rum+ with Snlishniy & Chandler must be settled immrdiairly, or cool trill be madr. J. 13. SALISBURY. June 24, 1846. CALICO'S, NEAT and ele*nt styled, for only 124 canto per yard, just redeived at SALISBURY'S. Sept. 3, 1846. GINGHAM'S, CH and beautiful patuirns, just in at . .Sept. 3, 1846. SALTSBURN!S - 'CASHMERES: CASIIMERES and eleganCstyleA, just arrived at SALISBURY'&. Sept. 3, 1846.' . ALPAQA ROBES, a new style of areas goods, just come at Sept. 8, 1346,. SALISBURY'S, t the reduced price BALisccaT's. ~~~ BROADCLOTHS, O F all kinds very low-at Sapsbury's Sole Leather, and from IS to 15 cents VESTINOS‘ ALarge and splendid variety of Satin, Yelvet, and Worsted Vestings, of this Fall's Fashion, just iu and very low at &Asbury's. Sept. 3. 1846. I satisb ~.. VNEON. CHANDERERttIISSL. VRESH 'CRANBERRIES, a fine lot, just receiyea and for sale at 13alisbuty's. Oct, 22d, 1846. OB un6. MILLS & SIIERNIAN "'V 41 't NOTICE. POST'S FURNACE . . FIE Subscriber eetuma the; ksto his friends and T the public iefiiiralbt, for he liberal patronage he bus received during the aft s lain:Liner, and ,res pectfully invites them tocall and take a look at the Yew and upleatfid - ' LOT OF GOODS; • . he is now receivin g ,limd 1?esokl cheaper than ever before offered iu thislmarket. ' ' J. LYONS. sept. 3, 1846. - R A Try , ; boxes, nice for friLy yt t . ; ., lfor i, 4 . - A SPLENDID LOT CV plain, plaid, ctiangeable, fancy, ombre stripe O Alpacens, Delalws, Cashmeres, Gin g luirris, Ali pienesi&e. &. • Alf 4, some elegant Cashmere and Dulaine Shawl's: for gtile by ! J. Lyons. DOW & tOYD • c GOOD Dollar Tot selling for Six Shillings, by • t j .1. Lyons. - ---- — 4 . ALPAerals. PLAIN, plaid, ant striped ..opacas cheap at • sept. 3, 1346. ii - 1 SALISBURY S GREAIi BARGAINS! congst.?Ahlw x.,ou ein .FOR Cash, Butte (', Weeswak,Feathers, &c., or approved crOtiit r itiSraptmehannaCouuty, can be had of $ Pi El . 9 who is always on hold, .and-rehdy to wait on those who may plenme to favor him With a call. .J. 1.. also carries 6 the 1104 K BINDING business where old Books, Pipers, &c:,I will be bound tomr der on short notice-s, Montrose, Pa., J4e, 1846. 1 , 20 Lbs. Salient - 4 for One bollar. - . ir; do Sugar H do ido - 1:14 do CotTe4 do ! -; do 4 do Y'r. Hpini Tem Ido .. 1:4 N. 1.4 sheeting titost 40 inches wide fur $1 SI , NI ME R cLoT,Iis at" 10i eta per N.-Ad—call quick or they will ati be gone atthe Cheap Store ! of - 1' J. LYONS. Tune 23. i --- - 1 — _ 1111111' :111111!, THE subscribersilhave now On hand and are re ceiving a general as.fortment-oc Goods, which they offer at a small adquee for READY PAT: 3lostkindls of produce recd in .xcitatig.e fOr Goods.. „.•• MILLS & SHERMAN., Montrose, .Time I#, 1846. _ T ALLOW for safe by -I i• MILLS SE SHERMAN. B UTTER Firkins, kept consantly on hand by ;, MILLS &.• • .1 : 20,000- • SHINGLES of prime quality Wanted.. Enquire of MILLS & SHERMAN. June 15. 1846. • - - - THE ARCADE IN FULL BLAST! RECD this weeit from the 'city a fresh and inter esting supply i,f Grocericp, which can be pur chased at unusuall4cleap rates--consisting of Oa- LE31,414, tOVOANI:VS, Flrcsh Kuisius, &.C. &c. J. ETHERIDGE.- Montrose, June kti, 1346. 1- - - - - .1A RI ED APPLItS, a goodt article--and a fresh Supply of nil TURNIP ISEED, just received and for sale at the 5 ARCADE. .lirne 311. • _ Ti ~ntrpany, Phila delphia, have autll-i zed the initlerOgned to effect In surances on Buildnigs, Merchalndize, and otherpmp erty, against dair+ or loss bly tire. The iininehse relources of the company, and their adherence to dnd honornide principles in the. trausartion. of all tlkir luisines, entitle them to the confidence of the public as a; safe means of Insu- F. LUSK, Agent, Montrose, June if,, 1846. - BOOTS & SHOES, coarse and fine, of almost every qualityttuid price, ' ltlll4. C SIIERMAN. .. . COD—FISH—a -'dew Iht—dust received and 'for sale by i J. LYONS. -- -ii- . MORE NEW! GOODS TINT opened. qingham nnifl Calico Parmiols, La c, dies' light colofed Silk Gliwev, Delaine Shawls, Tabs. Rushes. Ribbons, Caliciies, &c. &c. at greatly reduced prices, forfrale by . P . i J. 'LYONS. July I.sth. f., , . SALISBURY'S A NATIO/CAL EMEDY, Suited to the litrinina Constito 'on, and equal to the' cure of every cutable disentie, will be found in WRIGHT's INIAIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, • ..' Or nil I ''' North Ameilcatt Cargo of Health: These extruonliliary Pills aie composed of planta i which grow spent:hi' eously - onlour own soil, and are,l. therefore, better adapted to 'our constitutions than Medicines concocted from foreign drugs, however, well they bitty be `eornpounde 1; and as Wright's In dian Pills are foinu,ted upon the principle l; that the human body is in tru h • Subjec4to but on Disease, namely, corrupt Humors, and that said Medicine ! cares this disose in natural' Pciples, by demising and purifyin g body, it an I be. manitost that, 4 ic the constitution be; not entire elbowed, a perk.- verance in their rise, accOrdin to directions, is ab solutely certain toilrive disci*, of every ruunofrom the body. • • 1 i , When we WishlO restore swamp or morass to , ,• fertility; we drain of the au robin/dant water. In' like manner, if we wish to resre the body - to health': 13.12, we must cleanse lt of imp .'ty. Wright's Indilan: Vegetable Pills will be r foundlone of the best,,if not! the very bed medicine in the World for carrying out this grand putifyig principle, • because they expel from the body allnorbid and corrupt humor, thei canto of the disease; in an easy and natural matint,i and 'while they ovary day give ease and pkotsuie, - diseate of every ne is rap.dly drives from the body. ! 's n i 5 The 'following ' highly respectable storekeepers! have been dely kppointed - ivtuts -for the Snin of Wright's Indian Vegetable 'ills In Susquehanna, - couhty Mills & Shernian, Montroi,e; Ira Scott, Spring vale : L. H. Wecidruff, . Pielock Corners; Edwin; Tiling, Pennidr4i A. Green toed, Buford; James Dubois, • Great Bepd; IL L. Sutphin & Co. Sup- Triennalle; H. turtitt, New 11 (ford; ' N. E. Kenne dy, Gibson centre Smiley'A Curtis, 'E 'Gibsetf; - Wells & Co. . ..; Tarbo A. Burro , Rush villel James Co.. i. rt, Bau m? 3 r ; Ui.,Tl we ft v to, I I Gibson.; I. ( l, i Prise, Herta - c Charles L, Biii n, Friendville. 1 g . •• • . sir Offi 4 1 ces !devoted exc , 'yelp .to the sale lef Wright's Intli*Vegetable P . ,ef the North - Amin) scan College; cq . Held*, No, 2 . A PreeeWigh at. NOW York; N'e. 'l9B, Trbininit a: iiirod; liod iffintipat office, No. 169 Ra 4 at. Philp elphia, -4,• CASH WANTED. toN, e ODDS , FOR,THE PEOPLE.: , i , •• ' HEAD QUAIRTERSIB Montrose; Susquehanna Co.; Pa., 1 - ' S. B. MULFORD. & RON,. 1. , In DEALERthqla*,zuul Retail, in Dry" Goods till, ,Groceries„ Crockery , Hard-ware, Grass-ware., ite. &c., offer adVtuatages to those who ,i. , isli to boy, &mai to any store in the county. Their alsortmeat `,lli eitee s i ge muhVgill be sold at prices to cdrrespond the times .and , the welds of purchasers. Fur t 'A,t.ruidi they wan t he undersold: Among their ,ssortment may be found — a great 4.i ety of good g ensisting of . 1 Broadclot elevery variety and colori . _ Summer Cl ths—fancy, striptal and plain. Calicoes-- le bed styles of the seaboni Ladies' Cra -ats; Scarfs, Mitts, Ribons, Silk Vet= 'Nets, Rich Dreg Silks, Fringe and other fzeihimiable `trimmings for ics' dresses. Ladies' D Bs Goods of every variety aid snits ,',,,ble for the se u. - Drawer G. l ;Every article us', 11 Satinets, C June, 1846. ds of every description, and in hint. •' , ally kept in a Dry Gtxxl store. • , itnereit; &c. nty OUS LIN I - `,IT I for sale a 1E LAINEB from Is. Mi. Opwards, NICTLFCIIIDe. 35.-- I .good stfor - 8 cents other as cheap for cash,; MU Li' ft Ds'. 1/IGLASSES Grocerie. I t n horse Lumber wagon for{ sale by S. S. M. tif SON. RS' and JOINERS' TOOLS--alfirge• kept Constantly on hand and for sald prices, at . iMULFORDs'.- NE hew hi g‘" -F kRPtNT rworttnen bit Manufacture i FANNING AN assogl - e I k: E ETI NG .11.7 at Scv LAJI die Scytl: `Sc., for sale at 1 lI.LLS for sale at J • MULFIRDs:. I t of Looking Glamors for sal43 at ," 1 .. MULE' RDs . ...,Cotton•lnrn, Rollin & , .,ch , tiap I- ' M U LF ,' 1-1 D . Scythe Stones, Orwilesituid Cra 5, Rifles, Rakes, ritchfork, MULF9RDs'. QME k A N unusual Goods am ?pick, of tilo Pub People" can rOr exchange tlu ATZAIROMHtig variety of Staple and Falncy Dm-- I t be found tit my Store on. the Enii is Avenue, in Montrose, wfirre the turchascrat very low prices !for cash, iir . produce to good advantae. •J. B. SALLSBCRY. A N elegant VI Baskin SI LOT If s C LARGE K very low, GOOD s Il Boys, at 4 -1 0RDED ,• • A LOT orfi ceived an , 4 , sortment of Ladies' Slipwrs and oes, very low at .3-1.L.161311.:RY'5. l ienclid Dress Lawns, - De Dines tuni l inneres, at SALISBttrs. .(1 beautiful assortment t SALISBCRY's. L ek of Summer Cloths for dents. anal? SALISBICRI's. White and Drab Mprepne, at -SALISBURrs. ! E . plain De latine Shari - kb juat r 1 1 will be sold low, at L SA USD lIRQN Steel rdl Rods, and •Nails, cheap{ at SALTSIWRy's iIIFIE PER N/ at only 33 fTobacco, equal : 1 1 iINES l 7,5 Linen Co I ;en, at folasseil than can be fiiiint in tows: cents,. with Teas, Sucars, Coffee amts y low, at Linen Table and Towel Diaper aini ting ; a good assortment of risk Lip— SALISB qtrs. A lot of first:rate Twedes loth, low,. SALISBI IBroad Cloth, Cassirneres and Sati - nitially low, ht SALIS ti WV's, , A large alortment of 1‘ isses and, osiery at reduced pri e. at SA LIS B g. Able Diaper ad Linen Mika's., low gall! burv's. I EST A 71411 VAL OV it 1111 W E DES i 1 at ' c-1 L l ( l l e T t te l isB,:utj Ladies 1 COTTON at Eff3 N 4 VNIn t 'ilk.' ... . J..1 ''ia , 'km ' c - e of the Public Ave - nue, arjust. re,- new anti splendid assortmm t of Fresh in-based at extremely lowi prices for i• induced to sell them on as gcsoti tenns ' cap, cheapest or braz shopi, in town. ash to pay for Goods will do well to 1 efore 'purchasing elsewhere. i rne 15, 18.16. ,ON west sic eoiving al Goods lately p co:di—and are as any of the cj Those having give us a can Montrose, J JUST M I LL SA) ECEIVED IN ADDIrrION, s, >I Cat San - +, at HAY RA K S, Foil:8 anti Scythes, at': S.E.AIRT.E't SUMMER :.TUFF for Bop, Carpetinrj &c. nt • SiA i RLE'd. :e and fine, and Umbrellasi—rood ar a Rainy Day, at SBII ftLE's VP 001 4 S, CA) tic!es for T AMES' 1,1 dance, onnet.4, Slippery, and Calirok in aliun - SR.ti ItLE HARDWA I sides nu! July Ist. 18 •E, Saddlery, .Crockery, I Axes, be-- 1 nerous other articles, at 1 AEAFCLE's. SELL] NG OFF CHE LBATHE ; ou hand County. by BEEF Hid ; .—A rind assortment ke I • d f4:11}1 AS lOW us can be Cob ' B. SAYRE. I. el Skins, Fee., wanted y N s ,, '-. a. TPYRE. oIALSOIir sale b . y Sash,,, asS; and - l'uttyill;vfAYßE ..- •B . !. AYRE. .--Binglrunto Skinner's dily and , a pod ussortm it kept co .tautly on . " t Igeheitl assortmen ( cos ugs. 01rt i ' PaY'i;bY.,, . B. ~ AYRE. , d S'toire Furniture, ago assortnieur 8.. YRE. k, Lath, Plaster and Saltk pt usual .13. SAY . • ' ge3 and Lemons just receb.e,l by ' R. SAYRE. • UPP,LY of Summer Cloths just re-1 B. SAYRE. Thp,highest prices paid for Butter lli the season by B, SAYRE. 6.- pklN't , S L • WIN1?0 TOLOI-14HS 1 Mantroa i d hand ;al a Iron Wal/ . . -TOVE . 1 kept , y T i IME, Bri by. . I FRESH II i l e TSH h E .edb BUTTER. ull th . rou l June 10, 18 • VE - 4 . 7 .new itopnwed patterns-- listing's:if Air tight gook:htg Stoves. do do do do do. I do do, do do ix, - and iieht loves, Stove Ware. &c., &c, cheap f roast. or improved. credit. 50 ST col Empire Washin t , Conibina! Parlor, Coal, l'ailor; of all .kinilai :‘1 anti approved I. n I , on ; LYONS & CHANDLER ,uraq., 1846. -Montrose, tES OF GLASS—aII size; and Win-. &Ai for sale., LYONS & CHANDLER. 150 1: June, 1848 'AND BEE Ie of tilue quality, s tor wd • ;1: . 11ENI: 13; PO A FEY B. !!El 18 SIX CA C 01k1PRIS •ESYANKEE NOT ONS, couwtp.e st, iiiint; rest, and shirt Bu na: toryohrs amt back Comb ; 4, Li , 14 inch Brads ; 3 0 1,6, 8,10,12;14, 16, & Tacks: , orThreaa ; - ea; Oidton, and silk Thread and seiwing - Bilks e, from 10.1 to .TO, fine finality;. Spoons,t ; Laid ; BindingA ; 'Razors,* .1144 1 481 nooki or sale by Lyons & Chandler. &Tors6oo • • 200 dor,. 1 400 pipe 1,000 iiq.. 24 200 floz. a! 100 lbe, 10,0110iikeins 15,000 Neetil fettoily,Ti* 4.m.,4lrUshel 4 Eyes, sept. 1840. A N SEAIRLE's onstnntly iteht in the by kiffo3