The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, November 12, 1846, Image 3

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    b;e,agreexitn ten;iporary — dispeiiii, etiittai
they . can all+ that the Governor hisrbeen
hoaxed ; hop`lng also, that, their apparent
voluntary - diipersion will induce me ,to re
turn to Spritgfield.' At ; this distance, and
for want of precise information as to their late
movements, t is • impossible here to deter
mine whit the,intention of the mob is; but
every man Wm meet from Hancock, assures
us that if w 4 go over with a small; ;force
they pretty Universally threaten us with a
flogging. This, we conceive, indicates a
bad state ofibingsthere, and' does notat all
confirm their professed disposition to return
to the rule of. law and order. .
From all : : that has occurred heretofore,
and from all That we can now learn of their
intentions, We cannot resist the -conviction
that the dispersion of the mob is but tempo
rary, and is Intended merely as a ruse 'to in
duce the return of the troops ; and weake
no doubt, ir,:we did return , that we mild
scarcely rends home, before we woul learn
t h at t h e y hfid re-assembled as nu erous
1 1
and as despotic as ever..
We are okopinion, that if we were Lo al
low ourseives to he deceived by such ricks,
tire might-bel*mployed marching and
ter-inarchingl between this and Spri I
fora month come. We have deter i
to go on ; and so now the public ma
, i
'sdently lookifor accounts from Warsai
Carthage, ot! the geossideception whiC,
been practis4td upon the Governor, an?'
he has been Aloaxed to march a force
when there Was no oecastorfor it.
I am, uns, t respectfully, your oi
servant, -
Editors' Convention.
The ing Resolutions adopte I
Convention;of Editors assembled at
Briinswick,on s the 26th of August ul.
ceive our iidcided approbation. No
except lost in a sense of the respons
attending the editorial profession, can
admire theilt tone. We recommend
to the consideration of our neighbors i
North, hoping- they may profit by the . en
lightened giggestions which they contain,
and catch the spirit which they breathe.
Whereas,‘, the newspaper press exerts a
wide and eciktroling influence over the opin
ions, thoughp, habits, morals and well-being
of the peoplt) in every free state, and is a
powerful engine either for good or for evil ;
Resolve 4 That as guardians of this.
mighty engle, a responsibility rests upPri,
us, and that; it is iyur duty to use the high
trust confideil to our care, with a due reward
to the interests of humanity..
Resolve 4 That, as thesentinela_of public
freedom and public virtue, we ought to en
courage teniperance, industry, morality and
religion—mil uphold the legally constituted
authorities, in the exerciie of their ju`gt and
liiwful powers—to maintain the supremacy
of the laws4to frown on mob violence, and
seek by every means, the maintenance of
public ordeti
/ liesnlved That the severity, power or ef
/feet of a writtcn article or discourse, is not
owing to its iard words or contemptuous and
reproachfultterms which it may contain, but
to its facts Lind reasonings—and, henCe, that
it is unwis:4 discourteous, and beneath the
dignity of Our calling, to resort to i such
means in conducting a paper warfare. _
Itesolvedt That our profession in ow.fuh- -
ness and iiiipOrtance, hold no second-place,
- and that in Axercising its functions, our cour
tesy towails each other \ and the public,
should he e4unl to the dignity of our pro
fession. di.
Reso'vett That the general tone of the
press in thi State would be much elevated
and impro4d if, in discussing - questions of
of public iinportance, or narrating facts, we
should carefully abstain from terms of con
tempt and ijobloquv, and, as far as possible,
adopt in oty public character the same ur
banity and 'courtesy which we acknowledge
in our persOnal intercourse with society and
each otherY
TenOeianee Conventioil. •
At a megting of the Temperance Society,
the fil 11 oviiik resolutions were unatibnously
adopted : 5 ! :. .
Resolved, That as Temperance Men, we
will awakei budkle on our armor, and fight
with redoubled zeal in this cause Of truth,
for the tits demand it. The desttoyer is
with us, a t 1 on every side his victims are
falling. ;.g.
Resolved, T_bat we have cause to rejoice
that a n,e4veapon has been given us, with
Omnipontent power, and needs but faithful
using to inure victory,—'tis the Ballot Box.
Resolved . , That a Temperance _Conven
tion, for thil County of Susquehanna, be held
at the Court-bouse, on Monday evening of
NovembesCourt, for the purpose of taking
proper m§asures to advance the Temper
ance refoit, and that a large Delegation
from everttownship be invited to attend.
Resolvda, That citizens of the County,
friendly tolthe abolition- of the License Sys
tem, withoin regard to the question whether
they are Members of h Temperance Seci4ty
or not, bvsolicited to attend said Convon
tion. I
Resolves, That the question be there dis
cussed, whether the citizens of said County
ought to Otte for the sale, or against the sale
of intoxicating Drinks, and that any persons
holding tl4 opinion that they ought , to vote
for the sali of Liquor, be requested to attend
and discuOi that great question.
In conOliance with the above, the Com
mutee elm! vn . cordial invitation to all.—
Let ever . t , Society be fully repre.sent4--
Come aruildiscuss the "License Question."
Com e with warm hearts, and let us redouble
our zeal il the noble cause. We haves
new weaAn placed in our hinds—"an ar
gument thiit's most convincing"—powerful
in the hands of the faint .hearted—and will
be heard l t d heeded, when Words of warn
ing and eildra 4 ty pass "ti ke the idle Wind."
f . .
Let us rAeet for consultation and "fiction,
Olt MOLtdBi• eve, ,of next Court. We have
reason to iisejoice that the tithe las come,
when the itizens of Susquehanna, am -gild
all, are to .' made .respocusibled fiir , insirta
in poison, ; itb all it ciintipiuenees.
By', rder of the-Committee. .
', 4 WM: ROUND, ,
L. LL. POST,. '
.. ~.
1. Stexiort or 1847. •
1 Phila. cite; W.• A. Crabb, -Charles
2 :Phila. county : Oliver P. Cornman't
enry,j, Benner, William F. SmalL•
3 Montgomery :_ George Richards.*
4n2. 4 Chester & Delaware: Wm Wanting_
I 5 Berke: John Potteiger.•
1 6 Bucks: Josiah Rick*
7 Lancaster & Lebanon : John P. San
son, A. Herr OlanitA. , -
8. Schuylkill, Pike, Monroe & Carbon :
m. Overfteld.• t , ,
9 Nordiampti i pn & Lehigh : Jacob D
oas.• i
! • 10 Susquehanna, Wayne & Wyoming :
11 Bradford & Tioga : Go on
12 Lycoming, Clinton & Centre : Wm.
13 Luzerne & Columbia : W. S. Roo.
14' Northumberland & Dauphin : Benj.
• ordei.
~ 15 Mifflin, Juniati 'dr, Union: J. Wag
16 Perry & Cumberland : William B.
117 %York : Ph il ip Sneyser.*
.1 18 Franklin &Adams :• Thos. Carson.
1- 19 Huntingdon & Bedford : John Mor
20 Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria & Arm
ng : Wm. Bigler.
21 Westmorelund,& Somerset: Samuel
1 22 Fayette & Greene : Charles Black.
1 23 Washington : E. G. Creacraft.
i 24 Allegheny & Butler: John Livis,*
pLeorge Darsie.
t 25. Beaver & Mercur : Robt. Darragh.
26 Crawford & Venango: J. P. Hoover.
1 27 Erie: Jesse B. Johnson.
28 Warren, Jefferson, Clarion, Potter &
Meliean : Joseph L. Gillis.
by a
ail to
n the
Democrats in Roman—Whigs in Italick
new members marked thus (*}--Native
Liniericanntbus (t)
I Adams: James Cooper.
Allegheny : Alex; Hilands, Daniel If
Curdy, P. J. Bigham, John S. Wilson.
i Armstrong : D. Clingensmith, vol.
Bradford John L. Nrebb,s V. E. Piollet.
Bedford : James Burns, Jr. John Sipes.
Beaver : John Allison, John Sharp.
Berks : Charles Levan, John C. Myers,
'John Long, Jacob Graff.
Butler: John R. Harris. ,
Wicks: John Dixon, John Robins, Geo.
Crawford : S. ,G.lirick i J. K. Kerr:
Centre & Clearfield : S. Worrell, John
Chester : Geo. Ladley, Henry G. Evans,
MOS. K But
Columbia : Stewart Pierce.
Cumberland: James Ma key, Armstrong
Noble. •
Cambria: Mickel Hasson.
Delaware,: Sketchley Morton.
Dauphin : James Fox, Theo. Gratz.
Erie : David A. Gould, Wm. Sanborn.
Franklin.; John M. Pomeroy, Thompson
Fayette t J. W, Philips, Wm. Colvin.
Greene : J. VI Boughner.
Huntingdon dt Blair : David Blair, H.
Indiana W. C. M'Knight. •
Jefferson,Clarion & Tenango : Johd
Keatley, illiam Perry.
Lebanon t John Bassler.
Lehigh & Carbon : Peter Bowman, Al.
exander Loekhart.
Luzerne Nathan Jackson, George Fern
stermacher. .
Lancaster: D. W. Patterson, Abraham
Shelby, Joseph C. Dickinson, Christian
Bentz, George Morrison.
Lycoming, Clinton & Potter : Timothy
Ives, Benjamin F. Paulding.
Mifflin ::William Reed.
Montgomery : John S. Weiler, George
Westner, John Thompson.
Mercer : Thomas Pomeroy, Robert Blafk.
Northumberland : Samuel Hunter. i
Northampton & Monroe : James Vliet,
John Jacoby, P. M. Bush.
Perry : John Souder.
Phila. city: Benjamin Matthias, Thomas
G. Conner, W. W. Haley, W. Menacing:,
Charles B. Trego. .
Phila. county : Thomas Daly, T. S. Fer
non, Thos. H. Forsyth, John K. Laughlin,
Stephen D. Anderson, John Kline, Henry
Mather, John Rupert.
Sehuylkill : Samuel Kaufman, A. W.
Somerset : Joseph R. Pale.
Stisquebitona & Wyoming : David Tho
mas, Schuller Fusset.
Tioga: 'rain C. Knox.
Washington :. Richard Donaldson, G. V.
Westmo land : George R. Haymaker,
James Clafk, Jobn Fausold.
Warren M'Kean & Elk : J. Kinnear.
Wayne #lr.Pike : Pope Bushnell.
Union & Juniata: Jacob JP Citrky ,_ J.
IP Min. 1
York : iVm. M'Abee, (Ind.) Wm. Ross,
D. L. Geiley.
Democrkts in Roman—Whigs initalick.
.t Sinde deceased .
Foga'. BEmsrirs or MAN.—According to
the U. B. pcizette,A very remarkable dis
covery has recently been made of fossil re
mainm of the.human species. They cciniist
of the km* 'of the pelvis, and were diiscov t
erect b . l
Di. M. W. Dickerson'
, in the mam
moth vine, near Natchez, Miss., in the
same tification with 'the bones of the Me
`gatherium; Milodon, Megalonyx, the Tap
in, Castroides„ Zebra, Bison, Etk, is.,gigan
tic horse ; it nondescript animal, diScovered
also by Dickerson, and below those for the
Mastodon and a stratunkcontaining Marine
shells. rrhis discovery is perhaps the most
remarkable' one that has lately characterized
the progrese of modern geology. These cu
riosities kate been deposited in the roomsof
the . .fizsleity of Natural Science.
New JIM= ELZMONo...Wre lawn, by
the Newark Advertiser, that New Jerseyhas
elected .neatly the whole whig ticket. The
Stile Leginature stands as tilows: • • •
senate, 1 1 Whig, 12 I Democrat, 7
Assembly, , " 46 41 12
majority of 3D , on joint
- begot. •:The here. also, elected 4of
the 6 nosilierSof Onress,
t ' cal Eilr~..
peel girt** duct . was fought
down Millie Neekday before yesterdiiy, be
tWeentwo chiialrousindi4iduals,whowere re
solved to dd or die for saiisfaction to wound
ed, honor.. , The seconds had determined
thlit it should be a bloody affair, ao they pro
culled a supply of the sanguinary fluid from
a !Slaughter house; they proceeded to ar
rainge the principles at respectable dueling
dietance, and placed the weapons in their
hen& Fire ! Bang went the pistols, and
atthe same moment one of the beligerents
felt a shock and a queer sensation about the
region of his dinner. Finding his person
blOody, he staggered into the arms of his
sebond, when his antagonist falling upon his
k4ees, uttered the most sorrowful exclama
tions, and began to implore forgiveness of
die supposed wounded _ man. A shout of
lalighter brought both parties to their senses,
when they-discovered that they had been
made the sport of their waggish companions.
Decidedly pleased at the escape • each had
made, but more than half disposed to be an
gfi at the joke, they at length made up
friends, and sealed the bond by liquoring
all round. The combattants declare that a
duel is not at all the pleasant thing it is
cracked up to be.—Phila. Ledger.
Pthas Dm,. the philanthropist, whose life
has been devoted to works, of pure berievo
'epee, and who has done more, perhaps,
dam any other individual, to ameliorate the
condition of the Insane in °urbane, we regret
to learn, lies dangerously ill nt the Lunatic
Asylum, Columbus, Ohio. We hope soon
Ili hear of her recovery—for her death would
hi n 'great -public calamity.--Pottsville
• By a later account we learn that Miss
Dix is recovering. ,
The Army.
The Washington Union says :—"A re
port has gone out that the army at Monterey
Was in want of ammunition. We under
stand that this was noLthe case, arid we un
d4rstand it from the officer who had just ar
rived from the camp. The War Depart
mem has, we are informed, issued on en
ormous amount of munitions of war—not
leis than 16,000 rounds of ammunition
fo) field and siege guns, and over 6,000,000
cutridges for small arms.
! We learn that, besides their own supplies
oilir army took, on the 21st and 22d ultimo,
atlarge quantity of ammunition from the
1; But, of Course, all these matters will be
einbmced in the despatches, which we shall
hasten to lay before our readers the moment
tlieY can arrive."
Col. Fremont
' A correspondent of the Alexaxdria Gaz
: e, who dates his letter on board the "U.
I, frigate Savannah, Monterey, (California)
illy 19," says:
"Col. Fremont'S party arrived here yester
dny, having had some pretty hard fighting
with the. Mexicans and Indians. They
nuMber_about 200, and are the most daring
and hardy set of fellows Lever looked upon.
They-are splendid;marksmen, and can plant
4, bullet in an enemy's head with their hor
aes at full gallop. They never think of eat
ifig bread, but live, upon meat all the time:
They never sleep in a house, but on the
4ronnd, with a blanket around them—their
saddle for a pillow, and a rifle by there side.
tshould like to give you some more minute
account of them,' but time will not ad
-1 ~ -
4t Detroit for murder last week, about fifty
fo' rors were summoned before a pannel could
obtained for the trial. Some few had
ncienfious scruples, many had expressed
;pinions on the subject, and one, on being
hallenged, said he did not know whether
he had " formed an opinion or not, but that
he did not take any newspaper." ' He was
excused immediately. •
The Ohio Volniteets.
A letter from Col. Weller, of .Ist Regiment,
clhio Volunteers,. numbering 370 men, re
ceived at Washington, says his regiment
lost 15 killed and 39 wounded. Among the
Conner was one Lieutenant: and among the
inner an Adjutant and threeaLieutenerits:
CHEAP POSTAHE.—It is said that the a
mount of deficiency which the Postmaster
;general will require from the Treasury will
be only 500,000. If this be so, the cheap
postage system Works well, and will soon
pay its own expenses.
MRS. CHILD calls the slave boy George
Kirk "The living gospel ofFreedom, bound
in black." She should have'added that he
I,ivas also hot pressed.
i ---i -
Of the Methodist Meeting Rouse, in this
, ,i
!, will take place on Thursday the 26th
tinst. Service at4oi, at 2, and at 6 o'clock.
. ; ... WM. ROUND.
Montrose, Nov. 10 11346. . 2w22
In Dimock Township, on Saturday mor
ning the 7th inst., after a short illness, Mr.
DAVID SIEMER, the 88th year of his age.
Mr. S. was born in Londonderry, Ireland,
in May, 1759, and at the early age of 11
years his parent's emigrated to America, and
settled within the present boundaries of the
State of New Hampshire, in I which State
Mr. S. continued to reside until 1817, when
he, with his family, removed to this County.
The deceased was a revolutionary soldier.
At the age of 10 he enlisted in the service
of his cou ntry; 'twas engaged in several bat
des and - skirmishes, in the struggle for inde
pendence, among which were the battles of
Stillwater; was also present at the surrender
of Burgoyne ; and was with Washington
'during his eneatitspment at Valley Forge, in
!this state, sharing largely in the hardships
!and privations incident to that campaign.
Tor the last 55 Years of his life, he was
!correct and consistent member of the Frei
byterian Churcht He died Oalm and With.
tout a struggle, leaving his aged partner to
rum the losi# a ctionate husband,
1. .j0d childrell ors hind and indulgent
LisT - oP
Drawn foi." Tiffin ; 2i; 1): 4846.
Grand • iirini;
Auburn—Oliver C. Roberti; S. L.
ey, Samuel Canc.
Bridgewater—lbijah Bosh, Lyman Bald
win, Linos Wartrous, Myron Baldwin,Wil
liam Holbrook.
Brooklyn—Richard Williams.
Clifford—James Chambers.
Dimodk—Luke Blakeslee.
Forest Lake—Orange Mott, jr.
Franklin—Harry Smith, L. N. Smith.
Gibson—S. U: Hamilton.
Herrick—Abel Rent.
Jessup—Daniel Picket.
Lenox—Andrew Coonrod.
Liberty—Asher. B. Hance.
Middletown—Corintine Golutia.
Montrose...4. B. Salisbury.
New Milford—,John Badger.
Rush—Abel Chatfield.
Silver Lake--Jos. Gaige.
Traverse Jurors.
18t. WEEK.
Bridgewater—Jeremiah . Brando, Cyrus
Stewart, Jos. IL Lewis.
Brooklyn--John R. Ely.
Choconut—Luther Stanley.
Clitlbrd—Wm. S. Gritman, Asher Peck.
Dimock—Wm. L. Vaughn:
Franklin—Wm. C. Lilley, James E.Mer
Great Bend—Sylvester Barnes, Aaron
Thomas. -
Harmony—Joseph Austin.
Herrick—Thomas Arnold.
Jackson—Nathaniel Norris.
Jessup—Abel Sherman.
Lenox—Hugh Mead.
Montrose—Avery Frink, George Fuller.
Middletown—Garrad Stone, John Bux
ton, Jr.
New Milford—James Boy le,Jared Beards
ley, Norman Foot - , William Harding, Josh
Rush—James L. Fargo, Perrin Lathrop,
Henry Pepper.
Silver Lake—Maurice Macdonald, Ed
win Bliss. -
Springville—Jonas Phillips, Thomas Cas
sady, Amos
Thomson—Joel Lamb, 0. L. Carpenter.
2nd WEEK.
Auburn—Thomas Bagley, Luther R.
Seel ve.
Bridgrwater—Benj. Shay.
Brooklyn—Elisha Lord, S. A. Newton,
Washington Bagley.
Clifford—Arthur Smith, Pulaski Cham
berlin, Jno. Baker.
Choconut—Harry _
Dimock—Wm. Miles, Alanson Coy, Or
rin Fargo.
Forest Lake—Gecr. W. BaIL -
Gibson—Roswell Gillet, Samuel. Ingalls.
Great Bend—Henry Warner, John Cols
Harford—Daniel Oakley.
Jackson—Cephas Corse.
Liberty—Rogers Kenyon, Gideon Sbuth
worth, Griffin Stilwell.
Lenox—Peleg C. Hopkins, Galutia A.
Gtow, Jesse Benjamin, John Marcy.
Rush—Loren Tupper, James Bolles.
Spriegville—Justus Knapp, James Kits
son, S. A. Loomis.
Silver Lake—Aflame! Powers, Samuel
Thomson—Samuel Williams.
Ileceipts for .the Peoples' Advocate,
For the week ending Nov. 12, 1846
Cyrus Boah„ sl,oo Pais to No. 60
N. 0. Pessmore, ,50 " " 21
Levi Grnves, 1,00 " " 71
John Mulhare, • 1,00 " " 70
Almond Munson, 1,60 " " '52
Isaac Pecking, 1,00 " " 74
John Smith, 1,00 " " 52
Nathaniel MI, 1,00 " " 52
Charles Dimon, - 1,00 " " 52
In the Common Pleas of Susquehanna co.
Nov. Term; UM&
Taylor vs Ward, et al trespass, Nov. T 1843.
M'lntosh vs. Trowbridge, appeal„273 Nov. T. 1843.
Camp vs. Trumbull, appeal, 406 Ap. T: 1344.
Grahanit vs Welch, in case, 2 Ppril T 3845.
Tingley vs. Cook, incase, 32 Ap: T- 1845.
Wise vs Chandler, e; al, in debt, 63 April T 1845.
Hendrickson t l s Smiih, appeal, 205 April T 1845.
Griffis vs Bowman, appeal, 170 Aug. T 1845.
Staniford vs Richardson, appeal, Aug. T 1845.
Arnold vs. Lee, appeal, 221 Aug. T. 1845.
Stone vs Kerr, appeal Aug. T 1845.
Grady et al vs Bolard, id case; i 9 Nov. T 1845.
Yott,ngs vs. Beardsley, in debt, 54 Nov. T. 1845;
Far - to vs. Sterling et al, trespass, 80 Nov. T. 1845.
Lamb vs Gray, appeal, 121 Nov. - T 1895.
Hinds vs. Case, appeal, 130 Nov. T. 1845.
Dodd vs Sinith, appeal, 149 Nov. T 1845.
Stebbins vs. Thorpe, ejectment, 1 Jan. T. 1846.
Hunt vs. Bruntlyge, trespass, 99 Jan. T. 1846. -
Polherous vs Wells, replevin, 3i April T 1846.
Case vs Seamans, ejectment, 30 April T 1846.
Pratt vs Tewksbury. ejectment, 42 April T 1846-
Warner et al, trespass, 59 April T 1846
Ransom vs Tram', appeal, 64 April T 1846.
Cornwell et al vs Deans, in debt, 123 April T 1846
Smith & Booth vs. SUM% at'chm'nt, 148 Ap. T.'46
Carmalt vs. Byrne, attachment, 149 Ap: T. 1846.
—From the Record.
Nov. 5, 1846.
Wheat flour, per barrel
Rye do do
Corn meal
Wheat, per bushel 1,05 a 1,15
Rye, do , 0,70 la 0;75
Corn do . 0,77 3 0,80
Barley, do . ' 0,24 a 0,32
Oats, do 0,36 3 0,38
Flax; per lb. American, 0,03 ta 0,08
Tallow, per lb. rendered, 0,07 as 0.07
Butter per lb. Orange co. 0,15 a 0,18
' do western dairy, ,0,11) a 0,15
Cheese, per lb. 0,06 ta 0,09
Beet per barrel, mess, .6,50 'a 7,00
. do prime, 4,50 3 5,00
Pork, per barrel, mess,. • 9,874 , 310,00
do . prime, 7,8743 8,00
Lard, per lb.' 0,0513 0,07
Hams per lb, smoked 0,05 a 0.08
Feathers per lb. live made ' 0,25' a 0,30
Ox horns, per hundred, 8,00 , 312,00 •
Cow do 2,00 , 3 9,00
Arne' wool, per lb. iILIGIII 0,27 a 0,31
• do
full blood Merino 0,27 ea 0,284
4& j Merin) • 0,18 'a 0,204
native 4. i Merino 0,16 fa 0,22
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given toll Vernon ,
concerned iu the following Estate, to wit :
The Estate of SYLVANUS W. MOTT, Jate of
Ilerrick township, derleased, •
Charles Tingley . Administrator.
That the accountant has muted his account in
the Register's. Office Mind for the county of Snare
henna, and that the same will be presented to the
Judges of the Orphan's Court at Woutrose, on Mon
day, the 16th day of Nor: next, far confirmation
and allowance.
• 0
MOH,. Register.
Register's Office, Montruta,
Oct. 14, 1646, $ - • •:4
CaleritAlf& iv' Ilißlittsr.s or C.' : mess,
IMidichil. duktkailat 1 111 4, 11 4: 1 . 1 e.lide orb Fiast, um .
~,iii 3 d *berme v. .bleTitiittlitia;yedOvtor mark ;
qtr 14:imtt li tiont ' &c. are - the dittaisymPtctitur of Liv:
or tom •t.
I-1 -
Wright's Indian_ • getable Pills.. are &Iwo . b et ;
Wm to remove the m ); ove cemplaints, because they
purge from the hod those Morbid hum* wi nc h
are the (wise, not ly of 'Ol disorders off!the liver,
but id etery untladyl tncideat to man . 'Al:single 25
cent lxr4still M all , Ms.n grave relief, an pensive.
ranee wil, l most °nakedly drive every particle of dia.
ease fro M the body.! t.
Wright's Indian , r ' getable Pills also ' completely •
devise the stomach sod bowels-0f,.al bitioret and B ,
putrid hUmors, and' therefore Are a certaid. cure for
colic, dituntary, c&a morbns; end othe4 disorders
of the intestines: • . ,'' ' 1
CAPP ffi
lON.—It daiie remembered ':. that Mr.
Edward Cole, of P ladelphint Mr. John 'Mixon, of et
Easton, Fa., and 11 ems. Browning & Blithers, of Ix
Philadelphia, . are not agents of outs, an !as they
purview, no Wright's Indian Vegetable ''Pills at otlr fn
office, we'cannot guaniuty. as -genuine anylinedicine- A
they may have for Mle. • t'' • ar
Agent 4 for the sal of Weighed Indian yeketable
Pills to Montrose, f ills & Sherman. Fot i other a.
eitis f
genies lit,e ativ • went in another column.
.= , ,
Head4.he and so
much steering ; ni
prone to have their
pressed tmodition
state of rib much dist
ticipate)tor. Smith's
ble Pills.)sre highly
ing aromatic, tonic, s
move ally oppressive;
stenuteN;induce a h
quihry ti;i the nerve;
Pellsm, coughs and
;Ace 179 Greel
riirAhvays ask f
ble Pills . -
Roe that
pen on the bottom
Anent--N. Mitc
Stray Cow • i•
VAME into the enclosure of the sdbscriber
`L- 1 cui Sunday the 27th ult., a red milch
Cow, with long bomb ' the points mining in,
sor 6 years old The owner can huve her
by pros pro pe rty, paying -charges, and
taking her away. ELIAS WILCOX.
Silver Luke, ov, Yl , 1846. I 3w
_ .
Isaac .Post 4siCo.! I wi
RE rpceiving their FALL & WiNTift Goods, rp
winch willini sold cheap as can be bought in i yo
town. ii l - I' i"0
French, English, and American - ; lotts. ,11
Gold, and steel-mixed Beaver ,f. do 'cr
Satibets and kerseys.
iTelikt and Sitin Vestings—rich.;
Plaila and pld Cravats.
Alp4cca, Cas tmere,'and d'Lainflobes.
Borrnet Satin , purple and blue:;:'
Bonnet trim l imngs--riCh. l
Dreias tritumi#gs, fringes, velvet It ibands,
& I
Prittts, 80 phi!
Ginghams, pli
GniCeries, lar
Tens, from 21
:!rc!ii, Spring.
Hadware of every kind. r ,,
Mill.saws and files. . . !
Loiking-glazses, best ass't in tOrn.
Cr4kery ! fit ti li !
A large stock of Men's and. BoYs Boots
& • Briogans—also Women's an Misses'
Shoesiof every deicription.
Flo*, &c. &c.
W:',' trust owlfriends will at lea. 4 call and
examlite our tock—we can and will sell
J. 5, 1846.
- 1 ,
• .
illoletrose, , ,
__ II
A •
/111 IE Subscribe s are now reeeiting their
- 11 - Stock of Fall and - Winter 000DS,
which will be stiold on their usual atibomodat
ing teims, for .IEADY PAY. • .?
__ 4 MILLS & SHE!
**noose, Nov. 4, 1846.
r ed i
' throb ee u g il l the county, ntly r' 1 1 i
4 4 11 r
is the declared opinion of hug ,
ireds,:that in pomt Of variety; and quail
' f] ty, the' supply of HATS and CAPS, at
Menai". & Root's! Hat and Cap Store op the West
side orpthe Public Avenue in Montrose, exceeds any
thintdf the kind ewer exposed for sale iii this region
of cornttry. Reer, do you discredit the rumor?
Retheikber the Preys admonition:
[Our doubts are traitork
And make us 144 e the good we oft might win:
Oct. 22; 1846. i
. .
1_ . ;',. 20 Dozen'?
- F INg NUTRIA Brash, Moleskin ant& Silk- Hats,
1A • offall and IS inter Fashions , on ha at Merrill
I.& Root's Hat S re, which will be sold cheaper
than der for re y pay. li •
1 &
n pozcoleied and nat. L)l , 3 i t e , r ? i e ll vt, and
.k feA y Muffs,t at
6 DO I Z. squiriel Boas and Ladies' irr gnat
1 g%l& R's. t
a.i , a
Otter, • seal, Nutria and Illuskrat,FOr
all Cap s at 1 i3l & It's.i
2 DOZ. 311
4.'s and Boy's plain cloth Caps !of
'different Styles and quality, at 1. M & R's:
I t
Q Z. Men's'and Boy's silk and 6 eptton glazed
U Ones, a few. ozen Buffalo Robes, ild. any quo*,
ty.oft)nur seal, . et, and worsted Capp at M & R's
19UDOZ. sp . coney, imitation bpsh,' fur and .
wool 8 ug, and wool Hats ` ' also Hat Ca
ses, Sluff Cases, apCases, &.e. at . ..,: M & R's . .
•,i . - ,
$5,15 is 6,00
2,50 0 2,75
2,62 0 3,00
CFf paid fini Felts
it "
M '
iNGRAMTCIN Plow Points for 1 $0,44
Bide A do.. i• 50
Pd & 85
i ._ ..2.1 „ ./1..
' SELECT CHOOL will be , opehed in this vil-
A., 1
1a,, ,, e on Mo lay the 26th of October, under the
charge of Mr.-N. -DUBOIS.
Terms oft ioa per,Quartei °f it woks.
Orthbgrophy, R ding Writing,' Firit Les-, I,
, , Belie m Arit metic, and Parley's ; ,,Geog- I •
raphy, . ' . ir te 00
Geography,. , Aiithinetic and. Mud- ' •
.; pig, - . . • • ii. i 2 50
thstoir3r, (Ase. t and Modern) Dtbwies,i -
Chemistry, P ' ;PhYt'Betenyr 43 1+4 0 0 , ,
, Raistorie, and Logic, l''. - 300
Algebra, Geom ny, Surveying, (thetinal ,
'anti prittical, Book-beeping, Astrsii k omy,•
t and French, •_. ' I ' 500
i Frbquent - . will be gide* 'nit varionsi
branilbes of , • • &knee beitompabied by illus. ,
r 4
tratiees sea ex 6 . .. - ts. -
.hs f heap, of the
Tomi, pal; 'and • • . 'mat bent tiiin 'iii `respe c ek.
ale luniliei at, .1n sl' 25 to $1 ` 5d ' . 'Nita. ''''•
odukt. Bend I t • 4 2% /846 • . ';'' '•• •
i •• 4 . • -4 ' r:,
ATS B7 et riad atiiiiagio4 at -
jug sett 3,1 i:
•of complaints are aLsource of
the nervous are inngularly
.functions disoidered by an op.
the stomach. To rlieve d
• "ss, (in - which mind windy par-
Sugar Coated Indian .Vegeta
. :commended, as, hx: cr.mbin
, - aperient properties, theync.,
accumulations, strengthen the
althr appetite, and invent trea
t system. They also tare dys•
lds, and.bilious comidaints.
tich street, (large brio! block.)
$r the Improved India! Vegeta-
~ Benj. Smith is trrit4en withu
the box.
l el 3,;C0. and J. Ethridge, Mout-
ce,s—from 5 to 2acts. per yd.
• In and twill'd, rich, col'rd.
he, Waffle, Chimii.
,ge assortment.
to Eis per lb. • • 1
'steel, Nails, Band4ron and
I M&&
, .--..- -2::'.I.IKREIV_M-* ®•ge: - !.nr - - - - - -Y.":1
Fr ' E sObierillier',' Eainkf, &fling favors of his
-i• ,di Andithe-publiei ' , frlctfttllly invites their
ottOolioll to thetlOvi ii rq 5p , lot o'f94:xmla now
openl G - . 6 ' 2, 7 1far4 . an,. Crlictiery; - ',. ',`
l id
'Glasi Wa ft , U: kiak4l as i es
• ' ; - Gioreiiii;
. N ' ,
.41obks : '' '' '
4: Awitroyulil ; -11,' et, etc.','' -- '
vrbf lirill be sola'as low's& ' dial L ' . ; ''' ', 'r"
act Wi.' . ' 1 ' '',. " 4 LY (I,O -' . '
N. Lt.—Wanted, Grain, . atter; sotiog; W hite
-- - - r s, I:40w, Neeswax,_ • , , Ate.% , : , 1..4
1 VUTIATZ - `311411' -
ER, at thsbld Hat ,f ; . rb.aati:-be Rena th e
best and klieiipest•iiiio ent.qf ' tltits',#4 ()vs
. off w e ag red on l , a i rds.pla
i t
I . : , fi h ni. : t wi t , l o l . ,iiittwe
. 13-r-.Theterseu :who took a poke( steelyards.
, . the shot Is min* t./$ yetrum t h em ; Jr ,
f • hat b Ochs &S . i I eat," those ' havin;ftliCui
. nested to retird Om • ' ' ` '3l
423,1840. ,_;..
"1 : 1 ‘ 1 P &SAO*
_ . by 1 7,' 8 'by - 1 :, 10.4 16i., ..
, by.B,. 10 by 1 , 1 1 by 15; ,- ~
'by ti, 'lO b3rl, , 12 by 16;:' '-"
b i ll
,9;:1Qby:1 , ,I by.,lk'
and 4.1' 11 . - X ;, Glass. ' .
9, 8 by.loi 10 jr 12; io , by ii
a , for sale by ,
.troTs .t'cHANDL - ER.
111 tritse, Sept 30, 1846:' , • •
- )3;EEP IT
AT the.cheapest lot o
thus market, can now b
O. IL'Y •
16 y 4., Calico for 0.,
12 yds. Sheeting
llis. CAN-. Tobaccii,
6 lbs.. Young Hysorr
lbs.. Cod-Fish, -
S. gar, Coffee, Alolusses,
II the litest news Gen. k
I the Mexicans tremeud.
I n. -Tailor of Montrose
.ng to the late full
•r Fashions, which he ~
• Tariff', 'he is bound to,'
neat fits and substanti.
sting on short notice
. •rly made-up. .
I3.—Wanted, u fine 1
. g lad about 15 years a
, . character, &c., as an a'
siness.• None need .
, • well recommended.
• .10
ontrose, Oct.; 15, 1846.
$l , REM
froin the subs
Jeep red ye:tiff]
Win:fever Will
whege-he niay
tter, Oct. .13, lg.
Shoe 3141ter-,-shop
Hair Drefa;
=exit of A. Hal&
oisortment of Dry
&cA West Side
er in Stoves, Hardwai+
+de otThiblie Asenue.
c. &c.—East Rule of P
era in, Hats, baps,
est side ; of Ta4l) Ac •
E •
continues the Bleat. .4
us liramches at his old S-
B. S.
at Law, at the o
the COO •
inet and Chair Making
minting., Tuning, PO
old stand on Turnpat
~ n3q, at Law, Ofce ov
• Co,, corner of biblic
• . PARK &
ski* & • Surgeons;
blic Avenue °ter the
. E. & PARK. -
oouble Tailors, over!
ries, Fruits, CI
• aints, Oils, and ;
,ertl Store.: A
pu hand: One dc
ach, Carriage and
ikelitreeti at the
to serve.eustomers,
age. • Articles in
Bale, anti ° repairita
where he will bie
Eenndexs, aut
the obi stand nel
ttariiiya at Liw
Court Mouse.
er' in Dry doOds,
and Boolibiinier=
nit hOrY . eH
corutr of Ptibli.tAxenn i !
asliiiitthble'Talio Tiv •
r Storlit.
1,. • ' ~i ; ',.: , ',-. 1
.I,, , Siii_PX
ii - essie,prieedibiili
e yi' Tin '!f l aY,l 4 47.P l 4
' ri e; Susq. co. re.
.... ,t : - ...T. c , lf f .-. .. , .. - i ..
I ..., i., tli lnit.w .
• ' ''''
I ENTISTWieeti "reed;
'-‘lll Opnatiois int the
toeiquia,at,l. gesr , •
r diiii a 401 - wee.k. ,
1 : ,,-, ,i- Tit: t.' wiil
. . .61,4 8,4 0 ,,, & A
:,6-.7;•:.i.},p1k , SA
Goods over offer:did'
found at the store mf
Dollar, • Cash.-
en, do. do
do. do
aylor srsis ccatinkdawn
y, and iota Groves,
cutting eati gathients
complete. Fall and
~ just received... Tariff
please his pustTners,
cl warranted` - t, fit if
it rebed, =oath, ksired,
frein the t:ountry, of
'Treutide to ale Tiulor
but *adz as care
i. PPIY • • 1.
N GROVES, Tiulor.-
11! '
lier, sometime ittJtutri
_ 'STEER, about mid
turn mill steer, or give .
found, shalt receive
lONS, • - •
Turnpike st:' one door
- •
.bop on Turnpike st. in,
in's shop.
& CO.
nods, Crociery, Bard
of Public Avetufe.
YRE, •
, Dry Gaxis, Nest
StationetT, Dry Goods,
Plough Pi:lint:l4, &c..—
thing business in its vari
d near Keeler'iTtiverti
office a few. rlxis weet
I Also .Sign and ; Fancy
Hanging &0.. Shop xu
r the ; Store of I/ L:: Peat
veruip and Turnpike ;it_
iffice, west std o of luso:
tote of IL Setirle&
erril & Root's list Store
Drugs,Medi - 604,
if goo;1'
.nierir, on'rrin
wad, are •
tined style Of ,
y baud for
' hirer, , ma y be
the - Bptoil:glv
ile'South of the
)1:14,,,rf,yer, &Fs .
OST 4Sc • 0:
:9.F1d , T1M 1 19 1 01 ,, . •
itbi;tlsl: ?
doors liidatv'the riirintnos
6 1 1'1 . 1611a Icietitie.
• 6NNET; t • -
ware:, btocerietireoek
licinhick, dec.-Triends
• t “s
g mfrit i::, .
eloacouerot Ofaiestldfojor
• -•