News 'o44e.' hltik. • Fr 0 the St. Louis Gin. Kearney ' aidbits Novenae alibi. Sairri4sE, Sept.'l3, 1846. ' Messrs. Editor; :tgOti the 2d inst. Gen. Kearney, with ihmit i vight hundred men left, the town Air en excursion south. Wewent to a village called Tipie, about one hundred miles distant. *e struck the Rio Grande twenty-seven miles ; (rum this place, at a . village called San Domin g o, inhabited by Puebla . Indians. ' reception at *in vil lage was quite a grail affair, the principal -men and,braves of , ike.tribe met us six miles from the town and eSOorted us in; the braves were mounted on seir best horses, and dressed in the *esti gaudy apparel, and armed and tiuippedlit the same manner as when they go outfor '4he purpose of fighti When the Generid:Phased the head-of it columns, they fired', their guns, an , then one file on each shloilof our corn , • , tes pro ceeded to the mar Ind then • , • led and came down close t°_Clur line . the top of the speed of their hconco, yelling and going through all the manceuvres of a regular charge; they met again at the head of our columns, fired at eajih other with their pis tols, made .passes Vrith their lances, and then filed off and returned to the head of our companies. This , ',lives repeated several times to the great admiration and astonish ment of all who wit*ssed it. I have never seen 'better horseuien anywhere, and from what I could discove- I should take them to 4oe formidable in batik, if proPerly armed. They are fine looki4 men, and much supe rior in every, respect i M the blecican popu lation. They have a very - fine Village', most splendid vineyards,j end appar to be much snore comfortable it every respect than the Mexicans. When , 4 ,1 „e got into the village, we were invited into the, priest's house, 'where a most sumptUous repast waset out, consisting of the bet grapes I ever saw, melons, apples, calies s .and with - liquor suffi cient to wash them Sown. After our repastif the General made . 'a speech to the citizen . ), who ppeared quite well pleased; they Olen escorted us out of town, and we went*n our way rejoicing, with full stomachs, 4pd every man .with just \ liquor enough to Mike him feel patriotic. ' This was the only' Indian village we visited. The only villages On the Rio Grande that, we visited, worthy of note, are San Domin go, Sari Phillippe, Albaquerque and Tonie. We halted a short Wile at this place, going and returning. Genf, Kearney called on the late Governor's wife t and passed an hour or two, as he told me, , verr pleassetly. She is said to be an inte lligent woman, and de-• ported herself with much propriety. Her husband (Armijo) it is said, has gone-to the Passe, and it is stimosed, will continue on to the city of Mexito. The people - near - the town of Tonie, tied the inhabitants of the different villages,Thave heard of our in tended visit, and the General so arranged our marches as to bring us to the town the evening before the iioiversary of their pat ron Saint, a great clap with the inhabitance of that region of country. And. I assure you it , was a great dot, not only with them, but to all who were present. There was an immense concomie of people, men, wo men, and children * Mexicans, Indians altd white folks. They 60 prepared fire works, . which were gotten pp in a very good style; _the town was illuminated; they had a the atre, that is, a playliU the open yard, which appeared-to be well Oceived by- the inhabi tants ; they also had It fandango, which was not only crowded, but jammed and crowded to overflowing; the beanty and fashion were there, and, to my astonishment, I found some of the women ciuite handsome • AmiericailikVolamteergu The courage andfdiscipline displayed by our volunteers at th4 ; storming of Monterey are subjects of 04iversal praise. •The 'Charleston Evening ,news speaking of the subject says : " ThO' l eircumstnocesof volun teen storming entrenchments is novel in military history. . 'The auxiliary force under • Cleo. Taylor will be', said, however, ,not to fall under the denomination of ?aw recruits, having received the benefits of drill and dis cipline for three maths, in the presence of regular forces and '4Ccotriplished o ffi cers. ; Yet the attack and Onrwent-sxposure in assailing - fortified filaies, is rarely entrusted to any but tried foroM. Militia which have even received some 4rortion -of military in struction are generally so blended with reg ular troops, as to find, in their superior dis cipline, a support, and in their trained stead iness and example.!,g But in storming the batteries at. Montere . t, American militiamen stood alone in attaeti as they came out of it, with almost impale! ed honor. 0 The secret of thf's is to'be sought in'the .qualities which mugs render this species of force, when trained, hot only equal, but su perior, to enlisted Win and compulsory ser vice. Very few, eiript men of lofty spirit, will become voluntes in a severe service. ' If their sense of subordination is equal to p . 14, their perception of cjtor and feeling of pride, they must form so rs beyond Comparison; with NMI disci Libe, superior to others. Acting under their. Own officers, they must become nest-3o invincible. / "The etinduct of :Our, gallant militiamen at Monterey, will fortO a chapter in our mil itary history whieli v . ' 11 compare with any that adorns the arra* of the revolution. It will place the citizenisoldier on an eminence, even in Europe, Where only on • occasions of invasion and doMestic ,spoliation, the higher duties of paniiic courage are brought •-, out; as in the heroic defence of their country by the Germans,' at heady the close of Bo amparte'rte areer. The laurels of our volun teer will live with' erdure ever fresh, be come they were **lron in defence oftheir h omes t ea d s , but at a aqtanee froadheirhearti: awes, amid the piiieKons of se rere cam. paign i i i gt 7 , ~ . .;,1 4' , . Tee l r It, at key West. ,Abiost of key West— FAI lives itreck of the U. S. Brig rlifkeverute Cutter Mor rsa—Gree t ofproperty. FIRM our P exchange p a p ers we envy the pertiettlars of a mg destrioniee.Gale GeWand great toes a bib mitt property . The gale eomme— , ` -blewing - frum N. E. oa tbelnoming ." , -41thak.;-by lo'cloek it blOwed4 perfect riteticanc,the tide rase rapidly/mil near • ,wltenitabated. On the. lila -it .b • . Moderate golefand freolealijytthOdeti• req. dlvOing-boure• _ease fin oy Aix, at 44 , West, were &saw] . , led, the" c4tom' -Ir,use was blears', !Government property deltroyed ant of 430;000 ;Taffe'sirliarves bll,_and :thefrialt works irere d z . -- . 2 _;:ta ,1..... , / ited States bursa...were i 'wed; il less thanitber baikfin Ma i were turned out It , selpsh but U States IQuarte -. aster 'Came to their misista . e.- The low of many we - i rowned and many lkillesib %Plink buil. ' . gs. Key West light . ciuse and buildings at leached a' 'en , ' ylOne;trittlie spawhere" they steed is .. • etedr,toy a whole sand.beach. 'Rey Lig ouse has really disappeared, With th •• . tidings connected with it. The - occu . , is of this too t ihaveperisherk • ' '.ewh . e waters now.extend sixty and ,ventym les to the Et outhward of Tortugas, The Gore nment will, lose-by this storm the revenue:4 . r Morris and brig Perry, two- - light-honses, fortifications, custum-house and hospital, riot far from, $200,000. Many viessels will doubtless get ashore from theof Sand Key Lighthouse being t gone. D d bodies are occasionally dug from and r the twins, and none can tell how many the are remaining. As far as as leertaine4 fifty persons have lost their lives, and it is singular so few are dead or injured. ''The 111 S. Brig Perry, Blake from Ha vana for qharleston, with Coin. Sloat, from, the Pacific Squadron on board, went ashore on the Florida Reef in 11 feet water. _. Both masts gone and anchors and guns thrown overboard'} The wreckers,have taken charge and irmylpossibly get her off. All hands saved.. : i • The Revenue cutter Morris, Malden, is ashore on the North Westshoel, three miles from Key !West, in two feet water, with loss of masts,lanchors, chains and boats, bul -1 warka and decks swept, and guns carried off by the wind and waves. She is a mile from the cluumel, and probably a total loss. FROM SANTA FE.—News from Santa Fe to 17th. , General Kearney had returned from the South,f4er a'successful tour. The people, except tb rich, received him with joy. He was to march to, California on the 25th o',' Septembet. • edoru , down, and' to the al* , dipappe • ! stroyed..i . I The Vic but euffe . 1 tty &mike 'the. Uni ‘- 1 promptly life From the N. Y. fir.reld. , Washington Nov. 2., 1346. The Finances and the War—Mor t tam an d more money tranted r —Firs minim Loan— Grist: Sixte s programme cossirig outstraight —Fun4amental apprehen, ions--A word , more foe; good .‘ Old Zack" and Gen. Worth at Monterey---7'he reason of :the i thing rrstsde inernifest.,—Aneedote of Col. 1 Watson and the Sergeant.—Hearyrains I and theilike. ii \ "Alta tadawda via est.:" We must' try another p an. Tre.ainry mites and Treasti ; ry drafts th the amount of Env million, cover half the hell of limitation. ' But we want money, roilid the brokers are shaving our pa per. 1.. 4 e us issue a prospectus for a loan of five mfflion at 6 per cent, The men 'Cif capital will snap at the bait: Presto, vedo, it is dotty. Come on with, your money. Some -says that this demand` for money is at I the instigation of the Secretary of War. He wants mote volunteers and wants the cash wherewithal to equip and dispatch them. GoM norm. Let the thing be done. Why , stand there nibbling your fingernails, Mr. I Seeretaiy, when the cry is " forwird march," and the. men are not on the ground. Yon I must have the men, sir; and we shall be happy to hear that the five million loan is destined for an increase of 10,000 to the land forcers, and ofbombs and Warding pikes for the Gulf squadron. Mr. 'Walker looks thin as a ghost—impalpable as a shadow— he is the very impersonation of the Treasu ry; but they ''vrill both stand the racket. Altogethelt, the conduct of the war has been manaOllvery well, very well indeed. Win field Semi comes out approved as the soldier of experience. His programme of the cam paign hal; been fulfilled like a prophecy, and bad he only left out thathasty pudding, or soup; Ur frijoles, or whatever it was, there would not have been a hook to'hang a quib ble on. ~ To be sure, his apprehensions about his 'enemies at home firing upon him in the rear, while the-Mexicans would be giving I him theirl broadsides in front,Lwas prema tut* out of taste; and not in acOordance with military law. He • was, perhaps, like the ISecretary} of liar, too careful about his breechei.l A stern chaser is an ugly cus tomer, ydu know, But all levity aside, the Maj. Gen. in Chief has been dOing his duty. Day by: day he has 'been in conned with the Secretary of War and thePretident. Con fidence :atipears to be restored,' and we are glad to JO it When a good .soldier coo ; mits a blUtider, it is right to : give him a chance in redeem the faux pas. This was the plat! clf Napoleon, who waksaid to have been something of a corporal in his day. This is4e plan of Old Zack ' Taylor, the honest,' titraight-forward, true and steady old felkiw; as lie is. Why, sir, it does a man's liekt good-to read of the nice " op portunity" given -to Worth at Monterey. Taylor and Worth htulpessed it and tramp ed it, mid biouvacked among the everglades and Seminoles. l'he old commander knew what We tth was worth. He knew his man,. He knelt 'that the stuff was in him—the presence of mind—the sagacious observation —the cool disposition of orders—the - steady bravery cif the veteran: It was reallyy - the generous confidence of the discerning man. that re-inktated Worth to the full approba- - tion of hiti country. ' We all right now, and if their lira soldier who would die in the: trenchmi*osavel" Old Zack" a scar, or who 'limit" A:dlaway afiziing bombshell to pre-* Vent its - 14114Oditight his feet, it is the tried and trustjr Worth. Under the fayor of : his commander hale . rastored to the universal confidenOn of hist ory. The cloud is gone-- the shaddw of gloom is - dissipated—the ugly dream thitt haunted him is past and • ;4'itichard is illimself •again." .. To our mind, the is not a prettier incident in all the [campaign. than ~ this. Eminently bonorablit and chividric as has been the .eonductlf every officer and soldier (with scarce muencepuon) of the , army, we like thia.oppottunity" given to, Worth, 'and the may inArbich -be " embraced it," better than Any Pin; that bag bees done, - because it is so ntinspicuously creditable to the dim criminate m of old - Zack.. the. bravery of Wadi/ ii4Ki the - gforY Of oUratiiL. , ''.7: ' Tberels'imother ivalept of -Monterey, Which, nultiteotioned to us,," !Witty. I)efore Our- . -:taisdi.itit'Alt - Ritter Ritchie slip. ? illirge chengulitrAifritber laitcbie.: , 1 1 ,Vil.carr.oO1Pt4. pod Asettifimportont irreonnatioa,,for,dm, =unity Ot 'cif hint, now and then ; and sotucis 4ghhe does walk around the truth, case of - Ihtilitrecbt li w 1.4)f fOrt7AVie4 ialciii a 1 Bing Otchpre t thanii matter of habit or .organic eipedie4y. But when the BalthnOre battalion about leaving :the *reeks forthe ormar, a flag was . made fur them ; and Lieut. W. D. Porter,' of the Navt ' (whose brother had recently been butchered by the ranpberns) present ed itto thelbOilititt iwitti . tl sppeph. Watson replied that it should not be surren-, ' demd he tad to - Idefend it,' . and one of the Sergeants, anold pall said, that it should never be cut downi while be had an arm to protect it. Theyi have redeemed their word) for Watson has sacrificed his life, and the sergeant bas given the Mexi cans an arm ; but the big flag is floating G. Ver the captured city. It has been raining for fifiy-six hours, and appears jail now to be begining. As it has been a reghlar Nor-Easter, we may expect to hear of more disastors along the coast to the Northward. Cheerfully, From the Public Ledger. - Rumors at Washington. IWAsetNoxost, Nov. sth, 1846. The neWs from New Yuok has already given rise to some angry comments, 'the .Ca!holt!, alien make no bones of expressing their satisfaction with it ,because, in their es timation, Silas 'Wright was ' no t su ff ic i ent ly a Southern man, and mosequently " not sufficientlyi pure" to maihe a candidate for the presidency. Calhoun is now tp run pos itively, "with or withr,ut a. Notiont4 conven tion, or in spite of ;.L. He is one ofrhe three candidates who is to go into the House if the people;fail to elect a President, and be tween both r e arties it is supposed he will oh tatn the grOatest number ofvotes ; the Whigs, if incapr.ble of electing a President from their e.wn party, prefering the anti-war pol icy r f Mr. Calhoun to that of any man nom ted by, and pledged to carry out the views o r . the. Democratic party. But it may be, after all, that the Calhoun men may make theik calculations without their host; it being possible, though not probable, that South Carolina may play truant, and as thero is no likelyhood of Mr Calhoun's ear -1 tying any other State than his own, his name, after all, may may not go into the House. Equally singular is the notion which the I friends - of Mr. Calhoun try to spread—that it was- the Calhoun men who defeated Wright ! . Mr. Calhoun has undobtedly, from his position, talents- and elevation of character,,rnany personal friends and admi res in the State, or rather city of New York, but politictd friends he has few, and certain ly nothing approaching very near to a party organization. The administration is not intimidated by the result in New York, though it may be disposednat to resist amendments to the late tariff enacted by Congress, provided they do not interfere with the genera! principle. That principle it is determined to uphold, be the consequences. what they may. One thikig is clear however, namely this : 1 Pennsylvania is necessary to whichever par ty may win the race, and hence Pennsylva nia willbC made the battle ground of the j next Presijlential campaign. On Pennsyl -1 vania, thetefore, all the efforts of party will be exhausted, and-the contest, it may be sup posed, will be a severe one. . . The nost prominent Whig candidate seems to be Judge 'McLean, at least as far as the leaders are understood to express their opin ion in this city. Gen. Scott's prospects are utterly hopeless. The; Cabinet; it would seem, has not come to a definite conclusiorias regards the attack meditated bn Vera Cruz. But it is imagin ed, nevertheless, that, without such an-at- I tack, and Ithe closest blockade of all the I -Mexican ports, even the success of our troops I at Ricanando and Saltillo would not end the i war. Gen. Taylor, to be insured against i all accident requires more troops, and they will be sent to ' bun. • Plans or attack and coups de ;actin on Ve ra Cruz continue to . pour in upon the Navy Department ; but no action has, I believe, as yet been taken upon them. Some regret that the President did not accept the offer of Gen. Armstrong, our worthy Consul at Pverpool,imade while lie was here, to sur prise the city of Vera Cruz at the head of 5000 Tenpesseans, which he proposed to raise himself, if-the government would ac cept of their services. General Armstrong is a brave And experienced soldier, who has served under Gen. Jackson, and possesses entirely the confidence of the Western peo ple. lie would no doubt have distinguish. ed himself,sand the blow, in the end, will have to belstruck before peace is obtained from Mexico. No appiehensions exist as regards the propOsed United States ,loan; 'and sealed proposals continue to pour in from all parts of tbe UniUn. The twelfth of this month is the day on which the propositions will be opened aatlthe award made. It is, of course, the interest of the speculators to depress the Government credit, in ordei to extort high rates ; butlit is still believd that the loki will be taken above par. There is no further news from the Army, and none expected except the, official ac , counrs'of ffie killed and wounded at the bat tle orMouterey. 'ATTEMOT TO LASSO A poy.:---The steam er Corvette, on her trip down to Camargo, stopped fot the night at a ranchero on the river, and 'ft small boy attached to the boat went ashote, and strayed some distance from the banLi He was espied by a Mexican whcithought to'entrap him With a lasso, and drigi,him Off.' The Mexican was, no-doubt, expert in the 'use of this - weapon, but some how, he wits not quick enough in his move ments. He eticceded in encircling the boy with the noose, but before he could throw hi'm from i d si feet, the youngster. fired two pistol bkoi, into ,him, which hurried Mr. Mexican,pff,i no doubt 'quite sick at the stowed). iT.e , boy ivas , not over thirteen years-of . age. The , Mesicoo must, think t the .Yan kee ' 1 tire c "bor n „ veteran" pistol shooi4irs t - A isubsekil4r *to' the Binitell ' Bee 'reeen4 stopped tltis . paper, -in • conieiretice of its containing ati''artiek Imaged " Our' Merl,- can ItelatiOnsi" itsSigninOtte r o 'reason, that` . "it min iiiho,bW:Meticatc Oelatiins Wasn't. to' beArOitild ; "'''': - ' ' ', . „ . . , . to, ir.' Oxte milk tst_Dp.r.w.tas toltes phwe On T,4 41 # e. - k Ph-fig„ eragrs c911,-- 'grew elide tii Legislature. ... —...: • -, ,• , i • THE. DOCTOR - A 'Bel liroluesteor. m ,_. _,. _. , ~ I Wise, Eiiii. l '-1, e. pelAratect ronant, has addressed* - .... 'ionic:mien tttlie Lan caster Republkao, int-14cl he proposes to 'tb Wei Depient i`if) take . the . elide of Siiildirtilit taloa, by , means QM*, aid of a balloon. He suggests the following plan : '! In the-fiiit place it will require the con struction of 'balloon of 'common twilled muslin, of about one hundred feet in diame ter. , This machine properly- coated with varnish, ,will - iitainits buoyancy for many days or weeks. ft' will be capable, when inflated, tortnise over-30,000--pounds. Say 20,000 independent of its own weight, net work, car. end cable. It can be inflated in a day, or. less time if necessary. The proc essof inflation may , be accomplished on land, or on board a man of war at sea, as circum stances may requike. The car to heloCded with percussion bomb shells to the amount of 18,000 pounds, which will leave 2,000 for ballast and men. Thus it will be ready to be placed in a position for deadly action in a. very short time. The cable by which it is to be manoeuvred may be at least five miles long, so that the balloon et a milt- of eleva tion would leave the vessel, or land position, which act as the retaining point, out of reach of the castle guns an;, under the cover of ourwn batteries. The manbf war balloon hov 'ng'a mile over the bead of the castle like cloud of distruction, would be entire it ly out of danger of the enemy's guns, since they could not be made to bear at an object immediately above them.. The position of the balloon as to height, and distance from the retaining point could be easily main tained by keeping a proper eye to the bal lasting. As it would become lightened by the discharge of shells and torpedoes, an ad equate quantity of gass can also be dis charged. If a gun from the fort could be made to bear on the war balloon, it would soon be silenced by the rapidity, precision and certainty with which the deadly missiles could be showered down upon them. With this renal war ship hanging a mile above the fort, supplied with a thousand per cussion bomb shells, the castle of-Vera Cruz could be taken without the loss of a single life to the army, And at an experise that would be comparatively nothing to what it will be to take it by the common mode of attack." Railroad Accident and Providential Escape. The Philadelphia Inquirer of the 3d inst. says: "A serious and alarming accident oc cur,* yesterday to the Railroad Line which left New York at 6;1 o'clock A. M. While crossing the bridge over Rancocus Creek, it was discovered that the "draw" was not let completely down. The danger was im minent, as there was not sufficient time to prevent the train from reaching the open draw, such was the headway of the locomo tive. The conductor,, brakeman and engi neer behaved with the utmost coolness, and contrived to detach the cars just at the very moment that the engine touched the edge .of the aperture or - chasm. Another • instant, and the locomotive was plunged into the creek, which is broad and deep, and disap peared beneath the waters—the cars re maining, and the numerous passengers saved, as if by providential forethought and cool ness on the part of the individuals we have named; from frightful danger, injury, wounds and death." Artnrvat. OF REclwrrs.—One hundred re cruits for the first regiment of dragoons with their horses arrived yesterday on the steam er Julia, from St. Louis, and will proceed to the Rio Grand immediately. They were under the command of Col. Kearney, a nephew of Gen. Kearney. The horses, 90 in number, are all greys, and beautiful in the extreme. The men arc picked and no ble looking fellows. The trappings °rale horses and the accoutrements of thir riders are all that the most fastidious commander could wish. Lieutenant Kearney. has been from his youth'a most devoted and -enthusi astic equestrian and cavalry man. He sßent some years uuderthe command and tiNelage of his gallant uncle, and then went to Eu rope, under instruction from Government, to ascertain and report on the most useful and easy kind.of equipment for cavalry, and he acquitted himself of his task in a manner highly _creditable to himself and the Govern ment. While abroad, with a view to famil iarize himself with actual warfare, he left the United States service and entered a vol unteer in the French service in Africa, where he served as a chasseur throughout the bloody campaign of 1840; He has again joined our army and raised the fine compa ny of Dragoons of which we have spoken.— N. 0: Tropic, Oct. 16. GEN. JACKSON AND C4PT. FATIO.—An exchange paper relates the following of Gen. Jackson and Capt. Fatio, late of the Revenue Service: " The Capt. Fatio who was lately dismissed from service as Com mander of the Revenue Cutter WoodburT, in consequence of putting into port to avoid a - gale of wind, he having 'a government agent on board, charged with important despatches from Vera Cruz, is the same per son who obtained office from Gen. Jackson in rather a singular _manner. Having been dismissed from service by John- Quincy &hubs, he laid his complaint before the new President immediately upon his acces sion to power. The General, as he alleges, )irornised to reinstate him, but put him off from day to day, until at last, incensed by the untiring importunities of the little Cap tain, the old hero sprang to his feet, _und swore by the Eternal,' if he did not desist, he would throw him out of the window ! The words were likely to be followed by the action, when Fatio, distending himself to his utmost proportions, exclaimed, Try it, you old tyrant, and I'll run you through !' The General was so much astonished at the fellow's coolness ,and courage ; that he sat down and wrote out his commission at once." -NEW MovemerrT.;—The Liberty party are about to establish a paper. at Washing, ton, to operate• on a great scale. John Quin cy Adams, Mr. Qiddings, and all the great spirits, ire said to be interested. The plan i s t o raise a subsciption, of *20,000 a yearvfor three years, which, - it is thought, will be sufficientt A considerable portion of this large sum, we are told, is already pledged. • We arelappylto :hear that lira. Colonel Wattion,whose husband• was killed at Mon arayfis to reattiiiir a halfpay pension of $37 *oath. " Here shell -the. Plvie, the Pecpide . ti riihts maintain; U by inflince, and unbribed by gain:" • INONTIWSE. NOV. 19. 11114141. N. le. /* Erie road. The Direct* of th' Company - hav4 opened for trniel Booth r section of thisii road, between lifiddletoin and Otis Ville, distance of nin miles, m' king a total of Erii. P miles from New York. -was to this point; that the compahy were restricted in the .opt; eratjns of the law of the.last session of thq Legislature, until the route they should talm should be detertnined by enmmissioners.-4 1 That question is now settled, and , the work: ,l , is now going o 4 west of the mountain.with' all possible despatch. A further extension to Port Jervis, on the Delaware river, wilt be made in tl4 spring. The cars run td' Otisville twice 4 day. NEW YORK EIiIiECTION. We have returns . for Governor from alt; the counties in the State; except Oattaraui gus and Franklin: John; Young, (Whig,' is elected Govetnor by - 10;000 and upwards:- ;; Addison. GardiOer, (Dem.l) is elected Lieut;,•:' Governor. The vote stapds thus—Youno 24,67.5; Wright, 14,396.1 The counties tdi be heard from will increase the Majority for!! Young. Wright's majority in 1844 wait, 5,240. John T. Hudson, (14m.) and Thou:Rai' Clowes, (whigi) have 14ii elected Canat Commissioners;; Members of Congress elected-23 whigsl; 17 Democrats( and Hunker S- i The Legislature , so far, stands as follows I 60 Whigs, 35 Democrats, 5 Hunkers, and I IQ Anti-Renteri. • irroiti the incomplete returns which we' have received, the cannot determine the fete! . of the New 1 Constitution. I The opinion pre.: , . l' veils, however,; that it is. rejected. There; , were objectionable featukes in the instru.i meet, which, ill any honest and intelligent; community, would assurehl y work its- con4l demnation. Ini,the city mre was a large' majority against it, and colored suffrage.--4 They also rejected the nelw City Charter bi.,.. a heavy majority. In some portions of the State the parties were much divided, and i l t would seem that a great variety of issues n , jere before the peoi pie, which may; account for - the rather sin gular fact, thatin Whig governor is elected by a very tcilernble majority, with a Demo= erotic Lieut. Ginternor.- fin many counties where Mr. Youtng received large majorities; Mr. Gardiner also led tisl competitor. Still; frotn the aggregate Whig gain in the totst vote given, we must acknowledge the cacti. that the Whig* have triumphed in .Nessi - 2 York, as well as everyw re else. ) ~ lElOction snits. i . 1. It appears, by our latest exchanges, that " the election in the State of New York, has; resulted disastrOusly to the Democratic pari: ty. In short, Our Demeeratic brethren of the Empire State, haveb:#n "routed, horse„ foot and• dragoOn." To sirhat this unexpect4, ed and astounding result is attributable, is a; question of importance 4nd attended with, no little intricacy. It certainly cannot 130 ascribed to. an . unren . itting rain storm, aft was a similar, diaster whisk occurred in' the: old Keystone State, on inel3th of Oct. WO Indeed, we begin to suspect that the editorot: the liiirrisburgiArgus wan not s much "wide of correct" when hesaid :I , t. "We regret to- perceive that a large por•i t , tion of the Democratic pnpers of this State continue to attribute the Image of our late! i defeat to the storm which prevailed on the; day - of election,. We, de not understand; what object- it , -,ib to be gained by thus at 4 tempting to mildead the i public. It would certainly be math better te acknowledge than truth at once, find to endeavor . to heal the' division, -and :correct ti e "party error?! which alone gave the vi tory to our oppoii nents. Such a! , course w uld ber t more man; ly, and world evince a'Ouch greater love. for the success of DenOciatie principles/' than is now evinced b' whining over thti fiat past, and arranging s in; such shaped e as to induce, the belief inl a cause for defeat which in reality had - no cixistence. We were' beaten not the rain, but bei cause the peop l e had .b en deceived on the , subject of the 'Tariff— cause . the obvioUS intention of theiact of the Assembly, authori izing the electien of Can I Commissioners : l, i had been violated in .14 re-nomination of Mr. Foster-r-add begki a system of proi f : scriptionn had ptevailid - th the. administra4 tion and the party , at liar with the best prineiplesi of Dem' racy, 'rendering the dictation of self - for ip cliques su:perior : is. to the voiceland wishetN .. f them:teas of the party. . ~ i . • • Unfril-these anuses of : defeat be removed ` ; it is useleis to hope for s cress.. When the Tariff is modified so as ti protect our home industry.-wheh ' the on:- : term.. principle ie adopted in all 'elections . offices of postret, and patronage-4-when . ; .seripfion is pri*, scribed—whenithe powe and :influence a, cliques at e . annihilated, a. d : eveofiDem9ernk" is allowed ti etijoy - Ilk th ancient privilegl of members of pie party; then,,and not tint; 61 tb !"frwPill 6 P-PeniOor. y ott i ennkYllP 4 .' nia prepetit thin . inidiiid d annt,Whieb,heck hitherto - enahled them .to come put:Uf their. political einiteas with , ie Hag, of victor floating,triuMphantly ov i Hite* ranks, . , i ,I!4i t ; only eficiv4ll44ltbo,noxi , We brife , ii of star panic Numerotis le we should b. teresting de . seige of Bte - narrations of critical junct the valor of touching the" With ourw. letter•writers and regimen erable compe l whom belon bardly.decidl. out dispara_ ly - conduct o from the Am cess of Gen. Anna, are Though the tified, and th be so, the d l strong-holds terest, toucln conflicting went on the our readers which may army, as we pers. This grea region of Pei been- enlarge learn from th tying one hul arrived at 1' route for Phi adelphia _ arket. This is th . first shipment on t 1111 i s t canal ; and, it is hoped that number of b ats will piss ham., closes to sat' Or the trade Of the this channel o accommodate th; aritil next year. his is imOortant,- doubt might eter miners from necessary gemen in seas, t It will be ecollecte that th could pass of the enlarge I. red and sixt will eventual ing two hun, is also greatl ten the time The coal has become : cellaneous ti the railway the wants of therefore, w tonnage, cal carry it. T start upon; rouragemen ea editor h crease of tli assurance to both *hes: with basins- . The We are .. ionable dg whiggry better titn wait its adv, - GeV. Vora. 'Gov. Ford, •Oimrme 4 antly ma head of so lasi arriveti at one which he considers forth an epistle, e state of tiffairs, n epititlee,l l and they public 4re - dispose Hem is the last one : to . rights, journey, -at .! entry to' se motion oft) or is great_ . .! tied which t 1 _ Bs I desire t lotion of y public of th I. arrived at of-about o a auribei pears from! receipt'ot way, the m here believ • ly-re-amem back I Ev command i \ , r9WqMq oa 4 v lt inlP*6 ,Tllte "'tar, , laie-inte liginee fr, Jarlyinte -: stint; to ij ters fioin gendeme e sehl,),An itleki .- F. ils of :what oceu - Wray,bracing Ail bets - moveme re, thrill g incide 'our amid ery, and brevity of favorite hrvolunteers (we uached,to.dife t ren ..1 ~) there appears t. i t dolt - touc ing the , I, ' the grea est prai 1 in favor o l one Segi meat to ethers, i all, has on great . 1 l i , rican pen le. The 'Taylor, a d the fat!, :objects of - general ornier is tt present latter may conside 1 iontinuene of eiti 1 wises a q I estion of I, g the rel :ttre pee the resul her. •W flies, and 1 11 art of ci dvised of ny thing, 'e wherea - from o CCUr in learn fac Thel Sebuyl ill Can tt `-thoroulhfare fro the Coal ;nsyl i i f vani: to Phila elphia, has , during t e pasts mer. We le Ledger thatthr boats car- Mdred and sixty ton each, have (rt Clinto , from th y boatslf.fifty to nt enabl sit to pa tons; aid- it is • accommodate boa' red tons. The num diminished - , whicl 1 1 . f the passage. ade of the Scbyulll • 11 coal field vast, coupled with the mis nnage that it , generates, that as found it impossible to meet lies a public. The c nal opens, i:: ) th - heavy Unac mthodated" ng' loudly fora qustemer to is securs a certitin basis to and for the ample further en. mumeive, no übt. T as. any is most in 'Eall men 0 e rapid in eresting !trade gives expanded views, that ues will 4 choked up ullest ca acities. fine ave is to'their March rry to sa an aw e f Ref() that thi f feform 1 uncouth spinnin; i o the less musical 1 frame a' d ivory kl 11 led app 'es to the boys are becorn' in becomingladies w ces ibe m reli of re I - is Abroad 'and th cation of our fath • meretri ious ad 'reek. Where is .th . s,. whoan writs her'.as co • ectly, or l en such hings w l e learned '. Perfe; ; ur young l 'men are d our girs—alas, i damsels of the. ; never drfamt of abundoce of ho woven b i i . , their ities of ea young L i . blow," and they re eager to I uties before they h ye even at :acrd mysteries-of . louse-keep • I reps is burdened wi h miserable se and petverted i . li agining,s of k, 'et idlopne gear: Old-fash , racy is sillily lost si it of by the ; fnce-ho ders hay but little' • e.wants .0 . the peg e—our Na les are eclipsed by ' i - he songs of nd—but let it pass. a'6oming, boys," ttl) possible e hundred men to REor,rdwri lil. (Act. t.t vailinypelf critic r_P‘lper t :'Pre ss Icirafrairs i place to day, i hundred taen; and i "men froin Cart eir information; th ews, that. troops iv. at Nauvoo disc I h - that t oy woukt aH id, if th© -troops brolly persuaded t the seat ur readers, hliers afford in_ d at the nteresting ta at that ts proving anecdotes OffiCCM.-•-• udge front battalions be consid- uestion, to We can etit;with e soldier- dmiration MIMEO of Santa nterest.— : afely for himself to ZEIZEI o little in- on of the of a move ivill hold interesting outs of the r daily pa- mines, en ZEE sufficient the season pacity of business of cause any , aking the old canal ixty tons ; one hund- • xpected it s apiiroach or of locks r will shor, ell-inform- is a fash- The un wheei has , piand; with and the trinoinn- of men, and h tr facility orm. = The humble but s has been rnments of youngster as -clear a :spell as rea re esteemed t models in above small or the neat Id sehool— .rirrying un- Heholci gear, vn hanils." 'dies'" come " There's nd we will patience. hed nt the ,iut Nauvbo = age of hest t to ho, sec-. time inJor, he Oorcrn- are ettrlpst , to look at, 2, 1846: vide eireu-, tidy ise , the linnebek. command as niet by It np-; • t upon the on their -d; but all immediate ere ordered ' under 'ltiY at the mob-