II gi bes, 2 of aflime.) - 41114,pltriet , e d hand h Sittpin.. • , Product o rods,3l37 , limbeliateera . About 12th SiipttimberCut up the Corn at t he roots and 4 it up in the field. 'The !: p i e ee was OM* with the white flint RODNEY JEWETT:a,' Brooklin, Dcti 1846. - Sugar BeetsfThe premium for this im portant crop watt awarded to Eliakint Revd, ; EFq. of Bridgefrater, for one hundnellatuf e ighty-five boshe - ls, at sixty pounds per bisah- 4 el, upon one qcurter of an acre of land . ; be ing at the rate Of forty-four thotiand f‘ ur l hundred poundi per acre or, twenty-two' tons, twohundfed pounds per acre.. o t l i eil large crops Of ]!eels were reported, and-sinnel Beets were es torited, by S. Meylert, Esq.; weighing twelve and a half pounds each.' Mr. Cornell* , f'. Curtis, of Blidrwateksi raised a very] !sign crop, and exhibited somel fine specimefis. Ruda Baga.fThe premium for this crop ' w as a warded to David Post, Esq., for three hundred and fifty-one bushels upon one quarter of an !acre ; being at the rate of fourteen bandied and four bushels to tilt! aor e. Z. Cantlah exhibited several larg4, samples. Butter.—T* exhibition of this important article was atni{tll, but in quality onsurpassai bit. The pretilium was awarded to Mist Sarah M. Wafer, of Woodbourne. Cheese.--There was great. disappoint; • ment expresse4, by many, that the exttibii lions of MO afticle of .our exports were - no more numetotia. The premium was award}}. ed to Joshua r *. Curtis, of Bridgewater. Horses.— l tPtew were`exhibitel The pre!- mium for bstt z Stud Horse, was awarded tn Frederick Enters for his five years old Dun Horse. The , e .Prernium for the best Mar e was given to Thomas Johnson, of Bridgti water. Neat Caft/i r —The exhibition was limitad in number, bikt in quality was very fine. 4 The premiiimifor the best Ball was award:. ed to Thornao Nicholson, Esq. of Sprifik Ale, for lint EfUrham Bull, 3 years old.-1 The second premium to Caswell Ives, Of 1 • Liberty, fo/ liis Devonshire Bull, 5 yeats .01t1. The 4 premium for the ,best Coif, was awardo 4o Min. C. Ward, of New Milford, for 4 years old Durham Cow. 4-- 'ile second prinium to Secku Merlert, for a Doihout bivr, 8 years old. The, want of space prevent a atotice of several other fine cattle exhibittd, and which were noticed.) Sheip.—Tie first premium was awarded to Wm, C. Ward, for a South Down- Buck, and the second to Win. Jessup, for a South Down Bu*.z The first premium for the best Ewe, topeorge L. Corwin, rutd•for the second - best to Wrp. C. Wahl. . 4 1 • Swine.-4-The ftrst premium for the best Sow was awiirdefl- to Abel cassady, and the second to WIC. Conklin. Farming Impkmcnts,Few were exl4l)- iced, and report of the Committee on this subject, will be Appended. The Wash ing Maertitc*, , invented and patented by Ira Avery, Esii.,of Tunkhannock, is worthy of attention. i 4ccompanied by his Wringing Machine, its is believed to be superior to any ever i n tise in this county. To the HOniPresident of the Agriculttirall Society lof'Susquehanna Countp We, the snbscribers, two of the Committe appointed itcq examine Implements of f hus bandry, iec_lido report that no newly invent ed articles' wire presented by the inventrs thereof. Muf they would beg leave to call - the attention of kthe Society to a Strew-Coning Machine, ipt4sented by David Post, Esq.; ofl Montrose,!cnigipally patented by Mr. M. sr.' 14 1 of the state i New York, and, to which ' F!: 41 1- i Post has 154; riOt for this County, astyna , r .Committee Understands, and that, as your Committee tthink, is a yet; improvent uPonieunie 102 common use 'in this section of country. 1 Your Committee, arsi; examined with much Measure, i Corn-Sheller,' presen ted by 1164,,Wt0. Jessup, which, front its simplicity, ind from the rapiditywilh Which k Shells theN3nrn from the cobb, canno(livell be surpina4. They would, also, notiee!dse Gauge PloOgh, and the Sub-Soil Plongh accompanying it, as articles of great utility, both of which have been tested and Were 'presented b Judge Jessup.• 11 Other articles of husbandry were ~ ' nt peas; ed, but ntsq l so many nor so great a va ty is your Cotionittee hopes may be pmietted at the nett !4kuntial Meeting ofthe Society. Your Cononittee Would also call the at tention 'Of libe Soeiety to a Maki* *s aline, reeeitly invented by Ina AvelY, tag. of Tankbabnock. It consists of two,perts: 11.... .one for wiishing out the elothes, autoitne .. other for wogitlgAbe water from them, end your Committee -feel well assuredAhet from the cotietiction, and the, principle "on' which it acts, that it far surpasses any thing lithe kite f ever used in this section a-the _. . ____, Country.t seem to : combine all the . gooss . 'qualities le other Machines,. without theie faults of thinning and wearing dbe l eloilbes, itc. Maitts. Lyons & Chandler also . pre sented 4 0 Tight Alt' B torfs :Fith a's eY :. regulator this to heat and diaft,7 which to be spprovedlir every one only seeds to lasieen. k BENJAMIN S. BENTLEY, , pail! erINGLiY.--;-,.--7..; The 'Wien filiniked ninny lieli l, saniplesi lit- Needle-#ark and '.DpOescire. ManuffietAiel, and lifirs.',' R. I. Niiiti. Aw l : !Untied ea e' -kir nu* l ux, doub *at oak' Ai fitiiiik,PecAls6l3. 1 tiiii, branch "Abit fi tionvOl!befE,47.4l 1 in eerie y '', benniyj ~ . ~..-.;; :,, ,i- Very eY urthel l o l 4, ll '.... „f*ei_e'll,_. ,i 1 ' return 41 the' Society, and -Uirla Rif ' ill cm; ' ' cA 11 Mi.0 1 M 1 Onorlkfir,"*.ntrir nie , tainefelylo:44 added** day of 111 4 11 tha air,,)!ltlialad that **Os_ of the .2 1 . • p'll; 11. i -.l o4liiiiiniii*rigrea.OY," i ounn si:4 .o 4.o- t i*liiii it i u ji4 1 . 1 40 . :t Meant of each; at the neat Fair. .4 ; 4 . i.,23,4 ..,-....,::,,., • , ,i4TESSUP; Cheali6 i an n • . , 1 • _of the Executive dom. - , -84, Tli;ciii•o4 aisetnbled inihe COUrtl hou , were greatly edified by the Canary sin am and 4 ., , Bante ducking, during • tbei ' 4 exe ciees. r . NsTLvANtA:iiil /. 4 . • want ated, t 1 inithority qt . , Oe Conistoiusifati Pautisilmniitz l . .iivr FRANCIS* SHUNk, _ 1 . • ..1 .., GullEANpa, Or - a - HT SAID cOII[3IONWEALTHI. „ 1 ,...., A iith ' cLimAinok ' ': \WHEREAS, the . public and., )gra eta eaclinovikdgment of the; i! . .,..q. - gimdoese of , God,.--the confession , , , of't* sins, and the supplication of Ndir.'•v . .4,4 l FOutirlitedfavor, is a duty, not moTeittiposWily-the Obligations of,religion, that Sanctioned bY the dictates of reason And*hereaOyjilielienetal observance of a day' devoted tki these 'sacred duties, we, may hope to avert merited judgments, sem csqe the blessingitHlS goodness has - pro *d i and bind ourselves together as" a cam! m*ity in our 'allegiance to HIM, who is ] riglifiil sovereign, t 1 Prnattzroaz, in accordance with my, own sense of propriety, and the solicitations of a large number of !respectable - citizens, I ap‘ point and recommend, Thursday, Om 'Oth day of November, hest, to be observed ; by the people of this Com. menwealth,'as,` alday of Taniots4tvizio To AIIMIGHTY Gob,. tOr his goodness vouchsafed .... :i to s during the past year—in continuing to us the blessings of civil and religious liberty . n preserving us from. the ravages of ma ll ant;diseatfe4in loading us - with the f its of his bOunty—in furnishing") abun d illy the meads of individual, domestic 1 iuriprovedient kind enjoyment ; and in con- tinning among us the institutions and ordin- ntle.es of our. holy religion, in all their puri fying and elevating influences : and while ths with,grdieful hearts we thank him . for hit goodness; let us acknowledge our sins, h it invoke his forgiveness , and supplicate hiS . *wed raver to ourbeloved country. Let u bumble ourselves before Him, that in his ly providence We have been involved in a war With a neighboring Republic. In our tt aziksgivings for the victories he has caused our arms to achieve, let us commend to his compassion the hearts that hrive been made desolate by the ravages of the sword ; and e*rnestly pray that a peace,-alike honorable t ° both tt e minims, may be restored ; and..;.that 4 e,elhole family ; of man, united in the hood o fraternal affection, may go forward irrthe c Invation of every peaceful and useful art a d science, in' the advancement of civil' C rty, and the universal diffusion of a-pure ;wrong undefiled religion, correcting whatever iilwrong in the .condition of human society, to' the achievement of that, high and holy ilestiny contelateti in the purpose of in.: finite benevole te. 'riven under my hand and the Great Seat i . of the State 'at Harlisburg, this twenty ( first day of dctober, in theyear ofour Lord, 1 one thousand, eight hundred and forty4ix, 1 and of the Commonwealth the seventy ! firsi. IIY TUE GOVEILtiOIi. i 1 J. MILLER; ~ , I- • Secretary of the . Commonwealth. fl, nffititliLE.•--4 correspondent of the St. Ileiouls Iltepublidan, writing from Camp. Pat. ersiit; near Barita, mentions the following ificident: ' I.k . ~. murmurof indignation was running illarough our fines to - day, in consequence of alt scene of unusual interest which transpired .ere. this mornin g . An old squaw; from 4n emcainpmerit OrLapan Indians, about. two 'napes • below ui on the river, came to ,the 'camp of Texan volunteers, and offered for !!stde two Spaniib girls, from thirteen to four. :)teen years.old4 They 'were dreadfullyetna ,ciated, and almost destitute of a single arti ilii- Of clothing. The Texans mired' the girls and squaws, and carried them immedi ately ntely to Mad 4uarters, where, upon exam za ~,. ation, it was !ascertained ihat fie Lapans d inurdeied:iivtiole family, the parents , it brothers attic two girls, in the.vicinity I ,of tbe 7 Rin Grande, stolen all their property, ! and led the tito girls into captivity; there i 1 ~ t ry they had trio them with extreme-cruelty lintlneanysitt - ed them to death, and were flow offering t "em for sale. . The girls read. lily . po i nted o ut the. lintleiiers of tbe. out rage, ..., Rage, and some fifteen or twenty of them ;were arrested, ;for, 'investigation , by ithe orde4 brGkn. *mil:" .. . _ CaLii BLOOi)ED Mcanza.= - A man named John Hagerti, ofbad -and desperate char : acter t -facent;ivent.-inui the house of Mel -1 choir', Feiji ,in ,Lancaster city; and 'at *halls. 'Flamillis wife, and a son of 6 n yioW , Oflige, withinn axe,. killing:4llcm id. l ie molt istantli t, Another soli, with a child, maii4Wesea ;:from the back'. window of -the loiiie,.an yorthe*r.m.` Haggerty is in_ ' ' -- L *L'ilcja. 't - - k -- ' -9 - . '--,:----,---- • ' OEM citSiip.; 1 raja' Poirciellola ~:.-41"sider the *Ow C*Kitutp".9(llo4 - "Tork; f ilibuld it be i tollopietl;:**.i*. ! **lliiiiiie th'elect about fire thonswid Pifccr,, lamOng which are 34 members a qougresit, 36 electors, 32 tiena toil, igs ,li*iablriiiien, 1-governor, 1 lieu- ! tea* go l. 'llo - ieere.ififY, of st"i: l Om 1.- itrtner* 1 ...:; 0.4.: 1...att0, filCi!,9eaerd, 1 state enginee ! 1 state surveyor, general, 3 'canal ountiti...** , rili!'.3inspect Ors of !State ' 2 iit*ort 13 judges ofthif COOK 'of - appeals, 82: judges of theluuptcute courti..sB4ol,jek of countyConits i ' 59 county clerks -and, clerks !'sapiense cOurbi 1 elerkloeciOtif **Al mi 1 4 , 4l l eriP , 200 cliiiineri;'!-56'idlitrierattor r.,17ends I net's; - . 71.1 - besides i justiCesofthipetteei 1 mid Ecohluel ' iee. ' . sottajorai .2; ! r t. -1 ' ' • ,I ~ Lusa_ or : tr. ,Murcra;. - Bsircrille irtlistiAotial it6ifity„64W.PiiiititiOr; i f I I itft , itiorpo# . . - * wad inst..4kObarkltoa, 1 41601ijiltiCat re.'lelf on - thailifthi and to " - iainkinc - 'alien:llli* Otuaillth4an 40:the 614 14411*"'S 'Mei,' tieia!Stivan 40:: . 'the - passengers and eta*: *fete all liike*lreafe;bol:;s l to baggage! arid-theTboist I li ** r• l'hi g ale *or aiteiniiiiiiiiii*io-. I . ripe 4utoissoo:wo..,pitesedik -- 'ltolteiiutooper:jleviO.Oriaana...ant:GillnSj -.: .. ~, took SEEpticol6_: - AbeitiVrrn Tuesday last last a etraPiting i . W ee, had h4nself 04'1 . tiffiref Of4*eseaU:ioing st Elowhi'il Wharf; and full 1004 fiiiihteaviterie 'to liinifielf,tft the vtaWbeneath Litre; 'O4 - 'the one side.and the diecklif,the„veisel , o&tlitrothei... .He u nd biee4ingirc this unsafe ennditioiihr some time,lorbenle . beenita reed** and ttt shiMig WOIO4 101 l orerbtitinl.iotq the (kck." Several gentlemen *.On thkirliarf Having observed him fall, immediately ran on board of the vessel, One. of them carrying With him a long 'pole, but not the slightest ofthe, man could be, discovered . l'he pole was then. used 'foithe purpose of teeling for , the bedy, and it finally struck on a substance supposed d to be that of the unfortunate ne gro, On attempting to draw the pole up, something teethed to be attached to the lOw : er end, but with little assistance it was raised, and the stipposed,drowned man/found cling ing in it with both hands ' but little worse for his ducking . On being asked how it hap pened that he laid so quietly on the bottom, he replied with the utmost innocence: 'Why bres4the Lord, masse, I was sound asleep till you stuck that long pole into me, which woke ere up and ahnoit knecked thetref out of m body.' This . inay seem like fiction, but it is a serious fact, and the negro. still persists in averring that he was sound asleep untathe punching woke him up.—Baltimore Sun; rir The Election of Mr. Lelar, (Native,) for S heriff , in Philadelphia, is opposed by a pet4rn filed on Monday in the Court of Quarter Sessions. . from tip arm. The Requisition for Troogis. The Government are very wisely calling out Our volunteer forces, and again is heard thrjughout the country " the note of pre parnnon. „ The Pennsylvania volunteers, it is said, are ialready called out, and a requisition on Goernor Wright is reported to have gone up to Albany. It isyrobable that three re giments of volunteers wi l be. mustered into seriice.in this State. Gem Taylor must be reinforced, and it. is absolutely necessary that the government should have troops at their disposition.—N. Y. Herald. intelligence by the Neptune. From the N. 0. Jeffersonian, Oct. 14. By the steamer Neptune, Captain Spin net, we have Galveston dates to the 11th inst. The news from the'army is but little later thtin that before received. The loss of the Adiericans in killed, wounded and missing (a 'Jerre number having been taken prisoners byithe e Mexicans) was about 1500. The loss; of the Mexicans, in killed and wounded, aniountir to,. by-the morning report of the 24b, 1957. Icis,. however, generally be , , be liel'ed that their loss exceeds 2200. The chief of the fighting was done in the btieets of Monterei; wherein the Texan Re giinent, and particularly the Mississippians add Tennesseans; together with the regulanS utlder Gen. Worth, displayed the moat diuntless courage. On the last day of the battle, General Worth, with his. division, stAeceeded in taking' even of the enemy's bhiteries—three of Which were immediately turned upon the palaeei In performing this dhty, General Worth lost -300 men; in a hind to hand fight. The Texan Retiment suffered severely, and determined to take their own way, and *lied to General Worth to permit them to gu ahead. It is reported that Gen. Worth gave such permission, and soon after'they Were pell-mell with the Mexicans, sweeping eisry thing before them, until the Mexicans cried for qudtter. During their attack upon the buildings, several Mexican women were killed. It is said that when the capitulation took pace, Gen. Taylor had not more than five ti• six rounds of ammunition left. We have received an extra of the Gaives. tpn News, of the the 10th instant, containing iptelligence from the army, received by the Eipbooner Blanche . E. Sayre from &aunt St. ,/ftgo. Captain Hill the United States quar ter-master at Brazos St. Yugo, received des patches from General Taylor on Wednes day last, which Captain Wetmore of the Blanche E. Sayre, heard read, and commit iicated from reollection to the editor of th Newe. In the information then commutill Fated, we find nothing in relation to the Jeige of Monterey, in addition to what has heen already published here, except that it stated that the Mexican' loss in, killed and wounded Was twenty-one hundred, and that four hundred were taken prisioners during the e combat. • The American loss is said to have w n, in , killed and wounded 500 ; in which nearly all the accounts seem to agree. Of this number two. thirds were :killed. We, have already eipressed our unbelief in a report that the Mexicans had lost 1,500, and this kit report, considering the advantages Under which they fought, taxes credulity to the utmost. The city was in possesion of our army 'when the bearer ; of despatches left, the ene my having evacuated it. t The report that the Mexicans had taken a train of waggons, on the road frourCantar r tgo to Monterey, is contradicted. 1' The editor of the Texas Democrat says !that General WOol's division under Colonel' IvHarney, would leave San Antonio on the tit ult. The route will be by the Presido l fromwhich place the passes of the moun- /tains are distant potmore than forty miles. :,whiCh can be deAnded by a few resolute 'men against great odds, but opposition Is-not t anticipated Texas havingifotir regiments in the field, 'Govemorifenderson is, ranked - as Major Generill Mirabeau A. Lamar as Division Inspector; H. Lt' Kinney as Diiision.Quar ter Master .' and; Edward Burleson and Ed -ward Clarke is Aids-de-Camp. .. .0 - • ; The HoniT.Talsbury arrived in Brarlllll 'on the'2lst instant. • Arrournourif arms Passumurr.-!-Johig A . A*Thewts , l o -boliegovii - of. , Legation lathe:Baited States near her Baitanic Maj esty, Vice McHenry Boyd, 'recalled at his own request.,,, of Ma. Fox-- Theißlitish Arm ' istce at Washingtoo sI A Rt. Hon. Henry S rot, Her Rf4pse: Majesty's Plenipoten- LiZii . 4 * 4' l l4eiliesdnt the United 460 =I "._ 1-ITI From. the New Orlens Bulletin, Oct. 14 t;q11 MO ' - ':-'` - ''"lha --, - . • -ate" edttlet-Waw. -1, : Ceetwat.6l.oe-RADoitt.XllwhOdiii tinguishad Ihnnselfio mu& idthe battles .4f Pale* and Itaraca della Palma, was - as 4 conspietiou at *onterey..' Haiingkound',e twelve piiii der,liti , one of the forts 'taken trent thi_ ealcan, Tete,tl a -Plattanl 2 for. it : in tb fort , F dit upon the env y with tifaltualt 0 ' tive effect, 'Capt. Ridiely; 0' peinfing the gun - himself; was observed constantly to *mat the platform w i t h e toy-glen land watch the effect of each ball, and manifested the greatest enthusiasni and delight iThen the shop told well anion* the enemy. :Cara: R. is said' to have no su perior as an artillerist, in the army. . 1 Geri. TAYLOR' had a horse shot under him after enteriag,the town. He continued din mounted tor the remainder of the day's fight, exposed to the hottest fire from the houie tops and the!heads of stieets. t i Cot. H A YS-There wits' one instance Of personal conflict which might - recall to mild days of chivalry Col.. Hays of the Ist Tex as mounted regiment, encountered a Mott can of the same rank, add a fierce contest ensued. The Mexican, armed, besides oth er weapons, With a lance, rushed towards his antngonitt With his ugly weapon. 'Hays, by a quick Anovenient of his fine horse, a voided the blow, turned as his . adversely,. passed, and ishot him dead. This encoun ter was so eiciting, that the Americans a round him elmost forgot their labors aid danger in their intense interest fur the iii umpb of Co!. Hays. Toe TEXpi RANGERt4 are fortunate in the possession or good officers. Hays is cele brated for his coolness and courage, qualities which eminently distinguished , him while protecting the Texau frontier from the in roads of the Cammanches. Walker, the Lieutenant Colonel, is well known to every body as the 'Captain Welker of the first part of the campaign: Chevalier, the Major, is scarcely less celebrated, having gone out alone About a year since to the Rio Grande to gain informatip of the Mexicans. On his return he suddenlfell. in with a company of Mexican cavalry. Chevalier had lost his horse and was on foot. ' The captain of 'the party rode up to him and ordered him to surrender. The Major very coolly ...drew a pistol, and presenting it at his head, made him swear aped the-cross that he would or- der his men to keep baCk and permit him to proceed ; and in this way reached the Tex an settlenienta . rrrwr' . l . rrwrTlNTi• - ri:i COILUECTED lIVEEKLY YOH THE PEOPLE ' S ADVOCATE. Wheat flour, ;per barrel Rye do • do Corn meal c do Wheat, per bushel Rye, dp .. - . Corn clo . 0,77 ' 0,80 Barley, do 0,24 6 0,32 Oafs, d 00,30 ') 0,38 • „ Flax, per lb , Ameriam, ' 0,0}2 ' 0,087 Tallow, per i lb. rendered, - 0,07 6 0.07, Batter pert . Orange en. 0,15.6 0,18 do i vrestern dairy, • 0,10 6 0,17 Cheese, per 113. 0,00 6 0,07 -.- . . . Beef, per barrel, mesa, 6;50 ea 7,00 do ' prime, 4,50 G 5,00 Pork, per barrel, mega, 9,87ka10,00 de'. prime, . 7,874 e 8,00 Lard, per lb. - 0,046 0,07 Hams peril:l , . gmeked 0,05 la 0.08 Feathers pet lb.'live gmse 0,25 0 0,30 - Ox honer, per hundred, 8,00 612,00 Cow i , do 2,00 Tv 3,00 American woid, per lb. irti?ron ' 0,27 6 0,31 • de; , full blogd Merino ' 0,27 6 0,28 do 4 & 1 Merini.) 0,10 ra 0,20 , • do, : native 4- i Merino OA fit 0,22 Receipts for the Peoples' Advocate, : For the week ending Oct 29, 1846. Jame!' Dwlter, . 11 ,00 41 14 5 5 3.N. Brooks, . 1,00 " " 52 . ,1,00 " " se Lewis Brnik, ,50 " " 52 rseo. Eastman, 1,00 " " '53 CONSTIEiLTION OF TBR' BOVILBS or Costiveness, headache, giddiness, pain in the side or breast, nau sea and thy complexion, &c. are the usual sytaptoms of Liv er Complaint. Wright'ti Indian Vegetable Pills are alatays cer tain to' remove the above cemplaints, because they purge from the body those morbid humors which are the cattse, not only of all disorders of the liver. but of every malady incident to man. A single 25 cent box vrill in all aim! give relief, and renew , - ranee willinost assuredly drive every particle of dis ease from the hod).- Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills also completely cleanse the stomach and bowels of al liilions and putrid Minims, and therefore arc a certain cure for colic, dieuntary, cholera toorbus, and other disorders of the ihtefaines. CAUTION.—It should be remembered that Mr. 'Edward Cole, of Philadelphia; Mr. John Dixon, of Easton, and Mmisni. Browning & Brothers, of rhaad e lnbia, are not agents of ears; and us they purchase no Wright's Itidisn Vegetable: yilts at our office, we: cannot guaranty as gennine any medicine they may .inve for side. , -; Agents for the sale of 'Wrightis Indian Vegetable Pills in Montrose, Mina & Sherinau.l;'or other a gencies see advertisement in; another Column. . . . Dr. G. ilenj. Smith ' s improved Indian Vegetable anger cowed Fills are now considered preferable to any others, as they are both pleasant and efficacious, ana as they possess tonic, aromatic, and aperient properties, they remove all oppressive accutnula• tier?, atienuthen the stemach, induce a healthy up pente, and impart tranquility to the nervous system. They al e cure dyspepsia; coughs, colds, bilious complaints, headache and foul stomach. Office 479 Greenwich street, (large brick block.). EirAvrays ask for the Improved lueian Vegeta ble Pills, rirmia see that G. Benj. Smith is iFrittepi with a pen on the bottom of die lam. Agents—N. Mitchel Co. and J. Ethridge, Mont rose. In Caibondale, on the 24th inst. untie a few hours illness by croup,.J.minis littera, son r 0 Peter Byrne, Esq., aged 4 years and 3 nionths. • In JeMup township nn the 7th inst. Mrs. Astniu. Hors, wife of Mr. Daniel Hoff, aged dl years. In j*tice to the memory of a deptirted friend, it may be i remarked that she was iMmemed.of an ami able disiposition, :was *most affectionate and worthy friernottverneaby timptintiples ofthe GosPel in doing to others as She wished otters to doinito her. At bet own request the conOlations of the gospel ivere tendered to the. t9ounling rebitionic neighb97, by Rev. *M. ,D!ilongil ..but sorrow , not sus those Without; hope. ing she tuts gone to heir Fafherimaiyai gather, to Isfal God and our [;ode • ENID. Mom. _.; HE.Aubioriber, thankful 4r past fro t rot 44 friends =alba public, resprtfullly utviiestbeir .attention to the new_ and lipl e thial totiof, Goodt wYsi ] open , consisting of. ryGoois Hardware s erackeryi Giasfji.lareagokio-gleuses , orPci*is Aga"; _Bopks ~ 86/eithiari; Fish, itf, Will be 'obi mime as usual: • , t;2B. • !. r. f lu,4vrigissit-Arg* Butovi torte , j w* 47.40w.8enwi4,‘ am. Or,c. , . 114. !' • . whie gu l; 0 N. 7 Be , =I $5,75 6 6,00 2,50 . 6 2,75 2,62 6 3,00 A CHEAP FAiltY PHYSICHN. DIED .2414 ' --L,;•• _bet Ismaicarroutlyzeport- ' • . :ed thnnto the cou n ty, arkl: 'the dee opillOnoth ' . • sts,ilmt • paint Of-.o.lriety and:' ' ‘ 1 1• .= • I, f . ;*9• l pt , y.of,HATR sad pa! .at . At li"' RO°T'S . - gall B!ore Po tlit; Vest side of th PO& v .'e in McMtrose, 'eiceetli I . ly thmg allr hind evei - O piertifirsileinthisiissam ortonntry: , gender :discredit. the rthisor t R'llineukb4 l ! Itte roott 44%u a attt: „ • 1 ... ). _•.. - 1 ii:Onr.dhubtsaro.traitors, .1 ' And riutheMs lose tho 'good we a mightivin: 9 , Oct '42; 1846. .- , - -I. . ' , _ • tO Doienr. ', .i ' ~. wing lIITRIA, Brut, Moleskin. and Billilliatlr l ' of F tind - Winter asilions, on hand at Ilderrth, & Root's 11-litt Store, which -will be sold Jchleaper than err'for ready [eq.! ' - 11. 1 l!i 1X DOZ, 3 colered and net . Lynx, Geneti, 41 Co t/ ny Aluffs, at • ! \ Merrill &. t's. ~ 6 DOZ. istuirrel Bons titd Ladies' Far Caps 1 , M & 's. Caps : I seal; Nutria - end Muskrit Fur .. 50 riplat thieF, .. i i , . ~ . nt % i t'. I.h - On WZ. Men' Boy s plain-cloth of I At/ diffetent styles - Und quality,•at s MI 're fr di DOZ. Men's and Bay ' s silk and cotton lazed A l' 17 Caps, *few dozen uffido • Robes, and nos quan- are l i r ty of hair ilia, sealet, sad worsted Cups at •Ilt& R's.—: . i 9Ci DOZ. . sph..conity, imitation :brush, ihr sad .7_ woo) sprung, and wool Hate—also ifot Ca ses, Muff Cases, Cap Curs, &c. at M itlit's.• CABII pt l id for Peltshy . ; BC* R. . . r, ... 11QIINOH4MTON Plow Points for . • /1 ce944 -LP • • Bide, Hill do. . - 50 Also Way* County Points at Montn O c t . Oct. Ti. 1846 4 - ' SELECT SCHOOL } AT' GREAT BEN A ,, SELECT SCHOOL wilibe opened in ihis vii. lage tin Mmiday the 26th of October, tattler the T charge Of Ir. N. DUBOIS,. • i Teemtjohuition ter:Varier 1112 wqki. Orthogrophy, Reedit* Writing,First La* sous niZAritbmetioi and Parey's Geoft., ' roPhY. ' ' i $2 00 Geographi, Gramtdar; Arithmetic and Anat. ' . • ea; , t,. ' i F 250 • e Ilistory, Ancient. mid Modeni) Drawing, Chemistry, Philosi . iplry, Botany, Geology„ Rhetoriti, and Logic, •• f i r 300 li Algebtii, :Geometry, Ron-dying, .(theoreticil and ipraOtical,) Book-keeping, Astronomlq ' the and44*ich, t'l 5 00 acc Frequekit Lectures will . b e giccn un.•;varions Wi branches of. Natural Science accompanied !by illus. or trations alid experiments. t , wi r:"Sclickil Books may be had, cla4of the Principal) and board:may .be obtained i pectu- We families at froin .1 25 to $l. 50 per w.ll - Bend, Oct. 20, 1896. • ii L PNOTICE is hereby given to Tenons feengerned iu the following Estate, to -' The *Mae of SVLVANUS IV. MUT T , late of Herrick tovvmdrip, deceased, - Charles Tingley, Administrator. That iluf accmuntaut_haa settled his tuitmut in the Regukter's Office in and, for the, county tif &ague- d % henna, 4d that the same. will be presented to the Judges of the Orphih!s Court at Mentrosol; on Mon- th day, thi 16th day of Nov, next, for caasfirmaticin and alleiume. ! • , • r, H. FINCH, 1:10. gister. Regisihr's Office, 'Montrose, Oct. 14, 1846. 5 1,05 rd. 1,05 0,70 fa 0,75 , ~ “SUGAR COATED" PILLS. R Ili 4.1 ware: Catilion: 1 The tecreasittg ialipularity nf,Dr. G. Bei. Igmith's imprarid Indian Vegetable sugar coatedVills has indecedla number of persons to , make *inethilig they call Pitts and 'mat them with sugai; in-order to sell them for the genuine, while they #o not pos. se w a *tittle of the goodness, nor evertpissim in appearance to-the oinal Dr. Sintith'slPills: In 'short, they are an intended FRAUD tipefti the cam manitril A minister who atfirst had mil:interest in . an imiertiou sugar Coated Pill, unumfact*d in Al-', bany, NI - 1., has given them up, as he Nils,. on air count ottlie miserable dishonest partieqmicerned in Manufaeuiring them. The sameare now indhstrinusly circulating reports cal to injure c Ertj ts Dr, Smith and to affect the reputation aft ' valua ble pills t but miller than notice theintinfiablic., Dr. Salida if about to institute legal proceedmirs against them fity their slanders, as he - has in tuitither case againstita similik party, in which he tticovered a large amount of 'damages. These misershle imita tors hate to resort to the most abominable means to palm off their counterfeit Pills,; as the pablic khow that Dr' Smith's are•tbe unglue! and genuine. Sev eral instances have come to public notion in which lite ha.4llx..ea endangered by the - unfortunate use of the colinterfeits. It is Dr. - Smith's Pills (bat are &- lug so tench good in the Country—as tht 7 folloWing plainlAshow. P. i Mori; Ministers use and recommend Dr. Smith's Pills than all othertr. ..4' , ThiSis to certify that I have used the }durst coat ad Pills Manufactured by G. Benjamin litinth of N. York, for some time, and believe them 19' be a-good Medicine i audible, from impiry . in thatieity, I am pitrsuatletl that ho is the original uweatoc il and there fore is!'plitltled to the benefit Of the inveutam. S. WILLIAMS, 1 1 Pastor Ist Biptist Church, Pittsburgh. i ~,, i I'' ' : rota 4/4.5 Dive Hen's Chickcsi, (pet.) . We4adl the attention of our readers tp the certifi cate' offllec: 13: Williiinfs i Paster of Ist Baptist Church Pittsbirgh, iii relation tif Dr. Sinith's PM", . We can oA ourselves bear tirniiny to the excell ''' ce of these Pins, hue of us liairing . used them sail aperieuaed efi great teller from them. Tha l nbove is the best paper iti the .416 of Del. . . . .... i 1 VEGETABLE ri , ~, • "'""Tliel " IMPROVED INMAN irLLB, „ tau. gar catted,) sae earniirilY doing much !.... in the icholci country, and ate, highly esteem .. , if one half is 'trail that ppople write and:say about ~ m. They hrB srC easy in thdir operation that all ll et them.— 'The editor of the Northern State Jousts!, • (one of . o . ,liiigest and beet papers in tho state of N. V.' 11 *tei as follows I Dr. irt,', BFaj. Smith— . Deiir sir : I - was laid up with a lia4 cold some tsme '" ince my return llem.N. Y., andduring my ill. 'nessmade trial of your pills, and ! must say I form 'them excellent. I They are the t medicine for ti purposes they are intended thal.l have yet seen. I seldom take Pills, but I fourollyours entare 'ly free from tbe.ol3joatieris to W - hich 'other pills are liable. Ilepe they Will continueto 10 a source of profit to you,•as rd: oubt not they will be a tumuli of relief to the afflicted on a large scale. 1 4 . 1 ' . Yours truly, - 'I." GREEN. .F. • - ;r1 - I. Tonawarada, Pa. seirt 18, 1C46. Dr. G. Benj. Smith—. D4r sir: Year agent left with nieilt lot of your sugar coated Pills, and .I hire bur fetilmiesleft.—. Every box I have sold bas given- err*. satisfaction. I halo taken them Millar and I consider there. the best.` I borderer used, and I cheerfully * 6 / 1 1- met 4 to the' public.; - I wish a f r supply at onct • Venn respectfell 1 ., I!. k . , JACOB X ER, P. M.. .''. ...,„000 - :, •- ''. I . —4.- -'' , Huntington, Ind. -.I ;ie 21,1846. De. Emith— •,1' - ' ;+•. - - 1 .`' D4ur sir' I Atil MOUt one of : your lin Y.egeis/de sugar coated Pills, and find them:: . so fast that .I.think , yon hi/Abetter, send me tweitross itnntedi=, early. They give such general owdhtirott that pea.; plo Come at leapt twenty for , than, and **lris generally Imarria4 itlekela for theiiii I would be very to get Tan. '), , -...,. , ; 1., ~--... • J :o;, ' , YOWli Bespectfiitly, - 1 I . ''' . : tii .. , ~-.. , , :,- ft': 'RE & CO. - ”f* AIWARE! If (I:BENJ: , B34IT •!ii be nuttwrit: to wilt a pen i elithe ; bottom of the boa, aitie,ogai. cogi"-rabain,..coviTznizyr! , ii.i.., .-, 1 - it . • cipid Office 179 theenwieb into; burtbilik bletk; N.Y . . Puce 4 6 cents a boa. i; i --,.. '. i.i ' 11 *gent for life - iunities rku - VatiOlibliv• to 4 4 s um coated Fills. , ! . :-.41-,v , A1,-;. - :!-i 0.1- -,:. .-, -.- , 1 Montrose—N. Alitehel&ea; , titSt ,'-[ Et Bridge. „i err Milfo4-1 1 1 • BufritT. ,- , - , -t; 1 1' ,_l - 9' ?' ~ - -- ,.k .,2i: I li 106,.rlitiltE.,-I,.ettlidthr-iiii Ct'',•..;`:"' „.,-:- 19.66 1 1 1 -.lb. .., .. , 1 ~ P ''. . • M$ irs iSTEIVS NOTICE yiratertown, Siat34 1846 . , I, tatTANS THE ra, .344kerisc= v!* 6= h • 'fife I - their *no* ' t4ose poLate leiglitEST i - ' nioreviiimt- Wper,. them in .11111811;111`; 1W - EGINgt , this plamOdakb ther# 6Bl4l Thret 4 -- uire no almilint to m a r , 6 ._t ES /PCKIP tt 1846 . that NOTIC ALL Ji*xl c..Tir ; ;; rm. .t, are hirl!rnoidieti been *gnis4 ixdb;ntiaitv- • • notes - • be, fund at 0, souk= zit : . and pap a ya 0t w, cost• !tr . niode aftei.the ft o oth Mon . septa 13;1846.1 1 .OZMIA7OI i . .. art 0 pia Hat y, . t Ilart ee 'l ." „items, who tool ohoq ii mplestiNtio '. Ito retina dim. + ;18 4e; - ' , • 11 DOW:GLAS ,y ; 1 ; B•by , 10,- ' i y, , 0, - 10 by - ' 1% - 1 4, 19 by 14; i y 9, 10 by 15, and 14 by - 18, . 9, Bby 10, 10 b . : fotittie bv yo '''s , 1046. , Dept 30, .i mr2 I. 'KEEP IT I • 1 T din` cheilped lot of e , marke t , - can now be f. I 9. LYON! i 6 fiati: Calico for Ows I,' 1: yds. Shading • , do. 1 r lbs. '1 Cdr. Tobacco, - ," lbs. i Young Hison3 il l , lbst CoMish, -..' , Cofee; Molasses, &e. I Iga.:\.( (0...• A • ' 4 Ol I the . . ':- t nevraGem Tx , 1 • ..., , I' ii,4l I Ii • n. Tailor of no to• the late call ant 1 Fashions, which he hes no ariff,l heis bound to 1 ith eat Ste and substantial y Cit *lig on Short notice in ro ' y made up. N. p;--Nlanted; a fin ti lit 13111 . 1 lad abort 15 yard old, eharaCter, &c., as 1 rwinesi. ' ' l4 - one . need n well recommended. A - s JOHN M.ntrose 4 Oct. 15,4846. IREW 11E6 irem the 104 01 oi. . - - . deep Fed yearlin _ .size. 'Whoever wM •re - 4 I 10 . tionjwitere ha mail . . I, .re ?while:. i• J ,: gewater, Oct, 13, 184 r MONTERO, BOW 1 J. B. S & 81* Maker-- 010 1; of 1 .111 kr Wilson's OWFA r brestiwer—s at af_N.llallla 1 i . i R. S.F.A • *L t asserppeut of I i , • ~B:xi. -&-c:, rest :i e 1 I. BEM; IS. . in Sian- t Hard Ware o of Ph 4libAvonct . et, LYONS & C : erg in stoves, . Ti 'ware . &c:-7-Eastside of I-.. ME : RILL lets in?lots, Caps, F. ' eat sid, of Public A - 1 E. W. HA conthibes the 131 , brsubes at his old S .1 . B. g. - BE .rneyai , larar,at the 0 I. , the Court-home. JAMES lt E .ine t andp a t Making. ointingi i . . 6 Paper , • old stul oi Twom. lA_ . CliAlli rnentet Law, Office cry • • CO„ comer of ,Pablic I PARK & • • ncums, Surgeons. 'ublicAvenue over the E. 8: Pans: LINES ID ,r, noble TaU6iv, over Bibs°-~. • S: liisdertlht ' ri4Tialari Sixtvike: TlTii.d , G inNTIBT-;-.Betereedi veilitkolikop the bQ *Da ,aiv?iir * eiclieat"." 4-; '" did die are,: I tan:nix EMU RAIL l't) 4 `. l icrar he bra Igo Bao A. Peet for R DEWto t Pak ( it ll4l 4l# thek or *ma 110* tl* : .. . . ~. .. : , &:14A1311i-:. 10;-by=16;. 1.21*14; , : - .:,:i 12 bi*4.:,-, Glaktr ;-:-“,'.:'' • . 4 -4 ever - Offered.iit ad lit tie itore # I, Ciiskt I do: do: i 1 2. do. do: "•;. • do. ' lSzc. 4c. It: EEO ' catithig° lll l - 4 4 0 1 4 ,46 P 0 . 4 1 4 4 , vettiag. Prmentt autildeti 3 i jag received.'lTiiiir lease hii siarrant4 bed, • anboils infra, froatthe cionstfrytlf rePtice ur.the lam" . Iyy but: :uth. at eaii "GROVE% 'rate Ell et, fot4rOna ham') STWEA iibota ruisSid steer, iigWe Coand,. &nit rereiter iiN TRUMBVIL.-. OEM 11UNTOAT.:,' °Ng,. p on Turnpike, it. hi ; ts & CO. nods, Crockery, Public Ave-uae. • RE-, • cr Dry ,Guou!si sitc4 Vest, ANDLER; • tt:liioneiTtrY Goal. Airenhe. Rt. .. r Plough Plough 4Z UNE , cosiness near KeeleesTaygas LtY office nlew ram vast DRtDGE; —: Aim siga ,, idiVraire, Hanging, . Shop ak M 2121 the ikore of t,t. pot '4**,..l*l!l*'.llt. .E , IMOCK; I, west videriif ~tho - tore of R. Set**, Om rit#CE. LOCKE, • ern? & goothillit teir oitte .P 03.4a4404.616 . ,- .uo- AiiiiuKowi) . 7 , . , , .61 1 01ra f t,:it: 74.)vcir. Heiplgo~s„ •As? , r , s , r - tHirGtild a!,stM_ «i .a. • !"- 441;411:1+7.- :• . - "frtiAt • - , 6 • - MEE