• *4 . =a • j:. • e Or •I / • . 4 11ant - ous , , • ,„,„; ii, i:44 1 A hers 445i0n, , ,, .r. ~ , ,;t ;. - .Aitilingel stood fit one or the eniineneeti e i fieitc,Veti,; When 14' ! a voice ptitchtinied, "41 ftiFtli ,lia,sigrvant, ind receivefratti,the - divell. ertitoCyoruler tis'nklittg. splieriohe trawl° thertiffet.to the !sing Jf heavetel The-nn.l AVspielid" his stiowy pinions, and direetO n f iltglit',lO where on the reitiateiterg4.l4 . million, a.dim stir faintly..glimmen4-. Ito tittscd the shining orbs that-roll in dattzling sOndor arOundtlle throne of Gait 1 ';Beiti ms 4),,iiiestio loveiness and- i ininto* .grace peopled each mighty sphere., r +Bath. ; voice . *vas full of- melody ; .and every eyeltindled - ilth. thin nadyint bliss, asots glance tianed'd lOtp•ettwur4. F4t thuagh .I:wreck. is . the. int• :, mortalitraf theie,patureilihtorlstilllOoked to Wherenthe."thronilof the Invisible burned iti I4t4.thisiPfprotOlthltiti T tiff'filli of gicitir: Yet, 10:twanged ~not :altrainient;. : for he etilfilled the , tadding ofhilMingtrand.on lie sped,Aill fteneigrdouthdbusr-prineetlunt"-"weffilll passed, and3ffnikerh„ hf-i-shatrofy dimness, he pausedlii'llildriivings . Ere he entered, ii#lll9 V*, . ariltbe'l ! l ITOJ e/ g 4 Pr e 4 . '' da t gi4ea of4q.lie,'scene lie lore Lim . ,; ow unlik'tutlitildimis`Seeddi (it his - dad* ssietif r He ,iiiiiiried I *of: i.aytti. i I VeOtathill- lay • blackoe4tlng mithered,t, fi* tlfe. froht= ;had' falleik.upohlitt lie l Opty. . - ,Tharforfs4reeThad faded eroreithPtcpernalfriveliness, and their discoloretrfolld6•U;tis stietrutioatli ground, iirltptitieo ilt,;.tXteiticii6la hiltbit:'; •The4x , panse of ocean Oest attrtteted hi!, tinenticuil It Jayoutstreteltild itrplacid loveliness. Its mighty waves railed in-upon the shore siilk linwly,grmquil.t 44 ,spddenly the tempest bre:it - heti ttiltli - itltS'&ichabss, and. its injuik Lain billows heated in wild' commotion, till the sky and intent mingled in -the fearful strife. r The - ski:before sacalm, where the stars.rpposedilloiy, that too ehannedle 'tote huh,' and A, OE clouds veiled-.its beauty, while the light4g Cinch and thunder -peal kindled and slailk-the heavens:. The strife of elements was new to him. He. turned away, and .songht,the dwellers of the darli, tempestuous isles,: A city reared its matt& piles before hind He entered the crowded . streets, and pate' d tie, perta,ls of one of ifs stately palaces... ; lt•Was the hour of mirth—:- the wino cap sparkled; and tin. ' song wcht ' round. There Yves light.in every eye, and ' the elastic step Ps buoyant with ex ulting mirth. They riiiiigledin the labyrinthian mazes of the giddy dance, in the fulness of thoughtless joy,/ • But the hour(passed by, and each turned. homeward, 'andllere the Seraph sought and: .f*nd theta. B ergh, how changed. Clotids Were on every .I;irow, .and every step was, languid. One *d another he questioned t,, "Thy tribute toltim who made . thee. - I would hear the offerin4 4 tO Him.;" and the vicant E:t. stare and soullegi laugh alone:gave -answer. .Strange the yotk and the happy have un - . offering to-nigho for Him; the glorious Otte , ,. sighed the.. *61.1 Yet none had aught4to offer. He sat hipiseltdowit.jexemincss,4 l weariness can - 411 upon an immortal nature. His eye glances- ; down the glittering streets to where a mild light gleamed from an hum-, ble casement. 'le arose and entered the ' 'dwelling. By the -bed of death a fragile. form was henditig. ; The ,only loved one of earth had ' depated. The freed ' spirit bad just sprungr to 'ifs native skies, and she was left -alone. Yetfra.s the heart-felt consecra -, - kiii 7 e-EY,"dfit VilletAdd,lkirCalet7X - 44, blessed be thy name." Joy beamed on die brow of the *get " Beautiful, though early 'fading is thy'dll'ering„ 0 daughter of the earth ! The Lii.rd accepts and blesses." A moment and.liertig tanithlte exulting throng that wake the ethoes of heaven. The - light of his radiant ii t imile was • beautiful in the skies, as he ati4uticed the result-of his mis , sion. And th4eavenly arches rung again with the overflowing of immortal joy, as they' heard of theb,einVig sapplitatt of the mid night hour-4.orue it is "There is joy i,u heaven over .opt.- sinner that, repenteth." Woonsocket Potri. . .. . ' • . • "Stick - L o- urn, cmizty.•9 Two brotheii3 from the Emerald Isle, a few years since; Rorabased a piece of wild land not far frill' the Rennebec and went to work to clear up. After cutting down the large rowth and burning over the un derbrgh,°they proceeded to contrive a plan to get the 'thinks together in a pile for the purposdtbf burning them also. The land lay upon side-hill, and they conclu ded that if theytcould roll a large log which lay nearthe snilimit and place it about half . way do the.tmight pile the rest Against it _and' thu sere their object. But how • were they, ‘ 'ne.yentit when . - once under way from rolling e bottom, and thus de feating their plan 1 . o accomplish this they procure N tope; mid tnaking_ one end fast to the log, one ether(' was to hord on to the other ind to' prevent its going too `far while the OtUt.was to start it.' Fearing . that' he m i g ht dot be able" to- prevent the rope from lipping through his angers; Sim -my, who was the steersman, tied it to his body. " *Mit 4titn'asy; Phelhii !" said he, alter having coilvinced himself - that all was 414,am' not. Pltelim did start him; and as the log ”com menced its progress - the lope caught in a - projecting kstotiliniid heraii rapidly to wind up. It soon i poor 3"`unmy ,chock First he went otter the r leg, then the logwent over tins, and skthercontinned their tnu tnal circunwations,au4smsninersets. Phe- Jim 'watched th)ii 'Prokr•ersf,..fai• a luomgait, and tbpn sung Out--" SIK.k to him, Jemmy, faits ge're a ni* h fir him or!" wa,y—you're oir4op harki a !"` • • Told lon of the O. S.flrig of War " Tnaton." _,. 0 1 PitlicliC4lliosllo • wASLUNGTON, .sept. 12,.P. AL•- A sliptront t.l Mobile lferaltl, of thellth inst - Oirings dip : l44M the S. ITig n ,Triixt9l4' . fr a cya N7ew ,O,rleaoa saris =formation. - 'on the har.liff the Turpau river,l3o...mik4orthirtuxl Wera Cruz. ThentelligeneCwas brought to .the srittadi ron on the 19th tit., by the sloop of wail - ,/tAsppears ,, t4t—Capt. Carpenter;-of Old Truiton,-wishingtilgetlia'ressel near 'the shore - to pryithorAipp wipe their crews were obtaliitg' iir f onsionzi, „tie SeotC roan , Wiliit'bilad" taken out of, a small-Mexican t ifz . , but who, from design .DPP af_l3?l,ll/0, . 1 1T 1 ; r: the d.#4# 1 , 1 4 1 14 1 04 , j 7 A , Lvh . rs , , , S di shelves abpdoned btithe-ofwarsta, 1Thea: 60 :0 1 all ; 1 414) surrendered themselves ' • •I'lle"y•Svcito itaityl re . teittikainlptinieni"O's4itlii a ball; - ar4l. biglNelleXt'lla:iilviol'ilit, tide' of lour' "min I =L4 . ltetit.l4lernieri 60 . li§lboiti'n-nreitliAlfto iseacalitured a sp,all Mexican schoonCeiral ciiild'iltiwritlinlcoaV fie Antoiiin* grin do. Vitus Only tiye rioitketgi , Liaut. Berylithri hid !Hinter, •nial about twenty 4tei4 *ere - ' • ' • Aslsnini as the news was reeeivhd, the hfn frigate "PrinOton inntiediately got nn 'der weigh-and' prontededidthe•seeni3 Of the Ilistist4. • But meanwhile the Tinxton Had been' itltnilletely• • Stripped and • plulidefed, andlnir - gnos bythe'Me4 leans. After firing the brig, the-Prineeton immediately Rtiffl4l4 l tu,the t squadron. -,,,! :_li'i'Vgie:Oritillione.l• • ~ . 440odstio is told of Mozart at the tube was &popitibf Hoyt*: !Thciatter challenged. his rptipil to:compose 'a piece amusiC Which he emild.:notl play lit. sight.: :Mozart accepo ed:thili,:banien and :a supper and champatm, b , were,to be. the forfeit.. . iEvery thing being arranged between the two coniposers - Moz a rt took his pen and ti Sheet df paper, and.n. five Mina . s •dashed oil' a , -i piece of innsic, and much} t o , the •siirprlie - of Haydn ; handed- it to liiini: ying t - i ".there is a. phice: of Musico . iiir,.: which you Clinnot play Mid I elm—you-arc to give iftlier.firA trint." 4, •' - ' • ' •• ' ' • llii, dn'siiiiled eoriteritiiiinsfy `tit the:'zlyi's • • : Win presiimptido Tam 11 of his pupil; and ,91Ott 4 , the ke•ys• of his infitument. , --Surprised a*iti4 simpl city, he dashed awarnntif be•reaOheA: the • middle of the' piece, when stoppint alt atlthice he esdlaiiiiCilt . • '- • ..„ " Ilow's this 4 Mozart 1 , Ilniv's • this 7 Ilere luny hands ate stretched ont„ to both Midwof the piano and yet there's a Middle keY",_tU, be touched 1 Nobody dui 'Play such'iiiisic=4ot 4ien the composer hiniself." Mozart smiled at therhalfexcited indigna tion of the great flitter, iinfl biking the scat lie lid.iguitted ,struc, the instruments with such fin,,ai of self-assitranee that liayde ben-au to ti:iik. himself' ' dui) ed... 1 Iton-fling along * thro , h i, the siMple.passages, he Caine ,to that v i . part ~.hich his uitielierloulliranounscil iin pcisithlct(i,bc•philed. Mozart, as anybody is awa re, was fav p red, or at least endowed, with nu extremely long nose—a prodigious nose4i which; in •*idern dialect, " stook' out aleq." Reading the difficult possage, he strei r ' lied both hands to - the• extreme ends of the piano, and letning forward • bobbed his noselagainstthe Middle key which " nobody play." . i . .• . EZM Telit.t.Conm.-4 writer at,Cainargo, Aires. ico, '4ays,.4,..avi; it halfacre of porn al dui place, the shortel4. stalks ,Of which, with corn [ upon i - t, 'was .uot ks§ than eighteen, feet high! How much niorelho does not ....4T. . Tug DEMOOI44TO OF, JILVISACHUBETSAMVe 'lloM4lated 'sac Mavis, of Worcester, fur Gov eruct, altd i georg4 flood, of Lynn, for Licut GOver.nor. n =I .1 l' , ' -ltins-rint4o Sel • ' FiFINNErfLVANIII.• , Philadcrphin bank, - i• par Man Sr- Mee bank i , Fa?' Moyainensini Bank, par P enn •t o waship bank par Ra bank notes 2"4 dig 1 3 g4-i . a . thi ttf nermiii,wwo .-, par Del 6 avehester I par Oln,sfercontWeitesterpur I Motitoniery Cu . par Faruicine b'k Bucks yo par rarraPr3' bk ilead's ; t par : Bastne i - ' 'r par , Nortlnunptnn no sari Lancaster bank par Far 111 Lo ,, c,stcr par •Lehatinii - 1 dis! tiartiltarg .1 dial Middletown 1 di. cad+. . - 1 dis Coltrothla litiage ' par Northuniberlaial . par Minetai irk I" tsville,l Tor )ry'4 bk. 11 ilk e51;'0,34 (.161 I : itts* ,, ; demand' nateA 1 dis - " ! certificates. - 1 . di isost notes ;I dig Tow:tads. no sale Yorlv .. J 1 dis a l et n . Aurg • 1 di,. C bersburg '3'l dis W est.i'g 5 4 2 dig' Bmoonnrillo -44.4 dis Eriei ' 0 dis r- Be e r4Q bank to sale H e' - ."- - t - yir.rdis Bk Spsq'a co, lli ills Lewistown 25 dis _. Lutultk Warren An sale Wel. firmcli bk - 04 dis DOM p r Script . 20aTin'tlis Lehigh Nov Script 45 dis 4th Mav issue o . i dis NEW YORK. 4, N Y City bank. 1 i dis Tenth Ward bk. 1 Clitapn bk N y PO di Giohn bank . !fraud North River bk'g cc; do City Trust & Bk'g do do Word Growers bk I. dis Widt h Plains bk ' . f, 5 dis ,Lewts co- bk 0 dis Far 4 Dro bk,Buf i 5 dis Ardki rs bit of CAydels di Far lett nf -.Seneca co;-- dis Coni,bk of N York 12 dis Lata ette.bank 12 dis N Y k'g cam 00 dis Dryock bank. ll dis N A Trust co ! 2 dis Ban . rif Binfralo ' • 35 dis Bankof Brockport ;:1-dis Eamiitun bk . 3.0,.dis Coni iik Batral 40, All 41yent haalielt iA1. 4 14 00*4 baiikfr 01:46 1 EXPetit bk of Caitlin. - bia•ri4ver/9- 4417 i • anti,Middie titist.eti p , .= - Platatiar , r, Niai!ardi ..g. .. Ili.Z.,tyarrels, (.:„1: •__ Iv h Matt Co. , .4,1. F. W 9 4:co batik •11 • . - .sle._Lad Plautere 4 . P.o . ci, tank .frand ra b iro'keviwio .1. - do .I.* - Maaut.Cok, -do ,11,..1.1. 1 'acka ,gw. J.Eil §EY ,C, Ni.... , 457 azal,A,ltatafar., lit • .re lil r- Troaraiktlakr Pr4it P 4a4k - , i4•FAF nail' :',li•baßk• 4,4., uitd, *PiaCicieu f, par r . C , bank ~ i ,par 111(ii,tu 4.141 i, , ~ i. par 2 , 4 - fik s .kkt,,. liii - Par illy ' Utz* iii.ift , -.Pits4le 1 ......t0 4 dis Ti t entin Int i g co old •:. pax 516 rros... An-ter:banks, ' "41 0 M ... 44 / 4 4 11 - 4 !44.1e'.7 t , - . Xi* -Il4cOttly qr3l.llifika l Wall ' pa:LIS 'g Cill Franklin bank i Jersel l pity Ifenk-L . li . Mornnpath--- ---- . Iol4lll6ii—'—' 1-da _,fte , o• ; ;r 1,0,1 0 1 4rm,do ok . t •PL!'',f 4 46 itrir ;In wide:do Lk Vatscrsou . 1 do EMI liLtuk Medi E LIST 01/11 iThIITJWWf t. 2.4, 1846 Under sss • His NEW HAMI'SHIRE. I All solvent ihwks h.dis MAINE Calais bank . 10a Agricultural bank do City bk Portland do nhirmu MCOtta do Mercantile bk do ,Ntillvrator Canal bk do 'llaninir Coin bk do 11'esibrook bk do citizens' bk do Globe bk do Wasitiripenvo do Frankfiard bk do . All solvent banks di VERMONT. Dank , ift:t Albans IA dis du All,liolveut banks. dis SIASSACHUSETTIS. golvent bunlo4 Adis =I !MI solvent hanki;. h di; 1.1.11 V D. jitatimurolatilks dix l'atripArri bk dis Mineral hank 1 dis Fmieriektcrwn • • j Ala Ilagergyown ttlis Far & bk perstrorn 3tl dis Westminster Williamsport Climberhuul I din Salislatiy broke Sung intbannah broke Millington broke Frederick co I,k Itlis Broken bkirarions prices Baltimore & Ohio EL , . FICCUPICh 10 dig b ETA Bank a Deliwaret • par Wil'n & Bran.ymene par Farmers . " lat Del Par Union hank ,- Par Batik or Smyrna : liar Under $53..4 dis 1)18. OF COLUMBIA. Washington City .4 dis George tnwn 3 din Far & Nteeha;lea' :dois Alemanaria . Bk of Ale=miria broke Mechanics' bk .broke Franklin bank• sin s al e Merchants:4lu* du VIBGLNIA. Ex bk 4r.bruarl;el; 14 dis ilk of Va '&lxrg'clus dis Far bk &WOW/4 46 Valley bk & - :b'clL 14 (114 1414 dis Whevliug pnotes dis ,SQ111:11 CA./.1.01.X.NA, All xiilveut banks 2 4114 untea ' dis L'OU'TH .CAROLINA. All Aolvont banks 14 dis Small notes - • 2 ilia 'r 61 441GE1. . 13k. of St Mary's • ft— Ocilatigeo - do Monroe • • - • AA C U 1611161 do hank. 'do ilx.qlusamx bank . joie- Clad is bank 4.0-' th3Pural,hkof do rig i a.Algct" du . 1841 r 11'4 co. 4 .l l,salvßot bat .2,, • A /4 13 .4.AL4., All solvent Wallas fine dis .• S'dis :0419. a , d/P tillivPlii.bkricitex,3o34 dir ILA (j 13ank.,044090 '• 70116 /Stale too*.r . , $O die IcENTI/okiu • - 2 dis 4 , OparANA. - epi 'banks 4. 1 ).. MISSOURI. 2 die - solvord bathos a3dis • ' INDIAN*: Ailsol went 114min:48241s w e:FLO/11D*, II p,..• • Southern Life & Mins portation Co. *NATURAL 'REMEDY, • 'Suitetl *Abe linmmi Cenistkiiition;tilid , e;rittat to the ,taro **vary voable. diaense e , wilt be bad. in ~. , 4. 3YRIGkIT's INDIAN ,VEGETABLE! PILLS, ; i: 1, •:,•.:;'-., ~ ..i i g fiti lh bi tt rfc4: P i lt e .igi -ot: 'Health.. , • • t i Tin,. txtraordiniiry, composed of, plants s i 7 slliFli grpWr 'standards) ir Owe soil, and me, theiref4A,l' heti ei 'O&M Mir Censtittitions than Mellitinei concif.ted.frour foreigodiugs, however WO . 4 .0* mar. be Cutela'uoded; tunl'as-Wright's . *, th dip lie c imble Pills are:fotuided,tpon the - pritmiii le aythe, Rom an be dy is in' tr' uth , ' : , ' . '' "' 4Stibje,et to Int6nie Disease; $ a . ninaely,- , corrupt , litnnors, and that said Medicine .crops th'i disease.on natural principles, breleansing . 4 44 Pufqiu6 the .b"FIY,. it, will bit. I . .ututillist'thriti .if ":,,, 1 ,. ,.. ,, L5 nutu0n, he' net entirely exhausted, a. perse 4"Mdeelit'thliir use, iicebrding to directions, is uli tiOlittely4hrtain to riVe disease of every name fermi the boely.i,i. : • . -' • - . , ~Whetrivo wish to rea ere a swamp : 9 1, in f ira m tl to i ferbi*, vc i cis , it oT the siipenibandant. water. In tikb Mader, if We wish to heaters the liMy tdhaith *o i musi deans° it of impurity. - Wright's Indian NegetalkiYills will be found one of the best, if not rho very i lest medicine in the world fur carrying out this; '',rand purifying principle, because they expel *Chu thbl body. all morbid and corrupt humor, the cease of the disease, in an easy and natural manner, qty. yiblift;' they every day give t...nse'rupl pleasure, disease eil; every - mune is rapidly dr iveu limn the liodY: ..! . nl5 , i.Tlffifidlowing' highly' respectable storekeepers Istve. - betm 1846.- Eft RA LL 8611:6 01".. -1 4i4 - 44ttmi:at I 2 • , . *woo r toady ust. 7 :or J LYONS. 10 =1 'lv , ;.