The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, October 01, 1846, Image 1
12:=Ei 0 Z U N E - - Sid 1:14,100:1-4 -113 OW & BO fl )P, P ((Art.: 601,4 woptiddi. of the Pnblfc Avenue.) F , Tkthl . S.-;;ONE DOLLAR n' yetis in (hie Fifty Cents ifhlot 'paid icithinittree . nionthsiiindif .delayed until utter the: espirationtof A l e year;two7n.lollars will he exacted.. Discontinniuces optional with th e Publishers, un less arreara t O 1 . 4 arz, paid. tfliters tulle Trublishers on' business with thtiizif fre must boil:lost-paid to insure attention. !, „; spEEOII OF HON. A. 11.'IMEAD1 Otilthe Tarif f QOestion,. Delivered ; in the House of Representatives, July 6th, 1842. • Ma. CIaIRMAN: The subject now under deep and all-absorb cvusiderat#m is one of i p ' g i i n t ere 4 to the People of this Union.. Its eriffeetii, foie wood or for evil, its multifarious r a ' r u ification, will reach every hamlet and 'log-cabin iii the United States. The work ing man, the poor laborer, the busy ortizau, 'the indepOrlent cultivator of the soil, the • shoemaker", the merchant, the shipper, and the paper-aoney nabob--in, short, the smaller ns well as the, larger interests of the' country will feel either its paralyzing or its renovat ing touch4the former, if it shall be adjust ed` upon 44i-sighted sectional feelings and local prejidiees ; the latter, if it shall he made' to (niter and stimulate national indry- . try the only source of national wealth and national pibsperity. It is therefore entitled at our hands to the most grave and deliber ate considelation. We should look at the subject divOted of all sectional interests and party ani*sities, with fixed and resolute determination to promote the best interests of the canary at large, and to settle the poScy of the Government in regard to reye uue and ilidental protection on a firm nod pe• ianenCbasis, in sueli mariner as to re lease our lkonstituents from all appreheo sions,of mange herea ft er. The industry, the exercik of the physical energies of map assisted hi those machines and iiivcntioLs designateik as labor-saving, is, in truth and i n fact, the4eily source and origin of nation al wealth snd prosperity, is a proposition ' •unqudstioribly true, that no one who li• turned his 7.attention to the. subject, and * - yestigated the principles of political econom ~ i f stain for and moment hesitate to adopett as a. postulate. Xast your eye, Sir, over the ci - ilized world;; and without a solitary e.xce - thou you will find those nations whose indo• it.) IS protelted and nourished, occnpyi g en elevatisi - position in the family of u - tines, and l exercising a controlling i - Ruence over neighboring nations; and i the other liand, in those countries wilco: their pec4r institutions operate to pa - lyze industty, you will find the people in a miserable and abject state 4 subject • to tl e most unjust exactions, and incapable of d - manding satisfaction for the insults of the r haughty neighbors. Such is the aspect p • seined by tile map of the,civilized world. But it, is eninecessary to argue a qu • 'i n u Bich has teen settled for ages, and whit. has grown into a maxim.with political ecou waists. Ittis more important to inquire into the mode of attaining so desirable object, as the greatest possible prosperity of our common country.. Before proceeding to these questions, it may be _proper to notice some objections to the views of those who are in favdr of action upon the sidaject at this time. i The first objection—and - one which I presume will be strongly pressed' on the coninaittee--is the compromise act of 15.13. li will be-urged upon us, that no action can he, had upon the subject except for the purPose of carrying out the provis ions of dm/ get, without a breach of faith. Although iii is admitted; in the abstract, that as a genend principle, one Congress cannot held a subsequent Congress, yet it will be contended tjiat the peculiar situation of the country, thift dangers which threaten us, apd the excitement and irritation caused by sec tional interests, at the time of the passage of the compromise act, ought to make this an exception to the general-rule. The mo-i rality,of Congress will be invoked to con sider that particular act in the nature of a' binding and sacred compact which cannot be touchect without tarnishing the moral character or theg° vernment, and trampling 1 in the dust §the first principles of common honesty arid . moral rectitude. Now, sir, if that act had proved adequate to the wants of the country—if it had passed with a full knowledge bf the results to be produced—if its framers t had legislated with a prescience of its prailtical operations, in all time to oonrie:—theifA would be cogent arguments for Adhering te it as a binding compromise. • But- whOn time and experience have shown thallit was adopted underan errone ous impreimion of all parties with respect to its results ; 1 i when it is found totally inade ,. spate to tiro necessities of the etrunoy, in view of reilenuc alone • when it is admitted if not by erpry memb er of, Congress, by the great mass•X aft political parties amongthe -people, thief it cannot supply more than'One half the necessary revenue; when it is aiv parent that) its continued operation mould irretrievablit prostrate the public credit and the public ;Faith, and bring the degradation and disgraiie of national - bankruptcy upon a nation possessing energy and enterprise unequalled in the sisterhood of nations, to gether witlfAll the elenients of wealth in au . eminent degree; when it is remembered that its eilehts already joined to the antid yawn of itk stinted fruits hereafter, have ini velvet us iif debt and embarrassments bes yond the wisdom and power of the constiti4 ted authorities to overcome; that your six, Per Peat. sOcks go begging in the inarketi and finally sold at a ruinous discount, while mongyiu Europe is abundant at 2i a• 3 per:eent.; when it is known to have Paralyzed domestic industrY, to have arrest- ed th e plookh of the fanner and the bath 'ner ef theihrtiztua, and the : machineryof 'Le: muuufficturer; when it 'has., seasoned July dirweit with foreign stilt, warmed your P ar lor with imported coal, and laid your railroads with English iron; when it bias hi . ready invoNesi this country artitO hundred end . 04 finillioris of debt, without any ave4stile manstiliquidationt Qamit his uin;i yn tf eit*ltsk probated your cur• rency,l lockild up : your stores of ioexilausta; Me nuneraQwealth, bankrupted yourbank kgpred .imir .states, • •abd ' brought. .t L;ementi -Gir.ennent humbly suing it the f ," 1 an 9 f.4. 1 44111 of • brokers (or she means if( xeepi v iha wheels of Fovernitaput .in mu. tt l rielieilioll these evtliiilian rolliAved in - its Veit!, filth' would be 61014116 d-tour-fold . z . --_— , - E . *..., Al C., _i• :1 . 1 i'• • 11. 1 Lri. .•':) - ',.? :i '-',. ~ r t 7 1 ... .•, ~,, . . .' .f:t '.rt. .,i.,, ,': ,_Fier, • : . ' •.f , , 'i..!, 1.. ..,, ;;;; 1 Oi.i'+ `,l r: ,- :•''....1 %. " , t - 31 - !;. !,f,s ~ ,' - ' '.."' ' ' , 't ! ;,. r .., •• - ..;,:i,„. ;;• ; .i .. —0.. a r 1 r , . r • . ' :t1:1 I'' , • ',tt ,. . ' '1 4 ,...,0 , • , •7 4: t ~. ~ , , ~ , , ~: ,„ : • ' • .' 14 MEM VOL •1. , by its •cOntinttritice;"ailtO'Avfll•eantend 'flint th e e,empronaise:crfill333 should bind us? , Sir, if n compact. be. made tinder 'a add - ta k e of ell parties to ita provisions, which fails to effect tire 'specified and only purpose for which it lop intended,' there is no pria elide of Morallomesty violated in disregar ding ding its letter, when that.which was sup-. posed to be its life, and . spirit is' found not to exist. And ,when it iangreed on all hands that that ,act Will hot rind eannot sustain the loperitiOn's tif Geverranent—When it Would furnish Inns moiety of the revenue requir ed, by the most economical administrirtion aka effaire s .let,me ask gentlemen. yip what Mode or manner they propose to supply its 'deficiency? As has been shown here, the Constitution allows but three different . modes s f raising reienne, viz : direct tazationox ! ise and imposts, or a tariff of duties on • I igit productions imported and consumed y our own , citizens. I Will venture the ' piniou, sir, no one solitary individual on is floor will seriously argue a resort to the , or direct taxation, for; the purpose of isn't . twenty-severi millions, or any other mount revenue, except in a case of dire necessity, when the ordinary supply may be but off, by collision with foreign nations. A continued and uninterrupted practice, from he adoption of the Constitution to this day, has sufficiently ascertained the sense, mod settledithe mandate of the peoe=thrit di -1 6ct - taXes lire not to be imposetTfor revenue except 4 Vnder the extraordinary circumstan hes ju indicated. It • • • • Il' I • Sir, what then is to be done 1 You have I I ho choice. It is a case of unyielding ne- I ,erreity. You haVe no other available source Of revenue than imposts. Either the e.xper itnental compromise (for it is nothing more) Must be repudiated,, or the Government Mein cease to exist. In such a dilemma, Will any Mom hesitate ? No, sir. We must raise thei requisite amount by means of a revised tariff. The duty is imperative. It nay be possibly alleged here—to my utter surprise . I have heard the allegation made omewhere b by one standing high in the Confidence of Soudieru politic] ins, that the prom se compromise lact will produce as much rev , bnue as any other, or more than other tariff duties which can possibly be devised. This cannot bp so. The assertion must have 1 1 .been made under some strange hallmina . • (ton of the mind. It is ascertained that the almost extent of its fruits can never exceed fifteen Millions. And' the Secretary of the !Treasury has demonstrated, beyond a pos sibility of doubt, that his proposed rate of duties based upon the importations of 1840, yrould yield twenty-seven millions nett in hume, after reducing expenses and draw backs upon re-exportation. The importa 'ow of that year.were far less than the pre • *ng years, and were greatly reduced by ..di e,Severe pressure in our. money market, • Inch . commenced in dm year 1837, and 'ad increased' up to and during the year 840. But suppose the Secretary is wrong us selecting that year as indicative of future importations : and that the chairman of the finance committee is right in anticipating decreased importations hereafter, (and I • hope he may he,right in this:) yet the fruits of the Secretruy i s proposed tariff could nev ealess-than twenty-three or twenty-four ons—a sum which under a system of he most rigid economy, with - the reduction f the army and navy, might possibly be deirate to the wants or the Treasury. I o not desint to be 'understood as approving • he proposition of the Secretary : on the .Contrary, I deem it greatly erroneous in ; Many of its details. I only refer to it to show• the absurdity of the notion that the compromise act would bear a comparison with other rates of duties, in filling your treasury and keepini , the - wheels of govern ment in motion. • Waiving, however, for the Present, that absurdity, and admitting for (he argument, that such might be the fact : "what-would follow?. The increase of reve nue, upon a 20 percent. advalorem duty, amid result only from greatly increased im portations .and consumption of foreign pro ducts. , , What is the disease under which this iountry it; now' languishing ?, Is it not a surfeit of foreign -productions.? What has prostrated your agricuhural, iyour'commer :eial and your manufacturing interests, your Credit, your currency, your banks, your int ,p roveinents, your States, yoku everything, but the inordinate and excessive imports ion, and . the consequent extrevegant con sumption of foreign. goods, for which you have no corresponding amount of exports in return T What but these have reduced us, hi'the language of Mr. Clay, to a condition Of, "infinite distress and embarrassment?" r,' w the language of * minority report tha Cominittee on Manufactures, " why #s u,. cry of distress, almost of, despair, me, up to these halls from all parts of. our common country.?" Sir, there is not a man rot t / Maine ,to Florida who will' Inizardlis *eputation tut a statesman by statidik up here a t ud denying that a plethora of impor tatious'is the digs ise which is consuming tbe very , vitals i; Of ! i onr • .ountry . . , Where, #ien, is the statelminn or - ,* - 2patriot whp would desire to see, these, leyiktiot nub' , Per iietuated, , but increased Uini . „triattiptieA, (as theremust lie; at least to double the amount 0/ 1 4' 3 “Pre! 4 44 iiiiPertatkes , ) if it were , Pe* sible td ramp the requisite revenue on the basis :of the fact of 1833 I Such a state Of *Uri /J r/ere it atttainable, wcuiltl: ; plttce, a vele, on 'ciOnifiltic industry, destm your in de ' ndetic,e, make you the vassals*: ei g aitizans, and reduce your CohntFy„tp .po tire ruin cumtkninrogj bankruptcy. , . 4 he -second - objection to ,actiou oa the Il!, e,F4 is, -tEiat it kthe purpose 444.East c qaild Pie,r ,t hei; 4 ' . 'noief,etui,erhi,4 ire* Il* 'P,_ ( 9 FP reg,eo Pßff e t. - . l 4ll ) ,PlRtKirpfilitlFC4 If'l9-79erePV!ittlittrOX Or ~ , e6oli4gil* ‘.l - 4.fitiF4 t, I'IT- Pt • XPe , e , Trilifilit; 49 . ;‘ oil, PPPrOlf. Pen. Pr Pn4co,npntw ( T . ' : f"thPi.q9o4li i tingkr, 09, - ,e!ickidac e' tere*Aßl.: *NO f4r: , thc:OPeein) 'nefit of the 1114ili1,,Site)i ti a **„ t)oti Whether it be true EiCuUirt - 1"41: 77r - t f • • I i : J.r; I • , • - ",, pit:F.papicEOF oPipi!.oNis .NOT A 4 DIF.gERENOE . , . f . , L:ii3l - 91iTROSE.,..,PA. THITRSI)AY 00.. 1, 1846.; ir it be, the' Demcitraej , •of Pennsylvania itallo cotuitenanee• to, has no common ,, n Jarith c any, such, in.tent or propose. We ve a: Pennsylvattia :, 49etrine„ based u p on i 1 itparticUlar favoritersta to the manufactu ri=ng gietere sts, We hold that ill'elaases of Orrantinity; and tdl , sections of country, are *Wed to equal consideration ih our legis -*rive-halls z.' that. the,North is" .not . to prey Upon . the Aloud), u o yhi. * cl oth, to ilubject dU . other s to its peculiar /wail interests; that akriculture; comnlerce, and inanufatiures acre so intimately 'blended and' connected -4 mutually dependent on the prosperity of ,ajich othor,that neithereinithe beneficial ly or injuriously affected, Witham the others tieing similarly influenced ; that is the bus itiess of legislation equally to protect the rights and sustain the interests of all, and thereby to Secure the greatest good of the ,greatest number. As the agriculturists (of Oilurseincluding "the planters) constitute a rest majority of the people of this country, illat interest should be the primary object of Onsideration. 11 Sir, I have the honor to- represent a.peo plc decidedly agricultural; and the inei (tidal protection of domestic industry, to be *corded by the measure now pending, I shall endeavor to regulate my conduct and nly votes with a special view to the interests olagricuitural industry. .I have no exclu sive sympathies for the lordly manufacturer a he is called ; and if I would give inciden t4l protection to his fabrics, it is with an elpectal intent of fostering agricultural in dlistry, by creating a home market for those *plus products which are now rotting in onr granaries in consequence of the exclu sive policy of foreign governments. As W ilke indicated, these benefits cannot be se ettred for the great and primary interest, ‘iithout, at the same time, giving a healthful inipetus to the commercial and inanufactur idg interests--:the former by furnishing arti cles and increased surplus productions for exportation—and the latter by supplying Ithundant employment, at a reasonable profit, to our rapidly increasing numbers, who have tjp motive or inducement to cultivate the soil Of the West, while it requires there four hun dred pounds of !Neon to purchase a pair of libots, and the price of two cows to purchase n,Comuion hat;' other fruits of the soil in proportion. • • With regard to those articles which arc accessaries in a time of war, the first law of nature—the law of self defence—requires that we should take care to to secure an a -1-14 ralant supply, at any sacrifice, and at all tunes, within our reach, to be prepared for ithy emergency that may occur. Here let fie remark, sir, that ifzed and settled pol io on this subject is all important to the pros perity of the great interests of the country. J is vastly more important that we should know what the law is to be in a succession of ftiture years, than it canbe that the rateof duty should be fixed by any particular standard. The uncertain, vascillating policy of the Om/eminent heretofore, has done more to poralize the arm of industry, and raise the ery of distress, almost of 'despair, -from all parts of our common country, than any pos itive deficiency in the amount of protective discrimination. ie The third objection of the minority report that the duty is -necessarily paid by the consumer ; and, therefore, a burdonsome ttix on him, without any corresponding ben efit to the country. Is this so 1 kis admit * that the consumer pays a duty on' those *ides which,,from climate, or other natural eauses, cannot be produced in this country; and cannot be avoided, if subjected to duty. But all this, and four-fold more, is required ffir revenue ; and, therefore, not objectiona ble. on Southern principles. But these lir iteles of consumption, if they become neces sp.ries,-and are in general use, the Pennsyl vkinia policy would place in the free list. This; so far as we are concerned, disposes of the labored argument of the minority of the committe on that subject. With regard tti those articles, the facilities for the produe tron of which exist among ourselves, the consumer does not aecessarily pay the ' tax. Ile may pay the whole or part of it, tempo rtitily and until the new stimulant given to dinnestic industry shall have increased the Mime manufactnre to something near a sup plly for domestic consumption.. Competi tin then uniformly operates to reduce the riLice to the consumer far below what he paid for the foreign srticle before the home Manufacture was established here by the fos tering care of - Government. There. is no ioagic in this sir. It results from the ordi i+ry operation-of the law of trade. The Meanest tyro in the scienc of political econo- My may perfectly understand that the price of any article mainly depends on the relative AMiount of - demand and - supply. If you aug- Ment the supply of any article of commerce, the demand being the same, the price is ne cessarily rduced ; and on the contrary, if ybti increase the demand, Ithat is, enlarge the market,) the supply Venininingthe same, ipu.necestsarily. enhance the price of the article to th e degree as the proportion relotiVe amount of supply and demand, lilts been 'changed. These effects follow the auses indicated; with 'the' sante certainty 'that theihils Of nature operate:. Water does not nionteertaitily seek a level; than the in geese of, Apply ui.a given raarket reduces the price .of the tinkle.. Thht i lair of trade, .•• • • ittimutauic •as any law of nature. Thii redubtion not only Overballikeesi ' the - duty intpoletl i {if it be a reasontible glory') hot compels the foreign tastinfasitiner to dis *.'ith *4400. !, PrOfilsr +suckle a . mfr. nopely ofthe market would enable him to d6pitnit; 'arid the poier ;tO - 40, inelination te'dernand inordinate "profits. 'aft.ittnOt be doubted:' the tristet .a.taxontheiconsunter ; butis whol 1X.P40 !w_ ll 4) rwiri bo'ql., In ,other,.words, - deducts ern't.ligrprOfttic.: The anti, to koillice thegrentreittp&alble reatiction'"of -price . lo the cginflnuaVallould :eqUal the difference iii m i ce of labor in this country, .and iqt tbe . iiirvigu 'countries furnishing tha the duty" ; much excee this standard, the . (t . foreign Manufacture r -witl be driven • from the market, the competition will cease, 'the price will be enhanced, .and therevenue lost. We (the :democracy, of gennslvania,) do not' desire prOhibitory duties. : iVe are equally opposed to monopoly - ia ithe domestic and foreign ntanufacturer. Sir, let me illustrate this law of trade by an CaWnple, v'hich shall come don to the compliension of the most I unlearned. Suppoie a' ' lay no duty on ite iMported4xes : labor is . n cents per day in England4-an axe, therefti , can be made in ' England for 40 cents ; hat labor is 50 cents per day hi the United States, and therefore an Px-e etinnot be Made it{ the 'United States for lea than one dollar. !The freight of an axe fronvEngland to the!' United 'States is (say) tettleentin Constrently an English axe may be sold here at ftpm sixty to seventy cents. While there is nO protection against this difference in the prices of labor, no Amer ican citizen Will be so stupid as to invest a large capital in •an tote factory, which may be broken down at any time by the English manufacturer.—While this state of l things exist therm will not be a single axe factory in'the United' St4es. The English manufacturer will have n!itionopoly of this market. Will' he sell his tikes at . sixty cents 1 You Mug.. have an axe atiany price he may demand, because you hat* no factories. He may charge you $3. He' . will charge you $3. Do:you doubt it ? No, sir. lle has the monopoly, he has the power, and he will use it at your cost ; yOu must have an axe. This exorbitant price induces some twenty of our citizens to Commence the e reetion of axe factories ; in - Owing that they can sell exesAit $1 50, and make a good " business." The agent of the British man ufacturer: reports the fact.: to his principle, wha takes the alarm ; his monopoly is in danger ; lie knocks down.the price of the English axe to sixty •centi ; the American faCtories are all broken Own ; their owners ruined ; the monopOly is re-established ; and the price:of un axe is again $3. This is precisely' what has occurred, continually in i a vast variety of cases, n which a large investment of capital is required. This is the kind of vassala g e to which seine of my` democratic friend s would, by their free trade notions, unwittingly subject the A icim citizens. On the other hand, im pose a Specific duty 4O cents °a hn ported axes, and the ,American manu facturer ! is protected against the pauper labor of England ; he cannot be broken down ; his.factory doors Cannot be closed by his foreign competitors ; he is . now . a free and independent man ; becomes int o market on equal !terms ; both and in the market ; neither hits a Monopoly ; the supply is doub led ; the demand remaining the same ; the price ,is rieduce4l to. the Yowest. point—say Oho dollar and fifty cents.: And so far from the consumer paying the duty, he is relieved from the ddable price itliposed by British cupidity and monopoly. :Such is the effect . of the Protective policy.; The American manufacturer cannot qackit front the consu mer, for his foreign competitor is still in the market, • keeping him down to reasonable prices. There is no myStery in this ; it is bet the necessary operation of the law of trade ; every body knows bow the stage fare is :reduced when the oppcisitiou line starts, Sr, hoW he will be compelled to pay the old high fikre the moment that the opposition is purchased or broken down. Hence it is that the protection of domestic industry no-. cessarily reduces the price of manufactured artieleof the consumer; aibile at the same time, it fornishes a home market forthe.sui plus production of the farmer; and furnishes the material for commercial enterprise, by augtnOnting their exports, ! and thus promote the prosperity of all classes of the communi ty. And, sir, permit me to add, that actual experipent confirms this view of the laws of trade. LOOK sir, nt the history of the cotton man ufacturers of this country, which teaches -us a lesson not to be overlOOked or disregarded. What is this lesson 1 Previous to the year 1810, Great Britain enjoyed a monopoly of the cotton stuff market of these States.— The retail price of coarse English 'cottons was from 28 to 31 cents per yard—the same quality of cottons which:are now selling , m7to 9 cents. How many thousands 116w many hundreds of thousands of dollar% have been saved to the poor of this country by the reduction of the price of the article since 18161 True, it, is alleged by the gentleman from Georgia,• who gives us the minority report from the commitee on Atoll ((factures, that this reduCtion has resulted from improvement in machinery, and the in troduction of steam . power. In this he is partly right and partly wrong. These, can's es doubtless had their effect ; but unaccom panied by domestic competition could never have reduced the price 6:i fourth the former amount. Say the imprormients in machin ery and, the introductiou l pf a new power, have caused two-thirds of this reduction, it still leaves one-third or one hundred per cent. reduction by domestic competition. The consumer had been enjoYing the benefit ,of this 100 per cent reduction, for more than twenty years, and is do enjoy it under a" ju -71 dicious itariff,"- fur, an i efiuite number of years- to come—a savin ' t 6 'him and to a hundred fold amount 'of tiny temporary in cretin in'eost which might have (mewed in the two orithree orhalftiozen years imme diately subsequent to theiitntatsition.of du .toß- jilad the English manufacturer alone been permitted to avail himself'of the labor lt - the 'itiani : enkine--Aad he continued,' lo the freimt dad;'. to enjoy the monopoly.of this.matket,eanAny ona for a moment:be slie,ve that..he would havo :voluntarily eurfgn demi the!eprices,whia . kthat inoilope!/..]Td dierifiwe enabled him itei, densandl' vhre vVas din tlifie,,':eir,` that kilo 'Cupidity 'or the foreignisiatinfaCturer teiifir surrendered 'iitt advantage, from a adhac iigustice and equi ty, 0'67 It Waiiii liiipaiter ftireati the friths Of thishbpoly 1' "Wittiair ihe 'effeetd ref ,tno uaipoly.ntid conitretitioni kin our railroad .& steneohonplipett,;,olo intter, always ; tedeeilig thi fare from 76 to 100 per cent ; and to- PRINCIPLE."—J,E74soN. . quentlY to two h ndred per cent 'tpid 'then safif The manufacture' of eottoral in - this country has not reduced the price of [the con. sumerj at least 100 out of3oo per cern, actual redaction ? his impossible to doubt on this subject. 'A'ginfilar reduction to thii °menet of Sti qr 90 per 'cent, has Occurred inthe price 1 paper, and various Aide artitleg which {have heretofore received the Fostering care of Govennuent. -If like - cause:l, produce like,effect, it follows that . Judielous natiOn lin levying impost fciereventse would by dontesticeomPetition, and ,the (destruct Thin ofißrtitish nionopoly; reduce the pried of huafreds ofdcanesticattioles fl' Selow the, preset)! Price of the foreign fabric. In along succession of years, therefore . , the +.nsumei is remniterated ten-fold the amen* of any temporary butrdon which may oc4ue from The earlier effects of protectivm.dideriminii tion. Is it not t.le business of any IPgislator to takcian enlarged view. of this subject,—to extend his vision'into the vista of futurity; and asdertain the iiitimute results of The meas ures hq may adopt ? Is it not beripath' the dignity; of a statesman to legislate with an especial view to the conseque ape aurae nett But ;ir, tiuppose for the argument's sake, that the y nominal price to the comit r imer is not only maintained, but enhanced i if you pleasant does not fiillow that he iginjured by the Operation Of a proteptive peal. No, sir. If the farmer actually paid 10 tier cent. advance on all his purchases, an d ; by the establishment ofidoniestic manufadtures in his neighborhood, and the_consequeht crea tion of n home market receives 40 of .51Lper cent. advance on his agricultural prriducts— or, it be, finds a inarket for that whidh other wise most perish, pa their he not -thereby' benefitteil rather than oppr/ssed by this policy 1 ,Ind such is precisely the ef fect, asndmitted by the gentleumnfrqm Geor gia; [Mr. Haber ham,] the leader and oriels of the 4116-protective policy of the..qouth.— Such is the innate love of-truth in that gen tleinani,s composition, that he could: not but admit tie fact ; although, when duli consid-• erect and appreciated, it goes to the etnire de •structicin of his labored argument; Hear filen, the g reat anti-tariff leaddr upon this subject . - 1 quote from page 74f his re port, where he quotes his appritiation, and the adinission of its truth, the testiinony of Air. Schenck, of the Giulia= woolen facto ry, of Buichess pounty, N. Y: C That company has a ,apital of $140,000. They, manufacture wool into broOdeloths, kerseyi, &c. they consume of the products of the neighborhood : Flecceiw. °el 170;0061bs;costing $72,954 39 Soap, 11,174 lbs., .1,195 96 Tenzing, 1, 54 5 57 Fi,v-,wiiod, . - • 18i9611pelts for Sizing, ,-"' i 584 54 46,00%ga110ns urine i ! 827 94 Pay ofwani s foi operatires 38,587 42 0 Thule by the capital of $140,000; of this single factory a market is furnisheff for the products of that country of $116,090; _wow let us :lee the. agricultural capital,inow in requisition, whieh the factory requires to keep it in operation furnighing a market for agricultural investments. Firsf. To produce 170,000 pcamds of wool requires the fleeces ,of 66,000 sheep. At dien lowest prices in Dutchess I:county, at $2 pe' r bead,' • ' ' $132,000 Second. To support this immense flocl4 of sheep at three, sheep to the acre, requires 22,000 acres oflaed ; the lowest price of land In Dutchess county, 'sso per acrd ' 1100,000 Third. 9 Not less than 560 persons I are kfupported,out of the labor of 170 Operatives who are employ- E ed id the factory, and consume anfiiially of the products of Ag ricukure, beef,, pork, flour, but- I ter, milk, eggs, cheese, &c., at I the fewest estimate, to.the value of $10,400. An industtious far trier, on a farm of 200 acres of fair average hind, cannot selloff' morl than $BOO per annum,. overt and above the supply of big family and work hands.— Therefore to finish the supply for he manufacturers of the ' Glenham manufactory would requi're 13 farms of - 200 acres each, or 2,600 acres, Worth in I that ;country $7O per acre, 82,000 Fourth. A further investment of agricultural tiapital is required I to furnish thei teazles, fire-wood, coal pro ., vender for team horses,. &c.,! esumatid ,at I z • 8,000 I' gi 1422,000 To 4um up Om whole : in his owl: words, "Thud $1,422000 is the agricultural capi tal nay' in requisition to supply , mauu faeturihg investments of $140,111. This stipplylconsistslof wool, soap, ten4es, and fire-weed, usediin the factory, of Winter fod der and sum Mer pasture for slip and provender tortilla, horses, ; and food u ger 170 operatk'ves and ,their families. re is a large dxpendittire, beneficial 'itt. m, if not all of ' Hie' inhabitants of the coun•• , in a gteatei or les's degree, in; the sitni manner ao the: whole i,POPULATIpbI of Entland 'is more clr less benefited by their iitanufac -1 ures• o , O r El p i age 16 e l f ihe tiaMo report, , O organ of the free-trade Piditiclans prose to say:, ",owlet us proceed' to ' examine; he trAth of the! positioiC of . those• who a mit the tax, onithe coniiMMer, but, insist at . it ~is 'matte ized -by 641,13.eooficit derive d tont do. fitestic mann& t*. We may ad nit that . it l prohpidy :he flip' lifi• • tillit6 to th4Bo Who i live inlthe'llei berheed4' die.fit4ory. and' work itr it, , or eupply foal to-the ktbor , or ftirnisli either equirements, of the 4stahl 44- el firm., ps in .6 s case of_,G44,h,, in ' , x ,I . ac ,, , , tory_ at?ovp roffiteAtto,",., ;; 4 .. , , , l i . ; H 11), " et* then is We ii 141041911. 464 , F 414411 by the geutlet4iau from Georgia, ' hat -one MEM Advortisententa mimeo, al rates of Firio. ~i aNrs pc . 1 Twpti:Y...t:pir,Arcars additi. l justirtioit. . :. . ,y -e irly' t lk dverii ge ni s e ti ts , • terittioo, notio:esgeod Qnnoeteiguroni with the '" /lair Coluti4t. . do I Gni?: Column, do Thisineas Ciiils, do All oilfpr advertiseme4ts rates;. , ri Td. 16. , dvorthicznentivishould be INir`ipf hisditiAiCrequired. siiiiilti•fleforY in the county Of 'D. ,15, :es , with a pepitar Of .$140;1 11 giveittclitrelkm- • ' ploynient. 4i . $1,42'.2;(100 'of agrieitltiirar 4 # p ital-r-tMke than tee 'tinieit the - ,.anidutti, ' manufacturing capital eMployed:' ' '''':`` pilit - say , the betielit is Sherndkilte two lateiestii 111 the . pro rani Pf .iiiie.4,- ,: , ;PI - , ~ -1 : r,,,',. enta psrt an anefinanufa tare'r, ainl•tenlelev entiis'is . to the 'agri elturaillini ,Awa y ! thb.,!;9\liihe_Senseless ry.whieli iiiiii heir- • taraWdeenTed" and th toted the NM:them arid' WeStern fermeivin the belief 'thiit the protection of - doniestic ndustry is rebbing theit for the': benefit al manufacturer, Away, with' the sophistry lo thp South E irkiib has inveigled the Northore legislator, inlet the inniender Of the best interests of his ifiiin-. try, and 'raised that "cry of distress,tiniest Of dispair l , "'So traphietilli, depiciet by ribs gend• f erniut from Georgia i 1 . , - Elite iii the force and pint; of truth dinW- • lug Atom tbe . peat and o. k ' wledgeilleit of the anti-tariff Policy of he South, the, ~... iitie.tetifessioa that the I i i , re expenditur -' e of ibelfklenliatia ieetory'd- litelicii 61414 s benPfici'''ailio f most if not 1 inhabitaiiMOf the eoenty, iii:the same' inter as the Whole popttliititui Of Englander bene,fitted bytheir manpfactnies. Sir, let pie comatend • this edinission'-',, to the serio Eli consideration .01‘ Northern; ; 7 Ors.- „is' true that, .the gentleman front ( corgis Makes an obeißre attempt ,to evade tihe for o f and etre - 4 1 4 his adnussion, by going off i 1 to a fer-fetCheigar guintent.toishOw that the lenhani facto in / butchess,ldnes not eiree the.. rice 'grower of the South.' What the i l Does this validatethp admission in he glightest degree. Could not the gentleman • tend his political visioa beyond' the present moments? ,Coald he not anticipate the efnets of a measute for a series Of years to co lie ? Is it l not,the pecelierfprovinee of a st , (Ismail; td act Air the_ future,,and political! speaking, tq 6 4_ ion and mould that future Mas to Se - Cure the best interest andratnelior a the condition" of the whole s Peopk, so as t iprotect the rights and Semite the. happiness of alit./ We ask for the adoption of a sy em whiehlvill lo cam 'poi oly'ione but hal to dozen factories in ei , ~. ery nty of the 11101:11 - for a policy that' ill plant a factory if every tofinsliip and sehoot district tbron ! .,iout the hroad ex panse, ofunrestended do , rn. We ask that the Whole people'm ay e • y the advantages which the leader of thea -protective rinliey G f Lt is freed to admit that ephain factory has conferred on the whole „ass of the inhabi tants of Disehess county; and to use his own language, '.in the same „ eaner as the whole popelation of England , henefitted-by their maufactories.' &iv mis ion covers the wliy° see' that this lid adel . .und—surreinlers: ti v the hole argument bat, • - - n the North and South—establishes the fu' that manufactur ing establishments are h 1 y conducive to the prospeity and hap* . - of llati- *hal e people—that so far from atxingoppressively the farming interests. the . confer a ten-fold benfit on the farmer, whi 1 the manufacturer enjo ii. Every thousand dollars infested, ili give active , employmen Ito ten thousand dollars agricultural capit• lor in the propor tion of 146,000 to 1,422,11 1. 1 ; which brings me back to original ave I, ~,t, the benefit s to , be derived by protective i i 'urination will be in eact,, proportion' to .P nuinbertof the different classes &thee° . . unity. Anil we beheive thit till these adv, , , tages may be at taind, without raising on dollar more than will required to suppl the Wantinf the t a.e, Ines economical A • stration. 'Let us beseech the Northern I ;slaters to re-es arnipe the premises; to r et their errors; to escape ifthey can, the e phoneous Sobri la quetj of s' Northern doughfaces," insulting ly awarded them b} south klil courtesy; and e to i Mite the - ekample of be - South, by uni ting 'n one, solid phalanx, qgardless of party ami ositieS, when the•vit ,interests of the nation tire at stake..: We are exultingly refers therit.sli ministry have diei ways, are retracing tW doni ig their protective polj 11l i nodifference between tl Pennsylvania system. ; 585 88 $114,281 80 used enormous duties, ton, as a primary obi( ibition w -as the. real obj, of which was to destrc tee? j i pro 1 feet hey were compelled i ' don a:vicious 14)14- . We ask no prohibi last aha i thin ction over and above I= We only ask reveal etion.; That argum , aelt . Os. If there a.. g the 'peo'ple, any ad eretofore Dursned by' "lie d prot not f 1 omo icy 11 ent, in - relation . to p i n, ive,Aisclaim all em bith anulegy to such a policy; ern intinuflicturers desire sclv s exclusive benefits, ting oppressively upon cou trY, we 'repudiate : t into t and; purpose. If hay special reference to Marinfactureri at }tie ex, and planter, we denoun rejecx the, policy..t We . It cute ; priMarily to, the pr ricu tura, industry—the c Mai ei, and consequent Oat , and :11te necessary % , :i Mereittrelations wit tatural. interea6, fu' lir laves_ ut , grea masa e t ! Staias; arid iaci 1y suraAutitianpon limerciid-ancLuutuut• I.„'P7-4°%,l.b.ill4liPstp, for.. lAr-zOMIP9. iliac the N rOtO f6oiiion of liiatidii fa' be use rub Fish `ctive'"Yste rn bP4 43 1 fi alt,objei ;, triho.reistrictid eel t nobility, the right of =1 • ly imeited at.the s9uaro'for_the fingeand nal for each #tiliseqpput I • it'll the' priiileg,'Ot" al- re!j u ear , do Woo , W - do 3100 inserted at reinotaid n mated with theAßtn. REM Id the fact that. Seen the error of kr' steps, and alma [y. Sir, there is t analogy and -- .at Government vowedly for pro t, or rather as a t—the flirect ef revenue ; and at f some measure to .We !isk no such ;ipry duties nor for s) requisite rove i• and.; ineidontal t, therefore, does I on, this 'loo;, or ~ I. catcs of thtitpoi he British';Gov , tection, or, prohi- i nection witbilpr . id if the North iii. secuik wi.tbem a sYsteni 'Opera '•• c. sectbins of the " end la!erpsncit y theta are who he interest of the Rise of ;the Minter, the niotivaind , as, WOO} ii!P4t te4iO3/fr•9f toem..ll - ti t hiitne titi4iireiepOitii ti ar all.,4l;e• il alyted t4:PIRO fi.hqk.l4 0 0 res9 n thA di t it 'pftleiiitiOe`be , evei . ` becainsi kis. • hieliall kiidande oturigg piamintity 1 —.i; , 2.........14, ' . e.WPleAu,* • l • fwadnd,state„ - a I . mine of klaitje drikiirifl hit 114 ire t p, t SVo iiellali as'n 10. ''l '4: Vie' .0 hi itorqittrOtte;tllo3 1 i 'shiii,theinatitti 7 1 0 1 0 ) 0 1 140V 1 itxt; .. - 1.14 , tnnageniture, and