• Z=M=l ,farmeeiticpartment., How to destnif the Canada Thistle. I am an old In n, and not . much in the habit stf r nsiing 4y pen, as you , will easi- ; ty., g l iiesam6havint in my younger days' been ,:more rein; arkable for plowing , : a straight furrow.than writing straight linel; but you seem to .tie very good natured, an I hope : will let me tell my- experience s " as they ;call it, abouf Weeds on farms ; which I shall try to do aslAtriefly as pessible, trusting that 'others may he the better for it. In the July number of your paper, a" Ca nadian Naturaliit7 coMplains with much justice,_ o Y f the capessness ,cif farmers in suf fering perennialSoted - weeds to take Os-', sessipn of the sod' ) to the injury of the crops ; and Says, if farmprs would be unanimouslin their efforts to el rminate them even the Canida thistle - ght be conquerea. It conquered., a n ie vile weed, whieh , ashes' - as many names ass pickpocket (if Mpg 'a patriot, he will thank me for reminding him that he is not a native of this continent) ; and he Mies not wishlto get rid of the un*elcome intruder more ear nestly than his bother farmers on this side of the St. LawrTce. But though they tip peat to be indiff rent, on one point they are unanimous, and Pat is, in lamenting most freely that . indiv i dual care is of no use, and that all should gn to work together. Now I say, lettvery man weed on his own side of the fence, if he can do no more, and I prophecy that in a short time weeds will, be as sure aiintark of bad - farming as a broken gate, or 4 deed horse hauled out on the common, an left unburied, to taint the pure breath of)eaTen for miles around, wasting ammonia enough to fertilize a forty acre field. it When I took ipy present farm it was the worst in a circuit of ten miles, making my house the centreipoint ; and now I alieve it iglu a condi(ton to bear a comparison with some of the best farms in the United States—for instehee, that of George Schaeff Esq., in Whiten Mr s - he about fourteen miles (rout Philadelphia, which is much less knOwn than-it ilhould be. There are no weeds in ray fen 6 corners, unless you can so gall a flue large clematis vine, which I left to ornamenam old tree, with its clusters of snowy IdossoMs, where the cows love to stand in its shad on n, hot day—or an elder bush or two, just) enough to give the old 'women elller floifvers for medical porposcs ; or, perhaps, he and there, a cluster of purple asters ant( golden rod, so disposed as to 'show that tlint are left on purpose—but no wild carrot (haueus carota), no Ben Sa lem (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), orb rusted weed: - A i Now the ivhol:6 secret of this beautifying process is this ; 11,, weed on my neighbor's side of the foncel;:as well as my own ; not a weed is suffered ,M so, raise its head in peace —for the prover 4 is true, as most proverbs are, which says, " one year's seeding; makes seven ye ars' weeding." I have a good chisel firmly set in the end of a strong cane, which I altvays carry when I go out with my men ; acid I generally come home pretty well tired frith the labor of cutting off close to the groui#:l, every large tooted weed I find in my. walk. One day when I had been out longer ilMn usual, and had kept, breakfast waiting, my granddaughter waS, very =ions to know that I had been det4 ing on neighbor 4ackson's hill, a stony field; that was hardly frorth cultivating. I told her I bad been iteeding on my neighbor's side of the fenceit-that- Jackson was sick, and, I had foundAhe blue thistle (Echinum rulgare) was beining to spread about here. A friend of mine, itt-aTankee settlement, not far from theiNew York line, conquered the Canada thisi e in pretty much the same ai way, when ne ,y; twenty years ago it was ~ f irst noticed thOe. He first proposed to have a bee (a), find exterminate the intruder at once, but it 10 not.take with his neigh bors, who thought it would be -time enough - when the weedqeame on their ground ; so he, with two pilfer gentlemen, made it their, but4ness;in their leisure hours, and when they walked ou4 to cut off all the flowering , stems, when th could not take time to ~ destroy the tool; and besides conquering the: thistle, theniained a victory over their stupid neigh Ys , who now acknowledge that they have , en benefited by his having 3 , taken the thine n time, for they fi nd that wherevernecrl ed, the weeds will spread;' e. t and each one - tiocourages his neighbor to weed On both sines of the fence. ,-,, AN OLDPENNSTLVANIAN FARMER. Jut!, 7th,180. J (a):Lest anyl,jone should suppose a bee means nothing Onore than the industrious little insect by. Oat name, and as it is ' a somewhat 'oak).- term, among sty Down , east bretheren,l n'ill ";explain—but it shall be .at it more creniont season. Practical Fi.ict4 ;about Pork and ! i, . ! Ba - Cum - I - What is the' si in teeight on inking pol 4 into ,bacort ? 1;1 is qtfestion is, often asked; and'etery fartor, particularly in the West, ought to know flow to,answer it. As a gener al and safe ruls,, from facts within my own kilayledge, I hive always contended that it is better for th4urehaser to buy pork in. he 'hog, and make•this-own bacon, whin he can do it for one half the price per pound, than ‘hihtiY it readyAnade. That is, if , pork is usually worth 3Fts aria bacon " hog round," 6ctS., it is bettat to buy • the fresh pork. I ant writing'forithe West, and in the .Wes teralaiiguage. ''.4 That your Eastern readers maynUderstani I will say' that a " hog round" means! hams, 2 shoulders, and 2. sides-=--eaCollitieb latter the bona. shOuld always he-taken, Jialways trim off ad die , 1 belly foieemfor t ilard.. Barns and -.shouldera l too i are well tiiipined; The method of salt ; ittroften astcm4hes some of the new end ' grattS froth pukeel land. Nobody ever raadeflietter ba,ion for 'fifteen years - .than I li:rite**, audJ never use'tr,,pork barrel. ispritilde aboul 2 0z.., saltpetre and 6 lbs. of N. Y.' salt to a liundred of pork, piled up on a 'bench; oi in a cornerof the smoke hoax', like a pik. of bricks. I let it lie about ae manyday#4ifethe 1 . hams Weigh 'pounds each--overhatiFng oiee. Then • harictp awe . ). ifrom titlf - -fire, in a. very open airy tunalte-house,apd inuilto if well with' oryor other:sWjet wtidel.=` , Then draw loose eotioti bags love* each joint,- and tie -round the!string , byld - Abe-Meat hangs.' Do thialiefire di 'es - Opine iti:;ibe spring, and - Yogi 4 qa.Y../etlt 4414.14164.11109° like, aPci. It t ieisti nine, la so. , or many' years outhouse has notbeen without f iy..-ofi o . li 113losr Oceitesit kind &meat, a ")244**#'hilathrA0d tJ an _ 1 al Offiviti bCiftlie;. t • !t . 1:3=2:231! .1311 t to return "t. subject.. 04 the 4114fliteuary, 136, I killed' 6 lege heave fe:kr and a alf old, and one eiout half that !eke, of the Berkshire and Chide breekfititened upon corn fed in the ear; the quanta' , not counted, as it was..teo cheap to regard that. The'Calrowing table will .show the weight of each bOg, and the weight of each piece of input tut for bacon. Hogs I Hams Shuelders I Sides I Heads 812 kw 301 29 " 30 " 30 " 32." 29 " 27 " ,27 u, 127 20 " 20 " . 321b6. 30 a 34 a 35 3 5 .. 34 " 29 " 30 " 23 24 /‘ 19 " v. 2 " 308 " 295 " Ell BM 1644 " I 321 "- I 343 " 3:13 I 117 • • • • , Scrapidt.c.-21 lbs. of feet ; 213 lbs. of sausage eat, and ribs and back bones and trimmings off; 150 lbs. pf leaf lard ands fat trimmings ; 71 lbs loss in cutting, and dif fereOce in weighing (331 lbs. weight of ham ; 348 ditto of shoulders ; 393 ditto 12 sides ; and 117 do. 6 heads :-1644 lbs. This pork when killed was worth 3 cm. a pound—l will say it would only shrink the 44: odd pounds in taking to market, at wldcli it would amount to $4B. The lard tried °it 120 lbs.,. a most' beautiful article, .the scraps .not being much squeezed, as that wonld rob the good wife's soap tub. On the 28th of April, the bacon being well smoked and driedovas ready to bag up 4 ' I weighed it, and found that the 12 hams weighed 204 Ibi.lloss 27) ; 12 shoul ders; 331 lbs. (loss 34); I am inclined to think that an error of,lo lbs. was made iu the weight of the shoulders, as I have here tofore found the per tentage of loss about the .same on these as on the hams. I will therefore throw off ten pounds on these, and we have 1,113 lbs. of !bacon and lard in good weight and order, for market, which at 61 cts.'a pound, which is a fair average price, will come to $456. ' The heads and sausage meat are worth one cent a pound, $3.30 ; 24feet, 14 cts., will make an even 1 sumlof $73 ; from wltih take the $4B price of hOgs before cutting, and it- leaves a very pretty little sum to pay fora liar's worth of salt and saltpetre, and the lit Ile troouble of handling. • But it must be s nallzboned fat, hog 4, as these were, to do it. In this case t „ 1 co' id sell the bacon and lard at 44- cts. and e well paid for the trouble and cost of making bacon, bediuse the heads, &c., are wOrth much more than I stated in any family. , 1, The prinqiple pbjeutt in this statement is. to inform tHose who Have had less experi encriin the'rhattee than I have, whether it is most advantageoulto sell their bogs fresh, or cut and salt ; and for that purpose I have endeavored to be 'accurate. Each person in his own plaqe will judge of his own mar ket and relative prices, and if his hogs are riot so good as mine, make greater- allow ance fo r loss and offal. ill some one who keeps a pork barrel, mak a similar statement ,a nd publish for the ben tof your readers ;. SOLON Ronnisolc. e C. H. (nom called Crown Point) I Ind., May 15, 1846. S • •TOMS OF DISEASE IN ANIMALS.-A full 'nd frequent pulse, loss of appetite, de 'ect d' head, and a languid or watery eye, with a disposition to lie down in a dark or sha, • place, are certain marks, in all brute ani els, of one .o tithe most frequent disease wit which they to affected— that is, fever. Th• watery eye, an inability to bark, or bar ing with a stertorous hoarseness,indi cate theapproacli . of madness in the dog. Th elevation of the hair on tbe back of a cat, and its not falling upon its feet, when thown fro.: a moderate height., are the premonitory sign• of that 'disease, which has long proved fa . to that If pecies of animals both in Eu rop and America. The tail' of a horse losi g its regularity of inotion from side to side indicates that he is indisposed, and the p: in which the disease is seared is point ed' int by one of his ears inclining back: w: , to the side affected. The seat of d . • 'se in the abdomen, where the signs are incealed, may be known by pressing the hand 'upon the whole body. When the iseased part is pressed, he will mani fest marks of pain. medy for Cholic in Horses., NE of your subscribers Stavin; been so , rtunate as to loose several . of7his mules e colic, desires, through your useful ication, to obtain some imformation on -abject I will inform him of my treat t in such 'cases which has -always ed successful. As soon as "the animal hol p by bi the me, pro • • is • acked, *pare a strong decoction of soo. tea, to which add half a pint of whis k • ; Pour down the throat with bottle or ho ' , and if relief is not obtained in a few mites give an injerAion 'of soap suds, with a gill nestrong dicoction of tobacco, and - a litiJ salt *adde&—andif this does not give reli i . , and an operation is not produced front the bowels, repeat the injection. n l y general praiticels, to'have placed in :he i lcutting and feed-house, a small box' of i e, one of ashes, and one of silt, or a bar elt f salt and water, which is much better ; 1 ' oats and Fodder are always dpassed ugh the straw-cutter, and . beforel fed to . animal's a small quantity of pickle is Ved on, with' he addition of a large spoon- Of ashes and liine: This is added once Vice a week'during the spring and fall. loon as I can procure a mill for gitiding 111' ; and corn; I shall apply the mixture . -.._ to that feed w hich is mo re preferable.- il l hat* pursued this course for the last six or: eig t Yeats ; with succes, and • can 'redeem-1 mead it to..lnyr.lantier is- practicai,F ancl i 'notilieorettealf„ al, hoidt-fainsing and . I PWriOge are la - aftea- asserted to byij prejudieed anaiiniti:iniprOing faratersi ,r.iirkingr4So N. q., Jane t 1846. -.1,11.11,i1 . .. , Sp --iaawn CORN Bucsn. In stoppi ng at Beitent's America filotelin, Albany, a few , w o.s sineei I donot Jumw When I relished an 4 food 'better than I did some. excellent .co bread, which* I found on his breakfast 644 " I was so yroll*ased with the ar tialt4i,,as well as with`the general character of 1 lilt , - o.iiie, tbati Legged of him to" furnish me ' ith a recipe for making it, which is as, f4 ll ir e :7 - - '`,-; - .f../ ••:. 1• •.. ~.. • '... obe 3 quarto of *ilk.; alb* 0000 egg!, t li cii mi irith-Indian web!, to thp consist/mete( a 't' 'e.4 paste, Auld baktlirritku. strong beat: Th . :pans used - for,talung! are tin , 8 jnebes in: ' teeter, li!' iacheit' deep, and' li WO' bev ed The above is sufficient for 7 loaves. I====ll .IUNK::,N.OTE.';IIST.: CORRECTED WESAf.T FOR ?HL t!ig9rtes, pakvoca,pg, 11=ii TD&IsiSyLVANIL. ibiladetybia bank, „MI Man & 11fcc bank pit MoyainttsinB bank par Penn totivuship bank par U s ban?‘ notes 25 dis Gi ra rd do par Pennsyl% do -par' Gerinuniow.n Par Del co Chester par Chlsterpo ut W Chesterpar MatdgoMery co par Farineri b`k Bucks co par Fartnerie, bk Read'g par 4gttm par rtharripto no sale Lancastir ba nk l par Far bk Lancaster par Lebancrd 1 dis HarrisbQrg 1 dis MiddletOwn 1 dis Carisle 1 dis Columbda bridge par NorthuMberland par Miners'A)k rtsville par IVy'g bb Wilkesb'e lidis Pitts g demand notes 1 dis " cirtificates 1 dis 2.3 lbs. EMIII ME OEM EMI • " Plot notes . t dis Towaxata no sale York 1 dis Gettysbhrg 1 dis Chain burg 1 dis WaynesVg 2 d 6 Brownsfille 14 dis Erie 2 dis Berke al bank no sale Honesdiite 1 dis .Bk Stisq'a co 11 dis Lewistown 10 dis 'Lam bk Warren no sale West Binuch bk 14 dis Dom COcript 20a30 dis Lehigh Nav Script 15 dis 4th May issue 14 dis NEW YORK. NYCi bank dis Tenth \Yard bk Clintonilbk Y 30 dis Globe Vank fraud North [fiver bk'g co do City Thug & Bk'g co do Wool Growers' bk dis White Elaine bk 5 dis Lewis to bk 50 dis Far & Uro bk Buff 5 du:, Millersbk of Clyde 15 die Far bk OT Seneca co— dis Com bkof N York 2 dis Lafayeoe bank ' 2 dis N Y Blflg corn 60 dis Dry Do§k bank 1 d 6 N 'Am Trust co 2 dis Bank Of , Buffalo 55 dis Bank of, Brockport - 35 dis Hamilttin bk 30 dig Corn blf Buffalo 55 dis All solvent banks ial dis Countri banks ial dis Excepti'bk of Colum bia, green co. Hod son„Middle distr'ts, Platsbnrg, Niagara, 2 Wasli and Warren, PT Wash Man Co. r Wayneke bank Mer maa Planters' Del Co, ':bank fraud Ex bk Porkeepsie do Pott-gdabi Maud Co do Red 'Wilts fal die NEiIY JERSEY. 1 Mechanics' and kluMfar-1 '.tares' bk Trenton par Piincetian bank par] Plainfield bank lat . ! dis State bk at Camden par CumbeOand bank par Mount folly, Par. Salem Bk'g co Par MopmOuth bank no gale N ll* Del Bride dis Trenton Bk'g co old par All othlr banks par Far & Mach hank of N Brimswick no sale Hob -& G co broke Wrishinkton Bk'g CO do Prank bank do Jersey City Bank do Monmouth da N J Ili4rof Co do Protec Ond Lombard do State at Trenton do Bank of N Brnaswick do Moth b Patterson do abutrtiscutnits. i NEW GOODS FOit THE FALL OF 1846. 1' k c et en tetn77 .than ever offered in this 20 septi 3d, 2846. J. B. SALISBURY'S. CALICO'S, iv-E4T and elegant styles, for only- l 2 cents per .111 . Turd, just received at SALISBURY'S. sept 63, 1846. GINGHAM'S, lOH and beautiful patterns, just in at giept. 3, 1846. , SALISBURY'S CASHMERES.' CAHMERES and d'Lains, elegant styles, just ntrived at SAILLS'BURY'S. sept 3, 1846. ALPACAS. PLAIN, plaid, and striped Alpacas cheap at #ept 3, 1846. SALISBURY'S • BROGANS. Iwo!vs and Boy's Brogans, at the reduced price -LLB-If from 4s. to 12s. at • Baitsaintr's. Sept 10,1846. • n A ‘ k NA IS. TUS received a lot of first rate Sole Leather; and a/' it pill be sold amazing low—from 12 to 15 cents per pOutal, at, • • Salisbury's. sex+ 10, 1046. COD-FISH. A FIPSII - lot of prime Cl d.for only 4 cents p 0 pound, at • • Salisbury's, Sept. 10, 1846. ALPACA • ROBES, a new styleof dress goods, 'net cattle at #ept. 3, 1846. • • . SALISBURY'S. . . FANCY GiSSIMERES, LATEST &tees, and amazing low at fit. 3, 1896: BROADCLOTHS, dirifall kinds very low at • Salisbury's k 1 .14 SATINETS. P IIIN and stOppi artiness 20 per cent. cheaper than ever. An, come at Satiabnry's. iep 3:1846:-• - VEST;NGS.. Aalp and aPlendid viiiety ,rsa4l2, Velirec,"and *tasted Veathirp, of this Fasition,just in and very low at 3:t18.16. nnry_. ~ . 1 ,, ,1 - ,r . 1 ~, 4 A' *:avt seil i nit,te,l'elf„, c lipp er g at i t iY o ft t re • 4. low prirolshoestjujceirme4at _ f - dep '3,48416. - ' Baliehtu7's . „ 1-I ar ii i n E s t I'lo P* )01 l l ebe forsny . - . 2464;RYiVn.andyli 5e13,1E46. 4.110#47'&1 !pt. 17.,.1046. T. Under NEW HAMPSHIRE. 411 ‘ solveit banks I die • • MAINE: • ()skis bank 10a— tEtiolltural bank do City bk Portland do - Damariscotta do Mercantile bk do Stillwatir Canal bkdo Bangor.Coni bk do Westin,rook bk do Citizens' bk do ' Globe bk do Washington co do Frankford bk do All solvent banks 3 dis VERMONT. MLA of St, Albans die Bk of Bedningon dis All solvent bloats & dis MASSACHUSETTS. AU solvent banks dis RHODE ISLAND All solvent banksij dis .IARYLAND. Baltimore banks # dis Patapsco bk dis Mineral bank I dis Fredericktowa t dis Hagerstown t die! Far & Millers* bk Ha gerstown 30 dis Westminster f dis Williamsport j dis Cumberland 1 dis Salisbury broke Franklin bank i dis Siuquehannah ^ broke Millington broke Frederick ix) bk I die; Broken bks various prices Baltimore & Ohio Re lief notes 10 dis DELAWARE. Bank of Delaware par Wilsnk Bratz pe w'ne par Farmers' bk l par Union bank par Bank of Smyrna par Under sss 4 di's DlB. OF COLUMBIA. Washington City I dis Georgetown tits Far & Mechanics' 1 din Alexandria dis Bk of Alexandria broke Mechanics' bk broke Franklin bank no sale Merchants bank do VIRGINIA. Ex bk & branches lf ttis Bk of Va & bneclus 1 die Fur bk & b'chs 1 dim Valley bk & b'ch 1 di Wheeling lal4 dis Wheeling p notes 14 dia NORTH CAROLINA.- -11 solvent banks 2 dig Small notes 24 dia SOUTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks 14 dig Small notes 2 dig GEORGIA. Bk of St Mary% 5a Ocmulgee • do Monroe R do Columbus do Phcenix bank do Exchange bank do Chat R bank do Central bkof Mill do Georgia B'kg co do Rocker B'kg co do All solvent banks 0 ALABAMA All solvent banks sa6.dis Small notes 8 dis OHIO Cincinnati Solvent bk notes 3n31 die ILLINOIS. Bank of Illinois 70 die Stain hank 50 [is KENTUCKY Notes o dis Small notes 3a31 ills LOUISIANA. All solvent banks MISSOC RI 2 dis All solvent banks 2.1a3-dis INDIANA All solvent banks dis FLORIDA Southern Life & Trans partition Co. 11111110. HE Pnblisher+i ofthti People's Advocate,.bay. T ing the um of an entirely neTrtind modern as aortment of JOB TYPE, are now prepared to execute, in a neat and xatithiCtory style; all Janda of _ JOB .PRINTING. at prices to snit the times.. .; PAMPHLETS, BILK s HEADS, CARDS, 1 ... 'CATALOGUES, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, &C. • Printed on short notice, and in the feat style of the Art. rr A share of the People's patroitage is respect fully solicited. July 9, 1846. - DOW & BOYD. FOOT OF HAVOMMION. . NOT ALL GONE. N I. POST for the.benefii t?fichoni it may;micerft, 11 • . offers for'ale, at the Hat . Shop of the late C. W. Tattle, a general assortment of Hats and Cape on a reasonable credit to those who pay promptly, or at a liberal discount for cash, Aogusi 4„.1846 TA 4'k '' ) N l ‘Avrit, $ L- Ituu%Wgt% HE subscribers'are receiving a large addition tot their stock of Goods, which makes their assort-i went equal to any establishment in town—which; they offer at reduced prices for READY PAY, MILLS Sz.! SHERMAN. July 2nd. 1846 Pu variety, from 11:l to 25 per ceut 1. less than last spring prices, by MILLS & SHERMAN. B , ROAD CLOTHS from $1,374 up. Sutbiets,J , Cu,iiiimeres, &c. &c. by . ' - MILLS &I SHERMAN. YOUNG HYSON Tea-6 lbs. fttr one dollar, byl MILLS &SHERMAN. ! 9 LUG TOBACCO at 6 0. per lb: by • . MILLS &I SHERMAN. IRON, Steel, Nails & Hardware, just received MILLS & SHERMAN. ; SALT by the half dozen barrelsl,44 per barrel; by - • , B. SAYRE. p 4„, A GENERAL Assortment (together with the vat* ous trimmings) of the latest improved patent 4? both for Cooking and Parlor, at redOced prices, by , B. SAYRE. I LEATHER & SHOES. AGOOD Assortment kept Mt Wind, (prices es - - tremely low fur the ready; pay,) by HYSLOP SG COFFIN, Produce and General Commission Merchants, 43 Front st. N.Y. PARTICCLAR attention given. to the sale 4f Butter anthCheese. Refer to Messrs. Mills & Sherman, M'ontrose, Penn's, who Will make liberal 3dvao.es on Produce 'consigned to their care, an 4 pay over-the proceeds as soon as sold. New York, July, 1646. Sly NOTICE: .. . P - ER . 4ON4 indebted to the subscriber , by Noie or nook, for more than one year standmg, me requested to call and settle, withotit farther notice', as.circitmstauces require the immediate attention to those old matters. B. SAYRE. 1 August IS, '46. , • MONTROSE FOUNDRY The Tariff and the People HE Ilumers of Smarehannandotmty aireh i eretly T notified that the largest and heat assort-Meet ill Ploughs and Iron Castings of every ;kind and varieiN - . may he had fresh from the Furnace of D. POST, JR. & CO., Cheaper than, the Cheapest, for Cash! . 'Let it be understood that we Will Mit be undin , sold. We have, tOU, the largest assortment :if Good: in our line, of any rottnkry in Northern Pent svlwil Ma, consisting of 11.011G1IS that will no up hill, and dawn hill, and on the level—to don Plough's. Wapre County Ploughs:, Wood's Old Patent, Side Hill Ploughs, &c. &c. too numerous to mention. Post & Co., will also furnish their customers with Andirons of every size, with Wagon Boxes, Slay. Cutter And Bob Sled Shoes, Dog-Churn Irons, Fan ning Mill Irons, and indeed every kind of Iron Cast ings that the fanner mid - hard-fisted yeomanry of the County may desire. Then call at Niontrose, June 23, 1246. DRODUCE, Carl, and approvtd. credit may be I- exchanged for Iron \Va ,at ' OSTIS FURNACE. EVERY , kind of Mill-Trona, gol. and strong, and made to order by D. IPOS , JR., & CV. _ SHORT &SWEET! A LL Pergola indebted to the late firm of R. A Ketcham & Co., will Save e*pense, and some trouble, by " Renderinz unto CLesat! ivhatis Czesars." The Accounts of ell. K. & Co.,' are in the hands of • D. POST, JEL I Montrose, June 24, 1846. LEGHORN lONNETS. A NEW Lot of Leghorn and Stmw Bonnets, and A eleghnt Bonnet Ribbaus just leceived•at • 24th June 1846. tiALISBURY'S. PORK & FOR SALE at SALISBURY'S . , . WANTED, 500 Bushels Timothy seed; on or beforeAhe 20th .ed September ne*i„ on which the highest price will be paid in ;Cash end Good.s; by l - J. 8: i'BIRONNAT. Friendscale July, 1846. ' , . iutr3M TfIitiETTLED Account 0 yours with &Estuary -1J & Chandler must be settle 4 immediately, or cost will be made . '3. SALISBURY. June 4 24, 1846. - ' • • -• Ou TE -subscriber. renuns,4audui t to his friends,and die public` generalty; for the i tibend patromge he ba s s'receivedi during the papt Sornmer', 'arid res pecrfrdly invites them tocalt and take a 'wield the New and. epleigaij 1 r LOT OF : GOODS, he is now recei;• c , and which will be sold cheaper titan eyer beGareniered this market. J. LYONS. sept. 3, 1346. . • • . .1 . .- . • 'PAY VP ., . r teubsctibt : r,.:, vinglciumil hi, • ..., - lihop, is d esirous of squaring his 4, nobountil. - All WIMP, are indebted to 14 ix -hi m for. blacksmithilig, would, ~ c onfer • i), ; a great favor , by PuYin up immediate •, I . _ ly,, 1-le:dislilrgs to , econoteitra 4.640, biti, - tinlesi this noti ce is riniitly'latefided :a l to, be will be under the nechnity iir trying aimither Plan to, collect liii4lues. - -i - I ,••1 '- ' '-11 -t•, ,I • PERRY , JENKS. , *° 1 4,r,c 5 e , .4 1 “!q. 314. 0-4 6 ' I . te.:110 .. Al . • : ,TH;l 8 k1 inapt,* to omii.iiioer., tirA4lk , *.F's: 7 .othed'ilitl'4:44l%,latkqUg by thelittaietiotith. ' film, i " 0 - - - .90 ..'n't is now. Made, ha-willrbe wider Mei • ciftoak lug cos* inctirethsrina4/q. rm nlt tititig i - . , .- ?. wept. 3, 1846. , : • PEA I' J :BEI. . ....' , ' . 4 lIT basbeen..nrientl,y rePort ignia Ilteil thr, thicountniand l is pm declar opinicatof hi r4 .4l, , drae, that in t Ofl' Variety ..,i ryt is ii- - til the '217 a 1 ,i 3 f 1 1 4 213 ,ana CAPS, at KIM= & tares ' Hat Cap !atere.on the West side of the Public 4tver,l In. hfontroole, exceedsi,any thing of the k . foind ever ex t . .i"ltale in this rekrion of country. Reader, db on ' discredit the moor'? Rentember 'Ott Meet's .., onition: - .. i Our do 'but are !traitors, And make its lose the 1 .... tvve;oft might coini AFEW Dcix. Patent 8 Hata l lr i t M. & Root% for $1 a piece. Call ~, ex e. • , ' M. & EL. CHIP HA ' for 8c at , ~:; . .1 11 GOOD article of Fur Hats for $1.,25 at t ,' .. ' ' . M. &11l,s. ... LEGI4OIII4 Hata cheti4Car Ma" the cheapest • • I • M. & , 1113INGHAMT6N Plow Points (or . $0,44 JUt Side ill do.: • ss; . 130. Also Wayne County points, it ' & li'S. t ' lit GREAT El RGAINS!, I eatE3 ton e mit. , zps o ori4, 1 t • 1 \ I li;) 41 ,3 , ' • i ili 1 211 • • 11 ~ i \ FOR Cash Butter , ile6wax,..Peabers, &c. ikte.,. 1: or approved creak, in Sittupthbabnu Count)l can he had of 01 1 iti a n szi 9 . who is alwayi on hand,. tat ready to wait on hose who may please to fiivor tad with a call. i. J. L. also dairies on the Boos! BiNDuo business where old Boas, Papers! &c:, Will be bound to or der on short Notice. , Montrose, #a., June, 1146. , i 1 . 8-4 v. CASH WANTED. '' 20 Lbs. 9alaratus fo One Dollar. 1 I - 16 do near I r d do i 1.2. i do Coffee d do - l - 4 do r$ Hy eon ea do 12i yds shifetitt,.. most 0 inchds wide for $1 l SLIMMER . `LOTHS at 10 ets per yarcil, I quick‘or they will all be gone—ut the Cheap Store of 1 . : J, LYONS. June 23, : . , l UELLIC it. TOCU S I Do9l: ' LT AVE onliand for sale (cheaio as our neiglors) JALa bette4 stock of Bring & Summer Goodsll usual. ' _ FANCY I.4ess Goods t PosP. , B oNNl.T.i_Le g hom i and Straw, at 4 ; • Posts CLOTHS ;Ind CASSIIHEitESI ; (fm:lcy and Oain) at 31 Poses. 1 SILK, Deqine and Lung Shovls, at Poses B. SAY RE. CraMuts, and Linen Ciambijcks, a Post's. SHEETINO, at i _: i 1 - • Poscs. 11 'DK'FF4 and Ed e . .2*, at ; , Posrs GROCERiES of every description (very ch4ap) at P 149. ; • I RON, Steel, Nails, Shovels , Pitchforks, Scithes at 1 Pols. - VLOUR, 4 - I ° •i . . . - , i . Po. 'O. -1-. rpb.'-ware, f ' and Hanl-ware of every de at - Post's. 4-‘lly GOKINCI Glasses, ea Txiiys,iat POST'S C ROCKE China and Ghia's4rar e, at 4. • - POS'E'S . . WOOL Wanted., i at l I' 4 I .-- 110 EIS' GOtJDS expecied soup; at - POSIT. Montrose. 'June 15, 14.16. ' ' • 1 2 - ' F Lou 11, afid. SALT fdr sale t'y 1 .t L. - POST &00 ils , • .• , ii- -S1111{11: , . THE soberibers hav; noW oh hand and axle re ceiving a 'getieral asso ' ent of Goods, which:4 they otrer at a sin4ll advance or RE.4lr r.tr: bilostPinds of-produce rend in etch ge for Goods. :• i ' MILI-E & SHERM.O. lilontrose,.Onne 13, 1806. f • ,t: POST'S FURNACE TALLOW: for sale by . 1 • t MILLS & SHERMAN. B UTTEll4.lrkiu s karst constantly on hana - MILLS & SHEMLLN. 20,000 e tality - MIL - 1.13.& SHERMAN. Jane 14, 11346. . 3 . . . THE / A RCADE I,' , • z • IN FITS ..BLAST! ID EC'l) tips Week fro city a fresh mak:inter 1. the 1.. t. eslie,s= !iopply of cries, which can b 0 pur chased- af ta*sualli ch t p rat consisting of On tte ASCU, LEMON COCOAICTS, Fresh Raisins,'Srl. ,!.ici. .., 41. ETHERIDOE. DRIED APPLES, a good article—riad flesh sup pV of Flat MINI' REED, just r4eived and for sales the • eacApg. ,Juno 30. g ' • ! eninuN erty The aclhael in 41.71 1464 tact i (1444 i t refle-e; Minari#4;;'.lnner 16; 46i`.. ..:rf• , ing/Q .B ll ; aral fne,, 11 ! ilost and MILT4, ? k t. • flair received,l ' l . for `ale_ b • 0 4 ‘ ll 1 , wipoo• Hs. ju 'ig e Gint s*PO w iro_Parai'rita,Lii• t -s •, tag;i. - 60.; Wain!, _ a , , thligta 6.ldred it , ..G .. Are . ; u; it Ira y m(ti l li'lgib l xi ,,"' y -----17,A 'Nog' :1 04ftealingesi w ' - '7 , - i[ '" . —''ilr''' I n '44 15th r ' • i , ,'.- *, ' i - ''' 4 i 5 : per bfrrel~ at the . . ALT for iiale, $ t .. 7-- Lag f . 4 . 1 ii, jot 26, 842, Lille it 1. • . MontrosePune 15, 1016 MI 1%74 lian • • ....‘. 4 . GOODS *ON ?I E 11. EOPLE 1 '.- Omara - Vb'irteweg mi•iithme,suefulepuiiiiiacih, P. ,I. 5..1111F01111,i ON DDEALE. llB ,Yrbelesale al 4llo Cuil, in DrY Goods Grece n wes,Crookery, Ranf.Ware, Glassin,.. , &c. &c., offer adynnftges to :these 'ho wish to 14, equhl to tiny store in the county. !Their assortment is extensive and will'he sold at:prices to correspo n d with the times;and the wants of purchasers. Fes cash they will not be undersold! Among tfteit assortme n t may be found a gram riety of good- ..nothi--cmush,,, tiug of t Broadclothsor every variety and color. Summer Meths-4mq, striped and plain. Cali oes--tbe best of the season. Lodi Is' Cravats, , !MUNI Billow, Silk del. vets, B ic Dress Mks,' 'be nil; other fashionable trimmin for ladies! dresses. La ' Dress Goods of every ivariety and suits. hie for e season. pre er. Gal& of Awry description, and in fact i every a 'cle usually iept in a Dry Good store. S '.. ets, Cammeres, &c. &c. June, 846- lik/rOURLIN OE LAMES from Is. 6d. upwa r d s , forlsale at; I.' • MULFORDS'. MQL.kSB : .ES.,:3s. 7 -ood saw S i mms and all other Grhcerimi:equally as cheap for casli, at . MULFORD'S'. , ONE new 4W,6.lmise' Lumber Wago n sale by S. & SON. irIARPENTAtiN' and JOINERS i TOOLS—alam e assortmentkept constantly on hand and for sale at Mann#ietnrera' prices, at • : lIIULFORDS'. PANNING MILLS for sale at i 1 MIPLFORDS'. AN aisslwtmerit of Looking Glass e s for sale at 1111.1LFORD8'. S IIEETINGS, CottotiTarn ; • &c:. 'cheap at 1, : _ MIILFORDS'. , ( — ARABS Seitimsi - ficythir Stones; Cradles and era. dle Scythits,-Rifies, Rakes, Pitchforks, Sickles, &c., for sale at ; MOLFORDS'. . - OREar 12.ANCIAORISI • N , unusual ' l l variety of Staple and Fancy Dry ADruids may lie found at my :.Store on the East side of the- Publid , Avrenne, in Mohtrose, where tle "People' can purchase at very law prices for oath, or exchange thmr produce to good advantage. - -J. S. SALISBURY. AN elegant 1;1181FM:tent of Ladies' Slippers and Bu;ilun Shoes, very' low at ' SALISPURYI. A LOT Of sPlerulid Dress Lawns, Dikes and _L - 1.. petAl Cashmeres, at - 'BALI nyB. .• f ALAfRGE „and beautiful assortment of Dints, veryloiA4 at • 'SALISBURY'S. ! t A.. al ) -1 - it i: tock of Slim ' Erier Ci t3.A L f tiD G lTAi and . COB 'ED iiiirts, White-and DM 1 A 1: • r • b Morcene,at 1 • 'S'ALISEDRrii • h e S: bn ia w Sil ig tS ' 3" Ilii 'D2l . l A LO of fit; e y plain De . Lahr cei red arid will be sold low,ut poN, Steo,l'44M, Rods, and Naas, cheap it! ' 1 f'. •' ' • ; SALISIMMYS. i . • 0-HE PER:.Molistres than mur" . be found ii.to;ra 1.. i. at nly 34 cents, - with Teas,!! Sugars, Ire and Tobago ' equally low, at . r SALIS O U TS. Vl.. NB. •-;••tren . Table and Towel Diem' and . en Casting; a good assortment ofirisi Lin ii en, at , ~ . i SALISBUIPS. T WE ES-4-A lot of first , rate Tweilm cloit low, '. at -' ' ',.• . ''SAL4SBVE7'S. , - CLO HS.;-Tltroaa. Cloths, Casshneres arai l Stu.- ne ; unusually !ow, at • • SALISBUIATS. • H OS 11Y.'-;-•A' large assortment of Miire4exid *es Flosieryast very reduced prices it .• • SALISKTIVS. (10T m1...i at ON Table Diaper and linen thlkffs.!low SALLSBUIOS. L c ik a :: : ::: pu A : 11,111 i W eise A.L vaiere 7F . :.: :- Uii aneaTtria A .1(:).: t -est Jae of the Public Aijenne, are, jit re ! vi.ng 4 neW mid splendid:assortment ol;resh tely - purcbased at extreinely low . pries for it are,lincluced to sell them on as goo }terms f the 'cheap, cheapest or Am.', shopsi*ont. i vin ha s h bash to.pay for Gotids - will doriell to t, Jhnels, 1816. I! ilarli Tr alt Goods / cash • posts 11S any Those h Oa e us lklont .... i , Jus T - R ECEIVED pi'. Apply _, • MILL sAlys, x Cut Saws, at, I SEAR 'S. HAY RAKES, Forks undßeythea, at 1 t 'S. • ' t STAIrfE ~_ . . SUAEVER. STUFF for Boys, garpeting .at ' I ' ' ' .1 SEA E'S. i I •• . BOIS' 6+se mTi fore, ,and VaabrellHed ar ts sforf a Rainy Day, at • 8 .r,'s LAI4ES' Bennett Slippers, aad galiessesn abtm daice, at - I SEALE'S HARLIAVARE, Saddlery. Crockery, *es, be /Mee inhuerons other articlek at • July '1,a,...: 48"46. • • I SEARA'S. 1 S'ELONO OFF CHEA . ___ :5 • 4 I' VAtHEIL—A•Pood assortment kept catstantly -I_4 Onjhand Mid Sold as lowas can be line +{t in the Connty,!•by 'l, .: - .; - B. MIRE. , , , BEEI Hides, Calf Uos, &c.,.,wmated•by , - 1 ' B. SATE. t. p m V . :3 ILBiO 8, for sale by : , , t - 1 B. SAIII.E. ' W:NDO7itf, Sash, Glass,-anS i'utty by __ • 1. B. SMILE. " i MilLo4GHi—„llingbamtim Skinner's Baty mkt JL - M fitkiiik egixidartinent kept conitittly hand;: 'a fgeneral assortment of castings.' Iron wait ed in pay'; by .. . i - B. BAIRN. QTO 61E1(1 Stove Furniture, goad assail" 0 LI 4 by, - f; ' . : : ~t. B. 13,A1'p ,. Lath, Lby, i ' llli ! k ',r Phul ter ar i asa g,tra. FIRE 11 1 geicangl lemons . ust received l b A F SH inTPI'LYof Sumner Cloth's just -01- ce 'ed q,; , , : . . , B. BAYR 110tiUT. E&.- The higkest priori paid, km Bu '-LP all thrimgli the *Wm by B. SAYER, . ' June: 0,'1846, - r. - ' , t ;, t •„ - 15 __.,_..p. : ". 717 ,... 11 d ! ,, _ _ STOVES—new and ii corpristing 'of Air 60E1 .4 ' - ~i • ri -,:... do , W hingto, ~ 7 do (Id' liiinittoe,: . -:' E.. Or- 4. - '''''`' ''' ' ' ' Coed; ; tiox;:aliti air lisett F I of on ' Ai...11e. 4.,...ciiiiiipi euiai p . i*'fiviiiit. • . ' - ' MO T ;Jiiite;,ll34& 1. ..: 5 , .. iIO*,ES _ do* Sok Tor - sale: . , LittlNS 'Tune, 1846:t • ."r O RW J AND CFE Mugu 314114:1;0! t l jnn i e d .-AiimSo at a,4 3 -' - 9)4: Tal4imitiPa,gAt „mew 4thi,' littia!igVt,' • • 1114 ',' • PM ,1•111/M • Avi T.TA.via,ostriivea 'man 101 irlUbe?,lol4 as] ms,ifk r miall-boprtiacf• , ived patte oking , Btovi4 -do, 41 dd„, do do, do I, 'do; • tovegy 803ve LPs r cash or imprcr;u4 CiLkNDLEB. #i# , .and sF:ii!‘ CUANDLEL. EEF:'' - :''": for eili6 ,?' .: ENJ. BATIRII:ti 'eriagolll/ tel9n*;,,ttli• audijOhis.. di* oduno T,`oci . Sagliiit** rt"—tbc; 7.lXO`t