, Tll, TAIPIF-Fr "A..-:::.,',f . The-Dimocrad • of Pe:nsylvnnitt nnetinue to speak out in i i positl i n tn. the ,provisions of the Tariff o '46. ' , . . . • LYCOIitIiVG COUNTY. • The .Demoe4fic Convention' of . LycOnv• i n , county adopt4d the followirttieSOlntionet Resolved, Thilt the tariff. law .of 1846, (commonly called M'fitty's - Bill,) - does not embrace in its provisions "the elementary' principles of jut and; fair proteciiou, us, sa nctioued by 64 Democracy of: Pennsyl ranei at the Pals, brit; on the contrary, its whole policy itilltopinn, ~,. _ Resolved, Th,ur t as citizens of Pennsylva- 1 nia, we have a onnoti interest - . one with another, to unite, our endeavors in•all hon orable ways to procurk a repeal; or,-such a radical modifiePtion of the act of 1846, as will restore to lie great interests - of this Commonwealth,oiermanent and- ade'quitte protection. 1 ,• • Resolved, Thbt the Representatives- in Congress from tills State, with the excep tion - of Hon. Da id Wilmot; well and truly discharged the mist repdsed in them as such, von this mometOus question. Resolved, Thdt as the ballot box inlhis Government, is tae greatest lever of politi cal power, and r4formei of abuies, we feel. in duty hound top appeal to this medium, as -the only sure so?rce q redress; and, that looking to such Is:radical amendment of the • new taritT, as will afford equal and just pro tecOon to the gr.i.at interests of Pennsylva nia, kre unhesitatingbi resolve to support no candidate for office _ hereafter, who will not furnish satisfactiwy evidence of the sound :. uess of his faith ili this particular , . CENTRE COUNTY. ' .i The followingsresolutions were passed-by te , Democratic convention of Centre Co.': -Resolved, Thbt in accordance , with these principles, we afire in favor' of a tariff for rapme with iliscriminatidns within the rftenue limit for protection, and that in the adiustittent of the details or sttcb u tariff, the Wiest revenuelduties should be imposed upin iron and *tool, Which are articles of _nett national importance, necessary to our pre erity in pei t ice, and absolutely indis pe*ble in war.; .. t 14olved, 'nib it has alwaystieen a car dinal principle o 4 the Democratic party in layittr duties upe(nimpOrts, that disciimind non should he,mbde in favor of our own inns 'factures. il l Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting the late 'tariff act will . not afford thareasonable rotection which our ciitp ti zenwe entitled o, and that the course Of OUTtenators and Representatives in stano- ing kmly by the interests of Pennsylvanin, deui ids and rk ; eil:es qur unqualified a prob ion. II SCHUY.ViiILL COUNTY. . Ile Demmer+ Delegate Convention . f Scl4-Ikill county, adopted the following i Reolved,Th4. in levying our impost dil lies lir revenue, love are in favor of extend fair, and „even liberal protection fo lanufacture: and wh'enever, by UntlD- Liteislation,ihey are deprived oftbut kil 1, we standi ready to aid in repairing or—that tithoogh we believe the tit -1842 to hare been imperfect by, ri#l.-, s leryinglclutiO in minty cases -tip rily high; yet we 'believe that the .1 tariff act 41,f 1810 will need alteration Alrrection. 1 Thafbesides some minor i of which • • iwe dsapprove, the great nerest of 41 . '.'iir State in seine, if not all wenches, #lll not be stridently prp- That the same is also true to oar I cite 'Coa4 and that the interests ,iiiid of Pennsilvanin requrie at the bairns -ext Con*css, that.- this evil shoil d !died: a4l that the Democracy :of oil county hereby pledge thernielv:es it influe4ce shall be honestly exerted nplisb this end. DAUP,4IIIN COUNTY. ,1 teat the rib , son TI, emocrapc Delegate Convention 11 - Daup n county; adopted the following: R lved, Thtit A Tnrifffor the protectli of do, • stic labot,has. 'always been a favor prince e with t4e democratic party—thq was acticed-Washington,..Jeffersci ilonr*,Jackson;and Van Bard and we as 4emocrats itistain it. ReAyed, Th* the tariff; cif 1846,.,dt not ritect our -tabiii—Lthatif.'.does' enent age t e paupeii labor of Europe —,lltati mailed it wiltlhridg i dotia :.ffie„ ptioe mf I bor, d will not produce lands enoughii niport the Go4rnraent—that it isan exppr mem emanating from the niilifiCationlof Sour* Cartilina; A which is calcalated4o, brifig. - xir mechanics (Ind workmen 'to theleiellof ite southern slave, and to bring Waystelof - lace; taxes up/n the' doverinfdent' ott e -nioa. t - 4..- , •.; et urn That the' country carincityeturn e its prosperity; unfit ! , the British .taritriof t. 846 be repealed. ' Resolved, That with pleasure and prlde I ^e submit the zitune of the Hon. NATHAN-1 EL B. ELDIZED to the Democracy of , lenosylvania, believing that his, numiiiit• tau, 4.s the ate* candidate for 4:wertifir, vill secure the triumph of the Democratic' 4n Y• - . i -. 1 1 • . ' '11 : . 1 NORTH!JIIBERLND COUNTY. !' The Detnocritic,Deieente Convemiont of . :ionhumberlanp county,' adopted the fol. resolution : Resolved, Tlat the i Senators and ilia:tem ; brs of Cotigre4 Of Pennsylvania who Voted, aid by their efOctitnia manfully endeavared, to defeat the odious Tariff bill or 11346,: are deserving the viivrat , giatitude of every true hearted Peantylvanian ; and :this:" - single act has Placed 'Oleg' high in elution - and respect of every man Win any regard fer the prosperity of Otis country, the 'lnterests of the labOringcotniOnitA'i: Sittatior itanscmit.. W e ask the ittention to the following in st,i, wresting come ' nd ee betwelesksLiziundlier of citizens of anvi k' ,au fl,gellator-Pupe mu. The rep Of en: C. is worthy of the representative Of the true interests' of-Pettn-: Yitania. - ti ~';._ bisni ii.r. - ,%/ing. 18, 1 4 8411 - 1' o GAN. &moil CA Lori :',, -, '.., . • ,- , t. , j:, Dee Sir :--11' ' r'estent'' - ehartgelti - kid. :Past and rk'l 41fiiic11441/edtlie4l:ll - hon .. -hettiliii, ilthiliin,,o man, in this states wit h apprelentlibujind dread of, the results " of it te plo - ocproperaiim) Orthe sew systeth:',lk --"' ~"' I. ' ''':_`..:t '', . - ' To you,_ sir, wo,,t4nder" the- nhltittioil of rueful heart for• the vatiiotHeo r tiae itnd mak conduclyou displayed in yOitriolj4 . - Ilk"; M elt e1,4111t ,:iakitig,tivery,ttbie,ffinngh tint - clessfdl rest .tance-to tht . ruit*g!;:tif:the I!l s iifish 'tariff ' bil ' - 0f . :" . '416.:' - ',, - While intltits, wlin*lslfaildifs: '6,',iteii.lc4;_44l6 - bi6ii tu n -' •ableith wiibstund the: nfluenceA:if - the remu. tierati:gpe*ver; ,kidbave - . R 4nk - themselves,. ai, .* ' ; ' 9 0141 ! t4 allf eilres.sed by 'd demo :crane: entiihr:tryin,the:WeSt, !' . . - Sh IoW 'that • 'the art dr.resurection can never reach ;theme, yon, sir, • ~.uilawed:by influenced and „utibrilahl lky gann" have stood erect, the able e lit - 110mi- of the ' 'peer • - h i boti n i - f um e s • - rights, and.! of thd - great'inidr'ests Of thre - KeY, li 1 g rot i t onte. This we: offer you as: the ef,. fusionilof - :i•ivarm !hearts, glowing with recol••' lections! fresh and ! ! verdatit, of all that you havejlotiei !in the glorious cause of ' Protec tion triour home! industry. Desirmis. as ivelire i , by some ' public-de , 'nlonstratian of our sense of your milts and• l our state and' ttuntry's obligations to you, Ave, your triend 4 and--ailmirera; 'of the ifori ! •• iregioif ofithe county of •,Chltunhia, _without idistinetion •of party,. most cordially invite iron to Palitikekiritliabli. dinner id the town . , !of Dativille,•-on. !the:, earliest day you may !designate: AO mi - mesteartiestly and re spectfttllyi entreat ihat - You:will' not deny to ;your hunicrous4riends here, the anticipated pleasi t tre ?(;.meeting you face to face, at a ifeati4l, la honor of your eminent public !services and prirateiwortli. • With great respect your fellow citizens, Wra.lDonaldson, John Coi;per, !.L:o4tlontgoniery, ' John C. Boyd,. J. P. GrOre, Lewis Vastine, 1.1 r.. C. Horihn, Geo. Leebrick,. ID. N. - RoWnover, John . 31'14itliae, fSipiori P. IRase, ' Hugh M'Williants, !Edw. iYouhg, Jonas Wolf, • !Thos.! Webtiside, Henry. Crawford, Thos. ! Shepherd, Thos. C.,Eliis, . John C. G rier, M. Fornwald,' IDasi4 P. Davis, W. G. Gaskins, N. - 4 1 ;Cayi 'Eli Trego, hid. 'M'Rtynolds, W. G. Scott, A. Joidat4 John D. Petrikin, David Bhie, Jacob Gearhart, John Groves, • Paul Leidy, Joseph Mans, - Jacob Everly, Sam uel!!Oaks, A. W. Frick, .• • Irani Derr, • Jno. D. Chit, B. R. ! Gearhart, - • Oscar F. Moore,' ~ J.'N. ! Fisher; C. H. Frick, Martin` WAllister, J. W. Sheriff, .1 , G. Mi Shoop, Jas. J. Stebbins, ,- W. H„.Haseoplug, Win. Delong, I Michael Rissel, Jno. S. Wilson. MIDDLETOWN, August 31, 1840. GenVemen:—Your letter, inviting me to partake Of - a public dinner at Danville, has been received ; and, while I attribute tile high honor you design to confer on me, to . your kindness and the partiality arising from entity associations rather than to any merit i I May possess, or any services I may have perOtrined, I am still profoundly grate ful for it - Such a public demonstration as you pre pose is onIy• due' to. the statesman of high reptiti , ition, earned by long and important services rendered his country. I can lay no claim' to such distinction. The recent session Of Congress was the first occasion.of my c'ennexion with public affairs. I had no desire when I entered upon its duties to re mainflonm in the public service, and' I haVe now lila nibition!c..onnectz..d With-offutinl sta- . Lion fart er than. to perfoim my .duty fear lesslkan faithfully to the best of my abili ties dari . ig, the continuance of my term. II was My fortune to be in Congress whet - I.lllls revenue I measure, which effects so vitally the interests of my native State, was under diScuSsidn, and connected'asi tun in ail 4ny svmPath, es with her laborers and mechan ics, Cco Id not du otherwise than oppose withlall ty zeal and such ability as I have, a bill sting . so detrimentally . their:, com fort aidi itaPpiness, dal :through then] - the l i proskri,,it of :the Cdaintonwcalth. I only regrr aP - Irty: exertions Were net :intim suc cess ul: '.,,. . . AY rule through life has been not to de spond for the 'Last, hut to -look with hope And himfidence to the future, and to "perse verOnte the end" in a good- cause. If the friends of domestic industry pursue this course, we will compeLa change of this oh noxinus, and•ill-dii,esteil law at the next ses sion.Ll .A little reflection will teach the pure but .Itaistaken men among its advocates of' theitierror, and others will to yield.,--:- Pennylvapia , has strong claims upon the sympathies of. her sister States and ilieis too iMportant to - tha interests of. the confed eracy to permit any of them to continue this Wrong upon her, , ..if she _resists it boldly, steadily andlegally. ' . 1 0' may be serprised dint i South Candi ne,•which in 18313 , wolddlitive de/troYed the . Union but for the firmness of Gen. Jackian, should no sooner, after his-death, fix upon it the yery principles upon which she based her - nallificationi, and while• we cannot ap prove her threatened treason, we imay;with profit folloW the example other determined ,peritiverance, • • We have-only to. be s trtie to ourselves and we cannot fail to succeed in procuring a repeal of this law. A-few "months - will Slew the want-of Wiadoni in its principles and..detailsitind - prove its failure as alrevenneitditsuric . , - Tke ter t:nett who iniveifores4lit upon ON- ail. of !wham v t!ei3y its plitekeity r Will liiehalajy„: soon seek .. titt*teuse fo r - *s : change..: it thilftless,..iparsnas are di '' nteitfe#WW I air . own.•sittiatiehii, and e vieuti. Of ithe tFo - ' rity . of ~ibeitir,l * ere fru ro g 1 neigh _ ..: '' . ,:., - ,,:N,. r meas t .#iic-4tates who. do hot _sin •:;'.9s i tc•ht , _;,proarierf"l"3,,,tind Our, Southern''ovi , .i4. - itizens-i - willl;,fnidAhat no rednetion!" 4l,k:tariff iiiliaitifte.t)se*-rich,, 61,.. nor I;britiit.,,k4 ~.cio*, tp.,,their::', - 4atiiiition.— They maffetiiirdtblirprugre for a time, but no •system of kw-a-which they can fore* npoit usi ; will destroy. the ultimate prosperity of Penuslylvan";`Untie we: - aectimOlieh: itii• re a in a coolistitutiOna•-way,'w(l-'n"l4. linalLe•.the•best of::this--law.;-.and by *relater, eec4atayi'and more intense labor make If ? . in some degree Ifor thiladO . eti .r ms'.i hitY : ,it lakka,fri4l3, us and gives to the workmen:nl fore r ign'countries, Theiftinnera of the-Mein will;sew see that they, have been deceived bY 'Pi& P - talaisef! AnillAiHniiirlie :,'"ke*:ir 6 .ol;l4farfdlg- 0 40 11 ; -and thii= iiisiesar4f higher-pricea,-ithey will -find them-iredeced. with:the "Projttration:cif the, botiii:Fniathel, .11' Vitt) Tutmehecl them by - the nteinifaitn- , -4. 1 f i e * ,thew sevhis i llaving ~ th. t uij : !elyikei) ethe i tititli 3 O 'the -old': fashioned 'deinuenttie 46.1400;';'11/!ltl',IgiittilturV; manufactures,, it.iii4liiiiii;.'l4 ibl.o4hipiip,o-ftilkri.''.ioii tui4,ll,fr:depen'dnt-eu eueh'uther,We:uareirt yeeitte.iiek ,th4l3 again acting with f h e i r natural allies :efi . the'-North4ur thi 7 oln - pito gocidr '1 -7:. 1....-4.1,,' .-: .• :1-:.... R. t , ..: _,....' 1 1. .kWh -.Wittny thanks, dentlemen for die , : r if a to bone , you i ttintemle me, I,.pray lan .to ex cuse .bO ,- -eceetituinceo. , it:. I : s hall ;some • t ime lii.eithe ie.;itsiettiblitm of " : - C .: 44ress, itpay f acCuiloibeii iftte ual visit ta,'Et:ifu int bin cUMity, and it is t iny intention to spend some] :iime---- about- Danville,- among :your workltf:en; and in'your mines and maniac teritiOd'irleaii such Picts find inierMation ins meat' be useful In . the labor .of the next , sessi4M and: I' ; au: tielpate while there, the pleasec'e of taking sintny of you by the hand at vietf L own firesides. WtlPiei34imentis 'of respect, &e. dr...s.' - , tl' , ` , •- SIiMON CAMERON: To tessrs,:. Coo Per, 'Boyd, Montgomery, , • Irlistbie, Donaldson, ketrikin, M'Rey . milds, Grove and others. Impo an News from Mexico. iftrne. TheiNew York Herald has received from WasliMston, • - intelli g ence from the Rio Grande; - and ,the Cabinet at Washington, whitili,! . if true, is very 'important. It is as Ai edurier is now in this city, despatched by Ge#. Taylor, from the American army, and iwo are informed on the most. reliable au thoriti that no proposals for peace, whatev er, Bade yet bevn made - either by the can vrlAnieriean Governments, or by any of their accredited agents.- • This, messenged left after Snnta Anna's arrival': in Mexico, and after he had had sufficient time to make advances, if he in tended.to do so, towards our government: Th 4 news we hardly expected, but it is all exPlained by the fact that Santa Anna had given assurances to his friends that, in returning to resume the command of the army, dhe should most implicitly-follow the public will and inclinations of the people of Merieb, in regard to the war. He is now waiting to learn the popularfeeling. This is one item. ThU second item of intelligence brought by thi4 courier is that the Ministers of Eng land, Prance and Spain, in the Capital of Merieb, have given the gravest assurances to Saila Anna that neither he nor his gov ernment shall receive from them one dollar, or the slightest encouragement in prosecuting this war. • ThiS arises evidently from the immense damages which are flowing to the commerce and *ling interests of those nations, which are soseriously affected by existing hostil ites. General Taylor. , Tho following is the reply of Gen. Taylor to the proceedings of a meeting held in the city of New York ' HD. , QRS. ARMY OF OCCUPITMN: 1 I Catuaa„fro; Mexicg, Aug .14. Hon..6eorge Folsuro . 1:14II SIR : The mail of yestrday convey ed. tome your letter of the, 16th July, ac companying a copy of the resolutions recent ly adOpted in New York city and expressive of the approbation of a large - number of citi zens for the recent .services of the Army of Occupation. Fee' those expressions 'our warmest thanks nre due, and will long be remenabered as renewed incentives to exer tion in the cause of the country. • Fo4our oten very complimentary note; my personal thanks are also due. Permit nte to say, it is a source of gratulation to me that the mbeting refrained' from the meditated muniiiations. For-the high office in gives - - tion, have no aspiration. Th.: Govern; nient . las assigned to me are ardurous and respo ' sible duty iii the prosecution ofithe existing war ; in conducting it with honor to nay:en - wary, lie all my real aApiratioas. It li with grert pleasure, sir, that I thus tic kno'wledge the gratitude of the army for the good Opinion and cheering approval of the 'citizens of New York city, with assurances of ottri.4arin appreciation and my own per sonallivishes for your own prosperity and I.f. t Isemain, dear sir, respectfully yours, Z, TAYLOR, Major General U. S. A Mormon Difficulties. From the Sr. Louis RepuhPcan. WiltsAw, 111. Aug. 30, 1846. - Last evening I returned from the - camp of thin Constables posse at Carthage, mid to-day at 10 o'clock has been fixed upon by the officers in command for marching . to Nauvi.oo. The posse consists of about 300 men,twho are actually doing camp duty, besideS which there are-about .300 mOre in towniand about the camp who, it .is expect ed will accompany them as SOOll as the pos se colnmetices its march. It is the design of the posse to march•to day Within a few- miles of Nauvoo, and there encatnp, and are ordered to be provided with five ilitys!- provisions--together with spades, shovels; axes, &c. to throw up intrench ments in cake of need. The present move on the part of the Anti-Mormons appears to be marked with a good deal of determination— they 'tire better officered than heretofore and More.system is observable in their own •, tionsi • There are' various reports froth Nauvoo-- 86=e that the Mormons will make a very deteiAnined resistance,. mid others, that.the re'sist'ance, will not amount to much. It is stated by some persons from there, that they !Can raise not more than two hundred and- fifty tneti,, while the Mormons say that they ;can raise a thousand, and that they are constantly receiving accessions from the otbekside of the river. These statements are. riot believed by the Constable's posse, who clutie that it is a part of the game of brag, which has been very successfully practiced in Nauvtio Heretofore." Oise thn is certain , howeveri - there is a• company 'l#4,nsiii*ho are drilling daily in ISTaufoopierntratoky to defending the city froniattack, as they say, but the teal motive fOrtklis;'is'inOre likely to be, to create, an in tere4 iwbehalf of the Mormons abroad-1- the try of persecution is a favorite with theul. • v. ; • Titera is. no doubt but there. is Al .large portion of the New:Citizens of Nauvoo sick of tbOlorinons, but are afraid to avow theirl sentiments_ from fear of_ being driven from:, the city., 'have seen,ftve or , gx let , • • 7 - erst to this effect frtitn tnent . to the Governor, beenif taken ,to Siitingaidjd'hy jone gpiei itifinibe they 841446 Orptectiomot their lives . aad,o4- eity , ffromAlie Morin Ons, and that '..bef4n foecti:die-COntritet. entered' into with - 014 for riiijkOe *ate. Gfyieinail . Wright hae organized six ppw' • 9f cav ahl, 4 1‘,16 sv v :itinti,j 6. *P7 its . .amierthetquitri q 0 ell,. 41)e--khiratji -Ih2fith R e meat o tco e r r y. - - A , - = • • t. ToExlstoat t liapettsi zN„Bosrpx.-tMa ersodslainent the l ....nque otthe''dritata, a he'eviti'whieli 'are allowed ,to exist *it the walls of the theatres, and which to greatly to . destroy Whatever moral effect t 1 stare in Iy.be,'eapal4le orpraducing. If th d i evirs could. be. rein-ayeOlt is, ,believed the theatrical representations would be rend: ed so innoxious, that atiy moral pens; totild.attend theist with as little danger I front any other . ptiblic. eillibition, :Bas it has commenced the work of reform in th particular,ond the city authorities nre bei I strongly remonstrated tiOt to grant hectic . in theatres, except on certain, coaditioti These nre; that no intoxicating liquors sh, be said in them.; and to etnct this, that - 41 Aril' ks ofany deicri Odin'. should be sold wi i in the walls of the theatre. That no sep:l ateeotrance should .be-allowed to the thi l row ; but that there ihauld he one comet entrance: That boys and girls should n' be niclinitted unattended by their parentsa guardians. That no-woman, adult or you should be admitted unattended. ' The subject has excited - much discussi; before the Mayor and Aldermen, seve .". distinguished clergymen .appearing for t reinonstants: and several able lawyers for t petitioners. There has yet been no descisi but,. judging-fromthe !het that the then in that city have been shut up once or twi it .and some converted into chinches, we ,m infer that themoial sense of the commun is against them, unlesS they arc reformed. I Ledger. PaoortEss OF BosToN..-1 writer in •t 1 Courier gives a dark picture of the ret grade of virtue in Boston. "In the • ward," he says, " the overseer and asses:l told me, there were ;pOO drinking pine many of them kept by low and worthy characters. It is computed that from 6 to 800 rum bowling alleys are in operati•l to the ruin of many youths, to say nothi of the boys educated 'for the House of rection. As to .the billiard rooms and ga bling places, they occupy the upper roo d of the chief comers of many principal sfre:l and . have their bars,, as .the usual appeal ges of such vile places, and last, thou! not least, licentionsnetis abounds as aco mon accompairunenti of the foregoin . BoSton is advancing boatyards certainiy GEN. GAINB.—The Portsmoute (Va.) Al Era states, that on Saturday week Ma ' General Gaines received thro' the Adjut.' General orders from the war depar tmenti take command of the eastern division, fix hit headquarters either at New York, Phi delphia, or Troy ; that the General has lected New York as; the most import.l point, and on Monday afteernoon set from Norfolk for the post assigned him. On the sth ult. the Ilatavier Dutch ste ship, came into the Thames with 340 e grants on board, front Germany, who int tied to emigrate to the;United S:mes. .T 1 are au instalment of . th e S0;000 emigrat from the German Stntes during the pres ( 1 3 year. Next Morning they proceeded f a London to Liverpool, Ifor the purpose of m barking on board an American ship. 1 Dzo:rus ITEATi 'there were four i t New York on Su.►day foon elretit of fie hem of the w.•ather. Six unioibus horses fell death in that city, on Saturday. At Exeter, Mr. C. IL Cole met his deh F th t oa the 17th ult., from, die effects of a . .x -peace which he had accidentally swallo‘l ed 8 years before. After death, a post mortiem examination of the boly took place, when lie coin was found lodged in the right brolicl in - , ;he lung being- in a state of complete g in gren e, . . It appears by tile report:ot the Secrethry of the Treasury that $693,000 of theuew Treasury Notes Haver already been issUed under the act of 22J July last. The entire amount of Treasury Notes outstariding lon the Ist instant, was $1,093,864. FaunAirrv.—A coachman lately died in Poughkeepsie, who by his services in /me family had saved $3,000. STAGE 'ACCIDENT.—The Hon. LUTIIER KIDDER, 4ve'regret to learn, while on ;his way frordWilkesbarre, to attend our Curto on Monday last, met with a serious accident by the upsetting of the stage, when about three miles-above Tamaqua. He r6ceifred several severe contusions on the head, but it is to be hoped he will be able to take his -seat on the Bench during the Court. Tbere were eight passengers in the .stage, all, of whom were more or lyss inkired7 George W Leuffer ; Esq., of Wilkesbarre , Engitteer on ,the, who was sittiqg on the box with the driver, .at the time of the accident, sprang to the ground and sprOied both' his legs, but it is believed he will soon recover.,' ' Pkesiige Pink Pre* Mr.j.John Audubon, the son of the didtin guished Americen naturalist, has receiltly n i arrive& in England., for' the purpose of ' ta king drawings of some specimens of A eri can animals .in the cpllegtio n s in this c un try, in order te coniplete the_ work on ,J the qiiadrnpeds of America. J T 4. ToatATo.—ThOtnai Jefferson 'tan dolpb, the protege of Jefferson, in an address before the A'gricullural Sudety of Albemarle county, Virginia, delivered some time sinc e , stated! that 'Mr. Jefferson pould . recollect when the toninte 'was cultivated a s an orna ment 'to the flower-garden{' and deed poisonouk ' . in Maishchusus, Nov 264:•i The Rt. Abp. ,Riebgd. Plikenfinin,' 1 19 British Ministtit, ne6ontplynied by the Hon; Spencer Pottiby,,forivett in Boston, from Albany',' 6 AlbanY''3 onday evefillieittid:tokl°dil tags pt tfie...Albion Hotel. : - • Tfie N' e w I",o'fic ' Slate, Convention, a 4 lain*oti. the' frrit,Tnesday 4c4sCtoliei. 1 ' PAWER NF thief wilt • lately converted by listeniriplo_n. sermon Mr. Pdoffit, tt Detroit, Mid 14 first proof of tepesittnee ,was 'to return a: pocket-book cdtitaining sloo t At) at, lett,. the '..a#..b4 f4 r e. i ..kAie must hate been new beginnet in the business:- -Phi - to:goes:are not easie -- moved to,sttch 41iStiiiiy. • ' lq* R OP.-Thus 047 this.,*ear been, iemarkablY healthy, Ptirevidette of ijeikirsltiver &us existed. NOT E.. , , 1 •i, - 1 ~ ••, ~ .i: ..,.. . 4 The Bust - pie} annw Assoc!. non ot , iMwerse.bsts ill 4 I meet* BrOoklyn on the - .:t. Wednesday and ol lowing Thtiodity (die 7tb-. d Bth) of October 1 6. The Oonnciliwillmeefit a o'cl on 11,Vedi y moraine. ,Seii , icesiwill. C. umenc ,111, , WI-Past:lo. It is tamed ilia t every s'ocid , will ' rep iimentaby two ilelegaies'irho will Cii,'io ford; lied with ill - Inc , essaly statiStical informatien. Will. each clerkiihe so kind as c:. !nuke out full and correct statistics ••• Strangers and friends from ri, distance will fine a committee it the Chumh t. direct ahem to placei of eutektainmont.t The publi: are respectftilly invited to amend. i i 3: P. OILMAN, 6 Brooklyn, Sept. 10. 1C46 • _ Sliyudiu*Cler* LIAR On the stli inst. by c. fierily A. Riley, fitr. DAvto PATTEisos to Mist MARY , S. ROBED:00 v bab of .resvti4 , Recelini for the 'eoples',.; Advocate, .1 , rot? thi week endi4r, Sept. :.7, 1846. LI- Col. IF. Bailey) , $l,lO Pays to NoJS2 E. S. Warubr, i ... 1 . , 0, 44 61 153 EdWin G. Welib, , 1.00 " " 352 Tho's Slier t tocil, 1. 0 0 " ~A , 52 A. H. Dom, ',., •, • It 0 . 0 " r . 52 D. ih. Lester, i • 1,00 " "I 52 G. F, Knapp, .1 1,00 . " ". 66 EL W. Greatiell, . . 1, o "- " '52 Henry Edgi3t9 1,0 0 " " 1:52 • John Mclntoili, ' ' 1,00 - " " .sf.' Jos. 'Godfrey, I - ' 1,00 " " 52 J. B. Cate,.! I . . I,QO 44 44 [ . 52 H. Dart, . i . • 1,00. -" ' 52 J. H. Henac 1 ick, ',0052, C. C. Wright, 1 . 1,00 " " 52 Horce Errilth,; . 1;00 " '' t s2t Michael l'oweis, • ... - 1,00 " "? 52 M. .it , lt, 1 t , 5 0 ~ ~ 43 9 A. T. TmWbrklge, 1,00 " " f '', 52 Manley Blickingtort, 1,00 - " '- " 152 Wareer 114,14 n,, 1,00 ", " ' , .52 Ebeaezer Ally, - . I,OQ ' " "f 52 d • ,• , r 1 . ;. THE MAIIKETS.' . . 1 CORORCTXD! PIRKICLY FOR , NEW t ORK, Sept. 14. 1846. 1 Whe'at floui, per barrel 1 $4,50 ra 46 Rye do Ido 2,50 ea 20'5 Cori meal . )do • .1 • ' ; 2,62 fa 3020 Wtteat, per il btpliel . i _ , 0,95 . fa 405 . . . ' Rye, o ; 1 0,70 ID 0,0 '0!.,- . • Corn 41o! . 0,50 f 6 Oil Barley, do • - '' 0,24 6 0 , 32 Oats, do; 1 0,30 6 002 Flat perlh. 4merican,. 0,03 fa 0034 Tidlaw, pet 18. rendeted, . O,Q7 ra 08374 Butter per lb..,Orange Co. - . I : 033 e 00. 7 do twestern dairy, 0 0;10 6 opa 4 . Cheose,.per 11;,..0,06 (iv 007 Beef per barrel, mess, . 1 i ' 6,50 6 700 do f prime, 1• ; 9,50 fa sioo Pork, per.bari,el, mess, - I'. '9,87461000 do. 'prime,, , 7,8746 800 Lard, per tb. i 4. ' 1 , 0,05/6.007 Halns per lb. lmoked A i 0,05' a 008 Feathers pbr I). live geese! • 0.27 6 000 -Ox Cos i, horns, perthundred, 2 8,00 612;60 • ' ,00 6 300 Americaps‘:oci,T, per 111. sa4on '; - 0.17 6 001 do + !' full IdOtl Merino 0.27 6 428„. do : 4& I 'Sforino , 0,28 e 0;31 do : native i i Merino 0,24 6,t 026 "i q • , lit EP It IN o rN I D THAT iheelicapest 1(4 of. G ' ever Wei, in 12 this Market, cap now'be foundat the sto' pf ILVPIKI 21 yds! Calico for ne Do , Cash. ~ 1 10 .v h dsi Sheeting .1 do. I do. 2Q 1 s.lCay. Tohaceo. do. I do. 3 6i lbs 4 Young Hysdn Tea, do. do. 25 lbs.tCod-Fish, 1 • do. ; do. .f. Shgar. Coffee, Molasses l l&c. ~i:. &c. 1 .:., R 1 1 'A SPLENID I ID LOT f. O F rlaib Maid, chuair•' ble,otnbre k"tripe VP` A actbf,"l>elaineN, ashmeiles,-Ginghamil Ali nicue+, &e. &. Also, so. e elezjnnt Cashmere and Dt.laiue Sfrac4l % ,, for sale Lyoba. G OOD LsolJat Tea s'ellikg for Spg. Shillings, by I 4 LA DIES' ;Slips at ?5,1 cents gals° Ladies'' and Children's Shoes -=--; r .going cheap at the_itore or ! 1 1 J. L . fois. • wept. '46: i ( ..... -- - , I BO 0 K.S. TARGE Family Bibles , or lOsi also comtpott and J pocket Bibles, ; Tes ' mefits, 4 Geoaraphre4 and Atlases, Itritbmetic4; G ' minarsg Philosophical and Chemical , Books; Cobb' • Saunders', and Toivn's Spelling Book ; Porter's • ades A - good aisort meat of Toy Books and Tickete‘lso, the new liymn Bookstfor the Presbyterian; and Baptist ircie ties. Methodist Hyttni B ; / oks, Blank Books*.ci &c. for sale by ; 1 J. LP:JP'. sepr. 10; %Si. • I .. i ..• . • PATENT h'sils,,BrOmts, Clothes Pins, B 4 tter i Stain ps 'Mid Ladles. b)? t i .t. Lyon' s. srpt. '48.: , 1". • I 1 ' . GROCrRIE§. . i T ARGE stock of prim 'sugars! and more di that -1...4 first Kitt Tea, just lint 1 Salisburi•l's. sept 3. 34.8. i CI . • FL.KS 4 TI OR Mantillas and A roas t nhd Alpaca nions, 1' just in at • Sulisburyrs. spt 3 i. EDGINGS:i; . • i ) 'VINE irssartment - of blt l et silk,4hrend and Cotton: 1. Edgihgli, just urrirea at. • If Solisburt's. se a t 3. 1.3t6. - li , .; . '', 1 :. '. NEW 00 IDS . 1 - • t FOR( THE, FALL; OF 1846. .3 2QPear ient. Oleo -'than. eyer offered 11? Ws imuiret before, at - 1 " • i : wept. 34, 84U. ; , J. A. 1341.1813UR1713.. GAL cos , '' , 4 r , - .1 ! • - IVEAT j an# elegant sty, es, for cnry 124 centl' per, 1.1 yard, pitst received at ' qAI.3BBURV'S. • sept. 3;4846. -.. ' . ' - t • 1' A GINGIIAM .1 - - • r: 'o , • . 1 - I RSeptICH tit* beautiful lams, just in at s. ...4 1846. S 4 I.I.IBIIIIRtS. Sept. 4 CASIIIVIERES. CASHMERES, tuid friegint ..stylek. just, arrisibtklat 'IOALLSBURY'S. mope. 13,i /tr. , . , AILF4A:CA. , LA:.1:1, a id . .tiipe:tl_4l t ricasFbeap P. 31 4 _ !ept. 1846. r , BALMER S i . e ) ' BROGANtg: . . , ;!ii• :.I AirEN , Oloa'Boy'al i vgani,iits'tlie reduce 4.. prite ILL of fi•ora 4s. to t2s. t''. !! bat.isnuay's , Sept.. 10, 1846. „-- ... r: . JPUST t..egiti'ed a, lot - 6 "diet into Salo teal'. and 4111- 1 04,0 sold ializi tg loii:--fitiiti .12 to . l: eentia p er ' Nith4qtt '' - '''.' .I , . :' salLibove, l, . 3 eV-..-1 0, 1 84 . ' 1.' , 4 —4 : ~• • l'l''' ;. COD , VISIt.:-F , 4 ' 'of '. •i; A : FREi3I-(lgit of .piiirii s'lqOd•Fieli ' (Of 'tally t Omit' iler•Pooltdr at :: ; 4:.1...:-. - ~ .Bilistin !it.:,;:-.: ,kcpt,44,.1a40 i . .. .. t, ~. • :1. :z ~...,..„ ~,I '.L. i i 1 ''''l i''' '''AL Dieir -- ''' ':' '' ..-' I{oltES,,a aow.b y , ,e of atl, goods, pot me at, ''- " ' '' t 1 1 - ' - ea: ' " ' '116;lot: 8, 1840. : ' ;1 i - '1 : , 04,Iiint4trs:- . . - - C PiANC4, ' . Yi SSIAIF,REI37, -in:: 7r - 4i: :. -stYtaii.afiaomtaiiik - taiiiiiv..t - •JU ...- z . }K$3, -1846:1 ,1 ,1;c:i;:q -. L.:',11`Tiiiiiiiikkoiy'fite ' -. . ..r.j. 4 ,—, ....,_,,,•.,.,•:_,4.. .0.44 _ y0ty,19 , 4.,_.:-,!...,: bilakbay*.• ; .._ • , .., , ..-..,,,, - i . . -. 7,; Z ,, i. ': ~,:. .. ...--11r, 4::: lEil —. SA.T,NPTS PLAIN' eta Otinata 20 par 'ciiihaaiier than eicr,just!cotia at. • Shliabury'at, Oept. • VIE TINGE. A 14;1.0 iety Worsted. Veaiin'gii of tills Fall' Fluitr4oii4ig and very, laiir at ‘. Stabibury'sil sePt• - stas , • silo . A Great variety a the Lest soil quality oft Gaiteis,r Iluskina," dad slippeis+itiso aIA , tremety priced aloes, jun - come - at %-• Sept 3, laftet. • SalishurYW:;::'r Ep;.;: • 1 1 44 a. HGHgS:I" Ifarket price . Hill be paid , - qdantity of Butter; Oats, Rye Cornoindrian• nal at 1 Salisburfk - sept 3, 1346.,-,• . r i - • .., _ , . . 1 . , ... . ... lE . 111011- . . .- THE , subscriber returns thatika his friendi arid the - iisibtie - gerietidly, for the -liberal . ' patronage' he has received` daring the Tian sumnter, ta4 rati?-s-,- L peetfully in's-iteithenito.cali and take a fool at the.; . New and treendid . . 1 • t, • 1 LOT ` ,'QF GOODS,.::-.l' . . he is now receivir*"-and whic.h Will beaoldithei‘ei-- ; than ever hefore °tiered in thiiinarker. .- :.1 -. 1 . 7. LIONS: . , 1 -.•f PAY :UP . - - subscriber, oavinglesied T Shop,..ls deiiroils of squiltialr bil'• accounts. All who are indebted .to binifcir blacksnitbing, would coder': !. 41 P9), a great favor by payi,vi•itpinitiodisife;_ • , ly. 0 ileAislikes to role cosier etitre: trouble, but, unless This notice is plvoiptlyittendek to, he will be under, the necesaity bf trying anotber::: plan to callect his dims. - ] ; H _ . PERRY JENKS Montrose," Jime 30,'1846. 7 .• Er . WrD THOSE indebted to the under' Eir sr: .I). ' ;ssighed bae had , , wa - mit*' by the above notice. Unless immediate settletnemt is now made, be wild be under thelnecessity.oficiak iug costs, indiscriminately. I'th licit joking. • Sept. 3, 1846. .P-ERRY 'JENKS, iHE PEOPLE'S ADV6CIitE •-i NOTICE; PERSONS indebted to the subicAer, by Noe or gook, for more than one pear,standing; are requested, to call and settle, %%ittaint farther notice;:". as circumstances require the immediate attentimi to those old matters. B. SAYRZ- August Ip, '46. ME Sept. 3,46‘ LEATHER & A GOOD Assortment *kept . on hand, (pricesi e , ! ' trernelY low for the ready payo by B. SAYRE.. .f . • HYSLOP .• ProduCe ana - Gene' I Commission Merchants, 4.3 Front st: N. ARTICULAR attention given to the sale of- PRatter and. Cheese. Refer tO Messrs; Mil & Sherman, Montrose, Pemea,lwho kill make • advances • ,- Prothico consigned fo their care pay overt .e proceeds tits sole l ! 1-51 . d. • • New Y. k, I 5= 9 MO. THOSE, BUSINE I SE II RECTORY - J. "SI4tMONS; - - oe.:Clakershop Tuittpite St. One - 440 i is S Wilson's stdre. - • 11 Boot & S m est of OWEN WIT.II:AIS, Hair Dresser-Achapiiii.Turnple 'lit. in ,inent orA. Barber an the b R. SEARLR & CO. .rttnent of Dry. (foods: Crockery, : lenl.: &c.; West Fide lof Public Avenue..)! A good ware, BENJ..S.AYR , ' 4' kaidware, Diyidoods, &c., W est : ablic Avenue. . , Dealer in side of YONS ti CHAN, Sto-es, tin-wart; Stat . ' East side of Public A Dealers • &c. &c MERRILL & R i l IT, , - Dealers in Hats, Caps, Furs, Pioitgi Point's, W 'est side' of Public Avenue. . JERRE 'IX° $, - Dealer in Dry Goods,: Gioceries, lloo)ts, Pape . r,ite; and Bookbinder.-7ast.side .SAAC-L. POST w 00: Denlees Dry Geode, Harctwar4 Crockery, dte.•;.• corner 4:lf Public Avenue and Tripile st. I JOAN 'GROVES, an t , Fashionab "railoi=Tika doors below the F eel Stoire. _ • Hi S . .*t.TLFORD & SIDON. tt Dry Gods, Crockery.Oroc4ies, Joiireri! . &c. nit side PublicilAvetitte. • I peelers inl Tool§, SALISIII3tY, People—Public terms, Cheap ool)as j i : or B . side: • • I . DR. A. SAIITXL • . DENTIST—Sets Teeth pn,Gold.Plate.pad petimoi all opeTtipes pn:the teeth in the tiest,.ityle: tretua be, fowl at Gen' Warner's pn Mondays arid Tit*-', - dais Of itch 44;:••k..• • t F..I . WHITNEY, M. 'D. PitysTial,ST:ge* & Accouchio. Oficet,iil,L24r Post ': _.I ! :BUCK. 'SE IiOGERSI ' ' Coital; C'irriage aidrs Sleigh.Mannfacture, on Tutu pike street; ist..tlie old BeardsleY stand; axe -kvadf • z l irti to , serS customers, in_ the taostirefineastylp4the age.. • 'cies in oartline constantly on hai.4 ,fiti._ sale, 4 repairing dorm on sbor. notiee. - I'' ' • • ' rticlee In mar t in.. _ (.1 repairhy , done on shop-- :I DAVHS CLEM ; Cgria g e, and Sleigh- bleker.and repki i - Anity e A:lo- found hia ahog a few, rids South of t e IWhere lie will he hapil to Wait I. • I TOSTI,JR; 14: Finialeri, , antl=Plonilt lliusiifietnrent=l3Wii'- the of ;ntinitl - neer Ltle tes . hleno of P.- ot.:i:) 111 • ' Attorney AL La *t'Offi c e a friw'rmiaiontbilf they Caurknouse. -r. - Lusx. • ,` r .' r''._ W. 11 4W1XY:-.:' CciOnies via hiti old fitaininft - KOltiiVisirilc , Si - -;IIIENTLEY, Att" l 4 l it /474 at ilMild k 0t, 5 4 6 a few ' !cai" ; 76 Tai of the'CoO#- • - Cabinet Ind alilkilitaking,. 91/d -Fl74_ :railaing*lNMo4l - ET" liia pl4 . :**talkili 'Turnpike 'at.. ' ,er Store 0f,L1.L.1 Pea U o, Aveurk . _ to ' fi at-Litif, - 0( 1!rt4of • r & Co! •• • - Li il 9Y Pr II MI till MI I Ltit, 1 • , nery, Dry ODods; enne. IEO3