The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, September 17, 1846, Image 1

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ti)vi Ittoples llbueratc.
*id ISRtrb EVE • T TRI: , ESDAY:
•• DOW &
• .1
. :(Offiee one west side of the.Fablie Avenne.y.,
TERMS.--9NE DJLLAR a year in
One Dolls i% Fifty Omits if not paid within ,
months, and tr delayi.d until after the eviratiCat of
MP year twefgollars twill be exacted.
Discontinapres optional with the Pub,lishera l ,
less - nrrearagps are pSul. -
Lettencto he Ftibilsbens on business irithlite of
fice must bepost-paid to insure attention.,
AGel Faun? Forester: . 1111
w e „ tr 04... sa ys the Boston #tlas, from the proof;
sheets o f .. lf4derhrook." now in press, by Ticknorl
& Co., the plowing touching stanzas, written to?
her mother hi , M JUDSON, previous to her voyagel
from this po d, a few weeks ago : I
G r,., in ermy 'old
, teat., Mother,
With iy head upon thy knee; . '
' I've pas*.l throMeit many a changing scene,
Since bins f sat By thee.
oh 4 let ite look into thine eyes—
Their Meek, Mk loving light
Falls, liki, a glean] of bnliness, . . ) )
Upon tiy heart to-night. !, I
-I've not tseen :long away, Mother; '
Few-sites loci/ rose and set •
Since 1a.4. the letr , iimp on thy cheek
in kissing met.
'Tis but fute, I know,
Bat city long t seems;
Thoughivery night I. came to thee,
Dear other, my,dreams.
\ The wolid has kindly dealt,'Mother,
.By thichiltl tenon lov'st so well ;
Thy praiers have circled round her path;
And 'ias their holy spell „
' 'Which Fade that path so dearly bright ;
Whichistren-tal the roses there;
Which dive the tgtt, rald , CaSt the balm
On ectry breath of air.
I bear arbappy heart, Mother:
And/ Oppier never beat:
And,evo now, new buds of hope
Are blrsting at my feet.
Oh! Mother! life may be a dream ;
But if spa dreims are given
While at !he portalthterwe stand,
What tire the truths of Heaven!
I henr-Ellipppy heart, Motlmr ;
Set, when. fond eyes I see, •
And laeoisoft tones and winning words,
I ever 'think of 4tee.
And the the teat my spirit weeps
Unhidden fills my eye;
And likel,4l homeless dove, I long
Law lc . " breast to fly. ,
rhea I mkt very sad, Mother,
vety sad and lone;
Oh ! ther4's no heart whose inmost fold
Opes tolme lie thine own!
Though enny smites wreathe blooming lips
-While to‘e-tontis meet my ear
My Metier, one fond glance of thine
Were lhonsand; times more dear..
Then with a closer claop, Mother,
'Now hold me to thy heart;
I'd feel iymating 'gninst my owe,
Once More, before we part.
And, MoOmr,.to his lore lit spot,
When Ft am fail swan •
Come oftloo ofi. thou can'at not !
And f thy darling pray.
Ohm Elam).
FROM 1 3 / 1 88/..11 "15.8.P0LE0.8 - ASD HIS 1111485.1311.3:4
At length a dark object was seen to.e ,
merge from', the distant wood,' and soon' ate
army of dive hundred thousand men was
deployed in the field of Waterloo, and
pin to march straight for the scene of inn.
flict. Blitaber and his Prussians had corrl,
hut no, GroOchy, who had been left to
them in check, followed after,. In a md.
ment Napoleon saw
,that he could not sus , .
tan the atttick of so many fresh troops, if H
once allowed to form a junction, with the al- ,
lied forces, s=and so he determined to stake ,
his fate i ne bold cast, and endeavor te
pierce the a)lied centre with egrand charge
of the Old gnard--and thus throwing hitni
self between the two armies fight them sep
Brady. P i ot this purpose the- Imperial
Guard was' i„ called up, which had remained
inactive dusprig the - whole day, and divided
into two immense column's, which were to
meet at the British centre. That under
Heide no sooner entered the fire than it dis'
appeared lie mist. • • The other was placed
under Ney,;the " bravest of the brave,' and
the order given to advance. Napoleim act
companied4hem part of the way down the
slope, and !hafting for a mdment in bol;
low, addretsed them in his fiery, inrpituouS
manner. ire told them that the battle was
with them,)rnd that he relied on their valor,
4 ' Vire l'Etdpereur fr answered him with 4
• about tha*as heard all over the field of
battle. I • 1.
'He then le ft them . - ,to Ney, who ordered •
the charge:l 'Buonaparte has been blained
for not headingthis charge- himself; but he
knew he csWd not. carry the' guard so far
hold them on before the artillery,
Ney. The; moral' power the latter carried
with iiim,lfoin the reputation he bad gain-
redof being4he 44- bravest of the brave," was
worth a Miele dirision. Whenever a col
umn saw ihin at their head, they' . kgew ft
was either 3o be trietory or anOihilifike. 2 ----'
'With the exception ;Of Maadonald,l do ,not
know a
,g4nerni!'in 'the two a r mies who
could hold his sokfteriso long in the faced
.destruetioths he.
The w e Continental straggle exhibited
no sublimet spectacle-than this last effort at :
Napoleon lb save his sinking empire.l Eu
rope had been pot on the; plains of Water,:
100 to be liked for. The greatest military
energy and skill ithe world . possOied • 6 4 .
been task elf 10-tiuisitsibring'
Thrones were t otteringon the ettsangoitted
field, and the shadows of fugitive kind tlit -
ted through. the smoke of ha*,
parte's star trembled in the zenitinatir,
blazing onf!in itirnecient splendor; now 'ad.,:
denly palthg - hefore his anxious eye.,
/toga]; wh:en the Prussians appeared on the
field, he resolved Itii'.'Stahi :Europe on ,'Off .
hold : thro*.• Rei camintied hitrawlf as&
France ;Nip, and' sa*.bia eMpire rest on
B,ajogleAluge. theinieise.:ePiciefrWifli
which he. irittebedihe nth: 04;0 Shot colt
ind.the terithie'suitioense44, Suffered j
- then the Smoke ii,of'hittle *replied it'AOM
•elight, WIC the utto - despair
. o• ' trest
. .
j. '
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he ar t whewthe curtain lifted over a fugitive
army, and I the ;despairing shriek rung on
every side, "la Garde reculo," 4' la Gtkrde
Tecate l" makes'ui forget all the carnage in
iynipatby with his distress.
Ney relt tine pressure'of immense respon
'Sibility km his brave heart, and resolved not
no prove unworthy the great trust commit
ted-to his care. . Nothing could be more im
posing than the; rtovement•of that column
to theassault. That guard -,had never yet
recoiled before t> human foe, and the allied
.forces beheld.wilh . aive its Grin and terrible
adiatiee'to the•fimil charge. For a moment
the batteries stoOped playing, and the firing -
Ceased along the British lines, as, without ,
e beating of &drum or the )blast of a bu
gle . to steer their steady courage, they
moved in dead silence over the plain. The
o. o .4.fltontent die artillery opened, and the
'head of that gallant column seemed to sink
'lnto the earth. Rank after rank went
down, yet they neither stopped nor faltered.
Dissolving squadrons, and whole battalions
disappearing one after another, in the des
tructive fire, affected
_not their courage.—
The ranks closed up as before, and each
treading over his fallen comrade, pressed•
firmly on. The horse which Ney rode fell
under him, and . he- had scarcely mounted
another before it also fell to the earth.
Again and itg•aiti did that unflinching man
feel his steed sink down, till five had been,
shot under him. Then, with his uniform
riddled with bullets, and his face singed and,
blackened with powder, he marched on foot
With a drawn sabre at she (ced of his men.
In vain did the' artillery hurl its storm of
fire and lead into that living mass. Up to
'She very muzzle they pressed, and driving
She artillerymen from their own pieces,
tcashed through the Enlist' line. But at
hat moment, a file of soldiers who had laid
flat on the ground, behind a low `ridge of
earth, suddenly 'rose and poured a volley in
their, very faces. Another and another fol
lowed till' one broad sheet of flame rolled on
their bosoms, and in such a fierce and en
expected flow, that human courage could
not withstand it,. They reeled, shook, snig
gered back, their fled. Ney was borne bar k
with the refluent tide, and hurried over the
field. But for crowds of fugitives that forc
ed! him on, he nould have stood alone and,
fallen in his footsteps. As it was, disdain
ing i to fly, though the, whole army was fly
iti, he formed his men into squares, and
endeavored to stem the terrific current, and
would have done so, had it not been for the
thirty thousand fresh Prussians that pressed
on: his exhansted' ranks. For a long time
these squar• stood and let ,the artillery
plough the . But the fate of Napoleon
a l,
was writ, a d though Ney doubtless did ,
what no oth r man in the army could have
done, the 11, cree could not be reversed.— ,
The star that had blazed so brightly orer 1
the world went down in blood,'and the,
" bravest of Ithe brave" had fought his last
battle, It Was worthy of - his great name,
and the charge of the Old Guard at Water
loo, with him at their head, will be / pointed
to by remotest generations with a shudder. ,
We now come to an expiation of his trea
son by a 1)0'11M-execution. The 1 41 es, af
ter they assepibled in Paris, demanded some
victims to appease their anger. Many were-,
selected, but better council prevailed, and
'they were saved. Ney was a prominent
example ; be had routed their armies too
(frequently and too nearly wrested their
crowns from them at Waterloo, to ,be for
given. It Avas intended at first to try him
by martial law, but the Marshals of France
refused to sit ie judgment on so brave, gen
erous and heroic a warrior. By a royal or
dinance, the Chamber of Peers was Idirect
ed to try him. S!urning to take advantage
in any technicalities of the law, be was
speedily fotind gUilty and condenXned to
death, by a majority of a hundred and fifty--
. two. Seventeen were only found to ivote in
his favor. That, be was guilty of treason in
the charge, is evident, but not to than extent
which demanded. his death. NO man had
done more for France than he; or lotted her
honor and glory with a higher affection, and
his ig nominious death is a .lasting, disgrace
to the French nation: Justice was the ex- ,
case,' not the ground, of his condemnation.
Tabare carried out the, principle on which
hi s sentence Was based, would hard ended
in a public massacre. Ney and Labedoy
ere were the only victims offered uP to ap
pease( an unjust hatred. ; Besides, I Ney's
person was :sacred under is solemn I treaty
CWellington had himself made. Onet of the
I articles of that treaty expressly declared that
[.,d t f fn 0 • - ierson should be . arrested for-lhis po
litieal condom during:the bundred days."—
)p such conditions was Paris surrePdered,
I and there never was i more flagrant viola
tiOn:Ofiiaticinal honor than the trial ( f Ney.
he Whole , affair, from begimiingto end
/ 1
' triii , deliberate murder, cemmitte t from
'feelinis.otrevenge alone. Napoleoa never
' did iwtiase in act in his life—and of Wel
lington'is ' forehead is a spot that she U grim
darker ileithltirne, and cause many .1 C*e
to be muttered over - hisigrave. He should
have inierfeeedM save' n.gallant anmy
Sit. the hazard of his life, but he let 1 i t hon-
Or go down before the clamor of v . ' vindictive
enemies, and became _ 'a murderer in the
sight of they world. :.', Ney-was publicly shot
i lea*
I , ta it traitdr. ' ' 4- ' ' : • ' • 1
its *last moments' did`n ot, disgrace his
bre; - ,liett*tot calledlfivin . his , bed, and a
I iratnitO sleep to hear lila 'sentence , cL Alt
the' preamble went on enumerating many
"t4lO, 4 - :liiiitify ' , frac' in-- 4 ' , WhY . c annot
t ynit . .iimpli c.4l Me ifilellifONey now a
FM4 6 :4 O * - akid soon' a • heap of int 1"
I The lasi interview with' hii Wife an child
ian':ihnkgt-ills •stem heart more than all the
. attles lie had passed through, or is. tip=
ti' colie t l ifor ilifith) ' This over; be i slimed
- is wonted . 'eadmness,' f In reply - .'to :Eine '.4 . 1
hisi'aentioeisi ' who said, 4 1 Mars :;.yo u
ahmild . .naW,,thenk of death ;". he
_. plied,
rl i' 4 6 10 iiii ) o4o;o 2.ll 4 ll Y-nog t sito'l4 p elf
' ,i i 1 4) diet": . B4ti recolleeting% him . Ate
~._ .„ .. c7t- . , •'' ' i
,'•,,,,, 4 0 ' , 1 a a .00 0 .. 1 °P1. •:cornrades!lllll.N.o
reit. EP*. i ~.,*,gurgq, of-St . Pal ice; I
7irdi die it mes, ai. eVaistiailP' .4.114
4•O7llOE,'.ll4:A._:,THuRisikAY.sEpT.. 17, 1846: 1 . ' 1
4lighted fro the coach, he advanced, to-
Ward the filel'of soldiers drawn upasexecu
4oners' ; with !the Same calm mien he was
'OM to on the field of battle. An
Officer stepping forward to bandage . his eyes,
Ile stopped h m with a proud interrogation,
'tare you igr oraut that for more than twen
„years I have been accustomed 'to face
I),ntli ball and - bulletsl" Hp then took 9fr
his hat, and with his eagle eye, note sub
ctued and splemn,. turned toward heaven,
said -with-the same calm and deeided voice
that had larded the tide of so many battles,
I declare before God and man that I have
kever betrayed my country; niey my death
render her happy ; vive la Frante ' He
hen turned o the soldiers, -and gazing on
them, struck' one hand upon his , - heart and
tny eorerades, fire ott:„.Me." Ten.
liens entered! him, and he fell dead. Shame
upon Ids judges, who, for t o single act,
Should condemn one braver and nobler than
them all, to; so base a deeth. A sterner
Warrior never trod a battle-field—a kinder
Heart never beat in a liuman.bosom, and a
tkuer patriot. never shed his blood for his
country. If' France never has a worse
traitor; the day of her betrayal will be far
distant, and if she has no worse defender,
disgrace will. never visit hey armies. Says
Colonel Napier, in speaking of his death,
it thus, he who had fought five hundred
li.attles for France—not one against her—
was shot as a traitor."
His wife was on her knees before the
king praying for his pardon when the fatal
views was brought to her', and immediately
fainted away, then went' into convulsions,
which - well nigh added another victim to
this base murder. His father, who loviid
him tenderly as the son. of his pride and the
glory of his name, was never told of his ig
dominious death. He was at this time
ei g hty-ei g ht years of age, and lived to be a
hundred years old. He saw, by the mourn
ing weeds of his family, that some catastro
phe had happened, and his father's heart
tbld but too well where the bolt had struck;
hut he made no inquiries, and stbough he
Ilved twelve years after, never mentioned
his son's name, and was never told of his
fete. He knew he was dead, but he asked
riot how nor where he died.
; From the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper
Legend of Philadelphia.
What is it to dreamt it is to Imicr
The talisman of motion, and soar on
To the high places of the upper air,
Like a superior spirit.— TN/is.
With regard to the cause of dreams, one
othe most able and most rational of philos- ;
4nhers (the late Mr. Baxter,) Whom the
present age or any nation bas ,produced,
dmonstrates, that dreams—even all dreams
ihatever—proceed only from the agency of
tiuembodied spirits of the human mind. We
4tould call this beautiful idea the poetry — of
o p et of the phikv of mind has been
l;ess explored or less understood than dreams:
Oaring sleep, the faculties of the body, arc
iiispended, but the mind continues active.
In many cases, dreams are evidently caused
oh influtnced by external impressions ; in
dithers, they seem to be the recollections of
those associations the current of thought car.
ties through the mind without the guidance
of the will. In some, hot very common, in
glances, the mind appears to be free from the
shackles of matter, and to have clearer views
ivid even glimmerings of future events ; and
is otbers-tigain, the highest poivers of the
mind stem to be called into exercise under
the influence of the will.
.- 2 ; ) ."I am not given to dreaming—visions set.
dom trouble me or disturb the quiet of my
Slumbers ; yet are there some : things in 1
dreams which are beyond our philosophy to
define, or reason to explain. I have always
considered. dreams as a part of the mystery '
of nature, through which Deity conveys the
Wonders of His almighty,power.
1: It was my good fortune, as' the sequel will
sthoiv, to reside in an old stone house, built
al. a period when the Swedes located here
rind erected their peculiar style of houses in
iihrious parts of the city proper, then fiinci
fiilly laid out on paper, framed by old - Billy
Bean, and which in after years became
second if not in point of wealth .and intellect
die first in the Union. Oh !' heti I loved
that old Loose, and still revere its tottering
and dilapidated walls! There issomething
Awed in the old buildings--they are low- .
elated with the legends of the past, and. stand
as the monuments or former ages. ' Stories
yinumentble were told of this house—nanny
dr them were enough to appill , the stoutest
heart; and when the report , Was raised of
&being haunted, I smiled at the ignorance
dnd- .folly.of those who believed in:. such
,41iiigs. ,I , have passed many a, pleasant
flour beneath that old moss-covered roof. 1
krew op; became a ,man, and the .hatinted
liouie was my only patrimony. It was now.
tiloved it most, for if had,served as
. 4 me- 1
itento to remind me of other dayi and'eall
. dpilie - images - of those whose memories
dwell foreverin the 'heart. ;: Now came my
444 7 —dou4,t,ind. skepticism Tensed torhave
Arty influence with , me—the, reality, ,the
'4litit,''Or "the spirit Of a dream," appeared,
and:thui invested 'die mansion in the niatitle
iiiif superstition in - which it stands enveloped
:Oen:to this day.' . : ' , ~ , , •••
• I..,dreampt.:fin three Lights in successionin
iitiiiOld sailor came .to my tied-side and,
'ltitte'itii rise up and'giato The Swedestobry.
lit gOitno, - titid'dig'under die' old - Mitt - W.
.4Vood tree; . ; three steps from i 0 mini due'east,
1 ' hen "would discover:LW:4 , , whiclu;uPon
[ l ' pFpjfig,:,llytts, to. fulfill : the wriliten, instrtm
' ons contained. therein. ,The ~appeoriilee
1 hf the og:f,ioiii . ' , wii'di4..tn4—ie' lulu es
p )
;-, -4t diies.,:wereitis.onelongjouggitwAe4
1. 10s*, stood . at. my ,bed -iiide t .„
- f):•:,*.ere. - ,.**rlo'.. lin* in ,anger. to
bun..' The repeti4iM;'iiiidiiiii eiirne#
iiiiiiei,4ll'' r ionipiredloitililiw hie siiPersti ,
'O i
en,' indi 'iiiiisminecltofollow.,the vision!:
t , -
I . -,,
instructions, and find o6t, if possible, this
mystery'of a dream; 'Or' the - secret of the
buried Nix:
Bla4 Joe.
, But on course remained, and that , was
to dig for the buried box and, if discovered,
obey the instructions am,' mysterious visiter.
This must be done quietly and secretly, and
in the dead hour of night. I looked around
amongst my acquaintances to find, if possi
ble, +mein whom I could confide, but not
one presented himself., They were all wild
and reckless spendthrifts, with whom a se
cret would be as moue, ln their pockets.
'Their ,very thoughts were extravagant.--
With them, therefore,l had no chance • for
if my adventure should turn out a fai lure,
what a glorious opponunity would it aPrd
them for amusement at my expense ! No,
I must seek some other.' I did soi--one the
very reverse of my boon companions—an
old negro, Black Joe.. Who is it that does .
not remember that good old soul He was
every man's friend, and everyman was his.
I liked Joe; hence 'my choice. Joe was
discreet and honest in the extreme. I called
upon him and related my story, only bow
er in part. I did this for, the purpose of do
ing away with an impression he had that we
were bound upon a ‘.‘ resurrectionary jour
ney,"as he termed it. '
"Luck you., Massa, nigger no like M dig
up human bones; it is not Christian-like ;
and den* rni,,wht be dat,he come across he
relation. •.I,la ha! Massa, wouldn't dat be
a wood joke if doctor, some time when he
look for de - ser*ct, should find he own'ilesh
and blood l 'Ha!: ha l• by oily, but knife
fall d—n quick. ,Ha fha 1"
"But Joe our object is ditlewpt—we look
for Llios containing papers,'may be trea
sure 'itind if ypu will assist me manfully—"
" Why, Massa, I be mail."
"Well, know you are, and a right hon
est one, toii; so if you will go with me, I'll
give you five dollars--a good night's work,
Perhaps, Massa, if bOx be big, he take
two night, eh'!" •
".4h, Joe, you have an eye to a good job."
" But, Massa, you tell poor nigger a strange
story 'bout dis ',tissues& 'Pose ghost come,
—'pose he broad right foment us, and shake
he - ghastly head Z By golly, Massa, but
Joe go dead."
" Pear nothing. You' will go ?"
" Yes, Massa, I go--debit or no debil—
nigger never break he word, no how."
Well: to-morrow night I will call for
you—say eleven o'clock:
"Nigger at home—he never go out at
night, no how."
" Good night, Joe."
"GO4 bless you, Massa, take cafe of
1 host ? Ha! ha!"
, it, . .
An Adventure.
It was night when I quitted Joe's resi
dence', and; as it was early, I concluded to
walk an hour or so before I retired to rest.
-The moon shone ,brightly, the streets were
silvered o'er with its prideless rays, and the
gentle breete wantoned along the lanes of
the city, reviving and purifying the air as it
passed. How beautiful is night. There is
something holy, sacred and mysterious in
night. It seems as if the black pall of death
was spread over all things and hushing na
ture into slumber. The silence, the sombre
shadow of the tall trees, disturbed occasion
ally by some far off, sound, or the rising
wind, and then the many strange voices of
night, which comeupon the ear, renders it
at aIL times, to reflective minds pleasing and
instructive. Night! Ghosts walk at night,
—they pass us in the street as they wander
from and toward the gravelard—they flit
around us and whisper in out dreams. An- -
gels, too, visit the earth at ;night. In the
holy chambers, where innocence slumberl
and truth_ reposes, whisperifig spirits meet.
Their presence calms the troubled mind,
soothes the fevered brain, and fills the soul
with pure and holy thoughts. The smile
which in dreams plays upon the lips , of in
fancy is milled there by hn Angel's kiss.—
Youth cOmmunes, with hedven in the dark,
Silent hours of night, and the lean awakes
to throb and feel howtritly best are they
who Where lit Him, the great Creator of us
Devils, too, , are ;broad at night. 'They
are heard at, aflhours shouting, howling and
blaspheming, as they wander through the
streets, seeking their hdden and, polluted
dens.- Satan bastempleS even in our midst.
But let us Jeave this subject.
I found rniSelf about ten o'clock, in the
neighborhood f Washington Square then—
very different indeed, was the.appearance of
that section Of our city to what it now is. I
will not describe it. - •
<l,bad< just.turned the corner of Walnut
and "Siatli4st , ets, when aloud scream Rear
at hand cause me to,stnit. I;gazed arounii
and my titter) ion was attracted to the spot
from 'whence the Soundi proaeeded.', Two
mein held a y ling girl in their rudegrasp,
who. in , vain essayed to escape • their rude_
jcsts i and, wi . 4, laughter ! moc k ed . her cries
and feeble 6 Os to elude them. The-mo
ment I 'eofN "fehended , the scene, and the
position of the; parties, I rushed towards
them, and; aaing as r generally do, upon
impulse, I iniitedititely struck "one of the
ruffians to th e ground: Y Hie"tdrripanionl'a
stout I thiek-set ,than, ,squired , himself -Or;
and made a . ,tlespeNet add sci en tific attack :
upon ,um<- 7 the , young ; ; lady, mean , timei s was
leaning ' a...'rainat the genet, sobbing piteousii.
I Warded - Off ;one of 'mY assailant's blows,
bat 'Vial other, Which- my.
'quick s
'as .
<thought,,laid' me 'ild-tioate-:by hit:friend,
whq hit iinfill sago loktbb..entib.:: Ilalla uPt
however,pi, 4 instant , 411d..catlingi,tomy
iiia ail " Vie 'mileage' or thi) scietr.ii , and
strength 'Ulm , I boldly, fronted' tbairilly.=—
*.feW : 01574 satisfied 141 e, thqt. CA", hill`
14: Pa .i HAff jit, and liii .fine?fin,r,AlL, the
*IC 16 '0 4,tbeliittei_in a minpler,be
ttilitliiptii ' iTsociWiaid ; liifb i a 6ll4l)
neatiboddel ;Might lOren . looked , lllollll4
.• •
• l
for dig girl; hut to my surprise I dfscovered
she had fainted i
and was lying perfectly in
sensible on the ground. .
Not c f, wishing to he inade the oblect of a
watchman's , legal
s wratli,; I snatched the
lifeles& form Of the oor girl up, and' while
the vain rtiffiana were in the- act' f rising
from their " lowly State," I borehe beyond
their reach.l She did not recover until I 1
.i 3
reached Bth it. • I had Rowan oppo unity ,of 1
observing' mire attentively my fair inpan- ,
ion. She lens simPlyi nay, poorly lad ; yet
her bin:ablesittirecould not hide, that perfect
symni4try oft form, Which, Oespising dress
shows ;itself pi the Meanest appailel. 'She .
was - not more than twanty year `'of age,
beautiful and modesther eyes f'll= to the
ground when they ifirst eneounte mine ;
bin in.,,n soft.musical voice, she b ged me
to see per ho e.
"1 inn so eak, So terrified, sir, atl can
scarcely sta id—the 'shock has ' en too
much form
~" As she spoke shd: started
back-411er eyes were fixed on my face, and
her delicately formed hand was raised and
pointing outt as it were some new4scovery.'
" They hu rt y ou, sir. ' o,l"remeniber it all
now ; !you ,fou ght for - me—hie, a p r, hum
ble girl---and you , are hurt, perh s badly
too, on my *count." , .
"It', i$ nothing," I replied—it a mere
scratco ; and to relieve Tour anZiety, see it
is nothing hilt a scratch; so nit inure alarm
on miqacconnt, and I will be youi knight
erranti until i , safely conteyed to your own
home.F .
She 4 was hanging on my arms, nd I felt
the high pul anon of hersthrobbin against
mine ;Pet nervous fingers, agitated y fright,
seemedto pkess my arm with a gr teful
collection of the .service rendered er. As
we walked l ong, she told me ; ber tory ;, it
was'sliort. •She had a mother, p r, help
less and sic ; she' Was her:only c ad; her
only M
eans r , f support, fo which sl e tookin
tailor work and on this evening ,s in the
act, ofketuraing home from the 'shim, when
the rulrians attacked her as alreculyldetailed.
Her mime Was Eliza Williams.
t ia
As are w hied towards her h me, and
talkedl over the affair, wards t k ottier
shape 4, pro ably from the heart •; ttey came
forth in poe y, and, mingling with u lemance,
formed a thousand, little ftincies, Pich led
ively, tis it ',were, sought hers. by and
us on talk the more. lily hand
how Vcould never.tell; but sa it s. She
did nat immediately withdraw it, for mine
y l
it viastthat had protected her fro villains.
The Woman who receives a favo from a
man as she ,would a . toy or a pla Ling, tri
fles with thel human heart. I love 4 her noW
becauSe she was poor, friendleSsAand sup
ported an aged mother; and as I pressed
i t
her band, . tae motive was as pa e as the'
thought that' created it. A sym thy had
sprung up bietween us, perhaps 1 ve ; , lore
at first, sight i and hy,moonlight. ow like
a chat* the l bright rays of the m n act on
the heart! ;It neutralizes its eve feeling
and hirmouizes thought with th solemn
beauty of the scende. Love is a c eture of
nightj 1
Th4re is ilia unknown Magic,
that. Self-sate moon, and one wl
been exercised upon this world for
of years. ,1
Thit niglit I parted from the
that ever had the power to light
flame in the heart What s fi
were her ihOughts, and; h she £
night, s:may be told hereafte .
i 1
t ,11
ivi„,,, i
Pik-Ax, Skov' el aqi the Trensure. . t i
The night. appointed for our vi tit to the
old Stvedes /bury in g ground was a cloudy
one. 'park Clouds: rolled in thicktolumnS i
acrossithe - sky, and the` occasionti view of,
the melon rendered it still More unpleasant.
Joe, with 43 spade,. pick,ase, diovel and
wheelbarrow' trudgod along before Me, every
now abd themuttering , something to him
set', pditions of whith occasionally reached
me. 'i . _ • 1 -
"Dese white folk are more trouble den
dare d—n .heads : tare worth—but* A -box
full of papers in 'de ground—mny be he
money, eh? -If 'eto be, and why "fir not
Niggei do all de work, lie come ill ' for he
share.;' ' i
Our,' walbitias ai long one. Ati last we
reached the rear of the uld • Swedespurying
ground. There stood, Lathe periottof which
we 4'rl'e, 1 a little gate close! to the
fence ivhicli divided it from' the edjoinirig
property. To this ;va b te UcOnducteid Joe:—
In .a few minutes We stood under; the tree
designated by my mysterious , visitor.. The
wind was,nor rising, audit svhisdefl
fully Mtig the leafless branches 6f the old
tree. `Wien 'here. came upon thelear the
' loud parking - ..0 1- 114 1 7a94 the far-,.,ibft sound
of a ge-bell`'i - t hen eanie,the noise,.df wheels
--the ,gin • : werelout, mid the
,efiy 'Or "fire:
resounded'in the city;: but we well far from 1
1 the 'seine; a d hide from the viewlsf) those I
near, iii) by II darlinesspf.thinighi and the
thieltkliage ; round us. It was a toneseme ,
spot ilien, ' i: d, even
,novir, betrimdd in "by
house* it p„..ictit's a scene meditation
would he . ' free" ; front ' interruption - aft' it
1 woulddtein haint6rrniaableToresn; - 1
~..I" bay,. 11. _ ,--Ittoee,dar- be; 1
Olt - •14. 815 !14 nigg# won't- - work', f 44t i?e I
iilli,li ,Pqaboui-. - ~,) .",
"li * IAM... ' '., Joe, you' Ina' diat:`, ter I
brOniiii - ii he de Of good brandy . ' w4liiiiie."
':-i,Eht' ,- Brit dy did: ytioul 'lilt 'lfirtindyl
'Masai, ~lki ' :,dei# spirits, iiiid., toile** in
''.ent. too! ~ d • , .
, _ . RI . -: 8 44rct, r,
_ , -Aut:.M.liuricsi , -was
WILI4 .' bout dinl.tinii:liiat , wilktatkuPwitlk
0 0 4 1 1 , , n, llitehr Orrder
i t' l o4;4lp
lentil' 'inn' of- clips; ; ` but'4li' ' y' . .ii l ' de*
• 4r a it Ode : , d:l4e tlbrir; Mt dill pall Win;
.oilifelf—and i ' 63re4 z begin; i liatab,: legate
try t i e • s L ... '''.! . : I .__ ~_,..,...._.., ,l , i
icirdiP 1.- 1 4 10 -f4 4 , o 4 o ikka, ,Poll at
Iffi l A szt l e ' a, th °!l i P e Aro 4 gil li. gr.f °4 l-4
114 . iit tr e jl r' !..: i t a roi i t '- P e wOilk
i l
int illiging;.: iiiie , 4-as - ' :gelitlireitiiirid'
I h e
. . t i i ,: ; -, 1 -,,,,-,) , ,,,1- -,,,,, ~, ~ 11,, 4,.,,,1, A .
'lO AW4 had I itibabtriesehedthei. - 44pth..4
-two feet, wh n 019g1t99 1 kit , into-4,•heittt It
• .i ;IF
al rates otrtlyiirr i _eftc,* . •
Tyr as : stftsketpt:trk : , , .. , Alst . . ' sal
insertion.-: ''.':: . 'V »Y. - --.,.'i,'"4-ti., l / 4 . 51,..-5 . ' -1
Yevll,A4terttiei,iiinitV:lo4l egl _ __ 7
ternciii* notlo*CeOliki;T. , ...---ii •:-,f,' ~ .1 , .- , , .7. v .. f i \ ,
Quarter CelatatOsilli the**, P 4 riesit4l 0 00
lialf Colintist-- 3:: ''",'„':.i - G' :. 1 .x9 Bop
One. ofiiitzit„ - „v• - ' ,. .,Aii..•7.. ,- tlii.' ":g nOO
tusi6l. - qarai,t , . ,, : - . ,- '7. - d - 4 , -.-; . ~- ... a, ...,..,E; 300
Atlsettitieraeats should be , :taa,r4d.rith 0° as
of iissesii requira:l..'4_. ....,.j . ~. ,, - t. :,:' I.i -,!:, i
.. .
I aV
NO 14.
argil& wittrine upon;thellimPr*littiftniF
conduct.. " - : - = 'I i -. t
"You , ute Aommitting .a, sirt,,, , Misita b -
deadly -sin, for disturbii t tg that whieb-14 .
been l 'yirieltereforyear4 • Now poe n c a s ;
'pose a emu bury a boxlwheti he, live, an
he die, aft net he 4444 33 Di -: : •
....., . 1 , .
uc er tai n ' -- 1 -. . ; • 7 .: .- i l ' .
1" Tii&virthir be a boX is de pound and
de man be dead, ia itl not a sin to disturb do
box and raise;tle glio#l,)for I tell,you M :
sa, dis tiiith, : dtif de mo m ent may lipade touc
de treasure, da ,
t nartnent de owner will aii r
p ent ri , ::=. - ..- . i , - q } . - ' ..'4l ,),;...-,
.ii ,
"This: it nonesense4o,4lig Away, a li.-
de further !" • So sayitfg,,,,l took- up • the
Pick-a-reglad, worked at a y a good 're
low, •until Joe - felt aihafirediand u starting `,
he took my place and labored harder than
ever. -1 1. - l' •
"Darin .spraething, here,- Mama, he las
neither iron - nor.ifone--clarforijar must he
wood, dot's fiat." i -
Upon examination, irel found an obstruct
ion of sorlie'kitid, arid tci;l i ctirr utter astonish
itient diScovered a square box, deeply ear
bedded-in the earth, with iron i rbig at the 4 ,
top, completely encrus t' with Nit. '
" By golly, IlLtstla, but we hab 'em nqw-::-
he no shake; no rattle-I-al) money in dis,
any how." r
Having reinoved the earth,,Joe attempted
to remove it,;but found, Ns ,strength inadel
quate. Hi Seated himself on the -side o 4
' the pit, and asked- me tbr more- brandy.--.
The sight of the box, the remembrance of
the dream,bad so completely astonished - me
thafj 'stood kazin g on tole illshapenireasure
before me, little heeding the repeated re
of,' Joe for liquor. I Nor did I recover
from 'until a panel - ) in the rib
recalled my recollection. . •
"By golly, Massa, but you sleep sound;
here bah . I been tailing and begging for one
little drop of brandy, antl you do hear one
word poor nigger say." , .•' • ;
"I was thinking, Jo e, and did not; ear
you . ; but you are a goo d fellow and shall
have theliquor., Here it is:" " r , ~,'..
- "Thaftkee, Massalte gOod and nigger
feel strong; but, Masse, by gosh, we itwe
found out. Look dar. [ • ;. ' , . .
Ashe spoke be pointedltowardtbe Church,
and there in the pale moonlight stood the
form of the old sailor aSlhe appeared to me
in the dream. His eyf were fixed upon
us, and his right arm r aised in a position
more as , ,if commanding.than threatening.—
Strange Oat Joe shoul d have forgotten his
assurance to me that Ithe moment " . the
spade touched the box the owner would
. .
Dtit old sailor, Mas t!
earth lath !" As he spok
ful of dirt.- .1
"No, Joe—he is an cid friend of ; mine,
the keeiler - of this yari ; moreover, ; he ie
deaf,. and knows my bainess here." • .
"'Neil; let us get up ,e box—nigger tired
of dis."
1 I case one more loo: ‘toward the form,
nodded lily bead to his,:
~ , esticulation °fiat
isfactioni and from rh moment he r has
never been known to vist the earth or make
night,hideous.with his .;mum} presettee,
' even .ia , lerEAMB I• • After. uchdifficulty,iive
raised the box-to tbe level of the ground: ] , I
found it to beiron bound, and studded iltil.b. : -
" le'Sgone, Massa, d irt sailor na. '
Mt l
I Massa, hold:pobr niggei—save :Willi'.ave
him!" ! i , ... i . nigger save ,
~: . ,
i. , .
"What, is thejmatter, .iioe r. -i-,, ~ ~....,
“ Speak truth; Massail—speak truth, iii
ger beg iof you to speak truth! ''Fieerdis
arm—fetl:deseleg4—sehow 'em iihalre.:l
feel cold 'rand chilly; my ''lead- tuna f round.
*Was data maul. I look at he eye;„Lthought
den he nit like;earth. Mil ileber litOrohtsth.
• Say it was a ghost and FR waiihrirdet dais
eher." :: ' - II '',- ' -1' - "7 1 - ; •
Thialilug, probably thel annouteeiliettl f ..4 • .
the fact Would make .hi obey lay'irsitruc
tions more promptlylinpautiously told him
that it *ie.' NO sootier t was-the' iliaigt out
of ray-fmnuth than he utt f 4ed iifeerfalserigia.
and-fell : into -the hole: m:.whettee,spioltad
takeiithe, bar.
of the
wilted iiiiliatot the brandl i ,.toAet hhill„,outt.
arid befOril I` could calra'huifiaiigibilify
streaks 4f-the morning light were Cliaitieup
• ,t.he -wawa sky,- • 1. = ' : '4,,,.. {Js. ii ;
I T i:.. 14 I' a '. *, : = - ,
..L'is m elt "my iiatetitio 'tsi we_ the reader
with, 0 44ag r iecital of t , after ekentksof this
st?Fitbf , 3 , call , is.a , : t+Onlnea - all 4si' l4 4!lr
words. Wpon examining the box and .(ts
;eiliiiintsir found gold tit the aiuountilf,iiitin
tyilions ad ftlollars, chiefly in. Spanis h coin,
and the confession of theighost-ofr holm,
ed.eharriber.., He hadiwparigeit z Williaal
W.0iti . 0 5. , a n d. as an ataaSm* i Sor such
•iimng, b equeathed to him tliii•largeitiiii'of •
inciticy: -:?.- ACeompan,yingt,lthisitintesainniir7ils
a . .itilibninfCWilliams=the plamiifilitheiag
,arith:tipe . the ,events-iiad ' l raiiiitiir ed,; t asid
,#. 1 107- iMAgs. • aO-1 10 .0 111411444R* 4 gisifig '
Mla,,Jiiktats, Of,-ind iquO vfliO: 4 - ,c4 l 44sfirnrk
'iite - *ithtall 'the in in f ormation .' 1# iel l #4iCl to
hint:. Reader, WI ilt:il6 4 *l'thiillt-140iihe
rgsultof thiale O 7: Tt *- k - R .1ii0,.. , -.Wi11...
a l e
laalst 4 - i - ',,,.fiii;r `girl' : '*; , -
, -- 1:11t,ntl
t *fritir - ilitr•baiidtiof ilia'rii itilir*trilib.Only
serving ihiie ofiWiliia . - 91,111iiiiatlitriiila , . s
,he!=,..was4. houna, by Pa - .4asimiritireitthe
~0301 P 4,.:!- . ,::::=, 4, '. •'• ' = ..- ../:ItE 3%, 7:4: . wu7r.':?4:
DieF4'. jiiiitifir; ~otir... tePiefi l l i,!reedr, 1
14ionkl4CiilY, , :ilisititifett ' WOO: - hen after r' .
iikill*NOlitii**W. 1.1 1 1 cLos - i' te4„. !Ot. -
lterquaClite=f : money ~-,. eir-rigaitill'ltsay...
'disiiiite iiiit*eisacieit= 115, mrfixed** -
.00 11 44:*** -1 004*.ari h a r.4 1 , 6 4:**41:. -
.iiiikOkfecOtiCti# .to *se t4:Phir!. 041 = .
idri 6ii tit .----'''' if'sha' hs4l;: - ser.-' - -
~.„, ...„ ~_•,. ,
11 400 - 1 111-
liiieti,*4 - il ,
)1/1'4'41-.Aik. J 46
' a
.wer in
job has
•Ip girl
p lore's
t, what
ept that
. 04110d . o . ,„
-* 11. 41 E,"":"1-441
a, is a spy—let me
he took up illumd-