The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, September 03, 1846, Image 3

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it Popies shotatc.
- Here Ann ttie Press, Ithe People'stights maintain,
Unawed by ipfluence and mxbrib!xl *LIP
MON ROSE. SEPT. 4. 1841.
Deiniwratic Nominations.
w,O g. POSTER, JR.
of Gireat Bend.
of C'hoconut.'
hi Nominations.
.5 of Montrose.
of Thomson:
of Springville.
113P13ubsfribers 'to our paper who have
ieceived fii* the first No. will bear inmind
that the preitent No. closes the first quarter.
By our twits it will be seen that we agree
to furnish die paper for one dollar a year if
paid witkiii three months from the first No.
or from the)inie of subscribing. After the
present wee*, by Mir terms,- we will charge
one dollar slid fifty cents to subscribers who .
have taken frolh the first No.
Contrifeisional Conference.
When ato vtheie is it to be held 1 'We
suppose in !Towanda at some time in next
week:. Are; not the Tariff Democrats of Ti
bga and Briitiford counties , intending to ap
point Conetirees 1 , If they would do so, a
candidate might be placed in the - field who
Would Mee( with no opposition except from
the Free trisdi dough face party of this: dis=
tilt; and ire have discovered that the good
people; ereti of this " back-woods district,"
have, geneadly, correct conceptions of their
Tights us - Fenntylkania citizens. Though
they sdughti a modification of the Tariff in
knee partieniars, never did they ask Or de
sire the suicidal itherations supported by
Mr; %Ifni • W firmly believe that a ma
jority of the elect rile the district, prefer
ati applicagon of I the oni term principle to
the case of*lr: Wilmot If it here bb ask
, ed, how, then, did he happen to be nomin
ated in thiOnd Tioia bounties; dur reply
is this. iirii have heretofore exposed the
z .
iniquitous mactiiribrY by which his selfish
supporters tiere succeeded; and have been in=
formed by is worthy and intelligent demo
edit of Tioga, that he was there successful
only, (to use the exact words,) "through de
ception, frit id, and treachery:*•:.- For nomi
tions thus made, honest men can entertain
very little
Important . snbscrlption
list, made during I the two weeks of Court
which has just ben held, put us under re
newed obligations to the People whose in
terests it is bur privilege to. Serve. Though
this is the OthAof our paper, only, we
cart now (ion ate ourselves and our
friends on tis large a circulation as is given
to any part in the county. This result is
indeed cheering, and will nerve won to
greater extirtion in our efforts to cull from
the rubbish!of party interestedness, the gen
uine print ples Which lie at the fn#Li
dation of ta t tr Republican government, 4
hold them tip in held relief to the app i g
view of they honest and virtuous , ofeery
7.0 ;1
,iit life. I It is not expected that
our views, tipon eviery subject presented for
consideratitin, will receive the ready sane;
tion of all Ohr patrons ; we by no means- so
far trespass'lupon the credulity of our read}
ders ; neither do the assume reproachfullY
to denomin4te every one who differs from
us in opinion, a "demagogue," a itnabolt,l
a " capitalik," ike. &c. Liberty of set of
meat and fisedmO - of speech we recognize
as the
.Pe4pine's Common . birth-right ; mil
therefore, ttpudiate the *lint of slavish
obedient fez 4, which-Rix iiidentlY 'the en..
deavor of t i me' riv al editors in this county
to inspire. 7 , Then .we lose our/muse of pi>:
litical independence, we may, like OtwnOg
Sycophants, cringe before the power Of en
arbitrary little Clitiue or Juntlyof offfce-hol-,
ders—until then, we shall act agreealtky-io
the dictatesirf reumu and common settle.'
TWO:Hee& ''- Y , 1 ( '.-
We have r. tteen infoitined there Are IWO Or
three men Who do not take our paper, and
wtitt waige luch perioaMilime,in endetiatiV,
;q.t.° dissuade rit . front ;taking it, We
thank our p a tro ns or the inf o r m ation. - 'Re-
Port tO 'olSiieh t, 4 1 14';.41. ',1 1 °..i *W.O4:
tba authors t zip t o ~the ligiii,! i mbether:theril
be I Young or olds . We have tlie_*ortil4t ti,
11' l itY-b043 ktwn.,Southi antlivißitablish it,
tooi - iinlesslie is meriT4rittiet, ''-^' '"
w iwr
!4 e - 03se0+ that 0* Con cation 1'
i. "O
n nom- -'
taiitSiateis 'ior eouitY. o i.. ' i'sk e .
iestilied c aril ' P ' a // Y• to . hpikori the e; iiiii'.
• , , •
duel by Schuyler Fasset; iiii Represent a ti ve ,
44 .recommended that Ilryotning e:dunty
re4ect him. This is a mitd- Old Hunker
trick. When David Wili t imt was first a
candidate fOr Con
s iFoss,he l came aver , here
1 ,
1 att4 prevailed upon' our Convention to re
ca mend-his nomination, /or died with the
BiWdford County Convention which was .to
be . Oterwards held. When we concede to
Wowing it Representative, would it not be
m im e courteous to permkber citizens to se-
I+ a candidate without our interference.—
* believe " them to be fully capable to
umisact their own business, and quite as
hilrest as our Fire=prOof Clique.
Gen., and Parities.
Our litexiCaniiewri this week is quite in
, I
kis .reported that Santa Anna, , '
- on the next day afterreheiving intelligence
nra, revolt in his favorr at Vera Cruz, with.
hi entire suite-started hi the Britishsteam
ship, Arab for that place. We learn, how
tier, by the-tedger of Monday last, it had
. i ; • i
part been informed by Magnetic Telegraph
that Santa A4na, instead of embarking for
V‘4a Cruz, had departed with an intention
oflanding at Sisal. We learn also by the
latest advice#, that Gen. Paredes has suc
ceeded in raising some thirteen thousand
troops. The new regiments are chiefly
'composed of Zcperos and Jarocho—the low
est .
l classes o the cross-breeds—who have
I • ,
' been taken n chains to the capital, and
there, in theii . half-naked state, they are fur
nished with a musket, and taught roughly
land toughly lhow to load, aim and fire.—
They are miserable beings, who may fight
hard, but not) with the necessary discipline.
The advicesf from Mexico, published on
S turday lasi, represented that these ragged
s cimens of! soldiers had all deserted him.
, wonder. . They are as badly accoutred
4 the Swedish garrison at New Castle, re
viewed by old Governor Stuyvesant, and
ii ribedi by Washington Irving, where
ree met had but a pair and a 'half of paq
' oons between them.
The California Volunteers.
Col. Siephenson's regiment of volunteers
ire still encamped on Governor's Island,
iiiew York harbor. They ought to have
been doubling Cape Horn by this time, but
there seem ,to be many. difficulties in the
way - of an embarkation . A few days since
snme of Col. Stephenson's- creditors com
menced proceedings against him, for the
purpose of preventing his departure from
e country, and now we see a meeting has
een held in reltition to certain alleged
grievancei's which the present volunteer corps
On Governor's Island are suffering. The
Meeting was addressed by one or two*per
sons, whem_rnsolutions were adopted . con
denrinatory Of the course of Col. Stephenson,
after which the meeting seperated. We no
tice among the names of volunteers now en
camped on Governor's Island, that of A. .L
Ward, formerly of this county:
The usual quiet of our citizen 4 was again
disturbed on Monday evening list, by this
alaritiing cii. Soon upon th*ot, we dis
covered it lias caused by the burning of a
kiln of choice lumber, near the new Meth
odist Church in this village, which-was be
ing seasoned for the completion of that
Noble building, Though the Church was
considerably endangered; by timely atten
fimi and continued vigilence, it was kept
tide: Loss,'some $BO, or more.
We observed on this and other occasions
°ra similifnature; the prompt and veritur
s conductUNome ofour - worthy.cifizens ;
who ascended theN-c&urch like squirrels,
tend rendered good sere b ysprinkling the
r oof with water:
We understand - that the CO ittee ap
pointed for the purpose,f are now n
t i ing for the 'purchase of 'an 'efficient engt
Success to an enterprise worthy'of much
Death of Judge .Kointedy.
The Hon.; John Kennedy, one of the As
iociate Judges of :the
.Supreme Court of
'ennsylvartia, died at his residence, in
ihiladelpiliti 7 on Wednesday evening- the
' fitlt. nit. ire was seventy-two years of ar,
_ '
harybeett.=.laborineunder „a severe and
iiaiheul'ipor - for a long time. 'judge Ken-
Oedrciccupiid a
. tent,npon,the bench of the
Suprime7COhrt for fifteen or sixteen years,
having- . oclloed.i.thlge Fr e derick Smith,
and hnii . eaj oed,..inthe •highest - ;4egree the_
tonfidente'tie:hix,;Msmatitt*.and,the mem
bers or St*. The
members ofAi ; -1' pdelpida- bar held a
!Peeting . Oal***;: ... - (or I,l*'.'fitirpose of
Paying a suitlibie respect to the memory of
the deceased;
{i AN Erisad En Ererwatrre—An elephant '
k' el calgh* 0 4 iltvniaad aad Waring'. tot- 1
i e efie n er l anta* which were exhibited;ix! I
vllage it few weeks o . iic.e e in= i
trius i 1 i , seaPed
the tent wl4 being exhibited in Lockirort l
See atiy, awl being enraged Ili consequence
eif souse 44 having givenlini tobseeotni
.. , , . *; . - I '
4ided in i nis created ilo hale arape h",
P ri .",! lis , ,ie :first ettaelied,_;'!,,lM of
es, killing. one and gnaw% it itra
king milliner. T he , keeper afterwimbs
E nic
4=e‘apouidcall'i 4 thabyrrione,bo4A.
*aid Um to! on *tatting orchard,'-where',
lit_wita +marled by atrOng chain. to a'foll
ga" wee. :11,Tte report was that the ele.:
I nt **n e tt/ free and injured *nice(
their/Jun(10o, hut the partieulani were. not
Pitidley . Pattenson "has been zionisin.
aged by the Dentociati : for Congress•Zni
tI 24th district of th is state; now iepre nt
e4 by Mr. Buffington, Whig.
/he Democrats or Union county; in the
14th Congressional district, have nominated
Ilea. Isaac Slenker; formerly a State Sena
tar, as their candidate for Congress.
The Hon. John Strohm is the Whig Can
didate in the Bth orb ancaster_ district.
The Hon. Arnold Plummer declinesbe
nig a candidate 'for Congress in the 22nd
district, composed of the counties of Crew
f4d, Mercer and Venango. M. B. Lowry,
•l; l: trill probably be chosen by the Demo
iJohti M. Coleman, Esq.itas been nomin
aied ay the Whigs of the 3d Congressional
dtstrict, composed of Spring ;
the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia:
I.7oseph Vii. Ingersoll•rinititina
aied by the Whigs for Congress, trial Phil
The Next comigresantan.
It is reported Tiogit and Bradford coun
ties prefer that Susquehanna should present
al candidate for the next Congressional Elea-
On. Though we do not claim it, yet, if
thsisted upon, our friends may be I as
sured that we will furnish a candidate who
dill merit, and, in these parts, receive:the
Oordial support of all truly denominated
Northern Pennsylvania Democrats. We
4 not yet. know who are to be the only Can
didates for Congress or the Legislature, in
this county,—when known we will an-
Good Advice.
" Somebody," says the Phi 'a Ledger,
"lays down the following rules to govern
young men in business. They will apply
eilually well to young and old. Let , the
business of every one alone, and attend to
your own. Don't buy what you don't want ;
use every hon . r to advantage, 'and study to
snake even leisure hours useful; thinli twice
l4efore you spend -a shilling, and remember
you will have another to make for it ; find
recreation in looking after your business,
ntid thus your business will not be neglected
ill looking after recreation ; :buy fair, sell
Oak, take care of the profits; look over your
gooks regularly, and if you find an error,
*tee it out ; should a stroke of misfortune
dome upon you in trade, retrench—work
,larder, but never fly the track ; confront
difficulties with unflinching .perseverence,
and they will disappear at last ; though you
should even fall in the struggle, you will be
honored ; but shiink from the task, and you
will be despised.
nr Col. A. W. C. FANNING, U. S. A.
died suddenly at Cin - cinnati recently, of ap
plexy, 59 years of age. CoL F. was one, of
tie bravest officers in the Army, and, by
his uniform courtesy and officers
and soldiers under his - command, has en-_
geared himself to the whole army. His
()cad' will be deeply regretted in and out of
the. army. It is generally ~conceded that
col. Fanning has seen mote hard service
titan any other Officer of • the army now liv
ing; he served through the late war with
t ngland, was with Gen. Jackson in the
Seminole war, and lost his left arm in that
Campaign. He was again ordered to Flor
1835, and actively participated in
that sanguinary struggle. By his bravery
and coolness. in thal campaign, lie • was
christened, by the Seminoles, " The y one
armd Chief"
New York and Erie Railroad.
The Owego Gazette, of last week, gives
the decision of Commissioners appointed by
the Nevi York legislature, to examine the
two routes, for the location of this Road,
Oast of Binghamton, and says : " One hun
red miles of the road were bniered to be
Out under contract at an early day. Allthe
friends of the work who have no perscinal in
terest oti the inteliot route; are reibiced by
• decision of the Commissioners: The
Ivor' now bound to go ahead to an early .
:,. Hon. Lours MclAme.—This gentleman
will probably arrive in the Britannia steam
ihip from 'Liverpool, which left there on
The 19th inst. and was due at Boston yes
For the People's Advocate.
I observed on Friday morning last a nu
merous congregation of the canine species
in front Of. a certain " Democrat Office"
ojown town. On inquiryky the Devi/whom
(. ey wished to lee, old Towser replied, " we
have called to pay suitable respect to the eu
4gist. of our kind." Each left his card at
the door and retired.
We insert the foregoing as an act of jus
tice to the malignantly insulted; tout would
tespeetfully admonish correspondents; that
firticles,, sOmetimes appear in-the ;print re
ferred to, a serious notice of tvhich would
Laren - the dignity of our paper. .: "
THE DAN4illi , OP ME ~ - , , M 1NE11.-The llli
, ..
tiers are " continually; expesed to accident,
Owai theintlianteible - gasies'geaeisted in
thelieuhteiwineetwinetsia*:'',Last week,
.in the Lewis k vein -Colliery,. Pottaiiile, - - an
exPleekoJOOk Piece,' imtnediately:sweeeeded
Aii an eioitiOn of ChokePOIOR ~...'- liimedi"
- toely' on- the explesion taking- place, active
sOeselures wer e taken to rescue those endan -
gated, - ("noel tetiortivehT in number,) and
; o bey were alllbioaght init7af. the nines ap
-14-IFeffir. d e .a l fr A - PhYikeir Ineke,odeit, tai .
.. . g tklk.w Pie Or theMOroh!heexeeP
. Of fi ne - V - tit - nam - -Of loitit Tyle r..'. : Woo
the horses lathe mini Was also suffocated.
t, es ..
-"Greti.V.iitvThe lniiiiiiiliiitiliili4 - the
proccedingli of the coureof Inquiry; itt, the
case of Gen; Gaines, the opinion lif.the
Court and the orders of the War Depar.
meat under the ! . instructiens of the • P,rlsi;
dent, from which it appears that the Court
approves some of the acts of the General;
while it disapproved others.. His callingotit
volunteers titter lie'had heard . of the vict.
ries of Gen. Taylor, and mustering into te
service at Mobile certain staff officers a t}
he was relieved from command, are amon
the acts condemned by, the Court. In co -
sideration of the patriotic 'motived "by Whi r
the "General wasactuated; the Court recoil}
mended that the case be dissniissed, and
tlie4"resid4nt has approved the . finding Of
die Toutt,..4 Tribune. .
r.„l • .
- Okuroasu "ExPenritori.--The sh
ThOtinasiHi Perkins, Artkur, cleared on
. ,
24th ult.' at Boston for New York. Sheds
one of the.ve4sels employed by the govern
ment to convey Col. Stevenson's regiment
of volunteerS -to California.- The" Susan
Drew is taking in her firmament, &c., at
one of the docks in the East river ; the other
ship chartered is the too' Choo. Thiae
vessels are'of about 700 tons burthen eaen,
and the sum paid by government for their
charter is about $65,000. It is expect:ed
they will sail about thelOth of September.
understand that the new and beautiful
steamboat " Cambridge," which was bulilt
for Capt. John I. Turner, to run between
this city and the_ several landings on the
Eastern Shore, •has been sold to- the U. S.
Government. She is expected! to leave in
a few daya for the South,—Ba4 Clipper.
The _" First Unidersalist Society of MuutsSlPe rind
Bridgewater" will meet at their Church in the *r
ough of Montrose, on Saturday the 12th inst. ski o'-
clock, P. M.. for the purpose.of electing their cp.
cers for the..ensuing year. .
- • i
A punctual attendance is earnestly desired, :as
some important business is Lobe transacted.
By order of rile frastees.
- Sept. 1 - 4 1846. A. N. BULLARD, Sec'ry.
Liberty Nominations
Will be made for the coming Elections at thelof
fice of the Hon. Isaac Post, in Montrose; on Satur
day the sth Sept inst., at 4: o'clock, P. M. 'Phe
friends of this enterprise,we trust, will,attend to tbis
duty. By Vie Executive ,Commiltee:
Sept. 1, 1846.
Very, suddenly, at Great Bend, on the 16th UK,
GRANT LEE, son of Grant and Liove L. Trow
bridge, aged 2 years and 6 Months. .
The deceased" was a peculiarly interesting child,
and had, by its lovely and affectionate disposition,
entwined itself deeply into the affections of those
who knew it„ . but, like the tender flower, bloomed
but to be admired, and then in fade away and die.
".Life is a space—a fleeting hour—
How soon the vapor flies :
Man is a tender, transient flower,
That, e'en in bloomhig, dies." [Com.,
Receipts - for • the Peoples' Aittoeate,
For the week ending Sept. 3, 1846. ih
Alex. McCollum, $l,OO pays to No. 52
0. J.-Williams, - 1,00 " " 52
Peter Jqniesen, 1,00 " " 52
A. Gras-es, 1 , 1,00 " ": 52
Win. Foster, 1, 00 " v; 52
R. Searle, • ' 1,00 • " "i; 52
1. G. Cooper, 1 , 00 - 14 ~ 52
Bennett, & Weaver, 1,00 " " 52
Hart 114Am/is, 1,00 ". "! 62
John &jukes, 1,00 . '" "' 52
B. B. Jackson: 1,00 " "t 52
Ira Somme*, 1,00 - " "1 52
J. B. Strickland, . • 1,00 - ' • " "' 52
Isaac. 11, Feit.senden, 1,00 , " "i 52
S. D. CormAl, 1,00 II ~ti 52
Y. G. Isbell; l,OO " "52
Harry 4. Birchard, - 1,00 " ", 52
Mahlon- Griffis, 1,00 " "• 52
Baitlett GrilSs, ' 1,00 " "" t 52
Ezekiel Bedell, • 1,00 " ": 52
N. W. Brewster, ' ,50' "; " 26
NEW YORK, Eept2l. 18 6.
$4,00 fa 4,06
f 2,50 e ,75
Wheat Sour, per barrel
Rye Ido ' dO
, ..
Cnrn meal '' do ' • • , 2,62 ' ,00
i'Vheat; per bushel'•• 0,80 0 0,95
Rye, . do ! 0,70 0 ,75
Corn . do _ ! ' 0,50 ra 2
Barley, do • , - - 6,24 e 32
Oats, do • . ; 0,2E1 a 0,30
Flax, per lb. Atherican„ : . 0,03 rd. 0,03).
Tallow;per ib. rendered f 0,07 0 0.07
Butter per lb. Orange co. • . . 0,13 , ' ,17
. do, western dairy; 0,10 0. ,14
Cheese, per lb:, , 0,06 e ,07
Beef, per barrel, mess, • 6,50 (a ,00
. do prime, . • 4,50 0 ,00
Pork, p er barrel. mess, ' , 9,87i0 . 1 ,00
• do • prime, • • i 7,8740 ,OO
Lard, per 1b.0,0510 0,07
•, .
liamaperlb. smoked, : ; 0,05- 0 0.03
Feathersper lb. live geese , i 0,25. e 0,30
Ox horns, per hundred, .' ! , •13,00 01%00
Cow do -' .: . • 2,00 ea 8.00
Amerierm wool, per-lb. axed .- ! 0,17: 0 -0,31
do full blood merino ,0,27,:ea 0.28
do i& 1 Merino , 0,29 eOl
do native 4. t Merino , 0,24 e 0,26
20 Per cant. Cheaper than '. ever totrered In this
market'bethre; at , • • •
Sept 3d, 2848. J., B. SALISBURIM.
NUT and elegant etAes * for pulp- 124 een il; per
s' ll rdt jasi rec ved at SAiISSURY 7 B. -
Sept. 3; 1846. „; •
• •
R tbx lieetitifol imitates, instill at
CASI.IifERES.-ami &La*, elegetit stil ler; jo,t
arrived -etc ,!,„ .i i , a i ti .f /8813111n.5. -
Sept. " .
"WAIN, plaid, and att l ee d!m paca iih ea p at
Sept. 3, . 113 ,'!!.' - = i'BALISBURIOB.
ttiti- 4 0 1 .4 10 . 1 A
edit. 3,11848. ""' • -
T MST stylm.umi leis It
J l - 4 I Sept. 3, 001.
,A l l-,14 , Aalistr
li 1
! ' -
ii. • 1
. • ..:•1 f c. t ~..,-7,-5,-:..... ...,.. ft .-, F
0 -..!1 kiwis irriorlit:l..„- , r4l,..'t4liitra !Ili,
11117,1 1 8: 2 2 -.
lobar at nay's.
st3T s
Sept. p, 1944.3
4-s• Golfers,
sept N 1846,
_ARO firit ra te
sept 9, 2846,
just in at
Sept 33
Rept 1846 E4 l" 1 6 4 4,
1-1- quantity
nel at i;
sept l e 1846
11 • 11
1 111
returns thankito his fiends and
Italy, for the liberaf t Patronege
tg the put stunthe4 acid rec
to call and fake a ihiok-at the
THE; linimen t
dolt public
he has received
pectfullk invites 1
Nem and splendid;
he is now receivir4
than ever before
and which will be sotd cheoptr
Teredoin this market.
Septl3, 1846
1E subscriber, haiit4eased his
Shop,is desirous of snaring his
ants. All who are ttidebted to
for binckstnithing, viFaidd confer
at flavor bryayingup immediate-
He dislikes to make cast or extra
4444 this notice is promptly- attended
Ix the necessity of tryillg another
Mani-me, June,o, 184'G: •
ice' 11g 10111 THOSE indebtcd'tolthe under
13P -LI • —LA signed have had fa'
by the above no e. Unless immedist . itlement
is nowsnade x hal 11 bconder the n ty of mak
ing costs, indiscritinatilg. I'm not jokik.
Septy , 3.1846. ' PERRY .OENKS.
trouble; but,
to, be atill be
plan tocollect
0 ALt for pale, et $1,50 per barrel, at die ~
SALt ';--,, AtiCAD4
itfontrose, Angfot 26, 1842. _ ,i, l
' . . ,
°Ea fine quality,
Al ) ( e by
Fpw Barre:
Angist lath,
hereby cautioned spank harbor.
•g, in any way whate*er, my on
pay tim 'debts of his Contracting,
persons are also cautioned against
is With the said .John;
26, 1546. a
ALUperums :
ink or troy
JOHN; as 1 8
after tips datd• •
makin; any con.
Anbarri, An 6
Tilt Public
big the us l ei.
sortmehtof JOB
in a lila and sa , .
of the People's Adocate,
fan entirely new and modern as-
YPE ;are now prepared to ezetute,
• acing- style, all kinds it
e times.
at pricks to suit yri,
Printed on shori
iT';%. glare cif
fully solicited.
Julyl9, 1846..1
otice,:anii in '
the beattyle of the
;the People's patrorusgEt is_respeet
. bffent fori
W. Tattle, a g,e.
a reamlnable c
at a liqaral (.1"
Angpst 4, 18 ;
the benefit of whom it tiny concern,
e, at the Hat Shop of She late O.
asiOrtment of Hats Bind Caps on
ICU) those who 'pay *raptly, or
1 .. t for cash.
THE sabscri are receiving a laraadditionto
t4eir stock . cmids, which makes - Pieiriassort
merit Mlnal y establishment in togrn—which
they'ofer at red .j ed prices for IfEADY
Jitlyl22nd, 144.. • ,e
!at variety, from 10 MI perneit.
spring prices, by 1,
iDialsrs, a
. kira than
BRv)Ap cit.. HS: Etna $1,37/ ttp.l 'Satinets,
tsassimerdS, :-• . ke. by ,
AT °ITN - G H 'l'ea-;-6 lbs. for oil; dollar, by
; , - MILLS gr:-SHr.RMAN.
CO et 6 d. per 11). by fi
MILLS & supßmiig
TROI, Steetoki
. Vii,, ' RIAI6 I V . '-.
1 ,, It.: „ .. . I _ .._ ~.i
A GE NERA ' t (toget h er with the vari.
.L. - Qua trim 4.: , g . ) of the latest itoporipl . paten%
both ft. Coo . : d Parlor, at reducedvnees, by
1 ' ' ' ''. '
B. aAYRE:'
LEA ER - .& .Sile-Va S.
AGbOD' .4 , kept, ott 'hand, i ilwical am'
tnimely lo . r ribs ready pay,)'bßy: :
4 - , , .. ~,,,,
; 1 - - '•-• ; - llAiritr-:
MYS I • ' l '-'
Produce ; ;;;
Ilterch; 1' i
.I ) &4!ricu
Butter'' . %. he
'Shemin, Mon .a, -, - 1
advances on ' 7.• uce
••pay over the • a • - ,
Ziewi York, ''
TiEl#3oNBl' , ;010d - to the - sahabra4i , _by Note
-..E7 OF . .8001,, 0 ' .mbrie than qbeloo fa rt& are
.... 1 1
requested to .• ,d jaettle,, without. no * li,
as otoaols '. . . ' lum thelmillediate,' Wit:idiot to
'these ohlto , • ' . 1.• - , -`•• =:, -11:titaltitaz] i
A u louiro t - , ;. . -' L ~,-., ;,, ‘, i 1 .. ~..' 6 . ;.r....; Z t e,7/
• ivtirjll7 :NEW. , : :JOO, 0 •
'''''-- '' ' : , ,:', t:t < . e ...A. - ,,
:jrligt°oll7l ^-1#4104,0314.(1143C9 . , . . ,
... pre& 131_
_,lk.ol4v*De . , ,
Tabs, ibisi;4. 4 : 114!(!ti, cialfOgev ,Vc; , e i it .,.
red u ced IT 1 '''11"!1.i.,4-. , ;4-:.•,.. ~ i,
--- '' J ' ' '.
' ~
- . -.
, ' . Oe.
. '111131 , 1511 -, ' -:. ' ..11: - .1.-.41 -, --: -.1, .t '., ,
I 1.. •
4 1rdoie'n bum" 19-41,44 p erbarre 1,.
Qiktir by thel
- 0 3, •
nd Coniimbiliio'n .
„Et st. INT
ti n giyaiu ibo 110 4,4
Jhe a elld. ° Refer to flicks". Milli &
Tenrel, who wilt niisheliheind
uce tconsignid to their tem 1114
salsas meoh.lo spa
-1846. 4
at at
style anhl q slay of 4
tro—alio4lot of ol
;:omo at , lj
IES. If]
and; mote of that
and Alpa4 aprons,
SaliAbnrA •
alma. ii:nd cotton
will be pails for any
Rye, corn.iasui Flan
. Salipnry'a.
ti 8-4 w
& Hardwarei. just tiuceivedby
gt 44 , 14
, 41 1 510: 1 ;
.-:11?,;yi , Ft:1
ip '- ‘ ,,1- : ._; ; ; -
. ~.... .
, ..,. -- •
The ..4.lailleiUiAljbe Peo • • -
THE fernier. of Subtmehanigds,County herehr...
notified; that Mein:gest and best two . mat of 'V'
Phstighs and:lron Castings of every kind variety;
may belaa:ft.esh from tfiet Fmtnace of
a t m
P— ! " ‘ - ‘c, 1 ,
Cliespei duds the Chest - ii, -for C as h ~ • 1 .
Let it be imade -that* sire -will noilesmae r :,
sold. We have, too, the larg.thit assortmentiof Goods-,
in our line, a: .any Foimdry n 4 IS?Oertt F Iva. ),
nia, consiatrag of PLOUGHS ai"a u ' hill.'azid/
down hill, ull•oti the-lev'el—tis Wirt - . ' Phoughli,
Wayne County , Ploughic'sWoeirs Mil" t,. Bide
Hill Ploughs, 4se',, &e. too suudarous temeithm.
Post S. ed., ,ivill ilea fiiini4thAr.eustintietis with
Andirons -of, every Size withrWi ileileS' :Slay;
- Cutter' arid Bob tiled ShLesi qv .. lniiss! , itienk Fan- •
ning :Mill -htins,' and indeed every . 'ud'of Cast
ings .
that the farmer and hard yeo of the •
County may desire: Thitic.l.ll at
.-.. POST'R FUR ACE. '
Dfoutrose,lung .13, 1846.
.ap roved cregji may bo
excbangc4 fOrloim Waredat • ' •
EVERY kind of
made to ordnr. by, 1);
ALL Peismer - ihdebted- tilt-the lete -Slllll4 R.;
Ketcham & Co., will make expedoe, incloome,
tronble,ly ltendering unto Omar whet iaperirs."
The AcconOs & - tire ilithe
of - D, PO 'T, JR.
Montrolte, Juhe '24; 1846: • li• • -' •
ANtw tot of Leghorn and Sttnye Thanaeti,. and
elegant Bonnet Ribbons jOst received at
24th June 1846.- SALISBURY...It
F OR SALE at • • • I
500 Bushels Tinazithy seed on or
Otli of Septeinb& next, on
highest price *ill be paid in Clish and
Friendsville gulp, 184 G:
„. •
n - r' •
UNSETTLED Acconrit of lonia with
& Chandler must be nettled. isms
cost will be made. Jt D. h. •
Erne 24, 4146:
IFETOMBIE 07,01011114
STlLLcontinue to carry on the. Tido
nor at zny_old. stand, next Poin..
mins' MIMS," where anting,Yiting and
is done agreeably to ithe Wait and in
style. i 1. t
liontro.s4. June 14,; 1846.
ILTEVE just received a anion lot of Eng
1.1. Rath, wbicli will-bu sold as -ft:;—• tb
R AlLlftfla small boxes, Mee for .
Boot& Shtiellaker- . --shop o4Toxnpikes. one difkii
west of M.. & Wilson's store:
B sod Hair Etres.ser—stop on T
the t or A. Balawhes shop.
J. SEARLE - 6r. CO.
A good assortment of Dry %oda, Crock
ware; &C: &c., West side of Public Av/
Dealer iu Stoves, Dardware!,PrY Goode,
aide of Public Avenue. -- --
Dealers in Bloidsl Tin-Niare;.Statiotter
*c: &e:*-East tide of Sadie Avenue. k •
• •—• MERRILL ik ROOT, -
Dealers in I:litts, Caps; Fars, PloaohPe• lets,
West - sic* of Public Avenue.
..• •
Dealer Dip Goods, qroceri#,. Boobs;
and liOolibjeder—Dest side of Public
Dealers in DirGooda, llardanwe, Chocki
corner orkublic Acerrite and 7arnpilrel
• •
Faddonable Tailor—Two doois below. th
Stare: , : -2
8. - ''S; MULFORD &
Dealeis Diy Goisds, Crockety, Gt
Tools, &c. &c. East ale Pliblic Avant
. , ,
Cheep . Glc)ds for People-4ub4e
side: '
. - DR. H. SMITH
DENTISTI-A* Teeth on Gehl ilate. a
• all - okenttions un til 6 teeth hi the hest
lie :found at Ge 43- itichei's on hfondii
days of each sc.ceh.r
WiIITNEY;, 311.,
rhysietni; suiteoii; Aocci*hiei . ;,
Jacksoli, rav " -
inner •
4 " 2 baisd J - One
- MACK . &
Coach,. Oa riage alba Wei/
pikeatreet, at the oat
to servo custemep„in. - thenaiat
age Aftieleiiii"onflineitonstaitt.
sae, and repairing done on:abort in
& 43 egh Makersaid -
moot at . bis v glop a few reds Bondi
wliefebnililvti ,
PPY to - wait on
top TOUDderit. SIU4 Plough hi --
°1! 1 :?/ ( ? ), T,i_hO wahl
tk. YULE
• ttonteya at Law; , Office a raw
1;17.9 1 . 1 !t,4 61 r,- 47* LtriilE'h:
F,- E. W. HA
atauconiimies the MAW
of tb3 Coirtihdoser - --- , '- 4.-•'•
Tendig, hiPer P'•"bt!'
1 1 0 64410 * tin"rneatiiktist.
001C4 " e k tli f tumw ,„ K ip
t&soof:comrfillublie,lk*en ,
30E8 4.4.,'00
1,4.4*** 1 700 1
_l4 o#lol#l,
1" - ,
'' ? '-'-':izoittL 141 1 1 1 1 . 1 " r 4 .1 1544
- to
. •
!good arid - 1 1+ ; and
' OSTi JR.; dr..• (10.
. ore the
which the
ds, by
ed', or
h SuFaw
y Im, for
.It OW fit M
, W.est
! I
`aPer, ;EC- .
&e- -
, Nast
at die
=y ytsiltA - .
Ot Os
ix )