the ileavlt's 'abtioratt., :POW & BQND. . Office.o s{ nr F , : st,,4ide of the A"ublic Avep4e z )t ; I ' - • - TERMS. - -ILONE DOLLAWa year in adtince; pne Fifty Cents if noc. paid ve,itliin- tbree , months, a:naM'tletattntil after the exfiriition , of tht , 'year twcrdolltus , willtbe exacted. • 1 Discontitutances optieuaLccith the Publishers, un less atreirq - .."- ' LeftCritnne Tabli`allefil cm imsin'eak ihe utuatinsipast•paid to insure attention. — • Post )• Wilq:iliost beautiful of 4111.14164reatoutur,1 0 6. jucts j.s uuV. f lite great IVesterp is a:sen f flos.vfm4ml so (-Jar:memg ns to dazzle the senses!. tell roily ill>e esll6d n's .-: 2 .Nctei of Trri:liir. . The Prairie--God' Garden. forWied, the "world for beauty Ead litintiriu the air, Thtin , elkithed in its lovelineis, Anti called-it " good" and fair. are the burni ! ,lied Heavens, With all their Orbs of light ; lleigavethe Stars-the lustre Thzit they shed upon the night. ,Il mtdc the Mighty Ocean, • 'tts,gratidcur and its grace, Aral dive its mystic ,splendor 'At; a mirror for His face. Net ; nobler emblem halli He done :treater, none more free, NI symbol half so touching s the bounding, Mighty Sea. Tlo Mountains in sublimity- • monnments shall stand; To, teach us wondering mortals • - The Workship of his hand. Upon their iniglity - hill-sitle, remid. their summit high, :HA name is wrote in alory ••••• • 7 n power and majesty. • liiii But oh! the blooming Prairie, Here are Go4lloial bowers; 0411 that He hath Lamle on earth !:The loNliest ace. the Timms. - This is the Alrefighly'p garden, and the utotnittOriii,"Ft.Fs and a" t a l'utughi...94pgred in beatify WititGtritA'earle - n Prairie free. Speech 4f Wm: Sine on - CanierOU, of Pa., ofitheßeatiction of tht Tariff oS 1)§41. Mr. Paxsunzrr : I feel no little reluctance in addressing the Senate on this subject.— Ifiny owni;fee.lings were consulted, I should certainly prefer to be silent, and to leave to others moire able, more 'eloquent, and more - experiencell iwdebate, the task of exposing the inconsistenCies, and follies, and, the ru inous effects of the measure now before the Senate. piiough has indeed been'already said to prtfvent its passage, if truth Were to prevail ; I am in strong hopes that it will :lot defeated; for it seems.!noiv so poor, that there is none to do it reverence— not one to; raise his voice in its favor. But I cannot suffer a vote to be aken till I have exprekied f‘•my hostility to its passage, and said sometjing in defence of the industry of my State,'which it is calculated to ruin: A come here the representative of a State deeply interested in the development ofher resources,: and in festering and protecting the indukty of her cifizens i a State which has eipended more blood and more treasure in The conitmon defence than any State in the Union; a State that has never aSked am favorfroni the Union,. and which has received as little benefit from it as any one in it ; even the fort which -wad built for the defence ofZher city, with the money of her own citizens,- las been suffered to go to de cay by the general government; .a State proverbial for the democracy of her sons— so much io that no democratic' President was ever elected 'without her rote; nay, one which pevtir gave a- vote against a demo cranc.candidate for the presidency, until she believed tl.4tre. ono a settled design to desert her dearly ;cherished interests. You carp therefore, Mr. Presidnt, ima gine my stirprise when I find our time-lion ed commoliwealth- charged with want of de mocracy iti her opposition to this bilL. From our end ofhe wide domain to, the other she doe. , opitost. it; and if. I fail to show 'that she-has abinniant cause, it will not be for the want of defects in the bill itself. So far as she is edemerned, it can produce evil, slid evil only. The support of a system of protection for the labor of her citizens is with herhot new. It is a less'fin she learned from the fathers of the republic, and which was practised with uniform uitd unvarying consistency by all her early settlers. Her sons have nht, and I trust in qod never will prove recreatit to the, wholesome lessons of their ancestry. - It is to thii" practice' and to these lessons that she owes her present prosperity and faille. Vro wheie you .will, there is but one senti ment now iervading-the public mind on, this subjeCt.: I.t. has grown with her growth; and strenthene# with her strength ; and there is a cry cotathguphow from all lier borders, echoed froth every hill and from every valley, kohl her very bowels, as you saw the other 411iy, by the petition which I presented from her hardy ,miners , whose habitations are un der ground-: from every villa g e, from every work-shop;from evely farm houseis the cry heard, invititink as to interpose between theme and ruin, lEvery leglilature for year has i I instructed her representatives here to adhere' I to her favorite policy; and no man'haslever presumed la ask her favor without admitting the ,itistic e pls i d propriety of her views upon this bl/1):14 . et;- and I may add, Mr;I: President, .teoi. betide Ihe man what Magi his siticidat hand agaihst hey, now iti the `hour of her !, extremity. . • , I have 419. id her favor ,was never aeked, without a glefige,,,to support her views. ,Itrosi knew, Sir; tiow it' was in 1844. I need not tell you thit-yOti4ould nofaciwtteetipi . that choir but for•tli6 assarances=the eft Teiterat ed,easuranties-.-thather policy would .not be disturbed. i i You and I remember ihe scenes of that dap? ! We cannot forget die /lap and, banners which ivere 'carried inite prioces kiioar oflierbiernOeracy-, :pendia; the efeetiiiii whichresulted in the: ttiomph of Ouiliarty:. It lanoot, 4 Quoit:not te :be disouieedetbati ittii bu tftl4 Pf , assWances P.I T.-4. l ch I ,l4vte aIT. lud !-.1, tliat4riumpli Weyervrpnid ifave been oh - eif.` I'l reineinber "Ate - iirizietY 'which' •pe tAiti 41Ie -minds ofpOlitiectinif '-ontiFtlii" publicatiooiof the Acne letter; and . I .ealstot , - for;4 lbe . p>ios that, tvere: tate byithe leads , nix.r,;tor':4 l ..e.PanY AG' Porwi'ooo the- Peotde ^ Tttlt.; . • - .lr. "•1 ! 7 ) ..< ~ IBSE il l i ! s =I 1111 M MilMi ATOLP „,.• • that 1 , 'as evidence .. ,' i l •a . 4 7 „m ento 't a pro Wet!oin .ntereAt.ffsrconfiding.eltizens gave th4r - stipPort , ..likkond faith, Ind they expected good faith in return. The letter Was published ie . English and 'Gera*, in evety denweratie paper inahe Statn;nrid in ipalulthletS,l4Z..,t•bens t ands-, Every democrat pi:tnted to il...iwn satisfactory tariff letter, iind no democrat doubted it. It is not Baying too much-to ascribe toiliat letter, mainly, the democratic-majority of the State. Sure ly, honorable men will not now, since the hattle!lias been fought '_and the honors won by it, evade the responsibility, by saying :that too liberal -a construction was put upon #. If. it was wrongly applied, there was 'lime enough for its contradiction between 'ibe time of, its publication and the election. ;he party majority in this hall maybe fairly ittributed to that letter; and I ask honora ble Senators if they expect that majority can ' be retained if this bill shall become a law 1 ' ..I warn then now of a sudden and swift de- Struotion which awaits us, if Punic faith is :to govern - the counsels of 'the democratic Party. It is to avert what I believe would be a dire calamity--;-the prostration of demo- Crane principle—that I raise my voice to !arrest the further progress of this bill. - , 1 It Would be needless to take up , the does trine of protection to defend it, if it' were,: Pot for, the disposition recently manifested to ape everything British, and to shape our legislation to suit subjects of the British I Crown. A new order of democracy seems, ! however, to have arisen in these latte'r days ; ! and for the especial benefit ofits high priests II will read the opinions of the founders ofthe ! republic who participated in - public affairs from the foundation of the g overnment--who e - framed its fundamental law—and who fought its battles' in the Revolution and the last War. The people of Pennsylvania still have pctfalence in the democracy of those pure . inid great men;_ and time was whenahey vere considered as the pillars of Ihp democ . , risey of dui Union. , Eitract or a speech of George Wapiin,gton, IPresident of the United Stater, to Con 'gress, January 8, 1790. - ." A free people ought not only to be 1 armed, but disciplined; to which end a uni- ' foim and well dig ested plan is requisite; and 'their safety and interest require that they Should promote such manufactories tis tend tolrender them independent of others for es !sehtial, particularly military .supplies. j" The advancement of agriculture, com nterce, and. manufactures, by all proper means, w ill not, I trust, need tecommenda- Lion." '.} ;, - tract o f a speech of George Washington, I Vesidentof the United Stites, to Congress, 1 becember 7, 1796. I 1 " Congress have repeatedly, and not with brit success, directed their attention to the F ncoara g ement of manuafactures. The oh jeCt is of too much consequence not toiusure L. ,ii i lintinutitice of their of ip every way ' Which shall appear eligible." .EXtract of a speech of John Adams, Presi- I dent of the United States, to Congress, INTovember 22, 1800. ' ' The manufacture of arms within the V ' rated States still invites the attention of the rational legislature. At a considerable ex 'nse to the public, this manufacture has been brought to such a state of maturity as, With continued encouragement, will super sede the necessity of future importations from • - foreign countries." r. x tract of -a message from Thomas Jeffer t, ;son, President of the United States, to 'Congress, December 8, 1801. , " liculture, manufactures, commerce, , 1 0 A. a rid navigation, the four pillars of our pros -perity, are the most thriving when left most .tree to individual enterprised. Protection - Ann casual embarrassments, however, may "dunes be seasonably interposed." c tract of a message from Thomas Jeffer- I !son, President of the United States, to . .1 ;Congress, December 2, 1806. j " The duties composing the Mediterrane will cease, bylaw, at the end of the ?iesentsession. • la P Considering, however, thin they-are levied chiefly on luxuries, and Shpt we have an impost op salt, a necessary eflife, the free use of which otherwise is so important, I recommend to your considera tit* the suppression of the 'duties. on salt, Pncl the continuation of 'the Mediteranean ri4Hl instead thereof, for a short time; after ;which, that also will beconie unnecessary for ierty puipose now within contemplation." : -i ,, When both of these branches of - revenue 'bid], in this way, be relinquished, there will f in ; .IL ere long, be an accumulation of moneys , ri the treasury, beyond: the instalments.of i tiblic" debt, which we are permitted .by contract to pay. They cannot, then, with imit-aanodification, assented to bjithe public breditirs be. applied 'to the extinguishment i pfitlus . ,delt, and the. complete liberation of' Otir revenues, the most desirable of all ob- eps; nor; i f our pece continues, will they wantin,,,is f or any other.' existing' purpose. 7 1 he question therefore mow comes inward -1 p what other objects shall theie surpluses pe appropriated, #nd the whole surplus of i Post, a ft er tile eutire.discharge of the pub , l debt, and during those intervals when the Eurposes of war' shall not call for theml-L,_ r Shall we suppress the impost, and - give ,_,advantage to loreika over domestic' f nunfacturesl On a few articles, of ; more - ),,ivt . ineral use, the inpniesSion, in due seasop, will - datibtless be riiftti - but tho grpiit:intiss lokthe articles on ivhich itipoitis paid' are ifoiiign:Juinries, fpurchnseti; by those only 11 1 10, rich , Vulut - Au airord. thorns/Yes' 1 4 1 . 115 f them.,i. ,iteir, pay:44ooA, w 544 tl'rtainfy prefer itii.cOntiiitipace and, appliett '6ll4.3"'ilt'' aren' t :Pirposea' of' the - po,blie, it 4 pation, roads,nvers, caualsi , liind'sdeh* ' tk,_ okitof eblininiproviniektaaithiay . thought Pro tio tuld , tpAppoaltitAttioa-r Id tenurneration 43t: era! powent.," , , ,: - '4. • . I .- ...e : ".--,J ,-, • Ertract,, of A MP -l Awn , Timinalf ;I.Pffer ti ifa,'Fielident' of p jignited;*ates, kl l iaPongresa r Novetaiei - '4BOB ".. :: ''' i -eirnderthe'.4.4444 ' eirtrineiiril yntfitimeting-rarhisp the qicnlty of tpr t4F4P 3 fr_rniti:O i, rotil 4 1 0 : 4 1 FlbaNak; , , • :' MEM LEE NEM ME El r" EVERY DIFFERENCE OF OPINION IS - MONTRSE,. PA. Til EMS . " fa" The suspension of our foreign' com merce-, produced by the injustice of belliger . cut powers, and the, consequent losses and :sacrifices of our citizens, are subjects of just ccincern. The situation into which we have t ; 'thus been forced, hasinipelled us toripply La portion of our industry and capital to in ternal nianufacturesandimprovements The 'extent of this conversion is daily incre ing, Land little doubt remains that the es blish- I .iments formed, and forming will, and r the auspices of cheaper materials and s bsist ence, the freedom of labor from taxatioi with . us, and of protecting duties and prohibitions, .become permanent. lc " The probable accumulation of sur i lases ' of revenue beyond what can be appl ed to ',the payment of .the public debt, whenever ithe freedom and safety' of our cone— i!shall be restored, merits the considers, ',!Congress.; Shall it fie• unproductive i l',public . vaults? Shall the . ae venue I Iduced I Or, shall it not raTher be a priated to the improvements of road fials, rivers, education, and other great', dations of prosperity and union?" I I ' Extract of a message from James Mad it President of the tinted States, to Coni May 23, 1809.- 1 " The revision of our commercial proper to adapt them to the art iment which has taken place with MBritain, will doubtless engage the ear ention of Congress. llt will be we hat the/same time, of their provident cm li make such further alterations in the la' will more especially protect and fost ;several branches of manufacture which 'been recently ius:ituted or extended b ll laudable exertions of our citizens." I liExtract of a messaah from Janies Mad Mil nt situation ,rind: dispositions of L fiulus4 to,direct .our whole efforts tneaus of internal supply. The.public ries have therefore been enlarged, addi maeliineries erected,- and in proporti artificers ion be•found formed, - th fect,,already more than doubled, may ;creased so as to keep pace with the increase of the militia:. Er . The ;sums appropriated by the latter act been directed to the encouragement sate factories of arms, and -contracts r _lee'n. entered into with individual un ikers to nearly the amount of the first 'appropriation. President of the United - States, to Con Nov., 29, ,I SO9. . . " The face of our country every' !presents the evidence of laudable ente , !of extensive capital, and oklurable im rote ment. la*' In a cultivation of the mat rials, !and the extension of useful manufac ores, ; more especially in the general applicat on to household fabrics, we behold a rapid dimi nution of our dependence on forcig sup iplies. Nor is it unworthy of reflectio that ithis revolution in our pursuits and ha its is Tin no slight degree a consequence of hose limpolitic and arbitrary edicts by which the !contending nations, in endeavoring each of ;t men. to obstruct our trade with the other, shave so far abridged our means of procuring 'the productions and manafactures of which ;our own are now taking the place." Extract from a message of James Mat" iPresident of the United States, to gress, Dec. 5, 1810. fi " 1 fed particular satisfaction .in ren ~ 'ring that an interior view of our Countrj ?cents us with grateful proofs - or its su ' Itial and increasing popularity. To a :JIM agriculture, and the improvementsl, e' ted to it, his added- a highly inter h ' , extension of useful manufactures, the I bined product of professional occup4 sand household industry. Such, indent ;the experience of economy, as well S policy, in these substitutes for supplies! tofore obtained by foreign commerce, 1 ?in a national view, the change is refit c t s of itself more than a recompenss !those privations and losses, resultin g ) !foreign injustice, which furnished th feral impulse required ' for its accom fluent. How far, it may be expedie guard the infancy of this improvemet ifthe distribution of labor, by regulatio 14. he commercial tariff, is a subject IN ' , cannot fail to suggest itself to your pat sefiections." Extract of a 'message from James Mad - President' of the United States, to gress, Nov. 5, 1811. !, "Although other subjects will press ion of on your deliberations, , ii. ion of them - cannot but be well best M'on the just and sound policy of sec to our manufactures the success they attained, and are still attaining, in som kree, under the impulse of causes not Ipanent. 1, " Besides the reasonableness of s !! lour manufactures from sacrifices nil' Icli ange of circumstances might. brin them, the national interest requires hvi th respect to such articles at least a Jongto our defence and our primary w `l}!6 - e should not be left in unnecessary d pence on external supplies." lExtlact of a Message from James VI icon, S President of - the United States, to on .'.gross, Dec. 7; 1813. , !" If the war-has increased the into Top 'tions' of. our commerce, , it has at the 4ime:T.berisbed and multiplied our man ures,lso make us independent - other countries for the more essential br Os,'!foriwhich we' 'depend on am] is_taiiidly giiing - them ans..itent ' : will' create additional staples in our f • )ntercou , ..s ri4e ! :Wity' i fore , i 4 ga markets." . Extractata Message from lames Mad •Ii President of the United - - - States,' to. I! :, gi.essi Decj 6;1[815.'; ,-- . • ‘‘:ln adjuitint'the' 'duties' Oti - iikipin e Object ntrevenue,...the influencco „ rtitr' ' an- manufactures-win necessarily ' ' itself - ft:or' consideration : ' - gooey* thcoif . Makhe 'WWII: lealeavesAO' ... , - Oil*" aairinterest of individuals the ' OW% of their industry .and resources,' 1, ) 10e ia,this,' as - in 'other mases, : ,e*Ceptio 1 - thi• - i4OO, :o'l4'; ,POOAcAbe-ow ',, . ~., , -', • , --1 . +I. NOT A DiVFERENE 'Or PRINCIPLi."-4EFFERSON. ' ' I RSDA:Y . AlfdiTST 20, 1846. whieb.the theoryitself iniplies, of a recipro cal adoption by Other nations, experience teaclins that so many circumstances Must cone* in introducing and maturing manu facturing establishmentr, especially of the moratComplicated kirids,that a country May remain long without them, although Suffi ciently advanced,jand id somnrespects pe culiarly fitted for carrying them on With 'success. Under , eirennistances giving a a poiVerful impulse to manufficturing-indus try, it has made dmong: us a progress, and exhibited an efficiency, which justifies, the belie that, with a" ,, pr 4 tection not more than is dun to the enterprising_ citizens whose in terest§ are now at steke, it will become, at an Orly day, not only safe against occas ional 'coMpetitions friim i abroad, but a source of domestic wealth, and even,of external, commerce. - In selecting the branches mine especially entitled to the public patronage, a prefereike is obv.Mu4y; claimed by such as will relieve the United States from a depen dance on foreign; supplies, ever subject to casual failures, fornrtieles necessary for the public defence, or connected with the.pri inarY wants of individuals. It will .be an additional recommendation of ,particular man factures, where, the materials for them are extensivel y chimp from our agriculture, and .consequently impart and insure to that ureat;fund of national prosperity and 4:We e.) pendence an encouragement which cannot fail to be rewarded.": ' • pe, o the acto ;mini n as sir ef [ • in- La e n a u rlyi hat-e 'f pri have rta ! oar's eree ion n the re pro. , ca foun- I shall now show, , by the connexion be tweem the agricultural and manufacturing interests of Pentitylvfaain, how entirely ap plicable this % i,m, ! is to the prt sent state of thingr. • ; . Extract of a message - from James Madison, President of the United States, to ,Con gress, Dec. 3, 1816. ~ rt is to be regretted that a depression is expeiieneed by particular branches of our manufactures, atul by a portion of* navi gation. As the first proceeds, in an emin ent degree, from tin excess of imported filer hhandise, which carries a check iu its ow ) 2 tendency, the cause in its present ext , t, cannot be of londuration. ' The evil will 1 not, however, be viewed by Congress, with out-a recollection 'Allot Man ufactur,in g estab lishments, if suffered to sink rip, low, or languish too long / may not relive ivheri the causes shall have ceased Oind that, in the vicissitudes of bunion affairs,: situations May _recur, in which t defiendance, on foreign soureus for indispendible stipplies may be among the most Triqus: emblu - raksmeniS." Extract of a mesiage from .Fames Monroe, President of the United States, to ton gress, Dec. 2, 1817". -, '+` Our manufaeturog will require the con tinued attention of Congress. The Capital employed in then is [ considerable, and the knowledge acquiied inithe Machinery and fabric of all the Most useful': manufactnres, is of great value. Their preservation, Which depends on due encouragement, is connect ed with the high interests of the nation." Extract of a message from James Mourne, President of the United States - , to Con gress, Dec. 7, 1819. ' ; =II BE2I Paws, nge reat at- ii rtot Ire, to 33:13 121211 i y the !son, here rise " The great reduction in the price of the principal articles irf s doniestic,growth, which has oecurred during the present year, ,and the consequent fall in dip price of labor,i,ap parently so favorable to the success of do mestic mannfactuits, hake not shielded them against other canes ;adverse to their pros perity. The pecuniaiy einbarrassments whit have so deply affected the commer cial interests of tke nation have been no less adverts to our manufacturing establish ments in several . section of the Union: "An additional cause for the depression of the establishments may probably be found in the pecunia6- ,etnbarrassinents whieh i have recently affected those coun tries - kith which;our commerce has heen principally prosecuted. . ' ;'son, Con- " Their manufacture. 4, for the want of 'a readyfor profitable market tit home, have been 'shipped by 'the manufficturers to the United Suites, and, in many Instances, fold at aAorice below their cnrrent value at the plaes bf manufacture., Althoual this prac ticemay, from its nature, ,be considered temporary or contingeni, it is not, on that accbion less injurious in - its Rffects. Uni formity in the demand and price of an arti cle is highly desirable tO the idomeStic tijan ufaciturer. s of hich iotic !Ron, Con- "It is deemed of great :importance to givelencouragemeneto our dome-qic nianu factires. In what manlier the evils which hay, been adverted t a o inay •be remedied, and how far it tarty be practicable, inroi her restects, to atrord to' them further encOur aehent, paying. did re r gaid to the other greit interests of the submitted to thelvisdoin of Conzettss.!" ore por wed ring lave • de per- nng ha Extact from a tne.tigeiof .fames Monroe, fresideut of tlie United States, to ,Cton- 1- on that, s be -114 nts, pen- tress, Dec. 5, .AB2ll , • • . 4 k may fairly be, presumed , . that under the prtutection given, to domestic manufac tues hy the existing.laws, we shall be.come,, at no distant period,-,s manufacturieg cnm trj On an extensive v4e. 'Poss e ssing ) iris w 4 dO , • the- rawf materials I in , such , fast 'Monet, with. a cepalityt to, augment -diem to an indefinite clittent ;Fraiging within the csuutry.,alitnent of ever kind, to an-amdunt, 1 Or i., exceeding the deminid-i for home don.: somption, even n , the' most mfavorible 1 ytur4 i and to be btained , always at a 'itiod el* price ; shill d, ids°, asniirpeople ire, it, itlmechanic. Srts, , tinilin every imprtive ill -‘ e V Palcutated to, , Lesseil the -demand for, , iißdltlie, price of Jabal., , lit is manifest • hat , . 10T-iiucceist-in everyihriuich.ofdomesti; n- Witt' Army and-Wilt he 'carried, under the ne, went:' Yen. ibyl.theipresesit duties,' , att extent:to! Oteeti any demand, with' , j. d t i alai*. CAnnPetitio4mSy: tie•made up n i 1,, -.• ,•-. 4',- coosiderable:; ma6easia ,Orldimir'ptic mut ufeetores, , b diininOkir4 the importa • 1 . .foreigu, , . • I;prohatily tend toldiseni Oil ~ # ,t of , 7 e.: liiibhc 1-rerehueel •'• 1 : 11;' how l oler,,it laige : nor*ond l ef the rave ue whiClas derived runt lipties is miCied riots ante fee-, f all neh iiee; !bleb re son, on- to the Ps wise e sit= ePt- 186 IWO, El 1 ..:.-., ~,,..,...: t -, .., ~... ...,, _, ~.,.. c N. N _. 10 other articles than manathctares t ; 'the de mand, for wli h will increase witl4 our pop ulation, it is •.•lieved that funds . Is'4l still be raised._ from . 1, .at - wurce - * adequate to the greater part • the public expendittiree.,- . " It cannot' be doubted that the' Com plete put inte nal resources, and t ss de pendant we II re, for every natio as well o as domestic i rpose, the greater and more stable will ••• the public felicityt By the increase of domestic manufacturep will the demand for the rude materials at home - be increased; and dins will • thedepe(idance of the - .several parts of our Union onieach oth er, and the svength of the Union finself, be prormrtionahl augmented., In this ptocess, which obvio ' ly present themse4 , e to sup-' ply ndeficien y in the revenue, shoal it oc cur, Are thointerests Which may derive the 'principal benefit froth the change: 1 • Extract of a 'message from Jaineli Monroe, Presidentf the' United States; to Con gress, Dec 3, IS4 i 2:: i' • i 1 " From th best i linformation that have beentible to btain, it appears thaf our man ufactures, thelugh depressed immediately af ter the peacei hate Considerably fpercased and are still :increaOng, under the erico - agement giveil them by the - taril Of `.:16, - And by subsequent laws. SatiShe• am, - whatever inbe the abstract 4, tune in u‘ favor of unre trieted commerce, • ovided all 'nations ivou concur in it, i a , • t was not liable to be• n whichorrupted • by I or,. has never ; elicit d, mid ca , ot be lexpected, that there are other stro•g reasons appliett ble 'to our sitaation,J a , 1 rehitions with oth er countries, which • npose on' us dte obliga tion to cheris 1 and sustain our malufaetures. i Satisfied, ho over, I likewise ara; that the interestof ev ty part of the Union, even of those most b nefitted by manufadtures, re quires tb i d is subject . should li:e touched ~ with the' greatest 'caution; and la critical knowledge of the effect to be prldnced by the 'slightest Change. On full consideration oithe subject, in all its relations, r am per suaded that a further augmentation- may now be madt of the duties on eirtain for eign articles,, in foyer of our own, !nod with out affectin l ,cr fißjuriously any othelt Interest. I Extract fronts a message of Jam4' Monroe, .....:, • President laf the United Stater, to Con gress, De O• 2, 123., 1 :i s "Raving r l' communicated my,i views to COngiess at ;the coUithencement i: . jf the last session; resp 'cting the encourag,enient which ought to be iven terbur manufacpues, and the printiple 'on which it:should by founded, I haie onlvtb add 'Oat those vie* remain unchanged ; , und that the prese4t state of those countties xvth . Which we i have the most immediate piilitical relationsund great est commercial intercourse tends io:confirm them: Under this impression, I ?Commend c a review of . e tar i ff, for - the puriiose of at ferdingssuel :addir. °nal Protecti4 to those articles whi . li ist are prepared tolmrmufac tore, .or svhi h are! more immediately con nected with re defence tied ind4endence „ •, 1 - of the count *V.- i'. These we e the 'last remarks; liven as a I legacy, frot ;the last of the fathers of the Revolution und•act!ing upon this wholesome counsel, Coatrress, at that session, passed the bill know as the tariff of 184. I will no i give i the views op. tins subject , of one who !Confessedly the moseremarka- We man of his lige . ; one who, wlitever dif ference of Opinion may be entertained with regard to sonic Of his measures; isiadmitted by all to Ineught to the admiiistration of public aiairS intrusted to hit) care as much purity.of purpose, and as strong pat riotic feelin6, as ever characterized -any public man ;I!and it is not-saying ..00 much to add, that 'no public man, save'; only the Father of hi:§:Conatry, enjoyeda more remarkable degt•ee the confidence , and re gard of hii diuntryinen. It will readily be understood that I allude to Genetid Jack.' son. In 1624 he - addressed the A"ollowiug letter to. several persons who, had - written 11 him on this sObjec: Extractfrom!. "Getieral Jackson'si r letter. to Dr., l Coleman. ,- !.i " You askmy opinion on! theltaritl: I answer that am in 11 favor of a judicious ex amination a , revision-Of it ; land -so far as I I the tariff bi before us embraces the design, of fostering, roteeting, and presenting with in ourselves the _means of national defence and itidependeacc,iparti,cularly in.' ' state of war, I would advocate and suppo it. • Tho_ r t experience Of the lOte war ought t 4 leach us lesson, and one never to '-'be forgotten. If our liberty and rePublicait form of , govern ment, procured far! us 'by our rev4utionity" fathens i are lvirth the blood and 'b.:insure at which they !svere Obtained, it is sirely_our duty 'to protect and !defend them .Can there be an itineriettn Patriot, who saw the dangers, privations, and diflictilti4s experi ence! for the want, proper, means of de-2 fence during the list War, who, 41uld Wil_ . lingly again hazaid the safety of our coin), try, if embroiled; or to rest it for:difetseelon, . the precario s means of natih i net repcsoree to' he derived f . nr cOhlmerce in 4 state of war with tem,' = iniewer; iiiii'miglitTsdestrek that -comme • , t) -,prevent 110 - obtaining O , the means 'of de 'ehce,r,and thireby '..s ues el I hope they. is nnt r Elm!' if . :4tira I is; 1 -ant' sure - he doe• tiOt',4krve'to .eoi.ajtjihe iles .. : sings i)f, free .Or,n: ,Iffeaien smiled 1! on'nhd gave us li i rty ,antr- indePeridetr net same iPrevi I • Owe I ban ' lillesed 7141 ;it_ the' mean! of it • 'Onal'ifidePeadenee a . naliti:s al def - nii. .1f fralliniir or refuse 40 liii , the, c ) gifti Whieli . ii‘haii . oxiendethe liii,,* . fle; . l serve hot ', lecintmeatititi,:er 10 1 1.,W0011,, , 11, Hi Inikfilli , ' '4ii- iintnijilio l ;o4 '9)4F lAtiflis with }nine -' 6 4 4411 -Itiifdt'ciitt acid `copper —and give , - i 4i'cliniali . -nad's soil for;a, growing of henir and wool. The* bejni the *hod . sten lbt,onr defence,olliiinuti , it they'ought o'i halt 'extended-. tolliint•• 'ci , •: - .. (plate and. l proiOlinn;:lliat our wii roan ufacioriew • laborers war 6:toe. !acid* a l,fi r "tom - . ; 'don Irithih4ti of E" tie - , ilia that we ilia • ! inre I *itliiiii : i*: , p' boartaiiz: i r r ieitt snip] : iliosktiaklitig and`' *mat* iireics KC a - tild iti iteel Beyondthili I olook at tlii , tiaill-iiiill 'in . ijee , '- , to ft 41'10+1' a! • . er j. , • Irtlyerilser nenpi eeteqnettougly 3 , lo , er te t a a t 416.1'm:i— -d inrel OP Flirt CesTA per ,snuttro Cot Old fi ratitina Twetirr-Fitii arlditionnl for'eat.4 inbatipelit insertion. ' • _ 14 the.-prlyilegelef al teiati4n, nat,tri.exeeesl-' • Qtiniter Rer 4.1 eo Half colioro ° do • + lOl 13 ' 00 One Colturai, do ',, ittusiness Catle All} tliei eaiertisernents lerrt . ed4trt44 -,• na bolooiaksr ., Adver4Aetnenta should bo rhariteclAiiiili-thrlain3- ber.'4,hisertOna requited.: I- WM II distribution of 3abor, i mil , to revenue, mid with Ea view to discharge tour lintional debt. I ant one. of those who d 4 nothelieve that national debt -is a national i blessing,f4but rather_a curse to .:a republic; :inasmuch: as it is calculated to, raise: around the adrninis tratiOn a monied aristoeracy, dangerous- to the liberties of the country... This tariff-. 4 mean a judicious one—posseisesl , More:fart, ' ciful -than real - danger. II- will a k, whaiiis the real situation ef the aocultureit ? Where has the American farmer a market for.' M s , surplus product 3 Eg,eeiit for cotton, he has neither a - foreign nor a home market. Does not this clearly prove, when there is no-mar ket either at.home or atiroad v that there is too much labor employed in - Agriculture; and that the . channels for labor „should, be „multiidiett? , Common - Sense' points out, at - once; the remedy. Draw fronc.agridulture this entierldnindant labor ; -employ it in-• me- • chamsm 'and nuinufactflres, thereby crea ting alhome -market foii your •*enchants, and Idistritiuting:labor •tci , the most.profitable ac , ant, and .benefits toithe country.winrii s t: I Take from agrictilturein ,the United states, six hundred thousand' meni;woinen, and, ebildreff, and you *ill at once giro -a home market for more bread- stuffsthtin al, Europe now furnishes 4. In shOrt, sir,ve haver bear long , subjecthil to 'the policy o f Britili merchants. It isitime that we should become a little more Aniricanizrfloind, In stead; of feeding the paupers and laborers 'of England, feed our own ;t :or- else, in a= short time,' by continuing our quesent t poliey, we shall all he rendered paupers ourselves, , ',, "Itis, therefore, my opinion, that &care ful and judicious tariff is I much wantekio pay our national debt,land afford us; the means. of that defence within ourselves:on which the 'safety and liberty of our country depends.; and last, though not least, give a proper : distribution to ourlabor, Win der:aura prove beneficial to the happiness; indepen dence and wealth of the-community. 1: " This is a short outline of , my opinions generally on , the subject-of your inquiry; and believiri,g them correel, and calculated 1 to further, the . hap`pinesiof my country,l , declare to yOu I wouldhot barter them for 1 any office or , situation ofn temporal chatacr ter thatcould be given tne." „l Eklract of a message froM Andret Jackson, President of the United State , ta Qin: greeS', Dee: 8, 1829. ' , ' "-No very considerable change bus oc curred during the recess Of Congress, in the conditioli f of either our agriculure, coral coerce, ,if regulate. 1 - , 1,. " To, its conduct, so as to pry mote equally the prosperity ofese three t cardinal interests, is one of the in stdiffiealt tasks: of the government 1 And it may be re- gretted that the complicated -,restrictionS whicti now embarrass thb intercocirse Of Mi 1 tions could not by common consent be aliol [ ished, and commerce eflowed to flew :tu - those' channels to Ivhiclindivideal enter : prise—always its surest, guidemighf 4 11., reel it. But we must • v i ver expect SelfiSti legislation in other nations, and are ilie,rel fore compelled to adaptl,.our , inv# to their regulationS, in the manner best eiaeulated. to avoid serious injury, had to harmontze l the conflicting interests of our ,apieulture; our commerce, and our sdanufactures. :,tru:,,, der ITlievai these imp ressiOns, I4inv • ite, your a;tten r , tion ' to the , e.listing tariff, tibat tiony,f f . of its previsions require modification. ; i t , " The general rule to be applied in gPO7` uating tho , ditties' upon articles of i ifereign„ growth or manufacture, is that which:will place our own in faireompetition with those of other. countries ; and •the inducements ,qt, advance even a step beyOnd this poi n t are ; controlling,in regard to those ern, „La which. are o r primary necessity lin time of. war... 7, When we reflect upon the-diffiulti and del-, icacy of ibis operation, it : is important that. it should never, be attempted , but t , with the utmost caution. Frequent legislation in re gard to any branch of industrylecting,ita, value,' and by which ' it 4 capit may ; ; be, transeired to Ueiv ehtukuels, must plii.U.Pi be' prOduCtive of haardous speculation, 4t A 4 loss. ',. . 1 , i ~ . 4 , In deliberating therefore, on these inter, 7 esting subjects, local feelihgs and;jirejudices ! should be thergedin the patriotic.rletermin t i atio,n, to promote the grent,,interests of the whole, All :attempts; to connect them Witlt ; the parti conflicts of:the:llv, are nec,esiari z , ly injurious, ant ShOuld be;discourttenane4, - Our action Ultun.thetit 5h0u1d . 1 3 , 0 '0e4 4. 70 1 e _control of tigherlansl.purpr ix,ttiy • 4g , -, isiaiion, subjected :to 80 0k-intl Pueft-e4R i never be ins; and iv,ill_ nbt long, lain :As k sanction of a , people whOse activ . er,,payla4 z , ism:iirtklownied,hy sactional Innits„infe, insensible ! to that _spirit t ef concession iuyit fortliairanee - iihich gave life to oulfoliOe* , eetitiNte.t, end still sustains it. ; Bifienrilinc all calculations' of wlitical nseead a n s y t 1 4 , 1 •north,,' tiw„ 8041, the ' etle.t. 04 I* l lyeAlk; should:nnitain flitninishng anyl)urApn-4 whiehlpithir'mayjuso T•pipeir,aoh, l , ,i-.., Tit " 171 e, agricultuial,tutprpst utPtg,e, .4 - ktiy. 7 0 . is so _ eisoo ( 4 l i ,6 'l l . l eCled svitkevel7 ea* supe ri or Ili importance !R'ISIARIttAikr thatitl:is' f ca T et tF , P ec P 4 r.r- i 0P 1 44 1 ,4' #a Yimi particular 4 ik lrinciPiliiiii es :MatuirfOtureS and, 6 ,0 1 Tet*, 40 , 0 4t0 41t ' Piei 7il. l l4 fitilie Of iigricOur4 KO 6 09. 1 **1 a nd l °'qiit.FM - thOr aoPulettihrs:49lthe w# 3 4 B -: luid-610bcti of Ociety . :44. - iiher 4sery.cfi tli . fo*Stelibi care Of gove***. r ;• ; "lixthifitg, forward tO , llte,mio4i )1,4 fir distant, 10460.4na..31111110-.)°,M); ) 93..5 4 ip1ici. i,ll lifilities ( m,i ll 9l**ii' le q4.4l - 114$' ' ImrtaPo 3 l 6 44,Cistlitiot4leYiri'lltiOnt' *itli Utti..t i iit)-jkti!luetiOlr P l k .,. k-, l Trk s kOefm shauld,'eillOa' * ol o* 4 1; 1%011 1 '41 1 4 _the Modification Of tfillierill;: - RC, . , k;.44,k1f, and,c*i#9'lllPimPtp.llro4l9F►- !SR' ' Oer e 'Se '.:. *vett „ p#o -. the • C,CF 3 , 8 ,4 1 , -*** Agit c Oilliji7: 4l "! 4 •! i49 ' n ..F4C 4 -" 9 rACSteltl; Pt: Sorts? Aif i x4", teF.44,.; ,•,_ ~ t it-.:, ‘,4 , ),:, A: ;.ta,,,,vi 3 ' ~..: _____ tr__-_]l. A ..: li_.. , ..- - I' n .. 1 Nona qiikatowygio ~,-.ll,uove airium I, president, if the NeiteaLlState ' te'Veli-t Ottannhet 7ths,lll 7 43tku -.3 * `s. l -`-hfit ,lii . 1 . g n r a ` -- . t 1 ' .1, " Among the numerous calefe -, o f ef:citt' ' "Wad* die , teindithAref otiei , teitt rei entie-deserres spectia-twil l tn. -Id ; , - MI CM II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers