The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, August 06, 1846, Image 4

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    • ,11 : lc -
.7 ' , T.: r
r 14 • /I ""'"Prig' - & - ias ;••
' MY
,ef l rrY, nIY cut koPe l t
Lie blade* Va the
into illy folk hvalitunln 'Amigo
Its .peltsla strewn; armed t. .. .., ~ / . _
i , • ''rAke It , thefitim ee, iec t e .1 ," : 11 1 1..., -
21 to:i m f ame dq . 144 dam . , ..,) at
L} , *-t 'li r i " :glarnii/44 gone, ma wiiliei's' wok
+i;-And come• life% rugged 'wart.
-O .P
"' , ' 1 . i ' •i ..
" L . . '.
1 C My , eady hops, my early -topes; z 0 .., . ,
Tob soon, ataai Ye floolt 'l• '' '`:' '
. 1.- ' ' 'AQa, tile milienasOVes aim,
---' -
Ye ux; 4 midi-the dead.
Affection's chlim . " , it seemed to me,
-. Might never pow leastriglit; '
," . But now its eiery Ili& 41=6, -- '
4 • id,Y iloPos Wayik Welteo tight. * •
I 5 • ,
, My sally boas*, my early hopes,
Thyllight I can regret, '
•' AlthOugh theitaiwid harpreweil to me,
Thoele hopes 'Fire, idly Set,
Fort the lfeart
most know to soon
• How; idle i s its dream,
- ' Those hopes had cimered my early griet!e,
In' 'a tum4tous 141431/111.
iKy 'f ly hopliel, my early bop", -
lif ter
A lesson ye *1 taught,
That happiness is but a name,
. L , That life witli Ws is filmed, '
Tetea mei. where to i place a hope,
Whi h time rilight ne'er dispel,
• To place my hope in heiven above,
hope in (all . well.
Sr. Lots. " • :
A - mai •,. and curious circumstance
Recurred_ abon two years ago in Palermo,
thistles; into t ie shade the budget, the
tocracy and 4ie Press. For the allotted
nine dais due Wo every wonder, the whole
,city taled of hothing but Signora Crozzi
di liforto. She is a lady of about tweak*
, years of age, tier person 'beautiful and ex
quisitely propottioned, her complexion white
and pure as snow, and her voice soft as a
syren's.l She 63 distinguished alike by gen
ins an/ accorUplishments. She plays on
theiliar fort 4 like De Meyer, sings like
Madernoiselle elcey, and dances like Mad
etnoiselle Augifsta. Her fortune, moreover,,
is $3()0,000 a fear—an excellent heart and:
. i ti spotless fanie. But as fatal ce
. ill-chan'
would have it+(such was 'the story which .:
_speedily sprerut through Palermo on the ai- '
`rival of'the *and eccentric stranger, who
,was the,only daughter of very wealthy Rus
sian parents, though born in France)—her
mother, about ttwenty years of age saw a
' display ,of the Pharitasnigoria, and was so
strongly strucl4with one horrible spectacle
in particulars, that after eight months she
Inn' debvered of a child who would have
'seen beautiful ks an angel, if she had not
-been born with; the strange bin horrible de
formity of a skeleton hand and a:face,like
that of a skull!! • -
. The sensation awakened 14 so extraordi
nary a case, anO so extraordinary a person
among ' the Sfeilians, may be imagined.
The lady was known to be the perfection of
all loveliness hi every respect but these fa
tal particulars. 1 She was reputed, also, to
be wayward land very fearless and , in,.
dependent, an now the sole mistress of
her own liberty and' an enormous fortune.
She kept her fiice covered with-a mask and
veil, and the fluful. skeleton hand carefully
gloved. - ' -
' It was not fang before, in spite of these
rumored but unforeseen deformities, her
great wealth, stitgularity and other Charms,
,attracted many a suiter to her mystrrimis
but golden shri?e—especially gentlemen of
small fortune, and high nobility, whom the
three hundred; thousand a year could have
reconciled to he embraces of the eldest
daughter of Ltieifer . himself—but they had
all a fearful trial to undergo before the covr
, etted prize whs to be won. • The Venus
with the face of a scull—the Crozzi di Mos
to—receives aithoute taller lovers, her face
covered with the perpetual mask and veil.
She sings,. dances, enchants, transports,
when extigy is at its full heights, she
suddenly lays iside her glove, and reveals
first the sacrifi4ed hand, the hand of a skel
eton I Some rashionlble , lovers have been
known to endure thishorrihle spectacle with
an unflinching:ieourage ; but when this wr
derfal creaure*ho appeared sometimes al
most to derive IC strange gratification from the
exercise of thni dreadful power to appal
and rulie, went a step farther, and raised
her v eiland took °Titer mask, no one , had
la bffen found with nerves equal to the fear
ful trinl. Fortiine, genius, wit, grace, good
• mess, lorelineruißf form,' mind - and heart,
were all hastily and shudderingly reigned,
rather . than encounter the hideous fate of a
life-uniou with.!dtat.hidiotts band and head
i pf Death I.L-Intiviiiii soldiers who had dared
the dread Kid; of Terrors many a time
when appearing , in A bis .own ,grimest form
shrank 'hack appalled, as well they .might,
before her siOsening features, when thus re
vealed in . numittroes tonibilkiiM with "all
the other point* charms - 4. Maiden youth
and Inveliness,
~,e-Lt : I ..1,, t 1.?
, .„, At last the isidyJnet ~ with a: - lover-whose
passion ihe heielf could Ind did return';' a
lever who she,* have.heen worthy indeed
of ,her, even hadnot the perfection of-her
"kriia, of b oth salad and person, been mar
.red by the ' fit4 .defects I have described.
Generous,:tanblepiecixaplisiied ' and intellect
littd, after - visiting her from the curiosity iiiill
`iiibich all Pair* o was possessed, the mys
terious interest liatached to her:-rcompassion
for so unhappy* - . 4.i.5e, riotl4 on the itti
'Xending bead Of one sti miiirMesi,in every
other delight lin the singular
-„paterpi fitinincgand the admirable qualities
i ru
of heartiskiyiislayed, soon '-' converted 'the
Iligid - dir,07e . ,:.,, Mooiitt . 1 .- Widt 'Which he
Sige, , 1 0 1 4- i s . 6 , ,fervent and audted
Ear•thelrst: time - the, lady' felt herself
loved aslshe. - • • * . -fif,ihs first .time - re
.41'0=40 - :f • -*I suliPoo l 4lti a =
.:Jr or thitiSactime
terseif, - - oftke Opitsd ?And to which
tbeattacbiiiiiiiffiliciii iebti*Ok her hand
ciiiis to_bi.**Sta: ,*iiiiiinhOess-, -, ;she Aid
40-14 k Semi ilie iiiestwath sl,4 t
tack whoolLibiteld hisis , .'breilould ha! e to
, Isebskliinvewwbilesbel ,l * - ow4
416,4 if* idit et ii ' isroaliadoeilpoo
iiis. -- aresTemath.oo,Asiliiii*OW - thit le
) o eikheT i obeartpt":. .:lialvOrt i racr
A)ilid . lls iii - . Fully
% ,
‘ 1.110% . 4•1
lastAttlitSin'acriq and derouop nt.his love
Lodi ,;.piii!e: ioni, o nature
tafilie' ii iiiilidesligpon which it i'ia_liestowed,
tonsented bridal , - though.shei&aiii,that
nifit,lendanger its cmnpletion'by
revealing tolnin the fatal secret or Iher,flice
- glean-until:after he should,hareihecOme
irrevocably husband. He might then
imeall,`everV:diough he should iian'thi in
staat fly fronNer in horror and &IO She
would, at legit, have once been iii ,Wife
and Should, at least, have incurred' thettitle
both to the happiness of bearing -his name,
and to that oft llyroving npc n'a large
share of that!sitealth; the fad imssessikmt of
which attracted's°_ many suitors tonworthy
of it,aud lii:a . wprd the inatrizige, con
tractw4 signell, the lady insistieg pp be
iriowing,ippon her reluctant, husband half of
her enormous estate&
"When:ever . you will no longer suffer
* n ab; said, "to be your wife,' libel] have,
in tint depth to which that sentence will
dOcim me, .the comfort of having made hap
fiiebes the only man 1 IfiveloVed,
or coOt love, and he will, at least, repay
mewitli a few tears to my memory." '
The nuptial day arrives. This eintalar
eirenforiy is completed,,,ln the midst of an
extraordinary magnificence and, splendor.
The. fatal veil which hid the mysterious face
of the •Crozzi de Morto glisteal with dia
monds. Theorties, return front church . ,
and the husband kneels before his wife, to
encounter that 'dread ordeal which none
have before encountered and preyed equal
to endure. Sh 4 raises her hand to unclasp
tie fastening o her . mask. What an in
oirgik, hr Ora-nrinbliar husbandc -whose
heart almost ceases An. beat, r and whose
countenance becomes stamped with a dead
ly- paleness, as if already in reflection of
that Which ,he is about to toehold ! The
mask at last Anne, and one' instantaneous
glance, suffices, reveal to him the whole
mystery of Crozzi de Morto.—Theough,
tearsof happiness, it is a, face of almostan
gelic-beauty that is smiling on him !
. The truth was, that the sigular and eccen-
• . -creature had carried out the caprice of
wearing !rwo masks, the tinder one represen
ting indeed a scull—her object being to pro
tect tterselffrom the arts 'of those unworiliv
suitors, whose attraction would be her enor
mous wealth ilone, and to make choice of
one who should love her as she would be
loved, for her mind and heart alone: She
had also made t glove for one hand, curi
ously fashioned to resemble the hand of a
skeleton. With these she had effectually
frighiened off all those upon whom, with
her quick powers of discernment of char
acter,\ e had herself no disposition to be
stow tha hand.
,She had come to Palermo
from Nap , having come originally from
France, where, as I have before said, she
was born of Russian parents.—This curious
history of the _ Crozzi di Morto, or" Death
Head," has already moved the genius Of
all the authors of Sicily, besides having
served as a theme for the celebrated poets of
the large Italian theatres.
• i
Duties to !Society mad to Ourselves.
The; truly . polite mast be an habitually
cheerful person. But cheerfulness, it will
be said is a matter of temperament and of
circutnatance. Then if we possess it not,
we sholild cultivate it as a duty.
There is no word in our language more
commonly used, nor any One less defined or
less understood than "happiness." It is
sometiMes taken to mean pleasurable sensa
tions derived through the senses; sometimes
it means a pecidiaf state of mind. Perhaps
't is easier to tell - what happiness is not, than
what, it is. The most perfect health is not
happiness unless one has something to do.
Health and riches do not make one happy.
These accidents of being father excite crav
ings for enjoyment. They are means, not
ends.' A rich man can ride but one horse,
or sit but iu one coach, or eat but one din
ner, or wear but one suit of garments, or live
but in one house at a time. Persons in
moderate circumstances can do the same.
Health, riches, power, and distinction, do
not make happiness. , Distinetion trouble
it,ltai,imire pains than pleiiures: it
is jealous, envious and distrustful. - Power
does not make one happy;, it demands the
most busy watchfulness to keep it. If lost,
its absence is often followed by painful suf
fering, and the posseision of it is always ac
companied by the fear of losing it. Riches
are,sometimes regarded as means of ana
-1 blingline to • live iti elegant luxury, and even
in voluptuous enjoyment. This is no way
to be happy ;• the appetites soon beeomet:sa
tiated ; the stomach wears; the sektses are
palled; diseases; come; the body ,may be
racked on a velvet couch as well - its oafs
straw bed.
Is there, then, any. such thing as happi
ness I There , must be such a thing, or the
laws of nature,_ which provide for physical,
intellectual and : moral being, are false and
deceitful, and the gift of revelation iS a fable.
If there be stitch a thing his happiness, it
will be found in that knowledge of and obe
dience to the laws of nature which make
imilth, physical and spiritual. - It' will be
&mall in obeying the propensity to fiction, to
some coatinuous, useful end; that is, in pur
staimpensonz.,tsl,r some. one Of....the, man): vo
eatitki la iocteywhich-leind sicnie one's
selfrespeet and peace of triad, and which
tend *lsis to eouilmon good.
Bat tbere may be disappoictraents,
luck, and causes of mortification and sorrow.
These, we apprehend, do not serioasly dis
turb any well-regulated mind when there is
a cot imiotemliss that no reasonable
or.prUclenci would have discovered and pee
vented die - .
Perfect happiness in this world,' it must
eVer beposeitilioerefi, is not to be, expected;
the onlihappnipeif thai we can ireuily attain,
contented tramilliffor
mindfnudersdb i the 'ilioeks. and changes of
Aisportallife. There is a point called the
happy sisdiaa and this should be the aim
liftman itirsi*nciitei, pioderate in
.for.exaniiiii, takio no. ,amusement /is
hadyfer it deprives-the mind* needful rest
and mereadiniP it t ii bad to be
IdtpOrtherlivOq`'dik.o alailietie l 4lo then
,:eitt*s : objects are lost' em i t ,The
tratiplan is to .take.-aniusement in minders
don; ft r ; . ..?
Y i letrY' O
j fiwe a nrl
a;ir. nthenre t id t 1 Munch" 4 / 1 9ht :Pres e :
whowi l
a pitl/4filecoo4.
cad** I
tings ' iha"411 7 411 . I
is sine 14) de-
To be too' u ' l4 "elTy
i14:1 5, 5 , 1" 7:: ' 4.7.;(-N r< - i-tri i• t‘ 40 ' fa- •
terrott . e, the l himatt, l enviteter.,,,m . !licit
0v9 . .. Pi 4 6 41"raP.i, L 'M ul ii 1 10 ti b i laliiit ab
titrqtuai)4oevalpa *Ws: on* other aid
a, reftii.,,fplita - life ; .',vt . eakiits the mind,
ho #o Bs 4fii , fttfOespid eeeentrleities,
if ' tidt 'to Aylio " bane, and. ends . in some
instalicO,Wple e rr
_owing it from. its
b alfl. 4P t •'. , ftuilt il k , .. !,1....1b .- i ti '! l P l r e 1ti 1 11C !' „, , ,, ,,, „
r„,..., ,-, :,.; •, - ,.in.c..) rq , i •. _.
be ,eitiivagandi., gay, in . it , - srptid
whet* o:inatty iiililuKitharciund - ohr- . every
eteo,tand so Paily onerous 0100 clikm pti
1 1
;ilex; *
ion, wrong ;so it to !)e alwaykie
rine( seeing' that the world" glik, con ti t r all
theluaterials of much hnppmess . , What is
peopWii, tha t
. we should be unifopitli.chiet ,
fui *flout letting our cheerfulneis run into
, frivOhty, tit-, if We have cause to grieve; that
we should grieve With moderation, believinf
that ik benignant Providence will make al
righ t in the end.
An instrument which discourses mu-i
eih siinilar to that produced by n band of win
an stringed instruments, has been invente
in Stiltintore. It ling notuppeared in pfiblict
Tim;Bible is a Divine encyclopedia in it
self I It contains history the most authentie
and ancient, tracing , back' to the first crea4
Lion q our world ; and prophecy the inns
impaclunt and interesting, traced forward t
its fi at consummation ; journeys , surpassin L
all o tters in 'the marvelousness of their ad 4
vent4rel; and the dignity of their guide, for
therwere marked by miracles at every stet}
and in every moment directed by Gal; the
travels of the most distinguished . mission
arie4,—the first preachers of the 'Gospel ;
and the lives of the most illustrious person'
ages including the biography of the Son of
Goth; :events more wonderful than romance
eveoimacrined ; and stories, more faseinatt
ing Ottu fancy ever sketched ; the finest
specimen of poetry and eloquence, of sound
phildsophy and solid argument ; models of
virtu the• most attractive; and maxims of
wisdbm the most profound, forms of prayer
the tiiost appropriate in every variety of spit . .
itual:lexperienee ; and songs of praise, that
would not be unworthy of an angels tongue;
precipts of unparalleled importance, and
_ leS Of unrivalled beauty
_; examples of
cons stent piety, suited to every situation;
and essons of Divine instruction adapted to
ever age.—Rcv. Hugh JVhite.
• Sljall i we scold? Our ideas in answer to
this question are well expressed in a para 7
graph we find, uncredited in an exchange,
which says :—" Scolding has neither reason,
religlon, common sense, nor experience, to
recommend it,,while there are reasons,many
and mighty to justify its -total abolition. it
- sour4 the temper of the children; so that one
thor4ugb scolding prepares the way for tyro or
thred more. It sours your temper provided§4lVtALwliich is a. question, if you-are
pronb to scold ; and thus tire more you
scol, the more you will have to scold, and
becapse you have become crosser, and your
children likewise. Scolding tilienate.s• the
hearts of your children, Depend upon iti
they cannot love you as well after you have
ber4d them as they did before. You may
apprtach them with firmness and decision,
you !ray punish with severity adequate to
the true nature of their offences, and they
will eel the justice of yolk conduct and love
you Inotvrithstanding all' But - they, hate
scolding. It stirs-up the bad blood, while
it dikloses your-weakness, and lowers you
in their esteem.
Til? MS—One Dollar per year in advance ; sin
tie numbers. Ten Cents ; Three copies for Two
Puelished monthly, by Sag-fort 4. Miles, 205 Broads
way, New York, containing 32 pages, royal octavo.
tad' number of the Agriculturist contains but one
sheetland is transparted by mail under the same
regulations as ne‘ispapers. viz: ,nee any . distance
not user 30 miles from the place of publication: over
this and within 100 miles, or_ to any town in - the
Statelspf New York, one centpostage on each num
ber, ime and a half cents if overloo miles , with,
out ti r State.
It 4, so much - trouble to get a post-office order
paid, hind it requires so much formality, that subscriz
bers Will please hereafter remit all moneys directl3i
to Siiiton 4. Bibs, at their risk and expense; taking
care, '53 - possible. that the package does not exceed
the ii(leigbi of half an ounce. thus.subjecting them to
single postage i•nly. Agents also will please bear
this iii mind.
Editors of newspapers noticing the numbers of this
worksmonthly, or advertising it, will he furnished a
copy 'gratis ? upon sending such notice to this office.
Volmnes 1, 11, and 111, of Thu American Agricub
taristi with tables of contents complete, for sale at
treath -elegantly and uniformly bound in cloth,,
$1,25:: These are handsome, tasteful books, and
makefrery 'desifable premiums for distribution with
agricultural societies, and should also find a place ip
all ou district school libraries. - They constitute the
best and most complete treatise on American farm,
ing. stock-breeding and horticulture, extant. When
several copies tire ordered, a liberal discount will be
THE Publisher's of the People's'Advocate,,tasv
ing the use of an entirely new and 'modern ass
sortmOttt of JOB TYPE, are now preparedt6 execute,
in. a abet and satisfactory style, all kinds of-
at .
prices to mut the times.
VA.1111"11 LET 9, BILL HEADS,
Prinuld ouothort notice, and the bee.. style a( the
Art. _
Eel A.share of the - People's patronage is respeetPi
fully sidicited.
Jul, 9,:1696 .
1:76L1C NOTWE is. hereby given to ail persowil
Or' noetvied in the fob owing 'Estates; to wit:
TheiEstate or JOHN LANGSTAFF, Wei of Broolt.l
Lyn toivnship, 'decease/1;
CLAber li ft ed, BpA 4 , i ng
The; Matte ofi ILIAAM ANAPirrinte of istoos,
township, deceased:
Iwec Miami, Administrate,:
Thai' Estate DUBOilltiliON WOOD:late el Nair
Milford tortrnaltip deceased: ,-•
- .
T Joks Kitrider -
_ A a ndistratbm
, . Garda" Mar ey,
The Estella oEIO.SVORPeXtRY, late of Bs
ter towashli, eceased, • ' • • •
; .P.:l-11foott-tl.- grilatai,
gri Gregory— _ • .„
That iteriectontenta have !letilii4 theft iceounti bi
tliell4ofilettinand for the count` 4 eftwilne
lee* entitihie the :Woe will be vreosititierd thiif
Orphatta'Couil at hdrouttie
aity,lhallyth: day ;aft or
aud ifieertitee•
I' r• ' H. , i r pieli r Fliffle , ' -
Registers Office, hlontroael ' ,
July 20, 1846. -
The Bible. .
Hints to Parents.
•,:•• , S fr-szrim' ,-, -,,, , 7 , i
, 1-
CORRSCTILD WICIKLY FOR. oz rents 1 AtorocArs,
••: , Mcia,rans,s, J
pere,tpbank; par
ManAl *Ps hank,. • Par
Murtrauaiutri pant par
'Petitlttiviiiship Bail' par
r.(l intik notes: - dis
Girard do
. par
-PeifsyPit .par
Germantown, i •,," par
Del tau at Chestir par
2 4.9 4 .1tKlxuarY co, I par
Farmers' b'k Bricks co par
Farmers' tilt Bead* -par
Easton• t par
Ntortitainptirai :no sale
-Lancaster bank H par
Far bk Lancaster par
Lebanon ' die
Harrisburg • 1 dis
Middletown . a" die
Carisle 1 dis
Columbia bridge par
Northumberland par
Miners' bk 1"talille par
Wfglak Wilkesb'e
Pitts'g demand notes dis
" • icertißearW' - die
post notes I die
Towanda no sale
York - I 'die
Gettysburg 1 die
Chambershurg 1 die
Waynesleg 14diel
Brownsville 14 die
Erie 14 die
Barka co bank no sale
. Honesdale 1 die'
Bk Susq'a ca 1+ die
Lewistown • 1+ die'
Lum bk Warren no sale
Wet Branch bk 14 diri
Dom-Cr Script "20x30 die
,Nav Scr ipt 15 die'
4th May issue ' 14 die
N Y City bank
Tenth Ward Lk
Clinton bk N Y 30 dis,
Globe bank fraud,
North River bleg co do
City Trust.& Bk'g co do,
Wool Growers' bk dis
White Plains bk •25 ills'
Lewis co bk 50 dis
Fir & Dro bk Buff 2. dis
Millers bk of Clyde 15
Fur bk of Seneca co— dis
Coin bk of,N York 2 di>,
Lafayette bank 2 ilis,
N Y Bk'g'cotri "60 di,.
Dry Dock bank 1 dis
At Trust Co o dis
Bank of Buffalo 55 dis
Bank of Brockport 35 dis
Hainilton bk 30 dis
Corn bk Buffalo 55 dis
All solvent banks /al dis
Country banks /al dis
Except bk of Colum
bia. Green en. Illid
son,,Middle distr'ts,
Plat burg, Niagara, '2
%Vasil and Warren,
Wash Man 00.
Wayne en bank •
Mer and Planters'
Del Co bank fraud
Ex bk Po'keepisie, do
l'ottsdani Manuf Co do
Red Backs /al dis
Mechtulics' and Mauufar:-
Wren' bk Trenton par
Princeton bank Par
Plainfiehl bank le dis,
State bk at Camden purl
Cumberland bank pal
'Mount Holly, Pa'
S.dem IF,, •
Monmouth bauk no sal...
N Hope Del Bridge
Trenton Bk'g co old pa
All other honks Tim
Far & Mech bank of
N Brunawirk no sal,
Hob Bk'g & G co broke I
Washin.ton Bk*g Co
Franklin bank 41.1
Jersey City Bank d
Monmouth do;
N .1 Miumf Co do
Prince and Lombard dot
State bk nt Trenton dot
Bank of N BniniwiCk do!
Moth bk Patterson do,
spbscribeil having leaed his
• . ..L Shop, is desitiotis of sqiihring. his
' amount.. All who arc indebted to
him for blacksmithing, would confer
•a great favor by prying up iiiimediate
'"' Iv. He dislikes ttj make cost or extra
trouble, but, i.tileas this notice islpromptly.attended
to, he will be under the necessity of tryir4 another
plait to collect his dues.
Montrose, June 30, 1346.
The Tariff and the People:
X. O. O.
THE farmers of Susquaumnah dounty are hereby
notified ilia the largest and' best assortment of
Plonelia and Imh Castings hfeveo kind and variety,
may be had fish from the' Furnace of
D. POST, J' R. fic.. Co.,
Cheaper than the 'Cheapest„ for Cash !
Let it be understood that wei will not be under
sold. We have, too, the largestatisertment of Goods
in our line; of any Foundry in Ntirthern Penuaylva
via, consisting of PLOUGHS thatlwill go up hill. and
down hill, and on the level—to , ivit i: Mon Ploughs,
Wayne COunty Ploughs, Wood!" Old Patent,' Side
Hill Ploughs, &c. &c, too numerCes to mention. ..-
Post & 00., will also furnish teir customer. with
Andirons Of every size, with W Nin Boxes,' Slay.
Outtenand Bob Sled Shoes, Di e hnm Irons, Fan
ning Mill Irons, and indeed eVrrl kind of Iron Cast
ings that the farmer and hard-fised yeomanry of the
County may desire. Then calla -
• ' poors FURNACE.
.Montrose, Tune 23, 1848. '
..___i_______4;,. i •
PRODUCE, Cash, and ,appenired credit may be
exchanged for Iron Ware. ati
MIIVEIRTkind of ARR-IrOnic, find strong, and
made Wordier by P. PORT. JR., & 007
A LL .Perrone indebted to the lute firm of IL
.4 - I.lKetchiun & Co., will save impulse ? and some
inaublB "*ndering unto Claar what to Gleam,"
The • Aeentitits of -R. 1C: oi, are in the hands
of 1 D. POST, ,
Montrose, June 24, 1846; •
•_ • ,
LEGuoRN IsQpiNgr,rs'..•
A 1 KEW Lot of-I.,eLboral andiStraw Bo!meta, and
,elegant BOnnet: joa r received at, ,
24th Jane 1846. • ' !SALISBURY'S.
ttR I Lti St; 1109 T
itiaciittwithwi ;ow Flo 'of
JILL. Bala; tiektieh` *ill be gold Us I==6-4 thn cheapest
ANT 1.•,,. .
x(ul Bushell Tin' mut e :UE.4 on o; before 'the
OUR , PAW of SePtein whkhflhe
tqfitief 4 Pr i f ;, ,,r*lTir# 4 i P•cr and r " )44, 1i
2 1446'" 'u;
,;:)i.,)4l:lllll3ki''a t
~~~i.7 is
' : • a at ,
TrntOTIIMP Mews yesirckwithara istssry
V . 4ol, 9 dier Ansi _settled, liso otedi f geti
J. , B.- BAI,IBIII/4
June 21, 1046.
40 25, 9140. :• - ' , Il
Vuder. 's
• ~I Ain
411 ad ' t Dubai . 44$
4AINE.. . ..
6alsis ' • 1- 10 i—
, ..dtk:,t
• sty bk.', pFtlarnl, , do er
Om ' • di!,
ereasatiilp bk , q (lac f.
tillwrgef Canal bkdo
angor Corn bk ild _
i... ,
estbriook bk • : dii - -
• itizenie bk do .
lObe bk '. -do
Washington co do ,
cora bk do
aiolvirit banks • i dis
Dank of St Albans li dig
IA of 4ennington dis
101 aolyput banks i dis
411 sol rit banks - 'ills
All sol ent banks i 'oils
ilaitim i re il b l anka LAND. i
tatziP bk
i dis
414 in • bank 1 dis
'redo k town 4 .dis
ng wn 4 dis
far & Millers' bk Ha
gers ven 30 dis
tiestmnister I dis 1
ll' illiahsport 4 dis
cumin ;Land I dis
Salisburydi s
Franklin bank 4 dis
Sumpnihannall . broke
Millie Ilion broke
flrefluoak co bk . 4 dis
rokelybks various prices
nit:btu:we •& Ohio Re
. lief uotes 10 dis
Bank of Delaware par
Wire & Brauyw'ne par
FarmeFs' bk Del par
,Union bank par
Bank 4f Smyrna par
irnders3sS 5 dis
IVashiUgton City i dis"
Oeorgoltown 4 dis
Far A: iMechanics' 4 dis
Alexaridrin4 (.1;a.
,Bk of Alexandria b ro ke
!Mechanics' bk broke
Franklin bank no sale
Merchants bank - do
Ex bk; & branches 14 dis
Bk of Va & bra'chs 14 dis
Far bl 4&, b'chs 14 dis
Valleyibk & b'ch 14 dis
Wheeling lals dis
Wheel ng p notes li dis
All solkent banks Et dis
Small lanes 24 dis
All soli/vat:banks 15 dis
Small hotel. t 2 Ells
Bk of St Mary's 5a
Ocintiliee do
Moire,R - do
colunainis do
Pluen4 bank do
Oxchadige bank do
Chat R bank do
Central bkof Mill do
Georgia B'kg co Lin
Backer D'kg co' do
All soLrent banks 2nD
All soWent bunks 1 5a6 di..
'Small notes 8 di..
i (16
01110.. '
NI( in Anti t a - ,
Solvrn't bk untrue fla:3l
13ank (if Illinois
Plate 4adli
Nntf., I n d;,
mall totes 34. 1 1
sont lywks
solHut,baults i?..itad
111 sot elit hanks 14ze2
• ••••
Sotithqrri Life & Trans
, po • non C 0..,
PAY UP, !.
$1 a
1 ,4 - cfo=.lse at
%!''l HIP
GOO P ofF,
• ;'• ,
I• -, E4ideo
Also Wayne Counv Poi
pr. . . ,
gaimisommA xami toe , ill
. _
VOR- Oiish,'llnitell,
J 1 - or apkoyed credit, Suaquothaei4Claty,cati
be had of
who is alv4ys on hand; rioa . y to *tat- those
mrho niay ['lease
~flO 41voilhilu i with.a,eall. . I :
l i
J. L. also carries on e Boots Ihrintari business
where oldillookii;•`Pii ' ' ~/kZ; iiilllielitadiii to Or.
der on 'boil. notice.
.r .: . - - •ti :-.. ~.: if, i • •
Montrose, Ps .linse, 8:1'6. .
C AS ft
20 Ll 4
4s. Sidarat6WOne Dialog. .
.. 16Swan . -do • - liofr .: :•
12i d Cntree }gyp, dii,,„_ 1 .
4 d Y'F, HysoniTes ido
124 ydiilreeting mospl4o inches wide for . ..•
SUNIM ft CLOTHSIat 10 ets per yinl—call
quick or ey will all tiii gone—at the 0144i'Store
of '''' i j. , • 1.. LIONS.
June 231
HAVE on hand for tqii (chearittiOlir neighbors)
a better stuck of Spring r & Summer Plods than
usual. '
I -
pANCY Dress Goods .t
B ONNtrs—Le g ho and S
at ; .•
SILK, DeLaine nud Lohg Shiwls, at
• • 1 • POST'S,
• • •
D'" Mindinn, Cravats,and Linen .Capbricks
at POST'S.
,HTKITS and Edgitige, at
AriROCEItitS of eVe,ky description (very: cheap),
I RUN,SteeI, Nails, Stwvels, Pitchforks,scythes at , P F ST'S.
F LoUH, at
ual Izmir alv eVCry (I...:Crptll3li
• P ST's:
70 1-
)0 di-
T UUKLNG GLisse.4,, Tea Trays, at
C ROC NE RY, Chink irml Glnss-ware, et.
IiATUoi. Wanted, atl
EN GOODS eniv'ited soon, 'at
:11(mtrose, June 15:1
, A,
HE sitbscribers kw now on hand and pre re
ceivina a general ono ent of Goods, vat , h thew
l oder at a small advance o;-. RBADY PAT: • tkinds .
of produce recd in exchange for Goods. - .
L , • I MILLS & SHEigdAN.
Montrose, June 13, ; .446. i : It - -
TALLOW fuc sale' b
Di I LLE?; & BHE
B UTTER Firkins ke t
20'00 /1
SHINGLES of grime:
Named. Enquire of ,
June 1.5, 18'46. :1
TH E. 4RCADE: .. . . .
IN FULL - BLAS '..!..
I t E e e sti 'D n ' g th su is pp 7ek ofeit, ! . . citz , , : ich freah oul , be in or ter :
cha.qed at unusually cheap ratea 7 consinhi , ti f O.
ANCES, LEMONS, COCOAS ors, Freshlailitti, Ikr.C. ai.C.
Montrose, June 1.5, 1846.
. .
. ,
p.RIE 11 APPLES, 4 good .artial :, a • fresh
. of Flat TV NIP-ABED, just ivse4
and for sale at.the ' Altil'ADE.
. ,Juue 39.
aftl , ,th e
tran"ct yue the the
confidence eC'the itAilir :as a Life lama. er
Nl2titie, , 3iine I.lA°llc lg' eln. " i
justriea, Gi ng , si a , F
MORE, Di W ,G• 0 •
• dieie
ht `De .11ktirovee,.Defiii bawls;
- attlilegati • "&e-' tie*
TTlized plicV l h.,fot , k ; —J
July 15th. • • r'
• iL_
11)pAlSIN tuiiiiy, l o6 ) :for
1 1 4 41 11 11 t ; .." 3-,C.LY91406;c
new loLL/aeekiii `iald - Ast
eiltNkY . "..t . ;.;
IROOTEls , filienit voil‘raiil fine; ailatmist
ft i 1 ? '.
vanety tomb
.21:28it e llet
ea. say
„*ll Fir:
a, f*
- II
J - .101.
,1 23 ., 1 4 ,
Point. tor"' 4.
tiaw, at A
r sale by
• iI , te44o atoktrict4
Bemsfropee, imeguilhatiat.,s a.
ik o
theetoiroo, Crochet* amdoware.f*rorov,
&.s ac., oar Iliettoftn 1 ° there who w iStio.bul,
equal to anrittorera denary.° thew enernip lit
to Weimer. Oa w)/1104444 tilltee* t° eAtersietat
with the - bum end the wants W mewn% For
legit they hUttiot be vadehemii 1,
, Auxnk g* * * o o l , lB . 7l 9o4 Amml a Pug ,4 -
14ely sum s--isssu ay tn e g a
Caheoet—fbe best sty es afe
Ladles' Orarets,founts, link ililkVel
vete, Ruh to thluo. I TIM* °lb ° f r tu entdde
trimzemp for ladies' dresses
4 Mine Dress fileodeeterert variety sad nets.
ble klr the seas*. , /
Drawer Good s sr eveljaektn_ pus, and In fief
article usnalltkept no a Lary Galls .
k m
Satittatk Caimans', dm. dol.
June, 1840 r.
, -
vrousLINLAINES famia• 84.; Upwards,
17J- for sale 4 . 1411.1LFORDS'
:NIFOLASSES 35.-7-Bood spireFlB te44 l ,44lfother
11l Groceries e4l4saly, as cheat fkir.cosk . st
' Namur.
O NE - new-tiv . hone lumt er a4con Alp ag e ipy
• • • 43., & M.'4 80. N.
1 k 4 . , , assorgoon4 kept con4antly ion bud end firt Nate
at Man#Eicti ./rorY;Pree,oll 4 MPLFORPS'.
FAN NING 1411,11EiforsaIe -
• .1 -; BIULEORDW.
Ax wept of Gtr ~r at
at 0. 1-I ER_T/liGlis44o.ll Vall l , 1 4 IV. 1 V . t r U DB 6O4 ,.
1.7 -
eucress scythes . Scythe Stones, Cradles* era,
dle Scythest A ltilles, Nbaluts;tPkiebierltaillield es,
&c., for Sale at . 41PLUil#DS'.
AN unusual : variety of Stailje and Paney,Dry
-It Goods
: may be founds! Store Op the, East
aide of th:p Public Aventin;so Montrose nihere die
" Peopleilcarti7trettaie at yen how mei* for rah,
or el - chimp tbietr*odisesitil44 advantage. .
„ -1 . 4413. SMISBUIII.i
A N elegant assortment °FILE& and
Baskutininei, very law .BAUSBURY'S.
LOT A iiiiilleriailbreas . • I fa'ißns, 'De ea and
Ree , d-eashiiikTes;'itt • SALTS 1"g,
p.1.N4 .alliforment! of Prints,
i. very low, -at CIALLPURY'B.
A GOOD-starkof 13tuntapr 141otia fl*Gedi s . e n d
13 9Yar,iat .4 kLililB)3Vßy'B.
C ORDED Skirts, Moieeite; at
A Lot or hue plain D' just ro
ceived mid' ° mll tie sold I+,.at '- •
IS N; Steel, ,, l 4l ol,Redio,,and - litils,.eheafi at
. •
1-LEAPER Molasses than cait be kontal tovni
ILI at oiily'33 cents, with Tea*, Sn,,ears, coffee iota
Tobacco, Ana"' low, at r 'SKLISBEIVS:
, .
T Table 'and; T owel - and
Linew Coifing; a goodiui+Masti - at-ol Lin
en, at
TrIWEDES.—OL lot orfust ralia Toredes elotklow,
at "
CW ri iaz . 7:l4 .oBll, C/Othk , l9Bl/11/lerei, Sat
neftes, unusually law, at SALISBURY'S.
OSLERY..-rA large &Win-Wm of.*** aad
Ladies Iloalety at very reduced piices at
. .- •;; •,rl , . • . 4 . • , SALIgIECUItrB. •
OTTONTaide Diaiier law
!..iitTEST AlilitrAVOF - " •
.1d.,, . • .. li. ' - 1 • s): 1 ' r _ • ~ , ilk ,
CON" -
0: side of the Public venue,, ar,e „last re
ceis.43,.. a'neet;rindisPliii&i# aisottiteit Or Fresh
Goods lately purchased at extrnmely lowi prissier
cash—and are iuducedigt_spll litem on as good terms
as any ofrtbe 4ectp, alecipcstorOragAhopp in town.
Thode havnig - Cash tit. - payZo4otis wV do 'yell to
give us a:cali before , pare . elsowlteiro:.i' •' . .
31ontrose,Itute 15, 1d46.
. ,
. 4
- I_IIAL. BAKEk.‘Farkit and 84rtheiriiv4v
SUMMER STUFF foi 4 ifort,in tr ietiiig e f ,
BVOTlkeeariejulti indpribrellaw-r*
*les for a Reqity BLIALE'O
L ADIES' ' -Inets t Sitners*ii oia.). in &sit
d4iCti at t SEARLE'S
ARDW44IE, Saddlery , Ororltely, 4zeil
irgesinunierons other articles, at'
Anly lit. 1846: SWUM&
. 'seLk.mic
in tbe
on band and aold as . ltrir F 4. 4
County. 'by
EVY Hies , C
• , want
EN.} -,
• ' 'B. SATRE.
WINDOiV44,O,. Phil*, 1uq44.b37.4y163
gontionoot good oasorunelit keptoomitiouly on
band ealio a lineisLaatiOrinielo of pasthigi. %014
VC IVE4 I II 4 §kWe ' Ela pod sisatinent
kePebY ' 1 B. PAYEE:
LIME; Brick; Lath; P l iatiar aid Baßigot as tatatil
• A 4BSIIII SUPPLY of 841104 - 0! dut6 re.
ceived br • t 24448. •
12,UTTSIL-4biligiont,eiitim.pitikfor Mawr
LAP all: tvugh'..4tefreaso,
• 1C1846
' 11C • , rl."-CliCi#:.tiltli.l!l?'9l.l4l, PIMA.
ao .• do
arlac— tlf ;44,11 =SO"'
Coid, - PadOr, f, itod *Ol Mives .1, e!..llVfiFe
illi!"Sriefig cheap
• r:m-, 'f.OONBl4-atermatt,
, - .2•367 ,• %4 •
IBRti l aes"illizia*ln.' t •
50 O °
-y. %TA -4 ii-r!:LYONS cHANIAER,
f--Alle.111411,*N;-, ",31 sq!€l , ll
" 3 •I
?#1,1r . 40 \ I Oir
I iberif
toseeripeiriorryieur3 , .
Wlltakft, Cor,„ l ?*
iviro iad
em!' am lor,ftreautttni t jutil .
0k14044/4*.iiiellato o mew
_ •
, r