The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, August 06, 1846, Image 2

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    eifd .Vourpe" v inlers — aul
perusal of he fano clear , sensible and
ailment speech; by 114-.0 M. Nilo" EF. , "8.
1i from Co;u4etient4. Mr. Niles -a
sound Democla of dile Jefferson
, SlVel.,Rflakisistil, Ink% Atha brit .
The Senatemerit dell to the considera
tion, of the,SPecial cltder, being the bill for
reducing- the -duties a - minimise* for oth
er' • • .
Dlr. Niles addressed the Senate .iiiTokio...
' 'Woo ro. - die kili., .4'' Xeg-b r ier- , Plgline4i
4 . i.N. , ,i r iiiilas irtfin /it we are etiahled
,present ft Ore. He waa itigiitottlitate;
be said, as to differ irith most of
_NO 'friends
upon-that:M of thelhouse in*Ull6ol this
iinportant su bject; Aga it wasiperhapsdUe
to hialselfoheretore,4l - Well ati to their; that
he should assign sod* reasons 'for that (lir
ference; and for thil . ' , 44e`which. he should
feel to be his duty to upon thii queition.
In doing this,lliewair aware 'that he should'
be somewhat embarrassed from the peculiar,
ity of hie position. OLtid, in stating the ob
jections whialt be 1 4tertained to this pleas:
ore With that I . fullness anti precision • Which
he desired ti} do, 0 was possible ;that 'he
might, with* interilling to 'do so,' tread -up
on, the toes of his fri nds around him on the
one hand midget in ' the shoes tirliistriends
opposite on the otli : He.* litieti that
tome progress wouhl - lain been niade •in
bringing this 'attlijeci,Withiatiarniacr limits,
and 'that the-fordapelf would have - been of
&Ted by *it 'tittle that this` agitating'
ails at iiin 'sign derive , be settled dim ti
basis upon' a Tch it might rentain undisturb
ed:t Sat;thi 4aintabinceiiss been ierinly•
iery insuardOten: ''lnstead of making any
a** pnignisii twin* the ' estabhshiiient of
the quelition uponF permanent principles,
they were now caned upon to consider it
under a new impect.l It was now presented
to 'the& in an aspect more startling--than
it had ever appenied heretofore 1 When
ivas , this contKoverty to endl . When was
the agitation' of this subject to cease? If
they were td opent up the subject again in
this way, what woilld be the consequence 1
-The 'consequence should inflict an irrepain
ble injury upon the business pursuits of the
country—an, injury which, they could not
properly estimate; 'And ihey might •be as
sured that thase who suffered much would
' feel deeply and act accordingly. The - new
doctrines which wepe, introduced and made
a part of this measure *ere calculated to
agitate the nliole cOnntry. It was a subject
which had. more than once brought them
into conflict,: and, be might almost say, to
the very verge of resistance to the laws. It
might perhaps be thought by Some of his
friends that, inasmitch as he-was one of the
Democratic party, it would have been suffi
cient for him ' to have given a silent vote ; for
he supposed it was: regarded by many_ as a
party question: but he could not so regard
it. He would have been content., however,
to allow the rote tolie taken upon the bill,
without troubling the Senate with any re
marks, were it not! for the extraordinary
principles which it !contained ; were it not '
that it was, in his jadgment, a very extreme
measure; were it hot that the bill aimed a
fatal blow at the best interests of those whom
he had the honor to *present ; and, be might
add further, were it; of that this bill, viewed
in reference to the principles which it invol
ved, seemed calculated, and was perhaps in
tended, not only to :take away their rights,
but to rob them of their principles ids& In
view of the* conspire:nos, .he had felt it
his duty to spy somethhigin vindication of
the principles of Ndlthern Democracy. If
the Democracy of the North had no other
champion, they slOtild at least have one,
humble as be wajs, so long as he had
the honor of 6 seatOpon that floor : It was
this consideration 4ich had led him to un
dertake the ;very inipleasint service of pre
senting what : he lailieved to be their views
upon this subject, and to examine this bill
upon, the test of thpie principles, and see
whether it would stand the test. Previous,
however, to examii4ng the bill in its details
be would adiert to ;one or two other consid
erotic's. It seemed to have been supposed
by some that' those -rho were opposed to the
tariff of 1842 must tote for the bill, whether
they approved ofit ~ , , ,as an alternative of
evils. In order to t rid of what was re
garded as a very . • law, they were expect
ed to vote for anotho very bad law. • This
was not a p;incipl that he had ever acted
. upon, and if e weriv act-upon it at all, he
would at least look ittbe comparative merits
of the two laws before deciding one way or
another. Ile certainly regarded the act. of
1842 as sole' FObjectic i nable, but there
were provisions in +at act which lied never,
as far as he, knewf been objected to or as
sailed, so far as the.: North was concerned,
' on the part of the lemocracy. It bad been
rather an object of %prove! o - i. their'pert.-- ,
It was a la* which'had done some•good.—
At all events, there were no nen and untried
principles init..- Lewes 61 revenue measure,
and it had the merit of operating with great
uniformity *suibilitjr—greater uniformity;
indeed, thin any grasure which had been
heretofore in ope ra
. on.. But there was an
other cowl - Ong . He Mt ltimielf in no
way " "" - fon thi : ProPer working of
the law now"' in exigence, but ' if he du*
voteltorthls' ' — Ultinit ir should become
mss, ha would bejespaissile:: geyras in
oiste,, iindiar**lgeetion able Jaitr
to remain forlarliichflie liiiinisenimporisibl_ ,e I
rather thigi-Paiiiiig* bad law for which be I
was responsihie; There 'was still, another
considerattori..irhicb forced him to oppose.
' theyassage‘AisNA. The bill'. had as
sumed pretty m u ch'. piety shape, and be
supposed it was to bit consideredgn Admin
istration measure. -"If the fact Were so, be
add : poly say, au *friend od the Admiais
xentittp, Ilmt be deepdy c prodiesdly regretted
.iii 4 if he had WO other atothefor voting
ag - sasit l the bI4I, heitould have voted aping
it na.
....aninatin• 14011 e. . Hemould • say to
the -' _ . , Ednuand-Ilarke said
once-soniket . nitiept draftsman, that he.was
supporting: llaetlahip's interest against his
lordship's *pains. , As a friend Of the'lltl-
Waistnitiong low:: w41.4' *Wert its inteielts .
apinst its own .icspro -,1,, *WWI to deli
measure: and - 60044 judge - between
hiss and their ) Other 1 0 mds I.l* the taupe
„,,,,..r- - L -.„- !AL .._ -1 1 . -; had
to see th e =of of wolt,. ~r.., , . - e
various toils toj . the; Moen( big; Ent,
o:Mild to the tune .l 4:;:WirieVXbe7 were
awed uositii*si'llirssrgeArr:the.,,...ledue
tiOn' of dude& land, caossiisOifirelTML...
of ,revenue . iii k i good Amon
why it iilionbt,leOssimr — e- "Uaringitiii4iii
, ItmOidd sneak that tiM.iiimmilts4
lbeeti4delestoiOad'irr is saistaiiripaiters - vii:. _
. k •
. • ~, -
'der iiTiferentlititinfthings t fieforitheiriii
Commenced.' Thii_liiirwfis p i ing it
any cireunistitioeS, bit for pling it
such a time as thiltheremitild bern:O,excusal
His ne=t` objection,'Ares thif manner in
which thebill badbeen preiretrediivd-tirought
I)efe theni. There was something novel
manner in which it had been intro
diced. There seemed to be something nott--
el-attending this measure from its veryin
ception ,• and, if it should pass, he believed
*would tmiss in a novel Manner; for it was
his solettin• conviction that if it passed: it
witda.. - P*,', l 4*./stfike -i9digaleßt.ofFa-ma
jiirity ofthtSenate. In what manner had
tOe !nen piepitt•ed,. It had*Mlikrepat
ed by:m.l*(6f special peogrels;•a sort of
inppleinehhif .icon so composed 'of- the
i,nbordjiiiiiel4lnierirot the custOmsC. What
vereitt: !hed ` *I; in tifeiiaring thti. bill—
as 4 011:k
ovnling for their interests
H, e was Inelitied that2sueliivas.the
case. These were the - gentlemen.,Whci
&aged tiiidetailsof the bill. . The princi
tile„he supposed, was supplied froni ahigher
j iukitcr. He . thought if. there was any, sub-.
belonged ; to the Refire;
setithtfiesfif the tieople . to originate, it,was
a measarCprovidingifor taxation. , go
intious W'er'e the framers' of the constitution,
that they *Mild snot `even allow the Repre
sentlilives'et the States to prepare a revenue
bill." It, ieertainly never enteredinto their
Minds thiil• it was to, be prepared at the
Tieasury Depurtment by custom-house offi
cers.; • Wh at was the;principle ,upon which
this bill ieilouilded .. It was founded upon
mere thepty l A theory formed, like the an
cientriiplems of phitosOphy, upon, certain
proposittenslit an ...abittaty or speetiltitive
chittnter,;;:ty which levery thing Inuit be
made to conform. One of these new the) ;
retical doctrines was that the loweit rate of
duty should be imposed which shmild yield
the greatest amount 1 revenue. He would
admit thit if and equal amount of revenue
could be obtained from low duties, they
wouldlbe.preferably. But how would this
- act 4 relation to incidential protection,
whichlwas a matter essential to the interests
of the whole country. They all knew that
the incidental influences of legislation were
often more important than its direct objects.
With regard to the ad valorem principle, he
would like to know why that principle was
so tenaciously adhered to and insisted on.
Could there be any other reason given than
that it was a part of the theory or atiitrac
tion that somebody had become attached to?
Did they' not hearobjections made to it from
all quarters? Had there been any good
reason given for the adoptien of this princi
• pie? - None whatever. Common sense told
every:Mail -that what they Wanted was a sys
tem that 'shoulli be uniform, certain, and
safe in its operation ; and this could never
be the case with the ad valorem principle.
It was nothing more nor less than a sliding
scale, not like the 'sliding scale adopted in
England in reference to the corn laws, where,
.as prices rose, the duties became less ; but
a sliding scale in which when prices rose the
duties.would rise also.
Mr. N. entered then at length into an ex
. of the details of the bill, commen
ting upon its operation in regard to the vari
ous article of American production, and
showing the injurious effects which would
be produced by it in relation to all the great
interests of the country. The bill was hos
tile to the interests of the North, and, hostile
he believed to the principles of Northern
Democracy. Be could view it in no other
light, and he was deterniined that neither
other should he surrondeved
the one nor the
by his vote. He had always been inclined
to go as fir as 4 man could go for his party,.
with a safe couseience ; but here be was
brought to a stand. He thought it was time
for the ; Democracy of the North to take care
of themselves. They had suffered their good
friendskif the South to take care of them so
long diat they had almost forgotten the first
maxim's in' human affairs, self-preservation.
It has been said that every tub should stand
on its own bottom; and he thought if North
ern tubs were'to stand on Southern bottoms
they.would not stand very steadily.' They
had beard about Northern men with South
ern principles. There was not much en
couragement, hi appeared to him, for a
Northern Man•to ndopt Southern principles.
"Irdid somehow happen that when the De
mocratic party were in power, the Southern
Democrats had the control; They had al
ways managed affairs, and managed tolera
bly well, bin things seemed to have changed
very much. And he thought that Northern
Democrats were now called upon to look to
their own interests: Southern Democrats
had 'always had the control of the central
paper of the party, ivhether it was the organ
or not, and it was very well known that
public opinion was to a great extent manu
factured by it, and he believed the paper
now was'laboring very bard to manufacture
public opinion, with what success he-did not
know. There was, at all events, some ad
vantage in having the , control of the paper.
He was not disposed, however,, to complain
of this state of things; but this bill compel
to Make a stand. It was asking too
mu to him to support a bill which on
its very face,.demanded a surrender of the
interests (4%4 constituents, and the political
principled Of lifs party. To expect him to
do this - fur ,the **col' the honor and glory
suppp tb
..e,great measure of the age,
which w#s going to make:the ,people of this
country tributary to Great Britain, was ex,
pectin a little too much. He thought such
a bill ought never to pass, and he would be
still more, verse_ to itepassage than be was
ifhisuPpor!ed that it faultily any possibili
ty be. Oflo4 duration. This one reflection
rearticitedhini in some degree toihe odious
measure which wart thus thrust upon them,
that if 'pa 'tied- it could not stand. 'There
was nothing very fri,ghtftil about it, therefore; . '
it *Old not overturn the World, but he
thought the world' would overturn it, or at
least the Atnericau,,people would overturn
'[A WO.] Jibe had an apprehension
tha9bekw g paned Irearld be of lohl eon
tinuaiieef lbe *Ma eanaider it a matter
to be deepli-deplorod, as .
.rdrecting the 'sta . -
haiti, Governinent i t elf.
. .
LIEUT. - Pzmi,.--71 - 14 4 9 1 /4 loMper,
filliair*),OittiaAit the time; bed iiiehettrae.
ted by outni,Yezican -*wet, Ofl the Wilts
of'die 11,1* Grueie, apposite Fart
'bet *kiln reality swam the river in search
of titi - *ieiited Calotiel'Vrciel; ,and ,wet
Ca Pta4. l l7l ll eenemy,*ll been ' reltclria
bin coniplity.l"
rir Thellosti* - •
mans . ere
$1.09 per =Muni 'Fe 'ail*
Oner(ooloritti •
t. - ,' A ' - ;-.lroui Oct Hubliv lAillsiv• -
' July WI, 8, P;: M.
Stilicriv—MrAlNE minuted • petition;
numeroullysigned,for the repeal of the Pilot.
Laity of 1837. .
Whitlow= moved to postpo . om -
ortleis and take - up the bill pannot • site_
thefor ' Washington Monument, Alia Amp
td4 :_e
Mr. Benton argued dint wonting-book
ness, had : Hot beemAsPo l o
bile)! Monunienitili oo the table, selhieb
motion rriuts carried4r l 24 yeas toleoats:
. Mr. Lewis reported the AavalAnacipriao.
Lion bill, dirkth funendments. •-•
.111 r. Riisk was appointed by tip 6ali so
611 Mr. Heywood 's place on the Vetwinittee
of the Diiitriet of Columbia.
'The bill to incorporate the Texas• NAT/
into the Navy of the Union, was taken - up
and diseituied by Messrs.
.Breese, terrien,
Cass . Jobason of Md ., and others. After
subject was postponed until to-mor
On motion of Mr. Lewis, the Senate nest
took up die Sub-Treasury hill
• Sundri amendments reported by the Com
mittee, were agreed' to.
An amendment for, a branch Mint at Dek
trait, wtuil rejected—;-akes 18, nays 28..
Most of the amendments to the Sub-
TreasurY, bill, reported fromthe Committee,
were agreed to without debate, but on can
ing to one in the 21st section, authorizing no
issue of liver money by the Government,
in the alive of Treasury drafts,. withnut
limit as . to amount, it wai denounced iiithie
strongesterins by Mt. *llion, as changing
the whole principle of the bill, and: . convert
ing the Sub-treasury into nothing more 'nor
less thaw a huge bank of circulation.
' The amendment
.was also opposed by
Messrs. Allen and Davis, and defender _by
Messrs. Calhoun and Lewis, the latter ac
knowledging that the amendment came from
the Secretary of the Treasury, and that
without adoption of this feature the bill
could not be carried out.
The Senate then adjourned.
HOusgl.—The Speaker announced the
Warehodsing bill as the especial order of the
The Tariff bill from the Senate was then
Mr. Bild moved to proceed to its consid
Mr. Biedhead demanded the yeas and
Mr. McKay moved a cull of the House,
which was ordered.
The roll was called, when there *lire
190 members present. - The absentees were
called, -*hen 12 answered—making 211
On nuition, further proceedings under the
call werti suipended by a vote of 142 to .56.
A motion to postpone the order of the day
and take up the Tariff bill from the Senate
wns agvnpd to by yeas 108, nays•loo.
The Speaker then announced a message
from the.!Seriate.
Mr. Winthrop insisted that it could not
be takenup but by a vote of two-thirds, un
til the m o rning hour had expired.
The Speaker said the question had been
put to pciStpone the specified order, and to
take up he bill, and that no discussion of
the question having been demanded, - Jfie
majority vote was sufficient.
Mr. Winthrop appealed from the Speak
er's dectiion. The appeal was laid on the
tratae, yeis, 102, nays 90.
Titthbuti then moved to postpone tbe
bill until( Monday next.
The Speaker said this motion was not ih
order un6l the message had been read.
, The ntessage was then read.
Mr. *Kay got the floor and moved to
concur id the amendment, on which the pre
vious quolstion was demanded.
• Mr. Stewart moved to lay the whole sub
ject upod the table, which was lost—yeas
95, naysi,ll3.
The demand for the prvious question was
then seconded by yeas 102 to nays 101.
The main question was then ordered to be
put by yens 109 to nays 103.
Mr. 'Thompson, of Pa., moved to lay the
bill on the table, which motion was lost—
yeas 99,1 nays 111.
The S'enate's amendment was then epee&
to by yens 115, nays 93.
The }louse refused to reconsider thevrite.
So the bill will become a law as soon as it ,
shall receive the President's signature,
The House then went into committee of
the whote on the new postage bill, and after
voting mi one or two amendments, rose for
want of h quorum.
Sundry bills from the Senate were then
A quctutn having appeared, the lion
again went into Committee, and proceeded
to vote on amendments to the Postage Bill.
- There., being no quorum present, the Corn;
mittee rase without' further discussion or ac
tion on the bill, and the House adjourned.
CONGlinfie The+ -1. Independent • Treasury
and the S Postage having,
disposec)of the Tariff', has taken up two oth:
er important bills,the Independent Treasury
and: the towage Bill. The foot is before thi t
'Senate, tuning already paseed the House.,
This bilk will no doubtle adopted afiglimPs.
modificklan. Several 'or '4ll6 — Hernocratic'
member 4 Mr. Benton among the number *
are opposed -to the section authorizing an
unlimited issue of Treasury notes. .
The bill for inerctunng the rates , of leUri•
postage ip before the House. An nines&
meat, we' see, has been adopted to Priliilif
the list elletters in such papers as the Poet.:
mastertr &est select, and not in thb one hatr
lug the arg circulation, as the pm*
law zeq , This amendment_ is no its
provemeipt in_the bill, &ribs objectil ether
titingthe list, is to inform.those having let.
tern remitining in the post-office of the fact,
and the *cider it is circulated the purer
will be, the • number of persons made ow,
queintecemith fit, aadconsequen_ tly the grew;
ter., outnlter .of letters be.,, ceSed :ihr 'Cale
Post ere.ilesidee, the , ciaaw - arilenpas
whew-164w renal& is tbe-Pbstilics po
!ran', dor which came aford Wawa-
higii-pripied paper with a imi*/ eilO4'
but*Aittiake a kriPPONNiiiimmdolisailig
the Ledicr, With MI extencinp chrtsictips,,-,:?4
.ledger... , - .
' arr*:. army ti th e United &Mee it*
in Btu* I.lppeenv to be . ibont - UPS
100 4 oi tltoirollotnogitltiehowtrintk
8; ' Re rtl.o :1 1 M 0 .;`- Lootuna :Y4t 18 40111
4500;mtuiii Alideetott,7so.l.4itilgt
Niafturi 750-4*(4 UAW
- =
itPig tit 'i f
4-; i iv larrallaUlaili fto rk. 4,,
'heUniiki hasl_c4lst . tuned -
.44e SY*
a General's officd a list of ~M el privates
id, or who subsequently dtfrotri.the
roda received inljthe lattAa ' YO ) Aka .
i Italica de la, Palma.: - The 1 liiines Of
It of &doe kill ed instantly haYa not yet'
M reported- IR* follefrrl.Nt if` 1. ;
Cilium Atbertnn, . I4lnsi II . Tuvilli
wg B*S!,-,Par!PI Wilson Fredrick
s - ramei anpt sg o; fiiritei;l4ldte.
!t i died May kb,' tit Itesatit'dhls Pia%
Thomas Cantwell, ditto at ItitirAho.l •
kith), private,' Ist artillery,i 4i 4 0 May .
and Eichler, sergent, 2 4
do. -- 5, at
Isabel. - '' '' • ',..
...U" -
wen • Hawkins; sergnt, 20 - artillery, -
y 10, at Resana de la il i filmal.!' f-•
ames Morgan; sergeants . 301, , arti ll ery,
y 8; William' B. Fuller, sergeant; 4th
nary, May gtiand Joihn' , F4tayth,' pri
),. 4th artillery; at Palci Alto. ! i .
•athew Naly,artificer,4th'artillery, May
9; Charles Marshland, "sergeant :Major; 3d
iiif ntry, and George Chiska;
t erate, 3d
do. l May 9, at Resaca de 'la Pal n. '
lehilip Lee, privme; 4th infan, MayB,
at alo Alto; arid Orlando 'Piet, Robert
M thews, Daniel McDardie, prirates ;'do.
M y 9, at Resacti de la Palmal; and—
E , ridge, private do. June 10 at Point
1* I. • ! r
• runes Stockley; Private . ; 5011 infantry,
111 y Hi, — Alberston , , do. May .12, at
sacs de-liTaluia, and ---*lShermliher
May 27; 2 rt 7 H oi n t ra P ne ni , ri se t Isabel:
7th. j
, infantry,
My 8, at Foil B rown. L • i •
- . Francis, private, 3d ' infantry, May
8, at Palo Alto', and Anthony, do.
May 9, at Resaca de In Palma.' '
Fische. Imusician ; -i-:- Mullen,
sergeant ; and—Hunt, corporal, Bth in
•fantry, May 9, and Hark, and
Wallace, privates, do. May 10; at Resaca
de la Palma.
Farrel, private, Sth in4htry, May
31 at Point Isabel ; = Hadddx, private,
do, June 6; ---- Lewis, do .i June 11 ;
Murray. do. June 14 ; Waldron, do. June
15, and . — Patton, do. June' all at
frdai the New Orlizin' s Times.
I •
caalarge•liteCOßlßOLWLllll,e, IWO Mow.
fiery---Gen. Tayloi6-Forplicemaing
very fresh arrival from the beat of war
serves to sharpen curiosity, and i keep alive
ttut, interest we all feel, as to future events
in our collision with Mexico, which is now
beginning to assume a phase oflactivity, af-
ter a rather Tong interval of repose, on the
part of the belligerents. i , .
The following highly interesting informa
tion, although given in a. rather . desultory
form, we derive from a gentleman who has
ju t arrived here from, Camargo j :which he '
vi "ted on the steamboat Big Hatchee, and
w o le ft that town on the 14th. instant:
T Big Hatchee reached Caniargo on the
ev ning of the 13th, having on hoard troops
an provisions—a, company of the Infantry.
T o companies of the same regiment had
viously arrivedon the steambOats Browns
vil e, Enterprise, and J. E. Roberts. The
ri r was falling rapidly, and the Ranekeros
ming their, ?usual occupatitins. Col.
B y's Rangers were not there at, that date.
T ey, however, bad been in, after making
aliconnoissance of the country as far as
Monterey. 'Our informant itates,that it was
reported .by the Rangers that they, had mn
otrated to the precipitous Cliffs that overhang
Monterey, when,a trooper, a very adventur
tns soldier t named Cummins, reached a point
ov rhanging, the Bishops palace, which
. manded a view of the whole City. The
•it ost activity seemed toiprevad among the
M xicans, who were busily emPloyed in re
po ring the old forti fi cations and erecting
tie ones. The number ,okrocips waa not
stained, but from the movements observ
ab -
, it was evident they were *paling ev
means of defence.
n. Taylor is now encamped ,!with four
Ments, (Colonels Walton's, Boris', Da
's and • Mark's) with the Alabamians,
1 er Captain Desha, at ,Bucna Vista, on
borders of a lake, seventeen 'miles north
iof Matamoros.. The health of the vol
eers here, with General Taylor, had
ch improved, owing to, the fine air they
oyed and splendid encamping ground
occupied. I .
The roads were perfectly impassable for
leeled vehicles; owing to the ewOmpy soil,
,asioned by, the immense falls of rain
ih had recently taken place. The
_ Mercer arrived at the mouth of the
Grande all safe, on the itth instant.
.e were no signs of Mexican soldiery in
icinity of Can This town is but
Itry one after all, as regardit houses and
'ltion, the former not being more than
_The whole of the pePlation had
obliged by the inundation to seek shel
'where on the high grounds. There
la exhibition-of hostility or 'discontent
part of the- people;, on the contrary,
wed every symptom'ofe Leasure at
ige of ;misers the, coun i `was un
On the 12th instant, before the
le Americans Sevsntir horsemen
ko Tollirtiiiter.e:Y. '
tillter had returned,from• his ex
, to , Monterey„and .delive.rod a report,
is said - tube au:exceedingly , interest..
ie ' of the state of the country ; through
tie passeckhalting places, dm.' There
"reliability. of ...tiny iopponitkon being
to the advance of the American troops
Camtirgo and lirchtterey, and from I
could beicollUcted, the Mexican force
itrated at tbe latter point is. extremely
Nothing regardin 'E the report
.,.,•of Peres : - with -t ?,., army of
if an authentic nature, 'been as.
at hesal . quanersoltlintagh scouts
in some numbers fl' tilt' limalonne•
• thing, however, *emstp mumunce
; possession .' of .114outeMy_will be
flisiout4 as,-it: Pi, li 1 naflPn3 Mind ,tier,
I most powerful , . .I ! , , iolliett
i4abitAqtinwin rAfkisla.,Stre daily
g - defesto*.
~ .ivis feared, iare!_ 4 4oolll bns
lured,The, cotton.;
1' 4 fair the corn,. month 'still be
tread,: deltf - rkt/Ited:
.4 PealoPulr aril Annployed
1 7 la; 9 -4:ti,g Irond innit Witt
.rks at the nveri :kr,* 1 thq ;gem.
tessicsivrPos9 ii , 49 0 Cilt is
* 9 1 4 1 1 4 !Ho n lO irerY- 1 14 , -, ausi- ,
' 10 %thenOillether ih:r wogs
. • - - . -- .. ~..
f p
. 1 4 11 4 fie . ' : 4 i
..•, ~.,. •
ineWvathir '' lag=
-at aspect.; 4he waters
. . ; atal thewhole
• 1 Y ' k . '. 1
- COL Mnliatisii::=l i iininialz - Ited - .0,
Clain left . the city-yamerdayin ibe Clit4lir,
Mobile on hie way to Goculink , of. • lie
4 44 11 0C , ,AR-M-11 1 Ort.T.M:€104. ~-(r*
the asyera ‘ wounlle he -. ive d in the Milli e .
lifibitlkli,' dititigii oil ite redscCittio li gad=
Ole' Col e Mciattish was 'la the • bottle a tir
.86:.0nifil 'diking of. -Vth a couneo)!
wit vies bait 'Col.' M fluids, Capt. -
iota ^and Viet . Been to attack' tIM
iMezienuni li'ittliwids: 'l' ' rest . br the 0111.
cent7l fiittisitand - sufilei inntason, took the'
opposite 'lair.' Gen:T yler;. • however, 4eL
tennided .to hazard a light—arid the Will '
were appariendy againit him,,:' and , in iiLet
haid fought' battle , where' every man 'dil
guished blinself," Cot - elatoili• inlieritil
severlY. •Thii-blittle4 idieneed' it' `t
o'clock, P. 111."Aborie` P; alter the, firi • g
had cheitly esiased, nnit bayntiet was ~ -
cidingthe di Cot. Mel
eht 14opk's Ittvoratt4
" Here shall the Press, the reeple's tights main4in,
Unawed by influence, and'unbnbelil by gain." ,z
TOR 'CANAL CO xiYtidkiß , ' • t
To CorrespaudloOts. ois
" Gazer - BEND" contains some good hits
at certain humbugs - of the age; we hoki it
under, consideration.
. 4 'leauat. tmorro" is
find ,room for it at pre
Nemlawn* velit4a.
'We tibes44c that the Coon Comutinet arse,*
to ktrerier custom, have mil .' a eginVin tit be
held at the Colin house on Aiondayevening °futile_ It
after next, to pist in nomination Candidates for Ace.
They hair also appointed Tdsvnshiri Committee; m
give notice of a time and plare at which delegitek
are to be elected. . • ' I
Formerly, in the good old 'iimot vvilehlo purelind
genuine dental:racy was in the ascendant, tire.
Township Committees were .'
ppoint'ed by the dm
rentiott when there were ' sent rePresentativei of
the Democrats - in each To hip. Those delegittes
were called opal to nomina some suitable parrs
from their respective • BO; it was fikand
that this mode of Wein 't timid not IFel*an
swer the scheming ' of tlitt, sertiieti ; hive,
wha wished io ' rule their , m ' . ',rid
' tirip*
officers canceiied that they " d . nuke selections
more favortbla to thmaqtpes` their plans. Si, lit
their instance. the A h
pPin di Lowe
.was Yelleti in
the Ninny biinAtiittei; an! they have ever itecn
extremely cautious' that tiiiitbininiftee Amid ton
sist of the righi aid 76,1stateiial—that a Majoritt,.at
least, sbOuld be of the right stripe. 'We cakiiiiii
proof of men being rebuked, for nominaDetno.
crass on suckoccashilia; who could tan be reliett on
to fivoithe selfish plans of th ' Firefalai Aristor tan t r y i .
Again—it appears by this call that the 8 - • g
Committee not only request t t the ' osvnship din
mittees should' give the "a li ce" and u 'atteadltie
same," but they are also de ' to "snarl as iiis
'BOARD TOR Tin LL,LCTIOS 'i> Diitcsi•cs."` Oa.
the abi l
ity of the People in their- Primary assi t at
blied to conduct their own - 'mai in their own
way, seems to be questioned bye majority of that
authoritative Committee. N. ur - this spices quitettoo
strongly of Aristocracy or 0 . lionieriatit to sui4ur
untions of true.. democracy. We dci not like diets ;
ties in these proceedings. • . - Peeples 'Shona be
left to choose . 4rhons they w 1 l bait. to *side fiver
them, vibes they convene to. elect persons to repre
sent them in ,County Corsveu! ~' - 1 ,
; :-.lll hvossistisgsoolow * 6 O Pi 4'o i*itil:.
Fin then ' ' : ''' - 4/0, 1 , 4 . 01 ?*.i , ,
•tical abjeabOtithavniar . . , vthaa wha tha*
aura will mama theiii • '' id meisc.tbery
. etit...aye,iiien 'relic; . , * 71 "%tfitothlik jo
their ulictsters"-hrtlie'- •''• • .. Whitt**
cr4ship'l3druniiimiti. ' '.. , -.. chy this CeMpty
Committee I Have thei': ' 2 term ilk+ti *So inkiete
~,...,.... as naiothee'", ;•• thei in *e VOre.
; and tl4 , ton,. ander 1 " • InueediateAusitte.
•' 4 and advice of the , . .. , Bari! • -Never.l It
. ,be • conSidered , .. .` 1 Mr" isidligiey try !hat
ty clique. Should inne , eti ii mteil D a
teaks from the r Oatmary , ,
~ T 3 fella . lit poli ,
assitaHra without inie 'dy a waking
• The Tannthip , •te, 'may ff titay
, exert kin& raw , ' k le* tell spin Mm.
' ` 7
'SEW**. lode ' l atimistioii.‘ , ONO*
itis,4o• l 7 4 lol lo o.*ii, , ltteteltu~,oo4 .
l i l ts isfosirsie... • -'weatellYZON,
.2; 'Ainsßri4thnir . , :• ' Inise.tic nee "4 et;
oithopiguillikokri,lq,iii . .. - “ . fl u . , . , 1 !:,14 ,
1;1 1 4 b. 1 0 11 / 8 1/* . . ttit'fildiF4l.'
q ati
mi ' big b° o lo • -, ' , P4itliaall rt"flit
—..' tliwiii iklw 11'4 . tot ein thine* fir'
. .iissowittlSC: 'Craff i ti. asfusi
/ 014 •a 4 1440111110* , ! 1 1 . . 461 !
Cs -MW ' iiila g ia i lli . .'
' •',4liily th is. ith eespija :4611 1 1imi110n.04
... jalliistic*eipmciaiw*illwidairlibe.
:: Margot% disk 'LitsOcchiPliciliit
' ' f -,y,ddiiinat ltm4bicatimakiiii,
ou to - T hi hii kot el42:
hoire:fery- he all.
; vieri;teiiviterulemlawill arta*
them. Timm.Comminsemboi;- i
Pue..-Immliale -dmiir,inulmemgeriv
also recollect,' thokolt the 161114*;kt-wriarkiiiehic.
tiea*tei4 bOt toe'o( the Cooesiten. wukoinnig.
He prmidiel alone asjudim—ria
in osier toOariiik u ‘eibtiii Oleeliter,o4.o44,
`.fiti'l*- aat4 :4 B o.4 ll 4.;‘l 4 Peed:**ll4,:kk
eePee—ileit iriio`teri.
Tbmii -
inte g rity to dl, i'etiN,! lee 141 1 3E. flis
of pal o,7hiel.riiikka4o*7o,4s#llbir".
Agioma„wilbsittSfilind•4•;.4.o.:... „toe*.
indieonriimiira omemeih k .
IT* the Junto- s'iiiifidillyitaider with -
People. is Ilatttherlit-the 44 h* 61 0 6 414
lucid/4 let** emeerithie isagetekum
!hal ebee ikbe:nimillitt~k** nibeak4:
cy to theVsuiieter, views: fmfmudy
choice of the DemixiiKY'alf
ed by viler iatrignisadieu*
before and at the ills
mention drum% ittliWelliete;4laemeiro,.
ed, though deficieniiii'Me#Hrti:**o*
neighbors and estiMiiied'friendia : "
How are we to 0 1 4:ite444 ***kelt di
made? The aisar" tifthir : ifewilli'appiemtkun
if fairly made—iftkiemmiamerire regelle md
support the beet unefede of tl'M people., if
reason to doubt theii, ability, o r their f r vet
aim rights, or to suspect drooket;ktall more Mum.
meats in the imgas,orAdmigigdier• doh , .
therance of their sell* intereme„, we ibefleitikei ast
irate at all, or, support iadepeadapt, eudialeme freak
from the ranks of rthe4Mople. Dimarrme, are we
not right? - Ayes, taco to one! •
• Itimmfm'a4-. '
M I a Pm 1 0 1 '
were eval
the military w'e
-oPening caIPIN4II
On the a#poii , oo_so,4F.4.4'if.!,
' s ")° , l;# 4 !ote, , Eirk_ ;144i*mo,
rose, was to y .. uy .At almutl
clock, P. Mi." Stnirite!**Milt
shingle and cliOenr* ot iher Ilitt by••choe child
ren at little distanesOtenit \ ,whir liste thit
On opening the 'front doots, , the wilciwe'Were al
most completely darkened, though iro In. was arr.
paren; it being thea4,ortfussitthere: By is imme
diate and energetic spirt, Shade N. •C: Wm.- suc
ceeded in looting and literally earesrang oat; latest- •
ly, one of a pair of berms Istradiarg them frantic sad
almost suffocated,. It wan drought by some that bit
mate meat perish; but Mr. L. Isar* thseghle
could discover litdei, else elitist Mem ea*
eyes, venturously 'Milted in between hiet tad in
which at Mat miens* ceninssineetlillOg isto the
rack, and .wreirebed" the halter ' iti delasings.
Such was his m=int to falai * *Mire that he
bounded out ofthirlims„ Met withfreihinmes,: ter-
rifted and bets:- The &insider if the Sim,
to cling to his Wasted stall and his idstiieidan
gered the lives of bathl-the noted aid sairendili.
ry attachment of the clatter to his tr+e was
mental in saving hiM t By various itself; Mame,
harnesses, sleighs, dm. were .tinickly, though with '
hazard of personal safety, run out kW.* meat, It
was very clear to us, that an efcies[.Firv Compapy
with Engine sod.lioie, might have +red the WM
ing ; but, unforemaiely, inch mews. were not at
command—it was doomed 4o utter daatructdsa; anal
with imminent (*Pc
Presently we differed Col. Lusk ;with firsi ne
tire assistants upon his house .r t •dse roel.-
Mr. Sayre with him aid was ' • / the same
means of prevention. •meir !lindlinthossis wets
little over an hundred fisethent the*, sadcomihr,
ing the direction of the wind, their Minpactive, to m%
sufficed for their protection, TheiLlenlami bf time
present (and the,assemblage was 4400 nenseroes,)
exerted their energies •in=endeneitailii de
house of Mr. Bentley (win) wai ) and that
occupied by, Mr. Follett ; wbiclj wee seems *the
Ere—the forma;beirtg distant aboniiixtifemoriffie •
the latter was probably within thirti.five,kit offfie
burn. The wind:witifertaibe oo 4ll-ifentr-tott MO'
er direction would lave Been fivt4e to all inane.
diately win that neighborhood
leaned tom the antaiimn, and " telpiciamml
it ! v 44011M014
qUite agi 4 lOared rfebN.. : 1 &moral W a d
actively and elßeiliitli 'titnt eech of !doe
two houses lase mentioned, in exting(ishing ire 'asit
' a ught th°- nm ri . 11111 .0 3 0 14 116P rg 4142 S
water, &C. (we Ccnlld notdistimpaidtithitit;) lea&
the heat eras very opp ressive. bmidiNgs
were unexpectedly saved.-eindlisiOsit,
by great indwell directed eiertiatiliin*Yte . Oys
ter and forcing the little login, wMeh:
of sufficient poem: eitinguish the kr, neditisl very
much to cheek itit inge sled' keep' the•baildiri
Most exposed. ; ' 'f been being' aily, weir. bat'
ei long tiMe, , thaugh fi eiertainSd baiter tereiiiii,M
hay. 'CcmiettuentlyV many eitiifted *ease*
in the beat untillanter: ' eretla ae elf
quite) &anions!, • ' 'll
file. We eariice
In noticing ; incidents ordirfeoidaigration'idlisdfir
to, we should jintly nipOie ourisegni to dielnOtb.
tion of lightly-iPprec~emileuilitwerilonle
neglect an apprbying itikeence tothil bapernor ser
vices tendered 1 brthe ladies Of our village on duit
occasion. In the matter of cinivey!ng want 64
the different deposit o ries to the sestisitileannetien
and points df danger they masted efiudidly. 11? n•
ble lines were formed; the- ladies estitating r. al.
fix the- return or mist' buckets. replarily,
energy andkfitade with which they: endure! "dip
heat and burt&teolthe day" ireertOuly ireedri of -
much. praise snit erentnienditini. ; - '
The barn was' nottinsnred. TheprOalie lON*
of lossis about 11400t= '' . .fri ' ' '
The render may be disposed to iniptirt how did
this fire originate T. :The only way in widelt'it'eaa
be accounted for'osseidendy with ;ibe sdillisititli
that it rendied i fron accident, vre ngderstiad to lit
this: a spark,'Butn a stovepipe, psi* h#soittsl•
ly out Irwin situneOln roar orthe bluish toiteiSlit . ''.
by. Mr; F*leti,- and about aitty fsei diainS, Omit
have fientlits , watilirougirintua tbut •
joint-MU' ibiii4lbc balsa '
gated Areitatbit iiiy,*.dial, or otli
illabwill wfait.. The - direetiosi d \ 'IAA 'OW
ritt le' air Ina` stinisawl, hmtbki to ibit . sii
Bios;,itA. .ateimeatik , io.l , goth!ir
s troog atigiethale that seedirli masa* seelt.
InaanakceVolopeaiailefigeeaM like/Am ow*
pipes run -out at windows or *week the obble4
wombs- buildinis.4- A oar tow isoinibto doe ear
Town Couna'shashl ' INI 'lrldist. of*
which matariallg Abets - dui di
in our Borough.
tome of Dee iteea-aaattlie, Ipetiee#ll.tmositikhl•
tidies uP o , l "#i bl . ,#. l ltket.itabb ti -#‘ •
` awell:,0*!irOlil! : '4 lY;4* * *oll",_ cr h .r
- litotes 4444 ,Sere s . *lusic:iirr74# o, efmu_rif'
fro,ik , l':774::i° V, POiti ls - h Ay-
blie s to say #l l tif*iM:AM S ' 'l 4 o l o l i , . . ,A 4 l l '
;#4.o•,*;.:Timi, - frnfio:godai4
wili , #9•4:444 4 'l*it **kr:4 ..
t0w..,1*,. :Aiiiiscro, ,i.0.,*, ..,
behba,iii O 4,w*44,lk,i6rl.l
i*lit 11 *. ;tiiliiitr.:: 4 , I mi#ol4--;;!vm.
.-t.i.)s,fitli!oliotiopi•., -
_**.of swat, 14 - 4401 . 10.0„ .. 1 4 ,4 11
~ ,_1 ! "-”, 7-00 111141 ,__.. 741 1 k- ---7, 777...,, , :u• :
-..ri!:lf t ;ll 4 )l:'4.lf I
jimpfliwaiii4Warrilirb 6 .
Ihatet viethatridepti-°` r f, • -, --,- -, 1...;- tiFc..Nl
- t 1