The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, July 30, 1846, Image 4

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    IIIIIIM: .
__ ' , . • , M
~ ~ . , ' e 'oliaferriMil,l ~
thalllltdatill-ettiiddiiilohniloaal honor
- .
1 iekto*r ligialakiff •bodies• expend hilikeutt ,
, 1 iinte , in OeVigiapplie
mand , prortilitv,Veaus
for the nttiniDent of thelp multi.6oo l lg 'ali
.3.6CP'as i tl4 rY, A to /n.triyudi Ana, isgrac ful
=soslUteSi. AMU* party wradglings—let ; all 1
e,. our - ptiblintfunitionaries tind"depositaries of!
. bent* aiiittriva, feel tiudlneet their Weifdity
.' reOdnsitiiliiieoh thistunatter as they,Onglit,
~und thero wou soon be an mgatheririghar
‘ .v rest of the richest, golden"iitits:,',Lei the
&reat body of , platents be. brOuglii to feel that
' 1 'llhei4ClilasGaa eduation•is more impor
4int and, more valuable tu their children than
• -- 1
, :the bettoWineni of wealtb'or the attainment
' 'of'hoifornbfeli4es—let tOre Wild aut; rabid
~ scheesiofspeimlation be abandoned for the
steady ard settled pursuits of an ' honorable
•and safe bitttittatev lifeL-let"thcinititittee thirst
„forrilli . K,aoinetto4t,bc, curbed and crush
.,,l'in ii*.ta`ratast, devempements—let men
.:learit - 401 ...nate td•the public tro:S rid all
tt. theiiitlie - otitillnd, liarty prediketions.-let
*ll '4 4* 'f Oil and of.our, fellow- man be an
*l-pe ng.principle—letthesetimtplake
panev stud buiteountr,•is-safe, the plrPetiii
;tlctirop# iiiSfiffitions,is intalliblyceruitu, the
Anoo s 1 fine upon a,; happier land, or
a more yore people.
-- )K ' s c no4olar tr fiiittditiozi, it is because
we* ifatiedjtdittWive the',, - elements of
out etit 4olipmgrity, ot i 4Xii' give those
ete tsktlMt.",co ii4i:tion!it.tka , direction,
wilieli tWuld *ve_ insured suet' an - issue.
- 1 4 Walwe ut 4 peculiar age.. We 'bare
come upon thei.stnip of, being under peeu
‘t- liar resphnsibires.' "1,1;e gaze of nations is
upon ui. I) ',republic has, ,been styled
" 7 / 4 it tiorldltill.sti/14?.? ir shall be bell
to tt sirlet heel:4lll . o;MM/ by od, and gener
aticiasotet to eine, 'Coder these, umi
.ittait .*Viiiebeletttne4 an' inquiry. of roomen
,MuirimPcirt;w hall ii e meet the respon
libillities3witie : are a upon'us Is What is ay-
PeCted al out 6iids 1 • In other words,
" What are gni: duties dei oh•i its; upon Amer
;:' icon citizenkbr I auyver—it is the duty of
( every America? citizen to do all, that lies
_ MIAs power 44 perpetuate those civil and
religioluilikiiiiv wbieh 'are his ine.tna ible
birth-right, an to hand down to the latest
' posterity, uninkpaired, those free institution,
-i, under•which i 4 is ins impritneqs to tir e. But
what are the specific , antics, the faithful Per
ihorinaricle of which will secure these desira
ble 'results ? to these, in conclusion, I call
your-candid attention,
I. It is the t
• iny of every American citi
zen to bow to t, , he laws of the land—to rev
erence-those laws. We -live under a got
emment of laak and not of force. We owe
allegiance toti) man (In account ofhis birth;
we' :recognize rib , titled nobiliti ; tae submit
to the ilictation!of no favored class tO com
munity. , Es , ery man is .by virtue.of his birth
or naturalizatiTi a legislator; he has a % ice
in makinfr, modifying, repealing, or exe t
ing die laws. .gt , his is shat distineuisliest le
s American. citizen from the subjee- of every
despotism and monarchy, whether absolute
or limited, founill on the face of the globe;
he is clothed alb the prerogatives •of• soya-
reignty .;. we area nation of kings. But be-,
cause we acknledge no power superior to
- that of th t.
e peo e, shalt we, the soverebrn '
people, trampl#, upon our own laws, and ,
present to the viorld the. d:••Tra• 2o! exhibi
tion of a pat:tett raised up Ir 7 the aeency of
heaven, bidthiLtealm deti.vice to the men-
ace and scowl oche foreig n in% ad r. at :d vet
perishing' flythe suicidal' li lad. of her own
sons? • Shall thi sacred altar of freedren be
stained and polllned try the merit . of ru li
less mobs, anfitthere he note to raii.tsc !
Where is patriOtism 1 where is ilm spirit of
our fathers? lii there not energy (avai l i
among ds to 4.2 every violator of I : •
to the judgmentsent, and to leave him tb r .
until a rightemb verdict be given, and line.-
eI, power ,ello*,ll to see that right ons
penalty exacteal Let us see to it, then,
that we oursehqs obev the laws, and teach
OUT children 14 obey them; that no one
transgres,vs without reibule; that the indig
nant voice of t 4 community be lifted on in
thunder fones, *hist every violation of the
expres.sed ;Fill o the people—dud, despite
- the predidiOnS f the sages of the old world,
the holies ofheritlitary tyrants, and the fs-ars
of those who 'Aiemble 'fin- MIT , :ability, lye
<are risafe-,-we quill pre-ent to the univer-e,
the sublime speciaele of a cation of freemen
stanchngroreet ilimidst! Surrounding peril.,
hurling defutnee4t her foes, add yet bowing,
reverently mid stilnissively, to the majesty
of "her own, f lawol;,...an4 rills repo) lie -.hall
•glide on nol;ly i r inil gallatiily, amidst sun
shine and storni to the accomplishment of
her high destinyt thaliappi f jc s t, of her , on , ,
and the polmeat regeneration of the world
around her. - 1 ,
-, ~2.. It is the duly of every citizen to treat
with becoming rwect th-ce rested u ith offi
cial ant/writ e ' lye are,er - - , i r.l tothe
Seel . alga ofJoy alt (ilonimon to subjects of the
monarchies of th old countries, but there is
xt - tendency „Oluirt us , tl3l•an ~.. op po.t te ev
treme7-ro,eveteetil o4e lightly,
,who ' by the
italggesp(their fellow citizens, taive been
placed- in auth 9 kity,. nod thos, r s t owly hut
4 itid'- inWbly, Id' bring both the
toirsi*° Brill the inmbeut intocoatempt. It
fev u rtitia l by theTnii;i. or.Jeb t ;ivah, " Tho u ilut sp eak eft", of the ruler of thy , pet;
pte.'' Tlng'nt - iitf,,s4betion r ed "asit, te by
rasi,4. - L-,sviown, .4. appeltpg to , the com
-40010.-senne of e , ,refiectmg - anew for its
propriety, is per! ps thurerfre*itty and
nl mi
more fla,tantly !it:doted' I/Y the art an
than by any ntlartpeopii, rsdt (Is perfectly
rigluAkat-Abe pittilm,octs / of public-Amen
should-Im, scanned with scrutinizing seven
tyl'itig perfectly right that they ibontl be
witehid i slAgessmattnig; their er
!Ss Aauldtbe , Paiet&l out, oust the debit
quencies publiSheduponthebouse tops:bin i
irks - nal right r it ilit • :Ppt i lt)S tiojust; - to tear
1 open* seu s rets_ dry, Itil.b,'s daritestie retire:
kii3e,to l'aild up las persoriAoridicule, •
auy-stay r bx-oneeiis or sophistryi-by songs - or
jeers, to_atteitifititit 4vhiclilettfmot be doap,
bp ,
, I , plipeitt and iciitrtaate reason
iii k? A ax4guilite.s us appe g r iidieulous
in die 4.4.iethe , iivilized world, wlichure
fixed witif ~ upon f , ..- phn uscaingt . q.kio our,
4 WW ; beitltiral l. :,e4oo Mid-frtil - '
tfailW4‘, di 'Fol. 4 ` ,liiteVil Ala . I ; i Ve o 4r
and the rel ogd '. al lia l tior, to he r
sOollettlk:t 4 t , • - ,,,V1 )/ itre -111
alit - 11fitiliiiii:, 4111► 1 a a weft
bireiiier f i losgeroioc; gr admi s , on the
4464 fillskitfittedOec
_.. ~... patt7l4l l
•thepiiticid ineoti,-1 for-JAIL' t'" .-1- ' - ' - de .'
-- 4Fmr —.- itsr — & -
idigthr 4 t l 44l' — ' IL wsX I F LA . 'x' m'
ftWrate' '
c ; i t ia *4 B. "Aur
tie aid aiiir , s for office:
what would VellitiVikaillioitl. , .l-Why, most
qc r _wit n; .1 , 4,..t.0.“ ..tE , c % , , 1,0, -draft.), eta
SA P ,, ' . a 't, ..11 alr44 ..
_ _
.. ,
v ', WM=Werartal
'-.. -nur—greltrnitic
arc till greallttaye,t4`...or else that at _satiri c
:'Hillis tetife'4,[kgelvt4 ,figin'aUdy; iii
vitubertitien 7 ,"delifsioOS;eildffilsehOod... The,
' eFtli::*pir,;'o4ilkiini '':itik it ' Lam ih r ':
• t. • 1 . i 4 . 1 - , `"1 ---- .,
is . I- iyir . 41q0a ~ ipri :-, ui t ,,Goi4. ;men,.-welt,
rueoi4g,.citizenSfleat at!theiflaanctiat4 and
theArikk, the niightiettftiralt . hatuatt Oboes;
foi - 00 .0 . : ; 0•'i4 ii 6 .4',4l,ofteOfe,',itAtklicuir
rilitY Ottliese;in.atithority., , Vhe remedy re
in oar , own liatlds; Alet,vvory Avell risher tci' i
~OotiMt freWilopitl' tfit exit` 40d:it, Willi
speadilY diS4Pliedk • - both Mint — the ,. paliticaf'
harlagae *ad, flte party.journals of tho'idey. -
:The presst livegi moveg, kind:has its - being, in
the:434l*ra* Or pithlie[oP4Onl i Let;then,
,thoSe, it'ie ,te4di,...Odniniid? trnib,and candor in
thei'tijeitrials; mid they served accor-,
ding to their.. desire.: •.- , I . .
',',3, , .ft fe the, - tlit. p , :of - every citizen to -isze,r
-cile;th.ilolloe. •' roAcii.u. • according .to hrs ;
i r
Oesiju4l4ent. :• tin his duty to vote.. There,
arettnett - who tell: us they tat , no interest in
politics, ilterenienot who lslp office; they
trinStlabltinfter„th'elr eiv. a ,affairs, and let the
country take care of itself. , Now, such men:
taayeniake- very good Serfs - for q 'gtissian ,
6g;sobii jitit they deserVe,tiot, the ,name of
, 40 - 04,40 free Men. Out 'what right do they
,claiin.lexemption . from it , dul imposed by
the - Aiiddess.of liberty on -he r r sons, in this
lier4Oeillybeiriingel Aid Suppose all Should'
, follow this • example, what would:be the re
-1 suit? It is his duty, not only to 'vote, but to
i •
1 vote iate//igestly.i This implies' the duty of
infermirigliirnSelf. Without a knowledge of
1 what bis servants are doing in the legislative,
• liall's and executive chairs, how can he tell
whether they are trustworthy—whether they
arc:;enittled to his confidence and support?
I I call these high functionaries, his servants;,
they are so, because they are placed there
I by hi§ Voice, and paid by his earninTs, and
he is responsible for their acts. Like all:
othar,servants, they need looking after, and i
it-is the freeman's prikilege and duty to do•i
it. But'it is his duty, also, to vote honestly, I
acebrcling to the dictates of his hest judg
inent-,--to be no man's slave—to wear no
man's livery. While he, whose sense ufclu
ty i'S So accommodating, and his conscience
so }plant, that lie can Veer about with the
popular favor, and is more anxious to be in
the linajOrity than to be in the right, is a'
subject for just ridicule rind contempt; the
,man' Who, una wed by froWns and titiseduced 1
by favor and flattery, carries independence
andfintegrity to the polls, will have the peace
. 1
of 4n) approving Conscience, the smile ofl
trei`.veii, and the approbation of the wise and-
- good.
-I. Finally. it is our duty reverently to ae
, knortdedge the ,being and "superintending
providenct of God. I should be recreant to
,- tny duty, did not remind pan that there
is a God " who doeth according to his will
'in the armies of heaven,' and among the in
habitants of earth." To that God, we of all
people aro most deeply indebted. "If it had
not been the Lord was on our side, (may
Columbia say,) when men rose up against
us, then bad they swallowed us up quick,
when their wrath was kindled against us."
I Trace the history of the Republic, from the
first blood. that flowed at Lexington, through
I the succeeding events of the revolutionary
, strue , le—look at the diversified interests to
be harmonized, and the mutual concessions
to be made, in the first Congress—soe the
t eller 'Adams, fervently leading the devotions
i orate ..asstembled delegates, dem, rising above
lan sectional feeling, and proposing. for Com
•atateler-in-Chief the Delegate from Vir2-iitia
—Mark the result of the canvassing for that
office—the-ballots are counted, and it is an
nounced that George Washington is unatii
motisly elected. Read the memorable words
found in his letter to his wife annoancing
thisresult : " I shall rely," said lin, " conti
dent- on that Proiidence which has hith
erto preserved and been bountiful to me."—
Gaie ou the Father. of his Country, in the
darkest hour of her peril, as lie retires from
the encampment to pour out his soul in be
half of his down-trodden, bleeding land :
that voice, so majestic and commanding on
the ,battle-tield, calm but fervent at the
inetcy-seat ; those knees, which never trem
bled_ hi presence of fuss, whatever their
numbers or malice, bow reverently and sub
iniskivellhefore the God of hattles. (Would
to heaven our country now possessed a man
on Whom his mantle had fallen, and in'whom
she ,could as safely confide l) Follow the
track of the Continental Army, at times
weary and faint,,half Starved and half naked,
iridium pay and without resource, with feet
blisiered'and bleeding, but with hearts burn
.i in* quenchless ardors of patriotic_fire—
anpe must be blind indeed who does not
diselnyrAhat.!those•artlars wileltintllo and
stastainiilbY an `unseen hut AhnightYland.
You; may east ; them into the suffodating
h&c,: hole, you limy thrust them into loath
some- "prison ships," you may immure then/
ilailitageoni, you may cut them off from so
ciety!,' you may immolate them, lint you can
not ;quench the patriotic fire that,dwells in
their? bosoms. They think of their limes,
burned to" ashes,, and all their pleasant things
laid_ Waste ny the spoiler's hand—of their
evil: fathers and mothers, of their defenc
tvive.s and children ; they think of their
bleeding country's insults and wrongs; and
thevt4tre .resolved that she shall never lift her
implaring,:liandi in bondage to reproach
ibeni . for having,deSerted her in the hour Of
daiia:their hearts are nerved for the con
fiig; their live; their prokrty, and.their
sacred ficinot," art .alt laud upon the•uftni
audtledg"oil' id Eiti -defence.
-viiranerabletrrnen.l Yobr• worthy represent.
linger 'among us, we wel:
come to our hearts and ;topurfestive boards ;
we love to look ripod Weir time-lionnre f i
bi.o li o2 7 "'poi , altars ;of `libei;iir . on. Whicip'a
000.'F0144 this ;day to offer Bie n
of grAtitude, Were erected and' defended by
they were consecrated
• h • )
•itheir toils, and suffeviiPTs, anti 'blood. Their
rif t xtiefs. willibe,embaltned . in= the• memory} of i
graleful posterity ; their heroic deeds4ill I
trdtismi t tf4 by !he
,Iy . st - wittp: to , :the latest
ig,etterntiOitb bfgine`; their Virttiei-and-saeri,l
sl6€4 4illfaiggenibadieti ;
~ t'siittifi~iear~
kongoflfeiTezt,goldilyt:theiidereitinkg itun
go (110% geutly.dirtheAvesti
goai o f
i~ie future 4tph—lku peow:Are,urget :that
Altaisilty Being, who guided:l4o4lr ;safety
iirli6. - PArMellits;* - 44 47 04a 1 )1i5iq - Atkilt
tioustigitlitpthidtttee tOtitlO utj-ittidgine w e.
aoiotfgamticilthebgaifiatteelapti Ottblif
eiketfibifkfriirtileiliip44oo:44o:44 o m,
* an Ocean. of storms. trn
erlihi shadow; we are safe.
I gkettifTlis - it:Chritfliiii - I:',l,ifii(l, wily4.ll
. y
-.1.4.5!..1.1... , '.-••••,t•-;,._--1 - _-_ - ................t&z..4.,2-ti-' 1 7 - ' -, 41
ydwa measure. ot mat.connuepee waken in.,
. • • iii ..t, ~ - ,i, ....,,.., ,,, „.,.. , ~,..1
- spy , tap S ouls ot w irc A motuze i a,unceors--.1
grttl,, uttpmnce to the , unfalterfagtrast winch'
!titis'fliiy . 'aniinates the ',lld,n`ris,,,of, millions of
Flitiklian Tigemeit—ailhe,4ngto•lhe.nrumi.,
00 4 KOpe,Or9o:94i',`. i .p .ll r , Panilefqa4
neilili'all• still float ti.l4no ',OA ille ttiteze„ 1
f lint i
i 4
filiniitgn ,
gle u .si
" 11.,phitnelcluangs .,:
'feii 11 . higter'liighii,roAr ins(PrOtneritY i
We ' ' but cshn n 0 otvh As. t? )me;
oily` illyyr'reasingAnlilioslyagsprer
itslnOnifliii'frsijesuc riiei7tid innefittif
lak4:e7eit.flli / ynileie l tildif:S4e,`fie,ao;
addecein, ivii.bJOykus life:.
HallKorscietiee a n d templ es ofiVoiship ;half
togeOterrear their, beauteous forms c ia wluise
sac* precincts thousands.of flexile mind s
shaltidrinit ;lie mingled. ,waters of', learning
And uly, and goforth,intuleCtualstud [norm
gian s, to bless and . edam the circlesin which,
thug move. Tovis, fellow citizens,•of what-'
etegiiune or sect, whatever be our •profesinn,
callifig, or occupation—to us, individually,
is c
'flitted a. trust, dearer, and•olmore mag
-441 c, than wits ever given'to. any people,
.in,at 'period offline. Itis, to preserve itml
• cherish! onr civil
. and religious ; institutions,,
,i4ausmit them, unimpaired to pOsterity,
so that
.in future ages, on the annual return
of dds festive day, Irma the hcarts of anima-t
-here:a millions who shall dwell on; this,soil
while we arc . mouldering beneath it, from
one Extremity of the hind to the other, sh all be
beartl the pealing anthem,-" The lines arc
fallen to us in pleasant places; yea we have
a t)dly heritage." . I.
d _
Pi.:OVVING IN CLOVER.—Among other pies;
tioal which ought (and may be) deci
mi Is that of the relative advantage of plow
ing)n or •pasturing clover. It seems - to be
taketl for granted by- many, that plowing in
the djover crop is more beneficial to the land,
and 'a more profitable course than feeding it
* animals. But we doJtut think this
point by any means established. In a late
cote rsation with Mt. Noble, of Massilon,
(hid ) he observed that from his own experi
ence he had been led to the conclusion that
a mach greater profit could be derived from
r •
pastpring clover with sheep, than from plow
ing in. He had found the wheat crop as
gooti, or better where the clover was pretty
I closely fed down by sheep, as where that
cropthad been plowed under; the land .in
bothteases being similar. If this would be
the general result, the additional profits of
the sheep .would make the case much in
favor - , of pasturage.
lii a late number _of the
,New Genessee
Farther, we find Mr. William Gaebutt, (a
very,t judicious farmer.) entertains similar
ideal to those above expressed. Mr. G. eon
side pasturing clover two years with sheep,
nor _ profitable to the farmer, more enrich
ing, es) the soil, and more beneficial to the
whet crop, than plowing it under.
Nq would suggest to agricultural socie
ite propriety of offering premiums for
expefiments to test this matter.
P4ll TREES.—The plum fruit is borne
uponiSpurs, consequently thiS fruit is to be
prunid the same as, directed for the apple.
1/110 trees are apt to become gummy, and
also ite troubled with black gum. The for
mer ' i iiroceeds from the effects of a living
woi O which in course of time changes to an
inseet The latter is a black, cancerous wart
whicli spreads rapidly. Worms similar to
thosetbeforc mentioned, are sometimes found
in thq black gum yet their presence therein
is purHy accidontil, hence su case are com
plications of the evils. R •nrwe all limbs
atFeetH with the black _urn, unless it should
spoil Pie shape of your tree. In such a case
cut tlfii train out, 'Lick to the quick and
squint bark. Uut it must be thoroughly done,
fur if un leave a particle of spongy or speck
led leirk, you ini‘dit as won leave all. The
wouri4 is no worse than occasioned by
remoii . in ,, a limb. It will heal readily if cut
far clibu 7 -11 back. In regard to the worm,
cut lthn out with a narrow bladed knife. It
will l'4.quently happen that the' amount of
dead' bark to be remnured is great, but is bet
ter ranoved than remaining:. The worms
will iilhabit the tree in time, top to bottom,
and afe liable to girdle it at the root, yet the
knife; goVernedhy patience and pergeverence
will effectually remove the difihwlty. _ -
- Pen Teets.—Mr. Samuel Ford, at a
inertilig of the Philadelphia Society for pro
' motiii- .I , rrkulture, made "the following
' state meat as his method of improving the
; fruit,4 the pear tree. lie said," From ex
! perie4e, I can state the advantage to be
derivil from the application of iron to the
roots of pear trees. It is known to all nat
uralisfp that iron enters largely as a-eompo
' nent tort into the fruits of the pear tree; and
as natby of our choicest varieties have very
touch deteriorated, I feel it a ditty to state that
my filth has very much improved , and some
. i. -
1 that wtre almost useless,-restored by the .fol
lowiO 4. apptications : - Duting the winter,
irlien s;the frosts will admit,, I, have dug
aroutut to the distance of three feet, bearing
up ander roots, and then have applied a
buslielliof cinders from the blaCksmith's shop
—old iron would be better. This oxidizes
by the rains of the seasonihatt is taken up
in the s...ip as it ascends in. tha . spring.7 This
is..fiSir#pip statement, and. one , that will 'ha
hig,ltly prized by all the lovers of fine fruits.
• 1
Gonto ADrICE. — N6 - eri,eliere, much less
prop.iittte, an ill report about-your neighbor,
‘ good • evidence of its truth. Never
lisiert to an infamous story" handed tb - youl
by-_ , tt . 4 nwho is a kilown enetily of the- per- i
son c ef:t.tnied, or who is himself infamous for
-defaatiOg his lie ighbOrff, or who is won_ t,to
so* clitreora among bretlierd and - excite ails-'
turbtinies in
.socity. Never .utter, the evil
which folk knowor suspect of another 141
you hate-bad tin opportunity to - expostulate
with'' !dm. .Never speak evil ,of another I
Milli Yint - are' iiticlei . the Operation of envy
-and to'i
.evolence, , but wait till your spirits
ate-dit ed, dowti; that ' 0 rii.ay- better judge
whetbei to utteroftsupress.,the,matter. Nev- i
er exprtss.tbe, - i would say of
your !it , ghbor in teritiwtoo strotttioritillan- -
gaagc Inch- would coaVei - att opyg - g***
idea of .his'coarlaCi.',..':NeVqi,_:ibrow -out -11-
'gaint r man,brokeit 'Mitts and-dark,ineuefi
doesiiratticit would leivelbe: hearer's - to i0! 1 - 4 .
-pect ev4ry thing and our tho4tbatltr,mt- -
turo, 04„8,9;g:qt, ! , 'Viral. iippevil ste•yoar
iteiglitiii to his own enemy who .wishes for`
an oact?sion of slander; tor lie"iiiill'intrtainly
litghttillitiillaff.grititnW7 an 4ToMprnir4triii :
hold 1 Clors... t f IllisfSiotom . i f f , : speak evil of
a mast. heutyduir . , , ••spo'(titit;g-tu l tii- piithably
do-ni hurti - butrairrAc!rpoisibly - 40 iin:f .
. e , 4 ~.,1 •t.,,; ; 1:' -11 P , fr. , . ,•• ~i ; :
good Family He nper. "L'
p r wA
~' 1 ~ ~~~
- ,
coanrciEri , p
oar sa i .J
Pifilattelptila'.lsink; I .:, par
Nkit , bunk: IP. par
Moyamensiiolianli" par
Penn t 9w ll #4l ) ;:b, 3 *,_:' par
U S r batik notes
i dis
PenntyPtv do • c V.. par
Gen/IN:awn! , . lifla
Del co i at cheiner .;
ClmsterC.oatl l'Etrestetar
AlchitgSmei) e& 'par
Yarn:lets' b'k baipkido par
Fanners' bk geatll
Easton ,
no 'isle par
• Isferiliarnitou ire
Ltuimsfer.bmik ; ' par ;
l'oebk„Laudaster 1: pm 1
I Leb4unl ; :OW
. 1 clis
'Aculdletown ' 1 Ais
Itarisle 1
ColuMbia bri4ge par .
Northomberlatsl par •
11finers. ' bk rtsi-ille par
Wy'g bk Wilkesb'e 14flig
Pitts'g demand notes }die
", cortificiates 1 dis
" post iicites .1 diB
'inwanila.. 'sale
York ' ' I 1 (11\..,
Gottyabotg 1 • 1' dh:,
Clunniicrsixtrg 1
~ 15(144
Browns - kill°
Brie I" 11
Berks co blink . no salt
limiesdalc 1 di:!
Suml'a co l 4 die,
Lev.i4,om diN
Lnin bk Warren no cal
Dom Cr Stripy 20t1:39
Lehigh Nag cript,,
4th 111ay issue 1,4 dis
N Y City lAA dirt i
Tenth \Yard bk
Chown bk N Y 30 dis
- Clobe bank fraud
Worth liver bk'g l co do
City Trust S Ilk"g eo do
Wool (4rowers' bk. —dis
White Plants, bk,
'Leis et, bk
w dill
F'ar & Dro bk • Raft* 25 dig
Millers bk nfClyle 15
Far bk of Seneca co , — dis
Corn bk of IN, - York 2 dis:
I,nflvrtte batik 2 dis,
N Y cola GO dis
Dry Dock brink .l dis
N An, Trust co :2,4.
Bank of Buffalo 55. dis:
Bank of BroCkport
Hamilton bk 30 dis'
Cora bk Buffalo 55 dis.
MI solvent franks 4al dis
Country han l My inl
Except bk tit Colutn
bin. (Wenn S. Bud
son.:ll iddlti distets,
Wa-h and AVin-ren,
Wash Ntattta. •
Wayne co bank
Nrer and Planters'
Del On bank:
Ex. hit Pil'knerfsie fir,
Potts(him illatudell, dr ,
Real It.vksal d is
Meelninics' and Maunfa--
turers' bk :Trenton ' par
•Princetim bituk Irar
Plainfield' hank
State bk' at Camden par
Cumlserland , bank 'par
Mount Holly, . ' par
Salem Bk'g co . par
Monmouth hank no buli:
N Hope Del Bridge di,
Trenton lil4 co old par
All other batiks par
Par . & 3lech bank of
N Brunswick no sale
Hob Bk'g & co broke
Washington Co do
Franklin bank dr.
Jersev'City Bank d 0
Monti-10mb (10
N J 111anitf Co
Protec and Lombard de
State bk at Trenton do
flank of N Brunswick dOl
Merli bk. Patterson dol
, PAY UPI . .
.-.„ z .. . T HE ankscriber. ihacing leased hi;
:I - 4j . .. , ' JL Shop, 6 dealroks of scpaarinalis
acenuuts: All whal are indebted to
~!.. him for blaclisinlithi4.l, would confer
.., _
.....,, a great favor by pay-Mt...up immediate
, iy. lle dislikes to Male cost or extra
!trouble, but. unless -this notice 6 Ootnptly attended
Ito, he will lye under the •nectssity if trying aunther
Iplun to colldct his dues;
! .
, Montrone. June 30, 1]846. t
'.— i
The Tariff 4nd the reople_l :
~..g.. Pd OW Os . i'. •
IFFIHE fanners of Suisinelinninkh County are hereby.
I _L notdied, that the Lagest and liestassiortment of
I Ploughs mid Iron Casti gs of every ih from he:Funitind and v-ariety;.
may be had fresniest of
D. !POST , ' €.
' R. 4 C 0.,.
Cheaper that) the Cheapest, fffir • Calti!
Let it be 'understood! that we s ill not be molar
,old. We have, ton, thtidargest assortment of Goods
in OUT line, of • LUW Fonttdcy in. Norlhern Pennsylva
nia, consistin g orPLOL:GHS that lyiill go up hill, and
.own'hill. Ma on the 41.% - ot—to wif : thin I'loughs.
Wayne • qiiiititv ;Ploughs. Wood's 'pld Patent, gide 4 ,
Hill floui l gh.s. &r. fie. Mr) ours to mention. -
Post & : Cti-, will also' uniish ;tlieir customers with;
Andirons of
s evvry,,siz, , with Wai.epu , Eto;es„ Slay,:
Cotter and 'Oob Sled 8 ' es, DOg-Churn Irons, Faii-:'
mini Mill lriiue , and in eed everyloiid of Iron Cast
-1 1 , 2,5 that the', fanner an hard4lstedlyAmiatiry of the.
Cuenty may; desire. Then. call ! at. 1 , ..
• •
Afontrose,lutie '23, 1
PMODUen, Cush, aid aiproveil dredit may be
exchanged. for. Iron ,Ware, at
VE RY liimt of
114 !bade to artier by.
Rtn 3 had strong, and
D. ro§l-. /R., & Cp.
Pr. R V L Pe
•"'P ns crtl9 l l ;In
• , tea t ; 1• 4.143
getchrail & c e k . ° l 4 ' 913 • 11 T,
trouble, by P. aerul g •to ulesar !Flint Is ()Tesoro.
The - Kccoulits of R. H. & Co., aruin the fititiiis
_,• :• ~ • :111.
Montrose June 18 4.. I
LEOIiOR .1110 N NETS., -
ANEW:4.ot of Logiavni Str ar Bonnets,
• elagaut;Bottoctlail,bana just :clued at
2.lth - JOue jIU46. ,- ' -• 11 I.II3OIMY'S._
. Mr • !. t:i IVRIE
„ EtALit at
I . I
1 4 ...,, ,.ift• Pi M KO f t 1 1 ......
I iiiHjailt: received '
Hata, *high will
_ . .
-1.. , -:-•- - :::: VV-A . ivgD.i , - ,,,,
imil sariebilritoth f il' n6*fiir
„W-Otli:c1:: ,•, n i bei l i xt • i m i vh i ci
tH '-!.ltrir4Will:bftipiliHrr.c4shl,, a•Gow
- Fiii tidilii,'3ni i,-,J
.; i y 24 i• ,, i'l , i P . f"0„ISE
... ~. , g.trr .6 (111,1i4b:1
,titcti ‘ l
: ,2.... ~' ' ‘ . 1:• ' •''. rr
1 1
r • , * 1
- is I
, f I BETTi.Eir ' lifit4
I_,Vrar, usliA* iV r
:ittilOgi / .16i
: .1
PL* 3 ll ! Abir
e- 25 0P 4
Fader,W. , - ..
' i A dal.
All ii,oltelit banks' A dia,
161.4 t
4 ~ • ; ~.' •• 40* ' ..!
_bank ? do
CIO Piirdiniol, dO
Dithhii ' its ' - ' ii 6;
Alorcantilelbk 'do ;'.!
.Stillw,ier Canal bkilo
BlingoPicoln Wt, , do i ,
,41f4tbbk. - . do
OititeiliebkrOok. '' 'do '
Globe) kl•I do ..'..,
yKashin co. - 1 7,. do
'prank!" bk do
#ll...ofe3tnt, banks A dii
~. mEßmoriT.,. '
Bank Of' St Albmis- 14 dis .
13k-of . ffeludngton . s - dis
...kresohlent banks A dis
All solvent banks 4 dis
11 so! , rarbanks • , 4 dis
Baltinaire banks • 4 dis
-Patimi:ti.bk ~. ' 4 dis:
Mineral bank . ~1 dis
Predcl i ktoWn .-. 4 dis
wn 4 dis
'Far Si- fillers' bk Ha.
.00 dis
Wosnohattur .r 4 - dis
ivitlhinispiirt 4dis
Calirbe4tii,a . il dis
SaliSlary! . ' , 0 24 dis
3ra lik I in, bank . . 4 dia
Sositni:baanab broke.
NEllmou broke !
Frcdon,tk co bk 4 . dis
Bink 6.14 bks',.rarinVis ,rlces
BalthiriOre: & Ohio
. Re- -
, lief notes . 10 dis
Bank o Delaware par,
WIN Pranyw'ne
Farnal! 'bk Del . par;
Union bank .- ' 'par .
Bank of Smyrna par
I.lutlei- 4t3rl a dis
Waskinote City i din
Gi.ore own 4 dis
Far,4...ktecha,aics' , 4 dis
Alvxandria 4 dis
Bk of Alexandria broke
Mmliallics' bk broke
InuMIM bank no sale
Mercb:Vits bank ! do
Ex-bk Si. branches 14 dis
Bk of V v a Sr, bm'clis 14 dill
-1:* bklAr., b'cha • 14 dis
Volley' iik S. b'ch 14 ilia
Wheal' , , 1a44 dis
Wheel' p:rvites 1i dis
All ,0,14.nt banks _ , 2 ills
Small itotea 24 (Es
sol7t[; CAROLINA.
11l &olliciit banks 14 di,
'Small dotes 1 }b.,
Ilk or 8:7. Mary's 54
OcinulLepe do
Nle R dy
C , lmplitts
l'lrrnixt bank do
Exelnutoe bank do
C;hal.P.~hank do
C eltt cal Ibk..t . Mill
Geor4ia! IVkg co ibt
•Rneker co do
soltient baalt.s 2;18
Mlso rent banks 5a6 db.
Tte.s , B dii
Oitte4 di 424 rli
:Solventlbk antes
Rank onllinois
IState: Inink
70 dis
50 tits
Note, i 4 2 dis
Small tikes 3 a31 ells
1.017i' TANA.
311 siilvimit banks dis
All solvfnt. banks 2.10 dis
. • INDIANA. .
All solvimt hanks dis
Southern Life & Trans
port :I'4on Co.
IS 1
:ISfltfl 'B'
AC. R414)141T- ,• 1
imalliloi E nglish,Bom,
-f i
:t` a tit h, o o, 4o , -
kre4stithik linmtif iifiallialV
tinc_ 'l9 effitilTfilind , tiPS,
Yalu"; • : noes -I P I stflirAn OW- wet+ ,
erthi; a in montr;TVV.
Olinger Ike ;10 . d evor xrcisod fbr 7 . t region'
bf country. . opyougithirorl .
Soincluttesr- !ip timkt.-1
„ **”
And nu 4 us 10,e 'J°lBh t
a t a ßooth,,f or
ah a valpt,,,rl,;)rui
ftl9 biz. Paten'
.../1 $1 a-piece: Cal
for pc
A 6450 I artiCle of `4 Hats Cor'
;:t1 SI; f•
N'll4ta c cape 4 than "Oe: chows
. (,' J°••4l.:Vil
LE -4 °:
~ ~ .
B INGHAMTON flow rearm fori , ' 10,14
i' Stan Hill do. II 50
Also War;ammtY If - air/LBO &AN
bi :
. _l4 B 1_ . 1 G
<› t , 1 1 It
G EA I 1 Ali INS: ,
coag rVRW.4g2X3R'' ere oli. , ;
volt C h, Uttt teelmar,Feadiers, .deb. 5-c , ,
..1: or ap raved cretini m SIVII . IWhiIUII3. Comity, can
be had of i I , i-Ipr e .., . i
e ittA
et 3. , : '
who is always en li, nhateady snit ;o i l thew
who may pletcm to fo or hmt;walk call. t 0
J. L als.carries on the Henn tz.n Inn ihnlinesi••
where old oolutj'olSere, & & c', AN be bound to or
dersil ou silo notice. - ~• , 1
Montro , Po. ) Jun , ;, 1846. ' ; 1 I
i— I , /1
20 Lb Salivate* for Chin Dollar ; I •„:
16 do Sug4r /do ' do i
12i do Cotfoe ,do I do ' i 1 '
4 do I'g }IN Finn Teci -dol , 1: I 4
12.. i N (1% sheenucttihst 40 /collet; *lda forll
SUMNIS'it CLOTHS at 10 cc/ I it& aril—call
quick or tlMy will all] be gotte--at Ithe Cherti, Store
of I i f 3, LYONS.
June 23. i i ' ' ,1
RAISIN'S, in strati boles, , nico 4rfamilyllse, for
sale 117 , j J.. LYE,INs.
. - ktai9; •
"ILT AVE 4u band fit. sale (4heap...iour Tudighbors)
11 a beticr stock of Spring &Stunmer,,than
usual. ' I
FANCY prams Poo& at , • .1• •
• s • • I
BONIN ET$--LieghFon and:St:ol, at'
LOTH and A I tinlEFtES . (ttncy r p lp s lai . n
S ILK, Di:Laino ani Long. at
D ~Lss Ipravats,
. , • aud LLien ClAlrickk,
at • qrs.
S it Gs, at
H •DK'4J tut'd E4ings, at
PO., • 'S
. •
G ROCE tIE6 ut every description (very tih?itp)f
at ' PO9I7S.
FAIN, &lel, NaiL4,l - 161:wyc4n. Pittliforks, kfttes,
i ' !
-wait,T' and Hard-ware of e ery der:co L
at I Pf!t*T'S.
1 i i
T j ooKL I G Glrovt,, Tea Traysitt _'l j
, 1 '
C ROC RN, Phipa and tils-ssAtare, st rt Ig
W OOL I, Wanted{ at
. . ,
EW GODS;expe ctcd boon, at .
, QP 141
Nrimtrcriej June 7846
F Loci: q ,..1 SAO' fot-salu by,.
, I. Li POST 4
. , , ........".. . $ 1
HE subscribers lawo now ou 4ana and ikifo re
Ceiring age brutassprtmouti of Goods, whit they
offer at n small sitivaace for READY PAY: Nros kinds
of 'traduce roc'd in ekcbaur.e for GE:sids. [
MinitroscitJual 1 1346. 4 r: 1• .
for .kil
B!.: lt TTE Firkins 4iept co'rlantb,- on han t i
• As.- • . SILLS SitER.)
cluck ,
:1411./ AIINGIiE-S -.rime
1.000. •tiranted... Enquire of
.mit,L3 4c SI - lERMI`i•
- .lune 15. 1'46. j
AROApy/ . 1/
_ )EASTii
R xe'D fr Pt freO,P l3
enictg nipp y 6F.e •t'y , 1611 can :1)
chaiiett tit •tinit'suall 14:itet-otisistitity, -,
itNeits, LtivissiVoS T oiNctsj Fresh •
. * . ; BTEIERID
Montrtise Inng 15, Ls4G.;
BIER APPLfIO a>gnnd aitiele—ana
..Lir supply:of Flat ITURNI,P -S..f,ED, just
and fonyale at pia., I : . . ARCA
June 30. • ; .
e r fiG uag
- A,
a lc'iri.i ) cF4 , 4, l :l' invk.tA,
`APPPwens .01160:
, A , • •vicic(tor,
tbvni , s,j few 41 -
411-,whfr,majt givorid
roo toN.
rris and e
• Hit:Writ:tits i
tectilPtlillgun o 4s,nemil
iremely low,
Spopi over Sc
-tanfor: •
iaezoixdoikalad Ofo
, .44pre a!,A
: GOO OS 61144714t4taP11*-
tab --V. Yl ; ' '
l'tb l4 '
ibeik.44 . 4446!
equal I.ol,l*ltOro
cull Ad? to
414 0C 8 . 44,84
Summer f,`]r
3 I iea!Cnu
;Sae4 Drcv,
trin 3 Ylingli for,
Ludieg Weis
ble for the
• ; pruyei Goo&
'4l -01 1 3 P 1 P., liana '
Li , . 1
111.. • ''.,llls.
VSLIN n LANES - sa` upward s
ILL Ili sale ati•Jl '.` '" ;111113LFORDS'.
. .
AtkOLASS 47 7 -goc4 Auw!icTnta and all otter
ikfutFoßtist .
(3) . E. tiev rt two'ltc. • e..pia47 'won. kpr
• 41,0395. I
tar6 rr
assortment kept .constin • .on hand and fiir sa e
at Manufactarers',:nnem; ,at mplFoßpr.'
•.. •A 4 . 1k FORDPi
ATi asscirtmprit b 47, tta,es far at
; r; • littat);
S ll O-;'co* , aYFru,
,at • josc
4, •
r2Y A 4S *Ythe ll 4 43 CYtNr B ioneigleilli tnitCa,
'dieB :cYttll?;ll 4l 9 l4 i-aakel, rite-him*" Sicilia,
&c., fort 1e aE , • - MULF9AD§'.
•, • •
AN Ilmnatr4 Staple :and .Fancy -Dry
Goods trody foim4 } rd my. Store ,on like ,Foist
side -of ihelttiblici *Venue, in' Ment 6 e . ,, eaters the
wopie , C can pritt - base et very' linsi prides - lei66k
or,exclmtrge their, produee to good, kr.drmsta g i.. ,
- • , , .1. B. SALISBURY.
A N dogma aksortment of Lad:6' 81i perk Ma
.111- Boolcin phooti o verylow. at— BALISBURiII.
A ;third iplefidia N,Laines, and
Rep'd Casfdniireii; it ' SALISBURY'S:
AL ; , ! autd -- asoortmetit ,of Priats,
j tdw,. its- ti*LI,6I3,UBY'S.
A66,9D,sUrck ;of Summer Cloths r Genic' and
Bo a; §ALLSBERY'iii:
•ORDED Skills, White and torah 9toreene,nl
Cr S/iLldelißY'S
A LOT ot "Do Wile AtLawpi, jght ie
ceiri4 dna' 5V,411 • ..
•• ;' - •• I StkLIS.BURri
V all.
ON, Steel, Nall. Rods, and cheap at,
, • ti ail
HE3l!,E,ll.MOUs.tigin cau fouini•iirtorn
%../ • at OOly 33Ccittar v!if6Te:-ts, 0. 1 1 1 e*Coiree
Tobacco,. egray;l:iew, at SALISBURY
Tubke- and - Tnyte' Din* and
Lintin Oaatii*; a good nasqrunent oftialt Lin
en, at
lot Of first .rate s lSwedeis
• 13ALISBURrk,
eILOTtIS.=-13io ad 6citbs; CARi i inieres and, sifti•
nettqtytuuully low,,at • SALISBURY'S.
alaitrnexts of Sliwo aka' .
JLJL Ladie6 reanCed priceint
.:4 . 1 • Al_.l-38111R.1*
r, —
COTTO, Table' D3a and Lilian HafEst,, fow
at r , • 'EfALISBURV3:..
• ' -. 11 ;1 1 RiA11%;1 1 1.
I al ' C4IRAWIWA I A #oer,
.®N wet m Tt side ef,the Public i..'reette, are jilistt re
ceire a new antkplend d assortment of,Fresh
Goods lately` part:based at extremely low prices for
cosh—anil are induced to sell them'on ns geod terms
a+ any of the cheap; cheapeal or brag shops'in tio*n.
Those hmling cash Wray for Goods Will 'do well•ter
give Its a shall before purchasing elsewhere.
nontrok, Juhe n, 1346;
Jusf: Rr.6 - EirirED , ICI. ADDITIOI~T 7 ~{
Cut: § - av;a, ,c; -
tA • ,
pe, SRLS'S.
HAY ItAXES, Forks and Scythes; it'
' f , sEARLEI.
S ummEk 's
1.1 ,00:1'§,c e / ;;*iine,pd Vaitiraits;-Ivaiil;ar-
JUI' gain!i,Pay, at sEaupy§ ,
3-;,ll.,„lE''ll'annets,B/tPPere, and (Mimes in akin
VICIAIROWAV.II;R Saddlery. - Crotkeri,
:siaMnum4rOui other articl*'st ' •
fuiy lat. 1846 4 • •• • ; SEARLIFIS4 '
. •
z094!1‘ •
, 041401713nei -krtt o . ROnalant
allrkiiilll4l l lo uFbt
< •
County. by B: SAYB2t;
tf • EEFllides,:: alf &c., wanted by ,
o t -•- ' fiZSA
. . . „
0 . 71 egilo by j ,!-
It. SAY/14r,
pl , Ol/014S,L 7 rd Bui''b' - fain 1 -illu'er t * 4
Atimpose; tit goo g d liamssoititneiti t iiit.Ecnii ddy tardl'on
tlan_ usoitmentf of coistit g5.,1.• Old
ti 4 &ORR._
AA' by .. a-'4 is t=l.
Ftt;(~~uuQrulg.'RJu_ rnxi~eilbe:
ilk 0 nevi and A n t rved pager:no—
tfistis;,f6f gtb , {eir ,
, 't,do ifti '
,t -. l4l Nbingt 4 P l, l - •cl:r" :49-• 7 tio , •
„ Jip
Ccnnbinatani , ;
; 'h . :Parket tlt ' ° ' lJl ``"
Cnal, Parlor Bali, and air tieht Sgi‘'ek'StiVi vi_o"
for knob nr hapte*ti
-le „o il'
1 1RU F
LYONS 011.64P4ai•
, • & , .
j`3111114•%1:8Z'•1/!:;:-f it ro, .4? ";i1 3, SI I •
1 1,:•4•It
- ,
::- . ' 1 1 :141}111110 + ,
t1..! 4 .00..._.-7.' 1 , : 4„ ~, „ , „:..a,..,, , .... , , , i • .
~... 1 : , :
, 'WPM.*Wine to `;-trr'cl!" : thcif Tadertit oll o'
1 1 1 4*
"4 1 . 1 .„ litY', l ;i*i' .11114-4 0 * 10 0 1, 1 ! 401 4.11 01 "'
31 7 1 " - IffZ , , -arAil i rPit i r 4 .
iv pie' ta :to'lha -- ted '4l4l'•
' r osiEm , 0p f „:1 . ,r141.4 , 4 - . , ..4,!414;4, , :f p.oRT ~ 4
`11?or. '
Boys, C. aijkaiittO
WINDOIVSk h , Glass-, and Pult3i "
I , _• • 4 .BANEW
I , IZ .• • . 11
gt Toy E s 4ra 4 - 86 r; Futa9thre a it; tif a iaiiiWani
T''rt'lr'eP.KbY:,:,-'r;-- f • IL-
_,Pits N 1314 :iit Suirmeir clutbilme
• ~, .....6 1 :7 ' . q0 7 14 , ., '.i o iii .; •.':•i:r t .t.44YRCi
bsC f rit.'',•'pallffil.i'llter
• taltimiugbfliteseastinloyi ti .7 8: BAYR
14aue-10,:1346 •