ii El `ic4( - 11;1cOti,lez '':ibli-6'etitc. _.,. reausttEn lIVgRI' "THNISDAT m o n N i N G, By i . e DOW & BOYD: .1. (Office cat the west side of the Public Avenue.) i, i i TERMS...S-OSE - DOLLAII a year in advance. :. Qne Pell Fifty Cents if , tiot raid within threei n mont i o , an •if del a yed. until after the expiration of the' Year tw &Abu* will be minef ed. Eutcontin ces optional with the Publishers, un less arrearaies arc paid. Letters teethe Publishers on hirsineits with the of flee mast h'.. post-paid to insure uttentnin. - . P ctn. TILE CHAPLET. " CHLAN ittLIADS." While BT;inehe 'MIR young and blithe, one day flbe left leer little mates at play To Other flowers and leaflets green, When, film the coppice-wilderness Stepped rrth a Dame in rod al dress, Likelmme - dream-lanaged Fairy Queen. ehe glizea upon the wondering Onzett icnlg and long. and blandly .milt-d, The 4 *mind n Chaplet round her brow A trial a spring 'twin bloom and shine," • ,he said,4. 0, spotlws daughter mine, and - iliac as now 1" And Blancf.he grew tip, and as she grekc, And teal like drops of living dew, Ran ,own her hly cheeks. and she Strayed fdykdliest where the nssmliFht cold Lay tranfied.on pine -tree dells—behcld ! The Chaplet blossomed beauteously !.• And athei,i . her bridegroom priced her lips, ..katl kiss** away the chill eclipse WIC* like a cloud o'er Sommer bowens, So ovenl4ked itt widen life Her year and beauties, then the Wife i Beheld the blossoms blow ‘ in floweis Elo, wben ß 2 as Time glid brightly on, She gazed upon her first-bum sdn, Anottier emblem greeted her, For now limull.goiden fruitlings gleamed Amid the ender flowers, and seemed To ;Top yet luvlier But after ;bay a chequered year 7be pottrii . en, bore her tuuend bier, • And tileh ? tbe Chaplet's glory flea. It grew a tbsaa ulaucti ovan.leaves its droop iced drop in Antonio eves; it cotdd not live, and site be dead! T'hey laid it uu•lier k But 10, a tYar cl ! All, its blouui Ret4eil with tenfold ;)eauty LIOW, flowersiand n - uits ul heaveLly ah ! eyea now behold That Ohaplet 00 an AnBel's brow ! • j BA'T'TLE OF DELESD PRO* lIIADLIT'S " NA.POLEOS AND Ills MAItSEIALs." "On the; evening of their approach, St Cr,y wrote o Napoleon the following letter: flkti.snr.x, 23d Aug:, 1513 ; i . 1 •i. • • _ 10 at night. •. f At fire this afternoon the enemy approach aetlir3l),.res,dettir:tifyar.,,hra..‘...l -' attack this evening: butlprobably it will take place to-morrow. Your ilitl.j4tylnows better than I do, what time it reqiiiires for heavy artillery to beat down encldsure walls and palisades.' The nen;inight, at midnight, he despatch ed anotherto him, announcing an immediate .o.ack, an closing up with "We are de termined ni'de all in our power : but I can answer for g nothing more with such young soldiers. Ithmediately on the , reception of the first letterPiapoleon surrendered his com mand to.Mlacdonald, and turned his face to wards Dr4iilen.. Murat" was despatched in hot haste, o nine the sieged. In the middle of his. announce his arrival and re-as- e guards, which had marched nearly thirty miles a daf since the commencement of the war, he tool the road to the city. • '"To revitie his sinking, troops, be ordered twenty th4asimd bottles of wine to be dis tributed aifong them,' but not, three thous-. and could 1k procured. He, however, march, ed' all they next day, having dispatched a messengeilto the besieged to ascertain the etact amount of danger.• Said Napeileon, to the meseeiger Gourgand, i set out immedi ately for Dresden, ride as bald as you can, and be they're this evening-z•see St. Cyr, the King of Nrhpres, and the 'King of Saxony— encouragelevery one. Tell - them 1 can be in Presdeh to-morrow with forty thousand meh, and the day following with my whole army. A 4 day-break visit the outpost and redoubts-i-conwilt the commander 'of engi neer! as to whether they Canhold,ont: Hur ry back &I me to-morrdw tit Stolpen, and bring a 41 report of St. Cyr's and Mitrat's opinion ato the-real state ofthings'' Away dashed (ettrgand in hot speed, whilefthe Emperor ;hurried on his • exhausted; army. G;Ourgfecdid not wait till day-break Wore_ he returned. . He found ,everything on;the, verge of iiiin—the allied army was slaw/y eft veloping the devoted city, and when, at dark, he issued F orth (nom the gates, the whole' summer Mavens were glowing with the ligh: or their bi4uac fires, while a burning village near by, threw a still more baleful light over the scene: Spurring "his . panting - steed through the gloom ) , he, , At -midnight liunft in a fiercegallop into the squares of the. Old, ward, tu)d was inonedinttely- ushered into -die presetice of thewalifins Emperor. The , '-report co4ftrified his worst, ; fear*. - A -1 , 4 4 P ! 'break the.weary soldierS were roused front their reit, and thougi4 they.bad marched' a bundr , and twenty ~ miles in four days;; pressol 4e.e.rfully forward; for already be distant siiined of heavy 4nnonadifig , wag: borne by iu the morning; .burs. At viglitt, 41 the smltt . niug, Napplena antillie,adkapced; gaunt, retchednn ele4tionFthat.toverlouheidi the Will:del plain in which the .city.layem. , .'.. bosomed itind..le-! what. a ,sublime yet ter rific inigt il met their gaze. ; The ; whole valt . ley was o,nivithmarching ,colnuuts,,,pren Paring fifo4P•4!e4ll l kl - ivhile,, timligamil-.0 the mo sttq were - sentihackby.p*ttkss i '4elniet# sOd blYP l 4e4. : iiiat mg,Teclivol simek in their t *ht: Here and, there volumes t ot nuuke where .the ; batteries were. thing, while . tkt? heavy .cannonading rolled 44: , L th_L'i±4tx 1: 0 '. - t4. 1 0 1 ) ,- ;Tite're,.4HN Wil4A4. , thunder ' ."i . ) . 4vegaiti l 94, B *( l 14'ouges4ckri: 44 *-': L'..' ike*Pulltil , r4PPeliting like i t • (1 91k,1L, '! ," :I,- i4.?.4 71, ...M14.1!-P(Jlie:.4llrt° , u s , f9x ''.: '' ' tSefai; : P±After "- -.' ~ ;1 4 W.-cf.qui4;: ' 4 O l R* 4 i 4 3.444:41a.4%4 4 1,0 *trf4t , er*4 AT 4.1... s gAilpfiyn.**Niolin!,44.4 . VQL, 1, haste if he' wbul "save the city. A few lboarswould settle its fate, Napoleon,, lea ving his guard to follow on , drove away in a furious gallop, While a cloud of dust' along the road, alone toed where his Carriage was whirling onWard.' l As he approached the ores, the Russia"` batteries swept the road with such a dead) fire, that he *as com pelled to leave hieleArriage and crawl alon ' on his hands endiknees over ' the ground , ' while the cannon halls whistled in =inces sant shower übovellini. "Suddenly ;and unannounced, as if he ,had fallen from tlip clouds, he appeared at the Royal Palace; where the King, of Saxe nay was deliberating on the terms of capit- Waitingliflir no rest, he took,a sin gle page so as no(to attract the enemy's tire, and went forth to visit the outer works. So near had - the enemy approached, that the youth by his side was struck down -- by a spent musket baN liming, finished his in spection, aad settled jiffs plans, he. returned to the Palace audthurried offcouriers to the different portions 'Of the army that were ad vancing by forced Marches towards the city. First, the indomitable guards and the brave cuirassiers, eager for the onset„ came pour- Mg in furious haste over the bridge. The overjoyed inhabitants stood by the streets, and offered'them !hod and drink ; but though weary, hungry and thirsty, the brave fidlows refused to take either, and ,hurried orrward towards the storm Alat was ready to burst on their companions. ' At tell o'oloch the troops • commenced entering tie city—infntrv, cavarly and artillery pouring forward with impetuous speed--.till there appeared to be no end to the rusphine thousands. Thus, without cessation; did the steady columns arrive all day tome', and were still hurrying in, when at four. Ve . lo.:k the attack com menced. The leitteries tleit covered the heights around theleity opened their terrible tire, and in a moment Dresdee became. the target of three innetin‘d cannon. all 'trained upon her devoted: I . )Mbburrs. Then com menced one of war's wildest scene.. St Cv r replied with his artslli rv, and thunder, ;is if the hot August afrihrimou was ending iu a real storm °fever);! i.r. Balls fell in an int.( s sent shower in dui city, wh.le the blazing boobs traversing the sky, hung for a mo meat like messengers of death over the streets; and then dripped with an explosion that shook the gronnd, .atnongihe frighted inhabitants: Amid the shrieks of the woun ded, and the stern language of command, was heard the hearty rumbling of the artill ery and ammunition wagon; through the streets ; and in the intervals, the steady tramp of the marching columns, still hasten- Fertility of Palestine. Mg to the work or death—while (Aver all, Indeed; e v e - e thi ne . ' as if to drreeo.ett,astite..,,r-r.rn, •t: r I /OM.' ipjige Vre - re . ;tie MI MI of a l i t un ae, le 4 1 er s, the fierce batteries were exploding on it-ho, towards the cod of the last c.eitary. each other:, But.the confusion and death indulged in tuibectening pleasantry, as if the and terror that reigned throw-it the city, as ; ectual unproductiveness of the country'Were The burning buildiugs shot their dano•s hea- in, ocular disproof if the averments mid enward, *ere not.'yet complete. The in- cations found to the Seri,c tires, which habitants had fledlo their cellars to escape • ibows that it iv 1.4 oth'e hi. 4.11 1 ,7 fertile. 'aml the balls and shells that came rushing every supported a very large p.),ndation. Wher moment through t heir dwellings ; and amid fiver the exerime-iit has been foci). tried, the the hurry and bustle of the arriving armies, aelacul oral eapabdiiies of the land h.ive and their hasty trdad along the streets, and been satisfactorily established. The mo the roll of drums, abd rattling of armor. and 'lrrient that the cessation of marauding and ty . (danger of trumpets; and thunder of artillery, I . iranny allows the inhabitants, unskille(' the signal was giver for the assault—three they are. to apply themselves to the cannon shots from the heights of Raecknitz. 'improvement of the fields, The next MOM Lall SLX massive columns. ;bleating docks, and berths, come to with 50 cannomat ?heir head, began to move ;;afford them a pleasing recompense. Slimdd down the slopesiressing straight for then permanent peace and a good government ,city. The n4ifile' sound of their heats, Live the natives scope for unproveing their measured tread was heard within the walls, !leondition, a final answer will !Uwe been giv es in dead silence:4mnd awful majesty they en to men who seem to have- considered no .moved steadily foriyard upon the batteries. hpbjectma to the Scriptures ton small to_ he "It was a sight : .?-to strlke terror into the Annployed. Even in the actual condition of heart of the holdest;but St. Cyr marked their.ll-he country, as so-in as ever the trateller— advapce with the ilealineess" of a fearless I,;its, for instance, a 1. w hours smith of ;Tem soul,.and aWaited the onset that . even !!salmi—finds himself surrouned by a amtu- Napoleon tremble to behold. No sooner did ;trallv better soil, he begins to fetd that' of a they come wi:hin the rangge of artillery than i4tnith he is in a good land of break, the ominous silen4 was broken by its deaf- o f water, of depth:, that spring out Of the _ening . roar. LIE a moment the height, ivalleys and hills, Th‘imoulitains olEpliratin about the city were in a blaze; the fifty eau- :tre, at this day, the best cultivated part in' non at the 'head . of these columns belched ;Palestine ; a peculiarity to which theirsecu forth fire bud - sannke ; and amid the char- rity from the Bedouin contributes perhaps ging infantry, the bursting of shells, the rot- more than the natural advantages of tleF soil. ling fire of musketry, and the explosion of M u wee e r this ma y b e , th e l au d i s E rn a,. hundreds of calintin, St. Cyr received the :Wherever when: is sown, in the valleys or shock. For two hours . did th e batik. rage on theloftiest terraces, it is found to flourish. With igiariOinary ltrneity. The plain w - ; The., vine, fig, olive, pomegranate, and other coverettwilli4de±the suburbs were ()ref- . fruit trees, have a good-and often a luxariatit whelmed With assailants, and ready to yield , . appearance. They even seem to thrivie best ever: lambent—the' etienty's batteries were . : in the most unpromising places. 'Wherever playing within fifteen rods of the ramparts— a break in the rock allows of the planting of the axes of the 'pioneers were heard on the tan olive or a fig tree, it appears to attitin its the gates; and Plaints, yell., a nd execrations full size and perfection ;so that the traveller lime over the walli of the city, The last oft is often reminded of the Scriptural phrase,-- St. eyes reserve Were in the hattle;_and had i" Oil oat of the flinty rock." Numerous beery for half art hour, and Napoleon began , passagesare found iii this word, attesting the to tremble' for hiiiilarmy. But at half past great aial,extraordiury fertility of portions, Six, iii thejhottest - the fight, the Yining some of them large, of this country - 1 We Guard arrived,- shOuting es -they came, tend , may instance the great plain of E.4ltlnelon, were received :in ;*eturn'with shouts bynthe-:4v-hich, under various names, and with some army, the; for a • Moment drowned the taw- intervening . mountains ridges, stretchtis from of battle., , Then Napoleon's browl.clenrett, the Seas ot,Galilee to the neighbourhood of dp, aria St. Cyr, qv the first time, _drew u ; ,....kereand the Afediterranean. Almost every sigh of relief. 1 'part of Palestine, iudatel, seems capabl e o f This gates were thriiivn open, and'the producing bread for its inhabitants; but this - impetuous; :Noy, With the: invilkitile Guard, is by eminence the emu cou n try of th Holy poured through obe.like a tesisflessi.tortent; Laud, and untfer proper tillage wind( afford the foe, followedsbertly after by Murat, a supply sufficient for millions. P. umiak: livid! his headlorigleaViilry. Mortier sallied; exported corn in the time-of Solomon when iferilifrorwamithe4 and•tlie Voutr, Guard,l its population weant its highest; it id the though weary - and' travel - Aron), , burst . witlq, Same in the days of Herod, when, too, it loud cheers on tharehief redoubt—which, ell was fully 'peopled. Auspicous - 50 C al cir ter "lowing nt 14.4,11 . 0 /teen. wrested fromf etuestanees would again, in his ag , soon the French—Mill Swept .if tike ,a tornado. reward the cares of agricultore with shun ' Thos!; six mUSSlVe"etilunitiii; thinned' andi deuce, Want. superfluity,—People's riddled' throngli, 'reectiled Aittirri' fie Fee toy of tAe„J3ible.. ionSit; - dike -the; waX;es - when they Meet aroelti , 044 0 virks,urge4;fibacklrom , the ; Itf - e Mean tliale, dark-end heavy . cletudsebee • roll up tneitscarchltig . „, , heffflqsl-(4-,' thander-intugled had-ttinteill HAugustrattittoottinto a :battlo,stokm; 414 now the eleinents:irrere to end jp,wiltittifOti of ilte• t;nids.teofthe-d9cEntt griiiipi: .t 4 1 60; pow forthc . firt time thi ! 'eley7dreiir4, thfolffitltteitWitight. ' 4 l he railfrOtedr twerei fallifigitthenc ing the liking ami!dead armies; vet Nap* ' ! - - , - ‘ 4,: -- i;,.'. 7- .7 fr iu j ' -- -- p .',.. 1: 1 : ~. ig .: 1 ~. ~... ~ ....,- .: ~,: .r,„..: _ __ $ . 4 - i: I -..: :'. . • 1 ... I • • 1 t ';' , \ '.. , :.. ji'. - i .'.',,, 1. -~~ • "EVERY iiI.OPER.Ei,oE OF OPINION IS tk;OT A DIFPERENE OF PRINCIPLE."--J,EFFERs o m. • -- S,IONTROSE;', PA.. TiTURSDAY DULY .3(),: 1816. leolt;' heedleks of -the storm-, and knolviirg i tivhat great results depended on the (next day's action, was seen ' hurryin g on 1 foot ihrough: the streets to the bridge, over - *hid] I be-expected the corps of Marmout audlVic liar .t 6 arrive. With anitious' heart 14 stood tild listened, till the heavy tread Of thei ad l'-rincing7ccilumns through the darkties re- Iteved his suspense; and then, as they be- Ivan to pour over the bridge, he hastened hack, and traversing the city, passed Mit at the other side, and visited the entire lines . that were formed withbout the- , walls. IThe I:bivouac fi res shed -a lurid light over the i • field, and be Came at everfstep upon h Nips lof corpses, while groans and hunenta ions I issued from the gloom in i'verV direction!;' for ihousands of wounded, uncovered and un buried, lay exposed to the storm, dra#ing I -put the weary n ig ht in pain. Early in the I morning, Napoleon was on horseback, land i •tode nut to the army. Taking his Place beside a hmre fire that was blazing 1 and i'racklitig, in the centre of the Old Gourd, !he issued his orders for the day. Victor !tvrisfon the right ; the resistless N'et' Oa `the left, over the Young Guard, while StJCvr i had Marmont were in the centre, which l Na- Nikon cotnmanded in person. '" The rain still fell in torrents, and the I 4 { thick mist shrouded the field as if to (shut I tun the ghastly spectacle its bosom exhibited. The cannonading soon cominenred, hut ‘vitli !little effect, as the mists ettneraled thri ar iiiies from each other. A -hundred and' six -1 i,,. , tht m , or l o f th e allies, stretched in a huge !:seinicirele along the lwiehts, while iNla po leon, with a hundred mid thirty thousaed in !a plain below, was waiting the favor:Adel ino- I inent•in which to commence ,the treark. At length the battle opened on the +rill - , 1 '*l' re a fierce firin , was heard as Victor i iiressed firtnlv fig-ilia an Aus-ri in battery.: ..Sutlietilv. Napoleon heard a shock like a fi:;i:10. mountain'. While Vtc:or was en , gagt , i7 the e•imy in front, Murat, tomer- , i..e.ved in thick tni:a, !Lid stolen around to lli rear, and without a note of waratng. burst tot h twelve thousand cavalry on, th, b teniv. lie role straight through their !tru stn Imes trampling antler foot the de.td, and ~). .. dying. :Vey was equahy successful oil the deft, and as the mists lifted, it showed die ',illied winks both driven hack. The day wore away in blood—carts, loaded with the Woumled, moved in a constant stream into the city ; but the French. were victorious At 1 ... MI points: and when night again clOsed ever the scene, the allied armies had deci ded to retreat." . I .Levz •roa raz Dzan.—Theicwe that= 1 1 tomb, sa y s I.rvie,g•itsno of itio:ooblesi the soul. If it had Its tantau..ittuts likewi lights; and , witek the overwhelming, byryt culled into' the getlLe Mar of reco . 'Election, anguidt and eonvultdvengtinyoverthe preset , all w exaostlovedare softened attrayiirtia pens taboo} of. 1311 that 1 14341 the deYll;:of.lts , 1 Who %voila root Seth asntrowfrunt the )lea pa sing' clout " : brighrholirttif ettaretta lcilee ••1 over:the honr of gloom; yet who wield • the y,ong of, pleasurtcer the burst o fie, Ofet.'e ie a. v09 3 ,- 6 , 4 4 10 Ate tenik,Alyft.„ s poor: therels a remetillkanee ethe dead we tern-lereM - front the' ehartitisPthellving BSI iction- ives the 'butes of its de -1 f gziekis rake.. It ruins or ye medi veliuess- *bough rer the satinctsg iingt§ it tavelry; tor than to which • , . , . . . . . . . . . , , The Bowie Kb life R , Rod its Inventor. . 1 e SIMINOILLE, Julylo, 1846.. . : • This itistr ReY umdnt wtiS . desised by Col. 1. ? &,, Dear Sir; In bell* of. the ,Ceatiniitee of th Ar e rn 4 ize in in:eztlfi s t ii t c h 1 z t ,o nti p t i. n;h o o tt o r l 'celebration' Of James Bowie, tin Amer can, and n man of - nddreKs on thst desperate' valor. l: He 'co sidered, and trppa- occasion, for, publics:non. Ifson yield to our earnest rently with jastiee, too, that in close fight- 1 sipy for the wiroming Co. .RecOrd, with eeryal;,st. fur tlie reople's,Advocute, at i n n., ainuchShorter weapon than the sword orilinarialy in use, -b ut still heavy enough to Montrose, t o metiernisnrod wih etwen : . wive it sufficient foree,' arid, the same nine, Rev t P. S. IVord4. . - W. Bseenra contrived to cut and • tlirtist, would be 'far ' ,1 ; preferable, and More advantageous to the ADDRESS— 1 I-BY P. S. WOBDEN., wearer. - He , accorditigly invented the short Putiow CITIZNS: Time in itsuncensing sword, or knife, Which has since gene under revo - Ititions has brought-ms to the seventieth his name. It is made of various sizes; bat Anniversary of oilr national-. intklpendence..: the best, ll witty' shy, is about the length of a We (nine togetheir as members of one vast, carving knife,—cast perifeetly srnight in the free.fitinily, to:brighten the chaitrof friend first instance, but treaty rounded at the end shim° strengthee-the bonds which unite on the edge side : the upper edge at the end for us, and to niandlist and cherish• those patri- ' the length of about twci incites, is ground otic aentiments w)fich are befitting the occa into the small segment Of a 'cirele, and ten— ; i on. , ~No hostilei purpose, no party clangor, an apparent curve no selfish interesq has created this Concourse tiered sharp ; thus leaving of the knife, although, in reality, the upturn- of friendly heartstand joyous faces: we are' ed point is nofhigher than the line of the here for one ()Went, to testify our increasing back. 'Thrr back-itself gradually increases attaphinent to eonstitutiottal liberty; we are in weight of metal as it improaciies the hilt, aalinMted by one emotion, a desire for •our on which a small guard ill placed The bowie country's prosperity. knife, therefore, has a curved, keen point ; 'Tie love of Conn-try is universal in the hit is double edged for the space of about n man /mart. Be it the vice-bound coast of 1 couple of inches of its, length ; and,- when in Greenland or lie burning sands of Africa, use, falh with the weight of a bill-hook. Ibe it, amidst , eitilization and refinement, have heard it stated, thio a blow from one where liberty clwas, orintider the:deadly at- j well wielded is suthrient 4..) bjeak a man's arm. niosoliere of ionorenee, tyranny, mid oppres- terrain it.is, that I havd myself seen sculls ,-,„,;niere breathes Hot , . of. exicans brocerlit fretn die battle-ground i I of " man with 8011 i so dead .. 1 San Jacinto, on whielt Texas gained her . That never ,to hi:ltself nail' said iiidependence, that were ;cleft nearly throng h ; This is toy Kit, IDY untive land'." the thickest part ofthe Mine behind, evident- I There needs nettling to excite hi you, fel ly at 03 blow, :mil with striini.eit force to low eiitizens of d4s republic, the 'feeling of throw out extensive cradles, like those of a putriptisin : it kitidles with the first dawn of stareed glas.. This is more true to fact, consdiousness; it glows in your bosoms in then complimentary to ill. lexican valor. At youth and matili4otr; it burns with increas th4 same truce it proves khat old adages may I lior Instre as years ,roll away ; and when oceasiotialiy be mistaken. "He that fights ;ilcout to embark run the returnless voyage, and runs awv" does not always " lire to , like the grateful Jew the last accents that fight another day." Bowie %vent to Texas : fall front your, trembling lips, are, " Peace (luring the trouble which preceded the lode- oc within thy lioders, and prosperity within nendence of that country, and Wal lying sick ! thy paleces.' in bed at the Fortre.:4s Of the Alamo, when, i The Dechniatip of American Ilidepen on the fah of March, Is3fi, it was stormed , deuce. is a rem:vs.:dile instrument,' and ori by Santa Anna and taken. Bowie' was I ginated at a juncture most. critical and peen- Murdered there upon hia pillow. The li'ind liar. , Affairs had approached a crisis de that fermed the (Readliii knife could no lon- inanding promptless in decision mid action : 4er wield it.— Colonial Ofagazine. 1 somethine- matt be done:: our fathers were n i • reduced to the alternatiVie eith'er to-submit to Eitropean wrongs andoj,vpressions,.or to resist with manlyl firmness,/ They chose the latter course. They wdre surrounded -by elm titustances dila would have disheartened ordinary teen; buipfcy were. nut ordinary men ;, tiie v ini•ethe einergeitcy with-a firm ness that inspirit4d the lifeless, and breathed hope into the /e:lrts of the despoodent.— That noble itistraine lit that has been read in vouri hear Mir, the proddetion of oar Mon or- I ti..cr._;...e n'i' sigeed by his patriceic as tliat gave alit presage en lIS Willi/ale :41- Olilliji: T hos telier:ite:d men 1101 V sieen in :heir graves, butt their flumes and memory -ire cliishritied in the beans of the lit Mg-, amid -hall c1(.5„..(-iid to 4iusterity encircled- with a lialo•of glory of increasing lustre': It is good for ns, thee, to .be here—to re vive :t.lie recolleezions ,of the past--to con teteidate the present—and to thrum- our anx ious regards forvehrd to the future. rthitnentous, and auspicious results often :trise front feeble and - unpropitious beefin nings Who would have predicted, that in •-c) short a time the seeds of liberty east upon the s4:rile_Rock ofPlymouth would produce 1 a trial strikiv,„its,lroots sudeep, and shooting forth ts branches is such wide-spread luxu riauce, as to afford a shelter to so many mil- i lions Of happy, ire Omen, and sli !ruse its frt.-- grance over so large a portion of the peopled earth 1 T hose - settls were guarded-and nur aired fl their germination and development by did sleepless vigiltmee of an over-ruling Providence; that RoCk'tvas like the rock smitten with the rod of Noses. sending forth its 64 and unfailing streams for. the re freshment and healing of the nations. Such an idea as au independent Republic, seems never to have entered the minds of the Pil grims ;or their descendants, until it 'was forced 'neon them by stress of circumstan ces- They thet't oplv of being good and loyal subjects of the 'ring of England, until a multitude of injuries .and disabilities 'led thein,.dffectiouately, but firmly - and earnest ly, to remonstrate ;! and when their 'respect ful retnonsirauces {were, met only with addi tional and aggravated insults and injuries, I they thb't not of "severing the political tie that hotted them tp their„ mother country, until 'they Were,' harshly. repylsed friam the foot of the 'throne. They, then threw them selves upon the Fprtection of the God of tat time! illaiing l'ailetl to awaken a sense. of I justiele'lit, the -British authorities, they. stood forth in;-the digtiity . of oppressed_ innocence and dared to assertand defend ,theirrights. In tit itervous ...a emphatic:. language ,of the eli tinent and patriotic Heney, ! they , ape , peak itet only, tot:tents : but to , 4 ;`- the Gotiof; hosts;' -', hosts ;'-', they •belitwed . there was, a just God' in s heaven, whO . woald ; fight. their bat-• tles.forhem ; 1 ' thay , were ,Phristians,- and , filth& they regarded war as an evili• and to be depr :eated as the sorestealtunity that can: befal a ( Iwo*, the . !oaken Upon .:their posi- I don- as' ne. that j . sttfiektt 'resort to- the sword. They . fOuktt_tiot : tp sotinte, revenge,, to acquiie.territOry i lto seenre-military glory,;, but' they, feught forithe stired.aud inalietiali ble . rights . of min ,they-.fought for,, their lives, tli4ir bowels, r ,,,„,,i,„tie .„.., fot theirwiifes nneilil area, for. generations to caplet they fought (or yop, tt& fur 41te, - , ''Cinikqatia , af3lieitttegtity attltelr purpose and the . gliteoustmo ofltlipir !noose, „they trustedt the Oier7 sitiotigthe„,;Altaighty:- Eng& ini, teirltlef tie, -,' :Nu r,,w,tuti their: 4N - 4,- 11 1404 : 0 .6 e i, -:.401.!; their' ---o,4**-cfori. theat:".. ~ .e' raise , ~. ,fpetti, : sagaciou4s 3 o Ate enitnelV hariibe ,and invineibleittaAtelnt", tle-field.. The eiliolluened antljtipif coy& denee'iii the GlodAtlittli'ilad.)otite,Aidii: breiithell.in all theiti*thiiqgf;-40.495,;:and:, oaeiialti4eitei!wa.sicitr tiimsc.ee...rie4.3ol4,4loitipplaililieVAl::?.jr;vh4;44l, pfiltit r et 1 9 11 d 4) ..t1.1(Yi`411): et,ITP,AMPNie ilitif - itii ed the ', i&safelif.fikrii: tkeiri *ilk .... --, -i t t.!,(l_ -,:: :t r.l ~ - l' - ' i . 6;",, •,: aliiiiiq ti lo t l,, t 111 q. , R 1 :W..k.18:, . cilk . lit !Attain! theity!' Std" . iiid`'dontit fil 40 Strange Discovery. GmttaLiiEn., March, 1846. A few weeks ago the Chief Justice of Gibraher had some workmen emplOyed at his house; and while oneMithf:m was digging near the dining room wiaidow, he perceived an openin7, which he found was very deep. lie, with sonic others an..l tha Chief Justin, himself, ventured alperiure, and Vp, , ,l.JiLs.c k epjljpg,,,a,boutirty feet, almost per tites hanging about as White us snow, and di various forms—soni c It Le vriulirlpwers. lii die midst of all this watt a human skeleton, stielijin g to the rock, and the bones of a doi, ir, both 11.. r sag laiconie petrili, d. (I.iief Justice's. boost, which is. all Old one, is . binit inoneduntilv 0,4 the cave. I walk cdpu: oil the 4 II inst_ td exainine the bouts. Iris dune melinicholyin see the skull; the aater has dropped. on the hover jaw till it hat run &wit and hardened, gOing it the mpearatic e of a heard.; Some parts arc mte petritt ai. The scalp still reinauts, e veins on the left side i are very distiivn. 7112 Huse 1 I WI.St• ha! , ll4g. decayed, and the cciainiug pars are alsoisume. The bones of fie right hand w•re itisteued to the riglit of the head, „SO 014 i the poor creatire 'sortie 'appearance of having laid down tend probably of starvation, and with Lai under his head, sylt4cli is half tarried ravd,.. as if - he or she had been looking Theotire set of teeth were beautifully Or fecbut the front ones of the lower jaw dr4p peijut when it was rnovt.d. The boncsiof diem , lay beside the huhlan hones- t - t • inlistaken in the Person. 2 accident occurred in the U. S. Semite 1 . on estlay last, which created a 'rood latiOi an 4e complete discomfiture of its ori7itia tor. voting blood froni Virginia was (ti :road upon the floor, liy a senator fmin th.a!tte, awl took his suit among, the Mr,. ilegi . disl nta /its Icon gctied there. Atit , r spell; nit hour, lie lef in coinpany•n4h Ins attend friend, but I iscovered, as sego ii.s . e :ached the, out* e. door -that Ii s glow. -.1 'new pair of yellow kids—we e tuissi 1 "'rust gloveth ;_theylliave been thol n - fronlie " )0 .0 suspect any bite?" inquired ti senor. _ • . . . orir, I do." . 1 E ." to g enough to ponn.him out." ' Tie ki carried him !lack to the door,' and King to two very orilitiarily -dressild getitinitisaid, "It truth one of those to !nun,' . i._ " Yolk. of those persons is Mr...P.—±,' ' the Iritisj,, l ist er , the (Idler is Gellert! S-1----,. At; Commander-in-chief .of tite Kllitd . SI nrcny• 1 'il .y 4 twin Was thtinderstnttk i , and. iu thtl nv-Ey of his agit4tion, _thrust 1 s: hand l deAlo his dexter breeches pock i. w)ien,lo, Itilhold 1 he foUnd his glov • Plishal in sandiest_,, P i/ssiblec.com . He !nuke( eni _j oo ht t i ! at the Senatifr, —looked ' lut .gayi ilk even . Mr cmg OKI lately ".bring IA , cotrurt4 her li lump shelr ' 4 wb war, triSyo the w and ill Irani gi ' , the po IV. 41ridlotin ' lig a lap ii melt; • 'NBA; thia ;es begai wkie greit t e St Pe :mmw= SIM NO. 7. :{. ~:~a :... ~: ~i~