ficiii4l.; i nair:t6is of the ' Aridf GENFYRAL ORDERS, No. 15. AD/rT A NT -G ENEII4OI., ithshington, May . 29, - 1. Instruclioas have already been given to Brigadier IGineral Wool, and through hint to several , olificers plated at his disposition, for the early inspection - and muster into the service of th 4 United States; of the quotasof twelve-month volunteers, who- have s' been called fur bythe President Of the .United States, from Pltio,lndiana, Kent ucky, TenalekiCC and Mississippi, and who may present : themselves for acceptance un der that calfi at the rendezvous of those States reit let4ivelly. •3, Im:true : TS' xis have also been -given-AO other oflicier4of dua army ttrinspect and muster the Owes called for in like matinee, front Gettepl, Alahaina and Arkansas. 3. As sool as inspected and mustered,- as above, the; sniertd regiments and hatalions 111 . VOittnie0 horse and foot will, without de lay, -he patch route, as follows.: 4. The irciiments of cavalry or mounted tutor called lr from Kentucky and Tennes see, will, called their respective State rendez vous, take; up dui r lines of march by the best tomes, ilia. Memphis, Little Rock on the Arkatisai,•Fulton, on the Red river and Robins' Perv, on the Trinity river, upon San Autunite& Bexar, Texas. The regi ment Of cavzilry or mounted torn called for from Arkin's*, will, front its State rendez % ous, (say) A.)/ashington, take the smut{ route to San Auto de Bexar. 5. Excep ng one regiment of the Ken tucky and ode of the Illinois quotas of foot, to ,which Brig. General Wool is charged ith giving 4itierent routes, and also except ing the Arkansas battalion which will re eeoc instruciions through Brevet Brig Gen t ral A rbuckk, all the other regiments a nd battalions of ;volunteer infantry or rifle culled for, front tlitilsaid States, will be enthark4l at the neareSl navigable 'multi to their re -1s Stat!it rendezvous, and thence pi eced by water, ith or without transship ment at Mobile or New Orleans, to Point Isabel or Illitsos Santiago, Texas , tvhere, like tlfc trootts ordered to San Antonio de Bexar, the Wjhole will come under the or dors of the glqiertil Wilder in the chief cow, nand of the ;),Vnited States land forces oper ating agaittl Mexico. 6. The clads of the general staff of the army, at thit place, will each, in what eon - - el-rims his depurun ent, charge himself, through bas stibordit4ttes, with supplying the said %,vlutttvers (ltome and foot), with the neces sarV accoutrements, runuttition, kitty lroresicks, canteens, (for water, camp sitbsistence, medicines, hospital -.ioreS, and laeaus of-transportation, by land .iad o alt r , :(I!cording to antic:, aud destina tion, and ncaording to law and reg u lations. ih roman:Lid of Mej. tiro. Scorn. R. JoNtis, Adjutant-General. ti :1. 4,5,;.: Orkau: , Jefferson:Al), June '..'41 1..-ter from the Army. 'Flo. NI artKingsland arrived last evening., tutu days film off Point _Gabel, reports that, on die 26th ph:, about 900 mounted rangers dad .200 infantry, volunteers, arrived from T,•xte , at 'that point by the way of Padre's 1-Loud. Atettag the itificary was-a emnpa nv, -411 in nhinber, 1111 German emigrants frinn SarAet:,4 , o bay, which w af- said to be the 4 • , ,-, • 1 iiiiest comiletty at tnat i min. i A party 1 dragoons and rangers went inl pursuit of As,,rista's forces, who hail fled-fount Al attuttoras int the IStli, and in a slight ren-,1 ..,mtre willt)fie rear-guard, captured some' tattles and it small lot of camp equippage.l The taki4g of Matamoros w ithout the fir- t :t. ! of a sinile gun, has in a great measitre ! i' q uelled the fears of tlaise who believed thatg the Mexicans were determined to prOsecuttl n illt unabating vigor the attack upon-Forel i ltrown. ;1 I On the +ruing of the 17th ult., about] sunrise, Gee. Ampudia 'gave the signal Iliad, he wished :1,,' parley writh e Gen. Taylor. He{i Sent over :to-the camp a person, and request-1i ril of I:en. Taylor the granting of an arnti-!1 -live. Ti) Otis Pett.,Tztylor replied, .1' Sir,i 1 'lv. 1 ime for".:*king all 4 arutistiz, i h i :46e d : I e ii 'should I.,„'"s,r°iTiotglit of this before; it iSI I """ hi') ht . ' s 'l7) think f' ,, I tiring." Gen.' I ,_ ..., e 0' t a 1 1 .Imputlia thi-u desired a suspension of has , tiliti,.,. Tl]is, also, Gen. Taylor positively ' rclused. l'e had brought out all his cantata! to the front and was defermined thershoui 4 1 0 infer soinii service; at the same time pointil I on_ to the *mon and its position. Gen.i 1 A mptidia then asked Gen. Taylor if in surf rendering the town he would he allowed to ,i except thei Government property. Gen, , Taylor replied " no," and that he intended to take theitown at.s A. M. the next day. :1 Amputli4 then retired, and Gen. Tayl6' 1 marched his forces up to 'Fort Prown and a daylight .e*unietteed crossing the fiver. No resistaAce was offered by the 11(exic on the hart of the river, audit is said matt of them usijisted in landing the boats.. , Qui officer, a litlutenant, was drowned in pros*, the river. s:After crossing they werernet,by ' number of Mexican" officers, who desired t+ know of qn. Taylor if they could retai the govern4nent property. Gen. T. replied' that he slanted all the town." The Amer. jean force thenthen marched into the place, au Adjutant Miss rode up to the fttrt and sound 'ltig. the Pailey, tnauded the surrender io the town. ; . I lie as asked if the ArovraniOn i Property oyld be excepted. lie replre that nothing could be retained, all must. 4 sUrrentlerki l' can flag was iinniediately hag eh down Ad the , star-spangJea banter w-P0 . run up in 4s stead.- - .: ~ V The ei4eus joined loudly ,in,tlicelieerAt or the aruw. A, sufficient force wttii, . , the i placed Mit fort, and,aft:Pr A lift, ling thrtnkth the 'town, drew off' O. -: camped ia the vicinity, Not azultwasl- 411. . 1, . Autpudia retreated from the -tont Irani - diately. er the interview with Gvnt.Tlt -, for, Arista', retreated to RimosthrW _liplg* now - ettektmped, waiting a .reinf: . t.: from Parildes, who, it is novirted, is his way ttuther with fifteen /b9 l 4 B aPl,t 'Ft!, , - This., leovever, is not authentic. Wile g n , - _ era drat l.inipitssion is at Arista inteilds„ . 4 7 tiring forces at "limos°, and ..lit;hen ,e, received 4 sufficient reinforcementr f -, rides thatj, he will renew hostilities. j!.,:.,:,` The trOops landing 'at Bras.w OW& are cuealiped there and at Poinf, ' :1 antil!vili *main there :until further, p4`: from Gete, Taylor. _ There are tiovr i Overt,,t thousan 'l and troops .daily,landing. ' , :: I ~.,. Colnarkin atop Davis" J 0., eguneuts, , . there encamped, in rear,of fort .Polls• :" Th; i, are all iti,,,‘ood health - , but , soffiesuffering e - ,i. Isis fromlhe want of clear pure .water. 9 L i. l t:ipteatanilbr orate - 24 -It t.,. pulirilt., e 4 lin the city-ofikeitiao . givitfixileioariPtitutt: I to. t ooise lm - ki a ng l e f ir - iviic;',ll .on e .i t igiii eli ri ettit st ': Th g;vetn v r i tti ea t , : 1 i e „o gi ! i t jg tcv , be•- .Crtieriliti *at.: 1 l'orti ItCleiltattl6i tii,tieij i oiiiiftilkiiholeit t ii y. to lia - lititrwiste iiiti tfootit ho r di se k, c, .., i .1 11 :killed - in th;)suede of wartitie,"! it will; tl erefore, be necessary for our government ' organize our 6 es ffi i - tt I T :tr l ge ie 14 :::::: 14. and lid advance into Mexico without delay, othL !cruise the War will he pentratted foryettrit.' 1 ' The datie's oat the cotton imported at Ye rik Cruz during the `month of'April reached lithe sum of slillt7tNi. The exportation of l'soecie thence dU'rang the same ti th e tinicituit : ed to it2.33,3.5.': 4 • . , ri ! A letter frtini' i repic, - dated the 25th April, Il li stlys that Atlntirul Seymour, whose arrival. , 'fat tuttzUttun,t* . oll4vc announced, isconeett itrkting at flint, port Utlect which will, 'Con -1)1.44,t cif the C oiling nod , of Stf guns; the i nericu.intl;,Ctninums, of 51) ; guns each ; '• 1 tl seven other Tessels,stf war of a smaller 1 ss,.bUt,Whielt will carry the total of the runs of that tleettit to 365. The Admiral 'tuts beside, four ` ,steamers at his ,disposal. flee Mexicans, argue from thii large force liat Englaad is sure to declare war t.m the rcgon question.. This idea has been a fit nrite one With them all along, and is cer minty influencing their hopes of success in d• he war with its,,—..V. 6. Pir. ,• Catimain May. A Balthnore correspondent., in describing some incidents conn e cted with the officers of Gem. Taylor's army, and , the great battle on the Rio Gmuide, dim: speaks of the person al appearance mid intrepid diameter of Captain May, the bold dragoon: ." You have sees to personal description of Captain May given in a New Orleans paper. It Senreely comes up to the man. lie is over six test high, wears his hair long, so That it nearly'rearbi•t. his hips ; his beard Nils belew his sword Irelt, and his inonstaelte, is unshorn. Ile - is a splemlid ruler. It Was this that first attracted die attention of Gen drat Jackson, %rho, seeing him _galloping along the streets' in Washington, Standing 111 his sticrtips, anti prem.:him , the perstoniii cUtion of a knight of ihe an -hem day.: of chivalry, sent for h:111 7 :tint gave him a ei)!ll nAission of cornet. lie was in the 'Florida waroand mains are tie, deeds of daring done there told of him'. It' rose rapidly to dis tinction, and he owes to his service MAl:it war his present cominiss'ion of Captain. h will interest some of your fair readers m hear that he was cross' ed iu love seine vearr awry S7IICC dint time "he has never aihoW(ll his hair or board to h, twielied 'by a kirhi r. guilt is the sstory toll. of Irian . _ I -have f-i•t• a a letter fr,o n th e reap at , Malamorns. with a ftl,eti h of 4 Copittin May Making his charge.' It o i tt,t spirited and Mb-like 'f ,Nevi ba.;erie, are at teork, enrryiee• desitnetton into the ranks of the Anicriente: ; th:4 plettoa of the cavalry has been swept down ; their iMrses and rulers are lying to;:ether, t heap ed and pent.' May is in htivanee of them all, on his noble lqack suably stantlin.• up in his stirrups - , his beal Itz•nt forward, his lour .hhir streamil t z , out brined like the tail of a et - it - net, and his bt bole appeararr'e t iewed fg o in the head, l'o•bl,ing like. one of tips, cc , lestbd visitant'.. lt is a most striking and animated '':ketch, and gib es to those who ec it a tivid idea of that - most gallant and brit. gao achievetneie. Some of our enzravers nm. 4 get nut a picture for it; ftir the tionclnd Ito see it can only thus be . gratitied. No wort- 'it tier, from the butec ;pi arxn ''e • pl. 14 Mity, fume till vovered with heard, hisl !Mir streamin7 behind him. like a Camlitele... ii Ibdian, and his:eyes -.ltitying like acomet— tto wonder that (len. V47-t asked. bvb-.'n Catmint demanded his sword, • Are you au ' tle very probably mistook him fOr aftMrit fromjhe other world, who hail eonsired with the ATt;ric:ins'to give than the Tory just won against such . . . , G. 4... i. CAINF.B.ItEMoVED FEW! TUE COM *ANiii or THE Wr.STEEN DI witquiv.—G, ,t. aiii4ts, in his zeal to serve liis eottatry, ItAs laid Ins conduct open to censure. The Stat ene has had a dies:list-ion upon ilu• ma tter, which whill be found in die Washington ha ter of this morning, .and the General has been summoned to .Washington City. The Washington Union says that Gen. Gaines'', course, in calling out 12,1)00 volunteers, !lasi been altogether unauthorized and illegal. Gen., Taylor was authorized to call for State! troops, if necessary, and Gen. Gaines was] -informed that Gen. Taylor's connhand was i entirely independent of him, and that diet, Government did not conceive that therii could, be: thereafter any occasion to scud int 4 Texas State.troops, unless on Gen.. Tuylor'4 notification. The orders .of. Gen-. Gaine4 have all been countermanded , and the •Gov-i ern:item has been compelfed to decline tlte)_ *ervices of the troops called out by Gen. G.fl requisition. Many of these_persons left the itfit homes and business at ure - I. sacrifices; ex 4 penes have born incurred by thetuselve:,q bir on their acco if ', and it is sincerely hoped, that CongreskWill make provision for thestP...l expenses. Without 'such a provision the).:.' ,cannot be paid; In .consequence of this ..iri . tegitlan uctiou,;;Gcn. Gaines has been reinoi ied froin the - edunnand of the . Western pit • Vision., In announcitig this fact, the Unioti, pays !liar-following compliment to•the servi / cekof Gen: G. ''' t,. 1 :‘ Gen- 'Gaines is an old soldier, who linfi / done ' • in, fanner:Tears" . good services; it is . . yerydetftrable le Should repose in quietnesi upon hits laurels: notiever•untegfiliiitAltii Conducts-few, 'very few' are disposed to quet ition his intentiinis, or deny him the merit of ;patriotic Inotiites, , • Government 'here .li4 ilt.,n and iitilliiiltrongly inclined to givic•tli iniost favotztibleinteiretation to his contluqt ;that the ciretinishincts•ivill • pernilt.; , but , ' i ilfiew •of thindifkeulties of restainiughis irre , Minor nctio - n by iiirders•at •so , grent.a . diiitatic ~ 'the etulikrassnients . his COurse'lluts unread' (11rOdinficd. i w and if Continued -•in. . his , preseqt ipbs - itioii, . ill be' - ?rollick, itlimii bcitizreon . **l, fr o th ,high: consideration` of 3 f'adtp,' a d iiilgered:iegttedlo piabliqinte. r t = iest, -to kemove . thinr from the vormiand;of,thie liiirestOictlivit!!on and tinordet.hitn': to: rt ipait-fitrthsiidito•Washington. -.' Considetini Ilijk - edin./4iry.-eourse; andthemischief it ,has i lt ripiod, aced, hiii.-bst Iriendslll,• rer.e..so4l'hesiccinifinced that iui hinder:6m* . leoiddlhaine.liden pprsilL6F, toviards , - hilie4- .iP,11114-Pubiiii Ledger. ,I, .ii *4444 of mused a :11 4 1e - 1;7 7.7- s -7— " A • • P-.1-#!!1'1413: • },urn . ab•ht +cqWalker • • a- It :;ftWeply•lrone the teaderiigne4, Winien of 4-Phitladetphiai B.)to_the Prionlig Ad :drentrqf lift 3 • Women of 'Exeter, in Eng land.' • ,- •:f ••• Friends - ind'Sisterit—We have received' r'wenterpeace; and we thank yon.. • - tike - yMmtelvesi . we do not pretend to jialgeOltheirterits . of the question now at issue between 'Our respeCtive governments. Out weltnow, our hearts tell us , that how-' oer. Men - May deem it honorable to make Sat, unthingsti beConies women as to make &ace: 'We rieknoirledge with you eredidnigittion'that 'rests upon; usi in the. tinder relittiOs - which we sasrain 48.11atigh tWaiters, *fres and Mothers, to Andy the thing:4llNA make for - peace.- It is! a plain duty, 'and the 'lnca treOptable offering we ‘att render its Christiiiii Ifinnen to the au.:' tiny of our common faith, to diffuse { in . otir households, and far and wide in the world, ttc haveuly fragrance of that unity, more Oreciousthan the ointment which Mary pour rd upon the head onfesus, and Whiclqke ry ade • 4,11 the house with irsodor. Iler tifferiag he reeeived only as a preparation for his bnrial, :fad yet' has it been irt ninioalizelL burs wall help to make his spirit live again in the hearts of all men. And wherestievCr his (lospel of Peace shall be preached throng-I'- 4m the world, be,spi of as a me f t arial of the woolen of England atoll A that they have sought with °Mt heart to do this service- for their special-Friend, the Saviour of mankind. Should war he waged between our • re kespective countries—which God in his mer iV avert, and which, we have 1„rood hope, Will he averted,—mav the woo en of both (ands he use their great power to initiwatJ its horrors, to bind up the wounds nt.h their countrymen uriy iullict, rind tend home the prisoner of war, disarmed of ny hostile intent, mid with a litarit full of :lie love a II I nTsm Rottman! oe !rue 11. S. Atm..— • The great Southern mail wns stolen from the hoe at Cineimmti, on Sunday, tth It is carried in n lar!re box made litst to the ! deck of the boat. The lock -was (breed amt ihe key taketi, white the lutssengers !! were • jvalking about the boat. The robbery is iin i opostll to he a heavy one, as ihe bag con , : tained all th great, Slllolll'll mail, the bi ters alone being a s rent a load as two men 66111 d lift. It is supposed (Mit the hag was ilropped in a Ski and taken a hor(,!by the! crntosiTv.-Ibal..lo.4eith wink• ilerinrming . the round of Ins cireint in 11w j11411(*I'll tlistriet, itrialireil at I.%art lles lanittes a very singular it id perfOl spernnen .01' the animal hind. It is tl part art 1. , frri . pi a pm of -lime vets !Ivey animal, restan• Ping th crw•odde. , . 14 if o . •InAl mat he 6wetted li•ont the ht. r,, twatif hid)nrr pelfi•ei fy Si!liii•!. lvtr of theee teeth weawares ain't in e•ir !:vittnieriatee. There are six sharp anti :44% 01141:" SC't tikZ'S I:nr points, arraii7ed in dmil k ir: tutus, and pro 4rnding ahoitt one inch froin tle-iliase or main latav the tttAtr, loavitt.t. cavities-1t 11 . 11 - 11 1 . .1”1 e }t;tLli hem the tarnivoron , char:let-T. of ,he animal beyond question. Th , • enamel of th--i h . eh Ots in' a perfect state of presehvatinth is :d -1 mast equal to ivory. The boni. and is evidently a ,:ot or th, rains of some monster of dio deep, which ' : i.sportral maid the wa% es that, in day.: of tore, ;rolled over tt hat 'we now desilnate die betn oen die 111 it 1y i !Ind Missouri rivers. - This Teri men 611111(1 in Ile. !upp,r -of the three rivers which run inn, the Ilicittoitit s in 1)011, conatv, near :WC,' )3 V oris, one of the head waters of that -,tree in.; Naidt-e, Ruh, ime of Black lla wk's found, and left it with William 111eldrum.i at 'the tra iling house, from wlnan the Judge procured it. Aliogrtlier it is a great ettritwity, and to the naturalist and antiquary will be a cranial subject of speculation. We -think it guru fir to prove that these loweringlprairies were once all submered. The Juibo: • desiL,ne , sending it to the * East as a fit subject for ex amination by those who are engaged in the investigation of such ritattem—iowla Rept,- ter. THE PRINTER.—The printer is the mast cu fit m s being living. Ile in ay Ifuve " Bank and Quoins," anti yet nut he Worth a cent —have SM %LL cm.s,':ual have 'neither wife .nor children. Others run fast, hut he gets along swiftest by sating fast. lle may he waking impressions without eloifuctice ; may use the ley without offending., rind life telling the truth ; while others cannot stand while they set, lukean set standing,' and even do I both:at the same time; have and use farM- I tare, and yet own. no difelling ;' may make c and jog away pi, and never see a pie, muelil less fiat it during life ; .may 'tress a good deal, and rot ask a favor ; May: handle a shooting-iron, and know nothing about eau- i non, gun or pistol ; he may move', the lever I that moves the world, and yet be as far from I moving the globe as a hog with his nose .an- 1 - der ,a mole hill spread shcres'without being I a house-wife; he may lay his form on a bed, and yet. be obliged to sleelr on thelloor ; use the dagger (1) without shedding blood ; mall 'from the earth' handle the stars r „*); he I may be of a rolling disposition, and never desire to mid m ; he may have a sheep's foot, and no; be deformed; he moit'always holds' I - a - stick, but it is not wood; never he without aease, 'and know nothing ; aim t law or phYsi4; be always correcting,lhis flz &ors, an& grow worse every day ; line e ttpraces (,---, r ,) withoOt ever having the arms * f Allis thrOWM around Wiwi distribute the. nzetlaille i all around him, aily, and a's 'close-fiat:id' and as un charitable as the veriest miserhve hisfom fo'cked up, and still be f,,Kue. fr m il,„witch: hOuse,or any other Confinem nt ;.,hitS Office MaY`havo a hell in it, and no lie, such abed place- after all.; be may 'be . 1404 14 the Devil, and : 1)6 - ii thriSiiaa Of IWO ~ NkfAiud. AO .. ;4'4itt itlti',4#4l-?30 1 1--- it Olii'lie : !ton" est or 4isliotiest, rich Or poor %Itii or*hCr, ,industrious or lazy , he 4,6ra, eHs IA alai 'IT to - fits . biasin6ig. TYPO. THE CHOPS IN SOUTH C . riathrt-A.---lrhe )famburg,Reyablican, 661 i 27ih' instant, n sopc.- - 7 - 4, We continuo t 4 _ei.iithe most eheeripg'aceonnti from then lie 'dist4ets' of' our State, lit relatiOn to' the' e : it ' !!)' nunall grain. Wheat, rye, - anal on ,lii , .iahl'tif be more generally 'proniisiiig ' thin .. 'Mr - f inany yedrs. - Tlie wheat crop ma be considered as ahnost out or - F,4,..ach f j eon i 4 tjnOn. as iiintlilarineti are alrei i eutring. and housing it." ~ - -- MF''We'beirii'ail4teir the itilleivittr'utetlittttfor reeeipting paymettni to the l'en le's Ativeetae- Sub. scribers veaulti (la isiell•te file . n'number in %illicit their name occurythat timyit y know •tlie azoutit they halter staid,antliwbeu Wei übscription expires: 'Receipts fors the Peap cit'• Advocate,: S . , 1 MosTuoss, June 11; ICIC. . - Jacob Skinner 2tl, -- 1$ AO tityi.i til N i l). 52 Aan Nletnte..l l , 1 ' 1 MO , 0 0 52 Blijalt . llarattio, ± . .00 - ." "' 52 Georize limes, , 1 i ,nu " "i 52 I.ew is llflcn. / i MO, " 5 5 2 Jonathan 't owe:. 1 . i .00' " 52 Sohn niOnm'iffilt: - 1 , no " "! 52. Mieltaet Dan Itlngoeriur,, , r. ma " ".. 52 Daria . •Wel.h,. . i ' AM '' -', 52 John sittilert , r . ,00_ " .7 52 -.. , r • Joel :_Nteeubar.-k, i ' MO " "‘ 52 J. W. lor:meis, I - . ma " "52 Israel Tyler. `j ,00, " . 52!in IVilcux, , ,Uo'' " I sr. Wm. H. su.o w , 1 ' MO " '.; 51 ; .00 " " 52 ! MO " ''' 52 ( S i n . til lr ti . el C. Tl, l` ,.,tc,, '' ' i i.h., Itiky, i „00 " " .52 t' , . It. Muhntd, 1 ~' .00 •," ' 52. Caleb Nam., • 1. ~', MO ••'', 5:1 Jonathan I toward, i . .00 . " " 52 D; H. %Varner, i 1 .110 "" 52 Micluo-I. Atowlert, !! • 1 ,00 " '" 5 Mau 6i3P tituith, i ; MO '' . " 52 F. M: Babcock, , ' ,OO - " 52 Dann 1.. Wartt,,nr.„ • ,110 " '' ~;,, r i , r I MA Ll] -------- 1 - I u Juniostim Clittitiample 'O., IN ou ult., by -Roy. A. I laiuly. y. C. I 10t.t.1 , 1 - 1.41, M.oulvos.o, U. Misr' 4.17 t NI.! 1' ot ER, of tho for tuur.plac.o. In Kush, fl n(fortiliip 1.1 It 1 1 ,!. 1011 N. inxt., I.v I'. Dirt , luml E,9., Mr. lit.uneAV IS, I vrt. 1., 4 ii.4.4 i JA •IC ti lit.rt 111(01 of CO. hl. lu ttri.4 R Irttij^.}l,..ii 1V1 , 111.,1ny itw 17th inst., by thy , lbs. I 1)ort. ti. 7.. 112tit",K. to 11,1iss ,zn arro T, all of thim 13.4,1110:. MED, In rh",4 ih•• 1 1 011 in+4. Mrs. M 4111 e s iiNort 'of It. =EI the wog 11[111h-toe! :to ex troote..y raittitii 11 iN;•.4.1 • ; IM . • site Wm! - re.teli emttiitriltqf :mil e.vr+iiiit: itlii , tetTee-t rtf .he• soirit of h.. , I lonvoldy N1.1.-tordiel w hope . ty invittg. Irittli • f tiret th.eoale o3lk t!hroogiklho ky of tho sloutow o t‘ig hrer no e% 11. for thou :ert with me.." Ita4 11-ft a illwi,;‘,l hiid'ratld, and a' hvzi• rle ftff , :i.•nds mf ta.t- . .Ihurtmiticittc.i. iMil 11E / inorii t. ITa I -% t! [lt 41.1.•r,i10c.41 to I. 10- , to , jr , It o ;IdI t p, 'flail" plop "11 V. 1 1 a 'tap- or 10i, Vv. itrt (1,71 , 1• ni 1". • Add tli ailliQn•tter• to (hit- la:R1 1t.0t.141.1.• Irrirn it,L $ iu 1:1. inimmrtigni of an ila•ir them: to tio• Emilitl.-nct• of au. iptilJl it; to it ..ofc oicr:litsx luso tam,.l . t.; K . . 4.1. • IC. i::lri T E ARCPADE IN FULL 131,.A.5T! Flr'll front 61,11 niul ?mppEN , t,l ;7,A..-rtr,.. A. illicit rna pr,r cliawd t minsitaLly rhvalo A Akc• • ' J. g'l'llEftlHFl. 1.".. I Ir. ,• illE kit f• ri% Ititllll :110 al, r 4 .- cols 16 ilich Ita•N oiler :11 a ativaurefer II 1. %ft 1: N111.4A 'lip!, 1.11,141.00 u c d W I:Xclidflgt? Grr t nt vl ; r.;IIIMNIAN. T ALLOW fitrisale toy • t 4. SIIEI,:IAN r irr EEL Fir 20000 a prime, quality wrtnOti,: Ent pi ie: , 01 liu.l.a & 'SI I 17.11111A.N. • June 15, Ellef. • 10.1-11 ti . 1 , 1)0,1 1 Ni ) '9 HAvr. 1.1:1041 fqr sub: ~ttr qiglibors) a bettor 16 irk or & s (twine r Os limn ustint . FANCY G pods qtt rbST'S. B ONNETS-4.::,;1t0rn !tliNs., at CIULOTEIS tinc,k CASSLNIIIKES asuwy lii.l plain> at pit ivrs. S ILK, De:Laiiie aalttittil Slamp., at 1 "PIST'S. • DRI:i Al inq, Vrni•at i , mut Line.4.l dafithricke , at , ---, • -i---- 7 ,_ —,•—__ _ ~..._.. SIIIIETINGIR lit I I - , . • , 1 - ItC)ST'S. BEDWITS i m l Etiziitgi at ! 1 I,SOST'S. ' t i ..._...,_____ t______ dr - ZLloor4ttLEt.i of ev . pry tiescrititiott (vety chuttt.), v./ 4t - : i._ 11,:44RV.1"5. IRON, Stee.l. ; "'Tt't at - e ituhs" ShuvHs, t'iOtictril. Scythes, • F LOUR, at 3 +------;t-t 4 11 ,1,11artitiro of evorY. - ' • • i L IF .OST`S. LOOKINO Traps uc rySTP 44 , 1 1 1441. ,• 4 CLIOCKERti Churl ba4 Ghlavt••l'iP , are, • OST'S. WOOL IVtutea, ut POST'S .... .. , . N s, #,qp otlsF4lrtl' ' n(4 4 ' il ' ' l t , • !POST'S. Monfilniti"c' Jtme - .15 - ;'!trd ,:-.' ~ '. I • • . , .. _ . igaiFiErgialfra©. AFACIEL,IO . .I. ' . tinily et; ca ry :,u ibt; Thin ring bys' ': iiiis. - ,i B l i i i i ° l . fill gthitii, ileii i • - 1104 !mit, \ %:; lie . ' ." F sit.- : i mti.3 l- t4i411c.,' wiles* i'ldif hi!i.P 4 , 4 4 g, au.!'', , ,.4f, L.,:". tr ui% is.disna eltrtibly:lll..tsbct laitoot . atttl . ;111111 j Z i 1....• 1 ,41•A1 s xi pityip. -•L . : . • I '. ••-, • r :. , !%Itnittiibe, •1 nib f i. 131 . I -#--- CM RN ):4Th purrs - GO 00 - S - rOlr-Ti4-EAP:E.OP I :t-E l -.. ; 'NEEAD QUARTIEIM • '." MoilthigieVigammtiteitaimusa Co.; Put , . . ' i, • . - 8. iy . MULIt V `. 4101 - TDNALERB,AhohejI 4lid Itetait,6DoG,,,d r , Groeeries,Tnlekery; hard-ware, Glass-ware, &c. &e., offer adVantaes toftboso who wish to bay, equal to any- stoic- in t he- virility.. Their .suatortment is:extensive auwill be sold at prices to correspond with the times nd the •tts of purchasers. Fu r dl cash they _lrdn it the wide Ad ! • . ' A g their lisserttneut tatty be found a groat va riety of rood goods--consisting of . '' •-•-'• litvadclothis.of every variety and color.: , , ~ Summer Chubs—Emu, stritsf.d and plain. cOiro.4-:-4,110 best styles of the settamt : . .. . LadieWlOn. vats, Scarfs, , Mitts, Rihons, Silk . Vet- . vets, Iticb.Drms Silks, Fringe and other'CiAiottable trimutings for ladies' dresses. . . - • • - ' LaAes'•Dryss Goods of every Variety mid 'sitita . ble for the, kasilut. . , , Drawer; thiods of every description. naul iit , feat every article utatally kept in a Dry Goods _Store. -: Satinets, qualiineres, &c. &e. June, MG. I , 4 . ' . . , .. -, .....- ""--- • - , Itiorst.l N A LAIgE 4 ,B from Is.l - .1. upivanls, 111. for emir et. 111 fIL FORD:V. • AI i ; AssEl 3».--good Aug . :tr.-Et cen4 and all other 111 Gn , cei:ieil equally ;t Clump Cur (-ark at • 111tILFOIMA'!' .salei by ONE nevi Ryt.; horse 10119bcr Wripn for. . 8. 8. M s . & SUN.' . . ARPEN"filits' miII'.I()TNERS' TOOLS—nbaTe assartifironi-keprerue‘Luatly 'en banilruidfinisalc at Maiiitliteta.reb: prices, at. MULFOLMS'i, NC; (ILLS fkir sale ut A N az.m.a.taaut 4Laaking Glasse» flit vale at 51111..FORDS'. • `I il , Affatiti(iii, Cotton Tarn, Batting, &c.. cheap LI at. ' i :1111, LFt )111.)S% - • I - ..,--,- ~..- . A-- RASB S . C.rthes, &tilt., Btimel4, Cr:idles and ela. Ili the ScythHt, link's, flakes. Pitchforks, Nickles; &A.., Tor xaleneti • 11111.1L.F91t1)S% ' U n l i4ii d IE3:AVJCIAti M r- 2 4 IN nnii•alalkarirty'nr StAltle and ,t' Dry 21 .!! , to r. (*.wilt! at my Stilre on the East side ill tie! l'ullir4senne, in Nlntarnse, nllnco the ••l' ,- ran viri-Intsu at N ' i2Ty low inis-v.r c s f aili, / .il• e‘(.ll (agr-t1 rnr pnr,t ce . ta g.... , 1 ii,lvattupg.•, ..,. . .1. It. SAl.ltiltilla• A N ~ I.•;x:nit., as*ndi n ntnit t .ailiesl Fdipin-r ) , .titcl Ita. Ilit +kin': slateis, N Ply' low at \ t ‘ . :' , Abliiltl - ti'S. A !.1)T Ot /410(1111,iiill I ) rt . 2 , 4444:041.144: \ Ve ,isailleS :111.11 IL. Itnp'cl Oa r .lkitterns, at ' SA 14 rslitritv .s. A I.llif ' twleu,Lirld axm 11110111. 1 . 6;11.7 4 % - l.ry 10 , 05 nt tik RV'S. A eanny tlf ' SUMMIT 6191104 .fi.r (iota, aiid f SoyA, e uiti)Bl? ‘11 4 44: W!J 1)ral) 4,l.lfeent• at ::tA1,181:116:$ 4 LA it titir plqin SlinWl4. just re I tleiveil 41 will be low, at 81 , p,11. Kati) :Wel Nadi. ellont: at I 5.A.1.18 BURY'S. II rA k tit;ti: rail 11 , .• rtnitta iu i:,wa milj. :0 l':•3A. ttagarla. Tub eel:OM:It lute - , at lAst: Ii •14. E .Nt 4 .--"4.115e , t .Diarer _L. a `:n:l:tl4.4ortment , in tit ! - KY'—' ,l\ F:ls i—A Tot 01;ticA raw Twkles ith. I,w• J_ LISBMV'S. Ll.1111:::.+-- 1.....1(tt1ra, anti Into, at. SALISI3I2Itr:S•. ; - II t ) : 1';1t ll i"71 14oikut):17% ci.V.Ltslicay•s: 4• 1) - • - ikir (). aik.r istt+ nten 0% Zlt : • • 4SALISDIatrB: I e AJLEST A#iltIVAL OF , INV4,7fek 4 ,r -a 4'05 W I Z 4.2010. (di ON wcso..iiiile of lite- 1"ohlie Avesote, urn jOut re- Luilbriroditt ImatiVitettt ui Fl'usit Cio.mis 610 y .intrvirasiii at C.‘trettwly i f tw prices for . ca+it— 111(1 art! intlltceti 1.) eblilll.llll •rkg tCrins, ally of litt , rke0 1 ,, , a,,,, 1 7,40 or to.a.:4'sho i ti niwn. cash to pay lot G. rods will do well' to. Bile its a l cint before immlwing t'lseWhere.. • ' 'Almon.r.t..,..luue 0, 1.06. • SEL ING O - FF .011 EA-P 1 1"...1T,114 . —. l g,>,11 [IASI /0 !Mail', ctgliftantly on !timd atittl all nos ItitAi L iLi Caltf.t... 10enigtit .y I A II. SA.II2E. . B Call Skim. S c., wpit.l!-.4 by . • 's:tvnt. • )1 LS. for sale - by . • - • • 11.3_\1' It E. °~ --- . . WI. IMIM 5a...11„ tham, k i nd rutiy by j 1 -S. SAYRE Skinner's Eddy nnif i n good ni , s6rtritetit kept conAtiottly mr hand; a t s ,, pearral -assortment of castittpt. 0111- Iron ayanteit in, kiyl, by, SAULE. SToV gr; Stevel'unilture. a end nssortment-1 . kept. lAr - ; - B. SAYRE. 4 I Erick- Lath, - Plaster and Salt kept as aiaal"- IA by: E. SAGE: of'Suinnam Te— l& ceivi.4 . l by ' . - 8.. 'SAYRE. 81 - I*Telt.—Tlie high t sl. prices pa:4l tilt lttitter all tltorezli the fravlo o d ft! E, Jinn, nln Inl6. (11 1 / 4 70; , P8—w0 , awl improved , pattcrini—,lsicisitng Of Mr tight dxiiiiiiitovdi iinipit , .. )' -. . 410 ' --'; dO ' • ihii - -, • • Wioadut2,l4ll , .• . do • r do- - —do, .- Condonation ' ... . . : !do . • ~-do,-. 1'31.10 ' - ' " ,do do Coal, PoriitB6i, luta ails tight gov - es,:33 . liv(i'lN,pro . 01011, kind, &o. &c: &c:. chiiiiiiifortmakoritopi - ofed and omit-coed erettit:,...!.. , _ - -, v , , -,i1..,-,,.. - ••:„.t: +- „, LICO'S &,e1444,DLE8 - MolifrTe, Jrdic; -Ir,i6 ... _ . . 15, 110 X . P.l.' (41418 S --4111 Idie9 and' Vtll/: dow eat& fat-Aide. , • • ' 1 ' -LYONS ,5 i., PIIAND I 4 II .. .46 MIZE ... r .,,,„J ug e rt e. :! „ ; ,, ; p lt , ,is ilmitlexitu - 44 POilif•pkof klifi-41,-; ~ dice,fia, lhal kn . 'Nutt 111 mirieiy.nuttqz4ll,- • tY;lfiei - of RAINS aixt CArti,'.ati , .Alsrtnti. abiii w a' Ha alliteikillunxi' o o . the . Wiii aide afith PuiiiilMeaNO i 4 , MOntr° l6 e?'"C" l "/"*s . T . !liiltpf._ MO emit cixipil•foOtale iittl*resipik, inicoiiii :, 'Weiler tip yOu 4.1600 - Aik.,ibis i mplur r wAfic ' :thti:Mtiii,&idiiini4Oit '"' -'"- • ` I I': ' ''''' 0 41 ii ifiliibils zuje`l'llaiiijis;'''' ; ' l- " :l4' '. . :Midi miako rim bee: thAOld •we ink inight . iivin•:- !---_- A FIEW a l- tgailii:d ' sAg Pd. ijvYttifot : #Vi ec r• -Call il /4 Cx#4.4c. z&a NAPS '1144a : ht. :',. • , , '-',.,t , ',,' ts Lei A 4 ayt,104.-i9 . iTt9!, • •( _ L 1 .. - 11; 1 1:'Aigist Vitt* , ;49,1.1„, v."•• " • " S'i4 .1;;;• yui:i942* • tl~ ~~.'' tlla~i i~~ ~_... ~ ILL - visit MontrOse nu SATURDAY....thel;lith V.V . ' i'efittNE, In:In—FOR: ONt'DAVONLYT! Thin" iiitiiitibject that eau be intnieirin''oll`...leti: wonls, that, eMbracses such au eateut„-and variety of interesting and useful information, 49 the nutn*.iihi tory 1)f the saVitgo creatures cif-the Mrest tiiitriliirtli ert. It iaelisdes,..Withitt•the range of its vatioirs oh: jects; much that can invite .the uttentionmakreword the 'inquiries tiffitenattnal,Philesopher, tht.sitident, or the casual vri4fitrer.! 'lt fiirtilAlCA hail(' . 66tilki ii vestigatimi - Whiehleive Otigitg«l the . iuttii±st fiffilte most gifted naiads,- during - ia - pcziod of Innen - thin f.;iir thomsext years. :_lt•lrmits ttiu rpiptlil.nte,,k,l44 . 4 tlte'hume ,-- when I he witild. wasiolits infancy, afid e:*.tent ',;dOWifc to the dfscovcriestif Cho: Pres Out day.- - Tti 't E had . - , femsive eithiliition. the Whole animal hingit . 1.1;,,, - „yt nil. the tintltiplieity'and ca4etY'ir,ifitiobiOnt. , ,Alim r e . sufficient - hit/crest; is brintglttliP4lth'iiettint - view-. or . die F4410301' in , perf4srtion.and 9 to be found.. • - . ' The Quadnipe.tls endnict. , 4 Ikt/ill' o,olloctilsts.- al .. all ofa superior...dints, Mal greater iii , ":",AitiatWi - and variety than , any.hitheno e 4 iI i bited .ie 'this ,citanti ) ,. and otaY'Veoaltniiit. rega rded' y 'tfit*.Visl . ter'.*°tln• -Ark eteltaining " AltaicJanet' Reiiffie , i.lf-x*ifilithin ;,, Animal!" - .--_- - I. The science of nattir;ill; to -,-- ty ; must., ..-itt..otoue tic- gree v itave occupied our race in all ei4,:•; , anajii,every degree of civilization, as we dcpciol upon the cadet+. ;nomad naihr food, -sWlter and nirtuseinent.• , ; 11 by .21houll not muti,in a ague of retinenictitand .wc;dth, • exploro 'the great no - IYA4ttot of nature; ta,Ciiitattco•yis tcogioral gratitieittinii, Mid iii his s.n!tree ...sf -t , lint.ol ,eilgt. , r anti-increase his 1 / 4 .eneratioit fur tbe*tilititrlid Autlior*.all -things t i, ...=.. Just arrived front Ritropepal"ill j.iin. the "demi Aerie: before its arrival in this place. the illit.i*.i,STFllt-.:, NV HITE . 11 E A . ll. Irani the Itoyal (;q4.7,,it4 in Paris:: together with tlio-f.riMiOu l / 4 LIONS-;;iist4lll3Y-tlarcel (dinned Mr. CARTER in Loraine. ,-.31r.• .1.!El RC El, the celebrated miner of sVild heasts,...will,tlo totue of his most daring and intrepid iterli;riunnee!,tirpial;il not superior, to any iising inan. • ' . ' . ADMISSION 25 eta.. 011 ILI)R.RN k.a/f,prifr. • DOORS OrRN AT* IL O'CLOCK: ''''j • ' - June 18, 1818. .• _ . NIULFORDs , • •-' • , CIV. TUTTU - inti int luittifft-UrgealtsOrtineut • of Fur. Silt, Elms, that will IPe Aftl4l;..l!nivr Arm elsewhere iu town, Alvin. ready p this time. June' 11, 1346. 1,1 83 S.O 11. V S lurid for Wimil 'the- I N._/ by, 1 " YAPS of all deftriittioad. clit;ara eut , at. gt Xl l s• R , 110 1 4%,-;;4.-: ~ .1%.r. , . ' ''%U.l2 , 4'4 44 .11110'' '.; J)R. Cash, gutter.) lleeswax, Feithers,i•; v§.4‘.. 1 &c., - ivr approved credit, in liasquehacavaMolliaty. Gait be had or ',Pr+ , 1,11,...rt•••••7•• i ..i. • ' 4,... , 1 ? !$. 7 ,,,-;•,i, 1r .. 6 ,....... r ..m.,....,.....„.. „.„ , . J.. . .2.1) li , 1,.) '• 71 •••IliT ' hi — a ' -- h . *l - ' a ha '- 1 ix .i is i via ) s nit az „ , .n vt re _y to r wtqr ti. thos.i.', Yrber may ricvint: to 14 1 / 4 -Ail-him ovith a call.' •• , , , JI bv , alvictarrievivol.l - 111ev-IL - Aocrillitiiiv4'hviininesv, whret tild • Hooka, Vaileltiu ,il:;mi ixistadYbkik)r der on. F.h.orc, notice., ~1 -„. , . .;„ ; •, , , i-,, I :-;:. 1 ,4! , ell' Mdatrosit, Pa., lope, iato: ' . ,- , - if -1. ~. 1 -.--••••••' -. '-.: tt • -,, . L ',.,..5.i: , , ; ... 4; ' vi.....141N1 E. into. the eathkenire of .the mhserilbs..Aout the '2ll of 11ny lOst.„l,ll,lted .„ yeatAin),;;Hitifter, with 'ilifiliv about the lincikaticr i apii , • 6iiis,: .-- Thi,.. - A viii!.. _,,,,,, 1 lav,o - hurby pi-ming property,' puyitiO;diiii*.s, nod Ankh% het away. , , • : I' -;• ':• :' t'' , .t• -1...1.{1',';'_..: .'• THQAl4ks.,,$)- octs.s. yil, June 1, 18.16. ' ,::; •A U DITOK! :11111011CiEtri •••• lIE finalsiiii.:itiz!rroin tbei Sin;litri . lc . 4., (I it , itiQ Estate. Of 1.01111 -5111cirreic 4-it:iii.s4oliMiliffh4rii Itifeirrall to the smile Ittiiiiiiig:trigii Ani.t iniemited in iai bind" , aivi krelkv;poiiiiiii3 in ,p,rr:ieuljlis=jr cbvilus. eforl43.uLN at*,4.4:cinc,f.,nsk it .VAllaßird, iti'Moniribie, 'on Tne4iV t'u4_ I4:111 l y , :itsiits; li*id, ', - ,i• be daxicia ikei.eiiiitiriiiiiir 6ifuiug as punlbe-szuzio. • : • •.: i 51 ,, z3. r-„,,. , .., ,-,, t - Ir ~ 44 1 t.leMb 134'T Ulkli.v.l.llll.l.WOßti;••Auttiloi: •• • li r llCC' PO‘PW ,l' .°o l : , TOPP . 13 I .;!'canthcrsal,q4itCf.l4ecqiir:o,Arqkfail_tfill/S. 11110 F ., fi4lowiale areAlaßiniOci; (9r.,iippipoved.*: es which,4:liGer-41 sriior kill be *aide for. mkil•- • •.:32e,:•• • hliotion;-:47 _ • Small Rica, • Rl-,>. rNanj 7 4o44-N • LOll. i'riuter , 36; i=atuf: •36 +;lo'' . • • • Wood Type. Print ing In , el.'44A - Cais4l.dollo•ya, Compo*RAStickikg Vrttitipg i1f04..6*,.(urti0du,31.-vllll. • •• 01PitlerFpid ''• 01E11.: I ftUCH Ar.o l , foemo the Above. Rittildrp,-.. • •• %.• • ff , , Ist br June, 1 1 : 2Yehtis" 4 44 r, with hcirtm prii,j4tinglo&eurtitiiiifil a beiE.s . 6% ; ,p*co,ot .uncvmpli a vili4p , !tail - red; Rai tittrAi " i re dboy 4tl;t;',.llC;b9; ; ~', 4 Elll3.l6loltfillr. T3iyer.lLakerJundi:l3,o:4lo: - ;.,, 11,4 , 55 i - XBB its TfT4.7":" „„npiate,g,*c.o..4o I:.itOrfT tt (This IlirectorrwilE MITI I - ..' , 1 i' - 'r4 ' r:. itAtiittar,'"ut l'''", 1 iiiliiliitimim th"4:44iiiiiatt;glii4 Ti.,i_ '==rl4.;bn,zidiaiiiiii , oalliiiiripailcow- -oni. 12111 WE GREAT BAR . GA 72:u STRA -IiEIiPER I SEND PI litiNtEß N '.Eitittit'groG Cabinet aild idakin4,:- • ~A 1.40, l'ainting Turnin t . 2 . 4 Tiiper hi, o ut yiaudgit,l•„4,u4kke4 6 , , lst..l. f . I AMBERI - IN"7""-"“ % c i 44 :nrcruie,,egom au : it L. - 11 - trA I 'ublitiqiviinuer,',' IX4 • - .- Attobley:nt tavi poWcArier 4 -•. • 1 641 - I sl, l S* 4 1 .4 114 1 711 At% O PTYIi Col ,OftWfdmr.;' ait !wine ~....,,,_...,.„, th„„,..,,1it ,-,.,..t 7,„,,f,,. ..„: 7,p.r. ..: ai,:l- .p:)i {... iziaiNitS; ~:',.. . _, vP, ,, i 4 . , 1, ,, ,, ' - ' ' ' athAkOtt F-*_l4ioni*lo:l7olo4lkrt*Airiik*Ao.4ol-iwisitnt _ . Tre ni f. 4 40 "r° 13 " ,, 9 11414 -weilkokier tyliticitv.eane'VieictirAPe e PtiValP °. ' " Tprnisim aritik '?4 , 1 :141.141 - 4 0,0:p Stekutiuturerh'elatv*AYlmikin4. R-V7r 4 '*' ~T311".' '144 l IMACKr iI it a sKitilliit . -''.t' - titta; 2 oinibigif 4 kmti l mtin u kfa,, mitiri,- -6.; prikomeotpit itaporibr - i,50,406, - ,,,, -. 1 . 44 , 4 v litiregxi ~v.lo.•ooAtcastm.tirt. _ _oolofitihr Art Wes in• Ma tine ' kata 441), for ' M - ' i'itt:t Wpaiang '41311:6 - Zirs wit noilci..' ' t l 413 .... t „ .... , .. 47. _ 1 -.,-,t !& ...evi+7; .; 31-ke• 7 (.4„rv.( .1 , 27... ,,, ' tviityiik , 1:11;SAIONS., vt fd,aisi 1 varragm.;hdt• l46l oo Misiotilio4 Atiiillo , l4iii i p4100114,* lAA I.bliVi s f,eW i rdiAtolkils 014 5 9 4,Pmh , vdiere hi; witebel4apiiy tii`‘ , %i=alonCouitoinort.. ,l 1 , -1. I =NM Miiii DOM