eke' Vltoplei3/41tbuotate.' "Hero tatall' the Press, the rmples - rights maintain, -Unwed:by influence, andl,runbribed by gain." iikkatrose, Inge 111, 1846. 'IV:To distant substiibers our papers are generally sent by mail. 71 Arrangements may be hereafter made; hi4vhich some may be delivered through i the gency of Stage Dri vers and,Poit Boys. ,1 To the People of Snsquihanna County Your protnisied ADtOCAtE at length lip ., pearS We [hope its f f :tateriat form will be acceptable,.and the le4ding objects which it purposes to promote . oceive general appro bation. The,project f publishing another weekly paper in. this .fonimunity, may, by some, at first impulse 4 be thought unneces sary, and of doubtful iixpediency ; but, with the impartial, link reitction will load to a dif ferent conclusion.; %he conductors of polit ical journals.the wori4c4i:iire wont supine : . ly +0 rely upon party pfavor for support, and it sometimes - happen that the leading spir its of party, by adroOnanagement, - drag the press from its legitintate stand in - the Tem ple of Truth, and us 4 it as " second fidale" to a corrupt clique. A suspicion has gone abroad that such a state of things exis's in this county; and frotoccurrences of last Oc tober the suspicion Qv, been too well confir med. You saw theWl you can see now, that - your political rights thus. be trampled upon • —,-aye, that they 114 been trampled upon • —not by party, but y a design ing. and cor rupt dique, and their supple safety-valve, the "Northern Deniocrat:" It was most truly, and fitly said d that print last Octo ber, that."itlas becpine the tool ointeres ted office-holdera--it sots at defiance the power of its patron s-4pliblishes the most ma lignant assaults, but penies the party assail •ettilic opportunity of reply. To-day it re 6ives and premiseslto insert an article •in its columns, but afte4vards, when all chance for having it otherwlitres published is lost, re turns the Kline in vioftition ofits undertaking." This Spirit of proseritition and disposition to dictate, have lastingls disaffected the greater portion of the DemOcratic party with that print; and they re4tize it as the "organ," only of the " orrs = and INs" •of o ffi ce—a. -clique, consisting o' ex-Officers who have promises to 'fiat mid who ent of ec-holders ; twith the exceptilin of I Register and Recor?er, who bolted the Re-,' gency and was elected from the." Peoples' i •.• Ticket,") men whl well understanding the means by which thci places they now occu py were attained, klittw - how to transfer them to their fellows—anct office-expectants ; a rn- I ther numerous bmnah of the junto, to whom have been assured Oie principal offices in your gift for severyears to come; and 'it not unfrequently Omura, in times of' emer gency, !then_ arrangiments,previously made are about to be test4d, Or nominations to be made, that the saute office is promised to ,several individuals - t, 4n different parts of the county. These seqrnl branches of one po litical family, cons ti 'rig a pretty formida blent Regency, form I third, know ll as the RI ASTOCRATIC PAR •i of Susquehanna coun ty. The vieweindTulged .by this faction or third party, upon sithjects of public policy vitally affecting ouriinterests as Pennsylva- I nia citizens, obvimily do not accord with '1 those entertained h the Democracy of, the ' Keystone State.hat we are correct in ) this position, clear] n appears, by a reference ' to the proceedings If _a meeting held at the I Court House on die lllth day of 'January last, called and comlucted by the third par- 1 ty, whereat, by a , jmiti of those who vo ted - upon the qua on, the following senti ment Irti . tidopted; wit :, • li*'A4t7: s ?, n o t *e believe that the inter ests ofilikaygreat Snail of the people of this Unieailineand a nto,Vification of the present ',4 Now, though w e e I ntend - ever to be aind suatifully•ionteud-ui in the van of the Dem ocratic unity, we cad not approve 'any inter nilitioirinf Ake - n4 act of 1842, while its afiaTniruting itillueniei upon '0e -depressed financial condition 4 our dcht-ridden State are so -dewily obser4able and sensibly felt, as at present Out people are oppressed 1- and borne dawn tu . earth as it were in consequence 'of. imp_ dent Legislation. in 'relation to our public' psavements; .whicL ; though comparativel profitless , under the salutary OPeritiOn -- ilia - Pii - sent Tariff, lietd;tiidlierient revedne to enside:-us i -,-prit4 a p "1,1:: ~severie. taxation, semi-mono filirt*Po:4 -int i ebt w4icia4 ! ( 'Niil ! .6' " P- Oa ottininnissm4tiland thus preserve the honor ofoir sable t ''-, ~ unweakk Repeal OW set, or Arkiftit . proposed ItY is op porieiiti(ind a sadness if 'not a blight upon j* ni+,opiring hopes of -being we'. long **Vim relief , :fivitt n..burthea or ''.taxtitioit ' seared) , - than that k id 'which led - to the Re At - Atkin, : You would check the increasinglir q` . . 'Or com inercpen the `nrior of enterprise in the" i iiniOns' departintints 'of 'riianaictun r ), ~.. _. . affect f : , , i_ . and .11)07.M. . afftTt fhe nalcultiFist 4 P 1 7/' 'l , - , - - ,-,-, , • •=..-.-' - , , As ate titip!itut . oil al State, 11;0 bowelsof . ,?..,• • ;, , whalt, a jw.Peplete wtth ininerad_ weal', 1 abounding in enidintid ittexcenent quid, !,- „, , , :., 4. , t sty which ;hy. theik ripplid n toititantiftic€:: hiring pub Loses nit* tho t lAvondile auspi, ces of the !prernt -TtiriOttiready produ4 immense revenue the COM inonweatih, Can : ~ , we' opposi,&:, or seek to dist Orb the operation of an act W i hich thus promises to become the instrumenrl of our redemption from, the curse and reprich of n flonster debt reprehensi -bly incurred 'I Was not "Pennsylvania d9ctri!te",PbellP.4 !.Y-:•t.lMit ftleetingt, .Is the measure Which they, proOse, democratic, or is it approved by even any considerable por- 1 tion of -the enlightened Democrats of this 1 State 3 ! ~ -..- 'an • 3a011.11.11r last, the o:ilk:ming preamble anti resolutions were unanimously adopted ,) by, our Stlate Sennte: :• WHEREAS, The tariff 'of isn, produces ne more : than sufficient revenue to defray the pece4ary expenses of the general guy- ernmencnnd affords only an adequate inci- dental protection to American industry and ' Ainerican manufactures, against foreign , cempetifien and foreign policy and a conic- Oen( enpouragement to commercial enter prize, to agricultural pursuits„ and to the development of our own internal resources. AND WHEREAS, It is, believed the people of Pennsylvania arc opposed to any altera tion in the existing thrill' until further expe rience has shoWn that - a modification is re quired to'secure a continuance of such pro tection,•and to promote the general welfare, Therefore • . . i?csatoid 631 the Senate and House of Represen &tines of the Commonwealth of Pennsykaniti, in General Assembly met, That oui.i kienators and Representatives in CongreSS, h 2, find are hereby requested, to oppose rill • attempts to alter or modify the - tariff net of the 301 h of August, 18•12. • Resoltred, That the Governor. be request , ed . to trinstnit it copy of -the above preamble ' and rnsOhnioni to each of our, Senators and l ittspresOfatives in UDlTgress. ' 1 Theywere then scat to th • popular branch of the !..cgiAiture for 'affirmance. In th.: I . Representatives, on the fith day di • the question on their passage came wai decided in the affirMative— i, nays -14: Mews. Timm ts and , voting in the Acgatiec. ication offour position upon this t subject, we 'need only say, that i rfully concur in the views thus ex , 'by so great a majority of that RAl we body. We believe them to he ly correct and purely Demecratie. necees:iry for us to make a long lomises af what we will •..r will not do, the wood have long since "learned rlttises art oftener made than f ulfilled °pose giiing the substance in lien of dote. ll'e will promise, however, I Advocate, under its present man t, sball )e a FREE PRESS—.t . ATM FR E PRESS. We launch up- I liticalplatfbrm nntramelled and free, liout-es Februn HP, and yeas 7 FASSE In ii ' import we the pressed, tesenta est-entia, It is list of p, becaus that p . —we p. the sk that tit; agemet DEMpC 6 on the mina sticking type, and sticking—to our princi will not . publish other than a free less Democratic paprr. pies, w and fe‘ The' '&dvocate is printed on errirely new le largest. sheet ever published in go., and will. be afforded at the low kale dollar' a year: It shall he our FZZ Subq'a price o constzti ti aim to Make it a welcome visitor fireside the county. We will truth, " regardless of denunciation y quarter'?—anil if we offend in 14v trust the better feelings of our Fill not ftiult us. to eve speak from a doing, patron': We esign to avoid personalities, and co with those wl4se self-respect indu to do likewise, in maintaining the of the Press. In short, we pledge eS, with your kind support, honestly ilently to guard Your rights, cautious fairly exposing abuses, wherever de l. Heed the Poet's nail' ! M en o f thought ! bit tip and stirring Night and day ! LAN - the seed—withdraw tie' curtain— . Clear lie coy! o! a cloud!. about to caniAlt operat 1.1 ces the dignit oursel • and vi . 1 ly and vekope - From the day! )! the right 'it ahoutt to conquer - Clear 1,1i.c way ! 'id the dawning, tongue and pen id it, hopes of honr t. men-; lid it, paper aid 1 lt, for the hour is ripe, ndtour eurnmst tnust not slacken Into play. eu of thought aid *en of action ! Cliar the trey!" are informed that persons solicit se. bers for the Third Party's Paper. d' triously circulated the rumor that I 's project ofpublisbing a new pa- Id Ibe carried into e l feet.' As this he. a mistake, Postmasters will , . Vor by forwarding Ithe first nurn u 'Fibers whom name will be found .tfpon them. II , g uraper might; have f appeared last ut f r some tnisike iu packing our i l • is in New York. Some cases and Ili ere emitted, which have occasioned We 4xpect the ii)eficiency to be -sup - s week, and isho hereafter be ena- A , .. e-our weekl y numbers regularly. i.g But iageii 1' c Pe' , per zoo I appear confer ber to inscri week, materi. letters delay. plied th bled to • utleman y other task d ly offei 1 a Sank! tiflee ; ', tem. I readers 11 6 , don. t stitu . , ~ i i oo thel I ing 4 0 ' ~ Commit 4,*(errc! l- fl filo Oil 'to. preyaii 4 4 1: tthitrange foihhe next Advocate I j Otr Litt forthn j . P eople's conyeni. Weekri to correct the same for For doing. doubt not our acknowledge a. great ohliga-.. c Convention mi amend: the Con ,. New -IVO& anembled . af Albany Inst.,and was O*anized by choos to preside. !. *4xiy Pr c+iingo, '.es.weie.appointed, to whom wetie lieieseutionaters to be acted on. . 4iikperis say tlte rightvirit seems among the rat*bers. . -a. TAIIazWAS. a. existeno . of4ar bFtwteen powei ,furl 4644, each contending for the mastoryi is deppii , to tiJ deplored philaiithroi; pist. Truel the " pomp UOdclicumstance" of marshalifil hosts moving with measured tread at the"'spirit-stirring music of fife and dium" are Animating, and not , unfrequently : impel the iiitizen-soldier, (with liberal reli- Oncesupon his chances for escape,) "as the horse. rusheA into, the battle,". inconsiderate ly to enter the field .of mortal combat. But when, aft i a murderous conflict, the spec tacle of mbnerous dead is presented, the groans of the wounded and dying are heard, and the lathentatioos of widowi and orphans anticipat4 the scene is changed, and the " horrors of war" become the theme of more rational. contemplation. Lasting injuries to commercio and inland business,' and the demoralizing influences of the . camp, are evils of not small Magnitude. But as there is a right and a wrong in all eases of un tio'nal disOnte, the occurrence of such ca lamity ma' he unavoidable if we would pro tect our llerritori against hostile invasion, or our rights from lawless aggression. , The high Functionaries of our govern ment,- acting us Sentinels upon the watch , tower of iFreedom's Temple, have pro claimed that a war exists between Mexico :old the Vaited States. What is-our !duty as Ameriiian citizens 1 Shall we •deln'y ac tion to nkscuss the necessity of its ocur renee, and ascertain whether the Neuci.s or the Rio Grande forms the boundary prOpet between Mexico and the State of Texas, and to settle other incidental questionsl A more limPane and enlightened policy would seem to urge prompt, vigorous and etrectiNe nicasuresj with the view to a Ftl.', : e“flti raid competent to the tie minty, has kind- A Gtr—The Newburg Gazette says that Capt. Heirry Robinson, or that village, has presentett fo the N.r Y, & Erie' Rail-road Cotapa,nithatportion ofhis . land overirhieb the road . ta to.pasal The value. at the prop! erty is said -to 1)(46,000. , . r „ . • ` 7- - xastistuitia-rttii• tetb.--Cassitat M. Clay, theAeittfickian and abolitionist, is at the head of a 4toutpany of riflemen, going tit-fight the Mexicauts. - or liostiliti,. The eour-c thus fur Pursued by our government; iarli cate: the adoption of this policy. Hence, we rejoide in the success of our arms, and admire die braver} and prowess of our troops at? Fort Polk and Palo ,Alto on the Bth and 4t Rasaca dc la Palma on tne 9th -ult. As w 6 have made arrangements fur re ceifing-aews, daily, from Philadelphia and New Ycjk, we shall weekly extract such items of !intelligence from The seat of war, as we think will most interest our mun-r -ous readirs. The N.N. & Erie Railroad This ihtportaut project seems to be " drag Bing its leng - th along." We learn fro th public a(it - ices, that the Commissioners who have poiyerto determine whether the North-, I ern orouthertt (through Pennsylvania) F,Route stall be adopted, met in the city o r ' New Ytiik a.few Weeks since, and adjourn- 4l iw iii - fif - med, from private sources, that an elficienteorps of Engineers are now survey ing or rti-surveying the route between "De posite aftd Binghamton, by way °Ill:moo- . iky and ;treat Bend—that after the surveys arc conipl - eted, the Commissioners intend making D personal examination of the res pective routes, and then make a selection agreeahty to the duties enjoined upon them, which will he' made public for the bcnetit rind guidance of the Company. We trust that vested question will soon be settled— and if the Company adopt the Southern . or Pennsylvania route, subjec_ to the onerous bonus' imposed upon them, the- next , Legisktt;bre will relieve them from so unjust taxatioi4 - We will hold our readers advised, upon this.subjeet. The first . number of no Paper in Norbert' Pennsylvania was ever issuetton 7 der so flattering auspices as those which nt- 1 tend th 4 publication of the People's Adro cute. Ve have, to-day, near six hundred! actual .4idiscribcrs. General confidence in , the proliable extent of our future circulation, is indictited by our Advertising columns. The tespectable appearance of our sheet,, the low terms at which it is afforded, n'te - si of advertising, within the reach of every businesti man, the talent and influence which' Airrouna it, all combine to recommend this print to the patronage" of an enlightened, commuOity. The Slerchants of Binghamton, Carbrti-i dale au4 Honesdale , now have a rare oppor tunity if being introdnced to the Farmers and People generally of Susquehanna Coup-, ty, frOntlwhorn they annually derive no in.: considerable- amount, of trade. If some . worthy Ostnblishments in the cities of New , York and Philadelphi a should inform our Mereht+s of their whereahouts through purl columns 4 they might find ,their award in so, doing. • Rupo4 S. R EED, --.u, Esq., one of the wealtlii 7 'est and it% ost respected citizens of our Com- Ingnweaith, died at his residence in Erie on the Ist inst. FEB/4E Tnoors,llunean the African traveler, 4vrites home that the King of the Ashante4e entertained him with a review of MOO fettiote ,soldiers, whose arms, accoutre-. meats, 414 performances, were truly won derful. 1, • - . • e - e-Theifollievung,Conimuni Landed to us.for.msertiontn e . : ,e.: . . .e. ''. ' , , ~.. ,l. tint ,..„ l .r on he h p as eep hec te n a. Innd iirMeritedly entitled to o Adioeipe." 'l.T_ he' Or respects But.? ; ; i . . .- i.eee eei:i-.- !Fenn the itublic Ledger. inldeirmin.ing what course 'eve are to pursue , Wasuolcerol4 4 liio 9; 184 07 -6 ,1'. M. 11 articles of like Soutlierkillaill-inot Airivell.• in respect to this, and oc he .12 airtbel. le _leer! ,!,..1 iniport which we are invite to anneipate,it FIVE. DAYS LATER FROM MEXICO. islnot With him that we h4e esp4ially N Mezican,lirorth:eru: Armyineinforeed—Alex ico determined to push -on the War--lh. mand : on the, curches--M{mement of [) R _elrl,s enbut the - principles which he! and his ) f the-who have embark4d in the same • cause, arc , elieposed - to_ tul.vocate As the OFFICE 04' TIIE:N. O. PICAYUNE, Writer has indicated a desire to .ie ten our Tuesclailiiine.2, 11. 4 45. t views upon this exciting su eject, (for i liS fu- By the arrival of the barque Louisiana, tare government in the relation of corms- Captain Willis,'We . have . adv tees from Ver a Cruz to 'el:sth tili.,'fiVe cl ays 1. than thiee ptmdent we suppose,) we - Will cheerfully de fine. our position. _ broughteby the Thactus. The lentisiatin sailed in company With the- f i lelen hlel..eed, It luta - beenaptly said, ''," There are three leavin e , rr no American vessels'; in port. (big great parties; I. the Pro-slavery !party ;2. Petersburg for York sailed Mac :!oth, the Abolitionists who hold i slaverY to be sin i repotted. as befitre The blockade of Vera Cruz emumeneed pier se, and a. Anti-elaverylllCll Whe are op- 4" e on the 20th, and fifteen days were•Alloe ed PoSed to . both." We may! be classed with i i . all neutral vesSels in port to lead and depart, the !atter; We regretth e continuance of I i- i If by order of the; Mexican goveenthent. The Slavery in our land-conseier it a great 'nor-;., American Conked's office hes to he closed di and politick) evil—a• paradox, upon our f . and all Anieriean citizens Init.:w: by the declaration of Independentee—a Main upon, i,.pittaMay, or on that day . . 1M r. Diainetel, '1 . our C onsu l , eXpected to emb ark oa liontit our national escutcheon alit a just .cause of ; . I , 6)ta the Ledger of Juno 13. ' I , - F • .....,... . J ... ,i ails Steam legate atteeieeippi. reproach to outs Country./ But we cannot The fricrate 'Raritan - neer led on tilt. ‘2sth. 77 concede that the relativh iif Master end Ser- '.: h i ghly ant l4l l 7 ml7ort al .*' ' f i r t ot Eligillagislitailitoni le alit' 11 sloop being . fieuiel lyi tg ttir port, gas vant is in itself Sinful. We en." it fully ' 0,.,,,„„ - Q uestion.4 The :Piesidrnt ad- I of i• i n h aste to ! preyoot 'wine .5,44,.11. . , , ni,. i • recognized in the Old Tyke:nem, espeeilly day they marched•neWs rea died Vera Critz, , . that :at -IViazatlitn, . Lei psi lied d e cl a r e d in the Law of Leviticus and carefully reg- e • 1 . , l e h i's c te c t o , lt re ro t/ 7, s .r e rs t i T.. S.Senette tocomproutise • • -. • , , I Mated in the, New T'estzUitent, as appears i The following letter from our, : eorreepten- agitiast th e Government. Gen. Alvare Alt as - lent, last night, itiforlas eis'of the result of still carrying (m. his hostile) preparations ill froth the exhortations of the apostlee. • We are not desirous bf di sus ing the secret session in the U. . *nate, piton the South part of the deparnent of Mexiete this l the Oregon question. The President iS . ad- A report was in circulatimei that Gen. Pa ( (•,., question (a: eur part, and shall not do so— vised to settle the queetion upon the basts of rt% I•s intended to leave the city of mrxi,.., I But as the conductors oi• it free and i ii ,li... the -I9th parallel, but iit is not certain that at the'lleml of more troops reinforce the pendent Press, we will pilblish any 1 ~. they recommend the ildeption of the precise the army 'of the North. 1 i ij ' iilli"l".. .e terms thin Great firiiiltiti leas. oltered. The 'Pile animosity existing agaiest American 1 01l the 'subject of A imiriean Slii‘ery, ile -, g hut result cannot ef csnlrse be known until volunteers was increased hy news of the two couclaid in respectful language and of real t h e j u j u n e ti o n of : ,4.croey is remined. actitnis of the. Stn and 91h. I lit et:we yleare .. .aenable leagth, vt unto; (ifarke or the signitt- Wesittse•roee June . 1.2-e-6 P. M. ,of the enornuius foreed !mule e hid, the !ee xant su pt. rscri pt ion. " B ! frequest." l. The Senate was; in ExecutiverSeseion from ' ernment had imposed upon - tle'. - elcr!ty, the :.:r. ;.; sits Etoron . 1 tiluntil-:.o'clock, P. M., 14)-(14y, and' had lattor had declared theinsslvcs totally lin -: . , 4ii just Mijourned. -1 {lna. informed that the • able. to get the Metropolieto el:melee pr,- Ha% ing learned that ile: ( - llama's a yoreP ": Senate has advised the President to compro- pared to furnish the •stthetlin-3, : : ‘th'9 )ol) err e. ill he 0pf.1.1 to the e:t111 , 4,0:;(11) Of 1110 ,4 , 1.01111/•11W.1.4: ell y e ar fellow-c-itizen°. iill't 'CIIVI• of their connexi. anise the Oregon eotAroversy on the basis etfeenonth. ThO churches 01,•.11celinicau *-.:..-,,. ! i.na i ll round and inditirai id . q: 4 d, , ,. ... d it my ,int . t y lse -19t1.1 parntllil; btu wl ethert 'he is .- . :1(1- (WO ; of Puebla ~ .$'',19,090 el of Goo.iiii.iglini , v isaed ised to accept the pr wosition of Great Brit- it• 20,009; of Durango ei4I•5;,000; of ( /itlilili to avail my , ...11.4 - this 'privi1. 1. 4 ..., to ex ions cf n large and increasing 'lporti(ni 7:::"mtia7.=l:i 11111 ,.. Without inedinte lion , ri haVe not 'been , eueooo. These great sum. per mon th -hoer 1 may 11110» n subject of vital awl personal - interest t. 4 , , ante to ascerta i n—the seal' of secrecy : has that i President' Paredes s determined lii . 'ns all. I propose to write n . Isvries of brief letteni i " 41 7" renitivell' and - Senators are %cry proevente the war with energy. • , • Signor GOIRICZ;01 , OOrILL'i has lice2iitt .. rousting I shall commend myself to every tnall's (al 1 Huse• im)fithcd (111.1114 subje ct. - -- -.---- - ,----- 7 ------ rested by the governinvet. ! - , e-oraideeteietneet, and entiebteleet conscience 1.1 l'eme - the Public Lett e. : General Ab)ionte made h fltrimt! re.*!-tta by the spirit with which I woite. ;old by the t0.:14 ', -which I untintain. And malt let me remark. that li. Message ~ . e front-the Pn*dent on the ,tiditi Of his mission tO Yrali.!!e• . hi reear,l 1,, Oregon At ties4o4. .'. . t Poiti4es - poioiliop,oir al the h'e: . tri or Ili" i i I :Lod, I v•mture . ail say. a libirtil publie, will no 4 ! - 1 \V.v.:lt:cc:T( 4 :N, ji title 10-3 i.,'0,c1t.. array. i; .. i . I warmly approvt liii , i.i.lir.o.Which .impt4+.4.9 . it S 1 1 1:,. -:.ion . 1111 11. 1111.SZNEIrt. tile, " ' i ,, i ;a_ i dit. „ um su t. s •,4 , 1t i s W4 1 1 3 1, 1 '1 rI/r rotr readers to set ei erY)4l:4ll, MO 1L11(1:1, of L The :` • li . entitt• has flit o tg: fromt tu: illti p t l E T : i t t • l e ,, u n t t iv o e f time le i t u r 4 c li err of il i t i o t, r a zt: . l . 7 itniiig hii" ,, h . .. , . ..,1 6 ,,,. and Men detertniae. l each for himself - 11+ ' , . ' - ' 111, I ' It led S tates. reiet•ivett IW,Ptltt - mirmies • /-" lies : 1 r .4. ' 'l -- r ; ; ; ; I : i. :tai no. ditty !mired ith.• time lasis L•o•o , • liv . 1 , •iil re miritotle• Ili. , G,. elle in ehether he v. 1 l. „h„.„ „ ! • r ,„, rep !, w ee ,„.k r ' o ,-1,y1 q ,. Il i , ~;..ht ii ' !.] tiCe. q hIS iiit'S:Sa°ll . ii Mitlerstocal to (-torn anv Party-Editor tei memtne lie 7nard;anslrp of tli• Intulle.tii , , - . t h e p r „i„, e i t i oit or the British ro l e . Vera Cruz. z lie winthl lc•i l l ivt• the (':,ail , .( iis . Press,—to make it a eoneev4ice of hi. , oen teeedir ' t•rmitent for a settlei; eat or the Oregon-eo- . sodn " Congress rtssetnbli . 4. s teas nut) 0 ,,, w ,„, 1 , 1 *l ee k t e e , i„,„0,„.,1 i t„ie- ; trot-yr:4y, made vest- lay -= the character q Pull aecottuts of tlitti dip I. , li*lnl I :1(.16!1- lllie the Stlt and9tli had Ike . . I received tu I I 1,1 -/, i.I .. II • .ii• • lt• lit, td Unit .tio , 11"-TIC' r. ,llllll II• ~,.•711 rll ,I•c WIIICII I gave run itt 11111 l my letter several day, II own notions of things. Thistomiw 1, ,11,1" cannot le 0,e.0r. ~ ct ' since, anti repented in myl letter of eleven capitol, antlippeaectl . .ri t te pill:et:if j. ‘ iii runt 'll.en I ' v r to - wive ! Tio:, are More accurate then Mievirte but kI L night. will (en o ,. sustaitiml. The " 'vigils of the times in our ovin . I . c,„„ it y, i„,ti e ,, t „ t h e ( L,„.„ of a f reer , and a ,„„i.,. Ilttrther particulars this evening. The bill to ' (-tins generally are, and de credit to .1 nee,. t . I rtertilate the appointinent ()f otlicee4 in tilt Nears Irli - "Meets - C(1 with re;rri :, I.nt ado liberal ieleiment. ten to ra in rithjeet. ; , 7-• • -' ; I It i_ beginning to In, getiOallv felt and itektenil- 1 .4 ..-n r .-cr-rme. r .../ Ilf a dui 01.1 , err t 3 to cue my =we ;:to 4 - -rns - is -,-- .-- - R..nnicrnUmi ri ltn thniil l nit.e, and will ', ____,______ several department - slit' Witshiegton, is not' termination ,to light the w M ns ir r ;ol d 4,,. I probably Occupy ith t body'. the remainder of • the Soinli :Mil to the North :1 to the 1 slave; to life Chard: and Sir State; to pnldic ! mi..- ' the (le)e• 'flie naul..tittment made by the peritv, and private peace: t all that is vahrll,le,i ;; I House to the hilt stipplemental to the . act I imman life. Nor is this all; It is equally 1 ,1-4: l l.prosectiting the Wall with Mekico, - occupied .1 Hutt this tremendous wee ' , Pie he met .ant SO1111141; ! the Senate up tai the; tune of ping, into Ex- - else it will rest upon, 'nail eit l e,..sh every" 11,11 , 1'. - Trli , ecutive session. 1 - 1 J. ; issee has been dreaded and heohh•ll. until tle• qui, ' W (rt tircu yox, Jane ICI-9 ci l elocli, P. M. 51.41111-, 1.K.C , 1111e 011 e of simple resisht tee, dr .alt 44- ! The Senate clused their executive session ' to-day alum; 5, P. IL The nature Of the qi i iti ; of liberty. or slavery : i...f moral liG.. „r doie.l3. The Slavery pri:mii , le e:limot. it: the ri - iltire ~ i 1 ! Presid,?tit's titessU , ril 1 have correctly .stated 111 i 11 .:q• b 1, • 1 '" 11 ir" a" r „- Ser a with the spirit "f IA r ':!to he the proposal ~ Great Brie:in, Winch d don: mei instice. They afe:ntta;o:ti:tic : awl,: it :i s ti le . wh o l e o f V;gotteer,, Is and, and the brought i" clmtritri• ' 4 " / c"11""1 with, is lh• Rl"' nrnniri l ; fret• trivigation r tau ' Columbia by theHutl i upon each ot h er. This is true alsd, of all the miissir ; son B a y Oj in i.j„p y • ,„,i, until the expiration lof their charter, the British fearing that they and deris-,plive interests gyow;ng ont of ei; hi , r e4s. plight oqterwise lice coMpelled to pay that In other vilortts, it is tunraibl li ntuissiblethat a (i4's _ ! comp:llw too lar'ire an ittilentility. Ti l ., free el -nutria tanotld carry oat the -,- - ile•iple! of efrialo. P yI - a ,il'awl hiStlee to one class of itl eitizi•ns, u:ltile. it sys4,ie- navigation of t im e Straits of Fit n, - red the eauttitedly ‘ tided& tit; wk. riihts Irian another (14-s. I f ree ,„„,„ of t h e b aye d an d ene et e ee iv - tweet , - ! The fiat of eaveit is against this. Man can viro7, l .r 1 ev e s Island, to he tdlowed the United States 1 1 : for tie e same period atul soma (Abel privi ' 1 chi it. Ile ty propilse it land theorize about loges mutt lieretothrelexpeeted 'by the forty , mud talk of ,li • !ranee ill coliir hauling att eNeepti/li.. tti . ne men. The President asks the advice awl all this ; n the pradic4 will ever prove it ti-4, I • impossible-L . 'pious. I to br just, we Must he siito !of th, lall. 11 , xl (fed iii slice is a - ''" 11- ciaitil" 1 :ictina• "ie 1 ' T. the. S enate. wa. debated,' but without yule, ;:me the disensSion Of the I moment we make an except i on; 91' ! hill Will he resilined Menortion , t at I o'cloCk. lathee the principle or Jamie* to nut Ol f rISS. and 40 Shuitorsiare greatly r . liseile . ased, ~' I pres,ion toward another,—tlitat moment injustice t;is! The 54 the Senate is disims/t1 to advise the-2ne'tept infte4eti into ale wheie gYste l l l, an'l sPtt'ilils it. uels - !and from this I judoie that the ,majoritY of parry evil alike over the favOr.d, not the untlivorld. I mice of the proptisat TherPresident having : This is a merciful dive:lN-elm. It Alertly and lin , 1 Pt I declared Ititn'iseiron kite brie Of 54 49j - Will ever teaches man that it is rir . perlicat to .ilte inst. licit neeepot the ProPosal Miles!a dv i sed-by bears upon him the very naltve of erg: to induce bite I s u., render to his neighbor hisitlu‘e. . ! • - 1 - :, die Senate. 1 i • Where this antagonism be weep Hight- atak s wropg - ' ' exists; the one, or the othe • element untst, nail shill i be issetmdant. The whole . ' tistory of mankind 4 . 11. forces this truth ; and our (win Country, tonne ht by the lung Record of the pasti is rapidly' developlig I still another, in this NIA tenth Of 111-0111.; Herr, lc ' Slavery-principle, controls th . policy. of the Naticia. ! Every' - question, whether it to finantiali p or morn ; whether it be peace, or war,—prottetiint, or fri!e trade,-;-Presideut-making,, ok lesser apitointment,-, Bank, or Su b- treasury, touches somewhere, or some- • ' how, the eluvery-iuterest, aid 114 mtitil4ed by . that ; interest as its oWn. The Son i tt rules the 1 1 ;ortlif The hittawie43.oflShie e ry rises above, and dvershadews the growth c,£ freedom and tright,-I.auds hing from the ads of riete atal thencooifrom their minds. the I very sense f parity drill:Awl By the n cssary ape ! ration of a eel law, if these:things continue, the day 1 of retribution must come. Tile smothered, and pent: l'ap revenge will bretik forth. Fence 'round the wrongs of the Slave, n_v yon may 1 pile upon them Statute after Statute s autlinyinpou is oh a Nalinn's approval. awl a people's itrui,---yet theyi will burst the weak restraint ; and our country slut fiirnish. the bloodiest chapteriu on the b?Olt of time:) Who will prenoance this phantasy 1e that .uttiers it, says that national injusgce and , one hat puranty nn. tonal happineas• anitTprospertty. Ile 11 , nies alike Revealed 'truth, analistorietroof; he eionjoins, in imprissible, end impious elli4nce, *vine, '. happi ness: virtne'alld misery..lireetienll.4, 0 he alien , ntul hostile beat to God, tuid tie min. '. The highest teeessittes the*fore f of (*Country, ' called - into eidstenete the -1 4erty - earti.l* At alone . , silt* into takes up the genet issue. -. 1 tptestiou 4f rieee td the chained milliotut al ourltiad, is iinptnertni, be , o " th ß e d r u cons uPci idera w littns t° 7th ti ar can iltrtsmui anal pacili,Nvith it, all why this Pailyishoithl her mere nothingueleie Thr ou gh ahe limier: I 'amities den of the nalbot-boi stone,c6 this evihihe , ie cr .: fit:lg done tuttit. ] ' j i 147 " There are natty raa - son i r , Support 1, which 114 , present limits will .: 'tot permit. am tore:Vv. 1.14 I way now eity, thateie the re w ere no other. it iseaough that - it miens thetlelaaitn, thin' Hon condo-ill 4hcir pelitheil Irelatiees,- Muoceutly. hut which. ire their other illations, tlyy witidd -----: ,- t , sl . ink from; Vatittal. Yll ifi l e nrissiusf. as Much bound , ~.." ~., :..,, ,-.•.--.. . .. a 4 w , do rightnV e 1 1 ',41 , 1,1 7 ; „ze Vll,_ , Pero , . It; 1 wick •l to make). t i)refii*t4 ' HA ' l ,4 „ nverlawS, or to elect ultni to office 3i,i,ho *ill 7.. e 01.:rant:a to , irispeal s u c h itrws, as kis fj.forgiinil4clefier tho , slave, enbcna - it up onll 'W'll . 1 . 14 a j diu4i, have tem un. e slit ; se y . i4terl the National partit of slavery,. by :Which is viewt slavery in the Dattri4t:,of Caluntbia, in the , llerritorics, and under the Mitional flag, cre State slavery, dam no longer prot4ted Or mtuntonanced Ily our national, pro-slavery CirunplOi will die a Tail 1 ,. (lentil ; i . .i± iil • t' •' 1 1 The Liberty-party alone prbposcS all ibis. Its or /ftnization Was - itynnw and Id boldiut*ritftett.- it ' taims to be conformed to vthat is irig4.. A politi al party, controlled in till i i ti morciments b,yartornl nd teligious , truth, was lathing iiitim*ederited, so &ircigu to allrcusuim, that hi wile stared ,tat as imprae 7 linable and fanatical. Yet all will - acknowledge:OAS in be necessary to the Pre*rvation.of both private a nda public moods ; ' -ECryithiug .d o pen k i n upon it s I nicuess . Who will aid iit? ; • , :.i 11 . ' I II U 31/00 lIIG Errs. - Montrose, June 11, 1346.1 ; : ' ',l • 'I 1 .. .. * ~ - - , .. • r s e f f o , _....... . ..,- ' ' 'X I OS .3: '-, '. - .. i' , - - . 1 . 11141 V - .. r Important Rumax7-COlision between aormon „ nil - Ca4fo is EntigrOtts. .. The officers of th - Radnor, ',which steam ' boat arrived at S. nuis on .the 2d, from the Missouri river, ports ;that a messenger arrived at Kansas, rom the plains; while they lay there, wbo Istated, that a collision' - tt hid taken ph , lee between the party of Mor mons, now entigriu ngi . tot California, and Gov. Boggs' . party ji meying,t.o the same destination. In -the nooneteri. Boggs and several of his cofnpt ny were.Ailled.- The last intelligencel.we - had from din plains spoke of a threat Which .hail. been meda l against the 6 ilifUrniitemigrantishy.the Itlfor,, mons, and that in Limsequence-Boggs,was about to return I.o.lissouri.,. This may have giVen fist to the.report of itecillision.. .kfew. days will bring us more particulars, if the 'messenger's tor storyt be, true.._, The : Settlets at Kintsas.. werelatining to go Aint:ito, the , nusig!, . tance of.the. emigriu ts. Theriai Was arkoldr grtidge.ngainst Gin , . Boggof On account of hisf conduct tOwni'ds clic MOrintini7while , in. Missouri. Tic "tory of the.:;Collision:: we think is very 4otthtfu....- , -Pub./iC:Ledge r . . LICENSE • I.nvj OF Senate have pass4d 'dense lowa - 41m lasi ti whiel4 . witi e ling, prohibits dri itkit except 'at taverns..!] lbws oliliket ttnolitail thorities who gritatll on Stich• terms ns Hotow, it is tintlerkni , • 1 YnnWtr, eniitnii 1 1 ,.. siltinll,-, s lwn : ilt.ii , llitti bottitU Ids. eittft— , _ . H'Le(gp.tlittr-ji 41 let' gi) that jili - I''' 1 ' 4 l ttinYt totichii,i - iii: ply down Easter. yettri an substituting itvernic.ttrei It* former ' , lietiiisesand the ;11 ,e!e.lieences, can do it think-...keper. The t- f:l OIICC fiUIIM OU[_'lfi_fl, 'd; lielvlyj±:xhj peid on: eret-Parir. your-skin; iriut,the ajar , T - _ 1 i t . l S ' ~ . 1 _-.. 11.,--,-, , # LOtter from , shir.,inday . . CAMP MATAM*r., ENA,,, Miy NM = Gentlemen :—Not fling aspect, save and except rl army" -received an additil volunteers Yesterday. I Intl told that taro of ti, fatigue of tiickness on dal mouth of dip Grande highly respectable and wl and Well, no doubt, mall glorions achievements ni enemy. It is ; rumored tins more ierta army has, met with i 3,ooli•nien,mltieli has (lea for MantereY, itistend of wait-for a larger fin-ce to A large party of DragOi lino of mattoL,ti,,d 4 y, .for 1 what special ptirpose is no! but Steppos4d to he kir thyai selvos-, 4tieruititt;-, , the taheu:ixtssession of a priai belonging.to the nI contemplate publithing a i. amoras. Within a Week ,or two_ these few tines, except' to first umber. , The weather is warm Yours, &c., THE CA* AIITAII ORA S.-A COM•S poudelit' of the Newark Advertiser, writiu from AlataMoriis k gives following iteemint of the platO iuid the enitiyineitts of the . . " We ell t.,ereo the eitv i without firing a guu atitl-&playedihe snit-It:angled balm, r jin short order. The place looked beautiful from the.other side of the i river, but I Was apprised-what we rode through it.' The best ittreet 'it the city is itil no respect better ;looking. ,t, say Anthonylitreet, New Yurk. The famili . appear to beittfruld of us ; but :I have: see , some. pretty' looking 'maw'. The rural souses in the Vicinity are . neat looking; a hi. thellitrinet• - .4_ piing into eattilt '.poultry,. hu ter, eggs, greea corn, knots, &v. ;The camp- s.itt aka dimmgeil With mill-girl, from the Ili ighborhoud every morning arid evening....Bmall oranges are almatlinit, mid 1 , __..) • 1 , ,;we have itlenty• or Water-memos, ,so • that at terendaring . a great deal iof untold hard , ship . ... , ittj t exas,..the Aria,' inowjaeinfortably ti ; quartemlittilienjoymen . of many el:the good.. thippi rof life. A taiougst 1.117.• ./t0 ,, 1Y , fouitd.zitt.one:of the; pultlie,otavrlisitses here wa a. 19 rge 'fqilitlitity , .of et sirs, whielt„ tve re yesterday -dilitribtited tinitnegth t e..tirtnyolieli nitifi'liceiiitig4pOine ts9ll.4alitelt„ ar,e. pow 'being smoked' milthil,a.renge.tace.: l ,!, . ' ' -- ',- , :1 -- - . ' ' O. - - - ; 1 } ,• . . . .., I . i' ' i' I II Rhode LteEkitsisiiPt -.lf..tobE•-stetttn.---._tt t 'lslatid . , lfeeiti:ties :to iiiierne t I G , Sell ardent. spit 'ils . havoi'. bc4s' it - grailted , on .iii --Avo..tintis, Pester , MidiWeet Weettwhi t . ' and ..".'1:,":v -idenee -- , : iiiiiiiiiiiitc . -are'l . ' it ,to''"" by 4: ' ll i the'quatiticit . .*ite'dritti .. , 1, the premises. :.% - t, 1 1 . .4.t.. 7 ...—i-4-.41,4.-?•' . .- .. ,:. jl-....; . . 6 4 ' 1T0R: 1 644, 1 6t1Ni?- 4 . - .. 4 31 IS 1 Xt , : 44 ,...iii-N itettOinail ftr— vriititfreiitAtiAtifik:Textbri alittaingto•att. ;'utl'afil*FltyllttiVattiatieltes sLissillic +miters 'or 89fiiO':fineIttilsers;;4hiplr, had . been staked oittVitittiO . l*.iitgfor Attu• i two morning, l'ound One ?nimble; owl thi,ot t nal death' - Thi -one first /amid, looks very notch like a bull , 1 MIMI FZEI MEM 'new pin 1i:1111114 lint follc "r1•-n14 nal furee of I .3iP) winiltcr 01 i! !mach from 111.• ; Tlwy Hike apppar 111(0., tie t4Vi11i , 44114 in thf•V fact! di, ing that dill Mtx r t reidiirconteot 0! retitled it to teary!! 'era CritA, tiler• to ie colleen:noel". 'in . 's take op tlt ; ifositively kitoui ;1; 01011 horse. R't liar r ring cstahli~lnnrnt 1-government, :mil trotn lit..._recr•iirt Inelinimle(lo (Hr ut not unhealthy 'll. P. 11,