The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 18, 1846, Image 1

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    Zig Pkopte's A.Otiorate.
rcsusust sesttr Tuonsiith litonnino, nT
(Office on lie west Bide of the Public Accnue.)
TERIVS.4ST DOLLAR a year in advance:
One DollaeFlity Cents 41 not paid within three
months, atal i delayed, unnl after the expiration of
tho year two ollars wil be exacted.
Discontinnaboes optional with the Publishers; tin:
less arrearag4 are paid. ' • i •
Letters to tile• Publishers on business .with the of.
flee must lig pinst-paid to insure attention.
• Fmm the Golden Rule
There is iVeitsure in the rithleits wootts, -
Then- ot rapture 013 the lonely shore;
There is *ciety ‘vlerti none intrudes
lty the ;tleeii sea, Witt nntSie in its roar.
lesrd ye:lthe. whisper of the breeze,
As It it Unthrtmed by.,l -
Amid fort treerst
It tells Avitli moaning sigh,
IN th e liovver*Nif bliss nn thatviewless shore
Wlii•ir the w4ry spirit shall siu no more.
- Irbil,. s w i , vt awl low in clin-stal strenum
, -
That gi6ler in the shade, .
The nn-i4 of an angers &earns . .
(_la bal. iiing. keys are played ;
A,,,1 their ei-lniiei , breathe with a in',.ti- tone, : e
i i! !kit home there the limed and the Iwt are gone
A tat a 1r.4 at cnit . .nittillil sileut 11,turi
IVe sllll6loll otettu':4 slore,
AO,l levl tte s,dll-st!imlttiiti.,..•rovver.
tf it< tilsteriutu , roar,
T 1,,,,• s a deopivojce cooms from its pearly caves
en Lind ot'O'eace no ocean laces.
Arol wlaihr. the shadowy veil of Night
S. on the mountain side,
Mali dli ta. , of unfathom'd light
lieget' the concave wide ..-.. 4
1 iwit ~
:1 siagr a power, of harunnumni love, 1
F!,.' i- 1W( . 10.11111::: 11111112 to the realms above.
.1 , .(1 c:r!h n All her temple,' wild,
t It irqiiii”in, rock, Ana dolt,
5 ; ,,,,k, n; , inatt•nno accents milli,
I 'l;llning fears to quell.
/ c .., , •', O . 'shoe, and abrighter sphere,
wt,, , ,,• ~,• 1..4 on the wings of each ay . = year
u,, \ , 01414 h4 - illll and rietnrca ..... , ,rull
0: pAilsiug language -•,••e :
r ,eleii:ti• tie• seasons roll.
, V-... 1. n u, imagery—
;l,•,, ~ ‘• .1i a ti• in this fading clay,
11. ~ 'I, ,II N . ...1k . , 1• .gain a bri; . ...,liter Clay. .
Frnn the Anght-Amerienn.
w A t.i.V TaoVPs is
X1011414'01 . tla Vilited States at
‘l,.rk like this, coming front hands that
t•l4.upposed, capable of the task,
kworlty kit be considered ay one of au
' il‘ , would at any tithe be roceived with
wcl , -othe is% the Republic of Lettersi . • but
,lo- pec4ur joucture when the amicable
I , l.ttions bei'ween the United States and
kexicm are unhappily I•Fuspended and the
countri4 are placed in lin,alc array-
~ r anist eaeli other, there is probably n more
umial riosity to know anything new,
zct any alblitictial glimpse into the char
.:( wrs, nihn4ers, and social as well as you t
i• 11 affairs Of.the}lexicans. Mr. Thoutp- I
4.Attierie an Alinister at :lies- ' j
al a veil' inter sting period.
oproiniiities to 'are much,' and his . ;
ppareat e4dour and fain ss towards:thosel.
1‘11....a h.. dt i i-tribes, will ttllou .his readers ta!
r , 7 readv
~. 111 What lie ObFerl i eS.:
t Anuent, however, the ititer4-
-ring topic iieoneeriting them is, in all
titei military character, their resou
th-ir di4eiplitie, and their notions on the.
penthag disitirbanCes ; and the author hay
lour! 4 - thest points ratlie'r as abstract
I m .eons tint] 'as probable for immediate
i( in actit4i, it lq,-; likely to be tinged wiili
an prejudies thati if he Wrote with tut-eye,
it, ccrtain ad speedy contention. lire.shall.,
a pf+sage from his book on these
That which is in all respects the great
nuisance, ancl ilie - most insuperable hauler to.
Ow prosperity and progress of Mexico, is the'll
army. 114. v will tell you there that it;
miewnits tiygorty thoumnd men; bUt 1114::
have neveriail half that number. hays'.
, to doubt, ilEat the accounts at the riepart-1: 1
wilt of Wkir exhibit nearly the number sta4i
tee{, biit a tbrge proportion of them tire nieii:'
fit :tray-4etitious names fraudulently nit
sorted for tie benefit of the officers who paif.
!h e m. 1.111,:y are paid every day, or .ratheil
that is the ; but the pay is just as ficti
rp m ,: as 4114 muster rolls.. 14,
They hive more than two hundred . y.,ene4
411 - . most if ilicia without commands. 1E44
vrf officer, who- commands a regiment lid* l
tlifv title o , eneral, and is•distin,guished fronii
generals A n have no commands byithe-adLi
ilition of liGerteral effective The' rate 41
pa N is not very diffemit.from thaii : of (101
own arinyl Each officer and 'soldier, hotel '
ever, is In# own commissary, no -Minns - lie!.
log issued 4 and they are well satisfied if they
reecivi• et;iugh of their pay toprontire their
scanty rOons, which was very nirely - the.
ease, except with Santa Aimattelitivoite
troops, whom he ,plways kept alio4hisper; ,
son, and thus made it their interest; ilsustaiti ,
liim. In ,one ef the last conie - rsationi •which'
I had whit 'WM, I told him that Ale aims
. would Veipain Wilda] to him j r ust*lonens,
he could iiiity them, and no liongo,i•AndAhlit
I did ntite tow it was ptiaOhleifilchini
. fti••
pay ihentspuelt longer.'. - " - Jr
In ; ;;
. - ~.:
The result premed the truth of both -
dictions, and that„l have no .disid4Was O.
cause 84 the srallition which Oviiill4lii,
him.. 'lt was not alone with • the
semis/4u that : , ‘qa-liberie et la Pain lii'
a cry fitful potency. Shortly
. 4itifor 1.1
left Mee. ,an -nffieier-in the army,{ canal*
the city Iliad settled• his accounts :iwith the
War Department, and teeeired a.• •''. '''•• l '-
that tweinty-five huniked , /do ll ars s ere..; ,
him; iler hawking - Aunt-Imm%* the
kers, he: sold the aaim for : a .'hundred,Y ,'•
twenty...five dollars, which "was fi vii•centifl -:,
the dulbtr. '... ;
''' • ' 1
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They say they are obliged ta have 'a stand
,ng army, and thitt they can only „enforce
heir laws "by the igrace of God and gun
powder." This
.may be true, but I doubt it.
But if this be, is there any military man
hat will deny that five thousand soldics well
aid, fed and diseiplinedovould be more ef
pcient than fifty thousand such troops as they
rove I [lt has. been the policy of all great
unnanders not to take doubtful and undis
iplined troops into a great battle. Ido not
esitate to *say thnt if I was in command of
army,orten tifousAnd disciptined:Aroops,
ad Wits-goink into battle, and was offered
a thousittul-inore Mexicatti•troops, that I
1 1 mild 'Retake them. Napier; in 'his his
ry of the-petiaisolar War, describing some
attic, uses this expression: " The British
F ilmy was strengthened or rather weakrntd
?y-twenty thousand undiciplincd Spanish
. ps." . Tile inimitably between dis.ciplitt
cid 'and !indiscipline(' troops is estimated by
t iiiitary men as one to fire. , This ininual
i y is much greater with large masses, and
do - not think that any commander could
' erform a tactical evolution with five thou-
Sand Mexican troops. Ido not believe that
*tell an (me—a inanneuvre in the rice of an
r nemy—ever was attempted in any_ Mexi
an battle ; they have all been mere melees
ritnob fights, and generally terminated by a
barge of cavalry; which is, therefore, the
!tvorite corps with all Mexican officers. I
multi regard it, from the diminutive size of
ti itiir horses and equally diMinutive stature
i'itel feebleness - oft - heir riders, as utterly b.-
teient against any common inf . :lnn-v. 1
. id so in conversation with Colonel I.1 ---—n,
' wofficer who had seen some semi ce , awl
lad some reputation. I was not a little
'inused at his - reply. Ile admired that
Mors of infantry were generally impreg
i able to cavalry, but said it was not so with
tie Mexican cavalry, that they had one re
- .
(iirce by which they never had any ditli
'ulty in breaking the square. . 1 wai.: mini
us to know what this new and impormit
'liseovery in the art of war was, and waited
I nPatiently, the t 4 push of his. one 111111 a,"
hen to my infinite amusement he replied—
t is Lasso; that the cavalry armed wall la,:-
:. m rode up and threw them over the men
inning the square, and pia d the i„.,. •
iud thus made the breach. I reme iber. d
t tat my old nurse had often got une t. I sleep
- hen it child, toy prtnnising to catch nv
vie birds flte next day, by putting salt on
heir tails, which I thought aas about a
' asy an operation as tliii new discovery of
le Mexitmulcoloacl. . I leaf read of "kneel
-1 ,
, k i
f,, i ig malts and charging squadrous, but this
idea of lassoing squadrons was altogether
Jew to me. Iftionaparte fought and gained
pie battle of the Pyraluids against th. 3 best
!f.o.yalry in 41 4 4 ?, .114 ti.i.....,, ,it
‘......4 . ,
ill squares. He lost the battle of wotono
Ix. .use!c. the British squares were'impene
4ritble to the next best--!ln: Freneb cavalry
+e—during all of that long and awful conflict.
The idea, however, of the lasso did not oc
:ittr to the Mamelultes in Egypt, nor to 800-
Oapartc at Waterloo. I' was reminded of
idle equally novel of the rhin e „ e up
-IDII th English, - -I tl •s• were •11 I) e I
e It, ten If.l .rm (
iin battle array and liie rninese thr:-.1- .ont
k.rsets at them instead of cannon halls and
i Bell=. _
• The Niexican-ariny, and more pal-tient:tr. ~:
ly their cavalry,, may du very well to light
aother, but in any conflict with our o :t n
or n ,'•
I ropenn troops, it would not:he a bat:le
but ' l a imme•acrc. ' Frederick the. Great, who
watthe author, ,in a - grc:tt ,(kgree, of the ..
toodern,systent of tactics, had three maiims i
as to cavalry. First, that a cavalry corps
t • Id always Make the charge. Second,
tha in a charge of cavalry, they wrrti not t
[going ast enough unless wht•n halted the.`
!froth fro the mouth of the horse struck , tiw . ''t
jrider in, tl. - face ; and third, which, ti-as
rather the Slll ning up of the firsttwothat
'the spar was mo ; important than :hi.• sword.
1:n other words; the the impulse antEnto-
Tetuan' of the
,Iturse was of more cruise
tinence than die arms a! . blows of the ri-
der; What tben must be t • mordertnis in-•
1 eqimlitf between a corps of i tericatt cav-
Ary . and an equal "number of Texicans 1
The American corps, from the stipt :or size
of their horses, would cover twice as Itch'
,ground, and the obstructiOn offered by e
•14eiricans 'on their sinaltitnd scrawny pimies ,
•• ,
; would scarcely cause their horses to stumble;
1 in riding over them; to soy nothing of the,
greater inequality of the men themselves,
i, five to one at least in individual comhats, t
1 Mid mere than! twice that in a battle. Thos
; infantry wouldl)e-fimnd even more Unita-,
tent -.
I 410-not think that the Mexican inen hat-
- =
much more physical strength than our wit-?-
tnert They - are,•generally of diminutiv(
stature, wholly unaccustomed to labour 01
'exercise of tuty sort, and as= tticonclusivf,
proof of their inferiorityl to our Indians, ti
will mention the fact that frequent incur
sionsnre made,far into the interior of Mexii,
ca, hymerauding hands f Comanches, wh. i
Ivy black mail to an en rnieusextent upoa
the northern' proyincew o Merl& It is not
unusual for bands of a hundred Commie-Imi
thus to penetrate Several:hundred miles into
Illexien'and:chrry ofras maity.hittecs, cattle 1
, and.captives,its they choose, therw.arc 'mit
, less than fiVePtlantsand Mexicans at -thin;
1 moment slave's :of-die 'Cotianclies---mid 4 1
,all our western , trthes - the. CoinancheW-ar 1
the most cowarllly,—the. Delawares frtir.l
queenly whip them five to oae. - ' 1
- - -- •;,. i
1 -:;The soldiera ..4-:the , btelleAllk artar- -- Auf , I
; - gelterally-reeileeted by. sending out reallitink
•gletisktiments - intoihe mounteiln! where 'l4 ]
httlit the Indians *their dens. 4. CflYernill]
land bang -*NU iu #liaiFill Ito Me co; :theta
Lisitareelyllasy that droves , . or these ..rni
I *table. mid more thati n
half ake . wracks,
tire ,atot , ;sette .thus chained, together mid
menhir,' g.thmagli the street to the. Iturnal ,
where they are scoured trod then dressed $n
a wilful= *ads nninen cloths or iof-- eerie,
mid MYroneinienilly drilled-p-whichdrilligg
consigns Mehtly in teltehing-theallto marsh
in edam throlagh 'the greets: . Their mili
tary battik are good, and the Men leant -!to
march inditereotly well-.-but may. indifftr-
ently well--they put their feet down as if
they were feeling for the - lid do not
itep with that jaunty, erect and graceful air
which is so beauitiful in well . lled troops.
its to the wheelings of well- • cd troops,
like the opening and shutting o n grate or
Ole prompt and exact execution of other ev
olutions, they know nothing. about `'them.
There is not one in ten of these soldiers who
itave ever seen a gun, nor one in a hundred
Who has ever fired one before he was brought
into' the barracks. It is in this wny that the
funks of the army are generally, filled
ll particular emergencies the prisons are
thrown open, - which always contain more
prisoners than the army numbers, and these
"felons become soldiers and some of them of
fcers. Their arms,too,nre generally Worth
lss English ninAets which have been con
4enined and thrown aside, and are purchas
d for almost nothing and so:d to the... Alex-
Om government. Their powder, too, is
iquallv bad ; in the last battle between San-
la Anna and Bustamente, which lasted the ;
Wade day, not one cannon ball in a thou-
land reached the enemy—they generally
(ell about half way between the oppo-ute ar- r
Totteltini the po:iical liberty in Mexico, an
i ' ,
and the tuitional industry there, MilThottip-
• : 3 IM.
?ion did ma find anything flattering. for al. shy .
(hough there is no: any legalized slavery in hp,.
91e counny, there are matter. %vhicli are we
(Imre than tantomouut to that vv4etcheil con-bee,
Aition. and the link ' industry that is to he
• abl
F mod among theta is exercised under coin- ea ,
failsionliy Ihe wretched beings who have sta :,
heconw amenable to such coercion. five.
iThere are a good many negroes in Vera aa"
t`raz ; more, probably, than in - any other }"
iiortion of Mexico. I did not : sec half-a- ''''''.
Iluzen iwgroes in the city of Mexico iii a ''"n
1,-esidence there of two years,' and v ery feW 1" W
ill 1/1:MOUS: It is a very great . 'nista:it , to " 1 :(
itippose that t h ey enjoy anything lihe a so- '"''
lial equality', even with the Wain poptila "'"
tam ; and, although there are no politic- a l " I ' l
: distinctions, the aristocracy of color is quite di "'
-4s great in Mexico as it is in this country ; .I'''t
.i •-
and tht_. pure . Castillian is quite as jprotal -
-plat It is. a man without " a cross," a s was r''.
. g)ld Lalither-stoching,even ifthat cro ss (Mould the
have been N% ith the Indian rat-e however re- a".
f a tty. The negro in /Mexico, as eyen'ylwre 'lra
else, is looked upon az7'beh ;
t ir.
m il fr to .L Ch., tic:
it little lower than the lowest—the Sallie la- l'e:
i.y, filthy, :tad 'vicious creatures that they (1 "`
,inevitably Iwconie where they are not held ." 1
,in boadage. Bondage or barbarism seems tar
to be their .des!iity—a destiny- from which :• ":"
tilie E hiopian race has furnished no excel).-.
1 ""I
lion in any country it neriodloltime lona' do"
rm. ~..r o _.---x,os,ims.i7t. ant itlrruci-r, r--: ...., : v.... F .
n M ~. _.
dea of the free negro of liberty in exieo ''
, '''
'la . elsewhere, is exemption front labor, and i .
the ptivilegli to be idle, vicious,. and di-lulu- : tlw
t-st ; as to the mere sentiments of liberty„l,,
: iind the eh vicing consciousness of equality, •
)hey are incapabk ofthe former ; mid, fa- ~
: bit: !infer, no such equality ever ; did pr ever Ph
ivill exist. There is a line which cannot be evi
Imsscd by any degree of taLut; virtue, or 'P t
ittctompii,iiment. ~ The greater the degree ;
5i,,f these, which, in rare individual insitances, ro ,
' fmar exile, and the near.T their poses-ors :tl i
tiav a•ipt - v_l>. this impassable harrier, they : di,
,arconly the more was. rabic. This may be . art
-- kadied prej•aliee, 'but it is a prejudice Ai hie!' ' a
ii,,,,.:, wherever the tanc.isian race isdliund ; , „,
ivin I nowhere is it stronger than in 'Mexico. „ ,
,h'he negro is regarded and treated there a': m
kit-10n : 62g to a degraded caste equally as in ' „,
Vie Un „
i•ed States; much more so han in i ,
iSoudi Carolina; in quite as great a degree `v,
1. 4 a s s in- Bos.ou or Philadelphia. -
•` us
..4. Whilst upon this subje et, it may not be „.
ovippropriate to allude to the system of ser- d i
• Iv Utak uhich prevails in Mexico—a. system , a „
iiinnwasitrably worse fur the slave, in every ; „.
Inspect th in the institeution of slavery in the ' ~,,
I United States. The owners of the estate ' m :
1 (haciends) rice:lye laborers into thairseryice. I ,„
1 : These laborers are ignorant, destitute, half
I naked Indians : certain wages arit agreed I 's
.1 upon, which the employer pays inliod; rai- , ,
imein, and such articles as are absolutely ; d
.t necessary ; an account is kept of fill diesel „
o f things, and nci:her thelahorer nor Ins: family !-,
can ever leave the estate until all arrearages ; d
s , , are pia; These de mrse he has tio means. d
•pa,vint , but by the proceeds of his labor,
wit •h, being barely sufficient for hi' subsist- ' ,
once, e: never can get free; am!, 1 e is not I i „
, only a s Ye for life, Mathis child en after ! .
him, unless he employer choases.t release{ t
4 him from his : .r.vic . .. , , Which he o en finds 1 t •
it convenient to ( , when the laliore: becomes I .
ejoretical protection fro corporal p tishment ,
old or diseased. 'u nitever may ' the the-
; J
0 Which the law -affords 'n, the: Mexican ,
irrb slave is practically no
- bet of. icy this re- i ,
c ii spect than is the African shive in his cottn-1
fib try. All the laborers in Mexico v. Indians ; I
14;i all the large proprietors Spaniards t mixed I
i blood. I say all ; there may be . fe - ex- . -
t d, l ceptions, but they arc very few of ci r. .
ti -So of the army; the higher office s' are
a white men, or of mixed blood, the sok'iies all I
i Indians. . . . .
t 4_, . The plough in universal use is tat used
14 two-thousand years ago—neither more nor
tit less•than a wooden wed,F, withot t a„parti- 1
iiiv cle of iron attached to tt: ,T . lk, -hoc is . a
of wooden staff, with an iron spike n the cud.
I .' • What is" still more, remarkable,. tj e:only an
ti-.,-.Waal • ploughing is the oft . ; .n,planter,
,: with twenty thousand hor?es ; and polrAllay . ; 1
'. • no metms_nn unusual number);, gill . only
. use his (main theplough. „Icy o.lthkiivky ,
q ihis is; die ; onlynnswer J.can•gi 0 -is, -that:
i 6, :thelSpanittrituever.ehanges 'his, t WAN rJtor.
,he anything else but his governmen .1. All, the
I ii-. .passion .: for.: change which , : exi in other
l a ss men, with intuit; concentrated ~ o:Pont:leak
~ . thanges,, .- ,
_-: . ..• • , 4 ,, l'.• -,'.- •
• =lt is diisTecutiar eitaractieristt 'wmch has
in tended more than any atuketery other cause
to produce the present di , : . • . limn ''of
oh .l* 13 certury, til t pain lhe itd beginn ght i i im ag lY . 7 - f b
e` ' d tr
' ik i. . - . .
- ;tenth
I i s
. iii , - she most powetfuLof the nations. , to earth •
I*, shelisd not only:expelled,:tise Wors t . b
. , r... had conquered -a large portion of Africa
dis Covered America, a d . was in possession
of its untold and seemi gly exhaustless treas:'
ures, with a' galaxy of at men, which all.
the rest of the world ol d scarcely equal.
I rre
What is she now ? is b! - e
-ward amongst the
' nations k. whilst other I ountries have been
'moving on in conStenti career of improve
, ments in every way, sll has folded her arms
in sullen pride; and, si she has refused tie
advance, site has of U•cessity , retr,eigraded,
for nations cannot long remain statibnary.
I believe that it is trt e, and it is most re
markable if true, that 1 here is not in the
world Such a thing as at ‘ ilroad in any coun
try 'where the Spanish' language is spoken,
with the
"exception of a short one in Cuba,
which owes its existemk to Atuerican enter
prise. During my r silence in Mexico,
constantly as the C9il ASt betiVCCII every
thing there and in in own country- was
presented to me, the fetlugs which were ex
cited were not so Hach ,if pride and exulta
tion in our own liappi(
t idestiny, and supe
riority in everything, a the more generous
one of a profound symi at destiny,
for the wrptch
vd condition of a country upon which a
bountiful, Providence has showered its bles
sings with a more prollise hand. than upon
any other upon the face of the earth.---- .
Whilst in oar cities anti towns you hear thz•
busy hum of nicessant industry, and the
shrill whistle of the steim-engiae, there you
hear nothing but the dr on 'and tire ; whilst
we have
,been making Irftilro td., they have
been makilig, revolutions.
!more striking procif of the unconquer
able repugnance of del Mexican to labor
cannot be gi‘trin, t h an : the fact, that -hurt
Staple cotton sell's there'at from forty . to forty
five cents per pound, white they Imre hands
and climates a= well adapted to its culture
as ours, nod the, hulds i dirt cheap ; yet they
never make eionorli Ili:. I,ll:.iir uwn sin:ill eon
,timption. The impokation of cott o n is
positively on-bidden lif Lily; hut this
, )I..e:i relaxed, by, seller' the privilzige to
mercantile companie i 0 import il certain
number of bales. If such pric , :s should be
obtained at home. our itOrth-rn people would
discover some plan 01r-4i:sing it profititlily in
liot-11.10 , tii.i. ! i
Althow - di the ishoiti rirul from die city of
Vera Cruz to the ci!iv ti.f .`il••xico pa. , ses
through a roittrry inexpressibly picturesque
and beaikiifitt, pct th-lig - iioraM. idle, :pail ile
graded poptil.itio•i, the tot dab-once of cul
tivathill Mid Unproven:ft:it, mid a general ap
pearatice of v ilduesA desolation, pro
.‘‘ if: It lir. Ita.linis , partaking of gloom,
and milaticholy. Nilo/ter in piing Ann- re
turning did I sce on • himian being, loan.
woman, Or ehild,,toi . nige.l at any, work of
any sort. T great ini'ass. of the po p ulation
doze out their lives wliti nu higher thoughts
flob!t e r s . are ittondoits last they are on ,!..1: i ot a few of Ow ofren
dcrs, are persons whoi having lost their all at
slu'e gaming table tidy / to-the highwav to re
phati:2ll their purse', nil] some of them are
even of rink and codiSideration in s o cietr.
'Fake the following. •
• Shortly heft Ire I lei Mexico, the stage was
robbed war' Ptteltla. The robbers all had
the, dress and bearingt of gentlemen. When
the operation of riding the 'pockets and
trunks of the were,. finished, one
tohbers said tO them,—"Gentlenfen,
we wonhl not have yna to su?pose that we
are robb!rs by :prof.,4on ; we ara vatic
, men [somas caballeros], but we have been
I unfortunate nijiite, Hod that has forced
ut ,
upon us the necessity of 'thus incommoding
'you, for which we In•gtiluit you wilt pinion
M." Innumerattle ar • the stories of robber
ies which fair heart; in Mexico, s o me, of
!them of thrilling intemst and romantic.char
i actor. ; The co-q of Colonel Ynnes, who
was executed a few years full of in
cid • ent of a chaiactt;.ri &cob; dr:nu:Mr. I
, briefly skettill the was they were told to
me. i
The ;Swiss eonsid eshled in the street of 1
St. Cosnie.. Ahout 1 xelvc or one o'clock
in the day Moil a carriage drove up to his
door, and three one. i got out, one in the dress 1
of a
,priest; they wer admitted by the por- •
ter, and the deor ch4d, when they imme- Not
diately seized - MA..l;ll'p, red him, went into 1 ...
the house,' ands. rubliO"' and murdered the n
.consul. .The only iclue for the discovery of v
the murderers :,val instal biotin' with a
„piece of blue "cloth attached to it, I
which was found clenched in the fingers of \
the mgrdered - mant, and which he had torn
from the coat cif one t'if the robbers. . Suspi- i
cion at last rested tilMit a soldier Who was
seers with more Money than he could ac- I
count for. Hil gdariers,Were searched, and
the coat from iwhilelt, rite bUtton had been - •
i torn was found there. He' was convicted, j
.1 but he .relied Iwidi Lite utmost confidence 1
upon q pardon,- as Colonel Yones, the fa- 1
1 vorite aid-de-camp of PresideneSanta Anna,
,was his.acconipliee: ! He was bionOtt 'out
,to be executed, Rad had actually itiken his •
scat on the fatal be4ll, with the collar,pla- t
c I round his,neek, : and the crank _ about to!
be t rued, when ~he ,aid-, 7 -"-Hold l I will
disclos: who are tuy aesoniplices-r-.Colonel i
,1 Yaties is to chiefl'i The execution was ,
' suspended, . mid on Kelirchitig the house Of :
Armies, a cor . • ondeu.ce in cipher was dis- 1
• ,covered which ly established his guilt in
- thitrand an other r . belie& - Yams. was the
, paramour of a wont' ,in Mexico very near
.;l,y,:rOnted.t.q.,olo..‘wll,o*, • old was Ittw, and
whew., influence oie l r her re rive waSlSßorti
L - tiVbeieij• iritiit,"and ttiieit'ili - reliance was:
t; pladeottoen pardini - titP 'least ;'. b .t . she was .
✓ not disposed to trust to that, and her lcw
e er suffer the disgrace of convieno —she
t went to the jitdge iV,itliivhinit the ciplie tad' ,
' k been, ..tleted s ! which; furnished the' e :- I
deuce: of !guilt of Valles, =Loitered hitu '
1 " . a' large . tribe , na lAi' L vit,tti): ' 1 .
' • lie was ftit . lionesOind• an apithi . Ind&
' 1 ite.steritly'ietased the !bribe, :and ' ftimly re
sisted them t noon torthis 'powerfal MOM*.
In a day' or , wo heldied suddenlvytts all s 4 -.
~ posed by poison . A.tatecessor Was,,appoiat-
W., ,etLot proi t egples, leaS *ern, .WholiatiaPled the
'.;: bribe, ,l preratised.te, destroy tise4tipar ;
: • - -
'E 18,':1846. ,
but When; ini ~ , n fession to his priest, he die- -
aimed his dorrupt coathicti - the worthy man
prevailed upon !gm, helitui not destroyed
the paper, nott.ta do so,' and be did not:
Yanes, in the 'imeantime, was informed that
this evidencd Would notba produced against
him, and , that {the prosecution would rest en
tirely upon the testimony of his accomplice,'
Upoit his trial; with File habitual air of com
mand of an officer, , and, 4the habitual fear
and submissadit !of the cotamon stddier,Yanes .
brow betit - anti d confued his accuser to suck
a degree, thatiha fell secure of an acquittal. .
At this moment the fatal paper was produced,
and he was ednilemUed and exeauted: His
not less guilt? paraniour still y resides in the
city of 2< esic ~.
Another leisoil whichangla to be learned
from the painful dealings of Disiiire Provi
dence, to MiiAlilalluSion has been, made, is
that of greater moderation and mutual for
bear:lee in our political differences. Why
should an electien be a signal for the indul
gende and, ditirilay of:Rs Much bitterness and
rancour? Why, if' citizens differ in their
view's of publie treasures* or in :their predi
lectiOns for candidates foinffiee, can they not
differ as men, as: brethren, and as Christians?
The!iuerease of heatand Animosity during a
few years pasti, is ominous of evil to our Gee .
institutions, turd' most alarming to the gentle
inc liatriot. What is gained to either side by
ill isrepresentationand falsehoode,byirritation
and coutuindy, by .'invective and abuse ?
Why shoillit the bringinifonvard of a man's
num!• as it candidate tbr office, Seth:lose against
lien !so man y slanderous tongues, and make
him targi4l for the, dart's of calumny and
malice 1 Wli'y should the ordinary charities
of life be suspended Or poisoned, And political
dada Fences separate, fricittis and kindred'?
'rlie;se thilig-,4 plight not s 4 to be. Antlstirely
there is a voice from the recent graves oil
thoso who liar beensuddenly .taken from
the Seat of aut. tority, to rebuke this foul spir
: flow near, are tbesel eager combatants,
how; near tire the candidates' for whom tle-li
are Nmling,- to eternity? How, soon will
:uric ill! ' Sait'S; arid; differences be buried. in the
grate 1 " Thp 'fashion of this world passeth i
-awa,-..." \tide men are fiercely disputing
with each other, . the ground opens beneath
! their feet, and they go dOwn into the serial
! dire. Stirelyl, when 'tempted to employ the
! Aulealloived arts of partii:auship, they: should
craw iiiindltt.; nearness of another world.
Whim they al about to let loose the slim ,
1 der mid cirettla e the ealtunny, to depreciate
' the i public , seivices, or detract from the pri - -
veto worth, of disturb, he domestic peace of
ian 'n I °tient,' hey i sliotild bethink theni of 1
thirig else to GelcViliali tilt• victory of par.
• t ) '-. : There itfearfulba4oe made of imnior- '.
tar ;golds in these fearful istrifes,,and hotcon-.
mamas. Aial l our ( hope and prayer should
be blot such +mit interpositions of the Al
utililitv, asAli iti which hits again occurred,
ay be as abed tipoti the perturbed Wit
ter s; Let dui stitteSilittit in his coffin be a,
silent preacher of tee'itnd good will. Let
there he a Ivo,cti 11 d ,!as it were from the
fixed and palid lips; testifying the littleness
of all that 'is earthly,', amt the wickedness and
folly of this etabittered , ": . warfare. Let the
dead vet speak, a message of, mcki
eratjon mid i brotherly i• love. - 'Let those
dititring in their political vieWs, rem: Amber
fiat they are of one 4ountry and of onafititlit
1 ",11;d ;here i 4 it houseqpiailizted fur all the'
livii:g,"' Mid Ilint thcry-tinist lie down together ,
Lin the arare..i Wilt not their 'ashes rest to
gether in nuiettiest4l .ar will the silence of
th,t, totib„ be ihrokien hiy harsh recritnina-j
tiof? Then] ha then!live together to hari
nionv, Una diffei iliontli they do as grazers;
I thijv new Ice[ ' lirethreni, and - be piti.:,
i- • -
1 ful;and coititieons."----nnott oat the•dcath of
Guiy. Sto4ton4 :1 .i . .
1 i .
Poll ical Oltierencies.
AY rtsttor I,i
lavniceci: Mpartnunt.
. ,
Ciitli .___ .
ture olriGrisses. de
1 . ---
1 if J
A niong s the ,g-rasses ,!cultivathil here are; ,
ifobably, so ne of the beSt varieties known; ba
tt /east it is' doubtful li c heriter il better grass PO
exists than t C,' ItedCloier,botli for food and 'r
nantire. It i grows luicuriaiitlY; comes ford di
vard early in, the spring-, mid affords two Ji
raps in one. i seasou. To enrich. andprepare 0.
lie soil, the !farmer need desire no better. tb
While it ittrOrds abutulance of nutrition for b
lants, it 1110f011 - s the foil mid ,brings it into T
tu exedicati Canditionfor their maturation., S
!Aced it setlms to . pilrforrn tt l good share of a
he o ffi ce atial M ng 'floats that the cookdoes it; 'S
he kitchen. It ay', seem unnecessary to
deal: to our farmers of the utility and stye: tl
or excelletl# of this,iplaut, Still, when-it
is, borne in: mind how few
,ul-,as understand a
the inuinsitiortlief4t, and that stillfewer , _
know haw to i aliply ir i tolhe best "advantage,
it will limit he though! siiperfitions to treat
somewhat sit (length ohilds . valuable grass, t
Among errors • -we)oultiviitors' of the soil '
Make in aoeinptingli improye our laiids, °
none seem: More , , objectionable than those '
committed its the eulttration ,of, heißaitto-. _,:
ver. Quite u uutnhor : cultivate it with the '
(*old le view of, euriebipgi their li i na...:.
bat still, are -I`eitielal kir let a necessity, of
'their t iiit"'ereation !induce them - to talc „,
(41 every year all that growl! ()lithe ground;
eitlier4.:towing"orli grazing t' : so lhat ,the
apil hail fieceived little or nothing' for.z-ig"
.. .
suptiorti. - to I precut, ..0, , ..-NrO . P. except f i lli
' ' 4 iv brt stubble with, the:tif - -
. roo ts ire, s„1 , . ~,,, A ._ .. ;.. 4. 4. :
: tie the rake contio gather., . lthoughtink
- .itE t tir s trO t he teal oieet, yet ittyt huslutud-,
'luau . oal - took so 'much in 'due tialig,--tuul '
. helit ! up :::t o ,aouro regtilarly; ~ouril, i ellii
. .i
- would; not haveibeen rut: dciwn as much us
they a fi re, acid Wtll,Poittintie to be more and
- ii' i re,a aid 'they - will: not:Wahl° t 0 prone
; an thinir but iiheril sOrreLV.- lia..-II4!'PTFY:.
• - four , fie jeum at !Faso, or ofteuer,, paße;' I
. cially on ~I I eotua t ited'fiehle,itita ''downs
.- 'heavy! a l' et ',i' ,. iii`:OWsiiile - .`" That iss.litilii.
t- pensOble CI y.tifilahtV. • , -- -,,;:;,--:,, '-',..
e 1 Puiti i g .:Pedril'irf.ittort!"4, l o e ri iitbe aF e- ..
ill: A r ' ifr rill thi4. 4: s9oo4fe:frilieto
Tersu imAdtveitisilm9r. * •
Adveliismfl~ts4:94l4446o,, . usa
nl ratemi 4ieltinuesttolud
'TwErrr-F#:: Laprre-kti•-*?Fe..
YearlrlAdvl, sit •
Unstick 6 6 11 6:00 , 004 1 f = ,l
Quartet Cohnen,wit.kiki keep } os:*4o
-V -1 "
One Coltiiiiir; 00
All other:aaterthiiit 00
Advertisements should im "vied . vrish tlilisflurn•
kOrT oriOsettimu4eriVlUMl;
' .0'
Produce a.heavy erOp-' , I - : - 9 11 ';*04* * *04--dte. '
effect will not be so; marafestXtuittik_..-
As soon as.the clover in pastitug,tura• •
it dowivin the -folldwing-ime - ,: . •:ilW the
harrow upside dowa,and dragitiweithefiehl-
inlanda, or such foriwas thelieldis ititen
•L to be ploWed,in, follow With the
. ..plowd, ~..
diatcly; and turn: it down as deep.o„ . c, Lpfiiiil- : : , . , .,_-.
then haritnr.if,that ilietfurrnwerint . '''' iiti' '
ly . 'itinied may. be ;laid &Mink falOokieV.;' . - .
It would amply repay' the •farinei . -Ifor- Alit '`.
trouble and expens4 did he furnish .hiinself
with a plow to Polo the :coinnionilotik, ig,
the same furrow, so, as to ' lOW frOml2,tol3 - ; •
inches in depth .. 'his ' -. iglu piemtbeltir
rowingl---still, however; it'woiddle - weir o.;
harrow when .thus plowed.:;Thedifteis: '
the latter named from theforwier ; plow, need,; : :
only; to , be in the shape, of . efie, , :lCora . '
Subsoil plow:may he' used.:' With `,..iiilviiiikage:
By continuing this ourse, there - liCiadota „.
that 'heavy crops would be tondo,' ntilannuoi . „. -. .:.
-itnum be reached ; .and the-I*d lie .. atUutlY
improving..:ShalloW plowino :4ky,..ip.. -
in- 4 ny ofour farm ers, is destructi t nn t0,441019#.
Another mode of plowingdown'elOver is;to
fix a 145 g chain totheCtevis Cif the.Plcivilett;
I tine the end drag in the furrow, jusi: -scan*
back as to escape the falling -furrow ; it if _
turned :Over: this. binds .the clover„anditeeps 1.-
, it in, such a position that -the Whole soil!
~, .e
turned : beneath the furrow. ' I lii
t 'vezy tai.
cesso.ry that all thei eloVer be,well Covered
to prevent its furthergrow* and-cause. de-
composition. 1 ' : - 2 -., , •
Carrots t ci Oati.
A corr9sponderit of the . AmeiicanAgriciii- -
"It has been' stilted in, the New York
• ,
Farmer's :Glib, that R:bushel nrear-. ,i 1 :,;i
rots cut finch y a root cutter, - isfully'eqiihra- !11.,
lent to a bushel of oats for horsefeed-ht;win,f;:... If so,:of how;much.;importaneosAhe 1 ! 1 1
cultivation of this. crop to-. the, ! farmer,., _ whp
I works horse teams, Or keepstitiOd rnareivßild
`raises 'whit, Of the erimptiraZire voile 'nf.
these-614) crops, I cannot speak adviSecllY in •
mild - weather, and the -horse inodetately
worked ;! but in cold weatherand theAliorsc
! !laid 'worked, roots of - nny
. 4'44' aiii:lietor
feed. -`!Under these' circumst ances; - alhork
must liat&train in our qelitits4e.-‘ , l. - would
leave it to the . intelligent farthers;to !make , ~
! experiments, taking into account the, cost n ?f
!each. This much we can do. '
.1 ,. ..., -
"I have raised upwards of s6ohils.ht44:il 4:'
carrots to the acre,. but never, raisedn+o-46 ~
• hm=liels of oats; the iVliole elf - the ,wOrk'of
cultivation of the citrons teas' done With:har
row- grid cultivator, eiccept'the ittplitg . tip' a
few weeds with the ringers, where:the , two,.
imPleinerits wouldltiot reach`Wiihoitt ijity
to the Carrot; making! the. Itibor ,i l ! . s. Oultieik.
thclairksting. ViittlT:Al A ti
an'excellent-feed for allitiMlO . Of stock; but
CSpeol.lly - for saffeh cows.. tar carrots its
Well as =other root _ crops, plow deefi.' ttufirk
the subsoil-plow, Mier the comniort plow as
deep as . it will go, told manure kiigldhignd
I will warrant a (*awl' crop, let the*ason
wet or dry.
I once had -an IriHslt gardener, filmonti for
large stories. lie said 'while in the 'eMplby
of a nobleman Was very fond.of trying
_ .
ex-petit* ents, he dng a•holei io. thop.uppAlas
big,and as deep as, a barr,e4,,opt. a ,polsittio
the hide twelve feo long ; ,tlieli'hUilt 4 pyia
aid of earth roan d - it, to thitiiit';'Xiiiiedlhe,.
whco 'Well with- edirrpwe-uffed A MAlte
- pole .and filled ,up• he- hole with, alich;lo47 7
mixed with Chencteals.k planted itisk,,lm
seed, f nil 'when- it had - come 'uli,,.iiiilled. out
411'hit ' 'one stand This 'he' **Ate' ia-sn''''''th
liqtfid enure - through• the suidnef f raml ;in
the fall,..fie took away the xiirtlroth the ON
i . rots., r ' Allot &it'l l *istl,l9 l ; . addcd•Jlet t t:g.te •
1 1 ,
it had ~.iitown to tli .bottortkOf:theheleetve
feet Jetirg, and as I , 'it . Yeuf.thigli:',. ''' ''
_ ". Yetti•rtiaders i ; may' believe WO incteljtif '
Patriiiii'S -Story as . they •ehoose; :yet 41ii* , is
cdrihin t that 12 have- rown ;il
Belgian, white_ tielil,earrotit.three,fo# *ikik,
and tut' inches dinutetpi , at the.teikpi nri c h,
deepoilluvial leapt: 4 7 ' _ '.. ". --•;' • •-•,
... 1.
, ,
bIIeORTED S,itxpx Sueer: 7 —lfenr„ ; Saxon
bucks and four eWes have:just arrivedattics
port, iin the. ship 'Atlantic' fri:* Bremen.
These 'superb a nimals wheit'ileliefet - r frOm
the celebrated Electoral tioksinStitonyilby
John A. Taintor,lEsq, 1 of -Illettfoni e Cenn., -
one •orthe best jUdges.ofsheep ned,wont in
this country. He ; wa s Itl* i .eheice
by Baron .de Sineck;Airetitii ',or r tht . :54.41gek.
These,. are by
. fur the larieita ' '''itirpied
Saxon sheep_iVe , i'e:fer'stro. -'. gu` l ,-:.ltectes
are remarkably filt-titid even; ninficiff 'Wear
very, heavy. They were pureints4lo_4Br.
r Sjteinel C. SCOviße; , of ,Sigisi) . igif, : .(:!tin.; for
the improventetitrcifbiplitiii4htit Of
nativesaxons:: ,We consider thittintikOntion
1 . nyery inlPPllA4.,PlK•ltq't4S'eFfMetnd -
trust thatilblx,-sOvilk - , 39MIlt:;1W re—
' went - gin! lies eiltrpriEre.''' "'!..„..,,,'"!
.:.,- .4;:-. - . ,,71,1 , , , ,,r+ - 4,.4 -,
. ~.. _ s . , i ,
; DESTRteTI.9N ;OP .T H rk - 4 1. 1 .I.r eFt= 4
.4 l i v fli ;7 r 9 u r •
giiitcli , Gc!rf; Mason.§airk,4o, B E l 4;'i - end
okerfarfners of ibis. etillilt.l44.iiis that
n iipiii"eiOf Wijits,'liiii - j . ' Pitlir.iiikeit'..iiii its
titisicerin• thoitletppitilitritlitrdsiisi*ve d es . ‘, wiriecT 4 l 6 ,, , ll 6 4 6 *ina
(-TbiNttor,to4o.l4 l 9rootAWavitkingAlat
'iltylibepA. ktipW in ttis:gl* : : lieretorrf, Ind
`vekt lti:iihni is untaiiiiiii , :=4iiiettigoin
p re G
, r . ' 41 4 •• r ' `:. --.. , r,, it.
g*e'. - 74 ,, t!W.Cliae 4 t - % r A ii l l Aitor ,
:iktritithOrrWit "Wiceitt. iiiii.e,i Wail hofier,
'iiiNii)rfttiin 'itiffitiiiiiit 104 , 6 Itiiiiiitalor
but, . , ,
'tho SestionziA , ere ~ * l,ll - . .twx 'frtiltAwlecat.
, ablitulatittefic4 Afi:ct.gto: l lo4o(t l . 9 o 3o -.FiTe+"
:11111-4ilACtiti.cro t'ot.tlti,SMlottriftitc_Smult,:iy,
itymoat inkiiiitleS looks very _;-'' illZ' - catistd-,
e rlibili iiiiiiiiiluisliekktliftitt' f idirsbnlfi*l4s;
Witt tots it , HeiirlY oir , f2c1 . 4 0 4 911 4 11 4.106ini
''''.ol44ll),Y-thl,fl-"q.4 WHT".llltro)#-)Yquid
4) 5 14( 44101yitijured-: . -*4 is.. .ravages pave
, i eft ik y 4 it u s f il.--ItoihZ .otiti4ili . '; -; - I'
', ' ' ' Y INVIIY4r e in t4 e,r4 - 0 1 4* likoF: lirpff of
.1)1P#4 1 !-11,P 4 1 0,4 01,Nit ei4rl: do
i c,
theY .4in — Ye ' Soliiiitm.iii hie . foxy ,, was`
root ormytA,li s - tittecatf.ifiLik,?:.` , -t! ~ 1