The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 9
4 4, 4 4 4 r* -4T-A* - +4 ****4 • • * liteirEgt*****4 l NGe irekTe.e.Kire svi'sv vegs -sves .40 1 4Oeil e .1 7 14!ilTa Hl Sias e s s t..s 444 *I alr 9 ASS 9 *9.s9e*GlirG4l 6*** itr - IN to, t • t 9 ✓ Pi9-'9.rkt"*.'4r49.*WW S W :;9C.S'. ”T.4r#l.WWL4' .45a+9.49*:+9.:#krra#"*.Y4'449e4C*.45Y+"4549r4"*‘.'r'fr454"+"*492#r49.449?frfreY+5Y4492.W245454"frie4SW*Pfall If 999 t I t li•t (1 • _____. _____ : . , - , _____ . , .. . - V :Arzsi r- t , s+ - 8 its; Are . , , Are - As itdire k.•* - 8 Eiri iltra* it - a:Ara ArnllrAr - o:rp • ... 445 . , • . . , .* I 1 4.- \ . -j . . 1 - --tl, BE la. ' - ' Open an account. A pass book is sentAiow-ing the . deposit ~Properly /-.. 9 entera to your credit.' A Stee l _ Home y Deposit Safe is loaned to Take . the safe home and plat ?loin it your surplus money or It will receive both. coins,, butwi ll remove . the usual , temptation, to spend: The money slots are s ;Iconstructed that mosey once , A placed in .cannot be taken out, and the bank a One KEEPS THE KEY. 4 . ~ I it=' PROMPT ATTEN,LTION, - - - i3' , MODERN . METHODS 1 you FREE ` , sparerthange •~ UNIFORM COURTESY, That Cancer can be cure tan u m pain, no drugs, no. burning Serum -is a Scientific Dis:povery that fist converting the ablest and most repu- table Physicians, many of .whom are send ing patients - to us. Write for :a book descri ment and what it has ac will be 'mailed FREE. . , • ‘ (CONTINUED FRO:si.PAGE rwEsry-six ) assistant cashiern 'the bank. was pro ) - }A be :noted to the c )-bier's desk. and his - could, not ':h ve .been possible except selection was an ;eminently fit'one from every standpoin ;-; for be had naturally through the best of management on the . and director- a talent for fin!ncing. as well as his ate, and this it has bad. brother, who ha.:lput him in touch with . Its - first cashier was, MB. Wright, all of his affairs . such an extent that the business of -t • bank went on in the Who was a born financier—able,. cool. sainesuccessful*ay. growing from year calculating, exceedingly affable, a man who could look over a propositiop and to year,all of its d tails being looked of ter size it up. make up, : -his mind quickly in,the best mann rby Mr:Wright and his and always unerringly, and, when- t h e assistants, and k eping up its marvelous rase demanded, could lay the : prop°. growth from yeti: year. n sitio laefore other men *in such a way C. F. Wright a has figured in the as to ve them understand its salient kvIL political field of 'Susquehanna county. points` : rid win them .to his way of He secured the, ~ mination to, congress thinking. In this way • much of the from this 4 istr* , ..and was elected in 1898 and re-elec .d in root, and again in bank's big volume of business was built up from year to year . Igor. - He was a Ways popular with his Mr. Wright was not only a , sue , ess m , constituents wl4;had business before the departmerss i . n Washington or had banker. but he was also successful io other inter?sts iat the capital to be the political field; When seeking the limited after by our representative and congreisiontil noinination froth his party •in this district he succeeded in securing was always• prompt. paifistaking. and affihle in - dealiagi, with, the affairsof his it against great oddc, and the nomina '-' Lion was succeeded by his election end constituents ' l , : - •, re-election for several terms. He is The present ofircers and directors of known in local history as one . of the the tank are: M JI.. Eisrnan..president; ,"•- - most valuable 'arid popular! men of F. D. Lyons. !rice president; C. F. congress ever- sent from this district.. Wright, cashrert, A. H. Falkenbury, After his death occurred,his brother, C. rissistat t cashiefl. Directors : M. H. F. Wright, who bad previously been Eisman, joseo . Lannon, W. S. Mit - ' . 1:1 Wish to We ■ THE' PL OFFICERS.: - I'M. H. EISMAN, P ;Sisquehanna, i , 6 BEACH ,a PRbVED FACT. Oirect Attention to Our PRUDENT ovedwomi gg; 1' L':; '~;N. V....~. .iesident; F a.LyoNs,Vice President WRIQHT, Cashier: A. H. FALKENBURY, Asst Caspier. • \:DIRECTORS: LANNON, W. S. MITCHELL. C. F. WRIGHT, F.' D. LYONS, A.'H: FALKENBURY, .M. E: WRIGHT~ EI at• our No knife, no plasters. Our Ling this treat. omplished. It THE MONTROSE 'DEMOC \N:AT - 1-Q:N AL'-„,.: SUSQUEHANNA,,..- PA. SAyifi'..''._.:- - AloNF.y., ( C EMI I *; % g -, GASOLINE ENGINES., I, . . . cb.e.ll. C. F. Wright, F. D. Lyons, A. HI .busin'ess habits, partly again—and .in concerns and other enterprises which very popular with the. bosiness public , withstand positive proOf in this age - of. progress. The Map from Missouri, when Falkenbury, M. E. Wright—all rePut- 'no small degree—because of. his genial may locate at or near Susquehanna, . able, high-class citizens, the back- personalitk and his happy faculty of Hallstead, Great Bend and LanesborO. Can C ancer Be Cured? ' he.exclaimed, " . You have to show me - ,".". ing hy whom places the First National leaving a pleasant impression with all This company is now supplying a very Based upon the words of men of knocked moss-covered ethics into smith of Susquehanna in the front , rank of with whom he- comes in contact. • All acceptable and satisfactory service to character and reputation (many of ereens when he was shown. the county's best and .most reliable . these feathres combined could not fail such large concerns as the Erie shops in them well-kaown citizens). that they Many honest,..humane, physicians money centers. .- • to win and retain business for an ester- Susquehanna, and doing the municipal have been cured of that most malignant have been converted to the Beach treat-:.. Zeiler's Bottling Works. getic young man,.and when an - o p en i ng li g hti ng of . Susquehanna, Hallstead, of diseases—cancert.eured bye, ment, and having themselves failed to occurred at Susquehanna in the insur- Great Bend and Lancsboro,.besides tun. serum treatment as; practiced at e -cure cancer .with their burning plasterr Frank Zeller conducts what is per- anc w fieldme-Titsworth was splendidly nishing light for nearly all the business Beach Sanitarium, located in Susque- and formidable gleaMing cutlery, have haps the largest plant in the county de- qualified .to go there and occupy it. This houses and ,dwellings in those towns. hanna, there is no room for doubt as to turned-their patients over to. Dr. Beach, • voted to bottling healthf u l carbonated - he did and has built up a very success.. The company furnishes power for the tha efficacy of the treatment. who - actually cured said patients, 'and drinks; as well as ales. 'and beer. Mr. ful business, becoming " one of Susque- same price as is charged in scranton. Women testify that they .have,been that isthe whole story in a nutshell. Zeller _manufactures all kinds of car- Janna's best young businessmen and a where fuel is Soo per cent. cheaper than cured; men proclaina, it broadcast. that This institutiortis not' a mere dispen- - bonated beverages. The exceptional solicr.fixttfre there, and his Montrose it is in , Susquehanna, consequently thee they have been cured; hence, what . sar y. It is an up4o-datesanitarium, qtiality of all the various soft drinks friends are always pleased to hear of pricefor power here is not only moder- testimony is stronger than that tthe .with matron;-nurses, medical staff and made by him is known to all who per.. his continued success. He represents ate but very low as' compared , with serum used by Dr. Beach does cure furnished throughout for the ponven take of them-and the demand is con- some'of the very best companies in the other localities having an abundance of cancer? stantly increasing. reuse and comfort of • the patients who - ' . • United States; among which are the very cheap fuel. No legitimate corn- It has been proven to' be' effectual, may wishr,Q,o and board while under- He is the agent in the vicinity: of Sus- Home, Ge rman-American, New York; plaints are ever beard from thinking, therefore a large number.of highly re- going treat:Meat. It is backed by quehanna forthe Pabst Milwaukee beer. North Arierica. Philadelphia; Phoenix, res ponsible people, when it: is under- spectable physicians—professional men which is considered by coinpetent judges ample capital; is beautifully situated'in National,-Hartford, Conn.. . stood that the cost of production of not hampered -by prejudice—endorse a - picturesque part of Susquehanna. to be the best beer manufactured. . electricity in Susquehanna is perhaps the treatment; other doctors,: and is in every way a responsible,highly` C. E. titsworth . ~. the maximum in comparison with fig- knock it, and so it • goes. Have the respectable establishment, having a its _adequate E l ectr i ca l P ower. - The priine objects of this edition' of uses of powei plants in other sections. knocking doctiks any proof that cancer, slim the relief and • actual . cure' of One of Susquehanna's best -insurance the "Derdocrat" being to induce desir- The officers of the company are: O. S has not been cured at the Beach Sank - humanity suffering from One of the men., C E. Titswoith, learned the in- able immigration, new enterprises an d Johnson, president; r.l. Linen. secre- lariuni? That is the -vital question. :If - most dreaded diseases known. more capital to come into our grand old tary; .F. J. Platt, 'treasurer, all well- so; the management would surance. business in Montrose, in the . • - - well-known office _ o f Lathrop St Tits- county, it is pleasant to realize, that the known citizens of Scrinton, who ate these professional' gentlemen,liketo hue If Youor your loved Ones have cancer._ wrapped _lose no time irtgetting the Beach treat. worth; and became an expert in that Susquehanna. County Electrical ,Co. is men of affairathere. •Mr. j: R. Harris, up in ,their code of ethics, come ollt arr. ment. Positive evidence :of; numerous line, partly because of his natural abil-, idaquately equipped to furnk , electric resident superintendent, has had wide prove, if they can, that cures have not cures will be furnished by the manage. itY, partly because' of his methodical li g ht and'po'wer to new magi ,cturing experience in the electrical, field and ia been effected; Negative denials do not- ment, to all who- Inquire; -•- dMCS Wagons, SUSQUEHANNA, International Harvesting Co's Implments, mm7q., 77z? R • ME= Home Safe Deposit Plan. PRODUCTIVE \ PRACTICAL MIME I=!=== =I MI INE ME Carriages, Harness, Hofsesand Farming Im plements of all Kinds, - - MONEY TO LOAN - - ENT FOR - The INCIXDING MONTROSE, PA. EMIR 92229 aye, CM PENN'A..'. F.rl : • 171 • *F -F 172. .At frequent intervals bring your safe to the batik. Then the contents will be removed; counted in your presence and jour deposit . will di-aw 3 E \ . . \ per cent. interest: The presence of this safe•in your house enables you to \. \ puthaside from day to day - - the . .small 'slims of money you have hitherto )\\. 1 • \ thought not "worth w h i l e : saving ~ for ._ . . 'needless spending. Your account "grows rapi dl y," r You are continually - . adding to it.' and the inte . • . • • -desire to fill your in' divid. _j 45 J Bi.X~I H " - 73 ie .** ;:- 2 ~" ‘4111141 7- : la 1 2 , Wc. .; . .., ~. ?:. 0 S nm.-I).mtzt MIR It=l==ali BANK, RESULT. • est makes your deposit a sound investment: We I , ual requirements. O. S. JOHNSON, Prit, Susquet)anna f,orinty 4trii.. .fontoopy El Ele(tti(: . ,-Light.,.4n.d...i : Po . w.q We furnish cheap power for manufacturing. pur pose; and. will be pleased to correipond with those ~desiring information concerning the above. Susquehanna, Ha%tea& IGreat Pend e ts, Lanesboro. 6 Exchange St, - - =I . H. EISMAN, dOS. F. F. I. LINES", Sec.'y MIMI IncorporatO. ) Plants Operated `in MAIN OFFICE: Susquehanna, Pa. F. J. PLATT, Tres. 4 k ~.~, Co. h MIES