The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 7
ID . • -_ , F , ,-_-__ COUNTYAFFICIALS' , SCHOOL SUPERIN7ENDENTS-: "Wiliant Richardson, B.J. Tewksliury, . • PASTANDPRESENT , A.N.. Bullard, E. A. We4on, W. W Vat sor bee-4 1 .*--Tilcien,9. E, •l French, B. E. Jairies,"4l. B. Gillett, . •- ; - ...-7.---.- 'i. Charles E. A Moxley. G. A. Stearns. ~ - 1! UNBROKEN -,LINK FO 96 • COUNTY TREASURERS—Isaac Post, David Post, Jiistib Clark, Charles -YEARS ' : . . Avery, Mason S. Wilco ,_ J.W. Rayns, .. . . . • ' ford Hirain Finch, D ---,------ ..: . -. C. L. Ward, William Congrasiunal; JUdicial and. Fuller, Henry J. Webb;' Legislative. Members F rom David D. Warner. Wal 74 - 0 . 0. G. vev Tyler He Susquehanna . ' ' County . . 'K. - Hatch, D. R. Lath . . 4- . - 1 ., - • - ruff, C. W.. Mott, D. Nichols, .Nicholas Shod SHERIFFS, PROTHONOTA- D,-;de:, Richard V. K•mi . RIES 'RECORDERS, ETC. Glidden, Tracy IlaY'deri • • ! .. A. • B. I3 3 urns. W. A. S` - • • ------ . • G. Woodwa7,l, Sam - . Charles. Boyden, -Lea; _, NameS of Those Elected From 1 • . N. ' -- . Ord Aries, N. R. Jones, \\ r • 181216 Date in the Order - p k b -- , . . - THONO r.l R 1 ,V,, CLERKS OF of Their Succession couß - roFcolm - oxpLE \--,.Q1.7.\ R . TER SESSION ANlii i OVER T AND FcAloWing are the ,:ttlity officials, TERMINER—Dr. Oharles frrazer, members - of congress,.- members of , the Jabez Hyde. Asa Dim ii k. Georgt Walk-, legislature from S a(l;ie hanna . c+ :linty. fir, George Fuller, Johii Blarrlin:.;, Fred the judit:iary, etc., from iSi2, to date: •M: Williams, Fred A. : Tani. Sydney B t . B. B. R. IVade. Edwin M. - THE JUDICIARV—The. first pros- Wells. George identi judge ..was .Hon. John 13. Turner. Gabriel B. EtOred, W., F. Sim ; Gibson, , (afterwards Chief Justi:e- roll, Myron KassonA)+itt A. Titsworth, Williafrl J. Baker, Henry F. Manzer, of the Supreme : Court:). -I.'h, di s - Williain ... tret embraced Susquehanna ., Bradf6rd, :; • „REGISTERS OF WILLS. REcOR 1)- Tioga'and Wayne counties. Judge Gib son 7was succeeded: in ISii; . by. Hon, ERS OF DEEDS AND CLERKS OF. fi 7 T,homas Burnside; who also became a THE ORPHANS' iCOU RT---David - judge 'of, t he SuPreMe Court. • The presi_ Post, Willim JessiT Christopher L.: . W!ird.,Simon Steven,.; Charles 'Avery,- • dent judges in succession were: Hon °rabies kdw a rd Herrick; John N. Con- - Hiram Finch, CharleSit. Brown,' J. •T. yngliam, William-Jessup. David wi l _. Landon, James W. -Chapman, Charles mot. Darius Bullock. -Ulysses Mercur. •Ncale, Harmon , R. Newell. Joseph H. Farris B. Streeter, Paul Dudley Morrow, McCain, .1, F. , S!l;leinaker, Jerome . R. William H. Jessup, J - 'B. McCollum,. 14!;r1s, H. N. Tiffany'.- l 2 Frank Beards . (afterwards' Chief justice of the' .Su- ley, L. H. Lincoln: Charles S. Page.' Sam.: ud S. Wright, Bruce. . Buffum. Milton prime Court). D. W. Searle and Ralph B. Little, (the pre:eht ineambent.) •E. Birchard. i . THE ASSOCIATE -J 1 DGES-Dav is 4 C OUN TY COM M ISlONEßS—Bart lett-F.nds, Lahan Cat , ron. lsaac BroWn, - • Dimock and William Thonipson, haac son. Jonah . Brewster, osae Tiffany, jr., Post:: Jabez Hyde, . Benjamin Lathrop; . Stephen Wilson. Syly 'nus Hatch, Dan . Calviri - Leet, Mos'es C. Tyler, Charles id Ross,. Philander ephens, Sathuel Tingley.. John Bove and Davis I). War- Warner, Joseph Wasl urn. Philo BoSt ' nor, thane Burrows and Charles ' F. wick, Simon Stephen: Edward Packer, Read. J.. P. Baker, Albert Baldwin and Charles AYy, er Waite ILyon. Ansd Hill, • R. `T : Ashley, James W.: Chapman and -• ; Joseph Williams. Wil _tam Hartley, Cal- Judson. H: Cook. - . - - vin Summers. Arad 1 ielee. J. C. Sher ' DISTRICT ATTORNEYS—Up to man, Cyrus IL AverYl Charles Tingley, 1.850 , the'stat.e's attorneys • geri‘eral ap- Robert Griffis, John'' tomtort, Edward pointe 3 deputies, who prosecuted corn- Heald, ThOmas B', , ick, Nathaniel monWealt hi mses. Since that ..year the Norris, William G.,, 4 Handrick, Abel - following have been elected district at- HeWitt. Alonzo Will: ms,. Isaac Reck ;. • . . . torneys: John Dimock, John C. Fish, 'how, Jonas Carter. - thaniel West, E.. Frank- Fraser; A. Charriberlain, Daniel. P. Tarnam, David i., TUrrell„.' . John . . W. Searle. James E. Carmalt,l3. L,Bald-:: Murphy, Shubael Di ' ock, John ;' Han-' In win, Freeman I. Lou, -E. W. Safford, eock:Amf)s Williams ;;AmherstCarpen- Miller S. Allen, William I. B. Ainey, ter, Joseph - Smith, 1 :1 T. Case, 'Perrin- ' Ralph B. Little, Harland A. 9 Denny. . Wells, Orange 7 Mott, .jr., Levi S.Tai. , ,e, C . : 11 . 1. Stewart, J. ,;iCogswell: ;Jamesv . - .., MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FROM % , liton. Xetson __ • • •-• Fr each. John B. Wii.: SUSQUEHANNA COUN,TV—phitan;j_ - 11 , 1,-, site, _David Wakelev : . T. Ellis,: $..11. . i .er StePhens,.Davis Dimock, Almon H. Gii,e, Samuel Sherer . Hinds. Edward Read, G. Fuller, Galusha A. Gror.., 1... Beebe Occar I ashbarn, 'Lyman ''‘r -- -, e A. PoSt, INIVron 13, :Wright,- l'. __ ' - ' *, ' , , - . , ,•••, C. ~ -4); 1 T:•*: r,1,,. . . David• (.1. Minkler. M irtthei.v E. Ryan. mV. e - (e_r . Willi ) . ._ ii . •. am 1.-P.• sheris•o , 4l. T. Whitney, • -- STATE ''S'E.NATORS ' FRoM ..3, 1 iz.,- ------ . ('llarlez; ' r)elhantv, i,•.1 T. Whitn e y_ ...,. c. . 0 U Eii A\ NA l''‘.ll'...\ 1 V ---'liter ' 2 ` ll T: P. Bai:ey. L :. Gri ili,. M. W ( dhO jZe , SeiiratVq Ifon LlZe.trtH.-Cl;ir.-;Fraz T . \(. Aikinssi,. ‘,. , i _g,L.,., .seph er! Jonah, Brewster. - Alm , in Ft.-Read. e :1-:, - , G...a.' - i - t , C. M-.-KeiX' ];i c., H. H. liarrinty_ Asa Dirtiock.: F. B. Streeter. Williarn LI .:h . . I -iaiah 11air......G1E. Mi.-.Kirli..i, (.). A. Ttirreii, W. 'W. Watscin, L. F... Fitch. E., l'Fiff:iny, :M. J. Lanrqin A. J. C , ,,igriff, IWilliaml-f. Tingley. if. E.. liaiyief: - .--. B. Ilati,ii , v; Monroe J. Larrabee. ()rin W.'es, James Rooney. i, No one has , e(•n isC( V\l M I 5...10N LR i (_,I,..LRI‘s---s-kih n Brewster. Dr.. :\=a , ' park,. Alm .a 11. ' elected from Susquehanna county since Read. l'S illiam - Tess p, George Fuller, iScia.) , , • . ~.... .• E. Kintz•ibury, jr., ' 1 . . Streeter,• :J. W. MFMBERS -1 )F THE LEGI,-(LA- ... .- - l hapman, Davi; Di[tj•ricit, jr., <lt arles TURF:FR+ IM THIS COUNTyt—jab, : . , Aery. Seclzu.Meyler,f, Robert I. Nieen, Hyde,•Putriam if:Jilin,Ji.nah Brew , ler' Wiiliam A. Crossmea G. B. Eldred. D. j a b e ,Z, Hyde, jr:. Philander Stepheris:A.. 'W. Glidden. E. C7.11 . 8a11. W. .-‘. Tits- H. Read, 1.-aac Post . Bela Jones, j , ..epi'l n orth and W. 1-1 . Fo`;;ter. , .„. l'-',HERIFFS.---E4rd Fuller, Auslin - William::.Asa Dimock. Charles Chandler... How - ell. Sainta,l (gregory. Philander jr., 'Franklin - Lui:k. 'Calvin -i.eet, Frank N. AVery. Lewis Bru s h. David Thoinac, '...ipliens, Cliarcs Ct.andler.'jr, . Joseph :Samuel Taggart:. Sydney B.:ft:ells, li: - ziac... , \ illifirns, Charles' A Viry, William Hart= Reekliow Ezra' B• Chil- ,,, • Charles J, La- ley. Walter Fe , llettr Thomas Johnson:. Nelson t'. ,Warner, (-Vi .M. Gere. G; B. El t liroP, Simeon B. Chase, - George T. Fraz (lre& F. P. Hollislerf . John YOung. E. V. ter. D. D. Warner. George' H. Wells. J. Green, David Sunirrters. S. F.. • Laite, W. T..C.,amercri, Loren Burritt.: A. T. Sti. ph- T. Moxley, M. B. Hel-rne, William White, Benjamin F. McKunt. E. P. Pope, Z. D. ens. E.. B. eardslee, H .M.. Jones : Wat son T. Ba es, Stanley .N". Mitchell.. Jclikins,. Richard Fs - iran, L. B..lNliller, George R. R ssequie. Eugene H... True. E. A. Leonard, 'Ward Deuel, William J William Maxey, Dewitt. C. Titman, Maxe)i.,R. N. I - 3ru , 411;' , J. H. Pritchard, H.• Philas Burritt, Humphrey 1. Millard, S. Conklin. - 4 - Lineus W. Moore, James W. Adams, Cllß()NEßS—Stplien Wilson. Phil- George B. Tiffany. George C. Lill, Alvin ander Stephens. Cli!pinan farr, Daniel C. Barrett, Henry 1 Rut Edward E. TroNybridge, Chark4 / ; ] Chandler. jr., Ben '. jayinn J. Dim0ck,....1.4 1 D., Warner,: Hiram Jones. __••• Finch, Walter FoLi.,ltt. Thomas' John `' ERS---Ch, . lg : M=MA=M EME=I JURY COMMISSION ---.:" son. Jena; Carter, W.,..8. II andriOk. John Sprout, James 0. Bullard. W.. 1. Cross- Baker. W. H. 1-30v4 Benjamin Dix. Dr. mon, Daniel Brelk-ster, 11. P. Robbins, J. Blackman, Dr: Richardson, Dr. L S. E. Carpenter, David Marsh, James A .Smith, Dr. C. CkHalsey. H. D. Bald- Lonergiri,Leander Lott,Georke Harvey, - win. -amucl Birdiall, AA . AN . Strange, . . A. w..miles, C, E. Lowe, N. s. Harrison, Charles Mackey, ir in, A. F.,Merrill. l . A. Tingley, A. J. - ".. D. F. Sullivan, Taylor A. Goodin, L. C. Benson, C. M. Bul- - larcl, A. W. 'Kent, M. L.. Lake, Ira A. • !1! • Strickland, .Elijah Tingley, Henry W. —1! Terry, Richard Rooney, David N.Hardy. . GeOrge Car ton Comstock A :, .Chailes C. Bookstaver, Charles,' Stevens, MONG Ile dies which years. ~ ,i -John T. Hillis, , . ,- ago came ,turn Nev York to ' spend their sumni is in Montrose was -'' AUDITORS—John. Young, D. _ 8.,, that of Mr. and %Irs George Wells .1 T - dl, a ' Thonia, Comstock. Mrs ' Octock having been a i. • ; 1 •- , Sneden, Joe. •urre_ ,erjamin . .....„ --- the sister of the la . Chapman; gimuel L. T.. Farrar: I. N. Hawley, Francis • H and Daniel b yre fir many years _ . )Quin„ s Jblin Smiley. , George Baldwin. Al- ammig the 1),...,t kno4wn -citizens'of Mont .- Mit: 'i :Tom C. D. Cobb; M. J. • uniford, rose, with extens4e interests, including the .I.Jundry, mac '' e shop:. taritk etc. ..j.. E. Howe s Norman :Foot. J. I% farkilt, 0. 5..13ee1w., - D. D. Brown, D. P. i ti . a4 - , , .'- - ai r Mr. and Mrs Co.ii'l:ock had three chid . - ' I e•ii> • G. T. Frazier, J.: F. Dean, Channc(y r , e r n e , w. vi, t • l o r) h .c k atniMine better and, better :Wright, S. W. Budd, R. S. Ashl)Y, 'W. ii... they ”re . N.N . • to :p h2od and.. woman .' M. Tingley, M. C. J...F. I.)eats, hood, liking It b "th for the' natural L. M. T - urrell, Pi; .....Barnes. F. B. Chanel- beautie..ot the p;ii c e and also for the Tracy Hayden. 11. M.; kaies, ..k na., old familyil af ''' c ' 'l'°"; These 'child ler, ren were ,_..cor B e (r, • Bei! iainin S' and Nio ) , : -,1,..-: , :ki. S. Catlin_ .J. E. ,1 3 .21 i:. J. B. one. datignttr. ite.i• g Mrs. W• S. • E, * (j g ` • Tihnson.' M. Priteliar:l;, - •Wil iii in Wll,-t° - t - iirni whom r-Se ,;•.:th t ht%r I...inii.iie a t r i, , lOck, M. L.(7ai ',in. L. 13.1i.rpowd. 1,,,.,.,!:,- sPen. l the su I:.i. •r4lhere. Geor , re rai l ton; I.' ,in‘in-k , i , ' k. . 5 Antioned jarncon 7 J. H. Munger . ; Aline , . G•;111',..:: „i,-,,,, 7„. .. ‘,,,-..' - ‘ hAt - I<;_,-,t . E C. Inde..:iied, li . pr „..rli., p, , 0,n . i c 1 . ) ,1 e , , , , -i t e .\ 7 ? ;l;.vcv , er a menibt , r of ~: k 1%7,- firm of .-- Craver, B. 1) Su:.. , n, -IL L. .:•Er, , r,..b, ( h.ri::-: & C-,1n5t6::.,... •Mr Cot, stock, a ,lienry.Browntll. Frz.:tik Beebe, - 11, V, it'w•Yea r ••• sint'e• I)"c;:a. , cd tiie William •,, 5 ,.,.. 1 . 1 ,.. 11 . d. .‘ -.,,, ..,.;;_.,,.,_ - 1 ,, .J. lii. ford li mise •'4,ld ex tensive. p,rounds .. „ ~- . „ ~1., ,ical of MAntiment Squa , e on . . 8 ) .rni...., C. 11. ..-%ine!y, -DenniF, Casey; Lake avenue, a;ia has spent a' great, L. W. Gillett, M. Me•Vicat•••• H. Fi,,.a.,. deal of nyaley iti tfiliarging and remoiel . T.3l..Atizinsi:n, L'`. hi _ , , v, m, J. Le - e. Mg . the ii , ,use gad beautifying 'the grounds, taking t. .cial: pride in these IVilliam -Allpatigh. F„A.. I ohn:Lon. Pat: things and in givi•lig such special atten rick Dean. .• . - ~. - .. : tion. to the .u.pfii, .part of: Monument • COUNTY SU 12 VIZ, Y CiRS--..1...11 01:0-- Square as to` add irruch to :its beatity. His family. come ,:tarliet in the spring stead, J. Vs". Chapman. John Boyle, lsa- than. do most of ; ;'the Fummer vi-itor s acher Mann; .O: S. . Beebe, Tithotliy and stay later i i the fall, this being Boyle,- Joel -Ttirrell, W. J:Turrell, J.,,,W,- pretty nearly -t. ir permanent homes and they usually.,:pme back - and. open Chapman, L. D.-Benson, 'Clifton Hick:lk' . , up-their home - to -,, the Cliriitmas boll . Morris Tingley. . . I - . days - . •-•--. E --4e , ....,1:k . . • • lig • ---..0.T;#.....,,ttiv,..44,4,A,.....k....-..;; Ns Dimoek, jr.. ;Foster, Georg' Moses C. Tyler,. 'er Follett. far -tead, William rip S. 'N* •W'ood- . • 'v. Tit 11., Amos Ciarles B. :Lrenr: C •. Loa, 1"1 I1 tiani G M VIRZI n&a . . .•. . , 11iON ROSE: . . • . . . . -.-. .... .. ..,. . . . ... . . . . , . . . . . • • 1 TUE , DEMOCRAT, ~ MCONTROSE, ~ PA. • . ~ .. . . . . , . ..... . - - • . .. . . . .. . . . 1 - .. . . . . . _ . . . . . . .r. • • . . . . • . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . , .. . . . . . . . .. . _ . . .. . . . .. ._ • .. „. ,: . ~.. • . . . . .. . .. : .. . . _ . ... .•. . . . . • . .. . .. • . . . . ~ • ,:„•, . . . . s . . . . . . . .. . . . • , . . . . .. . . . . ... ~... . .. . . . . . •.... ..._ . . . . . .. . , . .• . . . . . . ._ . . . .• . . . . .. . . . ... . . . ...._ . . . . . : .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , . .... _ . . _ . . . . . . .. . , .. . , . . _..„:....___ I= 1 . 1849 •.: 6 •l* , i4t;+:+i+V mina er than everi Every r w-0,. ments rr;:11111101111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 .ii s s: HIGH-GRADE s STATIONERY BUSINESS and SOCIAL We carry line of bond - in the various qualities, finishes, etc., sold anywhere in Penniylvania. The latest and most StYfish ,fonts of type, inks, etc., enable uSto : turn out the Finest Printing., our prices -. are right. Crusers EIHIMIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EMI 14 We have inaugurated the New Year with a deter- ni ion All the News of the ..Cou4q---:*ill':.-be•..o.Pubt.thOd Take Advalitage of the Following Club Arrange- CRUSER.S . .' & .' .GA,BpNERL, PURPOSE* Good stationery is the I. -tpplitg tone .to. iiccess,:. IVWrttrizs CEN . „211Ootttrp . se . pOici4o.' I. • I : .1 E. ta„-Ana IR:111111111111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HIfill Democrat and N. Y. Tri-Weerdy World, $2.00 Democrat and Commoner, ' Del iocrat and Farm and Fireside ; 77-- • I)enwerat and N. Y. Tribune Fanner, $2.00 FOR & Gardner, rzi iiimmommitumminimmumr2 ke:; - the.“Democrai7 . Better .and :..Bit Publishers,' Montrose, Pennsylvania. wer•Fvftswtp%l‘o4oloustt.e t 1 In A0,•.r1i.'0. - .4.iry . . . . . . .. ,-- . - - t ' - .- . - - -- - (, - - . - . . k ~- •C. ' 7 l - - c l -- (-- . --- c -- - 4..-- • ~......:, : „,,,,.. ~.,,,..,., _ „: „.. ;:,,,, ~. i. ,,,... 1 ,„ , ;: ,, :j. ,. .. 1 ..„ ) ,..„ • ) - 1 4.. ; , , ; 6 , 2 , : IL _.. ..... 4_74\ ~.. ~,,,. ;ii...-- ''. THE ROSE COMPANY, 5 ; - P s 608 Sansom Street, . - • ! ,,-- . Ase› -- past. : - .Edtb.- I I Si' ce ,the of Posh Cards has become a feature in the United States, the Rose Company have equipped themselves so as to be one of the. largegt and beat manufacturers of Pogt. Cards and Art. Goods' in the country. Their produet exceeds in every way II w .-~~ '. :U the foreign goods dumped on the market. Everything the Rose Company mantifadures is thoroughly Artisti l -and all is produced by American workmen. The cO,,nipany iveliable in- every respect., NM 82 - .00 OM Manufacturers el high-grade ' OUR ENDORSEMENT. RS.„.e!'6.ARDNIEW.. GRUB Pia IN Philadelphia, Pa., ra FM t 1909 E=ll ht 7 . g MI ,uuul ayin • 11 47 Vola• ,~~~ ~~~~ :"C=~ 0 II 6:-';', r& ,% . ~'r~~ DB ED