The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 6
. . . . , . — . . . . - . • • • . . . .IF . CONTINUED .• r . • .., - ~, .. Al" AO 0 a/ air law High in the Roll of Honor, . In Financial Aff airs • * r ijJOR BST CITY can. boast of Ei'' one of the beet cOndricted and most proSperous bankingAtilistitutions in the county. The Fir t , National F.M. - - Gardiner .: - - Bank, in the statement publihed late -1 • . I M -IF,' above is a good picture of P. ly by the Pennsylvania Banking de partment, stood third on the toll - of , - e--4U raciM. Gardiner of Forest City, on , - honor . of banks of like capithl in the lof the leaders of the junior bar state. • This popular financial institu -lof Susquehanna county. Mr. Gardiner tion is certainly an honor tO: Susque -Iformerly resided in M•entrose and hanna county, and its charricter and lie is as well and favorably known Istanding , in . `or 't City place there, as in his home town The b' isu ject of our sketch',-,was born in Cats. it in the lead or e business enter ; ;kill, N. Y., in 1876., 'After graduating prises of that th 'fty town. This bank was incorporated in Aughst, 1900, ;from the high school in Itiontrnse he with a capital stock of $25,0 90 At a ;studied law under NV. D. B. Ainerat meeting of the stockholders the • first ted to the bar he underwent the Strug -the county seat and after being admit- week in November last it IX decided to increase the capital stock t $50,000, ',gles and chsappointments which are which, alter the. legal details were coin i the lot of hundreds of briefless young _ pleted, went into effect. • i • . `barristers." Nothing ' daunted. how ,lever. p ver, he persevered, studied• hard and This bank has accumulated it surplus ed 'determined that he would follow the fund of 82s,oaoand undivid profits approximating Bto,ooo. Itsl precept of the proverbial shoemaker department is a, mature of tle esta' savings ly. land " stick to his last" - Pluck and !determination 'finally won, for alf; . list:nent that has rendered it Mery -.pop- Gardiner, still a young, man, is to-day ular with Miners and other w ge-earn . ' 9ne of the prosperous young attorneys ers in tue town and vicinity Three per cent interest is Raid on sa ings-de. lof the county. Besides enjoybig a large posits. and that department 11 's grown .itnd lucrative prsctice he is enaged rn very rapidly Isom its incepti n. Mr. Selveral enterprises and is a large : tock-' D. L. Peterson was the first p r esident 'holder and director in the Farmers and Miners National Bank of Forest City. and T. A. Surdam the first 9ashier. Walk- Mr. Gardiner served One year ,as a About six years ago Mr. James J- . er succeeded Mr. Peterson as'presideiet, Pennsylvania: volunteer ,in year U. S. Three years- later Mr. Suydam tesigned w - ',Army, during the'Spanish-American and Mr. Walker - relinquished t e presi ar. He settled in Forest Cityin r8.9,9,* dency to take up the duties of - ashier, iand is at present one' of-its most active for which position he was so well quali hrid enterprisingeitizens. Mr. Gardiner fied,that he was urgently requeSted by bas great faith in the future of Forest City- .As attorney atzlaw and real prominent stcckholders to accept the estate ownefand dealer he is in position ,Place; and Mr: 'John Lynch ft-ecame 11 11 . • • JOHN P. MUR-RAY, • Livery and. Boarding Stables,. • - . Center Street, • • FOREST CI TY ,PA. • Open Day and Night., Both Telephones. . • Baggage and Express, to and from all Trains. • 4 e • . Servicd f or weddings and - 'Funerals a Specialty. Rigs for Commercial Travelers. 4 ti' :i • -4 Horse Shoeing Wood • Opposite Ni 4i . - Center Stireet, - NeVfPAUP cad Neversl4 Calla; are just.wkal ~ .19 . - to answer any inquiries relative to opportunities afforded' in Forest City for the Ication of new enterprises. Mr. Gardiner has been andtis a very successful lawyer. Sutcess in any walk of life indication of earnest endeavor and persevering efforts, characteristics which he possesses in an eminent degree. consequently he - numerous friends in the cciiinty ho believe these and other qualifies ions fit him for ju licial honors, ;.and it more than probable that he aTill be well • to the fore in the political arena by then time the next election rolls arund. FIRST NATIONAL BANK AGNES CATHOLIC cHußcu, FOREST CITI r - I president. The directors are B. L. Peterson. John Lynch. J J. Walker. W. T. Morgan. T. P. 111.:Cormick, John McDonald. D,G. Allen. Benjamin Max ey:\ Joieph Imett., As will be noted from the engraving of the building pub lished in this edition the First National Bank oi - Foret City occupies verycom . , II W. 2 PUBLIC SCH THE NONTROSE DOMCRAT. F::- r ,iii-~~, - • • ".. 4 !TOME OF TIIE, FIRST 'NATION: 7 AL BANK, FOREST iZITY lell lIMMI . - .. A. . . f FIE WILLIAM SREDENSCIIE}: fiVILIiI:kW, FOREST CITY BL'ILDIRG, FOREST CITY. [5:111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11111111111MILAMMIMMI1IMMIIIIIIMMIlliffillai MUCHITZ'S HOTEL ; ofi Cor. Main and Centre Sts., - FOREST CITY, PA. Iff MARTIN MUCHITZ, . Proprietor, 111111111HIMMIIIIM1111111111111111111111171111111111111111111IMUIMMOMMIMMIE McGRATH'S TONSORIAL PARLORS, 304 Main Street, - FOREST car, PA., • o 4 1 ' 4 Barbers' SupplieS in Perfumeries, -1- IL. Fine Hair Cutting, Shaving and )sliam eao; 4 L First-Clam 'Workmanship is Guaranteed. PELASE GIVE USA CALL , ---- 7NIONDAI , E is one Of. the I 9. V' '; ~ prettiest and `most attractive v :,F. :,.3 . ,. C,l villages in the state. ' It, was formerly a part of Clifford township, and lies in perhaps the most picturesque region of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It is ibout seven miles from what has been termed the "highest point of land between the lakes and the ocean"— Prospect Rock, and the scenery in and near Uniondale is full of grandeur. From Prospect Rock one beholrisa view nrodious and neat quarters. lts officers and directors . are all . gentlemen of surpassing loveliness. The; Lacka of unblemished r character and wanna and Moosic are in its irruitediate reputation. who are well and favor- vicinity and " southwardly the Wind ably known as ; Fate .'-arid reliable business men, hencetthe tank itself is a Gap and', Delaware Water Gap of. of gil t- edged financiaHnstitution. wOrthy the Blue Mountains are both distinctly of patronage from all claws of citizens. visible. Eastwardly can be distinguish ..,ilt_ .k. ._-_..... _ _ ed the ext e nsion of the Blue Ridge into New Jersey and New York, stretching upward along the Delaware until it it lost in the greater elevation and bolder outline of the far-famed Catskills. The fair grounds it Montrose, (25 Miles away), can•be discerned on a clear day and on beyond the blue hills boidering the Susquehanna river in . Bradford county. - Four or five miles away lies Crystal lake, one of the most enchant ing bodies of waterin the county, and I'• a favorite resort for summer visitors. As a most excellent locatiob. too, for - manufacturng purposei, we know .of nothf supe' • It is onl short 1 7-4 7 , P ri t. • 7.4 ~. . N ' ME UM ME I • , . •••• IMMO Laige rcoornig. RIM Steinn Hat, - 11=•10 Elertric Lights, 1 311 d 1 11 11 1 1 asse f: Table. t. ONTROSE, PA. - . . ..A.1.c,.. .. ...„,,t, 17 , 2 . .. , ~,..‹ , ,,0 , p,v , c. ) __GY,,cormc 0 GN.',l., " -... .. Wt.CP,C .., c. Gcf, 1 C r - 4..0 r, Cal 0 Q.... ALP 41A V .1 . ' ? ' t . 1 1 'I. b., ' : , (. 1 c$ .- •.• . .- • . . . . , . . . . A . _ . - .. . , 44 , „i — z., 0-4 • = , m •- 4===u2 ,-.0- =2 , 2a211 ~..--, • , - - , 4 - 7-10- 4 31 5.' 1N5. , ..1.^ ^'"" D ') feili - Z-1 - 71.126 - 14):M,- 97 - 5. , i76. 7 7Zn M.M . Mir,,D - ~o. - e b -.:, a' . ' , l"'" nrcian-1 . . I . PICTURESQUE IN EVERY DIRECTION Not .Far from the Highest Point of Land Between the Lake's and the Ocean. A View of Montrose far Away NATURAL SCENERY IS FULL OF.GRANDEUR : Excellent.Locatiodfor the Establishment of Manu facturing Plants. Indus tries and Enterprises , is on , sm. _ ,as aepffersdn branch of the —tie rail roe . and excellent water .power is obtained from the outlet of Lewis lake, where its waters fall into the ILacka wanna Fine timber can be; cut in the adjacent mountain region; laborers and killed artisans could no diiubt. 'be induced to come to such inviting sur roundings, so all that is lacking is the initiative to make it a flourishing manufacturing center. Uniondale was created - a'boro ugh in January, iBSS It was taken principal ly from Herrick township and the first officers were: .C. H. Ellis. burgess; J. I f E Thomas. Edwin -orev. Philo Bur ritt, Trevenan lk ls. O. T. Car penter, Stephen Br nson, councilmen; Elijah Carpenter and Horace H. Lewis. justices; Elias Westgate 'and A. A. Tingley poormasters; Robert West gate, assessor; F. I. Lot:, . attorney; D. H. Coleman, constable. Three ',of the original councilman are living in Uniondale at present—Messrs Mills, Corey and Thomas The assessed value of real estate at that time was $24,000; its valuation now is about $40,000. George Esmay is the present burgess; D. S. Wedeman. H. W. Coleman, F. Z. Carpenter. A. T. Rimron. D. L. Avery, D. Et'• Gibson, councilmen; F. M. Gardiner, of Forest City, attorney. Uniondale was a postoffice over seventy years ago. Mr. J. E. Thomas is now postmaster of the village, having been appointed by President Harrison twenty years ago. Excepting four years, he has held the office con tinuous ly since be was appointed. Mr. Thomas is also one of the leading busi ness men of the - village and is the proprietor, assistel by his son, of a very popular general store, in which the postoffice is located. One of the leading industries of the village is the Uniondale Milling Coin pany, a large , plant. and equipped with the latest and, beat applian;es for the manufacture of, flour.. meat and buck wheat flour. It 'is operated by Messrs. S. E. Lowry and W. F. Sherwood, two of the most enterprising and public spirited citizens of Susquehanna county. The mill IS running to its full capacity and is barely able to supply the great - demand for its products, especially their tefekwheatlkeu mantrlactured by the new roller-process. , Uniondale is a great resort for bunt ing abd fishing parties, as black bass. , pickerel and trout are plentifhl in the _ adjacent Streams and excellent shooting is afforded in season. Pheasants„ nab , ''l bits, deer; bear and other game can be - found in abundance at no great distance Q from the village. In this respect, Mr. t -,i John Basbam, who has recently leased --- the Uniondale . Hotel, near the Erie ± depot. !hakes special - 'rates' to fishing , and hunting parties. The best of ac commodations are provided the travel ing public at this hotel. Another line of business conducted there that is far above the ordinary in point. of qualit i es and quantities of goods handled s the establishment conducted by Mr. Frank Westgate. He is a large dealer in farm implements. saw mills. wagons. coal, ice, brick, lime, cement etc., and his trade is very. extensive, 'covering as it does a large . area in Susquehanna and adjoining counties; -' The leading wood and wagon works of the village is an insitutio'n very popU lar with farmers in. the ' region and others, who use wagnns. ,It is owned by Mr. Ira L. Churchill, who. besides doing all kinds of manufacturing and repairing of vehicle& makes a specialty of tiring. Mr...';iiurchill is president of the Vi-:amity Pair Association and fs .rotherwigro closely identified with the , . . interests of Uniondale and 14 • . He owns a beautiful farm rg4 , village and is very popular liSill claws rilmple in that section. ME IRA. L. CHURCIIILL; Woo UNIONDALE, PA. SPECIALTY. TIR ----1 -- ' ! . • 11 . _ FRANK WESTGATE 1 • , - UNIONDALE, SUSQUEHANNA, CO., PA:, 1 DEALER IN -- . Cream Separators, Mowing and Thresh- Brick, ing Machines, Portable Engines, Saw- L ime, 1 ;‘ Cement . Mills, Wagons, Steighs, - 11 ai,.n els, . and ' Robes, Horse Blankets, Coal and all Canada kinds of high-grade Farming Imp's- . H ar dwood 4 - ments. - • - l . , , tr . Write for 'Prices and other Particulars. I can save _.. you money by pure g basin any of the above goods from me., 1 ~, 1 • L. E LOWRY:, -savaUNIONDALEIP'PIo , :f -,--' A M IT - AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,=. , Qeriet4l. l Mercharidise A Full Line of Dry Goocts, Groceries Drugs. = , Postmast4r of Uniondale, Pa. I mmummummimmummimum rommimmummmummmummimil General 5 . W 40.4, :W9t4 - 0 - ri ~,;- -, .: - :::'-'f-ii : ` . r ;I,,ft , = el - 1: ',.,'...- -. 2 .:`fis::it : '-t; - , ,-.-: 1.1 ~ .1.-, - , 4 4:-. - :::"..,,,,,,::,,A*, "'"2Zl:.',:',:-;.-.:;47:::2•-‘":1 THOPIAS.I: - ,IP 1 PUniondale, Penrea. Staple lIIN El W. F ,fiamtwOOD WaoLssALE A.Frt) RETAIL DEAL- F7..OUR, GRAIN, FEED, HAY, -0-- Buckwheat .FLOUR A Specialty. NEW - • ROLLER Pkoesss. -_O I.4reest Nillieq Pleat lo the Coaetti and Fancy = lIIMIIII IIMII• 1! MINN* MIMS. lIIIMID •11=11 4MmIII IMMO =MO IMMO MOM =