The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 5
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''" - P ~ 1 - . VIIIIIIIII I „ 4110111 V ~,,.' AW ,„„VIIIIIIIIIII„, „1101111111 W T>HE best class of citizens of For. Martin MuFhitz, proprietor of the , MRS. C. R. KNAPP : iffiIIiIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfiIi ""... milliffi l ip T 0"...: ' c 0..., . quillillills ~,,.. ~,,,-,.,- z ., est City take a deep and lively Muchitz 119.11 one of the principal ho- I • , E 'l' • . ...... e \ . , : . , . D interest •in the advancement tels of the town, is a specimen of the • , • - .71BLISIIED 18144. E T. P. McCORMICK.. J. M;McCORMIC ( K. = at the town. It must therefore be a; . self-made , aid , desirable -fo r _7l - Beatltiftll Millinery Parlors E. . , . • . . i. 1 ,-, i ag rt = , live town or this condition would pot eigners" that haveleft their fatherland ' Conducted by Her - _ 1 . . 1., PENTECOST, t P. _ .. .._ T, p . MciLiormick CD' Dro., . = exist. .It is a coal mining region and to seek their fOrttines in our land of --- 4 roo the 'casual observer,noth'n - is ,,,f" - i T _, . :. ...._ = coal mining as a business Predominatea, liberty. Hewcirked in the minei, in his ' :-A.r: more strikingly attractive nothing n g the = FOREST cITV. _ a - There are three mines and three breakers,Younger days aidhid a hard struggle business circles of Forest City than the -- ... GENERAL MERCHANDISE Dry Go4as, Roots and Shoes El 0 MI/M/ ~., dMEIR iI•MIN. ~ • . lai .3... gr , • '. MEM 11•••• - , 2 Low *Prices, Fresh Seasonable Goods and —=' •=7 '.''' ' Polite Service are the principles upon which . . mom MOM MOM NEM. • we have built up our trade. Groceries, Etc. - 111111 111111 11111 0111111111111 /mlllll 11 111111 R ‘ 4/ AR /11111111 11 1110 ma THE - FOREST HOUSE John ,Lumbert, Prop., •The Bar is stocked With FOREST eITY, PA. the - best .of Li -9oon• Cigars. Bottle and Centrally - Loca!ted. Fine Fare. Goad • 'Roomi. Sample Room. Heated by Steam.. Draught • Beer and A i e. . . , Transient Rates; $2 per. Day. Special Rates Weekly or Monthly. . - Tommenrl name was chat • - - 7 7 _ - The H. M. JOSEPH, Established in,1900 The Large'st and Best DRY - GOODS, CLOAKS, • - The Joseph _ SHOES, CLOTHIN&HOUSE, AND MILLINERY. IKE JOSEPH, Proper., . • FOREST CITY . Th;te . ader in his Elegant line Of Gent's • Line in Furnishing Goods. - HIGH-CLASS CLOTHI Forest City. , AT LOWEST PRICES. NG , . rrramnimmimmilimmummiummimmuumummtimummimmmumm W T klorgan ern Co E . - W. T. 4.9 = READY PAY STORE. GROCERIES PROVISIONS -- FE Goods Promptly Delivered. MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII*IIIIIIIIIIE . . E",kaa --c •_:, i ;3 3 -7, ,7~ -" , ,_:_ t_ i _4 3 7 . F-$ . 31 . % . ,3, ... . .: -- . .io ; ,.. 4„, n,...0 ; ~0 7,-: , ..,.3 . 7 ;!.0 . . - ......., Itri .";?:).. :5 Z - 30 ;_1"").; 7,1: 0 I S• • ff. " PAINTER, t 1 ' a -vs, irc' General Insurance Mtmicipal Building, 'Maim in Main Street, FOREST CITY, ISSZESMS3 - AND -- I:SS2ESSEE9 I'Ortt4its of Tlioser.Wll64.r.p .: l :Vromjnerit LOadirw Sto,lFaCtcflics, Etc. FOREST CITY, PA. • = in the town, and another opening, just. to "get on his tin."' By energy, good elegant millinery parlors conducted 'by !qrs. C.. R. Kn ipp on h!ain street, in -th of the town, will be in operation conduct- and • irThis - ineagre earr nort he- - ~- - -- -- - the criacious rooms adjoining. the 'Far- within a short time. A majority of the' ings. Mr. Mu . Clir(z. a native of Austria, viers and Miners Bank. It is a mili- =.* • population is of the foreign element,' . is today one of l i, he substantial cjl...ens nery establishment the ladies of Forest - = City and surrounding country are no = Polish and Slavish niostly, but they arc of Forest •Cityl, .He 'is borovgl,treas urcr, a director: of one of the banks.' doubt proud of as it is far ahead of the fast becoming assimilated with native average millinery concerns in towns of . , . ...._ treasurer of St.: Barbara's society; and similar size.. Icdeed,' it is orie of the =. Americans and conforming to Ameri- • r J • can customs. -•: • , treasurer of 11„,;; Joseph!s congregation. features in the make-up .:of;.Forest = • City's business . life and it is Tiossible ....= 1 In 1870 what is now Forest City Was ' He has been i borough official the past f or four years, and in -a business and social will that nothing in Susquehanna county = ' . , A full line' of - called Pente - cost It was named wi compare with it ia.,point of styles = . ........ William Pentecost, who conducted a 'way is one of 6e most. popular citizens and delightful creation 4 of htadivear -1 . • of the town. i = DRS GOODS,,.BOOTS, SHOES,. MIN.. = lumber business there. He is • now a . . suitable f , ..r . all ages and types of temi- = ~ ninity. One cannot help observing that = . ' ' 1 , ' resident of Promptori. Wayne county. Forest City is admirably ae.aptcd f _ _ _ ERS' SUPPLIES ,' NOTIO -- The: town was carved • out of Clifford a thriving ma township, oownShiP, and -retained the name of all it, needs to be F c. , 4 —..eone„islorits lead- are concerned. and this dist'nguishing .., ile b . Pentecost for several years, when . its ing: citizens to or' ;%-. and make . eo.cptiem has ,been made posstl name was chalked to Forest Cit y. - • . . nesd upon int". ern lines. She keeps abreast of the times in all the latest The town was organized in 0.88. dreds of enterp4ie t.4 . t. , could no os specialty e pronouncedv, . b od i i making rse skill oit hats onjwiin. The fi rst burgess was J. D Caryl , who do'ubt be indiicei3,-* o Icicate there. style sd earnf:dro '!'he her e t h was then superintendent Of the Hillside Aniong the more prominent -and better class of bu s iness 'institutions of in the :lock of hats Mrs Knapp has on Iron and Coal company. : The present borough officials are : • S J: Jennings. Forest City are:':; H. M. Joseph. dry exhibition malls it possible for, every burgess; Henry HoggArth, president of goods;' Ike Joseph, ,clothing; W. H. . woman and girl in Forest City and vi council; Martin .MuChitz, tro - gurer; Jones . , furniture Eind undertaking; W. fine ry; to wear the latest, styles in.m il= ze i i - e y t . y. o c r 4 E a t s are madestyles, dp in a llki n ds of the school board; W J. Maxey, at- Co., hardware; the Forest City' steam of good materials and in almost unlim- s . laundry; the ';Forest House, one of the : d ite .quantities. How she can afford to P. principal l i bitel; • T P. McCormick, sell the quality offine hati at the low general stc:re; . . •, McGrath's tonsorial prices asked is explained 'upon the ..The poStoffice at this place wasestab that she is an expert in the fished Dec. x5;.•1879, with the name of parlors; . T4'. Pentecost, gs,neral vier- ground business, a close buyer and purchases cbandis-.1 . J . .. P. Murphy, lifery stable; ~ Pentecost and David R. Lumley post- frames; velvets, ribbOns, plumes,-flow master. The. subsequent 'appointees John Pairiter,,lnsusance; T. W. 'Budd, ers, hat ornaments._ etc., in large William blacksmith have been John W. Coon, and *disc! shoer: ' quantities from first hands in the larg est wholesale centers_ Her .exquisite Penteco,st, James R. Fleming, Frank - taste and sound judgment are' import- Cunningham, — T. C. Manzer and F. T.ant factors in this respect. • (See pagd' i 1 for additional Forest City) Gelder, the present postmaster. The (See name was changed to Forest City, Sept. . I, ' • 8, 1886. Prior .to 1879 the% j nearest postoffice was Carbondale.' Qeorge C. Westgate and J. C poor directors torney, Brown, Frederick T. Gelder, besides filling the office of postmaster viith credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction•of business „men the of Forest, City generally, is alsoone o f 7:7 2 the editors and owners of the For-, est City "News," the,only newspaper and printing establishment in the * town :s`ila He was formerly a citizen of Carbon daletheril he mastered the printing business, after which be occupied an editorial position on the "Leader" for : , '"-1 1 -1 - a of.years. Mr. 'Geller has re. ! , 1 3; 1 : 5 9 sided in Forest City about six years rtV• and is one of the town's most popular and enterprising citizens. _ There are two bank; one® silk mill. ohe planing mill, one grist mill and 'numerous retail stores of all kinds aqd they are as a whole the equal of those of any toWn of its size anywhere. Three railroads enter the town—the Delaware .& Hudson. Ontario & Wes• tern and the Erie, and it istbe northern terminal of the Scranton Railway Coo. pang. trolley cam making close con nection at Carbondale to and from Forest City. LONTROSE DEMOCRAT, MONTROSE, PA. THE piple and aztnring cen 1 MAIN STRE'ET, FOREST CITY. THE FO S ST CITY BREAKER. • . e :. . • . • dr•••••-•' ". :7 4 N . . W aillt in the C0R03'r...... - '-.'..S'kOCltes . . and or the ladies of Forest City are dre'ssed is= an up-to-date manner• insofar as hits • . . _ . er, and Its Affairs. in frIOSIERY, MINIM 1147 -: umimmouimmummmummilmemmimmimummmmummmirri . - . _ . . All Work • - Guranteed . 1 Goods' wed For and Delivered GENERAL HARDWARE I n. Stoves and-Ran ge Paints and Oils Window Glass Mining Toolsl . .MCCllalliC ' e- ols V.r: - 2-rf -- - - 9 I`.QT , -?.1-gt3st.'•(. 4 :;(43 - m-r , .-.iv-33<-77---' 4 w3 -7 4-9 3 i--7 5 -T 7 ..e1-F.5..7...5rc ) . 'l_l.tao -- )b - w-:,:to -- - - 1 b ) - ,...0 :A...t0 -) - I,l' J - ).r0,',.)..7;, -A .- - 51 i J..47..1'S &--'-'9 106- - ,..1...)i5,.....- 'W t):11 -- X.-t - V..,);:o oi '----I 1 ;..,....,._::,, ~.1.1 L., - ' R ~..,...: _ , trzo ...„....1 "E'T.i.NSCHEIK A ...0... t 0...„4 .4 „..._, „...i,, I (Successor .to J. F. Wellinloc1) ''A, P:A . :-, ,, ...9 c-•=1) Largest - -'-'''--- t--,,, i . N . ‘Vholesale Elealer , in ' 1 W ~. ~.. 'nes and L i q u o r 4 •-• t-Z,..k.1 ~ ..--{-• In This Section. I ' ~,-R--- ~,,. , El-La 1 i:,.1 , g , • B o tt led Goods a Sisecialty ) .4 . I 0 ~ --, , -.1 !,. 1 I c t. '411.7 1 45 Main Street,- FOREST CITY 1 11; (1%• , . c,,,,......„.,,,,.„.„,..,., ,L 4 , -,,, 0' ''14._444M4 7 . altC.t 11•04 . . . 01.* • .3, .ER 2 II I IZ.) - 6: 4 75:P i' W) ...-1- "..' Sta;b6Vitt4% ''. t 6 . ' . 4 : .. 4. Ylcit: :;ecorit General Oldest and Best-Known Merchantile House in this Part of the County. AiDRICH 331 MAIN STREET. FOREST Most Important Ea- tablishment of . • the kind in Susquehanna II Olt FURNITURE - The Store of. High Qualities and Low Prices IL W. 'Director - ,and -.Embafaier4 Funeral 7 FOREST, CITY, PA. Parlor, .m* i: .1,t0.014 : *.. - : 1c00.;,!1 FURNITURE. ,4At, : 24' 3 8, 4 :t4l, 4Ytxrtiiti At friercbandise, FOREST CITY, PA. FOREST-CITY Steam Laundry G. F. HORTON, PROP. Orders Taken for Dyeing and Steam Cleaning.. Anthracite and Nor theastern 'Phones The Largest and • isimioLkia. County. JONES, A Full Line of FURNITURE t 4 5 -1 1 . _ -Ve t . : 1 0 .9. 4. ~,.., ,, atk irkr , ay 4t. „ SP' ' -.• • 7. , i 1 1 5 135 ; . 4 4 : J ae a y * . . =I Ili WEll FOREST CITY PA.. Grboadalc Alincy liME=:;2l & CO.l Plumbing - - Furnace Work • Steam Heating • Roofing and Jobbing Sewer Pipe , • i .,.., F ' ...- , . ''-- V At , • - 19 - 5i 1 .,: . ...e • ' : .'. .7 4, • IiZEIS 1111