10 - . ... . . . , . . . . coal. water, etc,. than Montrose possess- apples, for instance,: are raised .and are admirab bs,. are: ideal locations for: • • marketed in large . qtiantitie? t :and our sugar tieetsa Iron and brass fditndries', • county is recognized by city buyers as f rom b ee `t, i . ' Shoe manufactories. • I • 'one of the -t est apple countries an the wodld be tt 1 fruit-brandy distilleries.", . 1 • Middle States. Pears; quinceS, plums, any town ir Clothing ntanufaCtories. , . , i . grapes. gtrawberries and raspberries are ant davice Cider-bottling establishments. the other kinds of fiuits which go to fected .which _Trunk manufactories. - ' - . make up our hOrticultural products. in. the prepai Automobile manufaCtories. ..z, Stone. quarries. Lifite,:plaster and centAtt plants Lace mills. Woolen mills. Cotton mills. : • Concrete building 'hloek:s • . . Tanneries. Pickling and preserving works. . Agricultural impleinent. rnanufact“ ties. '._ . . . • Plow works. Button manufactories. EleCtrical apparatus: Sash, door. acid blind Stove works. Mineral paint`works. Jewelry manufactories._ .. Iron and wire :fencing. Cold storage plants. la manufactories. Paper making. • 'High-class hotels. . Trolley lines. The above are mentioned=therely at random;, other ., enterprises ,not erm rnerated_eould no donbt• be profitably carried . on in various locations in the counter All Should Work Together What is needed as a starter in all of the larger town; in'the county is for the enterpri;ing, influential citizens to get together and form boards of trade. COM niercial exchanges and such like bodies tend all Work together. Such ; organi- zatiohs can actively look after the,gener- is grain producing section we do pot, the Depart' allnterests and welfare of the respectivelloweve.r. compare favorably with some ington, 1) coinmu-nitie-s ' r and accomp'lish a' great other Counties' in the -. srate. • Consider? relative to deal in a short tint, if all xxilldeterMine fable . - buck - Wheat is raised. more than mem- of t 1 . su< , ar fro to bury personal animosities .. r he ,4 •() } ip. Nvith *moil ~....- ------ - gE...Tii;iiii - eg. - a7-2:i7r iirWkird or they:lb sbafe t. or tint,si de l'n:Lr rts, tar e of , ... ...„ , ~.ary to `'k,reatest good to. the greatest number:"' . - . ~ ... ...._ , - • ' Good Money in-'Farm Produce. Mick., "s In lacl: progress anti.•ritc.ll - prise.cannot . . is rine I , f 'be e;:qq.-e.,ect in' - an: oinniritiniiy. whii.-.h . Rai. in.., produce l ,, rlii:iilket o, a hut;- ];jl . v . ' f r ail:, I\ V_ CalTy . t ' , lit -suet) Zi pi-ogram, '1 he: -ne,i , alimiFt : _i . tnyone with i•nerf.,!y..:i little, I, ol h farm county a; a whole and the t-arions town~ cztpii al and of ordinary inlelligenti-e ean Iv engage and vii,ages coty.pilsing the count- must not. •0111 - o r als a' 12,H ..:; . 1(1 living at, but would.be „ go fotwitio Or -r...?.,kward;' they cannot' - hope . 11., make mucn"headway unicss theyThu-.1::.• and (11,, t tlierel: ar always in every cv:l 4 iirnunityc large anda fclN . ;i,t):i.ii - cd, 01,ntriiet. if they can. all -f r rci vern ",,- t it :s irs. g r, th and raprf ye: meat. tf iv are a smal I 11 - un;;rit.. y (it Ici nould Ut• c;;nsviclerl ea -;..;nix• •;. ? t;,ta(*.c.;:. thvm it I.c•; -.L• 11;•:;..; hut ;,:,;7; anead irre,pect ti•e; i,t tnii;tr ko;;O:s it it is : h.;unci that the• • • - catuuq. • 13v:induced "see ant thit42, in 'lt t;Eranyi - ;ru..-i)es'idcs the,:tr (IA kreciou, t-viyes.:• Our Rural 'Sections With citizen, have p u w e ri t it io,d iett Lein g men Lndwr: , men f , t uht- scift their t:trengin is iii. t heir nt arness ter Nature. tur farmers., dairymen and sto'c,:-raisers are as a wide-awake and as enterprising coin . paraii Vel:y as other busi4ss people. for their voca ti( iris are conducted upon bit stH neSs prinLipt,s and. in. if. husinesslike manner!". tic , where ) - 94 may in the county you tvill find comiiirtame, cileci ful country hinnes; g - ood hams; milist an good m-iney. almost - an) -- where in Sus- ..A tial - fencing; 'mot:demill-kt , Agri- - , ~ we ep ca ehanmt cotinf. As an indication of R e i. . - ?cultural implements; tineThorses, rattle!: the fine opportunities offered in this - H u th... swine, sheep and pottltri. In blooded - , line -of business.. w e quote ‘,itiie prices a nd a 1 Cattle. there are some famous herds- tif prevailing in the - MontroFe market ear- - nearly HplSteHolsteins:G.94_.rnse,ye,. De ! vons. jersez. lv in Decenilx-r--the prices *peal titer- 'throug' A)t‘shiret - ' , in yaitous.• !, - ections of the chants Were paying tor farm Lproduce: tumn j ccitintv - .` 'Leicee-ter: Shrjpshire, Sout t h- Eggs. , t o cents per dozen-. potatoes. 60 period down, Col•sw , Jd anrl.os-lyrdriOwn +try; centS Fier l,usbeL: appie,s,,so ; cents per York Shire, 1:1:sse:„;, Berl::shirc. Clit..-t,r i)u, , ilvi: oni,n-., 75 cent- p.,:r 4Ushel; tur- White.,- Polarid (':lira and other ;.f.or - ,el nips, 4c, etrit: , . Ii. -r- bushel; chickens. io ce breeds of 'rat : int , arid P . iiii,ta and 1 - - „,,• c‘ .. , cents per pound; Veal. live, (:) cents per r 'S poultry abound in the e: - ., , ui,:ty. 1 , pound:lambs. live. 4 'l, rip per pou nd; - 1-1 • ,i 1 .- - - - orticp.ral. Products. 1 T ' ! 4, dressed p(.-it, 6 .and 7 cents per pound. i - ne supply is r': red} ever equal to the Fruits :and,' vereables,, especially demand. - Fanners" find ready sale tot fruits. are given mu: li attention! iii 'ail sach produi , 'as above 'gin - , ted, 'as' well parts .of the agricultural 'regions for the as for cider, maple fyrup, pop corn, county. -Large orchards are rotas fre- et('-,ail of which are ew4 ~. ,11: raid . . • quently seen as thOse - of moderate size . , and at-pert little expense../ 1 Vet there are some parts in which Winter Mane parts ,of -Susquehanna cp ` n i t. y 1 In vegetables, we . raise . good supplies of callbage, Irish potatoes, sqUash, pump kin. turnips. beets. sweet corn,tomatoes, celery, culiflowerAcans.: parsMps, pep pirs, mange" wuktzel. carrot s,.cticum 7 hers. etc. Considerable maple syrup and sugar. honey, butter.- eggs.and cider are also marketed by our farmers. As lIENE EVE VIE* OF BROO4YS% STREET, , SOL;711 GUSSON. , M AIN: - t • •' - BAPiiST CHURCH, .C-LIFE6R! WM =RI 121111 FISHING SCENE. 'FORES +HE MONTROE OE3IOcRAT, 31 'y adapted for the culture of • d the Manufacture - of sugar in mills for that purpOse. ,i)i - Ofitahle undertaking for he count•. • An import li; recently been per of thel:greatest aid i the ground for the . .1 - - ' _ . . „ . . , st,- wilt , tion 0 ets and other crops planted is •an automobile hoe, i,r• culturt; of in rows: I nd is destined to come-into Ole re ver drilled crops: are it a large scale. Those who ed in beet culture can no ill information necess tiobs by corresponding, cultiva tor general cultivated are interes doubt . get begin up'r Mil= - , fair: held underlts - auspices are imporT.- . ment of Agneulture at Wash- • n - t events fir 1 Montrokj. These fairs C . Valuable informatitn C a 4 . * . ur in the middle of Septemberolcaell machinery and the equip= ills for the manufacture of Yltr and give t) the' (-Dunt'y in general ! Itect mo ld proalaw, 3.4.: _, 4 b .. 4, and. MAALkil‘tse , ip3articif• r.. myt:•h di,- etTrfespoiming with the secre--'l;(im 4 1 ' - '1 1 ,.•-q.i. 7 , 7-- '' t - ••c. •. •,, is Board of Trade. Bay Cite. spns of unusua l ! activity ..ndks al pleas the manufacture of beef - tlre and'are la I gelV : tended by pcopl. It ilc large-*, itltistlits i 1: ere, thcn. is an en t, .rs and to‘rnsik.,•l);e cat in'Sitsquebannai-nun, 4 . mutual interest IMM ut . fall. and Temperature. •- . slung rains .fall at frequent *Bowed by a mild temperature )lue sky. Drouths. like the one all of Pennsylvania has passed . :;: during late suinmer and an-,, tst St , are infrequent, and the (FI excessively dry weather re- ; o affected this county as a wholi n almost any other part id. the :1 ft,rrt d less th MEI . .. stihject, timely remarks being made 1! Trees and Foliage,-', . : . . : Historatal Soci ety.- , ~• - ' 'W. AL Post, Rev. A: j.. Benton. Pr( • . early. every tc. , wn and Villag , e in .i ln I 8 6 9• W. r CrnFer, • editin - of the I.:. B. Gillett, Prof. Thacher". Henry untv one finds handsome cottages -... l.Democi at.T propo-ed in his new.,!l)Tvier "Tyler, judge Searle.: W. Li.. 14. Ainel sidences in 'the midst of \yell - k e pt the institution . ; of a county- historical W.•C Cruser, H. .F. - ;Bear&ley.l... 1, . Ma-.l l e- , and hors., •cilstinits . iiciet.Y . and inked a dici•ussien of the •Birchard find others...after which the. sl I OM the co and rt. grwm El i~ ~• r~ • • I, ;`' .21 -Pi • ;l IA -3-,.,,', v',,:.';,,7.'- :l:' • ',, - , •! A,t,,,2_.:.-;,,., 4, ; z „. , ,. - . 1 : 10 . ;--." . iYVOw:;4,, l-1-t-, -._',t'..p-.•-,, , l i.' l . ,_,• c -,7-.A,.,1.i.r-2.,1,.?.•,,.:-.0,i•.,p-;.,. ..:r•,"..-;,;;,y:,„"V,e.;;,.:1,1'F,Zt,:110it.,,;i,rt.:^t7-4v:'y 'l , l * r 4 z . ' t : ~...4,t . 5 . ...- ~„tw ,4 T. 5. , _:3:l, -q-tt2i'Z,jijrV: ' i: t l ! 4% f: t , ''''l-ryi; .. f! , arel;the *species for•jhaditig the Is t Thy` autumn foliage ful , ;sights tO be obsery t, tiplis of the county and k tiis afford deligh foe4any painter tiho essays • 1 ~ . are• L IBM e 4 . • Ditsquellannl- County Agricultural Society. • Oral Sycicty has,done splendid service, iiistiniulatinli the pride oour farmerS. F,rt • hoiculturists, !- poultry-raisers and, sfock:raisers to., higher, ideals in their branclo,s. l t iSAcitv in 'the, 4rd, 7 . 6'earol its tixistenee and titc.annua pug:+r manly fr , qn }parts the errant but Irom num N' beVOlld ME IMEiBi e The grranitts owned by the a itrositttztted on oile m a loint- Is that iiicturesque elevation's in ;he :Mown). ie g je,n.: where f:a has been 'lavish Tarnishing a spacious park -that•cii j'orib much aciMirai ion from an .wh'o 1 n mid it. littnareds efj priie~ arc ay. - ai 'ed each year •winch tend to fos..er t igreatet protitetive capacity of the . ;and for other hi .Co. ztchievernenta of iC 111;8 ed 18 rtt ilpursttits.• Fah - F.:ire herd in county tit Hart . < 41. 7 niorifhtle itnci Lawton. • • mg Ii[121) . 8 Err FISHING ON' TI I trees used generally, :subjeCt throu th• the colunins of the pa lewz lks and yards. per. A ,nurnher of well-known persons \one of the beauti- resp-sndcd, MiSS :Emily . Black 'in various sec- man. hi:q4•rian; , 1)r. V. ralsey, 'le many-hued N. Bullard. _Rev. J. \V kaYnor of Mont *ful subjects :rase. Prof. S. S. Thomas of. Lynn, E. A. • ~ ndscap. e s. AVatsyn of Brooklyn, Prof.:W. L. Thaeh- 1111 R V M. c: A Efi -, "s„' OF SOVIti NIONTR!,O7 \TTROSE, PA. '., nt ,- .4' '5..4 C.' " 5: 4 . 4 :-,, ,- 3:44 , , -.- % ,. ''''';e -.-'ft:tW. ....,:;., ,: ;v 4- y -i'. ,--a l rVtir-, -, ' ,. :;' ,: ii ,-: 1-" le r-: - -- , ::: : e. „z17:77 r 4 ;17,,, 3:2 -1‘...,,,1-4., - ,,.. , '*.. - 4- 4- 0 -, • -- -,--,.,.--$..,..---z.s 4 : 4, ...,,---, ~:44` '.'-,-4 ~l' ',"1',..',-.1,4:', ~.-:f: :' , -7 -:X"::C.,',. ,-.. I SUSQUEI!ANNA. NEAR R.ALL*STEAD AND UII.DING. ALISTEAD . . tr of Nall - ord. E. W. Boll's of . Fairda . e; • ilasik'r T. Jennings of e..s‘• Milford. W. M of iiophottoni. John J : Jor dan; State Historical f>ttr.f. Ifditor Taylor, of the Ktlptiblican. an 511111 1 4. l'Atitor Nortbrut. f. th-' iS.:ntintl, al th .e ir in their papor.. Birel.`t 'date Iftr . in.tetin . ; firta th an'and S .Nltt t. ISno. martin vca-; 1 , ;:t1t9 at c turt w . Mtttr, ,, e. Latbruit B-ar atni W. 1) B .Nitte\ - _tt . tkt-eti - try. Thert. wz i s a f a t:, an d fro-. dit-tenst , ion of• till' S. Ti. MEE II MINI Mi . $;--;', ~~;5~ MIMI MM vas organized with the following Sus'quehanna County 'Historical Societx i: • President. W. L. Thacher; see- aad Free . Library Association. . ! -- ..., C. C. HalSeY; cATesponding sec- The lAtiestioli cif a home for the society W. D. B, Ainey ; treasurer: Henry had been'irec4ently discussed .at : length . ~, . . .•• and 'a fund started,_ number or gentle- . . annual .meeting ,was h e ld . mm giying !ITO each and.o.thers small s-) i . ...1 Clis n} tin, of- .er amounts. Bat in . jartuar 7 y. 1904. . ~e d f, i ,... t h e o i si ii mt yea .i., Gen. Edward R. Warner -ted the , The Tans MEM AWSVILLE CENTRE pox p r „id o w, B James; society . with.:94ooo for the residents. E. L. Weston. Mr , . L. T. suitable buildini4. t ard, H. NI Tiffitgy. Miss Marv . The. treasurers= rep;nt . showed that .Va Warner. NfissLotris .55.1 r2.brs wa.4'how on hand. n. * IV M- Ting:eY. j- T. • putluis, The Officers elected tfhat .ye:ir were: INEZ I. E . , I 1,;•.!ti. Miss E C. B • . W. L. S 11, itria Mi:s Jarlc S. I) .~;~-,_` r _o, ~v F''.~.'. ~_ y. ~:;' ~w :;:~: SIM held January yo, tuo7, neis R. Cope, jr... was chosen for pre ident; 'H: A.' .Denny, vice president; Geo. ..A.' Stearns [es;. recording secretary J, T: Jen recording:seeretaryt. F. A. Dax'ies, car ;s; cdrresponding. secretary, Ny. • D :.responding secretary - '. F. I. Lot.t, treas kinev; 'treasurer, Heniy -- C. - Tyler; ..- 1 urer; Dr. J. G. Wilson:librarian.' arian, SF. Lane_ There - was chosen The in . oS meeting of the sOciety was i i iinunittee of one from each town, held January S. and borough of the county :LS- • The report of the librarian showed Ba libr a o 44, E 2 gist the officers in gathering historii.and historical relics. A constitution and bk laWs were 'adopted - and • arrangements made for the incorporation of the soci ety. The meeting in . January ; . roo2, xtr-a* noteworthy in having the names of aged people from various parts of the county recorded whose combined ages was r,- 381 years. - . or on an average of over 86 year's, showing • these rugged • hills are. conducive to long life. . . - • The librarian's report 'showed, that rnan% books and relics had been donated. . Prof. James retired and W. C. Cruder vas ehd . seri,•pSiderit. - . — The other .offi cers remained as they were.... bequest. was made that year by the late G. Boyd of nearly' $!999--. ; This gave'new enthtisiasm: tp „the nest workers and plans for:theleitablist - ment of a..hotni, fo-the :s oc i e #7.li;Dsio ect The,.pame*asia* , :chgoi.fprd to the =I METHODIST CHURCH: , SPRINGVILI.E.' • ..,.., , -;.--;1 4 :1„ , :;::t:," , :i;1 54- . , ';', : =l;','; , ,, - .....i1re .- 1. - ,..... , :.., ,,, '::::: : ' . lIIM NM ica HIGH SCH4OL IiARPORD Good Old A4eo,- „,... - I),miny. pritsident..c.C. E. Nloxley, , vice-president; G. 2t..S.arris. recoalin'g secretary; Miss f: -Brewster, corre sponiling F.ecretary-: Lptt, treasurer ;• 1)r. librarian. , • - The Society's Building In i roc. tounil was broken-between the court house and the school the society's; home and .inti‘!it Material placed on thi ground for building. then a communication ‘tai: received from Fraticis .R". Cope, jr., stating:that the COpe family. which had in r earl y•years owned large tracts of land . in Susquehanna county, would- like to provide a memorial library building for • the county, 'and plans' ~were made to rti f erg4 the existing historical society and its fundswith the Cope prOpoSition;hut tho site first -chosen..was not- deemed large, enough for:the- dual purpose and the . .. ',Tyler corner, • facing'. Monument .*lttai - e. was secured, and the Cope exec utors given the freedom_ to erect a home for.the society. This'-bitilding is one:of the handsomest in the count= anti the . free library has been addedtp from time to tin until it. ,is one of the best in the MEM At the . seventeenth annual meeting, II et ion of a