The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 2
EA ril 8 ~. 4**********i********* . ! 41 " Historical and )Pc. Industrial County, Edition. - ********************** . , .. - . . . . . ,k:• . . . ..- e • ~ . . . . . . A . . A r., in . 1 m am A I. • . ' g -.- i' - -muSQUEnANNA '.i COUNTY -- ,-AND ,11115 - REL - OURCE !: • '-'.:- .:-- =.-,.-: . . . . . . , , . , . , , . . ... . e.. • pi- . ,__ E AND FFWORED ; ~ ~, „ _47._ . • '.....7 :I - .EN,LW -W r e...., ) 6,19 -w t . ...-- l:, .eZ it.l I, ;.\ „Le -W " r .”'--. w 7 .- - ' '', - bl 3. ' w l - ..... - 'i ce i..kle , - ."- ."- ,'-'. '''' -.--- ' 4 ,0 . •I TF,DATING its . official organization .in 1312, when it *as, carved out of old Luzerne, Susquer - hanna county's history may 'be said to extend • back to the dine ;when it was a part ;of the Western. Reserve, or; - New' Connecticut, a period preceding% even the era when it was a 'pottion of - old Northuinberland.; ;It was r 497 that charterS were:i . Tranted -by the then reigning-English ? -overeign to Connecti cut and Pennsylvania/from which "all kinds of trouble" arose. Voyagers from France interposed and Clainied the land by"right of discoveries;! but the Trenc h. men were outclassed innerzibers'and by diplomacy. England was nevertheless alarmed at the encroachMents of the French,. and in ;662 Charles II: reneW, ed and confirmed the charter to . Con necticut, the bohndaries including the territory now more remote froin the British 'crown than 'the antipodes.- . but at that time 'a part of the .country we now claim as our own ;Susquehanna • county. - Early btrite- and Contention. • Before it became what it is today, howeYer,.it was the scene of much con tention. 1664 the Dutch; who had settled on the Hudson more that .fifty. • years previous, and I wlto claimed the land from, the Connecticut • river AO - the Delaware, were subdued and for the time being squelched by the English ; and the territory claimed by the pipe-smoking Hollanders was given to the Duke 61 York (because he was: the duke) after -wards James ll.,the reigning monarch's. brother. Because this line, as 'agreed upon 'in. 1664, was pronounced "the Western boands 'of the colony of coi 4 - licglinesS' patent; the plea wet: later went in Wyoming (opposite, Wilkes- and adjoining counties was a val made by-Pennsylraniathnt Connecticut . Barre.) . Twenty of them were Mas7.-derness. Then and for a long ti bad relinquished all (claims to- land sacred by Delaware Indians the folloWing terwards elk,panthers,„ bears, y west of the Delaware. "Dutch courage"_ year, which discouraged further efforts wild cats and Indians held fut • haying arisen in the meantime the Van for nearly seven years. In 1769 two Late-in tha year a few settlements ht Vans got possession of the: land once delegates went to Philadelphia' and en- white perso were made at Brooklyn. more; it-.was again wrested from thein deavored to bring about- a peaceful set- Harmony,. t - eat-Bend and Oakland ap . d by the • British, and anew charter was tlement "out of court"' with - the propri- the county has since grown slowly-lint issued to the Duke of : York. This etaries,but their mission came to-naught, solidly as Coinpared with some other brought. on a fresh contention between Pennsylvania absolutely refusing to rec- It royalty; and the Connecticut burghers. cignize the Connecticut claim. counties in he state, until today the' population estimated) is 40.200: • In The line between ;hat of the Connecti, contrary, an act was passed in 1774 . area the county is 823 square miles of cpt-colony and the possessions invested. ereating-Westmoreland "town," attach la n d surface in H is Royal ,Highliess was finally-ad- inc.; it to Litchfield county. This "town" The to, was seventy miles square and the town- ' I . - . ipograerally mountainous or hilly, diversified . . Complicated '' Rights,„, Snips six miles square. . by'inland lakes and mountain streams. I Hostilities then ceased on the recorn- The sUccessive giants , :of different The landscape view is one of mountain mendation of a General-Congress of rep -kings 'complicated matters to such anrepose and luiet pastoral appearance. extent that the proverbial Philadelphia .resentatives from all the colonies, as- The highest and is in the eastern part sembled at Philadelphia to consult upon lawyer would have been (and may hap of the countv. on the Moosic i divide. was) puzz.ed to know who was who measures of mutual defence against the It forms a belt, Live or six miles wide, and what was what. I: •• . British forces. ~ . - and is the northcqi prolongation of the in 1753 the foundation_of the Sus-• Revolutionary Period. , Carbondale ceal basin. • , quehanna Company was effected. The I • object of that '”, iiijay be, inferred' *. Not a civilized inhabitant was within Water -ways Plentiful. from the fact that two years .L a t er ,th e the boundaries of the territory now con- Water-wayS in the county are huni "lrani_ stitnting Susquehanna county when the emus. The, usquehanna ,river, in its General Assembly . of COnnecticut fested their 'ready acquiescence in t h e Revolutionary war was begun, but that tortuous co ti e, receives the waters of ' purchase (1) made from the part of Westmoreland in the vicinity by Y all the creeks that drain the county, in the Sus . quehanna Company, (lands, we pf Wilkes-Barre furnished nearly, • 3(10 whatever dire tion they flow. The Sus nowto , inhabit), and gave men the Continental service. ' their consentquehanna enters the county from New for an application to His Majesty to ' When Cornwallis surrendered, the York at its northeastern corner, hut af o'erect them into a new colony:: The ever recurring dispute between Connecti- ter going south five.miles it turns abrupt surv,eyors sent out were bushwhacked cut and Pennsylvania bobbed up again ly west, and after continuing about ten by the red skins, whoat that time were 'and congress appointed a commission miles makes its great bend (from which' endeavoring to cope with -. the _French, tO sit at Trenton and once and forever Great Bend isinamed) and passes north- This caused our Yankee p re d eee i o d i rs . t o settle the vexed question. That corn- ward back into New York. ..There it halt; and after, see-sawing with William mission decided that Connecticut had no again veers west., and flows to the mouth Penn, to whom a charter had been grant_ right to the lands in controversy, :that of the Cheroung river, thence southeast ed to Pennsylvania, the COnnecticuters - • c-- _ ...______ ___ ______ ._ _ - were fmally andeffectually relegated to the rear by an act of the Pennsylvania legislature (1779) vesting in the coro monweath the •!,'right of soil and estate of the elate Proprietaries of Pennsyl- justed vaaia .*f Sharp Rzashins. • The Indians had already received £2ono sterling from the Susquehanna Company for the lands, which they after *a-iiis sold to Pennsylvania, and as they -never returned the X2OOO it is one n , stance and the only one ever heard.of in which an Indian-"got the. best"... of a. Connecticut Yankee in a trade. . The Pennatnite war (x 769- to :77 1 ) ended with the Susquehanna Company in full possession of the sectilna 'now ern brace din 'Susquehanna county. At that time the town and - county of Westmore land bad cease.d to exist. It was known as the Wyoming Valley and included what is now known as Luzerne; Lacka wanna, NVYoming, Susquehattna, Wayne and a part of Bradford Counties.. The Pennamite war compriied the struggles of Cqnnecticut settlers to re tain possession of the: WyOming lands which they had purchased frOm the Sus quehanna'. Company, butwhich were claimed also by the irroprietaries of. Pennsylvania, who were.detennined up 'on securing .either the recognition of their claims, or the ejection of the set tlers. Wyoming Mae4sacre, f: Over roo persons had come from Con necticut, in 176 i, and - began a Settle , NM all, the belong ThuS, - 1 Tunk- Trentoi Drin k xteCt„ict Lick, 'Wiley's, Snakb, Choconnt, Apolacion, did not •"go down': with our Yankee brethren, .nor did an act of the Penn- __ meshoppen, TUscarora. and Wyalusing. sylvania legislature .1783, bouncing The Lackawanna river flows south along the Connecticut settlers.. . the - eastern of the county. There :When Imierne Was - Created. , are many ,beautiful lakei in different paits of the county. Crystal lake, Heartm extending over a year, and it was, two 4 second Permarnite "war" "ensued, lake, Silver lake, Carmait's lake and Elks - ,7 lakeare the most important • in size., years later before "healing" measures 1 Among the mineral water; in the county were adopted by the state of Pennsyl- . vania creating the county of Luzerna sulphur spring in Rush is pethaps - tlie • ' -V froth Northumberland. 'That new . coun- best known. Salt springs near Great ty extended from the mouth of the Nes-. Bend, also on Silver Creek near` Ft - copec to the north line of the state (r 2 o lin Fork, e.. miles north and south) anfins9me parts In the valle over 70 miles in width:- • , .of rivers and 0 , Prioi to.! 787 the area by this3:ai various l' l :,?(P.:ir,olsttt..qo._ :t7:;7;".'171"-::.::';;4--•."-L'..F"---P7:' 4Yi Z -7;":"' , " - iz , •• '7 , - - -rr''''''.' ,. ." -P , r , -v--- *: : %,F..:,,Z;:;:;,.r:Aki,.i ,..:::'. ' 'i . ' , ' ,. ' 4 '`:-.4... i. t.:Ve,..15t7-:,-f1:::'-•k71t:1::-.::-5:1.n?':::.t I c., -- ;:. ---2 k t,:11.A.'-'',:,i'" ~ : f . '-', ,- - . ",--, '., '. , ~,, '"": a. • 't, 'Z ''... - `l,l t. -. j'l:ili-i).*:ltl ' ...:itf? .. l .;' : -,-. i;''• '.':' '1 '- , - ...., ' "77 ' ; . * -..'4' . --'. ' '.. , L.' ' , f :s"j i ...j ! . ... - .;:;' ' ;:' . : . i . ,;:?::; ;; - . . ;Z I - , 1!::;,:7/,. .' --':: :r r -.? - 4 : :: :i. : :,::;::. '':::' : ' yi ' r. : " : l2' ',.';., '' •' . : ,' ,4 7 9 t . :; ,3..f.-_ . •-..,:t•r - -r-.,.--2 , si --- ; , „- 7, _ - , - : - :: .41 - 2 - k!r,..;z' -,... ; ,... - --,i7- , :::=', - -1-:::::5 . 1:.› . ?:::,., - :•,- - :L. , ..:.,,, , ty:oty, ..... SUSQUEHANNA:COUNTY COURT HOUSE. The most observing critics have pronounced the architecture of the 8u quehanna court house abso'utel classicall The first court wa4 held hi Isaac Post's tavern, and the' bascrucat Keeler's 11..tei was the tirstj lb.' The court house was bold in ltltt-M. The contract cost of the building was tl8.500; architect, $320; ftirialtare. including bc:l,Pl,- 4 195.70; total, $20,245.70.. The grodnd dimensional includit.g stylobate. are 511 - 82 feet. In 1870 repairs were Made on the building amount tog to it 1.0.25 09. In ISB3 an addititMwas bullion the rear end, 26V.5 feet, can- ' tattling rooms for the janitor; chambers for the fudge, waiting rams sod the library room. The town clock was purchased by citizens o Montrose and placed in the cupola in earlier yclirsl Aly the county is EMI MEI =s and along the toes eeks the lands are alluvial; Linda of grain crop 3 'are ` i • . I.' grown. Oh the bills and tpountains the el ttitil June, •181 . 3. It was a combi sziil is apparently better adapted. for nation court house, jail and jailor's resi- Iruit-raisi and dMrying: . . dence. . 1 . . . . • • First Assessment- of Taxes, ' I . Origin ongYirne. Susquehpnaclattntilkty '7!..- --- -- ast • • jr° lakenm The first assessment of taxes WAS for the territory of Luzerns,County by a n - the year r 3 rs and. the total' Aninunt of act of •the I lc, islai - Ule, passed Peb. 21, not cOmplcte , ,y organ- the lists was €:3,1!;•4, the townships and 13ro, but i( was respective amounts of their ta,ces being: ized and 'offi u cers elected until Feh ruar y ._ ridgewater, $1,265.04; CliffOrd, $442-- 1812. It drives its'narne from the Sus -2' '• l'R S ••••• IlarEord,l 5273.7 x; __.•l_, 4 _ ,„ , . ‘ -, Rush ; •-.41 •at , quehanna river first.- enterm, trit....stait. Willinghoro.(Great Bend). 52.4).0r ; New of_ Pennsyyania ;. within the • 6 aunty Milford' , .-,:. i0.4.n0; La•xs - ville,i Sist.Sc.; in n it s . lnfthe 'lndian dialect of that Harmony, $7 I .22 j Braintrim (Auburn), day ••s us( i t ie" meant 'cro(l,:e . d and F2;0 ,., .77; Nicholson (Lenox), F....:17-'7- "Hanna" stgnifed a stream of water. .: liter that gear the following nanii.•d A s th o river is one of the crookedest - additional WWI-1C . 114)S werei created: Silver "suszqueljzinna':' is notnisnomer. Silver Lake, Gibson, Choconut , -Middle of &, toWn Sprin"Yille Waterford:" Jackson, OrganizatiOn Dukinekanna C o vuntir. ' ' ' , . • • Herrick, Dirnock, .Thompson, i Fr a nkl i n,_ '''‘ mee t '9l4..';was held at the hom e of I. -Forest Lake, Lathrop, Jessup, ilpolacons, Post. in Bridge craterto'tvll-Thip, Feb. 25. Ararat, and Oakland. - --,, !Sr i, to recOmmdrolpersons to - • - .ernor to fill-the several offices necessary , ' Our Natural - Resources.. to the organisation of the county. Davis Nature has done much for Stisquehan . Dimock waOihairtnan and J. W. Itayns- ' na county and -if we .as a people shall ford secretary. GOvernor Snyder accord- take deeper interest in our material de- ...0 g....,...i openings s - . ingly, appointed, Hdward Fuller sheriff, veloprnent and advantage'ofn; the oppo I , hops; journeymen painters can become qtrehanna-,tourity. . .Isaac Post treasurer, Dr. Charles Fraser tunities offered we can ;extend. our en- i , I. master .paanters; coopers will find a good' • • . ~ n „ prothorot:tryi clerk of the` ourts, regis- sironment : and . take in according to de rui fbr barrels, and so 0n... But • • Good People. :•. ter and recorder, and -'Bartlett Hinds, those advantages much that we can prof- fa ing, dair. -Mg, poultry . raising, and The People:of this county generally I s aac: BrowriScin . and Labran Capron it; from.. •• , ' ho ticulture-affOrd thetetter opportuni- *industrious,. home-loving, law abid • ... commissioners, J. B. Giblion president • • A n y point in or part . of Susquehanna ties for - isons with sufficient capital ingand posieSsed of q4kielightful fundof judge, and Davis • Dimock and William county is better fora poor manVocate an ener y to make a. Start in file and quiet cornmon•sense .Revolting crimes ; Thompson asSOCiatejndges: The countY .in than if - he Were to remain in and dually attain toa competency. The are rarely if ever heard of, Within uur. seat had pr4lziotisly ( July. r Sri) been° breathe., the fetid and pestilential atrnos- pr lessions *• si.ewhat crowded. at . borders and even petty offenses are in located at MOntrose - by three commis- phere and struggle with all the nnspeak- pr Sent, •i-et there is "always - morn...foe . frequent. There are as many . churches, sioners ,appointedby the governor- able discomforts 'of life in many g of: the .rn re" -.0", dlawyers,,doctors, architects, schools . , 4ibraries, and societies which , The Were rfiquired to locate it • ; "at a large cities and congested. centers of pop- etc.', proYided they, ico, can affordJo ' tend towards .culture. and intellectual distance not exceeding .!:eVij-ini!e s from ulation. ~If he is a, man of some means work . andwait. All achievements here,' development as will be found in any the center o(the, coudy." BroOklyn, and much energy he can make good hweYer,l as elsewhere. require . deep, other section; of like' numerical Popu-- Harford and ;'Netir Milford were consid- headway' in various lines •of }business=st ng moral purpose, witbout, lation. Indeed, the county in-this ye ered, but BareettlHinds and Isaac Post commercial, manufaCturing, .larming, t e manhood 'is posSible' anywhere. spect is.aboye the average•and it enjoys having donated thp- ground here'for a dairying, fruit-raising, and fothei:;pur- Grit. and. the-m Otto -"I Wilr"can over- a 'w de' destinctionfor.hospitable, cut= . • •.- .. ---mar4i-Alcir- lorne independent. me almost any - obstacle. We, have. tured Ovnittrities,• •In the towns and • villageX* rave ' no. yiaupers any- 'sqil, - climate, wood, water, coal„ railr oad .. 1: misperous,enter,- . _ ; of nioney, va'rying from s2oo down to $5, towards building the first court house were: Roberti H. :Rose, Stephen Wilson, Abinoana Hinds, Conrad Hinds. Isaac Peckins, David Harris, Jonathan Wheat ' on, James Trade, Simeon Taylor, Cyrus Messenger, Sarnuel Quick, Joseph Hub bard, Samuel! Cogswell, Joseph Chap man, Edward nailer; Joseph Butter field, Henry t'ost; Levi Leonard, John Bard, Zebulon Deans, Edmond Stone, Freeman k b Fishac, Thomas Scott, n . Sa ,- uel Scott The fir s t cOurt how was a diminu tivt:frair compared with the oite now in stence, pits corner stone was laid at 2, but the building was not finish ! 0L- .fr:f t . 7 . 1 ",: i . ~, .. , 4 brmot tzt , _ ~ • • = BOAT : HOUSE AND LANDING, SILVER LAKE shiftless and prone to idlenegs, he would better tic a mill stone abont his neck and jump into mid-ocean than to try his "fortunes" in our county. We have - few paupers within . our boundaries now and want less, but there is lots of room and good opportunities for hustlers and men of brains, who care to come to this re gion and are willing to work and wilt. Men who are skilled . in the ' arts, will also find splendid, Chances' in Sus quehanna county to enkagelin business on their own account. First-dais, so ber, industrious carpenters can soon. be come builders and contractors; machin- _:. -. ..:.17 . r.,' , ... -..t.-7..r. 1 ; , : - ''' '' :'-'' ',T I. Z ., •711 - - :......"--;', T . , ...,..,„,,,,„•,::,.,..74 . :,... y ...4 4: .. ..±:,,c,...... , ..i,',,, 7. ••• ME - , Vit.s.,-. ELWIN Good, Industrious Mechanics, ~~~~~~: ~~~~~ 7~] .~~~~~~ % \~~~ -• :roan ME '~.^;` I t rut of ho are life a 1 ons of MEM The p 1 w and the cow are the ruling eant o lilielihaud in Stiviuehanna county. All kinds of grain, esculents and many varieties of fruits are raised iVith profit in almost every Part of the county. [ This region is famons for. its dairying interests. •It is one of,:theniost elctensive industries in the county. Nu merous Icreameries abound—centers which buy the milk, bottle and ship its make! butter,: cheeSe, etc. These * Ve fra sections 4 st r eeptib R 4 o,4vei, w`lich. he This co. condit in and fa anything GIONS IN • - extend to thoSe dnestly ambitious to succeed dare hampered in other sec he world by undesirable'envi- arming and Da irying handle large quantites of raw young people who would - enter lighC - _-••day• Lind ' pay -farmers - and,.• factories. aS woikers, and .we are 'farre- • .• a good price for it.: 1 - - moved from all . labor. troubles 7 and • klyadmit that the -strikes. ' The question of wages, too: is. : f our county arc nevertheless 'An - iMporant factor - in cnnsidering , eof the farm-up-lift Presidertt Catieni.of 'enterprisea in . this. county; is so anxious about and. for the , Cps. tlof rents, etc., is - not`so has appointed a commission, iii the-larger citieS. . - • MUGS MEM mission is intended to .create Other towns in , the countk. - such. itsi". that will iraproVe , the farms ".Forest City, Suiquehannii, liallateadtt ing in the United States and and- Great Bend, - New Milford - , Union-' which will accomplish so de- dale,. etc., AVithbetter TaitrOad facilities ******i*******i***'** - ** SECOND SECTION. • -PAGE • • ********************** =I clans and Others f the learned profeS. sions are the intellectual eqUals of those in any part of the world. ItidUstries That Would Pas: t Montrose is not adapted for a geneial manufacturing center, with. its attend ant volumes of smoke and grime. There are unmistakable advantages here, how.u` ever, for the lighter industries and en- . terprises embracing the fine arts and up on educational lines. No section of the United States affords a ; finer opening for a military, school for boys, and a fe-. male college, az instances, and it is .our sincere hope that movements may be started soon looking to the establish ment' of such enterprises. ...Montrose is also ripe for some enterprising person 'or persoiis to inaUgurate siich concerrii as: A machine shop capable. of doing all 'kinds of machinery repairing. - Woodworking 'establishments of all kinds, including cooperage, the manu facture of furniture, ax bandies, hoe handles, etc. Carpet weaving. _ Fruit canning. A 'silk-bobbin. factory. ' - -A wagon and carriage manufactory. • Brick making. . - A large cheese manufactory. A large modernsanitarium. An incubator Manufactory. . A ' •A basket manufactory: • A hat rrianufactory„ • ' Knitting mills. . Novelty works. • • Glove manufactories. Toy manufactories. Pure food products. Mattress making. - • . - There is a considerable amount of I B