The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 19
G D ME there 4000 books 'in thb 1 37 , 7,; . - . ,„.', I ** l ' ratn_to: 4 "xif - = the - `society had ...,,•., - ,I)PiIIE. Q.. - 131ackman and Judger • • D f . • , ! - '*s._ielected„:',tvere: Francis ,!...- jr.. iiesident; F.;,4, Davies., vice - - , --'1404.4 G. Wilic;iii , •aecond vice- - .. .ident ntge s A. Stearns; secretary; :4.'::-.. , piiiitreilialvt- } 4:A. Denny, cot- - Otiptnidingiecietary and librarian: . - , :- . . ; ' +' - Ariaanig Operations. , ilitikettige . buiiders- - and contractors 10:10. tie=-.found in; the `various toxins , • And Alves:in the county, and as there - - seiltiiit-':iitta:Triei of excellent building , e; considerable quantities of brick concrete' bloCki'manufactured, s of planing mills and lumber yards lding'opemtions can be carried on in Of anrAknimi'as_cheaply and satis ori4r. ,a,s: . anywhere in the United • Bed' b I an , fac !ME FM -, r 1 ~, ‘,..--...,•- 0 ' t' t 4 , 4 4 r4 i =7/ ME ~.f'-~ i ~ ~:..~ :S_, '"> IMO El a MAE S =,tes. Considerable building is going, :::otUat present and the kind of houses be it*cted will compare favorably with the most progressive and active *t* s „ mum le . • •••, F r Je P.'s — in Nearly 100 Years. he trice of justice, of the peace in e borough. lately held by Mr. Cou rt righ t , afforded the remark in e circumstance of four men holding it oxpearly-too years. • - . t relfti. Original incumbent was Joshua • 'lsforditwho was appointed in 131 2 ; iorkanition of the county, for" 51 . . , . • ' • .—. . le ;oar;_'. of 13r\ d:, , exyaler, and when. .* '' l'ainment for the mind :cad rt-laatin orltrr::e 1..0r.,Li.,.!-.\ Wa .- - created in IS for the _body ci oid and ung. m':vefl hi , ff. 0 , ..e int,', to.,vn anti cOn- - I. Yo - thus goes t” " F..n*.i en iffy nued its fur, , tio . n‘ s until :840. Natioleorc I 'Get tozetiter tne.tinle he held tlie. "f)filce 'Srp4re " . r ayn:forfitrie,d'36:o.So aelmowl- . and devise n-a re and means 1 ` r I ged deeds and married ici4 careatA ay. I' v(4l t uples I. He aa;<l7(. ce(.•ded 11- - • - • • tir ;- c'r 'are_ ,I" ho held the until 15•77, when . merit, and ci.ti'.ett' iiliatn A cr , ,r-sinyn. was elected IV" I . 7(,!'Sn'.(l-71 was 7. ( - put - fright and he-held the inves•tinent v. 4ffice. 'until' AuguSt i( ? ;-.,S,. when .I'. A. Davies tch, 41.)ointed-to r- sticceed him. It will' be seen_from the above that_ the old saving .hs t. - ., otliciali. ':few . die and none r'esign". held good fir a long series of nears in this .instance, for each of Mr. Cottitrigh,..'s - predece...4.-on-: live'd to a ripe .•ola age aft‘lr, retiring aril one resigned. - Vrorn "Sluire : ItayiV;- 1 • rd's induction into office : until. the lose of ':Alr. Courttight's term in .!c,OS '..' as nearly a f.:entur, . and only four Dien held Ole office, one „fwhorn for 3 7 .) ( .ears, two for 2S r :,:ears and one for _ 3 years.. ' ' . : .-..• Harmless Amusements. Urged. :-4 . . Entert:-tintnent-;6ol3, ..%-lloiez.., °mt. in= cioiarid Tit side entertainment —should ,:-,.-Y?k,..-ii:ie provided by-th • wise heath. inevcry ' iw2 -- i; , .,i:-. , • xghborlitood and village M our. agri.- -• i.r. , .. , .. ,. ..:...--s. `l . =.•-7-Av.•,' - ..ltural regions.'That ii one .of 'the ... - 4,: , _1:7,, , , ,,. .: • =•[`' ,, gA. , ...,.• ' t - means known . for keeping the boys • 5 , : , 3:,.. -, • .girls on the - farm r . and ~:•'- r enting • :•;•:,,,,,,,,v.,-;•• lcssness and a. tendency . fof the 5.4.4:::i', dung people to, fiock-to the cities and . ti. - -.7,-f.--• ...-,,,,!.. Prope r W- , i - ,...- - .„ e4tertaintnent will.also . r.,..., . _ Vi „ 45. 4 ' ;',, Aar: i - totvard shin the, prOblem of ,-tt..; . -44 - 4 , -;,•;-.. - r.:: , - -, •:• - ,. •.: , . . „ ... z. :7: ,- -. , -. - t - ? ..:- .J .„ - ,‘ , . : ,.,„.,-. ,-- . •, -.- - ..... , !-.,..-.„ - •:.1 . :.••,..::,,.. '-• _ -.' . - .. 1151 r - ■ LOWER MACV S farm laborers. i. The: hired man will work better : arid longer- on the farm that is part of a " literary coterie," or near where he'can hear good lectures, good music, can! play t ! ree ball or foot 'ball, ride over the lufrdles. etc , for "all w.cirk and no play makes .-Jack a dull boy -_ The game line of argument ap plies tO the towns and villages--give, the:people, amusement and - entertain-! ment all the year, • 'round----.)ffset the glittering invitation " of', the "poor man's clubs : " e., the - saloons. 'and Make _it unprofitable for low dives to'• eis.t by a fiord ing am use mcnt and enter- A PART OF MAIN STkEET EMI nate. 11,2 • , - 7 REET, NEW SILT-FORD KIN L:S L E 1 Dr) a, (it . r.t.::" .4.:cluiziurtitiv, C EEG ~.1:114- 1 at 11. c • BIRD'S E VIEW OF ALFOkII BrIETHODI§T.CqUF!CII,' ALFORDi -PA THE • -. MO ,-VISQSE of ArLe STREET, . . • ' ------ •Beautiful Scene • ; Nowhere 'in - Pennsylvania can • - .re beautiful scenery be found tharrin quehanna ct unty. Our mountains and • lakes• have been compared to thi..;:e of Scotland. and as will be- seen from nu mes •us illustrations in th i s cd it ion. there ,are spots here and there which to the , ,esthetic :eye. • are , indeed charming. and happiness naturally go hand in hand in such a Couutry, The're, Conditions are .sUrely additiomd incentives: for more ifinnigration of a desirable class of people. One can be.a_ profound lover of the_ beautiful witimitt leing a dreamer f 'A c0m 1 •.... thicancy born frorn: a peaceful mind [(I a quiet delight in one's surrounding • • 0: • , ••••'!" Mail ISUIE ME IMMliiiill ant .. .:.ta \_i.!; v - 0117 tillc• 1 ,-, rl Lt; =NENE HMO . , ~,'vitt Iran .:y,--t,rdid : - Lic.7.0 . : ,- ill\ - w. Hat 111..,:l. , cf,mthi ,, n...ta.:-C and Itok% ta- , n , . , >: annti 'un- t,igre , ..v t' I tut ri-ii: tidc , f progrez- In": nrr , tindia;.;- - and pr::-.1,!..1 - itt - ~vi.d:+. t 7,, ., •,,...,,- i o , -.,..: e i . i n - tm , n , ,..7- 1 / 4 . can Itcrcattont.; a!: tit:di-: MEI n7t - ? me ii =EI acc ,, th- • tstaidtpicuonefactor id that istznif that bicycles sixty wilts Scattklirett_ . .tateV. ;fraternal and.reostMeceial"-;and that - Tint:Di- bicookiivikniceady .I.reotittcv - antikkaa vs). were ennerderentr nettle - USA taati - tt - Offeero/ 1 aff4 .41 C 4 - 11 • 1 4 7 1 4 0 4thZ 4 ilii 3-1 4 Vont, . Acisullor tuutic I. LW-Other knaikic , I .llo,3l,stannballt.4llol.draliobritc::olobictc;=autakeobift. •t cot outran. that refer- iwAs not-long nearly every man. -ndaterk Ste! and ` theft . alsai= It end present status and 'lceman *Mich 14, thatleveLasphaltert ponsoty - darnatitinsuntnee.- Thantatit , t 1 1 here ott_his native heatlt- ,city was ' .; officekof thet,coriceiCara_ located, ittlyt: Of his IsdOPtleo to net 901 X-: Staking_better - tecin 4- with atioiLhzialsti...l3eisbane th, lo _," :but in 441 t• edition uf _this competing-find tri-tYltilidwitYleintAgret,Cfutr°s° =inherit tipaii u s tont forth Uwe's only a _short- tilde Jtssitstlittsfralo sofourn4lo_adeste, mace admirable traits and , p ian o were irk Prefideent itst er lit table achievements mist sketritt the original-I:mahatma ttiat: i stsetispaliaAutotoolOrtittli;and, to his lot since - becoming a. l Vic• 011, were. the Hbfttever.", l bat - that lairingtheYear '1905 ifiritalireelnentali in order to sho sr that . Meat- the Wayerly b c yeti bait it beaten a -tik=g , tbeltecOnet to:.lio14„ that Office: rues turn out some very ! city biock. for Gus Knoll said so', llamas for - two.leare President elktl+,t" , 'inns ' among the younger what Gus said abwit wheels was as the .Buffalo Automobile Racing on: .1 77, .s well as m the years of long lit.ty and gospel of sibeeidorn. The craze and a director the ;Sew Yns Stete'- - 7 1` it numerous men who were s- :dwindled dciitraTanct,ffied Oat :hist Atitardriliite-Aisocisition -five , in the various walks - of life Instil our etrevalestyounit triend hal be- 41ermas etiainrusn of, the Buffed.. Auto.; two natives of our beautiful Mont- come a bicYcle.piutocrat. Shim,/ for two.'ears His fr**4 - : ,„ lir. Knoll is still a young man, He next turned his attention ;to in-. nislaffiliationiswithWeshingtoilLiodw!•.l- -3,r -- 411111Mg been born in-this town July 13. surance circles-and-it was 'not ot long un- -Itree and. Accepted Masons. Of Whidi Although- on the underside of_til he became manager and adjuster for is junior _master -of eennnotties,,noa- 2 - in age, he has. by his own genius,the Etna, L•fe Insurance Company, itiitibola..Council of: the National _4-.:=,,N4peiscireratice and indomitable pluck the accident and health departments! of ;which he is an ex-president:also Nero 7 .,,r! , 4i. el .-;'1 ;accomplished high up the ladder of success Continuing for two years thateapaci. , r'stone, Ckutpter, - Key , tone - Colineasaugh — ' - -f, , .--;1=04 accomplished much more in life ;.ty. he formed a partnership with Payens C,otnmandery. the :Grotto: is gsnerally achieved by one of his i N. E. Turgeon which con tioues at the and she Shrine, all of Buffalo. Helga in a word; a credit to hint- ,- present time. In addition to - this..'qop-. The above is the sketch of a .former - "...Me and a native of Montrose of who nection, he was &Cone tunepresidentot 'Montrose boy the ' l Demoerit" Pleas-- v. , . ~,an of us are proud. After training in , the ,Bu ff alo • e Manufacturing, ed to include arming thosenf out citizens, Essentials .to ri, the schools of Mon tr o s e ~• • Knoll. Compaby. president of Dopp,&,-,Son.. who-are prominent , in various callings . • . • - ,Iningivilk at y.,..l,as we still foundly know him), finding , and Talso sole owner of the Bu ff ilo:.Csib and professions. , and pcblisning In seeking to ' - that the realms of his native town were ComPimy. - - • = . feel that we are pointing to • r achi e- t c o aP S i ti tai squ a e n ha d nn n a en c= too cacumscribei -for one of his am- Ai an exampienf bow' his itnittrance melts arid acctettwertbl'Ofabaisiat bltions and loftiness of spirit, went to business has grown it is only • necessary -by tile youth of our, land, for it is one over-zealous in the.CsaiSe tit Buffalo in .1893 and becan3e associated ,to mention that at itst inception in' sflo • hi,which fixedness, of ptirpase, honesty, ' (4 , 41ce With the firm_ of Sweet & Johonnot, then it employed but. one insurance and: vertr , e _.nte_rpriseandh.tritegrit_hrtveaccomplisfiesh that anyone can . agentsfora Chicago sporting gocids fi rm, ;ea only ..acci d ent insurance one ell much in t trty-mven years- th e e here, Grit, pluck 44nd !Idtiniation. ..also for the Victor bicycles. lie con -, (Brie). county .. Now there are ,iis`the of-the subject of ' our temarka—for , t to succeed are as eSke - ?kif,?llikfle,.. - e'' • tinued • with that firm until z 895 and' pay of the Buffalo and Rochester o ffi ces above always were and are tods7 the where, however invoreCoaf-s.l4ontitir whilewith them let all of Buffalo under- tweeityrsixemployes. TwOhundrOlasid c haracteristics of Augustus IL Knoll. -• . • may be. Men are the own fortunes whiiteWer - - hugs, and this, bruslt-aawitytt.*.4.xtusel-: , some people argue fn t!teltit they have no, dug*, purpoi.e,work are after all the ele - 41e=;404,41)*: there is something Ifett& - ,00-hiAfiroy making a living:and thatris'irrakingc,'.4 - life` 130th can be: aelill'iltiet-itere by the right sort-'0( Irtl#l come from where , tlfeymaY„,..: : l . Now that the polititt4”,st.r.l ,"014 , 00s is over and an optuttisttem „FTe.. ails as to the tnt:ept tl w;s hissi4 A oTairo.. let us determine fek; giye-T,:n2 fr lintiej,tult. strong pull, and a ;lptill altortl4l: to luring Susquehannail":l l 4 3 phice in the onwart gtao- 1 pr.itress and prosperity. ~ • How to Obiiiio.looma4-^"<? 1; .- •• 7. • To those who are t t .- 14,i - vim& /lent of capital, who Olem selves.- we therefos**,, Su - :- quehanna coitfity; from the indusirialf 4 i:of the railroads, froin cdii , ''''tC:sietrfpapert,. fruity the burgesgekl , *rfroni real estate deniers;'- "s , others 4.1104 i vine in 1. ( 7iont ) lie .‘civantitgeetts -re and it is a compares for anyone interest.' EMI WE Adve‘rtis:rs In'This Edition care` is a 111%1 ter of s o many diverse interests that i; i~ difficult the average per Son tc ; • 1.:n , ,w much al.ote. the detail , : of the tolyn, and laws in the county and he or she is therefore guided in it measure by the advertising done the respective 'busluess eitablishments..:l number of reading• notices and display ailvertiSe ments appear in this - lissue, and these tell the story . of the more popul , nts cert.' tenin that respect manner that: could not be'.'improvtid upon. Read 'and'studY these public; announcements; then mirror tbe. current affairs ina -that . -cannot fail to give one a; correct understa,nding of existing -conditions. Fhev have • been carefidly" selected as leaders-. These retdvertisements will be found fulrOf interest to every person and we invite you to Oruse them. care fully and to conimunitate with - or call on every advertiser ‘Oose 'proposition Or announcement appeglS to you. Augustus H. ;Knoll . HE trite but true saying that Senee make; tt.ft heart g fonder or exretriplified • -the e versa! esteem in winch Augustus • Knoll, now. a prominent and leading hwiness man of Buffalo, N.Y.. IS .held here in Montrose, 'hiS beloved native place. Although; as previously stated. he is now' cofie nf. Buffalo's substantial e=m;'," - ME ME . MEI lIM MEI BIM 'EHF citETK- APO% EHcP BOTTO3I,(FOSTE.- lEVESEI OUTLET • L.kl'Rt:l. LAKE SCENE ON TEIB FAIR GROUNDS, It ARFORD,, . . A - BE 15251 MEM (- 11 ME II IN MI