Vie Democritis Present Owners and "Pro I rieiors. w.. C. CAUSER MoNTROSE "DEMOCRAT" Sixty' Years Old Under Its . L .1. j Present Name . PrHE "Montrose Democrat" wases .tablished, .(as is . noted in Miss :Black - titan's History crif Susquehanna County,) more than,sixty.years. - - - 43: It was first called tbe- - iwiepeitdent Volun teer.lsaac Fungi' being the first publish er, and the first issue dated NoVember 4, 18 14 t -ii". - Nvas. continued by him for ..:41 _,,.... r - ten molahs when Asa G: Dimock bought the tress and started the 'Deniocratic Volunteer, issuing only. one or two num bersl !when• it was re-purchased by George and Isaac Fuller and "restored to Rpubiican prineioles". and •;to. the . 'old name. The third volume Avis pub.: lisheil :first 15 George Fuller alone, and then-by'E: H. Easterbro , ks;the•fourth and fifth volumes by G. Fuller, and the sixth ; and seventh volumes by Fuller & Rea - I.'lThe eighth volume began Novem ber,.B,3B, under the-name of the Mont rose yOlunteer. C. F. Read, sole editor. !The ninth volume - was edited. by 'Read & Turiell. May tr. 1840, Abel Turrell • bought, Read's interest and edited the paper -alone until May 2...1841,when the . Montrose Volunteer and North Star-ap peared with .A. Turrell and J. H. Dim .i ock . editors: September 8. 1842, Dimdc - sold to S.• T. Scott. May .25, t843,' the thirtere,ntb Volume resumed • the name of Montrose Volunteer, under the sbl2, editOrship of Mr. Turrell. Tantiary 25, 1 544, Abet Turrell and George t=inier established the 11'nrthern Democrat. in the 'place of the Montrose ' ,VoluritL•er. It was a five-column folio, • e.aehia.tre being only fifteen by twenty - - orie inches Tanuary 2. •I 84 5.. George Fuller'sold his interest 1( 4 ..1•,_ N. Bullard. • janu9ry i, .(840, -Mr. Turret), who - fad been principal editor for oboist . s even. 1 yearsi finally retired from the manage . inentrand sold his interest to 0. 11 Hempstead. Ty_.-riiimin -war lenlarged 'January S-, 17'..“), by Bullaistingtin ....,:tat-t-rrtl7T.s. column fdli•i: .\cr - :i.,7 - ..Yrip .. . . stead i-aid ilia: he had 1 -- •: - •:011 a eler.;Y man:bui 11:. p'elged himself toq:noit- no. :man . .s tel:::ioll. lam:art- Is_ IS.; ri.' I" N. Ballard 7 ••"fled . his rale.dict cry, and G. , orge Fuller annouric e 4 that he had attain ,;ti - rc,l - . t.: , '(-.: - .1 an interest in t llt!'pal C..r. But Mr Ful!cr did not Make the posi t •ri pc-rmanent ite and ticniti;,ucal edited , : 1. - - third and fourth vol nines. t‘. 11,n 1'111.•r ..:-istuld out uo l, i'lleninstead, who 1 the .parier alc`,la.• for :c . v.: rM year.., ln Tany,ary, i. 7 ni . . he .eiiati.ic.:ll he name to Montrose Demo ,---ra::, ‘lic t s: ill :et:lints... l , About iS: r mr- ', ,. shed Si l•••Nr , 11 -13. f'hast• • •-•rel-ice . d - .I..zra - - • =•- •-•r -' -• te - T the paps -i• au. l ! a,,,, u t n ee --.•,.-ar . , 1 ..!1,-,ln.- h e ,-.;. ---,co, lii4ra 13 i , •announ.a.'d' tt, - .11 a-suined e‘ditordl c.mtp...l of 1 1 1 - a re-r - ..•r ~....04.-'l , ql•:c .i', 1 :11-a7 - c ,-, , ,-a-; 1-,:i 1 .. ','.,::c- at thirrfirne. ir,l% - ' :,;.- . :";. - :.o_ E. )1 Chase I , lll l .i. , : t ieri , ili..-. , , ,',...v;;1;i•t:17 - ;. - an' i in tb. , * , :itme issue 1- B. 'l , lti,2l , lltim -- , . 1 A.z..T. : Gerrit .s.c..n an-, n-ir-ai-i...) tile-in.,•elt•e , a' the •-uccessors. They .:I.l'. - That7.ll-.--v - shail put. the pub lic 11- - • p 17 • , ('-i.. n ~:,,f fito7F, s h ad infet-enee3 • tic ~ ..-1.:11 -, fr m them Eh:it :Pt• thy-ir airs:.' Dc cenrber:••i7l 18; ,,• J. 1.3.- McCollum . tr..!.niferred lit ;interest" to K..J. Gerrit . son. who :-...,,iirried entire: •-•ontrol. The .papc i r.was. a ,even-column folio 'at this - time. having a9„;4tst. motto: "We join ourse', l . - e.: to 'no- party - that -does not. - carry i 4. 11a , : and 1:(.4..p step ti the mu sic of;tie w'iole Union " ' Jarman. 0,. 1 1r. , .-:,. the firSs.numler in the tv. - entictli .., v,t.. 1 1.0-r-t- ~ .- • - a ....s ;Teda-ed in site 'to . a six co'ti Inin f01.h.),1 The editor explained that' the (.rice of paper had advanced to twen- Ix- ti:ve cent s per pound: and-that he had clete t rinined to :reduce the i2.e of the • .pap.trl rather than increase the I,rice. The !paper continued in its ?educed fOrm 'until jalv _l4.i'ot(x,S. when it age en lar..;-,A to a seyen-equmn folio., . Jule t.ti. iB.oc). Mri r Gerri , kon.aller ha.v.: - in:.o , rien conneetc;dwith 1 he'naper thir . teen! years. sold to .Etii , tsta 13 i-tawley. Ap-i' 1 ,1.1 873. W. 12. Cruses bought on e _ halt:interest from Mr.aaWl4 The,.= . nership continued until i. iB7U, when Mr. Cruser ,old to Mr. Hawke, M trl:ti i . 18Si , •W , -C. Cruser and Daniel Brei•‘,.ster lionght 11- 1e4 ,!fte.,.. of Mr H a .„ . ... Je,F.'tbe latte-. - '..-, bealtii ha-in , .. , _ failed. - ' dri•July;iBS;,l4l. A 1..y . 0ns lie.u.ght Mr. - Bre , it,*er l -, i-tteresu .and in Ncolsemher ; 281.•t1. Pon George :t. Rost Navin! i. e .:. • . been e . i,•-ted to C 2712 - `c..,..,;.• purehacud Lt - onS: in t'rest and the tiaPer was pub lished' 1. , y ('riser ei- .Posj until January. isii;.. l i ‘X: . . , .'"1l .Mr (:71'.F.' r :lure'- :LF.Cd :MT. ,Yost; inter e st" and . •eonducted the paper rill Max' i. 7.004, when the pi'esetit firm of Cruscrs & Gardner. con sisting of W. C Cruser, Charles S. Gar4ler and Ray I). Cruser.WaS formed. Mr.ll."ruser has tlftis' barn longest in acti to newspaper work in Susquehaama county of any of the county newspaper men!..; - ~,.. . W..C. Cruser Wa-s born in Bridgewate township near "Montrose. on -the lanm 1 nowlOecupiedlby 5. \V.Mott. When he - was six years old. the family moved to .Monrose. -- After' obtaining his educa tion 'at Montrose academy he . learnt-I the !kitting business. Jan. i iB7;, he became foreman of the ;" Democrat'' , alike and April ',the sain year. he,pur . . .. 1 .. . ~'I I - • ' - ' . ~. - 1 ' or. Lta sad- Children. Vot Dui Yoillate Ahrats Bought • isig• the, -: ,y _ iiil -----... .... zitett — . of. . . . . _., .. . CRARI-ES S. CiARDNTER. ch4,-d.a 'lest in the paper, wheftii le more than - 03 years old. 7n r. Cruser 'told his interest to Ha# y, -taking an extended trip west. In 1891, with Daniel Brewster, he re-purchased the " Democrat." as mentioned above. Charles S. Gardner was born in the township of Bridgewater December 6th; 1870. He pursued his studies in the district %Chools until 1889, when he en tered the • Montro:e High School, under Prof. James, and, althongh having en tered the Democrat office with a view to learning the printing and newspaper buSiness at the commencement. of his graduation ,year. and dividing his time between the school and printing office, was able to secure one of the class -hon ors, -the',High School- Oration, getting his'sheep-skin from that institution the same year, z 592 . Upon completion of his apprenticeship he was made fore man, holding - thispoSition for ten years. In January he relinquished his position and equipped a' modern' . job -printinf..; office in Montrose, and in May, t got, (the same year) purchased an interest in the Democrat of W. C. Cruser, the present partnership formed an i the -two plants combined .. As above stated, he became a partner in 106.4 and has since acted in the capacity of bUsiness manager of the "Democrat." lie is a member olWar:- ren Lodge; F. & A. M and the Modern WoOdinm of America. • the latter of which he. is secretary. Ray. D. Cruser, son of W. C: Cruser, Practically grew up in the Democrat." office and is the superintendent of ;the mechanical department of tly! plant lle is a member of Warren Lodge F. & -A: M.. and M Mttose Lodge.l. 0. 0. F. and I. 0. 0. F. b'z'ind, He is a graduate of the Montrose High Sc.hool. The " Democ z rat " is . not only . the oldest • 'newspaPer in Stt.quefianna • county., but - is essential', a county paper, having corre.sporidc'. ' ; in nearly every town and villa:ze. in' : •he county,. and tie cort•pleti '^nt mai7:tams a large. weii.equipp,id job. printing - plant and e , xtensive "business is done - in . ealanderS and the mannfacturc of post 'car ls,•the tirm's trade in tile two line.; es..tendia-g, to nearly every state in the unioM under the • name , r,t the Cruser ‘ Calander ; : A larr r e addition to the ".Denierat " baildinsz has recently been ?atilt and Ocarpied,and new minting material ad ded; till to,day it is one of the tai - gest andeomPlete 1 - ,rinting - plants in N - ortlica , tern Pennsylvania 'This :illn , tiatit , d county edition of tile •Thosc2 t..n.,age,t'7. at the Der.a.:crat office at I:.;iti nom the tame 'vropritlte.P.l-44: ;•. Etuart WatroUs, NV4II P. Crati;er ; .• E. B. Th.otni;.son,• • C!:ttence Knapp: - Fraak Talon, • • •,! _ • 'Ed lit Cwo'•-i.lna Lester, . • 111iss Anna Ilirney. • • . . Snyder, -st.enograplier.t. Miss ,Maude C.::olev, . -Miss TAlah.el Swacknzunmer, Mary; Clemons. • ,L. I': • . . .. • • • • Consolid a tion of SChools. in speaking to Prof, George A. Ste : a.rns, county superintendent 'of School, on the subiect t•clu:::.itichi in Susquelnin-- .na (iinnty. Lc was quite enthusiastic over • the results, eonsolidation. : an 4 l remarked; • 'iierriek town -f;:;, v. - as. 1 Lela_ :e, -the first . district the state to tak.:•aelvar,- • tag,e of the law permitt 4. - - -- Insol,idat Brooklyn torn: followed "The th:s district are. well pleased - wk . :: the rc. , ttit o ; : , taillvd, and are prepared to recute,by actual figures,. one of the ::-: ften used Statements made of other districts in op roe f that :all c! - ca:mot attend SO well i - :l,r • iltw p1:111 a , under the :rlsystem Lrf kei , T,er. the. :,113:3.11 , - 13“) , Alyn and .Dirn(..7:.. n,:atelv :he,: ante narib , percentage a...tenth:we in th.: to.. ns• show; c•-: that such an :yhjeet-ion (PR-s; not call) ••The ave. percentage of atteri al-c2 sin ..yas percent; Dir.:L.:eh:. p..:*l - ..!en - . It: ioos S 7 and t‘o. re-pectivt.-ly otht-r tre.vils where . :he pan has been , tried, wholly-nepar tially. the are equally as Satis . fatt city." . • We . vres ep ;in this edi• ion -an illustra tion of the wagons used in Brooklyn for gathering up childrea in that district. It is an' unique i.,lioration upon the old mt.thods.. • •• • • Old:st Building in Montrose. • • When Dr; DUnton " boUght his farm at Montrose. known as "Wayside;" an illustratiOn of -which apoears in - this edition, there was a little • farm shop on. the place , which had been .there to ! these many 'years It is said to be the oldest building in all this region. Dr..P..u.nton was so much' pleased with it that he fitted it up for 'private quar ters for.hiniself and occupies it as sleep ing quarters daring the summers. Al . though- it is one of the historical features of this region, few people know of it, "as such, are presume. . Send this edition to your friends.. They will appreciate it. ff THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, MONTROSE, PA. RAY D-CRUSER ' : 1 11.44+0444.4.+044444 - 41 ALFORD. .44,44444.444.40444 - - - XHE vilage of Alford is the jtinc . i. ,_ 1 ,-," tion of the main line of the D. 5.. , 5„,,,,:" - ,.i) L & W. railrt ad and the Montrose branch... -A bird's eye view of the - village appears, in the second s..ction of this - issue, and from this en graving it will be seen that the mous', tain scent:rYaround the village is very attractive. • . . • ' Mr. J. M. Decker 'is the postmaster of Alford. He also conducts a very pop alaegenetal store, in which the post-. office is located - . He has other inter . . :ests in the village _ and is one of the i principal real e ~tate holders. East.. Kingsley Miss Estella Stevens rtcaitiy visited at W. W. Oakley's - ' A natriber from this place attended the oystee sapper at -H. a Tinley's Friday evening. : Mrs. Wm. Benning- and san Ralph, called on Mrs. .Melvin - Tingley Satur• day.. Mr. and Mrs., Loomis and. Miss Neil- . ie Loomis attended 'a Valentine social , of Kingsleys Feb. - 13th. . " • Rugersaud James Tingley are busy liariA,stin , . ice tor Watson and Jeffers Melvin 's iingley recently . . made a business trip to Danville and on his re= turn stopped at ..,eranton to 'see his daughter. Adeline, who is attending the Oral 5,:.h0,,1.0i that place. - - Mrs. .t. E. Tiffany who has been ill ~ .,r,tii erysiplasi. somewhat better. . Wed. Feb. 3rd. being the loth. birth day of-Mrs. A. M.: Carey, her many rlynd.s.reint,' -- ;,led her w.tli a birtiOo day postcard s-aLserand throup - this I Fi v er sne . .1, isnot; 1.0 . E. - Xp:e,-- 1:..4. k. ClainiCs for them in ; :.e.,f,..mownig verses:- • These sm.all . iii4meat e, )o.i. have sent Ciive to mymin..l a 5... e: i.:Jiitent, T.:ey sp.:as: u.i love as 1.:LI:! as Heaven 9,l'ith all b st wisii , e,s ii.'t.. Twenty. eiviit tuella. far and near, Eat:list:Lit a e'ird to brighten the; 'Ds L.oi. the card I prize so thu;h— it 'sale I , .ive th..t. prompted :Lich; .And it We meet - on earth no inure, 1 Pray We iiii.:Ct on ti-e Heaven short. - . stops itching instantly. etires, piles, eezenia, talt iiio:Linl, utter, itch, hives, herpes, r.ea.bics—lioan's Oiritineat. At any diteg - store. - - . Brookdal e .Ii i=s Anna Wright, relatives in Susquehanna. . J J. fingley has returned from BA fast, : wacie ne, has been visiting his daughter. Mn, H Chalker. 'Julia Mahone,, of . Lawsville, spent Sunday at B Burns. • • -Nli-ss Anna Duian kvascalling-on Hall stead friends Saturdly. Fred Tower. of - Lestershire, is - tile gu; .t - o( Will Ilairi.&. • :,,rsi-lalik Pope, of Binghamton, is visiting her paren.ts,Aar. and Mrs. John, McAdams. • Mrs. Bert . .lXclrer- aid daughters Helen, Alice arid Ethel, are visiting relatives in Binghamton. • ' Peter bolan and James Billy" were Bir-ghamton callers recently. Patrick Ouigley who has been visit ing at. R. Kelly's. lett for New York' Tuesday. and will sail ..f...r Ireland t ruin that ,place Wednesday. ' His many friends here wish him a safe voyage. Miss Julia Burns was in Binghamton Saturday. • One of the young men from Bra:l.ney i-, to go hcnie,in the dark, that accounts her those morning driVe, • Joe . Walsh was a pleasant - caller at .11 D..olan's, SulidaY.. . Mrs Leo 15'4h-h. of SAVer Lake, visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dolan. Sunday. ' . . . - • . ... - ASKS US TO PRINT IT. To reli•Jve the worst forffis of Rheu matism. talc.> a tea.spoonfill of the fol towir.r mlntuie alter each.ineal and at bedtime: . Fluid; ' Dandelion, one-half ounce:. Compound Kargon! one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces.. These harmless Ingredients -can* .be obtained' from our hOrne druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking .them 'well In a bottle. Relief is. generally felt from the lint few loses. - This prescription, - states - a well known authority in a Cleveland rricirn trig paper. ' forces the clogged-up. *in active kidneys' to filter and . strain from .the blood the - poisonous .waste matter and uric acid. which causes Rhetsmatism. , As Rheumatism' is not only the ..... t Painful and torturous disease; but u.i_,- gerous to life, this simple reelpi will no doubt be . greatly valued by many sufferers here at' home, who should at -once prepare the, mixture to get this relief. . -• . t It Is said that a -person who would take this prescription regularly, a dose or two daily,' Or even a few times . . a week, would never have serious Kid ney or Urinary disorders or Rheuma tism. Cut this out and preserve it. Good Rheumatism prescriptions which real ly relieve are scarce, indeed, and wheir You 'need ft, you want It badly. Our clraggigts - here "say they wiji caw . ; Slallply these Ingredients or make the 1 rattuse read,* to take, If any of our replete sit pietas.- '- . z., . MILLER S. ALLEN Brief Sketch of This Well. Known Montrose Attorney TILLER S. ALLEN, . one 'of the proud: nt members of the Sus quehanna county bar, is a native of Stephensburg, Morris county, N. J. He was born in 1854. and came toiSus nqehanna county over forty years`dgo. May, 1877; he entered the law office. of Little & Blakeslee and at the April term, 1879,;H as admitted to the Sus quehanna county ball and at once enter ed the firm known afterwaids as Little, Blakeslee & Allen. ThiS arm ccritinued upwards of t.N% o years, when Mr. Allen became associated with 'George P. Lit tle, father" of Judge ,Ralph B. Little. This' artnership continued up to 1885, when Mr. Allen began the praCtice of his profession alone anal has s.) con tinued. " • In 1835 he was elected district attor ney of Susquehanna county, receiving a majority over bis Republican oppo nent of over r,OOO votes' had running ahead of the state ticket over ,z2,6cio votes. For many years' be was chair man of the . county committee and also represented the party as 'delegate to a number of state conventions. Le was a delegate to the Democtfatic national convention at - Chicago when William Jennings Bryan was first'iiominated. He was elected to the bprough coun cil from a Republican atronghold in zgos. After his term expiftd a vacancy arose in the office of burgeas, and with •ut his kof•wledep-jbe .cpiuscil, which vas entirely RepuWein,'nnanimousty appointed Mr. Allen, burgess to fill the vacancy—a compliment - ,he has always appreciated. . Mr. Allen is interested in firming and eamery enterprises, sonic of „which were instituted as xconvenience for,:he farmers in the neithborhood surround-,; ing the. creamery locations: There was a great deal of talk of a postal savings bill but congress knock ed it out. For the first time in nineteen years Media, Pa. elected a 'pempctatic Mayor, Tuesday. • The "Democrat" is under special obli gations to W. M. Post4and- Dr R. A. Torrey for their'interestit* and Valu able articles written for this special qdi tion. Susquehanna . • , . - (AND OAKLAND:) Miss Ruth Meeker has recovered from' her recent illness. , .. . . . . Chas. Gibson is visiting at the home of his pa - rents:in Herrick Centre, before leaving for Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Van Antwerp en tertained a fewjtiends at their home in Oakland, .Monday evening. - i A ' social time was had, during which re.fresh ments.-were served, games, 'played and music enjoyed: . Mrs. Geo.: E. Cline spent, Tuesday .in Binghamton. Mrs. W. S. .Mitchell entertained the AVomen'S aid• society of the . Presby- . terianchurch, at .her home. The Oakland high. school 'Weld a Lin-. .coin entertainment at the tongregation al church, 'Friday evening. , The larg audience was well pleased. :1 . . . LecCook."of japan, on .. . - in Way. ho. from :New York,....,whet _ • , Alas , ,iii .. sometime. called or. , file .4 "., I .C : 4..: : ( CI 11 1 Pr i qbTai. : r• . . Th, ' Helping Hand , ".rust M. E. church, nil' hoid %I..e2:txr tai 2, in,' lit. ( - The St 12: -. ..pvil,e iS..tvih Cir cle.- in Hogan's 011 ra Hot.i. • , Wedr.;,:2- dair t veni.,-4. .• . Mrs. John Hall •1 Ohl,land. who :2a: been in the Sim(.':' H. Earairrierr. , (rnd hospital fur s• rac time, has, red gated hoe. le . ; . r . . ...1 . 1 - e Willing Helpers of the :venue M: E. 'church will .ir2ve an ,i22:..ertaiii men; in the church .1:2 - 2.1.7‘. nigh :Miss Efinabeth' M2tch4d, of Licsoms burg nornard, is spending ,a - kw di.ys,'at her house here. f Mesers..Frank Alai:land EdWv2i Perry joined tje army recent is. and.ive.• left.. for Cuna. . Mrs. 11.2ttie 'Loomis ( - ':f halls •I is spending a. :e•..- days v.ith'.liev .:.ier, Mrs. Procter. •.f . ()al.:land. : - , Miss' Cecil that' is c(..2nthie - 1.6 , ] - .,:hd with grippe, at l',er home m ,t ftii.:l .--- ' Miss Addis ::i...:(2:,.ever cntertali.) :I: e King's Datillit. - .. of Iln. •P‘ .. r...:i-.;-• , •-: -:( church. at her home in ( (.21.:1_,.2, day aitern(•.:22. • . . Mrs. ili.nry r,. her her home 4'.11 . Drinker street. :-. ' Mrs. Alice .I'.."(r a :e has' !'enic.wedfrom the Whitney house on Ea -4 lidgli street, to the fiewit: . le2lise on Fast street. Mrs. McCannon and dinighter of State street. sr.e...t F:idav in Binghamton. • Mrs. Alice Livingston'andri'.tughter of New York, are sp nding some tim at the home of her p - arent-, Dr.tinti Mrs: W. - S. Mitchell. , Miss 'Bessie Williann. if j2ichmond Hill,.L. 1.. after :spend:lig a l few days with her grandparents :ri thi4lace has returned home. Thompson W. R. Gelatt and-stile of Scranton; spent the Sabbath with their parents, Mr. .nd Mrs. E: E. Gelatt. • C. W. Summer end wife.- Ethel Wnitnev and A. D. Miller, 'Attended the Ponomis grange, frileriox..Feb. 3d, and Thompson grange SOS, will hold its quarterly-4th degree dinner, Feb. 20. Emeline Crier recently .re turned home after spending game. time with her 'grandllaupter,• Mrs:: Charles Wrighter of Schei.Lctady: A. H. Crosier and wife, A. E. ; Foster and Wife, r, W. Lewis and', wile, at tended the social at H. M. P.aes• North Jackson. - • • The hid,es' of the F. B. (lurch, held. a p.,verty social at the G. Ati f, hall, where mush and milk was serif , The women trieiids of Mts. A. •E. Smith made her a birthday •stirprise,. Mrs. Ada Turrell visited- I . riends in Lanesboro on Friday, 1. • . " Mrs. Fowler of Niagara, spent Thurs. day in town as the guest of 'Syron B. Miller. ' • !• • LawBvine • Trc9 Vanßouter' of Franklin Forks, Lab urchased a farm of F. B. Travis i.tar i.awsvilie. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stanford were Pleasantly surprised Wednesday ecren tog by about twenty of their friends. H. 0. Bullard and ramay of Hall stead, spent Sunday at the; home of Burt Bailey.,L,.. Philo E. Stanford is slowly improv ing. A crowd of young folks gave a party at the Creamery Hall recently.. Mrs. Elizabeth Smithtas rented her farm to Walter Craik, .for the.comireg year. Elmer Whitaker is- visiting friends at Bingliat4on. • • A party was held at the' home of Edward Lindsley, Friday night. I DEATH'S DOINGS. Mrs: Strong Mrs. Estella Strong, widow of the late Major E. P Strong of Starrucca; died suddenly Feb 9th, 1909, the cause of death being apoplexy. Mts. Strong's death was entirely un expected, as she bad been in excellent health and bad not complained of feel ing badly. She was nearly sixty years of age and since the death of her hus band nearly fourteen - years ago had resided with her only child. Mrs E. W. Downton of Starruca. Major and Mrs. Strong were widely known in the east tern part of Susq'a County. Isaac Tewksbury. Isaac Tewksbury, orobably the oldest resident in the town of Brooklyn died at his home on Saturday morning: The calve was a paralitic shock. Mr. Tewksbuzy was iu his 9oth year. He was long and intimately connected with the life of tha s community, in everyway a useful and much respected citizen, a man of sterling character, devoted to his church (the M. E.) and its service. He was also an Odd Fellow of long standing.. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon, Rev. Wilcox officiatinir, The Brooklyn. I. 0. 0. F Lodge hail charge of the service et the grave, Mrs. Ainey. Mrs fiariliet awl. widow of Beth Riney deceased. formerly ,of Jessup, died in Rush, Sunday Feb. 14th, 1909. in the 74th year of her age. Funeral at the home of her son. E. L. Ainey. and burial in Bolles cemetery. - Charles - Ely. • • The death of Charles Ely. aged 77 years, occurred at his home in Brook lyn, Feb...), Igen.. Mr. Ely was an old and esteemed resident. He leaves a daughter, Mrs Gertrude Peckham, and * son, Walter Ely. ' .Mrs. • Mrs. Rhodi C. Carlin, mother of Mrs. L. ,P. Loninis. of Bridgewater. died at her home, inVilkes,Barre. Feb. 4,1909. Seth, Abel. • Seth Abel, a promin N ent resident of Gibson, died. Jan, iB, ilo9, at the home of her son, Herbert. THE STORK'S VISIT To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Sec - Rep, Brooklyn, a son, To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fe.rnan, Hallstead; a girl. To Mr. and Alia. W. G. Harvey, -Hail.: newt a ion. East Dimock Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rogeri, were guests of Mr. and Mr:. Goy. Allen. Robert Mien' attended the Junior ex , s , rcises at Brooklyn, - and reports a fine time Mrs. Clayton' Brink recently returned to he , home after spending some time 'in Philadelphia. and Mrs. 0. A. Tiffany enter tained the following at a dinner party recently:—Mr. and Mrs. Harmon ,,. and Mrs. Guy Alien, Mr. and. Mrs ROy Dairour, Mi. and Mrs Alv.i Allen, Mr. and Mrs. JO Bunnell. Mrs. Fred Dean uw.i- ohn cats will work for John , coiling spring. Walter . Newto;ii is working= for Ray 1 Green. . . _ Ht nry :Wall of Dalton, has, Leen visiting here. W:11 Foster and sister Were the guest at 1 - ) . A Tiffa.W3 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . 6. t;ff a ny e..zlebrated . their wedding- ann:versary .re;ently. Mr. M EA. Setser, are spend ing th . . week at Elk Lake. Mabel Bunnell and Ada Senioi, are keeping house for . the forrnur's uncle near Montrose. during the sense of Mrs. - Letaie Main. ~Heavy impure blood mak es a mraidy p;mply complexion, headaches, naußea. Thin Hood . makes you weak, pate, Burdock Blood Bit ers makes the fluod rich, red, pun ) ._ ez torts perfect health. Farm For Sale. 10 7,l,ere fetnn lu Spr:tg.vl.l.), rue zulle) routl2- 1..);))); t.f Parnrale. t itc. res clear).).l.lina laud,) u , sr .01)101, ctitireli rrrsil.e••y. I.9,r ) ze horn I.)sru, ft... c;)vt•Otrti with' undergru,ocal eq..b uudutterout-bulidit)g.s) tirNt class ,trA)Citt))u. 100 peur.. peach, cue ry tihd Oulu trees .Excelleut) . :spring A b.trgalu for cash Cr on easy payments to rigt,L party. _ Inquire of OWiliti. H. R. WlMimic, nopßot tome 1'..., or C. L: yunScoten, Ntturney, Mont rose, Pi.i. - - . - . Bus,iness for Sale. A good opportunity for a man wish ing to 'engaga ih the mercantile busi ness. Dry Goods, 4irocerics, i oots, Sifocs, .E e , Etc- •Ete In a good location, o n ra il roa d, al ,d doing a good business Fur particulars address Democrat ol lice, -Montrose, Pa. FOR SALE. A 9 Room House with bath, furnace, electric lights,bard chicken house, large garden and lots of 'fruit. Another Nei I Room House with city water and bath. centrally located, large lot. Also 3 Large Building Lots, , will build; houses on them to buit purchaser. Also 7 Room Cottage at Heart Lake with furniture and boats, gasolene launch: lnquire of Claol`L. Stephc.ns. • OjEEB 2:.01 , 7F O,IBC(PAS" • t 05.7 .7:0 :i, :w.'. cv;:..yaing '-'• 171. i . • Tred L. Norton, M'f g, Binghamton,'N. Y. St tiotiery 9 1 . BookscAo . Toys AT PAARVIN'S rokoNTßosi-, ......0 PENN'A. TO":_ Cloei,'...oiit . In order to turn all of our' winter goods into cash we have marked them { all down 20 per cent. We do not want . tarry them over, if you are in need of anything in - the warm goods line you will find good values here. We have a large stock of gloves andl mitts which will go at cost : - Also four corduroy coats, Elieepsigin-lined,corduroy pants, sweaters, some woolen overshirts, fleeced lined miderWear all to be sold very cheap A. full line of Staple Groceries on hand'as usual: " Call in and get our low prices. Soul WHITE : .WYANDO4TE' EGGS FOR HATCH NO. • Having peat the . past seven years Perfecting a strain of White Wy ndottes second to none; I have, four pens, the choice of a flock of •300, i from which I will sell eggs for hatchizig aft sr.oo for 15 or $5:00 per zoo. W. M• Wl!mortis, IL F. No.. 1, Executor'* 'Notice. Estate of Edward C. 74atcher, late of Hat: ford, dec'd. Letters of administration halving been grant ed to the uoderpigned upon the above named estate, persons liming claim* an , last said es.ate will present them for payment, and all those indebted thereto will Mat. Payment im mediately to ' - loa rep:), c.,ifentor. W D. 13 'Alcoy, Attorney. • • Auditor's Notic e' Io the Orphans' Court of Sit sgnetatnnit Con.. ty. Pa In. the Estate of Martin Park, lire - of the Township of Springville. The undersigned.' an audit r, appoloted by the Orphans' O.:upt rf Susiptehenta County to rep'rt d•stribution of the fends In the hands of E. A. Park. atircluistratoi, wi:l attPud the duties of his appulutinetl. at his office In the Borough o r!Montrose , on ,Tpesdity; March oth. 1907. at I o ' clock , at winch . Vale and place all persons int.r a stel in Baia fund u.ust present thtir•clatzus Lc forever de. barred front roan ng ot sn e.. • 31IGLSR'S... I.LEN, Auditor , .sheri ff's Sale , A „ ,tilt, of a we ,. I>f Fier} uel.t.i Issuet (mil of toe I o“rT of ( ~ m ni at 1'1•a. of Su•qaell tuna• l:Otlai ty, t•Lt.t...• of Pei a. y: c ptilH, /FL al to 11.0 ttilt LTetl 1 uul 2 Xpve e to publie tale tt th l oaf t htutt-e to %lontru t uul Saiurday• March 6, )909, at one &do, ic p. . m. et arp. Au a t , tercan t inn ~parcel a .1 lot of land 4ituatet! awn being iu tLe tusk.). It ,) of Latts top burt• .iehnuuu t m oty anti ..iate of etutt syltannt s howl ed on,. tlebtrita d .10111 , 4 d, ILO alt: I t , i inventing at Ali trOn . trti.r near a melt, In the F. 131. litte of 11t1444 .i •• if. quit., Haute by La true•urreotan AN., drier tad 01•0 o. 'Nitre-, uotlll 00;0 y 1 Nue U. 1.. t, tt.Ut ill. ttruledet \ , ..r.t. ne v. wy utno tt ,I, .ri.t. ity t • J oz t.• 1 1111CITtill till rude. to 1 tr.? t c I•ner on the eu,t bill ii. 4)11141'1.011's ere. s tit. ca Ic4/ • t.... 1. Ale L. the euttie um•l alb g• the ete.s.t ,re of if r Wu a creek. w uth, tv, nt% ,}13.3 t g•r, a awl tattty MM. 1%6.. r • -+ old uln ro, t, Lo a O tto ilitt µLet and wirLl fence now coo 'tn. ctn.! nhalt, 111.. .a•Le iy 1:o 0 the lot 0 rein tiedt - Letett. tilt Ille t y Illte BJ:we' v.-Wu. a:A tkico fo “...i.,dc ~ t 4-1t. 4 0t: q t.l one T.. att . .. T - , i. J t t) • , an) t , til l em o t 1 ue of 1 0 a.O t..{l i • i ',lli e., thence , 1 ur 13 03r,.1•2 th three r. t.l ..e: -ilc, v• , T 1 t w lAk uty,tx .11/at t-,ta" r) + t 11) , 1 tti - f i)-1141,1 .: • t.ot 1) i 11.,, I l i 'Ut... X Ituo reith o .0•2 F r h. 4 more a or le-.; In the a ptirt i 4. I -"tat• ti , f +it t. , +gtt ‘l4l `u•l fut. re6t of 1 ti Ms. J,. on,. I ht ict au to t ,i t %try illet./11 trt T•Att. Its I/10 MA 1 4 ,to V Sri •'-• n in Pr 01 en i 1U cry, ou the I.tul il‘co. a tl. tl 0 defru 1.1. lt t 1 nnodthe r 1 ;;11t. and prtvacgee wat Lt tiact tov 1 t lli )1V t t ,-tie tt.... .tr %Iv t:,.. , A t old, ..t of ,0., It , -elu'res fur the put., 445• li . ru rt. ad I 1 , r it, fur the it , . 1 % al % . ci atone lum quarrY uti slid la!. O.) t ti e. Cr Mail to ti (... u.ala shit , it ~ t the. It L .a. 11 1. It tin . Alto any nut" all tt h in, att cl pip. liegcsi t) talc: %%atr.r for any purp e whateter, front any prlug, upon the I ut* u It. S. Stpt.res or trom sand tiortor. I,,rtrk.l itdjulnltt, *alit 1at3,1. ttb sell 3sev,•ry ail Jail /I 'llloutni urti 'Urge witkb. the , le:cut:lLlA • ~w lths nu,i cult %., t tr Is cat tint to enjoy. ot O.•usping stoic , re- 1 fuse, diet -mkt other raut+l , ll to a and al) el oil I or any u the 1 thi. lit cat .1 1t.. •-• • bquttes, .. tit , 11.,ItttIttliill& the otttrtitlist: ~.1) butt! tiuorry. Also all ri btand privileg e , wli LIL defend tut ruby have/tut! eul >) to Lit 'dried .(Itl •It 1,111011 V1.111,113.1.U. b .gultrat f a (At, till Nb/4%, I. r rua. Ir , ttll,4g [tutu rate.' lama ttlute decieticed to the mato or p tale road tut Nicholson lot p treetue t-..stone quarry. machinery, f.c Seized and Liken so oz.( uttou at the suit of It S.s‘ttiir,K, unit %it 11,11 a : q Arta %r, 11o.t, Shield.. Jr ,f Tale iiotlee-411 tads had coots inu.t be td.l on day . . of .sale or deed wilr not be dettuuwiedeed.. S.nerlre Otlke, 3.lontrose, b roar y 11. W(9 S CoNE:LLS.Stn,riff. Hit :BOwo.o tbte YES! Reference is here madelto price on many lots of merchandise. This is the time for retrospection, which brings to, light many things that have accumulated: things of which size are broken, things of cold weath er adatability Here are mentioned but few of the bargains— Many Waldorf wrappers at 79e, ~SV4in •99c in plain • of $l.O 1,:25. Afany tailored, waists, all kinds • of cloth, at 49e up, . from 1 5-to 1-3 off. Many lace curtains from 1-5 to 1-4uff - if bought ,quickly • Still a 'good assortmeint !left of Ladiez' Coats at 1.3 to 1-2 off; children's coats at 1 4 off. Fuca at 1 , 4 off; Skir:s at 1 5 off; Tailored:Snits 1-5 off. - . There. are hal gains in*. ptess Goods and other piece goods, KELLY, th 'Main Street Grocer. In the estate orD. S. Powers, deed, late of Lenox township. • Letters testimentary having been grinateg the undersigned, 111 persons indebted to salt ea:ate an requested to mite immediate pay. 'meta., - and all persons having claims against the same, are requested to presentthem wbib i out delay. • . i . 13 C. POWERS, Biceeutor. KINGSLEY, rA MILLINERY Fancy Work A plbasing assortment of Thromedi Hats - throughout the season. ,% L. E. 8c B. T. =PFIRSON. Montrose, Pa. • "14ig 4" Pam Poor:Roller Fit s oily size , dooi•PHas rol bi.rll),armg. Caliuor, jump the hinged so animals cznnat t;-rt,3-d it off. . • price is Lirli-00. aryq H. P. ItEa, Executor's Notice. NEW YORK And complete line, of Materials;\tO cut illustrates the llarkiwz - tre suppii,..s- for the farm. " • . • 'Manure Forks, Barn Shovels,. Milk Pails, Milk Cans, . . lee Saw* . Cross. f eut. Saw**. • • Keen •Kittter Axes; Carpenier Tools, Deep Well Pumps, Galvanized Tanks . and, Troughs, Maple SugaiGoods. , COOLEY &SON. Eyes._ bit hard
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers