The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 14
411.*******ataaaa**4*.aa • Ilistoiical and Industrial County • •- . Edgion. • *.**i***************** Crusers & Gardner, Niblishers. lan • • • W. A. HARRINGTON pride in occasionally fitting up a pair of txtra - tOp-notcbers for sale. -A !Wei. , 'men of the teams refertedlo isdepicted . • • - • . in an engraving in- this ism-- ea picture One of the Finest Livery Es.. of a pair of beautifully, matched blacks that are greatly admired every time tablishments Imaginable . they are driven through the streets of Montrose They are indeed beauties E. of the best condUcted livery and they serve to show the trend of Mr. and sale stables in this section of Harrington's idea of what a fine team of the state is that, of W. A. Harrington, .horses really are.' His new concrete -reached by the alley that runs between - stable is the largest and best equ:p the „ Democrat" office and.. the Ma- ped in this region. It contains thirty whiney Harrington is wide, stalls and four box stalls and is fitted ly experienced in .the bisiness 'and gives up with all modern facilities for carry his entire attentirm to it. He keeps ing on an extensive bus ness. It is all kinds of stylish rigs and turnouts known the county over as "Harting. and is prepared to hire out horses and ton's," lit very popular with persons vehicles oil short notice that war- wishing rigs for entertaining purposes, mi l ted to: ive entire sansfactii..n. He and the summer visitors are always snakes a specialty of carriages, and delighted with the turnouts and careful coaches forfuneral aid aedding parties service• they get at this model stable. and his. turnouts Aire always in the Mr. Harrington was born in Bridge hands of sober. caref4l and experienced water township and is the eldest son cf drivers. Comfortable, clean stalls are the -Pie commissioner H. H. Barring used for stabling stock and the soundest ton. After attending .the Montrose and best oats, bay' and Other feed is°. high schoolhe engaged in the business given with a liberal hand to all his, of buying and selling meats until about animals, besides the best of attention in- twave Tears ago he entered the liVery ',the *ay of currying. cleaning, watering, business and has been engaged in that ,etc. Mr. Harrington takes pardonable line of avivity ever since. . . . That our water supply is as near- to purity as any water can he is4borrie out by the' faCt that we rarely if 'ever are .aillicted with , any of the diseases. such as typhus, - etc.,. which ,are popularly supposed to emanate from impure or contaminated drinking water. It could - • W, illard 111:13unitell r - Tot very well be impregnated with im-. purities to any appreciable extent, corn ‘---t PLI:ARD M. BUNNELL. 1 , 7 . 0 _ .. mg as it .dOes from living springs and i, \ :. thonotary . a Lackark anna taktn intO % - the mains from under the $. county, whose office is in. Scranton, is a stirfae of a clear lake. The supply is ..thus situated where no drainage from Susquehanna . county native= all of his ?barnsand cess pools nor impurities'of numerous friends here are proundrbf any. kind can reach it. . - : He was born inl3imock township.. tli's, . ' Besides the satisfactory. supply of parents moved to Montrose that their . good water for doniestic . purposes, Mont children- might obtain an acadernic.e.du caiion. • , -f rose is fcirtunate a h tying a good press ' After graduating from the. Montrose ure from the puotic hydrants for fire high school . with,honors ' in 'lBO3. he en- .. protection, as the company maintains precent an ecient service in re tered Keystone Academy at Factory . -: and: later - graduated from . -Bnck-• sat pt— an adva ffi ntageous featurethis evi ville denced. by the comparatively low insur- 5 nell tniversity. • He is a versatile niind-• apce rate which obtains-here. ..,..- ed Man and a gifted speaker and - per- .. . ' The company was organized in t 893. siitent debator.- yet always consistent The pump-house was'•erected that year and courteous. lie possesses a fine, ten- and the Mains -laid as fast as possible. or Yoke and is a member of the Schu.. Additional mains are being put in; at belt Male Quartet. of . Scrton_ He has had some very flatterin pOsitions, _present there are nearly eight miles of g offered him. as a soloist but has almay;,,T:PlPillg:. ' • . - ...rhO companr s principal officers .are: declined td, adopt singing as a profes- J. D.\Stocker of - jermyn, president; S. Sion, preferring. to continue. to practice law. . . •., W. Cook of Jerm3 - n, secretary; Thomas E. Jones of Scranton,. treasurer. 'The -Mr. Bunnell, sc;on, after- moving to - ----•,-• - -----”,- ..,---- - directors are:, J 1 D. Stocker. William Scranton, got into the , "political game" WaTker_,of - Fort Washington, Thomas arid at once demonstrated his great E.' Jones, George G. Brooks'of Scranton abilities as an organiier; 'He Was elect and and S. W. Cook. ed prothonotary of Lackavaiina county• t . M. W. Dennison of Montrose is the in 1907 and is one of the best and most general superintendent. Mr:Dennison, popular officials in • that - -county. The while ever - alert for the interests and canvas be made for the office- was one. of welfare of the company. is' never un . .- the cleverest ever. 'mown in that city of mindful fit. the rights of consurnerand '.., shrewd -politicians, and from that time _be stands well in the community. -- . ~: oil he, has been :a dominarii - personage in the Democratic- ranks. He is chair- ;',•••• " ' . • . - .. than of •the city committee and has 'lust The County Bnildings. =. . .:. rine through one of the_ scrappiest cam- .'• paigris ever kre,wn in a -municipal eft-e•-The .butiding used - by the Fire Corn tiOn in the Electric City ' • • ... pany was built for ' a jail -in 1853. In . i Mr. Bunnell is of pleasing persOnality, 1867-8 the present jail was built by and ever loyal to • and ;Candid with his Avery Prink: and - the. old one was leased friends. He loves motoring and the by theboro of Montrose for 99 years, ,-- ,• • Manly sports; has .a competence in this for afire station life's goods; is upright in characterand - The. main part of the Court house wa 1 a , man of pronounced influence. • His built in 1854.5; the contract was made •success is always of the greatest interest between the county commissioners, and --. •to his Susquehanna county friends and -Levi B. Guernsey, Wm. .L. Post, I. L. :. • admirers who have seen him develop Post,.W. H. Boyd and Avery. Frink, -, • from a boy into useful manhood. . -- .contractcirs. . [ Mr: Bunnell was married to Margaret In 1885 the addion was built by • Irene Walls of •Lewisburg, Pa., a very - Boyd, • Corwin & Cooley, and added • talented lady. They hale two interest- much to the appearance , and -thecon - ing boys and the family live in a hand- venience of the Court house. some home in Scranton. -He has also s. . _ • purchased the Old family - homestead at N-. . - -- • . South Montrose; :. at . of SJ. 16 , entiment and . • • ' • ...... md..... • love for The old place, and his family . , • -the summer -months. One of th e best known members of Occupies it during the Susquehanna county bar. is J. D. . „ . . Miller, 'of Susquehanna formerly a . , . -•- . inecessfialinerchant in his home town ; • • . ••' • , Thomson. Becoming impressed with the : 1 New Milforciltas five churches as fol. , belief tbskt . bc would enjoy the praCtice lOwi: Methodist Episcopal—Rev, :of la*. and he took up its study and in. W. Johnson,- pastor; . Presbyterian—i. due time was admitted to practice. Re D. Hillman, pastor; iptist— Franklin sold an office in - Sus Pearce, pastor; Episcopal—Rev. Heim,. --quelsantus; sad , has succeeded finely. • Rector; Catholic—Father Mack. enjoying a large practice. . • . . . . , - • We are compelled to prin 1 the Democratm a few hours late. o w, ng to 1 Copies of this edition of the '' DE to- the non-receipt of some of the ts' on CRAY," *rapped and ready f fordnailing, titne. For this-reason we were obliged may be had .at the Democrat office; to ,disappoint scme of our subscribers Price, 5 cents. If mailed. i' cents. on the rural routes. etc.. / • KS COIISMM' WATER CO. The Supply in Montrose Very Satisfactory in All Respects 4 ,, ~, quantity in _qualit s of wn r. - village is per IP. efartii).the most important features wring upon ; the health'and general welt4iiing of its people'. 'ln this respect Moutrx-e is for tunate in having a bountiitil ;supply nt clear, cool water, which is Obtained ti=orn an intake in or near the middle of Jones lake, where prenniat springs bubble up and are sufficient in quantity to supply not only the present population of our town, but adequate for any reasonable increase in population and growth for years to come. . • . t,,-. . , . * . , . ~ . . , , - -..- 4 .., onv ., .. : ..., ~.,, , , ~, , ,,t , .. . a . . 1 - - 2- . 0 r . . . . . 1 ' to.Or v"t...., taut _:,:_, . .._ . . _ EMI Montrose, Sus 'a Co., Pa., 'Thursday, February 18, 1909 28 Pages. Price 5c Vol.-69, No. 7 • 11,boinb was thrown' front an • ele , rated train in New York. and six per sous 'were injured_ by the, explosion. This . Was the second attinuftt to de i stroy.Jeseph Arono, a linker, who had I received Black Hand letters. • . . William W. Babbington : A led in the :r .1 Long island City hospital:: as the re suit of. an infection of. the. band re- . - "celved while decorating ti. chrlsitnas tree with green chetuleals.'.; ' . . A : Bishop E. E: Hotta . of the Methodist Train robbers held 'up a Denver and . . Episcopal church south, wlts operated Clio Grande train near Military June.- upon in a hospital In .Baltimore for au tion, Ctilo.,' and after terrifying the Internal affection:" =i passengers by firing tt• volley or shuts The Nev : York state public service Slid overawing the .crew Of "tS3e.:lrktittl, - •TotonnSttkat -T0ted,,... - tit , -.'"-jfArif.4h67;:-Erie 1 wl-t revolve-6 forced 'the'••:tnitil,---_:-.littlt. ,ladritad• to'..lininn OtiOdi r ,l,MV'Addititiiuti , exini'•ssclerks to aid thent. • 4* :fvoiti,,g,::.-bcbd;*,l. •._•':. „:- ...,.,• • ;::'::.:_;.! . :',.Ej:"l: ,:.• ' -: : the sack - s-40'ixix . es tinalik eicnfOrt7lTite . Vtlitti.rtittitii7VM ( iit , '§"riii 4,- ::. In. nu aittobile with - ti,CiAltv .. .esslf . U' . _ . •c4cl zorri -, " t4, : :...,AtiatigB7aity.*. aut I booty. • . •:-..... •:.-., .......• - ItitattaiSti , ,' Nils; 7 - T -24 ,:.7 . f . 7 . , . . _.... . . -‘t .1 he Universit,y, club, Philadelphia. • • • to - • - • _ _• - News of A Week Peragniphicflpotographs of the Woitft Doings 113 . persims. all physichms. tendered a banquet to I rr. John B. Deaver. who had - succesfully removed the vermi form appendix from every one in nt. 7 , teistance, including the waiters. There was Just one appendix at the -appen 14.1ass u.e-r-r—Mbl Mt- /100 :hen'the business interests of - the , vil ge have undergone nu me rc us chz•nge . t the .:eVsonnel of those wh' Lon m.ted its stores, mills and sh ips, un- OM MEM , ii . At p-e , cnt i ti--e three mercantile con • rose . and Tunkhantiock..• A large quan '.tr us ‘..1- the place are or eratcd by ,•criir ' e - -• ". • • ' ti iy of milk is shipped. • Thisals i is the jame.i A. Williams owns and eondUcts . shipping point for Auburn, •Auburi .. .ne_of the largest and most important Ce;nter l and Elk Lake.' , Aboitt a carload eni ra 1 stoles in the villigo He is a rogressivc, pubic-spritcd young bici - *".. - ' 'summer (4 butter is shipped ; 4rona Ylere eacit'e ' • ~.. ssn - .an and has built up a very rat bro , 1 t in ) - 4 '* ; week in theseason , u s ) „--, story trade. He succeeded E.: E. from these places. •APYThcs are' eicen- 4 : nes and has been in bv-iness at the me location about five years. .He is sh • • sively grown in the township and large are made -from herein the' native • cf Harforct and very popular . th all classes of people. . • fall. - shipments 1 • - • , . . , . . . . 0. F. Maynard is at present the Pro- The farm buildings 'in tI4 neighbor ietor of the oldest/established general hood haVe improved wonderfully in the re in flarf y • rd. .He deals in dr • ' • • - last few years. and several 'pp-to-date ds, groecries, notions, readY-rnade thing, hats.-caps, etc., and carries a 'houses; have beent built int tci9l.• D. D. e stock of goods, Mr. raynard• is a Layton has a new one•with 'all modem tine of Scranton but has. lived in rford nearly all of his life.. ' He is a • , improvements. R- L: Avery'' and E. W. of T. lid. Maynard. Some four Lott have each remodeled houses:that. rs Igo he bought out the establish- are an ornament la ,he town- : In If nt from Frank Lott and has since modeling E. W. LOU destroy'ed an cld ducted it with much success.landmark of :the town. Cyru ; . s W. arty E. Miller; a native of Raeford, . ; h -. Rata used to live; there and . before the he proprietor of a very popular es- ,- -7- . . ishinent dealing in general merehan. war his house w a wa u nder rail ... No young business man in Sus- road station for runaway slaVes. Thry anna county stands higher g alls as. a -would, come from a' station between hed and courteous gentleman and - • ' • p-tosdate business man than Harry and Lagrange, in Wyoming coun., 's./. l ll6l,liniiie-peu . tr, a nt to von „. ty.. a nktrosire . •they went to a Stk.' +4.•••;' -, . •• - - ' , • - . -:..4 4,,, • ..., irx i vi ~. 2' -11.r;.:..z.:.•.:.'--..l.''ent-Its• ...,....... • I .Vote,and declared Wfiltant H. at nt . Washington counted the :ahoi i4: - ,.. Utory - of the State Norrutil school ilil ?nines - S. Sherman cl ef t,- ; ..d. ai r fs;r : 7,%'::7: - ..,... 1 ,- -- .7 . 7 ,1 ,,7 1 e - . 1,,c7 . -ttit . e . lief. und 1 ,„7,, 1 ...• ITezn. N. Y.. thrze girl students. 1 !tl . z .0 - vi..vt , ...;;;,;..... 4 ,,,„:,. , „, i,.,: 5 , ,.,:,!,,0i5,,,t4, , ,„„e„,.- -,,,, , ,..,,..,-404_ Ar r40."' 1 . v(4,0t : 110 . *Or, 1 :- , T .7i A.,,,-...„:,,, , ,_, ! ~,,,:..,... , * ::-;_: ~:-:1,.--: , tlr;-• .. ItS' ^-,*:, oft :iisar i3oto t atit.itakitiiit - . :-Aki4eif, Tk _ :W.! litiieliiiii ll'ini 1 the tits iaiicie4Acat'l taarrittPl 'AM.! lii<iiV , ' - i: :. iitV:( 4 ii"*.t ' 4 .!*terS ti.' ty feet a.4.liistiliaingiy - foie sPier:Virt , 1 - - i' l 144 4 ' %''. '-- '4,:tikl4N4 '.I In If l .S . a ' , ---, -_,,• _.. -t , . - ..: - • t , w .: Nets _ .'loPeki 'th - ~, .. - ,„, 9. gigi,..the-betiC:7<iffit*A&4ify:- . '''al . l"an- Of7 - Itteliard Wheaten. thus preventinU ftliS oily and. demanded #7.000. HP the aorta from bursting aud''sai - I_ng was OVerpowered and locked up. the patient's life. .. • • lntiletnicnts against twen'ty-six rep- Edna Wallace Hopper, the actress. resentativcs Of corporatimes clutMhu.: and A. 0. Brown of the bankrupt firm them with • stealingc.valitable timber of A. 0. Brown & 'CO. of New York. front =segregated pallan Malls in Olat announced in 'New Orleans that they : !MIMI were returned by thi. federal 'were secretly married on Nov.:.'( by a' grand jury at Muskogee, ,01:1. • juticeqf the peace at Freehold, N. J. -A i freight train on the LotilSiana ' Two prisolters escaped from Slug Railway . 81111 Navigati o n. 1 - 4,4mm:illy's Sing prison, o ne i n lii a New York line ; wits wreekt9l near Baton Rouge. motorman convhted of responsibility La.,,plungim: from a trestliothirty-five fora . wmck in 1905 that killed twelve feet to tip• ground. killing tMe.and. in passengers and the other a New York luring . six. - policeman convieted7-of extortion. • Robert Tinton - and Fr.nik Fleming Frederic L. Small sued Arthur H. fought .1 duel with revolVers in it Seden. the former baseball magnate =crowded rt•staurant at Milton. 'Fla.. and bank director". for :,Z.ltaknoo dam- the latter tieing killed. A:coroner's ages at Boston. alle!•ing that the latter jury exonerated Vinton. drugged both- himself and wife and Leslie- Coombs, the nineteen-year .er . t. „ _ r. alienated his wife's affection old slayer of Harry Hosms. '. - Five firemen were killed . and a dozen Lawrence' county. N. 1.. was put to :s injured, two- faiany, by the toppling death in the. electric chair 'at Datum ove • of a br ick.troll while they were morn prison. •! - fighting fire In the H. W. ,Johns Mari- The steamer Beinialif of the Talon, vide ManPfacturing• • company at Mil- Steamship vomit:my was wrecked off I wankce. Wis. : ' • - Cape Terawhiti, amltifty-eight of the Mrs. Eva Smith Cochra ne. who died 1011' men and women.. on hoard were l eav i ng an estate •of 55.090.1101 k, ' be- drOwned.. • . - • -;: queothed 51.0041 to t . NO 11 of the :Mt em- Three hundred me, and wianot were plityees of the Smith Carpet company b u rned to death all many wgte in of New York. in whirl) she. owned Wed - in a. tire whk•it destroyed the niu'eh'stis'it...• .114;res theater in the. city of Acapulco. - . * The Ncliroska staie,senate by a ma- Mexi-o. „ ii)rily of 1,1 !c Pg.:: 4 + 4l .ille 1-11 Tan geh'" )l The Hotel Claretabin at Sea Breeze, 'of eitiztoiship bill, - providing fin': the yis., one of the lamest resort hotels estabbsnotent Ili the State university on the east coast. 'NV;IS destroy by of ? , •1ut ,, 1 teajem-11 the duties of .. citi- fire and :25ft guests were rekuedY. zens hip. * —An - Illinois Central railway, passen . The • S.1111•11so,tlian institution • .at - gei• train was wreekcol near: plrldi Vs; Wa shiligt..4Lnuoit. the first award Of -boro, lit:. and six twi•ons - were killed. the Laurie(- go.iti, me:lal for advancing. About thirty werc - Mitired ''" ' perodrornic seicnee - in its . 0 ppl lcH lion ; .- • • • to Aviation .Ii Wilbur anti- Orville ' - Wright President I'ierce armoured at St. 'Louis that the NV:dors-Pier.* oil com pany would pay the $50.000 tine :tud tiled tither condition , : imposed for the continuance of inisines:4 in MisNouri. , A hurricane from the gulf of Mexico that swypt:i,otdslatta and Texas killed three persons.ll%llmM Seven and de stroyed raiinani tracks, anti telegraph wires for miles in both 'states. Father Carroll. ft;rmerly of Phila.. delphia; .. was'.eonseerated bishop of Vigan with impressive ceremonies at . the cathedral in , Maniln, Papal , Dele gate .Agiuie officiated. • , ~ Philippe Btrniu-Varilia, the - eminent French engineer, arrived from Europe and predicted the failure of Gatun dam in - the Panama canal ,tin account of the foundations. : -- ::. • : The Alabama supreme court decid ed that the new ,franchise tax law is valid and that the tax must be paid by the' railroad's who have' been light ) brg it. • ,''-' .' . The ferrious liberty bell, Which is kept at the old statehouse id Phiholei-: phis, cracked again._:_and the relic is in danger of being split in twain: lAndrew Carnegie presented the Cin cinnati Public library with an addi tional - $1.00,000, • having previously do nated $lBO.OOO. Robert A. Taft, son of the president elect, was elected ,to memberkhip in the Yale chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa, . ._.- . . . . CRIMES cart .Ellertin - ateNyard AND shlps• of the North • • Gentian Lloyd fleet, -CASUALTIES.• , was _nrest . tr b) ens tolns Oilleet on .boar -1* lironprln ussiiilleoche at 1.-lobolien,N, elrarg , te t i•e. . . . • r. A branch ,of the. Lehigh yalley rail road passes through .here, and •Spring-.' yille is : the chief. station.betcYpen TORtIGN . Tbr9tig.ll tic efforts"of L sPeeial NEWS .OF cormaissii2u- INTEFiEST. / e ' r to Verleineta, protocol in settlement of the. matters I Between the United States' and that country its signiSi at Caracas, Three American claims go to The Hague I tribuald. a fourth was settled by Cash payment. a!td the fifth wa 'settled by tbe t'enezueltin government directly .with the claimants. A high northeast wind 'caused an ice blockade - In Nfltgara river, and the American fails ran nearly dry.' only ",rt tiny stream trickling, Over the great. precipice. Two men :walked from Prospect point to Bath Island. tl6_ be fag accomplished but twice before in . the hiStory of the white man. Edward' George Hugh Grosvenor; aged five years, son of the Duke of Westminster, died at •London lag an operation for appendicitis. King Edward .was gOdfather, and the boy •would have: Inherited an in. come of more than X3,00,0p0 a year.. :Dole. Tatiana Kotova, Once. pretmi tient in Russian terroristicircies and one of the organisers ot.the attempt On the life of 'Premier Stoiypin at his Island villa' died of Koitaftoz v and e Posure. following her escape from Prison - near St.. Petersburg„. , The Turkish parliament:forrOKia mil Psalm. the - . grand, vizier, Ain - re sign through au :overwheinilit , vote of lack of confidence. TIM sal an•wati requested to appoint a prime sinister posgessing the confidence of the pro pie. Armour & Co. of Chicago contracted with the British gorernment fur three years' supplies of gunned corned beef under the supervision of British-army Dineen. The first delivery of 1.000,000 Rounds will be made this sultuner.. The police at St. Petersburg Issued a warraut for. the arrest of - Maxim . Gorky: the Russian novelist, whose book described the Intolerable condt lions of life under autocracy in . litta. Sin. Gorky is la Italy. 4 Witham . Marconi of the - literrohl Wifeless company presentid.,.. , ittick Mims with a gold watch .iwatch _ inrecet. : lieu of his runt gt coil deceittiirCs i : Abe :ix:mg-ton of: the loss , ef the , it4il44 . . . • • • MArle Viragn . o- AFFAIRS. won the natioital iti nuor tennis champion ship in. singles for the second consecu tive, year, defeating' Miss 'Elizabeth Moore in the tinal round of the annual tournament at New York city 2 sets to The contest was a most unusual Ine, the score being 6: love. 12-14 and love. , 7, i, .1 Seattle *tight promoters wired' James ; . Jeffries • Offering to. put up a gutii ?nteed purse of .4200,0.10 . for a tight .:.• luring the Alaska-Yukon Pacitie‘expo .-. Mori between him and Jack Johnson, 4he negro champion heavyweight. This 1 , 4r4 the second purse offered, the first •timonnt being $12:000. 1 Jeffries is eon- Aildering the, increased offer. • 4 1 John Nilsson, the professionalskater. !-:-stablished new records • for indoor • liCia4 'at St._ Paul, 31inn., covering wo ;miles in 5-minutes 45 2-5 second's !one - mlie in 2'minntes 30 2.5 seC ,III(IR Norval Baptic lowered the half record. to 1 minute IT 15 sec • H. 'L. Trube, the . national mile cham pion runner., made a new world's in- Joor mile reeOrd at Madison Square ;arden, New York city, .covering the listanee in 4 .minutes 19 4-5 setlondS. Elliott Carr Cutler. 'O9, was elected . - _ , aptain of the Harvard varsity crew it Cambridge. Mass.. Captain Seve rance having been ,forced to resign as :he result of serious . illness. . Dorando Pieta the Italitin.Marathon runner. defeated Percy Smaliwoial in t twelve mile race at Philadelphia, Smallwood quitting in the eleventh tulle. Vice resit/eon* . T. I%i .chivington of he : , L a iaville American_ absgoetation :1,.' ~..,4 t, ;•41 tentO: .- ahrtied Heitz • Peiti. to- 1 Ifili tu .c. ,- ; 0.1 1te-44hte for the souring sea-11 . ' 3 . 4 ‘.. ..i.-57,-;:,1. - :, - -,-:: ''• .. _._-: ,- -- • )'• .' ' . - - -' ..--•-- ~:,i; , :s. -;:is•no-2 - -;', ' • . -.: - ..:-. - F ; r;:-" - . DEAt iof,- , :ltercfautin- ,kt. Ilortig ‘ -- OP 'NOTED of 'the firm of liurtig & Seamon, theatrical PEOPLE. - ', managers, died at New York after. suffering for three years from a -malignant - tumor. Mr. Huitig's firm owned and 94u - rolled theateis, in -a: -- itomen: cities and towns through:int the comOry. Mr. Ilurtig began life a billposter for Barntutis circus. ..: George...l. Seabury. a well knoWn chemist !and prominent In political cir cles, died at Now Vork. aged, sikty five years. He .d - its an authority on scientific - matters' regarding chemistrY and was a delegate to the convention. 1 at Chicago which nominated' Mr. 'raft., . 11. E. Hoerring, state councilor and (former premier of Denmark, tiled .at i ropenhagen. Ile resigned as preniler in 1914.1 after coneluding negotiations between the united States and Den mark- for the purchase by .the United States of the DaniSh West Indies: John - F. Russell. seventy-one yearn • of age, an inventor . Of .national • repu tation, died of apoplexy at Springfield. , 0. , lle perfected the • modern 'reaper and devices for the development, of _ the steam locomotive. Congresstmln f)aniel L. D. Granger of Providence. R. 1.. who , represented the First district of Rhode Isiao: in CongreSs during the Fifty-eighth.' Elf -ty•-nint h and Sixtieth cOngresses, died at „Washington. /Marquis Erumannel-Henri Vioturnien de Noailles, a former 'member of : the diplomatic service, died at 'Paris. In 1572 he repreented his government at Washington. , . • Robert . N. Marvin . died' at James town..N.rY: He was the son of Rich- Jtrd P.r.litarvin. for many years a; jus tice of the New York supreme court. Live , Stock Markets. CATTLR—Dressed, Saloc. per pound. CALVES—Common to ; prime reals, In per tar. pounds; dressedi calves, , Sal e. per pound for city dressed; and 7al3c. for country, dressed SID:11.7.1" AND LAMBS—Corranon to prime sheep (411 ewes). .$3.5 1 .1115.25 per I(K) pounds; fair to ' good...tamhs;... S 7 54n.7.77,; culls. IS; dressed mutton. 7alec. per pound; dressed lambs. int.L4ll3c.. HOGS—Light and medium -, York slate and Pennsylvania hogs, t;.17'..a7 per lOU pounds, pigs included; country tit !ss -111/.4a9c. per pound. General Markets. BUTTER Elmer and. unsettled: re ceipts. 9.751 packages; creamery. specials. 30a30 1 4c. (official. 30c.); extras, r.41:.1P,tc.: thirds t 2 firsts, 2'.'ailc..c.: . held, common to special, , 22a9c.;. process, common to spe cial, 18a5c.; western factory, 18aM4ic.: western imitation creamery, 21a=c. CHEESE—Firm; receipts,- 3.071 boxes: state, full cream, specials. 16a1aic.; col ored or white, fancy, 14 1 / I c.;. good 'to fine. 11.%c.; winter made, best, - 1.3 1 / 2 c.; common to prime, lhalMc.; skims. full to specials. Mall%c. • EGGS—Firm: recelpti, 8,653 cases; state. Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy, selected. white, W.; fair, to choice. 366117 c.; brown and mixed. fancy, 36c.• fair to choice. 11410 c.; western, firsts, ,i 40.; seconds, 33a 13 1 / 2 e. _ POTATOES—Fihn; domestic, ' in bulk. per 190 lbs., 12.522.62; per bbl. or, bag, 112.10a2.40; European, per bag. $1.76a2; Ber muda.'new, per bbl., i4.16a15.30;. sweet. No. 1, per basket, 81a1.40. I DRESSED POULTRY—Firm; turkeys, young; selected, per lb.. 23c.; young, pOor to good, 16aLlc.; capons. nearby. .r.ta.:rsc.; western. 72a25c.; spring thickens, roast ing, nearby, 18a24c.; western, 141:16c.: fowls. boxes, 1baL.5 1 ,4c.; barrels," 14 1 ha15c.: . old roosters, 110.1%c.•. ducks, Western, 16a 16c.; :peso. western, 10a12c.; squabs, Whit% per Os., 31.24a4.15. • . . niiondale George Esmay has got a fine h - rse for sale., Re has two and don't need but one. 1 The 'Erie Rail Road Co., is do'ng a large amount of work on the rail road culvert across the out etof Lewis Lake. Putting ,in a new concrete arch inside of the old one. as the old one was crack ing, L - . P. Norton is preparing to move in the Curtis house formerly known as the Boswell house on. Lovers avenue. - Tha.Uniondale Milling Co.,.seems to belg a lively business these days ty the., way the teams go to and from Money buys the feed and the tlie mart go. iy " ti rg-r,..,..0u frt ber latound here. have VittWestgatis .and hifinen have tiing the:ice m .tbe ear- BY the vior - Tref.** is ( quite an all round . fellow in the - *taxa thingk toEell, • d al, !pc h _as wagetteleig i birlat, nesies; -blanket", whips. _robes; `farm Ina plentepts. coal, brick, fertilizer sha w, go-and see for youself. telleverything. . < to The First National Bank Smell as well as larger Accounts will:eshareleorned. r-rk ' - A Full Line- of General Merchandise at Very Reasonable frices. . 0+ !Agent for Kernp & Burpee Farming • anclMeLaval Separators. Lazatztaialausitas zuk.Azgagauzsilaui6 New 'rink. Feb. Hz- We will receive your "on account subject to check" and furnish all nee eSsary stationery free. If you hive never had a check account open one. new. There is no better way of making payments thy by check. INTERES T DEPARTMENT . We receive interest deposits and issue either an Interest Past` book_ or Certificate of Deposit;as you may wish Interest paid at the rate o 3 per, cent per annum on deposit ilellAree months or longer. Cs'Hand let us explain anything you do not underbtan.i. (1. G. 11011(41.1.T, President; HARRY W. SEAMANSAViee Pres D. W. TERRY D.'W• Terry & Co., RUSHVILLE, ra - r [ Retrospect February A5t,.1874., we began our Iminess career in this ' illage. ..To those still living who can look back to that time and the attendant conditions, the changes and developements that have' °courted. al though gradual in their process, are FO radical as to be almost revolutionary. With but few exceptions the heads of families as they then existed have pasted from the scene of action and the descendants, quite generally, .have succeeded them and are filling the= places made vacant by their passing. It is a matter of gratification that as a rule the friendship - and loyal ‘• support given us by the fathers and . Mothers of-the \ present generation at the beginning of our business • career here has been continued - and intensified by khe passing of time. We have never been as well pre pared to fill all your family needs as now { and* the "latch string is out," .as alsOays.. • Rush,:Penn'a. L. • • FI • • .• UST.• SECTIO'N.. • • • , PAGE 'ONE. • ********•*.****-- 4-144.** East Lenox , Mr. and Um jobn Shepherd ana son' , Howard, and Mr. .vnd Mrs. James Con- rad, visi ed , at B.• H. Contad's. Sunday. Paul Belcher and Leah &lancer,. spent Sunday with Dar. atd Mrs. H. hams.' • - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie , Prank- lyn. a son. Bruce Belcher is spending a few weeks with his parents. Mr; and Mrs. I. S. Belcher. - . Mrs. Eva Davis arid daughter Lura. • have returned - from a visit with friends in Bingham ton, Sidney: and Edmiston. The Misses Polly and Maria Stiphens are in poor health_atthis witing,„ • Alice Snyder isvery siCk with, typhoid pneumonia 4---t • Luella Snyder visited relatives in Car bondale last week.- - Susan Harding is *visiting friends in Britoklyn. For sate. . -=Fifty tons of good. baled I.llly. Si s ;triton, on what is known as `the - •* For pastime iars c tt oa Mra; Eva'Davis imulate an `~ a* . -., Tracle allow a discount of n above and 15 per ct. lm our regular price. . F. H. McINTYRE. Cashier. MOD.IIIIIIIIII of 35 Years. S. 411.1111111 11111 . 11 M 11 . 11 EN " Avis PENITA. McCain. II