The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 11

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    Sisson Bros. Welden 40.,
Binghamt9n, N. Y.
' •
The largest and finest,.assortment of ladies' Usliu
undergarments .evtr'shoWn in Binghamton, and: leVery,
one at. a . • - . •
Genuine: Reduced Sale Price. • .
• •
This is the-best time of the year to buy . musli.:
derw.ear as stocks are largest and - prices' lowest.
spRov:•CArtiETS iNp . •RUGS ARE DERE.
Muslin Underwear
',.- Entertainment
o .
for 'every home- with
For SaCe by
e Binghamton
Trust Compan , 1
Binghamton, N .
capital and surplu
Does a genera ..anklng
Business and p ye
• • 4 Per Cent Interest - . '
on time deposit's. Deposita received - at an)
time, and In any amount. , and interest paid
same date if left three month, or longer.
Acts as Executer, TrUistati• Ad+
rninistrator Guardian , Agent
or in any, °ear' Fiduciary I
Freed frnin the oonidngeney 'ti death.' Jac '
Trust Company will survive the =Wanes cif
any trust.
is a Legat:Depesitat7 ter Curt
aid Reserve Ageetsfir State Racks.
Offers its services ob favored terms as Trtui
tee of Cotwratton Mortgagee, Etegristrar of
Transfer =t for Corporations or mantel
' pandas. Loans money on bonds sad Mort
gales fad "rvldartij secant
MiPP. Free,
'Tifitarmers toad of hers having
beech trees, that would. li eto
have a weigh scale •for any pui.-
pose, house use, platform, stock
or wagon.
We have a 'pro' osition where
by you can procure sane with
out money. ,Just a bit of la
bor. •
For : information concerning
thiS easy method of securing a
weighing .machine, inquire at
Harrington's Mills. of
"Toms truly,
Washington Steet,
Binghamton, - N. Y.
FLOW. WORE of all kipds{
BC: • • • -
Al4' _
Patter & Co's
Choice Groceries, Hams, Ba
con: Sausage, : Oysters,
etc., a speCialty..
A full line of
Confectionery, Nuts, .&e.
Special atteplion to sales of stock and
farm propertf.,:.liand, - bills furnished.
Send list od property you wish to sell.
Write or :Phone for dites:= Chargei
,Reasonable. N. E. Phone.
;-`, ROB'T I.'ADAIft,
R. F. D. 2.
/ I hereby announce that - I am!at liber
ty to act as auctioneer st VendOce,Pub
lie Salta. &e„ and will siyirlywe is
Suequptuuuas or Wyoming eounuei
N. E: Pions. • Nicholson Ps
; ...3 and
$3;B00,00 1
• 600,90(
.- Thompson. Pa.
'wort !i
D. A. Titswort
ThoOld` ~aliable
The Best iiii ere Isi
i, .
Is None To Good.
The policy of our mar; et has always
been to furnish the very ~ U stOnality lc
all kinds of meats, fislpohliry, &c.
and it is with a renewed Jaeterminatior
kt ,
to continue along tills ennelhat we In
angumte the new year- if, We shall tr 3
to serve you well., li
Enszerstrus ~.
. . .00ERS
, ,
. ,
New Proitiitor at
Jeffers' kill
The undersigne d '• having
stocked up the well-known
Jeffers Mill in Monrose, is pre-.
pared to furnish a 'lowest• cash
prices . •
1 4'
Flour, Feed, eal, Mid.
dlings,_Brat &c. _
1 •
A fair share of e patron
age of the publiO is ~ .
- - ---- - T. W. 'rink' er.
Isaac Lauder& Son
Marble and Granite - Works
Matinfacturera of all*Lnde of
lansolcuinsi Nonunijnits,
• Hemistoues, Etc.
59, 61 & 03 Elditdge St.,
North, of R. R. near Cinenango St
Binghamton. , 4 • N -Y-
Working Men's
Gloves and Mittens.
Largest Stock Town t
Call nd see' for
select from.
Goods Right Orices Right
John Heffiwan
aulballst, -a well-known medical'
wtose friends are legion. Orders say
Opposite MontrOse House rerajty t te n 'il °te r' Ma"
unman 4.(4. ..
Building lots arid vacant tracts
for sale—some of them suitable
for ordinary home sites, and
some of them in five, ten, and
twenty acre plots, beautifully
situated for
Also two houses for sale on
Lake Avenue. (Montrose's fash
ionable thoroughfare) and two - ,
farrris near the Lake and Coun
try Club. W. C. CRUSER.
_maw:dimmer and Dealer In
Of Seery Deeerlption.-
er : all rep ki a nds of oti mach o lt n :
notice Also—New-and second-hand Ma
°binary and supplies bought and sold
ma moderate. . .
No. 17144 North. Nitsin A ye., •
Horse Shoeing, Wagon Ironing,
and all gPueral- repair work.
Wagons built to order.
Opposite Montrose House Barn
State Street'
& SOl3
If you have a harness or a collar to re
pair, give us a ttial, as we make a "metal
low price on all , job work.
There is no better single harness made
than our $15.00 one. Try one and you
Will get the best out for the money.
A choice line of Robes ana Blankets.
lAD sad Charnel*: limadings. _
Billable Advice on Sodas= 41fairs.
Long Mania Phone.. •
.A•klive Ave. LosteestiThi Hel,elita
N•lizioa. N. T.
-.i.ri l ikicarkgraA: 4 llo l lllo lll ' trona:out pt.
coreriajitrrOrc+ rttAlocris"pH
. Ina of swim
Cement Wurit.
Also Building Stone for Side.
Montrose, Pa. •
• T. D. CARTERPropriator.
Remodeled and Refurnished thronlibnut.
One Block from Devote. Rates $l.OO p-r Day
. • DR. .1 : D. KELLY,;-
Dentist and Oral Surgeon,
SOMICOFORM for Painless extraction.
Office Hours: 1:15-5:3o
'4 Floor Binghamton Savings 1311,pk 13 'ld 'g
• GEO. P. TRIPP, -
Painting, Decorating
and Papering Hanging
All work is gauranteed
Wall paper trom Samples.
MLocu st ONTR an OS d E. P High A. Sta.
1 hereby offer my services as Auction
eer at public sales and vendues and
shall be Pleased to hear from those in
need of such work. Will go aiywhere
in Susquehanna and. Bradford Counties.
Birchardville, Pa.
I wish to announce that 1 ans prepar
sd to do painting, 'papering, and all
und. of finishing. Contract work a
pecialty.Correspondence solicited.
Frank DePue. Montrose., Pa.
Upholstering and. General
Repairing of Furniture..
4 7 Prospect Street,
Prof: 8. F. REEL 535 North
Sixth,St. It.2.•"'nebn
MThe MIMI TIMITIIarr the ley pareeteed
sere for SiortMs Meet Tikes 'then meet s
ate Mewlea. Emmet, Mons. Weekeen= Meelmel.Dreles. leems,Var4eseeteh
tee estilar Wary • Illedlier.ftel3 llihrseheei ewes: eh
a a yeses Ilmeertai esperinee Is thoreemy.
Ilene ter Mei tellsezheebg aty k Coestrt
hie& Beeme. granseee. 4 . trentamot OW or wear
WO acres In Silver Lake Twp mostly lm
proved. good buildings. tenon. water, fruit.
inquire of Katherine Clark. owner, or
. A. B. Smith,
. lontroae.Pa.
New Milk Route•
From Fernheini Farm. Jams Williams
manager. -
A. akukre of public patrolman, adlotted
J. I Chapman.. son.
rois,offloe Corner. Mounts&
Papering and, Painting
Farm for Sal..
JOHN W. J . Proprietor
• •
Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
.Outdone in Springville.
Evidently there is no 'race suicide in
old Springyille_ The "Dknocral." is
indebted to S S. Thomas of
Springville for the following list of fam
ilies (as he knelt-them in his childhood,
say about -184'4) and the number of
children in each: •
Wiiliam Taylor, 9; Charles Thomas. -
8; Salmon Thoinas, 4 2 Sylvester Strick
land. rs; Samuel Sutton. 9; Sylvester'
Sutton, 9; GeO L : Watson, so L)-
man, 9; Samuel Lyman. 8: Lisdeon Ly
man, 3; At win Lyman, 4; pardon Fish. •
ii; Caleb Fish.'s 7; William Welch. t 3;
Hiram Hudson. so; Artemus Ro:en
rant, 8; Jeremiah Rosengrant, so;
Jonathan Strickland. 8; WillianscHas
kins, 8; Luaj Culter, v, Arad Waklee.
3: Spencer Iliekox, 3; James Hickox. 6;
Nehimineah Lathrop, ro; AsabelPr ch
ard; 5; Benjamin Prichard, `7; F. ancis
Spencer., so; Daniel Spencer, to; Thom
as Cassidy,- 7';, Titus Scott, 7; Jesse
Scott, 7-, M. R - Scott, 5; Ezra Tuttle, 7;
My on, Tuttle. 6.; Abiather, Tuttle,4:
Benoni Tuttle, 8; John Bullock, - so;
Brown Brooks, 8; David Rogers, 7;
Justus Knapp, 9; Henry Button, is ;
Zoplor Hlakeslee, s 5; Aaron Taylor:s;
Jothqm Taylor, 8; Aaron Blakeslee, 6;
Gaylord AldOch, 14; Holmes Atwood, 8.
Popular `Method of .
ation at . Aillnfrn . Corners
AT Auburn Four 'Garners: this coun
ty,F-F. Pepper is the general man
ager of one ofthe largest and most popu
lar creameries in this part of Pennsyl
vania. The system carried out at. this
creamery is 'Urilik# that of:any other
Mr.. and Mrs. Niel Peterson
similar esta.blisliinent• in the county.
Originally it.was a co-operative cream- MO the families not residents
cry`. Philadelphia businessmen obtain- A -NG
of Susquehanna e , county, - but
ed control of' the plant and operate it '
closely connectedwith it through fain
upon the baSis of running it and pay
ily ties and assoc:ations, is that of -Mr
ing all operating expenses, also paying and Mrs. Niel S Peterson of Tempe,
to the farmers the highest New York Arizona_Mrs. Peterson was Mi•s Su
prices for butter, in,addition to the eX- Emma - Decker, Caughter of George
pence of operating their c reamerv. So
Deaket. one of the early and best known
popular is that method that the farm
residents of the South Montrose neigh
ers in that section are now , realizing borhood—a resident, 'et fact. of that fo
more than ever before , for the raw pro- cality before there was any. South
duct; hence this creamery is an ideal
Montrose, but whet: "South Bridgewat
one in the estimation of the rural coin
er" was asutlicient designation for .all
munity of that part of the county. • that region down that way, filled -
The company has under c 3n sideration
with goo.i farmers. M r Decker ass
the establishaient of a new skimming
always a leader anior.g them as,a farm
station at Spring Valley, in addition to er. a citiien, and a, churchman, and
the two they are now operating--one the father of a large farm-1y oflltildren.
at Elk Lake'and one at Auburn Center.
all of whom have grown up to fill .re-
This company's output at present is ,
sponsible positions in life, among them
rsoo pounds, of print butter daily. being Rev. A. D. Decker a Methooist
This butter is strictly fancy. print and devine; Silas, Henry and Fulmer Deck
finds ready . 'Sale in the .Philadelphia er, well known and successful farmers
market. As a manager Mr. Pepper is a of South Montrose; and Mrs. Petersen.
valuable man for the company and a
The latter, though marrying far from
man well liked in the community. ••
I - : home when she wedded Mr. Petersen
of Arizona. 17 years ago. was neverthe-
Nit. - - - 1 'less married most happily and to a
man who was fast achieveing su- ess
. L.c .
after success in his locality as a ranch
-Ccounty Treasurer's Popu• man. owning large amounts of. land,
cattle and other live stock, interested
h ir it y while In Office in banks, irrigation projects, etc. He
was a vem s also ocr a a m t. emher of the legislature— '
3 1 EWTON R. JONES, who'las re
cently retired from the oftice of While they are nnt, as we say. Sus
county treasnrer of Susqueharca county, quehanna county residents, the cld as
was bo r rnin Onondaga county N. Y., in sociationsare here, and- they occasion;
4852. He gained his education in the ally pay the old htinie" - locality a visit,
schools there- jie *rear up „its - a 3.-ouhrrupok which,owasiOns they are usually
man with anteusee4o4 , TOrkinesalor -,..l;:z"feti by a large circle of friends.
rural "life; tic; - - ' -
lima slack,',
:fudge of far*
riot surprisinf
he had come' :
one of the fines'
and one tha'
'manner—a ail
bitious youn•
He was also:
fairs. holding
duties of whi
with credit ti
In 1905 h
party as tit(
county tri.a ,-
January. i 0
moved his fa ,
has since rt
.Rush to a to
His condur
was in kerpi
record in hi ,
such a manf
sible record
continue b :
'the wish of
- iPa
Ex•Sherift Pritchard!
Now a Hotel Landlord,
Leading Florist in this Part of
Ex-Sheriff J. H. Pritchard has re- •
cently secured control of the 'Central the Country
House in Great Bend and is now con
ducting one. the best and most popular .0-110LITHVIEW GARDENS, as con
.hotels in Susquehanna county. The ducted by Mr. W. W. Nash, con
building haibeen renovated, refurnish- stitute a floral eitablishment that is one
ed in part and refitted and is now very of the attractions of Mnntrose. ' Plow
comfortable andcozy. It is Mr. Pritch- ers are loved for their delicacy and
ard's aim W . conduct his hotel in a man- beauty of' color' and tint, for the fra
ner sure to'Please commercial travelers grant odors ,emitted. Nothing else is
and other guests. by providing a boun- quite io.exquisite and harmonious in a
tiful table and keeping clean, neat and world that would be prosiac indeed but
comfortable rooms. The cafe is stock- for theirexistence and nothing is of mole
ed with-the best, - the office and sitting convipcing evidence that a great and
rooms have been fitted .up for the con- supreme power created them. Har
venience and comfort of patrons, and at- Waters of the seasons typical of a
together it: is such a hotel as to corn- revification of life after death—spring
mend itself to those who want the best./and summer as they gradually emerge
Mr. Pritchard is
,personally very PoPu- from the icy grasp of winter—these
lar throughout the county and that he beautiful emblems of a Higher Life are
will make is prfreftruoced success of the Nature's most lovely gift to Manlind.
Central ficitise is a prediction based up- In this connection Mr. Nash is one of
'on the fact' that bis past undertakings the most experienced and reliable flor
have proven successful. While sheriff fists' in this section. His greenhouses
of Susquehanna county he filled the and yards are Unsurpassed for the vari
office with( credit' to himself and to the ety they contain of flowers, shrubs
entire satisfaction of the taxpayers, the bulbs, special vegetable plants,
bench and bar. ./ and Southview Gardens are well worth
• a visit by all who are interested in flori
culture. He has made the subject a
study for years Ind has 'brought the
businiss up to a degree of perfection
that elicits much admiration. Various
kinds of flowers and rare plants abound
in • his establishment, including those
most commonly, seen, such as carna
tions, pansies, ferns, etc. Potted plants
suitable for home decorations, cut flow
ers, greenhouse and budding_ plants,
rose bushes and cuttings, vegetable
plants of the best and most popular
varieties, fertilizers, sprays, wire bas
kets and benches, earthen pots and
other articles'ngual in a first-class floral
concern, are kept in stock and spit at
-moderate prices.
Mr. Nash makes)spe:ial designs for
weddings, funerals • and receptions
°which reveal much artistic_ ability.
Courteous in his treatment of all with
whom he comes in contact;. honorable
and perfectly reliable in all his repre
sentations and dealings" and having ar
ticles in his line of business to meet al
most any requirement, he enjoys a large
patronage from many of the best fam
ilies in this section and his business
generally is constantly increasing.
( !Or BEV. 1 4 . L. Ditrity. )
Now if t e l / 3 " ibie Is not true,
A. some would , have us know,
Then tell us. critibs, vrbat to do,-
Whigh is theway to go
To find the light?, •
And if t error to be fuund
On e''ry page we read.
Do tell tie. critics. what I. sound
Philosophy or creed,
lead us on? .
. And if Hie Bible is a tale. •
Likeothers legendS:old.
Do tell till, critics, ere we fail
' To find the one true fold,
How can we know?
U man riruilded and alone, •
Has yenned its pages through,
Do tell us. critics. mate it known,
' • To all the world. anew.
What then Is truth,
If Danielle book is out of piece.
Nor ivcrrk that lie had done,
Do tell tis how be came to trace
The;Kingdoms as they run
The sges dolt' ?
If down'tbrough ages molt remote.
The Prophets all have erred,
• 'flow Mei savior then to qu ote
Thearitit gs. thus Inferred
they are
But w"Claa'of heist ? how can we know
Th 1111 e is-truth or nay,
liGospel resod* errors shows
- By the Wisdom of t i•day;
!There can we go ?
Why make confession everywhere;
Whysinil oar building down,
And nos redinild fo us vita care, .
. Nor snake our future known,
.NQc give ns faith
. .
tica! yon cannot deceive
longing hearts of ours;
Out liod made us to believe
In lila enlight•nicr powers, j
And word divine.
WRW ye qt
Tei the Sibie Critics.
Nlontrose branch of the Lehigh Valley fully_ At :hie store one can find - a cot+ .
wia built ("The Old Narrow Gauge") plete assortment of. dry goods, grocer
, -- • ae-station was established-there and , ies. boots and-shoes, paints,. oils, patent
His Up-to-Date General Store got but littlOiusiness for the railroad. medicies, etc. Kr. -Barron pa#s cast
• A po,stoffice••was establi..htd, express 'for poultry- and, eggs, and does a large
at South Montrose '. office, coal .sheds. stock yards, ..etc,.: business in that lint with farmers in t
• and later a big milk Shipping station _surrounding country.-
) NE of themost lively and interist- and Allen 8,:" Son'skmills. -all„•cf which • • He has alsei•kienn postmaster much 9f
•-!- ing-little toWns • in' this section combined• added inzreased business and ,the timnandiiktftess agent. Hia deal
of the county is. South-MOntrose,
,two importance to'the-town. • - -- ins With...thtwitblic hisve been such tie
and one-half milei south of Ntontrose: - Among those—men entering an active, to rnalw-liirilo. NTT y popular man in his
From the eailiest'yearS it was a first- business life the(e 'is Frank t... Barron 'c'priimnnity and hiS influence 'in the pci
class farming region with many pro. -In q 79 he establjshed A generatArntry litibal field at different limes has been'
gressive- farmers there, When the store which he has conducted success:- :often felt. -
~\• • _
NC G. Morgan funds of Succitiehanna county will: be
well -guarded under his able &drain
ir * 4 * * * ** * * * , * ** * HE county treasurer, William 0. istration. PriorW to his • election as
*. * , Morgan, hails from Cli ff ord and county-treasureettlr: Morgan was for *
Montrose la Scriptural. * but recently came to Montrose, where eighteen years constable and. collector
* * he will reside for at least three y: ars of Clifford townsbip. Heves raised in
* '"Aitv that is set on a.hill can-, * during his term of office Mr Wrgaa that township, • having moved there
* .not be bid."—Matthew 5:18. *is a genial man, a, good citizen and won with his parents when a ehil&. - Mr.!
• . * his nomination at the primaries last Morgan's personal popularity was de4
** * * * * * * * s • * ** * * April• against • apparently overwhelm monstrated •in the last election) by hie
ing odds. It is safe to say that. the' leading his't;cket by a fewhundred votes.
, - _
the - County: Mr. 'Moore • - sh;psatbout
. . 400 quartS of certifiTd milkto Brooklyn. ~
[ —l---- . NY . daily. ""This is , bottled on
Beautiful Fain, '
and Daiti, • . < -
the fariii , which is about two milesfrom
.., . c. 1 t - , -Alfn,r3:- He has one of thejargest anct ; ,-.4,
- ',C N e ar Alf or d .r - best'. Vairy herds -of .blob..led cows lit, -
- , Sti- -- quehanna county and his hong;
S will be noted by the engraving ,and all the appliarces of the farm are -
film , appearing above:the F. E. Moore' first-claws in every respect. _
. , . . -
1 1 •. . . ,
Dr. Decker's Beautiful Flow.;. valid has been gladdened by these beau.
r ' -, titul bloioms. The, flowers are raised
er Garden . . on a sloping plot, which faces Chtl
i street Tnere is a. nine-fork lawn be-
DR. PECKER'S flower garden is tween eha beds, and when the flowers
one of the objects of interest in are in full bloom it is one of the pretti-
Montrose. Visitors from far and wide eat places in this part of the country.
go there in the late spring and summer The doctor has raised as high as 5.000
and all admire the profuse and beauti- at one time. arnongwhich are the choic
ful collection of rare flo Airs The prin. est variety of asters known. Rutty 300
cipal ones raised by the doctor are can- .cannas are in full bloom at the same
nas, asters and salyia ( , c trlet sage). time as the asters, and about 600nt the
These flowers are raised, not for sail.. scarlet sage are in bloom at one time,
but are suppled gratis by the do:tor the'whole presenting one of the' pretti
to the sick and poor, and many an 'in- .-est floral scenes imaginable.
F. E.
7 - 7 - - -71
.... - • _
. -
1 1110 - .
_ _
/ •