Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, December 28, 1848, Image 3

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O i C. I:IPITEAD, Editor.
ipleiellalber.l4,4 B4l3.
.•. .
gar the shalom - of the taitor until a late
hour this morning, op a *trio New York to
procure the materials for enlarging andimpro
ring the "Demimt," must be an apology for
editorial and otr deficiencies this week. Even
the customary Ilirbtmait and close-of-the-year
salutations and jeflections must be wholly dis
pensed with ea In st account. Next week we
intend to " do batter," and present' our-patrons
with just the neatest and best papitrever issued
in Northern Peipsylvania. Mirk that !
A Loma EDp'Clii.-9T. T. Brodt, Esq., Ed
itor of tbe Bingitamton, CoUrier, was the lucky
owner"of a share in the American Art Union,
which drew a maipsifieent painting, " The Voy
age of Life," b4Cole, for which he has a Elangy
ding offer of $4,000, and it is thought it will
fetch much mo 4.
-1---- -
Democrat reconFrepds a Convention of the
friends of the early completion of this work, (in
litmerne, Wiouto3g, Susquehapna and Brad
ford) at Tunkhinnock, at as early a day in
January as peas, le, to take into consideration
the object and t e best means _ to be employed,
ke,' We have Anly time merely- to place The
matter before ouf citizens now, but shall hive
' more to say nexiiweek. I-
Ouio LEO tstkfUnE.—The difficulties in the
Ohio Legislaturt* hare . been , cetniiromiimi by
the admission of the Democrati':_ftewtHimilton•
county, whose setts were contested, until after,
a fair investigatien shall haie 'been bad, they
not to be allewo a, vote on the question of
their claims to 4.eats, The Democrats have
elected '• • ',he Clerk.
The ington.—
The Sol 1, of both
parties, held a ca(icii!, in. the Senate chamber,
on Friday evenik task to consider the best
method -of oppo4ng the restriction of Slavery
by Congress. Sileator Metcalf ° (Witig) presi
ded. Repreeenttivo Venable was chosen Sec
retary'. Itesolnstons . severely animadverting
open the North (rn anti-extension movement
and recommendink a "firm adherence to the in
terests of the Souh" *ere offered, and debated.
They were finally4nit biierto the 15th of Jana
ary for further cdnsideration.
Severalcases o the Cholera hare occurred hi
New Orlak* 1;11 New York it has almost if
not entirely abatiid:
Portrex arid *lid game are ceiling very big
ir;.New York. 4ow is the time to run it in tn
market. The ; stve' t'g' king is very good to Port
and the alga. j
The enterpriqg gentlemer. who might at
tempt to (take . "Grj j 'bralter . with a pock et pis 4
nys the Penitsyltanian, or to capture San Juan
cith-an oyster bOkt, would succeed about as
well as the Whig rn their. continued assaults
2poirthe President's message. To a disinter
ested ohs - aver, tl?pir attacks are laughable iu
the eery feebleneis of their force. The *-
public, for insta)ice,—thc Free Soil ergan--
yetterclay has a.n Article, in which we find the
tullowing passageS. These are home things tt)
come &ern a papa fer conducted by a
man until - within few years past heartily iden
tified with Whig measures and men,
."The,messazei aye, the message -- its fact
and arguments upon the tariff question'e
veto power. Th 4 opponents ought to be well
posted up on th%se two points, and should
make an early defence for themselves. If they
don't show some sign of fight soon, wo all sus:
pect that they aril floored.
The North Amp-kart hetrayi its own repug T
name to the combatby the pleasure with. which
it announces thk disinclination or incapat.
ny of the smalleticountry papers. to publish it
Don't lay that flattering unction on your wound,
The message cau:t be dodged, and mere a-
Ouse won't breathe force of any sentence it
By the iray,it'isn in keeping with' comi-,
Mints against the message for ita simmciderato
length, to confine your attacks to things that
ire not in it, 'antit isn't to be claiming_away
from Polk and dill administration all the glo4.
7of 'infamous r,' and claiming it fo4 ypni
use of peace, G§n Taylor, and that in the
teeth of your 'Fri*nds,' who voted for -him
tie r various false'pre.s, tenons, totally inconsistent;
nth the military fervor which you now dis-1
Thy. • 4
" But tariffqiiistion itself demands thorough „
inclusion, and the Democracy is ready for it i
They have made b t heir move, and are waiting
S r the play 'of t it antagonists; They have.
Lad.victories, suicesses, prosperity and g lo ry
varied and cone ntmted in unussud measure."
311 the vulgar elements of popularity meet -in .
the history of Mn Polk's Presidency . Ms psgi ,
ty vas defeated On quite -a different style of
question. No jaigment has been prononiced
b 7 the whole, or liy a majority, of the- peciplO t i
against any masque of his policy SieePtsli,Ve4
ry extension a nd is incidents. ThepartiOtak
inceeeds his in the administration islotedg4 t:o.
ehanges fa pointssot settled by the elentinsqu, .
~ '
u m
Polk keeps the Id, in the attitude of defml. . 3 ea
op half a t ow it them, from which. he : ilf.oe
e be disl N oged, aod if be is involnerable44*
Witig party stay calculate upon the ilidra=
it triumph yet *Waved by them. Itidieit,2
they have but tht grace to see it, they . iiill*
t6t there is but fine ussoe which primuses - Sigel's'
e at
the leas! chance permanent sum: -thitc,is
the 4entorid
. q st—in that his eisponent . ei
iodic thee:Wondintedleet of the - eouritti
with them. 'lf trtey fail, to press their fortunes
iaihat direetion4, they are fi nally MA Oinri
whelmingly.def - *fors tlseitutaguration:of
President the Preeid er k - 4 . '-iiiSlik'tlmy'enjtiled the
government one ' 'kale month ; : in 4849 . the
v ilnet`haveil, iii- - -tsot ifeti4lie .interrer-;
um° Stidia.7: upylkt- not /nett ibe , imily
q uesti ftCbildif id PrinlPUli**ldit AO
ql2-tt k , 1, 0..... .i.! 0 4 -$ 0 , 01 .0,4** 40 ' , L.
*iiiii.iii - .44,,,,,.
leasteatiq in - -4- t — '
e/i reney—tlsere death in the pai: - '
tc kcd `sa,tm~"+;::.'sarz•.--..:.w••.,•nV.'t-
treseur,f=tiate': eare'heif you feed:tbe„ba;ks
with I;that fodder, lest 'they waz:fat :and then,
kick tini bucket.
,Internal iliTreY,meetm—you
hare) ajiational debt 14? pay, , PistrilbitiPtlit
the • ' els of the •p#ict!alds-.:lll4iggibe i s
bloc ,4-1- iihjAisiiit'sentiliiintitilkOtiitry,
whit "AOMands - thati' the , leo ll i - Alidt - bei be
sold forevie 'NO, riril . Of ;Or tie Oar& in
your itbete lii not Ls`r• trump lathe . aidi,f
nou' r cztes#on. Play tbatimell i Tamil , it w ill
i give you ope-in the game of party _polities. If
-yon, di:l,th ttie locos are ; ii,cl7,l4lllonkyon, ilitigk the
ten clubs , lad the'free sailers will liury, You
I wi th their.ltrang heed ' ' of spades. •._ - i
I Frani Callfoirtala. • - '
'rho' Washington .G/obi, of 'the . 22d, Contains
tunlettersfrom Capt. J.'L. Faison, Assistant
Qualer-inalte,t• General at San- Francisco, - to
GCn.ilsles,uP.-Q:\. G., detailing what IT has
seen of the gold region. •:Capt.,E states, that
every, thing Ira:1041T finely up to February
184improveinenti nialing. and . every, one
indastrious 7 —when the newsreachedthe boast
of the discovery of the gold-mines, and the
seenU at once Changed. Hs - states :
At;the time the excitement broke out, I was
rep:tiling the trite() :States barque "'Anita."
The 4orkmen were receiving $3 per day, and
lived' km board the vessel. They struck for
high rwtiges, and one man finally left and foi
feitCd l alllhii ; former eirningi, rather than - to
coottnUe at trerk a few days more at $6 per
day: ; COmmon sailors demanded $lOO. per
menet for work in schooners on the bay.—
Freight from this pbrt to Sutter's is from $2 to
$4 per barrel. The distnce is little more than
- one "Inindred miles. Common four-ox wagons
are hired at $5O per dzy. ; 'lnane case );have
kno4'a negro cook to be employed at $25 per
day for his professional services among the pots
and kettles in the• gold region. -
I was in the mipes bout theist of July; at
that ;time the 'whather there was insufferably
hot:, I think it by far the most oppressive cli
mate i i ever was.)n. It is much more uncom
fortable than the 4imate of Brazil st the warm- ,
esti setison of the Year; and everything was lit-',
eritll4parched up after a drought which bad
thcfn Continued for near three months, aud which
had lfiremontbs more to run to-the rainy season.
.He then pes on to state where the gold is
foandl—how it is gathered—the extent of its
depUlsit—whl: are the chief miners—the number
of persons employed, and a number of other
particulars. In another letter, the Capt. says :
Something should be done here at once for
the , establishment of peace and good order in
the country. All law,, both civil and military,
is at an end. Among the mines, and indeed in
I most parts of the country out of the Tillages,
no authority but that of the strongesti, exists ;
and outrages of the most disgraceful nature are
constantly occurring, and the offenders go un
punished. There are now about twenty-five
vesselS in this port, and I believe there is not ,
lenelefl them tlmt,has a crew to go to sea.
During the whole year that I was collector
of this port, there was not a gun mounted for
• commanding the entrance of the port, and there
was net a United States man of• war in the
harbor. We were exacting a "military contri
butiptihof mar Iltithrtrity i " and we possessed not the slightest
nab f ai
meszugof preventing vessels from leaving in de
indeed.. the threat' to
do sol!was made more than once during Mgt'
time. ~ For months past there has -seldom been_
more than one Merchant vessel at Monterey at
I a time,-and frpquently none at all; and still
1 that iii 'the general place of resort on the coast '
' ! for men of war.! At this time, such is the state
lof affairs,hereithat at least.,zoe armed vessel
ought; to be eo stantlrin port.
The letters are too long for our space—but
we present their most important points. An
inforniant of the Globe, giving some informs-1
tion touching-the route to California by they
Istlimns, says : • 1
Aftergetting away from Chagres, which can
not be left too soon—the mosquitoes are neither II
numerous nor troublesome. There' are scorpi- l
ods, however, that keep one in constant bodily,;
fear, though they do not often sting ; and now
and then a centipede shows himself; to the
great ,dis comfort of the traveller.
It is better to disembark at Gorgona than at!
Cruces, in the:dry season, and vice versa. - The ;
country over which the road passes is not nearl
so uneven from Gorgona, and is dry in the dry
season, but almost impassible in the wet.
Three years ago there -was a pretty good
tavern at Panama—good for the country.,—;
wherethe charze was two dollars' per diem.
Four ;dollars is an exorbitantly high price—
worse ;than London, or Paris, or Havana, or
Nev; Orleans—all dear places.
The 'caution - about exposure to the sun is
,well, hut still a little sunning will do no harm ;
and it is to be presumed that a prudent man
will, kihoir when he ought 'to seek the shade.
Oar informant does not proscribe fruit end Dye - -
Itert,_ -Of both, be says, a healthy person may
eat, provided . 41ways that he eats moderately.
Tai GoLi REGION.-A Surgeon in the ar
my Writing to a friend , in New York, as pub
liskedin the Ezpress,'has the following para
graphs in his letter. They convey information
ofvitae, If the Sacramento carries nine feet
water t .)to “Newlialvetie (on Fremont's map,)
it is *intuit valuable stream for navigation, and
:brini4,itha gold region very near Salt Water :
If Government ; intends• to keep , troops in - the'
coo s s l otinsust dgrant Mora• pay, or nil will
starve,' as the present pay is not enough to live I
,upon. My Csasfie,so - exception ; others can
not IPil ine;finir support On private practice.
A steamboat or:frnmione hundred: to two
hundred horse T ower in he. itay,•- : would. be a
fitt* to - any AIM, : , one year , Goods
bi.t to this market th is time would bring
anylpi r me,* " , and that • D' us . ( Pr "lii. time.
A. boat drawingfrem ' tnnipe_feet,cf wa
1 teian _go up the Sai4MMlto, ita high-•isut
-1 tei Fort . - , - ~p.. ••, , _s.• ~ .:..- : ••• , ,
TWOl,only refer yousolkimp„ ,-, and say that .
1 ones#*:, of gild keti::l;iet ' ii pill to one
ali • . gin - the„-4tates. Thaedrattnca an et
b ' . t .441,0na or . 'ttiayearOirtana will
bif - I' ilea any, • - - - .--' • ‘ ---:
_ ,'• ''''.
Society.l7,,tho proWwitiMi ligignN of A.vieni
E tiiiii . ' -,ilitt ielkiiiii• Arta in giiiiitle6llll6
count , will bold-its annual meeting,:4:pi. , .,o4 - Ij
e '' ' -,eficit tie, at ileCitirt titie
Ilr l
- 0 .* . ; Yetelung of tbt
,- '1•. -. --
.4.,__,,.• i 4,,..,. -
1 1 : 1 7-"mr Y." - ..- , , 0; ;; I i . :-. ,7' . ,
attindin IP iffil* ' 1M4411 a•-
: .
- , - I timx.- FILLE R , i,,c4 aie-Y:
„ I st isa. - !
..~ , s .. _.. .... _. ~~
trip sver the fie* York dr Eric Railroad to
Bing)?amtee yesterday. About 500 'perms, !
members of the company, of the presk and in-1
yitedlguests,4cre brou,ghtP,from the city They
at Binghamton about 11 o'eltlok in the
airenik, and were reoeived, we understand With
grCateeremany and eclat. The engine 1, off
the tiack, we learn; once, near Port J •• and
also lame in contact with a: dirt car ioinewhere
along the road, killing one man, and very seri
ousl4 probably fatally, weanding another. The
train left Binghamton for N. York, at 1 o,clook
thisiernoon amid tie booming of cannon and
shouH of the multitude. ,
Tile, Hon. A. P. Butler was an Thursday
last rilacted to represent South Carolina in. the
Senate of the United States, for *years from
the fourth of March next. He received 12&
M'The election of a 11. ' . Sena
Floriaa, was postponed by the Legislature on
the lath inst , after several ineffectual ballot's:
I 4 Bridgewater, on the 25th inst., by Eld
D. Dhnock, Mr. E. W. MEAD, Co Miss E, R
S.,(E4ERSON, of the eity of N. Y.
the residence of S. Maylert, by Rey. N.
Cal4der, on the 25th inst., Mr. CaAat.Es M.
gratint.of Herrick, to Miss SARAH A. Hop-
RRT4 of Bridgewater.
New Advertisements.
- Sheriff's Sale.
• fly lrirtue of a writ of Lev. Ai. issued out °fib° Critlit
of Gunmen Pleats for SoliqUehlitln* county, and to me ai
rpctedi I will expose to public 'MO, at the Cmirt-house,
in Montrose on Saturday the 13th day of January next—
All Shat certain Saw Mill innate in fornox township,
in thd , sald county , of Susquehuene. as a certain lot of
land now% liecapancy Ind possession of deferidant. end
bounded North by A. Manion. East by lands:of defend
ant, Knuth by leads of Dewitt C. Roberta. and West by
lands of defendant, -containing 21' Ivrea, or therelbouts.
Said kill is situated on the TankhanCock creek .aild
knit t by the name of ' , Donde Mill." together With the
tot or adece of ground and cartillage appurtenances to
said surf Mill necessary for the proper Use and enjoy.
ment thereof.
'Winn in execution at the nit of Pifgredin telienjainin
ea. Zi:ionn Cobb 24. - C. M. GE Rit, Sheriff:
!Sherif'. Qffiee,
Moiittoser, Dec. lii 184. j
Farms' For Sale,
Sabscirbera offer for sale their two Farms, situ.
Tgte—abont 4 miles south of Motivate, and within
a Jew:hours drive of the New Ymk and Erie Rill Road,
containing together upwards of 200 acres—with good fin
proveinents thereon. The land is of good .qoality end
undetlia good state of cultivation. The larmstwoold be
sold tbsether or separate ai might suit porchuers.
Tbii stock on the place—cows, horses, oxen. yearling!.
calvei. sheep, bogs. ptc--elso tne- farming utensils. add
the hilly and grafi', etc. etc., would be sold with the land
if desired.
Foe terms enquire of Wm J. Turrell, Esq . Montrose,
Pa. * * of the subscnbers at Delhi. Pei. Co. N. Y.
lloiltrose. Dec. U, 1848
TFBE, undersigned having been appointed by the
Oat?, Court, of Susquehanna County, Auditor
too mattet of the settlement of the Estate of Jeremi ad
W. Cbrey, late of Bridgewater, deceased, to make MO
tribution of the fonds in the hand of the Administrator,
hetet+ gives notice, to all ;ations havingclailis against
said egtme, that be will attend too bearing of said ctalar•
ants. le Friday, the tvrelftti*sy of January. 1849, tibia
office in Montrose, at One o'clock. POI.
lamtirrere. Der. 19. 1848 J. B. DitIOCK.
Adminiatrawi'a Bales
11\7NICE is hereby given, that by an Order nf the
rphan's Court of the County of Susquehanna
%oat hip exposed to sale by public avndne. at theism:user*
the eternises., late the property of JAMEg SHERMAN%
deceased. in the township of Dintock. on Friday the 1241
day otianuary next, at one &cloak. V, Pi —All that car
tarn ;One or parcel of land being the farm known as the
Henri. Barkley tarm : said farm being boundvd on the
north4ly lands of Avery Bolles, and Francis Tiogley ; on
th+ cut by lands of James Demob': on the south by lands
of E.'l'. SO' fiber, Roden the west by lands of E T. Wil
ber, sod John Woodhonse. containing 147 acres, or
there*bouts, with about 110 acres Improved, and havinv
thereqe two dwelling houses, two hams, three orchard*
and otter appurtenances.
I Terms made known on the day of .ale.
T. STEPHENS, Administrator.
- Di_Aock Dec. tIO 1848.
-- r
• 11 i Register's Notice.
pgaL lc Notice is htrebv giv<e to all persons con
cerned in tee following Estate, to wit:
Est'ate of Amos SMITH, deed—.
ii AMOS G. BAILEY. Ea'r.
Thid the swminitant has settled his amnia% in the
Refriater'i Office in and for the county of lEinsonebarina.
sod iii it the same will be presented before the /wises of
the Okphoullo Court at Montrose on Monday the 15th day
of.lacnary neat..for cantirm‘tion and ellowanne.
In HARLE3 L. BELO WN, B.egistee:
14!ei. ister's Office. j ' i
V01?;.N) , 9. Dee- 20.1E18. S
irttocLik.ttiwrito N.
Avi6 STattx, by her In Common Pleas of Sul
next 4:lend Alfred... Tones, il
quehanua county, No 18. A.
vs. Clionat W. STARK. gust Term 1848. Sur Likl
for Divorce.
A 4tfriimout and an alias Sabponto haring been red
in his ae, and returned that Detriment ciald
foand4etc...the Respondent, George-W. Stark; mil take
entice6lhat hemust appear ih- the said Court on Monday
the Itday of - January next' (it being The first day of
the ) to %flavor the complaint of the sold•Libelant.
D.4:28, 184& G.M.. OEBE, Sheriff. '
A IiNIAN &Ca.! ALMANACS! !—Dr. Jayne would
kespectfully inform the public that be publishes so
nuaitAfor gratuitous distribtMon by himself and agent".
Altitanac. called
Jaystuee Medical Almanac & Guide to Heald". '
ThOcalcalations fur this Almanac are made with greit I
care lead accuracy cad for five different latitude' and lo l'
eiindria. so as to make them equally useful am a calendar
in every part of the United States and British N. Ameri
ca. They are printed on good paper, and with bandsornas
new ape. and are neatly bound. and besides being die
neatest and moetimearate Calendar printed in the anen
t:3.trY co otaln a Wee amount or valuable informatlorr,
*ate to the wants of ill, of a kind, too, which cannot be
found An books. ' • I 1
Elisicstalogne of diseases, with remarks and direction
for their removal, is really invaluable, and make the*
welenkoe sinters in every house they enter. Every - fa .
fly staiinid possess at least one of these Annuals. II
&hawses for len are now ready for distribution.of whi
he delligns to publish at least Tnn.ilittions. and in o •
der tho every tensity in the U.B« may be tarnished wi . I
& cop he- hereby invites Merchants and Sion, beeper, '
!to fa ,*ard Sheirarders to him as early as Possible. sell •
they Elmo be supplied GIULTOITMULT with as many is
they tay deem necessary to supply their various
! mars. ll They erasion:invited at the same kiloton send 1
Lo p y dog, "Badness Card." which will be printed '
Lplaceatoo then - net - of the Almanacs sent thengvnis• •
1 Mel are also requested to give full directions boar
Almailuemsball be *warded to them. By la* they
Dot binint by mall unless thepostage is inn pre wadi
Orders (post paid) ihrettatio„Dr:D. JATOR, nada
von, Will meet ,vrith prompt
_attendee, ~,,-,,- r- A ,
12 A ;lfireitiDie . . yloso,olttithk.thoseldelitahilitrelle or: 1, 1:
I " t ,
1 , AO [petite i ii. of Dr. Jaynes ilelpheatedir , . _
COtIZOLIT Pus,Basta, aski ,Wkkiag, cheap.
of , • - -J, LYONS'
Data 41 1 011tE . -
s A lIILL arsonampottofDriati .
hastremonts, Tressiii "tisillhisirWare
, 2 ,„,,p , Drug•and varlet} , BroP , '" A. tes#Liii.
1 - 1 4cousi, Crockery:, I:l:ortirl'ar, Stottf ant , Tamar
11T :PT Pale cheap ki ' • • 11. ik
TIOITI OD 0 rui of every warraassetur be 4)
r tbs beat (pithy. /titbit* tigU gi & B. I -
tt, Vas OD Womirti.--A( 1 4 )iiiirbo avid*
j : oooB4lsloPattlatilediebutioltb•Abii—Tifift
killer,Dilloini hem etas:
isia 41..4 1 1rk 111.414 " 16 ? $4. - • 1 8 I 31 '
it*C good tinottnetit et WAG
Lidekiliglatisidaillabo o $900:310 11 .4 00 0r
I.lo3swidsim iiislAd PiP•foT
*oh iiima.. n
...riek.w..14:4,... p. 44,0
'l6 3. Pron.
tor io
! Sit hititP - 116101ITS1
. • ;
LL,ersons having iannettli44:inninati vriph thifbin
It of Patricia 4 Warner. fookßfaiikitodthine, exeshere:
by very Urgently regnested tr. , ' step to Itho Oaptein's
Office and" nettle , tin hernre the 'halo( JaOttarj\nes.
after thee time their account,. *lll ha in thd hands tf C.
Avery Zeal.. ler ii4onedian rnti:etuiti. 1 i
Dee:ol i , 1948. lispatp 4. •IVARNEFL.
, .
liO v rirtC
T HE . tin. CoDper. "saltoile buJnea vicetqy Or.
L. WEBAITER' respectfollg.in4ptis the citisent
A t
• of Bo sciddhalina that he has parelrised the tntereit
or Wrn J. LT TILE -it Co. id tho • i
Eiiehltshrnenkortnerly carried on by tlieln in Or-
L ige , one duo north 'of S. F "Keeler's Rotel, were he in
tends to )teem'ronstantly on hand !largo Variety of Cook.
mg , pertor and sit plate Stoves of the 1 *test and most
app-osed pr tterns,; also; a general: ass , niment of Tin..
Copper, anti Rheet Iron wares. of every description, all
of which he will sell for Cash or ready .p ty,st very , low
prices. Itepairing done on short mitioo, and most yea
,' sonable telrrns.
Montrolte. Dec. 18th, 1848.
Preplium Colored
ILLIS GIBES would; inform the La
die. and-Gentlemen of Bitantroile;" and vicinity
that he has taken Toms at Searle's Hot 4 4.fand is prepar
ed to, take 111 'matures by this woodhrful Process. daily,
wittutins . regaid to Weather. He has at )e succeeded
In obtaining an appanaus by which be is tmabled to,pro
duce Life-life Likenesses in any West bur and mina
quently without using the direct rats of the ans. Hith.
end it has been eenendly supposed, dm t minshiew was
indispensable to the production of 'Hag U. wrangles Minis.
twin, but the important improvemer is just perfected
prOve that this is a. mistake. Thoserwt o have en
joyed the opportunity of seeing a Om ii nen of Photogra
phy can hardly farm an adequate idea of the extreme
plefoction,besuty. and wonderfal nitwit mesa of
I:kuruerreotype Picture.
It is a work or Nature , not of Art--and as far carpus.
wee the pmductkm of the pencil as all N ature's 'efforts do
those of Man In the creation of these i Antares the light
of Heairerralaneootuititates the pencil and Nature the
Also—Likenesses sill betaken from P tinted Portrait',
and from sick or deceased persons.
In no case will venoms, be obliged tell taVe a Likeness
unless it is perfectly satisfactory.
Instructions carefully given. lostrimn ants, Apparitala,
etc., for sale at the lourest prices.
liontrose, October 25, 1848. - ,
W E de .7 .
ra tw i t=ivi a rig one . oL er the I:.rges i t n mow:
welch we offer !for ataar Pay at u n•pnecedented bW
Di Oar stoat consist. io part Of E;Tapi.s and FatteT
DRY (Pions, Chinctstas, Cite9tc#4 and HaenaranZ
last. Natt.s, etc. etc.
w e mike no pretensions of sellial Goods less thou
axe, to acconirooklate the dear public, but will be satilded
%irith a mall advisee : Pt. We would ivr its nor fri.nds to
eisamine ow stock before purchasine. satisfied.tbitt
usual they will be found 'cheaper than the cheapest."
Wm. M , Post . & 'Co,
Hass just rreerved a large tasqhment of
HATS & CAPS, • -
MUFFS it 80/1.8,
•Onr stock is superior in quantity:. ii i nality and cheap. any in this pan of the couotr i t. Purchasers are
inshtivi to call and examine for thems.r4ses-
CASH paid for Pelts & Furs,
motitmige, Oct. MUM.) Vat. b. POST & Cb.
'New Goods.
SOME splendid Dress %OAS. JO at opened and a pin•
eras assortment expected shOrtty, Which will be sold
a , the loWest prices at the store of L 1 0 ,40.
GRAIN of all kinds. Butter, Cheese, Lard. Flan.
nei Pork,. Beeswax.. Tallow. Feathers: Cash and
rood short credit, wanted in esti:my elm Romig by
• M. C. TYLER.
in ASH 'paid for Sheep Pelts, ;fox Skins, Mink
Skitis„,Coon and ether Shiopioft Fors. by
bt 0. TYLER
• Stoves.
AN aseoetment of Cooking ine. Parlor staves, end
siove pipe jolt reed, Alitte o ',Maumee.
AILDWA,R.E. Iron. steel. Natls. 131aia, . etc.. • full
aisorinnit,,Cnonn Yarn, Cat-pet Warp, Batts and
Cuon Carpet* at . • E. TIFFANY'S.
SOLE and Upper Lesthernf the beat quality for silo
it E. TivrAiT's.
ICI cawrua for some new and 'lmaptar works, In every
*may throughout the Onited(States. To AN
the most I.h.ral'..ocdnraeernent ianfered—with a 'wall
capital of 82.5 s to $1.00,, A chance is offered , wherohy an
agent can mike from 810 t 4 e 25 Pe 4 week. Foe farther
particulars, ad draw twat paid.) WM A. LEA Rr,
No. fa North Second Street. Philadelphia.
ABOY otaboataixteea teen otage wanted as Clerk
in a. store. One whd is diagoeed to make himself
useful will .find good encouragement, and it with soma
experience in a stwie wrwitt,bt Prel4rlo:
New Milford Dec. 7th i8413A H. B
. , . .
Stray Heifer.
;CAME into the enclosure , the tribicribor ohthe
grata September tart. a p red.hrocle faced haft
er. two years 'old. The ...Der frequented to pro7e
property. pay charges end take he,\ away.
Hariord. Dec sth. 184P.' PaVdTON TITUS,
Hurrah for aeueral l / 4 . Taylor,
Jonnmyilen Tailors wanted iwritAittel or which
the highest price will be paid in Cab. - en it: the
following pices *4 tor plain then coati . and 1 er
garments inOmportion.
N. B. None but good :nonce.; need apply.
• •
• PIANOB ! P 1)8
TUEIr received by. the eabeeribet, and ffileale§ier
gy • splendid Grand *Men 11111"}.
lectured 'sfter Load', cerebrated Patent, #lbleb has re.
'Peateft.receired the . fret 'tketniott.rat irejil'nittlin and
"American Inetitabini. Persona within id Ore*. a
GOOD lalltrllGkeol, oat liStrhylfit
pienoi before bur haiinee siewhi
, .
Moutrise, Not
~ , •., i ,
TIM Gibson*: *Had rim ' l7 .Infcist dm *
- 1, hibit*Ms Of lliftetrome . 'ley.. that. they ye
Dow rameiving front ?fly Iturkem• _• 10141114 4 . 1 2
assortment* of Geneseme OM' ONWea in saw ''''_ ,-
Mt.' and trill be Mold' at oric;ot that Mink* fairto Plow'.
tloOd teia from 37 ;eta to el etc-pailM; Niue, 011fa‘'
Elslaratais, Ilfelauni: Sidcao rorall, ' Oct/10 WA,'
n i
Pm** 110, ditas:;tainlisSio. la ,nnii, of in titias.
berviill by • th e bei*. S'igitor,brest. . ' ,ris r diarel frois4,
rots. pet Ws. sfook *sirocco. drat Ifisessr cheap St
Sax** a Duanoaa'.2 •
, Stea.pDisiiteep - A:!-
Itoos . ClothAvAlpscsi,j Mos, 'plc. , etc.*
:chimp u tho • Oisaposta SAtutartira.
IA • Mt, Amps dossok.
Sir Lii.Oro. kikilikrt*l" • Agin . 4,4141411011
' • ',moth ObOsipi t aisbinnick
-Mu.*• Sisuus.
OVID% tilt WI" shoat Wok ' aid sher
1111m 1 ',Oars #0!0-7h.le raleelas 4.04 albs ehos
4LAIX.-bessi, , *di siumr• kr, h111 . 4 14 -77' — 4 -
' 1,10,01 - 1241 " al t , " 01 ‘ - iiir*
arson` ~, : t •
kotestOd thez.staiaioisitsno
liver e, deed,' are -regliosted to
tinztent.i and those. ,hteting 4%13/ands
to pre ett them. duly attlated. for
IS. W. 111.058. 4dn - s ,
. a'allit,t69br• 5 11.
• vatiof - New GO Ods
neyr, otaeleof .
'iron /edit
ibenolll t , Po%
10 610 .•
All of it hick will bill iolkiros Allows*
ke..l /12**Lst
• • •
`sad • atliorirl4, sale -
LL petsens i • i
sox, late of
CUOMO immediate
against sitti Sat
Nov. 28. 1848.
Tugn; - 4 cidisa,
tedVer. bo ot ' mid
striwd64lNTetc. ecp.
Isweit mirk. '
..Provollibir, Set I
B ucicwaila
11 SACKS Tali' 151•41341 t, idiot pest; Sin
1V flaw, Wino" stained GO, castor Oiilll34i Sperin
Candles. exported au gouda., obit, to Nal theart
Mamma, Nov. , th 111411" TYLAWS.
Mew ;1 1 : ' . ring - Establiihnienti
is iarei . Bea Savq, - - Co. xia.
rt, -
4 .
COaSBLTUB I oieTY. recto* teinAst CitY Of .
Neer York. Ors• he Ole ked . sineee4 o / 1111 eZ P e.
moues in& branches ofiros taiksins *awns. "!ratipuct
folly asks a reasonible proatbe patrons Ise ofthe
peoplejof Brest Bend and , the C f panty. Mr. Doherty
r o.
..„.e.,,,,.., make gentlini as" apt:Anal of all. kinds io
fashionable style . . {t cheap On= and accept is payment
hiii labor all kin fa of farrrs produce. -
Mr. Doherty's sh p is Inc
- ed over tile rdklsOlSce;in.
Great Bend to the vicinity of the depot on the N. Y and
-Erie gait Road. I
Great Bead. No ..'2l. 1841. ;
4akety in thll Blast I .
'would i l oturro Lot old e. idtie'" ~J 1
A has awe In him suppler &feu rate
orli'aud will VINATAITIt that Pernrylva.
I nod Crapiera. Bread and Dipkies, as
i ace. Try them .. ,
I for Lard • C. Bainwts.
• hearan tr, Turkeys, Gees. piiickens
, in eachaogefor Merchandise or Cuh.
_ 1 g. 18411. , E. TIB/Mcif.
TUST received !ii . targeted . splendid asioriment of
lel Fall'aud Wi J 4011111. which will be solf owe the
most favorable to a. for : producessonderedit, or cash.
The public are l iited 14 calf and a.e. ;
Oct. 31, 180. I ' .!! , Ir. F. CBANDLEE
i . i
l '
, I
.113riNP.A00111)ta !
JM? remised lathe were of tbe sebscrlbe4 a large
rod otageilicket aloe ofFall and Vigor Goods,
embrachig everylariat' , I 3 styli, which are ofered for
sale at prices anp ecedesdadly low. H.... 1. WEBB.
lifontroae, Oct, 0:
. tomer. that
B.A.T from New 'V
eta tan get up as
,York State eau prt
N. IL Cush
and Docksl
Brooklyn, Oct.'
, . Sttnie Pipe.
riOOKING. Patior, Bkojp and Mice Stoves, Pipe BI- •
ki bows, Zink, Stone Wars, ww...,fier sale by
' • • i '.. B. It- Liosa A Co.
Dosimmes.-3)00 yis t . n t f elmeting from
~5 to 1 ets.,per'
yard, cotton yarn carpet warps. baudog.
mp, canine fiaanalaM
"Miklos. °audio wick and • s l p i l l et
did lot of calicoes, lonosualti cheap by _ es kB.
- „
UST need a I ge so d splandid stock of Atilt and
pp T Winter flood . 70 pi cMths, Caarliimmos,i'rweeds,
sable*" and gentiMicyje*s.loo poet elegant ind cheap
prima. A great nety of De Laines, cognition Ore •
goo plaids, mobil lustros; •plaide, fancy, cation and sill
warp alpacas, Pin 4 linsete, Gimp ant fringed:Bonnet
velvet sod satins, a llied Winter Bonnet - Abbe* Pal&
Ilierinos and s buy Saimaa, gloghami, laces. thread
I ediit s taming ao: linnen diaper*. white goods and
e n Mods of if I I r. Watsied sad Pose& enilMs, bolo,
shawls, etc. etc. Boot* end shoes: Groceries all of
which will be Is eh* as the cheapest end no mis
take. Y• B. SALSBURY.
Oct. 10.
MOOlns+=:f"thoicefi, S avo red
4et.17,..,0. sagi.
of Shc'eting prime quality. for 6
2000 •
, .L EILLI9BiI.T6 '
NASD WAffE of oath , all kinds. Cotton Yarn
Wick sad Haw cheap. a variety of Tin Virstra. at
PINE Boards • , Eibinifes, tied PORK by the Bar
rell or po• • Arraaleet -post's, •
rs—t•-w...: net. 5.1848.,,
rrIirAIMPUL his friends sod the Public Air the, lib
oral patronag , eftbe - tiast ininnier. would respect.
tualy invite their tentiony. the now and cheap Goods
be is now receirio ,consi ngin part of
Crooke *Glass:Ware
Gt ocvaittzs,
111(0101.63 ,121441MILVAIBIlalr9
Nal* Ahcoies,
Ort 16.
Administrator's NOtIC&,
A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Wilber Rif-
Hard.. late of duets Dike. deceased, ere requested
to make immediate PitYltiens. and all those baeirluelainni
or demands solos. said Eitate to present theist duly at
tested for settleme ,
Frieodiville, No .1 Hid
A New supply .1 toys oltall kinds. Join paste. toys kw
ll_ Holiday pre, :to verl cheap, lack Bak, etc. at
-- • .
Osteri•Saloon. ~
f r uis., t bin iiitousi orde'r and good habits.
j The Ladies d partment has been fined up ands.
now ready for the' 'ptfonled parties. • Please call, you
obeli receive good; . entianiand-goad fare. - 11: , ,,i1t. D.
.., I Vi . l 12, - 11S4S. •
' NEW: GOODS, )-'
At Re 'geed Friona.
E TIF PANT- I. now titeiSiniti large and eaten.
. sive assortin -nt of fed and winter goods; which
ne ptedges'bimaelf , Sell - aa low is Min be boded . this
side of she city- T.ankfal (Or past firrnrs. be
invite my friends Mi. the - pebile generally to giire meta
call before parasol , e:elseigbere. , •
i Broottlyn..Ocer - Idea. . " 7 i
J _
ORR Roora'ic/lebtateil Premium Planahm yrr pea
at ' E. Trvrirr's. •
_ _
hi the l►taat fashions for eitla very ;
ATS and Capt
Cheap at
srailutves. Sam/mita and iloging,s;
eeofretiid in this market
-I 3 ..1!
BROAD cloths,
the cheapest e
L ADIES' till audowtiaar dress 4mias.rettivai titop
a w„, Lo trim th • twaboil very redacted ptiiis. as
E. TN rill's.
Turkellout tialt icor sate at
• ' E. 'l'm
60 BoB.li6Ls
e Pposereatiri !Lod
ti - ;
Ott lifacking,,
P i : ta
_: " .09 r15..- !: : -,-- -
i s ne".• lia
he will Will at 8 ' 1 adwuria boo
aiit z s irr I GSNLg o 1111-stoe 'v k.` ' !Ili -tiewl
iesa sfun i rgtai seleocit o ,I or.
p re 0 00 6 ; imi • A." ...., an,
e l#olll , gi k 'kW
4. ' ,
41 4 i, Oda 4 fO i r :!ffrieggli ' qt ' 1 4, . 1
# tre
" • 106. 14' ' Ai,alo - 1,),. ~. „____.l..Y4s. ' 1
• %•- '. - - I: /1101.:WWItr . .-' '-,
- 1 16 8 '' 7 za r -i varietr of ' •-• •. -
- - a #_,... 1.4- - - -. 4 -- 1:1 ,
L " , _Rich,, : 414 :Yl ll P O4Bl * C i gar ll -'12114
Maid ft , - Ne Square te4 ,S' Shills,
wi lt
.1'101,44R ' • i :412614 t7FMLI 1,,, -
* " . "'VirPOI \-; Pri!ifee' 4;
C . r Am**.
4 2
......,. ' ' 4 6, 4 0 0 p' :, efois*Pk•
'MA • Ural ,_•••••• . ',a,. hop - a r , , i
eta. Ms. , rum. ad - i wan . _
easicasuist - Fi r - ~. 4„-..- I ,,tiftorsa: , r '1?
Isoo 'mak iltglitt:: 1 , , s i lo i i i i i ii i i oua.
; O CLACIIL samni, "" ,
atm t44*. .
~ ''' ,
..:11110:11 100 ...;
i, .*I , . ''''' ' — ' 7 , 71 --='• L' ' ";1:4: , ,, s. -,%
i a Nistmlit os i . • 7 'a-but -rt'ii
i t inali
r.• moo irmimi, 1 . 30, 1 1
_,Bagleykg' Geldirens.l
11p 4
coutinee toll thifieture t6 d
ili . Parini OM tam
PeD•bolderg. ' Auld WitINNI. ha-
Daalera itappoi at die fried . - •
W ambittiet /!1.0-1P7Y4111
411 i '11416140•11
Owego*: OW Sfetaftbe
TT 11411-BIVAlk.l.4lllq , -4
• 1 east
Attaraa'y at Law, f —Etaa rem Mr °Sea le T
pike *rear. Oil* doIR Nut of B. "tibiae* 011100. iii 3
doors West rirtbil iliishita?Prtatiiicpilaa. •
DeaUjizilinage.lhditifi4 .
Cheallealiorikeeeiry: Glass-were.illgeseerese,
ries,' Mocha; !Watches, Jewelt7.lllleateal
Otatioatory;Dry. Geodiglitediesee:Ysitkie Nedslis
eta, at the Old *Ma eflCllliteholl, &Cs, IllessiseeNl46
4 41;:liwoniocn i
Ihissicus imd Sc " - Wl:** !trio*, kile•TOlks
twe eal Bl **. j7 .l f in,d.7 0 4 . 1 *lei 5- 4 t'_ „r
Saddle. IFlaishiri s Testrik. olikmand
Oak.. .l! •
- 'llrUltßOWitt - _.CO. -
ILE mai tie tolag, arid-olferit far A beilt eheineet assortment erniva.
GOODS genera/19i veer offered in than market; aim,
which arefint
Suitable. for Cloilta and tonto rit '7S'ner . , - 461.
WI pieces idly! . arid firiey 'CA OEfSERES: *Am:
braelns,n7a'Osty _Of', styles- arid ,huilitini.;,itAarga
and handsome araortalepLedViDSTlNGkilieo.----t
They dadratoriving n•lstin
IstptitOrt, , eik:,;',t l3 -
Ait.Tight,' cooking and Parlor W_ ait iii. - :OiNipieitthe
beet kinds; :and bandioineat :patterns t,abok Ms
Stoves. balk Atr.Tight and Coming. ems it them
large sizes. auitable for School Dimes. •• - •
-2000'Thrs. of STOVE FIFA; of iooditiiiiiity
- -at 10 pence per 'p d. !"I
Nov., 1; 1848. I "
WINDOW inAtiti,ifiasb, Pat Niittaiiimi dil.for
sale- !iv a.t Lyon CO.
Laimobnr:Net. 4,1114. 11, , 7
AX.ES, Nana, lifilellety, of: Lookumil 01,011
Ara. kir, =le lbjr LYONS* ea. •
• - 10;000 •ths Inger
F OR 6d poi pound just ieceirt i d at
FAI R PAtif 1 1 ,' ,
. NEW.: GOODS: ,
TIP. fit tr. ire r?..,,l:,*:et,sit or,„
mini will be mold wibluntt'eeke batqr,rtagotelerf e lketOak
opportusit* Wert as ar . 7 ether -witti-ot ‘ set dAlms toill
Jell them to ellthe repos raged Opel, fir' " '
Broad COlia,'Ocuslifient,,Sitifuitilar -. ut i rr,
, 100 te tras ,4500 yds.i Sheeting% 11,-
. TkObet ,Chiga:, - P4iids, 7,, ' • '
- - -Shawl,. Musks lA* ..Laiatri ~ ‘ '
• 4- ‘'Az.ficf,,i) , - ..'-':!::',..,
=mull, Tninx li a g b*, M zigioder - :;,46:
Gas KiPMag
- lig* Clitler. 1 K
iargest f
N 2
_ n -Arteg,
Mill and 101;Ctic
*dm, (best •
ki rs 4 1 zue...z • . .-,,, ...., ..
Das, Bug's', AO=
sins, Dinner Bells, COtton' Yar
Wadding Batting., Tie, 800, Paper, ..
• '• CrisekenN
Tobacco, - Codfish, , -
Shad, Mackerel, Sous ¢
Itrailtes. Oil and ROber
- _ _ _ _
Over Shoes ~,Indian Rifle Powder, ec;',4.c.
Only call — With the ifttcytiox of to 4 his. awl I Will ter
to please. ovine tbcive who ire whet* underweeellede
obligation to call ld see et lepi4op pay up old worm
I inn thus cooltra ned to give 'Willi% while; !eel wi
der Minty obligathubs to all who hive hitt* wslarillt
their cuatcina - eal have been 'to ply whetivy •
could: ttibee Wixi - not,-awl umlimitesi
play. may be made willing we Wag:-
. Montrose, Nov , lk 18411 Z.;
-_A» TI7ItRIELL, , -
Id now receiving trona the city t Win
an d desirable neeeetamt cof 11 1 ‘01=1111:-.11114, in e
prints irestim variety than is uzcZioPtlo
Beore 7 ail of *blew will b. g law far
Gra:* Ofollikart app ro ved Condit i lilltweettennar
tit dasa o, is p a n, maliat ovra:
--- Afeiraifie*TaliC Ti Oils—
of a2lkiisas,Dye3l4s. Grope -4
ries, Dry , groods,,HarFareiStime. --
A* `Ware: C 1044. tWeiches,
Jewelry - Allver SiNoolis;,l o ,erfaiery,
• Musical Instruments, - guigical higru
ments Trusses, - Cluricel LigitorsT
ifikeinaLintr iniseti 4 wrin g
iktirrors, Brushes: : Boots - • -
!an4 -.Shoes ,... 1 Y , ee_ ;:'
Notions, 4c. c„ 1
friendo.-on4 the public gen real, evelwenect r inity
invited to Call Ind examine quality rout nae 4 Ooods.
At XL Tiputta...
Montrose, flov.-9,1848'
Binanctsysiri ICersymeres, istipetto,
,vesting•4lsniezi..alpitecau of itirery'deadiriptieii:dil
!mei, iiistimitrptil.ngharos, s.;arge usostektiutesagile,-
nietinoliisad.a.grmt"w' , ';' dies* rift*
just opelled tots , , 116211147 eILEAD. •
Tiosi iota 41010111;re poi
-A; P l IW' Qi i b leth " l a boake.te..awl
U. is um, , =
ei B u ßßo wr ....-.-...2.,, , p , ri ,...-, i i, A
-RS Slosr4eeeiving A lino 11. 0 1Cor
. 141 Goode, aihielithey offer`"till'isirelitiirlikillt 4
most reasonable terrine: 5 U,' 'WI& terielll At
tassel's' to lbeir,,intlell or 4 , ''' 1 t . "' -.. .- ‘"3 , r' - " , "'-'-w'
. ,
~,,imipt.fartapipow . . :.
, Jur! At 4 laml - .
Wage's. itese4 *
* Oirows ~10: ciiisbi aw.,
britiiiegillials* ' ' ~,..i,,i-xla' -1 ,-..
• , ,lo - :.14 1 ".n. ma/a/C.-Sib.," ' l' t os"..N. 1 •t , ;',-,-.`• I , e ,
1 •
,_, „,,..,...,,lopeoi i!„-Als, 41 4 . r ~,'
' ~ figiolitarassupgromsc''z'
1 4.,ci,,_._;,,,
.44-ki t si t r'e . :: . 47 .l7': )
, i llse; -,
, .... ,
D imift s7 -- # 7, __, _,7 „.... _ _r '
11 04 AN** lit ilifSi! la Is 4l 4 , 111 0 11 01 1 4, If:
~ , _: r
.'._. '.
l:'11d, 1 - 1 • 1n44-.f7
-00-4, 1,th,... 'lit
r,4' 4:11
t ; 4v'v:li4 $* 1,; - I:::mi c 4.-5. ; ..:,:,
lila AiillOtafill C. 1111.11 44 4iiiL .... ,11 4 1111 . 1 0 111 0j,1
O ii
*N lIPOPit Jain , * 01
41011i4 ' 1
- ' r :ilii •Pnei ‘ ' ' U
ISM 1,7,5'
Mil Mill
~~ 2 C . _;. .
~,_ •,1