Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, December 14, 1848, Image 4

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wint - 1,1!4*' , 1'
-States . ":pessesiCthuilighti . and Congieis'l4neot
depilVe.theilf,iif. if. . The people of GAO*
sitiltit t. * . theylhOom, eo alter their Censtiiiition•
.as to abolish every within its 'knits, and ; the
people of Vertsont might so eiter-theirAonifi
jution. sta to iidmit slavery Within its limits.
--Nth Stites W-Aittilt,l i,- , .isess the, right; dlthugh, -
.as all lc is • 4- ' - hl . that : ' 1 .--
_flow, -i-it ,:.C, roue - e• . e i t ler
•.: would exe: t. itfl? .
, .
-It is forum". to for the petee and harmony' of
-the Union th t this-- - question. is in its nat ure
temporary, an can only etintinhe for the brief
period which . ' intervene. before -.California
and New Me co- maybe idniitted is - States
into - the -Uniop: , From dile tide of population
flowing into them;',,it.: is' highly probable that
thisWill-soon,;ititntr..: -- -• . -
..--,_ -
CUtundennttlkiliverst - Ststet and the pee
pltoof;theisetiF.z:s.•ol3tetes as equals, and, entitled
tts:i'etinSl risk •Utilier. the . constitution, ifj.this
o l i
,-werean ongt . question , it Might welt be iii--
sisted-on -that tins 'non-interference is the true
.40C,trinkAittilisit Congress cpuld not, 'in-the
absence-Of any!express grant of power, -interfe :.
with' theierelati7e rights. Upon a great 'etite
t.. . - .
nci i howev 4, and . under menacing dangers to
- .5 .. ,e , f. nien, the Mtssonn compromise line in
. .*likEii ..tio slOrery was Adopted. The 'same'
-li*erat extended further west in the iieqnisi-
iiiiit' of Texas After an acquiescence of near-
ly thirty.,yearkindlie,principle
_of comproMise
recognized an established by these Acts :and
to avoid the Anger to.the Union which ;night
, follow if'it we now disregarded, I have here
tofore expressid the: opinion - that that line of
compromise stiould be extended on the pn
lel of 30 degrnbs 30 minutes from the weltern
biniediry of r Oxas,.where it now terminates,
tothe' Pacifier ocean. This is the middle
ground of conf4tromise, upon which the diffrent
sections of thl Union may 'meet, as- they have
heretofore - Me . ' If this: be done, it is cofi
dently•helieven, theta large majority of thefpee
ple Of eery - a ottiction of the -country, houievr
- Widely their street (pinkies on the subject bf
i r
shivery marl er,woald cheerfully and patriot
ically. acqttieso. in it, and peace and hareamfy
would- again fill our borders.
' . The reitri"on north - of the line was only
yielded,to in ..,..he 'case of Missouri and Texas
-Upon a-136 . '1100e of compromise. and made ne
e'e..4Sary for tit sake of . preserving the harmo
ny, and pessi y.the existence of the Union.
It- WaifipetNiese considerations that at the ;
closeafy.our list session, I- gave my sanction;
to the pciticipin, of the Missouri conspromi4e;
. line,t by-aPproilog and signing the-hill to estati-1
lish '" the Tertiftiiial government of Oregon.?'
From a,sinceri desire to preserve the harmon l y, ,
of the Union, find in deference for the sets ell
my tredece.sseh, I felt constrained to - yield my,
acquiescence 4 the extent to which they had
gone in compramiting this delicate and' danger
oas question, ) , Bat if Congress mall now re
verse the deciston by which the Missouri -cnm-
Promise was effected, and shall propose to ex
tend' the resttration over the whole territly,
so di as well itts north of the parallel of - 36 e,
in . S
be regarded
itia thm. cease
a to s b a e n a c o ° r En igi P nil 6-
.- ,
.-I - nrigress,fintead of observing the course bf
so alt
stria-ifiterferenne, linving the adoption of their
-owit'aemostie i l t nstitntions to The people who
may, inhabit these territories ;or if, instead bf
• extending the Missouri compromise line teethe
' Paeilie, shall plefer to submit the legal atnieon
stitutionalqueStiens which may arise to the de
ision of the itklie ill tritkmals r Akwas proposed
in a;,bill whiApaiiied the Seoate-'at your last
session, an adjastment maybe effected in this
tizodn: If theltrhole subject be referred to -the
judiciary, all-plins of the Union should cheer- I
fully acquieseelin the decision of the tribunal '
created by thttOonsfittitteut for the settlement
of all questio, - which may arise under the con- i
satution, tree - es, and laws of the U. -States.-
Congress isSeaniestlyinioked, for 'the sake I
of the Union,' ts harmony, and our continued i
prosperity as 4 nation, to adjust at its : prepent 1
session this, tlilo only dangerous question which i
lies in our pa. 613 —if not in some one of the
modes soggesd, in some other which Mai be,
satisfactory. . -
1 ,
Itranticipe on of the - establishment of igen
latgovernme ' s over the acquired territories,
a joint corn= - on of officers of the army) and
navy has beetil ordered in proteed to the hoist
of Californi4kaod Oregon, for ,the piarpelfe of
malting reconPissancts and a report as':t, the
proper sites-fOr the erection of fortiffeati :S or
other defedeit works on land,- and of sui' ble
situations for , oval stations. . The inforrention
which may : bi - eilnoted from a scientific land
ilialful' examination of the whole face of the
toast will bit eminently useful to Congress,
when theycc4se to consider the propriety of
m44og app riations -for these great national'
objects. Proper defences op land will 'be ne
cessary fort
n security and protection of our
possessionB; ' it the estabhstinicaftif - nary
yards, and a dock . for the repair and 'Conitruc
ticitcof vessels, will be.important alike, to_oiir i
naNry.Aud itmilinereia . 1 mantle.. Withont . each 1
establislimen43, every vessel, whether of the
nary'er oft.l4a Merchant. service, reguiringre
, must, ag great expense, some round. Cape
to one 4 our Atlantic yariAi for that pur
„, "-With clinch establishments, vesselcit is'
s " lrect May)* buift or repaired as cheaply in!
California as:- .- npon the At/antic coast. ; they i
- would pre eirment &many of our enter-1
pilling, ship
hifacilitate Ind - enlarge our commerce in the
Pacific. - 4: ' .
As it is - !led that minis. of goli sil-
' vie,i;OoPPet
. ifoip*rer exist in ,Is4w .3texi- 1
etrada 'Calif° eariiPthat nearly' all the sods 1
where that ' - ' ,- fbittid - helinig in 'the United 1
Stites, it is . .. , ed important to the public iii - - i
tere l sti that ,; i vision be made, for • a geblogiesyl
aturminerilottai eieminition cpf_thee region's. 1,. 11:1 Ale preserielhei
mineral ' - iti, , ,carie'eialbisitell le s 'Contain the
precious me ;Kr tha!iltieCt the l 'ir U. Stites ;
r,;tf , brug ' ..-inyNa ss eirlickto - separate them
the .. • iii - yridiiiiatilitme7.6l" ttiniiii:`
_.:....,,,,,m5uzier to - iiimiiiilifie return 'et 1110•`.
- 'istio - th•
I:rrt . _ 3
;V t tie mune time , ki
d to
t*pkot t*,:weilthlllndividial , 'te 7 _ t
, ill.l,lie - in %1,* 4 4;ii 411 -
D ili:ivyproviailor* igain4l4.aur
'alllo: ;don - of the tote.,, If • 'Coupes!'
tibeidddas. Itiitieii4:4spOsifiiitfloi mineral
- -. .- e
- i iio ; k A; : , 1 1- drbeimli in giariti4itietitiii,'
• - 1"4661 - , .• - 0 0 4 , 1!"7- 4 1,4 14 " 21 1! 4 0 01
lie; vitAt , 7 ko• 7 4 1 4 44 1i4404 14 1 -Wew Xv•4 l e o "
*Odd : '4O - rivin :sionimo
tiffiriii — /-$4 4- 41 10 + 11 -lindi
. •
- of thiiii - lan - -j.i:::: 04--.044,_
- , promaindon siowdosaTikwa
''k. !Ati i!ls ouliiiiiiiii* l6 «: l l/4
40 .., 134:
tintil,p its of en'ry abali
efdleetors appointed:no reve
tliete. and Ober nee ,
'l4easnr4 be adopted for t
the: wealth and resources of
Oiliforbis:undlckular Terri
tit the raNd enlargnment of
and'snekthe add;
td wealth, that the present
tiff wittieSS•the controlling co
power.of the world tra l
O. and' other European em
of "ew York. •
he apprehensions whie,
by some of our_statesiten,
of the government, that o
of, operating with a.
ess over largely extende
a" 4 that if this were attain
tb awes by its own weakn •
ted by bur experience.
power between the States a
mont, the latter is found
Much energy iii the extrem
It is as efficient in the, rem
States which now compose t'
lit the thirteen States'Whic
raitatieri: Indeed, it (May
Whether, if our present po
donfined within the liMits e i
teen States, the tendencies ti
consolidation would not ha
have encroached upon the
rights of the . States, and tin
federal gorertiment a Sri
practically, from what it is I
intended to be by its frame
t'eftaining amirehensions o I
By:stem iby the extension oi
belief is; eonfidehtly enterta
State Ives and an
tY•for le preservation of t
In pursuance of the pro
article of the treaty of peae l
and settlement, with the r
and of the act of July the
of our citizens 'which had' b
dated and decided against
lie,'!amiiunting with the i
$2 623,832 51; liave been li
Th4re remain to be paid on
gr' don ess at its last sess
provision for ekeentine the
treaty, by whieh the Unite
!flake satis'action for the "
4:f our citizen's against Me
int exceeding. $3,350,000,"
recommended• to . youi faro
The exchange of ratific.
with Mexion "took plane on
ItS4S. Within one year
u,mmissioner - aA surveyor
tent stipniat es to appoint.
stele port of San Die g o,
and mark the said bonniar
to the niontlyof the Rio Br
%fill be seed Irom this pro
(A within which a commissi
of the, respective gnvernm
S . an Diego, will expire on
049: Congress at the clo
made an appropriation for
running and marking the
tween the two countries,
=cunt of salary which sh old be paid_ to Ole '
Commissioner and surveyorlto be appointed chi
'the part of the United Staes. It is desirable;
rat the anietiriAt compe sation Which they;
shall receive should he pros ribed by law, arid
f l
;int left, as at present, to•E ecutive discretiond :
Measures were adopted the earliest prac- I I
dyable period t r: organize th " Territorial got- : I
ernnient of Oregon," as au horized by the act 11
Of the fourteenth of August last. The govern- li
l er and marshal of the Territory, accompanied 1'
L ip al small military. escort,' left the frontier ofd'
I Missburi in September last, nd took the south
' j
• '
1 ern route, by the way of S to Fe and the riv- j
'Cr Gila, to California, with e intention of pro- I
deeding thence in ,cine of otir vessels of war to j
their. destination. The . goiernor was fully aid-1
trised,of the great' importan ee of his early arri- i
ial in the coantry, and it is confidently believed
he may reach Oregon in tl- e latter part of the
present month, or early in t:e next. The other:
Officers for the Territory haVe proceeded by sea. 1
In the Month of May last ; I communicated
information to Congress that an Indian war
bad broken out in Oreion, and recommended
that authority be given td raise an adequate 1
inimber of 1-olunteers to preded without delay I
to the assiOanee of our fel oW-citizens in that 1
Territory. • The authority o raise such a farce
not havinebeen granted by Congress, as soon I
'tts their services could be diipensed with in
' Mexico, orders were issued to the regiment of
inminted - riflemen to procccd to Jefferson tar- 1
' F a c ie, in Missouri, and to prepare to march to
Oregon as soon as the neceSsary provision could
he ,iniade. 'Shortly' before it was ready to
it was arrested by the ! provision of the 1
lect passed by Congr, eis oaf the last, day of last !
rses.sion, which directed thr all the non-filem-
)uissioned o ffi cers, mUsici ns, and ptivatei of!
thai regiment, who had be n in service in Mex- '
ico,iishould, upon their ap Beetle% be entitled
10. (te.dis' cfiarged. • The e ect -of this provision
was, to disbandlhe rank nd file of Anent;the-regi
i and before their p ces could be filled!
by recruits, the season llad so far advanced that
'.t was iinpracticable for it o proceed until the
!opening of theft - text sprin .
In the moat of Octob r last, the accompa-
toying comma ication w received from the!
ignVernor \ of the temporary governinent,of OreH
g.o n,giving info illation oft e continuance of the]
ibindian , distur , , aces, and o the destitution, nd'
ye:fenceless con, ition of 1., inhabitants, Or-j
14cis were imm . 'ately trat sinitrud to, the oom-1
kmander of onr squadron i the, Pacific, to de- 1
match to, thei assistance a Part of the naval j
,forces on. th station
,to fu rnish them , with/
arms and amm.nition, an to continue to, giye
'Ahem:and' :raid .4protee ;Lithe navy couldi
Ark 4 11 . 0 1 th 44 111 Y ect , reach, the country,.'(
It ii . the pol cy of . htun nity4, and_one.willok
)44 OW.. - .pursued . yOp Uniied Sista
* O .-4 1 dti04..„.1 , ;INS' - of the. sboiiiiqii
i s
*toekoPithAs . , aineat. - :tn. restrain ,thma.
from making., t and tging in enema", ky
miad mem* ker than. y Rai,. . That, tins
ntnild late bee dime wi th Of tribes in Ort,!00,
,i,aft•,. that„ ft • , 4.. imin :.brougkt under th e
got ermnaut,,pf . our bkars...,..s an • earilei - ,ptiioo,l
'#lll4. , hd.- itc , If!.mmt. Res.l4in: a adopted" kyi
l i f i tr e *-B tl e . ' 1 .0 BOW e*sti4 4 / 10 ,inteionime
ibes,Aoun. our halite,
'44eask„tte imielkats'
; 1 40. - 4- 110 4.. itiof i. b - ,
ma.4 0110 ,;.44Fe been;
td:Sta4a jp Making
46145BtjiIBReti ar
*.enWliri nol.. fliF.l
-Whio. l l4 l * lialiOill
itAritOP.4.4 ll 4:*
/ .. CalkOtaiiii:'' d
• aa
. . established, and
! r ue can be received.
; wary ao proper 1
e dOelopit!ent' of
Nan? Mexico and
oliik gOferninents
-nob wilt pr s obably
our commerce and
tiMi to - the nation
:enerntion may live
menial and mon
, sferrod front! Lou
" oiiums to tie city
. %
were entertained
the earlier periods
: system was ma
i. ment energy and
territorial limits,
ted, it would fall
.s, have been dis-
By the division of
d federal govern
.° operate with as
•s as in the centre.
,test or the thirty
le Union, as it was
formed our Con-
Iwell be doubted,
.ulation bad been
thestriginal thir
centralization and
e been - such as to
essential reserved
i sle have made -the
,ely different one,
lin theory, and was
So tar from en
the safety of our
. our territory, th's
+tied that each new
additional en:lran
° Union itself.
ivnns of the 13th
, friendship, liMits,
public of Mexico,
I 29th„ . 1848, claims
en " already liqui
ie Metican repab'-
ttet•est thereon, to
uidated and paid
these claims $74,-
on having made no
sth article of the
Statei assume to
nliquidated claims
! *co, to an amount
he subject is again
ble consideration.
'Lions of the treaty
the 30th of May,
ter that time, the
hich each gevern
re required to meet
land proceed to min
1 in its whole course
vo del Norte." It
that the peri-
over and surveyor
,ntg are to meet at
the. 30th of May,
e of its last session,
" the expenses of
oundary line" be
ut did not fix the.
' ' - t- estattlieted in -
by4 , his teingdiurrrerimmtl •
.0 . e. but its falEMent bad been postponed winter isitsuume - , m i n t d' fli, Amid for
fr time to time, for nearly two years, whilst - Sheep.
than who made it had been anxiously waiting
Sheep should belbrought ' to winterequar-
for Pongreas ta establish. a territorial govern
metitrover the country. The Indians became t ters soon after the (severe
( -' minish the feed and material.) , impair ; its m
ake, as these di
at length distrustful of their good faith, and ' . It e- '
etourt redress by plunder and massacre,
&linty led to the present di ffi culties. A few moved from the grass lands, before they become
Ida tritons 'qualities. They Oug it also to .e r
ipeulation for th e oomitry which had been ta
thoiisand dellare in suitable preaents,
'injuriously affect their-Cone* and •health; and,
a e a corn- pernianbutly softened by the -Ring. as they willi
keinposeession of by our citizens, would have 1 allowin g
from their poaching o sod. 'lf the
them to remelt', is equally objection- 1
satisfied the Indians, and prevented th . e war. able,
!A steal] amount properly d i str ib ute d,i t is eon. i member be large when 'broug t to the yards;
Lfideretly believed, would soon restore quiet. lid risbleods,,
accordingmustthey to the size of the yards
be dint ed into flocks of
, thiiilndian war our fellow-citizens of Oregon'
du t
m o
(ha* been compelled to take the field in their and sheds. The young and' feeble ought to be
l ownidefence, h aveseparated from the 'others , arta the ailing ones
series, and been subjected to expenses which Placea by themselvee : and that no one may
WA fallen ,heavily upon them. Justice, de- suffer from the others, all shOuld be classed as
maids that provision should be made by Con-
unifortely as possible us td • strength. The
ob to corn ensate them for their services e an
yards;Must be dry,' well supplied with a trough
of fret water, to Which they! can retire when
to tifund to them the necessary expenses which
• ( ,
thei have incurred. they c nose. 1
i There is no better food for sheep, than well-
Ikepeat the recommendation heretofore made
ap- ripened, sound, timothy bay ! though the do
to congress, that provision be made for r ho
vers, and nearly, all the cultidated grasses, may
poWment of a suitable number of Indian a d ge h nts
t , be advantageously fed. -Betin and pea straw
to side among the tribes of Oregon, n
valuable, and especially th e former, which,
' a small sum be appropriated to enable t h h t eso a- IF:e
properly cared, they 'prefer; t e the best hay ;1
age to cultivate friendly relations withd t hem.
' and it is well adapted to the Oroduction of wool.
If is be done, the presence of a small mil itary'
suesh other straws furnish good food, and
`for* will be all that is necessary to keep them
p will thrive on them withotit hay when
in qteck, and preserve peace. ,
fed with roots or grain, ,
t,recommend that stellar provision, be made
Roots ought to be given them occasionally ,
as iigards the tribes inhabiting northern t Tex
and eepeCially to the ewes after ,
as, Vew Mexico, California, and r h o ex . ex tensiv e for change,
.!,. (lambing, if this occurs before putting them on I
room lying between Our settlements in i
to fr esh pasture. They keep the stomach peep-
Isoefi and these possessions, as the most effec t-
erly distended, the, appetite and general healthicelii . eau, of preserving peace upon our bor
(good ; and they render their winter forage I
rle, and within the recently acquired Cerrito- g o od;
nearly equal to their summerffeed.
rie., _
The flock ought to be so fed as to recieve
i Ihe Secretary of' the Treasury will preient,
the same amount of nourishment throughout
in lux annual report, a highly satisfactory state
/ every part of the yel'ir. The evenness and val
meat of the condition of the finances.
ue of the fleece depends much upon this. When
The imports for the •fiscal year ending on the
the amount of nutrition is great, the wool-se
; 30t1 of June last we're of the value of $15 4, -
. creting organs are diettended, and 'the -fibre
197'4876 ; of which the amount exported was
in the becomes enlarged ; when lithited, they neeessa-
( $2f,128,010, leaving $133,84p,866
lily contract, and the fibi• is ;mall. This pro
emintry for domestic use.
• d dimes a want of trueness, whic h the experienced
The value of the exports for the same per i o d
stapler readily detects, and which. he does not
(watt . $154,032,131, consisting of domestic , (pro-
I fail to estimate against the s upply of the fleece.
, duetions amounting to $132,904,1.1, and $.l,- t
l' Sheep ought to have a fulllof salt, and
' IAOIO of foreign articles
same I The 'receipts into the treasury for the .. if accessible, sulpher, ashes, tar and clay would
' period, exclusive of loans, amounted to $B5,-
frequently be nibbled by them when their
436 750 59 ; of which there was derived from } boughs
'stomach required either. Pine or hemlock
( ) are a good substitute for tar, and hfford
toms $ 3l 757 070 96 ; from sales of public
, cus . , . ,
a most healthful change in th e winter-food of
Ilans, $,328,642 56 ; and from miscellageousl shoep
Entire cleanliness add dryness arc also
,antrrincidental sources, $351,037 07.
' merit ial- t o thb health of the eifelt. The small- 1 ,
ti will be perceived that the revenue from (
er size of the Saxon may be!well sustained on
eu 4 a ms fee the last fiscal year exceeded bp;
$757.070 96 the estimate of Secretary of the , '
sumo pounds of hay,
nd but a
h larg lf er shee pfour will con-
from three aa to , or e‘ en
Trettsuryin his last
during the same period :five
last annual report; and that ,
(he ggregate r eceiptspounds per day. Sheep; like all other- ani-
when exposed to cold, will consume much
fret!) customs, lands, and miscellaneous sources, ; teals
0 14 exceeded the estimate by the
more than if well, protected, Or than during a
$531i,750 59—indicating. however, a very nearl ' rmer season. •
approach in the estimate to the actual result. . A „-
The expenditures during the fi scal year end- , ,-.
SINGULAR CASE.—We hate copied from an
ing4on the 30th of June last, including those English
, paper a strange history of a woman
for the war, and exclusive of paymentS
l of O n "! who married - two husbands, alai we have to
Icitull and interest for the public debt, were
I record a similar case ' in this city. 'lt appears
I $4:1811,970 03. i
, the ! that about. two years and a l beit' ago, the bus
' It is estimated that the receipts into , baud of ", deserving woman in this city
tredsury for the fiscal year ending on ( the 30th
, e nlisted s
in the army, and ! went to hattle in
(of June, 1849, including the balance in the j Mexico.
which . me
ti the' poor woman
trc4sury on the Ist of July last,
Wilf amoun t
. to I received neither support, nor any letter from
the ; sum of $57,048,9'59 90 ; of which $32,
him ; and she soppesed hini to be dead, from
oixt,ooo. it is estimated, will be derived from e r
the iact of hr bearing that P man_by the same
customs • $3,000 00ft from_ _ the - e t. "" . -1! 4 ", name as her e husband IVIV3I shot and • killed in
pulZie hinds ; aria $3,200,000 from
,miscelta- (.battle. Consequently, in idly last, on the per
flotilla and incidental sources, including the pre-! feet conviction that her husband was dead, she
mini upon the loan, and the amount paid and
ata ~
and was ging very happily
to he paid into the treasury on account of mill
, with her second hue:fiend, when lo ! the first
tar cont ri butions in Mexico, and the,
sales °` , turned up, last• week, having just returned
arm& and vessels and of
th property rep -
eith his regiment from Nlexico, and was sta-- .
der d unnecessary for the use of the encette
tinned ,at Fort Hamilton. , The second hug
me t by the termioation of the war ; end $2O,- .
band, believing the first, Intrsband to be dead,
696,435 30 from loans already negotiated, in
demurred to his claim, wheh demaded ~by the
eluding treasury notes funded, which, together
legal husband, and to test ;the legal question
wit 131 the balance in the treasury on the Ist of t he
parties were all brought `before Justice La-
Jul last, make the sum estimated
: throp, of the Pollee, by (direr Shadbolt, for in
be expenditures for the same period, in
vestigation. The poor wife, who was bathed
in tears, at the misfortune f haying two du ing the necessary payment on account of
tbemrincipal and interest of the public debt,
bands, created the pity o all present. The
and the principal and interest of the first in
first husband, upon consid ration, was willing
six mea t due to Mexico ou the 30th" of May
. 1 ~. to take her back to his arm, having, as he said
I next, and other expenditures grownig out el '
he had, good quarters for bin- at Fort 'Tamil-
Ithci war, to be paid dnring the etreSent year,
' toe. The second husband was also willing to
will amount, including the reimbureement of
resign his illdg,al claim, although he said he
tre#sury notes, to the sum of $54,195,275- 06; should like it much better 0' the first husband
leaving an estimated balance in the treasury ou bad not turned 'op, as Poo Pillicoddy would
thej Ist of July, 1849, of $2,353,694 84.
( say. , It was understood tat no prosecution
I The Secretary of the Treasury will present,
would take place, the Jus ice being satisfied
as required by law, the estimate of the receipts I
I t' uo f the- arties.— Wilson's
, the exp ana to
I and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The
I ex'enditures as estitated for th at year arc ,
_i_„____ •
$3 ,21.3,152. 73, including $3,799,102 18 for, WILD DEER oe LONG ILA nn NEAR NEW-
the interest on the public debt, and $3,550,000; YORK.--It is a singular fac that Long Island,
I for the principal and interest due to Mexico on ( the great market garden-the chase—the park,.
i ti, 30th of May, 1850 ; leaving the sum of • —the fishery—the forest Icemetatary, of iNewl
's. .874,050 35; which it is believed, , will be( York,—should have real 'ld deer ranging in
( a le for the ordinary peace expenditures. I her forests unmolested' an in a measure un-
I he operations of the tariff act of 1846 have I hunted 'by out numerous sp rtsmen. Otte m ust,
ben such during the past year as fully to meet. go a day's jpurimy from t e capitals of Kee
-Ith public expectation, and to coufirM the opin- . Lucky, Tennessee, or Ohio, to striae a hartein
!ioheretofore expressed of the wisdom of the I the wild-wood. A Mississi pian or Missourian,
; eh lige
in our revenue system which was of-' gazing with i sort of heti g-shirt, home feel
d by it.. The receipts under it into the ing upon the saddle of ye ison suspended in
treasury for 'the first fisearyear after its enact- (
, Florence's larder, can sea cely :realize that a
mint exceeded by the sum .of $5,044,403 09, !Prime buck gboidd be in is blue Coat within
tb amount collected daring the last fiscal-year, three hours bf Broadway, fat yearling in the
wider the . tariff act of 1842, etiding the 30th !velvet within a lady's shop ing-visit of Stew
of 'June, 1846. The total revenue. realizedlart's big stet% and real do skins running wild
fr.' ' the commencement of its operation, on the lin the wood s . accessible wi bin the time that
is of December, 1846, until the close of tbei . would take him to suitlim elf with the impor
la. l quarter, on the 30th of September - last,lted article at',llennings's. Yet Se. - Tammany
be rig twenty-two months, was $56,6 4,563 79 , , knows well that bucktails a e still plenty in old
eing a much larger sutra than was ever ''Suffolk ; and the brush pl ins bear witness to
b ore received from , duties in any equal period 'the gambols ' of many a -fa and fine.flavoreii
Ins' u nd er the tariff acts 0f1824, 1828,.1832, and, doe. In one short hour' th Long Island rail
;1: .. Whilst by the repeal orbi g lo protect I,road,can take. you, reader, to, as Ane sporting
' iv: and- prohibitory. dines the .revenue bas! , ground as can be found in t e United States.—
h n increased, the taxes on the people bevel- Wilson's Dispatch. ' i '
bendin.inishea. . They have been relieved i. ' -' ' '
- 2
frdm the heavy amounts with which, thej, were , Th e taxes of Albany- for
b dened under forinerlaws in the form-4 in- b e 1" dollarsf •
.about ; twf
,or eau
. , - 1 f —Alban Atlas.
c used prices ; d bounties paid to favored des- 7 3 '
, .
se sod pursuits. - i
The Whig cbsirman or
he predictions whicliwere.made t that the '
to ' act , of 1846 would reduce tlie amount ofor, Fillmore, and Ag
re • venue below that collected under , the act of . i . . • . ,
1 ,a 4 prostrate the business and destroy .' ' '' 1 - ' '
thprosperity of tbi . country; Uri not been' fir The anembefaufth
in this county was discover
y ea with: at io aim/mail* increasing ;says the &at* Pod, 00
TA eaue,lthe fulancesrare ins , highly flour iel'. are esiled ' filki l in '' Vfltill Q
i 'T. i9aditiou, Agnicul4re,iPomokeree an d
'-' al l i during the list_Mpil present : ran
' ' overwhelmed tbe,isclustry t an paralysed' - ~.
th -;cr edit and.enianteree ors° nmai great and
le geotikrationii Of Entwa.,.. ~ . L e i .
jay 'Onmercial_ravulsiniii *aid ,ha •
s A
i'si,' yihereiofirt4 l 4"4 490 0 "An4;oft•
' %atkni, Art Prospero,4; the _prices inan"
ii nredlibrlcs, and of othet products, are
m less pij trimly affected than was in have
' nanticipatakfrolnol•l2nProaaOteamilf
liii. ,airmit Aiiastrullsb' aril* every Iml4o
1:1 1
i -- n
- - -(eiigilileiteirmaieinifilge.).% -4-
h ~AW..Lasaartin e is'ateri as iron se t i oe t.'
Wben be was On the Oaks, f the Antal de, Yills,
attempting - to remore- the red !flag,. the mob
aboato . d, ~,...,". The bead of.. ' atliaar
, : ":Mi
awed citizens rf -snick iie...l i wolid t0..004, 1 1
all bid 4 - 61 Aar shOulder
.•'` • "Gan ott-tellrist
roan* cools r- 1940
,bandbox in her and of
oat, as'un" promptly r -
4 cl o
. 2
BOY' A 'BOY' Omit • ,
2 - 1, in • t . Olgii
N 16111140 1 4 nitgOd'
esperieiett n If score
NoViiilf rd Deo-7W
r i f
I . 'Li ;
' '
1 I St
C84E,141; the e;ji.
tirittifeeptembert I
er, two yOir.ra old. Th
prooerty. ply chive* It
-. litrfard, 'Dec sth. 18
Hurrah for
0 Jourzten Tipp,
the eat price
following Orient 4 , 4
garments in propordon.l
N. B. 11406 but good)
TUST re*ved by th
s t iplendid Grand
. facture/ after Loud'. •
pettedly received the j'•
American institutes.
GLOODtimentotre in.
Pi•not bef re v nrchotsi
Moritrost Nar#29. •
(are of dihre
,o;oe immediate papOi
ad .jo s t imk'd Estate, to
N0v.28,1848. •I
Fresh Arri •
TIIST raceiveil a - a
sfi Robbers, Drugs
leather, Mims and sh.
sarordfi.b. 4143. etc., all m ark.
Nnvembpr, 29 1848.
1- ( ) rl 4 3 A nin K .
ar T t nurrekrr stand alt,
Cl,. lt' i s i l ß r °T o l i t l x iP7p . I) et ' es 't
Candles.. Owe. led eni Satordey .e2t \ trt fel cheariati
Montrose. No. 30 1111848 1 _ tYLEM:f3
E iiiiiiiii i--7
-Newl Tall° . g --. si a ent,.
, t..
la Great Bend Sol q. Co.,i'a. - •
. .....
C O H. N M LIUS Di Iti e. RTY.. rec ..ntis. front the City
Near ;York wh re he hasdhad sixteen year* *ape
ri.-oce in ail brioche a the tailorin business', Yeapect•
hilly asks reasofistiln pmnortiou • (the liatronager.f the
oeopin of fireat Bend sad of th'e . 0 unty, Mr,. Doherty.
mil cut add malte.F t to iernisoeiap . erre) of alf, kind. h.
lashionsiblis style. a cheap prides a .accept 14 payment
for his lattrail mud, of farmers prOduce. .
'Mr Dierry'sahntrillocitill over the ProO ffi ee, in
Great e it in the tlic idly ofthe depot outhei.N • r and
Brie 11.1.1,.ti,.ad. I
Great Mend, Nov,. 2 - - -
Montrose Beryin full, Blast 1
BA r t ,D A , ' I N iii'd id Illitllial ii,. Li' and ; n,W co.
C, loin.,* that Fir. es Dow 'in ht. tmpiny 4 llL first rate
II giiiir from New V4rk *nrl will warrett thit P,ennio, Iva
nt* can etik op ns plp, Crackete. Bread and laauukies, an
York Stab. ran pro4ore Try Ahem. I - • .
NB. Ca r *h paid Ipr Lard. , C r Ritnvnic
AATANTE CI —Phew lgants, Turkey* Geese, : Chick On.
Kull D 0-k* in ex , hairge for Mereimniliiienr Cash
ti nn'•ii (1 r H lgig , E ¶TVW 4,NV
jUST , rw!piv.d a 4.large and splendid assortment of
Fall imel Winter Goods. which 'Will be Old one the
most favorable terms; for produce. i toorl credit 4 or cash.
The eablse are invited to calf•an are.
Oct. 31, 1 ,2 48 lei F. CHANDLER.
1 • 184.
(N—• 1‘) / 0" 1 1 1 t 1 1) 4 Z. - .
W wrtihirWiremici
- rust' teneived it: the store of the adbacribar. a Imre
0 and inagniiieent stock of F=all and, Winter Gooch,.
csahractni- 0
.1:4 ...WI fur
sale at prices onprer4edentedly it J. WEBB.
• i
iStovelPipe. . _
C 0 °kis°. p..-1 0 , seep Ras gales Stny•fli, Pipe El
boiia, Zink, iiniine Ware, et.f...ce• male l
. . 1 •B.H. - L•rirci. & en.
t •
Domoirics.-3004-yda of sheeting; fr.m,s to 9 cts.po
yar,d, mglou >•arn sod thirtioi warp. ba!wing, wad
oiog,otnOn flaroYe!e. tickinei!.4mOrll.4 wick abd aaplen
4td lot of Calicoes, !monsoon' , r 0.7 by H. & R.
JUST recd a 11111.. 4
Winter Goods.
satinettslind Senior .
p r ints. 01. great wan
gon pi-aide. mehairao
w a rprilnients. Plaid )
velvet and satins. Fal
Merinos nod •alish
edgings *miming 011"
all kinds a Finnuel•
sham's. Eitc etc. Ii •
which will be void las
9 000 Y'sT
:be present year will
person inhe city.
• .
A il ~ i p,r„4:pT
no. tete , f 8
uo, *Milo irsolOi
~te •
or deminide aioa kiii
. 41tati far arid io •
Free Soil iteeting
d-voting for "Tip
-If;.llaven Reg
Fri 'n.ilavillf•
0) 1
rh.,,0..,. m
war' *PIANO' 'en
tcleifeell :
- ko, a _grill he ,0111 ,
eheri gilifroill I' .
8041 16 ' 1414 0 1 !PL.
tirade ,' los: /still!, •
!tefitkajl 09, , I. 304.,
tp - I cfp. peer fl . Opp,
tS off Friends,
1 1'04 tir iZsobi
A. tilir;l l, . P..
••:_,..., ~,,....,4.,.„ ism
atN 010 *ljr,,ioth
16upgrik:a~roni ilia
H'r ll
1 -
k . , theititepot
tagow y
sball Oman
.e years 4it age :auto& cue,
ho ta,4111 used to maktllitoteit
iot'Aftigetneot,, atia foto"
ooklbeip.refevoL ' - •
k 848.. 131.111.1112 T.
y'Heifet. :
loittre of the sulnciilter ont
et i 4.-pole.tefilbiocto fjeed bet
owner' iv requestei Ito piove
j. a
take. or !rarity. I
Ef, . PREsTOX•TrrbB. •
I General Tay .
wanted immistely, fot which
be :pad in üb, to wit: the
lain dress and f.all other
wqrme4 Deed epply. L.2,
subset he r. and. Mr frei 'even ,
,stun ions Porte: taken.
leteatetl Patent; whin' has fe•
at pteniiacniat the Franklin and
ersonteri7 to pOobuen .a
ited to hall hM e x amine these
g elsewheni. s- --, . '
- , r. P. St.;0111q.
Administ atolls Notice.
t•lti In 4.0
Gate, Are
lent. avd lll.l
preront tb,t
E. ;
hock of -
;and medici
es, codfish:
of -which Jori
W heat F t
and stock Of Fall sea
TO ps c.lothsrCassimorea. Tweeds.
y Jeans . : lOD Os of elegant and cheap
-Ay of lie. Lames, cartnitnen. Ore
tres; plaids, !fancy. entnin and silk
Gimp 'and frinies, Bonnet
and whiter Bonnet raibrins, French
flannels. ginghawm, l l9pee. thread
n: linos o !diapers. whitd mods and
Winitqd and French.edliars, boas
and sh ti tea. .oroce+ies all of
cheap fts the , ebeaperit and no mis
. ,
re of ttiose choice till: flavored
arri.e4 at SaLiaautty's.
Sheeting' 'Prim S e ITSTIZir S lor 6
all kinds. ,enttnn Yarn
variety of Tin'Ware. at
J Popr's
qtry, Pqii , timnd Oil. for
a* are. Leonine (lieu
&tato of 8. it. Emma!,
tamed, are rigour to
those all haying aims
t o pr.arnt Orval di rat.
L. SRO Adm'r.
robed che.atiar.,l Wilb e r
I Ner Likedic4sc 4 4,l•4lrelpiestiti.i
n,e,or anct_iti,ttgrabilvias.c)sims
aid Eitite'cop:estutha duly at
-1, • -
i ,
V Vqi 1 i 1 . 1
:rf :
'.. ..fttit;•liii4lrill .r t
I.tit, ..
• yfooktbitvizatio
.--rwrzte,v , 4,00.40 g.
e xtihateinii* 4.,P14.0 0 4:
yea if ;lisit!PiwilliA 4 " l " l 'i r ii tail
ISPIPIndk i I. 1 4 1, -')P., 4 f 1 4- e itzkri m os.
-6 emrg. Wit , (
.. 044 , 4
' tilte b014.-,16-I!4rgiirrPoseitiit
I - ' ' accNll.4llll4 fottijahows: ....
7 7
' iodi Jo* il . . gap k -.'
I".a lite Pi ;lock rat ll4 -Al
ul •
; i&# 11 q,400144;:i1tal Wow:
--101014“ op myth
. -
: 7 0CTO,Sint I. 1
'l-- 111W GOODS
d : ic en.
ici.:.-1111P/40 nowreoellhlg lulgo end eft,
jug e _ilye. assortment of fall wad winter gook vbkh
ee - pledgee birneelf to"sell as lovi is "pen be bole : a i m,
fide of:the eity4 - . Thookfoil. fiot Pars i : 01‘ , rooptema,
ivi nte ray friends:sod-Oho pahllw fo ally ID MVO ki o i
tall Wore porebilineitisewbere.
ttiYinklYrl:o4. 12 4649.“
ntE : SIM 1 1,1Sii* tel th eri ty
TOHN-11aories eelebratedWomiiii Pla - sata ail
tp at E. TlFir I
TTA,TB and Caprolthe latest Widow Gm sulip Te l
cb etP • •E: Tin
ROAD OWN', -Caseinsereail Batiinaus mad r
JD the cheapest ever offered la t6yi awoke; is
E Timor%
1 4. AD LES' tali and rioter drain " doges, Gift
to tthem it ariery dated Kag, .
. E. Turairg..
Ll 3, of Tutlut
, t foe sem
6 W 3)3111 " E. ?Marrs.
ILLEa'S Leather Pram' ati:vs and water poi(
crit,filakinit, it _ . t e a ,a
arAny numirrt
I 8 reeeivinpai extotiive assort:4n of Fall. and Wis.
ter. cir m a ci whith he willael4 at t admix ha
•• L. In . hia ot?cHh-mav fowl a *oh inoptamt
Goods a 4leßdid selectiOn of
cashncieB4truslinli Laines, silk stri
ped,"iiiliii4nd foci Aliwaccas, Co
boi4-Telatits and' Gala Raids, •
.Enilishl Ging: !'
Sitniiiin**4rie.iatitty of
• Rich, and coi~iriiiigt4 ;alioes, Rick
.„,plair4l4o . o4ole 44 Lan g Shall,;
neeand 1701 *
c;4 ; gierei'*inqOkg'4: BrPadcialls'
-- J et -
nek i
44 117 1, Flan
ono, v A Wisfe - : .
.0. tick, 6.. i „ i „ ;
11 3 A.BDVFAI4 . ,.
111- 00 1 ,4 311 11 . W.
- 01416:t,WFWlifeltS:Cf.: oKO qamo oso Una,
fifift9c.9Blo - 4,,,,4131.n0W lifioso4Pcovou, ea
'O-iirtittAti*Pimiuld the oUptioa of picksler L
jidth`lbe.iiisifrana3. that theyl loth*,
o attatiOn'Aliftho cheaPvitr . •
Solt and Floor onnotoottOw Lim
NOw 111 ., krif, Oct 30. NM
elate r.1.1 ,, He Ble
, are refiee.tee
e haeine. .tietnateia
defy aitested, lot
PSON, tAcinirs.
-w Gobds.
roo rind at6rl . India
.es, catophine, sole
4cittirai. had and
t be Sold it the very
ur fur ssa.tby
TBE TolloWing . are .arriongl the jartielea recently * in
lected by the subscriber. in t he city of New Yen,
sod will be sold without any brag4ing, as loto (should in
nc portunity offer) as any ocher man or et of men will
'Ai them io the region mind otemtreis:
Broad - Clciihs;.:Cassimers, Satinetts;Vestings,
100 pi. :prints. 1500 - yds. !Sheeting:, Al=
pacOas. Thibbet Cloths, Plaids, •
Shawls, Muslin De Lailzes'
ALSO, q•
Muffs, Traveling bags,! Sole Leather, Afti•
can Rip Skins, light Upper,4
largelAssortmant of " .
• BOOTS t 111083, •
• • - . 1114*N.1
• , Steel, Nail,
Milt and ' Y Cut
Saws; (best kind,) Fresh
Teas, &Igor, Riee,Neio
sins,'; Dinner Bells,gotten Yarn,
Wadding, Ratting, Tickin g, Boom Paper,
-ALSO • .
_ -
I 1 . • Tobacco, "Codfish,'
• Shad, Mackerel, Sous
-Tongues,-Oil and , .Rhbber Cloth, ,
Over ewes, /ndian Rtij i refPow(kr,-,#alfra
—o - 51,...sit*tovthe,:orlip or buying. and fin
to please even those vibe are perpaps under antailittie
obligation tOe.XI linden° me, at layette paY nfold lICOM
• I am thole aimed to idea this hint,:while I feel m
der many Obligations to all sibhaveisoneed will
their custom; and have : wil li ng been to 'ay when they
could j Mosel mho hive an don't nude:is/nifty
play. may be made willing ere lobg.-
hfontrnse. TEO.
AILE noW . iWedeiyinc a largei Stock of fiessestihole
Goods. which they offer o parch:omen the
must ressmiable terms. They invite particular at.
tention to their. Stock or
. I
• ••• eitiainkagtv. I . :
Of ibey• hare probably; a largerl,St and
better assortment , than arty slot in the Goo tr i te.
." • .brecing 10 balm, 'estnraining
6.,800 Y A IDS
1014 113" • TINOS
At the,follawiiig ptces, viz
Elbeitlngs.of. wood qiishey, 61el ) !'or Cub
o . .Heavy , 64 • b p ytbe
• P o do "
They ilso eller forsale a lafte assortment of,COPIC
' ING and of er
..1 . - S.l - 0 VE S -
Air tight-and Common,, , hich they will pad
:nttsernelj Inn i i 'ices. .
20100 1116. Of SMOTE mg, of pod
1 liva110 1 : OA ..11;0 peep ' per pooled.
Gibso#, Noti.,'l,'
roolli rinceivunot timak the p o ly no N-w York. A lute
and detiratile issmianez4 1111." which co*
pleet - ii otenatir variety than in way naptin a wavy
Sta,!—*ll otrhich will h. said , timely law for Ca 4.
Grave os!'att chart approvd d ' .My amortmestaq
be 41saitodAn ink Ri Inik q w v
fra l r
T ' -t : '''''_' - DlitrCriii, : .
- '''' '' I- Medicines Oils '
1. : s of all kinds, Dyc4St Is, Gives- '
• 1: iiist 1)4 Goods, Hard Ware, Stone
: IPcire - .' Glass Waie ! Cloiks, Watais,
Jewellify, Silver - Spoonf,. Perfamel7l
'"' liiiiical 'lnstrument+,S urgical /nitrit- ..
'nth:ok - Trusses, .0 ' e /4uors for -
-:. --- '-lifedieinat p urposes 4- the Arts, '
;: z ...-.-.,
~ m irft,r,s;:titi-dis i floats
l': - "" !-. - I'' and" 8 zikeP' • ' •
• • • 64, a
' • ''` , '' , ii":-' , i- • -- Ifotioo4e. tc. :' • •
4 ilifrifiktah..initthe public igen/rally, ‘iittirge b
tililmiAsl.lo,llld tweigie iron# awl pliaPer(Gdok
ruita r*
litc;iitiitite - CiraiVii,-1848: - ' 1
I :. . :.. I ''' ' 1 iron, Sieel g iNltllK
I :1011i Silles, Cloths. lilpose, Asa, fic* l ftr4
,' - 'ciiimitill'iiisiterestisait ',OA tParilri
jam& i .
-101 1 +94Ciaill LAArls)1010411. ' ~,e kii:
.4.0' - Yistams:•lirlioys. lapsoeiti . orimer"--' , -„ mia ,
kW*: tillthiliereVNh l o o o l, ! a la r i ,Liwi l e f
ainitilOgyltatillAallci** grial 11**".' —4k
T.' ,'D
[ ,e . .rM.s,"B 1:401. 14t-440 , " W ; a
~ i
o s . 7 k i s t, hi t , eta': s . • . ,
' P.rli, ''
e,.. 1 ..1,.„ 5 ,„,,, so djwiy , u L
IV ' A NU 0 1, 4411 1 :46r. - *di t ...T . : yoga
-j . kiiiii;*
~ "..
lea D" - a c i o 4 ' o ti sr` Malmosak.o 4o :
, 4 '• real Pia , plikl
. ..Cilia
k . ' ' - SICIWIT 'LWOOlttiii4 1 0 11 . 44. . 20:4 4 0 , q
ii° ll 4:"Nlefiso 3l •ll4 l " o " k r * HuL i s WOW
ii -. .. t,,- '' '• 1 '.--. -- . ...;...,
'. -, = + ,- ,•?.:1-4.-1: , --,....- , , ....,,,,,
toiliklionfa, 4 .4. gal
-1 4 1.14.0 m 7510coge
„ T 7.74 5- ,
• r
041• 1100 " 1 "
$ ebie_,oo l ls l ll
.4:144: 1 140 4 ' 141.14:411"
itskilaPiatit clr"- r
' , _