. ; 'e,~a :Eta at *~. .. ~.__ . -~,X :. ~ _...ti r~ ~. 6 . -,• • . ; (Ci , ..i frollt f Ol tr ik P a gf -n--- j ,-• . ...7 . ' of American il Of The temperer* depression 4 oar manufactu ng interests is the effect f foreign closes. and isarT less severe than "haa.prevalerrcia all similar Occallons.' . . •-• , • ... It is believed - that - looking to the great aggre ale 01_ all our interest!, the whole country was neye r' -more prospereue thug at present: And never mor el Yiipidly. advancing in eicalth and population. Neitiiisrhe foreign'war in erhich we have been involved, der he 4 loan, b4e absorbed so largo a portion Of 'ur ' capital, nor thOcotnmgrcial revolution in Greet ri. . ' "tiro, in 1847, tier the perilous condition of credit nd commerce throftgbout Europe, in 1.848, havesifeeted injuriously, to any considerable extent:. sir itfAlic . -great interests tithe country, or arrested our onward march to greatness. wealth, and power. Mad tlsidistirbancewiti , Europe not occurred, our eiSitnereeiriauM . undoubtedly have been still more ,euttended, and *o uld have added still more to the na. tional wealth d public Proiperity. But notwith statidlnCtileselidisturhances,. the operations of the, „ revenue systernMitablished by the tariff, act of 1846 have been so giterally beneficial to the Government and the inisinetd nf the' ountry, that no change in'tts prtiviiimili deljtanded by a wise pnblie policy, end . , •,. , alone is recomulnded. ' - . ' The operatiMs lathe Constitutional Treasury. es. - tablObed ity,l.l4cct of the sixth of August, 1846,._ in the receipt,cuS i ody, Sod disbursement of the public money, have continued to be successful,. Under thin eysteinithe put ic finances have been carried through' '' :Z• a foreign war, nvolving the necessity" of loans ,and eltram ip dinaiy Oxpenditdres, and requiring distant transfers and diOursements, without embarrassment, and'no loss has o ccurred of any of the public Money deposited ' under is provisions. Whilstsit has proved to hosafesnd nseful to the government,- its effects have beepmos; beneficial upon the business of the country, It ha , tended powerfully to secure an ex. - Stoptibrifroci, thilt inflilion and fluctuation of the pa per currency, 14injurious to domestic industry, and -rendering so undertain.tharowarde of labor, add it is' believed hiaJargely contributed to preserve the whole country front a Jierious commercial revulsion, such - as once occurred lender the bank deposite system. 1 -lii the year 1747, there was a revulsion in the business of G*eat Britain oil great extent and,: intensity, which was followed-b?„failures in that4ingdom unprene:l dented in nUcnber•and amount of losses. This is he.l i lived to be the ' first instance when such disastrOus bankfueteies, aring in a country with which We beve - tioch ext ensive commerce, produced little or no *minus effect ppon our trade or currency. We re- i stained hnt little affected in our money market, and cur business an& industry were still preaperous and proietiskire. 1 During the p'esent year,.nearly the whole coral 'wenirof Eoropelias been convulsed by civil war and tiughtioete, attdnded by numerous bankruptcies, by an unpreAdent fall itytheir public securities, and dn'alitiosfuri' ' sal paralysis of commetcoadd indus try!, and yet, I hough our trade and'-the prices of i t cue products m have been somewhatunfavorably .affected by the causes, We have escaped are v ulsion,i our money mar tis comparatively easy, and public I and private QM t have advanced and improved. Itli confidiiit believki that we have been saved from their effect the salutary; operation of the Con • stitutional T ry. •It us certain. that if the twenty flour pillions Alf Opecie imported into the count** du. I ringthe fiscal ye)ir ceiling on the thirtieth of 'June.) 7847, had gime ipto the banks, as to a great extent it I must have done, t would, in the ahsericelof this aye. I teachave been'Made the bails of augmented bank paper issues, priably to an amount not less than six ty or_seventy millions of dollars, producing, as an in. 'evitable consequtec of an inflated currency, extrava. I gent prices fur slime, and wild speculation, which ) must have been thetved , on the reflux to Europe, the succeeding year, fSO much of that specie, by the prostration of thbusiness of the country, the milieu. ohm of the bank ala_d most extensive bankruptcies. Occurring, as tit would have done, at a period when l it the estuary wailengaged in a foreign war; • when ewnsiderable butte) of specie Were required for distant llisbareemehts, and when the banks, the fiscal agents -of the Governmet and the depositories of its money, were suspended, t e„public credit must have sunk, and 'many millions efalcairs, as was the case' during the marl of 1812, meal have been sacrificed in discounts myna baps, and upon thedepreciate&paper currency which the Governpent would have been compelled to i. • eise. - _ t Under the operations of the Constitutional Treaeurf. net St dollar has been lost by 'the depreciation orthe currency. The Ktans required to prosecufe‘the war 1 with Mexico were, negotiated by the Sectetary of the • Treasury above p*r , realizing a large:pmium to the I Government. Tgo-reessoung7tlect ocine system ' neon the tendenciis to excessive paper issues by banks Ms saved the Gpvernment from heavy losses, and thousands of- ourusiness men from bankruptcy and n i t rail. The !glad* of the sysjern has been tested, by l the experience o the last two years ; and it is the I dictate of soundpolicy that it should remain undue_ I tutbed.- Thew ficatiorui in some of the details of -this menu re, inv wing none of its essential principles, baretofare recoin ended, are again presented for your favorable considesistion. . In my measagof the sixth of JulyJast. transmit-1 tins to Congres s the ratified- treaty of peace with I Mexico,-I;recotediended the adoption of measures for' the speedy paytneOt of the public debt: In r ot e s ai .Iqt , that reeommendallon„ I refer you to the considerations presesded in thatessage in its support. Ihe public that debt, secluding t it authorized to be negotiated, In .parseattle. of ex - g laws , and including Treasury' sushmasseunted that time to sixty-five million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and CIL dollexs and fty-one cents. Funded stock 'the United States, amounting to idiom half* milli ' purchased, as ofdollars, has been authorized by WO, since that period, and the, public • debt has thus heed reduced ; the details of which will i bc,prisentwl in tea annual report of the Secretary - ofl theTreistary. ' 1 . 1 - - The estimates 'Of expenditures for the next fiscal year.submittai bi, the Secretary of the treasury, it is, . believed will be ailliple for all necessary purposes. It the appreptiationemide by Congress shall not exceed the amount eitinited, the means in the treasury will I be sistaCient to de ay all the expenses of the Govern ment ;to pay off e ,next instalment of three millions 1 of dollars to Mex which wilh n. fall duo o the thir- I ti o. lieth of May ne ; and will a considerable surplus - will remain, whim should be applied to the further purchase of the-public stock and reduction of the debt: ' illitinild enlarged alopropriations be made, tLeMeccsaa. :7 consequence wall be to.postporie the payment of the debt. Thouith our debt, as snippet-0d whit that of ' other nations, is mall, it is our tree policy, and in . harnionywith t genius of our institutions, that we shoed rieetit tthe world the rare spectacle of , a p l en 'great'Sepulbc, snug east resources and wealth. , wbolkettempt fr ,' public indebtednese. This would add still more ingoer strength, and give to us a still alolit-COMaLlUldin position among the nations of the earth. ' ~ The public es ' ditans should be.economical. and be nwfined to Intl_ necessary otlects as are clearly within - the power Q i.Oon g reas. Aft such scare not absolutely demand - 1;d should be postponed, and the pay- Mint of IliPtiblicildebt at the earliest practicable pe riod should be a es)-dinal priiici pledfour public policy. '--IFor iheteasost, ignelf in intlast annual message . ItePellit- the r rears mendatiou that.a:brafth of the wrintof the ; Unit States be established at the city of e ls Ifielrerit. The portabeepf this measureiirgreat /y increased by gull:linden-of the rich mines, of the precious meta in New Mexico ' nd California.{ i n , and eepeeielly in t e latter. '.• -- ' / - Irepeat rgiereekinimentletion, heretofore' made, In favor ofthe - grads( Lion and reduction of the price o such oft:We - public - ends SO ,hare been long offered' in the market, and t i remained unsold, and in favor ,-• std extending :the ' lite of pre-emption to aetuel.fet ; 4 " " th e *near ' ed.'s welt* dereurveyod lande. .Thu conditions -ad cperaticce.rit, th e lix.Rl.:** 4 th e i seen of other .tir ' - .orthemighlia service tuiderithe -- ar i . a o ll or th e eiDifiartfaiiit, are 'betlsfettiarily. g r 1:::_i iii the a om p ul iagteport of the tireeita. - irgsf.frik- '' . • ~:- • -... , c..,;'. •: ,; 1/" . ,„.-___., °it 01-445: pea ce , . our fetees - werifWith,drawa ed • •innw2. ,I2fris MO' is aolunteeri find th at f isertien liif 4 : *aredic gaged for the Wairweivi disdain' ' • At: Orriiirlooici;, - for stationing . the forces ii ; 000:::: '_ ' ' inient at aariotte.rieltheee je 41 *- 4 4 41 *0 0 0 1 --w * *3 "` - " f r i t - '-s.s required. ` = its' - i ge . ~ ' i' , gintrico thei*, Posit - Wee. ''''''iliii - - ' 'fiat yet readheetbeif *alai-. , . vvi i iov el ,--' " '' "igkifesteneion of the:lope CI 441iiressitlf' ' forma repaired intbnnewo. .. - 41eraltia ' ' that oar present military . o„4B** *.- ** 01 •,' ei' t i ei;4l l , 4 t n i e l e e d eajo g Ai iur* ;.L,l; 434,.ort i i iisie - ui dl iiitigkoleneea . eehed!la - 7 'ilediagiie'o' .ealial*.atiadifia. 1)4 sixty-aide - 111. taw be aitl'AM*4elleel i aPplieil '"u 4 7 - 41i rrir t rt a tr nt iiiim — ,01: `, 61 Ed iiiiiiiiiii- , `, . lit `f ix Ain : fend , three . „ .?nd ilikci4estillui ii elwo d4 ' , ? ) J it ", : Peare f :3 4 l 44 o4 M l .l l ,ll, Kl ii, IS alli .. Ongair4l =Vie collection of tbeskfllopOri ' After the pimaldinisiiidi of piece; -- no further diaborsinutitil were madioftany unexpended - moneys ,arirring free" this eettfeii: . !tTlic Inlet - lees on hand were {directed to be , Odd jou! pie ireirmry, cud individual claims on the fund. will teuiam unadjusted until.Congrcits shall am. -, Chortle th eir settlement pay ment.sod- - These.plaitds are notconsiderable iu number or artiOiii4.• iteeommend to your favonible consideration:the mit gusionerrifthe Secretary tit Warsuid the Illeetitary of the ie,iegbri to theilegialatibn oitehisi'sublect. Oar lodise relations Kre presented in a most fimorable view fef,the- I :XePort :from . the War Department. 'The wisdom of out policy in regard to the thbeS within our limits, is clearly manifested by their improved and rap idikimptovintcoriditiog,- : , i A - moat itimortint Areaticwith the Menem:moles has' been recently negotiated by the Commiuhmer of Ina ata Affairs-in person, by which 'all their land in the State of Wisconsin—being about 4,000.000 of acres--has been ceded to the United States. - This treaty will be mid milted to the Senate for ratification at an early period of, - , seta present sessil. - -Within the last our years. elitit important treaties hue been negotiated with different Indian, tribal, and 1 ei, I cost of 81,842,000; Wise lands to the amount of .more than 18 400,000 acre, have been ceded to the Uni- Arid litotes ; and provision has been made far settling in thetmuntry west of the Missiaikippi the tribes which oo ] cdpied this large extent of the public domain. The - title ':10 all the Indian lands within the users' States of our ,llnicie, with the exception of a.few small reServations, is 'IOW extinguished, and a vast region opened for settle ment and cultivation. ' 'erhe accompanying report of the Secretary of the 01 7 Ores a-satisfactory exhibit of the operations and con& non of that branch of the public service. A number of small vessels suitable for 'entering ,the 1 mouths of rivers were judiciously purchased. during the wir,,and gave great efficiency to the sqoadnin in the Of of Mexico. 0 a the return of peace, when no:longer' valuable for naval parprises, - and liable to cOostant date- ribratiou, they ware sold, and the money placed In the treasury. The number of men in the naval service authorized •by law during the war. has been reduced by discharges below the maximum fixed for the peace establishment. Adequate sqiiadrons are maintained in the several quar ters of the globe where experience bas shown their Ger- vines may he most usefully employed ; and the naval' . @device was Defer in a condition of higher discipline-or 'greater efficiency. .R-t 1 invite attention to the recommendition of the See• , z l itery of the navy on the subject of the marine corps.— ' Tbe reduction of the corps at the bud of the war required that tent officers of each of the three lower grades should be dropped fmni die roll*. A hoard of officers made the selection; and those designated were necessarily dis-1 missed: but without tiny &fledged fault. I concur in opinion with the Secretary, that the service would be improved by reducing-the number of landsmen. and in creasing the marines. Stich a measure would justify an increase of the number officers to the extent of the re. ductierp by dismissal, and still the corps would have few er. ulik i t rs than a corresponding number of men in the army. • - The Sientracts for the transpo)'tatioq of the migin! steamships tinnvert,ble into war steamers. promise to ree ailze all the.henelifs to our commerce and to the navy, which were anticipated. The first steamer the," Smear. eh to the government was launched in January," 1847. There are now seven ; and in another year there will, probatay,'.he not I.mts than seventeen afloat. while this . greateatioual advantage is secured, our social anti corn ptiircial idtercourso is increased and promoted with Ger many, Great Britian, and other parts of Berope, with all tne countries on the west coast of our cuutinent, wipe- 1 .ciedy with Oregon and California, and between the northern and gaucho - 1z sections of the United States.— , Cie:widened., revenue may be expected from postage : 1 hnt the connected line from New York to Ch.gres, and l thence across the isthmus to Oregon, cannot fail to exert a beneficial influence. not now to be estimated, on the , interests of the ma.oufactures, commerce, navigation and ' carrenr.y of the United States. _ As an important part of 1 the system. I recommend ti your favorable consideration the establishment.of the promised line of steamers be- i _tweets Nett , Orleans and Vera ,Cruz. It promises the : most happy results in cementing friendship between the two repabbcs, and in extending reciprocal benefits to , the trade end manufactures of both. • 1 The rep?rt of the Poet 'Master General s will make known to you the 6peration of that •departmont for the past "ear. It is gratifying to find th6-revenne of the department. under the rates of postage', unw established by law, in rapidly iner' elsaing.l . The girosis amrmnta of postage du ring the fait fiscal year amounted to $1,371 677; exceed. ing the amihal average received (or the nine years irit mediately aree.rding the passvge ,d - the act of the third of March, !').845, by the sum of 86.453. and exceeding amounti received for the year ending the thirtieth of 3e, 1847,10 y the sum of 6425,184. • The-ezpilltditur v a of the year, excluding the sum of 694 672. allOvred by Cosigaiess at it last session to indi. vtdbal claintints. and in4tldlog the sum of $lOO 500 paid for the services of - theitiifof iteamers between Brea* and New I'krls, amod4.ll - to 64,196 815 which' r ia thaw the aqua.] averasisanr the rime 3 ears previous to theoter of 1845, by 63748. Th.; mitilltuates. vfithe 30th day of Jane last., wore ! 163 208 mthis in extent—being an increase daring the lest y Aar siransporrenl /war them, durfitg the 'a ' kma time. 41,012.579 miles; ma- I king &nit:n:744mb of transportation fur 'the year of 2,124. 680:miles, *Mist the •etuense was less than that of the previous year by 64 235 The increase in the mail transportation within the last throe yearalbas hi-eu 5 378 310 miles, whilst the expert-' Sea were railaceo $456 735 - -making an in: reuse of set vice at the rate of IS per cent, and .1 redaction in the expenses of more than 15 percebt. . ;During the past year there have been employed, on der contracts with the Post Office Department, two ocean steamer' in conveying the mails monthly between 1 4.;Yr York and 13 , enten. and one since October last, per futhaing semi monthly service between Charleston and Havanna: and a enutraet 'has been made for the, trent peitation of the Pacific maths across the isthmus Froth Chagres to Panama ruder the authority given to the Secretary of t ie nit ryi three ocean steamers have been conserantid and lent to the Paci6c. - and are expected to toter upon the mail service between Panama and Oregon, and the in termerliate ports, on the first of January next, land a fourth has been engaged by him for the service between Havana and Coker., ; - "ao that a. regular. month) Y mai line will he kept up af•er that time between the United dreces and OUT territories on the pacific. Tiotwahntending Wm great increase in the mall!servi era, should the revenue continue to increase the Present year as it did in the last, there will be received bear $450,000 more than the expenaitar.s. Thew ..naidernialhs ha4e• ssthified. the Pnst.master i General that. with eertsin inorli6catians of the act of 1.0 , 15. the revenue may he still Locher tnereased, and a reduction of postagel made to a uniform rate Of live icents, without at. 11.4 , r'enn,ce with the principtt, which hal been Constantly and properly enforced, -of making that departmental:Watt) itself. A. well digested chap postage system is the best means'ef diffusing ' teldgetice among the people, and is lolio much important. io a country so extensive as that of the United Staten, th recoatrneni to‘your fa , orat.te conaidriation the suggest'. sof the Postmaster General holiti iinprovement. /frothing can retard the onward progreas of our cono trib and prevent ns from am:ening and maintaining the first retail. &Moue nations, butat disregard of the experi• i c epee of 'die past, and a recurrence to an unwise public policy. We have Jost closed a foreign war by an honor able pe 'e—a war rendered necessary and unavoidable lie *indication-of- the national rights and honor. The L present condition of the country is similar In some re IsPecti in that which existed immediately after the close of the war with Great Britain in 1815. and the occasion 'is deemed to be a proper-ono to take a retrospect of the measures of public policy which followed chat war. There Watt at that period of our history a departure from nor , earlier policy. The enlargement of the Towers of the federal government by - 07kalrutiton wnich obtained was nOtwarranted by any jaitinterpretation of the constito. troth. A few 'years after the close of that war, a series of rueisures was adopted which. united and combined, con scit'itted whit Wail termed by their authors and advocates thB;"4 American ay ttmtii." .. :"Alte introduction of the new policy was (or a time fa. vtiniei by the condition of tbe Country ; by the heavy debt Which bad been contracted during the war; by the de wearier: of the public credit: by the deranged state of shelling:ices and the currencf and by the commercial anal,peCooiary etnharratsrne which extensively pre - veiled. . These were not the .only calms 'which led tti flits festabliahment The' events , of the war with Great', Britain, and the 'embarrassments which' bad attended Its proiecution, had left on thAmilids of many of Our states men tire impression that-oar government was not Strong s ta enough, and that to wield its resources sum fully.na great emergencies , and especially to war. m power shotild. be', concentrated in its bands. This Deemed poster they did not seek to obtain by the legi mate and bit mode-an ' amendment of the con itutiosi toM .essittitietioa. They law government the old based : upon diNereot order of owlet".ul';d SO cow ithaitad al to throw-the whole power of nation into the :.Sands of a few ; who tiged'and controlled the many with. tat ie!poosibility or raitraiiit. In thidarring , zent they. ,• .. , Sewed th e atnengta 'of nations in war co dated:.. Vherewis also something fasielnitingiothe ,luxary, Mid display of the highbr order, who 'drew their Wealth front Os tailor the ' g „million'. The 'autbaim of tem eystem drew their, idea Of. political 'economy. from .theylitd,wi in Same; tad co in ' i'itritain. They. Id - viewed thissordeme wealth AI few ti ' ei and led seen the 'spier/dor of the eigriown'establii , Ments of so aristocracy which Mimitipbeld by: the - restrictive '. policy... Ter", forgot to Meld 401111 Spero the poreret classes of the loglish pope. I • : a ' . ~ ,whosio daily and yearly labor the great es. • . , ~ . they so retch 'admired Were outained and id ' ' • • r. ' They fai to perciive th ; that e amiably • . • heildad,ope viewer* not :Only In abject pow., • ' . .Mittir borind ' chains of 0 90 0 0" lierfitude 1 for ~ .11,1eitot favored iiiiimei r arbo 7 were Om auk. I *4_ . c(sbacarst(tbirmimanlealt- - IC es tiMmmailiile tiiiie_i pittal.pittal.t midetylia the 1701 tad • alittititibelCuroppittal.Nam there was a :' ..eimmiketigl47 , bt which .ordcrs and. #.dea .raret Pfit. . - . .1 ' ' ilillicritted. A ayataai ciailasaraa -was - ..-ievied• - 2 ead, - .11 - nottataoded: I. with dteid •::: err . ~.end silently: fipskille Slogs aad Mi..111;0:$0/ 4 -kw 1 I**,te_ANSlO .to swerses.-aisielef . . i •' • as arlatuorne7 of Wilailb f l e , th at 4 * !'i.' sod ti* Seed., - '.'• , - -•'' - ..- ' •,;- •',-• ~ • . V arela reirecthlk epee thesdirldimthirity of our a testi , tutiOni, and of, the :oondititin' _of oar people add those of goi.;i,.. they conceived the vain idea of banning up t o the I,Nnned States a system- similar to that erbith they winked ationed. Great 11 - titian had 'a national bank of tart capital, in whose hands was concentrated the con teelling monetary and financial- power of the nation t, an imeidttion wielding almost kingly potter. and atoning issibifitience upon all the .operations Of trade add upon theiK tt of government itself. Great Within had an e _ public debt, and it bad ' become ill part of her publki policy to regard-this as a "public blessing." Great UUntie had also a restrictive policy. which placed fetters ' a nd•,bardens on - trade. and trammelledthe productive in. diary ofthe mass of-the nation. By her combined sys tenigTiolicy, the landlords, and - other propertyholders ' wet* protected and enriched by the enormous taxes which welevied upon the labor Of th e country for their ad van l d ialog ing this foreign policy . the first step in eatats. - t lishing the -new sYstem ler the United States wad the creitlion of a national bank. Not foreseeing the danger- 1 ous dower and countless evil which such an institution mirtht entail on the country, nor perceiving the connex ion *hid' it was designed to ferns between the bank' and thenther branches of the misaidied "American -system," but keeling the embaresaments of the treasury, and of the badness of the country, consequent upon the war, some ofont statesman who had held different and sounder view* were induced toyield their scruples, and, indeed, settled eonviations of its unconstitutionality, and to give it chair sanction, is an expedient whiCh they vainly hoped mirdrt produce relief. klieg a mat unfortunate error, as the subsequent histdy and finalcatastrophe Of that dangerous and cor rupt:lnstitution hive abundantly proved. The bank with its numerous branches ramified into the States, soon broupht many of the active political and commercialmen in different sections of the country into the relation of debtors to it, end dependents upon it for pecuniary fa. votes) thus diffusing throughout the mus of society a great number of individuals of power and influence to gengtone to public opinion. and to 'act in cases , nl ewer. gen 4. The corrupt power of sucha political engine'', no lifter a matter of speculation, having been displayed in nflmerotis instances, but most signally in-the political strudgles of of 1832-'3-'4, in opposition to the public will represented by a fearless and patriotic President. i 3 dt the bank was but one branch of the new system. A piblie debt of more than one hundred and twenty mil. lion J ot dollars existed ; audit is not to be disguised th at many of the authors of the new system did not reeard its speedy payment ss essential to the public prosperity, but r ked upon its conntinuance as no national itVil.— Wis e the debt existed, it furnished aliment to the na. Om bank, and rendered increased taxation necessary tottit amount of the interest, exceeding seven millions of dolls a annually. - This operated in harmony with the nett branch of the newlsystem, whist' was a high protective tariff. This was 30 afford bounties to favored classes and particntar purshits, at the expense of all others. A preposition to tax the whole people for the purpose of enriching i few, was too monstrous to be openly made. TiM scheme was, therifure t veiled under the plausible but delusive. pretext of a measure to protect " home industry ;" and many of our People were. for a time, led to believe that a tax , whit!' in-the main fell upon labor. was for the benefit of ' ,bus ilthorer who paid it. This branch of the system in volvdd a partnership between the- government and the favoidd elegies—the former receiving the proceeds of the tax ipthoeed on articles imported, and the latter the in. created price of similar articles produced at home, cans ed bi t . such tax. ' It is obvious that the portion to be received by the favo+d classes would, as a general rule, be increased in , proportion to the increase of the rates of tax imposed, and diminished as those rates were reduced to the reve nue Standard required by the wants of the goverment. i The fives required to produce a sufficient revenue for the ordihtry expenditures et government, fornecessary pur 1 pose 4 were not likely to give to the private partners in this ipheme profits sufficient to satisfy their cupidity ; and h'nce a variety °fax pedients and pretexts were re sorted to for the pure- se of enlarging the expenditures. I andtereby creating a necessity for keeping up a high i prote tive tariff. The effect of ties policy was to inter ; pose artificial restriction upon the natural course of the busitsi and trade of the country, and to advance the inter sts of large capitalists and monopolists, at the ex twined of the-great mass of tho people, who were taxed to indiums their wealth: .Aniither branch °lois system was a comprehensive schittre of internal improvements, capable of Indefinite enlargement. and sufficient to swallow op as many mil lions )tonully as could be.exacted from tho foreign COM, mere eof the country. This was a conveuient and nec essas adjunct to the protective tariff. It was to be the grae*absorbent of any surplus which might at any time accuthulate in the treasury, and of the taxes levied on the peopij., not for necessary revenue purposes, but for the avowhd object of affaditig protection to the favored AZaflame to the same end, if it was not an essential part fif the system itself was the mcheme which at ala ter p, obtained for distnbutiog the proceeds of the IVales the public lands among the States . Other ex • pedi is were devised to take money oat erase treasury, and pgevent its coming , in from any other source than the e pc'd protective tariff. The authors and supporter' of til l r m e 11 . 4 a item ere _the advocates of the east ipe tar or not bermes° the Lehrer the expenditures the greater was the pretext for tug', taxes in the form of protective duties . Those several measures were sustained by popular names} and plausible arguments, by which thousends were lieladed The bank was represented to be en in dispefisable fiscal agent fur the government was to l equate exchanges. and to regulate and furnish a sound curredey. 'awaken and everywhere of uniform value. The prowtee tariff was to g.ve employment to • } labo r'4 at advanced prices; was to protect'home Indus try hiad furnish 'a steady market for the farmer. Inter nal uniprovements were to bring trade into every neif,b borhood and enhance the oralme of every man's pr party The distribution of the land money was ni curve tee &Ansi, finish their public works, plant sch meg throughout their borders. and relieve them from taxation Bat the feet ttat for egery dollar taken out of the treasury for these Objects a much larger sum was transferred from the pockets of the people to the favored masses, was , ceref@ly concealed . as was also the tendency if not the ultimh . te design of the system to build up an aristocracy of wahlth, to control the masses of society, and nionupo iHee the political power of the country . j Thrt several branches of this system wen© so Intimate - 1 ly Melded together, that in their operation each sus 1 I iron il n e illas and ui st a r d e d ng n t e h w en b e o d rd th e e ns o f e ta rs za , tl T on hc a tu t iiiit v r t p . er i ii . 1 age largely increased and wasteful expenditures of publics money. It was the interest of the bank that the rerentte collected and the disbursments mule by the I goverment should be large, because, being the depoai , tory at the public money, the larger Use amount, the g•eatir would be r tha bank profits by its us. It was the in crest of the favored classes, who were enriched by thr4 protective Mita to have the rates of that protec non als high as possible ; for the higher those rates the greats their advantage. It was the interest of the peo I pie ofkil those sections and localities who expected to be beiefited by expenditures for internal improvements , that t e amount collected should be as large ma possible 'to th end that the sum disbursed might also he the tar ger. he States being the beneficiaries in the diatribe nee the..land money , had an interest in having the 1 rates of tax imposed by toe protective tariff large enough I I to yielda 'efficient revenue from that source to meet the wants of the government, without disturbing nr to ' king from them the land found , so that each of the branchrs constituting the system bad a c =mon interest in swill ling the public expenditures They had a direct interudd in maintaining vie public debt unpaid, and in s ereuitig its amount because this would produce an an I neat increased drain upon the treasury, to the amount of , the incerest, and render augmented taxes necessary.— I The 4:lteration and necessary effect of the whole system were encourage large and extravagant expenditures,- and thereby to increase the public patronage, and main tain a ch and splendid government at the expense of a taxed,land Impoverished people. t e Ittajmanifest that this scheme of enlarged taxation and eipecditeres, had it continued to prevail, mast loon have converted the government, intended by its framers to be i plain, cheap kind simple confederation of dtates, nniteihtogether tot common protection, and charged with 1 a few ilpeeific dunes, relating chiefly to our foreign affairs into afionsolidated empire, deprivtog the States of their juster and control in the administration of their goy ernme t In this manner the whole form and character of the Tennant would be changed. not by as amend merit tit the constitution, but by resorting to an anaPalTan• Kr a table *rid unauthorized constructeth of that instrument. Theilindirectmode of levying the taxes by a duty rah fin poria, prevents the mass of the people from readily per eeinn4 the amount they pay, and has enabled the few who arc thus enriched, and who seek to wield the politi- cal porer of the country, to deceive and delude them Wine the tithes *looted by a direct levy upon the peo . 1 411 .1 lallaAha case lathe States, this could not occur. "uo *hole sYnteto was resisted from its inception by many Of °ln' ablest atetesinen, some of whom doubted its constitationality add its expediency, while others believ. ed it was, in all its branches, a flagrant and dangerous infradijni of the constitution. Tha national hank, a pretestive tariff, levied not to raise e revenue needed, bat ,r f protection aseredy, in terest provements, and the distribution of the proceeds of die it of the pubNe buds, are asensures without the warren* of the coomitutips, woald. upon dun matures' mield don, seem to be dear. It is remarkable that o not ot these measures, involving such momentous ocessu4earms, fe authorized by awry nurser !fraud Pow' ra oe in sonstination. No coed Ann la ".incident td, as befog( niscawary and proper for the esecadon of. the spa dile pdisers"canted by the cousidtation. Thanatbotity angerich alas been attempted to; *airy sack of them. derived from inferences and conatructions of the • cooed don which ihe letter sad its wbolitohjett and r ilw t r sign do4Dot warrant. Is it tube ommeival as& Sucblatj menu* Swore south have hose /IN by the Rumen' of the, innostitatlne to mere fnferenees andlioubtfal dia. staled */ k Rad It been latended to roofer tietti on the AderalWerslatioti it is tat reasonable to onnoteile that it woei hit, been dense hy plain Euel unequivocal enuits Th a tZnot &met Bat the whole structure of whielithe .. system" oonsisted. was rested on iso bitter . Coundi than famed imolkittions sod infersaoss (of power VW* its authors assumed might be didecid by from the mmetleadm - , 1 - / , set me beep anted that the maimed ilt, width a eneaseatiala totaacketlidikistedsiyetnin. tit will iiitiveir firowari UM fa sio• wow, - , , -1 stituticruality had been preview/et eitectieeed i becaule 0, one or both boasel of Congeess.ille i s 11 - ..., -.. • 1 , '..i - iii iii bank had been . chartered in 171:01i and h• race bred the and leconolderain i laft, b e Ine.reeninstiq . chsieltt official signature of President Weshlngto ttd o. A- few facts : butif at. lawn . time Cengreineshalteftet - ap •I • ' • • r a p deliberation: role on meiteniee . ,Which..lhe d nit sub.' Will show the just weight to Which this erec„edent sho_ald etwat i ta t ion . versive of the eon titutione or the :vital interes ,I - of the . be entitled ifs bearing upon thO'llatottell i ) f silty. _ i ' Great division of:Opinion upon a subject e x i sted i n i resist the*. . _ „ , ... , Congress. It is Well known,that,P esident Winhington I The Preindent . 5 betindla app rove aridilaPfraFft-er io an ery bill which pi es Congress, aid is pfesentedlte hhg entertained serious doubte both as tat the COo tot nEY.. .. •er.j.._ TM co this his d .. . and expeelieney , o( the measuret . and while th e , bilLWas for the alg,oetere, c 0 . . . , 1 47, aid he cannot e pe it Kith would.' Helitoracieleetion:i before him far his efficialapprovid of disapproval„ so great were these docibei, thathe regeirec e th q ppi n ion in wri- I deeldintlP upon y bill Presented tit him, hiii!triust eir.. In his itern com bee 'ad nt. If he cannot:Tye, the tine of the members of his cabinet to aidhim in anteing j do hi to retina the bill to rillotase at a decision. His cabinet gave their opinion, and Were constitethrei divided upon the subject,—barter Hamilton being in in d this iivithin.ten day ', (Sendata iiitiePterfOlt Ithalli laver of and fir.*Jefferson and Mt Rendelph being op. to. a _ . ~ _ . _ wised to the constitutionality and pedieecy of the bank. be over. led bt vote of tWothitdil of eater it is well knew?). also, that Preside t Watthineton ratan- he may ed the bill from Monday the tonne tit , when it Was pre House; oti , 0 In th t even the bill becomeei law - With- 1 seated to him , until Friday, the tor ty:fifth of February 1 nein kb itorigie ted, wi his objections ; litre fail hecome a law without hilt migmatite. Bight or errozool oat his santnion. • f his objections be not thug over.rulect, —being the last moment permi him by the tionstita- the subjectis only stpo . tied. midis referred to Ole State. tion ta.deliberate, when be Snail yielded to it his re • tad the petiple fo th . eirtioesideration and decision. The !octant assent, and gave - it his sighatard, It is certain IFre a ride lfe nt•C pow i s The only effect, jherefore, that as late as the twenty-third of I ,Febriary— being the I . is no na li ettt;t 3 merely:end nOt-affirma., ninth day after the bill was presebted ha hire"lia bad 1 five . h . . itl e th an oldin his approval of IC bill passeti by Con arrived at no satisfactory conclusioe; fur be that day he 1 o grear, i s w to delay e existing laws to remain unchanged, addressed a note to General Hamilton, ih which he in- and the delay occ stoned is only that required to enable 1 forms him that " this bill was prtenterl to nae,by the, , thrtStates mad th , people to consider end act ;upon the jeint coalmine of Congress at 12 o clock on Monday , the subject, l in the el tion - O (public agents who twill carry their Wishes dins ctioni. Arty attenipt to co. fourteenth instant:" and be reque, ted what precise period, by legal interpretaTio s n o o p f hl th io e n co " ?- i oat their the Presides yield his sanction to meanie's. Which dilution, cart the President retain! it in his-possession; he Cannot aeprov . Would' : be a violation of the spirit of the conadnition, p foible end flagrant; and if seccessfil. before it becomed a law by the lap' e of the days." 'lf the proper construction was. t at the day on which would breik door the independenci of the exireutivetie the bill was presented to the Presiy ent, and the 'day 'on partment, and ma e the President, elected byithe peo which his action was had it, ere W it h to b e em i t ,• pie, and clethei b the constitution . with powerto defend ted conclusive, then the time allow d hini within which i their right!, the m re on insteren art t . of a the of Coo ", to the House grew'. A "iourreu ct er, .. ii in t! of po err with it would be competent for him to r tuna it in .which it originated with his objections ; would expire I which the iginstit e l i;ted his office wield effect oh Thnwiday. the twenty fourth of IFebrnbry. General I a practical biter* nof sop to ion t- ' I Y ' - sliMment, withoht resort. Hamilton on the same day returned an answer , in which ing to the prescrl ed p roces s of amendment. ~. he states: - I give it as my- opinitim that you -live ten With the motiv Sor cons i derations mi s b y induce days exclusive of that on which thd bill Was delivered to Congress tepas4 ri y bill, the President can bade nothing you, and Bnndays ; hence, In the pthseht ease, if it is re- to do. Ete l mustlp snme them to be as pure 'O his own, turned on Edday. it will be in timd." Be this ctiestnie • anddook only to the practical effect of their measures nog, whic e President adopted. he gained another when compared With the eonstitutio ho n or thepubtie, good. I for deliberation and it was not Otil the twenty-efth 1 But it has beep rged byl those w o ject to i ehe pier. ' do ofFebruary that he signed the bil n thus affording con. cise of this an ta coes."tntional pciaree-tbse it ass a ils t • elusive proof that he had at last obt ided hisown consent tbo repretentatie mincip e and the capacityof the !mo th sign it not without great and alinnit insuperable did- . pie to govern the selves . that there is greair safety salty. Additional light has bend recently shed upon lin a numerous represents ve body than In e single the aerinas doubts which he had ordthe subject,' amount- Executive: create ff by the' constitution, and th t the ex , ing at nom time to a conviction that. it was his duty to I ecutive veto is a"I one - ma n power,' despotic *nether ' withhold his approval from the hill" This is found seeing . . ac ter. -To expose( the fatuity - of this objectioe,iit is only Ithe man u s c ript pap ers at air. Madison. authorized to be 1 necessary to conei er the frameend true charaeter (dour Purchased for the use of the goverment by an act of I system. Ours it of a consolidated empire, bet confed the, last ses sio n o f Co ng rese end n w for the first time 1 crated Union. T e States, before the adoption of ; the l accessible to the public. From these papers, it appears I constitution, were coordinate, coequal. and separate iiiithat Preseat Washington, while he vet held the bank dependentiovereignties. itnd by its adoption they did doPresid ent bill in his hands, actually requested Mr. Madison, at that I lose that character. They, clothed the federal gieristrir, , t time a member of the House of Representatives._ to nr e.l mein with certain powers* and reserved all others34* , , 'pore the draught of a veto rilessteh for him. Mr Medi ' ding their own theereianty, to themselves. Te:sty guariff I win. at his request, did prepare thh draught of such a : ed their own rights as States and the rights of the peotile;. Unessaeo. and sent it to him on thetwenty first of Feb- ' by tlr - verY, Ilia 4 arimal which that inaarPate-t0 into the 1 . nary, 1791. A copy of this original draught., in Mr own handwriting, was carefully preserveMadison' lately purchased by Con, , federal constitutio; whereby the different . thipirfthersine Madison of the eeneial gay romentwere checks upon eichetheir. him, and is among the paper 1 That the rosjarity ,should hovers, is a general printiplm prelim. It is preceded by a nnte. 'written on the . same l cnntrovArted by ratrie ;that they must govern hoarding. sheet which is also in 'Mr liadiso 's handwriting, and to the coristitution, and not according to an enthralled is as follows: . , and unrestrained liscretion, whereby they may Oppress , • '• February 21st, 1791.1 Copy a paper made. out' the minority. '' t'' • . ; and sent to the President at his re nest, to be ready in I The periple ofi e United Mates ant not blihd to the case his judgment should finally d .ide against the bill I fact that they mayb e temporarily mieriikend /bet Sheri for Incorporating a national bank, t 0 bill being then be I representatives, legislatiwyrne executiliS , mak,be min , . fore him. " Arniang the objections assigned i this paper to th e bill, I taken or influenced.rn their action by impriper mo. and which were submitted for the consid e rati on of th e I lives. They have tberefere interposed hetwebn them- President, are the fell ow i ng : 1 I selves and r which . , .the laws may be passed by theirpah o I object to th e bill, because it is lan eaaential principle! lic agents, aerial repr:esiintations, such as aspemblies, of the government that powers not delegated by the cop i senates and govercatkin (heir several-States :In House l 'is titution cannot, be rightfully exercised; because the P proposed by the bill to hell exercised it not ex. lof Representatives a • SerOte, and a President of the I prosily ultCe delegated, and because I cannot sati s fy myse lf , tinned States. The people can by theit; men direct I that It results from any express power by fair and safe lagency make nizt law : non can the 'Heine or Repre ; rules of interpretation." sentauves imrnedi t tely eleeted by theta t net . ll can the I' The weight of the preca , ent of the hank of 1791 and . Senate : nor can th together. withoutibeconcurrence the sanction of the great name oft Washington. which . e President , nivote'!,! . -dr 't b' h Douses: ' t in the r a fw,o-thrr a.o id ilia& been so often invoked in ite 'support, are greatly . , I weakened by the developement of these tae ' s. The ex I Happilelfor themselves. tbe_peoplem framing our I eeriment of thatbank satisfied the 'Fr th a t it ou g ht I admirable System f govet6ment;;everecianscions of the not to be continued; and at the end pf twenty veers Con I infirmatie.cof thei repreihntritiverr,eid. in -delegating gress refused to re-charter it. It weuld have been forte I to them the power of legisfation:ilMilieve ferried them nate for the country. and saved thousands from bank i ' around with cheeks to 1 .uard - rigainst the effects of 'ruptcy and ruin, had our public me t of 1816 resisted the I ' ' b temporary pressure of the times neon our lini,Licial and I 1,6 !Y Fiction, of' e or, of combination , and o f possible pecuniary Interests, anal refused o charter this second 1 corfuptioni Erre „selfishness and faction hive often, bank. Of this the country became buridamtly satisfied. I sought to rend as nder thee web of checks, and subject sod at the close o f it s twenty yeafs duration. as in the j the govern Men I "the-control of fanatic and sinister case of the first bank, it also eeeserl to exist. Under the , influences • :i ese diens have only sattfied- the repeated blows of Preaident Jackinin. it reeled rend felt. l ' . . m of 'the checks which t ey have and a subsequent attempt to charter a similar,thatitution I p eo p le of the '0 , • was arrested by the veto of Presiddid Ty ler. ,; imposed, and oA e neCecsity, of preserving th em un ., Mr Madison."in yielding his ai,inatere to the - charter -4 , impaired. ' '. I A' ... of 1816, did so upon the ground of the respect due to pre 1 'Fria true theorti °rout" s ystem Is not to goyena by cedents; and, as he subsequently declared. "the B"k°' . the acts or idecr of I,' tree eat of tePra B ePtatises• the United States._ though on the original (location -held to be unconstitutional , received the Executive sig• , ' ' ' The coni.titution i tetiel heekelponi all breeches of, nature." ! the government ( i order ',lto give time for eirciricr be 1 '' • "It is probable that neither the Bank of 1721-,.cor that , corrected, end the delusion to pass away—hut if the Of 1816, would have been charterell, but for iioi either I people settle downj into a Aim conviclinti difieftnt from easement of the government in its finances_ the derail.._ t that of tnOr reprtlnentatiyes: they give eif to their meat oi the currency and the pecurilary prettier's% wheal I' opinions liei changing their -public tie rvante. he .......—..—ine first tee eousequen e e ' o f tb..., war of the rev 1 elution, and the second the consequience of the' war ol resorted to in die delusive hope that czi we ' 1812. Both re ecks which,* people *Revd on th eir pbblic ser vants iti thiftitdOphon.of the-constitution, are l -the best they would restore pulnie credit, and afford relief to the evidence otthelictditacityrror self-government. They government, and to theAlisinesa of the country. know that`{ wficittihey elect to public. stations Those of our public men who opposed the whole 1 , " American ay•teni" at its cainmen e merit, Rad through. ' put its progress. foresaw and pr dieted thist it was ... are of likcitma 2 " - iies and passions With -themselves,. li ed by' and not fo`...i.re tr sted without being rest et cre : ' fraught with incalculable tnischieiti, and midst result in ordinate antluir ti a antreonstitotionaHimit4ions.— I serious iejory to the b. et interestaj of the nounty. For l Who that has wit .ssed the legislation of Cori:tress for I a series of years their wise counsels wet% unheeded.; the last thirty yea will Say that he knows 4r no in.! and the system was established. was soon apparent I Stance in w hich m aeureif.not demanded by the public) thstits practical operation was nue all and unjust upon , I havt.been ca v i e d .1 l i Who will deny thet in the , rtifferebt pursuit,. All were,equaily entitled to the favor g ° ` ' ' 'i • • - ' and protection of the governnietd. lit foster e d a n d el e .. State governments, by combinations of individhals and ' eared the money power, see enriched the favored few sections, in•derogat on of ,the general interesht, banks r by taxing labor, and at the expenae of the many. Its i have been liartet_. systents of internal imprierement I effect was to "make the rich richeeraud the poor poorer." ! . dopted, arid debts ntailedlupon the people. repressing I its tendency was to create diatincti ns in society based i• a l • and • i._ l lett growth , impairing their ever ea forlyeare to ;on wealth . and to give to the (wroth classes undue Coo -1 ' 1 trot and sway in our government . t was an organized 'Come • f I, _ 1 I money power, which resisted trit popular will, a u ) ' Alter RO much e'Aperienr, it cannot be saidlthat ob- I sought to ahape and Control the pub c policy. solute unch'ecked power, is. sere in the hands ofainy one j ' Under the peruieiteis workingsm this combined aye ;set of repreientativer, or thait the capacity of the people'. ternCC of measures, the country Witn seed a'ternaeo sea f ur r , ,, -. 0 x g ii•rnmentl whiCil lis admitted in its broadest , isons of temporary apparent prosperity ; ..of sudden and I i- ~ •.i e argue - tent to prove the ptudence, disalitnee• commercialmercial revulsion, of unprecedented extent, is a eonclusre fl ni, and integrii fluctuation id priers'. and deprenabia of the great inter 1 8, "" y of thOtr representatives. 1 eats of agriculture . navigation and a u5n ,,,,,,,, o r gunortu i The people, by tie Conetitution, have commanded; pecuniary suffering. and of final bank ruptry of thousandn.l the President, as mu ch • tie they have cum:needed the , I - Alter a severe struggle of more time a quarter of a CCI3- . legislat i ve biacieb the. goVerome ri t, to execute their tury, the system was overthrown. - . 1 ; . 1 • • I will, Thy:have 5 dto hire in the conatitutten, which 1 The bank has been succeeded by a practical ryetem they require , of finance. conducted and controlled palely by the govern he shal take a solemn oath to supphrt, that ' meat. Tho constitutional currency has been reinot,•al ,: if Congress pass 1113 bill which he cannot app(ove, 'he ' the public credit maintained unimpaired. even in R peni. shall retureit to th , house in which it originated, with !.id of foreign war; lied the whole c entry has become , his objections. 11l witt.hdaing -from it his tipproval ' satisfied that banks. national or Stet . are not neceissary of 'and siomatuie he i executing the will of tire people r .,1 !as fiscal agents of the government Revenue dutiei , ~,,,,`•,,,,;,'„,; ~.' ,; i have taken the piece of the protect ive tariff. The dm. —, — * -- " ° ""Y es P essad •• as much as t h e "'Pilgrims tribetiah et the ....), derived from the sale 4,, pub . trial passed it. ~..f4o ill is „presumed to be in actor. 1 ) lic lands has been abandoned, and th 6 corrupting system : dance with ihe pop ar will ;wail it shall travel passed o f interned improvements, it is hope,4 has been eGetual..! thiough,.all the branthes of, government required by] ly checked. I . the ' I the constitution to oinks it.allaw. Ala which passes , It is not doubted, that if this who( i l • designed to take wealth from the t the House of Repretientatives mpy lie rejected! by the upon the few, were to prevail, th ee: Senate, and no a bill ,assets by. the Senate r4,ir be - re. chance the entire character of the got jetted by tho House. In, each case the rptpective ly danger remains. It is the seduce houses exerdise the veto - • of the system, which consists in irate holding out, RS it does. inducements ticalar sections iLtd lucalities to °tub' In - them without itcppink to calcullit sequences. This branch of the cyst combined and finked with others, t effect is produced by an adequate c toted and revived, and firmly establi sagacity to foresee that it will notes' draw alter it the re-eikabliehment of rival of a protective tuff, the distr.! money, and not only the poatponeme taro of the payment of the present e anneal increase. I entertain the solemn conviction, at if the internal improvement branch of the •• Amer man system" be.not I firmly resisted At this lime, the who! series of measures composing it wilt be speedily tee tablished , and the country be thrown bank from its pr sent high stash of prosperity. which the existing policy has pranced, and be destined again to witness all th evils, commercial revulsion., depression of pricey. end pecuniary ember meats,' through which we have used during the last twentpfive years. • To guard against consequences en flirona.,is an object of high national importance, involvi in my judgM 1 ent the continued prosperity of the count . I ha've felt it to be an imperative obligation to with II bold my constitutional sanction from wo bills which hadil passed the two houses of Congress, nvolving the prin. 1 1 ciple of the internal improvement br ch of the •''Arneri• can system; and conflicting in their rravisions with the views here expressed. 3 The power conferred; upon the Pre dent by the coesti ration, I have on three occasions, dur ng my admlaiskra• tine of the executive department the - governinent, deemed it my duty to ezerciee; and this Jut occaalon i 1 Of mating to Conran au annual cam urination " of th e state Of the Ursicru, it is hot deemed nappropriate W re.. viewthe principles and. euttaidara a which ;have or; armed my action I deem this ( the re accusal , . be 'cause; after the 1ap5e...0.4160y mixt yearirsincei the adoption of the acustitotkei. th e prop sty of the exercise othisundoubted ooestitutiorialpow by the President has far the flief time bees drawn sly in question. by eportion of My felloiw.eldseme.l - . •I'lle,constitittion provides that ~ Gm harepassed the Hesse of Reptilian ate shell, before it become a law, Presidefitof the. United Suites I if he Ara it,'bet irnot, be shall return It ' to'shat heare-to.which itiball have rioter those °Woes= it huge oft the teed le recoesiderit." 1 1 The PreeeteetiOn Or 04 conafitatioe the President's laikbastiiaty. that Ahoy; et 'whatever hazard ' argot those *he may differ with Mat kola to discharge it, as ky people *be hare dashed' Mai with' his try:lo4 SU! which be Way tektite otohirethfitt at theltealLeet fit apit,by yreeldelee direreet train of measures! any, and bestow tt i ; !effect would be t 4" eminent. Qhu on ona of that branch' nal improvements, othe people of par • rk the governmeut h the inevitable con- in is so intimately at as surely as an use, If it be menisci bed, it requires•no • grily'and spondly k national bank the bbtion of the trod t to the distant fu- ! t ational debt..but its , power on the other. Congress end csOt lioustS of Congress. 1100 I f v.... the constituirm jeck unnn the Pre s ident, nd be by the powe of the upbfildr, veto, a checit. u , , . . cress. When the Iresidekt recommends meaSures to Cone Ass, lie avows, in the. Most eolemn form,bp opin ione, gips hie voice k iheir-favor, and pledgea!:himself in advance tO approve them of passed by Conelees.— If be acts without due coneilderation, or has been in fluenced by improper or corront motiver ..., 1 0pt ._ 48—or if from _ . . any other cause-con room, or either house of Congress shall differ with him in opirtipn; they exercise their ye i te upon his. recornm odations, and reject thelp—and there is no appeal fm their decision, but to the people at the hallot,box. T ese - Oilproper checks upon the Executive, wisely i erpoled by the Constitupon.— None will be found t object :to them, or to wish them removed. It is equal . y irniatant that the constitution.. al check of the Exec die 9 'on the legislativeibrartch 1 . should be piesenred. . I ' i If it be said that the repteeentativis in the popular branch of Cengreis a e Malan directly by the 'people,' it is answered, thti pe pie elect the President. jf both -houses represent the totes and the people, to (Mee the President. ' , The Pre ident ;represents in the executive department:4le orliot people of the United attites, as each member of the egislitiae department represents' portions of them. I -. 'f . 7 . . I' -- : = : 1 - .. • , The doctrine oflrest restri ction 011 teghdatieir and.el-, 'motive pow*, while' ..well .Battled public opiition I. enabled within are ' able tittle 10 womplishils end., has 'made our toultry bat itr, mud bee opened to us , a careet of glory end a pp ' be:ettlidt all other, pi., 'lions hese bean Oran; re. ' ''' • '' -I ' • tiesi 4f II ico l t r I - Iti — tP • In - the !le t Wil, , 0 the vt,l o, e t nist-, 'dent is reiponsible not ottlyt itt"-elliglitenidithbliel a li i 0: opinion, but. to the ' phttif the- whoictlniori, who elected. him,fae the t present tivit'in. Ibis. kigelatire ,brancbes, wht,differ jilt bint,in .epinitintate'tiePon't l i :gible, to thr eil , ~.449 ople,lot i cooripole",threspect' the Preeideo( the eier repel 0% 1 4 Pli,ovision of It upon him. i To ohei trot, the,legielstiviltri 1 - bill which phall ;three and the Sea- II Preiteatei ..the aPPreivaiite I his object! gloated, who ;Joann' lind; tation iiseiti i f , ~.._...;„',- ~• IL - If, kha,tr. paid' it vei4ibil Meoiefl 0 1 4),04 ihe grow:4ll,i* it a eckikijOhyst4 4 00 - - lio will,lipon th if o pritigiple, th cequAllii:4 it re P r e a e l l tat kn , iit ii . .'Stlifi J!i , ,i ) d. 1 8 024 4 10 41, be stkiAtin.p igittioSoPitii**ioik 00:0 -4. ,5.01 1 44 r• . ( 40,1110::'//111114*4 I from InftictiOttl • ndto died,* i , Ertho , dttsple • *Pillion., •E it ;Bligittiotio to. I:EtaltidytrOst: diaregguud - diOtte troll 111110-owtv under n Con- itiiii;XBttitoo. or 4ist 64, - T , hO. if OOpituiiiiiii. Ict'itetty: Ici in' of thin paws, allot li tso to' tictioqiaitatioie'whFoli ' rains; alit its lototetot.- oodoly coo k if :itrtmtalPfkitt:Ortiti *RAU,. i I s . ..iin 74 . s' .; - 3 v, i L i ' y t, jlll o vote u ne p rren. o rs4is o n eti f ptenß ll ar a t eitahr. ; tl4ti inanetßaso constitutionalt e o s tau majority represents'n House f i s ; a Stale oti ' he_ ne less ii l4 6i3idieldin' ll . ' y or iil. , ao - 4, - the r emi t it, e , (1 tatumg,•-iieording to the 'ettisting'a-mterfos. m pteo:6o e mpd ni i : o o .ol : : : mio e n: P ilf, i t l h.. e tee n hm ta octat t lihs i resentittivek but one thirty-fourth part t iotn b i a o t i ßflii , ti cue-fourthtetwilnntsnteidnvtoe-fso.f thirty t it e h e s I simembersxrteespll peoble t a e t i f yi :tstb. the he east , 110Rfdertht.he Union. Therh are thirty States ; all o t l , there are States are represented fifty menthers; and yet t in hetlatoollZ by but - StateS constitute a majority ofthi rs Se t i mn these ' that the Ptesident may rec 'eenta tm in ni in e it Selia .tee ; latndCa°oll P grrolasiitafnli m i o t re m th al an r t 'e r e ee iv - e fo th tre e ib taz"nae f at r iti b etn e e House of Representatives, a . d of alit: ° tors from; the large States', / the th R 1 lib United ree - furt States;hs of and n t d h y e eYtIl I t o t i e r e lmeasure o l s ' tf : nt a h : oet : be defeated by the votes of Ithe Seriatora finroll the mallet States. None;-;t is presumed, can tohanitlmlend eansinte.ao:or be found ready to change the organized' the Senate - on this aceoun : body practically out of exis ihue, by-ie • • that itsimihni shall - be eonf rived to the sill 1 .4. the titmv:, „ • 7.1, i t i n i props branch. . uporitti*,,*e principle t the veto of the Presid_MtiOipil. dbe practiCalli a b o u sbd, the poweit4WiTlCOresidentito give the votelipoltiii be abelislked i4l,*.i,.7.•:;,The.._Vie.Preiident exer epaios.:bltiiiii'e;Leiit,:-ll:l4.f,:chi:ll::::iCrLiiiii.isli'ndiv°ff.o:ef:e,i',,ft:ltiaesllbe:LqtBrhi4gbeeennya'PPtirterer.eiBjeessiees:i;hdttuilieentini I drieill?" ,- '4 0 0.00 4 .-qr°" l nbtl' - .. ' •-,tr n ...4.i fi rt,..., , ,,,* ~. t _ , , . iri i -#10„_,, ,,. 1ca,-thelaioat portant of trbieh 1 , 047,6**1. • 1431 4 . ,cf".*ii II lut .:, re:charier the Thii - owforAite*Ottite •i 1811. It miY lkiV. 4--- 5#*„.., .0.4 1 41.1 1 4f. 13 ,1 i assNl by a large 4 1 45 15 ''",-,:lPflo**tase of .ttepresentativ'es and ~ .iney?.] ''',„faitulytid - .14, the ISenatini from the IS rlitrgeitYateki"and the - Vice president may re. jeOtllto Vying his vote withithe Senators f rom tlie.sinalloVStates; and yet Mine, kpresurnis e d , s ~ ... t are prepared to deny to lom the ezercise of this power under the Cons4tutiott Hut it is, - in- point of faetj untrue :that an act passedhiy Congress is Conclnititte evide nce that it is.an,einanatioit of the poptilar will. A thejority of-the'Whole numher!Seleeted to each house of aimgress..constitutes i a quorum, ands majority of that quorum is, &impotent to pass laws. It Might happen tbat a quorum'', of the House . of Itepreseittatives, o,orisistling'of sin gle member more than half Ode whole num ber elected to that House, might pass a,hill by a majoriti-of a single vote,' f atid in that case a fraction more than one-futlillt of the people of the United States welt* . he represented -by those who',voted fer:it. .7lt might happen that the same hill might be passed by a majority of .one, of a quorum "of the Senate, composed of senators from ,the fifteen smaller States, and a single stonier from a_ sixteenth State, and if the senators , viding for it happened to be front the eight iof the 4. imallest of, these States, it would he r pas,Sed by the v4es of senators from ,Statos - having. but fooilteen representa tives liz thle•House of Represe tatives, And.ton taining.lais- than one-sixteen , ; of the popnla i ' tiep' itf:tbd United States. `i his extreme Case is stated to illustrate the - feet ; that the...mere pasooke of a bill by CongrOs is no "conclusive evidence that' those who iiiii,sed it represent the majority ef.the'people _of - the U. States, or .truly reffqt their will. . an extreme case is not likely to happe , lfl eli eases that Bp i proximate% are of constant,i cenrrence. It is , believed that not a single latv bas_been passed f since the !adoption of the !constitution, upon Iswhich' all the members elected to both houses have.been present . and 'voted.l- - -31inj , of the !most imp an acts which ave. passed Con , - ' tt t t- - 'li - I gress liii:o, - beerl.earrietl bY a =close vote- in ' thin house's. , Many iestancers: of this might be giVen.,;,lndeed, our expeOeime provcsthat many of the most, important nets of • Congress are postpened to the-last days, andoften the last hours of a eession,:yrben they - are disposed ; of in ,haste, and lty lenses tint little exceed-, tine= the nuniber neeeisary to rorni a quorum. [ - Besitie-sou,inost'of the States the members , of the',H646 - or Representatives are chosen byi pluralities„and not, by majorities of all the vo-. ,tern in their rtspeetive distriets; and it may. ;happeit that a majority of that House limy be ,returned by it less aggregate tote of the peo ple thiin that-received by theOnioority. If the . ptinciple insisted cm-` s l7e-winirelf then the constitotion should be so hanged that no bill shill become a law unlesi it is voted for by members representing in each tause a ''major ity of the_vihole people of the '. United gates. We mitst 4 iemodel our whole system, :strike down andtibidish not only thh.salutary.checks. 1 lodged in Om executive branch, but must strike. - out and abigisli these ledgeiliin the Senatle a" so, and thuds practically invest4he whole w er of the gevernment in a lia'aitirit l y of a s [ gle o assembly-1a majority unconqolled muta t so lute, mid which may becomel deSpotie. ,Ta conform to:this doctrine of thelright of major- - hies trevulei . independent of tbelehecks and lim itations; of the constitution . , wq Must revolu tionize bur WhOleszstem. 1170 Oust destroy the conStltittienal compact by !thiell the sever- , al States,a4reedito. forma Federal Union, nod - rush into consolidation, which must end in ... • , monarCh7 or 'despotism. ''N'otd on advocates euch a 'troliasition ; and yet this it doctrine main taint:oof carried out must 140 to this repolt., One 'fieit-object of the constitution Mcon f i eitini'apen tbe President a qintlified negative , upon the' legislation of Congte4s,•:was al-pro teet minorities froth injustice ~iand . oppression by inajniitiiii.' . Theequality ef ‘ their represent ation inithelSenate, and - the veto power er r the . P wh re ie s h id t l e t, - It'' i i e l ' l ; 9r th s e ta c t n e n t s . ti a t v n e t , i t iti s a t l all thiciti ,mieresti Would be 1 the me it of - will be - reitMoted. ' Without th' se t z • gh nit eularr ra l'ign :i tie e t s l . l': majoritiee. hi gonireso represe i n *ng the 1 ~ger i f 1,: . ' , .- ' t ' • 1, Toth'e antaPer and weaker States, therefore, the iiiisOntion`US the pearer,'!, and its exei#B*- uPoP.pmert, ocoseion denjoidoz lt, IS Of e,ifel unportaulei..l They maid ' the i p , grid` ertaied iito,thi:l4.6t,s4ng ta t em" solveizi4lat,,"representition with Ofilaiger 'Stiteeiti ebi':SeTtt -.,i-,anglillei agreed t ? be 'boiihdli Utlfalua' , o 464 by Onreee:uP°Rt he i t iipties i i anditiee' it 11 - mine 41300 1 :1 11 1 ,1.,°Y should 4 aiti9yeit y the President, Or P!es et,bll.o4‘atieliti to`"' he coidrad notwithstand ing, hit! vote .: of,. tW . lblida pt fatti horei.-- , Upon ,thtekbditiOn . .:.ey.hayela,right to iriais‘ AP tkpaoAlili n o io plot' to iTtwel l 64Y Lava thole:, ilt - j ''''• 1; : :: -I= C. ' , =- - I - • !',.. L. -. A.blit lit)it*.paist,4: ' . .itY'Ct. Heirfalki-ar, nit lut Ate Jigllftf::._4liiifivbstlo people! cit 1.„ p RO!ifb)r . 44.414 v. •-•' iio: - ,4o:_ixopit - 0 th'iSiD'Or s • ••a* radAZY..w,..-,twelielkffP7 ' .. ii: ' .i., - ',..40k,. — late* , of siiekswe , iiiiii" fgilitibtjix*.sp s , Art* i fil ' '``. -:,•.----)-- s . -- . - 1 _ „.•,., . ~ .