,~,~ SwF /PPM* 0 t,t,, 1 00. 1 1 11 , ..r.' i ' :, 7 1 ‘51- ; ', - • '11111117 . ;iii Ailltvlial*Tq: : , Siigroli.-ffik! r!a;Wlisaillii !: - , -, Waso l 4l*.fmaiti;ltat lea. Plaaraloake,,laol d la Palload‘i I t _too. Woodall it oas ' Vas arilOpoo. d o 201 " 40 *_ - ' SO, o be Pre !Owl film 4•Pasoloalataadihoiailoo , taainady is hod, aid ptirtitii:plfB4:‘ ':iitinitP l sel latter of kaiktliiOury of Trsissii;usooloolas % Wastes of addltkmal ,taijnireed forrshe ifeltegithe feel year, Mail iTntiltAllp , tad it 11 1 111111 " i t ilt Wigri ., .' i _.. . 4 _ ..... y melowfmr #irtiost.!** — 4 11 0 ": I ' 79 ' , t !.,•-ft , :4o.= ' iiiiii - Aillitei.iation. „, , ,,,,A.,;„ o 24 lurthe i c.i.emaigio's. .4 'fib Jasmary.lll4ik I have the tinen let sik far tti l l i t as irmatieeof *a liimilisoll of sidltiosiil repriatiems ,tii be • for the service dike ao Seal year the 30th of A .1 1849; asseenting to 5 53,744,903 69 E of wiliablitaa mom* of the civil Het, . iga Warmers& -sad miscallanecm. ! . .ding payment to be made to , illsati-1 1 Rio. ander the 34th article tithe treaty. r To the estimates is added a statement, 1 Slowicis c' lib indefinite appropriations for" the lee- j ~ji 1 Iles lithe three but quarters of the lis. 1 , , ; - icl year ending the 36 Jane, 1849. wide ' 1,, ksmerr acts of Congress; of a peens- '.- , Oat character, anicianting to. , , 11 1 546481 43 Old Itet.; foreign lacewings. • • : i iiad miscelaneems. %Madill Mmineescoadbeliquidated - Claims ameba Mexico, On. der the 13th article of the Peaty 9,882 019 84 Patisioas, 913,000 00 inifinelti„ etc., public eels, sod temuesty notes 3 263,614 28 Rahnhamement p 1 treenail , L , *tee based ender the seg. eal ante eke to the act of . fi /14 22,1846 161.989 31 t• cI es, very rereeetfall3r, yoerebedient wrest • IL,J WALKEIL Beer *I the Treasury, - i. , Tititairssir Ditrutritsirr, Ng.. IS, 1848. Sai v—Agresebly to - the plot Insolation of Courses of thir7th January, Ma, I have the *mot to transmit, for the information of the Ronne of Idepreeentariman, printed estimates of the soproprieris proposal to madd for the Smial year Sliding Jone,3o 1850, amounting ''' . i . .. . f :: $24,153.102 9: Med* carried • SkiM,lo2 92 Vl* ' Civil . Ns!, forelsti intercoatso, emit etieeelleoeme. incl.& bet plymentto beam% to to %wadi; under thel2ihim tiefoortbetteaty 7.78666 2 _ 46 Att 7 -peoper . . 4 432.286 00 Mt ' Acekeary 170.142-4 Fortillestiome, ardmuloce, ete.....1.564.581 - On Etratita; lbghtbooeee; etc.... 15;700 00 leiftib Diputempe: 857.473 45 remota. awl enlowege• 467 430 00 Never eetibliobsent -. • - 8 858 857 38 To the estimates ar'e added .. idalisments. showing— 1. The appropriations for . tbe .fin* year ending the 30th ~ . • Jape. 1850, made by former . . aesi, of Congress. of a perste- neephavacter, amountingto 5,47,31.2 59, r Vlid Civil Oat. lore* . intercourse. ,_ agOldvvelianeousl. 869 110 1.4 , Ailthittnaitquipilingitnilttia. 200,000 00 • , Cietliiittion of imilee• to 000 00 ; . r sosiiies 419 000 00 1 lotereet, etc. pahlie debt, and ~ °' tresiery betel 3,788.188 38 -4, 2 . T*1 12116 2. APProariations wh wa **required to be =dud in he fiscal year ha 3012, Jane, 1850, V athafsatittig tit - - 3,762,537 Z •ls r..., . ci.u. t - foreign intercourse, ,Are,, aad , iacellanaoss . etc_ j per -:' eV/17 29 • 1.300.000 00 P, 572000 00 , Ind . anOepartateot. 236 541 00 FortiSthdoea. etc 462,278'00 Natal liiiablisluiteut . 500.00 0 oe ~i. , , - LT . , . ___. 3 Th e is also added to the 4latirll • stat•ment of the sew !appropriations which win g lrobahly he carried to ibis *as fault amounting to 3,957,197103 Aoonepany lag the eatiniatee are goodly papers fiar nisholi Sy the Armoury, war. tad navy Departments. contain regimen to the at of Congress, site. on which tije estimates are founded. • 1 madiery reepeettally. ti you obedient .gran*. • 4 R. J. WALKER, P:- Secretary of the Treasury. Iin4TARY ARRAIIIGEMEVS.—Some impor twit atiivementi have recently been made by the W* Department of the western frontier of therepiblic. The departments of Oregon and California (1.9 sad P.) are consolidated into one, cafiea. -I .`oo third.,pr Pacific division," en derl the innand ofßrevet lifajor General Per sifor F. , mith: - .oe Union publishes the gen eral o ers - designating these arrangements. The geienil order No. 54' creates the "third or Pacific division;" No. 55 assigns Brevet Brigadiir General Riley, lieutenant colonel 2d artilleryi to his brevet rank; and No. firas signs Gip. Smith to the command of the Pa cific division, on his brevet rank of brigadie general! Gen. Smith was, on Friday last in Walling ton, say# the Union, preparing for this new and importailt command, and it is said will tail for New Organs on the sth December, on his des tination4or Chagres. The brave Gen. Riley has alrefdy embarked from New York for Cali fornia. e. . . Coad in Onondaga Co. N. W. 1 The t,yracuse Star says in relation to, the, recent discovery of/a, bed of anthracite cpal in 1 the tiamkof Catitigtm, it that county, that it jai by - wo time prepared to say that , Onondaga 1 kn hat sad _ T ly become a cnal•region.; but,thatl pare . so . recite coal is embedded in earth, j la the vt4inity of which we speak, no dottbt:can I be enterf g ained. Ins extent is a matter which ' tisserindferther developments are to dekermine. Tlio eoatitielf was seen by many or our elti- wens Tiaisday.' In appearance it is preciiely like the 'Pennsylvania cos/ e gged in no resides • differs Alan that Arliele. • The'llid which upon w hich the coal hal been fp- Audit% the cargo ;.tiv in theioat every loimt --- -- --- - . alio** situated, in the town of, Camains, If I can get it on shore 1 shall save the freigh4 4 about* ' inks half south of the . village, As for the ship she will 1* here for a Jon* Wi t h* 00 , , , , tbougli, a ferti le sec ti on . • •cni. time,', for there's not the leis chance of getting Sara, Orpiriatir „of the farm ot(11440 *ere*. The =coaste rs are givin :s - too • pi' . - woo, made , ' and,' say s th e .. stet; Month. All the ships at S Francisco. hi/ 1 0 4 4= th a t ecaliaiated i n tk e Sietnit ', stripped aid laid Up.. The ors , of New Lour, a n g i n a.= yn n v e fit; his r at a aa lr o i ilia . don, is at tan Frincusco,Nall eft:v. You proliti .i.,,,.„,,,,„,,.....fnequeiit1yf0und hank u-4' i to/Y'Aivie haard,of the aitgati n'of. things he r sauna 41 1 .011 -1 4 4 111* always forms the ..0 A sailor will beep at the siti , for two month ` per 6 of %kat beds,) inlarge qumititiesion work on his mil' 41kin c ome 'down wit. theme ' 'of - thi.i..•;faiininiVit* 014e4 in' fro, l l l fimlorthliii *putt litk • and phi; 1 tile - 7)04 . - -Mc, le bee idWilpillemi t who, „go It? ?kW* path .-. I herflei l be t Weed: li* -I,lia *opinicals. of ge4.; offered 620 MA' . ..ti4b,f One nt i , the', . t _On, 1 a 'lin.: Some f ew weekeTsiaOts lien Is sad wir ins yeari •Itis iniposek, ~ at- " a' - "4'4', put be ' t 43 dilimra: 4'414 forme , to,:ilo*-*1 **Air ibakii . 4 111,97 JO AM liskjtmi'theiiiingt wakthat' 'l,ily Wei' -` ' ' 'TIM Mipietf ' ';,.. ,:: ;-.,..,•' 'iliguig sizvr . eight : tat; s - stratuna Id --. ~-,,, : ) OH %TOP ER' ALLY/V i Nage ftit#4 said fastiiir * to Itit44 ' e r ' "CaPtsin ci!*elhik Ilia Wagia. - 11 One fo feekidtuts of4nni_ - ' ;,. - ' .i • ' ':1 ai4l,p I in all aides. :-. . I - , -'' 'no iiiortlberUliai Eitenduni has no - hesitsTl JO 2 - 1 •• i t : ' ',,, ... : ~___' '7. r -' ' ,..,;,,,,Y. _. lion in apaertlaiabiethe nni l in s k . i n o i n k T=s. T d Pkins isi al thiiisilltritii; turned niainly-upri thulauvery question. -.;-4k4llloisiaiith7l4lB;iati****loll#l that ll. niaDY ., .A 4 6-41 thousand *di, _ 'l, 16 4 ' ' t ~TA,*- p laitvir. *aitivitosiki ro. l o l , "AI - ' ' ,doa,Cira • i'litiid:tOr 'O l tit:: Ait,e, Vrniittalik l(Wialifit::Prffill -ill y ia? h'eAsis WOW =Ws* - tia i- •• AO) j ilf:l ikiAiiii*lhiga v ?:* " 41*- ' 8, 0 7 %; N 4 7 44111 -9 therAi i 4 ". 1 thci ' s r - t,. _. - itOsii4 , ol44.= - - Illif.,; 1 100 641 ,. , - 0 1 4, .. 44 1 4inil ileedle:;;;, l,reaindil '-- - -' 4 ' 1 !,...L7"f, l e f* -49 .1 3 .., e 4+! 1 1 ,.-C ' .•• :, -11111. - 4.---. • 'AS ' ~--. '- • '.. `• . 4 ... '' - :. -. "i.":, „___"" 4 "P .2-4 . 1 ' ,•,-, - ~...:,'.',,,, - _ ~:' 1., , ,-, , ,;, , ,, , , : ; :Th'.... - : • - .f.: ~ 1% - , `'- . = p ""VP1P00r.11M^•••••,...,... ME ffi!Tilt "jiVel ae cr(l)thiE Ai men 'Tilt this 'on - I _,C. .-- k . :Of4 Te e, , whe ' Lieut. :f of ..aNavy; - through het*, sib,earei - if al ititlet - fipin: tic:4 Pacifi c w i ro [ Sol_ u, we reeel - evett)its stii ' lints with Ann trims of Oro„'.‘ ;".131tti •num i. , , of ete letters hi e' lately iiri t re to :the lan of English and other insrchin .• which leave no linger gritin: for dealt. The Cali fornia, an American newspaper, brinks dates to thi 4th of August, and accounts of iihe most flattefing character. _ have read a trinslation of the leading Lao ' in Spanish, t h e sub stance of which is as ollowa: - A - few prionths ago, it says, we were ; the habit of sPeaking of the; skricultural an. commercial resdh tees of California as the sprin _ of its greatest !Wealth; and although to-day i . ey are not inferior to., those of any other por t tion of the worl Agri rthure constitutes a very small polrtio of it, because every interest has become abs or bed in 1 . the labor of the mines. Some time last ,pring, , Messrs. Marshall and ennett, when eliciting 1 ;ditch . to.ruake some w rk, in a mill whic h they. i d had bhilt on a bend of the Saeramentoil found gold which the current bad deposited wider it, and after examining, fond it to be pure;; Im mediafely thus began,t attract the attention oftlie:neighbors. t Tb . soon discover ` gold in sucli quantities tow s the Iniddlerpf the river, and also some d Lance above the mill, that several persons:w bad before gitin bit little credit to rumors, bandoned theirliomes and went to work in the ines. In a few peeks l i almost all the populati n turned out to gather! gold. The result was, that in less that, four months a total revoluti n was effected in the i a prospects and fate of pper California..; For- mealy, capital was foun in the hands o 1 few L t.i persons engaged in corn ereial and otbekspee ulations ; but now, lab r prevails over ca Aid, and the laborers have id their hands the4reai mass of the wealth of th country. Thete ore abciut 4000 whites, and a few -Indians4 who hails engaged in the lab r of the mines. 1 The jcitY of San Francisco, w ich then von' d a l I population of,two thous nd souls, is en kelp tae jdeserted—only twelve r fifteen persont re =lining there. In a p tof the mine halled,, , the " dry excavation," 1 o other instrument is I needed than a strong bu cher's knife to dig the' 'gold froth the rocks. I , other places. ii i s in Georgia and North Cale ina, the machin yis very simple for collecti g and separatin it. The greatest number, ho ever, use nothingbut " t an Indian basket, in will h they place the , wl, I andishake it until the g ld settles down q the r l y bottom, and the dirt p ses out through the 'sides in the form or mud y water. As te4 the wealth of the mine, says .he writer, if we were to 'believe the half of wh t is said, it would be considered, in other regi on s as the story affin -1 bad ~ the Sa il er •or the history of Aladdin's I lamp, which only ' require its possessor to " wish a thing Co see the desire atisfied. Many er- I 'sons have Collected in on day, in • gold oftithe ; purest kind, from three I undred to eight hun -1 Bred dellarS; and for many days together; at from seventy-five to one m undred anilfifty dol lars a day.l Although ths is not genera Lithe i mean,roiertion is so - W i en determined, that 1 *lien ama doetinortoTl4C - 1, witliTialltv, - tlitr- -4 ty or forty , dollars a day, Ihe moves ivith - Ns 1 basket to another place. !But as many of tliilse who labor are children, omen, and ignorant! Indians, the avenge of a the laborers ought to be set down at, conside bly •less. It we Id, I however, be safe to say t at, taking the gen e--, 1 al average, land including he time in chang i ng 1 . places and seeking better " excavations?' ne ounce of gold daily it: the oduct of each Min.; Supposing that there are, our thousand lali9r erg, they add four thousan ounces, $64,009 a day, to the Wealth of the °nutty. As tohe future prospects of i Califor ia, its progress m ill' be so rapid a s to astonish the world. Its un rivalled mines of gold, sil er, iron, lead iiid 1 quicksilver, together wit] i its delightful Ali mate,and its unexampled richness of soil, *ll' make it the:garden-spot of emotion. l' "Mr. Roses has given ma sample of Califor- , nia wine, which he also ca ries among his • iii- 1 vete stores' to Washingto ; and I assure yhu; that it is equal, if not sfi erior, to the blist i sherry. California, in spit of the sneers lof , partisan editnis, .who wish to depreciate iloe' value of the ' indemnity' a quired by the, proa ess of ()Sr arms, and the p hey Of our cabinit, will soon. become the Italy f the West and the Potosi of the North. J. 11."';, 1 , \ • 1 ' ME iltOirr;33s F33/Q13,152 THE CALIFORNIA 'Cot.' Grinnell, Mintnrn & Co. h from one of their Captains, ins is a copy , 1 .• MONTEREY S ept.'ls, 1848...1 I Messrs. GRINNELL, MiliTti N titic Co::. Sirs —I embrace this op onunity to infotin you of my situation, which' bad enough. Al hands have left tie hut , they -- Wlll . St? , Itill the cargo-is landed aid h i e ballast in, th ihey will go.. Both mates will leave in ald tlays, and then. will have only the two bp . , land lam fearful that they will run. I ha', got ill landed but 900 barrels ; on Monday 4 shall , get off ballast if the ' weather la . gool.• There's no help to be got a any price. The store ship that sailed from ere ten days a I took three of my' men at 100 per Month; ; 0, the is nothing that anchors here but wh . lossaltheir men. I have hid a, bird time I landing thr , t I tfr M l i alled . "o l ol2tY 1 2 10; 211 tot this talk 1 1202 4' l 00:tenia. bitid tr i m , of ;heir int doirtitOntoh - to -old Tett; aid 1 FEV E S.- 3ICESiE. ve received a le4r ,f which the folloif- 110.4tralloini, aensfable4;J:;,.C.: , , I .r 6 .]:rrek4iVilia — Jetii4t - Uficeiii - 04i&ef trofkly,l*,pioigii, by G ! ) - i*.1 Taitii ; iladma Jogs h> Link ta - overnoi- of OregotC - Thl'as -1 signa4:natniula,to be found in the fiatbet A Ge n ersi. ....'s ..- &fended the volunteers Of his 1 11 ... 1 ,.,;,'/Toii.. m ust ; attacks. ~ - . • it mit : Gausial in command down to the loWeitf.itti ,r,ditiste,(the army boasted :not a brivei..eil r;:er mere devoted patrio4 l han General-Je ph Lane. Wherever figlitingwas to be done, - here:GeneralUne was to be,found ind so mu h was his daring and chivalrous conduct i fir ed, that the army, Offlcor*'aid - I d mew, hesto upon ; him the sobriquet .4. the "Marion of be Army," the highestinsise that could be be . towed. : , . ~,-... , ..' When a pointed Governor of - Orgon he promptly left friends, home, 'and ill to rally to the rescue of the citizens of Oregon, In danger of slaughtetj by their savage enemies, and at the than dills call for his removal was made, General Lane was struggling with the snotvs of the Rocky Mountains, and if not cut off by the savages; encountering the chill blasts of the pararies in a northern latitude, still strug gling on, animated 'with tte hope of reaching , Oregon in time ' to defend. - it, with his single 1 troop of mounted riflemen, tiOnst the savage 1 hordes, whose numbers have cut off many of the best citizens of the land. , Such is the man that Prentice of the Louis ville Journal, demands shall be removed from office—such is the victim who is the first mark ed for the Guillotine by the leaders of a party 'that profeased to proscribe• proscription. Let them do the deed—let the gallant soldier be recalled and our Indiana;friends will make him Governor of a State, instead *era territory, and that too, by a majority that will make Whig gery tremble.—Ohio Statesman. The Capacity or the West. i A writer in the North American Review I gives quite a glowing account of .the capacity of the West.. The sketch, however, is'by no means exaggerated. He says that of all the great products:of ..the world, coffee 'is the only, one, which does not.or may net grow there., Take the people of Britain, Ireland, .France, i Holland. Germany,' Italy`and Spain, and place the whole in the valleyheyond the Alleghatues; and it would continue to ask fur " more Ohio alone, without sinking a pit below the level of her valleys, could supply coal equal to tht amount dig from the mines of England and Wales for twenty-five hundred years; 'and Ohio is but a pigmy, in the way of bitumen, com pared with western Pennsyl ania and Virginia. Iron abounds from Tennesse to lake Erie, and forms the very mountains o Missouri and'Ar kansas.. Salt wells up from eeret store-boasts ,i l s. in 'every northwestern state. Lead enough o shoot the human race extinc is raised from the great,metalie dikes of Illin is and Wisconsin. Copper and silver beckon al trusting. capital- i ists to the shores of lake Su erior. And mark the water-courses, the chit of lakes, the it- mense plains graded for rai roads by nature's own hand, the reservoirs of aters waiting for canals to use them. Aires y the farmer, far in the interior woods of Ohio or Indianna, may ship his produce at his own door to reach Bos ton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltitnore;,or N. Orleami, and every mile or-its transit shall be by canal, steamboat and railcar.—Bielrneirs Reporter. 1 Lfiterjgrom Sa ta. Fe. ST. Loris, Nov. We have remived advices from Santa Fe to tlie.lFth October. The people in Convention, 4.d'agreed to petition Congress for a speedy Territorial organization and! had protested a= gainst the diimemberment of;any parttof th,tir territory. They have also 'asked protect n against domestic slavery. General Lane had arrived, and had conse ed to stop awhile, before starting for Ca - fornia. Kit Carson was met on the 24th, at Whet. stone, with the Oregon Express: Business generally was dull, and the India s disposed to be peaceable. , - - STEAMBOATS LOST oN THE 31zssissfrst- The Cairo Delta o(tho oth inst. contains a lift of the steamboat disasters which have happen. ed on the illisAssippi river, amohting in all tio 251 by which it appears that 167 boats we.- sunk, 79 burnt, .and 5 blown up. The Del says it is indebted for the list to officers of tb steamer Saint Paul, who prepared it expressl for that paper. Estimating each boat and ca go destroyed at $20,000, the total'would $5,000,900. The probability is, however, the tGe loss greatly exceeds this sum, as many • the boats were of the first class, with full an valuable freights. I'VE POPULAR VOTE.—The N. Y. Heral, fishes returns from seventeen states, whic give a majority of 64,300, - against Gen. Tay for. Texas, Arkansas, MissiSsiplii, Missou • lowa, Illinois , Indiana, 'Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina and Georgia are the thirteen states not giQOU by thaller ahl, and 'which, it is probable, will swell the "majority against Gen. Taylor to about 100,000. A'President elected by such a minority Tote, comes in under peculiar obligations. General Taylor can novr,.with strict propriety, exueute his- avowals, that he would not ,proseribe for . opinions sake—that ho would be the;Fresident of the country, an4,..uot of kparty. Appear ances are eertainlyagainst tbciiiti — eiesi of the legions of whir applicants for Office.'; HERRERA sic ,IBogro's.:—Gineral Herrera and, family are re ported, in the Boston Times as pasmngers in the ship Chao; which arrived at Boston on Sunday-from Valparaiso. The wife of Gen. H. it' native of Maine: Sir. One of the most conspicuous Ousts !it the whit dinner 0 . -New York, in bonorof General Toylor'e election, was son of en Eng lish lord. • ... • cOitktN, DRNINO ON TRZ SCHITIIIILL...r- Tile: eMinfili7- saimeisfully mining copper 4 Simmoorrille, Montgomery ,nonlitl. fn.: are miostly-Philadelph no, Mewed of EpgiMmeo,i is, listed ;by .40 Ledger. Weft. .A. it:-..i Remington.. 4 . eipti* il th eltiteM 4 o . '" 1 .0144 gliliii,: : , , no . TO - Nair' ' ii. , ap j gazil Xoolieft,'The ' nr*-nbiliratenloll4 nnloo. Ice.. WAN! ' in be OnnalMi• ‘ 3 1 1 00 mini Nei 0 1 3 *AO. ^l l .4 lo Millertik. 3 0(abOTe_it4 inn 'PO wjth lie Seltuylkilliv. !mull io,k,trr; 411 !Pl r i t Rits, *io% ~ '' _iosteli - 04 - -- ...ais i .41. Gs rigs eirte,s* 000 ' thsi , haivei, .Zrbia7, , i tA Agkitimittit` bi i, lie! . Gm. jiiiik.l , -,,i- ..- ::1110T 1 14 T VS4I °Mt* 'Cligl Re.4l* -- ; T. UST, 54i. umkst - WiW., in it . 1 O_UI,GATIONS 41P- - Aff-t_l ll l l, ;1' -,.. ...,• --- , iO, , t'..q.;.;,i. Clari ,M)111 ottrtrrslB.— r n s t the blerlj,':elictl°!'? Rev. r mithodisciirm4 ele" elected opus: I The . Rey. Dr:.s , ootistaact, Bapriiit,le elected to the Legistatnrn b jrdrindrisis;atid'ihe / 1 4 IT. D. PierceTreabyteri_iOraenier.beingleleeted by_ ..Deniociata. 'writer in' the. Detroit Free Press aajai !Jana ittliiiierson a l ekkiaa.; , ter of thee° geatlemen, that n either Us iniK4l tusedhis anniaterial cliaracr nation, or daring.. the *any to * oss.T aan: learn - . Is nittihia a sin' SECItET MIT Wittkla.—Acioiding to lite Union_ SeeretaryWilkerinll, upotirelingoiih ing the 'charge Of the Treasury Departmint; resume tbd, practice' of Chit law in the EiS, Supreme Court at Washington, and make his permanent residence there. • I MILITARY *CTIOtiARY.---COL Gardner of Washington, is compiling a dictionary of all the officers of the army of the United States ho have served since 1789, including the provis ional army of President John Adams. The "Asiatic Oholera" is announced at York. Severn] Cases, which proved fatal, ally occurred on hoard the packet ship N. Yorlt; from Ilavrt, which arrived at Quarantine In the Ist inst., and several have sickened and died'. 'of the dread malady since landing. The city is said to be in gteat consternation. • Congress met and organized on Monday, is quorum in both branches being present. Ttie message was to 'have been read on Tuesday. it is said to be a very long one. Aim LBS. good Hay Wanted immediate' 'JIM by the PRINTER'S COW. - KLAIRMICNE - 0-- On the 6th lost. by Rev. EL A. Riley. Ur. Jon Inarorr, to Mu Stan Are Gnarl', both of Fnuildio; In Jearep, on the ;243 hat, by Junee• Lathrop, .E 4 Yr. Dania Burrs, to Mies Wray- Niwcoirs, both oc .Tentap. In _Great Benda the 30th alt., by the Rey. L McCreary. Mr. LOSZNIZO CAll tENTZlOntarford. to I tia4 ESTBIIIIBINGRaII, °Mew MIMIC Cler ante ABOY of ahontidzieen years of aim wanted tie Clerk in a store. One who iadis?oaed to make Naimoli' useful will find good ancourarernent, and if with some experience in a mime itronlii be prefere4 New Milford Dec 7tii 1848. H. DURILITT. • Stray Heifer. CAME into the en Insure of the enbacriber tni the finite September last. a pale red..kitonle herd heif er, two-years old. Vie owner is requested to prove prnnerty, pay eissovisi slnd take her ea s y. : Harford. Dec 5t ..1848. PRE ATO N TITUS. __t Hurrah o r' General Taylor, 2Joaropyrnen Tairoril wanted immediately. fir which the highest price will be paid in Cash, to wit: the following price* 84 for plain dress coats., and all other garments hi proportiOn.i -.JOHN eacivzs. T. ➢[ N. H. None bot good' worrnen neettapply. 30 . PIANOS PIANOS ! TIIST received by ;thii imbactibor. JO for sale, aevarq ee splendid Gran* Action Piano 'Ports. mann. iv-tithed after Land' e.tearated Patent, *hien hitt re: pettedly rithei•ed the( fi4t premium at the Franklin and aruffiliiiiiiWifiV — bi - iiniatikigii. • GOOD inetrnment, *relied th call and examine the ft Max blare onrchitin elsewhere. Montrose. Nor. 29:' T. P. Sk JOHN. • TOWNSEND% SARSAPARILLA At 75 ca, v PI bottle at. TUMELELLT. A LL persons intelsested lo the Estate of Jolts Bar lt ass, late of Albs. Lake, deo'd, are requested to make immediate' payMellt, and those having demands asrainst said Estate, to present them. duly attested, for settlement ' I E. W. HOSE. ) Nov:2B. 1818. I B.Q.m p4ox. ; Adm. "' Fresit:,a New Goods. Tuirri,...l,..4.*neer stock e?! . ironand steel, India U•-adrberie. Dreigel arid, medicine! , campbine. foie ieetb4,,,linces sod. 'lineal. endflib, rinelierihabad and ' swordfish; etc. cm, alLof ivddebarill be 0014 st-the vet, low-et mark. • Berate & R.E413. November, 28 1848. , , . 13 u,...wag,tr aai * twat Flour tut male by B B. 1 O Gam , B CKl?vt'iret•lstlit lal.t..V:;.,B°ortsiinCdaBnplethroarl Candles, exported on Siturday next, to sell cheao at Mantras, a. Nov. 30ttt 120 ' TYLER'S . New' Tailoring Establishment, , In Great Bend Sus 9 q. Co. Pa., CORNELIUS DOHERTY, recently from the City of New York. where her has had ainteen years expo !deuce in all branches atilt tailoring baldness. respect , fully asks a reasoniblit on:rotation of the patmnspe pith* people of Great Bend and 'Oahe County, Mr. Doherty ',Therm and make gentlerdans' apparrel of all kinds in fashionable style. at cheap mice/ and accept In payment for his labor all kinds of farmers proclaim. Mr. Doherty's shop is iodated over the Post Office, in Great Bend in the vicinity ! of the depot on the N. Y and Erie Rail Road. Great BP $. New. 21. 180. ' Montrose Bakery in. full Blast . ( .1 BALDWIN would W m Worm his old and new ut V t. tower' that be how now table eutploy'at Silt rate limier from New York end Will warrant that Palm a te.. DM can fret up as g ood Craeltprs. Bread sod Cookies, as York State min orodnoo. Tr 7 them. N. B. Cult paidfor Lard. ' . C Batturra. WANTED—Pheasant*, Tariteis, Chi c h ime so d Dock■ io stzehange foe Siresehaslise Of Cask Branklism. 0rt.19 1818. E. TIFFANY• FALL &I wITER Gong; TUST received s large ad splendid aasortment of I Fall and Winter. Gonad, which will be sold one the out favorable' terms. fi4:,piednee. goOd credit .. .or el& The nubile ate Snit to call and ohm Oat. 31, 1848. IP. F. °RANDLE& 16413. - . . • lIMAAT SCOO3OO ...... i I. 1 UST received at thole of the enbeeribm a lame and . niegnificant stook fire! and Winter' ( foods : • • bracitireeveri valet)", en style, which are {Seed for aet prices anpreceden ly ioir. H. ..t, WEBB. Montrose. Oct, 10. • .' 1 • . • Stoire Pile. 00EING, Parino3hop lied Mee Boarno,Tips lEL • bows,.lhabi "on lAra ite.., o * litho' • • - • I • B. iL. L k. .• courrica.-30Q0 y (r 0 ch. For jarA F aittoe yang and limpet warps. Veg.. irs¢ moos lanails.,Ockiadr. isuldlo wick rd aril": ' ' !Adam*. 0311011f 11 7 resell!!! 4. 'IVINVEIL - 600118' massilitilookoClialt dad .10disiClaildomonWfweidd: yr 00 PP Ofilidaid. 64l ol l l taiaSerriliffirill 00 ' 1 1 110."1: 6 1 a l aissd iro lli Band 4bstadi 'lllllll4 l* and rift* hied. Awes., iits! MEI MEM POS SCRIPT. New Advertisements. Administrator's Notice. ;- =EI Mil ~ . ~ i s.:~Pri~ aseraetaieit east). Isse7 eolaugh sale iry,lovOy D WARE otieart all kinds. Cottoclera itod Bap , &Nip, avexl,ty of, 719 %vim - • • , Li! E4oarOnand Shingleo an 4 PONY by ske pa or posed %reale at. g • Pa r'+ . 04. 111.184116. 3 - , NEW G , 4)9D5 . ,... -- 4 - t ~!...V...1.`i NMII to hie Meade dad the piddle , Patrodate of the Palitiaistseromla rim r =ristioli to i l i a"' 7 1 Ar!, ‘717. I Tit 4343,1Thik ' ,- ~- -F - 1 A ' A atlas - ' ,l - 1 c .ry ~,, ....__ Warer ! ' ack a otrattaeriglal4,l, 1 ) ,0 ! 11104202 - airmills• - d 16. 1 TIN a _MPAt WARE, %aid% ffoUbMt, i&C. &C • , , , rf 4 g IR be L Mr WI Do IArL ASS, Sub, Patsy; Fiona and Oil. tqr ale by , ,4. B. LYONS. + C O. „ bor.. Nnv. 4.1848. I Et= leemolim• , X :);4,„brana Crockery , 8124 W are. Lneamnalil 4 • ... fn• re who- • 'ltt:.lL - VVOIIB - 4. CO. I AT N r 'arils. Wooden :: , ivlit, Corti Backe' Zi , k Virasii, Boards etc.. B 8,,. LAtte'air J: AP N Condle•atiCkiv,- duet 1111011. 'match sites spit pots. Tea, Canirere, e ,t§. , B. R. L.* .Ce..;i ~ T 'S and , ' shoes. Hits sad Caps of 'the lateet ,LY stye and iutdon. ; B. .R,,„-L'. + cp - . : 11 V MII FS lad' Bole, TippetaiCape foe ibildiee. • •1 'B. L. CO, - . ~. . p " „Fp - z i s x, i , :::,l g ir h i t i, p ut ar te lr a.' l4ldbo tk i =al kieda sea na eheap at %XIX, LYONS ...Vet. . Lanes o. Noe. 1. I • - ' * - 411010 , Zi A LPACC)p.S.!Giqghams, B kli.glotha. Waiter, 11, alai' .2 va ri ety of rnii and co lion Catireem..Gin*, r. legea tress Batumi. etc. , 1 `a. R. L. 4. CO. COTT I ii,Yam. CsrPett 4 °-• PAlL'Wiekipg, Ro liinir. ?Wine.' Widdina. ilte. At. ; 11:;R•lw+-t0. - . 3,.caoalV. ago, .Bed bard; Coffeit ohms torlial r eby "8: 4- CO- • TRIN E IM and rem. indebted to the Alien of Et..s tisane& ofMiddletown. deeetand, aro nkapi taaaCto .ediato payment, and all thaw baying claims. aeaing. said Estate a nips, defy - TeC ettlement. .- C. L. BRAWN, 'Adger. 13 1848 ; . .• AA LL p late Wane, iRI or demur tested for 1., . Atm a 1 . ce.. - Iv _non' tadebted to tee state of WE I* Bit , Ilse or S il ver Lake, de ailed, ere requested mediate piir anent, aad.a. those beak:welsh:3e .agatest acid Eatate.th Owens Meat dally Or eulemeit. ' - . C A NFIELD DAYT;OI4 Aifiter. 6 lie, fi100.13,14 . 48. I- ~,, ' , A AA -Lt liard to make t er demand tested for rEm ..._,.... •... . m 1 N - TR os E .-. - . 8400 N- , ,,•,. . ,:, THE Sibscribeie woribt reap folly inform "therja:' , habit. nts' of ,anattote and , nciiiity, that thiriiitnit cue. receiving becniNew York rule of the form!, and, beat enierbeente of Groheries eve; befoie offered in, thin !nit:: ket, and 101 -be sold at orireithat ham* fail* pleale., 1400 , 1 tearoom 374ete. to 811 eta: per lib; ihaar; Coffee.. Saieraten...binlaysen. Spice* of all lititsfs. fresh reisielp, prone., At . datet,itatnarang. 'weeds. oats of all Midi. herring by the box( giolisr bread. isle mackerel freet4 C) 7 cu. pe lib. rice. tabaceo, Reunite Vitielllir theSp'lit I , , . itainlons t liavanaa's A:New Hood ==I=MME ay presents very ehearNieack oak, ete.vit BALLOyOIII t DUPIIOIII.IOI T Oyster Baltion. - .pertmcot V to ro3Oo (otter end good. Mike: fee departrnfint ben firteCepAteiie or the reeeotiori ttpartia Plane aitlV Ot.imtion sod won4Ture. /PIUS del J.Tee L, 1ay... , ready seen meal* aW . GOODS! - ABEL TITRIBLEILL, • lying•fium the City isi' ele - York, 112, **a able itaortrnent of Gown. whiCh cent. ter variety than is naua i paptin a country, which will be mid est y /or for Cash hart apivored Credit. y aaraitmentmay part, ea follow,: t i D iti3 Or'44 , 1 ,_ . Medicines, Paints,• this ..,' kinds, Dye- Stufs,iGroce- • GOods, Hard Ware, Stone lass Ware, Clocks, Watches, • Silver Spoons , , iPerfamery, Instruments, SirriicaLinstru- -' Trusses, Choice Liquors for ileinal, purpoies 4- . the Arts, rrors, Brushes, foots and Shoes, - Yank;ee - 1 Notions, 4-c: ttc.l My friesida. and thalamic gesieraliyl are reaiectfally invited to calk and examine quality ant 4 priers of Gonda. _ _ ABINIk TURRELL. " ja now re). and deal risen a pro Stnre--all n rain. or on bit chased, i nes, Ware. Jewelry Musical manta Me. Itnntrrisa. I- N • HE fnllci lected b and will be e. opteteeity o' ad them in al Biocul Clot , 100*, yacc , • • ,1 , - .- - 7 . . re are iftwong the • unities reaserthr , me ths sabeeriher: to do', city of New York , 'd evitiwit awy hrageterlat /ow (skald Ow er) se 11 . 137,0t/tor moo Of Xel of me will! I tho,n4rioli villa atekttiviz: ' ig, 'Caisiiners, Satinfrtts,Yestings,' rints; i5OO yds: Meetings, Al. ,s. 77Abet Cloths4Plaids,,,--„,e , f.,_ twls. Muslin De Lailies, `''z7 - :: , . i . ~..4.1.40,., ~ sling bags: Sole i l eat , 'APl rip.Stns, light. UFOs , a , large 1 4ssortment o - "BOOTS t, SROWf 1 0. : sri.“ r- Mill 1 . e , s i 1 Teasi, a ~• 'sins, - — A Wadding, kujje Tra , • can ME iaMi dr , . 9, 1848 AIR PLAY! W GOODS. 1 Cut ' . • ad PI te.,kin4) POsh Rice; new Utai "anal. -111e/h,. Cottp4 'Yarn, - Waling., Ticking, ikon Paper, ALSO, • - ciockery Cloth, ste• it c • - wool I. will t7 , sl sedge saw little 101. *lp old seem. I %Irbil@ I MI a* flirleid 1 .16 Of - 1 004 dMr , !int* _jU4 s, - , "gtr, l :-,••;• ., •-•• ,- • • - •••' ~,,,-;-• -., '1 ' !!•_.i 16*, itsavit i's. . • - maihboo; 41.1 e e verrfromit eispisams-00146 a" h AD -12 , . . t • _ 1 • _ _ • I "1" i it oossa And w• - ,iiiini‘osiis- --. . DOIESTIC:C01101 - 11 bettor smodasis t"tINI, 07,,„ . ' Sile" r : 4, '• "'. , - ' , Mr YARIOO -1 , 4 , - ~‘ A- ~ - - --, , , ~, ' - ; --- ,ItRO Inlalina 1 / I L ‘iiie* ;-. , ,4,.144ciii_4i.',- . •,,", - ,_ - .., „ -- t ....... , .'„ "44° Ol i erifig - itiej - Ortismia. - q qfv-,.., Iso E - 8.. Mitts Al, lies , tis CaigiriN4vldd - ' lit' melt lair*iiisik' • ' ibi.; it , Pim - .'quality I"! I' ~. ~ , ir Privor o lpirmi, ~ gown,- ap. , k184 ~,...,4,;:-...;..-.,...., 1 -ST '`E - '4 ~.., ~....t.;.,. .r.„,..„..,_-_ ,, SUR kfi . trilVE ,- , _, .7 . .• -,,._ ,'A ... ,0 __ „.„, ._ ... . E lit% OVVS " etii new neeintr, . Arbod- ospoitifenta as:- -t r" k:. • senloseilr - 'i . ?' --;.i " Ci :Mil 3 - 7 - ALP:II - 074' ~_ . '' ' • BOX 1120,1111114 - v' ,- ~ Both Air Ti ltitiCommoaN,clatl, ems. kings, and hennteleitti*,: . iShisit ti vs: 4 low priaeii;' • 'Thalia. 110**0 . poi d i Vi!ed to call iptiacaMitfts*jr .4f* l l:,‘ ar /riot abiai tin'iiit iioriaii ''' t r -i largeitic ,ir oi,, • '''' . X NRP- - 414011;111i Embracing prObailg;lMOaiiti l / 4 ,40ity,01 canbey found in shy atoteln' dm•tow% as tbey bitipbli*„,iiilic,ntoek.itattio_l, prices, they will` idretitt,nik ..tseasie; to eye' mailesii* : tizjiy - tari*in patticulaa % to ' eattplit 1 i ' :' :,.,'',. L- 41: genera Ili i , 1 11 ny; o atid ala Dom rs;- '' - I wi?Ai_ t h 4!, IQ #al :: ,411500YD5.1111,74 i Wbim they lain youtimifoljamisg pekes, 'Monty Siva. O.Haley, p ...,,,„„ , vidtry, 7) cii'verlYtt. kit atall *I! 11 1 1 4 ...-:-::-.. t aitmm.N o '= 2 .l l ,!. 4B . - : - '‘ - is" -, •,.r , vif '.1.• :---. AISSBIBREB MG 2t.... taiga reOet r riiiir, sod dro,:toristilii:; - . - -liitsr,' and cheapest, assottotent ~ of FAS - SIMEREN. IVEST I INGS. AND GOODS genelllyi,eirero . tfered ii f 1 inch arefola rroA•beavirfaf , ~1 - , L ' FRENCH. CLO. Suitable fort,losies a nd Cciati a t.s2 le pieces plain 'and fancy C . 11!SIMBh, l s bestini l' variety Of styles o ' iriluslitios. awl h'anditorse. assortment of- 11Nr" - :`They are - also receiving il iii_ :%TOVE§,.' PIPE, -, 2.1 •,- . -,- so I iputntitre - lic i iii:T;iit , R; a tt l ipe and Pailo t ei l ftl . o t Sei4C . Witt` both Air l ifight and Com i ltsk soisis largirsises, sonatiie for School4foosss.' /000 Mr. of s To ; p . m7 PIP' x.,10 p-excet 1 Gibs 0 1 1 , Now.l' /84- E W /Lice L &k i d . 1 - ' - '4;l itANACS,XixrdY, Caltiist6o 'and. POark' IrOVE/3;\tia •serl; • secrie , siile*abluip , . Imitter:Aird, kjr! wanted in eatabeologe.listgoodni,.?: , '- Pg • ' Nylt' jt alli -Inv, a lair' tiOD rift wide illieelthilleart'lli 4. • aid Urlaivwf ahownry 7 etc. I \-r. EV' OtTORIEIt . .... „. x . r . / . 3m , 44, - ._R e (11 . . f . 1 . TIFFANY lire _•! , eivesederieW he wedges Mummilr side tithe eity. , Wilk* Mr itir Otatiii(a tipimeliaii‘efittholoistv— kalo,/, , ram-.16. , 1....w.i..!5i.,.. A.--,i . .,,,m r 41.1111 tlapa of 40i tars* faiiiiiimilsr sbeep 1 - 3.1110 MOADOodit4:oo4hmeres. estireissa... B'l the ei i Oferodit iimiolust, • • 1 MA :tiller dial' 6, 1 21 , 111 4wi1a gnat. AY! 60 iAtreEtlE Ll(titNoi AtittlClL% t Lio4iii Itiiiiiiiiiiii Fithl Shisithiir;as - 1:" -- ;' , .:f.: ,-,i' ' 1 ,- NewsiGeti 1 ' i ' ' . iiiiinre; l 4 l l:4M l 1 11 *.m.fi,suiftwi.usermaNt_of ' hr Owilsorbieb Ihelwill velt eta swill isasseres art ' Uhl, ionelli f vow 'N. IWO a tilymo Oticte,#thidigi it ilifokild .`iiiiiBloll:4 l Asia ani _ _ ligagefo . , bigr it e : 4l .1 11-144 0. 1111 1-1104, I: .. .—• k coglis4 ii.u...„.: cosp!tli, Tit , • dint NO 0 - ilitl 4 - .. 17.4atilah * . 40/07441triNiOs. j' A7asoiseviA,4l.B* luti• Nook aseiptibliliAlio esi. --.4k 0 a, lewd. aii Caormt44- 10.0„ 111"1141184 -4r' ? filliWillir will* Ger oraihirpor, ...11/1 1 14 r **Nom • ik iL • ;. .. .. ~ M~•,; ISE Mil Iza com Airy' ‹l6'