Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, December 07, 1848, Image 2

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.04 )14.';'.' TEAL Editor.
3 14allOose; - kDecember 111464
4L l 9 l4l Acnoce o rider* , (Wvinellig39
tbil,*Ne, on tie aide-walk between:, Esq.
Toit's and K Clon4ee, I Lady's nice btown
Cloak Cape, with bOwo, silk lining; Anyper
'`noit finding it, and T earing it it this pace, or
girinkinformation sgbersit maybe found, Audi
be suitably remade&
Niw CotttiTinvilOs.v—We learn from Van
Court's excellent Bilk Note Detector for De
cember, that new counterfeits have just been
put in circulation tithe following Banks, viz :
l's on Belvidere Rink, and'fi's on Camden
Bank, N. J. ; a's, olO,Pratee'Bank, Bnffalo,.s'S
on Putnam Bank ;1 4 'i & 10's on Utica City
Bank ; lit Yon Canal Bank; Lockport ; s's on
Fartneral Bank, Willa,. and 20's on Oneida
Bank, N. Y.; s's oLAtlantic Bank, Boston
"S's oncutney,BaOlk, Vt. ; and 2's on Rope
Bank, 1.,_. The way is to refuse all
notes on - saici`Banksi unless you are certain
they are - genuine . *lvidere netekin particu
/sr, are very thick ii4this vicinity.
Lo! Aught! Mliatt-"Union k Harmony".
We have on form". occasions alluded to the
amusing_quarrel that has recently sprang op in 1
relatiori - io the " spells" between the different
factions and element 4 constituting the Taylor
party of this &ate,
,biz : the Whigs, Natives
and Independents. !At finally reached so Inch
a pitch as to become,alarming to even the bel- 1
ligerents ttemselros i l and accordingly we hear {
that a great: " unio4 and harmony" meeting 1
was cooked up at th4Chinese Museum, in Phil
adelphia, on Wedneilay evening 'week, which
resulted in the orgimization of a new party,
ander a new name, 0 the " Taylor Republican
party," which tooken. Tayloes Allison letter
/ 1
as its platform. -:e Pennsylvanian thus
/rake of it : " The lanies signed to the Ball
present a curious inefiley. The " ultra Whig"
L'—the 'virulent Natielst---the deluded Dedio
erat—the conscientiOs friend of peace-4be
lover of heroes and o&war•:—are all grouped to-
gether in loving harmony. We presume the
meeting was' intendect more to conciliate the
increasing hatreds ofhe rations conflicting in
terests in the Taylor party, than with any se- .
vices view to future 4erationi. If so, it was
a shrewd movement ;for we fancy there will
be very little chance Ito bring these interests
peacefully and frate4ally together, aftei the I
administration hasb4n organized, and aher its 1
appointments are preelaimelt" ..
But the new namei Who ever heard of an
'honest man, unless iota special ewe, changing
his. mile ? NobodA Rogues and villains
only are up to that tick. They have aliases
in abundance, ehangidjg their cognomens when
ever they become 4 notoriously vile under
their old ones as to b'4 Unahle to commit their
evil deeds with prospf , cts ofiimpunity ; and es
pec t h ey ar
ially when & about to perpetrate some
dark and infamous elme or ,frond Will not
the same motives account for this sudden meta
morphosis on the par§ of those engaged in this
new organization ? They have:become so no
toriously odious undo; their old name, that,
like .the .highwayma:s they find it absolutely
necessary that they should' shift it off. The
perverted name of " *big" has served its turn
has, in the•languagi of the cotemporary above j
quoted, " bid its da*-been found insufficient,
with all the ancient Vory_that clings to its
history, to Mislead le people of our happy
country into the suP:port of the principles of
aristocracy" which the heartily abominate. A
new disguise has thetifore been found necessa
ry, and lo ! it is at haid, in an alias—the name
of " Taylor .Republicin party." Republican!'
Heaven save the mat ! -
And then the platform—the • Allison letter.
And what a platform Ii There is rreitherframe
work or covering abofit it. Nut a single prin
ciple •or measure - does it recommend or avow.
They call it a platfo i n, and it may be one;
but if it is, it is sue!€ kple.tform as was never
heard of before,' having neither sides, top, 'or
bottom, area or eirOnmference. Whigs am)
Natives may mount it (or tumble through it)
if they choose ; but si for Demoends, we think
we speak by the carcLFwhen we say, they will be
chary of it. They di not like to peril their
weeks by a leap ,upoOanything so evanescent
- gz.
and unreal. • ~.z.
The, olki7t is appatint. The getters-np of
the farce are becomini satisfied they have got
their hands full. It is simply intended as a
claptrap, to draw to ire Taylorstandard a suf
ficient mimber of Deiiocrats to aid his
Administration to isaiiy, brit irkig nuisnres,
which cannot be car ded out without,their aid.
It is, in a word, a colOession that , Taylor . vae
elected .as s no-proty c jnan, bj
,the joint vcites
of !hip, Natives anctlndepeodent Demotunia,
and is thersifiire a striggle to - eariiioliditi!ihese
Iseterogenious &melts into a *lig. party;
fact, shimmer under concealed came that it
acclle. the moreayeetsfally accomplished.
SkaWellOws—are iimry slot? But ;Who ail
tbiy timi4 by suela'toolielle Who of) itu
pii as vat 'to sae t*otYglia , thie maim tot
lersa csasisli;in to 1, 1 1.seid P4Oshiloot Who
fascia:, intieided 'indifforosoo to cad
, anditipnips, ,r4io2
ao.niansidieb — tboisv•auppolud - AK*O - a's
lar of 4 611 Pramit
crne• '7 5 4 ir*:* maw PTV; sled '
AO "Is imr** 4 Oisal'!""reveimuck, nd
ii.oify!msyst.f *
i*:44 6 ;:t. ---,?:-
"Ifil,b4e'llr 444 - 714eft Lk. eleeiioa
ism au*
a -0-
`rfDdibir; -
' -.;. kivii adterriiht
fl_' ; ,°; - :7,144 Ptilgi- 4 '
riiiexlivit - 64.16
Ouledyilia Whigl',
incalewlable, And ihituk
t ' c i*Oil::atf4i°ti l • -
d e in te r eiti
their ; ii
re4ed,l l k.e *ail&
Peiniiivimi 4l4 .5 , 1 7 41
Califo;nia L
deal otpw 'a, a tendon.
tarHee ti' War or the
ceived .4dolly, has
etated.:; It may be, and probably will be that
they will communicate some additional fruits in
their repoits to Congress. The only thing of
impoitince _elicited in
,' ; Connexion there' ith,
is the estiMate that the y gold region is orth
perhaps a 'thousand millions of dollars, an this
only aslshowing the griat value of the ac isi
tion made by President Polk, as one of th re
sults of the Mexican war.
- j Tiylor and
/ion. A. a. Brown, Gi
who is at present at Mra
ceived the following le
friend F. Z. Claiborne,
Gen. Taylor's 'free soili
" cocked hat," just as wt
after the election was cci
gives the information is
most ultra Taylor men
and the parties making
above tiuspiciun. Thsfa
fore be relied upon. It
hand, say we, and let tb
of his tiro faces was the
section of, the Union ha
following is the letter alb
Hon. A. 'G. Brewn—
ties ennead° that Gen. T
dent, I hasten to inform
off alld)sgnise, and cone:
S. S.l3oyd, who you , 1
the slavery questioa; an
Stephen,s'iposition is abs
and myself pie side paste
" ho had that day spent
Taylor, aid that he was
and, without speaking of
gentlemandistinetly and e
when the North attempted
slave question, i he was for
About~this, Boyd
.and be dues not hesita
Zack" perfectly sound.
rest assured. What cha
may make in his- mind,
Southern friends:who hes .1
e ject, s a y_ be is not the ma
ion deliberately formed.
• "He will gd with the f
and internalimprorement, l
the slave States on the *
.* * *
" Tours truly, F. L, CLAIBOBNE
general Quitman, the Mr. Boyd above
dolled, and other southern gentlemen, I b,l
stated, ent4ittain the opipion tbst the SI
sbduM take the extreme • • ound on the Slab
question; and then compr.mise. They a
extending slavery to Calif .tmia and New D I
co, and compromising by Welding the rig,'
. .
Slave representation in C.ngress:
ga". We notice that th • Taylnr ?rgan-gr
er still 'reiterates the 'powder' 'falsehood, t
the principle, no. doubt, that o a lie well s
to is as good as the truth.'" He is so umf
nate, however, as to qu'ota our language, w
was " Another gun or Whiggies, the
cratsmill furnish the p6wder". N.sovr we
mit whether any _body but a numecull w
ever construe that language into a promise
the editor of this paper would furnish the
tier. • l'iss one understanding the first pr
pies of English Grammar would, certainly.
never claimed to be Democrats, (althong
use the pleural , pronouni when writing, 1.
cordance with a universal custom among
craft,) and we take , it that his quoting o
act language is effectually "acknowledgin ,
corn;" although reluctantly, and in a blind
This referenke to the " gunner" to awes
out of the second false statement is equall
tal to his purpose: He is not. " Taylor ~
even - granting that be called for the po
which is not the case. Who be is, the o
man deigns not to tell us ; but from wba
have heard, we suspect it is at..ertain laqut
frail-bearelr. the Whigs bare got, a man, -'
be lastful to call bi7 s : man," whose brai '
run to hair, and wh ose character -for veraci
en the organ man fin
iste'r tip by a labored
n the best aspect he
has got io father the f
1, or Zit out.
he hat any at all, e
very nec;eisary to b ,
went in adrame.
find it, therefolie, he
hoods imputed' to
The do' eordantm
" laid loar't during t
their snaky leads,
all the iencan et •
,lii,gl; taOtes of , lth
'Tenn, the i great int
deinand t thioir pay f
Asps of IPeremed
free- 0 4e Wilige of
nal of Alimony, a
that simkj,'ltaa Os
lor's aleYiti
inciro, Pak"
&standee '
Win* 1
gl i4 Ts
if . n* 11
AS. ta '
, 018 i — . l" l r
40milv '
aerials ofirhiggery,
e canvass `are now
341 biasing each 'oth
1-desen4, intaxiei .
east, nadar Abbot
on lord 443faassei •
• aapportil Taylor, i
"ProtectiOn e t while
hir York, Oirjth the
their load, deny •
. ,
• 11
vernor-of Missit ippi,
I hingtori, has j re
tter from his int' ate
f Natchez, in. hich
IIn" is knocked i to a
expected it wo d 'ha
or): This Boyd, who
nown to be one the
'here is in the .S nth,
his revelation - a a all
ts !dated may t ire
ake Taylor sho his
I people know hich
`false" one, or hich
been eheated. The
ided to :
l ez, Nov. 15, 18 .
ear Sir : Ai al
p, i
or s elected '
sila that he has th wn
no opinion.
now to be- raffia on '
who often says that
rd, milled Bin ham
ay, and told us that"
me hours with en.
ght on all the p ints,
he territories, th old
rnestly declare that
to interfere wit the
there is no miatke,
to pronounce ,1 Old
f all this you I may
I get other influences
cannot say, but his
him talk on the sub
to give up an d- '
• States on the
questions, and
e Soil quetion
* *
.--77---,1 :.M*--
•r• - .• • ' , - ~ •• er -, - ,4 ‘ , , • ' -...,-- •
.Tkte .. .
,A....--- , .4 4 ,
-tlittesuth, now that tint i the
. . .., • •
h. — :4le ll 4.4iiki - i - ! 1 1 - - hid - rtt'in their
~,....;.1 z friiMiiiim'ibi 4i cli lid non
tkapettli .r,
.ett _ -..., . ~,,,,
miditheWWaelt : Zeitini;iiletet' , '' :''.dactn
it:::::It *K•letinTli • - hc 111 . Mot m
il-W.4* i -9', 41 11- ,. -..., .r."l compere
the .4 ' itifittl - 076 upentittitefiV •by Some
of thik 'or4be , Demactittie4 - in`both
sections. y We therefore give artielei fitnntliree
of our jejuna's, UM Of , the north, Itatd . ,,Mie of
the sout h. The &AU a 4clotatiodZfiiiii 'the
New •Hagtpshire Gazette, a paper which sup
ported Opt. Cams with much zeal, ability; and,
is the result in that State has aliown, with
elEcienoil: When it says•that-Cren. Cass might
have been cleated but for the treachery of the
Smith, ienadoubtedly means be understood
as referriu to thedefection of eorgia, North
Carolina,llFlorida and Louisia a, which went
for Polk in '44, but for Taylor J w ; and which,'
bad theyll, remained true to e Demoor
would hive given Gen. Cass e majoritylin
the eleetrikal college. The G tte goes on to
say: 1
"Primarily, then, the defeat ofi the demo
cratic patty in the late nationalh4estis to be
attributed to-the barnburnor difeetion headed
by Mr. \n Buren in New York. lint, it ap=,,
pears that this cause would not hay} been ede
quite to ;produce this unfortunateiresult lied
the demoicracy of the south provedtrue to-the
candidati i of their preference in the ronventien,
to the north and to themselves. C eburse,iin
what haslbeen or , May be said, we ave no-in
tention tel cast censure upon the Imm:rats:of
those states which appreciated theirtrue inter
ests and ,sustained the democrats nominees;
nor indeed uponthe faithful and idlefatigable
minoritiellin the states which have fielded and
given their votes to Gen. Taylor. :We write
' only wit }a view to know the wort and to be
prepared Tor it and with feelings or get and
apprehenttion rather than in a spin censure,
t‘ ThusMefeated, what aro, the e quenees
which iettin likely, if not certain to tilt from
our overthrow ? Here we confess - e•appre
hensions Ore most serious. If the nth bas
, failed to itistain General Cass bees be re
sides at the north and is not a slave nri - and
this convetion takes possession of t b rthern
diniocrattf mind, ( and it seems to pe' de the
masses a.iifir as our observation - goes, n the
south longer reasonably claim the 'path) ,
and supptt of the democrats of the h? If
the south has _become thus - section will it,
have any qjust cause to complain if t North
shall isocline an equally sectional atti e ?
" If the slavery issue has caused
to desertc;General Cass and support
northern democrats will not be blind tc
that Gen.lC's. fate meet be the fate ,
eminent Man ilk their ranks who may i
the Presidency; and-this reflection is,
of most importance, because if in the p
case of (general Cass it should be a
New Yorkiand Pennsylvania have defea
and not the south, still it will appear
northern flemocrat can in future exp
support o the south, whether neeespr
success oil, not. And to expect northe
ocrats in i,,iewpf such a result and witl
prospect before them, to continue their
thy and geed will to the south woulit
seem to be unreasonable—to expect
degree of Forbearance and an amon ,
flee of Which men are not climb'
words of the North Carolina Stan
spotlesz patriot, a brave man, and
nowned stitesman, to be repudiate
cast asidekmerely because be was
Hampshirt,and resides in Michiga
cry northo,instan—are tire sound
don -slavelielding states—ouch as
lass, Diekinson, Woodbury; Della
Bright, B*.se and Hannegan—t,
der the ban, and marked, and th
kept out crt theligh offrieset tb
cause Vant'Buren seeks revenge 1 1 '
from all nitional posts of bone
If all tbiAs to be experienced,.
it be encliXred
racy 1e submi
northern democracy ? We fear
fear that grinder such eircurns
northern thirty must inevitabl
spite of al , efforts to oppose
What man e the ultimate conse
a State of things we shrink from
We will ncit.say with the Stan
to be the game, the doom of
been pronounced.' But while., _
1 ter fate is 4,efore us, we canno
to the imPending danger. And
come, will li he south have just;
plain? Wifl it be able to say in
not thy goy locks at, me—then
I did it. ''l
These eliminations of the slaw
remarks t*, Evening Post, mit
of New Hampshire, the star
Cu( had Ibis birth, Anti •
eleetomi vete, by a stronger
portion to 4ts • •latiton 0
in the
makes tht
terms: AP'
the denioOt
of interests
seitth," it
ern frie
of akn.
the Dort
,eta cost
lona ea
jtbeir beim
L iam
• • V"
lured ciussoor co#pnimisin .witlth
sh ir t-
foal of bothjor a - 10611‘ Pr!, ..
, ! .; . ; i rt-,.3 7,-4.;-,1;',.
lived e unness: slH,Cs J? :'..'"' I 44i, - 1' 1 ;4:
if The sopiii:Mtve!tion eg tlus 4 ,
but too late;')**Ill : smi oak Vei l ibeirvra
In the meantime the of " iii# north
and the , :Tf - riressiakas `loiiely betriyad:Ar
the soutboagpara*she , ;.`avelktetior 01 : 1 . 4kint',
way, anntb l o4. 4 olllsoo fOnaniiifldi!ii**_ '',
te mporising:Ontin37;:#l l*i9i 4t .. ..'
tious foes. '6l l tOnglil. their 1111 ° 14 ., th 'S •r-..-,..- - =
Fence to the path ief;sight i :and WY: . . 11 1 Tam,.
command the'vesicetivii4:ein-: AnonuukslPt
deitiurtif,the whole cons : " :Neither nOrth=
ink :
ern federaliam nor soitherW 'itillsi, Or 'both
oonOined, can otivellt them from ruling the
country after the exPiritioriorthe mongrel ad
which the joint , efforts of slavery f
and abolition have succeeded jai fastening upon
the country.
- " While we thus express mir own- feelings
and views in regard to'the conduct of the South
in the latest contest, We doubt ,not we express
those of the democracy of l7ati'llampshiro. If
any men of the Union have ever stood up 'firmly
indefence of • the Constitutional sights of the
Smith ; regardless alike , ockina4iiioile of
foes and the remonstrances of timitifiiends, the
democracy of Newitimpshirei have done so.
Lovitig the Union above all thiogs; and feiring
every-blow, however slight, which may be aimed
at its perpetuity, they have gone to the: ex
treme verge of Constitutional obligation in op,
posing the fanatical m' vements of abolitionism.
a l
For this they have a Bred "greatly at home
and in spite of thiestli yhavernow been desert
eil; insultedlind • betrayed _ ," by the -very 'men' in
whose defened they acted' ; obit .they should
feet,indignant at. Stiet( - treStnitiie natural;
and that they 'should . be 4refiilliet4to put
themselves in a position to reeeivltAidlrireat
mint again, is bat the dictatailelt:defence
and self-respect.
- "Iwthese circumstances it becomes us to
-declare .temphatictilly our poSition and bur fu
ture course.% • Itbecomes us, as a party regard
ful of our character, our principles and our
rights, to reiterate and reaffirm our unshaken
devotion to those glorious L principles for which
we have ever contended, to declare our firm ad
tempos to the positioo we have:heretofore oc
cupied, as well upon the- slavery' .question as
,upon the national and coestitutiOnal issues be
' fore the country; to re-affirm" our deiermined
and ricomproniieing hostility to the extens*ns
of gaiety to the territery ribto free fro m that
blighting cursev to 4etionsee and reiiit all
interference and ederoachments of one section
of the Union upon the constitutional rights of
another, and to strenuously oppose all_ meas
ures justly calculated to weaken the bonds of
our glorious Union." ,
We next quote from , the Southern Banner,
also an able Democratic journal, published at
Athens, Georgia. The article is beaded "The
Union in Imminent . Peril." We quote it, not
to endorse any of its gloomy forebodings--for
we do nfit harbor thembitt to show that even
&taker?' Democrats" agree in send nent - with
the foregoing, and also er,eat.alarra and retri
bution though at a distance off:
tae fact
pine to
Oat no
t :o the
rich a
lem a
In the
—' Is a
ba in New '
Is ev
"en of the
After: descanting for awhile upon those dire
ful apprehensions that; teemed - to bnrdet his
mind and oppress his spirit, the editor pro
. media to "10 •
"The Whig party of the north, compose, as I
I it' was, and is, of the old federalists, who had
opposed the admission . % of the. slave basis into'
the constitution, and who dealt in a-latitudina- .
rian coastruction of the powers of vernment
conferred .by it, . naturally welcom hd abolition
I into its arms as a means of political capital at'
I home, and as a rod to coerce the sontbera
I states into their - bank, tariff, and inteinatim
provement policy. It was as naturally Opposed.
by the democratic party of the north, consist- . ,
ing principally of the disciples of Mr.' Jefferson,
or the members of the old Republican party of'
the day, who adhered to a strict construction
of the constitution, and . the rights of the states.
-Here we . have . the reason why northern whig
geryrbas ever been the friend of abolition, and
Ithvlbenortbern democracy originally, opposer'
ss, Doug
it uchanan,
put un
forth and
A..'he; can
. ?.:*l3" , the
. this o "4;• h agitation became political, it oat
wally\ Iliew within its 'sphere the correlative
portics of the whig aud - democratic parties
south. It was but the usual course of part ,
action, that in the pelitical contests, both stet"(
and federal, the iwhig party south should sym•
rpathite with, eq. motet at the success of the
wbig party nor is ... The` same may be said of
'the -dernotratic fatty lei both sections. Bni
the ,southern democracy bad thiii advantage
over the southern whigs, to wit : that tbei
northerti allies were hostile to abolition, whilst
those of the southern whige were in open leape
with the fanatics. But the north being the
irjirinte toil to foster - the growth of abeli•
ifbtegery and abolition has continued to
~ initriOisietti strength' from their very naturalsin
iiiitial alliance. The northern democrats were
- compelled to•tnref their eyes for.stiPport, to the
south, whose battles they were fighting, for as•
siatance and strength in their national relations,
lble them to•sitem the torrent which whig
ill 1/,:-:fisnaticis,ta-LOsFilietqe ei.:, ware...gow:ing
pen them.
its assistance; so naturally to besmtpect
r given tothem in them. the' Presidential- cite
-0830, by the detnoiritielpertfof the
'Which. carried nearly all the:oaonthern
GeOrgin; however, being among the ex-;
" In 1 40 the democrats of the eolith'
Ired to heir northern friends i but both'
* j.rri . ._ . in . 0 °,4 1 ".. 3 6 1 dem,Yl'so 4e -1
wt l .-,. r l ' . 1 1 70**:11!kigerP:,,V4*
dole: lit 4: .„ -:.; ;4#ltiettaitek _ -00.
trialaini 7 Atii — , - - and thilidiiiiiiom of
xsicis, as a alalt-
-'''' ' • ~, (#4 . amitias, the
iiiitheifeleie ' - - Ic ': -., , . irnoh i t : : to
-Viiiii-- southern : ' '''ll 6ll -ii:*Ottliii*,llliii
ilajAierit.- 41 digaii 4 4 1 4 icAivirebriteltlp
opposition to' that' miestito:'''* .the; i;. e
toile, if not the treachery,of_theiWilth4o:3lll7:,
tin Van Oren in 1840-their tifee***Oniii.
hate him - itylB4tmedei , an :, i . , -'
the itemediste`mgluisithi of ti ' -' s', ! '" ' t Vl4 -7
ierl bill frieedi . ie . :44Mv.frest-iiii*; ' IN . ' '
*MO ' brOught - 1100:-Laothieg' 64 2 diiiitti;;;
They tuned" their •e'yektretilthe 2 Mittla hi**,
thi- - 7. l ;oitli, in thiih*F'il re'lllsiltiet: thinp=
selves that' - itigiee: ! iiit , , reedisii,eine their
iciethoes Auk* ad= tekho:g pi# ;tithe: No
tked 'untie "ataftuk us• 'than thoi 'Wheat
prolio; it''net kite' oriihyltivieeikiti itirre.
eimtl, and4be sait 'with which pt. - 4.- b een
prided 4on the tonOry.'litiiiellyFailvei
from the notitivb,t
. the vent Of thei atm* and
eakebing cOop,ttrfit*lllikkle . l i & * eisimealii.
Aeowsl4 A°**Llo o4- ' 4 t '''...!}alliance
- .- - o.Bitt;"o,o:4.3laiiiidllit 11 0 1 ,arei - - 1 — nlat‘
itiliiMakm,and*iiiif-thitilmemitfr i ..--:
4 - liiitiviv ligietallii ilwiissi
if MAbeirsemiliodient winftietiollhioi.
1- . i • 1
et. We
',lf.this- - is
publio las
L ope a bet-
c 1 our eyes
4- 1 0316 4*U
1 '
th 7, 4 t 65 :1 44- o l i c :.0 46131 ::
0 ..i..5...
to ensi
dawn til
td, Ina
ei dear
. 411 , 4
mei the I
4.0 f
i tbeli
Isfmabe l
l e 3-7-:
k ‘ !flit
impiitible,) it viould be braked up; in
the contest of 852 for tie Presidency,
will be a leotTonal contest betWe'en a - borthiti
and a soutberit candidate on "a qUeition‘of 'sla
very. in .whieli the . south,maitibe de&a4f t, ,Sr
number. We shall the havetWo.altern
between- submhtsion and Thinlii
the awful alternative. p - uU by'•the...
Union' &tweet( northern ...aniLa4;' althorn ' whik4
gery,". • •
' l We gior et of % der'
_ l ay i lapprebensi. itill - contempin ...
ry, ii ,- .3 lepeat,..we do net: give countenaiiiie pr
sympathy. ; Mte think iii th both. rinii*esian ,
and unwarrantable. Th - stai'ery, , prepagana -
ists of the South alreadyftoo -will . know that
the moment thdy strike the bondi of this Ifni+,
that &Milani Witnesses the'death knell Co. Jib
gro iii7ary where it is. ", They now that brit
1 forthe good faith of the free States which," Il i
'being pledged by the sacred compact 'to "be)p I
quell any insurrection, slvery, as an insti+ 1
tion, would long ere this. lave been numbered
wit - 11-Abe things that have been tat are nctt.
Besides it is notorious that already there is 1
forming a party at the So nth, diitinct from the i
slaveholding , interest, and which, should tip
, ,
. - .. , . ,
question of dissolution iron' suen a pretex ‘ k
- , 1
ever be seriously:agitatedi will spring into ke- 1
tive exercise , and forever' silence - and disarei i
such fanatical plotters. TeSouth may threat-
en,.-but nonetiir timid be res fesir their carV
ingtheir threa t s into attention s .. They cleric
not do it. . i - 1 i - q. , ' ;
_ .
Proceedinkpiof Co rte; eontihueiL
Commonwealth lA. T 1 .Usaa Pt. Jaekson.—•-
Indictment for 'arson, Jeereturned a revile's,
of guilty. Bentley and hainherlin for Comg , '
monwePth, Litel , and St titer for Defendani c
Sentenced by he Court to 3 - 41'cars and It)
monthi in the :Penitenti' y, ',Commonwlialth
vs. Laban 'Meisel, Indicts ent fur Larceny..'
Verdiet , guilty. 'Sentence, by' the Court to 6
montheimpelsonment th . • countY jail. - Lusk
Chamberlin for Com ..ntreat r ls, Littla aoo
Streeter for defendant,
Snout. WEEK.—L.Tohn. : urdiek vs. -- Alfrel
Button and H;rldn
,Butto ', Traver. rerdiei
for plaintiff of 01,15. 1 alio' 'and Street"
for plaintiff, 134ntleY for defendant. '4alpl!
i:04.1e Vs. Henri. 0 - Grad • debt.l, Verlijet*
.laMtiff for $221;85. - : -. L; sk ,and., .Niii*Ml4 .
• efendant, Little, and Streeter foi. plaintiff—=
Chester Adams jr. vs.. J: •cs M'anne, usnri,
verdict for plaintiff for $2O .:' L • k and Nevri
ton for plaintiff' Bentley nd Ri bards for de.
fended. Nelscin C. Warner vs. he Township
of Bridgewater. verdict foriplainti for $99,3 it
Little and Streeter for plait 151ey and
Vann for defendant. Ca ro ter vs. ,
Thomas T. Jackson, Tr. v.
• iet Pit
plaintifffor $25. Riche de ,an )4, Dbuock.foll
plaintiff, Little and Street; l 4l,4apcVentiii
for defendant. , -1 ' . - 1 • 1
Bronsonheldon M Bronson v . ! 'Nath an Caldwell'
Verdict for plaintiff ft*,
plaintiff, Lusk God New
David W. Heath
A little ielfisi
"elect and' tltii
be, d of the pal
We Ali
piece of info
ve7 azittiei
tdisb tioses
deliest - Cly uPop
promise of tt
eleeted Matt
4; , Tisfold
4 424 C-9 011 q
idiattio - deta
*We 61'0E0
*ire iirtflif-#'
licirsidfif their
his feelings Ind
Wei Watt
IC lilt
pied sei
14 01_1 1 k*
wiA MAW'
t,, --,,, :•cs- ;-- , r • '-2 Z 4 ;,,
,amoti:st - - 1 , 2 , *: , :‘. '
#4ol.lllilet4lolll/..4l4iiiiiimi 74•16
Oliiiiksb*iid:S l taii-is -- 1 1 060
:AV" X l ** to '31 5 4 : 1; 64 1101( :1 0 4 11 1# 6 4 - . : f it '
Pg'1110.0.112. " 4 04.. k: ' '''''
' :*.illi:
11 *i*Itia„.Asorukt“it.*. - '.
Itc.,*mls bottrevoiikithift4" ''' - On
0 0•AAioNOir, -.iomptitm; 14441.40411*
im"OiMwe - : 1 1 . 7 • 1•vArvirsiiire.
'''illriki - W‘` 416 " Pliel
si l a
1:1111.1., 161421 1 1 11. far . i 111111141111.8111..
jatF Wl'oollSidli ii im soak * y r r
lisekis glikodithe UN Min ' i'm ail patelialig-
O . 1441 k5/40 ,11 442 . 11 / 111 4 )104111000,
, t < _
orobilliiiik iukdAviet isolell
1, 4 , -,l.,—'tzti .t', -t,i*-.'•1,",-
. .
aF ..~4:
V .; :
froii: ,
fr- - ~
•,,,,..4- -,,, - ~. - .7, , .
1 - * ' _ ;
i'4:l ,
i.-Jamea-P,in,i ; .... ,7 .1 -
i i.- liit,i64;;Cov
' it T
L , !Rjuse. aciii*r
.' L ott,:y!.:peoin . ~ i -. „sista&
present. , i-. . '-' -. -.- ;), , ,t.:.
;:We are noir in,: the Imidst=k-gt,,,-t..p
Sitmtner."' andan-eicessiveli-fikin..ii.i4iiitidaY
*elf' ia t 4'" 'i n a c'''....' 'tll '' '
'''.:' ' '' " -:- .. --' •1 ..
\ Sherik 44r!,,,4fitt4-•'.l"?".l4.r..iiiiint,Toll
- lb r .
ijalicsei); on .144). - y , .:snomilit 4t.
Thi \ eetiOntorfir piesentotton'.:4o
Lion o the . ; lgexitatillinisteriener
sas, took,pliee.i t ttiWitehington . jon3l
It was said tninii.e - li .. neWyeryilt#rest
certainly .6 .o4t:' ,: s:: - - '
. _- - - f,..4
Heavy - .stonnkatts:eXceSsiT : .ail
perieneed on:thiitinitaini,:and „ .g Zeta
on the . 2d inst.t , .T Imb - damage
shipping, and . ii . :4),oo4.thst . .1,13(
.which was then c iimi'..dise fro ' ..441
been drivenlnie :I:4'1:04.901 „*!..,,
o.n.tiolis.--i'he iVii ith\: . 4 " t'
. - 5.1--; .:- - ‘,.".,
engaged . at ;pzlesenklWpt . ; . .opng4thi
Zachary 1i00r.5.„4,::, : w .. .4itrq . 0„..
' are in a bad.wayl,f.tolie,surkii#eu
essential faetMeto be..4nbstOttiike4:
‘a i10rkg.,,.....i-,. . .... , ,,..14.-
orate. arga„ .. ,... „,..,...i . i . .- . .71(0.. . ~.; •
Tvrtoitliii i iir AT ' Iloisi4Tl
of Generaltasslotei Gneral . Tayh
Rouge is six. .Gen. Cass is ahead
ward, his own . town; .• hitt ownlOtu
. cap the clunax,l lin Gen. Taylors
Thus, wheie hoth ,. . - arebest , knoirki
. • .1 , . - ... ,-• .A , ..
` liic ' ed. , t. — ' i , .- ' :' , Ji.r , ,;. '
~,• ~,.!:.; • :;-.- , :i.-- , ,, 5 ., ..
' *7.- Wie . ...wigh.,f_belfAigs . lrfigia k
seeding cis' their! Seit' . ..tPtei - tibli , eta_t,
postage on.ogiek.:,.ilire:dillike Paying
as much '64-40,1r.5t0P,411
- .,.2..;::.5,,-,= - .r.
"1 :411 . 00.
pers of Ali
election t.
ie-lkaaa a
t i as ni
by qecti(
-141 7 . 1 4 1
closing plr
" Vha\
°ir family
could gig
them one
(they bad
the whrld,
At- Zat
given ngt
promise ti
traced in
ate and al
FB . "
qutley for
foi 4efenclaot.—i
leen-gained tifnid Ziek; foi-2,1
- 611 39 entidOd toreoe",/
rat `laying thti L peatage 4, , ,, , ,
i .
I'olll Hera: of th . e . seeinly of *rind , I
? ,
, ovotedforA'il aelc are callea I ciltioluitistk V'
licers." - i — " ' -
. 4 .1'.1;
. PEaTrNawrgrr.Ekr.—Geberi.A.TayleiF . i
4 that he mould' not-aeniti *Pres '. -, ~..:
3s it'was afferedhy:thn spontaneons.inneFi . -.:
;be peOle. - ':WI;e111,0 sees 6 ' 1 4- fliirti II
majprity'of ihkOpFtlaF-Toti'vklil**lif,'
'ilL o( = 6 ur 4 eTtlle - PgY2 1 , 1 *,11.4P,
n... - "..TP?f,t. hp t . „, - ÷1130:0 ` l `
ger Theincia
tnifit ,
means of Lord 'lt ~ , _
~,,,.,, .
lades liaiea 'enkfaiktlicilt ' t,llt;ti fr :
tpissaiA.-rt:e:.! iiiiftivioiloot3iiie
held .- 1 d 9„ v0 6.1 t 1 4;i 1 4*;
rates w‘rej '*lltlifil)f
icm cirisUsi, v ; 401014,14:frifeAin:11,a
nal.ial. goirprii t,qll;WiSistoraiiidci
- ifitY. -
..tlipii, view .-: •-. , , ipas, 4 , • ,Ipti,
tts ;* 4 l:l l . X 1 :-Et! 4 0t A l it:l4l)k !
itAbe 'seal ofiliill4itti;. bit
o tile
0.- -74111 ii ~,_ll, : iint,mistiiileubraite,
anitiariii ß di.,
-, veniitipereoril
' VeloPerit: 7 '
iii - 4 . * iiii
V Rut
! N O N --77" - -"rla --
ail idle :.
ease° liss 1
elf-lea will
letters :with
. 44 . t q 'n ,
; 00;1. ::: 1, ' 7 ,- 4
,t ...", 1::;," :, : , !_tr . :. : ,
.1 . 3,:::,0",,,,M..),
4 ,