Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, November 23, 1848, Image 1

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S' •
0. G. HRIPSTEAD I Proprietor.
One alto tu n sun Cirri A year, In advent% or two
dollars If not'otil the end aide year, or Salserlpdan.
flio paper , Jed until artearages are paid, except a
the option afire . - .
*lite* ea Ativertlirlimyr
One Square, (relive lines, or lee,) 3 Inactions,
Each aubaeOent Insertion,
4 ON Elquare,3 =:,.
u ... u ii, • .
• Bodeen Cania,.' (our lines or leer. 2. 00
Yearly Ad (who occupy pot over 4 equaread 700
One column, year, . 30 0 0'
. il" . Poarrairo mu:deadens enly‘4ll receive aurntion.,
K The ekes of Hie Night."' .
A - POE-U.V.
`TiIed of reading:Aired - of itching, tired of copying and
And the bed loped so iwriting;' if courting me to
deep 4 i•
.Thatlimided HP #o' PmPmr, mmd::# 3 o o „._guO biD gaitsPer•
Without cuttiMO e'en a osperertrilr:lM. my rut did
creell.. -
1 1 4
8= I fell into tekinber, and hadVilitearilrigi"ieritheut
Bulbar, 2 .
With no nightniktee . to enconiiiii,*:i*Sinp of toy
reit, 4 •
When sound biliestb my 'Misidiiiit.:*lr4,Mll?Mililill
, Inks
Looked znyelesi all Intoilieders, timSj got ,
dressed. -
g io b Ano th er bell equalling, and irifernal caterwaul.
Neer mold be se appalling, as to me it seemed that
might: 5,:`
The 'fbomascats or all creation were let out upon tow
-r •
And were noratcking like the nation.' in an erverluting
flintily throwing ;:tp the sashes, I made divers frantic
dashes Tit
Of shovels full of Oe and ashes on the maddened brutes
Gimlet the fiends !Egan to scatter, and to ceue their tar.
sal clamer-f?.;
Having settled MA the matter, 1 again to bed did go.
Eat VI should livikTorever, it were all a vain endeaVor.
And re estabi kboalit never more forget the horrid
Which came o'er !re through the ashes, when I threw.
the fire and Ahee..
Is rum ball a *en dashes, on the votcu or Tel
Bej Year's Pante Bee.
Dear Sir:-.-terhapg you 'never went Down
Ewa about an et time and Thanksgivin', and
in emir yon dhn't know nothin' about buskin'
frolics ind part e bees and such like affairs.—
Irrsuch . -e*, gluietoson all about partic
viitalte aliiiilookits You, and_tdoul ter
if I let you ip4o souk' sartin - doires in these
parts, that toril,e off,' as you Yorkers say, next
January will b tn.years. Now if Ido tell the
hull story I shill depend on your, !onor, (and I
kalkilste that'spyther better than 3lississippy
bonds,) that yun won't let on me, cause if you
did shonld bte Hetty 'Gawking in my hgir
no time and m*y-be sooner, and Prudence Parr
wouldn't neverlet me stay with her agin in all,
creation. So me goes ; • and as every thing
has a title now-days, Igo in for the ' •
. siEwir isles PARIS' BEE.
And you never went tu a Paria' Bce ! Well,
to tell the fair truth I never did to only one,
and pair me to hoop-poles if ever I dew
again. It was rale screamer, - for that matter,
both on accouri of what •happened there, and
'that befel artegFords. I have been to huskin'
frolics, and quikin's and musters, and fourth of
Independence,d raisin's, but to one giuewine,
high preshure Barin' Bee, and blame the luck
but before r gill threw I had an all-sufficient',
great Pairin' ilraped off my shin bone, along
with a pair of 4. w boots all gone to - smash, be- 1
sides a pair oft spoilt trowsers for mother to • I
scold about for a year arterwards. You see ,
Col. Gristle m" e the party. You know Col: 1
Gristle I'sp ''-‘ lie ' s the Maj. of our rigiment, ;
thew we calls im Col. out of-comfilirnent.—
Well, the Col. iand his wife, and Coz Beckv,
made the frolifs, and in course I hid an invite
and so did allgthe galls and fellirsi for
round. It was ,goin' tulle a fan:ons - one:and I
so mother she Went up to help Cos Becky -0$
out theixins ( the day afore—and when she
cam hum that Bite, by golly ! if my mouth didn't 1
water when alo told over about the ovensful
of punkin.pietd the piles of doeunts,' to say
aothire about ~ s, 'lasses cake and new cider;
already and Ar a away in the back battery; l
tre said hoW t e Col. was goin' to set the two
•ch tables in fore room, and kalkilat e d tt
fix sOme boar4l in the kitchen tu put the rest
of the vittles it atter they'd got done pairin',
and as they stipected about 40 all told and (
there wan% ebiers enuf for. 11 tu set, - they bull
to eat statuliO, which wanthe most perliter t
way, and the' ileL he kOtio for .he had been to
the Legislatti4ll last winter and Seed bow the
great folks du it. Gracious thawt I, if I don't
make np far' 'tint thow,-.-I eau-eat is much
lel that . WO it goes down-se much strater:
ll towards bite the next day, while I was
Oin' ngialaho .should 'cum along, but Jig!
0 ,w,.__..,..,_-.4 l 4"onanind slier" bin party tIo:tle,
aIIIMM ' nay thing. - . -.- '
• ilow,a4- . 11,7 ed rem he. ..- '. . J__.
‘oli, Id* , • • •• k: ioc X ;,4tow is jpiiiir
`ateellos* so. only a little, ,teller
-ip to limialujurn -to-nit• r - . 7 I
4 Yaoillyloikwyr .oexi I, "if leas ewer: git !
(hoes ere'dinrait bodice _ .1. ; ; tnd .. ,
'Pao 454 notio inn) ti m . p er i l
trafilif**smoititna lie. e ,
_...„.k ,i -
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- IlloY iii* bean` ii.l4# of ostaiWind i
bad beenlagrn it the half an how darn
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I webby the seal will soften the lea - 1, er,' and off
We started. ~ I lmd on ty. new . b trollies.
We hooliMlf: got- the cloth hum , - the mill,
-Ind Antit :Bitty -sot up all mite to ; dab them
for the -'oetiasion'. , ; My coat was only cumin
tu years.old, and.. I felt that I wasn't to be
teemed at by Alike what hadn't got no. noses.
Jim.and I had agreed &forehand that we'd ;bor
row:Deacon Ditnond's old mair and wagini and
so Itingliurn sum of the gals; so we went into
the .old-!Deacon's to git her as we went along
The: old man was pesky feer'd she'd cut up
SUM infernal caper with us, euz, you 'see, she
imsJ sorter : . skittish like, and besides be knew
that! an Was rayther a wild feller, .and didn't
I kete no more for a ninepence than a blue cat
does when-her back is t But I.ltold him I'd
'drive and be kereful, an dto click the matter
*paid him tu shillings down, and promised I
him the other. the next day—se he told us if j
we could catch the beast we might try it, - and I
out we went to the pester: But the old mare j
was es-shy as a black fox,-and wool n't be come
over so easy. She laid her ears a& on her
rieck,l and rolled out- the white of her eye, as
Much as to say„'nothin' green here young
and off she started, on a tall t t, her tale
-ivitcibin' this way and that way lik all nature, 1
clear to tether end of the , paster A weary I
chase we had ,of it, I - tell ye, of we could j
oOrner her. At hit we got her in tween the I
fence and a big reek, and Tun he pt up on
one side, and I owtother, till at . ' t I made a
grab at her foretop. '
But no sooner aid I lay my
J on her than
she wheeled. on ber hind feet, in the twinklin' of
a drim stick, and landed me as mu li as twenty
feet, end over end, into a brush h p. - t' Con
earn the Rip!" sea I, and picked , self up al
most the quickest — and when I lopked round ,
1 for the mair, may I be blasted if Jim wasn't on
her back, without halter or bridle; griphe her
Mane like destruction, and her puttin' in the
licks the worst kind for the orchard. Ride
jsrualrmy.lad ! thinks I, or you'll git thalint
brushed off your broadcloth. But the changed
j her mind when she got most there,' and turned
for the barnyard In she went, fther white,
and up br'eught allstandie agin , t
j e hayrack.
Soon as she 'stopped Tim slipped if and put
the bars up, and then we bad he where we
could handle her. We soon fixed t e old vixen
into the toggery and started. Alter we got
out of site of the Deacon's I guesalshe had her
pay for the' ground and lofty tumblin' she made
me perform, and the way she 'took her feet
at from the ground was a kortion to horse
she . We see'd long 'fore we got tu the
Kurnel's that there was tu be a bond one their
that ennui', for the winders mu all lited up
both l in the fore room and kitchen, and every
now and then, as we got nearer, we coed beer
i&Libedy-tir other tore rite out - a %s n.
Put on the bask Jed " so-, _ ~",. they'll
j IWO* fim ott Ittieje..tra. • ."..
, Net as yen knot on:"sed 1,-;!, '!ag. • .
-Ii in the sea yet—that's only ' e Longly
laffin at sum of his Own nonsense. I can tell •
Mike's whoop as fur as I can bear* hootowL"
With that we shove up tu the doer, and Jim,
he jumped out; I followed suit; hut, 13y the
powers; no sooner :than my feet struck the
ground but I curled up like a tree'dlforkentine !
' Golly grashiousj! Jim," sez I, 1" if my feet
aint all jelly !" ;
• ' Weil," sed he, :" didn't I tell You to pour
it out ! ! I shouldn't wonder if they was all
soap afote mornin. l.
And shure enuff, with the Hope and the run
, in', my feet did feel just like to reed hot blis
ters. I sot down on the stoop i .jnd ted tn .
pall my boots off, and Jim, be tried, b it they
wonldn% start any more - than the skin itself,
and I Mite jest as well tried to, pn 1 the bones
out, so I seed I must grin and bear it for the
nice for sartin, thow I couldn't staid np strata
fOr the life of me. When we got in ther was
all at it bizzSt enuir—sum was pai sum was
rt i it
eorin', and sum was stringin', and hey was all
torkin and laffi,n like , all nature. Alont haft a
duzen fellers was down on a bench,l in-one cot
inbr, with' baskets of apples rite gem them, and
if the pairins didn't fly of in whatl folks call a
langint, then I - never setal one. ;Chen thair
was about as many More gals and I fellers,cut
till off the buts and, tips, 'and a par l more was
a entin out the cores, while a alm ty lot was
Stringin' as if for life a9d no Caters •
' Many hands ntakefflite work,' - -
I made for the long utile, I r bsir
atringin'._ I see'd the pntyest pa
that table, and besides they seemed
-inosti fun
Prudence," aez I , "lend a felle
" Sorry to pity jou, Mr. NM
"but you see I base just lent th
ft :4' Stun," sez 1, " hand us that
1 pl!ire-''
i i Plqe you blamed lust, Jed," se;
,"You'd better take yourself
Ibrifici , crowded now, besides I jest
' itikkini, axin aster you, over,the
btlut,...andeira." 1
ItOraurpever, bunted around 't
needle, bufAs for,gittin a place to
table, that was another sort of are
XIV 4ll'round,i i eoneluded to giv
Rto ebliu' Beta while I bad
I t l i tt i tte i at tkejn i c a t -tall: Jim :
Aire, so Ito ola pawn' or
Audi what aads
o it w oo gm all
Xid to stand 'king Of 01 , 41
iblk'r . 1 4 5 the Est"ltablisrile
111111 r vas Joi dispa r ities . "'" •
C+thel Wee *CAE al - l ' i i lli aAM
; awl
le Ilia put oft ‘,611 Or ii skew,
',War ' ,V* !hot Milli Losesi oat
, tolthiriVi 5 kali
'oattooditivolf, ens, for ens
*dlao liiria,udieis foe-soother
a d
*lts souk o sibiso ti Rev; '• : i
iii roc iiiiey well voseisna"
bimietbo se hie, fie up
i laaid sondee,fo".l int aid
app -
04 4
tli . #gtif•Voi .
ttniM, tu, and then we.went to clearin' up and
shd.velled the parin's and cores up intu bas
ket* and carried - them oat intu the shed. Then
thd: gala set : tit and swept all the skatterins intu
orni corner, and it had just begun tu sound like
'Babel broke loose, when 'Col. Gristle says
" slipper's
.reads!", .Jintiga, how quick they
all'ilstopt. Pretty soon, however, they begun
tu pair - off towards the" kitchen and I seed a
dar , idy sort of a leller.froin the village shinin'
ur4o Prudence Parr, as much as tu say "with
year leave, Miss, I'll wait on you." : Thinks. I
no or never, so I stepped up putty quick; and
1 stielcin' out one foot tu make a bow, I struck
it fill' force agin one of thebench laigs..
tDarnation !' sed I ; and didn't,l doable up
abcfut the quiekettl The gals all tittered, and
soie Sf the fellers laffed rite out: . • '
i By the time Pd got striae . agirtind 'Wiped
(theZtears out of my eyes, Pritdenci, :ilia gone
tff;With the dandy, and 'as I felt retisidetable
watiible-cropt, I didn't try envy inert,' an'ent,
but limped mtu the . kitchen and daubed inn'
theleatibles. The supper went off putty fair.
Thll fellers helped the gals in applesass and
do4uts, and gin g er tea, and pies,
.and lots of
neat eider, and if I had not got my toes trod.
on' e, very little while, I should tuk real comfort.
After a while they went tu.drinkin' tastes, and
kisiin' glasses and 'crossin' tumblers, &c.., and'
we.r4vaa havin' a fitst rate spell of weather, when
Jon Spraig steps up to Sally Savage.
i With your leave Miss Sally, I should like
to tike a cross banded drink of sider with you. " !
ii Oh I'm agreeable -as a ehip-baiket," sez
Sally, so they tilled up and standin' kinder
faciti' with the tumblers in. their rite hands,-
tbetlocked their rite arms and begun to swal-
ler4, But 'as joe got his about half down, som e !
infirnal scamp cum 'along. behind him and
prieked him enamost tu the bone !' I was
standin' rather afore him and rather side on'
hint and I seed him Jump, and then 'he shut
his7imouth and grinned and tried to choke it I
doWn—but it wasn't no go—the alder squirted
outof his nose, and Airew his teeth, and at last
he fairly busted up rite in Sally's face! Pol- i
lywags I wasn't there a mess l And then such
1 a rear.,,l wouldn't been in' Joe's place for a
kwlrt oof beech nuts. Sally's frock was all
spited, and her new collar wilted dawn jest like
, a piece'of white bladder. However they wiped
her down putty dry, and Cu; Becky said she
, diilh't think the eider would stain especially if
she]put her frock asoak as soon as she got hum.
Baf the dandy chap said as how it wood take
th4uller all out. He se that eider was a
asshead, and that assbead idlers took the cul
ler Out of such stuff, if they didn't bate some
ilintrly to ContraeCit. Col.'Gristle didn't relish
it much to have his Sider called it asnhead; he'
sa4 it didn't even conic ant of a hak.Shead, - but
outof a good clean barrel, and be himself seed'
to.** clansiu' on't. And as t o bliferkiir&W,
he -glidn't see aviteing•niore r illculrfilblifrttie I
urges the dandy -chap worelin the aide of - his" 1
fief . , and if be didn't mina his eye he'd pull
so* of his alleurly. out for him.
~ .
1 3
nt.the village chap wan't to be put doun
so, ut went on to explain hew than allkerlys
meet sallyratns and perlash and such .stuff„ and
finally perswadecl 'em tu put on some pm:lash
ionihf sallyratus. Sal sed she -did% think much
good on't, for it wood be puttin' two, Sals to-
getlier and she didn't believe they'd agree any-
.how, and as fur purlushun, they'd got ennff of
that alreaddy. Howsoever they rubbed her all
over wherever the cider went, and may I be'
mated into pigtail, if in haff an hour, she didn't I
looli c Jim Spooner sed, like a wbited sepal-1
kec;:only wusser. Her frock was sort of pink=!
ish4and wherever the perlashun went it took
out all the eidler - only the eider culler, and that I
wai; jest no culler at all. I guess she remem- I
bered the dandy as long as she did poor "Joe;
Sprig, who slunk into a corner and never Bed/
bodt! all,the rest of the evenin.' , , '
1 • Wel arta we'd ate and drurdt'as much as
welpood holt, the gals turned tu and'eleared off
tbeAlshes and then we begun the spree in ar
, nesi, . Col. Gristle had got black Jake to cum
anti fiddle, so we laid out for tew sets, one in
theWoar room and the other in the kitchen, and
blaft Jake took his place in the entry between,
so that both could hear the 'music. I did'nt
feeP much like shavin' it dowp real hard, but I
kinder thort rd try one or two jiggs, so arter
the'd begun tu stand up, I walked up to a
putt,y lookin' sort of a gal, that nobody seemed
to potice, she was so still and quiet like; and
=ell her if she'd " jist favo . ?isio with her hand,"
&et she sed " she was much obliged, she guess
ed-the shoodn't dance that time.", " May be
yolk will the next, then," sea I, thipkin' to en
gag() her afore hand, you know ; but-she curled
up 'like a pint of beet jnice,p,nd said something
I didit'Vbear, when turning my. eye I seed half
a dieen felfers lookin' at me, ee.namost Teddy
tu oloort rite out, just then the
,dandy chap
mil struttin' along with Prudence, and as they
1 goi,iclose tu me, Prudence sea she, iu a sorter
Ved :iomebody's pintied the dishcloth on
yotir back l' -
tlainenation, but I felt mad matt tit rare rite
up n end.
"':,Who on eirtb,' sed. I, • has' did this 9'
.. .
Add - I kitched it off in lets than no ; time. It
wake-it:Wet end,greasy, and I felt 4 eerier oho
kiva, :lineation, just ea thew I vend have manned
it. olocursomebody's neck grew- and all. :At
asmink. I seed &chap lookin' .mitt' knowin'
salenmoriti , Se confounded ughqiiiibt'out
of *weenier of! hie eye, ,;$0 oi litres - bilis' I
**Jet the disk cloth dries. .. One norner,,of it
too* the onetime* ecrou.the lion* end
eliitin' off theta)" cousern went slap l rite iota
theniskir'e addle I : " ' • - ,'. i - ..'
• .407 gee ,bhtelty - 11 who dierdit? taw dat
taitnasty pot rag at' n - ruggerl—leay . mass*
Orititle I - stnaimidy ' cheek - die', easi tasty dish
tut iiterin4iiii iddlev.htspile.hiin theiy; de
bottle; , gineisy' all . obee; audde.tring , daraibs
ite*Mmtunt in Nat. ) ,.! , ' , , ; - - :, - 7 - ; -..- •
f , lieed I ma in'-iir it, In 4 rives Yasidstu
'Otte. — - ' ,' t .".. ; '' . l `,l" A' =.l' * '
.1 - :, 44 41 ,- ibroni 1, , Jolis, l -- ea tipai' qatiti*
simillidliolbiek tbsiellust at, ' !..:,, + -,`.
if illy at,*.liiitiplertakk. iiiiit'ic
nrosuborkil simp-* R K fariite -
' ' 410110161440 7- *I4IIP-411K 1 i
• t• .
bloke I, so
• hey was a
was all at
to have the
' a, needle.'
" eez she,
W 6 one to
lo if you
nt of- this,
hard Hetty
• t
among toe
- 11 1 found ,a
tend it the
and arter
: itup . . and
, tryie to
~,, , , , -r hid
Ida !Rub piade in'.
alma sblue
litr awe
I it took itt
seed . e winked out of ' t'eth, corner of his eye.
I felt • , riledl forgot all a i out my toes, and
just t ien Col, Gristle Milt 4long and I .walked
rite n' to him and toldliiii I didn't enin'tti his
bottsii tube insulted in that way, end ' , 'git.' in• a
muss . with a -nigger, and gilt I was goin' , eite
bum; so I wood in leas thaii,tew 'mints.
.Y.. 0 shant du no sigh thing, Jed.' sez lie,
" I al t goin' to- beventiylikwarrelin' in this
plaeoi -o just takemy.darteaie,and.stand up
along "ith the rest,:rilsee that Jake tunes rip.
the 11 ! dle.'
i Is on seed that a Tittles P'' n'iik gees' a great •
f way g . mtiiimii Lk winOiail fit shy Of 'Me' ill
theev • n, now cilm - up ttrWerli regtilaii-and
iwit,a.' - ' , _l, - .at it do_w_n-naisi, .*liitheiniddle, east
of, t ri , 6,4nd.l ift4 pattia"Ait,thif:diabbleishuffles
andT.,.• , and heel like nitnitne * 'Jake, however
{ woad * sum times make tt'. sill i ` on the hie' 'notes
land 1. en we egod hear , him, l'-tam de dish . rag!'
;Prink. ce ,Parr and , tbedaiidy, fellertseemed
}pity ' ink all the .gine, 'midi I didn't like it at.
all. -. ou see,,l, idlers took a sorter likin' to
'Prue, . nal. kinder thort'lshh bled me tu, but
I seed it was noose new, se I concluded to hold
ton anl' i watek!em. Putty loon it entii • their
! turn, t •lead off dna if Allenzlydidn't trot out
kiiir, then no colt ever-did.,- lie sartinly did du
it up in puttygOod
,stile, elnsiderin,' only be
put in ill — ldler tifmnekmetaferiell Work, but as
for the dabbleshuffles, lie•Cohd'nt bold ii*eandle
tu-siiiii on us. Prue was 4 loud one at the
work, and the way she rattled the shim leather
was•oibinous of a swift destrintion orbeeltaps.
Alleuely seemed tu• he putty ambishns to throw
off , his passes,, and jest as he got doun to the
lower pod, I seed him tryin' to duvtail a pigeon
wing into some of his queer erankants, when
fetchiti' dOun one foot rasher hard, he trod on
an ap t o pairin' and both his! heels fl ew into the .
air k i. eker than you coed chum half.
Ou of, his.settlers took 4 3 rudenc e in the
stun nek and eenaniost sent her,threir one of
the ' inlets ; the other hit; The ) tiles right'
under the smeller and plagr near necked his
node off, while Alleurly cum doun ker thump,
rite on the.bottum of hie bash. Criekery ! how
the dishes rattled ! and slob is boss laf, I guess
you never beerd on. ,
'Bring the chicken up til the doe dish,' ses
Jim Spooner. ' Give him slum o'f the perlu
shun,' i sez ial 'Savage, 'it i will ceteiact the
assbead.' . ' He's go the *perhistinn enuf, I
gess,' says Mike Longley, ' only jest look bow
i his trowsers is split 'np,'..anfl may I be eater
mauled if' his, trowseis wet' t all busted out
from his wastbans clean don, haf way to his
boots . - Airth and. Wurins,l how he did look!
His irowses was strapped clpun orful titeend
1 they'was 'a snug fit lbesidef, encl. so When he
kinder{ get up on' liii laigs4:he elapsilioth his
handsibehind iglu,. and serkir backed efft,o the
kitch and the. last we seed on him be was
init . i ilie** roo t ., diroa,i.i- ,11 4_. ro s .414 -441 . 146
like': eitAietion: 't.riieine deli 'any eirtiviiii
More eiheinder of :hereel 4
.:. Pridenee•Parr alionsiderableepel , • wawie,lor-what
with the - all-sufficient ri - iser that Alleurly
t az.
gave. tier vitals, she Seemed nst like ,ai sic gos-
lin. As fur Ike Miles he4ed his proboscis felt
about the strangest, it was is mach as an inch
shorter, and as broad again as ever he need it
afore:, . , , • ' ^'• '
''Rilth it with Soft ; soap;'l sez Jim Spooner,
and all the kicks will wipe oit as smooth as a
dish cloth.' - t
." Ntme of your slack here, Jim," scs'l, and
I gave him a look that sobOred him about the
quickest. .
" Clem grind away old meal bag,"--sez I, or
yule never earn your dollar..,
Nig, rolled out the onion skin, rubbed on - the
rossun, and tid-re-i•whoop! tvhat a spree! We
danced the niger faSt a4ecip, but that didn't.,
make any odds—be ' kept tree ticl-re-i-gion;
regular-as a fee party; and has head as it nod
ded 'this way and that way I kept time like a
steath linjun. Prudence got over her fit of All
curly, and I danced with her and the she
danced with me, and every; thing arter'eras'
went smooth as a taller caudel. I forgot bout
my tows,
;land finally as nobody asked He ty to
dance thort I wood. But 'r
-the varniin told
me slap ! " She wan'; gain' to dance hme
nor nebody else wheittve'd,g-ot clear 'a tu i
the tale of the heap." ' : "Jest's you like risk 1
sex I, 4 ' no offence I hope ; 1 " land with tb Col.
6 ristle cum along, and se* he. :
" Boys and gals, I Bess, you've hail 'u
for one spree, andr per'aps you'd better
abotit gittin' hula afore liiMg!!"
I felt for Aeid get abitllffull, and t
Ttold him so—and' sO sea tile rest of ' tl
lers, a d so sed . Pruifiincel Farr, and £l,al
age se she'd got perluehrte c uf, and she
l Allcri y bad tu, and sews c cludedin •
1 kinder kept . an eye pa P'-u, once, so 4.s ride bum with me, tvbieh wood be
all retina, as her folks 14 , 04 just befit)
house,i but the fast I rroedil she was alcsd,
whoa arm &mod she beioni but Jim
er's 1' , , r
:" c niJed,". ses he, ';flare Alp, the. ;IT'S
are %laid& •, Whare's :yo ' r 'gal?" p ' 1 'lO
dumfenaded like`i
that I'. 'diet know w' it tu
think. ‘lTlie dogs 4 sbe iii,".i ses I; '$ : Ilia
'ritelint'sud•git . in dud Ili be thare in to ' see=.
midi.' But own Au iopli reund there Keel.
'nobody gain' - our' irs4 , 'b t' What' hid fg.- tel. ]
lers, except Hetty Oa* lbs. - Thinks ' ;Ili
'stay la rite and cart tile; blit-jeat-thia 1:41
.me liaand'irist i m - '
oil' se *min- a Oritilbii . a ?
rill) - , "ilit'itiai Trait '
to 'pi_ i the 'Rata - 4*,
4 ,t'. l gimig 1410 11 .
b in ,
fo w
.;' .•, slt ~, *4,
led ,iAur. Pato 41
, gette4=4*
90rAmi --- 4. ids!
long Mleba read. and ge4
naJtbaf,* wikbada t gon
begin tOebiaboeb . , . , . 1
amnia' - elardatt#4.
'w*;a elesivipis r ,
f; isikal
llop lons stella r Alai
- Maar ' Hviortait' 7 - 1
la l-. . liclmig, '
,f: ,• i . .; i . z.i., ' •:,1,,• , I•V t ' , IV.
.0•61; ti ill , IN
[ • . _ _,
Jest,then tilsist tu a l ittle-race bf doun
bill, which was int ea it ca t s ba'olt When
she's skeered, an. I ednitt to fittll'berinp, `but;
the rimer I pulled . hi's *Meer km rue I•biaced
agin the fore pi -and teldi,getty•to !hold on
behind, soiliben pie imaalmity .twitch !
swathing give we , Al i ' .coodn'A 'ten what
it was, but it,` see •ed id rd tiplii thtilcrikters
jaws clear up to . or 'earl; bait didn'tetop her
no moor than it ... da f t° thein Utopia. , • On
she went faster dat every plunge,the, old
wagon seat and.,a
.there wad °a f t...would jump
as much as tew I et - ,rite', on end - saran. The
trees and fencie .; OW by' is's° quick 'We cOod
not 'count fern, an. the ntooaerhichwite almost
doun, kept rollinf- 'nd timblin' isbout 'cottony,
while. as for the s ars ' was
ell; curved
with little , shiriey pecks,, that kept dancin' sod
ekitterweein' abo . t jest! like the siaikein a .
blacksmiths obim .y. Illegals screemed, and
Jim he got hold . ',inie ram hollored whoa! , and
I griped t'other a. d hollered - whoa! bit there
was no whoa to ..rl-shei only puffed.: a little
harder and made ,e fire roll out of tiM rocks
terribly. I thort fora Mink the judguient wits
cunt, and we wad'death 4ni the pale hose 1—
W-hen we got opposite told Square ' Oawkin?s
Hetty sung out. I l ike a pig under a; pt. tA, , it
0u.7-lou--woiti§itit_cogdiet speak,' et once,
you noo, on aceb i net 1_ tbe motion, and she
screeched 'in you mo o hale heerd her - tew
miles.' - 1.
•• Hold your tung,' you infarnel -wild eat I"
sez Jim, "or thin old she-devil hear ahead, will
lead us all into a rnity itrless than !satiate."
Prudence blob red, and put her anis round
Jim, and hugged bciut this closest.
As for. Hetty, a dug her long bonysnuccles I
into my ribs, 'in gripped - as, if shefd,tair the
bones out. It w Heaven'stneroy hoW the old
mair kept the ro d , for ere cooldn't .steer her
enny moor than, e roodl a wild rhinblicrom,
and the 'smoke r ed lint of her nostrils like
Beleybub himself. Well, on we wentlickerty
smash, dyer they oks end - gridirons, shmtimes
on one wheel and. umtimes on nun at 4U. Jet
hu! how she did ake the gravel Ily my teeth
I l e
rattled in my hesid as if they was ill loose its
the socket. At *at vacua in skeet Deacon
Dimon's.. i . , .. : ._
•' Now," sea jim,."' hold her Mao* if sh 4
turns up the Deacon's i lane we are all gone
sockers." " I 1
" Well," sea I; " lend us a band at this off
rave"—and we placed iklirselves. ,1.
" Give offtbe Word4m," ses I: •. - .
"Now thea.together,f? sea he, and We settled i
upon her. I. ' " 1
But we it. j u t as will Wed to held a bull'
moose by; the .. At that mint ;the rano
brokennilet us. ack oh, tu the .gals.!
," Oh ?" ses.P dence. ,
" Wiughr ses KettY. ' .
At that instaiOhangntair turised the obr--
noniik eit • - Veireifiwki .:::.1
' " Hold on;' I, atialHotty ktin-Iniabriiii
hook* like t6+..: ill Pr f.dath to 4.104442iggget
I felt A 00,4 of tuy temin" jig is i 'body do*
afore they puke4,so I . drained iiiiiii bed and
(abet my eyes, and over : 'we went .. ere yes
, a yel and then
,a masli,ratilt then Whim I bum
' to myself I was tetickin forked end '4, aivye
clean over my irk nideie'bri beep Of corn fod,
der' ‘As soop l
`n 'eoQti dig out'l'looltt round
for the fragnbn • , . HMV Was lying' on - her
back with near haf the hick of my?trowseri
in her - clutch, that; she gasped let go
on when the wash cum. The old their was
gone with the for *heels, end the refit - of -the"
wagon was bottom up in.r,the ditch. Prudence
wasn't 'hurt witch—she fell as I did, on the
storks ; but as fur poor Jim, I thort it was all
up with him. H' lay deep in the toilder and
kicked masterly. - 1 I hollered to bim; ind axed.
him if he was hurt I but be glinted and kicked .
wusser. At lastil got 'hold of his leigs and
pulled him out; aini such a looking site :I gess
never was herd oia in these parts ! -, There be.
lay with his head ,drove clean up tu his shool
dors in one of Deacon Dimond's bard shell
pumpkins! and to git out agin he cob - doff, no
how, but kept fiouttderingabeeilikeevesy thing
broke loose:
~ 1 , . , I. ,
" Hold still, Jup," sear, "and - I'llix it ; so
when he got eas I tuk a - stun, and Standing
rite over him; yot:
no, `I let her drive. 4 l smash:-
ed the punkin an ~' how,. ind cum plagy ni dri- '
vin Jim's suieller?doun his throwt, in.,tha bar
gin.l But putty soon hagot up, .and begun tp
spit, and chow, and sputter, and then he begun
cuss"—and si b Orfut wicked- word's ! - '
1 - i
' ” Darnashun: tts gollyrgruhutt!"-;-sets he, if
this stint jest the . Jul spree 1 ern.: didvitiie l
Whoop 1 Chaw pe into show atringsl,,,if I
didn't think I Wraioleattinte,the middle otneit
week, when I wail piali in that infafnitpunkin I
Whew ! if this eint - the lilt Punkin nail ITiiver
did eat, for .sirtiis,-4eminal Prudence; lint
your bonnitis nbeked intit..l maid hat rc
Withthat he wiped the gamy off front his.face
and pulled the.pnillltia . peeds'out of,liii hare.. ,
~; But, Jed ri . i i )10,` 11l Wheei's ;dui rest 'et
your trawlers ri- --i . - • . .‘.: .- ,
..Say, nothing about. the -trewsis, l ? see I;
~‘lsbars the. D - 'e, t" , , -,,. ::• , .
" Sure Beg 17 , i _ ',T* and ..wel*tted for
e 4 ed
' We'fontid liter, 4i ; her aide;;in the
audit alinwhuitirilediit a d earo, of us,:
thcrilioss: flesh s/ ' n'aikiek - Oil.- ,isOiii.for -as
*rival ,0/ 11 , ih..44oo. l o4o4o , :zititilliko
swivel 11 4. 1 .1r04 6 #441,4* 1 4 4 4 1 kienar49 1 t
up tiithe iicriparko ilieeldinWirjui tu - hold
heirlilAr elk 'Wora i ltt Pi' 6 iiie:lWi
Ifiiiiiiiikkett. - -jittiliti r-
1 / .l 4 : (''bern t l
ands P 4 '4, 10 iitsall* Of , ilOtion
Ogegst r iful-!• _ -
.tom tilikW l l - Ahi
9 1 4 , -MOOFIO. kr-0PF:4,.. 1 " , 40-4 1 4,P 1
iteliod:' , ' -
Ther * eto iiititt, '4
in Bee, that.' - 'e
t4O whiitl ,
ihOie N'"
6144 iiiit-.
- kit&
~ .
,e fel-
7 our
, and
at Trffe 4
f f r,ftt
.1! • •
ft rl-r;;v,-.-fi,,1,,,,.,
VOL V-11
, .01.4
r .~.. .
goiout 'tertai kir *Ow
nakeiviansouth draw tows on.botVOMISIONP,
au „NT- Ash lAosz *await wk. -11 1 0 0101
T ir e witil s l 44 * I: 1 1; 1 F ilior*a_Z; ssoor`
sop., in iEt• ti4t# ii n6b Oi l 618 *-"
gihte -;
- r 4,- hattitail -P4liliffe • arrll.4
-Jeourntry, 1..4844. '
P. S. forgot tell 3 4 4*aw ' lliiiing"afia -
'eSpeciallyqletti thisidig
and I' wail Sok 1111
cony body can gess. 9 4.;4.:1
. ,i., -f-,'-1;:•:' Li
Th e arr . or.
.--..7..;,7-..-p-, ------ -;s,-)! ,,- --10-- , -,- , u- 4.4- l in ..Iz-grg:
. . ..
• • - . - - 1 - -
Awiy. to the wao, way lover hanggs/s4 . l i g: -.4
yftwe.cuce.,bugla's be4;44- 1 ,. t
.„ 1- ,, , N.-i3;- ;
When awake*the Jinni O f . the hait - iiitiwV .
''' - An4th"Vseiliski 14 , 4 iiiiitil:t.alv.
iriiiiihiwod . huderaid badges at 4
And b ' - eimbrightin - sik, : ctijil
As he spirs-on is_stoed, dishing wild. bolt , .
A i n
O'er- the fiehiArlite:Witiggiii won:
.:. ~,:.:':,,, , ----,,, j 1 ,-.-1-y , i'''; T. •
~ . .-'4, . .':1 , ; , ..-L-7.'
id ,the wild sliOut, -, 4 0 4 , '0'44-9 1 ..Agnsi! :,
`.*nilite't;64siiiiig - 04'31atiohiii0, .
' . '.. ' 4. ' --totreiiiriiiiiiii*,iiiitpfight
,,.! - -f *iliti liraio a tbs. 7ebsigeL,, - i-' 1 " . l -
T ough*o.liothecontbati-thotlngtililWlPC
' - ii1.f#,0 1 4 . e91 1 4,' iittropivTi, -- ii,.%
Y t. LIY-,.:4 1 ‘ arm : !thigh - tow *Rs difl44 l .; ; '
heir' iiiight iihrokS til l 'i'thOlig.'n!
~ - .11 It', I '; , f; . ..117 .1 r;•::.; ,
Ah I buti,tbe thought t h at . my .lo rill * .
To sleep with the mangled - slalor r i- • - .
Wounded with Sabre,: or crustlisity*w"
Giirei Widneti; !.sorrow and pain: =f l z;!:
Itut, , _flevits-r- weiiiion-- foe , iiin.itinplok -.7-;..
Ahallialik.4: ll 4olifo4. lo 4.o.i.loo l 'ii.!o-,f1.4 ~1 . 5..,, ->
Nor the dark iron-globe, Winged to de5*7 . 1.2 1 ,
-Cope finer to his,gallant form. , --: . i - .
~ . . 4 .,_. . , ,-.- ~ --',..,y,•;.-.1 ~...-.,.
Ow! let biin_liresS*here the carnage ikgrife e.
Andlikiecis spreading wide; • H. ,
My spirit;--.Witli him ; - stall he in the Atif' d; ,, - •
His breast from peril to guide 1, -., '
Th4o.-fraur the 44 1 41iWbf.441014 . .b l 4lO/,..4ft
With loseto:o.4TP' lils . -Toll-•i-: - - .'-,--, l•
And of *ree — ii - 4001 -:iiitirined i ".. Ogigiitili v
- lialeiti gaYiiiiith I'4 bii-Wit. , :' i' .-.',,'-% '4: , I,
—Pnrwaittirtillintl..;l .
„t The fully
__of j tielaying Juit,whialle t atiutt*
wiste4—blr,!teewillishe!iiis one of -thi gfer4 l
Weaknei,seii , Cif humanity , againiewhieli supili.
ists- haie dielaiiiid - and-reiciaiiiiin &i:Mita,''.,
and yet, `despite ifie universal elinitorAtipoisr ,
aria acknowledged .by .'. these whs. 414 iiiiit
litreituwitt r,e 8 w4ea.44:44. 1 ,Pw!..4 11 1 11 ,010
moat reluctantly , to . its sway . Th, v *:if
I:Mtinstion ihoigh * sswithstuSitlii*-
ili s 44 ii — thaiiilk eftsli, -. ."110 6 4
it it iiiei,j.kolli.diirkr4,„
„ ^.3 ,.
- . 31 1,:grAkiadilt0
Alilij _
o issur _ . :
vikte t
sw..o- tlattiwejacomil . juipoig
Abs 7thickm. w O ir-, o 1 0 4 , 12 6:: - mimptir . ,_
su iting: for 4i;i * 3l Wsl*hm p tio irf
secure;' and,' We' freely ieinnis,
,i.vieso; worth: is: ~ , , i.. A z..t , ln : 4 i_tra
„ rfi..iiiitti. be *miliaria, ire - hiortoushitso '
will brio* us suffleieni..eSuriure and stimilhoop
o,l o o . o 4!f l thfLrei ik s a L4 ' n frbff .a lTill* '
'ate exertion, wi ire4llsw Yr, - P e 'F"'F' 9 4 Z -
eristinith Snit' the 'AI iwe hitee'iii '
overwh4sul. ' And so:lififfiesiiiSt?. TFl', '"" f
i We form purposes which we seciluitli*
to keep, and ricokeiletioni;Sektelklolic*4#l*
getm by flxemws*whisll4POit WiteXFawadinyr
tion,wareadq atilt tobc atWuril.; , Oiii Olf
ads is thug . hourly:l44* 'initiiiilieliiily .
Waste INS time in whisk `thc•iorsit'rWi arQf ..
alight-be snriiioinited, , buOvialer taielnidscr
competent to, the; ( oiichrge, 454 1 1tpliti
, .It, is fsr Wisair,,.when,,ey r ila"UsanOt
...# pig
I to' anticipate Worn', to.n4 iAC ofehict,_
"moil liesirt, thailiniCueedijiiiiiiiitsliiii
fly, addihat disrohe tl4L:ititteii ierliiiir rint — At
sharpestOang., °'i. , 4',14,i, -;,j; -li ' I ,P, is t.,
It is always *Wt.. act titatt P ituffir,. 41114
yeti ever Y daYw eP e ri9S'lt itl!'- 1 %.1w7410
progress, l litetWllled by site iiiitt*,7.eintrs
repugnaueelemotioW; ah -ihat thifianilliiirt
repining tor the *int of litai , WhiettliiiitililP
ketosis preterits- theta fruit enjoyint, , P.'ff)t •=..t!.0 .1,
t u r n OT; ,nd 9 c, p lab i t's . - t i r, ' 7 ' l l !OM**
wit - tiOttle.weiqtY") ; f i fluliudurt Mit r l = l
of "distress; ihich l it is tri their posiefO '"':,
and the Secashinlor . Which . ,'S litili i iihar
eniplOymitintliniuld 'effeetßaityilits4o l,.?:/.x-;!.•
yhereprisr,gainin. swrificingi,benwei.
tag* to.ilteseß ; kr.A l ,OO.lN
duty, sirSply_to
.avoid Aitliabet7Pi.,,r*lB,9l
it, we I. 'the 'resiairteliimetpient lintY ‘ ii* its
faithful terformanet, namely, our iielfipprorsi.
l t i i a o n IO
Neg C i ' e irken;ww
:try vtu
j ni t t ti l
by devoting his life'to'li great t
Will - find bin'posierh of Ofiadthiiieltis;
tireiy at hit sin Itlistiosik 'ltelicirsiiwistpiii.
'yank likfront enjoying
rous of npPVlirlk4l,ll',-
rendering the' seeiskint toot a iim,
,ob so i rsuit
Wit' - ow jiet - fiti - 4 -
agieetoheiamoistiokkaih , - -
iitsillowiek-t pro e Iwinstiiiii*:lll* :, . _
41 - 44 ;!Ok.§ .4 # 111 , 11,1 1 4 :00 ( Ai 011 .!) wi r # 4 ool l
Il t . ,ciiirra!m,ipll=nsPat.
'en - • 'iiii...fral IL
w-- - -r ,
. --, 1.4-,f*4''..'01,_21
8 1 dicrrisi***09 1 Y 40 7:er
si - liWiri v 0rea1141110414101 . Oilittiiiiiri,
4:1104d)! rltilollo.4olo Vilitalitiliti;
- ;f '