Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, August 03, 1848, Image 4

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    ~: ..a._.`'1~?1.'.~".3'„7;~2',.~L $1;:~"x;E:.~C~: 7C:= '.`.".:...g: L: S.L`s:._. 3.'Y~°l7T.~'~::~-:,'~al~C..
ve.t,eirr for •
;Free *lPlttriitccogit wilts ti,g /Z
i . 'S. P t
J Office Department.
tt To coati paid for 8.1 cash mei
carrying the with port
I :4l l r7 a ß qt r it ' • 17 1 1:3Ti e tn e ti
Maim 1
1, , 41,45 5'9;
New limps* 25,00 40,48
, flinonent, 2 9,4 6 3 34,338
It ikb oom b use rt oi , 107,392 , 218,20,1
Rhode•lsland, it • 9,187 • 26,8,u
CoapeottOut., 45,797 64.15 G
,blow, York, 2-' 3 9,307 474,75'5
New Jersey . , -,58,930 39,586
Pennsylvania, 155,422 252,17 ,
Ohio, .4416,295 158,86 99
Michigan. • 28,212 38,t11
•bdiant. .1_ s', 52,439 43, 8
Mimi; 4 102,485 52,3 9
11 9,722. 9,4 6
t Wintg44l, Y`.,. .15,043 25,7
1,088,308 1,559,41
1,088,3 8
lops. Yrn,,e States, Jun. 30, '47. 471,1 3
, 4 104ne Sinks sis accou t. with the U. S. P.
ii • Dr. .
0 To cooli id fa D .
4 I 6a
,the l - 7cash
.!, = 74e ye w i th rto ?vor i"in . i t r
i. • ending am. au Ins dune ' .
i c • t. - tairue, -
I, 1847. 1847.
- . • 7,862 8,7 9
iiirAlot 'i, " . 133;751 81,6 6
rnitin ' .., 192,615 - 92,2 2
,--1.411 .- rlii.earoli* ' - 272,520 31,379
Biaith Carolina, 118,157 ' 50,3,3
oe9r &ia, 1 153,001 55,859
„Florida, ; 45,193 10,884
Iltiamotuij i 49,720 . 41,596
liethicky, i. 89,581. 53,62.
Tennessee, ..r. ' 55,298 87,957
. ';'Aiiiiiima, !, 136499 47,602
58,451 83,773
, 39,996 9,569
41,795 68,523
24,201 8,246
I Mississ i pp i,
'Tease, ;
I • 1,318;541 684,079
634,07 9
Bal. to debit Of elaTo
sttlte lane 804'047. .684,462 •
The Strove tobonnts are condensed from the
- Xlatemtnt of the Auditor of tbißost Office
Depirtment, bYwhich it will be seen that while
40 expense of carrying the mails in the free
*Mei atnountid. te $230,233 less than in the
Alive states, 414 nett postage in the free states
amounted to $1)25,353 more than the receipts
in the slave stStes, or $471;123 over and above
the expense of carrying the mails in the free
states for "one ; 'year coding the 30th of June,
1847, being a profit of over forty-three per cent.
The expense cif transporting the. mails during
tho mane period in the. slave states was $684,-
462 more dais the receipts in those states,
shows a loss to the department. of nearly fifty-
Oro per cent. .If the receipts in the slave
states had beekin the same ratio as in the free
-states, the apartment would have realized
$570,000 over the expense or carrying the mail
in slave statesj making a grand"profit ,of $l,.
641,123 for eitTying the mail throughout the
Union. But as the account now stands, the
'expense of slaicry to the Post Office. Depart
ment for one An, r ending the 30th June, 1847,
as compared with the earnings of the free states
$1,554,36; thus slowing a difference in favor
of freedom amt, against slavery of ninety-five
re r cent. . PraY bow much will the free states
s this rate be,taxed to sustain the Post Office
Department ei'aceount of slavery when Mexi
co, California it may be Oregon, are carved
into slave states. But this is only a singlel
item in the debit of slavery: Any' one who
will take the trouble to examine the statistics
of the country ivill be astonished to find how
the produetiv4idustry of the free states is tax
ed to sustain Ai& 'Veculiar institution," and_
yet we are eallCd• upon to extend this oppress
iyesysteminto, territory now free, and to as
. Inime still gre.iter burthens to satisfy the ex
'orbitant demaMis of 300,000 slave-holders.—
Surely one w4dd suppose they ought to be
content with their present bounty.
• • a, • •
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY virtue an Order from the Orphans'
Court of :Suoquehanna County to me di
.rected as Administrator of the Estate of Charles
Chandler Jr. deceased, I shall expose to public
sale by Vendint on-Saturday the 17th day of
*August next the Coen Rouse in Montrose at
Iwo o'clock in'the afternoon. the following de.,
scriharkits .01; unbriproved land situate in the,
towilibipifif Memoir and Harford l itt said cowl.
ty, to Wit
' • 8 pirti,of a..;ract in the' Warrantee name of '
Johntlimiey,"fid . numbered " as follows in the'
resurvey and;;cittbdivisitin,lui, - made hv. John
• Acres. lierct
Pio. 2 noire-surveyed, N 150
, 3 "tl, . 52 150
• 4 ";,; * 61 DO
51 90
. 70. " 51 00
. _7- " 51 ' 90
8 PP, 51 90
• • 51 VG
Aiso 3 other els in Lenox town
ship es lenutiteyed and marked
- hY John Bey*
phi. 2 so rekarveyed,
" 4. " ho_ 56 £8
A 150110010.974140104 :lime of
Robert ' •
,- /iPel-as Toyed, 71. 40
f' 4 ',l6,(the rt. thereof utopia) 38 91
'Abloasint 4 inicur in the
- 3(fenindeolllo• 4o Georg* Eddy.
low,rosasioiajc moki. se now
imkeYeil Jobkiloyleao
AU; la (priotatiniutunsold) 38 • , 1
• , 91.
-1 65. 97
69 • 53
" 63. 115
AN? 4' lots lyiptlst Ott
sultipi of
w ge Itarford and Lenox
rrezeif y Jam •
ti Wit:
" 2 , AS 20
"14 - 48_ -r-26
$ 510 al on each let to the - day erode:
• ,!--.411210.',1,' _.-07 1 .1 - coollispotja
ode and givilig the deed. •The:roudoe.lovbe
one year aft#o49ramaitro ofookt. - it •
t cow ; 1;#44 ,-- ma i rriErr,,Aditior of
PP ; At.
*SD t
' Ca Vitki k "
J :
:* - thiltiNV i S S - ' - /tlsira 7 Se.
IY, itirtife of a writ of Veli: - Ez. iistieirouti4if
.. „ 1 . lfi eourt of comtp9O Pleawin elarlfOr the
q tll
ni 'if , stkneehannitiiiid tope Aliretled; 1
11,011 a beau to public aaleetlhe CoUrt• cute,
14, - iti "BuroUgh ef" kftintrose,,ott fiattirday the
lltbd y of ,Aughsti•l-W, at 1 o'eloOk, P. Dd.;
4 - All. bat certain lOC° cir , pareel- c' land situ
ate in the -township of Harmony in the comity
4A- coefißfini. Bekirming - at a pest..near the
I seuik 'ankerthe '6tarrucca „Creek, and .rdri.
Ring t ence north! 564/.4grees-east ' 170 1-4
perch to a pest, i,hence atiuth 82 degrees, east
120 (ehes to a phitt4thence north 33 - degrties l
end t 4 minittes etitit•lo6l perches to a•post—
thennorth B . 4.4egites west 285 perches; to
cl ,
arts 'thence 'putts q degr e es west 100 Or
'ches t p o st ; thitncetiorth 67i west 170 per
, fiesg•la poet allot their& south 28 1 , degrees'
.east 11 perchealto the place of beginning-r
cents'Wog 33D 4res•with allowance Of 8 per
a. fa roads &c.
-±all unimproved , late the es
tate o Simeon WOodrnff and John W. Copley.
Williamsa in inxectjtion at the suit of Geraham
s vs. Simeon Woodruff and John W.
Copley. •
. .
AtSO--Ail thiit certain piece or- parcel of
lend tituate in Lathrop township, in the county
of Su quelianea, Beginning at a heitnlock tree
at the fouthweet Corner and running ,83 de
greesi north 87 peiches to a pile of stone ut the
rand leading froth'-Tunkhannock creek to the
Alitfoill and Owego thrnpike on the north line
or ticiah Pratt's tot. and continuing on the
afore-said road to It pile of stones on the north
_side Of the brook running an eastwardly direc
tion between Noah ilatt's lot and Josiah Lord's
dwelliog house ; and then running West 3 de.
,green south , continuing 87 perches, to a stake
and stones at the fiord] west corner, and from
thencia to the place of beginning—containing
25- acres more or (essiwith the uppoitenances,
al frothed house, and mostly improved, late the
pignut of Jane B. pisbee. •
Taken in execution at the-suit of George
Prams's. Jane B. Bisbee and Seth Bisbee.
-; AtSis—All thafeertain lot of land in Silver
Lakesownship Stisquehanna county, bounded
on the east by theold road leading from Mon
trose to Binghamton, on the north by lands of
Thomas Mahar, an the west by lands beloog
i6g to the estate of R. H. Rose, dec'd, and
the south by lands of Nicholas Saxton, cons
:hieing about 53 acres with the appurtenances.
a dwelling house: and orchard and about 25
acres improved, late the estate of Thonitts En
Taken in execution it the suit of C.. 8. 1
Vaughn to the use of Lucinda Vaughn vs. Pat
rick Barns and Thomas English.
1140 —By vtrtiie of a writ of Lev. Fe., issued
abd directed as aforesaid, I wilLexpose to pub,
lie sale at the same place and time—All that
certain tract or parcel of land situate ih the
township' of Liberty in the county of.
b*a3aand state Of Pennsylvania, and ;butted,
bounded and descjibed as follows, to wit :
'The first thereof, being-bounded on the north
by the;highway and lands of Rogers Ken,yen;
West by lands of Timothy Ross, south by hinds
of Stephen Dawley, And on the east by lands of
Josiah Davis and lands hereinafter described.
being known as the north half of let numbered
eighthseveh, on n map of resurvey made by
John Burr of the lands of Kerby and Law, and
Containing fifty noses more or less.—Tat: SEC
MID Tnissos Begipning at the southwest cor
nerof lands of Josiah Havis,mear the brook ;
thencesonth on an old , line of lots to the north
east corner of Stephen Dawley's land, and the
east put?division corner in lot No. 87 , thence r
east 'Operates- thence north to the southeast
caper Josiah ' Elavist land, and thence along
the south line of the last mentioned land, west
16 perches m i ., the place of beginning, be the
sflme more or less, being the same premises
cenveYed by .Samuel W. Trewsdelt, and Lucy
his wife, to the said - George Wilkins by Deed
dated Ist March 18.13, recorded in the officej
fer recording Deeds In laid for the county of '•
Susquehanna, in peed book No. 13, page 5E7,
the 15 June, 1843, together with,the here
&laments and ap4urtehances.
Taken in execution at the suit of Stephen S.
Clark and Nelson W. Fisk, vs. George Wil
k'Os. with notice to Terre Tenants.
. Also—By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fe., issued
abd dii-ected as aforesaid, I will expose to pub.
lie sale at the same glace and time—All that
certain piece or parcel olland situate in
ll ock township in the county of Susqueihanen i
(*aided as follows, to Wit . Beginning at a post
sad stones the north side of the state road, a
few rods-east of the four corners ; thence north,
about 12 degrees past 3 perches to a post and
slopes; thence south about 78 degrees east 9
porches to a post and stones , thence south about
12 degrees west 8i ,perche& to a post and stones
on the stale rOad thence along the state road
north about 78 degrees west 9 perches to the
place of beginnidg—containing about of an
acre more or less, with the appurtenances, a '
framed meeting house and all improved-late
the estato of the Proprietors of the Free Meet
ing House in Dimock. township. -
Taken in execution at the suit of Isaiah
- Maine vs. the PrOprietors of the. Free Meeting'
House in Dimoch township.
Also—By virtue of a writ of Test. Vett.,Ex.,
issued, out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Wyoming county and directed as aforesaid, I
will expose to public sale at the same place and
that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being in the township of Au
burn, in the county of Susquehanna, Bounded
On the north by lands of Nelson Love, west by
lands of Nelsod Rathbun, south by lands of
James Ellis and 'east by lands' of Rodolpnus
,Davis; containing about sixty-two acres, with
the appurtenances, a log house,-and about 20
acres improved. .
Taken in execution nt the suit of Almon G.
Stark vs. Samuel . Vartgorder.
N. C. WARNER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
1 Montrose, Ju1y.`45,1848. t •
Strong & Osgoodls vegetable
L s
T.11.1i; Proprietors take this method of ma
hinOnown to the World-the most valuable and t n .?
'portitit discovery ever recorded in the history of mcd-
icinei \
litii testing by chemical experiment, the medicinal
proirtics of a rare plant, which grows akin.; the!
banks of the!Wapsepinicon River, in lowa, they dia.
covet,ed that it possessed a healing and restoring pow.
'e r , iiihich, in their opinion, in combination with other
itninr.lies, the result of their medical researches, would I
, ren4r it a . .
for a, suffering world. - The remedial pdwers of this
'plant were tested with the least possible delay, and in
hunilreds of instances, they proved hilly adequate ni l
the 'Complete end perfect removal of disease in any
andivery form, and it is confidently believed that the
rrem.dy is destined to produce an entire revolution in
the *Medical world. Facts in their possession, fully
warrant them in making the astoundirir annotincel
men), that it immeasurably surpasses-in iss power to
upniitit and expel disease,. every other medicine now
, knotim. - .
I - . i
This Great Remedy;.
has been administered in order to test its poweir to vas
numbers of patient!, in the most hopeless cues. such
!basic! baftled'the skill of the most eminent phipiieians, ,
~.elul;hac-proved too obstinate to be-retnovril biatny of'
the Jiumerobs remedies or the day, and to the . pcifect
astobishment of all. it effected - deinplete and " a.
neat cures; thus brilliantly triumphing, noloidiover
the greatest remedies known to the medical prefeiaion,
but ever all the Piller, Syrups and eau3accas,, whose
virties are'so loudly trumpeted throughout.thelerigth
andAireacith of the"land.
,_ ....._
the i:proprietors challenge the world to produce its
equal. It acts in perfect harmony with, the-lawe of
notate, and completely purifies the Blood, a vitiated
stato of which is theCausiti eel! disease.. It has been
idiatiiiiStered in Aithitia, .Apoplexy, flathera' Itch
,q4ci. :catarrh, Cholera !doilies; Celle; poi& :
Cough, Consumption, Croup. •Cremps and I Convul , l
si m ni. Cancerous Sores and Ulcers, Dropsy, Dripcp
sia.:Dysentary, Epitipsy, .Erysipelas,- Enlargement o.
tlicipleen,Feser and Ague. 'Female Complaints, Fe.'
li" 'L IV E Vr.l 00Dif • i .!, . verupf . ll kinds. - Graiel, Gout; Hysterics ,, Inflates:
-fi ~ tr. ii ' •, . ' icritof - live , LieeriLiiiitrAideeys-and-Bladdre;". Indi.:
e ' ' - 'I
~• ' . . - ~..; . • .;. . gesnon. Jantidice,.teprosy,,Liver Complaint,' Neural.r
• , , - ' ; ' ' ':1,..,--• -- •
~ gia4Palpitativel:of the Heart. PilekScrofula. Spinal!
, ! 1,. WEBB: k_upw receiving a new,:i l yid, ConiplaintifSeStheinia;Seild Beek Syphilis, Sup.
tt .,
litiiee l . kit 'of .Dr..,,,
'y Goode, GroCerie* 'llirdvirare ' Preitoi" 9 r. , -,tot ?ltquev: Tie 'Douleurenx, &c. The,
rockery. N a il.. ri s k, , ; ... &c4 .,4 o , hich will hi so ld.. preprictorskhartlet to learri• - thstit has Ailed in a, .
'irseekroets.a. will give entire satisfaction to time sini.4 4 1 ,r0 c - e .„ _" (11 4 i ..._
_Oi n tl' e • ur .• 4 ;'1&••••:•.-;
. 1 10 11 4 Poeta! 40 '''7,- - ; - • -'' r r . ' ' '''
• ' 1 1 =1:1::: r A
4 ;: 11" .*. 15 ,51Y! I ,
' .."
' '
i:i ;110,44011g. . Ma y
, 10 . 4848 . . . . . , ~ , ,
.. , . ,
,: of dpie, aitir.,_41 11 ........."."..19., ;Ur ,r 9 • 110 1 ,. sseneurs nee of tea'
• J ., , '''t).% .' • apiCie4o4p6 i.,211; ..1 ' • •-'. $ i coat unity:: - An ntiliietni:e iiinatitit Wintering, tints
]f• T3'; .I _f ., ."'.' ' ': UW ti•t" LAbi ."-"-""," ii" '*t,- - ' Y•l l lP e ri' i iliiii 1 .1'.. ..iiilelY ,li.livic 4,, 4 -
• .-, ' ' • • ','''' It hai'atret
,t crossed the Aetna* - andieeastates•
-, XtITIICXE-Y! 434iiins, . Seinke i' , Voetkige i s. - --- -,- - • ---, •. , • • ... •
- -..../..* • - 6_ .: krupplinv,),ic_progrertir'*e.#end .I.l)__ e , ,bjessipin'of„ihnsl
eiihrtheirobrottes t Cies - isisiarstieset-iog 41;RE „ .1 1 1gDretireeghinitilmtmerid. ~
• -
..,114,041/ loptioffir, C.lotbc - 040,&41Pief,b) ' I T . ' iproprietereitilite4lis sick le ;£ll:ks.ietiii:imi'i'
' 4
, '''"W1 , ,, 11 0, -16 wefilkliFell'elf..but #44Alii'Li,i '.. Mid' Jetlaseeled tbatthey,will hiri p e r m * s il o
P'iliativ4 SOW '.' . '; ~. . T... 4VAL/XO,O I'f. t ledkei IliWiintirieretbreloess:OUtheir , rlireeimit-,
7% ,
- 1 ,tup)Riiibritilrfairrodisllsooi . ' • '''''''''''''' ' r '' -- '-''' ''' - ' - ''' ' ''' .• ' ''''' ~ . ' 'f l
' . 1' . I ' l4'. . ' Vlib . iliii„,, , FlOWNEllyi44.4l4S:c4oo 41 PitINCIPALOIIIIOII4.O BB owes:.r s:. V I
CMS .X' . ;Silk. vacnttpnAinree,rl ober' sd•$ d• alio by . V BALDWIN, 4 1 07.1, Atitetroly,.
-, 1.1
. AMC! 10T: irate AO by - ' ' :ti R. ; -.! Price2s "rhe '' 'a 'Mk' • - -:- '"'''''''f ~..= '
. ,:.
_ .
•I • .
. . .
• d Cook out for Pain Klllera .• '
Spurious Articles Afloat!
Agrg...A.•Avoite.vstice to your valuable rain Killer, and
1,TI: for Me beberi• o the we'herrby certify that we
have used your rain 6tiler In our Falollits for thttJlast four
Tears, fOr many of the tlioracrefor which it Is we-Coupe:Wed, and
We de"" It ibe-beol Family Heatorative in are, and would mom-
mend every familyto *cep a aUpplyen hand, incase of sudden
illueseqt accident. A ,
Rev, Aaron Jackson, pastor first Baptist 'ehtsYch,
.4.bacill; ger. Wm; Co Mack. pastor Baptist 'chute's,
Peach.Prchard ; Rar.l4 Wilson, Anri Dudley. W.
Outings. A. Rakir, /Oho Doolittle; John B. Owens,
Janiettclark. Philip Case. Ann Teter, W. Dudley.
A. Bower, it. CdllinSi Rev. John Atormesi Pastor, ,
:Buffalo; Rey. John Johnson, Oswego.
• Mick. N. , T..18411•1' • . , •
CsflLfar Andrearelain Caller and hays .no other.
Olsson° the.written +signature of I. Andrews on: tbe•
labettif each bottle in:black ink ; .all °therein coon
terfen° and only Ualculated•to deceive. FO ftirtlier
particeilara sec adrortiiement in another column.... AI
few Wr it h e d denary worth just received foi
it the Prorate's-a _al Mitchell tai Ca, by A. Tor:
ell. solo igen; forMiloiresse, wholesale and retail. :I
MI 10
- 20
NEB 600D8
• •
BlUltiqTT is note offering a ? Large
anti Mare eMensltte asSorttrintlt - of Goode
thanler,er, heretofore. ,Having. **lir entirely for i
Cosh: and lirgely. s ho does not hesitate to say that has
selections arc such as cannot easily be beat, and will
no t rid insult the - most particular in.:style, quality
or price.
fli; stock' will include a large assortment of
mamanviD uplatz
Frensla and Eng. Ginehams, l'nnted *Lawns and Allis.
haw, ; pc Lanes and Calicoes in almost endliscraricty,
of suPcrior styles and cheaperthan over.
iNiCrit l ittYa2,2ll l . ; riali Cashmere,
Fang and plain Do Lanes, Stradillas, Barrage and
Fariitly Net Shawls. and Cravatiand Scarfs—alliof
the latest *styles and very cheap.
.o,p)arreyr , a,3--Florenee and Birds.eye Braid,
fang and plain straw, Lawn and common Fancy
Bonifets, and rich Ribbons, Trimmings and Flowers,
of tittle west styles.
P rasols—A choice lot of Silk, Gingham,
and,;e.lota Parasols, and Umbrellas , term low
'Oats Caps.—A large assnrtment of Fur
napPed, Pearl coVd For and Wool'Hats;Gents
Leghorn and fancy Palm Leaf do., also cloth,
vehtct and glazed summer Caps of the latest
, . .
Itteadeloths„ Cassimere,s, Twerids c lientucky
Janis, Linens, silk. mid common Vestings, and
coal, no summer stuffs in large variety.
AltSo —Bed Ticks, cotton.sheetings, flatting,
Yet*, Carpet Warp; carpet
,Biiga,'Palm 'Leaves
4.e.,Lwitlin general assortment of Dry Goods.
G-s ocerles.—A large assortment, ami.low.
er Ulan ever.
C ,ockery—a superior article, and cheap.
iltif•dtrare—aittrge assortment, including Car
pene ' rs' tools, cost steel, mill and X cut Saws,
(rod steel, nails, and Hollow Ware.
.. . ne/cs, of new patterns, very cheap..
. 11f,ttlicincs, a desirable assortment .tor Physi
cist* A !so—Paints, Oils, Grindstones. Plows
andlcastines, spinning Wheels and Rees.
STOVES—d , superior nssnr't of Cooking,
Partpr and plate Stoves, including the new pat
, terrf of air tight—also stove pipe, zinc, cic.,
A I of which will be sold on the most favor
, abloterms for cash; produre.or approved credit.
, Mew Milford, June 7. 1848.
S HE undersigned take pleasure iu announ
;cing to their customers and the ptiblic
generally, that they have now received the
gretiter portion of their
tyltit'h comprises t much larger variety than
is iisally kept in a country establishment, and
tyholl they offer at greatly reduced prices, for
mos) kinds Produce, approved credit or Cash.
We [trill sell goods as kw. if not lower, than they
can Pe bought this side of Arno York.
The Spring and
As L L. POST & CO 9 B.
MINI; bought largely and with care.
heyil4u not hesitate to say there are few if any
tiett4 stocks in this county, and as usual will be
stildWitcrp as the cheapest. 'Thankful for past
iiatrimag'e . , we oiler to our friends a large lot of
ldroad Cloths, Kerseys, Satin Vestings,
s plaio and fancy gingham% rich bl'k and fig
ured Silks. De Lains, Dress Lawns, Catnbrics,
BarNi and plain Swiss !Muslim:. Tarletons,
tidkfs, Sitawls: n large assortment.
SOntmer Goods of any variety" a large
Stock of Bonnets, Flowers, Collets, Ribbons.
Fririp!s. 13uttons, Laces and Edgingh, Para
sols{--best assortment in town.
Collon Bats, Wick, Cotton Yarn. and
Carpel Warp a good article and cheap, a large
quantity of Sheetings cheap for cash.
tilrockery, a large stock of new styles, the
greititest variety in town. and will be sold cheap.
Groceries, a good assortment, consisting .
of Sugar, Teas. &q.
)Hard Ware, of all kinds Usually kept in
a Ctiumry Store, Saddlery and Harness ware.
Mil4Cross cut Saws, Iron of all descriptions,
Steel, Nails, Crow-bars,ng-chains
Mlarge assortment of Dress Linens, Pacha
Cheks, printed Linens, Towelling and Table
Linijn, White Goods, a desirable stock. Swiss
Drees Muslins, &c. &c, at POST'S.
Mnmrose, May 10. 1848.
Tim ht ST EFVECTirdt.`6f BrEDAE
ins TAO' agucAt; caag
CIO N S T1 , 01.N . ! !
TT MAIO REEOVEN AND reici4Amernut Cumils ALI:6ImA.,
RE. AIMING raeskitsprurtnic STATV OM TUE -11,000
VIA : Scrofula or King'spd. Rbcunlatlikn, , Obstinate
Cutaneous Eruptiops, Poppies ontl,lefa,ce, Blotches,
13`des, Chronic Sore Eyes, RingWcirnilor Tetter,
Scald Head, Enlargeinent & Pain Oft)to Hones
- & Jointa t StubbornATlcen4SlPhilitie 53" 1 4 -
inice..Sciatica or ,Lurnbagui ditseattps
ing froukon injurious use r d . Mercury,
Dropsey. Exposure or Inicirudenec in
, Life; also, Clirpuic constitutional
"disorders. •
In this Medicine Several innocent but. very potent
artielei of the vegitable kingdom are united: forming
a compound entirely different In, its character and
properties from any Other preparation, sod unrivalled
in its Operation on the system when laboring under
disease: Ilt.should l ie in the. hands of every person,
who by business, or general course of life, is predis—
posed to the very many ailments that render life a
curso,•iustead of a blessing, and so often result in
Dr. Drake's Panacea is recommended as a certain
remedy. Not one instance of its failure has ever oc.
curred when freely used It cures the disease anti at
the same time impacts vi:nr to the whole system.—
Scroll.loos persons can never pay to lough attention
to the state of their blood. its purification should be
their first aim ; for perseverance will accomplish a
curd of seen hereditary disease.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tudiors, White Swa
in, Erysipelas, Ulcers. Cancers, Running Sorts,
Scabs, and Riles, Dr. Drake's Panacea cannot be too
highly extolled ; it searches out tho very root of the
disease, and by IVIIIOV rag it from the system; makes a
cure certain and permanent.
No medicine perhaps 1 has ever been discovered
which-gives so much .ton 4 to the Stomach andteanses
the secretion of a healthy ga t to decompose
s r e l juice
the food as Dr. prak s y's Pianacea.
Dr. Drake's Panacea re used with the greatest sue.
ccss in Rheumatic Complaints, especially stsch as are
chronic. It cures by driving out all impurities and
foul humors which hare accumulated-in the syslcrm
which are tho cause of ftlieninanstii. Gaol. and Swell
ings of the joints. Other remedies sometimes give
temporary relief; this entirely cratheatmi the disease
Irons the system, cren•when the limbs and bones are
dreadflilly W
co;vsu m
Cotestnerrtecv CAN on .ciman..—Coughs. Catarrh,
Bronchitis. .piping of Blood, Asthma, Difficult or
profuse Expectoration, Detic Flush. Night Sweats.
Pain in the side &e. have been cured, and can be with
as'much certainty as any ether isimple disease. A
specific has long been sought fur, but inkvain until the
discovery of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is mild and
safe but certain aIId efficacious ih its operation, and
cannot possibly injure the most delicate constitution:
We wool& earnestly recommend those afflicted to
give it's trial—anti 14c believe they will not Lave occa—
sion to regret it. The system is cleansed and
strengthened, the ulcers on the mugs are healed, And
Utc patients gradually regain their usual health t nd
strength- Read tlf following t !
Dee. nth, 1747.
Dealt Ste reply to your' question respecting
the use of Dr. Drakes' Panacea, t will say, that al.
thuegh a p,erfcet disbeliever in the exisistence of a
Penmen. or a cure fur oil diseases, hoWever valuable
it may be in certain conditions of the sysh:m, still I
have believed that a cure for consuimil ion would be
discovered sooner nr later ; and curiosity led me to try
your medicine in two very invomeate cases. They
were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
rtitanvisair coscstrrin.v, and abandoned by them as in
curable. OM: of the persons had been under the freat.
merit of several very able practitioners for a number of
years, and they 'said silt! had 'b/d fashioned Con.
sunipiron combined volh Scrofulen," and that she
might linger toe vine time, but could not be perma.
nently relieved. Ihh both, cases the effect of the Yana.
era has been most gratifying. Only four or fil,r!
were used by one of the peraons before she be—
gan to improve rapidly. The other took about ten
1 will obiy add that familiar as •I tam with consump—
tion by inheritance and by the extensive observation
as a study, and knowing also tile injurious cdrects
in nine cases mil of ten of tar, beneset, and other veg
etable tonics, as well as many of tile:expectorants and
followers, I should never have reemnniended the use
of Drake's Panacea it I had nut twin acquainted with
the ingredients. Sullies it to say that these are roc—
, a:untended by our most popular alnd scientific physi
clans, and in' their present ciimbined state, form prrib.
ably, the best alterative that has ever been Made. The
cure is in accordance with a tlicery obeunsumplion
broached in. France a few years `go, by one of her
most eminent writers on medicine, and now establish
cd by facts which admit of no dispute.
Very Respectfully Yours. L. C. GUNN.
To use the language of another. 'Dr Drakes Pan
acei is always salutary in its effects—never injurious.
It M not an opiate or expectorant.' It is not intended
to lull the invalid into-a fatal Fee trr i y It is a great
remedy—a giand licalikg, and durative coinpouud,
the great and only remedy whietri medical science
skill lots yet produced fur the treatment of this' hith.
erto unconquered malady. And ,ulo person afflicted
with this dread disease will be just to himself and his
friends if he go down Id the grave Without testing its
'virtues. A single bottle, in moil cases, will produce
a favorable change in 'the condition of any juitlent.,
Ladies of pale complexion and' consumptive bah-
its, and such as are debilitated by those obstructions I
which females are hal)le to, arc restored by the ulie
of a bottle or two, to bloom and •vigor, It is-by • far
the best remedy ever discovered fbr weakly children,
and such as h'ave bad humors ; being plea.ant, they
take it. It immediaitity restores Ithe, appetite,
strength and color.
Nothing can Ise more sin - prising than its-invigora
ting effects on the human fra,me.. l Persons, all weak.
ness and lassitude before taking I. at once hccome
robust and full of energy'undert influence. It nit—
tnediately counteracts the- ncrveilcasneas of the fu
male frame.
CAUTION.—Bo careful and see that you get the
genUith! DR. Daseirs P.oiriscrs—iit has the signature
of tice. F.. &roans on the wrilPper-r.and also the
name " it/LUCCA; Prin.s.." blown in the
Prepared only by Simrs & Cd, Druggists, No. 21
orth Sixth 'St.., Philadelphia. !
Ben ley & Read,
Apints for Susquelnuina County.
D'ilg-titalith; benttiti &Mpg' 0;4 will
be found us usual, tt Satie's Hotel oti Mon
days and Ttlesdays of leach weeks fully-prepared to
perform all 'kinds of operations to Dental Surgery.—
He (hum I iimself !thati his platriworit. - -(teeth Sit up
on gold plate ) is eqUal to any tii . bo - found in this
country, To bear him l out in tii. above assertion, he
referi with Ithe -utmost ] confidence to his noMerous
patrons in this vicinity. Ali Idol work bt,wa - nted,
arid as an olloderageructil. le quite atilie,ted syi de
cayed teeth. lic,wifi,aasuro them that he cap s claw
antfill tbcm withlold and. othcir foil, as to p' eiserie
them for,yearir; ifnnt 'during lit* None cant- owe!
appreciate good teeth tas those Who ire. tdep .. &el
them and .by earlf. attentirob ttiri them. much, agony
and mortification (to say nothing of health, dan
offensive. breath, ) cast bp avoided. There cc lei*
Mii' be, no - tcconMiti in avoiding rit intid_Deat ei.
1 44-4 sn it:
a pow ew
OT'rON anti Batte r Vrie)ctil • .
1V:11444 11 10,,tg
j •
Txrim .
i v
it Intin•l ftWS4 • _
trk - r EW C 0,4 ~ fjcs 7 l),..,lC:'' Le, ,a1,40,,'":' ie Of
1 r '- ,
' llama,.
this: ea 'Tot , DV Ms. —,Also, frig-
llama Mounun Lawn a, R *peg "1.1 bre Orli
. i 1 ' lO
the lfi c ir osit ' C
riiiialia.mod ti adtki4ll, vtui ' openadi are ow ' --1 ~..,, , -- - t- •
Friday, by ' ,
.. ,i ififea*F rElf. 1 6 .. ,
muntruer, June 21, le4s. • • ' • 13
+l . ' ' - Dititie`4iifielq - eiiiiiii)ii, '1 ' , l
firti , ' Ll it' b • - - -
. •• , • ,L
.1-14GolfEagEw , „ n, , ,.9 Is To i , s
. 1 , . Cheiriiit streer,'Sontl? tait'eoliter'lif - 'Bth':
6freeti Pliiladelptiie;_i"" 'fi.. .'": P - ' ', - •';.:
Portraits fromlirasmallest beprtst Hirt to the
largest bizei , ltiogly6riin grotipte,,iiThe'Proprie..
;Ors are warfanjed;in;sity l iing,,,ttfat.' , th. iF... 'mirk
qikc, go - Med .aTeßutstien..qcalltOß .4 9o, ft, ig,,,thp
world. Eitracts (fern. W 1 34 1 .01 1 - 7 -", ;.• .:
. ,
:" Life-like:ln the eicires httitiehesteli eoireet
in the - sbiidirii,',"4Citet'il - ,'''",',,!!," ''''f,' ; ."
I.ol'he hrt . has iftrived et , goiit - 04frection,
and noneunderstarlif or ptacticelit better ihrin
McClees 4lz• Gernion."—/Jfiltimois Iri#:'i
" Admirable! t: ambing.eart;esPeed their - ex
cioisite delicacy.—,y; S. pavriei . it _ i ;•,
1 Extract s frog . the; report ,of thcludgpS, at the
liiat fair.of
,thri Prrinkl in institute. ", 04guerl .
reotypes--in this i4tpartt6ent there ttrh' some
Jery excellenfspecimenS i:6 the Itllibltipar; arid
' the Judges think grey -see. a progieisEve im.
Rrovement in this branch. of the ark. I They
have not recommended a awittid in; favor of
any of Ilny thecoMpetitors, butfare disposedAtirank
as first in order, the collecuon ofjlfeC qP,S &
' OERMO,N, as eontsining the Icl4 , ,est umber of
superior tpecinituid." , ~ i
May 1, 1848.; ' , '.' • • 18-6 m. .
I_2'7._ ‘,.:. -: 1 , • ';--.1 • ir• ~ , ,i . . .
Salamander, Fire., and n or ..
1. prOnf•Cke,sts.;;.,.... i , -t
Eire—Prof Doirs fbr Batilwt and Sti?r% .Neal arid
Letter-copying. resses,
,Pateni ed Re.
frigerutors, fittets' triiient I iortable
IVater Closets, intended !ft; rtke sick find in
' firm.
EVAN 4 &A Ns
; -
76 SO UTIII St:lt/Telt,
OrPCNOTE TILE 11111.1dE4HIA. iExcuM GE.)
. .
x, 1 I ; • MI. 4 . 0-e p constantly on
V ti.t i. -',
Mind, alar,getasso Orient of
i • •; - ti '" ,. tie abiaye ertiieles. together
iPtA , :::,'. with, their . Patent reproved
4 ,.• 'lit' - ...... , ' l2 .ar_Sataniander FIRE-PROOF
'''-- • :.•:'‘,,-'• !..: Oa feS, Which are solctinatruc •
ed as to set at rest all triannei of doubt as
to their being strictly fire-prriof, arid .that
they -will resist the fire lof any bOilding.—
The outside cases of these t. Safer; are] spade of
boiler iron, the inside case
. of so.ipstone, and be
tween the outer•eaSe and inner PAIAC is a space
of some .three inches; think, and its ['Odin with
indestructible thate}ial,s6 as. to Make it an irn
possibility to burn tiny of the ttontent4 inside
Of this Cnesti" Soapstoni;i• Salamanders
we ore prepared ands - dalchalle-nge the Worid
to produce any article int . the Stump Of Book
Safes that will -.sued as;- Much; beat, .find we
hold ourselves i read at al :hues: to Italie them
fairly tested by
,pu !ic bonfire. I: Weals° con
t;itilie to thanufacti a large tisOrtmeni- of our
Premium Air•tight ire. Proof Safes, kor which
there are overisoo new in use, avid in eiYery in-
Stance i theyhaye Olen . entire satisfaction to the
purchasers—of which we will, refer the public
of a few gentlemenlwhu have them in Om •
flitywood & Snyder, Pettsvide ; Joieph G ,
tatvton, Pottsville it Mr. Williate Carr, Day)
eStewn, Pa. N. &G. Taylor, 129 ninth 3d st.
A. Wright & Nephew,Vinest. *herr.; Alexan
der Carer. Conveyancer'. corner of Filbert ann
9th sts.: John I'd TOM, 32 northf 2il 4t.; Myers
Bush, 20 north 3d si.; James M Pout,. 101 south
4,111 street.: or Daid Jayne, S!south 3d st.—
' M.,tthew T Miller. { 20 south 31 * st44ilnd We
leould mime same hundreds of others. if i it wa,
I decessary. Now We nitrite. the attention of the
aublic, and pa . rtictdarly those iilwarit bf Fire
pronl Smiles, to call et Our store he:fore piir.
lelhishig elsewhere, i and We cart satisfy them
that they can get a 'better and cheaper article
tit our sore 4 than at any other establishment in
the cii.y.• i i ' ! • •
_,. We also Alanufticturb 1 the ordinary Fire
Proof Guests, at very low prices cheaper than
they can be boughtl at anY other store in Phil
adelphia. i •.
DAVI]) ;FVANS. ;.- ! - •
• Feb. 9. 1E49. : ! • . ; . t_iy,
Andrews Pa' l filler}
Death to Pak relief to the s!ielt. hiala to the weak
a halm is found tO the zil+le huifianiwee, in
A N aft FAY* P Ars Cii.E ft; '
Tins Ic entirely a Veget4ble Cnroprnudi.tnpreiedorte.s'etitY
five di &erect inttrtlitents do imn intern &external remedy
f4r the cure or Cough*, C4ldt, rams. NerToos ar.d
stek fleadacheS, Rlictintatiam Cutri.praina. Spinal
Affections, Summer Complaints. Cholera •Morbus:
Toothache. Eruptions Cortisi Frozen Parts,
Ourns, Scalds, Aguc in thc.Facc an. 4 rucast, Cholic,
t iSCP, Loam of App4itc, General Debil4; Asth ma, Si c. rut up in IllottltiS fur 5 . 4 2 4 and 6 shillings 'pet
honk. 1
'For farther partierrinn eve pamplikets tabu had of every - agent
pails, containing a ini”l - • I,l3tery of the ~rieut, thaawe r y a n d
acted enema of Andietv'srain certliitatea of cure, dine
tians,,&e.• r
LOOK OUT Po* sit tup
The triumphant FIICe . .M. 27( Andrea's' Pain iKillet 14 Timmsta g
ctitew!s ttiat pruritic!! death million), of nut race. and the. great
amand hese:lns-it Foam nipt nftphdnt 'inlay he till:4..lmM tin*
ii4ll eons feteratieue tenretb,,t lutist rittattyby etb-opting to
Fejt nott Inn in ekcaintlett knit-init. ankh: neatly) 1' K liter.
Ftrt nic have apprar,ed um' doubb miters. actilioue
iebnee tor the pretended ne)ho, a Witt forvilAertilleit to &e.
tet all remember IMF. Ando:tea' . i4nuebse Pain r hair the
to nen signature or 1. indiTtcs on ttialabei of earth) , bottle In
black ink. Don't xim;ily ,stiFk VOIC lbr Atr
drow)srain Kilterend be nimc.. you gct go,nuinci.
Solt) at N. 3liteliell's Link Stt4C 1:;) ,
*cAii agent \ft,rr 71iontrose. ivitolekai n and! 'retail', A.
Picket. 'Rush.; N. MitOhell &Co.. Atiburrit A. Lath.
top, Springtillu; 11. Burr:nail & bihaon ;. H.
Burritt. New. Milford A. ,Durliain,. Tukhannoek ;
B. Bailey, Leraysivßfe:., 3. Fay, &,Son, ego; N.
wholesale and - retail. - I a:r" in Itl o Principal
teiwns in the United SOttes'iand' Canada.- All order,
must he addrCasOd to AndrOes, Ithaca , . Tompkins
Cti., N. Y. •
, I .
THESE pllll .1110..pOre j ly veieiekklei... They
Al. cleansland•iFstoro. to henltity;altion the,
digeinive organ • ilicy•Ulcappeand . puilty,tho blood and
give itn licalil y lioWilirciti li c 'the entrri3 iiyate*..:-
They are a sari inirronre rill" - y foilDilliLiner'.Crim.
/gainfter BiliOncbiaerracii ' all OiCir vvirliniscormi
;Nervous Debilny, Hcadoche r , . o PAirp GPI 14 . "nd'A l itC
and Fever.. They ern Mild; liut ; ini rp in hnh: °per -
lion. and portectly co' for IVO yoorg iand,013 , 131.
lillitatini conatiutiorni 'aiid!arin unrivalled ;al alatnpi
onedicinci. ;. ' -'.: .-; :: ,:i . .. I. ..; ,;. i,. ,1- ; 4:: :' ;
i Wo; have alirayo hen kr at oarn.inaidenling and •
compounding. our nie4icirin,, •hicli,liaa . i ll boon don ! :
by Dr.; Soule in persiii 7 : Tli'y all iirta. need' not to
loaiti the bowel, costive, whi lx - earldbi ''-'oiid Oraw,
other pill now tin nun,' '.ll:l*iie,o-201 - n . uilper b4i,
With full drootioinn .. t i, ii : i rt., .e. , 0.4,-ilii , , - ; ,.,: i ~
1 caiaion.-41, Chit , _feaskaitiochi . 4o ;with ii, us: Cori, a
tirrie. Whose wail tn,seliAniurdiaiiibutii;lint
Oa onnnOaiiori'hai teen •OhliotvOd:'int ''th ose •p 4.11.
-be.aciili his na Me nil Illie lids,"'llintli'elii g zli ine, ha vc
bien gatheredjup; and thk it menlltlitt-Ml' Mal:pra
.l, kt ot , : Dr, E.ll4:Sotilit,4l4 .' .lc rilind. )n coch I: 1 4
1 :0 the gornikiciiSovonliga J p4n,rjlit. i .I. .... ..
' DI. sOule. 4o•altiniyo nin , ,tantiiiid: the poicrer
ijaltn Pillii:'•• i - 1 - . - 1:• .- l'
~ . ' -
:i Sold in , MontiOse Witßr, : Tttittl f f.l , rrien ll.'
.3. ilei•C•l4 l or4w4:o6lrlliti onl i tight4Pm..nck;
afford: (:,Q
_Prisll* 17;4 p,.1,L .. -!riflA,, e :;
~. rfld,Pl,4 l ' z.14',.,, ton.; ,- - ' • -.i
: '
; EIPLE *Diet oti
beiPll.4 hal*
tioott# 4 4l4t 814 1
Ofiir. SuiniterLatuft.
I ! ,~.
01.Y8LIN=p m
111 - A4
• t_y*Oliimi legant
, 43r-rr.l-1 , =I IP :174
inns ! - Gin '
:.41i: 11 4k Pl*
If* ?
As mash
ES 9 V?
& l ima s •
-.,,._,, (sigi'iiiiif
, fin* ! T Or thio ii r „nlyiti,
; t c- L'-. ri-Okt. - sittuirsl ,. ,l , l
, ! • I, .
•+••• , ,,i};;;:" ---- 37------ -
,_••• i r__ . ') ai? ~; ‘.,,, • ;
'.Po • v•:. 6 V ,_ • rt - ..... k t . --,•
i kvi - - '•1- • •.•.' ---" _ - -"0:-• - . :
. • ''. , CJ. • • • C
• • •••• • ...) •♦
e , ii• .1) it - •
._ : • , ,:. ot n7.-i ii h a ii ,,.
...COLLEGE I ar ' ' HEALTH ,
/ 207 Billiggewillo i Palo, No Ire . .
,} -
• VtgetableciAtholltriPtk *dare,
TfilS'eetebiderd +edy hi ,o r h e a mf i gu i
21133 e by the sdan can" it tinkle' • 1
. - ALI. OVER T .W ORLD.. . _.
It tizs now b mlne t.l4 weir. • ' for ,f iiii4 irs.iiii
' .. ig ptutleuluty
Ant • •
• BO PS -I , ••
-- - - -
I .
all Mara of thls complaints nnuolialellnay . l
ter of now lona standing. Sei PamPata.for
Tbie diumum im as Itigincul. dy Cuatkets, and thealawmt
dreadful program of the malady. it ahLiffilea b
demi*wain renderathe patient amsama go taeo,l
gimp oneofita most ilaremiag . _
It now Yiatia tti Pitt knriedyn Physicians Wm It pub,
hely and privately wita perfect su cem. Let any ose was
has ever had a syretom tit Dropsy, of say chars
keep, this :Miele hy Ottth and if they wooktivoid die*
wawa •• •-, --:• i • ' _ ~•• .--, • •
to perforate toe trysts* mid Let themessulligirwittle n 4
army, only to fill up Win,. and malty sad his .
.iiviatit, let them just the this remedy is Immo. aid a 01 .
coitry, IN Sift: 'Let them try It dam, stir drldithalse
and a cure is main,' if they i v i t4glytt it a Airs* 1
~ • 'ARA. , •:- a ' 1
and lag dileases of lie urinary organs 1. Ow these4htwa4
ing tomplailits itafavade Weer; needier artkle eat egg
i o n
you; and the cures testified tp twill .conairiee, th e
skeptical ;—see Paw , d.
- how osanY staler this paihlld complahlti sad thipt
ey there Lim/suir. du may tiaka you have gravel ghee
Moak' only ladosinibtion—tte may be raieull—andyt-
I t , way . be-hardly , forme Andy even be stone is*
bliidder, y e ti' . you - ere sure of a sure in all but Atha lOW
*awed disease, and if stone Ira the bladder, dour ethe‘
by the aid of this 'Medicine all latiarnmation cauladby ft
eilitteathildmi aid unless the formation is of yearling.
leg, the calculi is dissolved, and Waugh: away is dm
particles. AU sumewof this diverse hasten; euredbythe,
minute. Oat. era* JIM Medical was is Mg 814 (_11
Nem York - tem awed of /ram by this swiliefu; he
Panylstst. , : I - - • i
Freer cad Jere, *haw Disuses—To the tritest Weil
especially, • and wheceverthesoccamialots prevail '
medicine is offered, r : .. ,
NO 11111111ENOLAGENT, :.
so deleteriossocoispo;isd is a pis of this stiles; It
these diseases with ,kertainty and celerity, and do e s
leave thevystem torpid. ' . .5a Pesktst. ,
SO thoroughly does this mixtn . net in this disc*, fU l Yt
an itareetiate care la made. "A ft other remediesaw age
set lasidc,na this entat vegetablelPtTamtion. Mies (teeLh
wantales no poisonotts ' mineral. which 16 thebuidlif dth
other Fever Ague mid reutediesa • ! •
spzEbV AND EirrEcTrAL, - , .
ft .1 the grand behlik medicine, ,and is daily.tortm M .
tboidenidi' Tbe seret ot its re•building the mare mia
aritudost is, that it '" compounded of 22 distinct wawahlis
properties; each' roq a remedy distbet by yrielf.
.• r f PUMA -
~ - -- •
_ :I •
6 ecaip!aint pg • mert paintill character. Is
and a cure follows by a few days use of tug snide,
far lefirrs any irtheryirspa ratissfir this din*. ar assay
other - 4We* originatirsy, from . Impure blood. Sas Pew
—. .
ThiSdbiesoe i titwelY one rif the blood; the artk•Of
this medieine. - is so speedy that the Piles, whether istn.
nal or external.X
willeured by its use in a few weeks.*
Hundreds, perhare We can say thousandi bare *two,
featly cured id the *of- two or throe bottles of this air
tura, and as this cute is produced from the aetion of this
panacea upon the brood. &is more likely to belm; ie
than any cure prod ww.l from external makes.
DRUM . * or . Tom SYSTEM.
weak back. wIMIMens of the Kidneys, am.. or lofts*
Lion of came , is iiniedfately rained . by a afar Ayr we opt
leis waedithia. oieure Is always a result of its mn k
mends as >- - .
for Midi complabotsi and alm for derangements of the 14
male frame,
painful menstrbatious. No arfide s Age ever bcat t Or i l
except this whist tag(uldiostek t4is had of &ravens*.
It may be relied teWa as a sure Mid effective rowdy, sad
did we ftwi permitWl to do scrcould give
- •
'es proof °Cahn, innhis dituressing class of complain t
See pamphlet. 411'broken - detei, debilitated aastitstions
from the effect of in C rc my . ..will:4nd the bracing ;tower ei
this article to act inimediately, and the poisonous mineral ,
eradicated (Min theist/steal.
The .•22 disihut gioperties-whlch compose this ankle,
manifest theniselr • particularlY in the application of the Compoun d. for the lamming sOass areotoplaints which
head this radgrap . For cadariss taws has *a maim
the eerta of Is
which in altffiat or deranrents of thethenalehts4
obstructions, ,cli.a . tics, pain 11/ strastrimithes,ge. kw
effected a cure. This' root is ladigenous to bin moil, and
found in large mtintitics, and as a medicinal pupeny
stands without auSegual ;it fo s one of, the eampmads .•
In the preparation; tvhich a s a- boleti' the beg mix*
ever given to a debilitated fe ; -it isreure..and deer
tens will be !inbred to health b its use: . 1 - i
wiII find the silttnae ruopertlea of this aedele
• ;1 11 ,IIR • Y. THE. BLOOD,
and'drive 'alien d.ts. m. tient the-system. Bee pandift
fortestimonYnteu In all diseases, *high the liaise(
en advertiiement *ill not permit to be named here.— •
jgestsgire them stray; they contain thipaglekandcanill.
tales ofigti clammier, and a monger •
or the riding Of it medicine. r mt. appeared. It lan
• of the peeelior fen ores of this , Weide that it never f.
to baulk to any ea*, aid if bone and fierscla- an kills
/said 'Upon; lei tke - #eacittled and Unearth' : inesinc
and keep taking the medicine asiong as therein me ilth '
provement. The proprietor world
against a number dr l
articles which come out under ths
healfof • H --
,t - - . • ,-
satitiliiPAJlMl4o6 SYRUPS. &C.
!es mum Ibrilroliayi Gravel, &c. Tacloreiviiitrllli►
lag. and eoncoctethto gull the unwary ; -
- • • ~: : ..1 ,-. VOUCH Timm NOT. .
• Their inventimi-neyer thought of curing such abstain
thin article had . do* it. A particular 4itossly if Wpm
OW is estreestfy sulidited. .
Agentitandtll who sell the article are
. • GLAD TO OfficiliaTli 2 ..
putuitowdy. , ...Put win 3D et. bottler. at &so&
at gt each—the taker holding 4 oz. more than tiro snall
bottles. Lock oat hod suit get itiposed now. Violet. '
.tie - has: I •thingint'sf-.Vegelable Lithththptie Millen;" -
.bloWn aeon - the glass, the written ligeatttrief 16. C.
Vaughn" .on the duintiorut and)" 3. C. Tatigluit MOW
ganged Ara the Cot . one 'None other are We. Dr. .G.-40. Vaughn; and sold an the 'Principal Mika Mr
Main street, tidier., at whittentht sind:MlD, lie Mb
.. tiongiven to lettentMuless west paid. : Orion groan&
Lady ernistitetedJgents erupt d. Pilot field letters. al
. verbal , comniunkations- soliciting asirke. 1 1 1 11 40' .
tended to, gratin. ror sale by 1111-11:11Pettahle Dragiliiie
the United Stake and Oniado. i. - • : . !
,• Also by ~,, .1 .. •
- t ~.
FOLD, Wholin. afekdt Retell by Mott, Varmnt! & Co.
Wholesal a Druggiststo. 14; Maiden Lane; N.
Agents. in : Ahis. dimly ; Illitimgy & .Rs&o. Nxl.
roso.;:limiiti Buie ter . Now Milford ; ,Wm . F. Buis.
'LEY, Gr*Ddiiir; G. G. Pride, Harford.', '`t
. . ~
0 ADE LE; B}' idles, Carpet Baßt.Travelliet
0 Booliem:nt 1 • • . : . : TYLSKA
L ' ll =
.SUOAit=Ai superior nrticie for
4. o e.inoeindell for sole by ' : / 4041.
R. fILIMER N ilAtriaßY
nivrA iC kIITPROrATHI6 Plll7oaklli MO POW
'—ttlike: at their-41,41o( at' Owe** itreet. mitt °
west of the
. 11 ptilft IA eating House r lill , kwa;•*""
Saturdeys of eac h; week, where Wily ill be bapr7
Walt upeniall thostf whtt`way •reyotktotot witbk wiL
.. C-.,2. 111M °C 11 4r • ft.
;.., .W.i ' r ' . r "%N. -4
".phyi'g r i....;:n m * urgeonp;Molit 9 . mO O % for.
ova' ItSii4r :iSz. ces:ptore, y - 9 jno_ , ,
Y . eat. thmoek.
miily - lidiup . ' d by' Pa ii,',
::0- 'LED 1 1?4,13K4;.- - . -. P. i
Saddle; Ileine,• ' , Treak:tValio'& -4111 P
I- ker an 4 rape '1 eri act.L. , :itShop tee doom above
• • the ":pertee ' 0 ? , 01 11 ,Cc , • __::_____—•—•-
• 4, i 4F 1 .
. ' 1
• r--1
' SAI Ttr ec lIIITTS,
Ph"Teiciana'ee' • itecills Lanesbore,' P. be
'llee'i4- th'en t' named in the- rani* o'er t he
' l Entineerts '-, co, '- of. the latter e! - kis .
- ;dente::::t,t rfi, -., ~- • •-z? 1,- ' • • - '
• I
• -.E.;•,114 Bid= ‘• . 7-I•fT 11. BUTP , '"
i 'to
tiP ' hi ij' ffil lie 1 . .i-i'llaa - reneved hi! , •: 4
- '1*11011: 'st effi;' - '6lie 100( Eas t 1 , o ? do
-'VearAk . l:llfiebe *mid, threciAoots V.lcr ,
- tke‘iitteriPri ini OflieCl'L' .- -•1
.1:g 1 , - ,-,••••=1-, - , Nv ..:, 414 ' O t4l i tWit ''' . bo
Aforney A o_ o 4 ll sello a t - 4„ W •r"9l l . i t i sr, s i ter
~,ALor9l p f 1, i4POtil t CP.I! O ! II !; i 4.A I Y ,F l'''-' . r
0';:e tipr i e'44;llcori - Drinier.
1 1 i