Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 04, 1848, Image 1

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0:G. HEMPSTEAD, Proprietor.
st,so a pearlpaidla advance, or $2,00 If paid at the awe year. .
VI tea. charged it postage If carried at the publishers ex
Otscontioaancesdpeonal, except When unwraps ar. paid.
ADVILF.IIISIIIIZWIi one dollar per square of twelve lines, or
Ines, !or the first tht:ee insertions, and twenty-tivecents forev
ry sulsequentlnseftion. A liberal discount will lid made to
tense who 'dyer* by the year.
to; Bodeen letieru and communications for the pipermust
rose PAID to enure attention.
#OE - fit.
roxs the Nahoital Eta.
The poems kf Lamartine are little kn4wri to
14ish readers. We subjoin the following'
version, whicii:**l3 have attempted of ono of
them, written on the eve of lije departitre for
Palestine, and :addressed to the , - Atadelny of
Marseilles. 14 breathes the true spirit of reli
gious reverenet— the poetry of Christiadity.
J. G. W. •
I have pot fClt o'er seas of-sand " •
The rocking of the ddsert bark;
Nor laved al, Hebron's founeiny band,
By Hebr9'n's palm-trees cool and dark;
Nor pitched my tent, at even fall,
On dust Where Job of old has lain,
Nor dreamed beneath its camas wall,
The dreali of Jacob o'er again. •
One vast w4ld-page remains unread :
How shine the stars in Chaldea's sky,'
• llow . the reverent pilgrim's tread, •
How beat!, the heart with God so nigh!—
How round trey arch and column lone
The spirik of the old time broods,
And sighs on all•the winds which moan
Along th sandy solitudes
In thy.tall nz
edare, Lebanon, ' •
I have not heard the nation's cries,
Nor seen th eagles stooping down
Where billed Tyre in ruin
The ChristWs prayer I 'have not said
In nulmoi's temples of decay,
Nor startled with my dreary tread
The wast 4 where 3lenuan's empire lay:
Nor have I from thy hallowed, tide,
Oh, Jordan heard'the low lament,
Like that aid wale along; thy-side,
Which laiael's mournful Prophet sent: E
Nor thrilleCwithin that grotto lone,
Where. dlep in night, the Bard of Kings
P 443, bands of fire direct his own. 1 ,
And sweep for God the conscious stringi!
- • 1-4
I have not climbed to Olivet,
Nor laid me where my Savior lay,
And left his trace of tears, is yet,
By angelteyes unwept away ;
Nor watched at midnight's solemn time
The gardn where His kayer and groan!,
Wrr:vg b; 4.19 sorrow and Our crime,
Rose to One listening ear alone
I have not kissed the rock-hesln grot
Where ii4Mis Mother's laying He lay,
Nor knelt upon the sacred spot
Where lait His footsteps pressed the clay
Nor looked fmt that sad mountairehead,
Nor smote my sinful breast, where Wide
His armato]fold the world He spread,
And bowfd his head to bless, and died'.
The-liektVs ;
, 0 she 110 yet the task to learn,
How often woman's heart. must turn
To feed upon its own excess
Of deep yet passionate tenderness ;
How muchtef grief the heart must prove
That yields a sanctuary to love."
A boat was i dly floating upon the hike and.
the light soul& of music emanating therefrom;
came throngithe open easement at wiiiph Laid
Clarence Anitersly has been for & lane:tithe
sitting, gazininpcm the boat, as if all itiallicets
were absorbed by' that distant olielet: The
light sounds Were borne upon the breeze along
with the odoi-. of the honey-sneklc and - chunatit
over which it ikad passed; and the dowager
Countess of Norvington, as she laid down her
pen to enjoy ;;the fragrance,. observed to he
!Boating, again, Clarence ! Night -after
night those 43P.tita voters .are out upon .thc
lake, waki ng , the echoes witli those ancient
tunes, tit • constancy to which is remarkable
in gentlemenNotekle.'
It is oomplimenbtrylo my sister,' hastily
reglad LoW,Clarenee, who has repeatedly
expressed he admiration of , those mblodina.'
' Rather 4y, my dear r
Clarence, to gou t. sis-1
tar's friend,' izelaimed the Countess, as she i- 1 4
rose from heifauteil, andlett thexocim ; while
Lord. Clarene ‘ nremained at the - open ,Window),
still gazing i ntently upon the distant boat floating like # dark speck niop a tisane
• I
of oilier.
There wee four pershsin the boat, tivnof
them colleg4!friends o a f tOrd Clarence it, rvho
had acceptta the. invitation to Atieuil
week or 'Om - with hini 'Cutrattiland
the; othere *ere Lady"Jtilia Anfler
Bane Mny-4he latter a WeOliarlPg:.* l4 4 4
danitterourhe luta teen the inniprnii 4
childhood 4; Imay Julia, hi her ipirkiniimie
and affection had won her fr . ieridahho
age. fThe'ils a: familiar miter iitikforrogtOtr
ilfalt.and iiitAthe return of .isniii‘'Obitenrits
from Ozforol hid been a favorite.
4 Jolla t4,Pang'C'c' ll o** 44l iF i
sppreciate: Ike *irks of the etiriteri• 4bgatitj,
tLe opinioi* of *Wien offered;` Itsib"sin•
doe of h is' keulkearf '74nowledgeit hOwiituih
lee , wintaloa bY,*kuMkuu gmluti.
Ro ~'
e" v (m pt,"Bo4,- f rulia were.wartsca,
and held secret counsel to deetroy the iodluelia4e
which ligaialie hail obtained-ever his heirt
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'Arne of them„Earnest Tvwers, paid to Rosalie,
here observed by mother and daughter with
satisfaCtien, whilst to Clarence they were ; the
first bitter drops .that fell in his cup; i
I, ' Before he had learned to admire and to love
(the gentle virtues of Rooalie, he had expressed'
much admiration of his fair coßsitt Louisa, who
had been educated with the Annersleys at
Alorvington Hall, and' l?een a playmate gbh
them and Rosalie. The Cehntess endeavored
la increase the favorable' sentiments with which
the Lady Louisa Vallanville was regarded" by
her sou, hut the more fereibly she urged the ' .
• •
Merits of LoUisa, the mere forcibly were the
.Iq,i - iti - aats presented in the mind of Loll- Cia - r-1
..000 where the image ofi Rosalie bad become i i
established. Lady Julia, who shared her moth-
Or's opinions, and bad a "remarkable degree of
tact in her confidence and ingenuity, undertook
to 'correct the false impression of her brother,
tted lead hint a willing sacrifice to the shrine of'
'Lady Louisa: The latter was accordingly' in- ,
iited to Moryington Ball, and-was hourly
; petted at the time when Lord Clarence teas
;watching with interest the boat of his friends
upon the lake. .The Lady Julia had told him'
Chat Rosalie jMay was enchanted by the mogi genius of; Earnest Travers, and that there
!would, in all probability r bo n a marriage in non-
sequence. ; ; i
The young hopes that he bad formed, ithe
beautiful castles he had built in his imagination;
1: -1-the borne of love which he had pietured„and
of which Rosalie May was the presiding spirit
r —were broken and dispelled by that one word.
'lle had deenied that he atone possessed the
'priceless treasure, the heart of Rosalie; and'
'that heart he was now assured was another's.
And ere the ladies had joined their friends'
in the boat, for their customary evening dicer-'
i sion, Lady Jnlia had taken an opportunity of,
intimating tot Rosalie the probability of the
'marriage of her brother
" and the Lady Louisa
:'Vallanville taking plape very shortly ; and
'that indeed it, was for the arrangement of !the
!preliminaries4hat the viit of Lady Louisa was
about to take place. And what was this to
; Rosalie ? Aireek had net elapsed since, moved
! ; by the importunities of Lord Clarence, she had
;.cortfessed to film the secret of her heart—and
in the face opteaven, and presence of its good
angels, that wander evej• amonn b the - flowers,
their mutual vows were plighted —a little week
' bed not elapsed since file bad .raised Lord
":Clarence from her feet,ond bade him livesfor
i her alone—and heard the music of his gentle!
voice breathe the sacred pt.( mise to be unto her ,
ta.faithful guide, and, true protector; though all
lite world should be Inconstant ; and in sun-'
shine and in storm, and 'in mirth and sadness,
.in favor or disgrace, to be the only, true stet. of
tier existenue. And now she beard he was on
the.T4nt of marriage to another. His sneer
told'her so.: ' • n
What was left for Rcisalie? She knew bow
much the birth and fortune of Lord Clarence
Anncrsley raised him above her own condition.
She bad herself urged that difference when be
sought her love; but ,. )te bad cast distinetir
down, and said he rained title and fortune
: lII , ' a rd P 4thn sll s
Mr. Editor. " Dupont's 113 eat.”
the Model American Courier of March I lth hut I never coal: i g o a e n k e oil:I' ll' 1
curls or her golden hair, whilst the latter *his- • hack-driver's stn inlet mlelarknese and v .
~c. ; • • e• • 4 1' • •tea'•' • e
reminds . me of , an incident that actually took lovelywomati f ding " ' 'f °111 " a;
pied in tones but just above silence, the se- I
place in our village not two months since. beautiful and ' ditzitan in p g ls a M * o 33 ; r° tuel in al i 3 io I
crit that caused her grief. Lady Louisa was
al•onished by what she heard.
seine ten inches deep on the around, a tears and dust:, [Death is I tilw - o i
• 4! i
1,. 2 My dear girl !' she exclaimed, ' I should as I One eold morning in last February, the snow I out feeling the,vry fountains f 4• ta
circle of balf-frosten town's-people had girdkel When a form ofsattgel Want I i; • ;ashi r of
s4n think of marrying the Emperor of China 1 1 ) . in'
1 • the fire in Mr. r.'s bar-room. They had put the silent 'avid of the ale • ' Y id theih
s. Lord Clarence Annersley ! There are two
lin requisition every chair and every newspaper that something kivelyin ;rani
Oat objections, I assure you: the first is;
ddn't like him •, the second is still more formida
the room, and as the number was considera-1 from existence, eiyi h a, r
14, lie don't like me. To give you still stronger I i b u i
Bible to the source of comfort the _elosely--: come up. v..40 o r . . w i t h
asiurance that I have not the least idea of et - ' e : and each was anxious to get as near as pas- i ter desolation over • the lonely iltqugh
for wedged circle of chair-backs formed a sort of our tuidnightedittlingre , e 3 '--; 1 - ' 4l. - :',
teeing into rivalry with you, I will in tare,
since without some one ,Two yearasgo I;tooksatp.My resides
like epectrea r from the akei
meke your heart a depository of my secret,
I gave one, I think, almost as great as yours. I cordon garituire,
Ipave accepted an offer from Lord Cranbrook ; , shmikuleo; all ingress te the fire was cut off„ few weeks in a ceuntry Village in. 4 he:
aliel, as the newspapers say, the happy event' • as though 4 were under quarantine. And the part of NeW E ri gland. Soon ifteri my
will be solemnized in the course of the month. 1
rem circular row of legs and feet turning in- I became ai*nuited with` loVelligii
lady Julia's perfidy was soon made magi- w ds tow rd the hearth, looked like the sokes rently • abottt seventetai Yieirs:of agi - 1
fe : and Rosalie,
sit grieved
as mach ; of an enontions wagon-wheel. Er,rn }hula. -. 1 1- lost the idol. (if-her:pure - heart's' are
I lord was excluded, and with
tlf reby as by the supposed faithlessness Lef tis and the shadows of deepkend'hol m
he,i- lover, proposed to leave 3lorvington Ifell , breeches pockets, Mr. X. v sly were restieg like. the wing Of deaf , i n
thtt night : but Lady Louisa would not listen promenading his bar-room, et iok, brow. r first met her in the ;present,
toissuelt a proposition. e - , las good-natured and as eamfi xi- mirthful. She was . indeed a ereafirc
•I I have always, my dear Rosalie,' she said,; stances would perm i t.. worshipped--Aer broir Wee 'garlaiiilled•
Nand the best way of conquering our enemies' In this state of things, DI ( . 7 Z., of our town, youngyear'sawnetetitflowere---her Yell(
is bv confronting them. They tell me that the' entered!. rubbing his hands and pronouncing] were hangitig,beautifully au lowutem
wild animals are subdued by looking them energetreally several"monosyllabie words, ini som—and she Movecl t tliutigklhe.,tio
boldly in the face; and with all her fattlta, I connection with me quite original observael such a floating' aid 'Unearthly - Ode,' 1
deinot Believe that Lady Julia is in a wild tons on, the state of the weather. Rut in vain ;bewildered gazer alinbst ltlek - edlo , k
state or past repentance. So come with mate, did be • e t viti'
i blue nose dnd beseeching look, Tinto thelair,like die creidlorief•aotal 1
the drawing-room, and let all that has ,
paned ; walk r and the semi-circle of kind- heartedi, dream. She. seemed , cheeeft4,-and, n es
hete be a secret to our own dear selves. ',- neig hbors to get access ,. to the fire;—not a soul yet I saw that her gaiety SUS; but 'he 1
r l gSubmitting to the entreaties of Lady Lo I' ; °veil- id her feelings- -She- She but _th
R.ssalie returned with her to the drawing-r m; I
7 6
By the Laws, it's cold !" at length ex- soinethinglelier s sifilf. iiiiiele to)d .11
bit more bitter disappointment, and stj more I claimed the Dieter, by way of drawing atten-imournful beauty watrrbut , ,the:,briglitze
element anguish awaited ber. Lod Clarence I tit ' to hill forlorn condition. of a tear-and. IMF,-me
wls cold and formal in bis manner, and when " Hey?, cold, did you say ?" answered one - I heavily down, ii`f Stir - 11 edgier eitess
Lady Louisa had engaged him in conversations carelessly'; "yes, I should think likely it is., I ; of
,agottY . thai, • Was' btustinerterti het
with Rosalie, he suddenly isansed and begging: out iu t h e street ;"—and he coolly gave biz I secret lira. 131f0 %Of e 4 lislrib4'Scr
her pardon for detainirrg her from Mr. Travers, , chair a hitch, in the unsuccessful effort to get I left the seend of festitrity;and %nit
lethtily withdrew the room. it a half-inch nearer the fire.} 1
•: the:quiet stauteut.ka Athislber fPrebefi r C
4- t,al; WO ll • MTV . Ctn. 1.-fti.lnitnrti n 3 j. 3,,,, . Now. Docto r Z,.,, tloaegfi anr ee .4s the best- • ' on tae fresh .green -earth- apd d
tam herself again upon the couch, in ller #tt!! ,"'"'"'"""*. ' "'" " " Rem ir rti , I v ~. , ~... ~,, Ite re,
ole ; and while as fund of a joke as Curran weer ; IMO alt- EOM...IMO' V' Pr iit6lb. La it
11 roma in d espa i r.
l a is known as a perfect dare-devil, capable of] Days and weeks paseed -on, an tiii
eT friend whom she had foundan her sot- ,
any tbiug And, after a moment's waiting he , girl gave me tier confidence and be
.'• did not desert her; and though the Lady : . . •. . , .
LOtii= ,, a did not' approach the curate's daughter
on- again that night, she was not unprofitably em
er wit - plived ; for having caught the name of Travers
)11/2. " (
lett be reom, muttering something expressive I her as a brother. _Sim was wastins 1
of his private opinion as to the state of civili- I &sense. The smile tipoa her lip • avas
nation in that town. Cr-easing b the c street
a the pu rple veina upon her cheek grey
!tore he • put imat . ly up a un esomo our ;an t he cadence oilier voice beamed,
ten it fell from the lips of Clarence, she eon
„ said Lady 'Ju- I et . deil that Lady Julia bad been making mis-
• inche4 by two In, size, in one core of which ; weak and tremulous. Pp a rime.; eve
Jane t wandered on a
of "Du ' Lest." I the d h I
i l en 1
Dupont 's i ept of
a . match as well as eller in another quarter, and directly taxing
e are actually saying litjr with it, elicited the truth. Travers tieing I
...ei steel by you; awl it ad old friend of the family she had no hesita- ,
77 he put about a spoonful
Re-entering the bar-room, be tipped the , tance in the open air. 'lt Was t
' landlord asl • wink, and then, 'by a personal ; told me the-tale of, her passion, and* t
1 prev ailedthemost good-natured that had come down - lik 'mild W
Might have be = ..e necessary to take steps tien in requesting his assistance in clearing up ,aPPeu appeal, upon . .e. e ttPet
man of the group to snove his chair momenta- Love bad been a ortionlof her exude
to get, rid o .e scandal; but now,' she added fife mystery that separated two excellent .
. , ; G. • - thetendrilshadtwined i
, rely, sci as to admit Z. -within circle ; a beenaround er
with a, :. 0. e,, `all fear on that point,is over ' ; Warts- '
movement which the rest, reproved instantly, her earliest years; and when they ii
T. words fell like pointed steel upon the I 4 The next day the party were assembled at
b l k• d . 4 .-thed
aggers an ici clessb
goo , away, they left a wnund which - lime
Ih.rt of Rosalie. dinner, and a happy spell seemed to have f a h-' y o t) t ug
natured man. , .
the springs ttf her , soul were, blood; s
love lin
Her 'woman's pride Vus assailed_ Her ; upon all The dowager Countess even par- , „ t
Doctor ~ however, quietly turned his back "I am pa s sing away, said elm,
bat tn.-leaf:eft in the met th • and in the countenance ,
was. pare, entire, and high ; but she knew w t ,
~ .
to the fire, pulling his coat-tails aside, Ameri- should be so.' The witidahave done
the dignity ofherhonor demanded; she resole- d, Lady Julia there. was reflected ; something ,
canfashion,a d very com osedl whistlinglife, and the bright buds of hope end
!ed to be true to herself at any sacrifice - and li -e amiability of heart. Lady Louisa was ll P , y „.
Janke Doodle. blossoms of ,passion .sire seetterect at
allow no eye tb see the barbed arrow that was the liveliest of the party; she enjoyed the sat- . length
Chanced to remark— Hw ithering•the
At some qn e
tie in dust ; or retrial; a
festering in her heart. ilfaction of doing good. The ladies were about' '
1 " Must be a good morning for rabit-hunting! the chill waters of memory And ye
Rosalie accompanied Lady Julia to the boat Ite retire, when Lord Clarence detained them. l
1 Y - "saidtheDcatchingeagerlydownthetoile. •is 4 '
ea, Doctor,
with her wonted cheerfulness; her eye lost I 1, ' I have a favor to beg of you,' he exclaimed;
I the very, h intb li'd b • " f• " - • hard tak 1 of
y q a beta waiting or , 3es, isto e enve • the- fficilds
pone of its brightness, it seemed more bright! apd although it is not a customary thing, yet I
I I should think so. I'm going myself, directly me—it is very hard' to bid fareirell
than usual that night;; and her songs were , xiie may waive etiquette When ow affections are, „ -
I •of first-ratepow- dear scenes,wh ich f in'aa' to da. le
Just bought, a pollen or two ro y y
sung with all her wonted feeling. et neerned. I would request all who love me I
der over the way here Finest article I've the color of my life;and 'sympathise
" Ali! little they thick, who delight in, her ,t 0 drink the health of the future Lady
Clarence I
;seen in town." joys and sorrows. That little rev
strains, I /nnersley. And coolly taking out the package, he tore have so often strayed with my lattriec
A ~ly son •!” exclaimed the dowager Count-
That the heart of the minstrel is breaking " ' =•,ff a eorner, as ifat.d • On h at t• • now ' , the two
random, an pouring up_ y 7 ere tines, even. ,
_., ,_ , ,
The well remembered tones, as they fell, I le
,r;Th future L ad Clar n e tuners
They e c . y.
o re _ his hand about aspoonful of the apparent con- bis • voice conic stealitigpround iti(i tit
mellowed by distance, I upon the car of Lord i, tents, threw it upon the: fire. _ air becomes oneintensentidtkoureful
P . led his Lordship, and the sentence Was eeb-
Clarence, served to feed his melancholy,.
and 1 -el d bytheo th er ' gen tlemen , as they filled
. The explosion elevated some half-a-dozen of that pensive star, whieir we used tat
when the Lady Louisa Vallanville - arrived, and the circle (who had not noticed r what he was early rising, and .on, Which my.lanc
glasses fur the ladies.
doing) two or three inches from their chairs, picture form, leeking dquakupea
he was gene& termite her, the servants found ;
1 1 •: and h isthelady l am to have the
pray . tv o .
' and lend remonstrances followed against the ening In smo his
,own i brightiMut--c
him at the easement, I still looking upon the 14
moonlit waters, thong the music Was hushed, 1 6 gs.
41 goner of calling daughter .
r 9 inquired the Cohn- 1 . .
repetition of any chemical experiments of that er and tree and tavulet t
Sort ; while the landlord, who had got his cue, ;of our early, love liasnet-_ita,uplating
'and the boat now rape y approaching the there. l il `
In the drawing-room that evening, distant and 11 ‘Ro Li Iher eon' s
Th se e It tie,' was
t of
two fl r ep ly .
The astoms men o the
f ladies 1
1 reinked— • • I .
; become dear to sue , , and„,k cannot,
' "By George! you'd better blow a man's ,sigli, close my eyes dpna,them, frr
,constrained was the manner of both I.sord Clar- 1
, ea se and Rosalie May •; the former believed extremely great; but marvelous were the pow- 1 ,
; Ors of the third for by dint of persuasion, and "use uP, .4 1 idn't .Y§u •
c4l 1 I have lately Iseanl#a•fe Ober is
I thi l ; she to whom be ba4 given his heart, was .= . 'I fa bri ca tions,l d 7/.. in of mu I have spoken is dead..i V
"If you say much, I will," re wined , wh
~ ,
,en emphatic reference to certain
heat. I'd just as soon pita/ her
_life yes cam
,aolie falrus t
en • ged in a flirtation with his friend Travers ; grea t
'hich, whatever they might say for the ingenu- i apparent . ' Ida hf
1 the w hole two pounds into the fire as not." stream—gentle, on -toe L ain _g. r .
what Rosalie, conscious of the sacrifice, that 4
of . . .
tty their inventors, were hot creditable to i „,, d 'replied X confidetit- that lingers for a time awned 'the b
appeared .to he dematided of her, endeavored to ,
'heir reputations, she prevailed upon the moth- , 1 like to see y on, ~
.. i ,
creel roses, end then ,dzes„raa, I -11
attention of others al- •
seem pleased with the atte : . , lir and sister, the heart's tuisleadere, to correct I ly. ). - , '
Do you dare the to it ?" shouted Z. very sweetness., - ~, ,
though her soul was occupied with the image ~. .
laden. errors, an d accept the challenge of Lord
" Yes I do," doggedly answered the land- It cannot be that,clirth, • is _ u'
of Lord Clarence alope.
,iflarence. The night closed ou the happiness
.. k i,
"She led from that room=but not for sleep, f the family, circle. The sorrows of Rosalie, cast up hy 60' 0 4 ciaPq": ) ftEtrin 7 ,
No, it was only , that the wind might, steep , 4vere ended, A new life 'was opened to her, ' moment uper4ta l wavee, nod siok I,n
Her fever'd bpi in hilt delicious dew : ' toil the day of marriage witnessed also the _ .. _ -.- s • t
and nethingtleita ASP, fr49./. 1 1 tt
Her brow-wasburning, and aside she .threw - nptials of her true friend Lady Louisa Val- tula, , g
h e W4eit •
Her jeweled fillet ; from its loosened fold 4auvilie ; who, in giving her baud to Lord from the tereple,pruhilidartis,l44
Came o'er her peek and face a shower of gold— tranbrook, obtained what we are sure all will dlitn; ittir244 impi4itifiCavYttOfis
A thousand curls --ebe named the name y she deserved—a worthy husband. ratebei ana:tt*i.cP?utt, cell? t•- o r.
Of love, ad
dat that thought her cheek grew - - -t- - - beauty thatienet of 'earth, siia . o
: flame" I-' and leavesnd up°n,tbel l ; J
- • - , t ,r,-' bp *
e t
ly because they enabled him to rewar ,
tues: -•
' And you, my dear Rosalie'
'will be gratified by thi , -
Ourselves ; because per .
tat Clarence is fa-
• ~: ''he deemed heral alone, end in' that soli- '
tiat..could ease herwounded heart ; the feel- '
160 which rho' dig ea' to' auppreae no* lIIMI ,
terea' her ; and in" i 6 - pale' white 'tionrilight„
stier4 upon a coue a '' presto gikr and tears. ;.l l
Ittnfßosakie was no alone. . , . ,
Th re w as .one piing' upon' herd, pityingly ; ,
she: ii hid d - ti l e a tt.jfieisillefile,hßo-,:
r e ~ :,,:,• 1 4,..i 00ini to o it M ,w eiiii :2o lferrta o ie o r ioo i i ri
' le Lora".. - reticle, !wiles,* iobk told - A
„.....,,,„,..:4iii" 0 ' been off thi*Wilevar
tea:lo wbik `Aieiiethajoeditt thO Wwingl,
foo s :-ind-irtiei ha -Folloiied' 'tier *to:. Egli 'ow
iMudoir t0.,4 41 9 1 4.. '.rt*.aritlia' 4o o 6o. : '' 86 4 1
Otiiiliki,# 4l o 4. - il 0111 9 11 Y. 4hti01. 4 ' 4 EI
tr i e
ettoitgt #3l4 - viole nce of herr sefiiibi :
t''', - '''altite i oP ele r i tftli tt O w r i t . - i .
Mr..., , , r1: 4,.. ~,', . i`..:-: • '.. .7-';',. C ' j!*:- !: 1-r ,a
loi a shadow that afforded Security from obser- i
viition, and standing by the aide of -the heart- •
I *ken girl, whispered softly : ' I
i i il Rosalie r ' • 1
Rosalie started, and to her 'dismay beheld ;
b4fore her the' Lady Vallanville;
1 t Rosalie ?' 'repeated the lady, taking one of i
ha,.. white hands -within her Own, arid sitting
d4rn by her side, ' what is the cause of this e-
r4tion ; give me your confidence. Years ago
w were playmates ; and though time has
t 1.1
1 nsformed us into women, our experience of I
tt4 world has not, I hope, rendered us incapa- i
1:4 of doing justice to the merit. Come, lay
y, r pretty - head -upon my shoulder, and open !
th, little troubled heart to me. '
t t
'4l rith such words of tenderness did the. Lady
L4uisa endeavor to obtain the confidence of I
salie, and she succeeded. They were alone ,
td . ether; the jeweled arm of the Lady Louisa':,
w`3 thrown around the neck the curate's
dalighterand her fingers played with the i
There's a good time coming ; boys,
A gird time coming,—.
Subscribers shall not wait for duns,
But, flood us with their tras and ones,
the good time coming ;
.Otu•advertrsers Shallincrlsee,
Our.,ottronage grow stronger,
And .we, with creditors at, peace,— "
teetle longer.
Mrs. Jane Moody advertises in the Boston '
Journal, that lier'huibind haalalnindoned - her,
ilthini;ighit C'hiii . '".hoine him.' twelve children,
'ol4neyer - ' vi hiii an angry. I word, notwith
-4,ll'slid - keitlient' al 'usage." Sane - has
,I acted :fully tip to th e - old injuuttion; " bear and
I forbear!" 1 '`' ' . • . , •
.-`:Whey it ;a horsonot s bonal Virholl* is
turned bittia stable,
Down in a sun-light, Valley
• Stands my low-roofed cottage home ;
Rushing thoughts armind it rally,.
Thither wafted While I roam.
There in summer, as of olden,
Waves the green- toPped maple tree;
There in Autumn sere and goldeu,
Shadows lit: across the Ida.
Still the strearnlet oleaves the meitdow.
Bordered by the.mantling -
Where beneath the, tall oak's-shadow,
Then I threw the' hekopen line..
Thoughtless ebildhhod I happy childhoodl
I would jonAley back to thee ;
Roani again the tangled wild-wood,
Spbrt beneath the maple tree.
N 6 sooner said thaw done. With a mutter
remark about ." takings dare" from any I
man, Z. dashed the bundle' among the blazing ‘,
brands and sprangi tol'vards-Ahe door followed
by the' landlord.
' Reavens'and earth, what 'a scattering! No .
one Stepped to' shove be& his chair—every ,
thing turned a cemplete sotnmerset ; and gath
ering themsclves.up a 8 quickly as they could
disentangle arms andlegi from the • conftised
mass, everybody shot for the doors and 'win-.
dowe, without stopping to 'look behind him.
One manorhose Wok has been tried on or
dinary Occasions, Vanished through the big- 1
door, jumped a1.14 . - toot fence without brea • '
his rot, and was last' seen streiking l it ,thAtiiirli ,
bacit: , etteo, l yellitig murder' at 'the 'top of lite l
f a
•voi , t i r spd,obeelMi; whilelookingtplmakiti4
to . ed ge, be filling:till:the* '. '."
* "other long'zl r egged iiidiiiduA'Whiris bat
iti : ike'S piir 'of tong* tuidehut three'l
across a Oltt,y, foot street, and headed' rip' We,
ie..loogtorffq 4l4o4 ..o.s l6dilbOut,-4§440,e5;
-P444/44°Tstiii/0ft.910..*e o,',liettuid
kilossmt w ,11;_ritUhil '?°o4; P al ' 0 0:494 -
'ng b-044 *l-,it14 0 iiki. fig 9.( 1 c9iEt. ,
While ono eonrageotte mtpepi L
both doors and • windows:hOpeiesily ,
scrams led do':Oinfi'eoniinelne
ing most antiontly l ; , titit ? .. being rat*
miliarwith any (ither serter notnssiti
the Lord's Privelvheiv4hea"lPiit
tones of most, energetin,levption 7 -1
" Now •Ilay,snekth)wapiksleepr
To this day, if you talk of " rabit
in the nregenee„ofip i y- ofAh?ier,,,eine,
will tafefieffili'eat iftwoMinafi:
Couriir. Y'"
. ". n r,ilirlgO!!"!,f#lPP-
I bay° seen the infliPt;'siiiilkg wp
atrickdri fle*Cr i , gero
fiercely tirefithink
of battletheloiser4ble 'convict sticidit
-the acallol4,-arigi cdOorfulilik
lips-4 have --* 4e,'"
nefl,? I r bYls'# 0141 , t , 0/ 5 arso-7 1
6T :reap* imaill#einidi* C,
$4,atk.0.v?1,14g,,gc our liFfifq.
rov4 ierSeg us
,46 : 6T, 40
107 Y And Path, iki t ii it.tbk .
giS t.
Atfilmmio9:lo4 are
Omi , :klice i ti f fr i :ati l *- 0 ' ,iV
*pia* 9UPPT, 1 001% 3 .4 4. no ik!
inif;"o.7t4kykirnszliii.7" f
hsb4. , Iffvythan:gr, 16;4'. ,'
'ltie.r, o IR, lijOsinkk.: , 4)Ail '
4101,Wiikellliki#C 1 *9i
ill ao gicAldsnaik obieqibet
Ana 4beiiihilielia 1 tqiiiiiirr
' before 'alike., 77. ot
foroVelt a. E to • ,
Aft ..rlio,, i4;44444,
- '."-7,17;71:-,',--•":=4,.
. ~. I~ .~
f; Z.; 7.72.1 i1M761.4,+:,n-:r;;;.41,7;,y4-4.:.
edged '
P ra i ;
ore hi. ,
I , thin,
ed, he
g upon
, rins ef
~ and
rth in
, with
tied i te
le, but,
off Id
easin •
of ut
, ,that
%tot a
411 1 * -
. herbed
t lofe,
on her
of the
to be
ith the
ha 4l.
t tfie
er fade
" and it
over my
he sweet
nod. and
. ay upoq
I cannot
tear. •It
.bo love
,to those I
with its
_love, wnd
the ,t9ne..1“4"
P.9 1041 7=
etch Mitt
CaU,Pt ,
me., bec k
very :o w-
•041,1 '"" •
r."\. > ,
• • 0 10 0 °
' • i 'lo.e,
lieltr •• - -
- el . l"'tro'.
' 'ibidigg
i bb \ .
lilee• 1 40
raior viiß ,
ik tits 41'
us liith
*gle+l, ll r,e I
1 ! t rt"
r od
virn tor
, 01:4784 .. 4$
4100 11 1 1
~4z. 4i
irr - r
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ti% , 3 ,
. - j .0
-.-: r..,1, z..:_;:.•
i'.kd 1?
i VOL' - J . V;' NO; 18 ! , 1 :: : :: , '.
thy ipic image is BO times illigi AB. . rgi 'kill!.
i py s t e no us silkier! of ' miliwitt.
i`Arinfiniiiie itioriii . 'the lika - iit - Maiiii r*',l
'tkailuingweonsew ling- nn:lW benneaski,
lingers around my low, and mantle beferip-mir3
in its; pile,-dini lorlineM, till mru-Rikit sinlinj
like 4 sooki:frellk *Alen 11 PCVIAlsthoillibW :::-• ~
1 44, PflAtirt W t,', 'f,l ' t 4i, ..te!ll, 1 1, 4 4 111 40 111 +
* ' . "'.
: Nil l eiriN*4•110101011.1 ' .
i ~11 :IiitLiltrirBrot
o ir4drit alltaraligi .14 - `.':
'Ds *it' otUni , Ctoiriiiik Ira xis ia 0 *tat:,
nicliitt. ,and - nuAner* 3 .oo,l4l,., ~.- fi14,..1
dentu.i*OiuLAfrlisvitif . , %Psi -
the §reniatt rirMindik AO; it, AY; t x
stinientiliit - tini4MTlegniri 7: ikanifirtit :. - -
tent . otlftet . volit• 4f . . Ai Seetti - 4110011111 .
Chjobene AO f00041 7 ...10 . 0 418eez_..4.144. 6 411 44 0 A
hp u4 o., 'Whelß ; they 1, attliett. 4 4 , .41.10-'
upeadedlbe_Aree,,, hile the et* ;,
lit l
the liat z ieWta •eitin'tbirphilitir;:i t ' t 1
tilipOited *WWI -i. - , •-•' lii-4ifit: 1-
blit. litho Air; -*: GU'
bhicko„-f9ritisWar,l. I.4i,9Ttitritet tt6-2-.11 .1, , ' -',
i r s,
under lip tiO, ' ,Y". '1:151r. ° -•- "'
----` ".
hinieSiteti --- . i", lowly, *mei ''
~. - ..
hie miMjimitolialionethird)railiii. 4„-, s- -
eiirinisrlip. Leiretitly,ilkid;iiiiiiiiteilitii , ......:,
ot•ta , Alm dibonasrfpliow,;,:: 'l , • - • •ebt•-4 , i .:•. at . 6211.4> '''
I 711,P0,13 1 0-,-- I ,tir t I ,:t •;,3 1 jil•tip. 4innizal, iti3s4
.. a t ge Idip,
.e?..` hf P:tetforlisiffa .
(ice 14 titiekiii - iviOnVe: - ...- " —..-, Li •
- iThe'Otilei' ~ranm*li lit '}i',iijlliiiiii.4lloo, ,
I& mashwesclai _:: -. i :al 4,-a, , -f,n!tl,i4" - *,4i -
41,H01A-is -oa4 gOz -, . 1 1 4 1 104jIRTA9Tilikr;-4
... i'1 ,P4 4 1.- 1 4 1 inigt 4 . WAS Ahe rPSYt a1d;4 1 9,:i
- it in Ilm - -15:nctiir's big: . - —r"• ', .-., '!.
''silfere r arlffarni;Prei,"'''sald the alkincokill
. Wit - 10adent.,: , grabbing • 'tint old- Nei ; «la.
. tt
you:lire-heet Ir. ~.. " :::--- • ',..-.., : . li ;', • • ~.
I - I:" l *!,sis,iilivirmitg the Doctor, • , , - , ....;
,'• "lie/lie-See, J'etkitill • you have.Mitir.;;;"" - *k
Here's_ daughte r Wei' Weir' ind'ipo Mi'Mk. - -,'
tifi be 4iid . one' regularly , thronet !. With:del' ''~`
1 Dockei family ~-i nd- . -Chickens...:4lUvabtainak i
will* Loft.An one 4 6 0 : 0 0 nwith -,th
ihigthi iifireikwtiaiitled i ► Pittpdori.tlliu W iiif; Caine 7diii 'Aid Artll l 4'k torie
lett. l- 'l3ttiesP-iiiis• iiltf . Ustordidarimilll to leers •
frnmrlda annpsnioulthakheoqiadaliata#L
lebe * 3 44;441 if imi ilvfl . then l :ll o . ll ßyieMbtik
must, : have 1 been: to. Dr. -?f,cdt4: AxisAgia,S
-finel, an d - .. Ilili.ace w ere ninirMos . t', ii. -- theic..-
theigifiiiitdille`n - it forenoon iiiiiiliediii&
'mired: 7 1.4te' , inritatioil from ciciefiegiado
?low •ibit ,040610 ,of •their import tir"
• e.Try -Y oj4llmerr. Ko d .ef.4. 10112 3,4E1PM1114
no.yrilVeartife/i oriCnAkil /4- be. Ilk**
iinidi ''tlikil"; l it
._, ii - lo' the ' litit*.w ere
'lifter filei*X!freetheA*tite Atkin I •'..ii-- - „i.:-.
• and_ ;midi adinge paityliav !kiwi imitie , g
the festive board.- , Alter asking rir j bleesibsfri- . "14
t lii_D..oo, er _roso _from. biurleakandi ''' ..the - -7
- 4 6.4 = 17 :' iiiaWl" - *'''''' ' _ .-, • -
, I
' « Yoni g gentlemen . ~ ben?* -Old 11tei,adf
Idinaiyrex; , 4miJo-and.,danfhterAilfl
theUu ' e.du,
t:queOpg -ricaess4velye,the,ipti,
peetir.U..c Th e binkenvs-.—lo ; which., Irillyon. Vebelpt.
ed P.'s' . ' confusion ; ind - inortifirarionefldi
littideitti'niibe imagined. -4 ."-', :-'s _i.' A r
- e ,
* r ibs 4
:6s Onciiinns.-n a certain . vfilag
of tlie'lai West was in atheist: ' lie'ilis'it
. great:admirer of Robert Dale Ourmi , and ' Pint;
ny_Wright:;- but ,be"„ could_ xen ,no -.excellence
atbe*iiiy ii! the Sup. i of . righteousuins, :Abi,"
mu of course, moms: ontered REIT plitce, ef.w,erf
A 1
. ' llideed, is the fruit `seisbniie *is ape= CV Ilitify' Mr the Sabbath, in liieltditg, Id*.
orehstdsfroin his great enemies,-the woodpeek.
en, &tut the Idle smi profligate persona of the
village, who,, on thstAsy, made. unustudly 4
havoc among his *led arid,pesiches.
bnerdlY, 'while at, mirk with his .
Jave:.-4401-Itheist like himself; although a web'
kinii.sixiclf courteous. gentienuasshi fast*
[4411•0941r -egad" was-pawing . 4 yffl=ol 44
^tihus accosted the minister : - ,_ -, ,
use., s„
'it Sri, WhiLiS the of your seltehinif
What good Ryon do, by Wl' lriflorikalla*
taaolf.these feflowE hare letter lOW ' , Why
don't; you #l l thuniomet,tdog the m
4 1 PrPr lien=ns, and keep, O(4 , IArON!*
my °rail/rad 7i* ' " ':*.: - A --1
~ ,T oitil'iiiiquitaiter fieido - "ity , "
repri nw
“walist sir,' sii Uortylothiso atcliaia . •
at* kabourd thbati willingly read .tha: ~
wijOrt+lP- Your c 4 C9 I /fir.. 41 4 iloct„lir,,,, , " Il _, , . 1 -6 R-t i fi,_
&Obi ouch k 5 they are *if 1 03 /A° , '.!k rw'
tteii11461.141•CT4440 iet a' eigiiier . -- , 44
•? - I )l 3risoCjiebd i l" Opliel thennijonlatokil
ea vhioli , tlU) , alder iatbbizst,,bluabiag,All:44ll
an'OP an 9010gPsied tone, said: , .. •': 1 :124')
_4., 1 ,.! Welly I liege' 'lle la Arlie enoiSk; ' 1 4 1 ,,..‘ dot
the chi kople that'stSai iiiiiihWkt‘
" _"...
i i
1 Tawpisoss or TArrPia.i•-4:
. havOtWored e.ldreptico 1 1 11141k—kheAaRt
pi% wlO. 1 41,491iV e l t I. II I S- -- 0 1! *M%
/dim the i 4 r ation ice ea - Idly, the
iisteiliiini alloy alOtat'n - NtiVii oldiiiiiiilleal.
e d, : ii - okh i ther,= Wier •.:. . iidiglit: 01E4 ~, - 4
you r , ilVhi• lu;OPaf ' Al'min-do, .
I Ilion _ live lo ng ltkbpalth‘ tirlialre yOu l bStipt, ,,
lout the ailliof.ed'paliint. - '`*itro;'44tiiquofima
*exult," Afoiaa Viiiiililla; S failltitaWnriai
iltrioiStio bog " u n. l t b e tt* si
II ;c? Butt.--Mijoris ca n e d id
the! - iitny'' 4 1 %Ad Blbe "ik - nick-ilinui; , fo ,
tol t s
tadOli lie UV *tali Mita* tjual,l,C 44ind ,
'At the all tiOilztt the dotdttroitry; V , *
iroAcor, ' ienCYlitis- by on t 4 ri e h / 4 4 ;
tem op.,
,p;4g4g4,4 l ,TTlTii 6 , 11 ,77 111 7 1 .' -
lee drank. - --1 •=,
• r''i ldeitel'ltlolitgottlii. low
blldt'ottidietf- Betty . It sylcir; Illo' - 61wiie1
. _
01`i • , al, old roor
or/ i t er '
, •
pr.::. ..
~1. ~.,:÷4:4-";,,
' l PArp i
oft, • , L. , -I ..-. i V 4 4.-, t af,,,, , e x.,14_-. 4
....m, ... ; ,. . 6- x, -. l ke in tr.-MI; v- , 1
..41 ,14 4.-[4-4- • 4 •, - — I - •
1 , '
,--tl4.lltVolf, ;
.i~, ~c3