Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, April 27, 1848, Image 3

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O. G. ~ IMIPSTEAD, Editor.
Iniontrese, . April 21, 1848.
Subject to decieion of tie National Convention.
P 0,3 c)ksiL commtsszoNzz,
Of Wistmoreland County.
T Vow
air We wi4 to. say to our patrons and cor
respondents, thl4 all communications or other
articles intende4 for the " Democrat," must be
received by Motillay night, and all advertise
ments; by Tnes4ity night, to receive attention
the same week.
garbWe need, not apologike, we are sure, for
devoting so larit a space in our columns this
week to the exclting pews from Europe. We
know it will be acceptable to all our readers,
even though it tkreludes bur usual variety.
p ar We lea& from the Bradford Reporter,
that Hon. David Wilmot, who was summoned
by telegraph from Washington upon the death
of his child, reacted home in time to attend -the
obsequies on Friday following the fatal ealami
ti. He was exlfeeting to return this week.
Ils-nom 'Skill:l.—The President has re
nominated Col. Victor E. Pioßet, of Bradford
county, to the Senate, for the place of Pay
master in the Mau. It is thought he will be
confirmed this time.
A Stanek Gathering.
We print else,'Uttere to-day the late letter of
Cassius M. Clay to Henry lay as a part of
the history of the times, !and in accordance
with our promiso made last week. As such it
is worth a pant, and a place on record.
Whatever may have been the motives of its
author, one thiiig is very clear, and that is,
that he has spoken with a voice more potent
and appalling to his name-Jake and relative
and his worshippers, than any thing they have
heard since the', thunder of the ballot-box in
1844. In one Point at least; all Whigs must
agree, via : that-no man labored more assidu
ously and with more efficiency during that cam
paign for 'het , Clay, than did Cassius M. ;
nor will many •Inestion the truth of his pre
diction, that " Henry Clay can never be Pre
sident of these Rates."
There is evidently a storm of portentousim
port gathering On the -Whig horizon. lt is
not alone Cassius M. Clay that severs the
chain of man-worship, and menaces the hero
of Ashland with desertion and impending de
feat. No, no. i Notwithstanding they, with
all other candid men, must adniit him to be
the strongest fader they can get, yet, there
are many Casiiuses who, Brutus-like,„ .. ge
stabbing him tei the vitals.... They feel deeply,
mortified : at histmivental ill-luck, and` of
fourth attempt. Uith his name will be attended
with a defeat flu more humiliating and dis
graceful thin thi first. ' The paper which more
zealously and efficiently than any other urges
him as the candidate of the party—the Tri
bune—is clearly _alarmed at the dark clouds
that are gathering over and around him, and
accordingly in a!late number we find a long
leader—s compOnd•of fear, indignation, half
threatening and '''half coaxing—in which sev
eral " conspienoits journals" catch an uncon
scionable drubbing, for daring to speak or
think diminutively of Mr. Clay's last perform
ance, or hiAtroapects as the 'Whig candidate.
One in particular (the Cleveland, 0., Herald)
that paper saysi " has surprised us. • It has a
column which it says is 'dictated by no unkind
spirit toward M. %k ° If so, we beg it to
try to be unkind nail time, and so stab the
man outright inland of hacking him to pieces
with a dull hatchet. It charges Mr. Clay with
losing the last election by writing hisbama
letter respecting Texas, says that . Clay i
would lose Ohioby being a slaveho er, and
that none but a &orthern man can be chosen.
It decides off hiild that Mr. Clay Cannot _car
ry one of the newly. admitted States, nor Geer
lie, nor Indiana, nor Pennsylvania, nor'efren
New York ! It 4 - sys that ' there 'are 5, 10, 15,
and even 20 ''hig voters in each township'
(Ohio) that wig not vote for a slaveholder un
der any eiretunsianees.' " \ • g
We note theie things mdrely as a part and
parcel of the history of the times, for the infor
mation of our readers, and not because we feel ,
any particular interest in tbem ourself, Who
the Whigs will s'nominate is a matter of very
small moment to: the Democratic party, so that
it has a "good ram of ITS OWN. Yet, thei are
not without *port. When such staunch
Whigs as _Cassius M. Clay, Win- Cost John
son, and manyl9:thers we might name,. menace
him with deseifion, and "many conspicuous
jotanala," as tl4 Tribune says, criminate him
in advance with such severity, it is certainly
an unfavorable augury for Mr. Clay, and one
that is ealculateff to give his friends serious
apprehensions. However much Democratadif
fer in respect to a candidate, we are confident
their difference p is not half ao 'wide, Or half so
alarming as t*breach in the racks oi our op;
ponents."/ It itja prophecy, we again repeat,
that few will attempt to gainsay, that "-Henry
Clay can never be President of these States:"
Etats kern from TankhannoOk
that Sielder; wo war in jail at , that place im
charge of robb4 the Mail between Nehooliemy
and Exeter, a few weeks 'ince, broke oat On
the night of the 28d inst.,Nand is now at tare.
A reward of ., dollars is . offered for his
41 lodgement in any jet in the
United Staten: 't
air Dm Pitiooothogo of •Cmgroo s o 4 411,
tilt pop* vest &TI bees of iv) importmet.
Abseendisx Elaris--Great Excitement is Wish.
On Saturday week, a 4ar' ge party ofd slavea,
Upwards of seventy in number, belonging in
Washington and Georgetown, escaped; in the
Sehooner (414k1Ayres, bound to phi's,
delphia. The *lite ilitilinissed, however,
til some time on Sitielay,l when, in the midst of
excitement and confusion, a steamer was got
in' readiness, armed with muskets and other
weapons, and started in hot pursuit dOwn the
Potomac. About two ;'o'clock, on Monday
mo4ng, the "piratical"; craft was discovered
i n a tain. bay at the month of the river, esp.;
tared and towed back, . fugitives and all, to
Washington—the la !with Capt. Sayres,
person named Dayton, (w chartered the
schooner,) and another named Ches i'• 14
. •
being consigned to prison. The greatest
eitement prevailed, and the latter individuals
Were only saved from eitreine personal vio
lence by the crowd, by being conveyed to the
prison in Hacks, which were pressed by the
anthorities for the immediate occasion. Their
examination on the charge of " aiding slaves to
escape from their owners' was to hive corn;
menced on Thursday.
But the excitement did not 'cease here. .A
large crowd, numbering some two or three thou- ,
deed men and boys, immediately assembled is
front of the office of the National Era, a Lib=
arty paper published in the District, (and we
will do it the justice tn say it is'liberal and
odurteous in its opposition to the " Peculiar
Institution," 'and besides! the ablest edited
pei• in the country,) and ; commenced throwing,
missiles of various kinds, breaking windows;
creating the greatest confusion ; and- it
was only through the intervention of a prompt
mid efficient police, aided by several influen
tial citizens who harangued
.the mob, that it
Was saved from immediate destruction. Many
eta), loitered around until near midnight, when !
a drenehing rain set in and so cooled their. ar-
dctr, or fury, that they qnietly dispersed.
What could have been their object in mob,
bing the Era office, it is easier to surmise than
to: assert with positiveness. The conductor of
that paper forthwith issued a card disclaiming
any connection witjr , or knowledge of, the abJi
sconding affair; 'bat notwithstanding all this,
the mob,. spirit raged for several days, and a
Cofamittee 'was chosen to remove the Era off
flee away from the District. The rage howev.:
er has somewhat subsided, and we learn by the
latest mails that the project of removing the
printing office has been measurably abandoned:
And well it is for thi" Peculiar InstitutiOn,",
vid perhaps for the country, that it has, for
the day is past for such despotism to be tulera-,
teil by the free people of America. If a ,
al; courteous, respectable newspaper, has got
fo!be mobbed and deniolished in the Capital of
ner Republic, without any provocation, it is;
fi4aythe least; a . melancholy If the
J rodowt , 'Ef the press
~h as got to pass under.
Ilitlibliflingiorship, and finally be abolish
4d; rt ss,getting to be time for freemen of the
Ninth to inquire on what ground' they stand..
Let slaveholders and their allies have a care
about their doings, for they may breed their
'own destruction; by exhibiting such features of
tyranny. Not that we would be understood as,
justifying the abduction of their slaves, as in'
the case of the Captain of the Pearl; but we
do deny the right or,the aggrieved to wreak!
their vengeance upon the " sacred and inalien.. !
able rights" of the prin. Let the slave in- . 1
terest but attempt seriously to abridge these,
and "wo be unto" their institution.
misplaced clemency of the Whig Governor of
Nets York, is already ;beginning to exhibit its
frti ita. . Sheriff John 11. Smith, of Columbia
County; was deliberately abut down by the sim
ultaneous discharge of two rifles, on the 12th
fruit, near one - Geo: L. Finkle's upon whom he
Na a s about to serve a process for the colleztion
of rents.
ANOTHER. atm:ans.:E.—Judge Breese, at
present II S. Senator , from Illinois, is spoken
of in several Democratic papers for the next
Presidency. The Quincy (Ill.) Herald .ree.,
(impends him quite strongly. The New York
Sun, and the Cumberland Valley Sentinel, of
this State, have also recommended him.
- Gera.;—The Court was l employed the remain,
(lei of last week in trying the cases of Com'th
. •
vs.: Dewitt C. Roberts on two inifetments for
lireeny, and Eli as Lee; indicted for secreting a
haitard child, on all of which the accused were
acquitted. Court adjourned Saturday night.
error in, our last weekts report we wish
trteorreet. In ease of the Com'th vs. Thomai
Rogers for keeping a tippling house, our coin=
positor made us say "guilty," when it should
have been "not guilty."
!CONTRADICT/W.—The' Pennsylvanian cones
tr4diets the report of the Legislature haying
liaised the law abolishing Militia trainings.--!.
Tim bill,
z it says , was lost, in the Houkelust
before the adjournment. We were led into the
erior, u well as'.almost all of our eotemporaF
ries, by the city press.
pitlassaenuesiza Pavizonsa.—Daring the
debate In the MasseelmWtte House of Bepre r
sentstives, says' the New, Hayes Register i op
the.resolution, of sympathy with the French
itiople,l $ whig member from Boston moved to
pe 7 ele.
sstrikeOut the weeds, " th at we recd • Cif
At 04 , 100bitioar To this swami
"o; Entwines rep l i ed, that if the ' oft:
had 11 0 the right of revelation, theis
Imre t , sitting a and proceedings of the. Leg
idterilyegat; for they Were based on s re*
o r tgot up *owe seventy pus 11 6.
8 , ge ili it May . arriixty . Whig me be*
ioted to 'strilumut•
• principle . on bigt
ii *sea O. Dethinitkii Amami In
Oleg, Aleh'shinci - which party ,
4011.• itifi primiries orr soot =Nista .
Summary of General Intelligence.
titere has been a most . disastrous gale on
Lake Erie. Fifteen vessels were run ashore
within twelve allies of Sandusky. The steam
boat, Oregon was nearly wrecked, having reach
,ed leveland with great difficulty, and with - th:
lossl, of her smoke-pipe and rudder.--The
stealnship United_States, - now on her trial trip to
Liv'rpool, was spoken by Capt. Nye, of the
pac et ship Henry Clay, on the 12th inst., 72
from Sandy 'Hook. She bad averaged 230
mil ot a day, was going at a rapid rate, aadlln
pea4ed magnificent.---The *eta; met Niagara
warAiriven ashore on Lake Ontario during the
galt of Monday and Tuesday week, and wholly
lost Three buildings were . '
consumed by
fire n Washington on the morning ofthe 19th
inst A man named Wheedon, saved himself
fret* the flames by leaping from a three story
window with a child in-his arms. The ex
teadve grocery warehouse buildings of Gen.
Patterson, (who is now- in Mexico,) in Phila
delphia, were consumed by fire on Tuesday
wee*. - The loss is assessed at $80,000.
'.lletfulty, the absconding clerk of Messrs. Vies
& Stang, Now York city, who escaped from ens
, todLa few weeks ago, has bekp arrested at
Ma ntAB.—Two men have been arrested in
Maiamoros, Mexico, who arc supposed to be
the y I robbers of Dr. Darlington ; President
t a
Bank of Chester county a few weeks!
sing. They bad in their possession notes on
Ithat Bank to the amount of s4o,ooo.—Pro
posits for the $16,000,000 loan are now adver
tiseii—A woman named Temple, widow of
a revolutionary soldier, residing at Athens,;was
foutjd in the river, dead, at Towanda a few
days'. ago. She was partially deranged, 'and it
is supposed that she went into the river and
Itraeither drowned; or died from the effects of
col4.—The locomotive of the Baltimore train
of Saturday evening being detached at Havre
de ti race. berore the cars could be arrested,
Chef ran three-quarters over the boat which a
waits their approach—and pass( s their passen
geri across the Susquehanna—and were within
firelfeet of its farthest limit. Had the motive'
poqhr been a shade greater, one hundred per-
son* would have been precipitated down a de
clivity 30 feet into 20 feet water.—A little
mot than a month ago, and Louis Philippe,
M. 0 uizot and Prince Metternich, hold in iron
-chains more than one hundred millions of peo
ple,i!and to-day they are dependent upon eour
ites,,t and charity for support, supplicants for
64- lives, and hiding themselves from the just
intration of the people whom they had op
pre sed.. What a moral this reverse contains!
—-, x. The National Debt Of France amounts to
upwi,ards of one thousand- millions of dollars !
—4-The Wheat crop all over the country is
spoken of as unusually promising.—At a re
cenf, fire in New York, a Mr. Baldwin saved a
chittl in the house of Mr. Ogsbnry under the /
fullewing circumstances : The child was in the
' 2d *tory and the flames were already engaged
on the house, and the engines were playing in
to it. The distracted mother was crying in
ageiry for her child when Mr. B. climbed upon
a sired in the rear, forced his way through the
wiridow, grasped the child, and hadsthe happi
ne..4 of. carrying it to the arms of the mother.
—iThe Democratic National Convention is to!
mett at Baltimore on the 22d of May. —A
1,, mait'named Parkhurst was murdered on Sun
! day) morning last, at New Haven, in a house of
ill-Fame.-- , —The steamer Washington which
saiied from New York on Thursday, broke her
pistonwhen about 200 miles out, and immedi
i stet - put back for repairs. She arrived on 1,4;•---,
untay.—Queen Victoria will be 29 yes sir old
i on the 4th day of May.---Miss Susan Cush- ,
1 ma, the actress, has been married to Dr. Musk
rat a gentleman of fortune near Liverpool,
Enaland.—..k.stor's Will, it is said, makes 48 ;
manuscript.paiOs of manuscript. His estate, instead ofj
beidg forty millions, is now said to be worth I
lessithan twenty millions.—Louis Philippe '
is s#id to be the holder of $500,000, at 5 per
ceni.,Pennsylvania Stock.—A school-master
in Vermont recommended to some of his pupils
a rirrpime -edition of Comb on the head?-1
TI4 charter of the North Branch Canal Com
pel has been extended to the' Ist of January.
I(iw Statts—The Presidential Elettion.—The
Whigs in Congress are doing, and will , do, all
thl can to prevent the admission of Wiscon
j sin , nto the Union at
_the present session.—
IThl question of boundary is raised , but more
for he purpose of delay, than any other, until
, after the Presidential election. Minesota, too,
; wig soon be knocking for admission, and it is
larted that it would be best to attach the
valley of St. Croix to that territory and ad
miel both when the time comes around right.
Ey foul or fair means, our opponents will en
de*vor-to defeat the chance of the territories
voting next fall. Our opponents will " stoop
to toncier"—they will stop at nothing to gain
the-election. With a strong candidate and a
united front, the Democracy has nothing to
feat. Their cause is just, and must prevail.--
Delroit Free Press. -
The Pdstmaster General has succeeded
thi year in letting the mail routes of the mid
cm States at one
,hundred thousand dollars
less than, the last year. This is a saving of one
ou of seven hundred thousand dollars, or
egtlal to above 14 per cent. Several Railroad
Ceiipanies that have stood out, have come in
on be terms proposed by Mr.. Cave Johnson,
and the department will go on - perfectly smooth
in. 3short time. With these sayings, the spec
dy4ptroduction of the cheap uniform *ostage
sys)em is reduced to a certainty.
slaws Co. Medical Society. '
i 4i regular meeting of the Society was held
on 'the 17th inst. at the office of ' the Sec. at
Mtfotrose t. pursuant to previous notice, at which
tint following proceedings were had.
; f everal medical gentlemen previously pro
pined fur membership were duly elected.
,port of C ommittee on code of Medical
E ics, recommended by the National Medical
Uet regular meeting of the Society.
to t ,cu,
(3ommittee on preliminary education to be
extleted of young men, before, becoming stn
cietits of medicine, reported progress, &c., and
tirefe continued; , ,
o4jPon Resolution of the Sockty,• Drs. Pat
' . and B. 8.. 'ark , were angtiwted delegates
he Conirention of die National Medical As
soiation to be held on the 4th day of May
ne t, at the city of Baltimore, the said dele
ga tiilmitO rer to appoint substitutes.
11 . Satdell ills;alree, a part of the pro
. , werelordered to be published.
a k r
adjourned to meet 'on - Monday the
214 of Aug. n e xt, 1 o'clock P. M. at.. the of
ficil of the Secretary.
s, R. PATRICK, Jr., •Sec.
he Whig Convention of Missouri have in
dad their delegates to the National Con
' in
to support the =Westin of Oen. Tay
tor ths Ptusidanoy.
val of the Acadia.
The steamer Acadia arrived at Boston on
Sunday •evening. The news by her is but lit
tle later, yetis of considerable importance.—
We regret oneinakility to give more than a
synopsis of it* .l o, l #.
We havei**lnter. firm Ireland. The
generateoln4lie Continent has gone
OD increasing.
The ieportedAii — irarreetion in Lombardy is
confirmed, with the further important feature
that the King of Sardinia at the head of an ar
my of 30,000 troops, crossed from the Pied
mont-ese territory into Lombardy, issuing as he
passed the frontiers a formal declaration of war
against Austria, and marched direct to Milan.
The Austrians, defeated at every point, fled as
he approached, and buying successively been
*riven from Parma, Brescia and Dessenzano,
have endeavored to establish themselves on the
Hue of the Mincio.
The Italian Duchies have burst out 'into
open insurrection ; Modena and Parma are
revolutionized; and Venice, which,has been
dying daily since the fatal 18th of January,
1798, now jest half a century, when the Aus.
trians took possessiOn of that city in virtue of
the treaty of Campo Fotmiii, again shows signs
of life.
In Austria proper every king seems disor
ganized, and amidst. the: chaotic confusion
which prevails, it is quite impossible to fit the
hourly changing scene.'
It is anticipated that the Austrian General
Itadetsky, who is afraid to enter Mantua, for
want of provisions, will be compelled to capiiu'-
late upon the appearance of the Sardinian
It is said that' a disposable force Will shortly
be at the command. of Charles Allert, of not'
less than 260,000 men. With such an army
not only will all Lombardy be liberated, but
Austria may be threatened, even at the gates
of Vienna.
Savoy has declared itself a republic.
In Switzerland a strict neutrality seems to
be aimed at, and the levying of troops is
countenanced by the Vorort.
All the countries on the right bank of the
Rhine have been violently convulsed.
At Baden, Wirtemburg and Saxony, liberal
governments have been conceded to the people.
In Hanover the triumph of popular.. feeling
has been complete.
In Prussia, after the bloody scences which ,
took place in Berlin, the King has put himself
at the head of the Genpan• confederation, and
promises extensive Constitutional reforms. At
the same time he has:plunged headlong into a
dispute with the Danes respecting the long
contested affair of the Duchies of Holstein. and
Schlerwig, which by force he seems resolved to,
detach from Denmark .' - On the other hand hp
is exasperating the Autocrat of Russia to• the
highest bounds of iassion by encouraging the
Poles to erect a free government in the Grand
Duchy of Posen. All Silesia, Breslin, and o
ven Lithuania, appear to 'be in an alarming
state of convulsion.
It is rumored that 50,000 Cossacks have
suddenly disapreared at Tilsit; and the state
of excitement in which the Emperor is at the
moment., should the King of Prussia waver,
the consequences may be serious. The Empe
ror himself is vigorous and decided. He is
said to have ordered every man in Prussian
Poland between 18und35, to be removed into
be interior of Russia. . •
Russia is concentrating a vast army in
Southern Russia, which we phould deem suffi
cient to crush any attempt to erect a republic
in that division of the empire. The Emperor
has issued a manifesto.
In Denmark no actual hostilities have yet ta
ken place.
In Belgium, all attempts to overthrow the
government or to create, disturbances have
failed. Belgium and Holland are compara
tively tranquil.
It is reported that the Turkish government,
under the influence of die Russian ambassa
dor, refuses to acknowledge the, French Re
A violent emeutc took place - at Madrid on
the evening of the '26th. The people and the
soldiery fought in the streets from 7 in•the
evening until 3 or 4 in the morning and a con
siderable number were slain on both sides.
The cause was said to be, a republican move
ment, and it was wholly unexpected. Courts
martial have been held on many of the prison
ers, but no executions tbok place, Queen
Christina is said to haire 'lied. On the 27t1r
the city was declared in a state of siege. Tran
quility has since prevailed.; but the provinces
are excited to an alarming degree.
In Portugal matters continue tranquil at
In Sicily the Sicilian parliament is consti
tuted, and the separation' of the island from
Naples is complete. It is generally believed
that the Bing of Naples has altogether abdica
ted his rights over Sidily.
The , advices from Athens state that t 4
Greek ministry las resigned, and that. Senator
COnduriotte bad accepted the task of forming
a new cabinet.
In France the department of the minister of
war has been eery busy since the accounts
came of the diSturbances at Vienna, and it is
said that the gOvernment has given orders for
an army to be Osembled on the eastern*fron. ,
tiers of France, Ito watch the movements which
they expect to ; follow in ,Lombardy and the
rest of Italy. The II inst. being the day fixed
by the Provisional Goveniment for the recce
tion of the Irish. depuisti‘, M. Smith O'Bn
en and the other menibent of the Irish Confed
eration went to the Hotel at half-past three, to
present their address. They were received by
de Lamartine
lir The Ohio igatesman, one of'the ablest
newspapers in tie countryi thus speaks of Gov.
Sinus and his vetoes of the bank bills t "Such
a Governor is Worth a, mint of gold to the peo
ple of any State. `Oharteis are mere cobwebs ,
when it please s the minion of corporations to
break their tin threads. A few mars bursts
and the people will lefirn
_Wisdom, though they
learn it at a der schuol."/
Duto.—ln Brtolgew4er,.en the 234 t inst.tlata
STiWARII Mid 64, yam.
At his, residonee in •lAlleighany Could"'
on the 15th inst.,lBverams Wifmos„,:aged
76 Years, end 9ne QE the first settlers WWI!
In flarford, On,thell4bhst., Kra. 4ilea.
tar, consort of Jesse Peliet, aeleseeck Qt
CsatirburilOona.l Died 87 7.FOe•
New 14ireitisement4:
MSS 111:
Williams', up stairs, Springville; P t .
Thrlls* by ilbby
JUHT recd by Sten & Horse P 4
New York, Prins, IQpaa , Leghol, ,
Bonnets, - Ribbons • Summer Stufs,i
Gloves, Rosette 4 olher hair Com4a.
Batting, also Gents. Leghorn Hatea
4c. 4c. which will be sold exceedingiy I' 9
cash or most kinds of barter by
M. C. T
lam' More Goods next-week.
Montrose, April 26th1848,
New York Air. Erie Rail
1 / 1 111111* ARMANGIBIMENT4.•
1.7 May 1, 114411, waft l'artben
YORK from Shekel of Duane St.,' a 6
efock P. N. for Piermoit, Blbuveltville I
town, Spring Valley, Monsey,Ra:naPi;.
Works, Turners, Monroe, Ovord, Oast
shen. New RainplOn. Middletown, liitive
lisville. and Port JERVIS.
For Newirork and intermediate pl..
PORT JERVIS_ at 8 A. M. and 3 P4M
vine at 635 et. M., and 3 35 P. M
town a: 7 A M., and 4 P. M., Gashed) 7 '
M., and 410 P. M., Chester et 7 i4 l l
~ 11.,
P , •
LT All Baggage et the risk of We
unless put in charge of,the Itaggagel
Fifty lbs, of peramial baggage allowed
passenger. No Freight taken by the
. •
FOR FREIGHT—Leiver Haw Yalit a
clock P. M.. per /larva Sarnisel:Mitrib,
Suydam jr..and Dunkirk . : Leave Pbrt
at 9 A. M., 10 AI M., M i dik
11 A. M.. Goshen et 12 Al & Chester*
Ni ILK will betaken uiorning and 'Oen
trains running expressly for that pit .
H.• C. SEYMOUR Superinfrn.
Adadilistritorld sale,
t ,
BY an order from the Orphitn's tC.
Susquehanna County, the followingoe
lunit tate of Joseph Austin in Burin:On
ship, deceased, will be sold et public •e
Saturday the alth Of Mityfilk
at one o'cluek in the afternoon. Said I.
in the township of Harmony, iri the co ,
Susquehanna, and is de*cribed and tihu
follows, to wit: Beginning at, a sugar
the west line of a tract in the warrante
of John '3lcCalian, being the southwkst
of a tract in the name of Jelin Skyrhn
northwest corner of the land hereby .
sail conveyed--thence along said line
degrees and 30 minutes, west 190 Orr
past oil the line of lands -celled vain
-fi-turn of survey of thei tract herebya
=thence by said vacsot lands mirth
greet west 92 perches to-a post and stoh
thence sou:11-64;degrees and, 45 eit
to a beech the nOrthout corn
tract in the name of Joseph D. 4 , Dr
thence along the northline,,thereeir
deg:ft* west 60 perches to a pOst4th•
vacant lands as, aforelaid • north 10
east 196 5.10 perches to a, post orv'th
line of said tract in the warrantee nekne
Skyren and thence along said last Otte
line south 17 degrees and 30 minuteS e
perches to ;be place of beginning : o
167 acres or thereabouts, With twe 4
acres imprimetJand upon which-
mill, dwelling - louse and born. ac.i, 1
watered and, tinibice4and being kith.
ty of the NeW York '&4l Erie Barna*.
many inducements to ;purchasers. i A
putnble title will be given. • Sale tolie
the premises on Saturday, May 27, 2:
Terms of Sale, $25 On thikday ofilsal
on the confirmation of sale and giving!
The residue in fiequal annual instalme
interest on the whole sum annually f
confirmation of Sale. ' 1,
April 'A 1648. , • • 1
r.T17 . T77 . 1..t/T-777 1 -11
NOTICE is hereby 'riven to all per.
debted to the Estate of 11SAAG 19E
dre'd, late of Gibson tqweship, to mak
diate,payment, and all persons hatin•
against said Estate ate requestekko
them to the subscribtms for aeitletqiit
Jrotiv SMILE). 04
Gibing. April . 24 1848.
' I G GOOl
Pir D-
R. L. SUTPHEN dr. Cg.have jifst
via. N. Y. , dc Erie Rail Road, the oilo , ,e ,
of Spring and Summer - Goods evert o
New Milford.. Customers are respeittf
ed to call and examine; for themseNes.
No charge for exhibitiV,
April 20. •
Notice to Horse Breede
FARMERS in this vicinity wbo !flay
teretted in improving the Breed of tl*ir
are notified that a veryi celebrated gill
horse. "John Bell,' raised by the late
Biddle, and cunsidered by him to lie
any blood in the world; (having soli( w
years old for $7.500)-;4as been seat
care of the subscribers :in ibis cintOty
present owner 131.' F. Headly Req., ofC
county. He'Srill be ready' for public
lion by the latter part Of this. meth,
more prticuler de scriptket of thotho
pedigree &c. will appear hi the Ai a.
' D.&I..DA
April 12.1848. D
ces with eiegant, Trimmingsi, SI
Summer styles, & Palm Bets just rtee
April. 19, 1840. ,
NEW YORt & :RIE ill
THROUGH Te poßr ,
1 t L . j •
TRE subscribers are reeeiving ir la
Union to their stock of-goods tibi.
Wig• been purelniaed thiirsesson,
marlitht are Jery torcara deternlin
opt% chesperithan the cheapest. r, -
!nankin! for the litieral;. pstrongot
fore bestowed nu us, be 4iOrdianyi , an
rods and theiniblic gene:rally to teal
' • j / I .;Ct $1
I LW- F. IX.
1 ' Irialtile dittl
A Nsw - agocirtmoOt or uits * '
A. owing*, . incluiiipt; tbs In* .
Op.trisros just receivetlstml
tpu prices , ay ' i
No* Millard. liiirch Tr, 1 .1.
ED 4 -160e . ' ibllbs .
. . •I- - ~ -, - J ' '.
Ii ' •T .
, ,•
4-111T1- ONTTItO - 01)
THE Members of the "Jackson TrOop - i:;`
Cayalr,y, are ..tereby inotified to meet at 111. J,
house at Waller Olmsted. in New Milford,fL
Tuesdayt theiliinth day of May nexi, at nu
o'clock A.' M. tinned and equipped as the 18--s ,
directs for 'drill.
Harfoid,' 10;-048' ,
HE _ills and Votunteers:of
the Third leigade Eiglith'Di vision
.• Penosylviinia Militia will parade for training and inspection as fts44 ,
The Stl;Battallitia of Id Regtg
ingot commended by Col. E. P" 46;-•
• - - , viebt'ne Handal the .9th
lit battalion, on Turamayi'W. - '
' the Sib. I
The Vol steer --11a . itaiiao of- WMthinglan
Guards, !and the • Third i Volunteer Regiment
will pa ride at such thee in September next, as
the commanding Offietri shall appoint.
Brig. Wpm*, te a , Bth Div. P.
Brig. Inspector le
HarFoid, Apr. Vall& •
i 1: Effig y i g u llvAL
111;' :
New Spring and Summer Goods.
1r.011 1 184f1.,'
41 UST 'received via. Few York fit .
Road the cheapest lot 'of, Calicoes, siinigh*-1,
De Liiines, Cloths, CaiiiMeres, Vesting.%
&c. ke. ever offered in : this market. Those '
wishing to obtain the most doirable, Go* I
at unprecedented low :prima mill call at the
cheap atere of .1 13 SAITSBURY" •
Mo trine, Maroh 343, 1848. - •
-7 o'-
on roe
r. Go.
Is, 0-
. each
ten at
24 M.
ng by
I.IR. U. fluiglifia j
dayst;found as usual,iat Seork's Hotel on attan!...
!d`Tuesdays of encll week. Adly s ikrePi_
perfil all kinds of opefattons to Dental atirgerjr-'
He fin tein himself that his plate work (tenth eatirp.
on gold !piste) is equal to: any to be found is thnr,.-
country. iTo bear him out n ISIC above astrmtiet4
refers with The utmost con dens to his ; numerates •
p.atronSin this vicinity. Ail his work is warranted;
and asap!, encouragement te those afflicted with de
cayed rteMb: he will admire theni that he can,* elms .
and fill them with gold end other foil, es taperer ...w riot
them for fps's, if not • during life. None eta Seell
appreciate good teeth an thine who are dekiired of
them, and by early attention to them, modiVagemy
and mortification (to say nothing of health and an
ofrensivelbreath,)• can be *voided. There certainly
can be nii economy in avoiding a good Dentist:
' ; . 4 .t• -f: • • 14-Ama.
1 - to e
in the
56 de.
; es and
licottto Soporb Asyut of
r of a
ee by
t John
st 130
Hive arrived at the shop of
Locke &i Jameson,
114 first are novaprepared to c-nte
work aeico rding to the New York style, forthe
Spring da.Summer of 'WIS. Thankful for the
extensile patronage with which they have been
favoredi they _respectfully solicit theic.orninti
once of,the same. While they acktuoviedge•
no superior (in Tailoring) in this:county, they
tall no other of their profession common or Un
Cuttitig done on short noticeand warranted to
fit if properly made.
N. Bo Shop over J. B. Salisbury's Store Qne
door Sobth of. the Post •Office. -
Is well
eld on
• deed.
to with
lm the
". the Tailor with his bodkin wrote,
L-4—, what a place to sponge a coat."
OHN GROVES thi;celebrated fashionable
Taylor deed( alive and ready to accomniodate
hirold ;customers and chine& of Susquehanna
County i generally. who may favor him with a
call. , The world mint: be aware that the eAd
GROVES has a pallier kaa in cutting.
stitching, and finishing—which is not - possessed
by any otber in these whereabouts. He Is now
ready th accommodate the Public with all this
variety; of niceties in the way of dress in ac—
cordake with the latest and most approved
Londoe:and Paris Fashions, also. N. York
Philadelphia. Come on boys , and see the
Elephant. Dress coats; Frock COM% Hunting
coati and Sack coats particularly fur convent,.
ences. ;Pants, Vests aid every variety of Gen.
tlemeno Wearing apparel, forrntel end framed
in style; Styls ta the. Ward. All cutting done
by me Warrented lofts if properly made up.
Monthase, March 2R 1848. • Ism 3
, s ,n
, ent lot
ered in
ly ask-
IsTol ic.. is hereby given, that the Moil. Gen.
W. WoOdward, President Judge of 4th Judicial
Districtint Pennsylvania, will hold'* Special
Court ot common Piaui, at the Court; House in
Moolfaytt, in- and for the County of Susque
hanna, 96 Tuesday, the 13th day of June next,
at 10'o • Oick A. M. for the trial of ail causes
therein depending of which all patio and, per
stilts infentited • will take notice arid_ gfovvrn
themselves accord 'noir.
• tJ.BLANDING Prothonotary.
Montrose, Apr. t 0,11148.
be lo
'oat to
en four
to the
by his
hen a
lAdrialialatriateata. MOM* , -
ItU' . OTICE is herebyi given ttkattleriooiln.
4.1 debted • tti the eiiketis a( 8002 T.
dectd,late Bridgewtter Towpabipp to ; make
irnaaedihtepayment_ E . sod penioiNC-Vylot
ni against said &Ste are requealettatfo
sOnt them to the'subitribisr for saltiest - km "
! ' JESSE COW% Adtai'h
gridgeitrater. April 8,3848.
• ;"
ring &
cd al
11IPORTANT 1.7 r, pAgmEßs
w WAIL sTai Co. bave ntra"` ' ',on band it
1.1 ~ thdie SST`
moi c lip & am a I . 4m i!tity . or
Tit 14 Plimts trail Picatetliwiiii,,Twaiell Opp
, 'AI Intfr„, for Cat tile &towing 0ff,,c4 . 4
7411i_ ' • f u
:7 a,, , 1114 mink" Plofttis at 114 75
, Inittnianott Pauira No.l &5 it *Xi
' ; I - • :1. 1 Pain's I and A' " 40-
)ff a yne eunapy - 1 !*i
A e a t
J lso ca t and tegliqal awri_ ~m
... , ~
libtA)*llS,Pold 2 $ .
1 ad
lie our.
• ise-Vi.
411 !! 1 , 11 f .
am: 1
et.alt I
Litt a-44n at this prit - ilitit soitilniiTtm
-as jescolmiSt MO e1ek,0114:1901.44; , „1 , .
A i
_N. fkgivileatiOlirt
001•4 4 11
". ' ....' --. 1 - *-- - . jt. Lywr
, .
0/18 1 ,
, -for a* .401 !tr.. cti
•01k alot• of