. 11 thdZ i "g==;= VOL. Ir. . , _ _._______.....______-_,_______,_,._ ...„,_ .._ _______________ana._2_--_--..:17-ae.-Er.l-5_.7?-'-`7-_:_-_7---zr-"-----,-----• e- -- --- - - - - - - - -- ---e--,--a--s-ese-----,-..........- se.--,,-- --- - ;ate' Was not the mighty genius-of Napoleon! : defined, 4,448, 38 •• • i tells bilee by the colic elorae within the -cat Mast annual message ; whiel 1 inthese•ords - Count ed a mutation b •is I • 'linitnt , e I d' ' 'theT'C 1 . ' 3 • '' .1 ' • I ' . 1 s ' 1% .1 - g •IP " ' Y t e l x"M •si 4,1 a: .:"" • defeated on this question V . I Interest on out- ateeering to report d the :inn ternintec; a a connection with tins subject, lrespeatful- ; other, oppressed honest ...d_et "el:e„ji - al',,--,- •' - . I eionees, amounted to the suM . of 5 1,561,575 Ily recommend Id the General Assembly, thettraetion•nikteShort, that4the Ilegiiistiiiiiii : 4e, t NaPideon did, indeed, attempt to restore the 1 stading and • , unity of Italy, and failed • and why did he fail? I ' uWelaimed ; ~ . eq, being $286,081 11 More' than was taken I propriety and policy of'proposing to' the peo-I . for• whi'ehthe - Privileees Were gtintiek - litiste' - not - • ne • Not because Italy' was radically disunited-I . certaficate%at ' , • lin the preceding year, and ex!ceeded the esti- I pie, an amendment teethe Constitution of the thee° by fitir, fattlifula.ndjudimons I , .:„'"'• 7 - eta.. not 64anse it was divided into several petty ; 411 per cent.,, .. 'mate made for the Last year, pear one hundred 'Mato, under the form oftheloth articileoftlihilaeotanplished then the charter shouldbeeeffer-• ‘\•\ ~ , , ,; ' thousand dollars. Bad eno neusualinterrnp- !instrument, by Which tiro income from the pub i ell to expire .4y : its own limitation:: The` aw e ' soverekenties. It - seas rather, because the , to 11st Au temitterthith. he wished to establish, ,had no 'gust, 1845, , tion Of business occurred, the amount tuken 1 lie improvement% after deducting the necesaary - ',etintinuarie .or shell 1 insi r itntions . Wiltpro a na — nee : deep,,„fiting sentiment for. a basis, and was the , time offend- ' . I would certainly have, reeelted eighteen bun- lexPenses for rephirs and superintendence-thei thepubliegook and willlthe hailed, with)arproe' s 1 : result .01 no great and fruitful thought. The 1 ingit • '22,459 80 . :tired thousand dollars. 31 revenue arising' from the State tax onreal antibetieneittlall beit: those ,IWlio Ihave,loteprlinfa n ' lery Ciftiberty, his true -was raised, alid the Dome tic cred- . The estimates of canal and; railroad tolls, for 1 personal property, 'for ''at. -certain- period, and erain, wrested them from 1 4. be Purpeatelereiliieli . . }people partially awoke, and for a few days lived : .ito4, 1 '96,095 47 . : the current year, is seventeen liundred thousand ; such other items of ineetne aieltemay be' deem- il they wereestablished. -: II.: I I • ' :: ~.- •-- . -:,. .• • • . __,—..—• 40,628,949' 51 'dollar% winch, there is a goodreason to believe., led ttxpedient - to Include shall beset apart end! This .policy, a • fiatitious 1 ILe. Italy came forth from hetO just tiesir ' ardilhe ' ilittigie . ;';liiic .is rather below than above the amount which !sacredly pledged for the payment of the-inter- •itanay, toian'tederate extenteltlinun liithltheire , gave, and appeared to live; but soon death ' . ei seized upon Ler azain-she folded her arms,' • Being $160,627 49 will be received. e e The experiees of repairinte: est upon the ptablie debt, and thegraduel fiqui 'speunbtli-3:lcooliiifitdeorifc'Enine in nli ,oriel gt . h e.te en '' ~ eleaelber eyes, and returned to terse in . her ,less titian it was on the Ist December, 1846. llthe damages to the public works, by the floods Idation of the prineipala, Such an amendment, deep:lBad silent sepulchre. The sound of lib- Thio payment r or reduction of the debt, with- 'of the past year, will principally fall upon the? judiciously arranged,' would, Itapprehend, meet!' the stabifity...4ade soundies t aaof,theeetirrieney., • erty which bad galvanized I.er w a s unreal-a ,in theilast financial year, was effected by the l'eurrent year. They am! however, included 1111 with,- the deeided approbation of; the People •an : A.A. :as ' ..saa a ata i lie also -• t J e cas ei t h e p i o ral ' t • faleeialarm-becauseit had no support in.the cancellation at the:Treasury, of one hundred the estimate of the expenseslof the year, and ' the. Corumbewealth. it would - Con.centrateli s ti n g.kaaW 44 1 4 . 3 11 ;h c iAi i i !i i ;) -. , l iii . t o , o ' P ist: e - everlasting- ideas of religion!. But to-day We and fifty thousand dollars of the relief issues, 7will not affect the results areiceted in the pre- 1 publiesentfinent upon a fixed object- . remoVel-Shareheild4l,4h.'eelrina l eStatlen ee ,e-- - a ninVait, :aliits behtedatiother spectacle. 1 It is religion itscial and 4ahe receipt of State Stoeks in payment ceding calculations,, 4 , sell doubt ,of the fullness of public credit. and l exceis ofialivii , derivedlnerti-thespeeirdePrive' • - was e n ir i e n u e la h t i i i o n n ti: o e n d l o a t y th th e e p f u o b u i n ie da d t e tnef i t t h iNv e o fi ii i i i a al gi t ti a n ne al a t d is d lp tio e n n_t I i ; ile re ar e e c ls oin ee m ni n ei t l i d kat atpo ll n e ,t ta hp im by o t sea hn. :,l * th - o tc ;s ec 4 . whi i now 'seeks the unity, and regeneration of ofeldadebts, which is allowed ill certain cases oie T fi h r e gt am of ou n n e t e o en f i r b e e li r ef Italy, and the social and political emancipation iby lad', ' la is 4, " ; of the w o rld ; and it Wig' Lot fail. lints IX ' There would have been two hundred then- and thirty-one thousand six hundred and six- .el seenrity.and assurance to the' people, and to li of the astetl , A I: 4s3s,eitieri dividends fujee - ed ' ...' maybe as'eaesirated, and go down to the grave • sand dellare of the relief issues cancelled, within ty- four dollars, of whieb l. fiftY thousand were , the public creditors, that, in no eyeut, could :la g s ix „ f ier...ec iit.' ; `-per annum - be;intreatie&.•.- withithe work half aceeioplhdiell; hut the the year, in deeerthince with the requirements !cancelled at the Treasury, on atm 31st of Pee., the public revenue be diarerted float its legiti-1 1 Whil a te dila •in ueement 'to . excessive banking , movement will not be .stayed. The word of, of the:law, but the payment of the interest ' leaving eight hundred and eiglity-one thousand, mate object, and would furnish concussive rea- will be rntaii4lily checked, by( th e It m e r e m ,of . , • Why lost thou claap me as if I tiles going? ilibeaty - Las gone • forth freni tic Vaticate, which f- fell due on the first of February last, six hundred and sixty-Ilan dollars, still out- soles fur the prompt, and cheerful payment ofi this t a x - ethe-fi •'th ' Wei l*.• ,• - ~ nanees ofe ~ ,,.nIIS, ~ to Why dust thou tiers thy cheek thus unto under tiee dread sanction of reli , ion and re- left the Treasury sn much exhausted, that the standing. The means Of, the'fTteaeory, it i s the t axes .". • • • \-. i t elf -' 1 • I ~ ravine extent - improved • end t publivw are i • mine ? 1 . . sounds throutili the heart of ehrietenthen. Ie apieunt which should have been cancelled ombelieved, , will be adequate to 't the cancellation' The indonalit ' v of taxation arising fronelargelp l romoted.,..,... • ', ' -..L . ', la e' - i e e'Ver.', ~,,..--;-: Thy cheek is hot, and yet thy tearS'are flowing will not return void. It will be, seen, at last, the atit March was not then on hued. It wall ( of the whole amount_ now in efrenlation, within' quantities of property subject to tax under ex-1 Th er .p o lley,•nalicateiVatilllMid-ikiAlis ilkiii ~ I will, dear mothtr, will be always Ohm! ; that religion alone can rive true freed,' , in to the he reaollected that it became necessary to an-- she presort and sueeeedtag! year. Many of isting laws, eseaping.aseesstnent, math une-lexecution•Of.the law proAlibitink4tehiti, ~ii i „e Do not sigh thus-4 marreth my; reposing ; iworld:-Gazette of the Union. . ti e ip a te a po r tion of the means of the year, by ' them are so defaced, as to be almost illegible, I Taal valuation of that whit:ll.ls `assessed, con- of foreignnote%tinderah6.dentiminitien-OftiVe e And a it thou weep, then I. must weep with , ~ ) - --- - - - --- . - -- - - a lonneef $2,000,000 00 to meet the interest and are unfit for circulation: Besides they - vi: thaws to be a subject of just complaint. I'M' d0116"3,:ai:.80011, as theb_alanqe;-,ot OM relleLis• thee! •i. GOVERNOIt'S MESSAGv ~,,ilieliVl due•nn the Ist of February. tiate the currency, and fuenish an excuse for ' well aware ,there are inherent difficulties con- sues is•catiCelled. a This.'ollC,;.:pepdtiore ati-1 , „a at• I the use of snail notes from miller States in vi- neeted with the subject-, bat still the experi- yanee in *ar Pro' Vemenapfeilitirt eeldl - high! ... _ I Oh. lam tirea-my weary eyes are elosing: :,' .'' '' • _ • • The balanee in the 'Treasury, on -Look motherlookl the angel kieseth site!: '. T o t he S t :nate and If o lis ( i of R r pr rs rnt a tires, , tlielst December, 1846, was, $3B-1,076 70 , elation of law, and lessen . the circulation 6f' enee 6f the; operation of the 'system; and mile should be-then- foliewed e ny ii n tor.cmpteatig 1 - . ••• gold and silver - among , the' pcOple. Justice to defects which have become . apparent, will poilit theacirculatien.lof alltiotes; l . . Ow : t • ).,-dertettli- 1 _ .__... _ _ . ~......_ _ .._ • _ ._ . , _____.._____ _._ ___ • . ,of the Commonwealth , if Pennsylronia ::: The rOt -* eipts into the Treasury, , the radii., creditors, who leiretimpelled to 're- . out e seme remedies for the arievannes which exe'latien of te . n.do ll a-..r5.:- The .c Mme' 11 .-, iiicimauda- 11'110111J/INY'. i , v ! G - EKTDEMF.N :-No ordinary. reas cis forll tlutin,e the finaneialyear c u d . . - P ceive them in pay-meta of theia 'interest, when ist,s, and which Should be adopted. I there- till k will:Oen:4m; filter) W-44-: • __abundance=, -. , -Of i . 4 ' • 1 thankfulnees to the Great fled, crowd them-'! in e the 3tith Nev.. 1,847, frem - • ...-......-.J......-• - •1 . .. . ... - - , they are par, as welt as to Dal people at, large 1 fore - nueet respeetfiilly invite - the attention of gold s )stidailVerthe tnibile"s :., :. egainektbel _._,• 7f - 1 'rills : purees, ineltitlin,,t , the loan I. ope rim Is: attd European roll:fps. selyeempon the Representatives of the peialle,. . . 0)0,000 00 abeve refer- . i m p era tiv e ly, d eman d s that thby sheuld be Le- I the General Aseemblye to a thoroeteheexamin- , chances flessibr'brokeiben e-ind kaiak. i. , e---- c ., - . i at this annual meetiae .Abutelsilee demi. o f , P . 3,977,025 S 9 ken out of circulation as S o o n ~is practi c able.- lation of the -subject: . Whatevet just. amount ited carrell: :;,lankthe:WaY WilLtra:,,Opened, _ , e ,' tel . -- The man Who fills the largest space ii sh e the, past year, has beet] the newer Lo honest re were, I, therefore, recommend the passing of a law, i of taxatitm one Man't aeapas -by an ev - asion,, or snob -futtlier itiprovemenfratititer•eat iesiareits.' eves of the world at : the resent time, is la: vile, beluatty, in every pursuit of the eitizeei Ani.e, ~ , flaking an aggregate or 4,361,704 59 allowing such o f the Ba n k s :. a s have issued :iniperfeeteexeamtion of the law, man imposition rind eeinfenien mad' tiMpbcple.may e deartatak e e, a w possesses the See of Rome. ea short time' mated with health and eneoureged by- euecessa , - i rice., he was seareoy- known beyond the halite they have steadily pregressed in the acceme'i The payments made out of the . these notes, to found, them at h rate of interest ,and fraud upon ids neighbor, who inat-et a full It Thecaullicrittenactuientilliatt suigiclak _ , . . n ot exeeedine six per eerie. per annum payable, return of his preperty, aud pays a tax. upon 1 0. 1 ' , eannotfaitta„- itiarease;rathe a th e andmiums • ....., ne _ . - ItAllte r l Treasnry, during the sane ~f Italy-his lefty a pd b enevo l en t gen i es s lum- plisliment of their - learns,a and while enterprise' here d, and in obscurity and silence he inedita- has 'been highly fevered in the development of .period, including the pa anent ~ , semi-animallY, and that all the surplus rectum fair valuation.. .. I • lemonnt. eafaaoundetreulattngraralmanafallyptie; • . of the lean of •aOlll,OOO, were, 3,660,513 74 ! in the Treasury, beyond : the'i paymeet of-the I There ar-e no subjects mere intimately con-Ititled. toltlia - pliblie confiders a ' Thitieffeete*: ted his grand schemes of emancipation. , a i '' , a, e ttr am ;it risotireee the eleratinapurreses and ; interest on the public debt, and the current neeted with. or which have a more direct itiftn-Ilbo to bring the -.peens. atthelcatintayeitetnl-ag e ., 1 Leaving theletlanee in the Tr-ca w :rid knew no thi t t a o f this mor_ordo Lis liv e-of curd on the Ist Dec.,1847, 640,890 85 expenses of the government:The applied first, mice upon the interesta of the ) cuuntry, thareltive eirculetiop, to f•urn sh the. eaplcwitb. --a; name had never beeli - heard among the eaih,tes; education retinemeet and civilization, have been ; nal yet no sooner.does he plate the 'triple ,elariShcal and advanced. . ;icing a 296,212. 15, more than it Wa4''' on the. to the redemption or eancelaiion of hose that ' tic currenev tad the banking system; • substantialorreney, that cannot be **red! Ist Do,. u 546. , may remain in circulation, a. , t they come into There is good reason to believe, that the by beak...failure, en.and tairestrahathe 441mtlepay : crown up :r his broste, than his re sumo fills the i• Aleheueb peace and tranquility; have reianecl earth, and Rome ' , is again transfieured And ' within the borders of this State. w „e, ai i „,a_ The estimated amount of avail- . ' ;rho '!'reason, and then to the payment of ,tic prosperity of the people elf the United -States ,I: of the banks to foster akiravagances• in *lei At' . .-..- . able : outstanding lases, on •• ' amount funded by the Links; • partiettlatly those seemected with the agrieul-': proepotity,- and cheek the mama et oppreindoi• • made nrielity by hie' e spirit. Through the e n - fie d a itli, aed deck interested in the war "with 1 , 548,881 001, The resources of the TreaSureawill be suffi- tural intereetsabae been promoted, by the re- iu timearadYereity' I- e , 1 -_, , ~, • a....,,,.,, e , the!..lst Dec., IY:• 1 147, was, tire of EUrope he IS observed-with fear an d Mexico, P in .which tl e ntaimi is engaged-a was , eient tve cancel all that may - be reeeived in pay- coeval on the part of flee British. Governnient e , A theory. bee .beett !adyiaeat, e edand...pnt_ into and tap estimated amnunt of the dlarint by seme, aad with hope and unutter- vitt: I tyllieli the prudence, forbearence, and de :, ii i ; same, melst Dee., 1846, was, , 542,688 64! went of.dnes to the commonneal le and to pay of the high dutieseipea our e x ports of grabs. ; practice in some of thelStates, aalled,,MS .- - 4, 1 .1); jev by others.; :Here in this country l i e • &ire a the penrle to retina .1,en,,,y reeitems, n 1 , • •.• ar d e ,l w ith ICe e ly sim p a thy, w hi c h ex. „ could not avert; and WlllOl was_ eventuall X ..........--.-...- ' the banks the am anit fundeihwit iin two }cars.' and other agricultural productions, and • the .BANKING.., It istasid, in!put Viralspixie, • By thislproces% should the. Woks agree to fund luodir_eation of our own ,tariff, by which the andia part; upon State stoek% hypothecited --. arc" ,s itself in mhss meetines, and rani us forced-upon us, by the lift tl•at rests upei; n'iti , c lll s, , , hibits an increase, in l e.:l , lie K a thering.s, speechrs .car. ••• , every well regtlieted 6cl-eminent, to protea this item, e'f 6,192 30 any considerable portion 0f them they may all canimereial exeliangeS- of the ; two countrie.e.' with . , the Otovernmeut: lln other:Words, hanks , , • , , __, , r. , : : To whieh add the increase of the . ...., ~ ',.. be taken ant of circulation wtthie the present . hare been greatly augmented, withoutaifecting, hecomellie.creditors of apse e mai clitt' ;Weal th e - lii , Whet is the camee of this sudden renown, nee tee fleets 01 its c i t i zens, and maheain the hoe, . believe in the Treasury, of • 29a,212 la :year. It may be urged, that as hose not:cede , injuriously. se tar as I , am informed, 'any of the purchasing her boridi; OM re,dapositixl:Wittit ais uciyersal sympathy? It is this. -The. or of the eatien. —'hot now bear interest they otigh to be eon- great ineine . acturing interest% or other indusa' the.governmeut, and 64 , 1 government-endorse; near Pope_ pronounaed the mighty lire=aiiitig Oor religion, one intvreste, mai enr. institu- and ' . ' 302,404 51 vented into -a debt on which lint rest will be trial purseits of our people. •' , . 00-return's - to .the bankhrs, notes prepared folr Th e 1 ,,, p i e yl" , have the sum of wo RI) of liberty ! 'llls predeceeinrs, h e adi ng •tians e ere eFseptitlly peaCeful. pas i, ths a i eg aat a eate increase of the balance in the payable. This. , beweve . r e is _hut a ..eupte 'Hal Other cause% in comblnatien with those 81;1 eirealetion, teen equal t l nutint.../,,c14 . pOjeiTe Ile krirs otalleaven .promised to open its doers : hold in their bands the soaereigety of the ma and of outstanding taxes on the Ist mu- of the subjeet. Th e r e es n longer any ludodste, have produced a large influx Of specieL z nn ground.e Ter confidence in ; this,tiMetta n .ll .-, 1 , the paie, and miserable, and down-Li-olden, - tion,,and-exaet from their Veleta chedieece to IlreastirY , D e eete l ber a ll , 47, over the same , items on the , eecrese fur a continued Yklation ,f ; the public lute the-Ueited State% during, the past year, must exalude e in amountay wbereitistadetted I when rive days of servitude aid rr. ctehedtenss thehwill. By theircentrtillin” IA f uunce, they z__ ~ -_ . I,,licy , f i ISt Dol.lllber, l-46. - - . faith, by the fm.ytnent of the auhle: ereditere,' whielt has , lone ;into aetii. , e. eireulation, mono' to any considerable extent, whenever•ieereatua me, ended on Aimee:nth: They commended erne bon mei preserve the' eardittal This e a l e ele• tien ehows,. that the revenues in a depret . -ia, tea currency, a,iid ')the ~ n all a- the peuple, - or f o -upd its . way into - the ; vaults el; sae' n eceurs.teatest its stability, for it- its..docs. etnti,si , ,n to tvrant!s; and bisboi , s, and priests `lnailAarning . amicable rt lations ct- ill] 01 ct.J•cr i ssed and at - Truing, within the financial year, mount of interest which will have ,te be anid, the' banks. This increase of the precious met-,'anon from. Arne. princitdes. :..lends_ .and : :,..ed the shaieefut doetrines, promisien, as a nations. • By them the rights of Ainerienn cat- lass' the 30th Nov., last', were net !ally if the banks agree to fund a portior of these ale, while it sho Id dispense,lti; a great-degree. ' banking earnorily lie bated and: eMid4ievl.ma. ::, ut ,-, e l..at inn, the t4licities of another life. But .iens,;„in all parts of the w,•ild, tied the Loper of eni i ii4 i'n, to meet the di mantis upon the 'I rea- • notes, will he mote than comptaisa l ted be que- with the use of apet Currenty,; has a.tendeneYamoriey,-.4 - ald and savoy lileither . indiridSids l'e l -C, Dins reels mote truly.and deeply the euf the nation arc bc Id eacred., Viol-alto sof these i adequate appeal lei sure, *ithin the year. but ckceeded them by the •, iag . the character of . t . he , F,-..t . at4 froth the coati :e to ince ea' se it l eulaaging the means, of del or benks, i can lend tttat irliieb 4 i ley:l4* - 44. 7 ,, t(•r:-10 a gs , e aver ant ais es tid mace Of tb Id, 1 it to national lights alai national botor, um Of $302.,404 si, as above stated, and irtfp; nation of this act of injltetice: and the ripple banks to extend their issues.: : The, effect Oh aral_if thealend creili4 in AM shapO• Oink (Ten the doors of ;the kingd,m Of . G o d, oN • the justice, and invoke the pcwer of the wht le i •,, •,- slim he addtdeto the amount of. the debt' froni tlmAiosses ie e ident t o la. depreciated ; cm- %Odell, if encouraged, will be tnpreanatespec_u-nnotee e vithent the means t. 61 tedeinidtent, : tin- E.A1:111, to the suffeting millions. . ,peop ... I. t le fe• their 'Vindication. The war of 181•'. 1 this veld w A ithin the year, to wit : $160,627 49, we ,•culation,_ Thisdurroney ,hadits origi n in .4 .n e- patine, and zeven,actiti in eve,ry department. ofl, , lgold and tlY l er, they cottmi tet fra.tuleepest,',..tlie le is because be.sytnpathises with the peo e I.with•Faegland, and the existing war mites Mexi -00, as the excess of vaston et the Constatutien, and ought 4 be business, and thus Make the present substan-leennmunita, as they lend lad put - in memalatieD, ple-because he Oishes to make the sign of e Feeare illustratiors of tlt_is distinguished feature lhave, tPe stem ot :$403,032 i s a, l the re*` accruingwithin:the year, over the' blotted out of remembrance. ; '1 c lisp prosperity . - Of the people, the means of pro-' l , tbat e whichigjiot maneyitiortherpreitieatativi the Cr'SS tines yrulatt of universal freedom, that , n the character of the Inierican p,•ople. of the interest on the public debt, the' It may now be safely asanined that we leave' dueine adversity and depreesiou The ouerae• of moue • . - the mean's heart lailats.quicker when he °ions ,ieineePiejurk'avliile.wrangs are Enfferelele, and )Pn'Ynient reepenal•s of the government and the other: ere reached "a period,' in ctn . IbiOnt,dal'history, Mien lions of the Constitutinnil TreaS ' urY liax . badal If this Yl . ' hy4 l em of enna il erthigSitite...".ata*H '- ' -" e . ' ' • li breath- les menth, and all ,nations listen with ,, laeesonalle hopes of a return to hmic^ble rbla-i ' the permaimet revenues of the trommoeivtaltli earl no doubt will continue to have, a most sal-Ito Leaking, ital,.aad hypothecagng 4'. Lege his , dereands upon the Ireasnry. l e es atteution te eweret. . . l'itiena.upcitteeqaitable principles, ..can be enter-I diinnyi 1 hia presents a very enecni aging view of the ekceed, annually; the interest on the pablie utery intliteeme,inreetraildrig the tendon 4y toli eurity for Ith ettleentof bailkissees, Wire-het The reforms whieli the Pope has • iettodueedlaine ' d, yet pro nation may; will impunity, Yin- 1 L ath I improking condition of the fieanees of the State. ; debt, and the 'Drainers , demands upon .. 4 the ', excessive bankilig, b; kee - ping the publie.teve-;1 a deluiti k one, , s ialigeges epon Iteeelpiite*li4t into his oven Qtates i Thave already filled the des. -'to the obligations of treattes, cr breti 'at is. the first time, since the commencement o ta Treasury, by at least half a ',tuition of dolars. cues out of the, vaults of the batike, and coma; be•Osedfeteh niatee pit-pas% Wineliwoiddid- f oci. ; and unjust Iga.6iaineents of L I 'a:Oro with iltaiti. i `the ,L fitted ,fates. n althe its canal improvement- system,.. that the per- a.nd thi . s . e . xees% it,..i eontid . ently believed, ,i inay, • peliing them to: be prepared to redeem their; ford tinietial" , l, ,, iitet„? . hetter i eeevifityo;kain,„ alarm. None but aiutiia,bowever, has dared If -. Indefertee of these just rights. the poweraq this proceSSAbewnele . ' oppuly to make de4,cnistrations of displeasure, ilt i his people IS reeistleene. Ever} citizen he : nil neul revenues accruing within the year, nn- by a juentious revision and amendment oe the, notes, aud furnish specie, to meat the wants o ' payment one°, es, and u s o ngs a nti , a ,, ide n al Jiaont any other source, have exceeded or revenue laws-a • prudentandeconomieal etlivirse l th 3 . who I/aye:costume, and uti be dues, to My fl i value of isle noel. estate Of the • enuntif;'' liar*, '- and even Austria, ttruud„desputic,Austria, will s . dries& responsible, and the army eatialto the demands uon the Treasury on the part'of the Legislative arid Ese;:iitive' to the Government. : • • ' II ' ..•' I r ' l' l be co . nvereed Inttiliankiiiienpltataatid e lbelpee•- •- ''' -le ,d,liged te yieldltfto the power of Rome, noweeXiietence, itot by conscriptions, treentreefe furl t, f-T, e, the interest upon on Nutted debt, i deaartmehts of the gev - ertn, ent, arid the faithful i ,Although thy resti:UL ling influence of plcthis' ! into - a mitt. f bankers..,.,. ~ , ~ 3 , 4 bel-%lllle the cent ' f liberal no tions. ' . Th e . eidiAmeuts, but by the yeluntary impulse of; it-ls t t ttl r# O . . ~, independent •:-... i ' Church, taking sideawhh thepeople-proteet- l ,fre emen, emulated' 1.I; • • a y; two beeding scars including the payment of in a . 1 - (_ve , )ears to one million . of dollree, cis a Most beneficial '.ill iv does out aispense with'!unaratiad., 4 ' - ; ; I 1 ', . e. .e . _, ~.,a , ....., 4 „, ing the weak againtit theesteona and preaching ; and urged onward to deeds of heroic eater, tam s i„_ a por t iont of the piddle debt, •by the caneella- . sinking ti i iial, without mereaiing the burdens the necessity tit eautiau and pee:dote% en thea- Prec banking, in it's le sei*.is the liberty to .alltiopl4 will be • re.instUtol its the 1 the an4rillih t ‘ ion el'thlh whole nation. t h e se i e an d s ,oatlltidn at-chef notes, were pynictually paid; but !of those who now pay their taxes, on a full re- part of the States, in every, thidg pertaining toiright . Wllfeli*ryauein elijaYS l- ,itie l l.o4.litionia; mit chef incible spirit guided by 1 1 1 0 ,k 1 e heads . 3•04 affectio ns,. * 44 - thus aI T " 1.. ' la 1 a 1 "` ••I•m • I. in i dt#g this, the, balance which had aCcuinula- j.turn and Irak valuation el' their taxable limp- ban:kite - 7 and pper circulation- 1 ; - Itigiiiiii*** despotical go PQ of .Caethofie Europe will of rthe.upicpre, o• e a our . ariniasi in exico,, , in.' the Treasury, on the I st• Dee. 1844, by city. This sum apiJied ,seini-annually, ;with'l Mutl:rate dieeriminating duties, with a sound Ii of moneY l fOr. ieetnitieti; 'tti 44' Witli'inie - Ost. *. ' be compelledtoeonamence the work of reform. , from ,one t agatory , to another aral frier one great , r ; ted filirsit)a .o:eater :l a id ;Te ...._ l e ",a • t a aa , t •q; the previous suspension of the payment of the ).itS ae,Orang interest, to the redeinptioia . o 'the' eurreuey, limited tntfie quite Standard, ntaY I; Itinaolveiunfietiiions4nerease4.the ti gee Let the faith, of Europe beere-establiisbed, let ;trin ii i , '-' t t iiitterdit on the public debt, for two and one- !five per ;cent. State Stcicks ; l at par, woul dis- 'be regarded as , the ni*urai and healthy condi-ILOaria - lint ni:itY'he"catliedlori tdatri , iiideflielti,elli. the people, influeneed by a profmaad ielirdeusio.rrweitl, !anti" al . permanent A db .1 1 , } c t . . 1 •1; 1 7, 0 a e ' ea e et . s . l: half sitirs, as well as the amount of taxes. then ;charge uPward of sixteen millions, four timid- I tion Of a country, by rich the justrewards, ofi; tent, withatitiffectingllinerrinei:. -1 1 11 4 11,11 :.. sentimene, rally, ataniuni Pope Fins, sinle the .Is sei . 'tirecl , •Wbile theliottst out st4tlinee were dithinished each year, untiil lied thousand dullait, of :tic' debt, in tie lye' Leber are secured, an all the gyeat laterests 0 the freeelintiltiiii; rl whichlias atill.timeketipP* veil of reform wilt go forward to completetri- Alne l rioe ' llt.: :gratified, by the greate achieve; t; . - • •' melts °flour soldiers; his confideneein our ~ ~ 4 . face the Lilt, as is particularly explained in my a 4 - 1. year% and reduces, itat the eiid of that tinse, to 'the people advanced, while high.duties andall.ed, iniAdoii , Seneivi l appiltioliel yenta Of 'Ai'-irf, _:•• zunpb. .0.. Is - and I' 4 '6' towhich ••,:i ' twn t• th .millions, t 1 y - ref_ lt.ia i l e,believed that all redundant paper currency eperate as unnata4proportiMll - 14 biarreWers,i We do not„tlierefore, endorse the doctrine la_na t. ,„p , . ~ ~ '• ti utiq s'..andad the - means to defend eta& nnai iitiessdge , in 9 a't , :l; 4 . ler 1' cif II referred.l the relief issues will he redeethed and cancelled, rat stimulants and create apparent but debt-Ito genet al:etinfidence ati •ap mil, b .48. • ~ e T • -fre 11 . y . If the followinepaisage, tranelated from. the-I:POserve'n: e Htli l '' -'f- ' tb ell '' cre e ls s reng en . 1 _. nee „. . -.1 I .Aia;estimate of the receipts and eXpendl- jby the year one thousand eikht hundred and sive prospetify. - .. .. .; • 1 11.plicita-,eatidetiaptatten feethe, circa . , Iraqi _ a '•- -- • - • - • • " and' commends:- Lindf , . .. . ..L • - -.? 1 , 5 •:-. .• • • : • l• - •. •• .1?•t- .. ,:•<.::• , .. - 74 - . ... 46E - T - RY. I "-- Fmni the Gazette of Ahe . The Oyhis s Child. TEANSLATE4I , II.O3I THE HERMAN Mother, rm-tired,ind I would fain be sleeping ; Let me repose upon thy bosom seek ; But promise me thht thou wilt 'pare' off weep- in . Because g, thy teals fall hot upon my cheek. Here it is cold : tue tempest ravel) madly But in my dreanis all is so wond'rons bright ; I see the angel-children smiling gladly, When from my !eary eyes I shut the light. Mother, one standalbeside me now t and listen! Dost thou not heir the music's sweet accord ? See how his white - i ikings beautifully glisten! Surely those wings were giv'n himbyi-our Lord. Green, gold, and red are floating all aromuill4:- They are, the loiters the angel. scatteret, Shall I have also wirgs whilst life hest bound Or, mother, are ;hey given alo'ne in death ? of the followingrpaOagL. •• Detacht Se/Mel/pose Italy was sleeping tbai heavy sleep of 'na tions, broken only 'fiy enervating dreams and dull fancies; it vts.* 'sleeping; when suddefily, , khe Meat bell of.Sgi PeteEs doweiraug out the r_ ~ alarm o f Italian 'Do-dependence. , .111 e. (foieti saiviee - ,o*.Tand in "every encounter 'sr) .4, Vaticcan lighted tlniPiw&rows, - toreh of Italian 1 my,'hiliOiraignifted.; the-'militiry fetius - of the for iiii financial year, endini on the 30th Nov Free/om; the head' the peaceful religion of iecinsinusWth; hi ;deeds `ot roinantiwhivalryi lB4B tlia ' i• . $3,921,000 0 Christ d re w the sikord -of.imilinefpation.;lthelandoohleldaring. „jn these gr,eat-lahtervements„ And that the estimated amount Pnfie became the fgribuneof the Venple ; a pew i i many of our ' heroes have fallen in a foreign; iof4penditures; forth° same , . Rienti sa id to the astonished ;tribes of',,ltaly :I land., - Vie mnaOs.ofthe winds of ,lleaven, in - ,Pell, oti f iOcltiding l the , cancel- I • Irise, unite-with each other,•andille.friigliilail- irsaltiglltierViilie'liing gisieffilhVir g ra vee,, i 'llitlion of - $200,00 00 relief '3,570,390 Ot tarr, weak Italy will hecomea great and/1000'1 2 re ri-eatisi .44' the gets -Of - their friends inl l'sdis, is ' - '. .. . - .. , ' land T.' And they arose. Alonglory..ef ‘.;..r.tee- 'the fath4 tut :and-the Sid: requiem is $' jUSCI: 4: ' l' —....—.......-- ( intn I IndependedeeT. soutid4Caoiti*ll i p , to .trilutte to theti*iffiliPoa and thelf yalor. i 1 Whi.., 'erhibits , un estimated _Etna, and all Euioe, with Wail:it *lots. . ,lll fi'adeeliiiie:ietlit'ii 'the S.i.ate.-- . , -thel reltrsofreechAstairercapee . .0 the regenerator ' i ,with the.triple;crotfo..„.43adlikmOirA aid iiiitalittilfa:iti pal* delit,ftindi .(4,litiii(4, of i illusions ! which seams 'OM r•aafSh. to ',!,iiiithietbe' iiiiwi i is'of rediiiiiigit;ifelitannithenbjeetEllro which addlhe l'estimate for . 1 before the reality. i ' .. -- ; -- r -; 1 , 11ibi . c,,,,,./te.lo,l4=the fuSt7Sithatibil, , ilf lthe- Repre.q . ' ittif , • eancellitidita of relief ' Since the fall of the - Bnnian Empire,:oliniy,-,ol4tivto, of the,po4l4 . ..'..,-- 1 , ~ .l . 1 .,.. , -- ~, , ' loofec. irhichure'a 'part of - the •-.' -I •. ;at. Ist.i ' ' Ilie atount , oithe itibiii Ailt,i -, 94i ' the lii - ; I public debt, - 0 .... . i 200'000 i • has been the stint qial • the }dime. - et9itituT,_ of the barbariausl AqettilaDY, -;Fil - t2.SMI , bare overcome itirttled her. Auud illthtee: storms, devastatioo,- sajugatiSn l i," theltshap , nationality IMirilit'ittedititliiiitietiliff: Ir:ttd, Italy yet lives, its: kembittints.sre 414,STA bons, r , of Europe, the sy: tea f ' ill'il**o4l l toward this earthl intrsAlise. 'ltaly lires;'and her resurrection sr, 11 taw-place; but.stitccisilll be the Wishingt444-thiembke 1 060 1 4 03- , ..-...''.?-;'1 Italy, as:she miiv exiateitign(lt b o"" ne UW. vi indf --'' - middle so- -- Li .''di and independent. 'iTho middle !gels aided thialeruitiM inte`Wwlese df Stet:ei, of which eight tawan 'l l l 4lll has many capital cities. Isbiell'43vidvild4?- , Naples, Palermo, Plortoo4 IT4- rin ? Web will take the plies of a 'aibordiso -‘, r • ' • ' '''' - - - --".''' - ' 3 - ", -. ' t! -- -. . „ 1 .4 .• ••••• . ... - !.!•.,••••••• •• ?- 4/.....,, , .;,-„,,...,,,,, , „...i•--„, , c.,..!:. - .•,111..• - ••••••••••":•••••/!, V.../.•?..fr• - •!. 4 • ,, ,Li • '' - -.:',.y-- - -" , '-'.." 7 - - .: -.7 > . --': 77' 7 ;.• '• i ' . ti. _ t.• ~ ,A , 14 1.f.- 1.:- : . .',.;' • 7., / . / , _.t" , ? - 4-I.' . • :-. • , ; ..', . I' ~ ~ , ,/ ~,'• I, - . ' 'r - •- ' i s . •.. 7 . ..." . • , • ,. - •'.• ;. iY ., " .. • - N . " 'e - , -, l."''.' . .. --, , • ;:. •-- • - ` • ' - ', ; ',. , ii... •• ', 4 7 - '-:'•.'''''.'',..'-',-: 1 - 7 ; • Jr?, ' ;',...t -- ''', f 1 :7. 1 ;•,,... ' :,: -11) . 'i• i l i I • ',q . I. '': ' , -;'''' 1 -, -•-• S. ' :1, '''. 1 : ;:... . r:-.--'. 2 .' . 7 ' ' ' :•i'' ... :: '...L. 1 ''''''. i 1 . , ~ , ; t . ... .. .. ' • • i . , ' ../- '-.-, , .! . ; • z .-, •.,, . • • 1-',-- " i . . • - ' --' • '' - ": ' ' - " - 'l ' ....' -,, -/ '• . \wismor : . , , ilia. . . , . / . • ~ ~ ~ .. , .. . .:• • ; ' , f i, :i : ,•---'...... . i. ' . ...:.,:i, ;. - ' l:7- 5. : .,. :. .i.: .7 't . ' l ." 7 :•,,.... '',. .';-:. . ' '''l4'‘" ' •: _ , - ... ;''4'1;:•: : : , 1.1: ' . 7 14 1 - :7 1; - .. 1 ; • . ••:-;- " •• :: 1 7:I'' ' ::::;• . . • ..' . . . . i ' . • . • I . . i• ': ' . • . . ;•• : . ' , . .• ' :. ' • ~ • . . n .. 'I. ~ . 1• ;• , . , ......- 1 :,! ~- , 1 i , : • :!P • P ~ . ,‘., ~, ~.&,•1 , ~,i . ~,, . ,•!.. , ,b:;:i' , ..... -,- ~..:, ..-:'', 2 ',F ,-- - ~'_' • - , - 4 • '., . '',,- ~-. ...j:, . •. • „... .-., . . I .....,... ~ 0_ ~ - • . , ! 1 • I I . • , k •• • L !' • ••• i' ''' • ' ••••••• • •• .', •1 . ., \ .:•.• 1 ,1 : , • . , A , , - - • _ • . . • • •••• ' “ s I. '‘^ l it • ' l,- - . „ 1 iT • - --••'1 - - - • . - . . , ....-- 12: -., . ~ .."'•sq: 4,7' iii tluiriiiiiirt . 'and pri:seetition Of the= iittr iii 4 , ii . , . c ii. e ',l,,tures, of the current , yea'r; made with inuoll -which wiire engaged; Pennsylvania bas . t . iiiil upon consultation with the other ot toke4ofiter.. ancient said. uniform fidelity tolearq , liher,ty 'dithe bongs of ale. nation! Her vd-i fieersief the government, is hereto appendql, unteers re ameng the Rig - to te'tnler thrirl 1. 4 which it appear,s, that; the estimated amount a„ ,e ' t'll 'the:ene-tl(retteipts into the TteaS . nry . , from all sourceP -- :.ufboe)ll , 1846;Niiii" - ---.. tt (i,7:9 ,617 ock, oli l iprl . . ebeiiiberA 80e - 's • TiCli " ding fOile ROt ....4,:drote•Atiaitor Gebel-kat `;, 1 , 'fol l 4,jf :viz : ' di, .-f.. t1,,..,fi.jM, '.. 1,.. srtiv:.,7.l i 5 b 2 r , 0 8 3 D 5 i . -a b ti 6 . . .. ,-,= A o.itif4-,%7so=n- , 4t-r , : - c , f ,, 500,0(0 00 lefinin in,-.1. : t l:4 01 11440 931 604 00 ',; , -•; -- HFirA :, ~ InWeit aitii _ ' , - /. , ..t - s .l e k , -Aig. ,- i-ia ,, ... 'n ._, e • , t >2.,. - * - fi-Ow o7- ' - ..- L'"' J • yl ----1,.;„e ,: 4 ' E 114006:gr:453#95),:43 • , ,L Itsteitis OtitiV--- ''''. ",, .T ii =ll MONTROSE PA.,'TRURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1848. W !Pb ve • '4s4 1 61 0 si thketltata4 4cent of yeee . pte,'orle ienteneriallaynd . ng - on the loth No asiei Tiayment4thet linterest on 4 1 0 Pub/ 1 0` 41 gbAi: sMd-the..'quaeßt 4PPILTO upon' be , ' ,1 Thalia eiaiak '1604 iati,t, colander entttelisafe and rehab*. Tit% feerlivire, the ectuarreenka bat* -1 - *enlOotefavotalo to l he Treitinu7, tpsn were . • t i- 1 1 • ri#114144 la Y thi.UIP", ehOtr,h )ijg e e 3 4*T .4." , tiles' o l ! t- - S th die*. istioit *O, WADI* tw9 sionths;o2 , '., 1 ==ll Mei the netincome front' the pub • c works —3l he nary to make her pelle,the most bitrept more than sufficient .to pay the interest on the in the world, lint a proper regaid for her trtur balance of the public delft, and thereby r,elievei. interests: To , advance these ; she must, not hel the people from all further direct • taxatiO - • n for seduced from her dovption o 4und„Prineiples, . this purpose. I Iby the artificial contrivanceS:„ef...falso crone-;,. Some may view this ptcipo'sition as Vislonoiy I mists, whose selfish theoriesAro as delusive ; as, and delusive; but I regard it as entirely! prac-,! they are' destructive Of the public gotul.: •. • -! —4- ticable, tinder a wiscsind pindent aditsiiiiistra-1 The-present is a moStpropitiMta perlA.Whe* tion of tho.affairs of the State. The.amirient- there :s :au Ablindapeq at 004 Mid silver in thel i _ lug trade upon our pub 4 mills, and the con- i country,to make a .3deterinined ; effort to in- i $345,b10 00 sapient increase of business in our ernmslerciali crease its ciralatioo, l ttod•seeuici to the people ! • and manufacturing eitim . an4, towns, , aid the i the curreucy-.Whieh:thelristle:ln 4fAhO, framers , increase of , population and I taxable pepperty I t of the Constitution 'of :the Uoited:§fateP.p,tio p. witiiiiileur, limits,-.cannoti fail, under a proper I vitled, , . Instead of ereating..ne*. hanks, :Or: An -10 enftircentent. of the; revigtio litws, to add ;to the creasing '!--,the . ,l,eapitill - .o', , .olkcipes, - our ...eAreOla means 4,:the treaSury every . year. 'l4.li4tiv-• should be,'.direete.d.J,?,;Seenretlie-.:,saY.tiallYfol ZEE _ I ray, and if the operation's offt he sint inf7l fund , Nothing can pontritutte so nnich to the-nruin-, arc then commenced, on -the funded dei+ the teuatre of our 'present prosperity, 44 a soutidl result thus anticipated, will t e.rettlized iu tho', currency. Ponsylchuia is rich in prod 4-; year one thousand eight hiiodOed awl Gist two, ! tions ocalmost 1 eyury! description- Tvtinired hyl at which tinie, 'there is good feason.to biliere, , the wants of inankitidatid '=.ritithintis nque-1 4,- , take h 'de ,thr It 10 100041 thin great object is.tb be effecie the revenues 'must, oca, be.diverted tali- . er puitivses, audibe - inqt 'ecOnorit, and the,strictest acconntabiiity Of the szeßts;.• must. bo,tequir":ed and - crifoic i ed. It is inoong. the first and bighest antics ilt" thosei 6itk i nated !id): 0 0. 4414=404 of ti goverrod4. to adopt the most etfacient_iniaint , under elistiag circumstances, to inOreaseogee and-guaritagainst the good faith of th4Stain being ever again Failed OW question—to, ire linecthe Tragic lifid4.tliere the: opletlintions owe een , e up n. (mot. pn..4) ..f r o ok. o rr itu a l is i ition, pay inter e ihrge speeollitotOndl-0 0 . 1 004 - Poeoo 4 #o .therefore; rot/0440i tinnae of s d WI or being ditrusefilt4e,#i*oiipijo saf renew the 'recommenditinn loontabied!- the to ; that the:tititttiliwia-at.tlataricsten =Mil triage which, already ixist, and'Aerebyrotam their circulation 50ut1:40.4 .reiwe. i , ,.,, ..]:',,, 4 ', , i.1 . iip ,i It roused' with the fotek., o .4ltes9 -- Onside* ties, I I TO 00110110 e- that,.thi ; nerttasa. art, ban log ,oapital, ot tisk SlAtto..ii tilditocAtlati and impolitic ; 1-= andoooo44 ..",-.l4ounite thatliefare tuo;onii . of,titti, - 0 .441. g; biinicit is: . -ohorteml, &searching aOrsitiny 1) - ,iiisitutv4 in i 10 its affair.-its ilutsigginent. itiOreai4:and it 3000; and if it- ha, t i ottodltit#lhe)itifet have been , cuiTtrod Ao.delinteigez that the, ocoliiiiiol ' • 'l.'lQ. ME theien • , I- • - ineorpOrating,ininitig,it . . . terrng, transporting an 4 oth6r doutl4 -pbrpOses:appgiainly, tithitt ete n6y,"ltas: n fairly distiuttie4VBalkitialet the unerring. dentonstratio*:_thitt4lol, ti** .iy t,.... ig, ‘.. ... t ratit ti; tiiiii•,.._, terpriz6 ire "Sok- sueeessfull .iiiid ic'he.&,,isk eundueiekiin er the desit's'oyaf,flididisit sponsilility, =tnepabliaiiepinten . -liatilliessi* , _ pressed iii4b . spirit 'l.l.thektge . 4 itOodOcAnk: live against the.rilicy.-ii-4.... H . ' .4-,...-'!: - -t ~ ..rj.... , ,1. While ail'l. ll .. e rat delittr*PutO . iabo ll64llll i n ther.-.oon*alliesitvealtit tare; igliiiil.oiiii , . § ild.t - "° (l • 3 inil:erOOF an d,01 11 4 r ll l ll O4- 4 here are yet -,seiriek ;weer, wtio iiil,o itaiiill siVI, While thet.**dlld is gtring.ea, )lixiiiad Ans. 1014i/be cherish the antlAua nodes; this alh itisaideuitiiiiited ;awl ii FAgingati°o qt liealtiii 'llli4de Ole tl 6- iMile ' - of eortarsig ir ilegeikispraterable - foriVie ttisactiow. ef l , , .., I lTk g ;' . tlii ate , ' fieet' l 4*.mitita 4toWidiPg earalk: .... _ - '- -- • • - ..,1"k5A40,6_ itiel of Aiaividiiith iiteeprize- a-poi..—. 4 ~. , AineoWiricPethiiarti*ea o these , 'Wntka.' , 4482; va - ishingea artite 3 W 3 4 3lo. ; l o l4l/14 0 13 V, friiitfallaatiiilia ilii;* th T ., ** l-4 * 11 + 4 1 - ' iatilikii*CiliirdOieP 3 ot;''' ' O l T l M L , ....40 11 q*: i 4 witits;tl*coiiiifort, . the ea' c #s#,Au"-„now, . inesidAC*lkl4 l °l 4 '4 l. ` , f ilf-i-:-hih - .4(qt3 gtOkttOqua.- 4 °." 141 !' 4' i*Eiteli --W4ete elle-Oci,tre Yllii Otiglk tlipjr:lll!(4 , :tk .4100*: ihetie& the tiutel H*l. - ; * * hticmi*o ' - •-;4`.-1 - ' 2 1 '''' I _.: 4bat let? rypotriii, . - II •t ; - `2 - :•;•:;t i• , } :a Inial BEI BENZ MEM ECM MIMI IBM